#you could make this much sadder talking about how steve was frozen and is now likely very temperature sensitive
fandomfluffandfuck · 9 months
Why is the idea of Steve with sensitive teeth so cute?
Like, I know the serum would probably prevent that from happening, but there's something especially adorable about Steve very carefully sipping from his glass at fancy event/gala because there's ice in his water and it's too cold for him 🥺
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anika-ann · 4 years
Lessons in Rule-breaking - Pt.2
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader    Word count: 2830
Warnings: …nothing major? Swearing, fluff, gooffiness.
Summary: Arrangement made, arrangement cancelled, Finding Nemo screening and... ;)
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Story Masterlist
You hated yourself, you really did.
It wasn’t the fact that you couldn’t have held on a little longer and you had texted Steve the very next day in the morning – unable to follow some basic rules of socializing – just to let him know when you could possibly arrange the movie theatre thing. It wasn’t even that you had done puppy eyes at everyone you had been trying to convince to tolerate the project. That was all okay.
You hated yourself for the burning sting of disappointment that had come when Steve hadn’t texted back. You had been sitting by your phone like a super-excited nag for three days and you had been getting sadder with each hour with no response.
Now you were just annoyed.
It was ridiculous and you had been unbearably stupid. Of course he wouldn’t text back. What had you been thinking? Chances were he had even given you a fake number, no matter how genuine he had seemed when talking to you – he was probably used to that kind of interaction and he hadn’t wanted to be rude in person, trying to maintain some sort of an image; even when being so casual you would have believed he was just a kid from Brooklyn, just your average Jack on the street. He had been nice and you had trusted him.
Stupid, stupid-
“Oh god, I’m such an ass,” you murmured and went to continue on your pizza from the place on the corner of your street – you had it delivered despite the fact you could have just walked for five minutes and get it yourself. You were pathetic.
You stared at the rest of your food, losing the last remains of your appetite when remembering that stupid wannabe genuine eyes of his.
Your phone rang, interrupting your sulking.
You eyed it suspiciously, wondering who was calling you – perhaps you didn’t check in with mum for too long? Possible. Someone wanted to switch shifts? More than likely.
To your shock, the ID was announcing a completely different caller. Steve. And just like that, you realized you weren’t pissed at yourself only, but also at him. But you were too curious about what he would have to say for you to let the call unanswered.
Also, there was a possibility of some poor bastard, whose number Steve had given you when trying to dodge you, was calling now, confused about your text.
“Hello?” you said to the speaker unsurely, anxious about what was to come.
There was a relieved sigh on the other end. “Hi! I’m sorry, it’s Steve, I-…“
Well. Now what?
“Uhm… hi, Steve.”
“Hi,” he repeated hastily and if you weren’t angry with him and also utterly disappointed, you would have found his hastiness endearing – but you were. “I… I wanted to apologize for not texting back-“
You sighed and decided to save him from his misery. “It’s okay, Steve. You don’t have to explain anything. I understand.”
You did understand pretty well. Maybe you could have said it less harshly, but you were pretty proud of yourself for just speaking with him.
“I… don’t?”
You cleared your throat and swallowed the stupid tears of humiliation that had no logical explanation.
“No, Steve. You were just trying to be nice and didn’t know how to get rid of me, I get it. I won’t bother you-“
“What?” he breathed, sounding honestly astonished. “No! I— is that what you think? I didn’t even know you texted me until five minutes ago, we left for a mission in the middle of a night and we have ‘no-phones’ policy during those, so… I’m really sorry.”
You sat on your couch, frozen, letting the information sink in.
Hold on a sec. Was Steve still having missions? Was he-- it kinda made sense; he had been there for the battle of New York. And what else he would be doing? Posing for art students? Barely – he was a soldier waking up after seventy years. Of course he was still fighting. Probably under some super-secret organization.
Oh god.
“Oh god, I’m such an ass,” you whispered for the second time this evening, letting your head fall into your palm.
You thought he was being a dick. And had been saving the world.
Who’s the dick now?
“Oh my god, Steve, I’m so sorry.”
“What for?” he asked, seeming confused.
”I… may have thought… you… lost the text?”
“That can happen?!”
You pressed your lips together. Sweet summer child, still learning about technology…. You cleared your throat. “It can. If you help it… disappear.”
“Yeah. I’m sorry. I honestly don’t know what I was thinking. Well, I know what I was thinking, obviously, but… yeah. It’s… it would be a perfectly natural response, you know, to ignore it-“
“Yeah, no,” he interrupted you, determined. “I’m sorry if I made you upset. I… if the offer still stands, I would really like watch a movie with you.”
And just like that, your heart melted completely.
“Awww, Steve,” a new voice joined in the background. “You are so sw-“
“Go to hell, Romanoff-“ Steve cut off the woman and you could hear some rustling then – did Steve try to cover the speaker?
“Ouch. I’m wounded, Rogers,” the woman continued teasing him and you bit the inside of your cheek to stop yourself from laughing since you could still hear Romanoff clearly.
“Just— shut up. Go away.”
You could hear a laugh and then a bang, more rustle and Steve was back with you.
“Sorry for that.”
You chuckled. “It’s okay, Steve. She seems like a piece of work,” you noted and heard him inhale sharply.
“…how much did you hear?”
“Not much, just about… everything?”
“I’m going to kill her. Yeah, Natasha can be a bit too much,” he mumbled and you would swear he sounded embarrassed.
