#you didn't see them holding hands the entire way out of that cave
softquietsteadylove · 2 years
Alright your Pokémon au is just amazing! Here is another prompt to this beautiful AU! Gillade watching Gil and Thena dancing around each other a while now and decided to take a little action by bumping Gil “accidentally“ so he kisses Thena 😂
"Thanks again for the save, today."
"Don't mention it," Thena said softly, opting for that rather than telling him that it was insane to think that she wouldn't come to his rescue if he needed her. "Did you at least get some rest this afternoon?"
"The Audino checked me over and I was cleared for duty!" he smiled, although Thena glared at him for it. He chuckled, stirring around his bowl of soup. "Really, Thena, I promise I'm fine. They're trained to treat people and pokemon there, and they all agreed I could go back to work tomorrow."
He was omitting the fact that they wanted to keep him overnight for observation. The only reason he was here for dinner was on the promise that he would come back tonight and sleep with routine check-ins by the medical staff at the ranger centre.
Gil chuckled, patting Teddiursa on the head as Thena ladled him more soup before he could even protest. "Don't worry, buddy, I'm fine. Your brave Mama came and rescued me from a pack of wild pokemon today."
"Teddi!" Yes, the little cub knew that, because he had been left home with Ninetales since it was 'too dangerous', and 'nowhere for her baby'. "Teddiursa!"
"No," Thena reasserted, and it silenced the little bear in one blow. Although he did sit himself on the counter with his little paws crossed and his cheeks puffed out. Thena shook her head, poking one of those fuzzy little cheeks and immediately receiving a giggle as a reward. "Bewear are very dangerous pokemon. I couldn't risk you getting hurt if things didn't go well."
"Teddiursa!" it protested, gesturing to Gallade. If the fighting/psychic type was entrusted to protect Thena and Gil out in the field, then why couldn't it have come too?
Thena set Gil's bowl back in his hands before poking Teddiursa in the tummy, getting another giggle for it. "That's enough of that, sweetie-poffin. Gallade had enough to worry about out there."
Damn right he did, Gallade mused as he observed the little family around him. Thena was tickling the grumpiness out of her little cub while Ranger Gil...well, he was watching Thena. Like always.
Gil took another bite of soup. The base of it was his own recipe that he'd managed to teach Thena (through excruciating trial and error). She was terrible at making human food, but at least with his soup base recipe all she had to do was throw in edible ingredients. And this soup sure was edible.
Thena settled Teddiursa against her hip, looking at Gil to see if he was regaining the colour in his cheeks. But when she looked at him he was already looking at her, and with a funny look on his face. Thena's cheeks took on colour of their own.
Gallade rolled its eyes. One night of watching tv without witnessing its trainer's terrible attempt at a love life--was that so much to ask?
"Ninetales," the fox pokemon by the fire commented. As always, she chose to stay out of it; if Thena figured out her feelings for the Ranger then good for her. But Ninetales was happy to let it happen organically.
After all, Ninetales had known about Gil's feelings for Thena since she was a Vulpix. Gil had a similar ignorance to it all as Thena did, but certainly he knew he felt...something, for Thena. It was further than the ace trainer had gotten to figuring it out, for Arceus' sake.
"Gallade," the Blade pokemon replied, looking over its shoulder again.
"Tell me you don't have to go out there again tonight," Thena frowned at Gil, scratching behind Teddiursa's ears idly.
"Not tonight, I'm just heading back to the centre to rest," Gil shook his head, still eating the soup. "I've got afternoon duty tomorrow, though."
Thena sighed, although her eyes made it seem like she'd rather be yelling, "I would think you could take a few days off after nearly being choked to death by a wild Bewear."
Gil didn't even blink, though, just laughing into his next spoonful. "Ah, it's okay. And besides, it's pretty much just aerial sweeps."
"Just don't go flying into a flock of Altaria," Thena teased a little more lightly, bumping his hip with hers.
They could just sit at her table, like normal people. But they took all their meals in the kitchen, standing up, talking with their heads close, elbows bumping, trading soft stories and loud, belting laughs.
Gallade turned the tv off and stood; enough was enough.
"I know you'd rescue me anyway," Gil chuckled, bumping her hip right back and setting down his third empty bowl on the counter. He turned to face her properly.
"Excuse me," she laughed, letting Teddiursa hop out of her arms to take Gil's bowl to the sink for her. "Who's the Ranger here?"
"Hey, I'm a pokemon Ranger, I range pokemon," Gil corrected, making Thena laugh until her cheeks were pink.
Gallade sighed, 'bumping' into Gil's back on its way to the berry cupboard.
Gil blinked rapidly, eyes wide. He had collided with Thena, pressing her against the counter, although he'd reached out to brace himself - and her - from the fall.
Thena's eyes had squeezed shut as Gil's lips landed against hers. She had been laughing--she un-pursed her lips, relaxing them against his. It was...kind of nice.
Gil was stunned as he felt Thena melt against him, just a little. But he realised too late that his eyes were already closed. He was already kissing her back. His hand was already on her cheek to do it.
Thena sighed as they parted ways, pulling away slowly. Her eyes fluttered open and found Gil's doing the same. She stared at him, wondering if he always looked so...wonderful. "Um..."
"Uh," Gil blinked right back at her, also at a loss for words. But blood rushed to his ears, making him wish he had his hat to hide his embarrassment (or at least fidget with). "S-Sorry! I-I didn't-"
"No, it was-"
Both stared the other down, trying to figure out what the next move was. Did they deny it?--deny that it happened, deny that it was nice? Deny that they undeniably both liked it?
Gallade glared at them from the couch again; did he do all this for nothing?
"It was," Thena paused, her voice barely coming out as she took in a shaky breath, "nice."
"Oh," Gil let out numbly (dumbly). The singular word made the colour in Thena's cheeks deepen and his heart nearly threw itself through his chest to offer itself to her, "I-I liked it too!"
"Okay," Thena mumbled, clearly at a loss for words.
"Okay," Gil mumbled back, trying to think of what to say. He had no fear wandering right into a pack of Bewear, sure, but uttering a few words to his beautiful trainer friend?--apparently impossible.
"Uh," Gil sucked in a breath. He was still standing close to her, not having moved all that far away after the kiss. He tapped his thumb against her hip, "hey."
Thena peeked up at him through long, sandy lashes.
Gil kissed her again. Thena leaned into it more naturally this time. His hand came up, brushing over her cheek and pushing her hair back a little. Their heads tilted to the side together as they pulled apart again. Gil licked his lips. "I have to go, but...can I...come see you in the morning?"
Thena licked her lips too, nodding as they eyes held together almost too strongly. She smiled, "same time as always?"
"Yeah," Gil let out a faint laugh, smiling at her like he had never seen anything like her.
He hadn't.
"Okay," Thena whispered, keeping her eyes on him as he reached around blindly for his hat, gripping it in his hand as he waved to her on his way out. She waved back, "see you then."
Gil stared at her until the door had to break their gazes for them.
Thena immediately turned around, throwing her head in her hands on the kitchen counter. She pressed a scream of sorts into the back of her hand.
Teddiursa tumbled back, startled by the sudden outburst from his usually calm Mama. He turned over, petting her hair the way she pet his fur when he needed comforting. "Teddi?"
Thena didn't look up, only pointing to where she knew her Arceus forsaken pokemon was sitting on the couch (like a menace). "You don't deserve a luxury ball!"
"Gallade," he waved off, willing to accept any frustrations of hers if it meant not having to watch them dance around anymore.
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smuddee-papabear · 5 months
Thinking of a dragon that's hoard is entirely made up of knights who came to slay him and were all fucked out of their minds instead. (male dragon X male reader)
Just imagine you're a knight sent to slay a dragon who has killed an unholy amount of your fellow knights. You're not feeling too great about your chances but you weren't given a choice by your king, who just wants the beast's horns mounted above his throne.
You found the cave easily, even getting in was a breeze, but instead of piles of jewels and other fineries you see a good chunk of half or fully naked men lounging casually.
You're almost too shocked to notice the unmistakable feeling of something looming behind you. But notice it you do.
Whirling around isn't an option. A large clawed hand curls around your torso as a single claw slips your helmet off. Hot breath hits your newly exposed neck.
"Hello little knight. Did the king send me another treasure for my hoard?"
The men in the cave turn at the voice, and with heavy shock you realize that you recognize several of them. A blonde man lounging nude next to a natural pool was the very knight sent out before you.
His knowing smile does nothing to ease your confusion.
The dragon lets out a low growl as he turns you around. "Look at me little one."
You brace your sword for an attack but the creature stuns all action from you. His emerald scales seem to glitter in the dappled light, massive curled horns framing the sharp face lowered to stare back at you. There's an elegant grace to his poised musculature; powerful but sleek.
His body is long and slender. It's nothing like the stocky build you were expecting to encounter. Lost in awe you almost miss the sound of your sword clattering upon the stones.
His amber eyes crinkle as if in amusement. There's an animalistic playfulness in them that holds you hostage. "Quite a lovely little trinket you are. Come, we'll get those awful chunks of metal from your body so I may see you properly."
Before you can object you're scooped up in those massive claws and taken to a smaller pocket in the cave out of view to the others. You were back to complete confusion.
Dragons were supposed to like treasure, gold and jewels and silver, not knights.
Your armor is removed with a delicate and practiced air. This was most definitely not the first time the dragon unclothed a human knight.
Stripped bare you suddenly feel self conscious. The way the dragon's gaze trails every curve, every scar and blemish, causes a fire to burn across your skin.
A low rumble fills the cavern. "Yes, you will make a fine addition to my hoard."
Movement draws your eyes to the dragon's lower legs. A spear tipped cock was unsheathing, already dripping to the stones. It was small for his size but still massive compared to yourself.
Was he expecting you to take that? You figured it would end up splitting you in two. Again before you can protest you are firmly pressed into the fur lined bed.
His long tongue trails down, the warmth giving you goosebumps as it travels over your sternum to your belly and even lower. A whine slips from your lips as your own cock hardens in response. The dragon lets out a rumble.
Something slides to your ass. For a moment you panic, thinking it to be the dragon's cock already, and twist to see. It's not his penis.
You realize it's a claw, worn down to a dull point for safety. As your entrance is teased you fight against you own thoughts. You shouldn't enjoy this! You should be slaying the beast!
But you can't deny the warm weight that settles in your lower stomach, the barely contained whimpers. Many knights have lovers but you chose not to. You wanted to be fully dedicated to your training. Unfortunately that didn't mean that you didn't feel the urges, it just meant you never acted on them before.
And now you are so desperate to feel it that your orders are slipping from your mind.
Your dragon licks and teases until you're shaking. Once you're a begging mess he pulls his claw back and positions his cock. You moan as it goes in.
It's so large it burns but not in a way that makes you want to stop. In, in in, until he bottoms out. You never thought you'd feel this full. Your dragon waits until your muscles ease to start a steady pace.
His rumbles combine with your groans. You scramble to grab ahold of him, finding his forearms, and arch your back. New sensations wipe the last of your concerns from your mind.
"Ple-please-!" Your breathy whisper causes your dragon to shudder. From the side of your vision you see his pupils blow out.
No longer gentle, you dragon's eyes roll up as his hips buck the thick penis into your hole over and over. The calm pace turns into a fever pitch. You squirm from the overwhelming pleasure rolling over you in thundering waves.
You feel a climax building and with a breathy gasp white ropes shoot out onto your dragon's scales and your own belly. That only encourages him more.
He takes quite a few more minutes, amazing minutes, to cum himself. A roar shakes the cavern.
Your dragon doesn't collapse on you so much as lays down but his weight still bears down strong. Both of you are breathing hard.
"The claiming process is long, trinket. I need to be sure it properly sticks." Your chest heaves in anticipation. A few hours, the rest of the day, you weren't sure how long long was but you find yourself too cock drunk to care. The dragon's tongue laps your chest again.
In the end, "long" is a three day haze of pleasure and climaxes. Being sent to slay the dragon, you decide, was the best thing to happen to you.
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Hey, can I request an intersex Nat where she accidentally got R pregnant? And then she decided to hide the baby from Nat because she didn't want to burden Natasha or something (idk, you can change the reason), and then 5 years later, Nat was shocked to find R with a child. She did a computation and some research to know that it was her child too! Fluffy ending, please? Sorry for rambling, I just love single mother AUs rn and idk why?? Thank youuu!!
It's never over.
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Warnings: y/s/n (your son's name), unprotected sex, oral (f receiving), fingering, praise kink
Pairings: Intersex Natasha x fem reader
Word count: 2.5k
A/n: It has actually been a hot minute since I posted. I'm sorry, but I'm ready for this writing grind to return. This fic is my apology. I'm getting to it if I didn't get to your request. Trust me, I've seen it and probably already started writing it.
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"Fuck baby, I don't have a condom," Natasha tells you while hurriedly taking off her shirt.
You moaned quietly and muttered, "It's fine." Your hands go to Natasha's sweatpants to pull them down. "Just pull out, okay?"
Natasha lets out a low groan in reply to you, and her hands promptly find their way to your bra. In one swift mention, your bra was unclasped and thrown somewhere in the dimly lit bedroom.
