#you gonna night stick the oogie boogie people?
dynamitekansai · 3 months
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b-afterhours · 7 years
Sympathy For The Devil (part 6)
summary: Set in 1978, Bill a young yet accomplish cop takes on the crime in New York City. Nervous yet excited to take on his first big task at his new department and prove himself. He soon finds out his partner is everything he had least expected.
warnings: strong language, mentions of sex acts, mentions/use of drugs
author’s note: i recommend giving Ball of Confusion by The Temptations a listen! it accompanies a certain scene in this chapter! anyway, thanks for reading!
also if you’re seeing this for the first time you can read part one here and if you need to catch up on previous chapters go here.
TAGS: @kikilikes @itsbillskarsgard @imaginingyournotsolikelyfuture @billieskars
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Bill slid inside the back of the squad car next to Star. He never experienced what it felt like until now. Hell, this was his first time in an NYPD cruiser ever. He never imagined it would be like this. Especially, with the cuffs on and all, he didn’t feel so hot, whatsoever. Roger pulled on to the street and started laughing.
“How’s it feel Bill?” He said looking at him in the rearview mirror.
“Uh alright so far,” he lightly laughed it off.
“Easy for you to say,” Star muttered. Bill looked over at her apologetically. “Hey, did you really have to yank my arm like that?” She leaned into the cage barrier looking right at Roger’s partner.
“Part of the act sweetheart, relax,” he said barely even taking a glance at her.
“Oh, so pinching my ass when I got in, was that part of the act too?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said. Both of the deputies in the front laughed to themselves.
Bill didn’t know what to say or do. He was stuck in the back of the car cuffed with Star. But he certainly knew he was getting the deputies name and doing something about it later, that’s all he could do. Finally, at the station and were hastily escorted in through the back. They walked into an empty interrogation room — the same one Bill and Star met — before their cuffs were finally taken off. Star’s wrists were completely marred with nasty, red impression marks while Bill’s were completely fine. He shook his head, pissed. He checked Roger’s partner's name tag before they were left alone. Ortiz, he noted, and he was going to have a complaint filed on him soon.
“He really touch you like that, Star?” Bill turned to her.
“What do you think?” She rolled her eyes. “Pigs, I tell you. More ways than one.”
“Asshole. I’ll try to get something done about it, alright?”
“Oh, don’t waste your time, B’. For every one, there’s ten more,” she patted the pack of cigs bulging out his jean pocket, as her way of asking for a smoke.
Stan and his lieutenant Jerry walked in while he lit her cigarette. They set files on the table before taking a seat on the opposite side.
“How was your little joy ride, Bill?” Jerry said with a chuckle. “Bet Star got you ready for it.”
“Anyway,” Star announced. She wasn’t in the mood for bullshit today. “What’s going on?”
“We urgently need to find one of your low life friends,” Stan said in a snarky tone, opening a folder. It was filed mostly with Bill’s little notepad pages. “This Ron, guy. He’s a big baller and you know him,” he pointed an accusatory finger at her and the mug shot he presented.
“Never met him. Like I said before. Gina bought coke from him not me,” she said blowing a thin trail of smoke in Stan’s direction.
Stan shook his head, “Bill, you said that Randi guy knows him right?”
“He mentioned him,” Bill nodded.
“Well, we need you to get him to squeal. We have a hunch he’s the supplier we’re looking for.”
“We brought you two in so that we can get these locations straight and all,” Jerry said. “And Stan’s got some mug shots for Star to look at in his office.” Bill felt Star freeze up next to him. She slowly turned her head to him, pleading with her eyes. She didn’t want to go.
“Um, any chance you can bring them in here?” He asked. “I might be able to recognize some faces since I’ve been around,” he suggested.
“I need to ask her some questions in private,” Stan said.
“No,” Star said sternly. “Me and Bill are working together. Whatever you need from me, he can tell you. I tell him everything.”
Stan glowered at her. A staring match between them ensued. “I don’t know who you think you are but – ”
“Stan.” Jerry put a hand on his shoulder, cutting him off. “Just bring the files in. I’m not in the mood to hear you two bicker.”
Stan and his radiating anger dissipated from the room when he huffed out. Jerry spoke to Bill getting some addresses straight with him in the meantime. Stan came back tossing a blue file of mugshots on the table, the photo’s nearly spilling out from the momentum.