“Sounds like it would be a shame to kill her. Bet she’s a keeper.”
“Wait until you meet her, you might change your mind.”
Your lips parted, your heart sent into a cardiac arrest. Holy— did he just imply he would like you and the Natasha woman meet? That he wouldn’t be against you meeting his friends/co-workers? That was--… nice.
“Anyway, can I still take you upon the offer? Please?”
Oh god, the soft timid ‘please’ was enough to erase the past few days. You were such a goner.
“Yeah. Yeah, you can. When do you have time? Did you pick any of the days I suggested?”
“Tomorrow?” he offered, taking you aback greatly, your stomach clenching immediately. That soon?! “Or not-“
“Yes! Tomorrow’s fine. Why wait, right?”
“Exactly,” he breathed, relieved. “I much rather meet with you soon so they can’t call me away again before I do. So…”
Your heart just swelled. You needed to stop reading more into all this.
“…tomorrow. After eight. Looking forward to it, Steve-” Too much, ALERT, too much!
“Me too,” he replied and you would swear you could hear a smile in his voice.
“You got it bad, Rogers,” the woman from earlier said then and you covered your mouth with your palm to muffle the giggle on your lips.
“For god’s sake, Natasha!”
“Goodnight, Steve,” you whispered.
“Night. See you tomorrow,” he whispered back softly. “You’re dead, Romanoff!”
“Steve, you need to press the red button to actually end the call,” she teased him and then you heard a growl and you were cut off.
You burst out into a maniacal laughter and squeezed you phone tighter.
Alright, time to stop sulking. You had a movie to download.
Mia knew someone was coming over and since you had a deal with the guards, she didn’t question it – she let you check out the exhibit after closing time, grateful she didn’t have to do it, and left with a suggestive wink. You rolled your eyes and pretended you didn’t blush.
Steve arrived ten minutes after eight, wearing his perfect disguise in a form of a baseball cap, finding you at the desk. Seeing him again – a tiny smile settled on his lips and bright eyes smiling at you as well –, you scolded yourself for thinking he had been ghosting you.
“Hey. Welcome to Smithsonian cinema. How can I help you?” you greeted him, not sure where it came from. Steve smiled wider.
“Heard you were playing a great movie tonight. Couldn’t resist. Plus, I‘ve been promised popcorn and… some pleasant company. I can see I came to the right place,” he started rather confidently, turning bashful in the end.
How the hell could you resist and not read anything into it when he talked like that?
“Oh— oh yes. Come in. I’ll get the popcorn.”
“Thanks. How much for it?
“About two hours of your time, Captain,” you told him the price, rising from your seat. “That okay?”
One corner of his lips rose higher. “More than okay. And for the company? That would actually call me my first name?”
You lowered your gaze, wondering if you were crossing a line. “Smile is enough, Steve.”
You were glad you had some time for yourself during preparing the popcorn – you needed to calm down. Your palms were awkwardly sweaty, your throat was dry and your heart was beating like crazy.
Calm down. Just two not-even-friends hanging out. Nothing more. Sure, you’re doing a service to your country by educating national hero in pop culture, but you have literally no reason to be nervous, because it’s not like you have to make him LIKE like you. That’s not gonna happen anyway. Loosen up.
By the time you started the movie and handed Steve the popcorn he had insisted he had to share with you, you convinced yourself it was the truth. And within ten minutes through the movie, you got comfortable enough to make a note to the plot, your body getting on with the program of two not romantically involved people sitting in an empty movie theatre. And you had fun. Steve seemed to appreciate the notes, a laugh escaping him from time to time and it was amazing.
When the end titles started rolling down, you turned to Steve, finding him already watching you instead of the screen. He smiled and you smiled back as if it was the easiest thing in the world.
"That's it. You've been educated," you announced, rising from your seat and making your way to the projector. He followed your lead.
"Thank you. It's was… very enlightening."
You stopped dead in your tracks. “Oh. Was I rambling too much? I was, wasn’t I?”
Steve shook his head, still smiling, and his eyes shined even in the dim light of the computer you were turning off.
“No. I appreciated it. Like I said – very enlightening,” he whispered softly, his gaze locked with yours, effectively sending your heart racing again.  
"Oh. That's great! If you find a movie you think definitely deserves to be watched in somewhat cinema quality, I think we can manage to arrange this again.”
“I’d really like that.”
“ ‘kay.”
You were so glad when you got out from the theatre, though it wasn’t like the lightning was less intimate in the common space of the museum at night. Steve walked by your side to the counter desk where you had your stuff.
“Uhm… next Thursday works?” he asked, sounding quite hopeful and you couldn’t help but grin. He really liked it!
“Yeah, sure. It’s a date,” you blurted out, realizing only a second later how it sounded. “I mean like— did you use to say that back in the day? I meant like ‘it’s a deal’, I didn’t-- didn’t mean like date date!”
Did he really just lower his gaze, stuffing one of his hands into the back pocket of his jeans as if he was nervous? Hey, you were the nervous one around here! You rather picked your backpack before you could interpret something in a wrong way. Again.
“Oh. That’s… that’s a shame,” he mumbled, peeking at you through his eyelashes. Your lips parted in shock as you stared at his shy smile.
“...what? You— you would-- you would like it to be… a date?”
“Or not. Wouldn’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
Did Steve just ask you out?!
