#you just have to get past the growling and hissing 🤣
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spainkitty · 1 year ago
tagged by @merrybandofmurderers 🥰 tysm!!
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Name: Lanil (Surana) Lavellan
Nickname: Lane, Shortie, or Bruiser (depending on speaker)
Gender: F (she/her/they, whatever)
Height: 5'3"
Orientation: grey/ace
Nationality/Ethnicity: Ferelden & Dalish elf
Favroite Fruit: any citrus, but especially orange
Favorite Season: winter
Favorite Flower: elfroot
Favorite Scent: ginger(nut cookies)
Hot Chocolate, Coffee, or Tea: coffee
Dogs or Cats: mabari
Number of blankets: prefers cuddles to blankets
Random Fact: Before she ever tried coffee, the only way she drank tea was by overly steeping, so that it was nearly more bitter than flavor.
tagging: @greypetrel (getting you back!), @sillyliterature @azurechicken
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revelboo · 3 days ago
I never thought of getting mini stuff for my transformers figures but now I know exactly what I’m looking for next time we head to the store lmao
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I got these guys so far but I’m eyeing the other two cassetticons and a shockwave too… soon my decepticon situationship command will be complete
🤣 Decepticon Situationship Command- I love that. I’m just a dork and love tiny stuff and miniatures. It’s why I gravitate to the Blokees
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Everything Is Alright Pt 138
IDW Starscream x Reader, Soundwave x Reader, Megatron x Reader
• Huffing as you slide down against an inner wall of Soundwave’s cassette compartment, you hate when he just plops you in here without asking. Even if it is warm and you can hear and feel his internal systems humming around you, soothing you with the familiarity of him. Making you feel safe and loved. Almost against your will, your mind turns unerringly to the fact that tangled in you is that new spark you’d created with him. Still having trouble reconciling that you’re going to have not one, but two alien kids. And given how big their dads are? You’re afraid to ask how big they’re going to end up being. Legitimately concerned that your alien kids will be able to just pick you up like a toy. Might think you are a toy.
• Watching Starscream pick himself back up, denta bared and stained with energon, Megatron waits for the Seeker to smart off again. Knows he just can’t help himself. Wings flaring aggressively, Starscream opens his mouth and then frowns. Looking past him and Megatron turns, rumbling when Soundwave presses his servos against his cassette compartment. Where he’d tucked you. “What now?” He growls, even as worry jangles through him.
• Shuddering at the feel of your anxiety, Soundwave opens his cassette compartment and reaches in to gently lift you free. Worrying again and your emotions are so clear now, sinking into him to become his. “Little one?” He rumbles and you smile shakily, but he can feel the worry in you even if he can’t pin down what’s causing it. Feathering a servo against your cheek, his spark warms when you reach up a hand to lay on his servo. ‘How big are sparklings?’ You ask and he freezes. Realizing exactly why you’re concerned as his head lifts to look at Megatron and Starscream. And the seeker heads his way, hands outstretched in demand only to stop short with a hiss when Megatron casually snags him by a wing.
• “Let go.” Unable to struggle free of the big brute’s grip without damaging his wing, Starscream glowers up at Megatron. It’s not like he expects anything better from him, but he hates that you’re looking to Soundwave. Asking the communications officer these things not him. You’re his. Had been his first and should look to him. Not Soundwave or Megatron. Him. Baring his denta, he goes staggering when Megatron finally releases him and offers you his hands. And you hesitate. Look from him to Soundwave and back and it hurts. Makes his spark ache when you finally come to him. Knows it’s the after effects of when he’d severed Soundwave’s partial bond. That you still don’t fully trust him anymore and it’s slowly killing him. Needs you to trust in him again, because you’re all he has. Loves you even if you’ve made his life an absolute nightmare.
• “Normal sparklings are quite small,” Starscream murmurs, curling his servos against you when Megatron makes a noise. “Well, by Cybertronian standards,” he adds with a sour look at Megatron. And you’re right back to your future alien kids being huge. Great. You’ve seen hyper toddlers before, there’s no way you’re going to survive being grabbed and handled by your own kids. And you’ll never be able to actually hold your own kids. That realization is all jagged edges sinking into you. Hurting more than you’d thought it would. Shoulders hunching, you’re aware of all three of them staring at you. At how ridiculous all of this is.
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 year ago
Here’s a Jason idea for you: imagine a criminal he’s fighting as Red Hood suddenly mentions you, by name, to mess with Jason. Jay would absolutely obliterate the criminal, but that leaves the question of how his enemies know about you… I love the potential for angst/protective Jason 😍 Also, I love your writing so much, it always makes my day to see you on my feed! Thank you for sharing your writings 💞🥰
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Tw: blood and violent stuff.
Also thank you for enjoying my stuff! It’s really appreciated and makes me wanna write a lot more in the future. It’s just nice being reminded that people do like the stuff that I put out and not hate it as much as I do when looking back on them.🤣 🦦
A well placed punch to the face landed the criminal flat on his back as he groaned upon impact and was currently struggling to get back up to his feet, only to be pinned by a heavy combat boot weighing down on his chest. Finally Jason had caught up with the drug dealer that had been lurking near children and vulnerable adults alike for the past couple of days, and right where he wanted him too.
‘It’s such a shame that you caught me as fast as you did RedHood because just you came along, I was going to pay one last person a visit before the night was over.’ The criminal smiled, showing off his blood stained teeth in the process, his smile then became a grimace as Jason put more of his weight onto his chest. ‘Well it was a good thing that i came when I did because after tonight, you won’t be selling drugs to anyone anymore, that I can guarantee.’ Jason growled, feeling his blood boil hotter for every second that he didn’t put a bullet in this assholes head.