Her hand soon came up to your face, tracing your face. Her eyes were glued on you, on how beautiful you were. Her face comes intact with your neck, kissing you slowly. Her lips dragged down and down. Soon, meeting your pelvis. Her head slowly moved back up to look at you. "So pretty baby, love you so much," she muttered. Her fingers traced down your body 'till they got to your clothed cunt. Her middle and index finger glided over your clit, and a soft whine erupted from your mouth.
"Please, Tasha, need you."
"Yeah, baby? I got you, okay?" She murmured out to you. A small kiss was left on your forehead. Natasha's two fingers pulled your panties to the side. Her attention was now on your pussy.
"So wet for me." Her lips curled upwards, forming a proud smirk. She didn't even do anything to you, and she had you dripping.
Her fingers dipped themselves in your hole, and a small gasp left your mouth. You threw your head against the pillow that lay beneath your head.
"Look at me, y/n, how good I'm making you feel." She mutters out to you, immediately drawing her fingers away from your cunt.
"Need your fingers, please." You moan out to her, your head shooting back up to see her in front of you, her two fingers up to her mouth to taste you.
"Taste so fucking good." she sighs out to you. "Need my fingers, baby? How bad do you need them?"
"Really bad, Natasha." Your hips start to buck forward, trying to relieve that ache you had in your core.
Natasha's hand comes to your hips, pushing them back down into the bed. You know you can't do anything about it. She's so much more potent than you. A force of one hand has your hips pinned down.
"Sorr-" Your plead is cut short when you feel her fingers entirely make their way into you. A languid yelp leaves your mouth. Your head shoots back once more.
"Feels good, huh? Bet my cock will feel better, though."
You can't respond back to her, too focused on her fingers that are curling in you. Her fingers pump faster, lewd sounds of your wetness caving the room, echoing every now and then.
Natahsa's free hand moves up to your clit, circling the bud just like she did before.
"So good, Nat, don't stop p-please."
"'M not gonna stop, baby."
As you lay, you feel the muscles in your legs tense up, and your feet shift slightly as your legs come together, creating a subtle but noticeable closure.
"You close y/n?" She whispers in your ear, her body leaning onto you ever so slightly, but enough to feel her hard-on press onto you.
Your voice quivers as you let out a mournful "Mhm." You reach out and grasp her shoulder, fingers digging into her skin. The pressure of your grip is tight, as if you're trying to hold on to something slipping away.
As you near your high, Natasha pulls her fingers out of you. A high-pitched sob leaves your mouth. "N-no, Natasha."
"Shh, it's okay, my love. I gonna make you feel so much better." She mumbles out to you. Her body moves off of you and onto her knees. The tent in her boxers is more noticeable than it was before. Your gaze is fixated on the intricate network of veins coursing down her pelvis, descending further and further out of sight.
She let out a low groan as she moved her boxers down, sliding them off and tossing them somewhere in the room. Her cock sprung out of the piece of clothing, precum leaked from her tip.
"So fucking hard for you, baby, I just want to feel your pussy so bad."
A shattered breath left your mouth as you heard Natahsa's explicit words. Her hand slowly moved up and down on her cock, lowering her head down to use her spit as lube.
She slowly inched her hips closer to you, grabbing ahold of her hard cock. Her tip rubbed in between your folds, teasing for a few more minutes.
"Already feel so good." She sputters, her tip finally coming down to your hole. She takes her time easing into you, her eyes looking at how your pussy takes in all of her cock.
Once Natasha had bottomed out in you, she stilled her hips, giving you time to adjust to her length. "Tell me when I can move, baby, okay?" She softly tells you.
After a few minutes of waiting, you finally adjusted to her.
"O-okay, I'm ready, Nat."
Natasha needs to hear no more, her hips thrusting rhythmically.
"Th-that feels good, Tasha." Your breathing is labored. You can feel the deliberate slowness and shallowness of Natasha's thrusts, as though she is deliberately holding back from unleashing her full power upon you. It's as though she is carefully testing your limits, teasing you with the promise of what could come if she let go.
"Can I do this?" She asks, her eyes filled with anticipation. Her back straightens, and her hands move ever so sneakily, reaching out to grab your thighs.
The silence in the room was palpable, broken only by the sound of a small head slowly nodding.
Her hands pushed your thighs back for a better angle. Her thrusting resumes and her cock hits new depths. Loud moans left your mouth as Natasha's hips grew in speed, her cock aimlessly hitting the spot that you love.
The way you clenched around her had her in a trance. The grip she had on your thighs tightened. A grunt came out of her mouth, and she snapped her hips faster into you. Your hands were trying to search for a place for stability.
"So fucking tight and warm, y/n. C-could be in you forever." She moans out to you.
"Fuck, I'm close, nat." a whine left your mouth as you closed your eyes and focused on all of the pleasure.
"Let me cum inside y/n, please."
You quickly nodded, trying to hide the knot that was forming in your stomach. The overwhelming feeling of unease made it hard to process anything else.
"Gonna cum!"
"Comon, do it, my love, cum for me." She reassures you. You can tell she's close to releasing by how her hips start to, for their own pace, a rhythm. With a few more strong thrusts from Natasha's hips, your orgasm came crashing down. Your back arched off of the bed as you felt Natasha shoot her load into you.
She lays down on top of you and catches her breath. She quickly rolls off of you and moves herself next to you on the suitable bed. Her side is slightly turned so she can look at your face.
"Did so good for me y/n." You feel her soft breath on your face as she leans in and gently presses her lips to your forehead, letting out a soft murmur.
You couldn't help but smile as you turned to face Natasha. She slowly lifted herself off you, her eyes fixed on yours as if trying to decipher your thoughts.
After standing up, she gracefully slips back into her boxers, her every move exuding confidence and poise. She walks into your bathroom with purpose, her eyes scanning the room until she spots a towel, which she swiftly grabs and wets under the tap. She returns to you, her gaze unwavering, and gently cleans you up with the damp towel, her soothing and reassuring touch.
As you lay on your bed, you hear a soft call of "Y/nnn." Turning your head, you see her standing there, a smile forming as she catches your gaze. Closing your eyes, you feel her hands gently cleaning you up, making you feel refreshed and cared for. Soon after, she hops onto the bed and wraps her arms around you from behind, holding you close in a warm embrace. It's a moment of comfort and intimacy that makes you feel safe and loved.
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As you were lost in thought, you were suddenly jolted back to reality by boisterous laughter. You quickly checked your phone to see a message, only to find your son standing before you with a half-eaten Rice Krispie treat in his hand.
"Hey, buddy!" You bellowed out to him. His face lit up as he heard you talking to him.
He looks up at you with a beaming smile and says, "Hi, mama!" His little hands reach up toward you despite your close proximity, signaling his desire to be held in your embrace.
You bend down slightly to pick him up, even more laughter erupting from his tiny body. You quickly pick up the phone you put on the counter to take a picture of y/s/n. Your eyes get lost in the notification on your screen. You quickly forget about it and take a picture of the both of you in your matching Patagonia jackets, hoping you could post it to your Instagram later.
As you set him down on the ground, you turn to him and ask, "Would you like to go get some ice cream?" With a quick nod, he excitedly runs towards the door, nearly stumbling over the scattered toys that litter the floor. You can't help but chuckle at the sight as you make your way over to the accent table where your car keys are displayed.
As you two drove, the car was filled with the loud beats of y/s/n's favorite YouTube music, his laughter growing increasingly raucous as he found something particularly amusing. After a few minutes, we arrived at the ice cream shop, but getting y/s/n out of his seatbelt proved difficult due to all the kicking and squirming.
As you both stepped out of the car, you noticed the small ice cream shop across the street. You helped him out of the car and walked towards the shop. As you entered the tiny shop, the aroma of freshly made waffle cones filled your nostrils. The colorful display of ice cream flavors made your little companion's eyes widen with excitement. He carefully picked out his favorite flavor and waited patiently for you to pay. As you handed over the money, his tiny head looked up at you with gratitude and back at his ice cream, watching it drip from the cone onto his hand. The sound of his happy slurping filled the air as you both savored the moment.
Walking around the ice cream, you turn to your son and say, "Come on, let's find a table." You take his hand and navigate the large crowd, scanning for an available booth. Suddenly, the sound of the front door opening catches your attention. You freeze when you see the girl who just walked in. She looks familiar, like someone you used to know. She stands tall with a confident posture and a mess of long red hair pulled back into a loose ponytail. A few strands fall across her face, framing her sharp features. Dressed in a sleek compression shirt and shorts, she just came from the gym.
As you both stand in the ice cream shop, your eyes meet with a woman scanning the room. Suddenly, her gaze locks onto yours, and you feel a jolt of electricity pass between you. Her eyes slowly drift down to the child standing next to you, and she can't help but notice the resemblance between them. You're unsure what to do, but you feel frozen in place as you stare at each other. When your child tugs at your pants, reminding you that his ice cream is melting, you snap out of your trance and slowly start to move away.
"Mommy, ice cream!" he says loud enough for the girl you know to hear you.
"O-okay, y/s/n, follow me." You quickly find a table. As soon as you sit down, your son is on his tablet, watching PBS Kids to entertain him. And that's when you finally remember it was Natasha. She has changed a lot since you saw her 4 years ago.
Before you can get together to talk to her, she's already at your table. Your son quickly looks up at her and looks back down; his attention is on the ice cream and TV show.
"Y/n?" She whispered out to you. Her voice sounded the same, just as you remembered.
"Hi Natasha, I know that thi-"
"You have a kid now?" Her voice is a little shaky now; if you have to be honest, you feel bad for her. And now that you're face to face with her you start to regret your actions.
You stayed silent for a minute trying to find the right response to tell Natasha.
"Why didn't you tell me y/n? I've waited so long for you."
"I...I don't know Natasha." Our hands touch your face, rubbing it harshly, trying to process what was happening.
"Is he mine, Y/n?" You could tell her nervousness, her breath quickening as she awaited your response. The only thing you could do was nod your head up and down.
"have a seat, Nat." She hesitates momentarily before slowly taking a seat, her mind racing with mixed emotions. The air around you is tense as you wait for her to speak.
"You know I wanted to tell you."
"Why didn't you then? I was never able to get over you, y/n."
"I guess I...I guess I was too scared, Natasha. I didn't want you to ghost me, and I felt like a burden like you wouldn't want to be with me anymore." You looked down at the table, trying to hide your watering eyes from Natasha.
You feel her body shifting gently as she moves closer to you. Her arm gracefully wraps itself around your back and pulls you in closer. You respond to her embrace, feeling your entire body pressing against hers with a sense of comfort and warmth.
"I don't think you are a burden. I would've been so happy if you told me we would have a kid together. You know that I will always love you."
You do a slow nod into her chest. Natasha's face turns every once in a while, looking at the toddler across from her.
"What's his name?"
"Y/s/n. It made me think of you when I first gave birth to him."
Natasha's delicate fingers gently touch your chin, lifting your face towards hers. As you meet her gaze, a radiant smile spreads across her lips, illuminating her face with a warm glow.
"Do you wanna come back home with me, Nat?" you whisper just loud enough for her to hear.
"Yeah, actually. I want to catch up with you and my son."
You find yourself unable to do anything but return the smile of the person in front of you. As you gaze into her eyes, a flood of memories from your past together comes rushing back. You feel a sense of excitement and anticipation for the new chapter that is about to unfold in your life.
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izzabela · 2 months
Can I request bi han x fem reader.
Reader is sent on a mission in Russia and bi han misses her,sektor tells him to get a phone so it'll be easy to communicate and y/n introduces him to phone sex and they have phone sex.
New Things - Bi Han x fem!reader
in which you introduce Bi Han to something new while away on a mission
a/n: Bi Han with a phone is a crazy idea- i like it
ship[s]: bi han x fem!reader
warning(s): MDNI, porn with semi-plot, phone sex, f!reader = f!genitalia, masturbation, dirty talk, degradation, post-kanon story
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"He- Hel- Hello? Bi Han?" you voice called, breaking slightly over the phone.
Bi Han put the device close to his ear, your voice finally patching through his phone. He smiles, the only witnesses of this soft act being the walls of his bedroom. He coughs before answering you.
"I can hear you, darling," he responds. "How do you find Russia? Have you eaten yet? Is the mission going well?"
You chuckle at the onslaught of questions, "Cold, but not as cold as home, yes I ate already, and the mission is going decent."
Bi Han sighs, "Good, I am glad you are alright."
Bi Han originally didn't have a phone, hell he was opposed to such devices. He caved after you were gone for a mission a couple months back, and the letter he wrote you was intercepted by the enemy. It was also Sektor's idea, he even accompanied Bi Han in choosing one.
Now, here he was, talking to you over the phone while you were oceans away. Elder gods, what a sight to behold, the grandmaster using technology.
"And you, my dear, is there anything to note back home?" you ask. Bi Han groans as he relays the struggles you were missing out on.
From setbacks to the coding of the cyber-ninjas, to even more dreadful losses with this brotherly war, Bi Han was having a hard time dealing with these setbacks. It was uncharacteristic of him, since he's usually more calculated and put together.
"You sound stressed, my dear," you mention, twirling your hair as get in the bed of the hotel you were staying in. You hear Bi Han sigh over your end of the phone.
"You are greatly missed here, none more so than by me," Bi Han says softly, and you coo at the vulnerability he displayed.
"I also wish I were home," you respond solemnly. It's quiet over the line, the light breathing filling the silence.
