#you dont get it i FLUNG MY BOOK ACROSS THE WALL
rhysiedarling · 1 year
Do you guys think about how we were lowkey robbed of a romajuliette back in action scene or is it just me?
Like I understand where Rosalind is coming from and why she prevented them from coming back but I ALSO REALLY WANT TO SEE THEM KICK SOME ASS
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the-hotter-otter · 3 years
Strangers || ATEEZ Fanfic
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Seonghwa X OC
Mafia/Crime AU
3.7k words
Part 3 || chapter list || previous chapter || next chapter
Hyejin can’t fully commit to Seonghwa’s tempting offer, meanwhile Hongjoong continues to keep secretes.
Warning: blood, minor death, injury, violence, knife use
Angst, fluff, smut, cussing, violence, death
note: ayo shit will start moving soon I promiseee, I seriously don’t know where this story is gonna go but fuck it we’ll see. 
No pov
Hongjoong wasn’t at all surprised when Seonghwa came into his office late at night. He could tell there was a lie in between the lines Seonghwa spoke when he confronted the two last week. Being best friends for years with a bit of blood, death and guns on the side really did bring people together. 
“What’s her name?” Hongjoong asked, he couldn’t stay mad at Seonghwa. Hongjoong knew punishment wasn’t necessary on the eldest who was already racking his brain on it, as a leader he could tell when further discipline was needed and when it was best to leave it to their own self conscience. “If she’s staying here, I should at least know.”
“Lee Hyejin,” Seonghwa said, cursing the weird feeling of familiarity he felt after saying her name. 
“Lee hyejin?” Hongjoong quirked an eyebrow, he’s definitely heard of the name from somewhere, he just couldn’t pinpoint where. “Sounds familiar.”
Seonghwa merely nodded, somewhat glad that Hongjoong didn’t directly question him. “I’ll take responsibility for her.”
Hongjoong liked the sound of that, though it didn't change the fact that he was overlooking one more person. “That means a lot of things hwa, keeping her in line, taking care of her, watching her and protecting her if shit goes down.”
“She isn’t 5.” Seonghwa sighed, “I’m not spoon feeding her.” 
“But she knows.” Hongjoong reminded him, “and she knows she has you wrapped around her finger, people take advantage of that.” 
“I can always shoot her.” Seonghwa said as if it were so simple.
Hongjoong looked him up and down, silently judging the older one. Hongjoong sighed, he wasn’t exactly up for this kind of conversation at 2:30am, “Dramatic much... Aish don't waste the bullets, the suppliers have been shitty to us lately.”
“What I’m saying is you won't have to worry,” Seonghwa said, “you’ll barely notice her.”
Hongjoong looked Seonghwa up and down, “you want her to stay that badly?” 
Seonghwa was taken back by the other’s awkward perspective, “yes? There really isn’t any ulterior motive.”
Hongjoong gave a dawdled nod as he chuckled, “I’m playing with you hwa. Bring her in, I’ll let the others know of our latest addition.”
Seonghwa was about to step out of the office when Hongjoong suddenly spoke up again, “don’t forget about that task I gave you.”
Seonghwa gave a sharp nod, “I'll see to it by the end of the day.”
“Dont fuck up!” Hongjoong noted loud enough for the other to hear, he could imagine the rise he got from it. Deep down he was just joking, after all, Seonghwa never fucks up. 
Hongjoong enjoyed the tease he gave his best friend, more often than not, the former was in tight situations with serious consequences, loosening up was often the last thing he’d find himself doing. 
His smile was short lived when he suddenly felt the vibrations of his phone, and it wasn’t from the bold red one that was sprawled on the desk with the many papers. His face dropped drastically upon realizing that someone was calling the phone hidden deep in his pockets. There was only one person who’d be ringing. 
Mazaki Meiyo.
“Yes?” Hongjoong cautiously spoke up, his eyes darting around the office. He got up and opened the door to check if anyone was giving his conversation a listen. 
“They moved the deal.”
Hongjoong pinched the bridge of his nose, “when?”
“In an hour. You know just as well as me that this isn’t going to end smoothly.”
“Your deals rarely end well.” Hongjoong scoffed bitterly, he pulled the phone away from his ear when the other line went dead. He had to go now if he were to make it in time, he couldn’t afford to be late, not for these kinds of deals. 
Hongjoong pushed off his seat and swiftly buckled his hidden artillery onto his thigh and around his torso, making sure that his best weaponry was in close reach, ready for whatever conflict he was about to get into. Pulling the hood over his masked face, he checked the location Meiyo had sent him. 
The leader eyed the pile of paperwork that was due in a matter of days, he dreaded the inevitable all-nighters we’ll have to pull because of it. 
As Hongjoong left the household in silence, he turned his main phone off completely and stowed it in a hidden compartment. No one was going to find him tonight.
Hyejin pov
I stared at the phone screen in dismay, the loan shark has been after my ass for the debt I’ve yet to pay. I've been trying, but even after much struggle I only possess half of what I owe. 
I hated to take that offer from Seonghwa, the money from that deal would have covered my debt and rent from my residence long enough for me to make something out of a scrubby part time job, he just had to ruin me once more.
Then again, what other choice do I have? I leaned back on the wall of the alleyway, I don’t know anyone in this world. I was forgotten years ago, Seonghwa is the last person I’d go with, but he’s also the only one. 
My eyes drifted to the tall buildings around, they blocked the sunlight from ever entering these shabby alleys with large bins and locked deserted gates and doors. I met with the gazes that had been watching me for a while now, in a building a few blocks away yet still in perfect view, two middle aged men who most likely reeked of cigarettes and alcohol admired me from their apartment which could easily come off as an abandoned building left to collect dust and grime.
I squinted my eyes as I felt my vision start to give into fatigue, unrealistic hues of blue and neons started bouncing around. Every now and then, the migraine in my head would dust my eyes with a cloud of grey that blurred my sight ever so slightly. I sighed as I began seeing four instead of two weird men. I tried to refrain from focusing on anything, the lack of good sleep and food had me feeling all sorts of murky effects. 
Their stalkerish behaviour had been creeping me out for the past few days, despite it, I never saw a proper reason to leave the little spot I've claimed for rest. Plus, the odd duo hadn’t made any advances that had worried me thus far. 
The day continued, and the city had been busy as usual. Bikes raced down the side of the roads and paths, scaring the uptight mothers into a slur of curses. Teenage girls carelessly skipped around in their tiny croptops, powdery make up and flaunty shoes with boys their parents have no idea existed. Cars drove with their temperamental owners honking and anything and everything, then there were the workers who were either strolling around after their shifts or sprinting in swerves around people in effort to not be late.
Yet here I was sitting in a slump not so far from the hoards of people, absorbing the natural noises of the city that started to sound more like blaring megaphones instead of white noise. 9pm had crept faster than I expected, truthfully I wasn’t sure whether or not to go through with Seonghwa’s offer. I still had a chance to reconsider, perhaps I could deal with the information for money? After all, a controversial topic surrounding Seonghwa would no doubt bring in a big sum. 
I shook my head from the ludicrous thoughts, there was no guarantee in shady business, ever. It's a far-fetched plan, and the fact that I didn't have a name to my face meant I was that less convincing. 
Though I knew this offer would mean gambling my safety and if I were to stretch the possibilities, my own life. I still wasn’t 100% on board with the whole moving in with Seonghwa and whatever team he’s apart off, neither could I fathom the thought of that sinful man working with people, and that’s without mentioning his sudden change in attitude towards his victims.
It was yet another reason why I’m so reluctant to associate with him, because this isn’t the Seonghwa I was familiar with, he was a stranger, and no one is at ease when they’re affiliated with someone they don't know, especially when that person had guns, knives and all sorts of deadly possessions in their grasp. 
I groaned as I got up with a hazy mind. I looked up and to my suprise the stretchy men were back to watch me, it started to feel uncomfortable now. “Nice knowing you too I guess…” I keep my voice to a murmur. Soon I found myself heading to the meeting spot. 
My heart feels enraged with regret, and it’s impossible to ignore. There was a mere few minutes till the clock struck 9, I can get out of here now or never. 
The Central Train Station was quite grand. With multiple steps just to get to the entrance, neatly trimmed gardens surrounding the place and ancient pillars that held up the building. It was one of the older buildings that turned into a modern utility. 
“Fuck...” I muttered under my breath, “no, fuck this.”
Before I could think I was already speed walking to get the hell out of here. I had pride, I could at least preserve that after losing everything else. 
No pov
Blood coated the blade and splattered across the floor and walls of the office, the books on the shelf were drenched and soaking up every bit of red fluid. If only the man had just followed through with the deal, he wouldn’t have ended up dead. 
“What a hassle.” Seonghwa sighed, as he wiped his blade clean on his way out, though it was satisfying seeing the horrors painted on his face as Seonghwa taunted him, revenge for the knife he flung at Hongjoong during their last deal not long ago. 
Seonghwa analysed the slash along his shoulder area, it wasn’t serious at all but it sure did look ugly and soaked his dress shirt in a dark red, in the midst of the tension it felt numb but as his heart rate came down he could slowly feel the stinging pain emitting from the open flesh. He let out a relieved sigh after knowing that none of his own blood had ended up dripping anywhere. 
If it weren’t for the man’s sleeping family in the other room, Seonghwa could have easily finished it off with a bullet but he had to move silently. In turn, it cost him when the man felt fit to fight back with his own blade.
Seonghwa felt Hyejin was partly accountable for his injury. 20 minutes was a bit of a rush for a mission like this, but he had no choice if he was going to make it to the station in time. There was a chance that Hyejin wouldn’t even show up, and that chance made seonghwa unsteady and tense. 
As he pulled up to a red light he felt a distant memory unfold, one that brought a sense of discomfort.
Laughter bubbled up in the front of the car, toothy smiles that twinkled despite the gloomy rain outside. The lull of the music had been turned down for a while now as the soft chatter continued. 
“Hyejin, I told you I don’t need anything for my birthday.” Seonghwa insisted once more with a light chuckle, his one hand on the wheel while the other tried to hold her hand back. He watched in helplessness as she clipped the dangling toothless charm around the rear mirror of the car, her little laugh escaping her lips as it dangled between them.
