#you do not understand the fucking grip this game has on my brain. i dont think any single game in my entire life has done me this way
transgaysex · 2 years
not me crying in the bathroom for a solid 3 minutes because of an outer wilds medley
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omi-papus · 2 years
I realized that Robin inngame becomes infinitly more tolerable and fun if you just think of her as kind of a dumbass. Like ok listen I dont know what the fuck is up with her voice lines. Like hers specifically. Everyone elses dialogue is pretty alright and even great. But something about Robin just does not click. Shes presented as this badass, marvel esque strong female character tm. Not to an unberable degree. Shes fine. But I feel like when I first played I only tolerated Robin when Al-An was stuck to her, because she would bring interesting things out of him. And it felt off sometimes. The worst bit Id say is, "How do humans cope with the loss of memories? Like forgeting someones birthday?" Like girl, this is clearly some existencial shit this man is on, get a grip.
Now, everytime I play and she says some shit like that, I go, "Sure sweetie. You go do that" And thats what got me to like her. Like to just think shes as a person is just out of touch as fuck actually makes sense with everything a lot more. Like yhea shed yeet herself into an alien planet with no way out just to comfirm a suspicion because she dosent like a company and cant accept the idea someone she loves isnt a perfect angel. All her brain holds is plant facts, you think she can make good choices? Yhea shed really just recite poetry to an alien expecting him to understand, without even knowing the damn thing in full. Girl is 90% pure unfiltered emotion and cant explain abstract concepts worth shit. Homegirl will really meet an alien thats like, "I wont explain who I am or my intentions but get me out of her real quick" and INSTANTLY be like "Bet, get your ass in this iPad". (Granted she didnt want to go as far as she did with the whole brain situation and she was rushed but still, not even panic.) Shed be the friend that everyone goes to when thyre in truble, because shell agree to murder without asking question if she digs your vibe. OF COURSE Robin will genuenly unpromted go "Hey that new body of yours in kind of making me feel something, Imma just give you the rest of my life and follow you into the void of space, leaving everything else behind k?" Bitch has never had a plan in her life, you think shes going to start now? She sees some alien ass and all else is irrelevant.
It also works with the gameplay, cause like idk about you but in Below Zero it felt like everything was yelling, "Hey, you have 30 seconds of oxigen. How about you go into that cave at the bottom of the ocean floor I bet theres cool shit in there." And sure enough I did.
And like, you have any idea how little self preservation biologists can have? Robin is the girl that will lick the frog to test if its poisonous, shes the one that does the pain tests for insect bites. She can and will manhandle a hipo because she wants to see the inside of its mouth.
This is so not what the game intended but I love waterlogged brain Robin and I will deny canon til the end of days.
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tokyogruel · 1 year
🎥for the hyperfixation ask? :3
🎥 do you have any favorite scenes from your hyperfixation?
MAN THIS IS DIFFICULT,, can i be extra and do one scene per prisoner? im going to GFHJK
it used to be a different scene for haruka, but i started thinking too much about this chair
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it has so much weight and focus in his video, i started writing a whole post about it i. (grips my head) i cant think about a chair for an hour straight
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the scene where yuno smashes the "rose-tinted glasses"
also there is so much cat stuff in her video. theres no way shes not kazui's daughter. i stand by it
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when i first watched this scene it was on a small phone screen, the mound in front of them looked so much like flesh for a moment it gave me shivers
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this isnt my favorite scene i just wanted to point out theres a noose next to her ^^
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this whole scene leading up to rei's death got me. its just a little wild to me how muu's perspective didnt obscure her crime in any way- we explicitly see her stab rei. for most of the other t1 videos, their murders were(/are) a bit of a guessing game
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im still writing my shidou theory i cant stand this man and how much he's occupied my brain. do you know how many fuckin times ive watched triage? like. ????? DO YOU UNDERSTAND
anyway, i dont think he's in a relationship, at least not a committed one. this is shidou's room- it's large and dark and unfurnished. its empty. this is not a house that a wife and children live in- this is a bachelor pad. also this is maybe my fav scene at the moment cause its just eating at my brain. why do you fucking live like this
also me laughing if this is where he got his "wife" from in his memory:
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anyway i love his songs, i love him. his videos are boring without the flower symbolism. L
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i woke up at 3:30 am to watch this video premiere when i was working a job that i hated and my life was falling apart, this hit me like a truck and i dont think ill get over it<3333 ily mappi youre so interesting but holy shit. you turned my brain into mulch for a week after this. inconsolable
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i almost put one of the gif previews for cat here, but i think id rather avoid spoilers atm. the gifs are driving me up a wall though !!!
but ugh this very last moment in half? i fucking love the whole song and video. it's touching, it's soft, the music is beautiful. yes king, put your mask back on. i love a theatre actor
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this is here for an observation: all of the other characters hurting amane at this part have the cult symbol clearly displayed on their design (the overlapping clouds) but yuri does not! it's only on his donation box
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man i know its a little lame to enjoy the very end of these videos the most but. this scene always fucks me up. dissociating to cope with the hell that her cult puts her through as a child
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im not explaining myself here
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kotoko eats my brain away i love her and her pack of wolves in her brain. i love you girl. im going to dissect you and your video before deep cover comes out. i promise you.
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lubdubsworld · 3 years
Insatiable ( Jungkook x OC) Chapter 7
Pairing : Jeon Jungkook x OC
Rating 18+
Genre : Vampire Au!!!! , DILF! Jungkook ! Bodyguard AU! Babysitter OC!   Age difference!!!
Chapter 1   Chapter 2  Chapter 3    Chapter 4  Chapter 5   Chapter 6
Chapter 7
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“I love this...” I whispered, arms wrapped around his neck, staring up into Jungkooks face as he rocked his hips against mine , hands stroking my hips gently as the hard length of him dragged inside me , almost gentle as he placed soft kisses on my brow. 
“What? “ he smiled. 
“You inside me... it feels.. i feel complete somehow..” 
He smiled sweetly, kissing the corner of my lips. 
“You’re so warm and wet and I think you’re perfect.” He breathed against my cheeks, pillow soft lips pressing smooches down my jaw and up to my lobe. 
“I liked ...tonight. “I said shyly and he grimaced.
“I may have gone a little overboard..” He said sheepishly, grunting as he thrust a little harder and I closed my eyes , savoring the feeling of him inside me. 
“But I liked it. Liked that I couldn’t even watch the fireworks because of ...well another kind of fireworks..” I laughed.
He grinned.
“ I aim to please.” 
“Good. Then why dont you hurry up and fuck me like you mean it.” I said with a wink and his eyes narrowed, flashing red.
“You never learn, do you angel?” 
I laughed as he pulled out and flipped me over, fingers sinking into hair, hand gripping my waist as he rove straight into me with a force that shook the bed. 
“On a scale of one to ten, how mad would your siblings be if you don’t go back to your bed tonight?” Jungkook whispered, burying his face in the slightly damp strands of my hair, breathing deeply before going back to running a small fluffy towel through the strands. 
I stared up at the ceiling , eyes at half mast because I was so sleepy, still pleasantly warm from the hot bath I’d just had . I was dressed in one of Jungkook’s big white t shirts , lying sideways on his bed with my head hanging over the edge because y hair was still wet. Jungkook being the perfect man that he was , was towel drying my wet locks for me. 
“Probably a twenty?” I grimaced. “ I need to be up early to go down to the kitchen. We’re taking the kids out to the park remember?” 
Jungkook groaned.
“Minae needs to be kept away from the sugar ... I am not going to piggy back her for two straight hours like yesterday.” He swore. 
i laughed, rolling over and smiling at him. 
“ She has a crush on you.” I grinned, waggling my eyebrows at him. 
He shook his head laughing. 
“I’m too old to be dealing with four year olds that have a crush on me., “He shuddered. I smiled, shaking my head because , Jungkook was the one who had begun helping out with the children and he was often the first to offer a piggyback ride to the kids. 
Being a single father, I knew he had experience with kids, of course. But still it was quite something watching him handle them with confident hands and a ridiculously kind disposition. And he didn’t shy away from  anything. Changing toddlers out of nappies, cleaning spit up off my office desk , even offering his nails for the smitten Minae to color with her markers.  
And it felt good to have him around, his presence somehow grounding me even during the most hectic of times. Story time with Mr. Jeon,  was fast becoming a thing, with Jungkook gathering all the younglings around him in a circle and regaling them with tales from his life ( a toned down, child friendly version of it of course ) while I set up the beds in the nap room, every afternoon. 
The kids slept for about an hour every afternoon and that was the time we ate our lunch, the workers heading off to the kitchen while Jungkook and I shared a meal cook sent up for us. The small stone bench on the yard was right outside the window of the nap room, and leaving the window open helped us keep an eye on the kids while we ate. 
Not too mention the effect it had on Joo Won. 
Although he spent most of his time with Somi and Jimin in the other cottage , learning his number work and language skills, he occasionally ran up to his father, eager to show off his work. Jungkook always dropped whatever he was doing to shower praises on his son and the boy thrived under the attention. 
The idea that I could do this with him for the rest of my life, was impossible to push out of  my head. 
But i wouldn’t bring it up. 
I would enjoy this , now while I had it and I would wait for him of course but I wasn’t going to play games with him. 
“I’m not meeting anyone else anymore.” I said quietly. 
He gave me a look. 
“anyone as in?..”
“Any vampires. potential suitors” I said with a shrug. “ I’m not going to. I’m going to tell my father I’m... not interested in it anymore.” 
Jungkook stopped his ministrations and gave me a guilty laden look.
“Sera, about tonight-”
“Don’t you dare apologize.” I glared at him. “ I loved it. I love you , as I’ve told you often enough and I also understand that you’re not there yet. and I can wait.”
Jungkook looked away.
“That’s not fair to you.” He said hoarsely.
“Maybe. But it’s still my choice. And My life. And if I choose to spend that life pining over you for the rest of eternity , that’s upto me.” I shrugged. 
He merely stared at me, lips turned down in a frown. 
“You’re too young to understand what you’re asking for Sera. You don’t realize how powerful you are. I’m not... I’m not good enough for you.” He shook his head. “ Far from it.” 
I rolled my eyes. 
“What does that even mean? You’re a vampire. There’s literally nothing that stops us from being together than your twisted belief that you aren’t good enough. Which is so baseless I could laugh. ”
Jungkook stared at me. 
“It’s not just about me. What about the kind of power you would have with the right vampire? not to mention the people in my life that  would want me fucking dead sera? You think everyone would just let it go? Me , a fucking nobody marrying the most adored girl in  our kind???  ” he laughed in disbelief. 
i frowned. 
“What do you mean ?”
Jungkook opened his mouth to elaborate but the door to his bedroom slammed open at that exact same moment and I jumped, terrified. Scrambling to my knees, I crawled back to the headboard just as Jungkook swore, moving to the door , bodychecking the figure that crashed through. 
I felt my eyes widen in horror as my brother in law launched himself across the room, fingers closing right around Jungkook’s neck as he rammed into him, the two of them skidding across the floor and crashing into the ornate fireplace with a noise loud enough to wake the dead.
I stared, my brain unable to process what I was seeing. 
My sister appeared, eyes wild and panicked.
“Oh God... Sera I’m so sorry...he came to your room and saw you were gone...” she began but then stopped.  
Her eyes fell on the pandemonium in the corner and she yelped. 
“jIMIN!!!!” She screamed, rushing to the corner where the two vampires were locked together in a scuffle and the only thing I could think about was the fact that I was naked underneath his t shirt and if anyone else walked in-
“What is this ruckus?” The loud booming noise was familiar and terrifying and i squeaked, diving for the covers and crawling in as I stared horrified. The figure that appeared in the doorway was so imposing that all of us went still. Even Jungkook’s eyes widened as he took in the gargantuan man framed in the entryway. 
Hwang Jaebum was seven feet tall, 1800 years old and the scariest Vampire i had ever seen in my entire life. His skin was shriveled , his eyes permanently red and he stared at the two fighting vampires , now frozen and gawking at the towering vampire and he scrunched his nose in disgust before his red eyes flashed and landed on me. 
“There you are.” He said softly. “Sweet Seraphina.” 
The name, God.
 My uncle had named me and no one called me that but him. 
I swallowed, clutching the covers as sheer unadulterated terror coursed through my veins. I knew my uncle wouldn’t hurt me but still, power radiated off him in waves and I did not want to be on the receiving end of his displeasure. 
“Come here , child. Let me look at you.” 
I winced. 
Before I could react though, Jungkook was climbing on the bed, scrabbling to kneel right in front of me, arms stretched out to keep me from the vampire’s view. 
“Who the fuck are you?” He snarled and I gasped, stunned. God, Uncle Jae had killed people for less. 
I grabbed Jungkook quickly, pulling him back into my arms and away from the vampire who now looked suitably furious. 
“That’s my uncle. Shut up.” I hissed quickly. Jungkook didn’t show any sign of backing down, still crouched in front of me, muscles locked in a fighting stance and I clutched his shoulders, burying my face in his back. 
“Jungkook relax...” I begged but he merely grabbed my hand where it lay wrapped on his waist, squeezing gently. 
“It’s okay baby, I’m here.” He was still glaring at my uncle who peered over him to lock eyes with me. 
“Who is this? Why are you in his bed, Seraphina? “ My Uncles’ voice rumbled through the room, echoing off the rafters and Jimin and Somi scrambled to their feet. 
“Sire.... We didn’t know you were here already..” Jimin began, moving to stand in front of him but Jaebum ignored him, moving closer to the bed. 
“Who are you? Tell me now.” He snarled. 
I stared at the anger flashing in my uncle’s eyes  and I swallowed. 
“He is her intended, brother.” My father’s voice came from the doorway and i jumped a bit, staring over at the door. 
My father came floating in, face calm but eyes narrowed in annoyance as he stared at me. I found myself wilting under the glare. He was upset, Rightfully so. 
My uncle frowned, glancing at my father in disbelief. 
“She is betrothed?” He frowned. “ Why was I not informed of this?” 
My father gave him a reassuring smile.
“It is fairly new, this courtship. Jungkook and Sera are very fond of each other and they have my blessing.”
Next to me Jungkook had gone as pale as parchment. He moved up and away from me and my entire body went cold. 
I reached for his hand, flinching when he yanked it away.
“I need to speak to the boy. What is your name boy?” My uncle growled at Jungkook. 
“Jeon Jungkook , sire.:”
He frowned.
“What clan are you from?” 
I flinched.
My father looked a little uncomfortable.
“Surely we can talk about this-”
“I was bitten , Sire.It’s just me and my son, now.” Jungkook’s voice was deep and steady and he stared right at my uncle. 
Uncle Jae’s eyes widened and then he stared at me.
“That is what you will settle for , Seraphina? A mongrel with tainted blood?” 
The sharp sound of hurt that came from Jungkook shattered my heart. 
But it was my father who growled, affronted. 
“That is enough. You are a guest , Jaebum and I will not have you insulting my daughter’s betrothed. Leave him be.”
My uncle laughed.
“It is not an insult. It is a fact...is it not, boy? Look at him... he knows his place. And it not by  her  side.” 
“Jungkook, don’t listen to him ...” i whispered feverishly , reaching for him again not letting him pull away and gripping his fingers hard. His fingers felt icy cold to the touch and there was no mistaking the sheer hurt radiating off his features. 
“Unless the girl is in trouble, I think you should sever the connection, Jaehyun.” My uncle snapped at my father . 
“We shall talk about this later. For now, I want you to remember your place, Jaebum. You have duties to attend to and my daughter’s choice is her own. I will not have you interfering in things that you aren’t responsible for.” My father’s voice was just as loud, radiated just as much authority and i had never loved him more. 
Jaebum scoffed once again before turning on his heel and leaving . I sagged in relief and Jungkook, got off the bed, moving away from me so quickly I felt like someone had stuck a knife in my gut. 
“Jimin and Somi, come. Jungkook , Sera. I want the two of you to come to my office after you fix yourself up.” My father said coldly. 
“Yes, Sir.” Jungkook bowed. 
“Yes,  father.” 
“You slept with him. “ My father said thoughtfully and I stared at my feet. There was no point denying it. 
“Has he agreed to court you?” He said sharply. 
I looked up at him, biting my lips.
“No.” I whispered.
My father’s eyes widened and he shot me a glare that could melt gold. 
“He fed from you during the act?” He demanded. I felt the phantom throb in my thighs at the memory. 
“Yes, father. “ I admitted.
“Then I must ask. Was it consensual?  Did you influence him in any way Seraphina.” 
My heart turned over, tears springing at the accusation. 
“No... No .. I didn’t.. he doesn’t know.. he doesn’t even know I can do that.” I whispered. 
“Could you have done it unconsciously? If Jungkook fed from you and you were near him you could have convinced him to do anything. He wouldn’t have been able to consent. You know this, Sera. I don’t understand how you could be so reckless. We are not monsters. We know our limits and we stick to them for fuck’s sake.” 
“He... we... I... It’s my fault. He didn’t.. He didn’t want to court me so I convinced him we could just...fool around. That was all it was. He loves his son father. He’s only here to give him a better life. I’m sorry.. I’m so sorry for being so selfish and ..Please just don’t send him away. I’ll never meet him again if that’s what you want but please....don’t send him away. .” I stared at my father, feeling the tears sting. 
My father’s gaze softened but he sighed, shaking his head as he held his arm out. I walked into his embrace, letting the tears fall as I clutched his robe. 
“You have not been selfish, dearest. . But, no matter who are, we cannot covet what we are never meant to have . Jungkook is not for you.” He whispered into my hair and I felt my insides clench in rebellion, every part of me screaming in protest at the phrase. 
No.. No... he was mine.. he had to be mine....
I was his and he was mine.
“ I’m going to offer him the position as head of the security team.” My father aid gently and I shuddered. 
“It will pay well. He will be working from the administrative building close to me. . There’s no reason for your paths to cross. Namjoon will take over as your bodyguard from tomorrow.” 
i nodded. 
“I want you to remember who you are. What you are capable of. I raised you to be kind and gentle but that does not change who you are, Sera. It doesn’t change what you are.” he said gently, eyes firm. 
I swallowed.
“You may leave.”
Jungkook stared at the whiskey decanter on the table. watching Sera’s father pour him a drink. His eyes focused on the golden liquid, the way it caught the light and danced with all the colors of autumn. 
“I’m going to ask you one thing. I want you to answer me, as truth fully as you would your own father.” 
Jungkook was a father, himself. He knew the anger and trepidation in the man’s gaze was real. He knew exactly what it felt like, that desperate clawing need to keep your child safe. To destroy anything that dare hurt them. 
“Do you love my daughter?” The man’s voice shook a little. 
“I cannot court her.” He whispered. “ I’m not... I can’t. “
“That is not what i asked .” The older man said gently. 
He shook his head.
“I don’t have the right to feel anything but respect for her, sir.” Jungkook said softly. 
The vampire shook his head laughing.
“Your eyes tell me all you refuse to say, Jungkook ah. You care deeply for her, do you not?  it is obvious in the tremble of your hand. it was obvious in the way you stood up to my brother, when surely everything in your blood must’ve screamed to back away from a Vampire of such a high ranking. ” 
Jungkook clenched his fists. 
Sera’s father went on. 
“I know you love her and honestly, If you didn’t.... you wouldn’t be alive right now.” 
Jungkook winced. 
“Yes , sir.” He croaked. 
“I will destroy entire continents for my daughter. You know this. “ He said quietly. 
Jungkook nodded. He believed the man . 
“Which is why I must ask. Who is after you?”
Jungkook’s eyes snapped up, eyes widening in surprise. 
“I’m not the head of the largest clan in the country for nothing. You are protecting your son...but from what? A man of your reputation , choosing to stay inside an estate , helping out with infants and children.... it doesn’t make sense. So tell me. What are you hiding from? And how can I help?” 