‘What was their name?’ The criminal trailer off, not heading Jason’s warning and throwing his head back and laughing. ‘Oh right now I remember, it’s Y/n. What a pretty name for an even prettier person.’ Jason froze at the mention of your name, his blood had gone cold but his anger skyrocketed at the insinuation of you being placed in any sort of danger. Whether it be by a drug dealer or otherwise, the same conclusion was to be expected with Jason and that was that he would personally hunt down every last thug, drug dealer and crime lord that ever dared to speak your name.
Jason wordlessly then grabbed the criminal by the collar of his shirt and threw him into a wall with all his strength. Watching on as the scumbag crumpled the floor as he then began to stalk towards him before gradually breaking out into a run and brutally ramming his knee into the criminals head. Jason wasn’t done there though, not by a long shot. He wanted the make the bastard pay for having your name come out of his filthy mouth, he wanted to tear him limb from limb, put him back together again so that he could rip him limb from limb all over again before ever giving him the satisfaction of death.
‘You will never, ever, ever bring anyone to harm ever again! Not while I’m here, not while I’m still breathing and able bodied enough to tear you fuckers to bits!’ Jason hissed pure venom as each of his punches become more and more brutal then the last, his knuckles were going to bruise like hell and hurt like hell too, but the pain and punishment he’d receive would be all worthwhile if it meant keeping you safe and sound. Jason would gladly taken on any punishment anyone could throw at him if it meant you remained unscathed, he’d happily gain more scars on his body if it meant that you could sleep easier at night, Jason always had your best interests in mind whenever he was clearing the streets of Gotham.
He was doing it for you, he was doing it for the kids at Crime Alley, he was doing it so that everyone could have a peace of mind; And he didn’t care about the methods he took to obtaining that.
It wasn’t long until the criminal stopped moving all together, Jason didn’t care that his fists were stained with blood, he just stood up and left the criminal in the alleyway where he was brutally beaten to death and headed home; to you with a heavy mind and a growing pit within his stomach because if a low life scumbag like him knew you by name…then who else did? Black mask? Penguin? Two face? Scarecrow? Carmine Falcone? He didn’t like to think about this one but does Joker know? All these thoughts running through Jason’s head didn’t do him a whole lot of good with his ever growing sense of dread and slight paranoia; He had to get to you and he had to get to you now before anything else happened before the night ended.
‘I’m coming baby, just please still be there when I get home, please don’t let them take you away from me.’ Jason muttered under his breath as he pushed himself forward as he ran from rooftops to rooftop, determined to make it to the apartment before anyone else does because if they did, may god have mercy on their souls because Jason would go to war for you and will violently cut anyone down to size if they were to come between him and you; For nothing got between you and Jason and if they did, Jason would make sure to deal with it before it became more of a problem.
‘Sweetheart? Are you in here?’ Jason called as he slammed the door behind him.
‘Jason? What’s-‘ you rushed into the room and gasped upon seeing the dried blood on his knuckles and his paling face as though he looked about to pass out where he stood. ‘Oh my god.’ You whispered as you rushed towards Jason who rushed towards you, arms out stretched to grasp your waist while your hands held his face. ‘What happened out there? I thought you said it was a simple mission.’ You said, concerned for Jason as he seemingly let out a sigh of relief and rested his forehead against yours.
‘It was meant to be a simple mission but then…’
‘Then what?’ You asked, stroking his cheeks reassuringly and feeling him melt into your touch like he did every night he came home from a long patrol or mission, but he also did it when he needed to feel you on him after waking up from a nightmare.
‘He said your name chipmunk.’ Jason squeezed his eyes shut as though he was trying to rid himself of the events that happened early on and focus on the feeling of your thumbs caressing his cheeks lovingly instead. ‘He said your name -clear as day I heard him say it- and before I knew it I was wailing on him until he stopped moving…all because he said how he was going to come for you next and I couldn’t…’ Jason paused to regulate his breathing that he hadn’t noticed had become fast and uneven the more his mind lingered on that small detail. ‘I couldn’t let him do that. I won’t let them take you from me. Never.’ He then tightens his grip on your waist as he kept uttering the extent he was willing to go to keep you in his life under his breath, almost as though it were a prayer or a promise, which ever one it was you weren’t quite sure but you let Jason squeeze you against his chest with his strong arms like a stress toy to his hearts desire.
‘It’s okay Jaybirdie. I’m right here, can’t you feel my warmth? Hear my voice? I’m right here baby. So you can squeeze me, hold me, cuddle me as much as you need to feel alright again because I’m not going anywhere with my Jaybird.’ You said loud enough for him to hear over his thoughts, pressing kisses into anywhere that you had access to, whether it be his shoulders, face, neck, forehead, you’d plant several kisses to each of those areas respectively. You may act calm but much like Jason, you too didn’t like the idea of some random criminal knowing your name. The implications of that were endless and it would be enough to put anyone on edge or even over it depending on their mental state, and to put it lightly Jason’s mental state wasn’t the healthiest.
The occasional whimper and sniff that came from him only made your heart hurt even more that you were willing to put aside your own fears about the situation to instead focus on comforting Jason, who must be feeling it ten times worse then you were, but it was the fact that in this moment you were bonded by a shared fear but that fear could be eventually overcame by the pair of you working together. ‘It’s okay baby it’s okay, we’re not going anywhere, they can’t make us because we’re stronger together.’ You spoke into the skin of his cheek as you finished pressed a thousand kisses onto them.
‘Stronger together.’ Jason echoed as he pressed himself further against you to feel you closer to him. ‘We’re stronger together.’ You smiled softly, seeing that you finally go through to him somewhat. However you were more than willing to stand in this position all night if it meant bringing Jason back from the edge within his mind because nothing was more important than having your Jason back.
‘That’s right baby.’ You cooed. ‘We’re stronger together, nothing will tear us apart.’
‘Promise?’ Jason asked looking deep into your eyes, it felt as though he was looking at you rather then through you which has your breath hitching in your throat momentarily.
‘I promise.’
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novamariestark · 1 year ago
He Hates You, He Hates You Not
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Summary: Colombus and Wichita are tired of you and Tallahassee always at each other's throats. So they come up with the idea to lock you two in a room. What happens is the opposite of what you expected.