“It’s cute! I’m telling you, you look just like him.” Hyejin insisted, “and that’s not even the best part.”
Seonghwa couldn't help but smile when the toothless unclipped in half to reveal a small photo framed inside, the details were minuscule but clearly contained the two of them on one of their more memorable dates. 
“Ya, this looks expensive, how much did you spend on me.” Seonghwa diverted the conversation as he observed the matte black of the green eyed dragon. 
“It wasn’t much, don't worry hwa.” Hyejin patted his hand, “I’ve got something else, it's more personal since I made it myself.” 
“So you have something else now?” Seonghwa sighed, though his stupid grin betrayed the annoyed look he tried to show.
The red light cascaded from red to orange to green and before hyejin could whip out the other half of her gift seonghwa sped off, “fine! I’ll accept your gifts, love.”
Seonghwa sneered at the Toothless charm he had yet to take off, if anything it became part of his car’s identity, making it slightly easier to navigate the garage of small black cars, specially on the days when all the vehicles would be together. 
Seonghwa had pulled to a slow stop in front of the station, hiding the charm was his first and foremost priority, Hyejin would most definitely recognize it. 
As he was about to yank the chain off, the corner of his eyes caught a sudden shadow appearing at the window.
Completely forgetting about the charm, Seonghwa halted in his seat, his hand already clasped around the gun latched onto him. It wasn’t until a hesitant Hyejin peered through the window did he relax his grip. On the other hand, Hyejin was feeling anything but relaxed, especially after seeing the bloodbath of a man in the driver's seat.
“So you’ll take my offer?” Seonghwa asked as if it wasn't already obvious enough, Hyejin scoffed. Her response was seen through the way she snuggled down into the passenger seat in a strained sigh of relief after being situated on the hard concrete for days on days.
Throughout the ride Hyejin had kept a careful observation of the roads they had been speeding across, if worse came to worse, she could make a run for it. 
Hyejin silently and subtly glanced around, the car itself hadn’t changed at all, not even the peppermint scent it gave off from the gum Seonghwa had been loyal to for most of his life, though it was currently heavily overpowered by the stench of blood. Hyejin didn’t want to know how and what got him that gruesome injury.
However, the most prominent and unusual feature that had still existed in the car was the all too familiar charm that dangled and swung around underneath the rearview mirror. The dragon's bright green eyes and toothy smile didn't go unnoticed, especially since Hyejin was the one who got it for him years ago. 
Hyejin had the decency to stay silent about it, the stiffness of the air was already far too overbearing, there was no need to intensify it’s sour atmosphere.
“It’s not just me who lives here.” Seonghwa brings up, 
“I figured.” Hyejin sighed, she had heard the many rumours over the years of how a certain group had been overturning the criminal world with unrivaled skill and accomplishments, they became big in the industry. This group of young, skilled men made a name for themselves and it became one feared by many, ATEEZ. 
Though it wasn’t just their skill that had made them the talk of many circles, it was the people within the group, the majority of which already had a reputation high on their shoulders. Hyejin had heard of the promising sniper who had joined their ranks, the insanely witty dealer who knew how to smooth talk his way to riches, the stealthy man who snuck into and claimed dangerous possessions without a single sound. 
Then there was the hitman who possessed the skill of 100 men, he was a young and promising lone wolf who had been rumoured to have joined ATEEZ.
Hyejin didn’t want to believe it was Seonghwa, in fact she didn't want to hear about anything related to Seonghwa, but it wasn’t possible when she was involved with loan sharks and illegal exchanges for the money she was in dire need for. Of course, because of her interactions with others, Hyejin was aware of Seonghwa’s growing skill and relevant changes, it disgusted her to say the least, how much better he had gotten at taking lives.
However the failed deal from last week confirmed her denial to be wrong, Seonghwa was well and truly closely associated with a group, and that group was no doubt ATEEZ.
“Dont try anything stupid.” Seonghwa warned, Hyejin rolled her eyes slightly, “I’m serious, I see the way you're memorizing these roads.”
Hyejin froze momentarily, she eyed Seonghwa who had removed his eyes from the road after stopping at a red light. Hyejin had forgotten how sharp he actually was, the intellectual from highschool still existed within him.
Hyejin got the chance to really see how much Seonghwa had changed, even underneath all of that stained blood and light smears of dirt, she could easily tell that his facial features had sharpened immensely, he wasn’t the same soft faced charmer that made highschool hearts throbs on a daily. If anything, Seonghwa now resembled a high class heartbreaker with a body count worthy enough for a world record. 
Of course some things don't ever change, like his lush lip and stunning eyes that stared back at her. Before the awkwardness could settle, Hyejin looked away, subconsciously glancing at the toothless charm. Seonghwa noticed the glare she gave it, his hands went to take it off but was ultimately stopped by the swat Hyejin gave.
“What’s the point of taking it off now? You had years to do that.” Hyejin raised an eyebrow. 
Seonghwa did not respond and merely sighed as he began moving on the road once again. Hyejin was taken back when they suddenly verged off into a bush area, what was a simple scenery of grass turned into a splatter of greenery. Trees towered high, vines and dense bushes had taken over, it was an untouched forest and they were driving right through it.
Hyejins eyes squinted in growing concern, she wanted to believe they were just passing through to get to another town, but her panic only continued to rise as they got deeper into the maze of nature. Her eyes glare at Seonghwa who seemed to have already expected her to build up doubts.
“Jump out and you’ll be as good as dead.” Seonghwa warned, as he quickly glanced at her stray hand reluctantly reaching for the handle.
“Where are we going Seonghwa….” Hyejin glowered at the driver who was rather unfazed. Even when the subtle sound of a knife being drawn was heard, Seonghwa didn't look away from the road.
The driver pushed his head back against the seat as soon as he caught sight of the fast approaching knife. With the blade a finger's length away, Seonghwa sighed, “I’m not gonna hurt. We’re going to the house, so put the knife down and have a little faith.” 
“Who the hell lives in a goddam forest?!” Hyejin hissed in a raised voice, her eyes teared up from staring so intensely into his side profile. 
“Put the knife down or we’ll both die.” Seonghwa lowered his voice, and Hyejin did not comply. The male halted the car to connect his eyes to hers, in one swift and unnoticeable movement, he grasped her wrist tightly, causing the knife to be let loose and drop to the pit of the car. Hyejin suddenly let a sharp exhale out as Seonghwa pinned her hand down in between them. She cursed her hazy headaches for causing the drastic disadvantage against Seonghwa.
“Stop panicking, we’re almost there.” Seonghwa said as he began driving once again, Hyejin didn’t attempt to squirm out of his hold.
“Your a fucking joke,” Hyejin hissed, “I’ll never put faith in you, not after all the shit you’ve done to me.” 
Soenghwa pinched his lips together at the indirect upbringing of her family’s murder. He wasn’t about to smooth that mess out now, it’ll require a calmer Hyejin and a better situation to explain. 
Hyejin tried to compose herself, but she knew the only way to soothe her panic was to see proof of what Seonghwa was saying.
As they pulled into the driveway of Horizon, Hyejin's tense shoulders melted into the seat. Seonghwa scoffed as he got out of the car first. The jerking of his head signalled for her to get out, hyejin sneered at the man, “give me a damn second will you?”
Seonghwa rolled his eyes before heading inside momentarily, most likely to check if anyone was still up in the early stages of the night. Hyejin took the time alone to get a good grasp at what she had just gotten herself into.
A house, full of dangerous men, in the middle of a forest and a single long ass road back to civilization. 
This wasn’t ideal at all, and Hyejin started to regret this more than ever.
As she took in short breaths her eyes trailed back to the rear mirror charm. All of a sudden, curiosity had her fiddling with the Toothless till it unlatched. She furrowed her eyebrows at the sight of the blank frame. It wasn’t that she was disappointed, it was merely confusion.
“But you keep the charm…” Hyejin glared at the Toothless that was once a gift of love. In the back of her mind she wondered if her other gift was still intact.
Hyejin could worry about that later. Right now, she needed to stay sane and alive, she knew well enough that she would never be guaranteed a way out of death's grasps. Relish in the house and slowly pay off her existing debt? Yes. Get comfortable and trust that your back will be safe in a distant place full of criminals? Hell no.
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wolfs-hunt1 · 4 years
Power hungry (04/04)
Summary: When your coven sisters find a way to keep using your powers and keep your life they try anything in the books to get it, even if it means killing someone else in the process. But something happens unexpectedly, he happened so unexpectedly, Chase Collins. Would you be willing to go along with him to have some happiness or will you just do what you are told by your sisters?
Pairings: Chase Collins x reader
Part 3
Not beta-read, so sorry for any mistake you encounter.
Good readings!
obs: gif not mine
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It’s early morning when Morgan returns to your room, she seems to be pissed at something, you just hoped it wasn’t at you still.
“What happened?” you ask, getting up from the chair near your windowsill.
“What happened?! Your dear Chase is also a son of Ipswich, and worse he’s also after Caleb’s powers!” Chase, a son of Ipswich? Then that meant… that he used you and your information about Morgans’ plan. When he said he would help you, he meant help himself!
“I need to get to Caleb before Chase does. And I know just how to.” you look suspiciously at her. What was she planning on doing? “Edith will stay here with you. I can’t have your sweetheart messing with my plans.”
The day goes on, the crackling energy of what’s to come heavy in the air, making the hairs in the back of your head stand out, chills running down your back. Edith chats with you to kill the silence. Apparently Kate had been rushed to the hospital the night before, and when Poge tried to go to her, had an accident. Edith said Chase had caused it, and that he might have been the one to case all the darklings to hunt the guys. He was in on it since the very beginning.
“What is Morgan’s plan this time?”
“I can’t tell you tall (Y/N), you know that. She told me to just make sure he wouldn’t get to us. Or you in this case. Our success depends on it.”
“I’m not going anywhere, he was just using me to get Caleb’s powers and Morgan out of the way.”
Morgan, Edith and Vera were waiting for a phone call on their hidden alcove on the campus. Morgan had texted Chase a few minutes ago, saying they had something of his, and if he wanted it back they could negotiate. It didn’t take long for her phone to ring, Chase’s name displayed on the screen.