Jungkook stared at his hands. 
“It’s Joowon’s grandfather. The man who’s daughter I killed.” 
Sera’s father stiffened. 
“Ahh... yes. Gong Tae Kwan. An old nemesis .” He shook his head, sighing. “ You’ve made a powerful enemy , Jungkook.”
Jungkook nodded.
“I know. I’m no match for him. And I know he’s  not going to stop until he kills me and my son.” 
“You’re right. He’s not going to stop. Now, what so you want to do? Hide out till he finally catches up or confront him like the warrior you are?” 
“i can’t do it. I need to be here for Joo Won.... It would be suicidal...”
“ Only if you’re alone. “
“It would be suicidal , if you were to confront him alone.” 
“Are you saying that...”
“I’m going to be there with you. We are going to lure the bastard out , and we are going to end this once and for all.”
“Sir, i can’t ask you to...”
“You’re not asking me damn thing kid. I’m doing this for my daughter’s sake. And you are going to repay me by making her as happy as you possibly can.” He said sternly. 
Jungkook flushed
“Sir.. I’m sorry I...”
“When this ends, and it will....you will court her. You will court her, because unlike what you think, you do not get to decide whether you’re worthy of being my daughter’s consort. She does.” He gave him a smile, reaching out and clamping a hand on his shoulder. “  If she chooses you it means you’re worthy. And she has chosen you , Jeon Jungkook . Don’t be the idiot who walks away from the best thing to ever happen to him, son. ” 
Jungkook stared at him.
He took a deep breath. 
“Yes, father.” He said with a small smile. 
The older man laughed out loud. 
“Excellent. Now come, we have a murder to plot. “ 
Author’s Note : Well....now the plot picks up... :D :D feedback is always welcomed !! Come scream with me about how amazing Sera’s father is!!!!
@ladyartemesia        @veronawrites   @alpaca1612     @bonyg    @unseejuice21  @sppvjj     @ggukkieland     @tae-by-tae      @blr1004      @yoongichild    @stussyjeon  @jellybearo  @sumzysworld   @carolsummerlove
@bunniechoon  @unicornbabylover 
@preciouschimine    @baekhyunatthehaunted-house @craztextae
drop me a message if i missed you name for the tag list Thank you. 
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dubersbutt · 4 years
can there be a second part of pld and the cheating girl? if not totally understand! i love your writing
TW: cheating
Lol I may or may not have gotten carried away this one
The Drabble in question can be found here 
You let yourself slump against the steering wheel once you pulled into the parking lot. You just got off the phone with your boyfriend after fighting about something stupid. You’ve been dating for a year now, and lately you just couldn’t stop fighting. Every little thing he did upset you, and vice versa.
You made yourself take five minutes to collect yourself before you get out of the car to go to work. When you walk into your physio office you set your bag down and start to get into your routine of spraying and wiping down the table before the boys start rolling in. You’re working on three of the boys today before their game. 
The first two come through with no issues and their normal routines. But you sighed when it came time for the third. Pierre-Luc Dubois - tall, muscular, and the reason for your current relationship problems. A few weeks ago one of your friends had come over for a girls night. A few glasses of wine later, your tipsy brain had let it slip that you found him very attractive. Unbeknownst to you, Sam was listening from your shared bedroom. From that moment, until the you stumbled up to the room, he had convinced himself that you were cheating on him - apparently not liking that your job consisted of having your hands on half naked men all day. He confronted you the next day. It took you awhile to convince him that it wasn’t true, but he eventually believed you. However, it still came up once in a while. 
This morning he made a side comment about keeping your hands to yourself and you may or may not have lost it on him. You spent the whole drive thinking about how you were going to break up with Sam once you got home after the game. You ran through different scenarios in your head while you worked on Boone Jenner; would he take it well? Would he scream? Then you thought about who would gain custody of your puppy. 
“Hey, (Y/N),” Pl says when he walks in.
“Hi Pl,” you respond, “Take your shirt off and sit on the bed,” you say as you turn and see he has already done so. 
He grins at you and you roll your eyes, “Hockey players, you’re all nudists.” 
“You don’t enjoy the view?” He says as he stretches on the exam bed. You have to tear your eyes away from the pale expanse of skin after you’ve been looking for probably a little too long. 
You roll your eyes again to play it off before you start working on his shoulders. You are a professional, you’re used to the feel of taunt muscles under your hands but Pierre is just so damn good looking you let your mind wander. You think about what it would be like to run your hands under his body in a different circumstance, one where you could lean down, kiss the exposed skin of his throat, run your nails down his abs. 
“You alright, (Y/N),” he asks, “Your grip is a little tighter than usual.” 
“Sorry,” you apologize hastily, pulling your arms back quickly, “Just a lot of stuff on my mind.”
“It’s alright,” he says, “Anything you need to talk about.” 
When you give him a look he flashes a smile at you, “C’mon, we’re friends, aren’t we.” 
“I think I’m contractually obligated to say no.”
“I won’t tell anyone,” he grins, and his stupid smile wears you down.
“It’s nothing, just men really suck sometimes,” you say before you realize your talking to a man, “sorry.”
“Nah, I get it. I just got of the phone with my sister and she just gave me the ‘all men are trash’ speech.” 
You laugh and change the subject before finishing Pl’s session. 
Since you have to be there for the game you go for lunch with some of your colleagues instead of going home. You knew that Sam got the afternoon off today, and you were planning on spending time with him this morning, but now you have no desire to see his face.
By the time the game rolls around you do your pregame checks and ensure everyone is ready to go. Once puck drops you can relax, your job is done until the end. 
The jackets win 5-3 and you join the boys for a quick celly in the lockers before you need to get back to your office and prep for the boys post-game checkups. Cam is first, wanting to check his shoulder quickly before going to his family. When the next person arrives you’re surprised.
“Pl, Were you scheduled with me?”
“No,” he says. He’s panting a bit, like he ran here, “Boone’s on his way, but I just wanted to let you know that I’m here for you.” 
You just cock your head at him in confusion.
He walks closer to you, getting closer. You know you should back away, create space between the two of you, but you don’t want to. You let him get closer until hes inches away from you, let him hold your hands in his. 
“I mean,” he leans close enough for you to feel his breath on your face, “I’m here if you ever want to...talk.” 
You think he’s going to lean in all the way and kiss you. Do the one thing you’ve thought about since you first saw him, but he pulls away when he’s centimetres away from your lips.  He starts walking to the door, and you’re calling out to him before you can stop yourself.
“Pierre,” you call, “I’m parked in the employee parking garage, by the lamppost.  Meet me by my car, I’ll be 20 minutes, 30 tops.” 
He gives you a small smile and a nod before he leaves. You lean against the desk to take some deep breathes to control yourself. Sam was basically your ex at this point. Spending the night with Pierre wasn’t cheating if you were going to break up with him right after, right? All these thoughts keep running through your head until you hear Boone knock at the door. 
When you get out to the parking lot Pl is inside of his car, now pulled next to yours. He drove a spacious SUV - which might have been odd considering he was single with no kids, but perfect for your plans. When he sees you he steps out of the car. 
As soon as you get near him you fist his jacket and pull him down to kiss you. He’s taken aback at first, but kisses you back with the same passion, pushing you back against his car. You reach behind you, fumbling until you can feel the door handle, and falling inside. His car is, thankfully, warm and the backseat provides enough space for your plans.
Once Pl is settled underneath you, you lean down to kiss him again, gripping the short hairs on the back of his neck. 
“Fuck,” he grunts when you grind down on his lap, “You’re so fucking hot. I’ve wanted to do this since I’ve met you.” 
He leans up, kissing your neck. He trails down and unbuttons your dress shirt on his way down. You grind down on his thigh again you stop him.
“Take off your pants,” you command, “I’ve been horny for hours, I just want your dick.” 
He laughs but undoes his belt, but faulters when he starts on his zipper, “Fuck, do you have a condom?” 
You pull one from your jacket pocket, “I swiped one from the supply closet.”
“Those are in there?” He asks as he takes the packet from you.
“I dont buy the supplies, I just use them.” 
He gets the condom on and holds your hips while you lower yourself on. You let a deep breath as he bottoms out.
“Fuuuck,” you moan, “Your dick is so big, you’re going to have to give me a minute.” 
“Take all the time you need,” he murmurs as he kisses your neck. He notices the way you moan when he kisses behind your ear so he does it again, scraping his teeth against it. His fingers rub along your hips as you star to rock back and forth. 
You clench around him and he has to dig his nais into his palm to get a grip on reality again. He thrusts up to meet your hips, taking control back and setting the pace. He sets a quick pace, both of you too wound to take your time. Your hand comes down to brace yourself on the seat next to him. Your hair falls in your face, he reaches up to move it so he can lean up to kiss you. 
He reaches between you to circle your clit. You moan, the sound muffled by his kiss. 
“Pierre,” you moan as you feel that familiar pressure building up, “Don’t stop, please.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it baby,” he says.
A few thrusts later you’re cumming with a scream, biting down on Pl’s shoulder to muffle the noise. You fall limp against him, letting fuck you until he follows. You stay in the backseat, breathing heavy, lying against Pierre as you try to collect yourselves. 
“You know,” Pierre says as after a few moments, “I thought you were just going to invite me for drinks.”
You laugh as you pull away from him, giving him a quick peck, “So was this as good as drinks?”
“Way, way better,” he says leaning up to kiss you again. 
You make out for a few more minutes before you decide leaving is absolutely mandatory. You put his number in your phone before you finally get on the road to your apartment. 
On the drive there you start to feel guilty. Sam never treated you wrong before, was always a god boyfriend - minus the last month. But you decided it was poetic; he thought you were cheating on him with pl but you only did because he was an ass. 
When you get home he’s sleeping on the couch with your puppy in his arms, the TV playing quietly in the background. There’s some take out containers on the coffe table in front of him.
You grab the remote from under him, walking him up.
“Hey,” he says quietly when he recognizes you, “you’re home late.”
“Yeah, Boone’s hip took more time than anticipated,” you lie smoothly, “And I swear I kept my hands to myself.”
He presses his mouth into a thin line, “Fuck, I’m sorry about that.”
You roll your eyes as you move to pet your puppy but he catches your hand and looks at you with remorse, “I mean it. I don’t know what’s gotten into me these past few weeks. I’m so so sorry. When you didn’t show up for lunch today I realized I’ve been such a stupid jerk.”
“Yeah, you have been,” you say, fully intending to tell him off but something stops you when you look a him. 
“No I mean it, I’m sorry,” he says as he grabs your hand, “I really hope you can forgive me. I was stupid and jealous and I was acting way out of line.” 
You have to take a deep breath.
“Let’s put it past us, okay? let’s just move on. I know you’d never cheat on me, and I’d never cheat on you.”
His face lights up, “Really?”
You nod your head, “I’m willing to give this another shot if you are.”
You bite your lip nervously as he pulls you in for a hug. He pulls you on top of his lap to give you a kiss and your muscles start to feel heavy with guilt. He starts to deepen the kiss but you have to pull away. 
“Sam, baby, I’d love to but I’m really tired. I’ve had an extremely long day.”
He nods his head standing up and pulling you with him, “Of course, let’s go to bed.” 
You plug your phone into the charger when you notice you have one message notification. 
Pierre: Tonight was fun, but let me take you on a date so we can do it again 
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arans-princess · 4 years
I wanna play
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Sakusa-nii x reader x atsumu
Degradation, rough sex, spitting, cnc, this gets dark yall, light somno. Poly relationship
-  Omi-nii doesn’t like most people except you, you are the only exception, he loves his little sister to death. He would do anything to keep you happy. 
- He doesn’t like bodily fluids unless they come from you, everything you do is so adorable to him, you’re his Imōto
- The way you whine as he eats out your cute little cunny, music to his ears
- The way you claw at his back as his thick cock splits you open, is so sweet. He knows his dick it too big for you, but the way you tell him you’re a big girl and you can take it, any thing for nii-chan; makes his cock throb. 
-  The way you babble and drool as he fucks you silly, your eyes rolling back as he bounces you on his dick, one large calloused hand around your throat using it as leverage. The other holds you at your hip with a bruising grip as he plows into you. 
-  The bathroom sink is frigid on your feverish body, but it does nothing to quell the heat inside you. He applies just enough pressure to your neck so that you're looking at yourself in the mirror. 
- He gladly pounds your third orgasm out of you, his hips unrelenting as the post game adrenaline has flooded his veins. Gosh, when they said he was a part of the generation of monsters they weren’t kidding. 
“Omi-nii, ugh, fuck I-I Im gonna cum!” you babble through strangled moans, your pulse pounding in your head as his thick fingers press against the sides of your throat, cutting off blood supply to your brain. Drunk off the pleasure, you can feel your head swimming, drowning in the sensation of his fat cock brushing against your sweet spot, the cold counter digging into you adds to your pleasure. 
“Yes, you can y/n-chan, yes you can. C’mon, be my good girl, cum on for me, cum for your nii-chan.” he bends down, leaning into your neck and bites. Leaving a trail of marks from your collarbone to your ear. “Just a little more for me, baby” the hand on your hip travels to your clit and rubs tight circles on your overused bud. His hips still as he increases the pace of his fingers. “You're clamping down so hard, baby girl, you gonna squirt for me?” he looks up at your blissed out expression, your legs are trembling, arms desperately clinging to the arm attached to your throat. 
“Omi, please I wanna taste you.” You mewl out clawing at his forearm, nails digging deep into his veiny flesh. Somehow, he takes you to heights unknown as his cock throbs in your wet heat. Now that he stopped thrusting you can feel your cunt pulsing, your slick is dripping down your ass onto the sink below making your ass slippery; you would have slid off, if not for you big brother supporting you, such a good brother. The hand on your throat migrates to your chin gripping it harshly, prying open your mouth. His face draws closer to yours as he gathers a glob of saliva and plops on to your tongue. You hold it in there waiting for him to give you permission to swallow, both of your fluids mingling in your mouth. Tongue twitching in anticipation, your eyes meet his in a silent plea. 
“Swallow princess. Be a good girl and squirt for me, c’mon” he coos while looking at your fucked out face; eyes rolling back, mouth open in a silent scream. With his encouragement you let go of the knot building in your belly, and all at once fluid gushes out of your cunt as he continues to rub your clit, working you through this mind numbing orgasm like a good big brother. Not even the groaning coming from one of the stalls can snap you out of this bliss.
“Holy fuck Omi-kun, I didn’t know she could squirt!” Both of your heads snap in the direction of the voice in search of the owner. Omi is shocked to find the owner, it’s Tsumu, his teammate. Oh fuck. “Poor little y/n-chan too fucked out on your brother's cock to care? Look at you. You look so fucking pathetic. You like when your big brother uses you like a toy? Don’t you?” Tsumu teases while inspecting your used body, he’s right. You’re covered in drool, cum is seeping out of your puffy cunt. You’re a mess. But you’re Nii-chan’s mess, right? “So this is what’s going to happen. I’m going to play with your toy. You can watch or leave, I don’t really care. Unless you want me to tell the press you fuck your baby sister like a whore? You can kiss your career goodbye. Yeah it would suck to have you off the team but; rumor has it, this Kyōtani Kentarō kid is being scouted for the team next year. I would love to set for him. Hate to see you go though.” That damn smirk never leaves his face, and he doesn't take his eyes off you, not even for a second. You can feel nii-chan stiffen between your legs as the realization hits him. He has to comply if he wants to keep your lives from derailing. 
“Fine,” Omi spits, “can I finish here first? I'm still hard.” his question is harsh, you can practically see steam coming from his ears, his face that was already red from the exertion deepened. His chest is still heaving, but you can't tell if it's from anger or not. It most likely is. This anger is only intensified with blond’s response. “ Yeah no. I want my payment now.” the blonde chuckles, looking very pleased with himself. Omi’s grip on your body tightens immensely, painfully even, yet somehow through this exchange you have not come to terms with what's happening quite yet. It's not until Omi withdraws from your heat that you understand the gravity of the situation. Your relationship has been found out, after years of being so careful, this is what happens. All because you couldn't keep your greedy little hands to yourself. You should feel more responsible but you can't bring yourself to. You're too far gone, trapped in your own mind, locked away in subspace. 
Next thing you know Tsumu plunges into your heat roughly and sets a brutal pace from the start. His cock isn’t the same and nii-chans, it's not as long. It doesn’t hammer into your cervix, but it's twice as thick, and the stretch burns. It’s not a good burn, it hurts. You dont like Tsumu fucking you. You're not his toy, you belong to nii-chan, not his teammate. You look over at Omi and see him standing in the corner. His cock is still hard and throbbing, the tip is a bright red, and he looks so ready to burst. ”Nii-chan, make him stop, I-I don't like him inside me. H-hurts, it hurts.” you croak out, attempting to reach out for him. The sight breaks his heart in two, he wants nothing more than to fling that shit-head off of his precious baby sister, but he can’t. He takes a half step towards you then stops himself, knowing if he interrupts his career is over, and with that so is your life of comfort. He simply can't have that. Omi swallows his pride and tries to tune out your wails of anguish as Tsumu defiles you, but your cries only get louder and louder as he continues. 
“Such a slut, aren't you y/n-chan? This little hole just weeps for anyone doesn't it?” Tsumu questions while leaning in your face, breath fanning over you. The rank smell of coffee assaults your nostrils, making you try and turn away, but he roughly snatches your face back to look at him. His fingers are roughly digging into your cheeks and the pressure forces your jaw open. Your eyes widen in fear as you realize what is about to happen. He hocks a fat glob of spit inside your pliant mouth, the look in his eyes tells you to swallow or risk harsher treatment. So with fat tears welling up in your eyes, threatening to spill over, you do as he asks. The pounding never ceases as he beams brightly down at you. His smile, one you once found endearing, now makes your stomach turn, and you close your eyes and hope for him to finnish quickly. 
“Aht aht aht, c’mon princess, look at me. Look at me and be grateful that someone is stuffing your stupid little cunt at all.” he chuckles as he thrusts harder into your womb, the stretch doesn’t burn like it did before, as your body finally adjusted to his massive girth. Reluctantly you open your eyes and look at his figure looming above you. He’s drenched in sweat and his face is flushed with exertion. He looks almost appealing like this, with his eyebrows furrowed, eyes blown wide in lust and some other emotion, hate? No, it doesn't bite the same. Its- its love. 
Love? He loves you? Oh yeah that's right , when Omi joined the team and brought you around to meet the team, he made it a point to keep Tsumu far away from you. One time Tsumu had managed to snag you away from the group, and while you don't remember much about that night, you do know that Omi was really mad about it. Omi said he was flirting but you didn't even realize it. The whole time you only had eyes for your Nii-chan. That must be why he was lurking in the bathroom. Now that you’re thinking, Atsumu was always around when you two would run off, and you always felt another set of eyes watching you… oh yeah, that’s right… You’re snapped out of your thoughts when you feel a pressure on your clit. The rough pads of his fingers circle your clit, you can feel the calluses on your sensitive nub throwing you over the edge into yet another orgasm. You claw at his back, unconsciously pulling him into you. The way your pussy clamps down on his length makes him gasp, professing his love in your ear as he shoots his load into you. But they dont say he is a part of the generation of monsters for nothing, he doesn't stop his relentless pace, pushing all of his cum out of you. Your vision starts to get blurry, between the tears and the haze of overstimulation taking over. You can hear Omi get angry somewhere in the back of your head, but it sounds far away, like he’s yelling underwater. 
You feel your body tense up for yet another orgasm and then your vision cuts out. When you come to, Atsumu is still fucking you, but the pleasure is gone. It’s too much, and when you register this you start fighting back, pushing his face off your neck, shoving his shoulders back to try and dislodge him. Then you hear him chuckle darkly. 
