#you don’t want to lead the lamb to his death. you lead the lamb to his death anyway.
rithmeres · 3 months
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‘the last thing i want is to be a burden on him’ my brother in christ you have led the lamb to the slaughter and laid him down on the altar
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shadowandlightt · 8 months
Of Nightmares and Memories /five/ Azriel X reader
Series Warnings: Kidnapping. Mistreatment. Cursing. Pining. Violence. Depression. Talks of suicide. Eventual smut
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four
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They came not an hour later. You hid in your rooms like the coward you accused Tamlin of being. They didn’t put up a fight as Amerantha’s men, Rhys included, hauled them off towards the mountain. It left you in a state of dismay. Because with Tamlin gone, and the Faebane slowly leaving your system, there was no reason for you to stay here in Spring. You could easily run back to the night court and hide in one of the cabins your family owned. You could easily hide in the mountains and pray that one day Amerantha would meet her match. 
Only you couldn’t bring yourself to leave. One day you tried, only to turn and vomit in the rose bushes. You then turned around and went back to your rooms and crawled under your covers. You stayed there and didn’t move for the rest of the day. 
On the third day, Feyre showed back up. Much to your surprise, claiming to love Tamlin and willing to go under the mountain to save him. You rolled your eyes, but knew that love well. Because you would have given your wings if it meant seeing Az again. 
“She’ll kill you,” You say from your spot at the kitchen doors, “The second she realizes you’re there, she’ll kill you. But she’ll draw it out, make it slow and painful.”
“Not helping,” Alis hissed at you. 
“Who are you?” Feyre whips to face you. 
You only smirk, “A friend. That’s all you need to know. Rhys might be your only hope.” 
“Rhysand is a brute.”
“Perhaps,” You shrug, “But he wants out from under Amerantha as much as the next, only he has the power to make it happen.”
“What are you saying?” She questions. 
“If he comes to you with a bargain, take it,” You tell her, “It could just save your life. Play his games, it might just save you from hers.” 
“Don’t be a fool,” Alis said, “Don’t make any bargains.”
“Fine then, die and damn us all.”
“Why are you trying to help me?” Feyre asks. 
“Because, dear human, I want to go home,” you said almost wistfully, “And I can’t as long as that bitch is in power.” 
“Where is home for you?” 
“The Night Court. But I’ve been held here for hundreds of years.” 
“How old are you?” Her voice shook as she asked. 
You only laughed and shook your head, “My age is of no concern to you. I’m not even sure I know it anymore anyway.”
Alis sighs from behind Feyre and gathers some supplies. you  watch her carefully, wondering if she’s eager to send the poor human to her death, or if she hates the idea as much as you do. But you can only hope that Rhys will help her in any way that he can. You can only hope that he wants out as much as you think he does. 
“If you ever feel alone, look towards the shadows,” You explain, “I’m not promising I’ll be there. But if I feel I can risk it-” 
“Now that would be foolish,” Alis adds. 
“Thank you, Alis,” I hiss back, “You should go, now. Mother knows what that Bitch has done to your precious Tamlin.”
The idea of him getting his happy ending made you sick again. The idea of him being able to be happy when he’s caused so much suffering….you almost couldn’t handle it. But if this meant Rhys and the other members of the Night Court could be free then you had to allow it to happen. You had to try to aid the young girl in any way that you could. 
“Stick to the shadows,” You tell her, “You won’t get far once you enter, but always listen. And keep your wits about you.”
“Thank you,” She said in earnest. 
You watched from the broken front door as Alis led her away. You weren’t sure you’d ever see the human again, but you weren’t sad to see her go. It felt like leading a lamb to the slaughter, but it had to be done. There wasn’t another choice. Not if you wanted to survive, not if you wanted everyone to be free again. 
Each day you flung your powers out further and further, urging your shadows just a little further. They whispered back to you, telling you of what was happening under the mountain. How Feyre was dying, sick with fever and how Rhys came forth with a bargain. She headed your advice and took the bargain, marking her with a tattoo and a bond with Rhys. 
Each day you tried to find a way to contact your brother, but you knew you couldn’t risk it. There was no way you could reach his mind from so far away, not with the lingering effects of years of Faebane still in your system. 
You prayed that maybe Feyre would tell him about you and he would figure it out for himself and come for you once all of this was over. You prayed and prayed. There was nothing but silence. No news came. Your shadows were skittish, growing restless waiting for Amerantha to do something. 
You lost weight from not eating. The lack of food would kill you eventually, and maybe that wouldn’t be such a bad thing. If Valaris parished and there was nothing left of the people you called family- no one left but Rhys who thought you were dead anyway…would death be so bad? It could all be over finally, and maybe the Mother would be so kind as to bring you back to Az in the next life. 
Three months. A mere blip in your young life, but feeling like a lifetime nonetheless. It took three long months before you saw three figures coming up the road. They were moving fast, all three of them. Feyre, it seemed, was no longer human. Your shadows neglected to tell you that when they said she’d survived and Amerantha did not. 
You made your way downstairs, towards the door which you’d managed to somewhat fix. None of them looked worse for wear, but you knew whatever Feyre had been through would stay with her for a long time. And Tamlin had the ornate ability to simply sweep things under the rug and forget about them. He would do the same with her. 
She looked High Fae, smelled like it too. With traces of my brother. So small, almost undetectable, but there. Shimmering like the bond you knew they had. You wondered when he would call in his bargain, when he would take her away from this place and show her the splendor of the Night Court, the beauty of it. 
“You’re still here,” Tamlin stopped, a scowl forming, “I set you free.”
“You set me free, perhaps, but I would have died before I made it back to my own Court. Safer to stay here until I could contact my brother.”
“That won’t be happening,” Tamlin said slyly, “Feyre, darling, why don’t you go inside with Lucien. I’ll be inside in a moment.”
Your eyes narrowed as she did as she was told. Lucien spared you a glance, pity swirling in his eye. It made a pit form in your stomach. You wouldn’t be leaving the Spring Court, you realized. You would be forced to stay here until the day you died, or until Tamlin finally decided to kill you. 
Maybe you would make it your mission to push him as far as you could so he would kill you. Maybe then you could finally know peace, and not whatever it was that you knew now. 
“I thought I was going to free you,” Tamlin took a step towards you, “But then your brother made that Bargain with Feyre, and made me look like a fool under the mountain.” 
“So once again, I’m to become your bargaining chip?” I question, “What? Me for Feyre?” 
“I could mist you,” You hiss. 
“Ah, but you can’t,” Tamlin laughs, “Because even after all this time, the Faebane is still in your system. You can’t even winnow, because if you could, you would’ve left by now.” 
He surges forward and grips your cheeks in his hand. You yelp in pain before going completely still. You won’t let him have the satisfaction of seeing you in pain, or anything. He doesn’t deserve the satisfaction of it. 
“You, little one, are going to be here for a very long time,” He squeezed your face harder, “And I’m going to enjoy finally breaking you.”
Little did he know, you were already broken. 
“Go to hell,” You spit out. 
“I was already there,” He smirked, “It didn’t take.” 
“He’ll kill you once he finds out,” You force out, “And I’ll watch and laugh.” 
“I’m counting on him trying.”
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the-artist-grimm · 30 days
Hi, I have just discovered your AU and I like the design, also the name made curious about what's the AU about
Thank you! And for the ‘Crimson Angel AU’ think of it as translating to ‘Blood-Soaked Angel AU’, since I think that’s more of a better visual/description, but crimson just sounds prettier for an actual title.  This is gonna be a little long for more-in-depth lore dump so see the READ MORE for well, more! And my apologies for the rambles that have slowly taken over my brain, it's a little chaotic but the basic gist of it XD
(Note Anthea goes by she/they and I alternate between the two so if that causes reading issues let me know)
In this case, the ‘Blood-Soaked Angel’ is my lamb, Anthea, who starts off the story as being a seemingly kind, friendly, and optimistic person just wanting to help, but is really just someone who is trying to understand why they lived when their family and people did not, and just going with self-sacrifice and self-destruction as the only way to ‘prove’ they deserved to live. 
Got a mini backstory comic here with some explanations, though TLDR Anthea already had this sense of being responsible for keeping everyone else’s spirits up after losing their father, and when heretics destroyed the rest of their family/village at age 12 and they survived by the shear luck of just being out on a routine supply run, they feel as if they don’t deserve it. 
From there Anthea bottled everything up and wandered the forests for a bit until being found and taken in by Ratau, who taught her not only how to fight but also told her stories of his time as vessel, of which any involving The One Who Waits were the most interesting. A lonely, bitter, and kinda angry god of death, despite  his appearance, kept and appeared to care for the two young kits by his side. TOWW sounded different from the other bishops Anthea had only ever known to be violent, and thus she began to worship him as a sort of comfort-since thinking a gentler god greeted her family and would one day greet her was a better thought than the horror they must’ve faced prior to death. She lived day to day just pretending everything was fine, being a good kid, and helping out around the shack, while internally treating every moment like borrowed time, thinking she had to keep being useful to everyone else. (Ratau knew she had people-pleasing issues but didn’t realize the extent for a long, long time) 
Cut to Anthea being 26, and after she and Ratau were heading back one afternoon after some errand or visit were ambushed by heretics who managed to injure Ratau when they tried to escape, and though they got away, they were pursued. Thinking she’d lived on borrowed time long enough and wanting to prevent another person she loved from dying, Anthea took advantage of Ratau’s injury keeping him from stopping her and drew the heretics away, being captured as a result. 
Bishops, execution, Anthea gets the shock of hearing that they’re the final lamb prior to sacrifice, then suddenly they’re waking up in the gateway to the god they’ve worshiped for years, and he’s just as Ratau described. A lonely, bitter god with two young kits (I place Aym and Baal as teens since it leads to some interesting moments), by his side. Yet where that’s all Ratau saw, Anthea also saw the chains. The wounds bleeding an endless stream of ichor. The way TOWW struggled prior to their approach, how his voice and smile were strained. This god they’d built up as this better to the bishops is trapped and painfully so, and when offered the chance to help him, Anthea jumps at it. They must’ve lived for SOMETHING, must be the last for some greater purpose because there were so many other lambs who ‘deserved’ to live more, so if it’s for this prophecy then so be it. 
Game plays out, Anthea begins to see past the bitterness/anger Nariender puts up to see someone genuinely hurt by those he cared about and struggling to trust after while also seeing he’s not exactly perfect, whilst Nariender in turn starts to call Anthea out on the whole self-sacrificial stick as them just trying to die to make themself feel better instead of just facing the fact that they lived, others died, and that’s all there is to say. Slowly the two become friends, got an idea for example that Anthea starts to use the crown to show Nariender what he’s missed in the world as a means of comforting him/helping him remember not all was as bad as he recalls (aka they’re unintentional dates lol), Anthea also starts befriending the twins since they remind them of their own brothers which gains more Nariender friendship points at someone making his kids happy, and that friendship slowly turns to a genuine love from both sides. 