Warnings: 🔞, pet names (Darlin, Baby Girl), (unprotected sex), angry-ish sex, oral (f&m), piv, swearing, poorly written smut
Word count: 3604
Fandom: Zombieland
Pairing: Tallahassee x f!reader
[A/N] I don't know where this came from. It's 2:30 am so there may be some mistakes. 🤣
“Now, you listen here, Curly Fry!” you yelled through the door that had just been slammed in your face, “You open this fucking door right now, or I’m gonna kill you!”
“Shut up! You’re giving me a migraine,” the other occupant of the room spoke up.
You turned and snarled at him, “We wouldn’t even be in here if it wasn’t for you, Asshole!”
And it was true. Sort of. Tallahassee hated you and you had no idea why. He tolerates everyone else but you, he seems to hate with a burning passion, as if you were just a rotting corpse. But you being your stubborn self, gave as good as you got. A sarcastic, snarky comment from him was met with a sassier one from you.
For months, the two of you have been at each other’s throats and it seemed to get worse each time. Wichita and Colombus were fed up, so they took matters into their own hands and locked you both in a room together.
It was a dingy room, nothing very appealing to look at. Except him. When you first met him, you were drawn to him. He was attractive, he was older and he was sexy. The way his voice had a slight growl when he was angry or the way his arms flexed as he took down a zombie, made him even more attractive. But from the moment he laid his eyes on you, he kept you at arm’s length and started arguments with you over the smallest things and you couldn’t understand why.
Maybe you could find out now, but every time you have ever spoken to the man has turned into a shouting match, and you wanted out of this shithole.
But Tallahassee didn’t hate you. In fact, it was the opposite. When he first saw you, he thought you were the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen and when he first saw you take down a zombie, his attraction grew and he could see himself falling for you. He couldn’t have that. He couldn’t allow himself to have a weakness (other than Twinkies of course). So he thought that if you hated him, it would make it easier for him. It didn’t. The first argument he started was something so minute but he made it into such a huge thing that you couldn’t ignore. What he hadn’t expected was for you to fight back.
And it only made him want you more.
“Is that so, Princess?” Tallahassee replied, sarcasm dripping from his words, “If I remember rightly, you threw a can of spaghetti at my head,”
“You said you wanted it,” you shrugged.
“On my plate, not on my head, sweetheart,”
“Don’t call me that,” You spat, glaring at him. The anger you felt toward him was tangible, the air between you crackling. You wanted to punch him, or better yet, rip his stupid grin off his face.
"Why? Don't you like it?" he asked, stepping towards you like a predator closing in on its prey.
"I don't like you," you hissed, meeting his gaze unflinchingly, pushing him back away from you. This time you stalked towards him, as if he were the helpless little lamb, "You're an asshole, Tallahassee." You pushed him again, “You’ve treated me like dirt ever since I met you,” you push him again but this time he grabbed your wrists as he backed up against the table behind him, “Let go of me!”
“Not until you stop acting like a brat,”
“You would know,”
Neither of you notice that you were both moving in until your lips crash together. You're both startled for a moment, but the anger between you seems to vanish as your mouths fit together perfectly. Tallahassee's lips are soft and full, his tongue pushing past your lips, demanding entry into your mouth. You part your lips, eager to taste him, and it's like the world around you fades away. Your hands grip his shoulders, pulling him closer as he turns you to sit on the table. His hips grind against yours, and you moan into his mouth.
You're both panting, your chests heaving as you break away from the kiss. Your eyes lock, and for a moment. "What the hell just happened?" you thought, you were confused but you didn't want it to be over. You wanted to taste him again. You had to.
Tallahassee licks his lips and leans in, his lips pressing against yours again, slowly this time. His tongue sweeps into your mouth, tangling with yours as you moan, arching your back against him. He cups your face in his hands, holding you still as he deepens the kiss, his hips grinding against yours in perfect rhythm.
Suddenly, he pulls away and drops to his knees in front of you. His hands find your hips, gripping them tightly as he looks up at you with those intense blue eyes. His hands move to unzip your jeans, and with a practiced motion, they fall to the floor, leaving you in only your lacy black underwear. His breath hitches as he takes in the sight of you, and you feel a shiver run down your spine.
Then he removes your black panties, and you gasp as the cool air hits your skin. Tallahassee looks up at you, his gaze intense, and you can feel yourself growing wetter at his attention. He places a hand on your thigh, rubbing gently, and you arch your hips into the touch. "Do you want this?" he asks, his voice rough and low.
You nodded eagerly, your breath coming in short gasps as he continued to tease you. "Y-yes," you managed to say, your voice barely audible above the pounding of your heart. He smiled at your response, his gaze never leaving yours, and then he leaned forward, pressing his lips against your inner thigh. You cried out as his mouth moves higher, kissing and nipping at your skin, making you feel so sensitive, so alive.
His tongue finds your bundle of nerves and your hips jerk off the table, your head thrown back in ecstasy. He teases you with gentle sucking, using his teeth, making you moan and writhe under his touch. His other hand moves to your other thigh, rubbing, teasing, as he continues to feast on your womanhood. You feel the pressure building inside you, the need to come, to be released, and you can't help but arch your back, crying out his name. "Tallahassee!"
Finally, you feel him push a finger inside you, stretching you, filling you. It's almost too much, it's perfect. And then he adds another, thrusting slowly, relentlessly, each movement driving you closer to the edge. You can feel the muscles in your thighs tighten, the tension building, the need to come, to be free.
"Tallahassee," you whisper, your voice barely audible over the pounding of your heart. "Please..."
His fingers move faster, curling at just the right angle, hitting that spot inside you that makes you see stars. You grip the edge of the table, your knuckles white as your release rushes over you in a powerful wave. Your back arches, your hips buck, and you cry out his name, feeling the tension ease from your body. Tallahassee watches you with a mix of awe and desire, as you slowly come back to reality, your breathing returning to normal.