“Don't worry y/n-chan, I'll be done shortly, I was able to cum a few more times when you went to sleep on me. Did you know you cum even when you pass out?” he places a gentle kiss on your forehead. You look over to the side and see your big brother sitting in the corner. You look in his eyes and see barely contained rage. The fire in them looks like it could melt a diamond. Tsumu lifts your shirt to take a nipple in his mouth as he cums, sheathing himself in your heat completely, filling you up beyond what you thought was possible. 
Your legs start to give out and Omi notices this, he rushes to your side to hold you up-right. “ATSUMU, I told you to be more careful with her! We can't break our princess. Well at least not somewhere so public. Come here baby girl, Nii-chan will take care of you.”
“I’m sorry princess, I got a little carried away. Here, let's get you home. We can cuddle and watch some movies. And up you go!” Tsumu looks at you sheepishly as he apologises, then he lifts you up and pulls his hoodie over your head. He carries you out of the bathroom, uncaring for the strange looks you three get. Your face is buried in his neck and your legs are wrapped around his waist. Omi glares at anyone who even thinks about asking about your identity. 
Your relationship might be a little unorthodox, but it’s yours and everyone is happy with it. More importantly you and Omi have realized what happens when Tsumu feels left out. 
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bungou-stray-dingus · 5 years
hey there, so like this is my first time requesting but your writing is sooo good i can't help myself. if you could, could you make a scenario for dazai and chuuya where his s/o is a non-ability who is very bubbly and innocent but they find out she has a deadly skill that could almost pass as an ability. im sorry if you're busy, you dont have to write this if you dont want to. I LOVE YOUR WRITING SO MUCH💕💕
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You were like an angel, too pure for this world. Your heart was filled with nothing but good. You donated to charity, helped out in elementary schools during the week and volunteered at children’s hospitals, homeless shelters, and animal shelters during the weekend.
He looked at you as if you were a saint. Whenever you would come home from volunteering he’d bow down at your feet. “My goddess has returned! I’m not worthy!” You’d laugh at his dramatics, grabbing his hand and helping him off the floor.
“Shush.” You’d say before pecking a kiss on his lips.
When you weren’t out helping in the community, you were at home doing what you could to help out without being there. You took up knitting, and Dazai joked about it often. He even went as far as to buy a rocking chair with extra cushion for you to sit in while you would work. “You’re the cutest grandma, you know that?” He’d say, and you’d throw your ball of yarn at him.
“Shut up, and bring me my yarn back.” He’d re-wind the yarn that came undone when you threw it as he walked the ball back to where you sat.
He poked fun at it, but he would often sit on the floor next to your rocking chair, becoming entrances as he watched your hands carefully wrap the yarn around the needle and thread it through the loops. He didn’t understand how you did it, but everything you made came out perfectly, especially the tiny hats for newborn babies with matching booties, and sweaters for dogs and cats in the shelters for when it got cold. You had even made blankets for the people at the homeless shelters, making sure to use the softest yarn that would also be warm.
Sometimes he would come with you to the hospitals or the homeless shelters when he wasn’t working. He never went to the animal shelter though, he didn’t want to be anywhere where dogs were.
When he would go to the hospitals with you he would spend hours making over the babies and how cute they were in the new hats and booties you had made for them.
“Y/N, is it illegal to take a baby from the hospital?” He would ask you on the way back home and you’d just stare at him.
“You’re a cop, I hope you’re joking.”
“Yeah, obviously I’m joking but... so it’s illegal?”
You were used to people not liking your boyfriend. He had helped bring a lot of people to justice in his line of work. You weren’t expecting people to hate you though. Dazai had worked hard to make sure that anyone from opposing agencies or enemies didn’t know that you and him were dating. In the beginning he was always worried and on edge that something bad may happen to you just for being associated with him, but it’s been a year and a half now and nobody had tried to hurt you or kill you.
That’s why you were less than serious when the door got kicked open and three men stormed in, all of them wielding knives. It had to be some kind of weird prank by Dazai, or maybe even some strange act that would set the stage for a new fantasy kink.
“I’m kind of busy right now, can you come back in an hour?” You said calmly, holding up the knitting needles to show them that you were occupied.
“We don’t give a damn. You’re coming with us.” One of the men said, you didn’t know what he looked like, all of them had black masks on.
“Eh, I don’t think I am.” You shrugged, not even looking up from the new sweater you were making.
They were getting angry, the three men stomped over to where you were sitting in the rocking chair. One of them held his knife to your throat, and you finally realized that they weren’t joking, and Dazai wasn’t in on it. “I think you are. That bumbling boyfriend of yours needs to know. Mess with us and we mess with him. Now let’s go.” He pressed the knife deeper and your fight or flight instinct kicked in. You wouldn’t be able to outrun the three of them, so you had to fight.
You gripped the needles tighter, bringing your arm up to jab it into the mans neck. He staggered back and fell to the floor against the wall, trying to pull the needle out.
“What the fuck!?” One of the other men shouted, as the third one started sprinting towards you. You quickly grabbed the knife that the first man had dropped, preparing yourself to stab the man before he could get to you. As soon as he got close enough you forcefully pushed the knife into the mans stomach. He screamed as you twisted it, making him drop to his knees, blood dripping out of his mouth from the damage you had caused.
The final man stood there, assessing the scene, his hands in the air. He had already dropped his knife.
“Get the fuck out of my house.” Your voice was low, you were out of breath. You watched him run out your door, then took the time to finally realize what you had done. “Oh my god. Oh... oh my god....” You swallowed back the bile that was rising up your throat. You had killed two people, you had single handedly taken out two grown men. You were a murderer.
With sweaty hands and shaking fingers you dialed Dazai’s number, praying that he’d actually answer.
“Hey swee-“
“You need to come home, I need your help. Please hurry and come home.” Your voice was as shaky as your hands were.
“I’m coming.” His voice wasn’t as cheery as when he first picked up. Obviously his first thought was that you were being attacked or someone was trying to break in. He wasn’t expecting the grisly scene he walked into.
He examined both guys, confirming they were dead, and you couldn’t really understand why he was smiling the entire time he was making his mental report. You couldn’t see anything good about having two dead men in your apartment.
“You did this? Yourself?” He finally looked up to you while poking the knitting needle protruding from the mans neck.
“I was scared! I didn’t know what else to do! I didn’t mean it.” He watched you try to explain yourself. He tried to imagine what was going through the men’s brains when his adorable girlfriend, wearing a skirt with knee high socks and buckle shoes started fighting back, especially with knitting needles. He couldn’t help but laugh. “Why are you laughing!?”
“You’re just so... sexy. You got a little blood on your shirt too.” He got up off the floor and surprised you by sweeping you off your feet as you tried to find the blood stain he was talking about. “Don’t worry, I’ll get that shirt off you soon.”
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If he could describe you as a color, it would be yellow. You were bright, fun, happy, you always found a way to put a smile on his face, even when he had the worst day. It was as if a ray of sun took form and for some reason decided that he was the one who deserved it.
Your spontaneous adventures, even if it was just to the park always kept things exciting. He would stand back and watch as you ran over to anyone with a dog, sitting on the ground in front of the furry animal as you looked up and conversed with the owner about the breed and how cute the dog was. He would hear about it for the rest of the day, your hands moving freely through the air as you described the dog, even though he was right there and seen it as well, he would smile and nod. You always found something to be excited about, even on days when it would rain and you both were stuck in the house you would find some way to make him forget about the dreariness of the outside world. Building pillow forts and watching movies as you both attempted to toss popcorn into each others mouths. You had a stash of board games for days like that, and you would let him pick which one he wanted to play. It was the simple things that he enjoyed.
Waking up to the sound of music drifting into the bedroom from the kitchen, your spot on the bed empty. He would groggily walk into the kitchen to find you in front of the stove, the smell of eggs and bacon and pancakes filled the room, but that wasn’t the best part. You would be wearing one of his button up shirts, and only that. Your hips would sway to the rhythm of the song and he’d just stand and watch, unable to fight the smile that would form on his lips and the feeling of pride as he watched you, knowing that you were his.
Other days he’d come home from work while you were straightening up, singing into the broomstick handle as if no one was watching and the living room was your stage. He’d shrug out of his coat, kick his shoes off and slide across the floor while playing the air guitar. You always put a smile on his face, everything you did was his favorite thing. He could never pick one particular thing that you did that made him happy, because honestly you in general made him happy.
Even when you weren’t being goofy, which was rare, but it did happen, he would take the time to sit back and appreciate your beauty. When you would curl up on the couch and drift off to sleep and he’d come home and find you there, he would just marvel at how perfect you were in that innocent state.
That’s why he did everything he could to keep you safe, make sure you were protected everywhere you went. Sure, it was kind of ridiculous to have the black lizards guarding every store you went into, but it was a precaution that needed to be taken. As long as his little drop of sun was safe he could relax.
The two of you were on your way to the restaurant, it was date night. You looked flawless, as usual, and Chuuya couldn’t wait to show you off. His phone started ringing and you picked it up for him so that he could keep one hand on the wheel and the other on your thigh as he drove.
“Hi Mori!” You greeted him excitedly, and although he didn’t understand how Chuuya ended up with you, he couldn’t help but smile at the sound of your voice. You seemed to have that effect on anyone you came into contact with. “Will do! Thanks Mori! Buh-bye.” You shut the phone and put it back into the center console. Chuuya looked over to you, his eyes asking the question. “There’s some problem in an alley around the corner. He said it should be quick and you can handle it and get back to our date.”
He groaned but took the sharp turn that would lead to the alley in question. He saw the cloaked figure, like they were waiting for him. “Alright, this’ll be quick. Stay in the car.” He said, kissing your cheek before hopping out of the car.
You stared out the window, watching him stride into the alley. It sent a shot of electric up your legs, seeing him so dominant in situations like this. That was your man, and you couldn’t be prouder. You smiled as you watched him deliver kicks and punches to the figure in the alley, silently rooting for him.
Then you saw more figures coming from nowhere it seemed. There were at least six of them, and you started worrying. He would get hurt if he tried to fight all of them by himself, and you couldn’t have that. It would take too long to call someone and have them come out and help. Your mind raced as you tried to think of something to do, then you remembered the pistol that he had in the glove box. You pulled it out, checking to see if it had ammo, and then hopped out of the car.
“Hey, assholes!” You called, and everyone stopped to look at you. You cocked the gun and aimed it at them. Your hands didn’t shake, and you eyed up your target and pulled the trigger. Headshot.
The figures split up, some advancing towards you while the rest went after Chuuya. You fired the gun quickly, they all dropped like flies. Each one being hit exactly where you aimed. Headshots, chest shots, you even managed to get one in the throat which even you were shocked about. You moved further into the alley, pressing the barrel of the pistol against the head of the one who was about to attack Chuuya while he was fighting the first figure. “Not today, pal.” You said menacingly, pulling the trigger. Blood and bits of flesh and brain tissue splattered onto your face and you dropped the gun to the ground.
Chuuya finished with the final figure and ran over to where you stood. You were frozen, the warmth of the blood against your face made you want to vomit. “Are you okay?” He asked, grabbing your arms and examining them, then moving to the rest of your body to make sure there was no damage done. The amount of blood on you worried him, but once he realized that you were okay, he sighed with relief.
“I need a shower and and and and.... oh my god this is gross.” You couldn’t keep your hands from shaking as you tried to wipe the blood off your face.
“I mean, it’s pretty gross, but god damn, my bad ass little princess. Who would have thought?” His sense of pride sky rocketed.
After you both returned to the penthouse, the date was completely forgotten about at this point, and you both showered together. He rubbed your shoulders as the water fell over both of your bodies. The water was stained with red as you washed the blood from your face and when the shower was over you wrapped the towel around yourself and laid in the bed.
“You took the gun and you were like ‘bang bang bang’ and I was like ‘oh my god!’ And you shot all of them! How did you learn to do that?!” He was pacing the room in his boxers as he described the whole situation again, his feet padded against the floor leaving water footprints on the hard wood.
“I don’t know, I just didn’t want you to get hurt, so I shot them.” You said it nonchalantly, rolling to your side and propping yourself up on your elbow. “Seems like you enjoyed it.” You joked and he whipped around to look at you. The look in his eyes, you knew the look well.
“Oh I enjoyed. I don’t think you know how much I enjoyed it.” His voice was low and husky.
“You can tell me.”
He got into the bed and situated himself over top of you, holding himself up with one arm while the other pulled open the towel that you had wrapped around yourself. “I think I’d rather show you.”
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felicityfiction · 4 years
[bulletproof glass part 4] part 3
a/n: its 5am. i needed a study break. this is terrible. im very disappointed in myself but also not sure if i can put anything out thats better. i have failed, please dont hate me :(
god, do they even teach them how to shoot?
san smirks, easily dodging a badly aimed bullet from a poorly hidden sniper. not really a sniper at all, if you ask him. just someone too cowardly to come down and face the action on the ground.
in the chaos of a building carpark, there are guns blazing and shouts echoing, the occasional yell of pain or shattering of glass as these terribly trained excuses of henchmen hit a car instead of their intended human target.
it’s music to san’s ears.
to his left, he registers seonghwa, barrelling towards him with a wholehearted intention to get him into a car and to safety, but san is just starting to have fun.
he takes down two guys who have at least a foot on him, but he barely breaks a sweat. adrenaline is pumping through his veins, and he thinks that maybe he doesn’t have to smoke tonight to be able to get high.
this is his drug. san is addicted to the danger of it all. it’s messy and wonderful, a dance that is ingrained into san’s brain and burned into his muscle from years of first hand experience. choi san is talented, and he’s about to show it.
he sees seonghwa veer sharply to his right, and he spares a glance in his direction. just in time to see seonghwa gun down two guys who were surrounding hongjoong, trying to take him down. the leader was to be captured alive, no doubt, to be used as leverage. if his father was here, these guys would be all over him like hyenas to a carcass. but he isn’t, content to let san and seonghwa handle tonight’s minor matters.
he’s mine.
the words thrum in his ears, fuelling his slightly fatigued muscles to keep going until all their enemies were down. he was the next in line to inherit the choi name, and he sure as hell was going to make his name known to everyone in the underground.
and perhaps the child in him still preens under his father’s praise, and he’s greedy for more.
but san is amused by the sight of seonghwa fumbling in his attempt to get to hongjoong, his usual grace lost in his worry. he almost reaches out to hongjoong, then freezes and recoils like hongjoong at shot him. san feels a stab of pity, but also a brief inkling of scorn
this is what affection does to you.
hongjoong had come with few guards, despite knowing that there was a high chance that this deal would go south. perhaps he trusted san more than he let on, or he thought that san had a bigger target on his back, and he would be able to escape unscathed if it came down to it
or, san thinks, maybe he knows someone here will die to protect him.
a hand comes flying out of nowhere, barely missing san’s face, and san whips around faster than lightning. he grabs the wrist, and is about to twist and snap it when he registers the face in front of him. a smile curls onto his face.
“we’re allies here, did you forget? how can it be acceptable to try and take me out?”
“wasn’t trying to take you out. distracted. person shooting. wanted to get your attention.” yunho is speaking in breathless pants, sweat beading on his forehead. he grabs san and tugs, and san finds himself going willingly. he lets himself get pushed behind a pillar, as yunho scans for more aggressive men in black.
there’s a feeling san can’t pinpoint blooming in his chest, and he shoves it away, letting his god awful flirtatious nature come up as a defence.
“so sweet of you, darling. but you look more tired than me. i’d have been perfectly fine, but i appreciate the sentiment.”
yunho doesn’t realise he’s stilll holding san’s wrist, too busy being on the lookout.
“shut up.” he scowls
san sees a brief release of tension in yunho’s shoulders when he spots hongjoong safe, a few meters away surrounded by the remainder of his guards.
“you should go join them, sweetheart. it’s time for you to flee.”
yunho’s eyes snap towards him, and he angrily spits, “we’re not fleeing, you bastard.”
san wants to laugh again, because infruriating yunho is so, so enjoyable. “i didn’t mean anything. they’re all gone, anyway. we won. no point staying around for the cleanup.” he lifts his wrist to yunho’s eyes, and they widen exponentially. yunho drops his wrist and steps back, putting some distance between him and san. san decides he preferred it when yunho was pressed against him.
yunho makes to walk away towards a gesturing hongjoong, but san’s the one to reach out this time.
“thank you, yunho. i appreciate it.” yunho seems surprised by the sincereity that laces san’s words, but he quickly reminds himself that san is more than a proficient liar. he pushes san’s hand off his wrist, suddenly wishing he hadn’t tried to help.
stupid, stupid yunho.
“and don’t worry, baby. you always have my attention.”
and there it is, classic san. can’t have a conversation without dropping some kind of comment that made yunho’s skin crawl. yunho flinches, and walks away. san is staring after him, his lips upturned.
yunho picks his way through the bodies littered on the ground, trying to ignore both the vast amounts of blood, and the way that his ears are burning.
if hongjoong notices how red he is, he presumes that it’s from the physical exertion. he’s scanning yunho for injuries, relieved to find none. regardless, he pushes yunho towards the car, ready to take him away from everything and shelter him as best he can.
he shouldn’t have brought him here in the first place.
hongjoong can’t help the deep tug in his gut that compels him to look around once more before stepping into the car.
seonghwa is rushing towards san, and san is smiling so broadly it disturbs hongjoong. he’s certain that san is a psychopath, or at least someone who enjoys witnessing pain. or maybe he’s so desensitized that this has all become a game for him.
either way, hongjoong darts his eyes down and gets into the car. he pretends that the relief flooding his chest is for himself, for yunho and for his other men. not for the bodyguard of his rival gang leader, who just so happened to perhaps have saved his life.
fuck this.
hongjoong is absolutely fucking screwed.
yunho spends the same car ride trying to forget the deep voice echoing in his ears and the hand around his wrist. he’s all too aware that he was frantically searching for san the entire time the fight was happening, barely registering his members. he should feel guilty, he knows, and he berates himself fiercely.
why yunho, why? he’s a sadistic monster, he could have killed you and called it an accident!
but somehow, yunho can’t bring himself to regret that he threw himself in front of a guy that could very well be holding a gun to his temple in the near future.
yunho is also, absolutely fucking screwed
“he tried to help me, hwa. isn’t that so cute? i could’ve taken all of them blindfolded, but it’s still adorable.”
seonghwa purses his lips, a sharp pang striking a chord in his heart.
san is sitting on his desk, swinging his legs back and forth as he recounts the night to him, nevermind that seonghwa was supposed to be the one delivering the report.
“that’s the first time someone besides me has done that for you, san.” seonghwa says quietly, more to himself than to san. but his charge, his friend, hears it anyway.
“i’m attractive, hwa. what can i say? you tried to play hero too. good job on that, by the way.”
seonghwa flinches at the reminder. it was too close for comfort, the way hongjoong had been a split second from being overpowered, and seonghwa had moved before he had time to think.
“i’m sorry for getting distracted.” he had failed. seonghwa was supposed to protect san, yet he had some kind of messed up tunnel vision and sixth sense that led him to jump to the defence of someone he isn’t even supposed to associate with-
“don’t apologise. i’m a better fighter than you, or him. i didn’t need it.”
i forgive you. i understand. don’t worry, you did the right thing.
that’s how they communicate. with hidden meanings and the hope that the other party understands.
in spite of everything that went down, seonghwa’s frantic about one thing, and one thing above all.
it absolutely terrifies him how choi san is whistling a happy tune from his lips recounting the way jung yunho had tried to press him into a wall for his own safety. san chalks it all up to nothing, but seonghwa sees more. san isn’t just amused, he’s happy.
he’s happy that jung yunho had tried to save him.
it’s mortifying, seeing this unknown emotion on san. seonghwa knows how to deal with an angry san, a drunk san and an indifferent san. seonghwa knows san.
but seonghwa has never seen san care. and it sure as hell feels like san is starting to care.
