#you don't stand out there's no reason for me to buy your product over someone elses. wouldn't you.. WANT.. a unique selling point??
nimrochan · 3 months
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I don’t think that my few handfuls of followers on various social media accounts realize that I’m an American-Israeli. I’ve been watching things unfold and staying silent for the most part. I know it’s very easy to have an opinion from the comfort and safety of my home, but too many people are also echoing online opinions without enough information or thought behind them. Although it’s fair to say that I’m biased, I think it’s important to view conflicts from multiple perspectives. Including and especially from someone from the actual region/culture that everyone outside of it suddenly has an opinion on. And I think I’m ready to say what I wanted to say:
Why aren’t people more angry with Hamas?
I’ve spent some childhood years in Israel. Every week on the news was another incident - a bus b*mbing, a car b*mbing, a s*icide b*mber… I remember being terrified of getting on buses, or going to public places. I remember soldiers standing at the entrance of every mall, and I remember hearing how one soldier died while stopping a s*icide b*mber at a mall entrance - both were women in their early 20’s. Until today my father tells me to avoid crowded places, and to always stand in a corner with my back on the wall to observe my surroundings.
When I moved to America I had moved on from these memories and didn’t really think about them. But the attacks never stopped. For DECADES. And over the last few years I did notice that very few non-Jewish Americans were aware of what life is like in Israel - having a barrage of rockets rain on you every once in a while. Having alerts to warn you to head to the nearest shelter. Israel has the protection of the Iron Dome. But it’s not perfect, and some rockets do hit their targets. Also, you know, maybe people shouldn’t be firing rockets unprovoked into another country?? (Don’t even get me started on Hezbollah, too.) No one bats an eye if other countries randomly shoot rockets into Israel, but as soon as Israel retaliates to try destroying the area where rockets come from, everyone comes out of the woodwork to condemn them.
Some of my American family members have an app that dings every time rockets are fired into Israel. I could never bring myself to download it. The number of dings drives me crazy.
In fact, if you ever wanted to buy a piece of jewelry or sculpture made of Hamas rockets, there are businesses upcycling them.
If you’re not from Israel, I just want you to imagine the number of rockets that regularly have to come into your country for any rockets-to-products businesses to even exist. For reasons beyond my comprehension, a lot of political parties in America want to defund the Iron Dome, a system designed solely for defense. But I digress.
Gazans never had an Iron Dome and yet Hamas gives no regard to the lives of their own people when they fire openly from homes, schools, hospitals. When they hide hostages and weapons in heavily populated areas.
I remember frantically texting and calling people on 10/07 to see if any of my family members were harmed or killed in the attack. All while anti-Zionists already rallied on social media to offer no sympathy and blame the attack on the Jews on, the Jews. Right. Luckily, whatever close family I had in the area was far away enough from the attack that they were spared, and they soon evacuated. My second cousin and her kids were only spared because they happened to be away, but their home was in ashes and their friends and neighbors were dead.
Israel is a small and close-knit country. I don't have words to describe how we grieved. 1200 innocent civilians sl*ughtered for no reason. That number is just a little under half of the number of deaths on 9/11, and it was done without the help of airplanes, just men running around killing people. The youngest one was 14 hours old. This is the largest m*rder of Jews since the Holocaust. I won’t even go into detail about how some of their bodies were mutilated because it’s too horrific for me to want to type it out. In fact I left the most disturbing footage out of this post. I had been avoiding seeing the footage of Shani Louk, but it was shown at the exhibit too and I’ll never be able to forget it for as long as I live. It made me sick to my stomach.
Look at the pictures. Look at all those shoes. The last time I felt such powerful emotion staring at shoes was at a Holocaust museum. A lot of item displays included their owners’ smart phones showing their final videos on a loop. The people who attend the Nova festival tend to be laid-back, free spirits. They show up covered in glitter and wearing fairy-wings, waving rainbow flags. They lived next to Gaza because they felt safe there, and they often supported Palestinians. Listen to the unhindered joy in the voice of the man calling his father to tell him he had m*rdered ten Jews. One of the most disgusting parts of this is the fact that people protested outside this exhibit as well.
When I brought myself to browse social media again, over and over I saw posts about how “they deserved it” and “they had it coming.” The same people, the same self-proclaimed “feminists” who would shared the #MeToo and #YesAllWomen hashtags, people with immensely large followings, were now having no sympathy for the Israeli women who were r*ped, basically saying “she asked for it.” People defending and excusing Hamas because they “weren’t created in a vacuum.” When did we start excusing r*pe and t*rrorism for ANY reason? On that note, don’t you think Israel’s aggressive defense of itself also stems from a historical reason, shaped by outside forces?
And then there are many voices still expressing plain denial! This was the most well-documented t*rrorist attack in history, because the attackers filmed it with pride, and yet over and over I also saw people posting about how “it never happened,” “they would never do that,” and how these t*rrorists were just “resistance fighters” with propaganda crafted to “make them look bad.”
In my home state of New York, I saw people marching wearing same types of scarves that these “resistance fighters” wore to commit crimes against humanity so recently, tearing down posters of Israeli hostages instead of hanging their own posters on innocent killed Gazans and sharing in the grief.
I see people over and over calling Israelis “white colonists,” when in fact MOST OF THEM ARE BROWN, dark-skinned just like their neighbors (if I showed you photos of my family in Israel, you'd be surprised to learn they aren't Arabic). We are an ethnic minority on this planet and in every country except Israel, but antisemites love to flip the script and paint us as majority white colonizer oppressors. When the majority of Americans calling for the abolishment of Israel are themselves actually living on colonized land (I mean, really?) When most of North Africa has been colonized by Arab populations, yet everyone seems to conveniently forget that. Most alarmingly, I see people marching the streets and praising Hamas and the actual 10/07 attacks.
These same people probably could never spot Gaza on a map before 10/07. Where were they for the Chinese Uyghurs? Where were they for the mass murdered Syrians? For Afghans left at the mercy of the Taliban? For Iraqis killed after 9/11? For Darfur? Because no news unless Jews, right? How can you say you care about Muslims and then praise Hamas? How can you be Pro-Palestine and Pro-Hamas at the same time?! There is a huge, sick problem in America when college students here are applauded by overseas t*rrorist leaders on goddamn Twitter.
And these “Queers for Palestine”- where is the support for the gayest, most feminist, and most liberal country in the Middle East? (Go ahead and look up which country in the Middle East holds annual Pride Parades.) Where is the support for the millions of Arab-Israelis and other non-Jews who call Israel their home? Where is the support for the Arabs and non-Jews also killed on 10/07? Where are the feminists using their voices to demand Hamas return the hostages that are very likely being r*ped as I type this?
I feel like I’m going crazy telling people that there is a lot of fake news and propaganda being spread by Hamas and eaten up by the West. I am not the kind of person to use the phrase “fake news.” But when I see some extreme footage allegedly showing the IDF doing something especially horrible, I count the hours or days before the news is silently retracted because it turned out to be incorrect. Propaganda against Jews has seeped so far into gentile culture over the decades that people don't even realize it. It’s become sickeningly casual and normalized in all kinds of circles. Hell, I don’t even know who to vote for or who secretly wants me dead - the left side with the pro-Hamas crowd or the right side with their white supermacists .
No, I am not denying that a lot of innocent Gazans are dying horrific deaths. When I see footage of injured Palestinian children, I don’t look away and pretend it doesn’t happen, because it does. But what about Hamas dressing up as civilians, firing weapons among civilians, and continuing to hide the hostages??? What about the 15-17 year old brainwashed children marching with guns? When is enough enough? You know which army doesn’t hide in civilian clothing, or recruit children, or parade naked dead women around after they’ve killed them?? Take a guess.
War is fucking awful. And I'm not trying to justify it, just trying to articulate why this is such a clusterfuck of a situation. Someone please name any other country that wouldn’t retaliate and demand their hostages back after such an ugly, unprovoked attack. Someone please explain to me why the hatred is so intense and out of proportion. Again, DECADES of attacks. Someone please tell me what should be done - because if you do nothing, then 10/07 happens over and over and over again. Israelis are all living, breathing people with families just like Gazan civilians are. Stop dehumanizing us.
Why is it that after the Ukraine-Russia war started, when most westerners were on Ukraine’s side (including myself so don’t jump down my throat), that individual Russians living in western countries did not feel threatened the way individual Jews are being threatened? That war actually seems a way more black-and-white situation to me. Why did the Israeli singer for Eurovision need presidential-level protection from the mob gathered outside her hotel? Why did the other contestants continually insult her? You think every single Jew on the planet has a say in what happens in Israel?
Why am I going on social media to dumb down, only to see posts like “Reblog to increase IDF soldier s*icides” and “Like to # CeaseFire” and “From the river to the sea” (that expression basically means to promote the killing of all Israelis, I don’t care how you look at it). Why are you trying to call a cease fire with t*rrorists who are known to constantly break ceasefire, then make a surprised Pikachu face when they do it again?
Anti-Zionism is a clever cover for anti-semitism. The very definition of Zionism is the pursuit of an independent Jewish state (of which there is currently only ONE - for comparison, there are 57 Muslim countries). A lot of people don’t even know what Zionism is when they call themselves Anti-Zionist. And if you do? Most Jews are Zionist. You can’t separate semitism from Zionism to make yourself feel better. Israel is such a tiny country, it takes 6 hours to drive end-to-end across the longest part. While all over the world, synagogues are being threatened, Jewish graveyards are being vandalized, and Jews are being attacked, you are absolutely telling me and my people that we don’t deserve a safe space. And yes, Jews are indigenous to the Middle East just like Arabs are.
How do people rally against discrimination, but in the same breath act like discrimination towards Jews doesn’t count? You can’t reason your way out of it. You do not get to tell me what is and isn’t antisemitic.
Hamas does NOT give a damn about the actual land that Jews are living on. Hamas’s ultimate goal is to kill all Jews (it's LITERALLY spelled out in their government charter), is that what people want?? And even if you deny it, you think you could theoretically move all 8 million Jews out of Israel to where exactly?
You think other countries want to welcome a mass migration of 8 million Jews? (Remember why Jews left in the first place?) You want literal t*rrorists to have a stronger foothold in the Middle East?
Why do the surrounding countries condemn Israel, yet not step up to help Gazans either? Why won’t they open up their borders?
I’m sick and tired of people who have zero stake in the Middle East and very little knowledge just jumping on the bandwagon and virtue-signaling like it’s some clear black-and-white situation when it’s not. And then having the nerve to lecture ME. I’m angry and I’m frustrated.
Bring them the fuck home.
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jiraisupportgroup · 2 months
Hii I'm new to jirai kei n recently I joined a group where there's a lot o jirai / landmine ppl! I was asking some questions abt how to go for the fashion part of the subculture and one of my main questions was "is there any thrift store I can go to? Can I customize some clothing to make it look jirai?" And what I got as an answer was "No. Jirai ppl only use branded clothing, you can buy it second hand but you cannot customize in any way".
Tbh I'm not in a good place economically rn and I don't have a job either, so I'm not sure what I should do. Importing clothing costs 6 times more cause of where I live.
Is it really a rule that jirai / landmine can only wear branded clothes? (Liz liza, honey wardrobe, dear my love, etc)
I know I fit in the jirai lifestyle but I wanted to fit in the fashion too T--T
Thank you for your time♡♡ asking anon cause it's for me and a frien ^^"
I would once again like to preface this (as I preface all things) with the fact that I could entirely be talking out of my ass - this is just my opinion - and I am not a spokesperson for Jirai Kei or other mentioned subcultures / fashion styles as a whole.
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I wholeheartedly disagree with that but also I will caveat that with the fact that I spent most of my teenage years in menhera / goth / emo / grunge spaces and those are very DIY-heavy subcultures. I'm also super relaxed about how people choose to label themselves (to the point where I barely claim to be in any subculture because I just don't want to bother with labels so I'm probably not the best person to ask haha~)
To me personally, this feels like an argument that someone coming from Lolita would make? I kind of see a link here in the sense that the two main reasons I think people say these things about Lolita are because it is really hard to make Lolita clothing and buying lolita knock-offs is generally bad for a whole slew of reasons. Similar arguments for both subcultures I think.
Girly kei / dark girly clothing can be really hard to make or DIY. I think it is certainly very possible to do, but it might take some trial and error. Mostly because being a bit over the top is kind of the aesthetic; there are a lot of ruffles and bows and lace and ribbons and buttons and cute little accessories and cut-outs and the neckline is typically very specific with decorated collars. At its base, it is just a blouse, but it's got a LOT of aspects that go into it, and if it's "too basic" then you're not really hitting that girly kei style. The skirts too (I personally think the skirts would be a little easier to DIY but I also have experience sewing with lace / grommets & making corset ribbon designs which is mostly what stands out from them to me?) You also run into a lot of the actual hardware being specific with hearts being a really common theme for belt loops or buttons, and decorated suspenders.
I think it would be difficult to DIY girly kei or dark girly pieces but it's certainly doable. One issue is that depending on where you're getting the materials for that DIY, it might be about the same cost (or more) as just buying a blouse (although this depends on shipping cost).
The other aspect of it is the argument against fast fashion which is a little more nuanced in Jirai Kei but I see where they're coming from? I mean, to be frank, ryousangata is literally "massed produced" fashion (& to be fair the aesthetics that are labeled as “ryousangata” have varied a lot over the years - it’s not just frilly blouses & stuff that’s just kind of what it happens to be right now). It's pretty much just fast fashion. MA*RS, Liz Lisa, & DearMyLove from what I can tell are mostly produced in Japan, although they do source materials from China, like most companies do (not automatically or necessarily a bad thing imo - but I will spare you that side rant bc it’s kind of not related). I couldn't find a lot of information about their production practices? So I'm unsure about worker environments for them? Generally, the big-name brands are going to be more ethically sourced & produced than random AliExpress sellers but by how much is kind of questionable (or at least I could not find a lot of information about the production processes so I'm not sure by how much - if anyone has additional information on this I would love love love to hear).
