#you give me a question about jalec and malec and how people in the fandom are shitty
antthonystark · 8 years
I don't get why some malec shippers are so pressed about people shipping jalec? Like we all know malec is canon why are you all so concerned about what people personally like and enjoy?? It's interesting that despite their ship literally being real they're so insecure about it that when someone ships their character with someone else they freak out
yeah, man, if everyone thought like you and i do, fandom would be a better place because ship wars wouldn’t exist. the single worst, stupidest thing about fandom is easily a ship war - even if they don’t call it that, that’s still what it is lol. unfortunately what a lot of people in fandom are best at is pitting people against each other for absolutely no reason, and they’re extremely good at it too (which, hey, at least they have, uh, something going for them)
my philosophy is “ship and let ship” - even if i don’t ship something, i don’t care if you do, it’s not my business, who cares who cares who caaaaaaares which fictional characters strangers on the internet like to think about and write about for fun?? how pressed do you need to be to make something so ridiculously insignificant your business and get all pissy and self-righteous about it lol
like, in terms of OTPs, i ship malec first and foremost (i shipped jalec casually for a bit at the start of s1 when alec actually had canon feelings for jace, and then alec’s “my brother” tirades as s2 began sort of got me out of it lol and now it’s just my #1 brotp), so i would never want to see alec with anyone except magnus. but why should i care if someone else thinks differently? what business is it of mine, right? especially given that malec is so very, extremely, incredibly canon (like…endgame, everyone’s OTP level canon), so who’s it really hurting lol
i feel like the jalec hate comes more from the magnus people than the alec people (not to throw magnus stans under the bus and i, as an alec stan, might be biased), and i totally get being upset with people who would make magnus’s character insignificant or try to demonize him or imply that he’s not good enough for alec - if people who ship jalec do those things then that’s absolutely fair enough to get upset about it. but, for the most part, come on, this is fandom. not everyone’s going to ship the same things you are, or look at things the same way, and that doesn’t mean that people are disrespecting your character or whatever it is you feel, right? 
 and you’re right about the fact that malec is not only canon but so extremely overwhelmingly popular….listen……there’s almost nobody in this fandom that doesn’t ship malec - there’s no reason to go after the few people that don’t. even a lot of people who like jalec also like malec, from what i’ve seen. like imagine not shipping malec in this fandom - you’re probably not having the best time anyway, and then people just act like assholes about it for absolutely no reason and i don’t get it tbh
and then, of course, as i mentioned in brief earlier, there’s the whole “brother” thing that has come up especially in the first couple of episodes of season 2, where people say that shipping jalec is incestuous. i can understand that perspective to an extent, (and like i said, it kind of put me off shipping jalec romantically) because adoptive siblings are still siblings, and alec clearly now considers jace to firmly be his brother in canon. but, again, if people want to ship it, i don’t have an issue with it, and i’m not going to go after people for it because it’s not my damn business - because it’s not, like, clary/sebastian where it’s, ya know, involving blood relationships. and especially because jace/alec was 50% canon for at least 9 of 13 episodes in season one, in that alec had actual feelings for jace that were 100% canon (although one-sided, reducing the canon level to the aforementioned 50% figure, if that makes sense). what’s more, these feelings were really important to his character arc in the first part of the first season. 
and, consummate alec stan that i am, i find it somewhat disrespectful to alec’s character as a guy who was really struggling and suffering with the guilt and shame of having feelings for someone like jace who was taboo to him for so many reasons by saying anyone who thinks those feelings were valid or real is gross or wrong or has an incest fetish or some such nonsense like that. 