“would you have done it?” he whispers, and san trails off, narrowing his eyes at him.
“what are you talking about?”
“would you have jumped in front of a gun to save him?” seonghwa bites his lip. please, please say something snarky and cocky and arrogant.
“i’d just shoot the source of danger, hwa. have you lost your touch? can’t protect someone if i’m dead, now can i? remember that next time, i doubt hongjoong would want to see you die in front of him.”
seonghwa’s ears are ringing.
protect someone? san, since when have you ever wanted to protect someone? everyone is disposable to you, no? why him? why now?
but seonghwa swallows all his words, and san continues on his painfully oblivious humming. he can’t even tell that this emotion is new and different. he can’t tell that his mind is drifting to a hand gripping his wrist, and the pressure of another body pressed against his.
word of the day: endearment. maybe san would do good to learn some new vocabulary, so he can put a label to that weird sensation in his chest, and his burning desire to see jung yunho again.
maybe, san would come to his senses. seonghwa can only hope.
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1-800-channie · 5 years
Cigarettes & Mint | Chapter 1
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→ Chapter: 1  |  2  |  3  | 4 |  5
→ Genre: Very Angst / Fluff / Highschool!Au
→ Warning: Strong language; slight eating disorders; cursing; bullying;  smoking; heartbroken; 
→ Pairing: Badboy!Hyunjin x Innocent!Reader;
→ Summary: When your ego is bigger than your brain, you don’t mind breaking someone’s heart. As soon as the smell of cigarettes and mint invade your nostrils, your heart starts beating faster and your life starts falling apart. I bet you will end up broken.
→ Playlist for the Chapter: 
    ↳ Paper Doll - Bea Miller ↳ Fool - NCT 127 ↳ Best Friend - iKON  ↳ Friends - Chase Atlantic ↳ Colours - Day6 
→ Words: +2K
→ N/A: Hiii everyone! I’m so excited to finally post my lovely ‘Cigarettes and Mint’ Fiction! It took me so long to write, every chapter was carefully written and revised at least five times. This is very important to me, so, i hope you love to read it as much as i loved to write it. OH and… Prepare your heart ;)
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The Canteen has never been a clean place, the tiled floor was always dirty with stains that would make your trainers get glued to the floor, but it’s was always a place full with enthusiasm and freedom, where everyone can talk aloud, and curse as much as they feel like to. The thin walls painted in white with the word ‘CANTEEN’ in yellow did a terrible job to preserve the loud yelling from inside, but no one seemed to care, almost like the canteen was a holy place, where everyone was free to do and say what they want.
The yellow color from the large wooden doors seem to become more vivid when the room is full, inside, students that could be mistaken to animals due to the amount of food they eat and for talking with their mouth packed, something that always made you want to throw up, are openly hanging out.
As everyone feeds their cravings for food, you feed your dark eyes by watching shamelessly the boy that is currently laughing at something that his best friend showed him on his iPhone. He is like a k-idol, impossible but inevitable to fall in love with, and you couldn’t help it but admire how handsome he was.
The music that echoes inside your brain from the headphones you have plugged in, is from a kdrama, where the boy stays under the freezing rain to kiss his beloved. And because of it, you feel your heart skip a beat while imagining you and Hyunjin on the same plot. As the slow beat went on you got lost on him.
As you stare blanked at the bad boy in front of you, your innocent brain makes it more accessible to cloud your eyes and make you face the scenario of him, drenched, over the icy rain, his huge hands on your tiny ones while he confesses the love he holds for you. His brown hair glued to his forehead and his lips red from the cold.
When someone yanked your headphones out of your ears you came back to reality, and there he is, in front of you, with a destructive smirk on his full red lips. He seemed much taller than you, and you felt so miserable staring at him while sitting down.
“Listen to me, Angel…” Hyunjin’s seductive voice orders you. “I know you like me very much, but the constant staring makes me uncomfortable as fuck, so please, stop staring at me like that, yeah?” As soon as he ceased talking everyone already had their attention on both of you, and they were giggling and pointing at your petty figure.
Your cheeks heated up from embarrassment, at that moment you wanted to dig a hole and hide inside until next week, so everyone would have forgotten about it already. When you stood up to excuse yourself, your legs weak and trembling, the hero of the story comes to the view to save you:
“Hyunjin, you didn’t need to be such a dick to her. You could’ve just talked to her privately, why humiliate her like that?” Hendery replies, a mad emotion taking advantage of his heaven made features.
“Look, you dont-” Minho came to help his friend, but your friend didn’t even let him finish. Hendery’s veiny hands gripped his shirt and he almost lifted him off the floor, angriness taking advantage of his bright form.
“Hendery~” Your scared frame whispered while tugging at his shirt. “Let them be… Please. It’s ok…”
Your childhood best friend takes a glace of five seconds at your appearance. You are bitting your lip nervously, he perceives your body trembling from the hand you have gripping him, the blush on your cheeks is redder than ever and small, hot and salty tears are forming at the corners of your eyes.
He releases the bad boy and gets closer to Hyunjin, their noses practically touching and he threatens him:
“Dont come close to my best friend ever again, or ill beat you until you can’t fucking walk, understand?”
Hyunjin grins. “Yes, sir.” He salutes him before turning his back at both of you and going back to his original seat.
You, with your whole body shivering, grab your green backpack and wander out of the happy canteen, where you were starting to feel suffocated in. The tears in your eyes seem to be stronger than all the strength in your body and they flow down your jowls, making you despise yourself for being so pity.
The tall man that just defended you runs after you on the immense corridor, his steps loud and lucid, and he grabs your wrist, holding you back.
“Let me go… please.” You beg your voice muffed, making it crack from all the sadness peaking up at the exterior.
“You know i can’t do that.” And with that said, he draws your body against his, your head leaning on his shoulder as you whine. “Why do you always fall for the bad boys huh?” He jokes while caressing your wavy hair.
You let a timid laugh escape your edges as you sob, the sense of being protected drowning you completely. Hendery is that efficacious, he makes you feel special and safe. He has eternally protected you, but you, being the careless silly you are, never really paid attention to it.
As you feel your body calming down, you lift your face to gaze at him, a dumb prince-like smile displaced on his margins.
“You always show up at the best timing… Do you have any kind of seventh sense to know when I’m in trouble?” The laugh that he left out could be considered the cutest laugh you have ever heard if you weren’t stupidly in love with the bad boy that just shamed you in front of half of the school.
“I do, babe.” He plays and laughs right after, a pleasant silence involving you both on your walk out of the school. The endless corridor is full with lockers in both sides and your steps are echoing inside it, due to it being empty. The only light inside it is provided by the little lamps on the ceiling, that unsuccessfully make their job of brightening your way.
As you both sit down on a bench, outside, the wind feels refreshing on your hot cheeks. The sun seems to fade away at the right time, leaving you and him on a fresh shadow. Hendery has an adorable little pout on his thin lips, you watch him confused:
“What’s wrong, big boy?” You ask while squeezing his cheeks, he groans annoyed and takes your hands out of his appearance.
“Just because i had to save the beauty from the beast, i didn’t get to eat lunch. Now, I’m hungry.” He informs you in a grumpy tone, crossing his arms over his chest like a child when their mom doesn’t give them what they want.
“Here.” You say, taking your lunchbox out of the backpack and handing him the food you should have eaten on the first break.
Hendery looks at you irritated. His thick eyebrows pushed together and his lips pressed in a thin line, making it pretty obvious that he was about to lecture you about not eating your food.
“Are you doing it again?” He asks more concerned than angry. “I dont want you in trouble again for throwing food out on the bin when it’s totally eatable. And, please, dont tell me you are stopping eating because someone called you fat…” He explains, his hand brushing your hair comfortably and his eyes stare deep into yours in genuine love.
“No… It’s not that!” You lie, taking his hands off of you. “I just dont like this conserve my mom chose…” You try to cover up your dirty lie and he seems to fall for it, at least for now. You feel relieved that he didn’t dig deep on the problem.
Hendery feeds the bread calmly, casually sipping the juice he bought not too long ago, pineapple flavored, also your favorite. The package of it it’s simply colored in green and yellow, with a picture of a pineapple, kind of aesthetic pleasing in your eyes.
“Are you… hmm… alright? After what he did?” His clumsy self asks without looking at you. So he could avoid your hurt expression because it would damage him too.
“It was my fault… i completely froze while looking at him, i would feel exactly like him if i was in his position.” You answer honestly, and Hendery couldn’t believe that you saw the good side of what that sucker did to you, and even defend him.
“Still…” The cutie sitting next to you remarks, stuffing his mouth. “He didn’t need to be that bold and rude.” He blunts out shrugging, talking with his mouth full.
Noticing the gross action, you slap his shoulder playfully, making him laugh and almost choke. Then, when you both were calmer, you leaned your head on his shoulder, seeking a way out of the images of Hyunjin.
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The sounds that could be heard from the bottom floor were laughs and loud RnB music while the three friends hung out at one of their houses. Changbin is the one that has more money out of the three, his house looks like a palace, and it’s so quiet that Hyunjin envies it.
The spot where they usually stay is Binnie’s basement. It’s a big, cozy room with an even bigger TV, where they usually watch films. A fluffy carpet that they use to lay down on, and an expensive bathroom that always smells like vanilla.
Hyunjin was laying on the sofa, watching Changbin, that was sitting down o the fluff carpet playing ‘Call of Duty: Zombies’. Minho just came out of the luxurious bathroom, smiling at both of his best friends paying so much attention to a game. This makes him feel like he is the most mature out of the three.
“I want to do something fun…” The older boy says kicking Hyunjin’s body so he could sit next to him on the comfortable sofa. Changbin, the owner of their favorite place to hang out, turns off the PlayStation and turns his attention to the boys behind him, resting his head on his hands cutely.
Hyunjin already had a dangerous cigarette caught between his full lips, the urge to take those memories out of his mind was killing him. Binnie, scenting the disgusting smell of the smoke, mad, took the tobacco of his best friend lips and put it on the trash bin in a fast movement.
“I told you, no smoking inside my basement didn’t i?” The back haired boy warns his friend, watching Hyunjin groan out of annoyment. He just needed help to forget you and your sad eyes.
“I need to fucking get revenge out of that motherfucker,” Minho said angrily, he hated to be threatened, especially from someone as insignificant and poor as Hendery.
The three of them didn’t like him, but Minho was the one that hates him the most since the girl he was trying to date was stolen from him. Hendery and Lee’s crush, dated for one year, and she was treated like the queen she was. When she showed up in front of Lee Know, her neck full with bruises from a night of pleasure, he felt extremely jealous and swore to himself that the prince-charming needed to pay.
Hyunjin wanted to be left out as much as possible, he didn’t want to talk to you again, because now, he couldn’t stop seeing your hurt expression, and he felt bad for what he made you go thru. He hated Hendery for always being there and not leaving you alone.
The seductive boy plays with his lip ring as he thinks to himself how impulsive he was, and how he could have talked to you more carefully, without calling your best friend’s attention.
“What do you plan to do, huh?” Changbin asked while bitting the gum he had bought just for this specific moment of being with the only people that understand him.
“Get him hurt. I want him to suffer…” Minho said, his eyes traveled at the boy sitting on the sofa next to him, his legs wide open, his head was thrown back, he knew something was up with his friend, but he couldn’t bother to care, not when his ego was hurt.
“We need someone to get to him, right?” Binnie asked with a smirk on his lips.
“Guys please let him be… or dont get-” Hyunjin was trying to make his bestie quit the idea of hurting the boy because after all, he was just taking care of the girl he likes.
“THAT’S IT! THE ANSWER IS YOU, MY FRIEND.” Minho yelled, not letting his devastated best friend finish talking.
“I told you. I’m not doing it…” Hyunjin assures.
“I just needed you to fuck, Kim Sun, the girl you humiliated today, and make him suffer. I know he is in love with her ever since they met. If you hurt her, you will hurt him.” The blond man says smartly, feeling proud of all the sin inside of him.
“Nah. Nop. Fuck… No. I’m not doing that.” The lip ringed boy sifts uncomfortably on the sofa, a weird pain consuming his whole body just by thinking about you.
“I can do it,” Changbin says, the confidence taking advantage of his short body. “She is hot as hell, i dont mind doing it.” His large hands drawing an invisible line of your ass and tapping it right after.
“Nah man. She won’t ever let you close to her…” Minho denied his friend, and Changbin felt ridiculous for being left out of the group once again. He misses those times where the three of them would do everything together for fun, and not bother other people. He was afraid that if he refused to do what his friends wanted he would be left alone. And he dislikes being left alone.
Lee Know turns to the tall man next to him once again and tries his luck once again.
“Come on, Jinnie�� She has a big ass, just like you want. She is quite pretty… It won’t be that hard.” He blunts out. “She is totally in love with you, she will be yours in just a few hours.” He feels his smile fade away when the stubborn man beside him shakes his head in a negative way for the third time.
“Well, i guess you are that weak, huh? Can’t even make a virgin girl fuck you without catching feelings.” Minho spits angrily those vulgar words, he knows Hyunjin will give up. Just because his ego is way bigger and stronger than his poor brain.
“What the fuck are you talking about man?” The smoker yells. “I can fuck her in less than three days, just by looking at her, i know she will fall on her knees for me!” Jinnie says full of himself, the images of your broken face being replaced by imagines of you moaning out loud his name.
He is Hwan Hyunjin, the biggest playboy of the school, not just someone.
“I bet you can’t get into her pants in three days and then leave her right after,” Minho smirks and throws fireworks inside him, he finally got what he wanted.
“I bet i fucking can!” Hyunjin was obviously irritated, and his ego was hurt.
“Good, we start counting tomorrow then,” Changbin says, forcing the angry boys to look at him.
Hyunjin knows he shouldn’t do this. He will hurt you, he will break you., he will tear you apart, but he couldn’t care less, because his ego was being tested.
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19. Free Prompt- High, how are you?
Pairing: Kirishima/ Bakugou, barely
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 1929
Summary: Bakugou gets stupid when he’s high, but he’s kinda stupid when he’s not high too. At least when reading Kirishima.
Additional Tags: drug use, extra long ficlet because I done goofed on day 16, alternatively titled: Let’s Be Honest With Ourselves, We’re Way Too High To Drive
High, How are you?
“Is this like…” Mina’s mouth hung open, “... like, a… uh…”
Sero snickered from the floor.
“Stop, listen,” her eyes drooped closed and her mouth lazily grew into a smile.
“Like one of those fuckin… ah… those things ya know?”
“Yeah,” Kirishima answered her. His own lazy smile growing, a giggle slipping past his lips.
“No, no,” she threw out her hand and waved him off. “The ones with… uh…”
Bakugou huffed. Everything was so slow. So lazy.
“Fuck,” she laughed.
“Just give up,” Kirishima dropped his head into her lap.
“God, it's like I… uh…” she cut herself off again.
“Numbed your brain,” Bakugou supplied. Feeling just as numb from the neck up.
“Yeah. That,” she laughed.
Bakugou leaned down from his chair and held the joint up to Sero's lips.
“Take a fuckin sip babe.”
Sero's eyes shot open like the scene from the horror flick they watched the last time they all did this.
He took a quick drag and held it. Closed his eyes again like he was dead to the world.
Only after Bakugou passed the joint to Kirishima did he finally let it out. A thick stream of smoke the only indication Sero was even breathing.
“I'm gonna make beefaroni,” Kaminari sat up from his spot on the floor. He managed to get to his knees, wobbling and then pausing before flopping back down. “On second thought, I'm just… gonna continue laying here.”
“Smort,” Kirishima blew smoke toward Mina's face.
She blinked and then scowled down at him, “Just pass it you pain.”
“So touchy,” the transfer was seamless. Years of practice while high certainly helped.
“Here,” Bakugou threw something in Kaminari's general direction.
The reaction time was less than stellar. Kaminari's arm jerking a good minute after the bag landed next to his head.
It took another full minute before he finally gripped it and brought the bag to his face.
“Oh Bakubro. You really know how to treat a boy.”
“Just dont eat all of them.”
Kaminari opened the bag of hot cheetos from the wrong end, emptying a handful out on his chest and dropping the bag next to him.
“Isn't bright orange supposed to stop us from eating something?” he raised a single cheeto and stared.
Sero let out a small laugh, “I'm in danger.”
Kirishima threw his arm over the front of the couch, resting his hand flat on Sero's face.
Sero sighed.
“Breath through the gas mask buddy and you'll be fine,” Kirishima said.
Sero shot a quick thumbs up.
“I think he meant the cheetos Kiri,” Kaminari crunched down.
“No way, why would the cheetos be in danger?”
“No, the color,” Bakugou chimed in.
“Are you saying the color is in danger? Now that just doesn't make sense.”
“Kiri I swear to God,” Mina handed the joint back to him. “Sometimes I feel like you do this on purpose.”
“Mina, that's supposed to go to Kaminari,” Bakugou sideyed her and leaned back.
“No… I'm pretty sure it goes to Kiri,” she responded.
“Yeah,” Kirishima coughed, sending a puff of smoke toward Bakugou's face.
“You guys always do this. I'm getting the Big Gulp.” Bakugou stood with a bit of a wobble, but managed to keep his footing. His eyes crossed and then un-crossed as he focused on the walk to his room.
“You know,” Kaminari kept talking as if Bakugou were still there, “the Big Gulp is a bright color too. Does that mean we shouldn't eat it?” He stared at another cheeto, eventually throwing it back and crunching down loudly.
“I would hope you don't try and eat it,” Bakugou came back with the piece in hand. “It's silicone. Gotta be hell for your digestion.”
“But the question still remains,” Kaminari pointed a cheeto at him. “Are cheetos any better?”
“No. You know what would be better?” Kirishima lifted his head and stared at the wall just past Kaminari's head. “Taco bell,” he said with every ounce of seriousness he could muster.
“Oh goooood yes,” Kaminari dropped his cheeto hand onto the floor beside him, with a loud thunk. Orange dust settling into the cracks of the wood.
“I knew this was coming,” Mina plucked another joint from the box on the coffee table. “Like clockwork. Kaminari gets hungry. Bakugou placates in a rare gesture of solidarity. Kirishima goes big. Kaminari agrees no matter what vomit inducing idea Kirishima has.”
“Then,” Kirishima held his lighter up to the end of Mina's joint. “Then you know what comes next, Spiderman.”
“A mad dash to find someone sober enough to drive us,” she breathed in deeply.
Bakugou coughed, bringing the big gulp to his mouth. “Or we could just…”
“Or we could just order in, Bakugou will suggest,” Mina interrupted and waved the joint around like a pointer.
“But…” Kirishima counters only to be cut off by Mina again.
“But! We'd have to pay for delivery and we’re broke college kids,” her whining mockery of Kirishima's voice cuts deep and he leers.
“How can you remember entire conversations but not what you were trying to say earlier?” Kaminari asked the hard hitting question.
Mina laughed, her eyes trying too hard to stay open.
“Well it just be like that sometimes,” Bakugou mused.
“It truly do,” Sero whispered from his spot on the floor, eyes still closed, chest still ominously still.
“What I want to know,” Kirishima took a big drag in “is how we're getting that Taco Bell.”
“We're all gonna say we're too high, argue about who's the highest, and then eventually ask your bitch roommate if he'll drive us,” Mina listed like it's been done too many times before.
“We're too hard on Tetsu,” Kirishima interjected. “He's decent enough to do our quesarito runs at least.”
“That's just cuz he wants to get in your pants buddy,” Kaminari threw a cheeto to get Kiri's attention.
“Jokes on him,” Bakugou interrupted. “Kirishima is super straight.”