Did… Captain freaking America asked you on a date? What the hell was wrong with him? Why on Earth would the original hero want to go on a date with you? Of course you would say yes, you wanted to shout it from a rooftop – or maybe just here really, the sound would echo greatly here – but… really?
“…not the word I would use,” you choked out finally, after what felt like forever. Though you were entitled – Captain America was asking you out. Come again?!
Hesitant smile appeared on his lips, his eyes twinkling. “So… next Thursday? And it’s a date? Maybe with a dinner before of afterwards? Steve here is asking.”
Was he a mind-reader too?
“Yes, Steve. It’s— it’s a date.”
He examined your face closely, looking as if he was trying to crack a very difficult puzzle. Then he leaned in quickly and placed a light kiss on your left cheek.
“Wonderful. Goodnight.”
You blinked in surprise, unable to let out a word or to move. Steve disappeared behind a corner abruptly and suddenly the weight of what just happened hit you with full force.
You had a date. With this amazing specimen, who was not just incredibly attractive, but also very sweet.
You couldn’t hold it anymore. You giggled. You giggled like a schoolgirl. You couldn’t believe it.
A date.
With Steve.
You giggled into your palm again and then threw your hands it the air, spinning around, consumed by the euphoria sparkling in every cell of your body.
“Maybe I should take you dancing instead,” you heard someone call out and you yelped, stopping abruptly and turning to the source.
Steve was leaning against the wall of the very same corner he had disappeared behind, his arms crossed on his chest and slightly amused expression on his face.
“What are you doing here?!” you whisper-yelled after him, your face red as a lobster.
It was probably pointless to hope he hadn’t seen your embarrassing schoolgirl moment, wasn’t it? Oh god.
He bounced off of the wall, confident in his steps as he walked to you – you were too frozen to run away and hide somewhere you could die of embarrassment in private.
“I realized I haven’t offered you a ride home. I wouldn’t want you to wander the streets at night alone.”
“I always do that,” you shrieked, escaping his intense gaze. His brows furrowed.
“Well, I’d like to change that. At least for tonight. I kept you longer than you are usually staying, right?”
“…yes. But it was a pleasure, really.”
His hand tentatively rose to your face, cupping your cheek. You couldn’t breathe as his head – which meant his lips, his lips were right here, unfairly kissable – bowed to yours, his gaze focused on your face as if nothing else existed.
“It was. Would you let me take you home so I can be sure you got there safe?” he pleaded lowly and you couldn’t help it – your gaze flickered to his lips again, because goddammit, so close and so soft; you would know now, the ghost of their touch was still burning on your cheek.
You weren’t sure how it had happened, but you were nodding.
You couldn’t form one coherent thought beside ‘Steve is touching me and his mouth is dangerously close to mine’. And the said mouth just spread in a wide smile.
“Thank you.”
You had no idea what he was thanking you for, only being able to perceive that his hand slid much lower, taking your own and leading you out.
Steve was no wuss; he didn’t bother sneaking out in secret even when he was in the museum long after the closing time. He led you right through the main reception, where you met with Stan-the-guard’s wide-eyed gaze; he gave you a thumbs-up. Your face got even redder if possible, but you smiled at him shakily.
When outside, you found out that Steve’s definition of safe was a little bit different from yours, but if the man was offering you a ride on his bike, you were not about to say no. When he smoothed your hair before helping you to get the helmet on, you were about to melt, climbing beside him without him even asking you to do so.
“Hold on to me tight,” he whispered over his shoulder, readjusting your hold on his firm body. Honestly, if something would happen, you would die happy, because touching the firm muscles on his torso when dying seemed like a good way to go. But if you survived, you might touch it some more, so that was a motivation right there.
“Oh, I will.”
Trust me, Steve, I will.
Tags: @mermaidxatxheart​  @lovesmesomehiddles​
That’s it! Thank you for reading :))
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re-readingcomics · 5 years
Reflections on New York Comic Con 2013
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This was my first time, it was also the only time I got tickets with anyone.  (One of my cousins, we actually didn’t see much of each other in the Con. His big thing was he wanted Stan Lee’s autograph. I wanted to see a lot. When I later did get Stan Lee’s autograph I missed several things I considered seeing. But that was years later. So here are the tweets I sent and the time and what I think about them now.
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Serious answers, it takes a lot of effort to keep track of when and where comics people are doing signings, especially if they aren’t in Artist Alley. Pay attention to their social media, their publisher’s social media and any other organization that they’re doing events with. Non-Artist Alley signing are scheduled by the convention, expensive, and require you to spend a lot of time online.
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I honestly don’t remember what else I was doing then. I was a few months at the job that I currently have and I may have started a task that was much longer than anyone anticipated. I don’t want to think about that now, probably wanted less then.
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I didn’t get to see him. It was a crazy day. Reading about his panel was the first time I heard of Sense8. I’ll always wonder if Sense8 would have felt more like a Babylon 5 follow up if it had run longer.
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I dressed as the Creeper. I chose this because of the recently re-released mini series Beware the Creeper, which I got because I liked Cliff Chaing’s art on Wonder Woman. Chaing was one of the first people I saw at that convention, and one of the people I have seen most regularly. The next year I saw someone in a much more ornate Creeper costume, more of the Steve Ditko version, and it made my jaw drop.
Several times at this convention I was mistaken for Poison Ivy, including with some Cat Calling. I mostly corrected them. Let no one call me a “fake geek girl.”