"Look at you, finally putting that mouth of yours to good use," you breathed heavily, watching him as he looked up at you with those intense blue eyes. You reached out to stroke his cheek, feeling the softness of his skin against your fingertips.
Your hand moved to hook under his chin, urging him off his knees. You maneuvered so that he was now leaning against the table.
"Yet yours still could use some work," he teased, a playful smile curling his lips. You could feel the hard length of him pressing against your stomach.
"Is that so?" you asked as you bit your lip. Before he could answer, your hands went to his belt, unbuckling it and sliding it off. You undid the button on his jeans and lowered the zipper, revealing his hard length. He was bigger than you had expected, and you felt a mixture of excitement and nervousness course through you.
You sank to your knees, eager to repay him for the incredible pleasure he'd just given you. Taking his erection in your hand, you wrapped your lips around the tip, tasting the saltiness of his skin. He let out a groan that vibrated against your tongue, and you felt a thrill of power course through you at the sound. Your hand moved up and down his shaft, stroking him as you took more of him into your mouth.
He tasted like fire and spice, musky and familiar. You teased him with your tongue, flicking and dancing around the sensitive head, feeling his hips begin to move, urging you on. You took more of him, stretching your mouth as you sucked, relishing the feel of him growing harder, hotter in your mouth. You looked up at him through your lashes, watching as his face contorted with pleasure, and you knew you had him right where you wanted him.
You began to bob your head, moving up and down his length, your hand curling around the base, squeezing gently. You felt the muscles in his thighs tense, felt the heat emanating from his body as he grew closer to release. You took him deeper, feeling him stretch your throat, and his hips bucked forward, pushing against your hand. The sound of his pleasure echoed in the room, filling your ears and making your heart race.
You looked up at him, watching his face as he threw his head back, his eyes squeezed shut, his teeth bared in a grin of pure ecstasy. The veins in his neck stood out, pulsing with each ragged breath he took. His hand tangled in your hair, guiding your movements, urging you on. The taste of him, the feel of him in your mouth, the sound of his pleasure... it was all intoxicating, and you couldn't help but lose yourself in the sensation.
As he grew closer, you felt the tip of his cock brush against the back of your throat, and you welcomed it, taking him deeper. His hips bucked wildly, his moans growing louder, more desperate. You could feel the heat radiating off his body, could almost taste the anticipation in the air. With a final, powerful thrust, he came, his seed filling your mouth, spilling down your throat. You swallowed every drop, savoring the salty, bitter-sweet flavor.
When you calmed down, you start to realize what happened. And you don't know why. He hated you. Why did he let this happen? You put your clothes back on and sat on the table beside him, where he still lay, catching his breath. He glanced at you out of the corner of his eye, seeming to think the same thing you were.
"Why do you hate me?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper. The words hung in the air between you, heavy and charged with emotion. He didn't answer immediately, just continued to stare at the ceiling, his expression unreadable. You swallowed nervously, wishing you hadn't asked the question.
"I don't," he said, finally meeting your eyes. "I never did." His voice was rough, like he'd been screaming for hours.
"Then why?" you asked, your voice still trembling with uncertainty. "Why did you act like you did?"
"Because I was scared of letting you close." His admission was quiet, barely audible over the sound of your heart racing. "I didn't want to risk having something else those rotted assholes could take from me,"
He rolled onto his side, propping himself up on one elbow to look at you. His gaze was intense, searching your face for some sign of understanding. "I thought if I hated you, if I made you hate me, then it wouldn't hurt,"
"I understand," you whispered, reaching out to touch his arm. He flinched at the contact, then relaxed slowly as your fingers trailed lightly over his skin. "I had a daughter,"
You paused, swallowing hard against the lump in your throat. "She was 5 years old when she died. It felt like someone had ripped out my heart. I didn't want to feel that again. To let anyone close enough to do that." you looked down at your hands as they danced together in your lap, "So I do understand, believe me,"
He looked at you, his expression softening. "I'm sorry," he said quietly. "I didn't mean to hurt you."
You shrugged, trying to smile. "It's okay."
He studied you for a moment, then leaned in, pressing his lips against yours. This time it was different than before, slower and more gentle. His hand cupped your face, cradling it as he deepened the kiss, his tongue tracing the shape of your lips, teasing the seam until you opened for him, letting him in. You could feel the weight of his heart in this kiss, the desperation of someone who had been alone for far too long, who had closed themselves off. And yet, there was something else there, too: a fragile tenderness, a spark of hope that you hadn't felt from him before.
As the kiss ended, you both drew in ragged breaths, your eyes locked on each other's. You reached up, tracing the lines of his jaw, marveling at the way his stubble scratched against your skin. He leaned in closer, his lips brushing against your cheek, your earlobe. "I'm sorry," he whispered. "I'm so sorry for everything." You knew then that he meant it, that he was finally beginning to let go of the pain and the anger and the fear that had been holding him back.
"I know a way you can make it up to me," you said with a shy smirk, leaning in to kiss him softly.
"Oh yeah? How's that Darlin'?" He replied, his voice thick with desire. You could feel his erection already starting to harden against your leg as he moved closer.
You stood from the table and began to undress, he watched your every move with hungry eyes. As you stepped out of your panties, you turned around slowly, letting him take in your naked form.
"Come here," he growled, reaching out to pull you into his embrace. You climbed onto the table straddling his hips, feeling the hardness of his arousal against your aching sex. He cupped your breasts in his hands, teasing and pinching the nipples until they were erect and tender. "You're so beautiful," he whispered, leaning in to kiss you as he began to rock his hips up against yours.
You giggled but before you can respond, the door unlocks and in walks Colombus.
"Oh my God! My eyes!" he screamed, covering his face with his hands when he saw that you and Tallahassee were completely naked. "I-I'm sorry, I should have knocked!" he stammered, his face red with embarrassment.