Mina whipped her head around, nearly dropping the joint onto Kirishima. Kaminari even got up on his elbows and Kirishima just open mouth stared.
Sero shot up, awakening from his near coma, like a vampire sitting up in a coffin.
“What?” he asked.
Bakugou looked from face to face, “I…”
“I knew you were an oblivious gay Baku, but I didn't know you were this bad.”
“Shut up!”
“Let it be known,” Mina spoke over him, “Bakugou would be a lesbian if he weren't a gay man.”
“What does that even mean,” he squinted at her, which was just a mistake because now his eyes kept trying to close.
“It means,” Kaminari pulled another cheeto out and pointed it at Bakugou. “It means, the popular trope that lesbians can be friends with someone for years and not know if they're also a lesbian let alone into them, can be applied to the situation at hand. You, Bakugou, would be a lesbian if you were not a gay man.”
“Christ you guys are fucking stupid,” he leaned back into the Big Gulp.
“He need some milk,” Sero drawled on his way back down to the floor. A loud thunk signaled the end of his obvious consciousness.
“Bakugou's dumb high brain aside,” Kirishima had his own joint now and was waving it around with every word. “I’d blow a guy for some Taco Bell right now.”
Bakugou sputtered, choking out a smoke filled cough.
“Text Tetsu,” Kaminari threw another cheeto.
Bakugou kept coughing. Mina eventually extended her arm to slap his back.
“I don't think Bakugou likes that idea,” Sero whispered.
“Nope, text Tetsu,” Bakugou’s eyes were wide. “Get the… the Taco Bell.”
Kirishima turned on the couch, shoving his feet up and his head down. Eventually moving upside down with his head resting on Sero's stomach and his arms stretched out under the coffee table.
“Kaminari my friend,” he stretched further. “My phone’s by you I think.”
Kaminari threw a cheeto at him and squinted, “sounds like a you problem.”
“Sounds like a lotta hooplah to me,” Sero whispered from under Kirishima.
“Buddy please,” Kirishima whined, stretching just enough to nearly unseat himself.
“Cannot. Too scared,” Kaminari deadpanned.
“I just want Taco Bell,” Kirishima closed his eyes and wiped his face with his hand.
“Do you know the number? You can use my phone,” Mina held out her overly stickered pink iPhone to Kirishima while swapping the Big Gulp for her joint with Bakugou.
“Oh true,” Kirishima grabbed the phone from her hand and started typing.
“Oh,” Bakugou started mumbling to himself. “It's cool you know the fucker’s number, in case of emergencies I guess.”
“Emergency dick,” Mina pursed her lips.
Mina's phone lit up in Kirishima's hands and a trap version of the traditional Nokia ringtone started playing.
“Oh he's calling,” Kirishima’s eyes were fighting to stay open as he swiped the screen to answer the call.
“Yeah it's actually me,” he laughed into the phone. “Yeah… Yeah Taco Bell again… well maybe next time you can smoke with us… as a reward for being such a sweet roommate.”
Kirishima's smile was not lost on the group as he finished up the call.
“Oooh, Kiri has a crush,” Kaminari singsonged into his nearly emptied cheetos bag.
Kirishima side-eyed him and a small smile grew on his face.
“No crush my man, just game.”
“Yeah right,” Bakugou scoffed. “You have as much game as my left pinky.”
This time Bakugou was confident, he didn't misjudge. Only… they were all staring at him again.
“Bakugou,” Mina laid her hand on his arm. “Your experiences are not universal.”
He looked from Mina to Sero to Kaminari and then back to Kirishima. Squinting his eyes in an attempt to understand how he got Kirishima so wrong.
“I don't understand,” he whispered.
Kirishima sat back up, head back and feet squirming next to Sero's stomach. He handed Mina his joint and leaned forward to get off the couch.
“Maybe this'll help you understand.”
He took the joint from Bakugou's hand and pulled hard. He rested both hands on either side of him and blew the smoke directly into his open mouth.
“You're supposed to breath in,” Mina popped her head into his line of sight.
He knew that.
“I know that.”
Kirishima raised his eyebrows and smiled, “Let's try that one more time Katsuki.”
He took a long pull in, rested his hand back down with the lit end up, and then leaned back into Bakugou's space.
The onslaught of smoke and hot breath nearly had him forgetting to breath it in again, but then Kirishima rested his other hand on Bakugou’s arm and it sent a jolt down his spine. He breathed in too quickly and overloaded his lungs, which sent him into a coughing fit. Luckily he somehow had the forethought to shove his head into Kirishima’s neck instead of cough directly in his face. But that presented another problem when he inhaled Kirishima’s cologne.
“I think you murdered Bakugou,” Kaminari threw a handful of cheetos at Kirishima’s back. “ Aw fuck, that was my last handful.”
Bakugou bunched his hand into Kirishima’s shirt and pushed him back.
“Told you he’s got game,” Mina said under her breath. “Kind of like…”
“Oh my god shut up,” Bakugou coughed out, another wheeze that wracked his body.
Kirishima pulled back and threw himself over Mina and back onto the couch.
“Oh my god…” he looked up at Mina. “It’s like…” and her eyes went wide in recognition. “It’s like…” his hands came up to his ears and curled over. “It’s like nya.”
“I hate you all,” Bakugou wheezed.
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wickymicky · 5 years
i got tagged by @chuukitten like a month ago lmao oops
rules: answer 21 questions and tag 21 people (im too lazy lol im sorry i just like to talk about myself so thats what im gonna do HAHA)
im gonna put this under a read more cause it got long
1. nickname: my bf calls me cube
2. zodiac: i dont do zodiac shit lol sorry
3. height: i dont actually know, im bad with remembering things like that
4. hogwarts house: the “fuck jk rowling” house (okay fine im hufflepuff)
5. last thing i googled: farmersonly… dont worry about it
6. favorite musicians: i mean yall know my kpop ones haha… loona, dreamcatcher, fromis 9, pentagon, exid, red velvet, twice, eyedi, weki meki, etc……. outside of kpop oh man where do i begin… its tough cause ive basically only listened to kpop in 2019 but okay so i’d say the band idles, death grips, grimes, streetlight manifesto, huh idk i have a lot that i like but i dont know who else i would consider my “favorites” at the moment
7. song stuck in my head: right now its pirate king by ateez
8. following: 1800 lol
9. followers: on this blog 264, but 724 on my main
10. do you get asks: occasionally
11. amount of sleep: i should sleep way, way more than i do
12. what are you wearing: pajamas
13. dream job: hmmm. i mean i dont dream of working, i dont have a dream “job”, but if the question is about my dream “thing i wanna do a lot of in my life” then i guess my answer is… idk… something where i can just engage in whatever is interesting to me at the moment. like in the vein of my tumblr blogs where i can just post and talk about stuff im interested in. idk if that means being a youtuber or journalist or just someone who does something else and engages in my interests as a hobby, but yeah. or something to do with linguistics of course. though like i dont wanna be a teacher and thats basically the only path lmao (that i would even consider, anyway)
14. dream trip: you know i dont actually have a lot of interest in travel. idk, it stresses me out. i cant think about going places without worrying about how i’ll get around, what i’ll be doing, what i’ll be able to eat since i have a lot of food anxieties… idk. if someone i love wanted to go on a trip with me i’d probably be down, but i dont really know on my own.
15. instruments: i wish i could do music lol
16. languages: are amazing and i love them. okay fine lol i only speak english, but i took german in middle and high school, i took latin in high school as well, then took latin and ancient greek in college, and then after college i did a lot of looking into hungarian, vietnamese, a little bit of indonesian, turkish, and polish, and then recently i’ve been pretty focused on korean for obvious reasons. i speak none of those languages tho, lol. if i heard someone speaking some of those i could get the gist of what types of things theyre talking about most likely, but honestly my whole thing with languages is that im more interested in learning about the intricacies of how languages work and especially how they change over time than i am in actually learning the language. i’d love if my dumb adhd brain allowed me to focus hard enough and really commit to becoming fluent in a second language because so far i’ve only steadily approached being barely conversational, i’ve never actually reached even that point yet lol. and being only fluent in english makes me feel like a stupid american lol. i pick up bits of language really easily, but the rigor of learning ALL the vocab and ALL the little details you need to become actually fluent is where i fall off. 
like whenever i go through an anime phase, i pick up lots and lots of japanese. like if they keep using a word i’ll see it in the subtitles and figure that it must mean that, and then i’ll pay attention to the endings they use and how they inflect it and i’ll make little inferences about what those signify, so then when i hear a word that i dont recognize but it has a grammatical ending that i know, i can infer the meaning of the word from context, and im going through this same learning process with korean now and it’s super super fun and i’m loving how much progress ive made (though i could have been making progress like three times as fast if i was actually taking a korean class)… but the actual work of learning common phrases, learning the sheer volume of vocab, all that stuff… yeah that’s where i fall off. so idk how fluent i’ll get in korean, but i’m down to find out, lol. maybe this is the one i’ll really try to focus on and achieve it with!
17. 10 favorite songs as of now: of all time????? um okay i cant possibly do that without spending a looong time thinking about it, so i’ll just do the first ten songs that come to my mind when i think of songs that i adore more than most others
keep the streets empty for me by fever ray
colossus by idles
watch it crash by streetlight manifesto
lucky girl by fazerdaze
realiti (demo) by grimes
egoist by loona (olivia hye)
picky picky by weki meki
mother by idles
peekaboo by red velvet
hi high by loona
18. if you were an animal: red panda maybe haha
19. favorite food: pizza cause im a garbage trash person
20. random fact: idk... if yall couldnt tell and didnt already know this, i’m a linguist haha. i went to school for linguistics, i majored in linguistics and classics (latin, ancient greek, etc) though honestly i was only into the languages, roman and greek history is cool and all but not really what i’m most into. majoring in classics was a mistake lol but oh well. i didnt end up graduating though because of unrelated reasons.... adhd, depression, just a general sense that the way the whole system works just wasnt made for me and it didnt click with me and ive never been good at forcing myself to be good at school... and like i was tired of hearing from professors that i have “a very organized mind when it comes to linguistics stuff” (something a greek professor said that meant a lot to me) or that i “understand how language works better than most other students my age” and that im a natural and that its impressive how nuanced my understanding of these concepts is.... while also failing or almost failing all of the classes whose professors said that about me. like basically all those statements were followed by a “, but” or a “, so if you just-”.... sigh. so i guess i’m not “actually” a linguist. whatever “actually” means there. 
so other random fact i guess, which is still related but anyway... i have a conlang! that’s a constructed language. ive been working on a language for like 6 or 7 years. its at a state right now where it’s not really something i can just like... speak? it was at one point, maybe. but basically what i like to do is try out various ideas i have about language and phonology and morphology, so my language is kind of like a sandbox lol. if youre a scientist you conduct experiments, if youre a linguist i think you should try making a conlang. its not a common hobby but its something i spend an unconscionable amount of time thinking about lol. like basically 24/7. i’m almost always thinking about my word for x thing im seeing or thinking about, or like some sound change i heard that some language had, and how that would sound if applied to the words in my language... 
like the reason my language isnt at a point right now where i can speak it is because getting into korean has made me think about massively reconfiguring how the grammar works. its always been kinda like latin and german, cause those are what i was taking when i started, and then it got kinda like ancient greek, so the grammar has/had a lot of complicated conjugations that are just honestly so superfluous... its such a mess lol... i have a much better understanding of how those systems come about in language now, so even if i remake my language to have verb conjugations like latin or greek, it’d be a much more coherent and natural system than the one thats existed in my language for years... but after learning about hungarian and korean in particular, i really wanna try making it a lot more logical like those languages are. but my big thing is phonology (speech sounds), so i just get hung up on sound changes and cool new consonants and vowels to add, so i keep putting off actually fixing my language lol. also ive become attached to my awful, amateurish words haha. im so bad at this... a real conlanger like tolkien or the dude who made the languages for game of thrones would look at mine and scoff haha. most of my words are just straight up stolen from words in latin, german, many others, but predominantly... english. i just mangle english words and call it my own lol, and ive been trying to replace those words with original ones that i made up arbitrarily... like my word for nose is just “nass” and my word for dog is “handir” which is just based on english “hound” and german “Hund” and stuff lol. i wanna change those
21. my aesthetic: if you actually read this long ass post, you know that my aesthetic is just “too much information” but not in a sexy way or even an interesting way
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internetdetectives · 5 years
11/9/19 - Chat with Erika
Erika_XP💚 12:53 AM: "@IIIII”
Erika_XP💚 12:53 AM: "Oh bugger I messed that one up”
Erika_XP💚 12:53 AM: "What in the world is going on in here?”
otherLiam 1:14 AM: "Oh boy.”
otherLiam 1:14 AM: "Welcome, newbie.”
otherLiam 1:14 AM: "Currently we have a small situation where two veterans have been possessed by ghosts and one of ‘em is trying to eat all of us.”
otherLiam 1:14 AM: "Also our main man Tyler, who you know as Silentdork,  has been kidnapped and become part of a weird amalgamation that you just @ ‘d.”
otherLiam 1:14 AM: "I am certain that none of that made sense, and so I strongly advise you to read either the “Story” or “Timelines” sections on the wiki i linked you earlier.”
otherLiam 1:14 AM: "If not, the cliffnotes of what’s going on right now is: we’re expecting some big shit to happen on november 11th, because it always does and one of our possessed boys is counting down to it. We’re trying to prevent an apocalypse from happening in an alternate timeline but that’s kinda taken a backseat to the fact that we’re under personal attack.”
otherLiam 1:14 AM: "anyway, this is where shit happens. The channel is normally called “johnisdead”, but one of the possessed people is the fucking admin.”
otherLiam 1:14 AM: "And he likes pumpkins.”
Erika_XP💚 1:28 AM: "Wait I beg your pardon, possesed?”
Erika_XP💚 1:28 AM: "What is this colour change?”
/Mr. Circle\ 1:28 AM: "[pddrddrf”
/Mr. Circle\ 1:28 AM: "i mean yes”
Eevee Reborn 1:29 AM: "Great…”
Eevee Reborn 1:29 AM: "You pumpkin'd the new girl”
Eevee Reborn 1:30 AM: "I think the color change means we've been consumed or something”
Erika_XP💚 1:31 AM: "I feel violated but very well”
/Mr. Circle\ 1:32 AM: "everybody gangsta til the [i,[lom starts [pddrddomh [rp[;r”
ADULT_LINK 1:33 AM: "lmao”
Erika_XP💚 1:34 AM: "I have never once heard Tyler speak of such a thing as this pumpkin fellow so I can't imagine where he gained such dominion from.  I wont be frightened by this event. I just hope tyler is doing alright. But what in the hell is this pumpkin head doing?”
Erika_XP💚 1:34 AM: "Ok I think I typed that poorly there maybe I am a little frightened by this late halloween event”
Eevee Reborn 1:38 AM: "Pumpkin face is eatin' up.”
Xenquility 9:48 PM: "WOAH”
Xenquility 9:48 PM: "WOLFCAT JUST”
Xenquility 9:48 PM: "LEFT”
PAKO 9:48 PM: "IIIII is writing”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 9:48 PM: "IWHAT”
PAKO 9:48 PM: "ooooooh”
Xenquility 9:48 PM: "THE FUCK”
ADULT_LINK 9:48 PM: "oh shit”
PAKO 9:48 PM: "i see”
/Mr. Circle\ 9:48 PM: ":thinking:”
PAKO 9:49 PM: "i swear”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 9:49 PM: ":crab: WOLFCAT HAS GONE:crab:”
/Mr. Circle\ 9:49 PM: ":CrabRave:”
ADULT_LINK 9:49 PM: "hmm”
PAKO 9:49 PM: "@IIIII Are you here?”
ADULT_LINK 9:49 PM: "im not gonna say anything but”
ADULT_LINK 9:49 PM: "i see what you did there”
ADULT_LINK 9:49 PM: "i dont know how you did”
ADULT_LINK 9:49 PM: "but i see what you did”
PAKO 9:49 PM: "i see you” 
ADULT_LINK 9:50 PM: "very clever,”
Xenquility 9:50 PM: "who did what I was pissing”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 9:50 PM: "I just remembered that time I was bored and I asked 4 ciphers and circle sent me file 59”
/Mr. Circle\ 9:50 PM: "who are you talking to lmao”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 9:50 PM: "Yeah lol”
ADULT_LINK 9:50 PM: "not gonna elaborate cuz its probably gonna spoil somethin”
/Mr. Circle\ 9:50 PM: "oh i know what you're talking about shhh”
Xenquility 9:50 PM: "It's not spoiling”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 9:50 PM: "Too late”
Xenquility 9:50 PM: "It's uh”
ADULT_LINK 9:50 PM: "oh nothing i just have big brain and saw thru the smoke for a second”
Xenquility 9:50 PM: "Figuring things out”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 9:50 PM: "Now tell me”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 9:50 PM: "You dumbydums”
PAKO 9:51 PM: "tyler is now active”
ADULT_LINK 9:51 PM: ":NinjaLink:”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 9:51 PM: "How is wolfcat gonna archive all this shit on the wiki if he is not here :(“
PAKO 9:51 PM: "It has been a sign”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 9:51 PM: "Yo wtf was thorin talking about”
Xenquility 9:51 PM: "wiki whadaya mean a wiki”
Xenquility 9:51 PM: "who's managing a wiki”
Erika_XP💚 9:52 PM: "What have I just logged in to see here?”
Xenquility 9:52 PM: "ass”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 9:52 PM: "Um”
ADULT_LINK 9:52 PM: "oh hey new person”
Erika_XP💚 9:52 PM: "OH hello there Mr red link”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 9:52 PM: "Wolfcat (one of the possessed dudes) left”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 9:53 PM: ">Mr red link“
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 9:53 PM: "WHEEZE”
PAKO 9:53 PM: "are you here”
PAKO 9:53 PM: "?”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 9:53 PM: "Technically the truth tho”
PAKO 9:53 PM: "tell something”
IIIII 9:53 PM: "Before the day of reckoning could come forth I had to take charge of the highest powers to make a clear decree”
PAKO 9:53 PM: "omg”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 9:53 PM: "Inb4 patrem”
Xenquility 9:54 PM: "What was your decree?”
PAKO 9:54 PM: "uoooh”
PAKO 9:54 PM: "what?”
Xenquility 9:54 PM: "Also "jpe fp upi di[[pdr o vsm yu[r oy dp wiovl;u”
Xenquility 9:54 PM: "how do you suppose I can type it so quickly" (Not arg relating just translated circle's bullshit)”
IIIII 9:55 PM: "There are none among you possesed in this charlatans illusion”
Xenquility 9:55 PM: "That sounds good”
Erika_XP💚 9:55 PM: "I beg you pardon?”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 9:55 PM: "Jk”
PAKO 9:55 PM: "very good is be true”
Xenquility 9:55 PM: "So this guy has been jerking us around this whole time? No bullshit about us being in his dream or whatever?”
IIIII 9:55 PM: "I will be honest”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 9:55 PM: "I can't understand this type of english”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 9:55 PM: "I need to study”
PAKO 9:56 PM: "oh right”
IIIII 9:57 PM: "I am pretty irrate at how far off the rails things have gone. But now I have taken grip. What you were experiencing was a game jack, but this is what happens when I slacken.”
IIIII 9:57 PM: "I dont like having to be so blunt about things”
Xenquility 9:57 PM: "Holy shit”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 9:57 PM: "W a I t w h a t”
Xenquility 9:58 PM: "How the hell did pages like /yugi and /wolf happen?”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 9:59 PM: "Yo sorry to break the vibe but uh”
IIIII 9:59 PM: "I really am not in the mood to explain that. But HEY dont worry. All wrongs will soon be corrected. This is again. Completely my fault for not just asserting myself a bit more.”
