#you could argue like ''this is for children ofc its stupid'' but first off i dont think things for children should be stupid
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kil9 ¡ 4 months ago
im so sorry mgmt im sorry that minecraft movie would do that to you
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lucigoo ¡ 10 months ago
Proud snippet
Just writing and editing my very self indulgent Bagginsheled fic that is still called "You're still married, stupid dwarf!" And well, im proud of this bit. Anyone else wants to share a snnippet of ANYTHING they are proud of, please do? I love rading tidbit. No pressure tags,as well as an open tag for everyone ofc! (For once in my life I can say I have to many (Fadom) friends, lol) @sunnyrosewritesstuff, @spillthebea, @ladypessi, @shantismurf, @lordoftherazzles, @fishing4stars, @its-atlass, @blueberryrock, Snippet:
“This is not Old Erebor Dis. I know you thought you could get back the life we lost when we came back, that you have been disappointed with my rule, but it is MY rule. My mountain. I am King not you. Our people thrive more then they ever have. We have treaties with the Shire, Rivendell, the Iron Hills, Dale and the Greenwood. We have trade agreements with Gondor and Rohan, the grey rangers, the Dun-landers, the dwarves of Rhun and Bree. We are flourishing for the first time in centuries with no Consort in sight. We have created a new Erebor, all off Bilbo's back, Without him we wouldn't even have Erebor back, let alone be in talks with the less aggressive Orc tribes in Gundabard,” Thorin finished. Pride in his voice, at all both he and Bilbo had achieved, even if Bilbo had not known it. "The orcs?" Dis spat out. This was news to her. "Yes, orcs. Again, I am King. I do not have to run my decisions through you," Thorin said dismissing her. "But .... but, they have killed so many of us," she said, her mouth open. "And we pledged war on them, we waged down 6 years of hell upon them. We burnt and destroyed their villages, killing their females and children. Why wouldn't they respond in kind? Many of them are free. They were free the moment Bilbo destroyed Sauron. They overthrew their cruel leaders. Now they are trying to live in a world that despises them. We, of all people, know how that feels. We are not inviting them to live with us, but offering tentative agreements. They have returned precious dwarven artifacts and tomes lost in Gundabard for woodworking skill of all things Dis. I have learnt a lot since we have been able to sit and think for the first time since Smaug came. I have learnt that everything is not as it seems. The next generation will not inherit a war of my making. Not like we did, not when children like Gloin were fighting at 16. I will not allow that to happen again. They deserve better!" he said decisively as he dismissed Dis, knowing she would just argue with him. In many ways, she was the most like their grandfather before the madness. Hot headed and pig headed as many Durins were, himself included. But she was also as insular as possible for a dwarf who grew up outside of a mountain. He forgave her for it, he had been very similar before he'd had a clever, cute and determined hobbit thrust upon him. His hobbit thrust upon him.
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farity ¡ 2 years ago
The Debt, part 3
Part 1  -  Part 2  
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Velaryon OFC - non-canon
Warnings - Starts off dark, smutty smut
Summary - Lucerys manages to flee with Arrax, his sister decides a debt is to be paid
“What in the seven hells were you thinking?”
Aerys looked down at her feet while her mother walked aimlessly around the room, ranting about the scene she had just witnessed.
“Why, Aerys?”
“Because I am tired of our hypocrisy, mother!”
Rhaenyra shook her head.  
“I am tired of the lie and pretending to be offended when anyone calls us Strong!”
“It is treason, child!”
“Is it treason if I say it?” Aerys looked at her mother.  She didn’t think she would ever forget the look on Rhaenyra’s face when she walked in, following Daemon, into Aemond’s bedroom.  “I want to see him.”
Rhaenyra let out a harsh breath.  “You have done many a thoughtless thing in your short life, Aerys, but letting Aemond Targaryen take your virtue is irredeemable!”
“Having his eye cut out by Luke because he said we were Strong must seem irredeemable to him.”  Aerys chose to ignore the look from her mother.
“And what now? What happens now, Aerys?  Please tell me what happens now that you are ruined.”
“The debt is paid.”
“Child,” Rhaenyra placed her hands on her daughter’s shoulders.  “I am asking what you think happens next.  We go back to Dragonstone and you are-”
“No!” Aerys began to realize she hadn’t quite planned anything beyond getting to King’s Landing and hoping her plan worked.  “I’m not going back.”