That is, until a light bulb is lit in your mind. It's a little risky, but it isn't entirely a bad thing. Just to blow off some steam.
"Darling, would you like to relax?" you ask, but Bi Han is perplexed as he answers you.
"I am unwinding just fine with you on the phone."
You tut him, clicking your tongue as you clarify yourself. Apparently, subtly in words was not his strongest trait.
"Would you like try phone sex?" you blurt out. It's quiet on your end, Bi Han not saying a thing for a couple of beats.
"...What exactly is that?" he asks, his voice sounding lost and confused. You then explain that it would just be them on the phone, whispering dirty things about themselves as they touched themselves rather inappropriately.
TLDR, a horny way to unwind the stress of missing each other.
"I see," is all Bi Han says. "I do not know how to start, though."
You chuckle, "Remaining ever so honest, grandmaster. Do not be worried, though, I can lead us."
You strip down into nothing, putting your phone on speaker as you lay comfortably in your bed. Bi Han still remains in his sleepwear, but he can see that his member is growing erect as the minutes pass.
"For starters, it must feel rather lonely in bed without me," you begin, your voice a little breathy. Bi Han sighs, palming his growing erection as he responds.
"It is, it pains me that you are so far. I cannot hold nor touch you." Bi Han sets his phone down after indulging you, on speaker mode as well so he has... a better range of motion.
"I have only my thoughts to keep me company," you admit, slowly rolling your breasts in your hands.
"Do tell me what you think about when I am not present," Bi Han eggs you with a teasing voice.
"I, uh," you stutter. "I think of how you tease nipples. Your fingers always squeeze them the way I like." Bi Han groans a bit.
"Touch them as I do, then," he tells you, palming his rock-hard dick. "To let you know, I miss the way you stroke me, my dear."
Bi Han gave up on his pants and boxers. His dick was hard and free from its fabric prison, and he was going in constant strokes to mimic the way you did. Bi Han grunts as he touches himself, pumping his dick in his fist as he heard your breath over the phone.
If the wetness between your legs were relayed to a leaky pipe, you were practically bursting at this point. You moan at the though of his hand pumping his cock, trying to emulate your touch. It filled you with pride knowing you left such an impression on him.
You reach down in between your legs, rubbing the wet folds as you imagine your fingers as Bi Han's length. You bite your lip to stifle a moan, but it slips through and Bi Han catches your poor attempt of hiding your voice.
"Do not be shy, my darling," Bi Han says breathlessly. "Let me hear you. Touching yourself as you think of me, in and out of your tightness."
Bi Han was getting into it now. Still keeping his constant strokes, he imagines your body on top of him. Visages of your perky nips in his face, your voice bouncing off the walls of the shared room. He can imagine the marks on his back, a great side effect on how well he dicks you down.
For you, you stuck a finger in your wet cunt. Just like Bi Han, you pump the digit in and out of you at a good speed. It hits your good spot perfectly, and the moans you had been so desperate to hide come through and enter Bi Han's ear. He's smirking, and he pumps a little faster.
"Can you hear that? Though you are so far, you still manage to please me," Bi Han's voice is sultry and deep, praising you a job well done (so far).
"Are you this degenerate when you are away?" Bi Han's tone shifts, and it shocks you a little bit. "Touching yourself, desperate to relieve yourself- disgusting."
By the elder gods, he was really leaning into this phone sex business. As much as you want to deny it, you can't help but moan and agree with his degradation of you. Yes, you missed him. Yes, you touched yourself on those occasions where the longing was too much.
You stop yourself and add another finger inside yourself, curling it slightly to hit your g-spot even better. You moan louder, and Bi Han takes it as a sign to go faster in his fist. He's grunting a little louder, and through your ecstasy you can hear a couple of shaky exhales of his breath.
"By the gods, I can just imagine it," Bi Han says breathlessly. "Your fingers won't be enough, not when I have marked you, molded you... made you mine."
You gasp at how dirty his words have become. Gods, he was immersed, and your bodily response was to get even more wet. Practically soaking the sheets underneath you, you respond to the claims Bi Han was acclaiming.
"Yes grandmaster! You've molded me so well- I am yours wholly!"
As you keep pumping yourself, your hand that was previously on your tit is on your pleasuring yourself two-fold as you focus on reaching your high. Bi Han is huffing and puffing now, his hand going up and down as he also chases his peak.
"Very good. Keep the thought of my length as you come," Bi Han says. "Your warmth is all I can think about- I even squeeze my fist to think of how you squeeze around me."
The mention of it makes you squeeze around your fingers, and that was the last sensory necessity for you to zone in on cumming. The feeling of your fingers rubbing your clit, your other fingers going in and out of your tight cunt, and the gentle squeeze to give you more friction, it's sending you over the edge.
Bi Han has a gentle tightness around his cock. He's trying to imagine you squeezing around him, and it works as he can feel his high coming. The thoughts of your body bouncing up and down his cock, your moans ringing in his ears, and the little squelches he can hear from the speaker, send Bi Han into overdrive.
"B-Bi Han!" you cry out. "I- oh gods, I'm close!" Bi Han just grunts in response, muttering under his breath as he's about to peak.
"Bi Han!" you cry out, literally squeaking as your legs twitch and shake as your body begins to relax from your climax. You're breathless, hands damp with your slick, and your body dripping with sweat.
Bi Han also climaxes, calling your name as strings of translucent white coming out. They land on his lower stomach and thighs. His chest heaves up and down, yearning for air as he comes down from his high. He's sticky with sweat, extra sticky near his penile area, and his hand has a bit of his own slickness too.
He reaches for a tissue on his nightstand, and you do the same on the other side of the world. Over the phone, Bi Han can hear you shift on the bed, putting your clothes on and shuffling around the room to clean up. Bi Han is wrapping up his own clean-up operations, putting his clothes on before settling into bed.
"Bi Han darling?" you call for him through the phone. "Are you there?"
Bi Han grabs his phone, "Yes I am." It's a bit quiet before he speaks again. "Did you enjoy?"
You laugh heartily, "Of course! Who knew you were really good at this, my darling~" you drag out the "ing" sound, and he chuckles at your antics.
"Thank you for introducing this to me," he says, calling your name softly. Your face warms, and you can't tell if it's from the warmth of your phone.
"You're welcome, Bi Han. Perhaps we can do this again when I have more time," you offer.
"Finish up the mission, and we won't need to do this over the phone." That's all Bi Han says before he drops an "I love you" and hangs up.
The call drops, and you sleep with motivation to come home.
phone sex is... odd, but i did finish it. i hope you liked it anon!
still finishing up all my reqs, let's see if i can do it before school starts for me
see yall in the next fic!
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letsgetrowdy43 · 11 months
Two's company, three's a crowd☆—
Request: Quinn and Honey find out they are pregnant with Maeve.
Ahhhh I'm in love with this 🤭
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Au Masterlist!!
Jack's girlfriend placed baby Weston right into Quinn's arms, a soft smile on the man's face as he held the little bundle of joy close to his chest. "He's beautiful J," Honey whispered, teary-eyed at how fatherly Jack looked as he began to tear up at Hun's comment.
The woman admired the intimate scenery in front of her, a baby in Quinn's arms and a misting of tears in his eyes as he held his godson for the first time.
The moment Honey and Quinn made it to their own room in the Lake House Honey sat her husband down on the edge of the bed. A serious look in her eyes as she began, "I'm about to throw an idea out into the open, if you're not on the same page that's fine, just think about it." "You wanna have another baby?" Quinn mused with a grin as he leaned back onto his elbows as Honey smiled shyly. "Sooo badly," she said finally sitting down next to him on the mattress, "my babies aren't babies anymore, and you were holding Weston and I missed that," she watched as Quinn smirked at her, her hands running through his curls as he closed his eyes contently at the feeling.
Quinn pretended to think for a second as his wife waited eagerly for his response, "I'll have as many babies as your heart desires," he grinned as she smacked him in the arm and then pressed a slow kiss to his lips. "I think three is the perfect amount," she mumbled against his mouth as he nipped at her bottom lip.
"I think we should start trying right now," he whispered smugly, his hands running over her hips as he pulled her into his lap. A shallow breath left her lips as he trailed as many kisses along her skin as he possibly could, "your brother is still downstair with the baby," she said in a hushed tone trying to gain enough composure to pull herself off of him. "This is entirely his fault," he said in between kisses as his lips found hers once again, "shouldn't have let me hold the baby looking all sexy, he knew you'd cave," Quinn joked as he flipped her on her back as she let out a quiet squeal.
The summer was long over and the hockey season was beginning to pick up, the kids were back in school and Honey's work was starting to pick back up. So the hopes of trying again kinda of withered away as life got busy.
That was until Honey laid in bed reading one of those cheesy romance novels that she couldn't get enough of, a tired Quinn asleep next to her, buried in the sheets with one arm wrapped around his wife's torso.
Something had felt off with Honey, she knew her body, she could feel some sort of sickness coming on as the work week came to an end, but what she didn't expect was for a little notification from her period tracker app to pop up saying she was just over three weeks late. A little gasp left her lips as she stared at her phone, "Q," she shook him gently and she got up and out of bed. "What's wrong," he sat up alert, as he stared at his wife who was making her way to the ensuite bathroom.
He followed her tiredly after coming to the realization that there was no real danger, she grinned and stood with a box in her hands. "I'm late," she said with a grin as Quinn leaned against the bathroom counter a tired smile on his face as she leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his lips, "now get out so I can take this," she shooed him back into their room and shut the door behind him. Quinn laughed at her bossy demeanour, waiting right outside the door for her to open it again. "Can you start a timer for two minutes," she said faintly through the door as she washed her hands and opened it up to see a smiling Quinn.
The two of them stood in the bathroom, her on the counter, and him in between her legs, hands on both of her thighs as they stared at the stopwatch on the phone. It was silent, not tense, but quiet.
A little under a minute left on the clock as Quinn looked up at her, "Remember the first time, in the old apartment, and I proposed to you right after I made you think I was about to leave you."
Forty-five seconds.
"I was so panicked, and then you left me crying," she mumbled, looking away from the clock to see him watching her with so much love in his eyes. "The outcome was perfect though," he whispered, "I can't believe that was almost nine years ago."
Thirty seconds left.
"We had no idea what we were doing," she reminisced as she looked back down at the clock. "I had no doubts in us." "Of course, you didn't" "I'm serious," he laughed, "we were so in love, I had no hesitations that we would figure it out," he was so serious, his tone so genuine as he spewed love-sick words, blush rising up her cheeks as his eyes landed back on the timer
Fifteen seconds.
"You think we have it figured out by now?" she asked, leaning forward to place a kiss on his brow bone as he stared in concentration. "I think we'll be just fine," he said with a little grin, "our first two are perfect, I'm sure this one will be just fine."
Five seconds.
"I love you," he looked at her as she leaned down and placed a soft kiss on his lips. "I love you so much Q," she whispered as her forehead pressed against his.
The time startled both of them as Quinn silenced it, a nervous grin on both of their faces as they stared at the test that was placed upside down on the other end of the bathroom counter. "I'll do it," she reached over the sink and grabbed the little pink stick, holding it upside down in between them. both of them saying a silent little prayer inside their heads as Honey flipped it over.
"Pregnant 2 weeks"
A gasp left her lips as she looked up at Quinn who pulled her into his chest, squeezing her so tight as she whispered about just how much she loved him in his ear. "We are having a baby," he pulled away, his hands now cupping her face as he kissed her once again, tears rolling down both of their cheeks as they shared sloppy emotional kisses, surrounded by their love for one another and their little, now complete, family.
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writer-in-theory · 1 year
inspired by a conversation i had with @serenity-lattes over a fic i'm writing
"Hey, Steve, why didn't you tell us you had a brother?"
There were a lot of things that Steve still didn't know about his family. He didn't know his great-grandparents moved to the United States from Italy until he had to do an ancestry project his senior year, and he'd just learned last week that there were others on his mother's side with hearing loss like him. Still, Steve knew that despite all the secrecy, there was no way he had a secret brother.
"I don't have a brother," Steve told Robin as much, coming back into the living room to see Robin and Eddie huddled over something. "What makes you think that?"
"Harrington, I think dear ol' dad's lying to you," Eddie teased, handing over the paper they were staring at.
Birth Certificate
This is to certify that Robert Steven Harrington Jr weighing 8 lbs. 13 oz. was born on the 13th day of December to Robert and Theresa Harrington in the year of 1967.
"How the hell did you find my birth certificate?" Steve balked, watching his best friend and boyfriend stare at him like he had two heads.
"Your birth certificate?" Robin repeated, eyes drifting back down to stare at the paper in his hands.
"Who else's would it be? Am I missing something?" It wasn't too uncommon for Steve to miss the joke, especially with people as quick-witted as Robin and Eddie. Still, this one seemed particularly confusing to even the others, with all three of them staring at each other in complete cluelessness.
"No, no, no," Eddie spoke up then, snatching the certificate out of Steve's hands and holding it up to the light like that might make reading it easier. "There is no way I'm dating a Robert."
"You thought my legal name was Steve?"
Was that all this was? Steve didn't fully understand the big deal, especially since he'd never once gone by his legal first name. Even as a kid his parents were calling him Steven, eventually caving and calling him Steve as he wished by the time he entered middle school. He thought everyone had known by now, what with Tommy choosing to call him 'Robert' whenever he was upset with Steve.