"Yeah you really should have, you little cock-blocking spit fuck," Tallahassee growled, glaring at Columbus as he continued to stare at you and him, clearly mortified. "And stop staring at my girl. Get out!"
Columbus gulped, clearly shaken by Tallahassee's anger. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt anything. I just... I thought you might want to leave but I see you're okay in here."
Colombus rushed out the room, the door slamming behind him. You could hear the quickened footsteps practically running away.
"Where were we?" Tallahassee asked, nudging your hips with his. You moaned, arching into the contact, and he smirked. "Oh, right. I was about to make it up to you." He growled, his voice low and rough. He began to rock his hips harder against yours, his erection sliding effortlessly against your wet folds. Teasing you as his cock rubbed against the sensitive bundle of nerves.
"Yeah, you better," you moaned as you needily grind against him, trying to slip him inside of you. Of course, he noticed.
"Needy, baby girl?" he asked, knowing full well that you wanted him inside of you. He wanted to tease you more, but his cock twitched, aching to be buried deep inside of you. He groaned, feeling the head of his cock brush against your entrance. "I'm not gonna last long, Darlin'. You're so wet for me." He leaned in, kissing your neck, nipping at your skin.
You arched your back, pressing your breasts into his chest as you moaned his name. "Please, Tall..." you breathed, wanting him to finally fill you up. His fingers dug into your hips, guiding you as he began to push inside. There was a burning sensation as he stretched you open, but it was a good kind of pain. You moaned loudly as he bottomed out, his thickness making you feel full and warm.
He groaned, burying his face in your neck as he held you close. His hips began to move, slowly at first, but gaining speed as he found a rhythm. The table beneath you creaked with each thrust, the sound filling the room as he took you roughly. You cried out, your nails digging into his back as the pleasure built inside you.
He stilled and you were about to yell at him when he leans back on his hands, "Take what's yours, baby girl," he growled sitting back, wanting to watch you fuck yourself with his cock. You gasp and lean forward, bracing yourself on his chest as you begin to ride him, your body tight and wet around his length. "Fuck yeah," he moans, watching your breasts sway with each stroke.
"Make yourself cum on my cock, baby girl," he groaned, he took one of your hands off his shoulder and placed it on your clit, "Play with yourself, make yourself cum," he ordered, watching your face as you obeyed. You moaned, your fingers pressing down on your sensitive nub as you rode him harder.
"Oh God, yes," you moaned, your hips moving faster. Tallahassee could feel you getting closer, the tightness around his cock telling him that you were about to come. "I'm gonna... I'm gonna..." you panted, your fingers moving faster. You arched your back, crying out as the pleasure washed over you, your orgasm crashing through you in a wave of heat. Your muscles contracted around him. Your juices coating his length as you came.
You leaned forward to kiss him before climbing off him and the table. You could see the momentary look of confusion on his face when you bent over the table. Your dripping hole just patiently waiting for him to fill it once more. He let out a deep chuckle before climbing off the table and positioning himself behind you, his hands on your hips.
He leaned in, kissing the nape of your neck before thrusting forward, burying himself inside of you. You moaned, arching your back as he began to move, his hips slapping against your ass.
"That's it, baby girl. Take it," he growled, his voice thick with desire. His thrusts became faster, harder, as he lost control. The feel of your body around him, the sounds you made, the way you moved... it was too much. "Fuck, I'm close," he warned, knowing that he wouldn't last much longer.
"Let go, baby," you urged him, needing him to release into you. His hips snapped forward one last time, and he let out a hoarse cry as he came, filling you up. You felt the hot liquid spill over the entrance of your body, coating your inner walls. He leaned forward, resting his forehead against your shoulder blade as he tried to catch his breath.
You feel him pull out of you and you whimper at the loss of his heat. But then he's there, kissing your neck and murmuring words of love and affection into your ear. "I love you, Darlin'. I've always loved you." The weight of his words catches you off guard, and you turn in his embrace, looking up at him. His eyes are intense, his expression sincere.
You got dressed, your legs gave out beneath you but before you could hit the floor, Tallahassee caught you. He picked you up effortlessly and headed towards the door.
"Come on, Darlin'," he said softly, "Let's get you to bed," normally, you liked to do things on your own, you didn't need things to be done for you, but you loved the way he was taking care of you. Maybe that wouldn't be such a bad thing. Would it?
He carried you through the area where the others were. You didn't take much notice. You were tired. You vaguely remember hearing Colombus' voice.
"I need therapy to forget that,"
"There is an amazing therapist not far from here," Tallahassee replied, his tone sounding so serious, Colombus sat up, waiting to hear more about this therapist, "I believe her method is to eat your brain so you can't think anymore,"
"Ha ha, very funny," Colombus replied dryly.
The next thing you knew, you were lightly placed on a soft surface. Soon you felt the bed dip beside you. He gently moved you to lie on his chest, placing a soft kiss in your hairline. You yawned and stretched, feeling incredibly content. Tallahassee wrapped his strong arms around you, pulling you close.
"I love you, Tally," you murmured sleepily.
He let out a soft chuckle, kissing your forehead. "I love you more, Darlin'."
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nescaveckwriter · 1 year ago
Moonflowers & Werewolves 🌝🐺 - Chapter Two
Teen wolf
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Derek Hale x reader
A/N: Uhmmm hold on bugsies, this is a 'claw-biter' 🤣... Hope y'all enjoy 🐞🩷
Side Note: Starting to think of doing a rewatch maybe 😅🐞🤣🥹... Also thanks for the love and support 🐞🐞🐞❤️❤️
Warnings: Swearing light. Anger. Violence. Use of weapons, anything else let me know🐺🐞😍
Stops inches away from her, glancing at her and then at the moon, the wolf starts howling at the moon, as she stood there, to afraid to even move, she catches a glimpse of the wolf's eyes, it's sort of friendly looking, there's a sense of gentleness and familiarity about the blue orbs, but that's just plain crazy, she's never seen a wolf up close.