(and, okay, they met each other when one was ten and the other approximately twelve. they weren’t necessarily “raised together” until they were on the cusp of teenhood - so that they consider each other brothers is totally, 100% valid like i said because adoptive relationships are still family relationships, but i don’t think it’s that bad if people ship it romantically, but maybe i’m just desensitized to all manners of things as a result of being in many, more gross fandoms before this one lol) 
like, also, listen. i don’t think people really understand why people like me - who ship malec - are a little iffy about how they never really wrapped up alec’s feelings on jace. the thing is, i’m first and foremostest an alec stan, and if you watch s1, especially the early part of it, through alec-tinted glasses, so much of his arc and personal character elements have to do with his feelings for jace, and then it didn’t get a whole of resolution. and rather than have them be naturally phased out as his interest for magnus grows - which i would have been totally fine with because that’s realistic and makes sense - it kept being brought up as late as episode 9 (when alec punched jace in the face for bringing it up, so that’s healthy) and then just completely dropped out of the blue by the next three episodes. and then he’s just 100% brother, no mention of those feelings that he so awfully struggled with. they did kind of do a bit of ship whiplash - shiplash, coining it now, nailed it - between having alec actually have feelings for jace to considering him his brother and nothing else, especially since they really played up alec’s feelings for jace (or maybe that was just matt daddario’s insanely well-acted longing stares @ jace that just sort of punched me in the gut every time, so i overstated their importance in my own mind, which is entirely possible). again, introducing magnus and starting to build the malec relationship makes sense as an impetus for affecting this change in the jace/alec relationship, but the one line that will always haunt me is the one in 1x09 - why bring it up if you were just trying to phase it outtttttttt
from an alec stan and a writing perspective, it sorta rubbed me the wrong way, but if they’re doing it this way, i have no problem and don’t want them to unnecessarily revisit it for no real reason other than to present a pointless, perfunctory “wrap-up” similar to the tacked-on resolution that was presented in the books where alec only “thought” he had feelings for jace. i’d much, much, much rather them go forward with malec if that’s what the intention is, because ultimately that’s where things should be and i don’t want them to get hung up on things that should have been wrapped up in the first season but weren’t. but wanting closure on an important arc for your favourite character isn’t a bad thing, either. i feel like these days people even acknowledging that alec’s feelings for jace were real in any way are considered “lol gross j*lecs who hate magnus and only want white men to get together lol”
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takaraphoenix · 7 years
SHIP ASKS! this will be awesome, won't it? why do you think jimon is so popular? what is the most underrated ship, in your opinion? what’s your favorite headcanon of jagnus? what’s your favorite canon moment of jalec? favorite AU ideas for jonace? rant about malec, velondale, balec - just overall opinion or whatever? am i throwing too much of them at you at once? please dont answer that last one.
Kimmycup: How many of those questions can I cram into one ask…?
*clears throat*
why do you think jimon is so popular?
I… genuinely don’t know? Like, when I first dove into it, I assumed for the same reasons I love it, because canon!Simon is utterly caring, devoted and gentle and thus it is the perfect comfort ship for emotionally-wrecked!Jace.
But… somehow… the majority of the Jimon fics I’ve come across rather makes up mental problems for Simon so Jace is the one doing the comforting…? It’s a very… Simon focused ship, at least in most cases that I’ve come across, and I’m not entirely sure why exactly. It’s not that I dislike Simon. I like canon!Simon. You know, that confident dude who got himself laid repeatedly and regularly on the show, the dork who is never ashamed of talking too much.
So, my wild guess is the maths.
You have six main characters. Alec. Jace. Magnus. Isabelle. Clary. Simon.
By process of “this is canon and it shall be the golden ship that shall never be broken apart”-elimination, Magnus and Alec are out.
People like their main dish with a side of lesbians, so Isabelle and Clary are out.
And thus, we have Simon and Jace remaining as a nice, good, safe way of having everyone shipped off. I dunno. I guess.
what is the most underrated ship, in your opinion?
Underrated? Like. Of all time? You shoulda really put a fandom here to make it easier for my brain. *pouts*
I’m going wiht, since all of those are Shadowhunters, Jagnus. I mean. I read the first book and was pulled hard into it. Really don’t understand why it’s such a considerably small ship.
what’s your favorite headcanon of jagnus?
Okay, so, this my most BDSM ship in the fandom. I just headcanon dom!Magnus and sub!Jace so hard and so far, I’ve not found another character who gives off the same kind of perfect dom-vibes as Magnus. I really love playing up their sexuality. While I turn my Jimons into fluffy fluff-pieces most of the time, Jagnus is filled with the sexual tension. I seem to have this headcanon that they start out with sex, lots of it, and only then start developing feelings for wach other.
Which is rare for me, because I don’t believe in one-night-stands. I find the notion of having sex without any attachment of feelings absolutely disgusting. So, I… usually don’t write that kind of thing. But with both of them and their respective sexual history, they click so perfectly in that and then, once they allow themselves to get closer to the other, they share their tragic pasts.
what’s your favorite canon moment of jalec?
“Hey, so, who’s your favorite child?” *glares at you*
Cheating and saying “all of them” is not allowed, huh…?
Mh. Okay. So. Let me take the one that got me hooked. When Jace and Alec do their first parabatai magic, standing so close, holding each other’s hands, getting lost in each other’s eyes, prominently showing the size-difference between them and Clary in the background commenting “This parabatai-thing seems awfully intimate”.
favorite AU ideas for jonace?