Now am I saying "Go buy a bunch of fast fashion off of AliExpress because it's cheaper and no one cares"? No. (It's also honestly not much cheaper.) But the reality is that it generally is fast fashion, so it's a weird balancing game. I think one of the main reasons people say "only buy Liz Lisa / MA*RS / DearMyLove" is because they want to avoid fast fashion as much as possible while participating in a fashion with a LOT of fast fashion sellers, and since it can be difficult to find production information they go for the big names because they're easier to trust in that aspect. (I also have fallen into this trap & have sworn my life to DearMyLove because they're the only big-name brand that is even slightly 6-foot-tall-bitch friendly T-T)
All of that being said, if you want to attach some bows and lace to a frilly blouse and call it girly kei I am absolutely not going to stop you (or honestly even judge you, but again that's just me). The shipping costs are part of the reason why I say the clothes are secondary to the jirai kei subculture especially as a foreigner because once you consider that the clothing is significantly more expensive and difficult to obtain in foreign circles it becomes directly contradictory to some of the reasons why those same clothes are so popular in the Japanese subculture: I don't think the cultural context of the fashion translates over to foreign markets (economically or socially, but I'll spare you that entire rant lol).
ALSO! Jirai Kei Subcul is awesome and has a much more obtainable aesthetic for foreign markets. It leans more into punk and you can use a lot of different pieces for it that are more easily obtainable, so I highly recommend looking into it. It might be a good medium for being able to feel fully like you belong, but not breaking the bank for an outfit.
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nerdyvocals · 1 year
Need to know your thoughts on Cynthia putting on that jacket when they get home from the dance. Cause I have a couple theories which both might be false.
1. The jacket is their father’s jacket and Cynthia needed some type of love so put the jacket on for comfort.
2. The jacket could be what Cynthia wanted to wear to the dance…
Would love to know your thoughts on this scene.
Hooo boy I am so glad someone asked me specifically about this, because I am actually very qualified to talk about it!!!
If you don't know me; Hi, I'm Levi, I am a theatre student, I'm currently working toward a degree in costume design and technology, and I have Big Opinions on clothing. Before I actually start talking about said opinions, let me first give a quick rundown on Costumes 101. Disclaimer: my education has been largely in the realm of stage production, but in Costume Land there is a very large overlap between stage and screen, with the main differences being on the technical side, which I will get more into later. That said, given the genre and tone of this show, my stage knowledge will apply.
And a word of warning: this anon has released a beast and this is going to be a long post, therefore I am putting my analysis under the cut. Also, apologies to those I tag, just want to make sure images and gifs get their proper credit.
Now, first and foremost, the purpose of costume on both screen and stage is to give insight into each character and passively tell a story. Therefore, nothing is coincidence and everything is intentional. Color, silhouette, piece, and style are all meticulously selected to bring a character to life and tell the audience who they are.
Example: In the live yesterday, Tricia Fukuhara mentioned requesting a beret she saw in the costume shop for Nancy, and while they did end up putting Nancy in several hats, she was told berets specifically were reserved for another character, Lydia. We do actually see another thespian with a beret, Alice (who IMDb tells me is played by Emilee Nimetz), which has... interesting implications, but that's for another post.
So let's see what we're working with here.
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(gif by @stbot)
The first thing I notice is fairly obvious: this coat doesn't fit. That shoulder seam should be sitting right on the ball of their shoulder (think top of the shoulder cap); it's nearly halfway down their upper arm. Think it looks long here? Even when they're standing, it hits about mid-thigh. Not to mention that the sleeves themselves are baggy and way too long. They are swimming in this coat.
What does this mean? This coat isn't Cynthia's.
One could argue that it wouldn't be outside the realm of possibility that Cynthia would own an ill-fitting coat; given the time period, I imagine it would be hard for a girl to find men's clothing in her size. Except, for the most part, Cynthia's masc clothing does fit.
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(gif by @greasegifs)
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(gif by @wlwshipper)
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(gif by @greasegifs)
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(Image by @jealous-kippen)
Cynthia clearly has no problem finding men's clothing that fits. That said, there are technical reasons behind why a garment must fit beyond story-telling. Namely: actors' safety.
Out of any single one of Cynthia's looks, I would argue that this monstrosity:
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(Image credit: promo shot)
would be the most likely candidate for ill-fitting garment, character-wise. Everything we know about Cynthia suggests that they aren't the type of person to buy a dress they will likely only wear once (i.e., they are poor: single-parent home, always hungry, excitement over free food (Buddy's campaign candy), and it appears that they live in an apartment).
All this to say, it would make sense for this dress in particular to not fit, and yet, it does. Why? There's a dance scene. While the hand jive itself is not a particularly intensive dance move, Ari is standing on tables, climbing on cars, jumping, crouching, all manner of things that would be dangerous to do in a garment that was too big.
(Side note: I've seen quite a few people suggest that this is an old dress or possibly a hand-me-down from somewhere, or if anything, purchased second-hand. I have reason to believe it's not, but again, that's another post).
Of course, Ari, and by extension, Cynthia, isn't doing anything in the Coat Scene (tm) that would endanger them by wearing something too big. Even still, given their previous wardrobe, it's out of place. And like I said before, nothing is coincidence and everything is intentional. And why is it significant that the coat is too big? Because nothing else that Cynthia wears is.
Now, all this was a very long-winded way to say that this is Papa Zdunowski's coat. It's clearly not Cynthia's, and their dad is the only other person they live with. So yes, dearest Anon, your theory is most definitely correct.
Cynthia had just had probably one of the worst nights in their young life. Their friend group has fallen apart, they've messed up big time with their oldest friend, Richie has been arrested, and they're being forced to confront that they are queer. They come home to an empty house, either literally (dad's still at the shop and mom hasn't been there in a long time) or figuratively (dad's asleep, and mom hasn't been there in a long time). Either way, it's not like they can really talk to anyone about what's been going on with them. But they desperately need comfort. So what do they do?
They wear their father's coat like a hug and get drunk on the couch.
Thank you and good night.
(if anyone wants to hear the costume tangents I forced myself to avoid or just wants to hear more costume rants, feel free to hit up my ask box or dms. I chose this career for a reason and if you give me permission, I Will Not Shut Up.)
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moonmeg · 3 months
Hold up! Did I miss something?! At some point I think I remember that you said that Ian might have a partner in the future. But now in the last ask you just casually revealed teir name! Did I miss something? Did you already talk about a partner or will that be in the future? I miss Ian anyway so I'm thrilled.
After a busy day Ian, once again assigned market-duty for he's the best salesman in the family, packs up all products.
He sold majority of what they had to offer. His charisma was a fantastic aid in the sale. Any of his siblings would've been thrilled had they achieved this. Ian, however, saw no reason for feeling that. It was always the same. Majority sold, conversations with the people, smiling and pretending all is well, unrequited love and just another "great night". He was so tired of it.
Blair fell in love young and was happily married for over 20 years now. Same with Neil. Keith had a loving husband. Maisie too. Heck, even Edan was a sort of father to that lonely girl he found in the hay after a storm. They all had something he didn't and it became more and more difficult to fight his envy. He didn't want to be that kind of brother. He wanted to be supportive and joyous. His siblings were happy...
Maybe he just wasn't meant for it. Maybe he'll never be good enough to be more than just someone to keep the bed warm. Maybe he should just give up at last. He was in his mid-thirties by now. How much more hope can there be left?
He sighed as he placed the last box on the wagon.
Ian turned around. The call came from an approaching black haired person. Although the hair seemed more blue-tinted in this light.
"Wait! Oh no, please don't say I'm too late!", they came to a halt.
"For the sale?"
Catching their breath they didn't answer right away. They cleared their throat and looked up at Ian, immediately mesmerized at the sight
"Wow- I mean-", another throat clearer, "I'm new here and heard about this stand and I meant to get my groceries but damned little me of course got caught up in something else and then of course I mixed up your closing times and I'm so late now, aren't I?"
Ian couldn't form and answer in his mind. He simply stared perplexed, trying to process the flood of information this stranger just shared.
"Damn it!", the stranger cussed out frustrated.
After a moment of silence Ian met the icy blue eyes of the stranger. He wanted to say something but caught himself thinking about the beauty those eyes had to them instead.
The stranger sighed and already opened their mouth to speak but Ian interrupted.
"We're here everyday. Ye can come by tomorrow."
"No, no, you misunderstand. Today was my only free day for buying groceries during opening hours."
"Well, maybe you can tell me if there's some other place I could-"
"There's some stuff left. If ye tell me what ye need I'll pack a bag for ya.", Ian gestured at the wagon.
"You would?" the strangers eyes lit up, sparkling at Ian like a sky of stars.
"Aye. I only need to know what ye want.", Ian gave his typical cocky grin.
The stranger searched their pockets hurriedly before handing Ian a piece of paper with a list. Ian began to read the products from top to bottom and drew a spell circle to insert all items in a bag. He let the bag float over to the dark haired stranger and let them take it.
"We dinna sell herbs so that's missin' but otherwise here ye go.", he commented.
"That's fine! You did more than enough already! Thank you so much!"
"Ah not worth a mention."
"No, I mean it!", the stranger beamed, "How much do I owe?"
Ian eyed as they brought out a small linen bag of snails. The metal coins clinking inside upon any movement. Accepting the payment now would mean redoing the snail log and possibly even recalculate the change box. He really didn't want to do that now and delay his return home further. Moreover though, there was something about this dark haired stranger with the icy eyes and sunshine smile before him. He couldn't quite explain it but he thought them likable. He'd sworn off romance but who said anything about romance. It could just stay a nice acquaintance. A friendship in the best case.
"It's on the house.", Ian smiled.
"What?", the stranger stared with big eyes.
"Welcome to the town."
Ian gave no room for argument. He climbed the wagon and already took the reins in hand. Perplexed by everything that was happening the stranger called out a "Wait!".
"Mr. Bower, I assume? I-"
"Ian, I... I don't know- I...", trying to sort their thoughts and form a coherent sentence the stranger yielded to a sheepish smile, "Thank you. Just... thank you."
Ian smiled.
"Ye're more than welcome, ...?", he raised his eyebrows, gesturing he wanted the name of the stranger too.
"Oh, right, sorry. I'm Val."
"Ye're more than welcome, Val. Lovely makin' yer acquaintance.", Ian winked in his usual manner before slowly bringing the wagon to move.
"Yours too!", Val called out.
This wouldn't remain their last meeting.
Although Ian was incredibly cautious to not catch feelings the more time passed, it would remain just an attempt. He didn't want to end up in the to-him dreadful situation of only being desirable for intimacy without commitment. He wanted the commitment and was at a point where intimacy was connected to rejection. It happened often enough he'd develop feelings, be intimate with his crush in hopes there might actually be romance involved but his love would always remain unrequited. So he avoided it entirely at some point. When he noticed Val and him got closer, (joke) flirted and Val began to mean something to him, he told them that if they didn't want more of him than that intimacy it would be better they stop seeing each other.
Confused, Val reached his hand and assured Ian they haven't even thought about him in that sense. Val wanted to be with Ian too but in a different way. They actually wanted to commit and be Ian's romantic partner before a sexual one.
They got married fairly recently. Makenna was 20, Feya 18, and Micah 15 (they are now 21, 19 and 16)
Also! Ian and Val allowed to bring a +1 and you can guess three times who Micah took as his +1 and faced boyfriend allegations with the entire reception through :D
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uniqque007 · 1 year
10 Indisputable Reasons Why Branding is Essential for Your Business
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In our wonderful world of commerce and color, branding has evolved to become the be-all and end-all of how businesses strut their stuff. It's like the fashion statement you make with your shoes but for your entire company. You can have better insights at our page.
Not convinced? Well, get ready. In this post, we’ll dive into 10 reasons why branding is more essential than your morning coffee. Let’s begin, shall we?
1. Making That Stellar First Impression 
Every brand has one shot at making that vital first impression. It’s like the opening scene of a movie or the first page of a novel. If you don't grab attention immediately, the audience might just move on. 
The visual components of branding (your logo, colors, design) they're your brand's "hello" to the world. And working with a good brand transformation studio, that "hello" can turn into a magnetic "tell me more".
Moreover, think about the brands that you are drawn to. The ones that make you feel a certain way even before you've bought anything from them. They’re doing the whole 'first impression' thing right. They’re the conversation starters, the attention grabbers, the memory markers.
2. Building Customer Loyalty: It’s Like Building a Brand Family 
The heart of any successful brand is its loyal band of customers. When people identify with a brand, they're not just buying a product. They're buying an experience, a feeling, an identity. With effective branding, businesses can create a community of people who not only swear by their products but also advocate for them.
Ever noticed how some brands have customers who act almost like brand ambassadors? That's the power of strong branding. When a brand transformation studio captures the essence of what a company stands for, it's easy for customers to form a bond, a connection that goes beyond just a one-time purchase.
3. Differentiate Yourself from the Crowd
In today's crowded market, standing out is more than just a priority: it's a necessity. 
Well, branding is that magic wand that sets a business apart. Without branding, all smartphones might seem the same, all shoes might feel identical, and every coffee shop might offer a similar experience. With branding, though, each product and service becomes unique, individual, and remarkable.
So, next time you choose one product over another, ask yourself why. Often, it's the brand's voice, look, or feel that swings your choice. A brand transformation studio plays the fairy godmother role here, giving your Cinderella brand that ball-ready makeover.
4. A Consistent Brand Message = Trust
Consistency isn't just about repetition; it's about reinforcement. Every time a brand delivers on its promises and maintains its look and feel across touchpoints, it strengthens its trust quotient. Consider your favorite brands; their consistent messaging probably played a huge role in winning you over.