Anthea plans to keep her feelings hidden until after Narinder’s free, though secretly starts to work on an engagement present to confess by leaving the crown at the temple and going to the Lonely Shack at night. (the engagement also meant to be a symbolic ‘hey you don’t have to feel the same but just know I’ll be with you from now on I won’t leave you’). Is also Anthea finally taking steps to live life for herself and move on to something that makes her happy. Meanwhile Narinder has no idea what these feelings he’s having are-just that this weirdly kind, cheerful, but also melancholic and frustratingly self-sacrificial lamb makes his heart race, and is now for some reason being a little distant. He’s been trying to figure out how to return to the world above without sacrificing Anthea, but now has whatever this is distracting him, and thus has the crown follow one night, only hears part of Anthea discussing/being teased about planning a proposal but not who said proposal is for, and being unused to jealousy but very used to being cast aside and betrayed gets angry/scared/heartbroken and decides to just go through with the sacrifice anyway since it’s easier than trying to figure out why he’s feeling like this. 
Endgame battle hits, during which Anthea feels very confused/hurt by his order to sacrifice themself, as just the other day here was their dearest friend lightly scolding them for willingly dying just to visit. They try to reason with him and Narinder doesn’t want to hear it, so he orders the twins to fight Anthea which neither are willing but are forced, and Anthea has no choice but to kill both since Nariender refuses to hear reason. The anger, grief, guilt, and heartbreak they’ve bottled up finally boils over as red wings appear on their back like they briefly do in-game when the lamb refuses (this all started when I saw the scene in-game and thought the visual/symbolism was really cool), and they fight and defeat Nariender. 
When back at the compound Nariender’s just lashing out and cursing Anthea on the dais because he’s angry and hurt at her betraying him until Anthea just calmly tells him why he was spared-she loved him. Nariender finally looks at her and is hit with the realization that this lamb who’d always looked at him so warmly with adoration is now giving him the most blank, lifeless expression as she tells him he’s free to do as he pleases before leaving. And he now realizes that because he didn’t stop and think things through and instead let anger take the focus he completely neglected to realize that here was someone who loved him-who loved him even as they learned of his faults, saw his lowest, ect, and he just threw it all away over a misunderstanding he could've EASILY just asked about. He even sacrificed his guards (read sons) just because that was somehow easier than talking. Which begs the question, who else loved him? Who else did he miss? Was his imprisonment really all on the bishops, or was he also to blame? Whilst Anthea’s now stuck with a godhood she didn’t want, two more loved ones dead, and a broken heart. 
The two gotta learn where to go from here, the now blood-soaked ‘angel’ who’s begun to realize just how much giving pieces of yourself hurts, and a fallen god who’s begun to realize things aren’t as black and white as he thought. They get better! Eventually...
Might try making a fic, might just keep this as drabbles and rambles along with art, but right now I’m having fun making fanart/aus for the first time instead of just watching from the sidelines, so I hope you enjoy the ride. But for now enjoy some angsty doodles :D
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taereaderwriter · 1 year
Game of Thrones - Recommendations
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Sador ‘The Hound’ Clegane
The Hound and the Vulture (ongoing?) - @summervale
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
P1 note: Third person reader-insert! A wandering widow and a wanted warrior. They're no "The Bear and the Maiden Fair," but they're close enough, right? After saving his life, the scavenger is half tempted to sell him out and half tempted to have her way with him. The dog is half tempted to throw her in the Trident and half tempted to throw her in the Blackwater Rush. 
if he’s as bad as they say, then i guess i’m cursed (complete) - @diorstarr
Part 1 | Part 2
Summary: It starts like most bad things do. Because Joffrey finds it funny. Or, you get married to The Hound. 
Love? (complete) - @justallamaimaginingthings
“A/n: That was not even requested, but after 8x05 I needed some Sandor fluff, so there you go. Hope you enjoy it and don’t hesitate to drop by my askbox whether it is to request anything, leave a comment or just to chat”
Sandor Clegane x Reader (Wildling) (complete) - @lunnybunny12
“A/N: The reader is a wildling in this story and has never heard of the hound before.”
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of death and no fluff
Listen to me (complete) - @myfictionaldreams
Request: “The reader is a fighter an she almost gets killed in battle but sanders saves her once the battle is over he finds her in her room and they get into an argument that leads to rough smut with biting marking and dirty talk if you don’t mind”
The Hound’s Wedding (complete) - @myfictionaldreams
Summary:  King Joffrey needed a way to send a message to your brothers in Winterfell. What better way than marrying you off to the bloodthirsty Hound.
Warnings: +18 readers only, Loss of Virginity, Size Kink, Reader is a Stark, Size Difference, Vaginal Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Oral Sex
The Teasing Game (complete) - @myfictionaldreams
Summary: There was nothing you loved more in life than teasing Sandor Clegane. What happens when he can’t take it anymore and he finally snaps?
Warnings: 18+ readers only, smut, teasing, size difference, jeaousy, mentions of masturbation, choking, biting, marking, rough oral sex (male receiving), rough sex, multple orgasms, dirty talk, hair pulling, threats of violence
Sandor Clegane/ The Hound NSFW Alphabet (complete) - @brrahbrrahcharacterimagines
The Lamb and The Hound (complete) - @brrahbrrahcharacterimagines
Part 1 | Part 2
P1 Warnings: Light attempted rape mentioned (not by Sandor), Battle of Blackwater, fire mention
P2 Warnings: Sex, Dom(M)/Sub(F) dynamic, maybe a size kink, sharing a bed, boner?, cursing, loss of virginity, possessiveness, breeding kink, cum
Tormund Giantsbane
Cold Hands (complete) - @author-morgan
Summary: After the Battle of Castle Black, Jon needs someone to ensure their wildling prisoner makes it through the night. Because Tormund's the type you just want to rage fuck and I've been looking for an excuse to write for him since like 2017.
Lord Robin Arryn
Grown Up (complete) - @brrahbrrahcharacterimagines
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forgottendolly · 1 year
Things I loved in Station Theatre’s RTC because I can’t stop thinking about it and I don’t think I ever will😔😔 (in no particular order whatsoever😇🙏)
- Virgil the rat chewing the power cable and his little ears and head just bobbed 😭😭
- The whole pre jawbreaker monologue (yes, I cried… sobbed more accurately)
- Mischa blowing a party blower at Jane and her getting scared x2
- Constance’s cotton Candy earrings 😞💗 I need them for myself!!!!!
- Ocean and Constance doing their little “improv” skit was done so perfectly I laughed so hard 💀
- Jane running and hugging Ocean during her “i love you guys” speech and just not letting her go LIKE FULL ON HOLDING ONTO HER AND DRAGGING ALONG AS OCEAN BACKED AWAY
- Ricky and Jane ARE REAL
- Ricky coming out in all black with his head down at the start and half doing the choreo
- Noel laughing when Karnak tells Ocean that the person who wins will be decided by a unanimous vote
- Jane saying “for me? 🥺” when Constance offers her the hello Kitty cupcake
- Her proceeding to squish said cupcake in her hand and try to eat the paper decoration on top leading to the others having to stop her
- Mischa offering Jane a sip of vodka and she drinks like half the bottle 💀💀
- Jane making her doll dance
- Ricky teaching Jane how to ballroom dance after TNBS
- Janes headless pose at the start and end of the show
- Janes little neck ribbon
- “Do you want to know what I find really super hurts?” DEATH STARE
- Mischa throwing money into the audience (yes I kept one sorry not sorry)
- Jane picking up two of the pieces of money and handing them to people in the audience
- someone getting picked up and spun around more than once??? YES. You heard me, more than once. I almost got knocked out by Janes shoe and honestly would have thanked her
- Monique ate the whole time
- Seriously OBSESSED with Noel’s Lament
- Spacedolls I repeat SPACEDOLLS
- Janes little bottom eyelashes
- Oceans cute little hair bow I LOVER HERR
- Mischa flipping everyone and everything off every 3 seconds
- Jane trying to bring Ricky with her to the other side
- Jane giving Ricky her doll before she leaves to the other side
- The group going over to hug Mischa after Talia, including Constance Jane and ofc Noel
- Ricky ASL 💗💗💗💗
- Clip on earrings (ifykyk)
- Penny lamb life compilation (I was in tears) AND THEN WITH THE BEAUTIFUL ITS NOT A GAME VOCALS?!! HEART SHATTERED!
- Having to hold back Jane from biting ocean after the “and she’s a freaky monster” line
- Noel saying hello to Jane and Jane moving her little dolls arm say hi back
- The ropes they used to make Jane look like a marionette doll during TBOJD
- Constance bring the puppet master during TBOJD
- The headless doll being on the side of the wall and the kid sitting next to me pointing it out cause my blind ass didn’t see it at first
- Talia skirts 💗💗
- The way Jane goes limp after her introduction song
- FORNICATION… UNDER CONSENT OF THE KINGGGG!!!! *holding long ass sword above her head*
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nom-nommmm1 · 8 months
Hi there! I saw you wrote for Lords Of Chaos (my gulity pleasure) And was wondering if you could write a short with Pelle, where he meets a male reader after a show who sneak backstage to compliment him on his voice. They bond over finding out they have similar interests, like the concept of death and certain artists, and one thing leads to another when the reader teases him about being “softer then he thought.” So smut in dressing room after show scenario. Hope your having a decent 2024 so far :)
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Masterlist for more !!
Hihi thank you for the request! I appreciate it very much, my 2024 is going ok so far :) also this is my first male x male so pls be kind!!
Content warning !!: dom!Pelle x male!reader, pelle being sweet, but then rough with the reader, blowjob, cum eating, unprotected sex
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As the show was ending the blond singer and his band thanked the audience and made their way backstage. Once they left the crowd started rushing to the parking lot, pushing me back as I try to walk closer to the stage. “Fuck!” I yell out as I try to push by the mob of people. I manage to make my way to the stage, sneaking to the backstage area. I can’t believe I’m doing this.
As I try to sneak around I hear a familiar voice call out. “Hey hon, I don’t think you’re supposed to be here” the voice says, coming closer to me with every word. I turn around to see the one and only Dead. My cheeks flush a little as he looks down at me, now being a few inches away from me. “What’re you doing back here?” He asks smirking a little.
“Listen I understand I’m not supposed to be back here, but I’m a huge fan and wanted to say that I think your voice is really nice” I quickly say as the blond looks at me up and down, analyzing me with his big brown eyes. He then smiles. “Why thank you, I’ve been perfecting it over the past couple of years” he says looking down into my eyes softly.