The wolf starts walking away, he suddenly stops, staring at her, not to growl, he just simply let's out a little whine, then he starts running deeper into the woods.
Barely breathing she stood there, unsure of what to do, unable to comprehend of what just happened, why the animal didn't attack her.
Panting now, as he stood there on the hill, looking out over the forest, cursing himself internally "what the hell was that?, how is it that still after all this time the full moon still has such an affect on him?"
"Her heart were beating rapidly" somehow he just couldn't stop himself from getting closer, hearing her cry, just drew him in closer, somehow it made him angry, who in their right mind would hurt her? Of course he would never attack her, but it's as if the rage inside of him made him see red, it bothered him seeing her like that, scratching the back of his neck, "why did it bother me so much, seeing her with so much hurt and sadness?" He regretted it the very second when he walked towards her, seeing the fear in her eyes, made him feel like a predator, but what was he going to do tell the poor woman "hey don't worry you've met me, I'm Derek Hale and I'm a damn werewolf, yes I can rip your throat out with my bare teeth, but I won't"
Hearing footsteps between the trees makes him growl, "Dad it's just me"
"What the hell Eli?" He hissed
"I'm sorry, you were gone for so long, I had to come and see if everything is okay" he stuttered
Instantly regretting his tone in his voice "it's fine son, I'm sorry, I'm doing okay, how are you?"
Mumbling "yeah good dad, can we go home now, I always feel so strange when the moon is full"
"I know son, you'll get used to it" he lied
"If only I can be more like you dad" he whispered, knowing his dad would still hear him
Giving him a half smile "no son, you don't want to be like me, you just be yourself, all your strength will come at the right time"
"Thanks dad, but what strength, I don't have any strength" he sighed
"Your my son, a Hale, a werewolf, we'll figure it out you'll see, but we can talk more about it at home. You have school tomorrow" he replied.
Still struggling to figure out last night's events, she starts going through the assignments, she gave the kids, there's some nice quotes from Marilyn Monroe, even a few from Hemingway himself, but the last one she reads, leaves her cold, 'Just because I am a predator doesn't mean I have to be a killer' glaring at the name on the page Eli Hale, "what does that even mean?" Thinking to herself, "I'll talk to him after class"
The bell ringing let's the children know it's time to go home, as she's the last class for the day, as the kids walks past her, she asks Eli to quickly stay behind.
He stops, "yes miss, something wrong?" He mumbles
Her voice is sweet "Eli, the assignment yesterday, you never wrote down, where you heard it from?"
Smiling almost proudful "my dad, taught me that since I were Little"
Trying to hide the judgment in her voice she smiles "oh that's nice, I were just curious, thank you, have a great day"
He just nods, says "goodbye" and walks out.
Trying to suppress the anger she feels boiling, "who would teach their kids that? What type of monster" shaking her head , "Since when am I such a bad judge of character, he looked genuinely nice!"
Pulling in her driveway, glancing over to her neighbors, shaking her head. As she gets out, she hears the man's smoky voice "hey neighbor" , contemplating if she should wave at him or just let it be, but she just can't control the anger.
"Excuse me Mr. Hale" she waves him down
He laughs a little "A bit formal don't you think?"
There's a fire burning in her eyes "what is the matter with you?"
Shocked "Excuse me Madison?"
There's anger and judgement in her voice now "why would you teach your son his a predator, what type of parent does that?"
His, green - hazel eyes seems concerned, "Look Miss Wells, what I teach my son, has nothing to do with you"
The color leaves her face, "your not even going to deny it? How are you trying to raise your son? To be a predator? To go on some sort of crime bender, what kind of father does that "
''You have absolutely no right to come and attack me, about the way I parent my son, so I would appreciate it if you leave'' he hissed
Her eyes darken, her voce sharp. ''I have every right to tell you, what I think, its my job to look after the kids of my class, so in opinion you are  a terrible parent and a horrible human being'' 
His heart rate is sky rocketing, he needs to fight harder than ever to not shift, folding his arms, to hide his claws coming out, feeling the sharp points piercing into his arm's flesh, his voice sounding croaky ''you need to leave right now, go away and don't ever come near me again''
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Her eyes widening, ''fine, but this isn't over'' she mumbled 
He just turns around, closing the door, falling to the ground, ''what the hell is happening why can't I suppress the shift'' letting out a soft roar. ''Something aren't right!''
Walking to her house she could've sworn she heard a roar sound. Usually she won't back down so easily but something in his demeanor frightened her. Something about him, makes her feel frightened and intrigued at the same time.
As Eli walks into his  house he sees, his dad sitting at the dining room table, tapping his fingers on the wooden surface beneath, his go to thing, when ever his really mad. ''Dad, everything oaky?''
''No Eli, everything is not fine, why the hell did you think it was a good idea to write that little thing I taught you since you were a pup down and give to your new teacher'' he hissed
''Uhm Dad, I..I'm sorry, it was the only thing I could think off, I thought you'd be proud that I remember the stupid phrase'' he stuttered
''Dammit Eli, your a werewolf, that's a phrase to keep us human, to keep us from killing, you have any idea what you've done?'' he echoed
''I'm not a werewolf, not like you'' he stammered and ran upstairs, closing his bedroom door like just a teenager can.
''Eli, get down here this very minute'' he urged. Making a fist, almost smashing it against the table, but decides against it. ''I'm doing the best I can, dammit'' he mumbled underneath his breath.
The doorbell rang, as Derek opened it, he saw Sheriff Stilinski. 
''Hello Sheriff, with what can I help you?'' he sighed
''Rough day Derek?'' he acknowledged
''Two words, 'Teenaged son'' he hissed
''Been there, done that, just be glad you don't have Stiles as a son.'' 
Both men starts laughing.
''What brings you to my door Noah?''