A mishmash of colors, tones, and messages can send mixed signals. It's like meeting someone who changes their story every time you talk. Trust evaporates quickly in such scenarios. An experienced brand transformation studio ensures that the brand narrative stays straight, true, and reliable.
5. A Motivator for Your Team
Your employees aren’t just working for a paycheck; they’re working for a vision, a mission, an identity. A compelling brand gives them a flag to rally behind. It fosters pride, boosts morale, and can often be the motivating factor that pushes teams to achieve more. When the company brand resonates deeply, employees become its first ambassadors.
It's not just about external perception. Internally, when a team believes in the brand's promise, they are more likely to strive for excellence. With the guidance of a good brand transformation studio, businesses can craft a brand that’s as motivational as any pep talk.
6. Easy Decision-Making 
When a brand knows itself inside out, decisions become a breeze. From marketing strategies to product launches, every choice aligns with the brand's core values and objectives. This clarity doesn’t just simplify decisions; it accelerates growth by ensuring every step taken is in the right direction.
Imagine a well-defined brand as a lighthouse, guiding a ship amidst a stormy sea of business challenges. Whether it's deciding on collaborations, sponsorships, or even crisis management, a well-defined brand strategy (crafted with the insights of a brand transformation studio) acts as the North Star.
7. A Higher Perceived Value
In the commercial world, perception can often outweigh reality. When a brand is perceived as premium or luxurious, customers are more likely to pay a premium for it. Think about designer brands: it's not just the material but the brand's aura that adds to its price tag.
Your brand transformation studio is the artist behind this masterpiece of perceived value. By meticulously crafting each element of the branding process, they elevate a brand's image, letting businesses position themselves as leaders, innovators, or luxury providers, and thus commanding higher prices.
8. Your Brand, Your Story 
Brands with a compelling backstory or ethos tend to stick around in people's minds. A memorable narrative, whether it's one of humble beginnings, innovation, or sheer passion, resonates with audiences. It gives them something more to connect with, beyond the product or service.
And here's where a brand transformation studio plays storyteller. By weaving the brand's essence, its highs, lows, and aspirations into a captivating tale, they give audiences a story to root for, transforming passive customers into engaged fans.
9. Becoming the Talk of the Town (or the Internet)
There's nothing more powerful than word-of-mouth. And in today's digital age, word-of-mouth isn't just limited to neighbors chatting over fences. A catchy, relatable, and memorable brand can go viral, trending on social platforms, and generating organic buzz.
Behind many trending brands is a crafty brand transformation studio. They’re the puppeteers, creating brands so share-worthy that people can't help but talk, tweet, share, and shout from the digital rooftops about them!
10. A Solid Foundation for Future Ventures
A robust brand is more than just the present; it's a launchpad for the future. Whether it's branching into new product lines, entering new markets, or even undergoing mergers and acquisitions, having a strong brand foundation can smoothen these transitions.
Branding isn't a one-off exercise but a continuous evolution. With the support of a knowledgeable brand transformation studio, businesses can ensure their brand remains agile, resilient, and ready for future opportunities and challenges.
Journeying through the landscape of branding, one quickly grasps its transformative power. It's not just a pretty logo or a catchy slogan; it's the very soul of your business. In the bustling marketplace dance, your brand is the rhythm that makes your business move and groove.
So, whether you're just starting out or seeking to revamp, remember: a pinch of branding magic, especially with the expertise of a brand transformation studio, can be the sparkle your business story needs.
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violetsystems · 2 years
As promised, I'm a little more rested. The holidays for me were mostly quiet. I saw both my mom and my dad. I spent this week returning and exchanging a gift for my dad's wife. I was adventurous enough this year to buy her a jacket which ran small. Asics doesn't have exchanges so it was a multiple package affair at fed ex. Which in turn, fed ex doesn't really have sympathy other than mailing back a package that wasn't properly prepared for drop off. I got it there by Thursday overnight and my dad sent me back a photo of her enjoying the new size athletic puffer. And that was that as they say. There were other things that weren't so rosy. My heat went off on New Year's Eve or something. The landlord fixed it. But there's always this ambiguity and bad feeling hanging over my life for it not to be intentional or have some hidden reason. I got the new year's bug to be a little more productive by posting my discography on YouTube. I had always wanted to do it. Must not have had everything out of the way to think about it. My real point was to try to generate income or at least try to prove somebody other than the bogeyman is standing in the way of it. It just seems to bring up new people to question your existence on the internet. And I've blocked some people for being nosy. People trying to talk to me through the dash that I don't trust. You get a feeling sometimes and I act on that when I don't feel comfortable. That''s part of putting yourself out there I guess. I logged in to reactivate my Facebook only to find a suspicious message from someone I literally haven't talked to for years. Offering a cybersecurity job and sounding more like entrapment or fraud. The context of why I would get angry enough to contact a lawyer? I've been applying for jobs this entire time. I've only had one real solid lead with a hair company in China. Which is to say if you can do that? You probably shouldn't rely on a lead from your first girlfriend who had a lot of problems and was a trilogy of relationships that held me back in life. Definitely don't want to be held back now. There's a lot of things I don't want to go on record about her and her husband on a blog. But if you trust me? You'd know that the situation was done in shame and intimidation and not out of care. I haven't talked to anybody since maybe thanksgiving other than Tumblr or my family. My friends who claimed they knew me vanished. Nobody reached out. When I posted on Facebook it's like this silent wall. Which is why you'd have to trust me after all this writing that it was more than suspicious. It was abusive. And even more so if you know what these people are part of historically.
I think I'm starting to learn I'm not at all sensitive as a result to intimidation. But it has gotten out of control enough to cry uncle. And largely, the response back seems to be this silent nudge of being a big enough boy to handle my own problems. The job market is a little scary to me. It's like people know I'm on a knife edge and am creative with my finances. But this is at the expense of my health without insurance or any real protections as a business or person. I can't hear back from a lawyer let alone a sushi restaurant. And I'm supposed to drink the koolaid and trust that the sun is going to shine. When it comes to intimate relationships yes I fully believe in that. When it comes to feeding my cat the right food to stay healthy I'm all in. But when it comes to people who don't have a really good track record for treating me right? That's a big fucking no. And that's my self respect talking. It doesn't surprise me that I connect with the people I care about in the way I do. It's not easy to read or gauge and that's the point. Love can't be demanding all the time unless it's warranted. And even when it is and I give it freely? There's no fear of missing out. There's no anger at being used. There's no feeling of misunderstanding. Just a patience and a knowing that somewhere somebody is thinking about me sweetly. I like that. The rest of this shit is just pots an pans clanging in the background for me. And I live in a city with thin walls. I got detained in Gold Coast Australia in 2015 on a tour I set up myself without a lawyer. I'm still here. That doesn't make the things that happened to me right. It doesn't even make it wrong for writing about them. Because these failures in protecting me fell on myself. And I'm sure it's easy enough to prove I can do the same for people I love. I do that by being there when you need me. And what's the secret cap? It's that I need you all the time. For inspiration a lot of the time. It does suck to be alone and live in whatever it is I'm going through. But when I shut the door and clear the air, my feelings haven't really changed from the core of what I dream and write about. It's just way too complicated to explain beyond what I catch up on in a journal. I have never been so sure of myself in awhile. But the frustration that every intelligent thing you try to do to fix a situation fails because it isn't part of some broader unknown agenda is crazy. And yet that is the world right now. A large portion of it has been locked away from a pandemic without the ability to see the real picture. And I'm sure it will come into focus eventually.
Preferably before I run out of money. That's honestly the weirdest lesson in all of this. What it takes to really live on a daily basis. How people with cars, gas, student loans, or whatever other extra bills afford staying alive is crazy to me. Let alone those people who don't live two blocks from a Costco. People out here always make me feel like I'm the bad guy or the bum while they give handouts to the real ones shooting heroin in our alley. There's a lot of that contradiction going on. Some of them you don't want to get involved in the argument because it's rigged. Like the migrant bussing crisis. It's like one big crisis act between politicians to game the government out of funding while galvanizing public opinion. I agree that a lot of social safety nets for me fell through. So many at this point. I just looked at a grant I don't qualify for because I'm not in a lease. The silver lining is that I have a landlord I've learned to be a better tenant with. And I get the innocuous thumbs up as a result. I also get a lot of disgruntled neighbors wanting to stalk me in the streets to organize about something other than my immediate problems. I handle it all the same. Like when I take a long walk and think about you. And I really deep down understand it will be ok. But it scares me to think that people aren't really there emotionally these days. There's no attention to detail. And it gets fuzzier when you are dealing with people who aren't in control of their lives as much as you strive to be. I still don't drink. It's not good for me staying alive and healthy. It's also not cheap. I wouldn't be living within my means with it. And there's a lot of things I can't really do without my income being steady. Let's just forget what I'm worth. I'm in this weird spot in life where I'm too talented not to fluster someone positively or negatively. So people would rather play jealous and wreck my chances at anything rather than say I made it on my own. Which is why I stay home on a Friday night and read in a comfy chair and take care of my cat. And even though there's no texts or emails, when I respond in kind on here, you know I care. I may not know much more than that. But you know I love you just the same. <3 Tim
0 notes
still always get so irrationally angry when a website changes their layout to be more “mobile friendly” in a way that literally makes everything more convoluted, obnoxious to navigate (overly simplified, everything turns into small bubble icons or is hidden away in tiny menus that only make sense for phone use, options that used to be there are now gone so they don’t take up space, etc. etc.).. like.. didn’t it used to be a thing to have BOTH a desktop and a mobile version of a site???  WHY must you merge everything???? if I wanted to view this website on a phone I WOULD BE VIEWING IT ON A PHONE, wouldn’t I??? perhaps there are.... REASONS people prefer desktop browsing.. (text processing, etc.).. pERHAPS this makes everything WORSE actually ..
#like i don't know anything about webstie development but for massive corporations SURELY you can afford to maintain both a desktop and mobil#e version of a website#i hate phones i hate everything mobing towards phones i hATE how websites get ruined and so much more difficult#for me to use and get features taken away tht are actually USEFUL or etc.#this is just a larger part of the oversimplification and homogenization of all online spaces but hujnjejkjkgjrjkbjhtbjhthbjthjbkhthbtjhthhth#maim and kill and fury#which is ALSO such a huge pet peeve of mine and doesn't even make any sense!!!!#like even from a money making capitalist perspective like.... don't you think maybe some people navigated towards your#product because of whatever unique thing you were doing in the first place?? taking away all your features#and making your wbesite look exactly like every other website and copying every thing every other remotely successful website#is doing is like.... how is that going to help you ???#who is even the target audience you think WANTS these changes??#like market wise - if I have 5 utterly identical shirts to choose from then why would I care which one I get? they're all the same and if#you don't stand out there's no reason for me to buy your product over someone elses. wouldn't you.. WANT.. a unique selling point??#which I'm  not even TALKING about that right now ggbhtg I'm just trying to put in a new grocery order#i just want.. to order some bread... go to a store and pick it up.. please#why is my cart now hidden in a tiny icon menu at the top and then i click that and then have to click ANOTHER drop down menu just to#see the full contents because god forbid you have information ACTUALLY laid out neatly in front of the user instead#of stashed away .. which again - MAKES SENSE if you're on a phone with limited screen space but IM NOT#IM USING DESKTOP BECAUSE I WANT TO SEE THE DETAILS AND THE INFORMATION#I WANT THE ACCESS TO THE FULL DETAILS AND THE INFORMATION I WANT THE MORE ''COMPLICATED'' LAYOUT#WHAT DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND .. do you think people just use desktop computers because they don't#have a cell phone or something and are just so sad and desperate to get the mobile phone experience#'oh thank GOD everything on my desktop computer is now tiny and looks like shit and has the worst most unsuitable for this format#tyep layout imaginable! yes! it's not like this was the reason I avoid using phones for this stuff in the first place - i am so glad#to finally have it seem like I'm using a phone but on my actual computer! <3'#go to complete hell
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daisie do u feel like this whole holivia mess is jeopardizing your feelings towards harry? Cause i feel like it is for me a little bit :/
Hi dear,
In a sense yes. But not in a 'I don't like or support him anymore' way. I understand his position in the industry as a closeted queer person inherently limits his choices and options.
But besides that, I am very angry that his team is more than happy to use us when it's convenient for promo, to sell stadiums and overcharge tickets. To sell shitty merch to. But then in the same breath use as scapegoats and throw us under the bus as hysterical Harry Styles fangirls who are jealous of his girlfriend. And then to have Harry in print on Rolling Stone allude to the same. THAT was a massive slap in the face. Especially because he had, up until that point, fervently DEFENDED not only his fans, but fans who are women. Fangirls who are brushed off as the butt of the joke and ridiculed at every turn. He had defended us. But then comes Olivia Wilde with her made up sob story of 'poor me, his unkind jealous fans bullied me online for no reason wah wah', and he allegedly commented in support of it, going against fans? Brushing off actual criticism as 'ridiculous jealous fangirls'.
Angel Sue, H, Harold, Harry....It's a complicated relationship. I absolutely hate that Harry is pissing me off. But he is. I still love him. I'm not gonna stop loving him. I still love his music and Fine Line is forever my lifetime favorite album. BUT I am allowed to love him and be super fucking pissed with him and call him out on his bullshit. If you truly love someone this is what you do. You're not a yes person. You actually give your input and true feelings.
And I will say that his approach and his team's approach of staying quiet thru this and "standing by" Olivia is really putting a terrible taste in my mouth. Their standard approach is always to not comment or say anything, then drop some cute pics/videos of H being his adorable self and expect fans to bend over, take it and forget why they were angry. But this isn't going away.
I mean they literally called us hysterical and in the same breath said that it doesn't matter what they do to our faces, we'll still buy movie tickets and line around the block, and drop our whole month salaries on LOT. That is incredibly insulting.