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This is the only time I’ve gotten to meet Kelly Sue DeConnick, though I’m going to have another chance soon at Book Con. It was at an Image Comics booth, a few weeks before the first issue of Pretty Deadly was published. (At the time I was hoping that they would have preview issues available.) Everyone on line had things she worked on for other publishers. I had the first two trade paperbacks of her Captain Marvel run, and the guy either in front or behind me had the individual issues for the first part of her Dark Horse Ghost run. I mentioned that  I hadn’t read it and he reacted incredulously. I have since read all of DeConnick’s Ghost run and what was collected by Dark Horse in Ghost Omnibus vol 1. I wrote about the two launches of the series at Women Write About Comics.
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The guy with the Ghost comics made a comment about why some character, maybe Carol Danvers?, didn’t smile more on covers. DeConnick immediately got into a “do you know what an aggressive and condescending thing that is to say?” (Not her exact words, but also this was the first he heard of it.) I pointed out the then still raising funds on Kickstarter art project “Stop Telling Women to Smile”. DeConnick hadn’t heard of it, so I tweeted to her about it later. I have no idea if she ever looked at it.
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I don’t remember this scene in Once Upon a Time. This was during the third season, with the Peter Pan plot, in  my opinion the best plot the show did, (though I gave up during the Frozen plot despite really liking the cast) Jennifer Morrison was there, she lobbied on behalf of a cosplayer for her character to get a ball gown so that future cosplayers could dress like her.
After the OUAT panel, I rushed up to the main Show Floor to get to the Oni Comics Booth. I went there to meet Brian Woods and get him to sign his miniseries Mara (technically published by Image Comics.) I had decided to read this after scanning through an DC Women Kicking Ass where there were posts excited about his  all female X-Men book. I haven’t followed DC Women Kicking Ass for a while, so I don’t know what their current content is like, but at the time, they were very into the backlash of the DC relaunch known as The New 52. A lot of the criticism from DC Women Kicking Ass was about the lack of female characters who made the transition, possible demotions of importance in their titles and the lack of female creators. So the dominant tone of their coverage of Woods was “this guy gets it while DC keeps fucking up.” I had a fine and pleasant time meeting Woods. However, shortly after NYCC that year, news broke that he was a serial sexual harasser. The news was shocking, and the next year I would have a similar pleasant encounter with a male creator who was then revealed to be abusive, but I’ll get to that later.
I do want to note that this year Marvel announced a few new titles starring female characters and some with female creators. (in retrospect the most important was Ms Marvel written by G Willow Wilson). There was some talk about how they were doing better than DC, when in fact, this got both of their numbers about even, especially if you count Vertigo, as I do. This has led me to a couple of conclusions,. The first is that roll out is probably the most important thing, if one is trying to look like an inclusive publisher without actually being one. DC relaunched every title they published bringing attention to the fact that few were starring and/or created by women and/or people of color, while Marvel launched a few titles that fit that description and got lauded. A few years later, when Marvel relaunched their entire line, they were rightly criticized, as DC was during the New 52. The second is the fact that there are The Big Two and they’re being rivals is bad for the cause of gender and racial equality in comics, because no criticism of one can be read without thinking it’s praise for the other, and that essentially leaves both off the hook. Anyway, here’s a criticism of Woods’s X-Men run.
I went to two other panels that day, both were run by DC Comics. The first, which was about continued promotion of The New 52 was controversial. It even got mentioned in this book about Wonder Woman I read, but honestly I don’t remember it being as egregious as discussed there. The book says that the people from DC gave expensive gifts to people who asked flattering questions and nothing to those who were critical of how the company was treating it’s female characters. I remember everyone who asked questions getting gifts. After the convention I did meet a couple of people who were at the panel and were very upset about how they addressed questions about Wonder Woman’s costume (they tried giving her pants and making it less skimpy, then got even more complaints than keeping her more traditional costume) and after debuting some covers of upcoming issues, Cliff Chiang quipped about how it was always good if you could get some bondage in a Wonder Woman cover.
(Here are the covers if interested:
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I’m selling it in my eBay store along with other comics that I had autographed.)
Part of why I feel pretty sure people got prizes for unflattering questions is because…
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I got one from the Vertigo panel, and my question wasn’t great.  I tried to ask a process question, which was essentially when do you know if a series is better for a limited or indefinite run. But I think I said it unclearly. The answer I got was no great, but the Nexus was. I kept it until a few months ago when I broke it and could no longer replace the parts.  (I don’t know why in the tweet I couldn’t decide if I I was writing “won” or “one” and decided to split the difference. Maybe, because of the circumstances, it didn’t exactly feel like a prize.)  Anyway, in later years, they no longer gave such gifts to people asking questions. I’m sadder that none to the titles that Vertigo had recently released around then  and was promoting at the event (FBP, Hinterland, Coffin Hill, even the relaunching of American Vampire) are still around. It’s a shame, I followed most of them.
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steves-on-a-plane · 6 years
Say You Wont Let Go
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Words:1262 (990 without lyrics) Pairing: Tony Stark x Reader SONG FIC: Say You Wont Let Go - James Arthur Requested by: Anon Author’s Note: You guys need to know that writing this fic straight up broke my human heart. Like one second I’m jamming out to Natural (Imagine Dragons) and bragging to myself about my heart of stone and then I’m sobbing to myself writing this. It’s probably 100x sadder if you listen to the song while reading. 