“Thought you had questions for me?” Star said with a slight smirk before Stan stomped out again.
“Fuck the questions,” he muttered, closing the door behind him.
Star looked through the mugshots, she didn’t recognize a single person in the file. She knew it was all a ploy for Stan to get her alone. She was grateful that Bill spoke up for her. Finally, someone, she knew that was true to his promises. Bill and Jerry were wrapping up when she closed the file.
“Anyone you know,” Jerry asked.
“Nope,” she shrugged. “I know a few jawns you can arrest, though.”
“We’re not lookin’ for jawns, Star. Quit asking,” he flashed her a sideways glance. “Alright, it’s good seeing you, Bill. Your look is good too, fitting.”
“Thanks, sir. Star helped,” he said touching the shaved sides of his hair.
“Well, you know the deal. Find Ron. Go back to where ever you saw Randi at and I think we can get him with you on top of it.” Jerry pulled out an envelope from his suit pocket. “Here, keys to a new place and also some cash to get the Pinto out of impound. Make sure you get a receipt from Michelle. And there’s an early check for you, Star.” …
A few days later, Star finally got in contact with Randi. He came by her spot every now and then, he was very elusive. Even Bill had a hard time tracking him, he never came by in the same car. But Randi was more than happy to have them over at the disco again. It was a night just the same as the last time. More dancing and more drinks and more coke and this time Bill was all in. Though, still aware that this was a job they continued to note names in between drinks and bumps.
Bill was caught up in the whirlwind of cheap thrills, enraptured in it. It was easy too. To play along and forget yourself for the night with laughs and fake friends. Even Bill knew he was just as fake. There was no word about Ron but plenty of talk of a private Thanksgiving party in Manhattan being heavily discussed. Bill had completely forgotten about Thanksgiving…
“It’ll be a nice little get-together? After turkey and stuffing? Would you like to come?” Randi said preparing a bump on top one of his girl's breast. The higher Bill got the more he didn’t mind this way of living. He wasn’t even phased when Randi dipped his nose into the girls boob while he firmly gripped her other.
“Yeah, sounds nice. I’m sure Star would like to go too,” he took a drag of his cigarette.
“Oh of course! She’s always down for a good time. Look at her!” Randi pointed out.
Star was dancing with one of the few males allotted in the private room. A huge smile on her face while she jived and sang along to Boogie Oogie Oogie by A Taste of Honey.
“She’s a riot, huh?” Randi said. “Hey,” he pulled Bill’s attention back him, “I told you how I got guys pushin’ for me, right?”
“Yeah, something about muscle cars on 5th avenue?” Bill took a sip of his bourbon.
“Right! You ever think of pushin’? It’s good money. Good fuckin’ money!”
“Hmm, well I just like to take care of Star. So…”
“Just think about it?” Randi urged.
“I can do that,” he downed the rest of his drink.
He excused himself and walked towards Star, taking her hand and pulling her away from the guy she was dancing on. She thought maybe Bill was upset but then he started dancing along with her before the song ended. …
“It’s a shame, they got you working on Thanksgiving,” Star said to Bill, clutching her fur coat closed while they walked to a Chinese restaurant together.
“Ah, it’s alright. It’s just Thanksgiving. Besides, my family likes to get loud and happy drunk, it’s hard to get a word in with them when they’re like that,” he said opening the restaurant door for her.
“Still, I’m sure they miss you?” She said while they were ushered to a booth by the window.
“And what were you gonna do, huh? Stay in a motel room by yourself all day? I couldn’t do that to you. Besides, you’re strictly on my watch 24/7, anyway.”
“Well, thanks… I guess. But you know I woulda figured something to do, regardless.”
An appetizer of fried pot stickers was set before them and Bill hesitated to go at them. “Uh, do you pray or say grace or whatever?” He asked as she put her napkin in her lap.
“Pray for what?” She lifted a brow at him confused.
“I don’t know? Thought you had some tradition you wanted to stick to even if we’re in this place?”
She playfully scoffed, “B’, I’m everything but traditional. Now, can I have your fork I can’t use these sticks.” …
“God it feels good to fuckin’ eat!” He said patting his full belly as they strolled around chilly Central Park.
“You need to lay off the blow.” She giggled sipping the hot chocolate he bought her.