I smile, blushing a bit. “Y’know I don’t think I’ve ever had someone sneak backstage just to talk to me” he says chuckling. “Well…I am a big fan” I reply looking down at my shoes in embarrassment. Dead moves down to my eye level so I am forced to look at him. “Hey it’s fine, what’s your name sweetheart?” He asks giving me a sweet smile.
“Oh my names Y/n” I reply. His eyes flicker from my body to my eyes. “Such a lovely name” he says before taking my hand in his, gently rubbing the smooth skin on my knuckles. I blush a little looking down at my shoes once again. Dead puts his hand on my chin, tilting my head up so I look him in the eyes.
“What’s the matter you pretty little thing?” He teases, backing away from me whilst smiling. “It’s nothing..I just didn’t think you’d let me talk to you” I say chuckling nervously. “Well, why wouldn't I? I think you're pretty cool” he replies sitting on the couch behind him, patting the spot next to him for me to sit on.
“So, what's your favorite metal band?” he asks looking down at me, turning his whole body to face me. “Probably Lamb of God,” I say smiling, now turning my body to face him as well. “Oo good choice, I love Lamb of God” he replies. “Okay, now what about you, what's your favorite band?” I ask.
He looks down, thinking for a moment, twiddling with his fingers until he finally thinks of one. He faces me again before saying “Probably Darkthrone or Slayer, I don't know there are so many good options!” he says dramatically putting his hands on his head. I giggle. Pelle then stops moving around. His hands are still on his head, but he's looking at me through his hair, shielding his face.
We both stop laughing, the room goes silent. His piercing eyes are on me, looking through me. His blonde locks in his face. I look down at the ground again. “You know” I pause, glancing at him before continuing. “You’re softer than I thought”
“Oh yeah?” he says teasingly. He gets up close to my ear. “I'm gonna show you just how sweet I can be” he whispers whilst picking me up. I yelp blushing a bit. He walks us down a dimly lit hall, making it to a door. “Pelles dressing room” engraved on the door. This is really happening.
He chuckles seeing me get visibly needy. He opens the door, practically throwing me on the couch as the door shuts behind him. He rushes over to the sofa, harshly connecting his lips with mine. He puts his hands on the back of my head, shielding me from hitting the wall roughly. I gasp in shock. He chuckles, sliding his tongue into my mouth.
I kiss back, trying to mimic his fast pace. I put my hands on his shoulders to support myself. He puts me in his lap. “Is this alright?” He asks, still having his lips connected with mine. I nod. He smiles taking his shirt off, throwing on the ground behind him.
He moves in closer again, tugging at the hem of my shirt. As I am about to remove my shirt Pelle stops me, putting his hand on mine. “Wait” he says in his deep voice. I stop, looking into the singers brown eyes, waiting for him to answer. “I want you to show me just how big of a fan you are” he says. My eyes widen and Pelle scoffs. “I thought you said you were a big fan now’s the time to prove it sweetheart”
He whispers the last part in my ear. I blush feeling heat rush to my inner thighs. “So are you in or are you out? The decision is yours sweetheart” he says looking at me with lust-filled eyes. I nod looking at him, waiting for him to react. Pelle chuckles roughly taking me off of his lap, putting me on my knees. He looks at me through his blonde hair. “Don’t be shy now” he says forcefully moving me to be face to face with his erection.
I take a deep breath, recollecting myself quickly before I start to unbutton his tight skinny jeans. He groans feeling me palm him through his boxers. I slowly take off his boxers. His member being freed from the harsh fabric that was keeping him down.
I wrap my hands around his cock glancing at him as he groans once more. I slowly start to rub up and down his base. Pelle tries to move his hips. He becomes impatient with me and puts his hand behind my head and forces my face to be right next to his erection. “Open” he says firmly. I do as I’m told and I open my mouth.
He puts his member in my mouth, he moans his head hitting the bed as he throws his head back in pleasure. I grunt against his cock making him move his hands to my hair. He uses his hands to forces my mouth on his cock moving at a quick speed. I gag as he hits the back of my throat.
He chuckles at the sight of me crying on his cock. He quickens the pace, throat-fucking me at a frightening rate. I gag once more, taking him all in. I stroke his base before his red tip hits the back of my throat again. This begins to happen every time, him relentlessly throat-fucking me until his release. “Take it all in” he says tipping my head back to make sure I swallow it all.
Pelle then moves me so I am turned around facing away from him. “Now is the fun part” he says before undoing my pants. Once he gets my pants off he pulls down my boxers and there’s a moment of silence, neither of us moving or even breathing just silence. “Are ya ready?” He asks looking down at me.
I nod my head eagerly. He then pulls my cock from its confines, I whine a little as he starts to slowly stroke me. He quickens his pace before putting his own member in me. I moan loudly, Pelle puts his hand over my mouth to try and muffle the sounds by me. “Shhh, be quiet now” he warns before starting to pump in and out of me whilst stroking my cock.
I whimper in his hand. He quickens his pace on my cock, staying inside me while doing so. He starts to lose control as he feels himself getting more tired by the minute, but he still is trying is best to keep a rhythm. He pumps in and out of me again, while stroking my cock at the same exact pace. I moan more than I thought I ever could.
Pelle moves one hand to my hip, angling me in the perfect spot. Pelle hits just the right spot, he uses then to his advantage as he speeds up, relentlessly hitting my good spot, I whine and shout before Pelle releases once again, this time in me. As I feel his orgasm within me I feel mine come and I release all over the couch of the dressing room. After awhile he pulls out of me and just stares at me in awe.
“We should do that again sometime” he says handing me his phone to put my number in. I happily do so and look at him again. After a few minutes of silence he clears his throat “you should probably get out of here” he says handing me my clothes and leading me to the door. “See you next time y/n” he says before shutting the door behind you in a mischievous tone.
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AHHH ITS IS DONEEEE Oml I’ve been working on this for literal weeks. 😭 I’m sorry for the delay!! Hope you enjoyed bye bye ♥
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cutpaperbleedswater · 6 months
Re reading Catching Fire has gotten me thinking.
Peeta as a character is pretty tragic, his mother’s abuse and his father’s silence, knowing that the people who he cares about probably don’t feel the same and is under the impression his death would mean very little to them. In the first games, he and Haymitch both pick Katniss to be crowned Victor at first opportunity and spins a love story that humiliates her but if he were to die, she’d be able to get with someone (Gale, from what Peeta thinks) after a few months, he made a deal with the Careers which is high level foolishness if without a bigger goal. To find himself dying, caked in mud, probably thinking about how Katniss isn’t seeing him like this and then find, oh wait, she is, because that’s an option now and the fact there’s a chance he could win too. I stand by the thinking he went into the arena with no want to get out of it only to find that he did, because let’s face it, Katniss did the most controversial Selfish/selfless on the planet and risked both their deaths for him after he was ready to snuff it for her. And then after all that, finding his lower left leg had to be amputated and taught how to handle that, walk into the final interview with a small illusion that Katniss likes him and walk into his new home knowing it was all a lie, just Katniss doing what she thought best for her and hers and then freezing him out in the months leading up to the Victory tour, wherein which I doubt Peeta had many visitors, maybe his father/brothers and perhaps Delly and he’d definitely offer up his home for his family only for his mum to say good riddance and herd them home. I have low doubts that he’d spend ‘Gale Sunday’ with the Everdeens and maybe bring a sketchbook to Haymitch’s if he felt far too lonely. Not to mention the nightmares where he was armed with only his paints.
Then in the second games, he makes a deal with Haymitch to save Katniss, which he does, only for a group of people Peeta had never thought existed. Haymitch giving Katniss the impression that he was going to save her and us reading it from her perspective makes it feel like even what he wanted to be his last moments, his wishes were ignored even after the amount of stress on his selflessness and how he did deserve a moment of selfishness. Then dying, figuring out Katniss loves him by a good old r+ kiss, murdering someone whilst looking for her and then being captured and tortured. Really the only time he got what he wanted was when he was taken instead of her at the risk he suffered at, and her living at the first games ofc. The idea of him doing everything to show her his improvement, holding out the can of lamb stew in the Capitol, working hard in court ordered therapy and actually returning home is actually sweet when you realise the direction it could’ve gone. Also his whole family dying without closure is pretty sad too and the fact he was a very friendly person so he would’ve somewhat personally known plenty of the bombing victims. Also the fact the only time he’s truly looked after is when he’s too crazy to acknowledge it.
He’s my baby. Suzanne Collins is an angel for creating him for us.
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esther-dot · 1 year
I talked before about how Drogo didn’t follow Mirri’s instructions, so I’m not sure she can be blamed for his death (link) and of course, the same thing applies with Rhaego:
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And, if Mirri did intentionally set out to kill Drogo, I support that, just as I would support Dany if she had determined to kill him. The man is a rapist and a slaver, if his victims chose to take him out, I’d have no complaints!
I don’t think OP’s statements about Mirri take the facts of Rhaego or Drogo’s deaths into account, and I certainly disagree with the whitewashing of Drogo. If we go back and read the set-up, I would argue we’re being guided to sympathize with Mirri—not him. I think that view/the Dany view is being undercut:
Across the road, a girl no older than Dany was sobbingin a high thin voice as a rider shoved her over a pile of corpses, facedown, and thrust himself inside her. Other riders dismounted to take their turns. That was the sort of deliverance the Dothraki brought the Lamb Men.
I am the blood of the dragon, Daenerys Targaryen reminded herself as she turned her face away. She pressed her lips together and hardened her heart and rode on toward the gate.
Slaves, Dany thought. Khal Drogo would drive them downriver to one of the towns on Slaver's Bay. She wanted to cry, but she told herself that she must be strong. This is war, this is what it looks like, this is the price of the Iron Throne.
"I've told the khal he ought to make for Meereen," Ser Jorah said. "They'll pay a better price than he'd get from a slaving caravan. Illyrio writes that they had a plague last year, so the brothels are paying double for healthy young girls, and triple for boys under ten. If enough children survive the journey, the gold will buy us all the ships we need, and hire men to sail them."
"You heard my words," she said. "Stop them." She spoke to her khas in the harsh accents of Dothraki. "Jhogo, Quaro, you will aid Ser Jorah. I want no rape."
The warriors exchanged a baffled look.
Jorah Mormont spurred his horse closer. "Princess," he said, "you have a gentle heart, but you do not understand. This is how it has always been. Those men have shed blood for the khal. Now they claim their reward."
Across the road, the girl was still crying, her high singsong tongue strange to Dany's ears. The first man was done with her now, and a second had taken his place.
"She is a lamb girl," Quaro said in Dothraki. "She is nothing, Khaleesi. The riders do her honor. The Lamb Men lay with sheep, it is known."
"It is known," her handmaid Irri echoed.
"It is known," agreed Jhogo, astride the tall grey stallion that Drogo had given him. "If her wailing offends your ears, Khaleesi, Jhogo will bring you her tongue." He drew his arakh.
