#you get the girl in a few episodes dont worry bea
fuck-off-im-ace · 2 years
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“You go ahead, i’ll see you at home”
I really love this moment. Beatrice has never drank before, she is not used to how emotional it can make you. She spent the night drinking with Ava, dancing, and touching in a totally platonic way, and now, on their way home, Ava sees the guy she has been talking to before and immediatly wants to go see him. I am sure this was more of a wake up call to Beatrice than anything else could have been. They are not dating. She is a nun, Ava is straight (as far as she know), and whatever happened tonight was just Ava bring friendly. Didnt mean anything more. Ava is not hers, and one day she’ll find a nice guy and Beatrice will go back to being alone. Might as well happen now, before she gets even more attached.
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