Erika_XP💚 9:59 PM: "Wait hold on”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 9:59 PM: "Is this ooc Tyler or are we getting bamboozled”
Erika_XP💚 9:59 PM: "Are you Tyler?”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 9:59 PM: "Yea”
IIIII 9:59 PM: "The one and only”
Xenquility 9:59 PM: "What's uh, going to happen to jos and wolf?”
IIIII 10:00 PM: "Fuck them honestly”
PAKO 10:00 PM: "hahaha”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:00 PM: "Oh kay”
Erika_XP💚 10:00 PM: "wait what?”
Xenquility 10:00 PM: "Jesus christ”
IIIII 10:00 PM: "no I am serious”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:00 PM: "Okay this is hard to process”
otherLiam 10:00 PM: "Wow.”
otherLiam 10:00 PM: "Um.”
PAKO 10:00 PM: "okay okay…”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:01 PM: "Okay....”
otherLiam 10:01 PM: "This is a pretty severe bruh moment.”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:01 PM: "I wasn't ready for this”
ADULT_LINK 10:01 PM: "low key sorry for shitposting in here so much”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:01 PM: "^”
ADULT_LINK 10:01 PM: "i wanted to spread a little chaos”
ADULT_LINK 10:01 PM: "but things may have gotten to being a decent ammount of chaos”
ADULT_LINK 10:01 PM: "my b there”
otherLiam 10:02 PM: "@Erika_XP💚 Basically, all that shit about the possessed players was those two players going rogue and trying to take over the game, apparently.”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:02 PM: "Okay... Well this was low key unexpected”
IIIII 10:02 PM: "hold on just a moment guys I am throwing together something special to send them off”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:03 PM: "Yo Tyler did they got straight up banned or sum?”
/Mr. Circle\ 10:03 PM: "wait waht”
PAKO 10:03 PM: "something like what?”
otherLiam 10:03 PM: "That’s.... wow.”
/Mr. Circle\ 10:03 PM: "oh shit fuck i'm sorry”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:03 PM: "Also circle”
otherLiam 10:03 PM: "I’m kinda just stunned.”
Xenquility 10:03 PM: "Same here”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:03 PM: "Did u know dis?”
/Mr. Circle\ 10:03 PM: "i'm not canon anymore bois hell yeah”
PAKO 10:03 PM: "we are ready to see?”
otherLiam 10:03 PM: "Yeah uhh circle can you elaborate on wtf just happened”
ADULT_LINK 10:03 PM: "wait so”
/Mr. Circle\ 10:03 PM: "i have no idea, i was reheating stir fry and just got back”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:04 PM: "How did they reach out to u or summ”
ADULT_LINK 10:04 PM: "when wolf was saying "how do you know any of this is real"”
otherLiam 10:04 PM: "Apparently Jos and Wolf were gamejacking.”
PAKO 10:04 PM: "is a pic a video”
ADULT_LINK 10:04 PM: "was that him laughing at us for thinking it was canon”
ADULT_LINK 10:04 PM: "lmao”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:04 PM: "What?”
Xenquility 10:04 PM: "Was all the shit with talking to past Greth real?”
otherLiam 10:04 PM: "^^^”
PAKO 10:04 PM: "...”
otherLiam 10:04 PM: "that is an excellent question, are punished greth and venom greth real”
ADULT_LINK 10:04 PM: "i am quite confused, considering i've only been loosely following things”
Xenquility 10:05 PM: "Well no worries none of it mattered”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:05 PM: "Yo circle how did they reach out to you and told you to be canon in the first place? I'm intrigued”
PAKO 10:05 PM: "now”
PAKO 10:05 PM: "ready?”
/Mr. Circle\ 10:05 PM: "i just got turned orange and asked wolf what to do”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:05 PM: "Oh”
/Mr. Circle\ 10:05 PM: "so it shitposted at you for six hours”
PAKO 10:05 PM: "what”
otherLiam 10:05 PM: "jeez”
PAKO 10:06 PM: "what is it?”
Xenquility 10:06 PM: "Thank god I no longer have to worry about circle dying on 11/11”
otherLiam 10:06 PM: "Pako, do you know what a gamejack is?”
Xenquility 10:06 PM: "Ay I guess we were right no spy then”
/Mr. Circle\ 10:06 PM: "yeah none of my shit was relevant at all”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:06 PM: "I just posted emojis and shit thinking that they would reach out to me soon and then told me what to do”
PAKO 10:06 PM: "no”
otherLiam 10:06 PM: "Basically the two players who were involved in the current things happening “took over” the game.”
ADULT_LINK 10:06 PM: "lmao we gamejacked ourselves”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:06 PM: "But uh I turned it to be just a joke (?)”
otherLiam 10:06 PM: "And Tyler is here now to correct it.”
ADULT_LINK 10:06 PM: "gamejacked ourselves off”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:07 PM: "I'm gonna CUUUUUUUUM”
PAKO 10:07 PM: "ksksjsjdjfudi”
IIIII 10:07 PM: "Its when two retards think they suddenly have ownership of my creation”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:07 PM: "But uh the wiki and shit had Yugi's messages and everything”
PAKO 10:07 PM: "amm”
PAKO 10:07 PM: "ok i understand”
Erika_XP💚 10:07 PM: "is this really Tyler?
otherLiam 10:07 PM: "The wiki is Wolfcat.
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:07 PM: "Oooooooh shit rite”
otherLiam 10:07 PM: "And yeah that’s Tyler, but this is him talking out of character.”
otherLiam 10:07 PM: "So say hi to the man behind the curtain.”
otherLiam 10:07 PM: "Well, one of them anyway.”
PAKO 10:08 PM: "hi tyler:AAA:”
PAKO 10:08 PM: "xD”
otherLiam 10:09 PM: "So are they like, permabanned?”
otherLiam 10:09 PM: "Or is this a “kick them out for awhile so they learn their lesson” situation”
IIIII 10:09 PM: "there is only ONE real guy behind the curtain”
otherLiam 10:09 PM: "Oh ok”
/Mr. Circle\ 10:09 PM: "and it's me”
IIIII 10:09 PM: "Which I would like to make really clear right now”
otherLiam 10:09 PM: "sorry, thought there were other gm’s”
/Mr. Circle\ 10:09 PM: ":flex: :legend: :flexo:”
IIIII 10:09 PM: "fuck off circle”
/Mr. Circle\ 10:09 PM: "ok”
otherLiam 10:09 PM: "Yeah not the time”
ADULT_LINK 10:10 PM: "is john not also behind the curtain?”
PAKO 10:10 PM: "#fuckcircle”
Xenquility 10:10 PM: "Was the Greth stuff real?”
IIIII 10:10 PM: "John may as well be dead he is so un involved right now”
IIIII 10:10 PM: "greth does his own thing”
otherLiam 10:10 PM: "seinfeld music plays”
ADULT_LINK 10:11 PM: "what happened to john anyways, i havent seen him around in ages”
ADULT_LINK 10:11 PM: “he doin ok?”
PAKO 10:11 PM: "johnisdead or not dead?”
ADULT_LINK 10:11 PM: "this is out of character john i'm talking about”
otherLiam 10:11 PM: "This is the real john we’re taking about now Pako, not the character”
otherLiam 10:11 PM: "TAnyway”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:12 PM: "So... Big no-no to last weeks?”
ADULT_LINK 10:12 PM: "think like, instead of talking about Deadpool i'm talking about the Ryan Reynolds in the costume”
PAKO 10:12 PM: "ah ok”
otherLiam 10:12 PM: "This is a lot to take in.”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:12 PM: "^”
otherLiam 10:12 PM: "Tyler, worth pointing out that they’re still in Safe Haven if you’re banning them.”
otherLiam 10:12 PM: "...actually wait, that’s Wolfcat’s server.”
otherLiam 10:12 PM: "uhh.”
Erika_XP💚 10:15 PM: "Did I seriously arrive to some gm drama?”
otherLiam 10:15 PM: "pretty much yeah”
Xenquility 10:15 PM: "Yup”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:15 PM: "Yeah lmfao”
otherLiam 10:15 PM: "sorry about this”
otherLiam 10:15 PM: "pretty sure we’re all shocked at this, this doesn’t happen normally.”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:15 PM: "Wait Erika where are u from?”
Erika_XP💚 10:16 PM: "I am not really comfortable discloosing such things...^^;”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:16 PM: "Kk dw”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:16 PM: "Also yea this doesn't happen too often”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:16 PM: "Its just... Weird”
otherLiam 10:16 PM: "This has never happened to my knowledge.”
otherLiam 10:16 PM: "At least not here.”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:16 PM: "Maybe on hubris(?)”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:16 PM: "Idk”
IIIII 10:17 PM: "Oh its happened before”
otherLiam 10:17 PM: "Oh?”
Xenquility 10:17 PM: "When?”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:17 PM: "How?”
otherLiam 10:17 PM: "Guess I’m new enough and it’s not archived.”
Erika_XP💚 10:17 PM: "Also hi Tyler I am a big fan >///>”
IIIII 10:17 PM: "Yeah cool sorry I am not really in the mood for getting my dick sucked right now”
otherLiam 10:17 PM: "For what it’s worth, sorry for any part I had in this, I had no idea.”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:18 PM: "Same”
otherLiam 10:18 PM: "(He’s pretty pissed rn Erika)”
Erika_XP💚 10:18 PM: "are you seriuos”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:18 PM: "I thought it was a joke at first but it got in the wiki so I thought it was canon”
otherLiam 10:18 PM: "(Like this is a big thing)”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:18 PM: "Now I realize wolf it's the wiki”
otherLiam 10:19 PM: "(Two hella veteran players just tried to take over the game)”
otherLiam 10:19 PM: "(Like these were people we were friends with)”
otherLiam 10:19 PM: "(They were a couple of the main mods here)”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:19 PM: "Mfw I realize 11/11 is gonna be a Monday night and I must be sleep :GWgoaSadness:”
otherLiam 10:19 PM: "i’m just really shocked they were that stupid”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:20 PM: "Yeah that was such a jerk move”
otherLiam 10:20 PM: "yknow someone even said in safest haven”
otherLiam 10:20 PM: "that they thought this might be a massive gamejack”
otherLiam 10:20 PM: "and i was like “there’s no way they’d be that fucking stupid””
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:33 PM: "Yo erika came just when the bad shit happened”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:33 PM: "What are the odds”
Erika_XP💚 10:33 PM: "@IIIII it took me a moment to realize how to @ you”
Erika_XP💚 10:33 PM: "Im sorry if you have had a bad day or something today Mr.Tyler”
IIIII 10:34 PM: "what do you want”
otherLiam 10:34 PM: "It’s a pretty bad day, yeah.”
Densgivin 10:35 PM: "Oh no”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:35 PM: ""Dense realizes what happened and his brain explodes"”
Densgivin 10:36 PM: "No no”
otherLiam 10:36 PM: "Welcome back Dense!”
Densgivin 10:36 PM: "Actually”
Densgivin 10:36 PM: "What the fuck happened”
otherLiam 10:36 PM: "Everything is terrible!”
Xenquility 10:36 PM: "Ay Dense”
Erika_XP💚 10:36 PM: "Im sorry I just did not realize till a few days ago I could technically come in here and talk to you and when I had that revalation I was excited and just wanted to say hello and I am sorry I am so terrible at wording things and have to type such long running sentences”
Xenquility 10:36 PM: "We are all fucked”
Densgivin 10:36 PM: "yES AS I SEE”
Densgivin 10:36 PM: "K bros”
Xenquility 10:36 PM: "Actually not so much us”
Xenquility 10:36 PM: "We're all alive”
Densgivin 10:36 PM: "So safest heaven is the only true ID”
Xenquility 10:36 PM: "It's the bad guys who actually died”
otherLiam 10:36 PM: "Died in a very meta way.”
Densgivin 10:36 PM: "And we will stablish the empire”
Xenquility 10:36 PM: "Actually no this is still the true ID”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:37 PM: "Let's reconquer Jerusalem then”
Densgivin 10:37 PM: "Yep”
otherLiam 10:37 PM: "Deus Vult”
Xenquility 10:37 PM: "Safest Haven is pretty much useless now”
otherLiam 10:37 PM: "I disagree”
otherLiam 10:37 PM: "Because guess who runs Safe Haven?”
Xenquility 10:37 PM: "Touche”
Erika_XP💚 10:37 PM: "Where is safest haven?”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:37 PM: "Yo anybody with perms, can I get a magenta as a color instead of this ugly orange now that it's useless?”
Erika_XP💚 10:37 PM: "what is it even for?”
Xenquility 10:37 PM: "But at this point it'd make more sense for Tyler to make a completely new one with what just happened”
Xenquility 10:37 PM: "Like, one not owned by a player”
otherLiam 10:38 PM: "Erika, it was for secretly talking about things outside of the eyes of the possessed players.”
otherLiam 10:38 PM: "We’ll send you a link if it stays relevent.”
IIIII 10:38 PM: "No dont send her shit”
otherLiam 10:38 PM: "Okay.”
IIIII 10:38 PM: "keep it all in one group this shit is too complicated as it stands”
Erika_XP💚 10:39 PM: "You have a really bad temper mister”
otherLiam 10:39 PM: "ah jeez.”
IIIII 10:39 PM: "No I am not mad actually”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:39 PM: "Oof”
ADULT_LINK 10:39 PM: "kindof a rude thing to say tbh oof”
Erika_XP💚 10:39 PM: "You seem angry”
otherLiam 10:39 PM: "erika dont poke the bear”
IIIII 10:40 PM: "How the fuck can you read tone through text”
ADULT_LINK 10:40 PM: "ehh, i was getting the feeling you were a bit upset with all this too to be fair”
otherLiam 10:40 PM: "Alright let’s talk practical concerns.”
ADULT_LINK 10:40 PM: "but w/e thats not really important”
otherLiam 10:40 PM: "So, we lost two mods.”
otherLiam 10:40 PM: "Anyone wanna take that on?”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:41 PM: "Rip”
otherLiam 10:41 PM: "We also lost our main archiver.”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:41 PM: "Extra Rip”
Densgivin 10:41 PM: "Be gone thot”
Erika_XP💚 10:41 PM: "OK I'll be honest I really hope you are just being a character or something right now because I am crying”
otherLiam 10:41 PM: "ah jeez”
ADULT_LINK 10:41 PM: "wh”
ADULT_LINK 10:41 PM: "why are you crying?”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:41 PM: "On jah”
ADULT_LINK 10:41 PM: "what the hell is even happening today”
Densgivin 10:42 PM: "Erika wtf”
Densgivin 10:42 PM: "Like”
Densgivin 10:42 PM: "Chill”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:43 PM: "Oof”
Densgivin 10:43 PM: "Ok boys everyone just”
IIIII 10:43 PM: "Jesus”
Densgivin 10:43 PM: "Calm???”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:43 PM: "Amen”
ADULT_LINK 10:43 PM: "damn poor girl”
IIIII 10:43 PM: "lemme say a prayer for this stupid bitch”
Densgivin 10:43 PM: "Lol”
ADULT_LINK 10:43 PM: "what a shit time to join the server”
otherLiam 10:43 PM: "What a bad day to be a child fangirl”
Densgivin 10:43 PM: "^”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:43 PM: "^”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:43 PM: "^”
Densgivin 10:44 PM: "What a bad time to be an ID (like every 2 months)”
otherLiam 10:44 PM: "I’ve got the free time to take over as archive person, for whatever period of time they’re banned.”
Densgivin 10:45 PM: "Yea but we still have eevee”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:45 PM: "Eve is the owner of the Yt channel after all so it's not”
Xenquility 10:45 PM: "I'll try to help out with the wiki if I can”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:45 PM: "Ah shit why I can't finish my messages”
otherLiam 10:45 PM: "Does wolf own the Wiki?”
Xenquility 10:45 PM: "Other than weekends though I don't have like”
Xenquility 10:45 PM: "any free time”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:45 PM: "Yeah”
Xenquility 10:45 PM: "Also I think so”
otherLiam 10:45 PM: "oof.”
Xenquility 10:46 PM: "Anyone wanna archive the entire wiki incase wolf deletes it”
Xenquility 10:46 PM: "oi”
otherLiam 10:46 PM: "was about to suggest that”
Xenquility 10:46 PM: "did I just see yugi typing or am I officially going insane”
otherLiam 10:46 PM: "you’re insane”
otherLiam 10:46 PM: "actually wait”
/Mr. Circle\ 10:46 PM: "he doesn't”
Densgivin 10:46 PM: "Am I allowed to be admin again?”
Densgivin 10:46 PM: "Jk”
otherLiam 10:46 PM: "Jos isn’t actually out.”
Xenquility 10:46 PM: "They're still in the server”
Densgivin 10:46 PM: "Unless…”
/Mr. Circle\ 10:47 PM: "oceanstuck owns it actually”
Xenquility 10:47 PM: "Oh cool”
/Mr. Circle\ 10:47 PM: "and i'm higher position than wolf”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:47 PM: "Can I get a bright pink/magenta plz my eyes hurt too much orange for nothing”
Densgivin 10:48 PM: "Jos IS here”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:48 PM: "Yeah”
Densgivin 10:48 PM: "But wolfcat”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:48 PM: "He is asleep tho”
Densgivin 10:48 PM: "Yeah”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:48 PM: "It's 5am here”
Densgivin 10:48 PM: "Viva espiña”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:48 PM: "Debajo del mar”
otherLiam 10:49 PM: "Alright I need a break from this.”
otherLiam 10:49 PM: "Imma go eat pizza, play Payday, and get trashed.”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:49 PM: "Payday rules mfs”
Ross the Claus 🎄 10:49 PM: "solid plan”
Xenquility 10:49 PM: "Ay Ross”
Xenquility 10:49 PM: "Welcome to the shit show”
Ross the Claus 🎄 10:50 PM: "Been silently following it for a bit. Fun stuff”
Densgivin 10:50 PM: "Yeah”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 10:51 PM: "Welcometomytwistedmind.gif”
Densgivin 11:19 PM: "Delete today”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 11:20 PM: ":GWeniIsLeave:”
Densgivin 11:20 PM: "Você foi removido”
Eevee Reborn 11:20 PM: "Is it too late to join the #fuckcircle hashtag?”
Deadhead 11:21 PM: "No”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 11:22 PM: "Lmao”
ARGdov 11:23 PM: "well, shit”
ARGdov 11:23 PM: "I go away for a bit and come back to chaos”
ARGdov 11:23 PM: "ID never changes, huh”
IIIII 11:33 PM: ((The video “funny_joke.mp4” is uploaded))
IIIII 11:33 PM: "Ironically needed to smash my pumpkin from about a week ago
Xenquility 11:34 PM: "Best 29 seconds of my life”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 11:34 PM: "Wouldn't it be funny if the video was uploaded to silentdork”
Ross the Claus 🎄 11:35 PM: "s-”
Ross the Claus 🎄 11:35 PM: "smashing”
Xenquility 11:35 PM: "pumpkins”
ARGdov 11:38 PM: "welp”
Erika_XP💚 11:38 PM: "I love the music in it”
IIIII 11:38 PM: "Oh cool thoguht you left”
otherLiam 11:39 PM: "tfw a player gets canon killed”
Erika_XP💚 11:40 PM: "What is the source of it? I tried reversing it but could not make it out,  I am not an expert with sound like you.”
ARGdov 11:41 PM: "Erika, can I ask?”
ARGdov 11:41 PM: "how did you find out about the game?”
