#bower siblings 1.0
moonmeg · 2 months
It's so random to ask this but what are Micah's uncles and aunts like giving love advice? (if they do)
I completely see Edan and Ian being shit on those topics, the complete opposite of the others
Seanmhair Yvaine is the absolute best at love advice hands down. But as this is about his aunts and uncles, here's a list of who you should better approach when it comes to love advice:
1. Blair and her wife Lianna
2. Milo (Keith's husband)
3. Val (Ian's partner)
4. Maisie
5. Ian
6. Lewis (Maisie's husband)
7. Edan
Edan is generally bad at any form of advice. He's most of the time just gonna shrug and say "Fuck do I know? Ask Blair or somethin'."
Bree and Neil are somewhere on par with Maisie and Val
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moonmeg · 5 months
Is Keith married? or does he have children? What about Maisie?
I can't live with the doubt of what happens in the lives of those two.
Keith is married to another musician as himself. They don't have kids though and don't want them. They're happy being uncles to the gaggle of kids their respective siblings have (they both come from big families) 💙
Maisie is happily married too and so far has two kids - more are planned tho 🥰
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moonmeg · 8 months
What was Breena's relationship with her siblings-in-law like at the beginning? (especially with Edan, I guess it took a lot for him to trust her after knowing how she treated Neil the first time they met).
Long post incoming~
Breena (17) and Edan (20)...
...indeed had their problems at first. Breena still had her firey kinda mean attitude and Edan was still judging her for how she treated Neil at first. This ridge between them bothered Breena because she got along fairly well with everyone else.
Bree: Edan hasna a lot of good to say about me, does he?
Neil: What ya mean?
Bree: He's avoidin' me but constantly eyein' me in a warning and threatening manner. I just dinna understand why? What did I do to him?
Neil: Ah... he is just lookin' out for me- us- as in his younger siblings.
Bree: So he's bein' typical protective older brother?
Neil: Pretty much, aye.
Bree: But why? I havena even exchanged a word wi' him. What reason does he have to gi' me the cold shoulder?
Neil: Dinna like the taste of yer own medicine?
Bree: Excuse me?
Neil: Bein' unfriendly to people ye dinna ken, I mean.
Bree: If this is about our first encounter, I already told ye I'm sorry. Did I misjudge ye? Aye. Was I wrong? Aye. I was wrong and I am genuinely sorry. But it's not Edan's place to treat me like this now.
Neil: Well, he kens what ye said to me and how ye treated me when we met and is simply wary of ye. Especially as we're starting to become friends of sorts.
Bree: It's not his business who ye're friends with. It's a matter between you and me. Not him.
Neil: You... you dinna have siblings, do ya?
Bree: I don't. And even if I did, I fail to see where our friendship is of interest to Edan.
Neil: He's just looking out for me. I'm his younger brother and he doesna want me to get hurt by befriending someone who might turn out bad for me.
Bree: I'm bad for ye now?
Neil: That's not what I said. I'm just sayin' that as siblings we all dinna want one of us getting hurt and we're all lookin' out for each other. If I heard someone was yellin' at Ian, Keith or Maisie when they were just bein' nice and then that person suddenly lives with us, aye, I'd be wary too. Edan is this cold to everyone who gets closer to us. I understand it bothers ye but he has his reasons for bein' wary and protective. He'd never forgive himself if one of us got hurt by someone we liked and he kens he could've prevented it. Perhaps ye should have a heart-to-heart conversation wi' him when the situation occurs.
Bree: I dinna just open my heart to people, goldie.
Neil: And that's the first thing ye two have in common. I'm sure ye'll understand why he is that way once ye get to talk about it. And he'll understand why ye yerself were so rude to me at first if ye explain. He doesna hate ya. He's testin' ya.
(Neil turned out to be right)
Breena and Blair (18)...
...quickly got to like each other actually. They were both jealous of the other one in terms of appearance and didn't voice that at first. It did come out of them at one point and they both started endlessly complimenting each other. Blair braids Breena's hair, Breena helps Blair with dying her hair, Blair teaches Breena some crafty skills like basic sowing or embroidery. After Neil, Breena was closest to Blair.
