#you have to spoon feed academics and clinicians who are decades more experienced and much better paid
beyond-far-horizons · 1 month
I know I’m spiralling because of depression and burn out right now and I’m trying my best so I’ll just check soon and get what passes for tlc in my life right now. But I just gotta say this:
So many things in my life esp my work feel like a series of doors 🚪 slamming in my face. I’ve spent SO LONG struggling away at the coal face researching and working towards meaningful employment- things that not only feed my soul but could really make s difference in the world. And it’s just really f*cking hard…
I hate feeling hateful and resentful towards older people who hoard wealth, even if they are basically decent people. It’s just ground in your face over and over and over again that the world is unjust and unfair and you’ve just got to take it. They’ve taken so much that my generation and younger can’t better themselves or even survive and it means me so angry.
All I want is the basic resources I need to survive and dare I say thrive and they are so little! But yeah, honestly gotta vent because I’m losing faith here. I’ve got so many good things developing but it’s taken so long to get them anywhere close to fruition and so hard to struggle daily in the mean time.
Honestly f*ck capitalism!
Ps I’ll probably be okay and I’m not looking for advice. Just gotta vent because I’ve been holding on too long.
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