Shesh. Asking about ships I’m still exploring myself…
Okay, so part of me is really yearning for a happy mortal AU where the Lightwoods and the Garroways (Clary and Jonathan) grow up close with each other.
But with the two of them I also want to go full blood. Angel!Jace and demon!Jonathan. I love the whole theme of a demon corrupting an angel.
rant about malec, velondale, balec - just overall opinion or whatever?
Oi, woman. Oi.
Ranting about Malec doesn’t seem like a good idea because I genuinely don’t have a lot of good to say about them. I mean, in the books they start off with centuries old Magnus hitting on seventeen year old Alec and just no. In the show, it’s a mess of Alec still being in love with Jace and in the closet and centuries old Magnus being willing to take that risk. Everyone who has talked to me about Shadowhunters knows how much I loathe the Malec-episode for its bullshit rom-com public coming out wedding crashing plot that was written by a thirteen-year old fangirl in the 90s high on chick flicks… And it did not get better when season 2B can essentially be summed up as “they didn’t communicate. At all”. This… this ship, in canon, is a fucking mess. And I don’t like messes. I don’t like public grand gesture bullshit that doesn’t regard anyone else and I do not like couples who can’t even communicate with each other and where one constantly feels the need to forgive the other. I don’t like unhealthy relationships and by season 2B, Malec has become an unhealthy relationship of apologies, miscommunications and clear distrust. I still wish they wouldn’t have gotten back together in the finale so the writers could actually take their time and develop them into a healthy, functioning relationship. Have them rekindle slowly, have them earn each other’s trust back. Magnus fucking sided with the psycho bitch queen, Alec should not have just blindly forgiven that and taken him back, fuck every lie Alec told before, this one beat it all. The show is so busy rushing the ship to pacify its fans that the relationship isn’t fully developed in a proper, healthy way and it’s starting to piss me off big time. It’s actually the main reason I haven’t written Malace in a while, because the Malec aspect has just been getting on my nerves so much that I went into Jagnus and Jalec respectively, because as of right now I just really can’t even.
Yeeeah. You asked for it. *ducks head and goes hide before the pitchforks come flying in*
Velondale. Oh, beautiful, fluffy, healthy relationship. Same goes for Balec. I love the idea of Bat as an attentive, patient boyfriend who takes care of the person he loves.
I need fluffy comfort ships for Jace and as might have become obvious in the little pseudo-rant above about Jimon, that is currently not it. So Velondale. Not to mention the pretty picture of a fluffy werewolf and an angel.
Balec. I’m still weirded out by the attachment I have developed for it because I usually don’t get too invested in “side ships”. But… as might have become obvious in the rant above about Malec, I think that that couple was too rushed. Alec was still in the closet and he should not have been forced out of it during the wedding. I love the idea of that just not happening and Alec getting the proper time to get over Jace and to settle with being gay, before he finds someone to be with. So, Jagnus fics really make it easy to then inevitably give Alec this time to settle with who he is before he finds a fluffy, caring, gentle boyfriend of his own.
am i throwing too much of them at you at once?
Yes. Yes you are. Greedy bugger. ùû
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alligotleftismyjim · 7 years
do shadowhunters!