“Yes?” she sings out sweetly.
“Drop your pretenses little viper. Were’s (Y/N)?”
“Now, now, is that any way to talk to a girl? I would take a lighter tone, after all, her life is on my hands for as long as I want to.” Chase sighs on the other end and seems to relent.
“What do you want in return?”
“Let’s talk business then. You are after Colin’s power, but so am I, and if you wanna see her ever again, you’ll help me get them to myself.” she’s twirling a piece of hair between her fingers, confidence dripping out of every pore.
“And if I don’t? What if I get his powers just to myself and come after you? What then?”
“If you ever do that and lay a finger on me, say goodbye to her. I will not hesitate to kill her.” there’s a long pause on his end, so long Morgan starts to worry he had hanged up on she hears him again.
“Fine, as you will it. Meet me at the Putnam barn tonight.” she hangs up the fone and after a few seconds, a grin spreads across her painted lips.
“I told you, girls, he would crack if we threatened (Y/N).”
“But… We aren’t really going to hurt (Y/N) right?” Vera asks unsure of Morgans’ real intentions. Since she had found that mention in an old moth-eaten book about stealing someone’s powers, she had been behaving more aggressively towards them all. So knowing if she would really hurt one of her coven sisters was important.
“Vera! I’m hurt you even thought that. I would never, and that’s why I asked Edith to stay with (Y/N). Chase is crafty, I can’t have him taking her from us and hurting her. He clearly put a spell on her so she would fall for him. We need to help her snap out of it.”
“Why would Tyler warn us about Chase thought?” Gwen asks.
“I guess that even with all our fights they don’t exactly want us getting hurt. Besides he’s mostly like (Y/N) if he can stay out of it he will.” Vera answers, some color blossoming on to her cheeks.
“It’s him isn’t it, the mysterious boy you’ve been sneaking out whit!” Gwen sais this in an accusatory tone, but giggles right after. “You two are cute together.” Vera looks down in embarrassment, and then slowly up to look at Morgan.
“You aren’t mad, right?”
“Honestly I still hate their guts. But we would all be in danger if it wasn’t for him so I’ll tolerate it. Although with what we will be doing I don’t know if he’ll want to be with you again. You aren’t chickening out from our plan, right?”
Vera looks down, thinking about what to do, but Morgan doesn’t let her much time for thinking.
“Fine, I’ll go there myself, you go to the dance with your sweetheart. And you can go back to your sister. I’ll be just fine on my own.” she storms out, not letting any of the two talk her out of it.
‘If I want anything done I gotta do it myself’ she grumbles to herself, while walking to her car and driving away. Once she got home her mother presented her with a pink cake and a hug.
“Almost time, just a few more minutes and you’ll be 18.” she says proudly.
“Just a few more minutes and I’ll ascend.”
“(Y/N), are you sure you’ll be fine on your own?” Edith asks unsure of leaving you and defying Morgan.
“You promised Jason you would go with him to the dance, don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine here on my own. And I promise no to tell Morgan about it. She won’t need to know.” at this Edith nods and moves to hug you before leaving the room to go to the dance. You turn around to go and lay down on the bed when the appearance of Chase right in front of you makes you scream until he puts his hand in front of your mouth and makes your back hit the wall.
“Shhh. No need to scream baby, I won’t hurt you.” he tries to kiss you, but you push him, and move away from the wall.
“What are you doing here?” you cross both of your arms over your chest, “I don’t ever want to see your manipulative face ever again. Go. Go!”
“What? What do you mean?”
“I know you’ve been using me just to get to know Morgans plans for Caleb, and I’m done! All that talk of being myself and not follow every order of others, you were just trying to make me trust so so I would tell you what she was planing.”
“What? No, baby, no that’s not it. Yes, I knew from the beginning you girls were like us, but I never tried to manipulate you. Ever. I didn’t plan on it, but I fell for you, hard, and so I tried to get every bit of your attention I could get. The fact you told me Morgan was also planning on taking Caleb’s powers was coincident, I never manipulated you into telling me that. In fact, she’s the one manipulating me now, she’s making me help her get Caleb’s powers or she said she’d hurt you. I only came here to take you so that nothing would happen to you, I couldn’t forgive myself if I ever let anything happen to you.” you were stunned speechless. He hadn’t used you, but you were being used against him by Morgan.
They were both after Caleb’s powers. They were addicted to it and wanted more and more to satiate their cravings. They were power hungry, and that made them irrational sometimes. Morgan didn’t care for consequences to her or your coven to get the power, and Chace, he had literally sent Katy and Poge to the hospital.
“Come with me, let me protect you, let’s be free together, with no one to tell us what to do, we make our own rules.” he extends his hand at you, looking at you expectantly waiting for an answer. When you don’t answer him or make to move he retreats his hand. “It’s ok I’ll let you think about it. I’ll be at Putnam’s barn tonight where it all ends for Chase, one way or another. I’ll wait for you until sunrise, if you don’t show up I’ll have my answer, and I’ll leave.” when you blink next, he’s gone from the spot he was on.
You had your mind racing, and you couldn’t even make out your own thoughts from how fast they were going. There was too much information. Too much at risk. Leave with him, or stay with your coven. Your head was starting to hurt, so you move to lay down on the plush cover of your bed. You looked at your clock, it read 10:17pm, you had to make a decision, without a car it was still a long walk to the barn. IF you did decide to go with him that is.
You sigh heavily after a few minutes. You couldn’t deny that you were attracted to Chase, and he did make you feel like on top of the world. And you would also be able to call up your friends whenever not having to abandon the coven at all. Besides, it would happen sooner or later, you’ve all started looking into universities, and not all of you were going for the same. Just a matter of time.
Making up your mind you grab your jacket and leave the room, making your way through the corridors to the frigid night air. You hasten your pace, a few drops of rain splashing on your cheeks. You are almost to the barn when you hear a low crash and look up just in time to see a body being flung out of the broken window, crashing to the ground unceremoniously and staying down. You are getting closer when you hear Chase and see in getting out of the barn.
“Just say the words. Say the words, and it’s all over.” Chase kneels over Caleb and grabs at his neck, bringing their faces closer “C'mon, say it! Say the words!” the next thing you know Caleb is sending Chase though the air with a kick and getting back up again. Morgan comes out of the barn and throws a blast at Chase.
“You aren’t getting rid of me so easily!” Chase easily deflects it, but you can see Morgan readying another attack.
“Stop this madness all of you!” you scream at them making your presence known. But for the most part, they seem to ignore it, Chace and Caleb continuing to throw blows at each other, one reflected blast landing close to where you were standing before.
“Dont you dare interfere (Y/N), you should have stayed locked in your room!” Morgan screams at you, stopping her attacks for a few seconds to look at you. But your attention is soon diverted to Chase when he goes flying in the air, landing near the barn. You run up to him almost slipping on the muddy ground.
“Chase! Chase are you alright?” he looks at you and grins before getting up and starting to run at Caleb, trowing bore blows his way. Caleb manages to stop one of them when lighting hits him straight in the chest. The bubble on his hands flashes a different color and your eyes widen, while he throws it at Chase.
“NO!” you scream running in the direction of Chase to try and stop the blow, but it was too late, it had fazed trough him, throwing him in your direction and exploding in the air, enveloping the both of you in a sea of red flames. Disappearing as fast as it had appeared.
“(Y/N)? Where are they?” Morgan asks stunned, moving to the place her friend had stood just before she disappeared. She turned to Caleb a vicious look on her face. “You! What did you do to them?!” she runs in his direction, tears mingling with the rain, banging on his chest until her sobs take over.
The fire in the barn was soon put out by the fire department, both Sarah Caleb and Morgan where examing and released after major scratches had been patched up. The sun was rising slowly in the horizon and the rain had more than stoped. A fireman comes closes to you, dirt and aches covering his face.
“We search the entire area, we didn't find anybody.”
“What?” Morgan’s raspy voice lets out.
“How can that be?” asks Sarah. Caleb looks at her before answering.
“I don’t know.” and driving off.
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artificialqueens · 5 years
(I Can Still Recall) Our Last Summer - Chapter One (Group Fic) - pureCAMP
A/N - this is a re-upload bc it apparently disappeared! I hope everyone enjoys it this time lol, let’s pray it doesn’t go missing again
A/N 2 - Here’s the surprise that absolutely no one knew about! A prequel of sorts to HIGA, my Mamma Mia! au featuring trixya and shalaska which you can read here on AQ before this for context
As before, this was pre-written so the rest is ready to go. Let me know if weekly submissions are fine or if you would prefer anything sooner!
(dont lose hope shalaska stans bc chapter two is coming sooner than soon and it’s chock full - and did i mention 8.5k words)
“Sharon, are you ready to go yet? The deacon wanted us here early so you can help to mind the kids before the service!”
Sharon stared into the mirror at a face that didn’t feel like hers. It was free of makeup, the pallidity emphasising the dark circles beneath her eyes and her uneven skin tone. Her blonde hair was pulled back into one long plait, and not a single hair dared to break the strict mold she had been forced into, even from last night’s previous sexy curls. Even her clothes felt uncomfortable, the floral dress of her mother’s choosing hanging loosely from her frame.
Demure. Sensible. Her shoes were patent and shiny, with a thick rubber sole.
Sighing, Sharon started down the stairs. Just once more, she would’ve liked to have slept in a little on a Sunday, but that would never be. Missing church was a sin, and Sharon’s almost obsessively Catholic mother would never allow such a thing to happen in her household - even though it had before. For Sharon, it wasn’t worth the screaming. As she traipsed down the stairs, she ran her slender fingers along the many embellished crosses on the wall, serving as a reminder that she would never be good enough. Above her, the depiction of Jesus on the cross glared judgmentally at her.
I died for your sins, he seemed to be saying. I died on a cross for your sins, and you’re turning up to church hungover.