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“Dad, will you tell me a story before bed?” Tony Stark looked down at the little girl sitting on her bed. Her chocolate brown curls were bouncing everywhere as she asked him for her bedtime story. She was wearing her favorite pajamas, the purple ones with the unicorns. They’d been too small for her for some time now, but you’d picked them out for her and he didn’t have the heart to get rid of them yet. She held her stuffed bear tightly to her chest. The one she’d had since her very first day on the planet.
“Alright.” He agreed, not putting up much of a fight. He was never able to say no to her. She was like you in that way. “But a short one tonight, okay? We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow.”
“Okay!” She grinned, ecstatic to have gotten her way once again. Tony sat on the edge of the bed and leaned up against the headboard. She scurried right over and nestled against his chest.
“What kind of story will it be tonight?” He asked, smiling over at her. “Princesses? Unicorns?”
“No. No.” She shook her head, sending those perfect ringlets flying again. “Tell me about mommy.”
“You want me to…tell you about mommy?” He was caught off guard.
“Yes!” She nodded assertively. “I want to know how you fell in love. I want to know how you met. I want to know everything! Please! Please! Please! Please!” She was just going to say please until he answered her and they both already knew he couldn’t say no. But it was hard for him to think back on the night you’d met. It hadn’t exactly been the most romantic story.
I met you in the dark. You lit me up. You made me feel as though I was enough. We drank the night away. We drank too much. I held your hair back when you were throwing up. Then you smiled, over your shoulder. For a minute I was stone cold sober.
Tony decided to lie. He told her that you’d met at the movie theater. That it was all by chance. He told a mostly true story about a playful argument you had over the superior movie theater snack. He preferred the tradition popcorn and a cola, but only the most exotic choices would satisfy you.
“Why have the same predictable snack every single time!” You’d complained. That was when you told him that you always tried something different when you went out to the movies. It had been your idea to trade snacks that night. So you walked away from the concession stand armed with a large bucket of popcorn and a seemingly larger cup of cola. Tony was juggling a corn dog, a small cup of froyo, and a beer. It was quite the combination and it was the best second date Tony had ever been on.
I knew I loved you then but you’d never know. ‘Cause I played it cool when I was scared of letting go. I know I needed you, but I never showed. But I wanna stay with you until we’re grey and old. Just say that you wont let go.
Before Tony knew it, he was telling her everything. The two of you moving in together. Buying your first house and decorating it. Finding out they were expecting. Getting to be the parents of the most beautiful little girl in the whole world.
“Daddy, you’re making that up!” She giggled.
“No I’m not.” He insisted. “We used to tell you every night before you went to bed that you were our little princess. You were the most beautiful girl in the world. And you know what? You still are.” He said, gently tickling her sides and making her laugh even more.
“Daddy, stop! Finish the story!” She begged.
“Oh, the story, right. Of course.” He agreed, getting his mind back on track.
I wake you up with some breakfast in bed. I’ll bring you coffee with a kiss on your head. And I’ll take the kids to school. Wave them goodbye. And I’ll thank my lucky stars for that night.
“How old was I when Mommy got sick?” She asked Tony the one questioned he’d been hoping to avoid during his stories. He inhaled a deep breath. He exhaled slowly. They’d never talked about this. He’d always planned too, sure, but not until she was much much older.
“You were four, baby.” He answered, kissing her forehead. Your daughter looked up at him with an expression that she couldn’t know was entirely yours. She studied his watery eyes and waited for him to finish the story.
As time went on all the fantastic, brilliant, memories he’d shared with you, they were starting to slip from his grasp. It seemed the harder he’d tried to hold on, the stronger he fought to remember the good days and there had been so many of them, the faster they slipped from his memory. They were getting older. Your family was growing up. But you were frozen in time and he was going to do his damnedest to make sure he remembered you they way you’d want to be.
“Would you like to see a picture of her?” He began fishing his phone out of his back pocket knowing she’d eagerly say yes.
I’m so in love with you and I hope you know, Darling your love is more than worth it’s weight in gold. We’ve come so far my dear, look how we’ve grown. And I wanna stay with you, until we’re grey and old.
“When your mommy got sick, it happened really fast.” Tony explained, fighting back tears. “She didn’t want to leave you. She didn’t want to leave me. She fought like hell to stay here with us. We did everything the doctors told us to do. Daddy had a lot of help from his friends too, but there was nothing we could do.”
“Mommy is not really gone.” Your daughter decided. “Uncle Steve said that sometimes people go away like Mommy or Grandpa and it’s because they have so much love that they can’t just stay here. They have to be somewhere where they can show the whole world their love.”
“Your Uncle Steve told you that, did he?” Tony pulled his daughter a little closer, and made a mental note to thank Rogers later.
“Yeah. He also said that his best friend Peggy is there.” She nodded. “He told me cool stories about Peggy and then said that she would be good friends with Mommy.”
“Yeah, I bet she would’ve.” Tony chuckled. If the timing had been right, you and Peggy would have been two peas in a pod. He liked the idea of the two of you raising hell somewhere together. He also liked the idea of the two of you ganging up on Howard together. The idea of you finally getting to meet his mom.
“Why are you crying Daddy?” She asked him.
“Sometimes, grown ups cry even when they’re happy.” He explained. Tony swallowed some saliva to relieve the dry feeling in his mouth. “Say, why don’t you tell me one of those stories about Peggy? Uncle Steve never tells me cool stories about his other friends.”
“He probably doesn’t want you to get jealous.” She shrugged. “Peggy was really cool.”