Erika_XP💚 11:41 PM: "AW tyler went offline ="[“
IIIII 11:42 PM: "No I am still here I just went offline so I dont have to get tons of pm's from annoying assholes”
ARGdov 11:42 PM: "lol”
Densgivin 11:42 PM: "Lol”
Eevee Reborn 11:42 PM: "oof”
Ross the Claus 🎄 11:43 PM: "lolol”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 11:43 PM: "oog”
Erika_XP💚 11:46 PM: "Well you dont have to be so mean”
Eevee Reborn 11:48 PM: "Trial of fire on fucking deck”
Densgivin 11:48 PM: "DIE”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 11:48 PM: "Trial of fite”
Densgivin 11:48 PM: "DIE”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 11:48 PM: "DIE”
Densgivin 11:48 PM: "DIE”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 11:48 PM: "DIE”
Densgivin 11:48 PM: "DIE”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 11:48 PM: "DIE”
Densgivin 11:49 PM: "fight fire with fire”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 11:49 PM: "-reaper, overwatch cinematic”
Erika_XP💚 11:49 PM: "Its just a cute skelleton pumkin head man”
Eevee Reborn 11:49 PM: "All pumpkins are hereby banished”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 11:49 PM: "Erika do you know what's a trial of fire”
otherLiam 11:49 PM: "pumpakinds are banned”
otherLiam 11:49 PM: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFrPrIxluWk”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 11:50 PM: "Banned”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 11:50 PM: "Go”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 11:50 PM: "Now”
Densgivin 11:50 PM: "Several people”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 11:50 PM: "Just leave”
Densgivin 11:50 PM: "Like”
Densgivin 11:50 PM: "No”
Eevee Reborn 11:50 PM: "All things squash or gourd related are not allowed, and gay, frankly.”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 11:51 PM: "The only Pumpkin allowed here is deez”
Ross the Claus 🎄 11:51 PM: "songs detected”
Ross the Claus 🎄 11:51 PM: "submission accepted”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 11:51 PM: "Deez N U T S”
Densgivin 11:52 PM: "Did someone say gay?”
IIIII 11:53 PM: ""orange"”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 11:53 PM: "no.”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 11:53 PM: "THANK YOU”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 11:53 PM: "MY SAVIOUR”
Densgivin 11:53 PM: "Yes”
IIIII 11:53 PM: "it was not even orange you fucking”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 11:53 PM: "EXACTLY”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 11:53 PM: "IT WAS YELLOW”
ADULT_LINK 11:53 PM: "thatw what i was fuckin saying”
ADULT_LINK 11:53 PM: "it was yellow”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 11:53 PM: "We are freeeee”
Eevee Reborn 11:53 PM: ""you fucking___"”
Ross the Claus 🎄 11:54 PM: "nimrod”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 11:54 PM: "Now it's time to get my beautiful pink/magenta”
Erika_XP💚 11:55 PM: "fake orange just like how his role was fake? Ha gottem”
ADULT_LINK 11:55 PM: "im in the mood for a diff color”
ADULT_LINK 11:55 PM: "dunno what tho”
Densgivin 11:56 PM: "Wait now there are like 3 upward righ?
Erika_XP💚 11:56 PM: "@IIIII why did he even make a role to turn people orange?”
IIIII 11:56 PM: "Dont ping me bitch”
Eevee Reborn 11:56 PM: "fake role, fake arc, fake gm, fake ass shit”
IIIII 11:56 PM: "and also I dont know”
Densgivin 11:56 PM: "Bc SPOOKS”
Densgivin 11:56 PM: "OH SHIT”
Densgivin 11:56 PM: "OH HOLY SHIT”
ADULT_LINK 11:56 PM: "tyler chill she's new and doesent know whats going on”
ADULT_LINK 11:56 PM: "lmao”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 11:56 PM: "#ff0099 this is my color, migth the gods be good, and get my name colourized”
Ross the Claus 🎄 11:57 PM: "hey @Erika_XP💚 ever think about upgrading to Vista”
IIIII 11:57 PM: "New people need a trial of fire I thought”
Erika_XP💚 11:57 PM: "Well I am feeling plenty well burned now and I am sorry I guess I have spoken too much”
IIIII 11:58 PM: "no you are just acting like a pussy”
otherLiam 11:58 PM: "dude”
otherLiam 11:58 PM: "it's a kid”
otherLiam 11:58 PM: "relax”
ADULT_LINK 11:58 PM: "tyler”
ADULT_LINK 11:58 PM: "the trial of fire is like”
ADULT_LINK 11:58 PM: "playful banter kinda thing”
ADULT_LINK 11:58 PM: "not just”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 11:58 PM: "My trial of fire was super pleasing”
ADULT_LINK 11:58 PM: "insulting the new person for being young”
Deadhead 11:58 PM: "Am i retarded”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 11:59 PM: "The worst shit they did was rant my ARG for having moonman”
Erika_XP💚 11:59 PM: "I never said anything about my age”
Deadhead 11:59 PM: "Ok”
otherLiam 11:59 PM: "i never even got a trial by fire”
Densgivin 11:59 PM: "I DID the trial of fire”
Densgivin 11:59 PM: "Then lost my admin”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 11:59 PM: "I went thru it”
Densgivin 11:59 PM: "I mean i was the one who insulted”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 11:59 PM: "And I dotn have a name color”
Densgivin 11:59 PM: "Sorry m8”
ADULT_LINK 12:00 AM: "i think the harshest trial of fire was scouts”
PokécordBOT 12:00 AM: "
Eevee Reborn 12:00 AM: "Hey guys, but in all seriousness.... I made cookies”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 12:00 AM: "Send one to spain”
ADULT_LINK 12:00 AM: "o shid nice”
ADULT_LINK 12:00 AM: "what type of cookies”
Densgivin 12:01 AM: "Nixee”
Eevee Reborn 12:01 AM: "chocolate chip oatmeal”
ARGdov 12:02 AM: "oh, thank fuck are colors are back to normal”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 12:02 AM: "Yea”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 12:02 AM: "Happy 10th of november”
Erika_XP💚 12:03 AM: "So Tyler how are things going with your home life and the cult situation? It might sound weird but I worry about you all the time. I thought you might like to hear that to cheer you up a bit =]”
ARGdov 12:03 AM: "Erika”
ARGdov 12:03 AM: "he's out of character right now”
Deadhead 12:03 AM: ":joy:”
Eevee Reborn 12:03 AM: "Damn, Wolf gets banned, and Dov's reation is ''Thank Fuck''”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 12:04 AM: ":hand: :hand: :lips: :hand: :hando:”
ADULT_LINK 12:04 AM: "erika do you think everything from the youtube channel is like. real”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 12:04 AM: "OH NO THAT WENT WRONG”
ARGdov 12:04 AM: "and that as well”
IIIII 12:04 AM: "there are no lunarchildren and the arg is going to be ending soon”
ARGdov 12:04 AM: "its not real”
IIIII 12:04 AM: "yes”
ADULT_LINK 12:04 AM: "cuz its acting, the same way ryan reynolds isnt actually deadpool”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 12:04 AM: "I CREATED AN ABE-”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 12:04 AM: "Wait what”
ADULT_LINK 12:04 AM: "when we're playing the game we interact with the deadpool tyler”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 12:04 AM: "Wdym is ending soon”
ADULT_LINK 12:04 AM: "but this is the out of character, ryan reynolds tyler”
IIIII 12:04 AM: "I am really happy some random bitch from an mystery location worries about me”
ADULT_LINK 12:04 AM: "at least for the moment because of the gamejacking”
ARGdov 12:05 AM: "yeah”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 12:05 AM: "Holy fuck”
Erika_XP💚 12:05 AM: "Why are you so aggressive to me right now”
IIIII 12:05 AM: "why did you return after leaving”
ARGdov 12:05 AM: "Erika, I already told you, he's in a bad mood”
Erika_XP💚 12:05 AM: "because I wanted to talk to you”
ARGdov 12:05 AM: "you're not helping”
Eevee Reborn 12:05 AM: "It's ok Erika”
IIIII 12:05 AM: "about what”
ARGdov 12:05 AM: "please understand that”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 12:06 AM: ":GWslippyPeepoS:”
IIIII 12:06 AM: "Is there anything running through your head right now that is meaningful or are you just here to be a stupid fangirl”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 12:06 AM: ":GWseremePeepoF:”
Erika_XP💚 12:07 AM: "Its ok I understand you are mad because your plan messed up or something I wont make things worse”
Deadhead 12:08 AM: "Huh”
Deadhead 12:08 AM: "What Plan”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 12:08 AM: "God’s plan”
Ross the Claus 🎄 12:09 AM: "I was gonna say that”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 12:09 AM: "Quickest Yee in the Haw”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 12:09 AM: "Golira :gorilla:”
Erika_XP💚 12:10 AM: "I guess this means you wont want to see my tribute video I made for you”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 12:10 AM: ":GWslippyPeepoW:”
Eevee Reborn 12:10 AM: "I desperately want to see it”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 12:11 AM: "Yea you could send it if u want”
Deadhead 12:12 AM: "Tribute Video :whathesay:”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 12:12 AM: "-tyler typing”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 12:12 AM: ":GWseremePeepoF:”
Ross the Claus 🎄 12:12 AM: "please sned”
IIIII 12:12 AM: "No fuck off I dont want to see whatever gay shit you have made out of my hard work”
Densgivin 12:12 AM: "DUDE”
otherLiam 12:12 AM: "jesus christ dude”
Densgivin 12:12 AM: "JaksjakkKJj”
Densgivin 12:12 AM: "jajjJJjJ”
Densgivin 12:12 AM: "LMAO”
Eevee Reborn 12:13 AM: "no, no pls”
otherLiam 12:13 AM: "i get this is a shitty day for you but that doesn’t give you the right to act like a dick.”
Eevee Reborn 12:13 AM: "i have to see this masterpeice”
Ross the Claus 🎄 12:13 AM: "^^^^”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 12:13 AM: "Please I wanna watch it :(“
Deadhead 12:13 AM: "Tyler is a legend”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 12:15 AM: "Now I'm intrigued”
The Slipknot guy with spike mask 12:15 AM: "Fuk”
ARGdov 12:16 AM: "same”
Deadhead 12:17 AM: "Pls no ban”
Erika_XP💚 12:54 AM: "I want to eat burgies”
Erika_XP💚 12:54 AM: "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/588034361149095987/639030921584050187/c5e25b8f-46b2-4d6a-ab48-81fdf663821d.jpg”
Densgivin 12:56 AM: "Use #🍂fall-central🍂”
Eevee Reborn 1:02 AM: ">chubby trans”
otherLiam 1:02 AM: "i guess now we have to figure out tf is real and what isn’t”
Eevee Reborn 1:03 AM: "We have to ban everyone until we can figure out What The Hell Is Going On!”
otherLiam 1:04 AM: "like, what happened to yuuki if Pumpkinhead didn’t nab her, are the past-Greths real, was the shit that happened on Watch2Gether a thing, are the songs yuuki linked important, etc.”
Eevee Reborn 1:04 AM: "Use the mask of truth”
otherLiam 1:04 AM: "...is that a real suggestion?”
otherLiam 1:04 AM: "whose mind would we be reading?”
Eevee Reborn 1:05 AM: "We have that type of power, The mask or Lense of truth has done shit before”
Eevee Reborn 1:05 AM: "Just ask a question with the lens”
otherLiam 1:06 AM: "I mean, I guess that’s provide an opportunity to cut through all this to the truth.”
otherLiam 1:06 AM: "Is everyone cool with that?”
Eevee Reborn 1:06 AM: "Who's up?”
Erika_XP💚 1:07 AM: "What has happened with reality?”
Eevee Reborn 1:07 AM: "We're about to summon the truth up in this bitch”
otherLiam 1:07 AM: "Well, since Pumpkinhead and Yugi were apparently Not Real and A Lie, we gotta figure out otherLiam 1:07 AM: "what of the past week wasn’t true.”
otherLiam 1:07 AM: "Well fuck it seems like everyone’s schleep”
otherLiam 1:07 AM: "So Erika, we have superpowers.”
Erika_XP💚 1:08 AM: "This reminds me of a thing Tyler said once in the comment section”
otherLiam 1:08 AM: "We can use items from the video game Majora’s Mask to make shit happen. Don’t do this without everyone agreeing with you about it because it can potentially do awful things.”
Eevee Reborn 1:09 AM: "Items, songs,masks”
Erika_XP💚 1:09 AM: "something like "reality is layered" and then he posted some I's
and then it was deleted later when I went to screen shot it”
Erika_XP💚 1:09 AM: "he says so many weird things in the comment section I can catch if I check every day but I was always too scared to even try to say anything because I know he is not in control of the youtube account and it must be getting messed with by regiminis or something worse”
otherLiam 1:11 AM: "For example, this is an item called the Lens of Truth, which will hopefully get us some answers to some questions.”
otherLiam 1:11 AM: "Hey, uh, various supernatural entities. We can’t tell what’s real anymore. Mind clearing that up? I guess more specifically I’d like to know the current status of our friends and allies, like Greth, Moonman and Yuuki.”
Erika_XP💚 1:12 AM: "But I still had to keep following close”
otherLiam 1:14 AM: "Is the Lunarchildren site being locked down even relevant? What, if anything, actually happened on Halloween, and what is coming up on 11/11? Who really is Yugi?”
Erika_XP💚 1:15 AM: "Isn't he a character from that anime yugioh?”
otherLiam 1:15 AM: "Not THAT Yugi.”
Erika_XP💚 1:15 AM: "I always thought that anime was rather boring when I was really little”
otherLiam 1:15 AM: "There’s a guy named Yugi in the other timeline.”
otherLiam 1:15 AM: "I’d read the story of what’s happended, Erika.”
Erika_XP💚 1:18 AM: "Dont worry I have a good grasp of whats going on. I have been watching silent dork every other day for a year.”
Erika_XP💚 1:18 AM: "Greth vlogs recently as well”
otherLiam 1:19 AM: "I assure you that does not give you as much info as you need.”
ADULT_LINK 1:19 AM: "a lot of things happen outside of the youtube channels”
Erika_XP💚 1:21 AM: "There was also the lostmemory423 channel. My friends liked that one a bit more than Silentdork but I thought it was really boring because nothing ever happens hardly ever and when it does it is very sudden and loud.”
Eevee Reborn 1:29 AM: "i like things sudden and loud”
Erika_XP💚 12:52 AM: ((Erika posts a character drawn by the player Lolly))
Erika_XP💚 12:52 AM: “Omg did you draw this he is such a cutie”
0 notes
lilietsblog · 7 years
I beat Starbound yesterday night
like, okay, this is not a game you just 'win' and that's it. The main quest is just one thing you get to do alongside tech tree progression, and there is a thousand things to do that open up alongside this progression, and with the latest update there is a whole new tech tree for the mechs to pursue
I did not expect much from finishing the 'main quest' it was just kinda the next thing to do and then get on with all the other goals I had in mind (upgrading my mech, the bunch of stuff for my colony, making a cool interior for my ship)
like seriously, I thought, what is this quest even building up to? There's no way it won't be silly and underwhelming
I'm not spoiling I'm just saying I was wrong it wasn't
okay maybe if the mc was allowed to have personality + relationships beyond like, the way they stand and the pre-programmed people deciding fully on their own to join the mission regardless of what you actually do, it could have been even more poignant and fantastic
but like wow I almost don't feel like going back to the rest of my stuff to do now cause I've... won. I'm done, that's it, there is nothing I can do in this game that will top what just happened
it feels like gameplay should change more after what happened. Not just a 'special reward' with a lot of money and other sweet stuff (bitch I have this much money saved up already and the only reason it's not more is because I keep spending it). There should be a fundamental change somewhere, the world opening up in some way, getting to do something you didn't get to do before
there should be specifically 'postgame' content and not just 'lategame' content you could enjoy in the same way forever without actually ever finishing the main quest
this HOLY SHIT WHAT JUST HAPPENED thing must have some effect on the rest of the universe
like, I knew it wouldn't and I didn't expect it to... and now I feel like it should have coz. holy fuck. that was EPIC
okay i want to not spoil coz EXPERIENCE IT FOR YOURSELVES GUYS but i just want to gush about it so much so im just? going to put this under the cut?
okay so first of all why don't Novakid have a key? this feels like it should be more of a big deal, like what if my protagonist were a Novakid? they should have at least mentioned that oh yeah there's also Novakid but they weren't around back then or something
second of all holy shit from the beginning of the quest I was wondering, like okay we're going to unlock the gate and??? what then??? you go in to fistfight the fucking Ruin??? the tentacle monster that even the god creator could only lock away and that started out with destroying Earth???
like, okay, we get the keys. yeah. AND THEN WHAT
I thought the game would underplay the size of the Ruin, make it kinda underwhelming and make me question how this thing managed to destroy Earth and be so epic if one person can actually fight it
like okay I've also fought an avatar of Kluex but 1) it MIGHT have just been an automaton and 2) it's an AVATAR. avatars are beatable. its a different class of thing altogether
boy was I wrong. boy did I fucking UNDERESTIMATE the size of the Ruin (and also the developers of the game. holy shit. all the kudos)
like you just go through the gate and find yourself on this??? planet??? with instructions to 'destroy the Ruin' and your matter manipulator working unexpectedly unlike all the other missions
just. fistfight the planet. somehow. good luck
it was actually pretty intuitive what to do next? like. it just felt obvious that I would get nothing done on the surface and that the most likely thing to do is dig in. I've got the matter manipulator, it's my magic tool that the Protector left to humanity, LET'S GO FUCK UP A BITCH
and it kind of makes sense that one person can succeed where a deity couldn't. precisely because you're so fucking tiny you're basically beneath notice and you can fuck this thing up from the inside without it being able to do shit about it
also, it's not awake yet. it destroyed Earth by just kinda jerking in its sleep
when something's on that scale, it's pretty understandable that a human-sized person with an environment backpack that lets them survive ANYWHERE short of actual fucking lava would actually be a pretty appropriate opponent
and let's be honest, this was a suicide mission from the beginning. like I don't know what Esther expected to happen when you successfully beat the Ruin but it was kinda obvious that the microbe that caused it would be the first casualty
I also expected it to not be a big deal cause you die and you respawn? the one escort mission I managed to fail (protip: never agree to an escort mission across volcanic lava-filled terrain. or if you do, fill in the lava with earth. dont trust the NPC's ability to not fall in it and burn to death) right the one escort mission I managed to fail told me to not worry cause they probably respawned somewhere safe
and the ship crew gives comments like 'what was I doing before I died?' and 'I feel like I didn't respawn properly' and you just get the impression that respawning after death is a Thing in this unvierse and the only cause to worry is if the mechanism that was supposed to respawn you was destroyed (which is exactly what happened on Earth. like it was supposed to be a... safe place. that's the horror of it)
seriously you beat the Ruin and Esther is like... oh nO... WHAT IS HAPPENING.. iT Is.. unSTABLE??? I dunno bitch what did you think we were trying to do
the odds of it not exploding after being killed from the inside (or imploding, or flooding everything with deadly poison, or burning up, or getting flushed into Death Dismension, or any of the other number of thing that might happen wnen you're in the middle of the body of an eldritch abomination and have just killed it) were like... 1 in a 1 000 000
what did you EXPECT
when you're going down it's so fucking... eerie. there are those things living INSIDE the Ruin. they are freaky and are they alive? do they count as part of its organism or as independent beings? is there even a meaningful distinction on this scale or is it like the white cells in your blood
and then there is the pit, and the AI helpfully warns you to not fall into it and just. oh my fuck. thanks dude I would never have thought of this on my own. the Unhelpful AI is the best thing about this game honestly
and you keep going down and down and its genuinely creepy like whats down there? what are you going down towards? FUCK KNOWS
and then the environment changes and there is this brain matter stuff? and you can't break it like you just can't break it, the matter manipulator doesn't work like that it's not the matter manipulator block from everywhere that has a visual clue of small squares, it starts breaking the brain and it just. can't. whatever it is you're going to try to do with this thing's brain, destroying it with the matter manipulator is not it. it's just not strong enough
and then you get a path inside it and there are standard gate-and-radar mechanisms of boss fight and it's just so silly that those would be inside there but on the other hand reality doesn't really hold up in the face of this thing anyway so might as well
and then you face the Cultists Boss and its honestly so. anticlimactic after all the buildup she had. maybe its just extensive preparation with many buffs i had going (bitch i just fought your entire army and a dragon) but i beat her in like. three cycles. the mechanics and weaknesses were the same as in the first fight in the library and it didnt even feel like i had to try hard
and it was kinda appropriate? like bitch what do you think you're doing. get out of the way i'm trying to save the universe there. THIS THING'S FIRST ACTION WAS DESTROYING EARTH HOW IN THE WORLD DID YOU GET THE IDEA IT FAVORED HUMANS
(true to life. racial supremacists aren't known for their firm grip on reality)
and then it's this thing's... heart? inside its brain? well it's just a convenient term anyway. either way it's the spark of un-life that drives the entire thing and GOOD LUCK YOU'RE ON YOUR OWN
and I just... look. I had freaked out about the army and the dragon because the first time I fought them I quickly ran out of my 13 nanobandages and died
so for the second time I crafted 160 of them
(also I had a Damage III augment on my EPP and really, really cool weapons newly bought in Glitch settlements, so I mowed down mooks by just pistol-machine-gunning-them for a couple of seconds, it was actually kinda freaky how effective I was at damage dealing)
I also died against the Ruin once because augghhhh having the nanobandages on the left click and the medicine kits that heal you slowly over time AND BLOCK NANOBANDAGES FROM WORKING IMMEDIATELY on the right click WAS A BAD IDEA
after respawning i just straight up removed the medicine kits from the quick access. not gonna trip myself up like that the second time
and it was? really freaky but not that hard once I figured it out? like okay actually pretty fucking hard but not like. COMPLICATED. just counterintuitive
like, if the boss always hits the same area with an EYE LASER attack, the logical thing to do is stay out of there, right?