Everything Sharon spent her weekends doing, it seemed, was wrong or bad or sinful in some way. She knew drinking was against the rules. Her mother, practically Puritan in some of her opinions, insisted that the popular music of the time was sinful too, as was the dancing. Sharon knew her mother would have an aneurysm if she knew how her daughter had looked and behaved the night before; a vision in bright makeup and skin-tight sparkles, grinding against other dancers as she sang. The woman would have been seconds from a heart attack if she had seen Sharon just that morning, silently making her way up the stairs and frantically wiping all traces of sultry makeup and stage attire from her body. There hadn’t been any time to sleep or recover from her night of partying - not if she wanted to look presentable.
The skirt of Sharon’s dress reached just below her knees. She was the picture of a respectful Catholic girl.
“Ah, you look decent for once,” Her mother appraised her. “Not like that awful Gina. She’s about your age, isn’t she? What a dreadful girl.”
In Sharon’s mother’s eyes, Gina was dreadful mostly due to her clothes, which were scandalous as they dipped below her collarbones and above her knees. Sharon, however, had once caught her with a boy, and Gina had once caught Sharon performing on a weekend. They had a silent pact to never spill the other’s secret.
“Yeah…” Sharon murmured, her mind elsewhere.
Her mother paused. “Here. Don’t forget your cross, for goodness sake.” She placed the rosary around her daughter’s neck. “There. Now, remember, you’re helping out at Sunday school and then attending the service with me. And no complaining, not like last time. I raised you to be a good, God-fearing girl. Or else you know what.”
Sharon nodded meekly. “Of course.”
As they walked, Sharon’s mind wandered to her friends, yearning to get away. Raja, no doubt, was lying fast asleep on the island somewhere, curled around some naked guy with hickeys all over his neck. They’d been gyrating over each other all night, and Raja was never one to shy away from male attention. Jinkx would be asleep too, most likely with Dorito crumbs in her hair, drooling from her hangover, perhaps accompanied with some young woman tucked under her arm. And then there was Sharon, on her way to church.
It had been an incredible night, like always. Her outfit - safely tucked away in the taverna’s dressing room so that her mother would never stumble upon it - was everything she knew she wasn’t allowed, tight sequined lycra that clung to her body and was perfect for dancing in. Her makeup was dark and smokey, and her spirits were high, fuelled by the alcohol and the roaring of the crowd dancing beneath them. The Supermodels had been formed a year ago, and they’d amassed quite a following on the little island they performed on.
Would anyone’s opinion of her change if they could see her now? She was the star of their show, the main attraction; she was the one everyone lauded as the lead singer, the funniest, the favourite. Yet she was the one who caught the early morning boat across back to the mainland, hurrying to scrub her makeup off and dress herself up as a good daughter.
But that was just how things were. Despite Raja and Jinkx’s encouragement, she knew it was just going to stay that way.
It was inescapable, really. As she’d been told, ever since she was a child, Jesus was watching. Some unseen forces had their eyes on her, judging her every move. Despite her lack of belief, the threat was real enough to force her into keeping up pretenses, much to her friends’ dismay. But she couldn’t help it. Disappointing her mother only ever ended in disaster.
Sharon wasn’t sure what she disliked more, in all honesty - the chilling silence that hung around the pews in the church or the ungodly screaming of the children at the Sunday school. The actual leader of the group had fucked off twenty minutes ago to make a cup of tea and hadn’t come back, leaving Sharon alone with the screaming under-tens as she attempted to teach them about the Last Supper.
She was sat on an uncomfortably low chair, made for the children, as she attempted to continue their lesson to no avail. They were running amok, screeching and screaming as she tried to maintain some level of control. She was seventeen, for fuck’s sake - it was cruel that they’d put her on babysitting duty.
“And- And Jesus…” She tried, holding up the obscenely large book as she tried to command their attention. “And Jesus told his disciples- oh, fuck this.”
She flung the book onto the floor, ignoring how the smooth pages crumpled beneath the foot of a little boy. She had never liked that stupid shiny book anyway. Bread and wine seemed like a crap dinner.
“You just said a bad word! I’m going to tell the priest!” An obnoxious kid of maybe seven declared, crossing her arms across her chest.
She was the kind of brat Sharon’s mother had always hoped Sharon would be. Her gaze was accusatory, her clothes disgustingly pristine, and she probably had some kind of stupid name like Mary-Ann. Undoubtedly, she’d grow up to be another suffocating church mom.
Sharon scowled. “Oh yeah? How about I tell your mommy that you said you don’t believe in God, and you don’t even want to do your stupid Holy Communion? Hmm?”
The little girl burst into tears. Sharon rolled her eyes, anger bubbling in her chest as she rose from the ridiculously tiny chair and stormed out of the room. The door slammed shut behind her, attracting the attention of the volunteer who was supposed to be taking care of the Sunday school. He looked up in surprise.
“They’re all yours.” She snarled. “Little fucking angels, the lot of them.”
With that, she stormed into the nave, cursing under her breath as she let the door slam shut behind her.
It seemed her outburst had not gone unnoticed, however, as the priest had ceased his dismal preaching, and the churchgoers were staring in horror at her entrance. It didn’t take long for Sharon to spot her mother, in that ludicrous hat with her murderous glare, so she walked with her head high towards the pew, slipping onto the end and bowing her head to blend in.
“Is everything quite alright with the children?” The priest inquired. Someone snickered.
“Just fucking peachy.” She replied, eliciting a shocked gasp. “Continue, Father John.”
Listening to the priest was no better, really, than the meltdown-inducing chaos of the Sunday school children, but it was something. At least his dull, unrelenting voice could allow her to zone out a little. She could just go into autopilot, saying ‘Amen’ when necessary and singing the words to hymns that she had practically been breastfed since birth.
As usual, she just obeyed. Sit down, stand up, pass money into the collection dish, sit down, sing the hymns, stand up. It was liturgical and structured, they told her. Just the way that God wanted it to be. Just the way she would never be able to be.
Suffocating. That was how it really was. Sharon felt trapped. A foot out of line, a hair out of place, a word misspoken - that was enough to feel as though she had let everyone down. She was a disgrace to the church and one day, she knew everyone would know about it. It felt like she was living a lie, almost. She’d go as far as saying that she had never believed in God, even as a child, and so attended the services in disbelief. She lived a lie, whilst still feeling the pressure and judgement under His watchful eye with her every thought and action. Sharon’s life was essentially planned out for her, all thanks to the church, and she hated it. She would never be able to be that perfect little wife they wanted her to be.
Raja and Jinkx were lucky. Raja’s family were Hindu, but Raja herself wasn’t, and Jinkx seemed as free as the wind that blew over the shore, devoid of any preconceived notions of how she should behave. Raja and Jinkx were able to just be. Sharon didn’t have that luxury.
The service ended all too soon, filling Sharon with a sense of impending dread. Most of her rebellion was away from her mother, as a way to feel as though she was silently taking control of her own life and her own fate. Rarely, she dared to be as bold as she had in talking back to the priest and the volunteer, and it always landed her in boiling hot water. Private rebellion felt safer, and as the priest talked, she could feel the looming horror of her punishment growing closer and closer, like the telling chill of a devastating winter blizzard. Although she hated it, she wished the service could go on for longer.
Mere seconds after it had ended, Sharon’s mother had taken her arm in a vice-like grip, and was frogmarching her outside. Her face was stony, rigidly set in a mask of pure anger that told Sharon she was going to pay dearly for her actions, at some point.
“What on God’s green earth do you think you’re doing?!” She bellowed, Sharon instinctively flinching. “How dare you swear at a man of God? How dare you embarrass me and our family in the holy place?”
Sharon swallowed. “I- I didn’t mean to, I-”
“Oh, yes, of course, now is the perfect time to repent from your sins. Sharon, dearest, do you remember your parables? How Jesus forgave the adulterous woman and made her promise to never do it again?”
She had no other option but to nod. “Yes, mom.”
“You aren’t just running out of chances, you vile brat. You ran out a long time ago.” Sharon’s mother paused, straightening her awful hat and glaring at Sharon, her face pinched. “Through Jesus, we find the way and the light. But you, young lady? You will never find His light. You will not be welcomed into the arms of Heaven when Judgement Day arrives. You’ll burn in Hell’s fires.”
She turned on her heel, marching away from the church and leaving Sharon with no choice in following her, a few paces behind so that she couldn’t see the tears glistening in her eyes. It didn’t matter if Sharon didn’t believe. Her mother did, and her mother truly believed she’d be suffering in eternal damnation. She would never be good enough.
It stung the entire way home. Sharon walked slowly, mulling over her mother’s words obsessively and growing more and more worked up as she thought. It wasn’t fair - it wasn’t fucking fair. She needed to get out. She needed to get away.
Of course, it would take careful planning, but Sharon was perfectly adjusted to finding illicit ways to get what she wanted. Sneaking out was practically second nature, having been raised in a Catholic prison since birth. If there was one thing she knew how to do, it was hide away.
As quickly as she could, she changed out of her nauseating church garb, letting her hair fall back into its natural waves and applying the makeup that her mother so heavily frowned upon. She knew that she would be reading by now, poring over her favourite Bible verses in order to distract and soothe her from the travesty that was her daughter, which meant Sharon had a short window of time to escape in.
Like a pro, she managed it, positioning each foot carefully on the stairs to avoid creaking and edging the door open inch by inch until she could slip through it. Once out, she ran, pelting at full-tilt through the twisting market streets into the wealthier part of town. At just after midday, she knew Raja would be home by now, and more than anything, she needed the company of her best friends.
Unlike Sharon’s respectable little home, Raja and her family were on the more extravagant side of the spectrum. Their house was gleaming white, adorned with colonnades and statues of centuries-worshipped gods that spurted water across the courtyard. It was essentially a mansion in the middle of town, and as stifling as it may have looked, it was like a second home. Even just approaching the house made her feel calmer, the anger dissipating a little. Her spirits felt lifted.
She only had to knock once before she received an answer.
“Hey!” Raja greeted as the door swung open. Jinkx stood behind her, the both of them dressed and awake for once. “You coming in?”
“Nope. You’re coming out.” Sharon grinned, spreading her arms wide to allow the sunshine to embrace her. “We’re going back to paradise and you’re coming with me.”