The nerve to shit on us but in the same breath tell us to buy movie tickets and drop thousands for love on tour tickets. THEY'RE BLATANTLY BOASTING ABOUT USING US TO OUR FACES!!! IT'S SO INSULTING.
So naturally, yeah I'm annoyed at him right now. But I am also aware that feelings are transient and I won't feel like this forever.
I just wish him and his team were a bit less afraid to stand their ground publicly on some instances.
In this case, Olivia and DWD have absolutely harmed his image. He's now a bit of an asshole. Even for people who don't care or just vaguely read a headline or watch some gossip on the news. He went from showbiz's sweetheart to another Hollywood dickhead celeb who's always in some drama.
And FOR WHAT???? An ill advised PR stunt. A movie that has given him no leverage in Hollywood so far. And a leech of a beard who found her golden goose ticket to stardom she had only ever dreamed of. And she's full of it thinking she's the shit now. A narcissist thru and thru. Bringing everyone and herself down in her selfish quest for fame and money via a movie that should have died in pre-production. And would have, if not for Harry Styles and his legion of 'pathetic, jealous fangirls' who still buy any ticket he's selling.
Truly, this is this woman's level of narcissism:
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Alright this is PURE rant. Can you tell I'm pissed? lol
Oh and btw, don't give this woman money. Don't pay to go see her movie, don't stream it on HBO. You can watch it for free on *other sites*, I'll share all the links. We're a huge fandom, we can do anything. If you *must* see it in theaters then buy a ticket to something else and sneak into dwd. Don't support her or validate her pitch for the stunt saving this movie via PR. Bc that's what it'd be doing too in addition to giving her millions $$ now and in future projects.
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shifterwithnofilter · 3 years
Spamton & Freedom
Full warning this is a long ramble about a headcanon I have of Spamton and his want for freedom, and how it may have been the reason he felt distant to the other Addisons/why he sucks at selling things.
Okay so, as much as I joke about how I don't know why I love this trash man, I really do have a few reasons. One of the biggest is this line:
At first I just found it funny, ironic. But then the next line made me think harder about the implications.
One interpretation I've seen of Spamton's obsession with freedom is that it came after his presumed deal with Mike, after he became a puppet and got strings. And I think it's true that it only got to that point because of that. But in my head I wondered if freedom was always important to him, even way back at the start.
In the lines I quoted, he talks about how he didn't want to be a Big Shot because of the money, but because of the freedom it could provide. What if control was always important to him? What if that's the reason he had difficulty advertising?
See when you're an Ad, you're basically a canvas. Of course the amount of autonomy varies, sometimes you have more control, sometimes you have less. But ultimately you are being shaped into something that is meant to be on theme to the product, brand, and target audience. You are made to sell whatever it is someone wants selling.
Maybe to the other Addisons, this is comforting. Being a canvas means they don't have to think about everything. It means less of a burden, it means less work, to them. It's natural, it's easy to follow.
But to Spamton? It's just, uncomfortable. He's okay with advertising something he actually likes and believes in, hell he's even good at it! (You saw the Specil Pack, you saw how quick it ran out. This man has some charm, even if it isn't the typical kind.) However, when it comes to products that he wouldn't actually buy himself, he just, can't.
It feels wrong. Like someone's speaking through him, like someone's molding him, controlling him. It doesn't feel like him and he hates that. So he rejects sponsors left and right, jobs, etc. There aren't enough "good" products to keep him afloat, though. So he fails. Over and over, until he is found.
Until Mike promises him that if he just, follows it for now, if he just tolerates it for now, he'll get to choose what he wants to do. He'll have control.
At first he doesn't want to, because why would a man of freedom willingly sign himself off to be a glorified puppet?
But then the Addisons hear about him rejecting yet another deal, and they get mad. Accuse him of thinking he's above them, accuse him of being a freeloader, accuse him of not trying, and so on and so fourth.
So he caves. Because family is more important than anything. Even his freedom.
To be fair to Mike, he does get to choose some things when he becomes big. He can afford rejecting now, sometimes, more than he could before at least. Ultimately, though? He's got less control than ever. Not just because he has to follow the man behind the phone, but because of his fame.
Now, besides just being an Ad, he has to worry about being a public figure. Everything is suddenly everyone's business. His personal life outside of work is no longer his alone, it belongs to everyone. He belongs to everyone but himself.
That's what makes him desperate enough for Neo. That's what makes him pray for Heaven, for a true escape. That's why he stops following, why he's abandoned. Why he can't come back on his own. At the very least, it's one of the big reasons.
And it's, kinda why he interests me so much. I love the duality of him. Maybe it's a misinterpreted duality? Maybe I don't understand what he was meant to stand for and I'm running with headcanons that are so far from reality.
But I just, adore the idea of a character caught between trying to belong and trying to be himself. I am fascinated by the idea of misunderstanding intentions due to clashing dreams and inherent difference in boundaries. I am so interested in seeing the tragedy and sometimes relief of someone realizing what they've been trying to grasp at for so long isn't what they wanted, not really.
It's also a big reason why I ship Swatchton, but that's a whole different ramble entirely kdajhsgdjgh
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lokifantasies · 3 years
Back to School Shopping (Loki/Jade/Reader)
You and Loki take Jade shopping, and Loki helps his daughter move on from a recent heartbreak.
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Read the Mischievous Life series here!
Going back to school shopping with a fifteen-year-old and two eight-year-olds is chaotic – to say the least. It took a few years, but you and Loki finally figured out that taking Jade by herself and the twins by themselves is the most effective and least hectic way to get the shopping done – especially when it comes to clothes. Ivy and Emmy have finished their supply and clothes shopping, and Thor is more than happy to babysit the twins and their brother while you and Loki take Jade to shop. Unlike her sisters, Jade loves everything about school supply shopping – the feeling of getting new notebooks, pens, pencils, binders, and whatever else she may need makes her feel good and organized – especially now that her life is feeling more disorganized and messy than before.
"Psst," Loki hisses behind his daughter, causing her to jump. "You gonna talk to your family today?"
Jade puts her phone in her back pocket and grabs your and Loki's hand. "Sorry," she apologizes softly. "People are still asking questions about Claudia and me breaking up."
You kiss the back of her hand. "I'm sorry, sweetheart."
"It's fine," she shrugs. "I mean, I'm the one who ended it. I wasn't happy anymore anyway, so it's not really that big of a difference."
Loki gives her a warm smile. "You'll find happiness with someone else."
"I know," she smirks. "It just gets annoying with everyone -," Jade is interrupted by her phone vibrating over and over, and she furiously takes it out of her pocket, "KEEPS ASKING ME QUESTIONS!"
Loki instantly grabs her phone and pulls her into a hug. "It's alright, my love," he comforts her as she finally lets some tears fall. "Do you want me to conceal it?"
Jade nods and pulls away from her father – grateful that he had pulled her into a corner where no one could see them. Loki conceals her phone and places a kiss on her forehead – leading her into the mall after she gives him a smile. The three of you feel the time fly by as Jade shops and gets Loki to buy her whatever her teenage heart wants from American Eagle, Forever 21, and Spencer's. However, when she pulls the two of you into Spencer's, Loki drags you to the back to have fun with the more adult products.
"How 'bout this?" Loki hints suggestively as he holds up a very intricate-looking vibrator.
You sigh and place your hands on your hips – waiting for him to get the childish behavior out of his system. "Why would I need that when I have you?"
Loki captures your lips with his. "M'cause...we can add some more fun into the bedroom."
"You mean you can tease me more than you already do," you smugly argue as you set the vibrator back down on the shelf.
"That too," the God of Mischief grins and pulls your lips back to his.
"Hey!" Jade hisses – running back to find the two of you – not even shocked by where the two of you are. "We gotta go...I've...found something in another store."
You turn around, and Loki wraps his arms around your waist – resting his chin on your shoulder. "You don't want anything from here?" you ask.
"We can come back," Jade desperately answers. "We have to go somewhere else first."
You and Loki sigh – following the fifteen-year-old out of the shop and having trouble keeping up with her. Finally, she turns and walks into her most recent favorite store – Hot Topic. Loki immediately deduces the reason behind Jade's strange behavior, and you keep your distance while he approaches her.
"You're not very stealthy," Loki whispers – causing Jade to jump as she mindlessly flips through a rack of t-shirts.
"Go away, dad!" she hisses at him – trying to keep her eyes focused on the thing she found earlier.
"Jade," Loki warns as his eyes fall on the thing as well. "Think before you do anything."
It's a boy. A teenager about the age of sixteen or seventeen. He has long, shoulder-length black hair, stands at about six feet, has olive skin, green eyes, and a perfectly white smile. His jaw is chiseled, and his style is a mix of punk and skater.
"I wanna talk to him," Jade tells her father – looking towards him with pleading eyes. "What do I do?"
Remembering the words he spoke to her months earlier, Loki starts to study the teenage boy to see if he can figure out what he's most interested in – what he's shopping around for. It doesn't take long for Loki to see it. Loki points out what the teenager is looking at, and an idea quickly comes to the fifteen-year-old. Loki nods and starts to approach him from the side with a mischievous smirk, waiting for the perfect moment to intervene.
"Iron man, huh?" Jade startles the teen as she leans up against the wall that contains all of the Avengers merch. "He your favorite?"
The teenager is clearly shocked and stares at Jade for a few seconds before speaking. "I – uh – yeah, I mean...he's cool," he chuckles. "Do...do you have one?"
Jade grins, and her dad takes it as his cue. "Yeah," she says as Loki approaches. "My dad."
"Iron man, huh?" Loki's voice catches the teenager's attention.
"Holy...oh my God," he stutters.
Jade chuckles. "Yes, he is a God. It's pretty cool."
"Loki," he introduces himself to the teenage boy. "And you are?"
The teenager – who is clearly in shock – shakes Loki's hand rapidly. "Uh...I'm well, I'm Evan...Evan Nichols."
Loki releases Evan's hand and smiles at his daughter. "Your mother and I will be shopping around the front, alright, Jade?"
"Yes, sir," Jade grins and nods for Loki to walk away.
Evan turns to face Jade. "Jade, huh?" he asks – beginning to feel a bit more confident. "That's a beautiful name."
"Thank you," Jade replies – her nerves and reddened cheeks now starting to show, "Well...it was nice meeting you, Evan."
Jade goes to turn and walk away, but Evan gently stops her by touching her elbow. "Wait, hang on a second...please?"
"What's up?" Jade flirts – her blue eyes scanning his green ones. Suddenly, Evan is nervous again.
"Would you...I mean, possibly, if your dad is cool with it, I don't know...go out sometime?" Evan hesitantly asks.
Jade shoots her dad a smile – telling him that their plan worked, and he responds with a nod and proud smile. "I'd love to," she agrees. She takes a pen out of her backpack and holds Evan's palm open – writing her name and number with a pink gel pen.
Evan reads the information, and he instantly goes to put her number in his phone. "Okay," he breathes out. "I'll – I'll uh, text you."
Jade gives Evan a warm smile and walks past him to go back to you and Loki – making sure to softly squeeze his shoulder as she passes him.
Taglist (let me know if you want to be added!)
@radicallyred @holdmytesseract @vicmc624 @mm2305 @nms224 @clockblobber @missdforever @winchestersgirl222 @sallymagnoliaposts
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kazunarisworld · 3 years
Mafia's Husband
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Description: Younghoon is scary and feared by everyone, after all he is a mafia ruling the underworld. Then enters Choi Chanhee.
Pairing: Younghoon x Chanhee
A man sits on the chair. His face pretty beat up. Some wounds were deep enough to start bleeding. Younghoon stands in front of him leaning his back against the large table in his office. "So you thought it was a good choice to steal from me hmm? What did you think? It will make you rich? Did you think the money will help you get away from me." He asked. His expression cold and his tone mocking.
The man was shaking inside his shoes. The moment he was caught by Kim Younghoon he already knew his chances of survival was 0.1% which was not a lot.
"I-I am sorry! I just really needed the mo-money." He says. Younghoon scoffs as he leans his head towards the other male. "For what? Why did you needed the money? To waste it on clubs? To waste it on the whores you like to olay around with?" Younghoon sneers. The man stutters trying to give a decent reason but fails.
Younghoon tsked as he approaches the man and pulls his head up with a tight grip on his hairs. "You just don't steal from me and expect to live on." He says, his eyes cold and dead. The man gulps as he shivers. Younghoon backs away as he grabs his gun that was on the table. He aims it at the man, preparing to shoot him.
The next thing he knows the door is opened and something comes flying towards him, knocking the gun out of his hand. Younghoon looks up in shocked and sees his husband glaring at him with a scowl on his face, a hand over his 7 month old baby bump. His husband had thrown a slipper at him. Younghoon's whole demeanor changes seeing his husband. His heavily pregnant husband.
"Chanhee baby~ what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be sleeping?" He asks softly as he approaches his husband. Chanhee audibly scoffs. "I was promised a fucking night full of cuddles and kisses. And what did I get? A fucking empty bed side." He curses.
Younghoon gulps internally. Fuck he forgot to check the time. He might be a fearsome mafia but goddamnit his pregnant husband scared him to hell. "Baby I am so sorry! I forgot to check the time because this bastard stole from me and-" Younghoon tries to explain himself but gets cut off by Chanhee.
"IS THAT BASTARD MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOUR PREGNANT HUSBAND WHO IS DEALING WITH A FUCKING SWOLLEN FEET AND ACHING BACK! ALL I ASK FOR IS CUDDLES BUT YOU ARE BUSY WITH SOME DUDE WHO ISN'T EVEN ME." Chanhee screams at him. Younghoon pouts looking down at the ground. His husband was dramatic but he got even more dramatic after getting pregnant.