I want to live with you, even when we’re ghosts ‘cause you were always there for me. When I needed you most. I’m gonna love you till my lungs give out.
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buckysgirl04 · 5 years
Winter’s back to Brooklyn
Previous chapter: https://camilia04.tumblr.com/post/182633578553/winter-si-back-to-brooklyn
Winter is back to Brooklyn- CHAPTER 4
Summary: Even the coldest heart melts sometimes, Bucky Barnes knows something about it. His visit to Brooklyn, in search of traces of his past, will change his future irretrievably, but will it be a happy ending? Will the Winter Soldier dare falling in love?
Tag: #fluff #violence #sentimental #blood #love #buckybarnes #steverogers #natasharomanov #theavengers #newcharacter #buckyxoc
Tag list: @darkphoenixrisingwrites
Natasha Romanov never had to care about men paying attention to her, they always did.
With her big brown eyes and breath taking body, everyone was bewitched by her beauty, everyone, but him.
She grinned amused; he was so similar to Steve.
“Nat, are you even listening?” the blond Capitan was in front of her, arms crossed and highbrow raised.
His face was clearly tensed, Natasha’s heart broke a little seeing how concerned his blue eyes were. She sighed, taking another bite of her red velvet piece of cake.
“He’s fine, Steve. F.R.I.D.A.Y. is monitoring every police station, every hospital, and every morgue in the states. Trust me on this, he’s safe and sound” Steve eyes became even sadder; he joined her at the kitchen island, taking a spoon and trying Nat’s cake. He grinned.
“What the heck are you eating, Natasha Romanov!”
Waking up in the last seventy years has never been fun and games for the Winter Soldier.
Every time that they got him up it was terrible, so terrible that he couldn’t tell which was better: being frozen to almost death or being waken up to face death.
But this time it was different.
This time, something scratchy was licking his nose.
He opened his eyes immediately, just to see two big, yellow ones staring at him.
A grey nose was sniffing his face, meowing softly.
He woke up silently, sitting straight on the bed he was leaning on.
The room was in the darkness; just a few sunrays were shining through the blinders.
It was cozy and still, simply decorated.
As far as he could see, the walls were painted in lilac and decorated by some little flower plants.
There was a little desk under the window, a library in the corner and a big mirror just in front of the bed.
His cold blue eyes stared his reflection, the derelict of a man.
His pale face was frozen in a blank expression, his eyes, so tired and lost, were unreadable.
He stood up slowly, making his way to the half-open door.
His nerves were tensed, the metal plates of his left arm were flickering.
Not making a sound, he kept walking, ready to attack.
Hydra always looked for creative ways to trick and torture him, a grey cat and some pink walls wouldn’t have been enough to make him lose his guard.
He made it through the short corridor, ending up in a little kitchen.
The first thing that hit him, was the sweet perfume of roasted turkey and baked potatoes, making his mouth water.
He scanned the room, looking for weapons or hydra agents, but all he could see was a tall, skinny girl standing up in front the burners singing in a low voice.
Her dark, curly hair was collected in a loose high bun, giving him the chance to see her face.
It was she, the girl from the diner.
His metal arm relaxed, but the beating of his heart was so frenetic that he was surprised that she didn’t hear it yet.
His thoughts were confused, but his legs were insisting to go and reach her.
That moment, that was his opportunity to just turn back and leave, leave her alone.
He could have made it easily from the window, but he stood up frozen in his spot, his legs refusing to work.
He knew, he knew that staying there were terribly wrong, that he still had a chance to make the right thing, to protect that kind stranger and leave her alone.
He was still chasing his thoughts when a loud, sleepy meow from behind him revealed his position.
“Flora, fa’ silenzio o lo sveglier…” her words died in her mouth as she turned to the kitchen door, finding a 6”8 feet soldier staring at her. She blinked surprised.
They stared at each other for what seemed to be an eternity, breathing slowly.
None of them made a move.
Bucky’s expression was blank, but new wandering thoughts filled his mind.
The fact that her eyes didn’t look terrified and that her expression wasn’t twisted by fear was something new for him; on the contrary, her lineaments were relaxed as she studied him cautiously.
She bit distractedly her lower lip before talking.
“I’m…well, I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you” the grey, tiny cat reached her, climbing on her body ‘till  her shoulders. It laid easily, licking the right ear of her owner.
Bucky kept staring at her, not knowing what to say.
She was beautiful, and her voice was so kind and soft. She couldn’t be HYDRA, his mind couldn’t imagine her in any of their business, but yet he was stuck.
She wrinckled her forehead, hew big brown eyes still on him.
“Who am I talking to, The Winter Soldier or James Barnes?”
He grunted softly, his word slipping out of his mouth before even realizing it.
“If I was the Winter Soldier now, we wouldn’t even have this conversation, Doll”
Her expression softened in an amused smile, even though an annoying voice in her mind kept telling her that she was being ridiculously unwise.
She pointed a seat at the kitchen island with the wooden spoon that she was using to cook.
“Well, not-Winter-Soldier, I hope you’re hungry” Her eyes followed his figure as he reached it silently.
She served him the turkey with the baked potatoes and sat down in front of him, watching him curiously, as he stared at his full plate.
“What’s wrong?” he didn’t seem to have heard her, his blue eyes were still scanning the potatoes. She sighed softly, stretching over the kitchen island to spear one of the vegetables with her fork before eating it.
He looked so much like her brother.