''Well, something isn't quite right, some high school kids were hiking in the woods and found four bodies, two of them were human with bite marks but the other were your kind, and they were killed with silver bullets, but also, here's the part that doesn't make sense, there blood was black, as if they ingested some kind of poison but, I don't know what it is, the bodies are at the morgue, mind checking it out for me?'' he pleaded
A puzzled look on his face, ''yeah I'll check it out, give me a sec'' running upstairs, knocking on the door, ''Son, I'm going to leave , Sheriff Stilinski needs some help, I'm sorry about getting angry with you earlier, we can talk when I get home.''
Eli looked at his father, his voice distant, ''Yeah whatever dad''
Grabbing his keys, off the kitchen table, walking outside, glancing over to the neighboring house, seeing Madison carrying a box from the garage, realizing his been a full grown jerk, he needs to apologize, and think of some kind of excuse for his behavior all while making up some kind reason for the phrase. Gesturing he'll be right behind the Sheriff, he walks over towards her house.
Already catching the sweet scent of her , she smells like roses, sweet fruity roses, but the moment she turns facing him, he hears her heart starts beating faster, he can sense her fear, he just absolutely hates that this gently person is afraid of him. His voice low ''Hello''
Pursing her lips ''Hello''
''Listen about earlier, you just caught me on a bad time, and I were already stressed out, so I kind of took it out  on you, as for the phrase my son wrote down, it came out of some movie, the name I can't recall, but I will talk to him, well I tried but that didn't go well, anyhow I hope you'll accept my apology.'' he claimed.
Her voice a bit shaky, ''Its fine, I'm so sorry as well, and I didn't really mean your a horrible person, I can't make assumptions of people, like that,'' pouting now ''in a way I think I let my own anger and personal baggage spill over, so I'm so sorry'' 
Picking up she's a bit more relaxed  now and there's a soft smile forming on her lips, but before he can invite her to dinner or something, to show how sorry he is, he hears a different sound sliding through the wind. Turning around to where the sound is coming from, then suddenly hearing the exact same sound in another direction, his senses is heightened, hearing multiple heartbeats, some fast, some relaxed, forming almost a circle around them, the scents are human, the swooshing comes closer and closer, but he catches the arrow, and then the other one, but then there's multiple arrows, remembering the woman behind him, turning to face her, she's just standing there shock on her face, as he hovers over her, managing to pick her up as he ran towards the trees, she squirms and screams, but he doesn't really care, he needs to get away, drawing them after him and not after his son, while getting her too safety his eyes starts glowing, turning his hazel green eyes, into an electric blue, his back is pierced with multiple arrows, most probably laced with wolfsbane, as he feels his strength getting weaker and weaker, crashing down to the ground, seeing a man, most probably a hunter walking closer towards there position, he clings to her, for life, afraid they might think she's one of them, he pushes through the pain, gathering every last bit of strength he has left, first came the claws then the fangs, he starts roaring, warning what ever comes closer that he will attack, but the figure comes closer, until he...
Chapter Three Here :)
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whimsicallyreading · 3 years ago
Do with this as you will:
I was trying to get my dog in the car and accidently used your name instead of the dogs.
May or may not be based on a real story.
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Ahh!!!! I love this so much. Thank you for the prompt, I hope you don’t mind I made it into Quinlar. 🤣 I just can’t get enough of these two right now.
CW- Possible HOSAB spoilers if you squint
Bryce has faced demons, archangels, the asteri and princes of Hel. She’s led soldiers into battle and even walked between worlds. It’s safe to say, that there is very little now she considers daunting.
But traveling to Nidaros by car?
Damn near impossible.
There was a reason Randall and Ember usually traveled their way, even when she was in college. Bryce never liked the stress of packing and travel. She loved her city with it’s public transport, short walking distances and overall convenience. Nidaros was nearly six hours by car.
She’d begged Hunt to fly them there but he’d look at her bemusedly. “You think I can fly us there faster than a car can take us? I’m flattered sweetheart, but that’s not happening.”
Bryce pouted, but he’d found other ways to make it up to her.
It was nearly time for them to depart. She’d rented a car and had the back nearly loaded with stuff. All that remained was a small square of empty space where hopefully Rhun’s luggage would fit. He was supposed to have met them at their apartment half an hour ago, but as usual, he was running late.
After her eleventh trip up and down the stairs of the building, all she had left to do was get Syrinx settled in the back seat, then they were off. Unfortunately, the gathering clouds overhead had other plans.
A light rain began to fall just as Bryce got the agitated chimera to the threshold of the building. Syrinx made a low whining noise in the back of his throat and pulled backwards on his leash.
“Oh come on,” Bryce pleaded. “It’s just five steps and you’ll be in the car. I have your bed and some treats for you. Let’s go, please?”
His ears pricked at the mention of treats, but as a slew of water sputtered from a gutter and splashed onto the concrete, his resistance flared in full force.
Hunt materializes beside her. He has his Sunball cap in place and their bag of snacks tucked under one arm. “Uh oh, it looks like it’s raining.”
“No kidding,” Bryce hisses as one of their neighbors walk past them, eyeing their disgruntled companion warily.
“Is that the car we are taking?” Hunt frowns, “I thought the company was sending us the large SUV?”
Syrinx yowls rise to a new pitch as a clap of thunder sounds overhead. He nearly slips his collar, but Bryce ducks down and catches him around the middle before he can bolt. “No you don’t. You are getting in the car.”
“I don’t think my wings are going to fit.”
“We’ll roll the seats back,” Bryce locks her arms around the squirming creature. He throws his head back and nearly clips her jaw with his skull. “Calm down,”
“Roll the seats back? That’s cute.”
More screeching, Bryce nearly loses her grip but she takes a stumbling step towards the car.
Hunt runs a hand through his short locks. “This is fine I guess. I can fly part of the way, or maybe hold onto the roof like spare luggage?”
Bryce almost has Syrinx to the car when a stray paw catches her shirt and cuts a hole right through it. Frustrated, she squeezes him tighter. “Hunt! Stop it.”