"Why would I think anything else? Steven Harrington, how could you not tell me!" Robin shouted, playfully hitting his shoulder when all he did was laugh.
"Robert Harrington," Eddie corrected, immediately pulling a groan from his boyfriend.
"Uh uh, you're not calling me that," Steve decided, taking the certificate back and tucking it away in the drawer where they'd found it. Tomorrow he'd have to dig through the house and hide anything else he didn't want them to see, including any pictures his mother might have left lying around.
"How about Junior?" Robin tried, bursting into laughter at Eddie's responsive cackle. "I mean, who knew someone would go by a nickname of their middle name?
"Are you two done yet?" Steve groaned, tipping his head back to look at the ceiling.
"Aw, c'mon, Robbie, you love us." That was Eddie judging by the arm quickly slung over Steve's shoulders and the kiss planted firmly on his cheek. "I just can't believe you didn't tell us that Stevie isn't your name."
"Stevie has never been my name," Steve laughed, stepping away from Eddie's hug and laughing when the man's arms reached out to hold onto him tighter. "I'll take it over Robert."
"I knew you loved it, baby," Eddie teased, laughing at Steve's expression.
Then Steve grinned, turning to face Eddie so he could lean in close. Right as Eddie licked his lips in anticipation of a kiss, Steve patted his cheek and said, "Baby, you didn't even know my name."
He and Robin laughed until they could hardly breathe, but Eddie was the one laughing when he had the entire Party calling Steve "Rob" the next morning.
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livesworthlivingau · 2 months
Behind the Vale Chapter 22
ISAT/Two Hats spoilers below the break! CW: Blood soaking clothes.
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And the OTHER new fit reveal! also by @kuro-is-doodlin
[You slowly stir back awake a couple hours later, groggy and weak. You find the strength to lift yourself up, realizing you were still lying with Nille, who had remained in her soft slumber. Her face holding that soft smile she often sported. You're shaken out of your love struck stare as you notice the dark stains across her clothing, looking back down at yourself to see it having drenched your own clothing as well... at least that horrible shade had faded away.]
[You carefully climb out of bed, trying your best not to disturb Nille. You undress from your soiled outfit, cleaning your face and neck as well. The bandages covering your chest were soaked through as well, slowly peeling them off one strip at a time, revealing that caved in scar across your chest again, just staring for a moment as the nightmare flashed in your mind once again. Seeing your own face twisted into a horrid mask, pulled from your very chest...]
[You take a deep breath, doing your best to shake it off and going back to cleaning yourself. Once you were done cleaning up, you decide to swap to your other new outfit. A backless, near lightless turtleneck tank top with a small cutout on the chest and loose, sheer fabric sleeves that go around the rear as well, along with a pair of dark shaded, tapered capris. The outfit complimented by your usual gloves and boots of course.]
[You admire yourself in the mirror for a moment, you're grateful that it get your mind off of everything else for the moment. The moment is short lived though as you notice Nille's still slumbering form in the mirror. You decide to take a walk, needing some fresh air to clear your mind, you think. You creep to the door, very carefully opening it up and shutting it behind you, trying to be as silent as possible.]
"Oh good morning!" [You almost leap out of your boots as the sudden voice startles you, turning to see the old woman who runs the inn just leaving her room as well. You take a second to catch your breath as she lets out a little chuckle.]
"Oh, sorry dear, didn't mean to scare you! I hope the two of you made up, you gals are so cute together~." [She remarks in a hopeless romantic way. You try your best to hide the emotions on your face, though you weren't entirely sure how to filter through the countless emotions rushing through you at the moment. You just give a nervous smile and go along with it.]
"N-Nothing but a silly little spat is all! We've been through far worse, I assure you~." [Stars why are we humoring this?]
"That's great to hear, sweetie! Well just so you know, most places won't be open this early of course, but the park on the north side has such a lovely serenity to it, watching the sunrise from there is breathtaking~. I'm sure your girlfriend would love to see it too." [She continues with her assumptions. This is what we get for playing along...]
"I-I'll keep that in mind, thank you very much m'dame~!" [You try your best to be polite, rushing towards the stairs as you speak to ensure she couldn't get any more words out, waving goodbye just as you slip out of sight, heading out of the front door and shutting it behind you, leaning back against it with a relieved sigh.]
[The cool night air blows through you... there's something comforting about the cold chill cutting through your form, a feeling you hadn't felt in a long while. You place a hand over your chest, the little cut out on your top revealing the tip of your scar to the air, sending a shiver through your whole body. The sensation was uncomfortable, yet welcome. Just another thing about you that was different now, finally different, no longer that damned star you trapped yourself as... You struggle out a deep breath through the chill of night and head off to the park the innkeeper mentioned.]
[It was peaceful, serene, so still and perfect. Almost as if the land had been frozen again in some beautiful way. You'd believe that if not for the cool breeze lightly rustling the grass as it flows by. You take a seat at one of the benches, just absorbing the scene before you, enjoying the cold air, even as you begin to shake and shiver from the consistent cold.]
[You look up at the night sky, seeing all the stars twinkling and shining as always... They feel so distant, more than they ever have before... you're not sure if that's a good thing or not at this point. You glance about them all, trying to find something, anything to recognize, anything that feels familiar. Then you finally spot it, a star, one that feels brighter, stronger, oddly so... It calls to you, like a guide... that must be your wish. You close your eyes and struggle for another deep breath... It's almost time... we can feel it. Stars we're not ready...]
"Vale?" [You perk up, turning to see Nille approaching, wearing her cloak over her form, likely to cover up your blood that still stained her clothes.]
"I thought you'd ran off again..." [Crab... we probably should have left a note or something...]
"O-Oh, sorry, I just... needed some fresh air." [Nille sighs in relief... then her face starts to darken, the panic fading away and she takes in your whole outfit.]
"Th-Those are quite the threads you got on, there." [Your own face darkens a bit too, looking away.]
"Th-Thank you! I thought it was rather stunning, is it not~?" [You try to keep your little flirty mask up, but you still can't even manage to look at her. You quickly perk up as she was suddenly sitting beside you, her arms wrapping around yours and holding close.]
"Change, it's freezing out here, how can you stand this? I mean crab, you're even shivering!"
"Hehe, it actually feels sort of n-nice." [You start to explain through your chattering teeth.]
"I-I ran so hot as a star, it's nice to feel cold finally~."
"Well that's great for you, but I'm freezing! Can we go back inside now?" [She asks, causing you to chuckle some, glancing back up at the sky, looking at that star.]
"Not yet... Do you see it?" [You ask, helping point it out to her. She looks up to it as her annoyed, uncomfortable look swaps to one of awe.]
"Th... That's... Bonnie is that way, I can feel it!"
"It seems my wish came true..." [Your own expression falls to a more bittersweet one. You perk back up as you feel Nille's fingers intertwine with yours, holding your hand tightly.]
"Hey... It's gonna be alright, I'm here for yah, and I'm not going anywhere, alright?"
"... Thank you Nille." [You sigh out, looking up to the sky again as you notice the light of the sun starting to poke through, just savoring the gorgeous sight of the sun rising. Nille's head lightly lays onto your shoulder as she watches. You both sit in silence, taking in the beautiful view together.]
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topknot32 · 4 months
Girl Dad (2/2)
summary- Rio sees his pregnant ex-girlfriend out one night not long after their breakup. He seizes the opportunity, and tries to persuade her to let him be in his kid's life, and hers, too.
warnings- 18+. Smut below the cut
word count- 3.4K
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The smell of cigarette smoke had always been a turn off for Camila, always. Until she met Rio. Now, the smell of menthol and cedar wood cologne were comforts. The combination was entirely Christopher, and she breathed it in as he held her in the middle of the restaurant without a care who saw them.
She could blame it on hormones all she wanted, but in truth, she missed him. The few weeks they spent being consumed by one another were some of the best she ever had. There were several moments in their affair when she believed it could be something real, that he might not be the stereotype she'd originally labeled him as.
But every time she opened her mouth to tell her friends and family, something held her back. It was the lifestyle. The unpredictable and dangerous way he lived his life when they weren't together. Christopher had never involved her in his business, but she wasn't stupid or naive.
Camila understood the money he earned to buy luxury vehicles and expensive jewelry wasn't brought in by honest means. That part didn't bother her, no. The part that did was the danger it posed to him. He'd been shot, he told her so, and she'd seen the scars. She was a nurse, she knew what the three healed wounds on his chest were before he even said the words. Getting attached to someone who could end up getting themselves killed was terrifying no matter how much she enjoyed his company and getting pregnant by him was equally so.
When she looked up as he held her, she forgot all of that. He stared down at her with the kind of intensity that made butterflies take flight in her stomach, and she chanced a glance down at his lips. When Christopher put all his attention on her, no one else existed.
"Sorry for the waterworks. I always thought pregnancy hormones were an over dramatization, but nope. They are, in fact, very real."
"You good?" he asked after brushing away the remaining tears from her cheeks. She nodded just as the waitress came over with her salad.
Camila straightened up, and Chris released her, but he didn't retreat. He stayed on her side of the booth while she ate, an arm thrown up behind her on the back of the seat.
The winds seemed to have shifted between them since his apology. She didn't feel as angry, and he didn't seem as arrogant or confrontational. It didn't feel awkward between the two, and a comfortable kind of silence settled over them.
When Camila was finished, Chris brushed a few fallen strands of hair behind her ear. "Come home with me," he said softly, sending a chill down her spine.
She avoided looking at him because the second she did, she'd cave. "I don't think that's a good idea."
"Why not?"
He looks irresistible, she thought. "It's just not."
The way that one word left his lips pulled her gaze. She could get lost in his brown eyes, and she nearly did. He gave her one of those up and down glances that made her breathe quicken, the kind he snuck so quickly she wasn't even sure if she really saw it.
"I don't—"
"Don't fight me. We don't have to do anything. That's not what this is." He motioned between them with a silver ringed hand. "Let me take care of you. It's the least I can do."
"I have to work early," she tried, but he brushed that off before she'd barely gotten the words out.
"I'll have you tucked in before midnight. Come on."
Chris pulled out his wallet and threw down a few bills, then pulled out his beanie and slid it on. He was always a good tipper, having sympathy for people in the service industry. She admired him for it. Wealth hadn't made him selfish, at least not in that aspect.
He helped her out of the booth, holding her hand like a gentleman. His black SUV was parked on the street just a block away, and once they were inside, he turned up the heat for her sake, knowing how much she hated to be cold. It was a warm cocoon that smelled like him, enveloping her in a sense of calm and safety she hadn't felt since she ended their relationship.
Rap music played quietly, not too loud to interrupt a conversation if she wanted to start one, and it seemed like he was waiting for just that. His fingers tapped a soft beat on the steering wheel as he drove, and he glanced her way every so often.
"I don't want you to pay for things," she said after a while. Chris looked over, a frown forming. "You said you wanted to help, to pay for stuff for the baby."
“And that’s a problem?”
Camila took in a deep, shaky breath. "I don't want to be a single mom, to do all of this alone." She shifted a little in her seat to see him better. She could tell by the tension in his jawline he didn't like the words coming out of her mouth. "Did you mean what you said, about Beth?"
He laughed, a sarcastic kind of laugh. She hated it. "I wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it. I figured you knew that by now."
"If she's nothing to you, then do this with me. I don't want your money, I can do that myself. I want you in it, too. All the way. Like, up all night, no sleep, covered in puke all the way."
The sarcastic humor vanished as he processed. He looked over at her, then back at the road. "You're serious?"
"I'm not saying I want to get back together, but I need you, Christopher."
"You have me," he said softly, reaching over to take her hand. "I promise."
Inside his apartment, Christopher pulled his jacket off, heading for the bedroom. Camila always loved his place. The open concept, the warm touches of wood and leather, the photographs.
"Strip," he said, dragging his sweatshirt off next. With his back to her, she admired the newly exposed tan skin, the muscles rippling as he moved. She loved the way his jeans hung on his hips.
She had to drag her eyes away from the lines of his hip bones. "I'm not sleeping with you."
He looked back over his shoulder, hands reaching for his belt buckle. "I'm a grown man, Camila. I can see you naked and not have to fuck. Do what I said."
He disappeared around the corner into the bathroom where she heard the sound of the shower turning on. Her stomach did a nervous flip, but she was happy to be here. She kicked off her shoes and pulled her own sweatshirt off, leaving her in jeans and a lace bralette in her favorite shade of lavender.
He was already in the shower by the time she came in. It was a massive glass box of smooth, black tile with two shower heads, one on each side. His back was to her as she unfastened her jeans and pushed them down along with her panties, then stripped off the bralette, leaving her naked. Next, Camila pulled the hair tie from her hair and let it fall. The steamy air in the bathroom felt like heaven on her skin, the tense muscles in her neck and shoulders already loosening.
When she stepped into the shower, Christopher glanced at her with heavy eyes, drinking her in slowly, like it was the first time, but he kept his distance. She liked the way he looked at her, like she was something rare and special to behold. He turned so he could see her better, but they stayed beneath their separate sprays.
While Camila washed her hair, she snuck a few glances at his perfectly tan, tattooed body. If he saw, he didn't make it known, or at least he didn't chastise her for it. She could admire him for hours and not get tired of the view. With an internal scolding, she turned so he was out of her line of sight.