"I will not have her harmed," Dany said. "I claim her. Do as I command you, or Khal Drogo will know the reason why."
"Ai, Khaleesi," Jhogo replied, kicking his horse. Quaro and the others followed his lead, the bells in their hair chiming.
"Go with them," she commanded Ser Jorah.
"As you command." The knight gave her a curious look. "You are your brother's sister, in truth."
"Viserys?" She did not understand.
"No," he answered. "Rhaegar." He galloped off.
Dany heard Jhogo shout. The rapers laughed at him. One man shouted back. Jhogo's arakh flashed, and the man's head went tumbling from his shoulders. Laughter turned to curses as the horsemen reached for weapons, but by then Quaro and Aggo and Rakharo were there. She saw Aggo point across the road to where she sat upon her silver. The riders looked at her with cold black eyes. One spat. The others scattered to their mounts, muttering.
All the while the man atop the lamb girl continued to plunge in and out of her, so intent on his pleasure that he seemed unaware of what was going on around him. Ser Jorah dismounted and wrenched him off with a mailed hand. The Dothraki went sprawling in the mud, bounced up with a knife in hand, and died with Aggo's arrow through his throat. Mormont pulled the girl off the pile of corpses and wrapped her in his blood-spattered cloak. He led her across the road to Dany. "What do you want done with her?"
The girl was trembling, her eyes wide and vague. Her hair was matted with blood. "Doreah, see to her hurts. You do not have a rider's look, perhaps she will not fear you. The rest, with me." She urged the silver through the broken wooden gate.
It was worse inside the town. Many of the houses were afire, and the jaqqa rhan had been about their grisly work. Headless corpses filled the narrow, twisty lanes. They passed other women being raped. Each time Dany reined up, sent her khas to make an end to it, and claimed the victim as slave. One of them, a thick-bodied, flat-nosed woman of forty years, blessed Dany haltingly in the Common Tongue, but from the others she got only flat black stares. They were suspicious of her, she realized with sadness; afraid that she had saved them for some worse fate. (AGOT, Daenerys VII)
The author wants us to know how horrific this is. The author tells us how abused these women are. And then the author has a sly line about Dany which initially leads us to side with Dany, believe these women are unnecessarily worried about her intentions, but what eventually befalls Mirri?
"You will not hear me scream," Mirri responded as the oil dripped from her hair and soaked her clothing.
"I will," Dany said, "but it is not your screams I want, only your life. (AGOT, Daenerys X)
The fires swept over Mirri Maz Duur. Her song grew louder, shriller … than she gasped, again and again, and her song became a shuddering wail, thin and high and full of agony. (AGOT, Daenery X)
A malicious, painful death at Dany’s hand. I simply don’t think the point of any of those scenes is that Mirri is a baddie.
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spookitordukeit · 2 months
Your COTL au sounds epic and I can’t wait to learn more about it!
Hdjdvdjsbkdbdkdbsjdbjdbdj omg thank you!!!^^ I haven’t played the game myself yet but I have (tragically) come down with a serious case of brainrot…😔 nothings set in stone yet, but I can definitely ramble about some ideas I have!!
Okay, so first off, I haven’t seen many Fem Lambs, and I absolutely adore writing fems, so my Lamb will be She/They. I think I’ll be sticking with ‘The Lamb’ as her name as well.
As for the cultists, I’ll be revamping characters from a (very, I’m talking 2012) old Original Work I have. I never posted anything, but I feel like now is finally the time to let them shine!
There’s Anya the harlequin rabbit person, Reiketsuna the snow leopard, and Daichi the bat. Those are the main ones I want to revamp, especially Anya, as she has always been my favorite.
Of course there’s also ‘The Wolf’ I mentioned in the other posts. Something something, a sweet lamb comes across an dangerous, injured wolf and nurses it back to health. Undying loyalty and all that, yknow? I’ll probably be basing him off of Hotaru, the wolf person. Might change a few things though as his personality and the Wolf I want to make are vastly different…
AOUGH. And i really want a ferret…. They’re so cute😔 WHAT ABOUT A SALAMANDER?????
I’m also playing with the idea of adding Hoshihiko and Koichiko, (the fox and weird half dragon half priest person … thing. Respectively.) but I’d need to majorly rehaul them, seeing as they were the main hero and villain of that story… idk though, maybe I can work them in? Augh.
I also want to put more focus on how the cultists are, indeed, animals. They act, think, eat, play, forge bonds, and live, in vastly different ways; And I think it would really fun to explore that. Foxes are mostly solitary unless rearing young, and then they form what’s called a ‘skulk’. Wolves always in packs and form deep family connections. Snow leopards are always solitary, roaming as ‘the ghosts of the mountains’. Sheep have large flocks and a leading sheep or shepherd.
Sheep can not be solitary or else they experience extreme distress. A sheep will follow their leader even when being led into danger and death, that is how deep the instinct to be follow is…
Jsbdjdbdjsvsj. Don’t mind me, I’m insane. Anyway! Here’s the finished Lamb design and the idea for the Wolf. (I have no idea how to draw furries… plebse forgibv…😔)
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The creachures…. I’ll get to Narinder eventually I prommy
Anyway- always feel free to ask if you have questions :3 I do very much enjoy answering and spreading my little diseases lol
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moonmoonthecrabking · 2 years
i wonder what it would be like if the whole choir miraculously came back. how do you cope from processing and accepting your death to living again?
they meet penny lamb on the 15th of september, each of them recognising the name from a hauntingly vivid dream they shared the night before.
but it wasn’t a dream. it couldn’t be. it was all real. they died. and they’re here again. what the fuck.
constance blackwood runs to her parents after school and hugs them. there’s nothing wrong with loving them, with being nice. sure, there’s so much more to her than that - her anger, her laugh, her pain, every part of her that makes her complicated and beautiful and worthwhile. but there’s nothing wrong with being the nicest girl in town. there’s nothing wrong with her. not for loving uranium, not for being a teenager, not for making mistakes.
penny lamb, upon talking to the five other teenagers, instantly recognises their conversation. she had a dream the night before, even though she wasn’t in uranium. even though she wasn’t a member of the choir. her elbows and neck aches every time she moved them, her head and forearms seemed as though they lacked blood. she was decapitated on the cyclone, once, but she never boarded it. they all knew her as jane doe, a forgotten name. now she was gifted this second chance, she would be remembered. by everyone, anyone. even if penny lamb was only remembered by herself, it would still be a victory. make a mark on people’s hearts, that would be her first goal. her second was don’t die by decapitation this time.
ricky potts is the most confused. he conceded, didn’t he? granted, that was when he believed only one would return. but still. his life was valuable, even though society looked down upon him. he’s still going to fantasise about zolar, sure, but he’s also going to be that zolarian prophet back on earth. he doesn’t know how much time he has left - none of the choir do - but he can always make a difference.
mischa bachinski has unlocked a new side of himself. rage and passion are twoo sides of the same coin, feeling so deeply for another that justice and care for them becomes your responsibility. but now, he allows himself to be selfish. be introspective. and not just to talia. he looks into himself, the boy he is, rather than being the man everyone expects him to become. he asks for help, for comfort, as he always tried to provide to the others in his life before the cyclone crash.
noel gruber realises the dull tragedy of his life. but even a dull tragedy has ecstasy within it. feelings of unrequited love. oppressed by the leading beliefs of his town for an unchanging part of his identity. a small town cliche. it took him a tragic death to realise the interest of his tragic life. he stops waiting. he starts writing, and continues living. and while the depravity and drama of post-war france is his ideal, maybe a bit of light to balance it out isn’t always the complete worst.
ocean o’connell rosenberg is an absolute fucking mess. if she keeps acting as she did with her second chance, what’s the lesson? that even when a person develops she reverts to her normal self in her original environment? that change is impossible? if she keeps building a life, working towards something, it could all come crashing down in a day. again. but if she stops caring, begins to act like her parents, well, that just shows that no one can break past their upbringing and genetics and no one should ever try. but then she looks out at the choir. her career, that’s fine, she can care about that, she can put work into it. effort for effort’s sake is not futile if the experience itself is enjoyable or helpful. that world, however, pales in comparison to the five people in front of her. caring for them, uplifting them rather than standing atop them, that’s what she wants to do. that’s what the world needs.
“i love you guys. i want to keep getting to know you.”
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thornswoggled · 1 month
Hello! I wanted to share some thoughts and questions and honestly this probably will be really jumbled up but here we go!, okay so I’ve been thinking (wanting) Chise can obviously Do sleeping magic as Angelica had said in one chapter were chises Magic and her Special technique will be more towards sleeping as we know. Which led me to thinking what if Chise sings another song? Not a lullaby maybe her own song Were she accidentally sings someone to sleep and if that happens will she do it Out in a fit if anger finally? What if Her dragon curse (a death curse) triggers in her song and it turns into kinda like a Song of death?,And not just that but what if a type of event happens for example Something goes on With the college maybe it involea that new mage that showed up or something else entirely. As we know Elias does favors and solve problems for the church. and mages will keep there word involving deals and promises and doing tasks for something in return. So I was thinking Elias does something for the college for something in return and it Involves an event. Elias goes to the event and maybe it’s an event only for Mages or entity’s and creatures and Faye so Elias can go. But what if chise comes along as a plus one? Or instead she ends up coming along because. Hold on let me finish that thought in a minute. As we know in the college arc There’s the Houses the sargant house and obviously these are known as the Seven Shields so what if Chise ends up going along to this event with the St. George’s and Elias doesn’t know? What if Elias informs chise he’s going to be out on business you know and he’ll be back in 3 days or something. And Maybe prior It’s brought up that Chise does sing and so maybe this event loses there lead singer or something goes wrong and there’s a spot a performer is supposed to fill. So somehow chise stands on the stage and she sings you know? Elias is there and he’s dumbfounded or something but imagine she’s Singing her sing infront of a bunch of Faye and maybe even that new mage from the latest chapter is there. And chise is now just exposed Maybe her voice is leaking mana and projecting some sort of spell and maybe she gets stage fright and Her dragon curse leaks through you know, her eyes change color and again she’s exposed Faye’s are drooling over her Sleigh Veganess and it’s this whole thing? And maybe Joseph’s Joins Elias (he probably wants out of his Well or something and maybe he knows about the event maybe it’s yearly and he’s been then before maybe he has more of status after all In one of the episodes specifically the graveyard one he says that parts and martial are hard to come by and expensive so that instigates he’s been in the black market and maybe is well known in some fashion) anyway I’m just really wanting and curious to see chise Singing and putting herself in danger in some fashion but i don’t want her singing some sort of Lamb Lullaby about 16272 sheep and NO! I need something more and again with Elias literally not knowing chises taste in music, this will make his curiosity peak and he’ll be like so stiff his red Beaty eyes watching her perform it something. My mind has short circuited so many times typing this it’s probably so all over the place and my thoughts become unfinished leading on to more and more thoughts about tamb. Oh wait I just had this whole Arc idea and speculations about tamb. I’ll come back later
wow you could probably get a pretty lengthy fic out of that idea!
as for why we've never seen chise sing again, i think shes justifiably afraid of messing someone up again - potentially harming elias and being without his guidance for several days seems to have shaken her a little. but also shes still very new to magic, and hasnt found her niche yet... theres her singing, but theres also this depiction of her magic taking the form of plants/vines, and on top of all that she also has a dragons curse so that comes with its own stank. and on TOP of THAT, there are also people who say things like "chise would probably excel at xyz magic if she was taught properly." all of this is to say she has her fingers in a lot of pots. personally i will be fine if we never see her sing again because i get secondhand embarrassment when people sing in fiction... but thats my own hangup
can someone please get chise a ticket to warped tour. oh, well, wait, that was only a north american thing.... can someone please get chise a ticket to wacken open air. she could do a death growl if you let her. i know this
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descendantsramblings · 2 months
She Said, "Boy Can I Tell You,"
So, I made the fic I posted about wanting to make, Chapter one of Act one is out now. Find it here.