Some years down the line
Blair (putting a pin into Breena's hair): Aaand all done! How are ye? Bree (pregnant at that time): I feel like I'm gonna throw up- Blair: Oh, dear- ye need a basin? Bree: No, no, I'm not actually going to I'm just... Blair: Nervous ye're only minutes away from standing in front of an officiator and exchanging marriage vows wi' the love of yer life? Bree: In summary, aye. Blair: I ken exactly what ye mean. I felt I was going to faint any moment before sealing the oath wi' my wife. But after it all... when the oath was taken, and we were announced as married and got to kiss each other as wives for the first time... there was not an ounce of those nerves present anymore. It's gonna be the same for ye and Neil. I'm certain. Bree: I dinna ken... What if he says no after all? Blair: If he dares say no at the officiator I will kick his arse into space. But he won't. He's deeply in love wi' ya, Bree. He's been airheaded and footed since the first day and he hasna shut up about yer engagement for months. And he's most excited about the bairn. Neil will marry ya. Nothing and no one could keep him from that. Bree: Thanks, Blair. I'm so lucky to gain ye as sister-in-law. Blair: Leave out the "in-law". Such a mouthful. Just sister.
Breena and Ian (14)...
...also learned to get along rather quickly even though she joined in on the playful bullying of Ian (he's used to it at this point). They would've been even closer than Bree is with Blair if they were just closer in age tbh.
Breena and Keith (11)...
...don't have much to do with each other but she helps him with his school work every now and then or keeps an eye on him when everyone else is busy. Breena was never really fond of children but when Keith would come up to her with his five-string or lute and ask her to listen to the tune he learned she began thinking that maybe kids aren't that bad.
Breena and Maisie (8)...
...had a similar development to the one with Keith. Maisie really liked Breena immediately and always found ways to spend time with her, asking her to help in choosing how to dress or asking her to help with the hairstyle, take her to school or pick her up again. If Keith already began to crack Breena with her perception of children, Maisie sold her on definitely wanting at least one kid sooner or later, even if things like this happened
Maisie: Breena?
Bree: Hm?
Maisie: I like ye.
Bree: Aw, I like ye too, Maisie.
Maisie: Willya marry Neil?
Bree: Oh- uh- I-I dinna ken.
Maisie: Wouldya if he asked ye to?
Bree: If Neil asked me to marry him?
Maisie: Mhm!
Bree: Well, aye, I think if he asked me, I would. But I dinna think Neil and I are ready for-
Bree: No, no, no, no, no don't-
Neil: Sure.
Bree (blushing intensely): NEIL!
This wasn't their official engagement but they kept pretending it was for Maisie.
Breena is besties with all of them now <3
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moonmeg · 8 months
Me and the Bower siblings 1.0
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moonmeg · 2 months
A headcanon came to mind that Fergus when he started his relationship with Yvaine he was a little worried about not getting along with the kids (Edan definitely distrusted him) but at some point in their relationship Ian or one of them called him "dad "and He never felt insecure about it again 🥺
Edan really didn't like Fergus when he first entered their lives. He was 7 and the nightmare with his biological father was only a year back. Things were better when it was just Yvaine. He tried his best to help his mother in the house or on the farm but he was just a little kid and although she appreciated the thought, Yvaine quickly noticed she couldn't keep everything running herself. It was too much. So, with her sister helping out financially at first, she employed someone to help take care of the farm. That someone was Fergus. To Edan's distaste.
As Fergus and Yvaine started to fall for each other and develop a relationship, Edan only despised him more and dragged his siblings with him. Blair was 5 and did everything her big brother did. Neil was 4, Ian only a year old. Fergus knew that if he wanted to have a future with Yvaine, he needed a good relationship to her children. At least a base of trust. And he tried. And he waited. And tried again. And again. And again.
Yvaine started apologizing for their behavior, always explaining it's difficult for them after what they witnessed in her last relationship. Specifically what Edan and Blair witnessed.
But Fergus has a patience of steel and an immortal faith. He was and is an optimist. And if it took the kids ten years to trust him, he'd wait those ten years. Deep down he feared they'll never really accept him but he wouldn't give into those fears that quickly.
He couldn't really be the father figure he wanted to be (and kept trying to be) to the older three but to Ian, just a baby, he could. So he built trust with Ian first. Then Neil. Then slowly with Blair and lastly with Edan.
And yes, it was Ian who muttered a "dada" before his siblings did.
After Keith was born Edan apologized to Fergus, admitting he maybe was too cruel at times and that he's happy to have Fergus as his dad now after all.
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moonmeg · 2 months
Hold up! Did I miss something?! At some point I think I remember that you said that Ian might have a partner in the future. But now in the last ask you just casually revealed teir name! Did I miss something? Did you already talk about a partner or will that be in the future? I miss Ian anyway so I'm thrilled.