“I’m just tryin’ to fit in. Don’t want to be suspicious right?”
“I mean… yeah,” she lightly shrugged. “But I have a feeling you’re not doing it to just fit in anymore…” she tilted her head, smirking, “you like it.”
“It’s not like I’m doin’ dope.”
“Still, watch out,” she warned.
“How long have you been doin’ it?” He said pulling out a smoke.
“Since the summer,” she sighed. “But you know what the people I started with are doing now? They’re dope heads, Bill.”
“How have you managed to miraculously steer away from that?” He said being facetious.
“Don’t be funny! But, it’s ‘cause I never buy the stuff. I do everyone else’s. One, ‘cause it’s expensive as all get out and the second you start buyin’ you gotta problem.”
“Randi, throws little baggies at you all the time, though?”
“Like I said, I don’t buy it. It’s different, trust me.” …
“So what am I gonna do if Ron is at this party?” Star asked as she smoothed down the front of her opalescent jumpsuit halter with spaghetti straps. Bill was driving the Pinto to get to the Upper East Side of Manhattan. It wasn’t so far from East Harlem but the traffic was bad despite it being a holiday. The city never sleeps after all.
“Just, get friendly? Ask where he sells or something? We need to track a definite spot for him.” Bill said reaching over with his lighter to light her cigarette.
“Alright… should I bring up Gina? I mean I don’t know the guy, how should I approach him or whatever?”
“You’ll know what to do. You’ve been doin’ good this whole time. You got this.”
“We. We got this,” she reminded him that they were a team.
“Right. We,” he said turning the corner on to Park Avenue.
They drove in relative silence, just listening to whatever was playing on the radio. Star idly blowing smoke rings the car as Bill weaved between lanes. Radio DJ’s suddenly changed on air.
“You’re now listening to the fly funk hour…” Said the DJ with a deep, sexy voice.
“One, two. One, two, three, four!” The song began. Bill reached for the volume dial turning it up. The beat of the bass on, Ball of Confusion by The Temptations, filling the car. Star wound her window down to clear the smoke inside. While Bill tapped his hands on the steering wheel along to the beat.
“Ball of confusion…” the singer sang with a choir accompanying him. Star slowly began to nod her head along. “That’s what the world is today!”
They both began to get into the beat together. Especially when the instrumental break down hit, both of them pretending to play an instrument. Star acted as if she were playing the piano. Her cigarette burning between her fingers creating thin wisps of smoke floating around them as she moved her hands. And Bill driving with his knee to play his invisible saxophone. They synchronized their nods to the beat together, Bill’s hands back to tapping on the wheel.
“Round and around and around we go,” Star sang along, dancing in her seat. “Where the world’s headed nobody knows…”
They both glanced at each other, both of them realizing how they were grooving together and smiled. The chorus came back around and together they sang emphatically, “Ball of confusion!”
Star was pointing at Bill as he vibed along, hyping his actions. Laughing with him. Abruptly, she stopped him putting a hand on his chest.
“Shit! Turn NOW! Here!” She hollered over the music. They had been so wrapped up jamming to The Temptations, they had almost missed their turn.
Bill’s sharp turn knocked Star over into her door and earned him several honks from the cars behind. “Shit,” he mutter before pulling Star’s arm helping her upright in her seat.
“Sorry,” she said sheepishly before laughing.
“You shoulda wore your seatbelt,” he chuckled.
“I lived. Now c’mon,” she hopping out the Pinto once he parked.
Bill met her on the sidewalk, brushing down the lapels on his blazer, he was wearing all black tonight. Still, Star urged that he get the button down with the opal buttons to match her jumpsuit. They started towards the building until she stopped him.
“Wait, do you have your gun?” She said hushed. Bill nodded, of course, he had his gun. “You gotta leave it,” she urged.
“They got guys at the door checkin’ people. Trust me.”
“Well fuck,” he groaned. And even though he didn’t want to, he walked to the car stowing his gun away in the glove box.
Sure, enough Star was right. They were patted down before entering Randi’s loft. It was a nice place, really nice. With white leather couches and black marble floors and matching decor. The fireplace blazing right next to the indoor hot tub Jacuzzi with near naked girls in it. It was over the top. Bill didn’t know what he would have expected but it was Randi, he could’ve had a pet tiger and no one would question it.