“See? No poison, now eat before Flora does” she pointed at the cat that was slowly trying to reach their plates, she didn’t have to say it twice. They eat silently, staring occasionally at each other, surrounded by a peaceful atmosphere that made Sergeant Barnes really feel, for a fleeting instant, like a “Not-Winter-Soldier”.
 She knew that keep staring at him was terribly rude, but she really couldn’t help it.
She studied every inch of his body, every lineament of his face.
His skin was pale, and his eyes tired. They were vigil and way less terrified that the ones that she saw the night before, when he attacked her.
He is…beautiful.
“Are you still hungry?” she asked with a soft smile, pointing at his empty plate.
“You know, you can have mine. I don’t really like turkey” she split their plates, giving him hers that was practically full. He frowned, his eyes looking at the turkey and then at her.
“Why you cooked it, then?” he asked, genuinely curios.
“Well…” she felt her cheeks burning on fire. James noticed as she bite her lower lip again before speaking.
“Well, I didn’t know what you would have liked, so I tried with what I thought being a traditional American meal” She pulled a curl behind her right ear, biting her lower lip again.
“Actually, I don’t really know if it’s traditional or not, but that’s what I’ve always seen in the movies…” she sighed embarrassed, covering her face with one hand.
“I’m just realizing how much ridiculous this sound”
“No, it’s…fine” he smiled a little, she looked at him through her fingers.
James looked at her in her eyes, a little smile still painted on his face.
“Thank you.”
Hi everybody!
So, I’m being more and more insecure as much as I keep writing, but here I am. If you have any suggest or comment, please let me know!
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xxsteveharringtonxx · 7 years
King Steve
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*Gif not mine* 
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Reader
Warnings: Swearing
King Steve
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” You hissed when you felt two strong arms wrap around your waist and pull you onto a bus. Looking up you fumed more seeing Steve Harrington, your dorky cousin Dustin and his weird friends, ripping your earphones out you glared at Dustin. 
“Dusty, you don’t just grab girls when they’re out running, it’s terrifying.” You snapped making him roll his eyes. 
“Okay first of all Steve grabbed you not me so stop yelling. What the hell are you even doing running this late at night?” You shook your head baffled at the younger boy.
“I’m five years older than you! What are you doing out this late? Wait hold on, Steve?! Steve Harrington? What the shit is going on?” You yelled making the small red head girl look at you equally as puzzled. 
“Look Y/N, there isn’t time to explain right now could you just stop yelling?” Steve tried to ask calmly making your glare harden, you and Steve had history, painful history that made you rather not think about it so naturally you avoided him like the plague. 
“Can you just let me off this stupid bus?” You asked shoving him to the side and opening the door, just as you did a huge dog like thing jumped at you opening it’s face screeching at you making you scream as Steve whacked it with a bat pulling you back inside 
You were frozen with wide eyes and shaking hands as Steve gently placed his hands on your shoulders gazing into your eyes like he had once done before but had a different meaning than now. 
He had Nancy for that.
“Y/N sit down and stay here.” He told you firmly but with a sigh, as if he wished you weren’t here. You’d heard that one before too. 
Before you even knew what was happening you were in the back of Steve’s car driving towards the Byers house. 
“Stop the car.” You voiced, it seemed to echo around the silence as Dustin looked at you. 
“Y/N you can’t-” 
“Stop the car Steve. Now.” He gently stopped the car looking at you in the rear view mirror as you climbed out and reached for Dustin.
“You are coming with me. I don’t know what the hell is going on but you are not, you are not being any part of this.” You told him growing cold as the harsh winds blew around you. 
“I already am! And so are you please just get in. We need to help Will.” Dustin emphasised and your heart went out to the little Byers boy, God knows what he’s going through or if those things were hurting him. 
With a heavy sigh you got back in the car, you felt Steve’s gaze on you as you were driving along but couldn’t bring yourself to look back. The last time you had spoken to Steve had broken your heart, unintentionally of course but he knew you were hurting and he made no effort to talk to you in the last year and you weren’t sure what had hurt you more. 
Steve was your best friend, all through middle school, and even freshman year of high school but as he started to get more popular and King Steve emerged his time for you wore thin. Not like he meant to push you away but he just got caught up in Tommy, and Carol but one day something in him switched it was during the summer before junior year, he made more of an effort. You were always together just like before, sneaking into your room at 3 am to listen to your records and music collection and to say you fell for the idiot all over again was an understatement. 
You fell hard, and maybe it’s because he was showering you with affection and all of his attention that made you get so blown away by him but he was always Steve and always would be. Swallowing the lump in your throat you remembered vividly the last night you two had spoken. 
“Hey, hey uh Y/N what are you doing here?” Steve questioned stupidly as he opened his front door to you. 
“It’s Tuesday? Are we not watching Cheers and eating our body weight in pizza?” You asked teasingly as you wrapped your coat further around your body as you heard Tommy and Carol in the background before a splash in his pool. 
“It’s just a party, I forgot it was Tuesday.” He told you seemingly looking as if he was thinking of something to say but you scoffed. 
“Don’t worry it was my mistake for thinking you actually gave a shit. But schools back up now right? Tommy and Carol are your friends now.” You snapped harshly knowing exactly what Steve was like around those two. 
“It isn’t like that and you know it.” He barked pulling his door closer to him to indicate he really didn’t was you inside, you felt yourself getting sadder as it was so clear that he was willing to drop you all over again. 