When in desperation, the island was Sharon’s solace. It was where The Supermodels performed on weekends, but it was also the perfect escape away from her mother’s hawk eyes that always seemed to watch her. Hardly anyone even knew about it, other than those who lived there, and those who did know about it didn’t have any interest. After all, there wasn’t much there besides the houses, a small marketplace for the residents, the taverna and some abandoned buildings. It was so secluded that it felt safe and adventurous all at the same time. Of course, it was party central for any teens, thanks to the taverna’s staging and outdoor dance floor, but that was a secret from any prying adults.
Within minutes, the girls had rushed out, dragging Raja’s boat onto the shore so they could sail away to safety. Sharon closed her eyes and let the salty air refresh her, letting the breeze blow her hair back as the sea spray flicked her skin. This was comfort and safety. Out in the open, surrounded by the blue of the ocean and the blue of the sky, nothing could hurt her. God couldn’t judge her here. She was untouchable.
They disembarked at the dock, taking each other’s hands and running all the way up, fraught with giggles. Something about the island just filled them with a sense of joy. It was only when they climbed to the highest point on the island, a sandy cliff-face that had only rocks and flowers, that they calmed down.
Sharon sat onto one of the rocks. “I can’t take this anymore. I’m going insane, girls.”
“I’m not surprised,” Jinkx replied, squatting in a decidedly unladylike manner over another rock. “It’s the same every time.”
“I mean, what’s the point?” Sharon asked. “I don’t care about what happens when I die, and whether I get into some fictional fucking Heaven. I care about now, in the moment. But nothing is happening in the moment because I’m so fucking restricted! By her, and that stupid fucking God!”
Raja nodded. “We gotta get you out of this shit before she brainwashes you. Keep rebelling and keep holding on, girl.”
Sharon sighed. “The stupid bint just keeps getting worse and worse, which just drives me to do more. I didn’t get back this morning until half an hour before we needed to leave. Plus she found those vodka bottles I hid the other week and went fucking berserk at me. Fuck her and fuck her stupid-ass rules.”
“Yes!” Raja and Jinkx cheered in unison. “Fuck her!”
“And fuck my dad for going off to Spain to be a fucking missionary. Fuck the entire fucking religion.”
Sharon took a deep breath. “Okay, it’s out of my system. So, what’s happening tomorrow? Same set?”
Jinkx shrugged. “I’d say so. With any luck, those hot siblings will be there again.”
She and Raja exchanged a knowing look.
“Shut up!” Sharon squealed, bursting into laughter. “You did not fuck a sibling each! You did not!”
“WE DID!” Raja screeched, giggling. “We really did!”
“You’re so bad!” Sharon laughed, wiping a stray tear from her eye. “I can’t believe you. That’s amazing.”
Jinkx snorted, which set them all off again into a fit of hysterical laughter.
“You know, that’s the next step. To piss off your mom.” Raja observed.
Sharon frowned. “Huh?”
“Thou shalt not commit adultery.” Raja recited solemnly, her hand on her chest in a mockery of a promise. “Girl, commit some fucking adultery and discover the wonderful world of premarital sex.”
Sharon grinned. “I’m not gonna fuck just to piss my mom off! When I find the right guy or girl I’ll do it, but not for her. She’s not worth that much.”
“Atta girl!” Jinkx reached over for a high five. “And when you do choose to lose your virginity, do tell us all the details. I miss being pure.”
“Aww, you think I’m pure?” Sharon teased, cupping her hands in prayer. “A little angel?”
“Not with those dance moves last night, sweetheart.” Raja butted in, standing up to do a horrifically inaccurate impression. “Sexy as hell!”
The three collapsed into peals of giggles once again.
When the sun began to sink towards the horizon, painting the island in beautiful shades of copper, the girls made their way back to the boat, ready to sail away from their bubble of paradise. Sharon felt her heart tugging as they left, wanting nothing more than to stay and bask in the beginnings of the warm summer evenings. At home, a strict schedule and disappointment awaited her. Her heart sank like the sun beneath the waves as they moored, stepping back onto the mainland.
“Let’s take the long way round,” Sharon said softly, her friends catching on immediately. In silent solidarity, they each wrapped an arm around her as they walked, browsing leisurely through the market stalls to waste as much time as they could.
Familiar faces went past like always, driving Sharon insane with the repetition. Her life needed something new, desperately.
I wasn’t made for this, she thought, eyeing the unwavering structure of the world around her. I was never meant to do what everyone else is doing.
Sharon wondered, briefly, if the out-of-place feeling would ever stop, until she saw him.
He was stood alone at the tourist information stall, purchasing a map. His hair was dark, slightly curly, in a tousled mess atop his head. Though she couldn’t see all of him, Sharon could tell he was lean and muscular, and she was mesmerised by the movement of his pink lips as he spoke in a husky voice.
“Fuck me, he is gorgeous.” She breathed, turning to Raja and Jinkx and then back to him.
He turned, offering her a crooked, mischievous smile and a cocked eyebrow. “Was that you?”
“Might’ve been.” Sharon responded coyly. “What’s it to you?”
He chuckled, the sound like music to Sharon’s ears, and offered his hand. “You little minx. I’m Justin, I’m here on vacation. I thought I’d get out and see all the hidden wonders of the world.”
She took it. “Sharon. How’s that going for you? I live here on the mainland and I haven’t found any hidden wonders.”
Justin shrugged, a flirtatious smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “I’m looking at one right now. Maybe you could show me some more?”
In spite of herself, Sharon blushed. This handsome stranger was doing all kinds of crazy things to her mind, and yet they were only flirting. She had never felt this way before.
“You ever been to that little island over there?” She asked, pointing towards the landmass in the near distance. Justin shook his head.
“You’re in luck.” Sharon smiled. “Meet me there, six in the evening tomorrow. There’s a fantastic show at the taverna that I’m sure you’ll love”
Justin nodded slowly, impossibly suave. “With you, I’d go anywhere.”
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badwolf-winchester · 6 years
A Soul So Dark Part 5
A Soul So Dark It Scares The Devil Part 5
I know its been a while but I finally finished part 5. Remember to like and comment.
Pairing: Lucifer x reincarnated Reader.
Last thing: i dont own supernatural or its characters but i am the creater of Lithium Nightstar. Please dont steal my work i work really hard on this stuff and i would hate to have to stop posting my stories.
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As i fall through the water I’m not scared this time, I embrace the free fall with open arms. The trip this time seems shorter than before and with one last look up i take in the swirling colors around the moon before I’m plagued into darkness.
*Lucifers POV*
Gripping my head in pain i turn to Leena who is barking with laughter after my trip. That laughter was cut short when the hound noticed my death glare, then trotted over to y/n to sniff her face. Sighing i went to pick up the coffee table i flung across the room and put it back in its original spot not wanting to anger the owner of the apartment any more so than i have already.
Im still not able to get close to the girl because of that stupid loyal hound. Leena eyed my every movement and gave the occasional growl when i got too close not easing up from her guard. Giving up i sat on the other couch across from the coffee table and watched her, soon i got bored and drifted of into a much needed slumber.
Gasping awake i flung to my feet taking in my surroundings. Thankful that i was in my apartment, my eyes soon land on a sleeping Lucifer and then to Leena who is wagging her tail at me by my feet. Giving her a scratch behind the ears i make my way to the sleeping angel to wake him up. After tucking a piece of hair behind my ear i place my hand on his shoulder and give a shake. Startled by my actions his hand shot out and grabbed my wrist slamming me on my back with him towering over me while his other hand is restricting my airway. Leena jumped into action and got into a defensive position growling loudly at him. My right hand flung up to the hand on my neck trying to get any ounce of air into my lungs, Lucifers eyes widen once he registered what he was doing and flung himself off of me panting heavily. I gulped at the air trying to get oxygen back into my lungs while sitting up rubbing my neck where his hand use to be. After coughing a couple of times i look up at him as he tries to steady his breathing.
“That was a little uncalled for Lucifer.” I said as i got my feet with the help of Leena.
“Im sorry i didn’t mean to hurt you, its just you startled me. You shouldn’t wake me when I’m sleeping.” He said once his breathing was under control.
“Its in the past, now i need to talk with you about something and trust me you are not going to believe me.” I said nervously then gestured for him to take a seat.
As he sat down i tried to start the story my mother told me but it seemed that fate had another idea. Suddenly i was forced against the wall by an unknown force and Lucifer was thrown to the opposite side of the room towards the kitchen. There in the middle of my apartment stood a dirty blond woman in a business suit with a big book tucked under her right arm. Adjusting her glasses she smirked at me while stalking towards me.
“Well well well. Look who we have here. A girl who is supposed to be dead, alive and kicking screwing up my schedule!” She sneered at me.
Leena tried to come to my rescue but was instantly knocked out with a wave of the blond’s hand. She turned and glared at my hound over her shoulder before spitting out an angry. “Stupid mutt.”
Anger flared in me and i tried to fight against the invisible hold that was pinning me to the wall ,but it was no use there was no way for me to escape. Glancing at Lucifer who was getting up from the floor i tried to get his attention without gaining the attention of the blond woman but failed as his gaze was locked on her.
“Who are you and what are you doing here?” He said angrily
The woman turned to him and smirked “I’m hurt that you don’t remember me.The names Atropos and I’m doing what should have been done centuries ago.” She said looking at him with hatred.
“I don’t think so.” He said lunging at her. Lucifer went to throw a punch but she caught his fore arm, as she whispered a incantation his arm started to burn leaving a brand in place of her hand. Grabbing his throat with the same hand Atropos flung him back into the kitchen crashing into the fridge.
Turning her full attention on Lucifer, she took her time walking over to him. After she laid the book down she took out an Arch Angel blade from her suit pocket and continued to stalk towards him. Gripping a fist full of his hair she yanked him up on his knees and placed the blade at his neck. Smirking she turned to me and applied pressure to his neck earning a groan of pain from him.
“You know instead of killing you right away how about i tournament you by killing him first. Slowly of course and painfully.” She sneered at me.
My eyes became wide and I struggled again against the wall. “NO! STOP! PLEASE! KILL ME NOT HIM!” I screamed but fell on deaf ears as she started torturing him.
Laughing she made a cut on his neck exposing his white grace from within him. “You see that brand mark? It makes you human, no pesky angel powers to get in the way.” She tutted at the angel before turning her attention to me.