Chanhee huffs as he signs something with a hand. The bodyguard who followed him hands him a bottle of water from where he takes some sips and then gives it back. Younghoon looks up at him with puppy eyes. "I am sorry jagi. I will make it up to you I promise! I will buy you all the peanut butter you want. And all the Chanel products. I will give you cuddles and lots of kisses. How about that?" He asked with a hopeful expression.
Chanhee's glare at him softens a little at that. Just a little. "You better give me a foot massage. Get me cupcakes. And give me cuddles. And DON'T you kill a bitch here. I am tired of changing the darn carpet because you think it is cool to kill someone in your darn office when you are darn dungeon." Chanhee said looking at Younghoon pointedly who nods handing Chanhee back his slipper like a lost puppy. "You better come to bed in 5 darn minutes or else you are sleeping on the couch for the month." Chanhee states making Younghoon gasp.
Chanhee looks at the beaten up male sitting on the chair. He puts his slipper back on and waddles out of the room supporting the baby bump with his hands. Younghoon sighs as he looks back at the man with a frown.
"I can deal with you later." He says. He calls two of his men who drags the man away, out of the office. Younghoon also walks out from there and heads upstairs to where his and chanhee's bedroom was.
"Baby~" He calls. Chanhee who was laying on the bed looks at him but doesn't answer. Younghoon shakes his head with a smile. He changes his clothes into something more soft and comfortable because his husband liked it that way and then gets on the bed. "Baby why don't you answer me?" He asked.
Chanhee pouts. "I am still very mad at you." He says. Younghoon coos at that. "Then what should I do to make my baby not angry at me?" He asked. Chanhee looked at him, interested. "Will you give me anything I ask for?" He questioned to which Younghoon nods. "I want us to move out. I don't want to live here. You can use this as your office or whatever. I want a penthouse. I saw some over penthouses over pinterest and I realllllllyyyyyyy want one. I want our baby to grow up there with us." He says a puppy look in his eyes. A darn look to which Younghoon can never say no to.
"Okay deal. I will get you a penthouse." He says. Chanhee smiles at that. "But i also have a condition." He adds then. "When we get our penthouse and start living there I want you to not bring any of your victims there. Especially when our baby comes along." He says. Younghoon nods to that.
"Now are you still angry?" He asked. Chanhee shakes his head no at that wrapping his arms around younghoon and cuddling into him, as much as the baby bump allowed him.
The next day as Younghoon had said he bought a penthouse and Chanhee was absolutely in love with it. It has a nice view of the city too. Chanhee was all giggly and smiley towards and god Younghoon was sure he would be getting the darn moon if Chanhee asked him too, if he gets to see his husband this happy.
Younghoon's men shifts everything they needed into the penthouse. One of the new recruits huffs as he puts down a box. "Why did they suddenly felt the need to move?" He asks. Another man who was slightly older laughs. "Because young master's husband wanted to." He answers. "But they had a great house already." The mam complains in a hushed voice.
The older man pats his shoulder. "Get used to it. Young master can be cold blooded, a mafia boss and all that but he would do anything for his husband. And will give anything his husband asked for." He says. He leans closer to the new recruit and whispers, "If master Choi asked him to give him your head he probably will do just that. So be careful." He says making the younger gulp. The older man laughs as the younger scurries off to get the remaining box in a hurry.
He wasn't exactly kidding though. He knew how much his younger master loved his husband. Choi Chanhee. The only weakness Kim Younghoon had. But he was also his strength. The mafia's husband.
Author's Note: I honestly don't know what made me write this but I wanted to write lmao anywayyyyy I hope you guys enjoyed it~ if you do please don't forget to like or reblog hehe ❤️❤️ I got so distracted while writing this lol. Anyway stay tuned for more theboyz oneshots 😘 I will post junew one soon~ Pure fluff
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fieldbears · 3 years
It seems like you know a lot about skin care. I'm 28 now and honestly dont really bother with it (except to take off make up and using sunscreen). I'm 28 now and feel like my skin's fine but wonder if there's stuff it actually needs. With skincare being such a huge industry it's hard to understand what ingredients skin actually needs bc I feel companies (& influencers) try to sell you a lot of shit you don't need and maybe even makes your skin worse. Any tips where to start? Thank u
Hey friend! I love helping newbies. I absolutely do have tips. And a two-product two-step regimen. You can get it for under $40 and it should last you 6 months or more.
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First off, there is ABSOLUTELY a ton of shit you don’t need. That is a good instinct. You can always pay more for a product and you can always add more steps to your routine, but that doesn’t mean that you’re actually getting more out of it. The first thing you should ask yourself is, what do you want out of your skincare?
SUNSCREEN: For someone who isn’t sure what they want or what they should do, my first question is how much time you spend in the sun. The one thing you can do to really permanently damage your skin is to spend a lot of time in the sun without any sunscreen. Basically: blah blah rays of sun blah blah destroys the collagen, aka squishy bouncy bonds between cells, blah blah, destroyed collagen means the skin sags more, meaning wrinkles.
(It is also, I hope I don’t need to say, dangerous for Cancer Reasons to get a ton of non-screened sun exposure. But I’m assuming that’s a given here.)
Like I said in the last post, southeast Asian sunscreen options are a huge improvement on what you find on the shelves here in the States because they have more stringent laws on what chemicals are okay to put in a product. But if you stick with what you can grab at CVS, that’s fine too - just make sure you google the brand and type and make sure the SPF is for real. (Some products marketed at, say, SPF 45 are actually proven to only be SPF 15. It’s like the olive oil bullshit all over again!)
There are also a lot of moisturizers available with SPF protection in them.
CLEANSE AND MOISTURIZE: There are seven-step processes out there, but what you really need to start with, and will get a ton out of if you aren’t doing anything right now, is cleansing and moisturizing.
The science explanation for doing this: blah blah your skin generates oils from your pores in order to create a protective barrier between your flesh and the elements, but said oils can get gunky once they’ve accumulated all the particulates from the air, and there can even be backups and miscommunications and over-oilage if you have dead skin cells sitting on top of your new skin, or stuff gets all the way into your pores, blocking the system, causing breakouts. So skincare is about removing everything on top of your skin, maybe adding fancy stuff in the middle, but absolutely creating a new barrier for your skin at the end, to replace the one you took off. I liken it to varnish on a painting - it’s meant to sit on top, collect all the dust, and get removed and replaced over time. But don’t just wash your face every 20-80 years. The metaphor only goes so far. Anyway.
Here is how to get into my absolutely bare minimum regimen:
PICK A CLEANSER: If you wear/remove makeup a lot, and/or have a very oily complexion, pick an oil-based cleanser. Oil-based means it’s good at removing makeuppy things  and your natural oil. Otherwise, pick a water-based cleanser. CeraVe cleansers are available at Walgreens and they are affordable. It is available, affordable, clinically gentle on various skin types, and by god, it does indeed wash all the shit off your face.I have tried a lot of expensive water-based cleansers and I still come back to this one. That $16 pump bottle will last you a long time, too.
PICK A MOISTURIZER:  I’m back on my CeraVe shit here because if you’re overwhelmed and don’t know what to pick, I’m gonna push you to the easy-to-pay-for, easy-to-find product that won’t make you break out. And it’s got SPF! If you want to get fancier, check out some options here. I currently use Laneige moisturizers, which are at Sephora and... other places. Idk. (And to repeat my last post: if you can’t stand having things sitting on your skin, even a moisturizer that will absorb over a minute or so, Laneige Cream Skin Toner & Moisturizer essentially feels like water.)
SHOWER STEP: You have both your products. Now. Put your cleanser in your shower. When you shower, use it to wash your face. In the shower, you can splash and splash to your heart’s content. Get your neck, your cleavage, any extra places you feel have an oiliness problem. But remember them for later, because you want to moisturize all spots you cleansed. (Also, if you’ve been using soap or anything else to wash your face up until now... stop that. Cleanser is much better.)
AFTER SHOWER STEP: Dry off and pat on that moisturizer. Make sure you apply it with clean hands. Rub it in gently and make sure all cleansed areas are now moisturized.
That’s it.
No, really, that’s my advice for beginners. Two products, one done in the shower. You have to do them in order. That’s it.
If you have the spoons to do this routine twice a day, around when you get up and right before bed, you’ll get even better results. But if you’re just starting out and get anxious about new routines, don’t sweat it. Your face’s cells turn over every 30 days or so, so if you keep this up every day for about two weeks, you’ll start seeing improvements by then.
Bonus newb tips:
About once a week, use a COMPLETELY CLEAN terrycloth washcloth to apply your cleanser. Get your (gentle) scrub on. Mechanical exfoliation basically means you’re using a brush, a cloth, something physical to remove everything from your face, including things like dead skin, which gentle cleansing may not have gotten. Doing it too often isn’t helpful, as you can only build up so much stuff to remove over time, and scrubbing too hard or too frequently can lead to frightening your skin, causing redness. So once a week is likely plenty. If you like the battery-operated brushes, go for it, but they cost way more than the clean washcloth.
You will see options for chemical exfoliation too. If you identify as a newb, I don’t recommend this. Chemical exfoliations aren’t bad per se, but are one of the few skincare things that can be done wrong, and in a way that can really upset your skin. Washcloth!
Are you replacing your pillowcases on a regular basis? I try to do once a week but I probably end up with closer to two weeks. Nobody’s perfect. But remembering to do this is a very easy way to help your skin out.
If you get your cleanse-and-moisturize routine down pat, 2x a day, and you want the next step, look into toners. They help your skin absorb the moisturizer more efficiently... science reasons. The toner goes on before the moisturizer, but again, your skin should be dry before you start.
There are ampoules, essences, treatments, and other fancy names for... very specific shit. Basically, if you have a specific problem, especially in a specific area of your face, chances are there is a specific tiny expensive bottle you can integrate into the middle of your routine to help with that. But there is a lot of snake oil out there and I don’t want anybody buying these solutions if they aren’t already managing the daily wash-and-protect, because you’d be surprised how many things that can fix.
If you have problems with breakouts or other bad reactions to some skin products, do your best to only introduce one new product at a time. That way if you start having a reaction, you don’t have to guess what caused it.
No matter what is or isn’t going on with your skin, your worth is not affected one iota. Whether I have three pimples and incredible redness around my cheekbone and nose area, making me look like a character mug of a drunken sailor, or whether or my skin is the cool, poreless ivory of Grecian marble, I am still the exact same perfect bitch. And so are you.
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a-mended-pact · 3 years
Period Pains & Cuddles
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Hey! So this is a one shot for @fortheloveofcriminalminds and I 's series Sticks and Stones! That being said this is one that can stand alone if you chose to read it. I for some reason keep dreaming of more things for our story that just aren't needed for the main story line. Enjoy!
⚠️ warning: mentions of Menstruation, Past abuse and malnutrition. ⚠️ (if there are more inform me please)
✒Word Count: 2,398
🛑 If you do not want any spoilers at all for Sticks & Stones do not read.
I Have been living next door to Spencer for a little over a month now. My apartment had slowly become more and more homey as the days went on. He was constantly dropping things off at my door or I'd buy little things from the shop I'm working at and bring them home.  
My apartment finally looked like I had a personality and I wasn't this bland shell of a marionette doll being pushed and pulled the way someone wanted me to be. It was refreshing but more nerve-wracking than a breath of fresh air for me.
It was nearing day break  and I knew I needed to get up and start cleaning my place. I had a routine that I did everyday. I'd wake up early and clean the whole place. Spotless to the point you could eat off the floor if you wanted to. I'd even scrub all the nooks and crannies with a toothbrush.  This was an everyday thing. Changing my schedule wasn't an option. Once the apartment was clean I had to get ready myself and by the time 9 came around I was ready to start my day fully. 
Having been given the time to adjust to eating again whenever I wanted was interesting.  I had no idea what I liked anymore but because of the month of freedom I had started to gain a little weight. God I hoped Spencer didn't notice. I hope he didn't get upset with me the way I knew Brett would. 
Spencer had told me once that I was looking healthier and that he was happy for me. He also spewed facts about how now because I am getting the nutrients that my body needs I could start experiencing things my body wasn't used to anymore. 
I didn't really understand what he meant then but I think I'm starting to.
I forced myself to get up only to notice a stain on my sheets caused by me. Seriously? I forgot that periods were a thing. I pulled my hand up counting on my fingers. Each year is remembered by an unpleasant memory. I stopped having it right after a very brutal night with Brett. I bled for nearly a month after that night. Glancing at my hands I only held up 6 fingers.  
I hadn't had my period in 6 years. If anything joyous came from being with Brett it was the fact I didn't have to deal with this. 
I groaned in annoyance and in panic. I needed to clean this up. I had to because this couldn't be left on my sheets for too long or else it would stain permanently.  Even when I had my periods with Brett he was never supposed to see any signs of a period, none.  I used to use pads and tampons but I quickly had to learn how to use a cup. 
It caused less mess. No waste to be seen in the bin and nothing put under the cabinets that Brett could see. 
I quickly threw my sheets and comforter into the hamper while I rushed to throw away my now wasted pajama bottoms, sealing off the bag I put them in and putting it next to the door. Yes I was in fact running around my home in the nude. Just for a couple of moments though. 
I stumbled into the shower knocking over my body wash and shampoo. The moment the warm water hit my face I felt my body relax. I was in a lot of pain. When I did have my periods regularly they were always heavy and painful. My muscles in my back would always be incredibly tight to the point I couldn't even bend over. 
Now that the adrenaline is gone from the sheer shock of the situation. I'm sure this one would be exactly the same. All I wanted to do is curl up and cry. I couldn't though it was embedded in me that I had to clean the house. 
When I got out of the shower and went to get dressed, that's when I realized the biggest problem I was going to have today. With a loud scream of frustration I slammed my sink cabinet.  I didn't have any female hygiene products for this. I mean it had been 6 years. 
I wracked my brain about what I could possibly do. The thought of ordering things to my door sounded lovely. However, anyone knowing that I am going through this is just embarrassing to me. I made a very quick and brash decision of crumbling up toilet paper to make a temporary pad until I got to the store. 