I’m gonna assume this is for the fandom ask? If it’s not lemme know and I’ll do the right one
How long I’ve been in the fandom (if at all): oh shit, maybe a year? I got into it after I heard about malec and I literally never looked back. I marathoned all of season 1 over like three nights. And I watched season 2 on my laptop in my dorm room. I’m literally going as a shadowhunter for Halloween this year. I’m so far down the rabbit hole with this fucking show it’s not even funny
My favorite male character: MAGNUS BANE THE HIGH FUCKING WARLOCK OF BROOKLYN HE IS MY IDOL THE LIGHT OF MY LIFE HE’S SUCH POSITIVE REPRESENTATION OF A BISEXUAL CHARACTER CAUSE THEY NEVER MAKE HIM OUT TO BE JUST OUT FOR SEX HE LITERALLY SAID HE’S A ONE SOUL AT A TIME KINDA GUY I LOVE HIM SO MUCH also Alec is definitely a close second cause he’s so salty and grumpy but you can literally see the character development happen after he meets Magnus and they start dating and he remains salty and a little grumpy but he becomes so much happier
My favorite female character: oh God. I love them all but it’s a three way tie between Maia, Izzy and Maryse. Maia and Izzy are both so beautiful and so badass and I don’t know if I wanna date them or BE them but they also have some real interesting parts to their character like how Izzy is literally the smartest shadowhunter around and Maia’s whole backstory about how she became a werewolf and her relationship with Luke is the greatest. And Maryse. I absolutely HATED her in season 1. I couldn’t stand her and I couldn’t believe how she and Robert had raised these four amazing kids who were so passionate about protecting others and were willing to die to do so. But now, her character development has been incredible to watch. She told Alec how proud she is of him and she sees that Alec and Magnus are in love. She told Izzy she hopes she finds love like her brother and apologized for how she treated her in the past. She apologized to Luke for how she treated him. She’s starting to try and mend relationships with the people in her life and I love seeing how her character is growing from ‘hardass mother who doesn’t care about her kids aside from how successful they are and only cares about her family’s reputation’ to 'knows she made mistakes in the past and is trying to do better by her children and by everyone who is a part of her life'
Funniest character: Simon. Hands down. Even though he’s a daylighter he still acts like the nerdy high school/college/whatever age he’s supposed to be kid he was before shit hit the shadowworld fan
Most annoying character: I hate to say it but Clary really annoys me some times. It’s just the way some of the writers writer her character but I have an issue with people who have tunnel vision when it comes to their problems. It sometimes seems like she doesn’t care about anyone else but herself, Simon, Jace and sometimes Luke. She blindly charges into situations and leaves everyone else to clean up her mess. Don’t get me wrong, there are sometimes when I love her and Kat is a great actress and so beautiful and smart but Clary as a character really just needs better writing 
Most badass character: they’re all so badass. Honestly, in a show like shadowhunters they’re all such badasses this question is literally impossible to answer
Character I want as my best friend: can I say Alec and Magnus? Cause they’re like a package deal right? Alec is such a ride or die kinda guy and we know he’d be willing to die to protect the people he cares about and Magnus is so protective too just in a less in your face kinda way. Plus he would give the best fashion advice which I desperately need cause I am literally dressed like Alec right now and like 90% of my wardrobe is black shit. Plus if I’m friends with them, Izzy, Jace, Clary, Simon, Luke, Raphael, and Catarina are all my friends by extent which would be fucking amazing
Male character I’d marry: Magnus Bane. Hands down. He’d make an incredible life partner. He is literally one of the most selfless characters and he deserves someone that will take care of him and love him like he deserves 
Least favorite character: knee jerk reaction is Valentine cause everybody wanted that fucking psychopath dead but I’m gonna have to actually say Camille. I would love to watch her slowly burn for what she did to Magnus and I’m sure Alec would be right beside me, warming his hands on the fire
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toloveistoaccept · 7 years
To love is to accept
The reason I started this blog was not to post GIFs (which I’m still learning to make), photos or news...I wanted to talk to people, to get questions about the shows that I love and answer them with my heart, maybe, even, find some new friends. 
It wasn’t easy, I was scared that people wouldn't like me, English is not my first language and I struggle to find new content. (for example, with Shadowhunters, in my country they release the episodes a day later so my content isn’t going to be “new” by the time I can get my hands on it, the same with Suits and Teen Wolf...) 
Now, it’s been 3 days since I started and I realized one thing:
I thought that if I made something about Shadowhunters I could tag or post things about Jalec/Malec/Clace ...... indistinctively (even if I had a preference, in this case, Jalec) I thought we were all part of the same fandom...but I was mistaken. 
My first question was someone asking me to “make up my mind” because I follow both Darvey and Marvey accounts. My first reblog was someone scolding me for tagging Magnus Bane and Jalec in the same post...
I apologized because it was never my intention to offend anyone...but I don’t care if it takes me longer to reach out to people but...I REFUSE to stop supporting ALL ships in ANY show that I watch. I love the characters, I love how they interact with EVERYONE. I support everyone in the ENTIRE FANDOM. 
If you want to ask about Malec, please do it. If you prefer to discuss Jalec, be my guest. Hell, we can talk about Jace and Magnus if that’s what you’re into. My blog will always be open to everyone and I’m always going to be kind.
“To love is to accept a soul entirely, not wishing that the person was otherwise, nor hoping for change, nor clinging to some ideal past. To love is to cherish the individual standing before you presently―charms, quirks, and all. To love is to give someone a piece of your heart that you will never, ever reclaim.” ― Richelle E. Goodrich, Smile Anyway
That quote was the reason that I chose this name. We’re all part of the same fandom, and of course, I am not generalizing. I’m not saying that all of you are like this. :) 
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