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“You stole him from me Lithium, he was mine before you came along and you took him from me! Its only right that I take him from you. If I cant have him then no one can, now watch as i tear him to pieces!” Groans of pain left his lips with every slash and with every pain filled groan was an even more desperate cry from me telling her to stop. she had her fun carving into him but not enough to be faitile, as she aimed the blade at his heart something snapped in me. I stopped struggling to get free and my head hung low and My hands turned white from the tight fists i made as my vision turned red. My voice became dangerously low as well with the temperature in the apartment with each word I growl out. “DONT.TOUCH.MY.HUSBAND!”
With strength i didn’t know i had i pushed off the wall ,free from her invisible force, and stalked towards Atropos. My hair slowly faded from its dark brown color to an amber red, the shadows that cascaded around the room from the moons light snaked to me and wrapped around my body drenching me in darkness. The shadows soon dripped off me like rain drops revealing my new form.
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as i unsheathed my sword from my back the angel blade Atropos was holding cluttered to the ground as she dropped it out of fear. Bones nocking together could be heard as my wings unfurled from my back dropping silverish black feathers with every movement. A dark aura pulsated from within me sounding like a gong with every step i took. My lips curled upwards into a wicked grin as i closed in on Atropos as my sword scraped across the floor.
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Fear over took the Fate sister and she scrambled back releasing Lucifer, who slumped against the fridge from blood loss, and braced herself against the sink. “That’s impossible...” she wispered. “You shouldn’t be able to use your true form! God took your memories as well as your powers!” She screamed frantically. Having enough of her outbursts i placed my blade against her throat. “I remember everything Atropos.” I sneered. “Lucifer was never yours and your petty jealousy is childish. Now leave before i bathe my sword in your blood.” Shoving her away i gave her one last death glare before she picked up her book and vanished.
Sighing in relief i turn my attention to Lucifer who is still slumped against the fridge. Placing my two fingers on his head i healed all of his wounds but he remained unconscious. Running my hand through my amber locks i look around my trashed appartment “Great now i have to clean...But first.” Turning back to Lucifer i examine the mark Atropos left on his arm. The mark wasnt big but it wasnt small either( about the size of a fist) Placing my hand over the mark i push my energy into concentrating on unraveling the incantation she put on him. After a minute the mark started to glow an erie purple then faded away all together. Picking up my hand i see the mark gone, with that out of the way, i stood up and checked on Leena. Looking her over i see that Atropos just put her to sleep, sighing i turn back to my living room and clapped my hands together. “Alright lets get started.”
Part 6 coming soon.
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faunusrights · 6 years
we had a week of peace and now we’re gonna get annihilated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have no clue how long this liveblog may end up but hell and high water i’m combining them both
she tore the jade pendant from her neck and flung it into the darkness.
let’s give a warm welcome, to sadness,
i’m very excited for all-new cinder content hhhhhhh if u havent gathered by now I Love This Bitch and I Love Her Many Problems so im thankful for this gift 😞
Cinder was a ruin, her pride carved and served like slabs of meat.
i can FEEL diesel n kc rly patting themselves on the back for every bit of wet meat they can toss at me!!!!!!!!!! U HEAR THAT I CAN FEEL U!!!!!!!!!!! but also i still love this shit w/ all my heart!!!!!!!!!! IM NEVER GONNA STOP SAYIN IT
She had never looked at Glynda’s files.
im so sorry cinder baby but that whole thing? is still HILARIOUS oh my GOD i cannot believe you fucked up that badly. u shoved yr entire head into a beartrap. u absolutely crapped yr pants on that one. yr gonna be thinking abt that on yr deathbed,
/looks at the chapter title again
hhhhhhhh im. so pumped. its gonna be hard to talk abt most of this w/o doing a million fingerguns a minute but i’m gonna try my best
Cinder approached the mirror and touched its silvered face with black-tipped claws,
I SAID IM GONNA TRY MY BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She was iron barbs beneath the nail bed, glowing coals underfoot, the singular capacity to do harm. She was a beast, armed with fang and claw and a deep, dark void where her compassion should have laid, and she was dressed for dinner.
HHHHHH god YES THIS IS THE CINDER IM THIRSTY FOR............ i literally cannot say anything that isnt a massive 👈😎👈 but AAAAAAA
like im reading thru this and i cant cherry-pick lines this whole bit? is SO GOOD...  kc n diesel are Yet Again obliterating me w/ their mastery of the narrative style of offal hunt and i just love all of this i rly wish i could explain how offal hunt is EXACTLY MY BRAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F U C K
The final touch on her mastercraft disaster: the four sawed-off horn stumps which grew among her silver-streaked hair.
HOOOO B O I i am. Losin it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE HER HORNS.......... CINDR...............
Wretchedly, she wondered: did Glynda even respect her now?
any other villain: my plan didnt work and im mad >:( cinder fall: my plan didnt work and now im mad but also mostly sad :(
CINDER’S TRYING HER BEST GOD.......... i literally hate how the remaster has made her So Soft, Actually... I BELIEVE IN U CINDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE U!!!!!!!!!!!!! DO YR BEST
Every part of her was hot and hollow. She was sick with loathing.
i LOVE HER.... CINDER I HOPE U KNO THAT YR LOVED... god tho i dont like how SAD I AM RN... cinder’s so small and the world is so big and wants 2 Shit On Her blease
honestly like. im rly- LOOK I SAID THIS BEFORE BUT. this is why im rly lovin the new cinder content because in the first version we only got glimpses of her internal machinations and now we’re in full-blown Always Sad territory and everything is suffering :)
She blinked. Her double did not.
‘well’, thought murphy. ‘that’s terrifying.’
she’d only survived thanks to a keen instinct for danger, cultivated during her tenuous teenage years.
i NEED. I NEED. CINDER BACKSTORY. all these lil nuggets dont constitute a meal! I WANT A BIG MAC AND FRIES. WHAT THE HELL WAS THIS BABY DOING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
also again. the body horror of offal hunt? peak content. Im Lovin It
its getting harder to divine what is and what is not a 👈😎👈 because we got bits sprinkled around and theres only rly a spoiler potential if u glue em all together so im still being extra careful and the answer is blared in everyones faces so this whole kondor scene will go uncommented unless some Bullshit Happens which it will, so,
When she had become so invested in Glynda’s approval? When had a desire to be recognized as something inhuman, something ferocious, something black and terrible and capable of keeping up with Glynda Fucking Goodwitch turned into this?
oh! oh! i have the answer! i do! i know the answer! it’s you a lesbian,
The spectres of her youth haunted this city, owl-eyed children and fox-eared teens. They’d been a second sort of family, the only kind she’d had within these walls, and she’d wondered what had become of them in the past decades, but…
It was too sentimental, and she wasn’t meant to be a creature of sentiment.
oh boy okay wow
okay so actually this bit made me cry??? fuck OFF im losing it!!!!!!!! LET HER BE SENTIMENTAL!!!! LET HER HAVE PPL TO CARE ABT!!!!!!!!!! IM LITERALLY CRYING IM GONNA DIE!!!!!!!!!
She would go barefoot from this point on, her heels clutched at her side. When she left the hotel room to steal into the night, she promised herself not to look back.
im sorry im just. so sad rn. i havent cried over a fic in YEARS and we still have another chapter ago i hate this SO MUCH..............
here comes chapter 11 
if i cry even once more im going to stab!!!!!! im not sure what BUT ILL STAB!!!!!!!!!!!!
Even without his wings, the Manticore would easily have been twice the size of any of the other Grimm, far outstripping them in sheer bulk.
HATI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HATI HATI HATI
holy shit we actually get to see him this time!!!!!!!!!!! WE GET TO SEE THIS LEGENDARY BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS CHONCC,
also hes a manticore now which is, Radical, may i just say, and just a little bit sexy,
The effortless grace in each move betrayed power most Grimm would not live to achieve. Once he stood, he had to dip his head low to meet her eye to eye. His canines were the length of her forearm.
if u werent here for the remaster? we never even SAW hati but now hes here, hes Big, and rly thats all that matters,
Like a child who’d been allowed to lie and lie until at last they’d strangled themself in the web they’d spun, Cinder couldn’t speak. Could only wait on his verdict.
every single one of cinder’s inherent themes is killing me and this business w/ family? stop. im dying. this is rude
The scant space between them popped and cracked like an sparking flame, warm and effervescent, and this time, Cinder lingered, hugging Hati close.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaah im loving this content i rly dont have words for it dhjfgsdfgjh i just, rly like the words, and the order theyre in, and i honestly keep forgetting to liveblog it cause i just wanna READ EM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tempting as it was—as it always had been, ever since she’d left the relative safety of the wastes and learned what happened to scraggly-limbed teens with horns and fangs and gleaming eyes—
with every chapter i desperately have 2 kno more abt baby cinder i HAVE to know i am so. UNBEARABLY CURIOUS... baby cinder what happened... what happened 2 u....
A lantern’s glow warmed her, bleeding into the darkness leeching at them both. It was a gentle gold across her skin, and like an answering signal from a distant outpost, Cinder saw a flush of light through the dark fur lining Hati’s throat, as though flames licked at his insides.
i forgot. that cinder glows like that when she feels Loved or full of pride and you know what i dont like these chapters. they were made to hurt me and i Dont Like That (im mclovin it)
From the safety of Hati’s neck, she found it easier—after all this time, he was still her bastion.
For a regular person, the machine would be able to draw out short bursts of power, the likes of which no Semblance could ever channel. The taxation would eventually destroy the soul so deeply, so thoroughly, as to leave it empty for good.
For a Witch? For—
the fact. she cut herself off before she could think ‘for glynda’. has me on the FLOOR. this bit is just So Much i dont like it
Glynda Goodwitch would not abandon this hunt. Cinder knew it, had read it from her palms like an open book—Glynda Goodwitch did not know how to stop. If it had been anyone else on Remnant, they might never return, might never pull themselves back into action after today—but Glynda did not have a shred of self-preservation.
me, knocking against cinder’s head: u kno for someone w/ so many schemes in yr brain yr pretty dumb and gay, huh,
firstly let’s talk abt cinder’s “””””””””””””””””””self-preservation””””””””””””””””””” instin-- whats that? not found? yes
[Glynda’s] eyes were empty, hungry, insatiable.
i feel like ive read this line before! lets jump back a chapter--
In [Cinder’s] eyes, there was a subtle, endless hunger.