I dressed in black. I didn't want to risk another disaster.  
By the time I made it home all I wanted to do was go back to bed. I got myself and my new things situated and stored away. I immediately started to clean afterwards doing everything the way I always did.  Like I was supposed to do. I glanced at the clock on the stove only to realize it was noon now. 
A huff escaped me. I was finally done. Now I could start winding down and relaxing. I was getting extremely dizzy while cleaning anyway. I made my way to the couch to curl up.  I never wanted to leave this spot.
It was just curved enough to relax my lower back and to cradle me in all the right places.  I started to drift off, giving myself some time to recuperate from my chaotic morning.
I awoke to a gentle hand on my face caressing me. I flinched at their close proximity which caused me to tense up a small groan left my lips as I curled up more and rolled away from them.
'Dahlia, sweetheart, you didn't hear me banging on your door or calling you? It's 7pm. We had a date. Did you forget?' His voice was laced with concern and I couldn't help but feel awful because I did forget. 
'I hope you don't mind. I let myself in. You know you shouldn't leave your door unlocked,Statistically in the United States alone 22,796 women are likely to be burglarized when they live alone.' 
Spencer helped me roll over when he saw me struggling to do so.  ‘I’m, I’m sorry I’ll go get dressed for our date now.’ I rushed to go get up when a dizzy spell hit me. He stood up quickly and caught me by my waist. ‘Hey, what’s wrong, you seem disoriented?’ I tried to tell him that I was fine but I didn’t feel fine. Perhaps I was just being over dramatic. I logically knew women go through this sort of thing all the time but all I wanted to do was cry.
 I was overflowing with so much emotion. I was aggravated with the fact that this was happening to me again to start with. I was upset with myself for being like this. I was even more distraught by the fact I had forgotten my date with Spencer. How could I just forget? I was looking forward to it since last week when he got called away for work while we were planning the whole thing. 
We had agreed to go out to see one of his forgein movies. He was gonna translate it the whole way through whispering it in my ear. At first I had declined saying it was going to ruin the movie for him. He assured me that it was fine he had already seen it once with his mother when he was younger. He just believed it was a movie I was going to enjoy. 
We had also discussed having dinner after. We never ended up picking a restaurant before he got called away. ‘It’s nothing Spencer, I'm fine, really. I just forgot our date is all. I’m really sorry’ I moved myself out of his hold and made my way to my bedroom to get dressed. 
‘You know we don’t have to even go out tonight. I am more than happy to just stay in and spend time with you!’  I could hear him shout from my living room. I was getting frustrated because all my clothes seemed unbelievably tight on me right now. I could feel the tears brimming at the corners of my eyes. This was ridiculous. Why was I being so emotional? How do I tell Spencer that I didn’t want to do anything at all? I didn’t even want to be out of bed or better yet off the couch. As long as I was laying down and I wasn’t moving it didn’t feel like my hips were being compressed and my back finally wasn’t in pain. 
I barely even wanted to be pleasant towards him and all he has ever been to me was a gentleman. I walked out in the same clothes I went in with this time wrapped in a throw blanket I bought from the shops. He looked at me with concern and smiled softly as he pulled me with him to the couch. He pulled me close and held me, playing with my hair and moving it off my face. I laughed slightly at how gentle he was being with me. 
‘Do you remember when you told me now that I was getting healthier that my body would start doing things it’s supposed to.’ I whispered and leaned my head against the back of the couch. His warmth on my back felt magical. His chest vibrated as he chuckled. ‘Yes, I remember. Pretty girl, is that what's wrong.’ He pulled me closer to him, his hand lightly touching my stomach. I never noticed how tight my tummy muscles were until the natural warmth he carried slipped to me through the palm of his hand. 
I looked down embarrassed. This was always such a sensitive topic when Brett was around. He didn’t want to hear about it nor did he care to. ‘For the first time in 6 years. I - um started my period.’ I said it as quietly as I could in hopes he wouldn’t be put off by this new information. I went to pull away only for him to pull me closer to him. Him basically wrapping himself around me and holding me close as he kissed my temple. 
‘That’s really good news sweetheart. I know it may not seem like a good thing right now but it is. It means that your hormones and everything are finally going back to normal after years of being not right.’ He grabbed both of my hands in his when I tried to curl in on myself again. I could feel his breath on my neck every time he exhaled. It made me want to slip deeper into him. 
‘I think we should order in and watch one of your favorite movies. How's that for tonight?’ I bit my lip still questioning whether or not I wanted him to go home or not. Him seeing me like this was already upsetting enough. It wasn’t like I wasn’t dressed and didn’t have makeup on. Maybe it was just the fact that I didn't feel great that made me think I also didn’t look it. 
I nodded but otherwise didn’t speak. Spencer has known me long enough to know that I'm a little in my head at times like these. So he knows that as long as I agree he can do whatever he likes unless I say otherwise. 
He ordered food and began looking around on my shelves lining the wall to realize I didn’t own any movies.  I watched him and couldn’t help but smile. It was hard to believe he could be a dominant when he was struggling so hard to take charge of the situation right now. He held up his finger and made an ah ha noise when he ran out of my apartment to what i assume was into his. He came back clutching a bundle of movies in his large hands along with some junk food from his place. 
‘I know enough from Stell that you can’t go wrong with junk food when a lady is on her period.’ His voice was laced with confidence yet somehow his stance said shy as if he were overstepping. I couldn’t help but smile at him. He was so sweet I managed to move myself into a more proper position when there was a knock at my door. ‘Ah that must be the food.’ He placed all the things he brought onto the table and quickly grabbed the take out.
At this point my mouth was watering. I didn’t realize how hungry I was until I smelled the food. 
‘Thank you. For just being you Spencer. I didn’t realize I could be cared for the way you’ve cared for me since I’ve gotten the pleasure of knowing you.’ I smiled widely as he sat down beside me. The movie started and the food was passed out between us both. He smiled a smile that stole my heart out of my chest and yet made it beat so rapidly I thought for certain he could hear it. ‘There’s no need to thank me Dahlia. I don’t mind taking care of you. You aren’t a hard person to take care of. I just enjoy spending time with you. Regardless of what we are doing.’ A blush formed on his features. If it wasn’t for the glow of the projector I would have missed it. ‘Thank you, I’m not sure I could be anyone else even if I tried.’ his voice was small and filled with adoration at what I had said.
Some time after we were done eating I gravitated towards him seeking his warmth. He had moved himself, his leg now resting on my couch as he leaned against the arm rest. I was between his legs, my body tangled in his as my head rested on his chest. If every time I got my period meant that I had the pleasure of getting to use Doctor Spencer Reid as a giant teddy bear. I’d be more than happy to have them 
His hand cradled my face as the tips of his fingers played in my hair. His other arm draped over me holding me protectively as I drifted off into my sea of unconsciousness.
‘My precious Dahlia what have you done to me?’ 
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ha-hatdog · 4 years
haru kato hcs
- what is it like to be dating haru kato?
omg excited about this cuz i want me some haru content. pretty boi needs tons of love and affection. we need more haru kato content. i demand it!
requested by @beef-tomatoes : can you do haru kato dating headcanons. here you have the frog man🐸 < |> /\ the frog man says: have a nice day💖😌✌
requests open
first things first - congrats on getting this man to be your boyfriend because boy oh boy you gonna get the best domestic life ever
haru kato is a simple man with a simple life who knows his responsibilities so expect perfect husbando and waifu qualities
cooking for you is his favorite thing to do. he loves being able to alleviate your stress, especially after a particularly troubling day at work/university
he loves it when you cook for him too. it makes him feel special and his heart just soars. this man will not leave the kitchen just so he can watch you working your magic with ingredients and spice while wearing that dumb dreamy face. he holds himself back from sliding behind you and embracing you because you look so good with an apron for the reason he doesn't want to distract you but most of the time he just does it because you're too cute
if you know how to cook, he'll give you tips here and there but will leave you to your cooking majority of the time
if you can't cook, expect a full blown cooking lesson from him because he said he won't be able to cook for you all the time and he'll be damned if you always order take out or buy those just microwave packages in convenient stores
if your cooking turned out good, haru will eat seconds and thirds, complimenting you every now and then after gulping down what he was chewing. will definitely ask you to cook more for him and if you can't, he'll brush it off saying maybe next time but internally he was pouty because he wants more. probably thinking of marrying you already
if your cooking turned out bad, he will tell you it could use a little more work, offer himself to help you, but he'll still eat it because you made it for him aww. still probably thinking of marrying you
dates with haru is sort of rare. crime doesn't sleep and nor does he so most of your dates are at his place - just watching a movie and eating whatever he cooked
he always has to have a hand on you or an arm over your shoulder. gotta make sure you're really there
but if he does have time, he will take you out on a simple date that benefits both of your interests. haru won't say but he'll always lean more in your interests in dates because he feels so bad for depriving you of his quality time. this is how he silently atones, plys he buys you small and thoughtful gifts
remember when i said crime doesn't sleep nor does he? well, haru gets tired often. it was natural because of his field of work. haru will hesitate to go to your place because he needs some loving and some caring but doesn't want to be a bother so he calls you to ask permission before going
will want to sleep with you once he gets there but you force him to eat because he needs to he healthy to continue being a detective. he will grumble while you make him food but his heart is soft that you think about his well being
"my girlfriend is best girl" he whispers in a slur, trying to keep himself from falling asleep in the dining room while eating
will drag you to your bed after eating and will pull you down with him on the bed. haru will have his arms draped around you and snuggle in your chest. he will let out a content sigh if you snuggle back and run your fingers through his hair
haru just want cuddles with his girlfriend after a hard day at work. spoil him please
haru will be happy if he wakes up and you're still in his arms but will scoff if you are not. haru will stand up no matter how tired he still is and drag you back to bed to continue your cuddle
tell me haru won't try pranking you and feeling bad after it
head pats while saying "sorry babe, i didn't mean to, i'm sorry, yes yes, i'll be a better boyfriend from now on. come here and give me a hug"
whenever you two bathe together, he loves it when you clean his back because he can feel the stress go bye bye with your soft fingers
he washes your hair and he sometimes tries to make stupid hairstyles with your lathered tresses and you'll always rate them
most of the times you take baths together, it is nonsexual. he just appreciates you being there
but haru will slip in a few rounds whenever you two feel like getting it on
soft dom but probs hiding a few kinks
forehead kisses is his favorite because he gets to see your happy face looking up at him whenever he pulls away
haru is definitely a tease whenever you try to kiss him - lips, cheeks, forehead, neck - you can't reach any of them even if you go on your tip toes because he's tall. he won't bend down so you can kiss him because you look so adorable trying so hard to give him love and affection
he'll probably be the one to kiss you after a few minutes of teasing. he can't help it. you look so cute
gah his heart is full
when haru gets jealous, he is irritated. he will come up to you, an annoyed glare on his face, and taking your hand.
haru goer grrr my baby but i won't hurt you or anything because my baby finds it bad but i'm warning you -
when you're the one who's jealous, he finds it amusing
he smothers his grin when you get adorably protective of him
he teases you about it but hugs you after to affirm that this man ain't going anywhere
laundry days are messy, messier than when the two of you have food fights
you two keep throwing drenched clothes or bubbles or water at one another
haru is merciless with laundry throwing fights
expect a shirt thrown swiftly at your face with a resounding SMACK
this boy ain't losin to laundry throwing fights
you always stop by the precint whenever you can just to visit haru
he used to hate it because his coworkers always flock around you whenever you come by but soon grew to love it because you seem to enjoy being around them and you gain nee friends
he'll talk you through his work process and he's very proud whenever you go all ooh ahh so cool because he has an ego and loves that you are interested in his work as much as he does to yours
he tries to be professional whenever at work but he'll sneak in a few kisses if he think nobody is looking. but not you tho, you kiss him whenever you want and wherever you want
someone is always looking so he gets teased quite a lot by his coworkers and he gets all blushy and tsundere aww
hugs with haru are always tight knit. the reason? because he loves holding you, that's literally it
did i mention piggy back rides? no? well, haru doesn't do them unless necessary like you're super tired or got a sprain but jump on his back and kiss him on top of his head and nyoom you are now on a piggy back ride
haru is a huge fan of discounts and coupons so you always have to help him find the best item there is that is discounted or you have coupons for
you gave him a small notebook to keep all his coupons and his face just goes (⊙o⊙)
hand holding in the market while shopping. he won't let you go until you're at the cashier because last time he let you get some items alone, he ended up going to the intercom to call for you
"y/n where are you? i just told you to get a soap and find me at the dairy section."
but he don't mind tho because it's a good excuse to keep you close to him
arguing over which product - any product at all - is better to buy. sorry to say this but haru wins all the time. you swear, this man has a sixth sense for which items to buy
arguments with haru is . . . well maybe that's for another time
but silly arguments with haru is common. fights over who gets to clean the dishes, who makes the bed, which movie or series is better, which cop movie superior, which food to eat, who is the big spoon - but they're all fun snd games
haru will make sure to win as the big spoon tho because again, he has a hidden ego and his heart swells when he sees how tiny you are compared to him
getting drunk with haru is always a rollercoaster. he's a rambling drunk? well, you're the agree with everything drunk
"the floor is too cold. why is it always cold? i just want warmth and peace" cue haru sliding on the floor with a red face because of the alcohol. he's very at ease with you so being stupid and childish is norm for him
"yes, yes, i agree, the floor is always cold. bad floor, you're making haru sad" then you slide with him on the floor
haru turns to you "you don't make me sad"
you turn to him "yes, i make you happy"
you two are just a pair of drunk lovebirds
patch him up when he gets hurt in his work
he won't feel much pain if it's you who's patching him up
he doesn't why but that's that
kiss his boo boos he likes them he's an actual bab for you
haru will always bring you to work/university. it doesn't matter if he is late as long as gets you there
actually it matters that he is late. he just never tells you so you won't tell him to stop. that's why once you're out of sight, after you exchange goodbyes snd kisses, you bet your ass he's speeding through the streets to get to the precint in time (got tickets from speeding but he hides them from you but you'll find out eventually lmao)
since he is a cop/detective, of course he had a gun. he won't bring it to your place but whenever you're at his place or at the precint, he'll allow you to hold it, with him supervising of course, and he'll probably teach you how to fire a gun in a range
will catch you whenever you suffer the recoil of pulling the trigger
will pull a cheesy line like "falling for me now, huh?"