She found her thoughts drifting to a very similar scene, but a different time. A series of many different times in this very room when there was no space between them, just skin on skin, his long fingers tangled in her hair, lips exploring every single inch of her body. When desire was the ruler of her emotions.
Fingertips brushing the wet hair off the back of her neck and over her shoulder yanked Camila back to now, and her heart nearly stopped. Christopher was standing beneath the spray just behind her. She'd been so wrapped up in her thoughts she hadn't even noticed him come over.
"Where you at?" he hummed, pressing his lips to the spot where her neck and shoulder connected.
Camila shivered, hyper aware of how close he was behind her, the heat of his body giving her goosebumps. His fingers ran down her arm where he laced them through hers, pulling her hand up to press a kiss to the center of her palm. The other hand slid around her waist, resting right over her abdomen.
"I was just thinking," she said softly, eyes fluttering closed.
"About what?"
The sound of his voice was enough to make her melt into him, and she found all rational thought disappearing.
She felt him chuckle—a slow, sleepy sound as he kissed his way across her shoulder blade. "Quit makin' me ask and say what's on your mind."
Camila turned her head to see him better, and he looked down with half lidded eyes. He was irresistible, water dripping down his face, his focus entirely on her. Surprising even herself, she leaned up and connected their lips, answering his question without words.
Christopher didn't deny her. He kissed her back, deep and slow, eliciting feelings only he knew how to. It was a sensation she'd desperately missed. She tried to turn in his arms, but he held firm, keeping her right where she was. Keeping her under his control. When he pulled back, he released her hand and cupped her cheek.
"Stop it," he whispered, and she blushed, but kept eye contact.
It was a battle of wills. She waited to see if he would kiss her again, and he waited to see what she wanted, what she was thinking. She could feel his cock hardening, pressing into the small of her back, but he made no move to push her further.
"Tell me what you want, Camila," he said, ghosting his lips across hers, but pulling back when she tried to kiss him.
She bit her bottom lip, drawing his eyes down to the movement. Wanting him and asking for it were two different things. In her mind, she wanted him to let go of his restraints, for him to devour her like only he could, but she didn't know how to say that out loud.
Christopher waited patiently, holding her body tight to him, but there was that look in his eye that told her he wanted an answer.
"I want you," she finally whispered, feeling the heat of embarrassment spreading up from her chest.
He grinned. "You have me. All wrapped around your pretty finger."
“You know what I mean."
"You should be really clear because what I think you might mean, you told me wasn't gonna happen."
The hand on her abdomen slipped lower, and her heart jumped into her throat. His fingertips drew shapes just above where she wanted them. She shifted back, connecting their lower bodies firmly, making a sharp breath leave his chest. He was hard as a rock now. Heat pooled in her lower body that had nothing to do with the temperature of the shower.
"Please fuck me," she managed to get out, leaning up to kiss him again, the words vibrating against his mouth. He let her have it this time, slipping his tongue between her lips to tangle with her own.
He nudged her forward toward the shower wall just out of the spray. She nearly cried with relief. Christopher took her hand again, raising it to rest against the tile, his covering hers as his other finally dipped between her legs, brushing over her clit, making her shudder.
She pulled away from his lips, dropping her forehead and resting it against the tile. His fingers worked over her dripping pussy, mouth dropping to her shoulder, teeth grazing the skin there. It was everything she'd been daydreaming about, but everything she said she wouldn't do if she came here. And yet she needed it, needed him.
He moved his hand lower, slipping a finger inside her, and the groan that came from his lips could've made her come right on the spot. He added a second finger and pumped them slow and torturous. It felt like heaven, but it wasn't enough.
"Please," she begged, resting her other hand on the tile, lips parting when his fingers curled in a way that made her cry out.
"Fuck, Camila." He removed his fingers and used his knee to knock her thighs wider apart. The thought that he was as eager as she was made her body flush even more. He used his free hand to guide his cock to her entrance, and pushed inside.
She tried to pull her hand under his free from the wall, but he held her there, forcing the other one up, caging her in, sinking himself deeper inside her. He stayed like that for what felt like forever, letting her body adjust to him by just barely pulsing in and out of her as he kissed every inch of skin he could reach. After tormenting her for several agonizing moments, his hips moved quicker, body pressing flat against hers.
"Your pussy feels so goddamn good, baby," he whispered in her ear, making her legs turn to jelly as he fucked her. "I missed this, I missed you."
He finally let her hands go, running one up her body to squeeze one of her breasts, brushing over her nipple with his thumb. It sent shocks of electricity straight between her legs, and she gasped, chin dropping to her chest.
Christopher leaned forward and kissed her jaw, teeth nipping at the skin. "Did you miss me, too?"
"Yes." She could barely form words. His cock stroked magic along her walls, his thrusts forceful and fast enough to make her lose her breath.
His hand moved back down between her legs, circling her clit with expert precision. "Tell me."
"Yes, I missed you," she gasped, latching onto his forearm and digging her nails in hard enough to leave indents. A ball of pleasure had begun to form in her lower body.
"I want you to come for me, baby,"
She moaned his name, unable to hold it in at his encouragement, the sound of his hips snapping against hers making her tremble. He took her chin in his other hand and forced her to look up at him, to meet his gaze. She could feel herself falling apart, and by the way he stared down at her, he liked the mess he'd made. Her eyes fluttered closed as she reached the precipice, so close to tipping over the edge into sheer bliss.
"Look at me," he whispered, his own pleasure thick in his voice. She opened her eyes, her lips parting as the hunger in his voice made the ball of pleasure explode.
The orgasm took her breath away, snatching it right from her chest, but Christopher held her tight and fucked her through it, not giving her an inch of space to pull back. It went on for what felt like forever, sapping every ounce of energy from her, and she was grateful for his grip or she would've dropped like a stone.
Just as hers was dissipating, his hit him full force, and she gazed up at him with heavy, satiated eyes. She loved the way his own eyes closed, his mouth dropping open, breath hitching in his chest. When Christopher opened his eyes again, he stole a kiss, his cock softening inside her. He pulled out and rested his forehead against her shoulder to catch his breath.
The water was still running hot, and Camila had to thank whoever installed the water heater in his building. When her legs felt steady enough, she pulled out of his hold and moved back under the spray, washing away the sweat and come from her skin. Christopher watched her with a half smirk, looking satisfied.
He joined her under the spray, pressing a hand to the tiny bump of her abdomen, the other running up from her ass to the cradle back of her neck. "Boy or girl," he asked.
It was a question she'd pondered for hours and hours over the last few weeks. Who would this little life be?
"Girl," she finally said, leaning up to kiss him. "You've got 'girl dad' in your DNA."
Christopher laughed, the smile covering his entire face, and Camila couldn't help but be smitten. "Why would you wish that on me? A lifetime of ass beatings and threats."
"Come on, I'm getting wrinkly."
Camila stepped out of the shower on shaky legs, Christopher right behind. She slipped into a robe on the hook on the wall and brushed her fingers through her hair, looking herself over in the mirror. He came to stand behind her, a towel tied around his waist.
He watched her as she pulled bottles from the cabinets—facial serum and moisturizers she'd stocked here when they were together. It warmed her heart to find them right where she left them, completely untouched like he knew she would be back.
"So, a girl, huh?" he asked, and she met his gaze in the mirror.
"I hope so."
He smiled, but shook his head. "I guess I should start prayin' now. I got a lot of bad karma just waitin' to rain down on my head."
"Hey, it's going to be okay either way."
He took a step forward and hugged her from behind, squeezing her tight and pressing a kiss to her temple. "Yeah, we will."
Finally, while she was putting lotion on her legs, he walked out of the bathroom, leaving her to finish getting ready for bed in a peaceful silence. By the time she was finished, Christopher had changed into sweats and pulled down the covers on the bed. He was putting on deodorant when she came back in.
"Get in bed, mama," he said, turning out the lights, leaving them in near darkness except for the city lights shining in through the enormous windows.
Camila thought the way he demanded nearly everything in life would get under her skin and drive them apart, but after the last few weeks of work without him around, she relished the way she could turn her mind off. It made her feel cozy and warm inside.
She slid between the sheets on her side of the bed, and he followed after adjusting the thermostat and closing the door. They laid beside each other for a while without speaking until he broke the silence.
"See, tucked in before midnight," he said, and she could hear the smirk without even seeing his face.
"I do believe I said coming home with you was a bad idea, though, and I was right."
He laughed. "My intentions were pure, I promise. You were the poor influence."
She reached out and swatted at his chest. Christopher snatched her up by the wrist and dragged her into his chest. She wound her arms around his waist and pressed a kiss to one of the scars on his chest—the bullet wound that'd pierced through to his lung. The one that nearly killed him.
"I want you to fire her," Camila said softly.
She sat up a little so she could see his face. "Beth. She almost killed you once. She should never get the chance to try again."
The wheels turned inside his head, she could see it as he held her gaze. "You gonna stick around this time?"
"I'm here aren't I?"
"You gonna keep me a secret?" One of his eyebrows cocked curiously. "I give a little, you give a little, sweetheart." He brushed a finger over her bottom lip.
"No, you won't be a secret."
Christopher kissed her softly. "Good."
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sabcandoit · 1 year
Lately it's been raining in my town, so I had an idea, how do you think Spider-Noir would protect the reader from the rain? Would he give her an umbrella or would he give her his coat?
Do you think Noir would give the reader a kiss in the rain? 😏🌧
- Crystal ✨️💞
Thank you Crystal! Hope you like it :)
Walking in the Rain
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Spider-Man Noir x Female reader
Summary: Reader and Peter are on a walk and it suddenly rains, causing them to run to shelter as Peter gives her his coat. They share a few kisses and get back home, sharing a few more.
Warnings: Fluff! Pet names and lots of romance, very on-brand for Noir. Kinda suggestive at the end there! What if I wrote a part two... what would you guys think?
A/N: Thanks for all of the continued love! Requests are still open. I love reading all of them although it takes me some time to actually write them. So please don't lose hope that I will write your request if I don't answer it right away :D
You and Peter were out for a walk. It was your average New York evening, except for the sudden sprinkle of rain starting to come down. Also, it was getting quite dark and cold. You wore a simple house dress and some comfortable flat shoes, not thinking much of it as the walk was supposed to be short anyway. It ended up lasting much longer than anticipated, with both of you conversing about your day. He wore his usual white button-down with black dress pants and a trenchcoat. 
You both looked up at the sky as the first few droplets came down, catching you off guard. “Oh, no,” he said disappointedly, watching as you giggled and grabbed his arm, leading him to the nearest shelter. He followed swiftly behind, both of you smiling now. After successfully getting away from the rain, you held your upper arms, shivering from the cold wetness. Your hair and clothes were damp now, but Peter was fairly dry except for the outer layer of his coat. He noticed your quivering and quickly took off said coat, shaking off some of the rain and holding it out to you. “Please take it, dear, I can’t allow my lady to be in such distress,” he went on dramatically as you accepted the coat. “Thank you, Peter,” you blushed and chuckled, hastily putting it on.
 It was long and large on you. You looked up at Peter with a grin, holding your arms up in a playful manner to show him the size difference. He smiled wider, bringing a hand out to adjust the shoulder of the coat to cover you better as you looked down at his actions. You both were grinning idiots, occupied with this sweet moment, it only becoming more romantic as your eyes met, his deep with love and yours softening. He brought his hand up to your cheek, cupping it as his thumb caressed the area. He was the first to lean in, bringing his lips close and kissing yours. As he closed his eyes, the rainwater dripped from his hat and onto his nose, trickling towards your skin. You kissed back, changing the positions of your faces making it only deepen. You parted for a moment, murmuring, “Such a gentleman,” to which he responded with a smirk, kissing you harder and wrapping an arm wound your waist. You put your arms around his shoulders and chuckled a bit more, seeing the rain pour down behind him. 
“Race ya,” you blurted, running with Peter’s trench coat above your head. He was left high and dry, the kisses only getting more passionate before he caved in and ran after you. You got to the front steps of your apartment before him, laughing heartily with your hands on your hips and bending over as he was still making his way. He stopped at the steps, looking up at you perched on them. As he tried to catch his breath he stared at you with total adoration, making your laughter turn into the familiar blushing you always felt whenever he did this. His entire self was now drenched, but he didn't mind, all that mattered was you, looking as beautiful as ever, even in your house dress and messy hair. What really topped the cake was seeing his coat completely covering your smaller frame. “You’re pretty as a picture,” he said exasperatedly. You shooed him teasingly but were swooning under the masquerade. “Come inside, you lover boy,” you unlocked the door and swung it open, walking inside and shrugging off his coat. You looked back to see him making his way up the stairs but still ogling at you as you strained your wet hair between your hands. You blushed more and rolled your eyes as he closed the door behind him, making his way over to you. He pinned you against the wall with his soaked white shirt, not leaving much to the imagination. He snaked both hands around your waist again, smirking in the kiss as he mumbled, “Oh, darling, I love you”.
TAGS: @miguelswifey04 @kairiscorner @alliwriteistrash @thecoolerdor
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elsaellaelys · 1 year
We can beat any shit together
summary: JJ finds scars on Y/N's thight and they don't look like an acidente.
pairing: JJ Maybank x fem!depressed reader
WARNINGS: Depression, anxiety, mensions of SH, kinda angst, but comforting.