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“So don’t fall in love, there’s just too much to lose. If you’re given the choice then I beg you choose to walk away. Walk away, don’t let her get you. I can’t bare to see the same thing happen to you.”-Terrible Things, Mayday Parade Act One: "A Terrible Thing" Poppy Pan x James Hook In which falling in love with the one Pan daughter leads James Hook to lose everything. Maybe Villains really aren’t meant for happily ever afters. Act Two: "A Wonderful Thing" Penelope Pan X Harry Hook In which Harry Hook unknowingly follows in his father’s footsteps. Leaving James to be haunted by a familiar pair of eyes on a younger, softer face.
Maybe the families are cursed to be drawn to each other, lions softening to kittens as they fall for lambs. Maybe the Hook boys are destined to fall for the daughters of the Pan family line.
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Act One : "A Terrible Thing" 🛠🇼🇮🇵
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"I can tell by your eyes that you're in love with me." -Terrible Things, Mayday Parade
What can a simple prank really lead to? Who would believe that Peter Pan attempting to make Captain Hook look like a fool would lead to the both of them losing Peter's sister? The butterfly effect exists as a crazy thing. What could've been? What could've been? 
“In another life, I’d kiss you in the dreamy sunlight of Neverland, dipped down just like this on the Jolly Roger.” 
“Why not this one?” 
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Act Two : "A Wonderful Thing" Loading ↻
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“Now son, I'm only telling you this because life can do terrible things” - Terrible Things, Mayday Parade 
It was just supposed to be a mission to get Fairy Godmother’s wand and break down the barrier. His heart was never supposed to be collateral on the mission. Then again, he was the one who decided he needed to kidnap two AKs instead of one. Now look at him, son of Hook, absolutely smitten for the daughter of Pan. 
“My father says that Pan girls are cursed to be hurt by Hook men.” 
“Really? Mine always told me that Hook boys are doomed to fall for Pan women.” 
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Fic Playlist
Terrible Things -Mayday Parade
“Please don’t be sad now, I really believe, you were the greatest thing that ever happened to me”
Doomsday -Lizzy McAlpine
“And the funny thing is, I would’ve married you, if you had stuck around”
I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can) -Taylor Swift
“They shake their heads saying, ‘God help her’ when I, tell’em he’s my man”
The Lakes (original version) -Taylor Swift
“I’m setting off, but not without my muse. No not without you”
Fall For You - Secondhand Serenade
“Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you, over again, don’t make me change my mind”
School Nights - Chappel Roan
“I wanna be a kid with you, talk slow on a school night. And you can disregard my virgin ears and say what you like”
Work Song - Hozier
“When my time comes around lay me gently in the cold dark Earth. No grave can hold my body down, I’ll crawl home to her”
I Will Follow You Into The Dark - Death Cab for a Cutie
“Just our hands clasped so tight, waiting for the hint of a spark”
Garden (acoustic) -Meet Me @ The Altar
“I’ll always be right here, when everything’s unclear, please promise you won’t let go”
Hey Blondie -Dominic Fike
“Hey blondie, there’s a million minds on you, do you ever get furious?”
Best Years -5 Seconds of Summer
“You did all these things for me when I was half a man for you. I wanna hold your hand while we’re growing up”
But Daddy, I Love Him -Taylor Swift
“Now I’m running with my dress unbuttoned, screaming, ‘But Daddy, I Love Him’”
Summer Child -Conan Gray
“Oh Summer Child, you don’t have to act like all you feel is mild. You don’t really love the Sun, it drive you wild”
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Content Warnings:
Mentions of amputation (James having phantom limb pain mainly), Main Character Death, death threats, Peter Pan just fucking sucks, love spells, comments about arranged marriage but it doesn’t happen. James literally has all his joy ripped away from him, literally his villain arc but
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hiswordsarekisses · 11 months
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“When David’s child, born as a result of his adultery with Bathsheba, was afflicted with sickness, it awakened within the king a spiritual zeal that had been dormant. David began to seek God, and he prayed desperately that God might spare his little boy. He refused to eat, and he no longer lived his life as usual while his child’s life hung in the balance.
David had previously attempted to cover over his sin by trying to pawn off his child on the unsuspecting Uriah, whose wife he had slept with. But when God, in His mercy, confronted David with his sin, the king’s posture completely changed. David sought God because God had first sought David and softened his heart. Such a change could only be brought about by the work of God.
Then came the dreadful news: the child had died. The late theologian Alec Motyer compared repentance to gathering back a stone that has been thrown into a pool: you can get the stone back, but the ripples upon the water will continue to spread.[1] David repented of his abuse and adultery, and God, in His mercy, accepted David’s repentance. But God did not stop the ripples.
Yet God was still able to use this tragedy to form David into the man that he needed to be. David responded in a strange and unexpected way: he arose, cleaned himself up, and went into the house of the Lord. The one who had been hiding from God now went to meet with God. The tragic death of David’s son did not lead David to stay at arm’s length from God. No, it led him into an even deeper relationship with Him.
Then David arose from the earth and washed and anointed himself and changed his clothes. And he went into the house of the Lord and worshiped. 2 Samuel 12:20
When he entered the house of the Lord, David would have needed to bring a lamb without blemish as a sacrifice. But that was not the only sacrifice he brought. He also offered the only damaged sacrifice that is acceptable to bring into God’s house: as David later wrote, “The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise” (Psalm 51:17).
God did not leave David to cover up his sin, and He did not leave him alone in dealing with the consequences of his sin. God’s treatment of David reveals that He cares deeply about the state of His children’s hearts. He will go to great lengths to bring you back when you wander away from Him. More than anything else, God wants you to have a broken and contrite heart before Him. When He makes you confront your sin, or afflicts you, or doesn’t give you what you desire, don’t assume that it is because He doesn’t love you. It is because He is graciously drawing you closer to Himself.”
~ Alistair Begg
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spookyspecterino · 2 years
The Slaughter of a Lamb
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Chapter Six: Surrounded by Diesels
Tangerine x F! Reader
Word Count: 5.9K
Series Masterlist
SFW; Fighting, mentions of death, injury, drugging, slow burn, language.
With their available sources of information dwindling, Lemon and Tangerine don't have many people left that they can turn to. So, they schedule a lunch with an unlikely ally.
A/N: I'm so sorry for the gap between updates! I'm moving into a new apartment due to some life stuff and it's turning into a nightmare. Hope you enjoy this chapter, I will try to post the next one soon! Love you all!
It really was a complicated affair trying to tell the head of a criminal family that one of her most important lieutenants was found dead, and in the boss’s own car no less. Lemon did his best to comfort Mother Vati’s assistant while Tangerine went and found someone—anyone that could help them. And while he found someone, that person soon had to go find someone else, because they surely had no clue how to handle the situation.
That continued on for about 30 minutes, all while the priest was leading prayers and giving sermons about the importance of life. By the time other high-ranking members were pulled away to the scene of Piestra’s body, the funeral was almost over. The general consensus was to let it finish before anyone spoke a word to Mother Vati. What wasn’t said aloud, was that no one wanted to be the one to inform her.
Tangerine wished nothing more than to leave, but with 10 or so people standing around him he got the impression that neither he nor Lemon were going anywhere anytime soon.
When Mother Vati was finally informed, she was there within seconds and the throng of people around Tangerine and Lemon parted for her. She marched up to her car to assess the situation, barked a few orders to remove Piestra’s body and to search the grounds for evidence. By the time she called the twins over, she was standing with her hands on her hips, staring at the ground with a barely contained anger. Being near her reminded Tangerine of the electricity in the air right before a nasty storm.
“How is it…,” she spoke slowly, as if she were addressing children, “that not only do you two manage to let Fox get away each time, but also fail to catch her before she kills someone?” Her eyes flicker toward Tangerine’s necklace, and they almost bulge out of their sockets. Seething, she hisses, “You even got your little necklace back, how interesting.”
Lemon moves like he’s about to defend his brother, but Tangerine puts a hand on his chest with a stern face. There really wasn’t an excuse for how poorly they’ve been doing. It’s embarrassing really.
Mother Vati continues on, gesturing wildly. “I am not pleased that I have to be dealing with this in the middle of my Lamb’s funeral. I put you in a position to do your jobs—you fail. I give you space, like you asked—and you still fail!” She throws her arms up. “Did I hire professionals?”
It was hard to meet her eyes, but Tangerine forced himself to hold them as he spoke. “Yes, you did. We’re doing everything we can.”
She points a finger at them, lips pressing together in a thin line. “You’re very lucky that I don’t have many other options. Or I would have you spending the rest of your careers searching for work in chat rooms on the dark web!”
To Tangerine, the woman before them is very different than the woman accepting condolences next to her daughter’s casket, and leagues different than the woman the twins had originally seen in the online meeting. It was like entirely different people. She may have been the best example for the type of person Lemon would label as a Diesel.
Mother Vati straightened to her full height, squaring her shoulders. “You are walking on very thin ice, gentlemen. I do not want to see you or hear from you unless you have made significant progress. Do not let her get away again or there will be consequences.” Without another word, she spun around and marched back toward the procession, a long line of people shuffled behind her.
Lemon mumbled under his breath. “Hm, that could have gone better…”
The ride back to their flat was silent. Each brother caught up in their own thoughts about the day. Mother Vati’s scolding lecture was insulting, but expected. And, quite frankly, they deserved it. Poor marks all around and they knew they could do better—their shoddy performance made them feel like young armatures again.
But that wasn’t what lingered for Tangerine. He felt more affected than he would like to admit from seeing Piestra’s body in the back seat. The idea of Fox being there, right under their noses—perhaps even watching them, made his stomach twist in a sort of giddy excitement. Which made entirely no sense to him.