With a fluid leap, they were in the air, the ground quickly shrinking beneath them. Pressing her face against his neck to shield herself from the wind, she closed her eyes and prepared herself for what was to come, trusting Hati to deliver her safely.
that said i ADORE my boy hati is literally the best part of offal hunt kc and diesel do not interact,
He was frozen in horrific anticipation, like watching an imminent tragedy and being absolutely helpless to stop it. Like all the tension was mixed with grief and hopeless, futile fear.
when will offal hunt be nice to me. when will any of these characters get to be happy. hello. im full of sadness.
The sound was like a saw working back and forth, but resonating inside her head, rattling every tooth in her jaw, deafening to her ears.
im literally gritting my teeth at this i can hear it in my own head and its Very Bad!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOD AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
okay god i can barely handle to quote anything more this bit is hurting ME so lets swiftly move on before I Die
Cinder closed her weary eyes, sinking into sleep like a shallow grave.
They only knew death, only ever sought death; fangs and claws slicked with blood, magic rending meat and marrow apart, and everywhere that choking, scalding heat, spilled blood like magma, like the core of a planet.
hmm... that seems like a 👈😎👈 ~reference~
They were all alert, ears pricked, hackles raised like Hati’s. They all fixed on the same spot, somewhere beyond the darkness of the cave opening, and though she could barely think, she knew:
She was out of time. The Witch was here.
oh no.
okay so THATS CHAPTERS 10 AND 11! i only cried ONCE and u kno what thats. a Victory. these two chapters were VERY GOOD i rly loved em and i can tell new readers r gonna have a blast w/ this shit!!!!!!!!!! meanwhile i, a veteran reader, am full of peril,
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scifibi · 7 years
Mel could I pls have option 1 for Blarke? With: Person A: I’m thinking a spring wedding, or maybe fall, I dont want it to be to cold though. Person B: Babe we aren’t even engaged Person A: sO THAT’S WHAT I FORGOT TO DO LAST NIGHT
OF COURSE you can Caitlyn
“What?” Clarke asks, with a Cheshire-like grin.
He frowns at her, his gaze narrowing playfully. “What’re you up to, Griffin?”
She brushes a perfect blonde curl out of her eyes with one hand and presses the other to her chest, feigning mild shock. “Whatever do you mean, Bellamy?”
“Sparkling wine,” he observes, tapping their recently filled glasses. “That’s not a normal dinner drink.”
“We have wine all the time!”
“Not the sparkling variety,” he retorts dryly. “We’re at a tablecloth restaurant, too. Cloth napkins. Proper candles, with fire and everything.” He cocks his head towards a small door off to the side. “If I go into that bathroom, is someone going to offer me a mint on my way out?”
“Methinks thou doth suspect too much,” Clarke quotes innocently, with a light shrug thrown in for good measure.
“That’s not the line,” he says, already smiling despite himself. Clarke’s been strung a little tighter than usual over the last couple weeks, checking and double-checking throughout the last few days to make sure that they’re still on for tonight’s seemingly special dinner. He’s gone through his calendar multiple times, trying to figure out if he’s forgotten their anniversary or some other important date. 
(And then he’d remembered that they don’t have an actual anniversary date, considering they’d only realised they were dating after several months of sleeping together in a manner they’d both thought was ‘casual’.)
Between the two of them, Clarke’s always been the one who’s more rigid about things like dates and scheduling. Even so, something about the way she’s been acting in the days leading up to this particular dinner has just got his spidey senses tingling. Strangely enough, though, she’s been absurdly normal throughout the actual dinner. She’s laughing frequently, and smiling easily. She's… almost bubbly. Cheerful, even.
He’s beginning to wonder if he’d imagined it all.
He leans forward, making sure to carefully drop his voice a couple of pitches, so it hits that rough tone that always sparks a reaction from his girlfriend. “I’ll get it out of you, princess. One way or another.”
Satisfaction spikes through him when she sits up at that, leaning forward as her face lights up with an interest that definitely isn’t entirely innocent. “Oh, will you, now?”
He turns their lightly entwined hands over on the table, tracing a light line across her warm palm with the very tip of his finger. Light touches always get Clarke way more riled up than anything, a hint of teasing stoking her fire far more easily than the real thing does.
“Dessert first, Clarke,” he says, letting a touch of desire underscore his low tone. “And then I’ll get it out of you.”
She grins, leaning over even further so that his attention is drawn down to the line of her generous cleavage. A deliberate move, no doubt. “And here I was thinking I could be dessert.”
He groans, the sound of her laugh ringing clear in the air.
“How much do you think an open bar costs?”
Bellamy tears his gaze from his book to blink dazedly at his girlfriend.
“I… don’t know,” he says, uncertain. “Probably depends what’s on tap. Maybe… thirty bucks a head? Forty?” He pauses, scratching at his jaw. “Fifty?”
Clarke flops down onto the couch next to him. “Are you just going to keep increasing your guesses by ten?”
He squints. “Sixty?”
“Helpful,” she remarks, the corners of her mouth turning up despite her dry tone. She peers at her phone screen. “Not exactly cheap, though. Maybe we shouldn’t do that then.” She flings her phone aside, sighing dramatically. “Oh, but we have to, if we want to do it in the summer. We can’t not have an open bar in summer.”
He frowns slightly, peering at her over his glasses. It’s not unusual for Clarke to vent to him about her job planning and coordinating events for the local museum. “Miller knows this alcohol dealer,” he muses. “Pretty sure they used to work together. I can get him to pass along the guy’s contact information, if that’d help.”
She brightens instantly. “Yes, please!” she exclaims, typing rapidly on her phone. “Okay, so that’s one thing down. Although, on second thought, we should really decide first if we do want to do it in the summer.” She pauses, wrinkling her nose. “Maybe fall would be more comfortable? In terms of sweat potential, obviously. Don’t want the guests to spend the whole day all sticky and shit.”
He lowers the book, now too perplexed to pay attention to anything else. “Obviously,” he agrees slowly. “I guess. Uh, what—”
“Yeah, the colour scheme’s going to be all off if we do it in fall,” she says, focus already back on her phone. “Good point. Late summer, then? That’s, like, a happy middle, right? Or maybe early fall. I don’t know, what do you think?”
“Um,” he says, closing the book properly. This really doesn’t much sound like a work event at this point. For one, why is Clarke getting to choose the season?
More importantly, why is he getting to choose the season?!
He clears his throat. “Are we… celebrating something?”
She snorts, both thumbs still skidding briskly across her screen. “Well, we’re definitely not gonna be mourning our wedding.”
Bellamy’s not sure, but he thinks he could just about make out the sound of the microwave going off in their neighbour’s kitchen next door, the jarringly bright ‘ding’ cutting right through the walls.
He swallows, and blinks carefully. “We're… engaged?”
Fuck, is that his voice? God, he hopes it doesn’t actually sound that yelp-y.
Clarke pauses, and for a moment, it’s like he can see into her brain, all the gears and cogs grinding to an abrupt halt so that she just hangs there, like an ACME cartoon character suspended in mid-air.
“Oh,” she exclaims suddenly, looking up as she draws the single syllable out. “So that’s what I forgot to do last night!”
“What,” he starts to say, but she’s already bounded off the couch.
“Fuck, where is it,” he hears her mutter to herself as she rifles through her purse, lying forgotten on the living room floor where she’d flung it last night, too preoccupied with the sensation of his lips on her neck to bother with putting it away properly. “Where the— ah!”
She’s back on the couch within seconds, her face flushed and half-covered with untameable strands of blonde, all escapees of the loose braid she’d knotted her hair into earlier that morning. There’s a small velvet box in her hands, just a little smaller than her palm, and holy fuck, if that’s what Bellamy thinks it is—
“Sorry, I forgot to do this last night,” she says, a little breathless through her grin. “Well, to be fair, it was probably more your fault. You just had to go and distract me with sex.”
“I’m not the one who started making innuendoes about dessert,” he says tremulously, quickly laying his book aside.
She pauses, lowering the box on instinct. “You don’t seriously expect me to not make an innuendo when you’d already set it up right—”
“Clarke,” he interrupts, strained, with a pointed glance at the box. God, his heart is pounding so hard, it might just burst right through the cavity of his chest at any fucking second.
“Right, got it, got it, just—” She breaks off and closes her eyes, taking a deep, bracing breath before opening them again, the grin reappearing on her face like she just can’t keep it off. “Bellamy Blake,” she begins, her left hand clamped over the lid of the velvet box. “You are— fuck— you’re my best friend in the whole world, and I can’t ever, ever imagine life without—”
“I love you,” he blurts out. He can’t help it. His heart is literally, physically bursting. “Fuck, sorry,” he says in a rush, “I didn’t mean to—”
“No, no, it’s okay,” Clarke laughs, her grin splitting even wider. “You know what? You’re right, fuck the speech.” She opens the box, and at the sight of the plain silver band sitting there, the air fucking catches in his goddamn lungs. “Will you marry me?”
“Yes,” he says instantly, lunging forward to kiss her, both hands finding the sides of her face to hold both of them steady. They’re both smiling when he tears away. “Shit, was that too soon? I think I was supposed to wait a second or something before—”
Clarke’s eyes are shining, full of unshed tears, and with the way his vision is blurring in and out, he’s pretty sure his are, too. She shakes her head, her hand fisting into his shirt to pull him back towards her. “It was perfect,” she assures him, right before pressing her lips to his.
Hell, that’s more than enough for him.
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maternalcube · 7 years
@kidgeweek day 4: crush. this was supposed to stick closer to the prompt, i swear, but these things always get away from me. still my superhero au obvs. and yeah if you dont start at part 1 youre gonna be confused guys... [prev]
"Are you sure this is it?" Tinkertoy asks nervously.
"How do you know about this place?" asks Shiro. He sounds mildly suspicious, which Keith can't really blame him for. They're all standing in front of a very unassuming house in a tree-filled, green suburb--at least, as unassuming as a big old Victorian can be. The rush of cars can be heard nearby, but the street itself is quiet.
