#you don't have to match! sgheghegsg
fixingitfclix · 4 years
“Oh no, ma’am, you really don’t have to!” Felix insisted as the woman running one of the pastry booths insisted that she should give him a few pastries for free. All he had done was nailed down a few bolts to keep her booth from willing around anymore, and admittedly, he had offered to do so for free after taking note of how some of the nails to her booth were loose. But then again, Felix has been helping around with all sorts of booths since early today, wanting to help any of the venders and make sure that those taking part in this music festival was having fun. So the free pastries was surely unneeded, yet the vendor continued to insist until the handyman found himself holding onto a bag filled with assortment of pastries. At that point, Felix had no choice but to smile at her. “If you really insist, then thank you ma’am!” He thanked, nodding at the woman before bidding her a goodbye. But as he walked off, the blonde glanced at the bag and gasped. “Jiminy Jaminy, that’s a lot of pastries!” More than just one feller like him could eat on his own! That is when he turned his sights on the nearest person to him while holding out the bag. “Hi there, would you like a pastry? It’s free!”
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