800 words
a/n: I had to write about this. If you're going through something like that, look for help, someone you can trust, if you don't anybody call 211 or feel free to send a message. I wish somebody had told me this so I'll tell you. You are not alone.
JJ knows Y/N for as long as he can remember himself. Sweet John B's neighboor, living just down the road, joing all the times Big John took them to go fishing. He really liked her, the way she never judge him, always so kind and gentle, than he decided to take the self obligation to protect she no matter what - she looked like such a cute china doll and he wouldn't let she break. The pogues made fun of his behavior. Gotta pick her up from work! Gotta drop her at work! Save this for Y/N! No pickles, Y/N doesn't like it. He had to repay all the love she gave him, the love she made he feel. She barely realised it though, walking around with JJ just in front clearing her way, making sure there was no thorns.
That's why the discovery stabbed him right in the chest.
They were all on the beach, had just left the water to lay in the sand. Y/N stretched out, not really caring about putting a towel under, dead tired from the surfing. JJ watched she lay like a star, he couldn't help but stare at her, of course he had seem her in a bikini thousands of times, lately it's being different, hips wider, waist defined, boobs hanging in her top and thights... looking like they're melting?
"What's this?" He lean over, running his finger over the strange blur, skin color staying in his fingertip. She recoiled from his touch trying to hide the marks that appeared, eyes starting to water.
She squirmed, hating to have the attention of the entire group now.
"It's just a little bit of foundation" she replies.
"Why you're putting makeup on your thights?" Kiara asks, face looking scared of the answer. Y/N wiped her leg, deep dark scars full on display.
JJ fliched, they were so deep, almost screaming sadness and pain. A nott formed on his throat just thinking about how much it must have hurt, how grotesque it looked. He looked back to her face, not finding the strength she must have to do something so... I mean she wasn't just cutting, that was mutilating.
"Fuck" She cried, she ruined the moment, it was a nice day, it felt okay, especially after she putted the right green concealer, the scars almost fading under it. The thought of the washing water faded from her mind.
"Tell me it was an acident, please."
"Does it look like one?" Y/N replied.
She wished they had caved the enourmous hole JJ suggest cause now she could bury herself on it. Pope's face looked full of pity like Kiara, John B. was confused - she made it herself? - but JJ, he was hurted, and she lightly pinched her arm for causing it.
"I'm sorry. I wanna go home." the girl said, grabbing her stuff, heading to the Twinkie. JJ followed her, trying to take her bag to care it.
"Wait." he begged, not really reaching her steps.
"No! JJ! Stop! Leave me, I just wanna go home"
"Give me the bag. Let me help you"
"You can't help me!"
It was not about the bag. She stopped, she fell, holding her knees close to her chest, crying the heart out. Lucky no one was around. JJ lowered next, stroking her hair.
"It's okay" he whispered.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" she repeated over and over.
"Hey, no, don't be. I am the one who should be sorry. Look at me." his hands reached her face to pull it up seeing her wet lashes. "Sorry I didn't realized before" he begged again, because the memories just hitted him. The way she was always complainnig about the fights her parents were having, but still refused to leave the house, how she was tired all the time, even though she just woke up. Too many alcohol, to many cigarettes, less hangouts, less calls, less partys, much thoughts, much silence.
He fastly wiped the tears down his face holping she didn't noticed, just hugged she tightly.
The pogues approxed and they were hugging she too, whispering sweet nothings. Sweet everythings.
John B. was the first to get up holding his hand out for her.
"Let's go home." he says. They all know where is home.
In the ride JJ made sure he held she close, hand on her pulse, time in time putting his nose between her hair, just to know she's there, safe, with him.
"Can I ask you..." he carefully began "Where is the thing... you used?"
"In my bag, the little left pocket."
JJ almost cried again, for knowing that she cared it around, like a thing she needed close. He found it, trew it out tge window.
"You're going to be fine." he reasured "I'm right here. We can beat any shit together."
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sardonic-the-writer · 2 years
Nacho X reader. Please
Nacho flirting with a customer at his father's shop. Him leaning over the counter to get close.
aAAArgHHHouhhh going insane over this
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Dropplets of sweat were dripping down the tip of his nose.
The beams of hot New Mexico sun spared no expenses today, even indoors where walls of brick and plaster would normally provide some sort of shelter. And it was only growing hotter from what Nacho could tell.
Many of the employees both inside and outside had unbuttoned the first couple levels of their work uniform down to expose their chest to the rare breeze that would bless them. That wasn't limited to Nacho Varga, the lone man currently occupying a wooden front desk, whose golden chain bounced against his chest if he sat down too quick.
A slow trickle of perspiration on his skin made Nacho itch to rub it off. But be sighed softly, continuing to thumb through a stack of twenties in his hand.
"Here you go, sir." The sound of a register opening and change clanking ripped through the not so silent shop as he took out a few ones in exchange for placing the twenties in the box. "Have a nice day." He offered a faint smile while holding out the extra money, palms turned up toward the sky.
The man who has been standing opposite of him across the counter for the past couple minutes offered a grunt and nod of his head, turning to walk out the glass double doors behind him. Probably to his newly repaired car; curtosy of Nacho's Papa.
Nacho sighed, finally taking a moment to wipe the back of his hand over his face, only to bring it back coated in a shean of sweat. He frowned. He had been meaning to get around to looking at the lobbys air conditioning, but simply hadn't found the time. Balancing two different jobs wasn't always easy and for more reasons than one. He tried not to think about that too much when he was at his Papa's shop. Still. That didn't change the fact that this place would start feeling more and more like an oven if he didn't take a look at the metal box sometime soon.
Eventually Nacho caved. He wasn't one to put things off a lot. And it didn't seem like any customers would be stopping by for a moment.
The quiet man disappeared to the back for a quick bout of silence only to emerge seconds later lugging a six foot ladder behind him like it was nothing. He was careful to keep it a ways of the ground before setting it down with a clank, keeping in mind the freshly waxed floor that his father had stayed out late doing last month.
Quick work was made of the activity. Just a few twists of a screwdriver, poking his head around to try and see what was going on, and reassuring his dad at one point that he would be okay standing on a ladder without anyone to hold it for him.
He was hoping that he could go the evening without anyone walking in, maybe moving on from the air conditioner (which had thankfully started working again after a couple hits to the side) to fixing a few other things around the place. Something that he knew his dad would appreciate.
Clearly that wasn't going to happen though. At least not in that moment.
Cool gusts of wind blew across Nacho's back, accompanying the ones in his face from the air conditioner as he screwed the top of it back in place. Shuffling behind him and the jingling of car keys told him that someone had entered—most likely to pay for a part they needed or some repairs.
"I'll be with you in a moment." He called out over his shoulder, voice as soft as always. No one answered him back—not that he expected them to. People tended to mind their own business around here.
Still. Nacho hurried to get back behind the counter.
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You really wished you had listened to your last mechanic about buying a new car.
According to the stout man that had been assigned to fix up your rust bucket, you were just better off hurting an entirely new car at this point.
"I don't know if I could even do anything more but waste your time." The gruff man had said through a bushy mustache. "I can give you the address to another shop just across town that could handle this make and model better, but really, you're just better selling it for parts."
You'd taken the small card with the adress on it anyway, thanking him with a sigh before paying for the little bit they had been able to do.
He wasn't entirely wrong by saying those things to be fair. Unable to buy even the smallest of things beyond groceries in your fruitless quest for a decent paying job, you had been stuck driving the same blue colored tin can everywhere ever since you were sixteen. Not that you really minded. The only time it gave you trouble was when a road had one too many potholes. Most of the time people would come up with excuses to have ride in their own car anyways, not particularly enthusiastic to strap themselves down into the confines of your vehicle.
At least it smelled nice and was clean enough. You hoped that the people at this other dealership would give you some brownie points for that.
The employees had been nice enough upon you pulling in, if looking a little bored. And sweaty. Not that you could blame them—you had felt the blast of heat in stepping out of your car.
One had met you, shaking your hand firmly as you explained why you were there. From the way he ordered the people around your car to pull it around the back, you could only assume he was the owner. Or at least a manager. Nonetheless, he seemed nice enough.
"Ah Emelio needs to stop sending people here." The scruffy man had barked out a laugh as he released his grip on your hand. "He's going to start running out of clients! More for me and my mijo, I suppose."
You had politely smiled your way through a few more minutes of conversation until he gave you the instructions to the cash register, along with what you might have to pay for. (According to him, you were lucky that he even had enough parts laying around to upgrade your car, much less fix it.)
So you had walked into the small looking building sat smack dab on the drab premises. It wasn't much, but it was good enough considering you were someone who had been driving a car around looking like it had been tossed off Mount Everest
It was cool inside—much to your relief. Looked cozy as well. Had a few worn chairs and a funny color scheme, but you liked it. Seemed more genuine than the stuffy car dealerships sprinkled all around the upper side of town. Where the air felt like you were inhaling febreez stright from the can and the costumer service smiles looked way too fake.
There was a man too. Your neck tilted a little to get a better look, but from his position on a rusty ladder, you weren't able to see much than the back of his uniform.
"I'll be with you in a moment."
His voice was soft, which was a suprise. With broad shoulders like that and—again, from the little they could see—strong arms, he looked like he would have a rough edge to him.
"What can I help you with today?"
You took a second to sweep your eyes across his face, observing the way his jaw clenched when you did so, quickly snapping your eyes away when you noticed. The last thing you needed to do was make someone feel uncomfortable by staring at them. Even if he did have attractive features.
"I was sent here to pay for a tune up, I think? I don't really know but they sent me in here to talk to you."
He hummed, leaning into the counter with his elbows.
"Well, I can try and help you out if you want." The corner of his lips tilted up a little, a small smile blossoming on his face. "I'm Nacho."
"Like the chip?"
Nacho let out a breathy laugh almost inaudible to you, his eyes crinkling at the corners joyfully. You couldn't help but smile back yourself.
"I guess you say that."
"Last name Cheese?"
Another slight chuckle.
He liked the way your eyes shone at him when he leaned toward you. And you liked the way he laughed at your terrible attempts at a joke
Maybe your shitty car wasn't such a bad thing to happen to you after all.
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arvensimp · 2 years
Yo! I love your writing so much! Thank you so much for making this. Can we have some jealous arven 🥪🥪🥪
Thank you!!!! And okay!!! So I have another jealous Arven request w specific characters already, so I hope you don't mind the one I chose for this one heheh
Green Eyed Tera-Type
Jealous!Arven x reader
No gendered pronouns used. Arven is a rude young man.
"Bye!" You call to the other trainers leaving the raid as you adjust your bag a bit on your shoulders and make your way down the hill.
"You've been going into those crystal caves a lot lately," Arven says as he joins you. "Are you sure it's safe?"
"Well...." You reply, your voice gaining pitch as you draw out the word. "Jacq isn't entirely sure..."
"But! I mean, who else could be safer than a champion in there, right?"
Arven sighs, his shoulders slumping. "I guess... It'd still probably be best if you didn't go in at all..."
"Who else would take care of the terastallized pokemon then? Besides, I'm finding some other powerful trainers in there, and I think we're working up a pretty good system of getting the pokemon calmed."
That seems to settle Arven a bit. "Really?"
"Yeah. We all have to be powerful enough to battle them, but with a good team strategy we can get them down quickly."
"Huh..." Arven pauses a bit. "Maybe you should introduce Nemona to them."
You laugh. "Maybe! Not yet though. I love Nemona, you know that, but she's...a lot... I kinda wanna keep at least one of'em to myself for the time being. At least for his own sake. Nemona would definitely scare him off."
Arven bristles, but you don't notice.
"Oh? ...Him? Who is this guy?"
"Haven't learned his name yet. He's really quiet. I don't think he quite knows our language well yet because when he speaks it's with a really thick Unovan accent. He's super strong though. He understands his pokemon really well. It's crazy impressive. He's got a huge dragon."
"Yeah, well, so do you." Arven retorts, sounding defensive. You stop.
"Yeah. I know. I was there. You gave him to me. Technically, I think the PokeBall is still registered to the professor. What's wrong?"
"Nothing, nothing," Arven replies, continuing along the path. "I guess I just don't get what's so great about this guy."
The next time you leave a crystal cave with the black electricity crackling around it, Arven seems to be in a foul mood.
"So did you see that Team Plasma guy again?"
"What are you talking about?"
"Well, you said he was Unovan."
"Are you being for real right now?" You laugh. "Just because he's Unovan doesn't mean he's a member of Team Plasma. C'mon. That's gotta be racist or something."
Arven huffs. "Well, did you ask?"
"What? If he was a member of a terrorist organization? No. I didn't."
"I'm just saying..." Arven grumbles, and you let it go for the time being.
It's a week or so before you run into the Unovan again, so this time you decide to ask him along to your exit to the cave. May as well, right? You more or less communicate with your rotom phone the desire to strategize and talk about pokemon, so he agrees. You offer your hand so as not to lose him in the trek out, and he follows you out into the light.
In hindsight, maybe offering your hand like that was a bad idea? Because waiting there at the entrance was Arven, and when he sees you with the Unovan, you feel like you've done something wrong, somehow.
You don't have a claim on Arven. You're not dating him, and he's not dating you. You're also not dating the Unovan. There's nothing to feel bad about, yet...