And his necklace, left precisely where he would find it; in their own car… no big display or fight, nothing. It was almost as if she didn’t want that to be a part of Piestra’s murder. A small thing, just for him to see. It was as intentional as placing Piestra’s body in Mother Vati’s car for her to find. But, for the life of him, Tangerine couldn’t see the act as a taunt. He saw it more as a surrender, an apology. Keeping the necklace would make it a prize; giving it up was an admittance of some kind. Maybe that was just wishful thinking on his part.
He looks up at the sky, deep in thought, to see the faint outline of the moon. And he’s suddenly struck with the idea that Fox is out there, somewhere, looking up and seeing the same thing.
The city falls into a lull as the evening rush dies out and everyone settles down to relax from the day; many decide on what they want to eat, or make plans to go out. All things considered, it’s a beautiful evening. It’s almost a shame when they drive into the private parking garage for their apartment complex. The abrupt change from gentle evening light to stark florescent bulbs puts a bad taste in Tangerine’s mouth as his thoughts are interrupted and he can no longer see the moon.
As they exit and walk inside the building and through the lobby, Lemon notices his brother’s gloomy expression and slumped shoulders, he speaks up in an attempt to get them refocused. “What should we do now?”
Tangerine’s jaw flexes a few times, considering their options carefully. “Now that Piestra is—” He stops, and lowers his voice as they pass by a cleaning lady, she puts bottles of chemicals away on her cart. “Now that Piestra isn’t around anymore… I’m not sure we can trust anyone else from the Family.”
The button for the elevator clicks as Lemon pushes it. Silver doors at the back of the lobby slide open with a ding. Once they close, Lemon resumes the conversation. “Not Tim and Tom?”
“I suppose their trustworthy, but how much do they know?”
“Fair point.”
. . .
“Try calling again.”
“She’s not going to answer just because we keep calling her, mate.”
Tangerine rubs his forehead, lines deepening as he frowns harder. His breakfast sits untouched on the kitchen counter beside him. “Is it because we haven’t paid her yet?”
Lemon shook his head. “We’ve run up worse tabs. If I know Momo, she’d answer just to lecture us about it.”
“You’re right. Bollocks, this isn’t good.”
Lemon pushes his bacon around the plate as he stares down at his phone. “You think somethings happened?”
“I don’t know.” Tangerine pauses, pushing the plate away; appetite lost. “We’ll have to find another source of information.”
Both men are quiet as they considered their options. Lemon made a face and glanced at his brother.
“What? You’ve got a look, what is it?”
“You’re not going to like it.”
“Spit it out Lemon.”
“I know of a particular source, sort-of on the inside, that could help us out. He’s even saved one of our lives.”
“No. You know how much I hate him.”
Lemon leaned on the counter, leveling himself with Tangerine. “We don’t have to do anything more than invite him to have lunch, ask him a few questions, and that’s it.” He brushes his hands together as if they’ve already completed the task. “Then we can go our merry ways.”
When Tangerine’s expression remains sulking, Lemon straightens. “Unless you’ve got a better idea?”
“…I don’t, no.”
“Well then, I’ll give him a call and we can meet for lunch.”
. . .
The little pub they met in was small and out of the way, much like Lemon’s favorite place to eat, except it served hard liquor any time after 12pm. It was your typical sports pub, TVs above the bar showed different matches and highlights from the past week, all muted, and casting blues and greens into the surrounding dimly lit space.
One TV, in the very corner, showed a press conference with the city’s mayor. The cycling text at the bottom read: “Generous donation pushes city council to completely demolish re-development area”. Reading the scrolling text made both men glower; Tangerine scoffed so hard that the bartender looked up from the glass she was cleaning. He took the opportunity to wave her down and order something.
Whiskey was right on time, arriving to the bar dressed casually in a black leather jacket and jeans. His arm had recovered from the fight with Fox, there wasn’t even a sling or anything indicating that he was once hurt. Striding in, he flashed the bartender a bright white smile as he made his way to the twin’s table.
Tangerine grumbled into his pitcher as he caught sight of the man. He’d made an agreement that Lemon would do most of the talking, since this was his blasted idea. The plan was to ask him about his history with the Family and see how involved he really was in this job. Lemon, in particular, wanted to ask some digging questions and see how the man reacted.
Sitting across from the twins, Whiskey flashed them the same bright smile that he gave the waitress. “Fellas.”
Lemon greeted the man with a polite smile that Tangerine did not share. “Your arm looks to be doing much better.”
Whiskey looked down at it with a roll of his shoulder. “It was only dislocated. A day later and I was up and ‘attem again.”
A few seconds later and the bar tender was coming over to take his drink order. After she had gone, Whiskey gave them a curious look; Tangerine wasn’t sure if it was real or not. “You know I don’t think I caught your names the last time we met.”
Lemon gave him a pleasant smile and pointed to himself. “I’m Lemon, this is my brother…”
Whiskey leaned forward a little, a light smile played on his lips. “Those your real names?”
The eyes of both brothers narrowed on instinct, but Lemon was faster to quip back, “Is Whiskey your real name?”
He didn’t respond for a moment, the look in his eyes changed to something unreadable. Before the air became tense, he leaned back with a laugh. “Fair enough.” He folded his hands on the table. “So, what’s our little date about?”
Scooting forward, Lemon glanced at his brother before starting. “We have some questions for you.”
Whiskey gives a knowing smile—just bordering on a smirk, lips twitching upward. “What kind of questions?”
“General things, for curiosity’s sake. We’d also like to know about Fox, and what Mother Vati is currently up to.”
Whiskey’s eyes draw a slow line over the brothers, looking smug. “She cut you off huh? No more special treatment…Well, you know what they say—curiosity killed the cat.” Tangerine opened his mouth to challenge him, the man’s words may not have seemed it, but they implied a threat. A hand raised to cut him off as Whiskey chuckled. “I’m only jokin’. Ask away, boys.”
Tangerine simmers. Whiskey’s smile could drive him to smash his head through a brick wall. Lemon, on the other hand doesn’t seem to mind a bit. “Have you worked with Mother Vati before?”
“Yes and no. Just a few odd jobs here and there, stuff that the lower ranks didn’t want to do. I wouldn’t necessarily say Mother Vati knew about them.” He gave Lemon and Tangerine a wink. “But that can be our little secret.”
Lemon’s eyes narrowed slightly, but he picked up from his last question without hesitation. “You said you were from the next city over, how often do you make the trip here?”
Whiskey’s eyes wander around the room as he thinks. “Pretty often, I’d say.”
“The big city has more work opportunities; you know what I mean?”
“No work for you in your own city? The Locke Family is there, they must give out opportunities.”
There’s a glint in Whiskey’s eyes. “You obviously don’t know Garrett Lanton at all. The man won’t hire anyone that doesn’t match his particular style.”
“What does that mean—his ‘style’?”
“Flashy, self-assured, and good at fighting and killing.”
Tangerine smiled thinly. “That pretty much fits you to a T, doesn’t it? And you were damn close to getting Fox without a problem, even when she had a gun.”
The mention of Fox’s weapon acts as a reminder of the cool metal that’s currently pressed into his back, tucked in his belt. It threatens to distract him with thoughts and memories of her.
Laughing, Whiskey spoke casually. “Heard that Fox is a terrible shot and I took the gamble. And when it comes to fighting,” he grinned, “I’m just better. Assume whatever you want, but the fact that I’m here and not with Lanton pretty much speaks for itself, don’t ya think?”
Lemon taps the table with a finger—thinking, and is about to ask something when the bar tender comes over with Whiskey’s drink. He takes a few sips and holds the pitcher in his hands.
Taking advantage of the break in conversation, Tangerine leans forward and asks his own question. “You ever see Fox before you took this job?”
The man’s eyes seem to light up as he looks at Tangerine. “Few times, but we never had any official business together.”
The way Whiskey said ‘official’ sounded like there was a hidden meaning in the word—implied history, and it pissed Tangerine off. He decided to keep prying. “Ever have a conversation with her?”
“Once or twice. Nothing too in depth. She was always busy, no time to chat. Which is honestly a shame, she’s real prett—”
Lemon cleared his throat to cut him off, he could see the small vein on the side of Tangerine’s head starting to pulse. “Let’s talk about Lamb. You said you were doing the job for her, what’s your reason?”
Whiskey took a long sip, eyes never leaving Tangerine. When he set it down he leaned back and crossed his legs; he looked completely comfortable, even with a testy contract killer less than two feet away from him. “This is starting to feel like an interrogation and not like a fun little lunch date.”
“Nobody said it was going to be fun, mate.” Tangerine grumbled, fingers tracing along the glass of his drink.
“Well, I have to ask—what do I get for all this info?” Before Lemon or Tangerine could answer he held up a finger. “Oh, I know. I get to ask you some questions. That sounds like a fair trade.” His smile was laced with something unreadable, something challenging.
Tangerine was going to say no, but Lemon agreed with the caveat that they don’t know a whole lot. That was good enough for Whiskey whose eyes lit up once again. He ran a hand through his dirty blond hair. “My first question is, why are you two still on this job?”
Lemon answered instinctually, “Money.” But Tangerine kept silent, sipping his drink and letting his brother speak for him.
Whiskey nodded as if he understood while he studied Tangerine closely with a glint in his eye. “Why’s Fox got a crush on you?”
Tangerine sputtered on his drink. Wiping his mustache with a hand he fixed the man with a scorching look. “Beg your fucking pardon?”
That got a laugh out of Whiskey. “Relax, I’m only trying to figure out why she’s been letting you live this long.”
“You came in and stopped her from killing me, mate.”
“Sure, but she could have finished the job at Lamb’s funeral. She didn’t.”
“How do you know about that?”
“Heard about Piestra’s death from a few different folks. Lotta people at that funeral, yet nobody saw Fox at all.” His eyes glanced to Tangerine’s necklace. “She chose to leave you be. Curious isn’t it?”
Tangerine decided to sip on his drink and let Lemon answer for him. “We’re not sure what her motivations are. We thought she’d be too injured to do anything, but she proved us wrong.” He echoed the words of Hagnam with a distant voice. “She’s always five steps ahead.”
“Think she’s following you?”
“Don’t see how she could be, everyone in the city is looking for her.”
Tangerine chimed in gruffly, “And, we’d spot her—we’ve been doing this kind of work for years. We can tell when we’re being followed.”
Whiskey nodded, expression turning contemplative as he fell silent.
Sitting forward, Lemon repeated his question from earlier. “What’s your motivation behind bidding on the contract?”
“That poor little girl. She didn’t deserve to die like that.”
“Who was she to you?”
“No one, but it’s a sad story don’t you think? I often wonder, is there a ‘Mr. Vati’?”