“Sweetheart,” Hunt croons. “Did you just call our pet by my name?”
Syrinx growls at the term pet, but it’s all Bryce needs to shove him in the back seat and shut the door. “Maybe.”
Bryce goes to open the passenger seat but Hunt places his hand on the door and pushed it shut. “You’ve called me a lot of things. Alphahole. Bastard. Ass. Yet somehow, I take the most offense to this.” There’s a glint in his eye that sends a thrill though her.
“Then I must be losing my creativity,” Bryce pushed a lock of wet hair behind her ear. They are both soaked and if Hunt thought cramming his wings into the back seat would suck then spending the next few hours in damp clothes was worse.
Arms wrap around her waist to keep her from walking back into the building and a smile ticks at the corner of her lips. “Aren’t you going to ask me why it’s worse?”
Bryce turns in his arms, “Tell me Your Highness, why is it worse?”
“Because Syrinx can’t do this,” he bends down and when his lips press to hers, a flush of warmth spreads through her body. All the stress of traveling, the frustration, it all melts away. Hunt’s scent floods her senses and she melts into him happily as he deepens the kiss.
Bryce pulls away with a gasp, “You are right. I’ll never make that mistake again.”
“We need to go upstairs and change,” Hunt tugs at the back of her damp, ripped shirt with the arm he has wrapped around her. “‘Maybe we can have a little fun while -”
“Oh, come on!” Ruhn fakes a gag as he spies them. Bryce hadn’t even realized Hunt had her pressed against the vehicle and one of his hands had wandered a little too low on her thigh. “You guys knew I was on my way. Why the hel are you rubbing up against the car we will be spending the next several hours in.”
“Sorry,” Hunt smiles, not sorry at all.
Ruhn glares. “You aren’t the one who has to look at the smudge-outline of your sister’s ass on the window.”
“Sorry Rhun,” Bryce smiles. “Now that you are here, would you mind sitting in the car with Syrinx. Me and Hunt have to go dry off.”
“What-“ Ruhn starts but Hunt, always in-sync with with her, was already pushing her back into the building. “No. You guys. Go one at a time. The smell.”
Her brother shouts his protests, but as they cross the threshold and Hunt whisks her up into his arms, she knows Ruhn is just going to have to deal with it.
“Let’s go see what other names you have for me, Quinlan.”
Bryce nuzzles her face into his neck contentedly, “I think I can come up with a few.”
Later on they would be crammed in the car together. Hunt smushed in the backseat with crammed wings and a yowling Syrinx. Ruhn keeping his eyes firmly on the road, a new car freshener dangling from the rearview mirror. But the satisfied smirk Hunt had put on Bryce’s face would linger, and for once, she thought a road-trip had finally gotten off to a good start.
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bitchloveskcbaseball · 3 years ago
Sneak Peek Monday
@burnsoslow tagged me yesterday for Six Sentence Sunday ... but I was in a football induced ... funk which I am 100% blaming the doubts I was having on LMAO so I didn’t get this out on Sunday. Plus I’m pretty sure that this is gonna be longer than six sentences ... so I’m just gonna go with sneak peek this time 🤣🤣🤣
Anyway ... now that I’ve rambled for literally no reason ... the actual reason for this post ...
I’ve actually done a (very, very) small bit of writing. I am actually super excited about it (especially with some awesome encouragement from burns cuz she’s freaking AMAZING!!!) And it’s me venturing into writing for a different fandom -- The Wayhaven Chronicles -- which has me simultaneously super hyped and super freaked out 🤣 Just a heads up, it is set just past the end of the Book 3 demo and there are going to be at least a few references to events that take place during those chapters. Oh and because this is me, here is the obligatory warning for language in this (yes ... even in the excerpts I can’t help myself lmao) Annnd I’m rambling again, so ... here we go! ?? lol
ok ok ok Also!!! this is my first real attempt at writing any of these characters (and it is still really early in working on this) so ... apologies if anyone seems out of character!
Pairing: Mason x f!Detective Katalynn Raye (even if these two dorks haven’t realized it yet lol)
“Well … I went to check on her. She had a helluva day. I mean, it started before she even woke up and – “
A hand coming to rest on his shoulder cut off his rambling and he knew without looking up – when did I look down? – that it was Nate. “Felix. Take a breath.”
“And get to the point.”
Rather than respond to the lengthy lecture hidden inside that one word, Adam merely turned his head slightly away from the other two in the room, allowing Nate to return his attention to Felix. Sensing the unease in him, Nate murmured softly, “You don’t need to be nervous. You can always talk to us. About anything.”
“I … I know that. I do. It’s just that … I don’t want to get her into trouble. I’m just … I’m really worried that she is already in trouble.”
********* skipping ahead lol **********
“The fuck are you doing?”
Under normal circumstances, she’d have just been pissed that someone had successfully snuck up on her. These, however, were far from normal, considering she had just managed to get her hands around the handle of large and awkwardly-weighted chainsaw that had been situated on the top shelf. It took every single ounce of self-control and upper body strength that she possessed not to drop the damn thing on her head as she startled at the low almost-growl. So much so that it took far longer than it should have for recognition to dawn on her.
When it did, however, she swung around with the chainsaw pointed straight at her uninvited guest, a sharp bolt of fury ripping through her entire body and lacing every single syllable as she hissed, “Jesus, Mason! I nearly dropped this on my fucking head!”
This was longer than I normally would, but I couldn’t help myself lol (wanted you to have something new to read burns! 😁) If you’ve made it this far, THANK YOU!!!
I debated whether to tag anybody ... but like I said ... I’m excited and kinda curious about what some other TWC fans think about this so far (sorry if you didn’t want to be tagged!!!)  Also I have no idea who else hasn’t done something like this yet this week ... so if you see this and want to do it, consider this your tag! 😊
tags: @agentnatesewell​ @mvalentine​ @anotherbeingsworld​
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