"Arven!" You call out to him before he has a chance to turn tail and leave. "I wanted to introduce you to that friend I was telling you about from the raids."
He stops and turns back to the two of you with an uncomfortable look.
You gesture to your new friend. "Arven, this is... Uh... N. Just N, right? I'm saying it right?"
N nods and holds his hand out to Arven. "Good day, I am charmed." He says with an exceedingly thick accent.
Arven narrows his eyes and tentatively shakes N's hand.
"Uh...Yeah. Hi."
"I told N we should do some team strategizing for different teratypes and invited him for lunch."
You feel like you can see the hair on Arven's head stand on edge like an angry maschiff "But I was going to make us lunch." He whispers to you in frustrated tones.
"I know, I know... I'm sorry, I didn't think I'd see him again, since there's no guarantee when these things happen. We can eat somewhere if you like. All three of us? My treat? I don't want to waste your good food."
That seems to calm him somewhat. "...Fine. But you're playing translator, too."
At the restaurant, Arven makes a show of being the one to sit next to you in the booth, which you don't particularly mind. Having him next to you will make it easier for you to swipe food off his plate without him noticing.
After you all get through ordering, you and N start the ordeal of figuring out how you'd best like to approach different teratype/regular type pokemon combinations.
Arven sits there, quietly stewing, unless he has something to offer by way of insight regarding typing related to his own team of Pokemon or Pokemon he faced in the wild that left a strong impression.
N meanwhile proves a little difficult to communicate with, even with translation devices. It's not his fault; just shortcomings of the technology. You all work through it as patiently and politely as you can (Arven a little less so, admittedly), and by the time the food arrives you think you might have a simple outline. Nothing crazy, but it's a start.
Arven's the one to break the subject from the raids. "So, uh. Why are you here? Why'd you leave Unova or wherever?" You give Arven a harsh look for the blunt question, but N only tilts his head and gestures to your phone, so you type in the question to your translator. Once he's had the chance to listen in his native language he thinks for a moment before responding.
"I love pokemon. I want to do good with pokemon and see how...people and pokemon can...live together good?" He phrases it like a question, you imagine, because his grammar isn't perfect, and he's aware of it.
"You couldn't do that at home?" He retorts.
N holds up a hand, seeming to get the gist.
"Home is......hard. I need to learn for myself. Unova is different...culture."
You nod, understanding.
Arven sees that and speaks up. "Yeah, I've heard about how Unovans treat their Pokemon. Didn't you all literally have a terrorist group nearly wipe out your elite four and gym league or whatever?"
You kick Arven under the table, and N very visibly bristles.
"Team Plasma." He says in the Unovan language (Galarian? They're the same language, right? Fuck, Salvatore definitely taught you better than this), but you both get the gist. N opens his mouth again then closes it and moves to his phone to have it translate for him. "Plasmid Group brainwashed people of innocence. I do not agree with them. They are unfortunate recent history."
"See, Arven?" You scold. "What did I tell you?"
"Whatever..." Arven slumps down in the booth a bit.
From there, the meal continues on a bit awkwardly, but you and N are able to continue working through your plan. He seems surprisingly unbothered by Arven's attitude, so you just kinda let it go.
The meal ends without further incident, so you usher both men from the restaurant and back outside.
The three of you dawdle for a moment, and it's clear that Arven is very uncomfortable. N meanwhile seems to be none the wiser.
You break the silence. "So..."
Before you can continue, N pulls out a PokeBall and releases his dragon whose name you don't entirely remember. He climbs up on its neck while Arven blanches at your side.
N reaches out a hand to you. "You like to ride together?"
You look up at him incredulously, thinking about the possibility of getting on top of such a large pokemon. It's definitely a lot bigger than your usual ride around the region.
"Absolutely not," Arven interjects, getting between the two of you.
"Just... No. Okay?" He whispers to you without turning his face from N. "Please?"
You look up at N and slide your hand into Arven's. He squeezes it gratefully.
"Sorry, but no thank you. I'll see you at another raid?"
N shrugs, then perks up like he just had an idea, then lifts his phone. "Number change?"
"O-oh! Uh..." You look to Arven. He frowns but makes no other sign to stop you.
N tosses his phone down to you, and you plug your number in quickly and send yourself a text before tossing it back up.
N looks at his phone then back to you and smiles.
"Okay! Until another time!" Then he flies off with a wave that has yours and Arven's hair fluffing in the resulting wind.
Once the dust has settled, Arven breathes out a major sigh of relief.
"What was that?" You both ask at the same time
"What was what?" Again you jinx one another.
"That pokemon?!"
"That behavior?!"
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slaymitchabernathy · 6 months
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Written in the Stars
"Coryo we shouldn't be here," she giggles, letting him tug her along in the darkened hallway. He wants her to see the Academy rooftop, how you can see the Capitol skyline from up there, how you can feel like the only two people in the world up there.
Coriolanus flashes her that famous Snow smile and pulls her into his arms, resting his chin on her shoulder, "But don't you want to see where I'm taking you?" He asks, his voice feigning innocence which makes her laugh, "For all I know you could be taking me to some dark room from which I will never return," she replies rather dramatically.
Coriolanus rolls his eyes, "Please, I've had you alone in a dark room one too many times for you to think of me that way." He knows she's blushing even though he can't see her face. Finally, she caves, "Alright," she mumbles, allowing him to lead her to a rickety-looking ladder. "Is that thing safe?"
Coriolanus grabs a hold of one of the rungs, "Perfectly safe," he assures her, even though he's not so sure himself. He's only come up here a handful of times since discovering this secret spot. He begins to climb and looks over his shoulder to see Soarynn following him, her red ribbon shining in her blonde hair. He smiles because he likes the ribbon, likes her hair, likes how she manages to look good in the Academy uniform, with a simple string of pearls around her neck showing off her class and wealth.
He also likes how she's a powerful politician's daughter.
Much better than some runt girl from District Twelve he decides while pushing open the rooftop hatch. It groans as he opens it and he's hit with the cool evening air. Coriolanus pulls himself onto the rooftop and turns to help Soarynn climb out. He ends up grabbing under her arms and simply pulling her right out, earning him a squeal, "Oh, you're so strong," she gasps, placing a hand on his arm. Coriolanus shrugs, not one to boast even though she's right. His Peacekeeping side quest led him to develop muscles he'd never seen before.
Besides, Soarynn's on the smaller side, he could throw her off the roof if he wanted to. But he won't. Because he likes her.
Soarynn looks up into the sky and her eyes widen, "Oh look at all the stars Coryo." He looks up too, remembering how many more stars you can see in District Twelve since there's less light pollution. But that place is downright filthy in other ways. His eyes scan the skyline of the city, looking at all those tiny apartment lights that represent the lives of Capitol citizens. "I can see the President's Mansion," he nods in its direction. He'll live there one day, President Coriolanus Snow.
Soarynn barely gives it a glance. It's not important to her, not a lifeline like it is to him. When he was stuck in Twelve he'd often lay in his bunk picturing himself in the Mansion, servants at his beck and call, expensive clothes, extravagant parties. President Coriolanus Snow. And Soarynn would be by his side, his first lady. She didn't know that of course, they were just starting out in the grand scheme of things but he'd done exceptionally well these past three months in securing a permanent spot in her life.
For starters, he took her virginity. Such an easy thing to secure. She'd been so willing yet so nervous and hesitant. But Coriolanus was endlessly patient with her and whispered reassurances throughout the entire thing. He wouldn't always be this way, kind and caring. Once they were married he could be rougher, meaner, himself.
He spoiled her with gifts and praises. He proudly paraded her through the streets with her on his arm, her rightful place.
He hadn't uttered those three words yet. He couldn't. Not after Lucy Gray, the wretched, deadly girl. What had she sung that night to him right before it all came tumbling down?
"It's why I love you You're as pure as the driven snow"
Then she nearly killed him with that snake, left him in that sad-looking shack in those godforsaken woods with his own devices. One of them just so happened to be a gun. And for what? To dig up some Katniss? Or was it swamp potato? It didn't matter, he'd left that all behind along with her dead body at the bottom of the lake.
Soarynn's question pulls him from his unsettling thoughts and he feigns a smile, "Yes darling?" Soarynn nervously shifts on her feet, her shiny black heels giving her a small boost of height. She's still much shorter than him, and he likes that too, how small she is compared to him. He loves it the most when he's inside her but now isn't the time for nasty thoughts. "I um...I was wondering if I scared you off the other night once we finished..." she mumbles, looking down at the pavement they're standing on.
Coriolanus remembers the other night far too well. They'd had sex, wonderful, passionate sex that ended in several orgasms. She lay on his chest while he dragged his fingertips up and down her back, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. He thought she'd drifted off to sleep but Soarynn had propped her chin up on his chest, her gray-blue eyes looking into his piercing blue ones. "Coryo?" She'd asked, sleepiness in her tone. Coriolanus had tilted his head, admiring her freckles, "Hmm?" Soarynn had bit her lip for a moment, debating on what she'd say next. That's another thing he liked about her, she thought before she spoke. Sejanus or Lucy Gray certainly couldn't say the same.
"I know we haven't been together for long, but you've taken such good care of me and I just wanted to say...I love you."
Coriolanus had mastered the face of indifference but he wasn't able to hide the look of surprise from washing over his face when hearing those words. He often wondered if he was even capable of love and here Soarynn was, giving it to him so freely. He hadn't known how to respond, not when he didn't feel that way towards her yet. He'd cleared his throat and given her a tight-lipped smile, "Thank you for telling me that Soarynn."
And right now on the Academy rooftop, he could see how much it had been eating away at her. It probably didn't help that he'd made a rather brisk exit once she told him those three words. And he knew Soarynn well enough to know that she wanted so badly to be in love, to be loved. She was a typical Capitol girl who was predestined to be married off to some rich man and give him children.
To her, love was the only thing to live for.
He gently takes her small hands in his, squeezing them gently, "You didn't scare me off Soarynn, I...I was just surprised is all. But I want you to know how deeply I care for you, how much I think of you. My darling I'm sure we're meant for each other."
He could see how much those words meant to Soarynn, how they calmed her and her doubts, how she clung to them like a lifeline. He almost pitied her. He'd been like her once, clinging onto old phrases whispered before going to face one's death. He remembered thinking of Lucy Gray, watching the arena for her, wondering if she was thinking of him too. He couldn't afford that again, to fall in love.
Coriolanus takes it a step further and pulls her into his arms and presses a passionate kiss onto her lips, one which she eagerly returns. She lets out a satisfied hum once he pulls away and wraps her arms around his broad torso, resting her head on his chest while they both look up at the stars.
"You're mine and I'm yours," she whispers with a smile.
Coriolanus shivers and it wasn't from the cold air. Months ago another girl had said those exact words to him and he was determined for this to have a different ending. He presses a kiss to her forehead before whispering back words he remembered so clearly that they would be ingrained into his being until the day he died.
"It's written in the stars."
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the-phantom-author · 1 year
Hasan Piker | Girl Dad Headcanons
@starsyoubreaklikesugardust I didn't tell you about these, but surprise. Enjoy. It took forever to get a read more thing up, God.
Hasan is the ultimate boy dad, however, he is above all, a family man. ANd this family man would absolutely want at least two kids. Your oldest would be getting ready to go into kindergarten or 1st grade and one night he’d turn to you and be like “What do you think about having another one?” or something.
It’s something he’s been thinking about for a while without telling you, you can tell his tone and his wording. Honestly, he has a full speech written out in order to try and convince you. He also does not care if it’s adopted or not, he just wants another little baby.
The entire time you're pregnant he’s going on about how it’s going to be a boy, “Love, look at my family, it's so male dominated” he just wants a little army to follow him around like his oldest does.
That being said, when Hasan finds out it’s a girl he bawls. It does not matter where he is when he finds out, the ultrasound room, the car, his house, he is in tears. It starts the second you look somewhere else, even if its only for a second to hear what the tech said, the next time you look at him he’s just crying and murmuring to himself “I’m gonna have a daughter” with a little smile on his face. Good luck trying to convince him not to tell people that by the way.
So I imagine his son being like a normal weight, if not a little heavier. His daughter on the other hand, she’s a bit underweight. Like it’s nothing concerning, she’s just tiny tiny. He’s in awe, because his boy was small but his daughter could fit into the palm of his hand.
He would be so confident during the newborn stage, I mean he rocked it the first time y'know? But then it hits him that he has a daughter and he gets worried. Not that he'd be a bad parent but, he just doesn't know what to do with his little girl at first. I mean he has a brother, and a son, not to mention he's a guy as well. Raising a girl is foreign to him.
Which is why he has you take lead on a lot of raising her at first, just so he can get an idea of what to do. He gets the hang of it eventually.
He is the worst when it comes to her getting bigger. Every time that you have to get her new clothes and get rid of the old ones that don’t fit it does his head in. “She can’t be this big, have you seen her? She is so small, absolutely tiny, those new clothes will drown her. “ “When she wakes up we can have her try on these, because i honestly don’t think they fit, it they do i owe you” the minute she’s in the new clothes he’s holding her in the air and staring at her while asking “When’d you get so big, stop it, stay small please.” She smiles and babbles at him and he’s just like “That was a deal, she just made a verbal contract with me, she’s staying this size forever. He would then proceed to hog her for the rest of the day. This happens everytime she grows enough to need new clothes.
