#you guys will get a gartic phone stream once we start growing
star-the-car · 11 days
ya know it feels weird the amount of confidence i have rn
cause i was looking over a video where i was testing out all of my recording software(aiming for a late 2024/early 2025 debut) (and for context i did my software test last week)
and normally I would’ve hated my voice(cause I usually sound like a British child even though im an adult)
BUT my voice has been getting a bit deeper, and it sounds perfect for my persona
also I’ve always been self conscious about my own laugh but hearing it now it actually sounds kinda cute
(i mean one of my fav cc’s also was self conscious about that)(and i personally enjoyed it so maybe that helped me develop my own confidence)
so even if I end up becoming self conscious again, there will always be people out there who enjoy listening to my voice :D
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