Tangerine huffed dryly. “Didn’t get the impression she needed one.”
“Oh of course, of course. I just think it’s all very interesting.”
Lemon took a deep breath; he was getting the distinct feeling that Whiskey was toying with them now. “What is?”
“How she keeps having all these kids.”
Tangerine opens his mouth to answer that the woman can have children with whoever she wants, but the phrasing makes him pause. “What do you mean?”
“She had another kid, ‘bout 4 ½ years ago. Same name, but it was a little boy. Never did find out what happened to that one. Everybody just…swept it under the rug.”
Lemon’s answer was carefully weighted. “If you know something, say it and spare us the games, mate.”
“Hey, we’re on the same team here. That’s all I know—I’m not in the Vati Family, I don’t get access to all the little gossip circles.” His lips were curling up ever so slightly.
Now he was starting to piss Lemon off, fingers tightening around his drink. “What is it with this city being full of nothing but Diesels…”
Whiskey sat forward as if he didn’t hear him properly. “S’cuse me?”
“Nothing. What is Mother Vati having you do now? Are there any leads on Fox?”
Whiskey shakes his head. “She’s elusive, disappears into thin air. Mother Vati doesn’t want anything from me unless it’s concrete, and I haven’t seen hide nor tail of Fox since that morning on the roof.”
He sits forward like he’s about to ask something, but Lemon is moving to stand. Tangerine is surprised at the abrupt ending, but wastes no time in rising with his brother.
Lemon throws down some money onto the table. “Alright, mate. We appreciate you meeting with us. Don’t worry about your drink, we’ve got it. Enjoy your day.”
The smirk on Whiskey’s face sours only for a fraction of a second before it turns carefully neutral and he leans back to raise his glass to the brothers. “Much appreciated. See ya ‘round.”
The twins don’t offer a response as they leave, pushing open the door and walking into the bright sunlight. Lemon’s foul mood matched Tangerine’s as he sped down the sidewalk, shoving his hands into his pockets. “That was a mistake. Bastard was leading us in circles and smirking the entire time. Fuck me, what a Diesel.”
Tangerine brought out his cigarettes, snapping open the golden case. Lighting one with the clink of his lighter he spoke through pinched lips. “You think he was telling us the truth about anything?”
“No clue. Do me a favor, when we get in the car try giving Momo a ring one more time. If she doesn’t answer we’ll swing by her shop.”
. . .
This time she answered on the very last ring, her voice was raspy and haggard sounding. “Boys! I’ve been meaning to call you! A lot has happened!”
Tangerine was about to ask what was wrong—she sounded quite frantic, but she spoke so fast there was no room to get a word in. “Listen, my shop has been broken into. I wasn’t there when it happened and I’m fine, but the ruffians trashed the place. It was a warning, nothing was taken. Now I—”
Lemon was shouting in an attempt to interrupt her, hands tightening around the steering wheel until his knuckles were white. “Momo! Momo, who did this?! Point us in a direction and we’ll kill ‘em for you!”
Momo’s voice crackled through the phone’s speaker. “No, no! That’s too much fuss over little ol’ me. It was the Vati Family—no doubt about it. It’s just what I get for being careless with an insider source—not that I had any idea she would go and get herself killed.”
Tangerine shot Lemon a look and mouthed ‘Piestra?’. Lemon raised his eyebrows and shrugged.
Momo, unaware, continued on. “What you could do, is forward some money my way. I want to be drinking margaritas on the beach while the city sorts itself out.”
“Of course Momo, I’ll transfer you everything as soon as we hang up. Are you somewhere safe right now?”
“Sure am, but do me a favor and don’t go anywhere near my shop. I don’t want to be worrying over you while I’m on my paid vacation.” She practically cackles the last part then pauses. “Actually, why don’t you boys come with me? We can all wash our hands of this mess.”
Tangerine can see Lemon glance at him in his peripheral vision, but he doesn’t return the look. Speaking for both of them, “Thanks Momo, but I think we’re in a little too deep to be stepping out now.”
Clicking her tongue, she’s obviously disappointed. “How many times do I have to tell you that money isn’t everything.” She gives a huff and Tangerine can imagine her shaking her head at him. “Alright, just watch out for one another. The beehives’ been kicked. And do an old gal a favor—when this is all over, let me know that you’re both ok.”
“Sure thing, Momo. Enjoy the beach.”
“Stay safe you two. Tangerine, watch out for your brother!” There was a beep and she was gone.
Silence filled the car as they neared the parking garage for their apartment. Tangerine wasted no time in sending Momo the money they owed, with a little extra for her shop. Without her around, both brothers felt more vulnerable.
Lemon broke the heavy silence first. “Why didn’t you agree to go with her? We could have left this mess behind.”
Tangerine figured this was coming and he had a response already thought out, he just wasn’t sure if it was the truth. “Like I said, bruv. We’re in too deep. You really think Mother Vati is going to let us walk away from this after everything? If she wanted us gone she would have sent us away ages ago, or worse.”
“Not so sure about that.”
“We could leave, but I don’t fancy watching my back every second while on a beach. Plus, if they came after us, we’d be putting Momo at risk and she’s already been through enough.”
That seemed to hit home for Lemon as he bristled. “Can’t believe those fuckers broke into her shop. All for trading info with Piestra.”
“The Mob takes their personal affairs very seriously. Momo’s not an idiot, she understood the risks of working with someone deep inside the organization. Let’s just be thankful that she wasn’t there when it happened.”
“I swear, they’re going to pay for this.”
As they parked the car and entered their building Tangerine changed the subject. “So, Mother Vati had another kid with the same name. Have any clue as to why?”
“Haven’t figured it out yet. Using the same name over again, that’s got to mean something, right?”
“Definitely. I’m thinking, that when we get to the flat I’m going to do some research into the tourist business here in our city. Maybe I can find a few leads. At the very least we could go and scope out the areas and see if Fox is prowling around.”
As they got into the elevator Lemon groaned. “I hate the tourist district. They take too many pictures and then turn around to complain. ‘The city smells’ or ‘the smog is too thick’, well why’d you choose this fucking city as your vacation spot, you tosser.”
Lemon continues his rambling complaints as they go down the hallway, passing by another cleaning lady who was facing away from them and bent over her cart of supplies. Tangerine eyed her, thinking they must have hired someone new, because this one was taller than the other and, usually, she would have been done cleaning this floor by now.
But the thought was whisked away as they entered into their apartment. Tangerine tossed the keys onto the counter and moved to take off his suit jacket, hanging it neatly in the side closet by the door. Lemon mumbled something about going to the loo and disappeared around the corner.
A few moments later there was a knock on the door. Frowning, Tangerine paused, they don’t usually get visitors. Looking through the peep hole in the door, he saw the cleaning lady outside, facing her cart and shuffling things around.
Tangerine was in the middle of rolling his eyes as he opened the door, sounding quite irritated to be disturbed. “Thank you, but we don’t need cleaning services. And while you’re at it, please take our flat off your list—”
When she turned toward him, she gripped something slim and sharp in her hands. The glint of a needle caught Tangerine’s attention. His head darts up and meets the eyes he’s been seeing in his dreams every night looking back at him.
Fox’s hand whips toward his neck and he’s just fast enough to catch her arm, halting her before a needle makes contact with his neck. She presses forward, pushing him back through the door and into the entryway. He slams into a wall with a grunt. Her eyes flash to meet his as her breathing becomes labored. It must have taken all of her body weight and strength to move him. Tangerine shoves her away, creating some distance, and shouts Lemon’s name as he reaches for the gun in his belt.
Lunging for him again, Fox stops him from pulling out the gun and pins his hand down. She isn’t that strong and Tangerine fights back. He elbows her ribs, hoping it was the same side as her injury, and finds he was right as she sucks in a harsh breath. Fox tries to retreat, but he flips her around and pins her against the wall with his body. Her hand holding the syringe comes up and he grabs it. In a last attempt effort, she tries to knee him in the groin, but he twists and blocks with his thigh. He can tell she’s quickly losing steam, beads of sweat dot her forehead and neck.
Tangerine forgoes trying to pull out his gun as he closes his fist around her throat. She looks back at him with gritted teeth and he can’t help but smirk; he’s not even winded. Taking a moment, he looks over her, she’s not even trying to struggle anymore. There’s a blooming patch of red on her side.
He tuts, edges of his mustache curling. “I’d hate for you to bloody up the walls, but if you think I’m going to go easy on a feisty little thing such as yourself...well, I’m not making that mistake again.”
Fox’s face twists into one of those grins and she makes a few strangled noises that Tangerine can only guess are attempts at laughter.
His eyes find the syringe in her hand, he raises an eyebrow at her. “Hm, and what were you going to do with that, love?”
Something flashes through her eyes and she makes a choking noise as if she wants to say something. This causes Tangerine to move in a little, hot breath fanning across her face as he teases. “Sorry, what was that? You’ll have to speak up.”
There’s a commotion down the hall as Lemon rushes out into the living room to take in the scene. “Holy shit! You alright Tangerine?”
He laughs as he sees Fox blink at him. “Yeah, Lemon. Just fine. Little minx tried to—”
Tangerine was cut off as she successfully kneed him in the groin and he doubled over in pain. Moving as fast as she could, Fox swings the syringe forward and the needle sinks into the base of his neck, right above his collar bone, with a solid thunk.
Lemon shouts as Tangerine stumbles back, hitting the opposite wall, clutching at the syringe and pulling it out. He makes an attempt to grab at something and right himself, but whatever was in his system was dragging him down and making his limbs too heavy to move as he slid to the floor.
Fox whirls around and starts throwing whatever she can reach at Lemon as one hand clutches her side. Vases, pots, pans, anything they left out on the counter from earlier that day. She picks up an iron cast skillet and rushes toward him, but Lemon pulls his gun before she gets close. Glancing at Tangerine he shouts at Fox to stop, and she does, backing away from the gun now pointed at her.
They’re both breathing hard. A few feet away, behind Fox, Tangerine’s eyes are wide as the drugs slowly take effect. He blinks furiously and looks around trying to keep his bearings.
“Stop! Stop right there or I’ll blow your fucking kneecaps out!” Lemon shouts, both hands holding his gun. “What’d you do to my brother?!���
Fox speaks slowly and calmly. “It’s just a sedative.”
After another glance at Tangerine, and judging that she’s telling the truth, Lemon’s mouth works from side to side. “Before I shoot you—don’t worry, it won’t be fatal—I want you to look at something for me.”
He ruffles through his pockets with one hand. Fox shifts her body weight to the other foot. She looks as if she’s going to try and shuffle closer before Lemon brings out the slightly crumpled photo of Lamb. Fox’s expression softens. The hard look in her eyes disappears, turning into something close to adoration—even her stance relaxes.