Absolutely mentions it to her when she’s a teen, and they have a little argument. It’s how he starts off most apologies with her, “You know we had a deal when you were a baby, you were supposed to stay small enough for me to carry everywhere and only really able to babble at me or your mother.” just something to test the waters a bit, and let him figure out if she’s still mad or not.
When her hair starts growing out, she falls in love with the idea of her father and her having the same hairdos, So not only does she convince him to grow it out, but its also not uncommon to see them both rocking a ponytail with a braid on the side. He’s just the biggest pushover when it comes to her. She'll get a bow in her hair and bring one out for Hasan to wear and he caves without hesitation.
Also big man in tiny plastic chairs having a tea party. Like he'd go all out to, he'd wear a dress, have make up on, hold his pinky out. The whole nine yards but he wants it done right, she has to have a theme, he also makes it his mission to take her out with him and help him find htings to wear to these tea parties. She is also doing his hair, no one even has a say in that, he does however get you to do his makeup. It was something your daughter did but that was reconsidered when she ruined all of your good stuff.
I also imagine her being the shy and quiet type, no matter where you go she is clinging on to one of her parents. Like her other loved being around people, even as a baby he was always smiling and giggling when other people held him, she is almost the opposite. If Hasan is still streaming after she is born, she’s almost never on camera, especially if people who aren't her family are in the house. When she is on camera she is like curling into her father and he’s not allowed to leave the room without her.
She'd be the type to always want to be around him. He doesn't even have to be paying attention to her, she just wants him in her eyesight. Sometimes she'd demand he plays with her, like she'd drag him by the hand to where she wants him to go and play with dolls or read or whatever. Other times she just wants him to be on the floor with her while she's playing by herself. When in these moods and he sees that she looking at him he always waves and says “hi”.
Daddy daughter date nights, he's worried about how he’s dressed and if it's a place to go, asking you if he looks good or not, dressing all fancy, only to take her to get some nice tacos.. Sometimes to watch a movie, or whatever really, he does it to make sure she knows how a man should treat her. One of his favorites is going to a library and just reading to her for a few hours.
Who would i be if i didn't mention Jewelry when talking about Hasan. He does not let her touch his ring, they are much too big and would fall off her finger far too easily. He only lets you put them on chains to wear as necklaces, Won't even entertain anyone else doing it, even if that person is his daughter. Instead she has free reign of his necklaces, and would even go out and buy her matching ones. When she gets older she starts to think it’s a bit cringe but once she moves out and starts to see y’all ever so often she notices he’s still wearing them. She also starts to wear them, the day she buys him a necklace like one she has he starts bawling.
The bracelets that you, Hasan, and your son have that match? She gets one as well. Your son has a lil’bear bracelet and obviously he keeps it and the title of lil’ which means she gets called baby bear.
He’d start to get really into making those family Christmas cards. I;ve said it on multiple occasions, and I'll say it again, he’s a show-off, and he wants everyone to know that he has the perfect family.
He’s always the one she goes to ask to paint her nails, and he takes great pride in that. Later when she’s older and starts to get them done professionally she sees that it makes him a bit sad and decides to ask if she can paint his. It becomes a permanent thing as she becomes a teen and if she goes to a college nearby, she paints his nails while they shit talk the people in her class/people that she works with.
Family piles. There is no way that Hasan doesn't have the biggest size bed you can get, which means plenty of space for the family. Like lil baby girl would wake up in the middle of the night and wouldn’t fall asleep in the nursery, so she gets taken back to your and Hasan’s room where she is out like a light. Then a bit later in the night your son comes in after having a nightmare and wants to be close to his parents, and of course Kaya comes joins because her people are all in one room, what could be better. In the morning it’s all a mess of people and limbs and a dog but who would he be to want anything different.
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koostarcandy · 2 years
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summary: a slight malfunction in your brain led to one of your greatest life choices.
pairing: jungkook x reader
genre: fluff, friends to lovers, college au, mentions of sex (cause what are the couples i write w/o abit of physical love <3)
wc: 600 or so
a/n: so spontaneous but im letting the ideas flow before there's radio silence here again :] oktybye ily <3
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this was supposed to be a one night stand, a supposed situationship.
long nights with your hands tangled in his hair and him buried in you became an almost everyday affair. you converted from, "nah, relationships are not for me." to, "yeah, that's my man." with pink hearts instead of irises.
you had met jungkook through mutual friends, his best friend taehyung and your classmate claimed that you both would hit it off and that the vibes would be immaculate. you were initially reluctant to go meet anyone, having watched your peers. he wasn't exactly wrong, you both hit it off in a way no one saw it coming. there were stars in the sky and in your head that night, vowing to never settle for less if you were hook up with someone else, if that would ever happen again.
he had somehow snuck his number in your phone after that night giving himself a missed call and saving his contact as "koo <3" because you wouldn't stop calling him that when you were tipsy and giggly and all over him. this is a one time thing, you keep reminding yourself, this will either end very well or very badly.
but how could you stop yourself? night after night, you found yourself throwing away the strict rules you had put up to let in a certain doe eyed man in. jungkook was at your doorstep at 8.35 on the dot almost everyday, a random board game he found in his dorm's extensive attic or you were on his couch at 7.45, scrolling through his amazon prime recommendations. he even helped with your gardening hobby, eagerly learning about new buddies and frequently touching the touch-me-not leaves just to see them close up and giggle like a child who was handed candy.
you admired his innocence in a way, adopting his ways of always looking for a silver lining. somewhere, along the way, one of you caved in. threw all cares away, all your lingering doubts of, "will this stand a chance?"
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"you know, i remember taehyung telling me you were off limits, that you were too precious for me."
"and hyungie's right. am i not too precious for you?"
jungkook looks up at you from lying on your chest, warm hands rubbing up and down your back. "finally awake, hmm?" he says, chuckling when you snuggle further into his chest, pressing your ear to hear his steady heartbeat. "wanna stay here forever, you know that," you yawn, stretching your hands so you can try your best to hug him. he slips his hand under your his oversized tshirt, tracing hearts on your shoulder.
he presses kisses to your neck, groaning in delight when your hand massages his head just how he likes it, occasionally playing with his hair and saying you would braid it if he let you.
"get up, my love, we have a whole day ahead of us!"
"just say you want strawberry cheesecake for breakfast, koo."
"how dare you accuse me-"
while jungkook tickles you out of sleep's tight hold, trying to defend himself and saying that he thought it was very obvious he didn't want anything to do with your very yummy cheesecake, you take the chance to grip his wiggling hands knowing he can slip out of it easily. he immediately falls on you, careful enough to not lean his entire weight on you. while he kisses your neck and tries to get you out of bed, you can't help but think how glad you are that you let your guard down, letting him in, like a perfect glitch.
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pt time: @armys-dna ; @junsai-tree ; @soobhyun ; @shatzkrinslinzki ; @astronaut-jin-moon ; @cherishoshi ; @fragmentof-indifference ; @userhobis
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youngpettyqueen · 8 months
Since you are asking for DS9 short fic requests, could you please do #6 “You can’t die. Please don’t die.” of the writing prompt list with some Julian Bashir whump? (But no character death please!) ❤️
you got it anon! and worry not, writing character death fics isnt really my thing, so no chance of me killing anybody <3
also since you didnt specify anybody else in the scene I decided to have Miles be there! hope that's ok I just have them on the brain
Miles wonders if this is how Julian feels every time a mission leaves him half-dead.
He can't stop pacing. Back and forth, back and forth, he's going to pace a ditch right through the cave floor at the rate he's going. He tried sitting and holding still, but that just made him feel like he was itchy under his skin, twitchy with nerves. So, pacing it is. Pacing and cursing how quiet it is.
Any other day he'd be grateful for the quiet. Today, though, he hates it. Because Julian isn't quiet, he isn't capable of being quiet, and right now he's dead silent.
Miles glances over. Julian is just as unconscious as he was last time he looked over, which was all of two minutes ago if he's being generous. Still and quiet, so goddamn quiet. He finds himself moving closer, just so he can make sure that Julian's chest is, in fact, still rising and falling.
And then he's kneeling down. He's checking the dressing over Julian's stomach. Again. He's not a doctor, he doesn't know what he would even be looking for here, but he's checking anyways. He can't help it. It makes him feel better.
The dressing is still clean. Miles is sure that's a good thing- that means he hasn't bled through it yet. Considering all he's had to work with is a dermal regenerator on the fritz and some bandages, he'd say that's pretty good. Sure, Julian might be able to save the entire station with less than that, but, well... Julian's the one who needs saving this time.
It was supposed to be a simple away mission. It's always supposed to be a simple away mission, really. They were delivering medical supplies to a Federation colony, helping them deal with a nasty outbreak of some sort of flu that Miles can't remember the name of. They were well on their way, spending the time arguing over who actually won their last game of darts, casual as can be.
And then they got shot down.
Miles didn't see who it was. Could've been Cardassians, could've been Maquis, could've been literally anybody this side of the Quadrant. All he knows is one second things were great, and the next his console was exploding and throwing him across the cockpit, and Julian was wrestling with the controls to aim them at the closest planet. He threw himself back into his seat and did his best to help, but there was no saving their landing. They crashed. Violently.
Miles woke up on the floor, bruised all over but still breathing. And Julian was hunched over the console, unmoving just like he is now. But there, he was awake. He was all-too awake, and he wasn't moving, because he'd been flung into the splintered console, and it was embedded deep in his gut.
He's never going to forget the sounds Julian let out as he pulled him off the console. It was a mercy he'd passed out right after, going limp and lifeless in Miles' arms the second he was free. Gave him a bloody heart attack, thinking for a brief second he'd just up and died, but it at least made it easy to gather Julian up in his arms and carry him out of the wreckage.
It's not a good situation. Their medical supplies was destroyed in the crash, and the medkit and all its contents were either damaged or broken beyond use. The dermal regenerator barely managed anything before it sparked out and nearly exploded in his hand. They've got a transmitter, at least, but it was damaged in the crash and he has to check it every few minutes to make sure it's still working.
And Julian won't wake up.
Miles' gaze travels up to Julian's face. Perfectly still, damn near peaceful, except there's a thin sheen across his forehead and he's pale under his skin. A pinch to his brows betrays the pain he's still in, even unconscious. The kit had one working hypo that he could find, and he'd given it to Julian without hesitation. He's not in the best shape himself, battered and bruised as he is, but that's all small potatoes compared to Julian.
It's probably a mercy that he's staying unconscious. Miles doesn't envy the pain he'd be in if he were awake. Still, there's a big, selfish part of him that wishes Julian was awake. Because then, at least, it wouldn't be quiet. He's never hated quiet before today. He'd be happy to never have to deal with complete silence ever again.
"I don't know if you can hear me," He says, mainly just to fill the space, "And I really hope you can't, because I'd never say this to you if you were awake, but... you're the best friend I've got, Julian. And I'm really not ready to let that end here," He admits, his voice quiet even though there's nobody else around, "Cause, y'know, we've got that holosuite reservation next week, and Quark won't consider your death grounds for a refund. And... I'd miss you, so there's that," God, this is hard. Julian's fucking unconscious and this is still so hard, "I'd... I'd really miss you, Julian, so... I guess what I'm saying is... you're not allowed to die," He reaches, like he's going to take Julian's hand, but comes up short, "You can't die. So, please don't. Die, that is." He ends up patting Julian's arm. It feels awkward and stiff, but anything else feels too much like he's saying goodbye, and he's really not trying to say goodbye right now.
"Is that..." Miles' head snaps up, and he finds himself meeting Julian's half-open eyes, "Is that... an order, Chief...?" He asks weakly, managing an obnoxious smile, even now.
"Oh, you bastard," Miles breathes, because yeah, of course Julian woke up in time to listen to that, "You right bastard. How much of that did you hear?" He asks.
Julian grins, blood painting his teeth. "Enough," He replies, like an asshole, "You'd... miss me?" He questions, looking far too smug for a man halfway to death.
"Absolutely not," Miles informs him, sniping purely out of habit and with no real heat behind his words, "But Keiko would miss you, and I hate to see Keiko upset, so I guess I need you to stay alive." He continues.
"How's it feel... knowing your wife would miss me?" Julian asks, still grinning like a smug clown.
"Don't push your luck, Julian," Miles tells him, with undeniable fondness, "It'd be far too easy to make it look like the crash killed you."
Julian croaks a laugh. And maybe this is the moment where Miles should say something heartfelt. Like how he actually would miss Julian, a whole hell of a lot. Or how glad he is that he's alive. Or how relieved he is to hear the sound of his voice. But Julian already knows those things, and spilling his heart out while Julian bleeds his guts out would feel way too much like they're having their final conversation. This banter, though, is familiar. It's them. And it lets him say we're going to get through this without actually saying it.
So, he doesn't say anything nice. Instead, he gets back into arguing about darts. Because then Julian is talking, and it isn't quiet anymore, and he can hide in the familiarity of their arguing and convince himself that everything's going to be ok.
(And it is. Miles has to kick the transmitter a few more times, but a rescue comes. Julian is fine, he won't even have a scar. And if Miles relents and begrudgingly admits, at last, that maybe Julian won their game, well... maybe that's his way of saying he's glad Julian's alright.)
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