when daisuke joins the precint, haru is less than thrilled
since you always visit him and he became partners with daisuke, that meant you have meet to this rich bastard
and he doesn't like it because
1) he's rich af
2) he's somewhat arrogant
3) he doesn't want to admit it but daisuke is handsome
he is 101% fuming when he sees you talking to daisuke than him. his mind reverts back to all those times you always talk to him in the precint when in reality you were just talking to daisuke for 3 minutes
haru is overdramatic and
he's scared that you'll leave him for daisuke
daisuke has everything. money, looks, fame - he can't even buy you something extravagant. he's still saving up for your birthday, doing overtime and stuff while still buying you small gifts when daisuke can just give you the whole world with a snap of his finger
it'll eat him up alive
he just wants to spend the rest of his life with you but maybe you'll be happier with daisuke?
when you learned this, you just burst out of tears because
this baby is sad and scared of losing you
so you did something to make him assured you only want him and planning to be with him always
haru has always insisted that you move in with him after a year of being together
and then you show up at his place with your stuff and saying "I'll grab more of my stuff tomorrow so help me move in"
haru has never been so happy and excited that he cooked a whole feast for the two of you
you two gets stomachaches the day after
so you stay in his bed the whole day being lazy and snuggling
haru turned off his phone when daisuke was calling him because duh he's spending precious time with his lovely girlfriend
in conclusion, haru kato is whipped for you
oh, by the way, you and daisuke partnered up to mess with haru and now haru has one less braincell because it decided to be best friends with the braincell that always has money in its disposal
"she better be happy i love her"
haru loves you vewy mooch
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hopetofantasy · 3 years
Actress Nora Dari (wtFOCK): “I hope I don't go crazy. I wouldn't be surprised if that happens”
Two years ago she was allowed to bump into Matteo Simoni in ‘Patser’, now your fifteen-year-old knows her as Yasmina from ‘wtFOCK’ and she ended up in Cannes because of the new film by Bas Devos. Where it ends for Nora Dari remains to be seen, but you don't want to get in her way. “You’ve been looking so long for a Moroccan girl who wants to act and then you get me.”
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“So I always try to be a bit low key...” She hesitates. "Eumh, do you know what 'low key' means?" "How much of antique do you think I am exactly?" “Gosh. You have a flip cover for your smartphone, I saw.” “Point for Dari. But what are you trying to be a bit low key...” “Huh? Sorry, I have no idea anymore. I was completely distracted by that pigeon over there.” It’s easy to forget - especially when she starts talking in her Genk dialect about her sky-high ambitions or her tough childhood in Winterslag - that Nora Dari is barely seventeen. After all, she’s already accumulated a nice record of achievements in two years. From the Belgian-Finnish crime series ‘Bullets’ (shown on Telenet) and a leading role in ‘wtFOCK’, the online series of SBS and Telenet, to her supporting role in ‘Ghost Tropic’, the most recent full-length movie by Bas Devos, who made the selection of Quinzaine des Réalisateurs in Cannes in May. The day after our conversation at an Antwerp terrace, she  leaves for London, for a fourth and final audition for a lead role in an international film project. “It looks good, but I can't tell you anything about it yet. That’s a tough assignment for me: my whole body really wants to scream. Seriously, I'm pretty much the Moroccan Tom Holland (Spider-Man, and the spoiler king of Marvel's Cinematic Universe). But I'll remain silent!”
How does a large, international production house ends up at your door? Nora Dari: “I started knocking on their door. I'm really not going to sit around and wait for someone to discover me miraculously, so if someone gives me a tip about an interesting movie, I'll go after it myself. I always want more and everything I set my mind to, seems to be working. An international series, ‘wtFOCK’, Cannes with my first film role and now this latest project is also within reach. Can you blame me for believing? In my head, I'm already in Hollywood. First become a Shooting Star at the Berlinale.” Just in between everything? Dari: “You can dream, right? Acknowledgement is not for me - I don't even know who decide such things - but rather, it’s a means to an end. If you end up in the same list of acting prodigies (those Shooting Stars) as Marwan Kenzari, Matteo Simoni and Matthias Schoenaerts, every director knows who you are.” You can also quietly build an acting career in Belgium. Or is that really not an option? Dari: “Why should I linger on a few square meters? My world was so small in Winterslag and now that it’s gradually getting bigger, I really don't know why I should stop at Flanders. Even if ambition is a very dirty word where I come from.”
How? Dari: “Winterslag is a neighborhood where many young people are going into the wrong direction. Big dreams are taboo, apparently. I was bullied, mainly because I wanted to start something with my life. Even if I said that I would one day want to go to New York, I would be laughed at: “Just sit down, Nora! Who do you think you are?”
Keep your head down, keep your nose clean and make sure that you can start working at the age of eighteen: something like that? Dari: *nods* “Graduating and going to work at the age of eighteen seems like quite an achievement in Winterslag. If you hadn't gotten into the wrong shit by then, you would’ve done well. At my school, we had two pupils without an immigration background and otherwise exclusively Turks, Moroccans and Italians from families who were really poor. Our parents worked very hard, you spend a lot of time on the street and bad things sometimes happened. *thinks* There’s a reason why I almost exclusively watch gangstershit movies. I come from a neighborhood where a lot of gangstershit happens. I’ve seen and experienced so many bad things, but at the same time Winterslag is such a big part of who I am and I get very angry when someone else talks about it like I do now. *small laugh* 
I’ll buy a house there one day. It’s still my home, all the beautiful things and all the rotten things in one pile. To be clear: I don't want to romanticize my childhood. Winterslag is hard, but nothing to be sad about. There are so many people who have gone through the same thing. Only, it sucks to be called a whore, because you want to do something that is apparently 'not normal'.”
It dawns on me why you once said that Algerian-Canadian Zaho's song Kif'n'dir summed you up quite nicely. Especially the text 'Je fais la morte pour ne pas mourir'. Dari: “That's what I've been doing for a long time. Keeping myself deathly still and don’t stand out too much. In the long run, you also start to believe what others are telling you, that acting is not for you.”
When did you finally stopping ‘being death’? Dari: “When I was fifteen, when I heard that Adil El Arbi and Bilall Fallah were looking for extras for ‘Patser’. That didn't mean much more than just bumping into Matteo Simoni, but I was sold immediately. In between shots, I approached Adil: “Mr. El Arbi, thank you for opening my eyes. From now on, I’ll go all out for this.” *laughs* We clicked and in the meantime we’ve become friends. I hope he thinks of me when they start recording ‘Patsers’, so that I can show how much I've grown in those two years.”
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Not much later, through their casting agency Hakuna, you ended up as a suicide bomber in the Finnish-Belgian Crime series ‘Bullets’. What have I missed? How did you go from a sixteen-year-old extra to such an intense role in a few months? Dari: “I think - if I may say that - they were shocked after my casting. I’ve never thrown myself into a project as hard in my life. Whining. Shouting. Tantrums. All fucking emotions, one after the other. You’ve been looking so long for a Moroccan girl who wants to act and then you get me. *laughs* I've never loved anything as much as acting, so I’m giving everything during a casting. I know that I’m not the best and still have to learn, but I suspect my energy is making up for it. That, and I consider myself a very pleasant colleague. *laughs* I greet everyone in a Genk dialect, always walk around smiling and even bring cookies.
I've always had the feeling that I have to work harder than the rest, because people expect less of me. That's what my father taught my brothers and me. At the Liège boarding school where he studied, he was the only Moroccan in Latin studies: his classmates thought he was weird, because of his origins and the other Moroccans looked at him weirdly, because he aimed higher. "Ah, Mr. pope is back there." In the end it became so unbearable that he enrolled in the TSO (technical school), which was socially accepted.”
How does a 16-year-old feel like a suicide bomber? Dari: “They gave me a background, but I added a few things myself to make it easier. And music helps me really hard too: ‘Qui suis-je’ from Scylla on repeat and then a little method acting in that character. My mother was there on set and apparently got terrified. *laughs* I asked them not to accompany me anymore. When I see them, I come back to myself, while I try very hard to forget myself in front of the camera. I need to be able to get into a role on set. Although it remains very strange to hype yourself up for hours with the mantra 'I'm dying and I'm taking all these people with me'. Fortunately, I can also easily let go. I had to, I had exams the next day. *laughs* Suicide bomber by day, studying economy by night.”
In May you hopped around on the Croisette for the world premiere of ‘Ghost Tropic’. You play the daughter of Khadija, a woman who walks home through Brussels after falling asleep on the metro. Devos makes quiet, poetic arthouse films: it’s a huge leap from teenage series and thrillers. Dari: “It was an adjustment, yes. Before I played in ‘Bullets’, I had never even seen a Flemish film. Not a single one. Or wait: one at school. What was it called? I have to give a speech soon, with its protagonist.”
‘Daens’? With Jan Decleir? Dari: “That one! Everything I had already learned about acting was from Hollywood movies. That enlarged playing style also worked in ‘Bullets’, but when I tried that in ‘Ghost Tropic’, Bas blocked it very quickly. *laughs* "The less you do the better, Nora!" I thought about it all too hard. "Nora, just go." “Yes, but Bas, who am I? What have I been through up to this point?” I have a hard time playing without a backstory in my head.”
Did you learn something from Devos? Dari: “Bas and Maaike Neuville told me in Cannes that I shouldn’t forget to live. I was only busy with what should be my next big step, but I also have to learn to enjoy. Surrendering is nothing dirty, but if I put everything aside for this job, I’ll never be able to put content in my characters. Then they’ll give me a heavy role and I’ll get stuck.”
Sensible advice. Alarm bells already went off when I read in ‘Het Belang van Limburg’ that you certainly wanted to remain celibate until you were 27 and wouldn’t continue your studies, just focussing on your career. Dari: “In the end, I’ll study cross-media management and I’ve come back to that other one as well. *laughs* What?! I’m seventeen, I change my mind completely every month. When I am 40, I don't just want to have a nice IMDb profile to look back on.”
'9000 followers? That is more people than have seen my last film', Devos thought humbly in your Instagram Stories. Dari: “I hope ‘Ghost Tropic’ gets more visitors than I have followers, but I'm not going to bitch if only fifty people come to watch the film in the end. I just like to act and have hardly seen anything from ‘Bullets’ or ‘wtFOCK’ myself. When I'm not on set, I just feel bad. As if I'm not getting the most out of my life. 
At the very least, ‘Ghost Tropic’ gave me another experience and I was able to take my father with me, when we went to the Dominican Republic. My grandfather had passed away just before the shoot and we kind of processed that together there, while we were watching the sunrise at five in the morning. A very tender moment. Very cinematic, too. *thinks* I’m a very passionate person. Everything I experience is immediately very big. It’s all hard, good or bad. So hard that I can't always process all the feelings. *dryly* I hope I don't go crazy. I really wouldn't be surprised if that happens.”
You seem to be especially prone to obsessions. Whether it’s making music, painting or acting: if you decide to do something, everything has to make way for it. Dari: “When I got a keyboard, I was immediately very invested in my music. Making beats to accompany my slam poetry, tinkering at night, searching and keeping my parents awake until they went crazy. And then I suddenly got tired of it and started painting. Swimming. Dancing. I also played soccer for a while, mainly to get my dad's attention. During the 'consultation hour' around the tajine I could never have a chat with my brothers and father, because it was only about football and anime.”
Anime? Dari: “The men in my family are all next-level anime fans. They even speak Japanese to each other. *thinks* And I also plunged into my religion for a while, in between football and slam poetry.”
How? Dari: “When the community center closed its doors around the age of 13 and I saw a whole circle of friends go away in one go, I started clinging to something else. So, faith. At that time I also wore a hijab, because I was convinced that you could only be such a good Muslim. I was really pretty strict and took everything way too literally. Today I understand that you mainly have to look for your own interpretation.”
In the meantime, the average 15-year-old is also going through a storm for the second season of wtFOCK, which can be followed daily on Instagram and wtfock.be, good for about 400,000 visitors a week and more than 8 million watched - or at least started - episodes. Significantly more than the first season, although that also had good numbers. Especially for a series that was deliberately launched in silence. “You’re already bombarded with advertising on Instagram, subtle and less subtle,” says Dari, while she tries so intensely to make eye contact with a waiter that he almost bumps into a glass door. “I don't have any big theories about the future of television, but ‘wtFOCK’ really was a relief. It’s on the internet and you mainly do what you want with it. "Ah, I don't have to look?" That unforced approach works. The worst thing that could have happened to us, was that the press started writing about it en masse: it had to remain a bit mysterious and above all belong to the young people themselves. Normally we don't give interviews either: ‘wtFOCK’ is one big bubble that you shouldn't talk too much about.”
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Without any illusions about the appeal of Knack Focus to fifteen-year-olds: is this conversation a good idea? Dari: “Sounds okay to me. I’m more now than just Yasmina? And I think fifteen-year-olds do know Knack.” 
For real? Dari: “That's the book we get in History as source material in class. *laughs* I think I'll stop giving interviews again after this. A little mystery can't hurt.”
