#you don't understand I had to crisis-discuss my Issues with myself over this with THREE SEPARATE PEOPLE
musical-chick-13 · 11 months
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dreamtigress · 3 months
Oh hai, weird past trauma thing
When a mutuals post about a child vomiting makes you have an entire mental crisis for a moment while you reflect on your own relationship with that, and how you were treated for it as a child...
CW: processing/discussion of nausea+, childhood trauma, and CPTSD below.
I used to get carsick and motion sick. Horribly. Like, any drive longer than 45 minutes was going to equal me having vestibular issues, nausea, and more. I got sick on boats and planes, too. My plan sickness lasted DAYS afterwards, and is why I don't fly to this day.
Out of the three different family members who usually had to deal with my motion sickness...
My mom was the most understanding. I can look back now and say, yeah, she is also AuDHD (undiagnosed), and she got motion sickness, so she grokked it. It was an inconvenience for her, but I don't remember her guilting me for it. A little bit when my being sick for days after we flew to Florida wrecked out plans, but mostly, she fussed at me to try and feel better.
My father, on the rare occasions he took me anywhere, was NOT capable of empathy for a sick kid. I have a distinct memory of him taking me out on a fishing boat twice. (He fished every Sunday for the most part. Cue my life long dislike of eating fish by being forced to eat whatever he caught on Sundays for dinner.) I got boatsick, vomited off the side of the boat. Vomited into a bucket. Was ABSOLUTELY miserable. The captain told my father the second time not to bring me out again. I was an inconvenience for everyone. It was horrid.
My sister... Whoa, here the unpack... She would come with us to the horse and livestock auction we frequented for a while. It was an hour drive. Cue me, getting carsick when we were almost there. The way she would fuss at me for making us late. For us having to pull over. Gods forbid I didn't get my head out the car window in time. And even then, "Look, you made a mess of the car. Now we have to clean that." I was a nuisance, for being unable to prevent myself from getting carsick.
I would nurse a bottle of cola syrup (Anybody over 35 remember ACTUAL cola syrup for nausea? No HFCS.) like it was a lifeline, trying desperately to not get nauseous enough for us to need to pull over. I HATED throwing up. Not just because it is violently unpleasant for my body, but because of the reaction it would gain me. To this day, even when I have had food poisoning or a bad food allergy reaction, throwing up is last on my to do list. In the last 24 years, (since I got my dentures, which adds a WHOLE extra thing to vomiting, because you have to TAKE THEM OUT beforehand, lest you projectile several $1000s of dental acrylic into the porcelain throne), I can count on one hand the number of times I have vomited.
And reading that post, wherein said awesome mutual was kind and understanding to the kid doing the vomiting... I realized I barely had an adult do that for me. (Mom.) I had enough other adults treat it like such a terrible act that it imprinted on my damn psyche. Don't vomit. Don't be nauseous. Don't be an inconvenience. It can't possibly be that bad. And then all of that ties back into living as an undiagnosed autistic and being told everything you experience is not nearly as bad as you experience it. Sweet muppety christ the damn trauma of it all.
Sometimes, you don't put all the pieces together on something, even after years of therapy, until ONE little thing makes you look at a puzzle piece just the right way. So yeah. Tadah.
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dpdr-dreams · 7 years
hi, i was wondering how i can get diagnosis independently such as online or something because im finding it difficult to tell m y parents about my symptoms. im regularly dissociating and nothing feels real and im constantly suicidal and have intrusive thoughts and do impulsive things like harming myself,,, i need answers
HI anon ! Thank you so much for your ask !
depending what you want from a diagnosis will depend where you go. I’m glad you're talking about your worries about parental involvement into your health, as i actually was referred without parental involvement at all to my child and adolescent mental health service (uk mental health system) ! be it from the issues being sources from home/ worried about parents potential negative outlook to treatment or diagnosis/ family circumstance which can in turn result in a difficult treatment process as you can already be maybe experiencing , but i strongly still advise if there’s a way to educate (if its not a case of safety or worsening mental health obviously) parents, family or gradually open debates on general mental health or provide a way for any parent or carer to then be in a better mindset and moral position to help you when you may need it most or support you along treatment, and if this is not possible find friends you can be open with or a teacher, therapist, social worker/counselor, just someone you can trust ! :). some adult try to think of (especially their) children in the best light so mental health issues can be a little confusing and feel most helpful cover it up (till its over) kinda thing (which any professional will tell you ‘off the bat’ is not how it works with mental health, brain is an organ that requires care on top of that body part being also linked up to your whole body, so is a priority and no care can make things much worse) especially very confusing for a parent or someone who has never experienced dissociation before. thats my step one, step two is back to thinking who to ask! so, for example, if your looking for help with your symptoms or a treatment path, but step one if family isnt working out right now or you don’t feel now is the right time (which i understand, and agree with you if thats your choice trust me aha) i would recommend counselors that can work into your school schedule with our disrupting a school timetable and take notes of symptoms and then transfer them to a phycologist that can privately come in for you to meet with you outside of school, remember often admitting discomfort around parental involvement is often respected and makes things easier! if your not at school or uni/college a local church or temple will have someone you can talk to and they tend to be a lot more private with information, as they won’t, have a name and document attached to you like in a school setting, but can be a more lengthy wait to meet a genuine diagnostic phycologist who can recommend you then for dpdr treatment as unlike a school there’s no laws ensuring time limits for waits, but i can almost guarantee they will know your local centers or services specific to you too during that wait.  ,or if you’re rather looking for the validation of a diagnosis and less of a treatment (which i do not recommend without then digging further for treatment after diagnosis as of the serious nature of dpdr) making appointments with your doctor and use key symptoms and words, bring up dpdr prior if possible, on phone or email etc and prepare your doctor to learn about dissociation before appointment as they will be a general practitioner and likely not even be aware of dissociation so dont let this hold you back from receiving help., use bus routes and learn your transport to your doctors and work out how to get there by yourself or with non-family related transport like friends etc. if being physically present for an appointment doesn’t work discuss with local church/temple or school to write a recommendation for as you said ‘online’ are “skype”/video call or “phone based” therapies and appointments which my university has and i believe is a method being implemented universally around the world atm, although I’m not sure how comfortable most diagnostic doctors are with creating a fully diagnosable profile of a person without seeing you interact in real terms with them and talk face to face but this can help create a profile, speed up the whole process, as less in centre time for a doctor to schedule and limit total of parental questioning visits out of the house without an excuse if your a bad liar like me aha. if your still worried about your privacy? discuss legality of search up on your age and information sharing laws of where you live. but this should in no shape of form limit your ability to get support when you need it, so don't let fear or other people come between you’re health and especially with what your describing its critical to find treatment as soon as possible as it can have longer lasting and faster recovery from damaging symptoms. so step three you’ve found the path of entry to a doctor best suited for you, create a list of symptoms, as i know i certainly dissociate during a session and can’t imagine the bravery it takes to make that first jump for you so to avoid your dissociation limiting your treatment again ill reiterate, use keywords, key symptoms ideally in perspective to how its effecting the main “three life indicators” social life, work and school life, and day to day routine functioning and use depersonalisation and derealisation, dissociation, etc as this helps your doctors more than imaginable in figuring out what’s going on in your head, remember  even the experts aren’t experts  and will need your guidance sometimes to reach a conclusion to help you or recommend you to the right people for you, be honest!. some resources to help you find some words that will ‘click’ better with a doctor and other help dpdr related->  (http://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/dissociative-disorders/dissociative-disorders/#ddd). as i know with my doctors at least they we’re very confused initially and then extra time had to to be spent on rewording my experiences to what they were taught as they were not very well working with dissociative disorders but of course had the basic training as a phycologist. dissociation is terrifying as im sure you know so i recommend finding grounding or ‘time slowing’ techniques that help to slightly regaining enough time to prevent impulses taking over your ability to control your own bodies actions. its key to not panic during dissociation and sometimes sit and accept the sensations even if quite violent or sensory distressing, gaining control when your not there to be in control is something i combat every day and it can feel scary but certain techniques like going limp or short term solutions to keep you from harm is important right now till you get the support you feel you need. i also recommend discussing medication before talking any as many effect dissociation and should be taken into consideration which many doctors forget and EMDR is the best and latest treatment for chronic dpdr ! so make sure this is mentioned in your first appointment as to put you on the waiting list asap i write a bit more on it here -> and dpdr in general to help you or anyone your talking to to understand it all a bit better ive written and used external information to help me put this page together https://dpdr-dreams.tumblr.com/about%20dpdr  
although treatment can vary too , remember they will be trauma-related treatment rather than only grounding technique worksheets as your symptoms are 24/7 dissociation,( some suffer from off and on anxiety induced moments of dpdr , so dont let your doctor confuse these things and put you on the wrong care programme) the treatment list will be, CBT, talk therapies, medication for other emotional health issues you may also be experiencing, but the most important treatment at the moment  for dpdr is EMDR, so as of your long lasting sensations i’d say it would be best fighting for that care plan :).
again if its more you feel you struggle abit to talk with parents but are able to if possible persist! and educate! u can use some of the information i provided to help you make your point to your parents if that’s easier or write down how you feel or the symptoms of a real illness you’re experiencing to your parent, find a way if possible! :)) 
if you feel you need a sense of validation of dissociative experiences i recommend DES like tests online as they’re linked to most clinical tests and can help you label your illness to yourself as it is common in dissociation to feel confused over it all as of the nature of dissociation-> http://www.traumatherapyboulder.com/mental-maladies-and-the-history-of-the-dsm/treatment-of-ptsd-dissociation/the-dissociative-experiences-scale-des/
and of course if you are in a state of crisis or need someone externally to have a talk to about what your going through which i know can happen so easily when dealing with such persistent and uncontrollable illnesses here’s a mix of phone, text and live chat spaces to help you when you need-> 
  The Trevor Project Call 866-488-7386 (24/7) Live Chat with the Trevor Project (Fridays 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM EST)
Crisis Text Line: Text SUPPORT to 741-741 (24/7). Our trained counsellors can discuss anything that’s on your mind. Free, 24/7, confidential.
thanks again for your important ask :) sorry if it was wordy and general or was a bit of a word jumble.of course i have experience with it so if you have more questions, or later questions at any point after you found your pathway and/or plan for care i will be willing to be more specific as i dont know your country and its laws of practice of course, and stay safe anon, seriously hope you the best ! x
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