Lemon watches with a sort of fascination as he asks, “Why’d you kill her?”
Her eyes dart to his and then away, lips thinning into a line as she takes a step back like she’s retreating. Next to her feet, Tangerine sprawls and kicks at her weakly with a numb foot; he’s quickly losing feeling in his limbs. Fox doesn’t even acknowledge it.
Lemon holds out the photograph, pushing it closer, and asks again. “A little girl—an absolute angel, why’d you do it?”
But it seemed that Fox wasn’t going to talk as her eyes darted around the room, ignoring him and looking for an advantage. She gripped the skillet with white knuckles. Lemon changed tactics. “And what about Piestra? Not hours before her death, she called you her friend!”
This time Fox flinched at the mention of her old captain. Her words came out seething as she worked to control herself. “You don’t know what you’re talking about!”
Taking a step forward, Lemon set his jaw. “Piestra told us all about you, Fox. You took her in under your wing, made her into something formidable, just to turn around and kill her. And Lamb? You were close to her too, right? Watched her for Mother Vati—protected her. Did you kill her previous kid too, from 4 ½ years ago?”
Fox, for the first time, looked as if she was suddenly unsure, startled and shaken. Her voice rose with a sudden anger. “How do you know about that? Who told you about that?!”
 Lemon took another step closer. “So, it’s true then, you’re a ruthless child killer.” He shakes his head at her. “How do you fucking sleep at night?”
After studying him for a moment, Fox’s face suddenly twists into a sneer. Lemon thought it looked odd, not quite right. Her voice came out with a force behind it. “Yeah, I killed them. And you know what else,” she raised her chin, “if I had my way, I would’ve killed your brother on that roof.”
That really set Lemon off and he tossed Lamb’s photo onto the counter to hold his gun properly, taking another couple of steps forward. Fox grinned, confidence returning as she sensed a nerve had been struck. “What would you have done when you found him? Cry—wail for Victoria to help you? I’d love to see your face when all she did was laugh.”
“Shut the fuck up.”
Her grin widened. “It would haunt you for the rest of your life.”
“I said shut the fuck up!”
Lemon was within two paces of her now and he made an attempt to grab at the skillet or push it out of the way as Fox held it up between her and the gun. She inched it to the side, just out of his reach and took a half step back. As Lemon followed, and tried to grab at it again, she pressed into the wall.
She had pressed herself back into the light switch and flicked the lights on and off in a rapid fashion. Lemon’s attention went up for a split second and Fox swung the skillet into the gun, knocking it out of his hand. Flicking the lights off and leaving them in the dark, Fox swung again and Lemon felt iron connect to his temple just before everything went black. There was a slump as his body hit the floor.
Fox flipped the lights back on. Tangerine, who was seeing double and struggling to stay conscious, saw Lemon on the floor and he tried to choke out a few words. That was the only thing he could do as his body shut down; he felt cold—like he was slipping into an ice bath.
Walking over and pulling Tangerine forward, Fox grabbed the gun from his belt. When she saw it was hers, she glanced at him and smiled faintly. He watched as she went up to Lemon and pointed the barrel at him.
Cold panic, colder than he currently felt, set in—buzzing through him. Tangerine’s nostrils flared and he really had to fight as he grunted, attempting to howl and thrash. The world tilted and he felt a wave of nausea. The only thing that moved were his legs, and only for a few spasming, jerking motions, but it was enough to grab Fox’s attention. She looked at him curiously, head tilting to the side as she watched him fight against the drugs with everything he had. Keeping her eyes on him, she slowly lowered the gun and placed it on their coffee table.
Slumping over with a huff and breathing hard, the corners of Tangerine’s vision was going black, creeping in, leaving only a shrinking window of sight. The last thing he saw before falling unconscious was Fox pick up Lamb’s photo and tuck it into her pocket.
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soup-for-ghosts · 4 months
talk ant temenos. for the ask thing :3
First impression
something along the lines of “wow this guy is so funny what is wrong with him (affectionate)” and the murder mystery neuron kicking in
Impression now
oh so THAT’S what’s wrong with him. ok. genuinely one of my favorite characters ever, and uh. also ow? what the heck?? I wasn’t prepared for a personal callout post!!
but yeah temenos is such a good character… and while I do have a few gripes with how his story was handled, I have no gripes with how he himself was written. and those ex skills… so many thoughts about those… I could go into more depth into my thoughts on him but I’ll save that for another place at another time
Favorite moment
all of them /j
ok but seriously, I loooooove the scenes with arcanette. I hate her. I hate her so much, but oooooo those scenes are so goooooood… the placid mask dialogue hits… I didn’t trust mindt from the beginning, but THIS was something else. him yelling at her not to speak of everyone he’s lost in the process of getting here… gahhh it’s just so good….
Idea for a story
uh?? idk what to put for this
Unpopular opinion
also dunno what to say for this one really
Favorite relationship
ok I have two and yes they’re the obvious ones
first is his relationship with crick which give me the 🤨 look all you want but listen. I’m not even talking about the ship this time, I just mean their general dynamic, which yes is very goofy at times but it’s also so complex and interesting. especially when you get into everything crick tells him in chapter 3 stormhail. I don’t like.. I don’t like crick’s death from a literary perspective, idk I just never enjoyed characters being killed for the sole purpose of making you hate the villain or for the emotional appeal particularly when said character is clearly at their lowest point. meeting temenos lead to crick having to learn to doubt (for lack of a better term pf) everything he has ever known, and that has practically brought him to a pit of despair in chapter 3 stormhail and idk I think he deserved the chance to claw his way out of that pit and actually get to learn what faith really means to him and stuff. and also it would be interesting for temenos’ character if one person survived, he already pushes people away out of fear of losing them, if he thought it was just happening again, but it didn’t, he still lived, how would he react to that? how would he develop and move on from that? idk it’s just more interesting to me, but again, conversation for another day, the important part is, their dynamic is very fun and also genuinely interesting, and I like how their characters develop throughout the game because of each other
the second is everyone’s favorite detective duo, temenos and throné. I am a claudelet temenos truther, so siblingisms real, but besides that, their crossed paths and travel banters really hit me I think. my favorite travel banter of all time is one of theirs, “the wool dilemma,” from throné chapter 3 father’s route. wherein throné asks temenos to tell her a story to get her mind off of all. that. and he tells her about this wool dilemma, where wool keeps the sheep warm, but because of that, a lamb never truly feels the warmth of their parents. throné’s response is “I’m not a sheep,” and that to me speaks volumes. she understood exactly why temenos chose this story to tell her, she understands him perfectly. and that’s saying a lot! temenos has a travel banter with osvald in his chapter 5 where osvald explicitly states that temenos never says what he means and it is very confusing and people are bound to misunderstand him. osvald, resident genius scholar, struggles to understand temenos, but throné understands him perfectly. and then their crossed paths… they both have a lot of pent up grief that they are not really… addressing or conveying and they end up working together to tie loose ends both for themselves and others. alpates…… but yeah, they’re a very good duo and the devs made a very good decision having them as a crossed paths duo. I like them a lot….
Favorite headcanon
silly one, but I always loved the headcanon that his eyes glow blue when he’s doing his little “the truth lies in the flame” thing. it’s just fun to me pf, also it looks sick as hell, especially when it’s used outside of just those segments and in scenes like the battle against kaldena and stuff
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Belated welcome to the fandom, I am making my way through Rough Night and I am obsessed. Was curious: how would you rank the gg seasons and why? Fave character and the one you hate the most? Thoughts on 2.13 - a terrible narrative decision or a way to jump start many more episodes of delicious angst?
Aw, hi anon! Thank you for the welcome. I’m excited to be here. 😁 And thank you for your kind words about Rough Night! That’s so sweet. 🥹
I really love all the seasons in their own ways. There’s something so special about each one. Ranking them is hard for me. If I HAD to, I’d say 2,1, 4, 3 – strictly for quantity and quality of Brio interactions.
Season 1 is just so full of moxy. It’s endearing and why I kept watching the show. Everyone looks so cute in it and their excitement to be working on this set really came through. I love their wigs and I love their outfits and I love their conspiratorial energy about this naughty thing they’re doing. I even love dumb Dean and his ridiculous schemes to keep his unhappy wife.
Season 2 deepened every character. It gave us glimpses into just how unhappy Beth and Dean’s marriage had been and for how long. She never looked at him the way Ruby looks at Stan. It gave us a better view into the disproportionate friendship Beth and Ruby have had for years. How Beth would choose her above everyone else every time, and how she expected Ruby to do the same. Foreshadowing for season 4. Of course, the ✨Brio energy✨ in this season is unmatched. It’s magic. The way they were so many things to each other here and how poorly they handled it all. 2.13, in my opinion, was an excellent narrative decision. Everything Brio had been to each other in this season led up to it and made perfect sense. It showed Rio for who he is – deeply emotional, imperfect, lonely, easily hurt and petty when he is. It was our first glimpse into his humanization. He wasn’t a smirky, all-knowing, impervious figure anymore. He was made into a man who feels compassion and confusion and attraction and wants validation just like the rest of us. Season two showed us just how much he NEEDS validation and how hurt he gets when he doesn’t receive it.
Idk why people don’t like season 3. Everyone loves angst in fic and this whole season was Brio angst. The way this man suffered feeds my soul. This is a much more emotionally complicated season and I love that for all of us. 😆 The indecision, the duality, the denial, the deep deep hurt. The way he made her watch while he killed someone. “My girl.” He said it to Beth, not Lucy. He held her eyes and brought a lamb to slaughter to show Beth she wasn’t above causing someone’s death. She wasn’t better than he is. And in turn, the way we got small glimpses into how Beth thinks about him when he isn’t there. Her scene teaching Lucy’s bf to shoot and what her holding that knowledge implied. How closely she was coached and guided. She was remembering as she took her aim and fired. Remembering all he’s taught her and remembering the last time she fired a weapon. The depth of her denial is so frustrating to watch because we see the care and nostalgia there for her. She just refuses to acknowledge it.
Season 4 was unmatched Rio personal development. If anything, I think THAT was probably the most out of character and out of previous scope thing to happen. The catalyst of Nick made sense but also was kind of barely believable as a plot line. It recast Rio as much less in control than we all assumed him to be, and made him much more subservient to his lonely predicament. Ultimately though, I buy it because it’s what leads Brio back to each other. And that’s all we’ve ever wanted. Rio, who’s held on to so much anger to try and maintain control, just gave it all up. Let it drift and wash away. “We can do whatever we want.” Sir! Pleeeaaaseeee! 😭😭😭 The way he did all the gestures. The way he self-sacrificed for her. Set aside all shreds of ego for her. I will tolerate all the trash boyfriends and all the bicycle bullies for the way Rio showed Beth all his softness. I wiiiiish we would have gotten to see her soften to him too. Our white whale.
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