but no. out of there are the tentacles, and they sometimes move without warning and hurt you. while the eye laser attack comes with pretty obvious buildup
and more importantly: the eye laser attack takes like half of your HP. but it KILLS DEAD all the smaller creatures that were harassing you
like oh god this is so appropriate? this un-creature summons living things both from its own body and from across the universe to attack you, but then when it goes on the offensive itself it just destroys them all
it's self-destructive. you can goad it into solving your problems for you because it's NOT SENTIENT. it's a thing more than it is a creature. its goal is to destroy life but its semi-living so it destroys itself
so you just. stay in the eye laser zone, jump, hit it with your swords, ignore the swarm of minions attacking you (well more like hit them with the swords along the way. thats why I prefer weapons with lower damage but quicker attack), and keep an eye on your HP. once its around half, 6 + left click several times until it works + 1 to go back to the swords
also during the eye laser attack it's also a good idea to do the same thing. then you can come out of it with full HP... and no creatures attacking you like bitch thanks for solving my problems
you just have to... keep doing it. its scary. your life is going down really fast and there is no way to kill all the creatures attacking you because it keeps spawning them and there's no safe zone because tentacles
but you just keep going, keep healing yourself, keep tanking the eye laser attack and using it as just another opportunity to jump up and deal damage
and it'll... break. it's not going to regenerate itself the way Big Ape does. it'll just die and that will be it. you'll have won. well okay you're going to die too but THE VICTORY WILL BE YOURS
(and then there's that scene. that scene. that one. it's so good you guys. even my bewilderment at sudden story gameplay separation didn't make it any less freaking epic)
really, the only letdown is that there should have been SOMETHING changing at the Outpost. Maybe this would be a better moment for the Treasured Trophies to appear. Maybe some other shop opening. Maybe a portal to a new peaceful/trading zone entirely.
there should be SOMETHING there
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shocktonix-blog · 7 years
Rhythm chapter 3.
Heyo Tumblr! Next chapter of Rhythm inspired by @Constellunaa is out! I dont think im gonna make this an M rated fic, but keep in mind that there are some highly sexual infrences happening. Just no actual action. Without further ado, Enoy! lines of text with a - in front are Lucy's internal voice. Tumblr screwed up the italics Read From The Beginning ( https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12455046/1/Rhythm) Read From This Chapter ( https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12455046/3/) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Shopping =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- “I still don't understand why I have to come with you, gas ain’t cheap ya know.” “Well thanks for helping! It's been awhile since i got to have my own escort to get me around” -Well, lets hope this hunk can get us o- Started her brain. “SHUT IT, KEEP THIS PG PLEASE.” She silently retaliated. -Phh, i know you wondered what it would feel like to have him- “When i said shut up i meant it, i'm gonna- -Gonna what? Attack your poor brain? Hun i'm your conscious telling you to get off your ass and go after this sexy hunk- OW Her brain- and Natsu- was silenced as she slammed her head into his dashboard. “Umm… ooook then…” Natsu looked back at the road. “In case you are interested there is an insane asylum just outside of town.” “Shut it firehead” She said “HEY! Don't take an insult from gray!” “What? Is only he allowed to call you-” “Yes he is!” “Well then Mr specific lets just get this over with before i decide to throw myself off this ever so flawlessly placed bridge coming up and plunge into my death below.” Lucy froze as his hand suddenly gripped her thigh. “Um,... please don't jump. You're not that kind of person.” Lucy looked straight at Natsu as she noted his face suddenly heating up to cherry red status. “Oh, uh, yeah ok.” Lucy sat in the car and leaned back as the two drove in the direction of the nearest department store in hopes to pick up the supplies. They sped by cars in their race to hopefully reach their destination before setting off an enraged Erza, or even Levy if they were late enough. Not once did Natsu remove his hand from its place on Lucy’s leg. -=()()(The gym, With the rest of the Dance Crew)()()=- “ Do you really think that was a good idea guys?” Asked a worried Erza. The group of girls and their dance partners were standing inside of Erza’s gym. They were all preparing for their upcoming dance performance on the next weekend. The coming saturday was going to be their biggest yet, attracting a crowd of over 1000 people, and they really did not want to mess up.   “Yeah, remember that Dan guy is supposed to show up today.”Said Levy “Dan? Dan fucking straight?” Asked Juvia, flabbergasted at the thought. “More like Dan isn’t fucking straight” Mumbled Gajeel. Ignoring this the girls continued. “Yeah, he was gonna be the dance partner for Lucy. They danced well together in the past and i bet they can pull it off again.” Levy replied “How would Natsu feel about that?” Asked Juvia. “What does that matter?” interjected Erza. “She needs a dance partner and Natsu is not a dancer. Besides he has taken the next week off from teaching to prepare for the Grand Martial Games this friday. Will be far too busy to participate. But that's not the concern here guys, you left the opening act of your show with Natsu” “They will be fine, what's the worst that could happen?” Asked Levy “A kid in nine months.” replied Gray. who was suddenly assaulted by a lamp that Juvia had thrown at him. “What the heck babe!” He rubbed his head and got up. “That was uncalled for.” “That wasn't a very bright thing for you to say hun.” Juvia replied. Meanwhile, both Levy and Gajeel turned to laughing messes at Grays demise. “Juves, I highly doubt that natsu even understand how kids are made. Hell i bet he hasn't even thought about doing anyone.” “Gray if you get another bright idea i'm going to enlighten you with how happy i am with it.” Juvia said as she raised a stage light above her head. “OK OK OK OK you win!” Gray moved back from his current girlfriend as she seemed to release waves of threatening energy towards Gray. “Besides, only those two could have gone to town, Lucy has her dance memorized. Heck she is way better than all of us at this. Lucy was the only one who had the freetime.” Lisanna interjected. “SHe has a point, come on guys, lets get this over with” Gray stood up and offered his hand to Juvia, who took a step back. “Go ahead and continue on without me for a bit guys” Her phone had been going off for the last minute. “I have to take care of this real fast” She started walking towards the hallway. “Hey babe you sure you don't-” I'll be fine darling” Juvia blew him a  kiss. “Make sure these idiots don't get out of line for me” Juvia walked outside and made a dash for the bus her group used. Beside it sat a car that she was hoping to avoid for the next few centuries. “Hey Juvia have you seen-” No i haven't Dan, and we need to talk for a little bit before i can let you in.” Oh, ok! As long as i get to be with my beautiful Lucy i'm good. “Oh hun, Juvia thinks i need to shove your head into a toilet before this is over… "Ugh what would Mira do… -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Read from this chapter (https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12455046/3/) Start from the beginning (https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12455046/1/Rhythm) Thanks for reading!
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ok he'd probably be like ‘hehe; guess I'm falling further into obscurity thats cool i was never amazing in the first place’
“theres only one!”
...that is rare
“i traded my watch to my kooraheenese friend! it plays the steel samurai theme when it goes off!”
“it sounds just like the steel samurai theme”
“no it doesn't!”
mayas right, it doesn't sound like the steel samurai's theme. 
it sounds BAD.
seriously i feel like my soul is physically rejecting it 
put your arms akimbo at me again young lady and ill push you into your magic soul pool.
“that whole séance thing makes trials completely different”
speaking of trials, we’re back to trials! ya–– i dont want to deal with nahyuta
“you have to pitch your terrible crossover!! i won't let you down”
as much as i disapprove of the crossover let it be known that phoenix is a sweetie pie.
“The sacred murder dagger was used to murder someone?!?!??! BLASPHEMY!!!”
“The lowest level of hell; the Hell of Tickling” IM KINKSHAMING KOOORAHEENISM
“They shall not escape on their /redtext/ Freedom Express today!”
she did it yaaaaayy!
well i
i cant argue....
oh god no t voice acting again
guess its not *that* important eh
the entire court just called phoenix a shithead. 
i mean people say “Polkhunka” when theyre surprised, and the term is “polkhunan”. so yeah. either hellion, or shithead. nice.
phoenix: this makes no sense 
me: ooh i cant wait for the bullshit excuse!! 
Well ill be damned to tickle-hell. Rayfa’s a television aerial. 
oh i see how they did that. i guess spirit visions have steady-cam?
.........he ran right into it
dude why 
i just love this. “yes he ran directly at the killer, to fight them! with his arms flailing in terror!! it might look stupid and fake but actually it’s kooraheen’s biggest martial art, RonDeliteFu!”
every time Rayfa does her hand-flinging-out pose i mistake her sash for a stick and i keep thinking she’s a muppet 
“we can’t let the special fires go out, so we make sure to remove the glass around them every year on top of a window mountain so that a woman can um...... walk around it i guess.”
i hate to admit it but these stupid pond vision things are really stumping my blind ass
i stg pohlkunka is the stupidest sounding made-up expletive ive ever heard
id rather heard cowabunga every time something shocking happens for godssakes
“wow he really does care about ema”
hey show dont tell lol
“i cant believe he's come to understand their value”
uhhh well
they stated that they still hold investigations despite their magic pool parties, so uhhhhhhh yeah???? forensic investigators are usually pretty helpful??
since Sadmad’s catchphrase appears to be ‘putrid’, i keep reading ‘purification rite’ as ‘putrification rite’
i cant believe they did a “what if... (EXTREME CLOSE UP ZOOM) PLOT TWIST?!”
oh hey its dirty hobo man! ...also i guess the ‘sexy pan up shot’ is for every new character :/
hobo rangers go...
...Nahyuta named him A’nohn Ihmus. A’nohn Ihmus.
Well that just cements my idea that Kooraheenians are just a bunch of Americans that stole a landmass and made up a phony baloney culture. 
It has been confirmed that they are legitimately just taking english words and ‘kooraheenifying’ them.
“i used my binoculars to spy on the rite at the inner sanctum”
A’nohn is just as perverted as his namesake from Tuhmbl’r
“Feh. I knew you were a fool...” 
Cue Franziska crashing her plane into the court room to yank on Sadmad’s braid to scold him for taking her word.
“shall be reborn as a witless sea urchin with barbs limited to your posterior”
ok well sadmad, sea urchins asses are next to their mouths... on the bottom of them. completely opposite to the, uh, you know. Spiky part.
So I’m not sure if that serves to strengthen your point or just make you look like a moron
i mean i guess it served to enhance sadmad’s point since phoenix’d be totally smooth and unprotected, but then he wouldn’t even reach adulthood so that sea otter wouldn’t come in too early and...
...he just said phoenix will be reborn as not only mentally slow but also physically deformed.
...uh... nice one, sadmad.
to be fair, she could have stabbed him with a reverse-grip or not; one doesn’t have to hold their hand at any particular to perform a reach around 
oh well at least the contradiction is incredibly obvious 
at least hobo ranger has an excuse to use words like “bucko”
i hate that,,,, theres a rule against climbing the mountains during the rite. that means that there have been perverts of yore who tried to spy on the lady changing 
hes gonna see her shad–– (sigh)
yknow, i dont think shadows are detailed enough to know which way someone is holding a knife.
also moonlight isn't that bright 
ok so... does happiraki mean “hello” or “hooray!” because its been used it both contexts 
i just realized that the Plumed Punisher theme song sounds like one of those posts where someone takes a recognizable song and fucks with it in a silly way, like pitch shifting it at awkward moments or changing the key
i cannot believe i have to use a fucking walkthrough for this game. I'm disgusted with myself. I'm better than this.
“no one was allowed in there and the only way up were the stairs!”
ah yes, the unguarded stairs surrounded by people who had their heads down. in prayer.
totally impenetrable. 
“What?! This is insane!!” no no, phoenix, youre doing it wrong. you have to say “this”, then sadmad has to say “is” and then the judge has to yell “insaaaaane!!” because its funny when one person says one word of a sentence each!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
‘rah rah sis boom bah, fight, fight, phoenix wright!!”
um excuse me maya who gave you the right to be cute
why does sadmad only have one hand-guard-glove thingy
“my bag of bluffs” is an interesting and long way to say “ass”
they put... a maximum security prison... on top of their holy mountain. they put their criminals... on top of their. holy mountain.
they put a jail. in a church. in fact they put it higher up... closer to... god. 
what the fuck. the fourth one. only accessible by helicopter.
who was smoking what when they decided this???
(sigh) mmmmm id been waiting to use that patchwork quilt
“hell of hangnails”
not as fetishy but still pretty–– actually you know what that sounds kinda fucked up. isn't that just kinda G rated torture anyway 
wow that incredibly obvious lie deserves the terrible pursuit theme??
maybe its the last one (i hope)
“are you the rebel hunter!!??!?!?!??”
um well no, unless the rebel hunter is a criminal. jackass.
...cutting dirty deals with criminals, are we, sadmad?
“haha, the fact that the third person at the scene was a wanted criminal destroys your theory that it was the rebel hunter Keera that killed the high priest!!”
...wow... gosh i was wrong... and the fact that a wanted criminal was actually at the scene... doesn’t help me at all... because once i said that one person didi it, it couldn’t possibly be someone else... oh no... i guess it was Maya who did it... for reals... not the.... wanted criminal....
...hang on, his little power rangers dance was the defiant dragons dance? how... did nobody notice this?? sadmad really was colluding with criminals wasn’t he. gosh. what a trustworthy guy.
phoenix: oh no!! his testimony was a lie!!
oh no! the testimony that did nothing but damage your case was a lie!!! 
sadmad: get him!
hobo ranger: (does a little hop and daintily scurries off)
sadmad: ... (takes a good five leisurely seconds to stop the background music) put everyone on high alert. i want everyone after that guy
that guy who just. skipped out of a courtroom. past hundreds of crazy people and several bailiffs. 
haha... the kooraheenes police. to quote phelous... THEY’RE THE BEST!
“what was the point of all that, anyway?”
search me, phoenix.
“well, i cant help but feel that entire episode was an enormous waste of time”
hey capcom? hanging a lampshade on it doesn’t make it better. it just amplifies how much it sucks.
“yes! i recognized that piece of paper because it looks exactly like the piece i have! thats covered in blood and unrecognizable!!!”
“the ignorant lawyer has not bothered to learn out language??”
well A) he's not an international attorney, B) he was on vacation, not studying abroad, and C) fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you. you’re all speaking english all the time anyway, you bunch of fuckin phoneys 
i stg sadmad if you say putrid one more time i’ll cram a rotten egg down your pasty white gullet and show you the meaning of the word 
“the criminal could have only escaped if the high priest helped him out, so why would he kill him?”
hey sadmad? remember that thing about using your putrid brain? yeah, doesn’t take too big a leap to realize that you might’ve just proved phoenix’s ‘idiot theory’ right. maybe the priest um... was a rebel??? who was going to do just that??? and the rebel killer offed his sorry ass?
perhaps, o foolish prosecutor, you should think before you open your rancid lips... lo, in your ignorance, you will be cast down to the hell of those who are kind of stupid....... the hell of perpetual fart smell. there you shall inhale the decomposing winds of ten thousand and one accursed mihtama, while fart fetishists gaze on in envy... 
oh wow i didnt even need to go on that spiel, he just admitted it straight up. but yeah, apparently when Lady Kee’ra impersonator kills a rebel, it’s A-OK. But when Maya kills a rebel, well, fuck, she’s a foreign bitch, execute her!!
also the way he said it seems to imply that he knew all along so uh
maybe people should start suspecting this guy. he seems to... know a lot of rebel criminals.
every time sadmad shakes his head i wanna break his neck
man i remember being annoyed at edgeworth in the first game and wanting to hop my desk and rough him up, but never wanting to physically maim or kill him. you suck, sadmad. 
hey sadmad; tickling? bondage? can we... keep that out of the courtroom please?
also “oh no! i can’t point my finger!!” phoenix cries, forgetting that he has two arms. i guess capcom won’t spring for more than one sprite tho haha
“the keera we saw was the statue draped in the sacred robes!”
with a... knife sticking out, apparently. ok..?
also gosh, maya’s really fast, tiptoeing around the abbot, draping the costume just so, then tiptoeing back around? like lightning she is!!
he just cut off his own theme song.
“she used her fiendish tricks to fool the court room”
which didn’t work at all if you remember the beginning of this court so fuck you?
“she sought to use the divination seance to mislead us!”
good going, pointing out an absolutely massive flaw in your country’s legal system, sadmad.
i cant believe we had a flashback for absolutely no other reason than Sadmad to gloat. I FILE FOR A MISTRIAL ON GROUNDS OF MISUSE OF FLASHBACKS.
please oh god just let it end i dont have enough space in my stomach for any more ulcers
i can’t stand hearing him say let it go one more time please I'm begging you
oh no... phoenix has failed... he’s going to die... it’s really going to happen...
just get to the surprise witness or whatever already
oh thank god. love you, headband guy
“the dagger bears the finger prints of maya fey!”
wow. the police suck major ass at catching running people, but their finger print checking speed is second-to-none. ...either that or they waited a while before telling people about a dead body.......
oh gosh!!! its totally maya!!! she arrived 2 years ago and so did lady keera and 
yeah no. it’s not her. 
but even if it was, kinda awkward there, sadmad? she’s um. kind of a hero to you.
i dont get it why is everyone freaking out. i thought the keera impersonator was considered some kind of vigilante hero? why is it suddenly bad when they “find out” it’s maya? is it because she isn't kooraheenees?
I'm honestly really confused. everyone was rooting for the masked defender one moment, but now that its maya, it’s murder?? 
seriously what the fuck. like the gallery was legit going “ah!! lady keera has come back to save us from the rebels!”
and then its like “its not divine its some foreign bitch in a cloak” and now its like SERIAL KILLER. also, nice. we’ve never been allowed another day in court because there was a second charge racked up. awesome. (with the possible exception of Ron Delite, tho he was changing his charge)
sadmad can go choke on his own braid and the gallery can lick their own hypocritical asses. i can’t believe i stayed up till 2 am to finish this section.
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