“I know exactly what it’s like Steve! God I can’t believe I fell for it! I fell for your whole stupid act all over again and now when you feel like it you’re willing to drop me once again! You’re a real asshole Steve Harrington you know that?!” You yelled shoving him as you felt tears well up in your eyes. 
“Would you listen?” He asked making you look up at him, regret flashed through his eyes as he noticed your own glazed ones. “It really just is a stupid party, just uh me, Tommy and Carol they invited themselves over really and I should have called. But-” He was cut off by a different voice, one that definitely wasn’t Tommy or Carol. 
“Steve? Are you coming back?” The voice was female and soft, and that’s when a stray tear fell, cursing yourself you wiped it away as Nancy Wheeler came into view. 
“Yeah, I’m coming it’s just uh a salesman.” He said as he poked his head back inside stopping her from seeing you, you had scoffed and walked away before he could even turn back to you. 
“Y?N? Y/N wait I can explain-” Cutting him off once again you turned to him fuming. 
“Steve, I don’t care for an explanation. But why? Why do you try and be two different people? And why lie all the time? It’s too complicated for me, there’s only one Steve and it’s not this one so I’m done. With you.” You told him wiping your tears as he reached out for you. 
“No, Steve no. God I can’t believe I fell in love with you, and you can just drop me so easily.” You spat harshly making him step back as if you’d slapped him. 
“Y/N what?” He asked gently finally showing the Steve you knew. 
“It doesn’t matter because I can’t do it anymore.” You told him honestly and that’s when he got angry, like he always does. 
“Well it doesn’t matter to me either, because I have Nancy. So your problem is solved!” He yelled making you nodded slowly feeling your heart finally shatter and you turned around, you couldn’t look at him anymore. 
“Fuck you Steve!” You yelled back at him before just hearing his front door slam closed with force. 
Now sitting in the back of his car you really wished you hadn’t gone for your daily run today, a lot of you heart break and missing Steve turned into hate, you could never hate him but you channel hate into thinking about him just so you don’t give into your feelings again. You couldn’t let yourself do it and well Dustin hadn’t exactly told you about this side of his life and how the hell Steve is involved but you had to stick around for your cousin and for Will Byers. 
Getting to the house you already found Nancy, Jonathon, Will, Joyce Byers and Hopper, frowning at the current situation Nancy looked at you a little bit worried but Mike just told her to not worry. You looked around and your heart fell as you saw Will passed out on the sofa, reaching over to him you stroked some hair out of his face. You remembered babysitting him when he was so much smaller than this but now you hardly recognised him. 
“He’ll be okay.” You whispered to Joyce as she hugged you tightly. But all of this was too much for you, you were stood behind Steve and Hopper petrified as one of those dogs were thrown through the window and a little curly haired girl stepped in with a bloody nose. And then again in a flash you were left in the house with Steve and the kids minus Will.
“Are you okay?” You heard Steve ask as he joined you in the kitchen, looking up at him he really had changed a lot in a year. 
“What do you think?” You snapped as you felt yourself getting emotional again. 
“Look I’m sorry it’s me you’re stuck with me but for the sake of the kids do you think you could not be a bitch?” He asked harshly to which you didn’t even respond but a smaller voice did. 
“Hey, you might not get along but that’s my cousin Harrington only I get to call her names.” You chuckled at Dustin’s words before he put a hand on your back in a some what comforting way. “Look I know you’ve been through a lot this year, with your mom and all but we need your help now. Could you just put whatever it is with Steve behind you and help us?” He asked you seriously making you sigh. 
“I’m happy to help Dusty but I just need to know everything. My head is spinning right now.” And that’s how Steve, Dustin and the party explained everything to you, going back to a year ago now, you were pretty dazed by the end but you stuck around even though you wanted to run out screaming.
 Going out the front for some fresh air you settled on the step with a sigh.
“Can we talk?” You heard Steve say as he sat down next to you on the porch. 
“Sure.” You mumbled tucking some loose curls behind your ear. 
“I’m sorry about what I said to you a year ago, it was one of the biggest mistakes of my life, you know and I think the biggest mistake was not even trying to fix us. I just let you hate me all this time. Guess I wanted you to hate me because I deserved it but I really hate myself for making you hate me.” He blurted out making you laugh, it wasn’t cold or bitter it was a genuine laugh. 
“Do you really think I hate you?” You asked looking up at him. 
“If you don’t you should.” He admitted making you sigh. 
“I can’t hate you. I could never hate you Steve.” You whispered feeling yourself getting upset. “I hate that you chose Nancy, I hate that you let your asshole friends dictate who you were and I hate that you let me leave but, but I don’t think I could ever hate you.” Wiping away another tear he looked down at you so fondly you had to look away because you knew he didn’t feel the same spark and electricity that you did. 
“Me too.” He mumbled making you look up confused.
“I hate that I did all of that too. All I ever wanted to do was run after you that night but, I got drunk and caught up in Nancy. I really thought I loved her but it never once compared to what I felt for you. Never.” Shocked you looked up to him to see if he was lying but there was Steve, your Steve looking down at you. 
“You love me?” You asked pathetically.
“Always have.” He promised making you throw your arms around him and kiss him passionately. “Take that as you still love me?” He joked as you pulled apart. 
“No more King Steve bullshit?” You asked with a raised eyebrow and pink cheeks. 
“Just me, and you.” He whispered placing a much softer kiss on your lips making you smile into it. 
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