“Hey!” Randi said melodically, a cigar in his mouth. “Look at these two!” He said throwing his arms out. His shirt was completely unbuttoned, showing off his dark chest hair. “Come,” he wrapped an arm around Star showing them to the living area. Where the pile of coke laid ready to be taken. “You two got a lot of catching up to do. How was your holiday?” He said while signaling one of his girls to get drinks.
“It was lovely,” Star said kissing Randi’s cheek.
“Good. I’m sure Bill only does his best. Cigar?” He offered him picking up the full cigar box. “They’re Cuban.”
“Sure, thanks Randi,” Bill said taking one, putting it away in his blazers inner pocket. “I’ll save it for later.”
And yet again, they were back at it with this fast lifestyle. It was the same as being the private room, just now it was moved in Randi’s luxurious loft with a hot tub full of girls losing their tops. Star was chopping up several lines of coke on the mirrored coffee table with a razor blade when they got their drinks.
“Quit, staring so hard,” she lightly laughed. “You wanna do it?” She asked Bill stopping to take a hearty sip of her mixed drink. He wasn’t even looking at the coke, just her. How she was concentrated, softly biting her red, plump bottom lip.
Bill shrugged, taking over her job. He seen it done so many times now, he was an expert on the perfect proportions. He picked up a rolled bill left on the table, tightening it back up. Upon a closer inspection, he saw it was a whole Benjamin. He passed it along so that Star could do the first line. She tilted her head back and moaned. It was his turn, Randi really did have good shit, it made him feel like somebody. They both took a second line and when Bill was finished Star lightly laughed reaching for his nose to brush the powder off it.
The night went on like every other night they had like this. Mingling around for names, getting tips, anything. While they drank and danced and did lines. It was work but it was admittedly fun. And big thanks to the coke, it made everyone overly chatty, making whoever unintentionally say too much but just enough. Ron, their main suspect, was still nowhere to be seen or heard of. However, it was still pretty early in the night. Ballers come on baller time, right at the peak of a party, to make it worth their while.
Randi came over again after flirting with the girls in the hot tub. Pausing by Star who was dancing with a few others before sitting next to Bill on the leather sofa.
“So? You thought about what I said the other night,” Randi asked.
“Uh, yeah. I think I’m cool, Randi. But thanks man and thanks for having me and Star over.”
“No problem but you might change your mind a little later. Got a few guys comin’ over. You’ll see. I buy from them, only them, I don’t want my yay cut with bullshit like it is on the street, ya know?” He took a puff from his cigar. “Anyway, don’t sit here all night. I better see ya dance. You got some nice moves,” he winked at him.
Bill didn’t know why but to him it seemed like a rather suggestive comment when he accompanied it with the wink. Moves? What moves? Randi looked over at the girls dancing, idly resting a hand on Bill’s knee just long enough before slapping it and getting up to dance. Bill sat there, his brows furrowed in confusion, not knowing what it meant exactly. Randi, had girls, a lot of them. Surely, he wasn’t a fruit?
A while later, Randi switched records, changing the music up. There was a collective groan among the party when Brown Eyed Girl by Van Morrison began to play. Star, was unfazed by the tune change, shimmying along to the beat, lip-syncing to the lyrics at Bill as she joined him again. She was probably Randi’s brick house but in that short moment, she was Bill’s brown eyed girl. A few others joined around them, taking a break from dancing to do more coke. Someone in the party passed a little gold spoon to Bill after doing their bump. He preferred bumps over lines, it was easier. And he couldn’t believe that he actually had preferences but at this point, it was expected. He gave Star the first bump, not being humble with the amount like Star was when he first did it.
The hours were passing, and there was still no sign of those big ballers that were supposed to come. Bill had danced to several songs by the time he noticed a slight commotion by the front door. He saw several heads but with how the hallway light shone in and the bouncers in the way, it was hard to make out who was who. And they all quickly dipped into the room right by killing his chances.
Bill kept his eyes on the bedroom door occasionally while hanging out on the sofa again. It was at a good angle where he can look over without it looking suspicious. A few girls were invited in yet no one had come out. He lit a cigarette, dipping his middle finger in the coke pile to rub on his gums before smoking. Star walked over to him with fresh drinks and with his eyes he signaled her to keep an eye on the door too. She nodded lightly understanding. She needed to get in there somehow.
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