"I'm sure," Keith says, and heads up the front walk.
"Princess says the warehouse is empty," Tinkertoy continues, tapping on a device that seems to function like a phone, though it isn't. "So I guess you were right, but..."
"How are we getting in?" Shiro asks.
"The front door," says Keith. He reaches into the planter by the front steps, lifting one of the decorative rocks inside; the key is still there, just as he'd hoped, and he picks it up and shows them.
"How'd you know that was there!?" Tinkertoy's voice cracks.
And, yeah, okay, this is probably something he needs to explain. Shiro's face is darkening.
"I used to live here," Keith says quickly. "Not in a decade and a half, though. I wasn't actually sure the key would even still be here."
"How do you know The Witch lives here now?" Shiro asks slowly. Keith sighs.
"Look, I'll be happy to explain after, but it's kind of a long story so can we go rescue Cheshire already? And Permafrost?"
Tinkertoy frowns. Shiro sighs. 
"I trust you, Flame, but I hope I'm not wrong in that," he says slowly. "That said, I'm not sure marching right in the front door is the best idea. Is there a backdoor? I assume you're familiar with the layout--Tink, can you tell if anyone's inside?"
Tinkertoy points one of his gadgets towards the house and squints at it. "Well, there's at least one super inside. I can't say who, though."
"There's a bulkhead in back. If we get it open we can sneak in from the basement," says Keith. "...Assuming she hasn't already seen us standing out here."
They all look up at the dark, empty windows. Nothing moves.
"If she isn't expecting us, then she might not have. Let's assume so, for now," says Shiro. "Around the back, then, quickly."
As one they turn and hurry down the driveway, slipping around the back corner of the house to crouch in the bushes by the bulkhead. Shiro tries the door.
"Locked," he says.
"I have a bot that might be able to unlatch it, if you can find a gap for it to get in," says Tinkertoy, pulling said bot out of one of his pouches.
Shiro nods and tugs at the juncture of the two doors, at the base--they don't open, but they do lift away from the concrete slightly, and Tinkertoy slips the bot inside. He sticks his tongue out as he fiddles with the tiny remote controller.
"Aaaand... Done!" He grabs the upper door and it lifts open with a loud, rusty squeal. "Oops."
Shiro makes a face, but he slips down the stairs into the basement. Keith follows, and behind them Tinkertoy carefully lowers the bulkhead door again.
The basement is cool and dark; Keith tugs on Shiro's sleeve, pulling him towards the stairs. "This way," he whispers. They traipse across unfinished concrete, between stacks of cardboard boxes and furniture covered in sheets, until they get to the stairs; the door at the top is closed.
"Let me," Shiro whispers, lifting his faintly glowing right hand. He slips around Keith to stand on the top step and eases the door open. He peers around; after a moment, he gestures for them to follow, and the file onto the first floor.
Tinkertoy looks at one of his gadgets and points towards the living room, and so they cross the kitchen and creep past the back stairs and dining room and through the hallway. 
Keith can't resist brushing a hand against the familiar wallpaper as they go. It's bizarre and, frankly, unsettling to be back in his childhood home like this.
They turn the corner into the living room and find a disaster.
Ice coats much of the walls and ceiling, dripping steadily; the puddles on the floor indicate it's been there a while. The furniture is all tipped and strewn everywhere, as though it's been tossed aside, and much of it is broken; a massive, ornate bookshelf has fallen from its place in the corner of the room, leaving a side table and lamp thoroughly crushed and books flung nearly to the other side of the room. Another lamp is on, but its shade is gone and the bulb is flickering; a globe made of inlaid stone has been knocked free of its stand and rolled nearly into the office beyond. The sofa is in shreds. The heavy marble mantle over the fireplace is cracked. The oriental rug is marred by scorch marks where it's still visible beneath the debris.
An icicle falls heavily onto the tipped grandfather clock, causing a loud, discordant chime.
In the center of the room, within a glowing purple circle marked with lines and runes, Cheshire looks up and meets Keith's eyes. Without her usual acid green visor, they're a bright, shocking gold. Beside her, curled up on the floor, Permafrost doesn't stir.
"Sparky," Cheshire whispers, and despite the horror in her voice he's struck with a powerful wave of relief that's she's alive.
Permafrost looks up at that--he looks a lot younger without his mask, huh. There's fear in his eyes but Keith doesn't think much of it; he focuses on Cheshire instead. 
"We're gonna get you out, hey." His own voice sounds foreign to him, gentle, as he steps forward to look at the circle.
"No, you have to go," she says urgently, but still quiet. "Sparky, you have to leave."
Keith blinks, confused and a little hurt. "Why?"
Then there's a gasp, and then two cries of pain behind him. He spins; Shiro and Tinkertoy both are caught, writhing, in some magical binding, held up by the outstretched hands of the woman behind them.
"And so, the prodigal son returns," says The Witch. She smiles.
"It's a trap," Cheshire whispers miserably.
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badwolf-winchester · 6 years
A Soul So Dark it Scares The Devil part 5
Hello my followers! I know its been a while and i have gotten a bunch of messages wanting to know when this part was coming out. I am happy to say that it is here and im sorry for the wait. My days have been crazy with work and social life so i didnt have time to post till now. I hope you all like it, if you want to be tagged in any further storys let me know.
Pairing: Lucifer x (Reincarnated) Reader
Disclosure: I dont own supernatural, its characters, or you. I do however own my OC Lithium Nightstar. Please dont steal my work, I spend a lot of time writting and coming up with my stories and i would hate to have to stop writting because of plagiarism.
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As i fall through the water im not scared this time, I emdrace the free fall with open arms. The trip this time seems shorter than before and with one last look up i take in the swirling colors around the moon before im plagued into darkness.
*Lucifers POV*
Gripping my head in pain i turn to Leena who is barking with laughter after my trip. That laughter was cut short when the hound noticed my death glare, then trotted over to y/n to sniff her face. Sighing i went to pick up the coffee table i flung across the room and put it back in its original spot not wanting to anger the owner of the apartment any more so than i have already.
Im still not able to get close to the girl becuase of that stupid loyal hound. Leena eyed my every movement and gave the occasional growl when i got too close not easing up from her gaurd. Giving up i sat on the other couch across from the coffee table and watched her, soon i got bored and drifted of into a much needed slumber.
*Y/n POV*
Gasping awake i flung to my feet taking in my suroundings. Thankful that i was in my apartment my eyes soon land on a sleeping Lucifer then to Leena who is wagging her tail at me by my feet. Giving her a scratch behind the ears, i make my way to the sleeping angel to wake him up. After tucking a piece of hair behind my ear i place my hand on his sholder and give a shake. His hand shot out and grabed my wrist slamming me on my back with him towering over me while his other hand is restricting my breathing. Leena jumped into action and got into a defensive position growling loudly at him. My right hand flung up to the hand on my neck trying to get any ounce of air into my lungs, Lucifers eyes widen once he registered what he was doing and flung himself off of me panting heavily. I gulped at the air trying to get oxygen back into my lungs while sitting up rubbing my neck where his hand use to be. After coughing a couple of times i look up at him as he tries to steady his breathing.
“That was a little uncalled for Lucifer.” I said as i got my feet with the help of Leena.
“Im sorry i didnt mean to hurt you, its just you startled me.” He said once his breathing was undercontrol.
“Its in the past, now i need to talk with you about something and trust me you are not going to believe me.” I said nervously thrn gestured for him to take a seat.
As he sat down i tried to start the story my mother told me but it seemed that fate had another idea. Suddenly i was forced against the wall by an unknown force and Lucifer was thrown to the opposite side of the room towards the kitchen. There in the middle of my apartment stood a dirty blond woman in a business suit with a big book tucked under her right arm. Adjusting her glasses she smirked at me while stalking towards me.
“Well well well. Look who we have here. A girl who is supposed to be dead, alive and kicking screwing up my schedule!” She sneered at me
Leena tried to come to my rescue but was instantly knocked out with a wave of the blond’s hand. She turned and glared at my hound over her shoulder before spitting out an angry. “Stupid mut”
Anger flared in me and i tried to fight against the invisible hold that was pinning me to the wall ,but it was no use there was no way for me to escape. Glancing at Lucifer who was getting up from the floor i tried to get his attention without gaining the attention of the blond woman but failed as he wasnt looking at me but her.
“Who are you and what are you doing here?” He said angrily
The woman turned to him and smirked “The names Fate and im doing what you should have done 3 hours ago.” She said looking at him with hatred.
“I dont think so.” He said lunging at her only to be flung back into the kitchen crashing into the fridge.
Turning her full attention on Lucifer, she took her time walking over to him. After she laid the book down she took out an Arch Angel blade from her suit pocket and continued to stalk towards him. Gripping a fist full of his hair she yanked him up on his knees and placed the blade at his neck. Smirking she turned to me and applied pressure to his neck earning a groan of pain from him.
“You know instead of killing you right away how about i tournament you by killing him first. Slowly of course and painfully.” She sneered at me.
My eyes became wide and I struggled again against the wall. “NO! STOP! PLEASE! KILL ME NOT HIM!” I screamed over and over.
Laughing she made a cut on his neck exposing his white grace from within him. “Its a good thing i put i binding spell on him no pesky angel powers to get in the way. Not only is he incredibly human, but he cant save you watch as i tear him to pieces!” Groans of pain left his lips with every slash and with every pain filled groan was an even more desperate cry from me. she had her fun carving into him and with one final slash she decided it was time.
As she aimed the blade at his heart something snapped in me. I stopped struggling to get free and my head hung low. My hands turned white from the tight fists i made as my vision turned red. My voice became dangerously low with each word as my hair fell infront of my face. “DONT.TOUCH.MY.HUSBAND!”
With strenght i didnt know i had i pushed off the wall and stalked towards Fate. My hair slowly faded from brown to amber red, the shadows that cascaded around the room from the moons light snaked to me and wrapped around my body drenching me in darkness. The shadows soon dripped off me like rain drops revealing my new form, as i unsheathed my sword from my back i heard the blade she was holding clutter to the ground as she dropped it.
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Hope you liked it part 6 is coming soon! Dont forget to like and comment! Love the feedback 😘
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