After a busy day Ian, once again assigned market-duty for he's the best salesman in the family, packs up all products.
He sold majority of what they had to offer. His charisma was a fantastic aid in the sale. Any of his siblings would've been thrilled had they achieved this. Ian, however, saw no reason for feeling that. It was always the same. Majority sold, conversations with the people, smiling and pretending all is well, unrequited love and just another "great night". He was so tired of it.
Blair fell in love young and was happily married for over 20 years now. Same with Neil. Keith had a loving husband. Maisie too. Heck, even Edan was a sort of father to that lonely girl he found in the hay after a storm. They all had something he didn't and it became more and more difficult to fight his envy. He didn't want to be that kind of brother. He wanted to be supportive and joyous. His siblings were happy...
Maybe he just wasn't meant for it. Maybe he'll never be good enough to be more than just someone to keep the bed warm. Maybe he should just give up at last. He was in his mid-thirties by now. How much more hope can there be left?
He sighed as he placed the last box on the wagon.
Ian turned around. The call came from an approaching black haired person. Although the hair seemed more blue-tinted in this light.
"Wait! Oh no, please don't say I'm too late!", they came to a halt.
"For the sale?"
Catching their breath they didn't answer right away. They cleared their throat and looked up at Ian, immediately mesmerized at the sight
"Wow- I mean-", another throat clearer, "I'm new here and heard about this stand and I meant to get my groceries but damned little me of course got caught up in something else and then of course I mixed up your closing times and I'm so late now, aren't I?"
Ian couldn't form and answer in his mind. He simply stared perplexed, trying to process the flood of information this stranger just shared.
"Damn it!", the stranger cussed out frustrated.
After a moment of silence Ian met the icy blue eyes of the stranger. He wanted to say something but caught himself thinking about the beauty those eyes had to them instead.
The stranger sighed and already opened their mouth to speak but Ian interrupted.
"We're here everyday. Ye can come by tomorrow."
"No, no, you misunderstand. Today was my only free day for buying groceries during opening hours."
"Well, maybe you can tell me if there's some other place I could-"
"There's some stuff left. If ye tell me what ye need I'll pack a bag for ya.", Ian gestured at the wagon.
"You would?" the strangers eyes lit up, sparkling at Ian like a sky of stars.
"Aye. I only need to know what ye want.", Ian gave his typical cocky grin.
The stranger searched their pockets hurriedly before handing Ian a piece of paper with a list. Ian began to read the products from top to bottom and drew a spell circle to insert all items in a bag. He let the bag float over to the dark haired stranger and let them take it.
"We dinna sell herbs so that's missin' but otherwise here ye go.", he commented.
"That's fine! You did more than enough already! Thank you so much!"
"Ah not worth a mention."
"No, I mean it!", the stranger beamed, "How much do I owe?"
Ian eyed as they brought out a small linen bag of snails. The metal coins clinking inside upon any movement. Accepting the payment now would mean redoing the snail log and possibly even recalculate the change box. He really didn't want to do that now and delay his return home further. Moreover though, there was something about this dark haired stranger with the icy eyes and sunshine smile before him. He couldn't quite explain it but he thought them likable. He'd sworn off romance but who said anything about romance. It could just stay a nice acquaintance. A friendship in the best case.
"It's on the house.", Ian smiled.
"What?", the stranger stared with big eyes.
"Welcome to the town."
Ian gave no room for argument. He climbed the wagon and already took the reins in hand. Perplexed by everything that was happening the stranger called out a "Wait!".
"Mr. Bower, I assume? I-"
"Ian, I... I don't know- I...", trying to sort their thoughts and form a coherent sentence the stranger yielded to a sheepish smile, "Thank you. Just... thank you."
Ian smiled.
"Ye're more than welcome, ...?", he raised his eyebrows, gesturing he wanted the name of the stranger too.
"Oh, right, sorry. I'm Val."
"Ye're more than welcome, Val. Lovely makin' yer acquaintance.", Ian winked in his usual manner before slowly bringing the wagon to move.
"Yours too!", Val called out.
This wouldn't remain their last meeting.