SKAM, the Norwegian series of which ‘wtFOCK’ is a remake, became a hit in its own country. That’s not always the case with foreign remakes, except for the Flemish one. It continues to gain popularity. Do you have an explanation for that? Dari: “No idea why things were less successful in other countries, but ‘wtFOCK’ is so good because it is real. We don't disguise anything, don't pour Hollywood sauce on it and talk like I talk to my friends. Apparently, a lot of teachers also follow the series to get a better understanding of their students. Smart, because we tackle all issues a teenager has in a very realistic way.”
The makers of SKAM were prepared with a tour through its country and a survey of Norwegian teenagers. Their biggest conclusion was: no generation suffers as much from performance pressure and comparison anxiety as yours. Dari: “Social media. Instagram is a very beautiful, but at the same time very scary place. A lot of girls now ask me, for example, how they can also enter this profession. But if you ask them why, it turns out that there’s no passion, they just see it as a fast road to fame. Then join ‘Temptation Island’? They see  people like Millie Bobby Brown (from Stranger Things), who is barely fifteen and has a crazy career and they let themselves be hyped about it. I should actually say 'we'. I said it already: I ​​hope I don't go crazy.” *giggles hysterically* 
About 1200 teenagers showed up for the casting of wtFOCK, but the makers did not find their Yasmina there. Dari: *nods* “In the end they also had to call Adil, who gave me the tip.”
Why do you think that is? Dari: “I get angry when someone says they want more diversity, but can't find anyone. *throws arms up dramatically* "They aren't there!" They are there. In my neighborhood alone, so much talent is packed together. You may have to do your best to find them, because if you come from a neighborhood where ambition is laughed at, you’ll not find your way to a casting. Because the TV and film world seem so closed off from the outside - and it is. I also didn't know how to do that, I was just lucky that Adil, Nora Gharib and Ikram Aoulad wanted to help me. They helped me avoid a lot of rookie mistakes. And that I won't sign myself up for Temptation Island or something tomorrow.” *laughs*
Gharib also predicted that as a Moroccan woman she would have problems with ‘Patser’. From the moment you do not portray a classic religious Muslim woman, it seems to already lead to commentary. Dari: “I've had my part too. Women who send to me that I brought shame on the entire Moroccan community, for example, because Yasmina doesn't always wear her hijab. Usually these are women who’ve seen two minutes of the series and then get angry without seeing the context. *blows* You know, I don’t care. If my parents and I are okay with it, then no one has anything to say to me. Criticism slips away from me. It really takes more than an angry DM to get me off my path, I come from Winterslag breeding.”
*** Bas Devos, director ‘Ghost Tropic’:
“I had never seen Nora at work, but her audition video immediately made me curious. At the final casting, where she had to improvise a bit, it was already clear to me after a few minutes. She did a beautiful job. Nora is not trained as an actress, but I often work with a combination of non-professional and professional actors. That really doesn't matter to me. It's all about how naturally someone relates to the camera and how relaxed you are while being filmed. Then very beautiful things can happen. And I think she also liked not having to make her character bigger in an understated film like ‘Ghost Tropic’, as that’s sometimes the case for TV. To hear that you are still playing without doing anything. 
It's cool how she dares to go for something so outspokenly at such a young age, but I did point out to her that working alone isn’t the perfect solution. She’s very fond of that international career, but it is also easy to walk into a wall there. Seventeen-year-olds have to live, right? Well, she's sensible enough, I'm not worried. She'll eventually find the right balance. At the end of the shooting period, she said she hoped we could work together again. I told her that I hope she still likes it by then. *laughs*  Who knows which films will she be in then.”
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d-xs · 4 years
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Bruce Wayne & Jason Todd, Jason Todd & Catherine Todd
Warning: implied/referenced child abuse.
Jason Todd makes no attempt to eat his burger or even take a sip from his soda, despite the loud rumbling of his stomach. He clutches the bag tightly, bringing it closer to his chest when he sees Bruce staring, like he's afraid Bruce would take offense and demand his food back.
Bruce Wayne does not understand him. His threadbare clothes do nothing to hide the skin stretched over bones. He can see the outline of the boy's ribs through his red hoodie. He is clearly very hungry and going by the way he can't seem to take his eyes off the bag of fast food or even how he keeps taking lungs full of the aroma wafting from it, like if he breathes deep enough, he will be filled. He would bet his entire fortune that this kid has not had a good meal in weeks, or even months. Even one as unhealthy as greasy fast food.
The child is clearly starving. Yet, he has not made any attempt to help himself.
Bruce does not have any experience with poverty or homelessness. Even at the lowest point of his life, he had access to basic human needs. Still, he knows enough about human behavior to know that Jason's behavior right now is not the norm. When he gives a clearly starving person food, they usually devour it immediately.
There are only a few reasons why he would not want to eat the food he had enthusiastically accepted from Bruce. Either he plans to use the food as payment for his safety, in which case, Bruce needs to start looking into gangs exploiting kids, or he has someone, most likely a younger sibling in his care. Considering the fact that Bruce had caught him trying to jack off the fourth tire of the batmobile, after successfully getting away with the other three, Bruce is not sure what is most likely to be the case.
"You going to turn me in now?" Jason asks him, once Bruce's burger is out of sight.
"I promised you I wouldn't," Bruce tells him as earnestly as he can manage.
It doesn't convince the child at all.
"Yeah, right," he scoffs. "That's what you all say."
"Don't you think it would be counter-productive to have you arrested for trying to survive? I'm trying to make Gotham safe for kids like you, Jason. Not put you in jail. I might take you somewhere safe, so you don't have to keep living on the streets, but--"
"I'm not on the streets," Jason cuts in defensively. The fear and worry in his expression is clear now. "I live with my mom and we're fine. If you're not going to arrest me, then I'll be on my way."
A mom. Bruce can't decide if it's a euphemism for Boss. He has seen some awful things since becoming Batman. He also knows some parents take advantage of their kids and force them into crimes as a way to 'earn their keep'.
Jason is most likely taking the food to this person, if he's not eating it, and Batman needs to separate them if the child is being exploited.
The child doesn't wait for Bruce's response before he starts his trek back to the Narrows.
Making a snap decision, Bruce calls out to him.
"Common, I'll drop you off wherever you want," he says, knowing Jason would never let Batman drop him off at home. The child is too suspicious, and rightfully so.
Jason stops in his tracks, but he makes no attempt to accept Bruce's offer.
"It will be morning before you make it all the way across town," Bruce points out. "That's <i>if</i> you don't get attacked for the food."
With that, Jason agrees to let Bruce give him a ride.
Even though he was quiet for the first couple of minutes, Bruce could see the wheels turning in the boy's head. Jason has a very expressive face that tells Bruce he is gearing up to say something, as he takes in the interior of the batmobile.
Jason doesn't take as long as Bruce thought he would.
"You're probably rich, huh?" Jason observes.
Oh God, Bruce hopes this kid is not about to proposition him.
"Not really." Bruce's answer is terse to discourage further probing.
"So it's true what they say?" Jason continues, either missing Bruce's reluctance to continue with this conversation or ignoring it. "That you're fucking Bruce Wayne for money?"
If Batman didn't have such a tight rein on his microexpressions, he would have choked. "That's not language suitable for a child."
Jason turns in his seat so that Bruce doesn't miss the elaborate eye-roll.
"I guess you've had to pay informants, huh?" Jason asks. "You know, like in the stories, where a dude is rewarded for giving the cops valuable information for solving a crime. You do that?"
"Sometimes." Bruce is invested in where Jason is going with his questioning. "Why? Do you have information to sell?"
"Depends on your going rate," the boy sasses.
"And how much do you want?" Bruce asks.
"I read in the papers that the FBI pay up to a hundred grand," Jason shrugs. "Shouldn't be too much for you to match, seeing as you have a rich boyfriend."
"One hundred thousand dollars?" The only reason Bruce doesn't laugh is because he doesn't want Jason to think he's being made fun of.
That, and the possibility that Jason may be trying to get free from his abuser, by having Batman go after them.
"You really think your information is worth that much?" Bruce asks.
"You tell me, Batman." Jason shrugs again. "It was worth enough to cause a war between Penguin and Scarecrow. Enough to make my dad disappear, not that that's a bad thing."
Bruce doesn't think he's supposed to hear the last part, as Jason mutters it under his breath. But the cowl picks up the words clearly.
A criminal and/or abusive mother and mob affiliated but now absentee father. Bruce is debating calling Social Services.
He's also aware of the war between Penguin and Scarecrow. A few months ago, there were rumors of a collaboration between the two factions to take over Gotham, before accusations of betrayal.
If it wasn't for the lives being lost, Bruce would be grateful for their misunderstanding.
Still, a hundred thousand dollars is a lot of money for someone like Jason, and is most likely to draw the wrong attention.
"I'll give you five thousand," Bruce tells him.
"Out of a hundred? Are you really that cheap?" Jason snorts. "You roll around in a ride like this and can't even pay for information? Okay, I'll do you a favor and take seventy."
"Ten," Bruce counters.
"All you rich assholes like taking advantage of poor people," Jason grumbles angrily. When Bruce doesn't budge, he relents. "Fifty."
"Fifty," Jason repeats firmly.
"Alright, twenty five thousand dollars and that's my final offer."
"Deal!" Jason agrees immediately.
Bruce watches him spit on his palm before extending it to Bruce for a handshake.
"Come on," he urges when Bruce makes no attempt to shake his hand. "We gotta shake on it to seal the deal."
In the face of that logical argument, Bruce spits in his own hand before clasping it to Jason's in a handshake.
If Jason believes he has information that can help, then twenty five thousand dollars is not too much to pay someone who clearly needs it. The cash in the batmobile isn't up to the amount, but it should be enough to buy the time he would need to get the rest from the manor.
"Alright." He follows Jason's directions on where to park. "What's this information?"
"Wait here," Jason instructs him, undoing the seat belt. "I'll bring it to you."
Bruce gives Jason a minute head-start before he takes to the rooftops, to trail the young boy.
After a few twists and turns, he comes to a stop in front of a dilapidated building. A woman rushes out and pulls Jason into a hug.
"I've been looking all over for you!" she scolds. "Where were you? Chris said some man took you. Is that true?"
She is rail thin, her threadbare clothes hanging off her body, but she sounds genuinely distressed as she checks him for injuries.
"I'm fine, Mom," Jason says in comfort before shoving the food at her. "Look, I got us food and I found a way to get away from the men looking for dad."
The woman -- Jason's mom -- shoves the food back at him, before pulling him into an apartment with the door barely hanging on a hinge.
It's hard not to notice the woman's limp, or the way Jason supports some of her weight as they go.
Bruce takes a second to process everything.
Judging by the environment and what he's seen and heard, Jason isn't being abused, but he's in even more danger.
Whether he plans to pay off his father's debt with the money or not, Bruce knows he has to get mother and son away from this place before they end up as victims of mob violence. Whether Jason really does have information to sell or not.
With that, Bruce hops down to the street from his perch on the roof.
Despite how mindful he is of the door, the moment his fist to connects with the door, it falls off the hinge holding it in place, exposing Jason and his mother having either a very late dinner or a very early breakfast in their one bedroom apartment.
They both jump at the sight of him, and once realization dawns on them, their reactions are wildly different.
Jason's mom cowers with fear, shrinking into herself while attempting to wrap herself around her son, but Jason won't have it. He is livid.
"What the fuck, Batman!" the child hisses angrily. "I told you to wait for me."
"Jason, stop," his mother pleads, pulling Jason behind her.
The boy is unmoved. His mother's frailness is no match for his strength.
"You broke our door! Why the fuck would you do that?"
Despite his obvious anger, they're both careful not to raise their voices. Bruce imagines that getting a visit from Batman isn't a good thing in this neighborhood.
"Calm down," Bruce growls.
Both mother and son freeze where they stand.
"We didn't do nothing wrong, Batman," the lady tells him in a trembling voice. "If you're looking for my husband, we don't know where he is."
"I'm here for Jason," Bruce tells her, registering her distress just before he turns to Jason. "You were taking too long," he lies. "I wanted to make sure you were fine."
This seems to placate the boy a bit, but not his mother, who demands to know what the hell is going on.
Bruce watches silently as Jason explains his plans to his mother.
Apparently, his plan is to sell the information his father stole from Scarecrow to Batman, in exchange for money that will get them out of Crime Alley.
His mom doesn't look thrilled, but she lets Jason climb into the ceiling to retrieve what her husband had hidden there.
"You won't arrest him when you have what you want, will you?" she asks with a fierce look.
Bruce can't help but admire that about her. Not a lot of people have that look about them when Batman is staring them down.
Must be where Jason gets his spunk.
"Jason is a good boy," she continues. "He did a bad thing, but it was for a good reason. His heart is in the right place, I swear."
"Mrs Todd--" Bruce starts, but she interrupts him.
"Catherine," he repeats. "I don't plan to arrest your son," he continues as calmly as Batman's voice will let him. "We made a deal and I intend to uphold my end."
"So you're just going to hand Jason twenty-five grand?" Catherine asks suspiciously. "Just like that?"
"Yes," he tells her simply. "But I don't have twenty-five thousand dollars in cash right now. I can give you a thousand tonight, and a safe place for the night. Seeing as I broke your door. Tomorrow, you will get the rest of the money and I will call someone to fix your door."
As he talks, he pulls out the bills from his utility belt and hands it to her.
Of course, he has no plans of letting them return here. But if he has learned anything from being Batman, it's that, sometimes, all some people have left is their pride.
Poor people hate being treated as charity.
Siccing Alfred on her would be more productive. All he has to do is make sure they meet. Dick would probably appreciate having someone young in the manor, too.
"And you swear Jason will be safe?" Catherine stresses, eyes flickering between the money and Bruce's face.
"I swear," he vows solemnly. That much, he can promise.
A few minutes later, Jason returns from the ceiling, an envelope clutched in his hand.
"Jason," Catherine calls softly, pulling him into her arms before he can give Bruce the envelope. "Baby, there's something I have to tell you about…"
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