Although Ian was incredibly cautious to not catch feelings the more time passed, it would remain just an attempt. He didn't want to end up in the to-him dreadful situation of only being desirable for intimacy without commitment. He wanted the commitment and was at a point where intimacy was connected to rejection. It happened often enough he'd develop feelings, be intimate with his crush in hopes there might actually be romance involved but his love would always remain unrequited. So he avoided it entirely at some point. When he noticed Val and him got closer, (joke) flirted and Val began to mean something to him, he told them that if they didn't want more of him than that intimacy it would be better they stop seeing each other.
Confused, Val reached his hand and assured Ian they haven't even thought about him in that sense. Val wanted to be with Ian too but in a different way. They actually wanted to commit and be Ian's romantic partner before a sexual one.
They got married fairly recently. Makenna was 20, Feya 18, and Micah 15 (they are now 21, 19 and 16)
Also! Ian and Val allowed to bring a +1 and you can guess three times who Micah took as his +1 and faced boyfriend allegations with the entire reception through :D
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moonmeg · 8 months
aww hope, the rest of Neil’s siblings find true love but more importantly, hope they all continue to be happy.
Yes, don't worry no tragedy will strike them ^^
And Ian does get lucky in love eventually <3
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moonmeg · 8 months
do Edan or Blair have kids ? how is their dynamic with Neil and Ian ?
we know nothing about them so i had to ask haha
Edan adopted a kid that he just found buried underneath hay in a barn one day. The kid had found shelter in the barn from the boiling rain, she was alone and claimed to not have any family. Edan decided to let her live in his house for as long as it would take him to find her family. He was able to find a relative but they didn't want her, claiming she was "too weird and too much to handle". Enraged for the relatives but taking pity on the kid, decided to take her in but not in an "I'm adopting you now" manner. He wanted to keep a distance at first in a mentor-student type of fashion but himself was already too attached and everything cracked when she called him "Papa" and he was like "You know what? Yeah. I'm gonna be your papa now.".
Blair, like Neil, has three kids with her wife. Not as chaotic as Makenna, Feya and Micah but a handful nonetheless. Especially the youngest kid.
They adore Neil and definitely took an oath to fight anyone who dares even look at him the wrong way when he was born. Their adoration for him didn't and doesn't exclude the occasional teasing though of course. They are a bit upset he moved away and they only see each other once or maximum twice a year now. They try to keep in contact as much as they can and constantly send gifts and letters, where they complain that Neil isn't visiting enough (of course ignoring they could... visit him themselves).
They get along with Ian even though they keep saying that he's the worst (they're just taunting him in a loving manner). Blair plays counselor for Ian more than once because Edan is absolute shit at giving advice regarding topics of love. He's more a man of actions than he is one of words. As opposed to Blair.
Edan has his little issues accepting partners of his siblings. The experience with his (,Blair's, Neil's and Ian's) biological father in his childhood had it's impact and he's quite protective of his little siblings and wary of their partners because he doesn't want them to go through what he saw his mother go through when he can prevent it. It always takes him a while to warm up to his siblings' partners.
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moonmeg · 3 months
Bower Siblings 1.0 Pride Art ♡
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💗💜💙 🧡💛🤍💙 🧡🤍💗 🤍💙/💚🤍💙 🖤💜🤍
Final piece for the end of June! I hope you enjoyed this little series :>
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moonmeg · 2 months
It goes very unnoticed, but I need more context on how Blair used to snuck out with her (then) girlfriend 👀
I'm obsessed with her 😩
Context for the clueless: A while ago I answered some questions about the Bower siblings 1.0 and dropped information that Blair used to sneak out a lot to meet her then-girlfriend
Blair's sneaking out was less a forbidden thing than her just not wanting to wake the rest of the family by using the front door. Well, it wasn't forbidden on her side at least.
It was more that Lianna's family was against her and Blair, believing they "just didn't fit together" or that Lianna "deserved better". So they started meeting up in secret almost every night.
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They are very MLP Rarity and Applejack coded ✨️
In the end, as you already know, the lesbians won and are happily married 💅
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moonmeg · 10 months
✨️ Bower siblings 1.0 ✨️
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They won't appear in the story but have them anyways (and honestly who knows where my brain will go 💀)
Keith and Maisie have a different father than the other four as you maybe know of you followed my Breeil stuff :)
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moonmeg · 8 months
how old are Neil's siblings ?
i obsessed with them now, they are beautiful help-
Bower siblings 1.0 current ages would be as following
Edan - 47
Blair - 45
Neil - 44
Ian - 41
Keith - 39
Maisie - 37
Happy to hear you like them <3
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