Rhaenyra looked into Aerys’s eyes, let out an unsteady breath.  “You think you’re staying here.  You think . . . what, you are going to stay here with him?  Oh Aerys.  I know you are not stupid, my sweet girl.  You think a man like Aemond Targaryen is going to marry you because you offered yourself up to him?”
Aerys pressed her lips together.  She could feel the hot tears behind her eyes and they were mostly because she probably had been stupid and rash about it.  It had all been too much.  The excitement of leaving Dragonstone, the fear when she arrived, the terror when she thought she thought she was about to lose her eye, the confusion when he rejected her.  And then his mouth was on hers and she had wanted him, she had finally known what desire was and all she wanted was him.
She thought he wanted her, too.
You’re mine now, Aerys.  No one else, not ever.  Mine.
He had meant it, hadn’t he?  She couldn’t help it, she crumpled into her mother’s arms.
* * * * * 
“One.  One reason,” Daemon said, sword still pointed at Aemond.  “Give me one reason not to gut you right now.”
Daemon had been pacing like a caged animal since Rhaenyra had hastily slipped Aerys’s shift over her head, wrapped her in a cape, and taken her to the rooms next to Aemond’s.
“I will marry her.”  Aemond finished lacing up his shirt sleeve.  “I want her.”
Daemon let out a loud bark of a laugh.  “Why, was she your first, too?”  He glared at Aemond, who glared right back at him.  “I will have Caraxes burn you to cinders for this.”
Aemond said nothing.  He could hear Aerys and Rhaenyra arguing in the next room.  He couldn’t make out what they were saying but then he heard someone start crying and he wanted nothing more than to wrap Aerys in his arms and take her away from all of this.  
“The only reason you are still alive is because of Rhaenyra.  If you’re still alive by the end of this, you will kiss the ground she walks on and beg her forgiveness for defiling her only daughter.”
Daemon lowered his sword and stalked out of the room.
* * * * * 
“My girl,” Rhaenyra’s anger was dissipating, and a sort of sad longing was slowly taking its place.  
She had always considered Aerys to be the child who was most like her.  She adored all her children, but there was a special bond between her and her only daughter.  And in this, she is like me, too.
Aerys had started crying and Rhaenyra could only hold her and rub her back.  As much as she kept trying to erase from her mind the scene she had briefly witnessed when she followed an enraged Daemon into Aemond Targaryen’s rooms, she couldn’t help but remember the way Aerys had clung to Aemond, her hands wrapped around his arm and him trying to shield her with his body.
When she’d grabbed Aerys’s discarded shift and begun to slip it over her daughter’s head, Rhaenyra had seen the proof of her daughter’s destroyed virtue staining the sheets.  
She thought of Harwin Strong, the man she had loved, the man with the same hair and the same stubborn look in his eyes as his daughter.  What would he say about all this?  Would he call Rhaenyra a hypocrite?
Daemon walked in and Aerys turned.  “Where is he?”
When he said nothing, she raced out of the room, still only in her shift.
“He wants to marry her,” Daemon said quietly, stopping his wife from following.
Rhaenyra simply stared at him.
“It could solve a lot of problems.”
“You are truly saying this,” she asked, incredulous.  “You came here ready to start a war and now you-”
“It is better than any match we might have made for her.”  He sat down, exhaled.  “You know many lords are disdainful of her . . . looks.”
She did.  She did know it.  
“She would be a Princess of House Targaryen, the ruling house.  Her children . . . “ he trailed off.
“Would be legitimate,” Rhaenyra finished for him. 
“She is stubborn and determined.  Just like her mother.”  He kissed his wife’s forehead, wrapped an arm around her when she sighed.
* * * * * 
Aerys ran around the corner, stopping when she stepped into Aemond’s bedchamber, and closed the door gently behind her.
He turned, walked over, embraced her.  “I told him I want to marry you, Aerys.”
She felt the weight of the world easing off her shoulders.  “You did?”
He kissed her, “I did.  I do.  If you will accept me as your husband.”  He opened a drawer on his desk, pulled out a box.  “I found two of these a long time ago. This is the smaller one.”
Cradled in what looked like four dragon claws rested a sapphire.  The setting was attached to a simple gold band.  “Will you take me as I am, Aerys Velaryon?  I hope you do because I don’t think I could ever be anyone else’s.”
Aerys laughed softly.  “Yes, of course.”  She watched him slip the ring on her finger, turned her hand this way and that to admire the way the stone caught the light.  It was too big on her, but she loved it.
“I will have the jeweler size it down,” he murmured, but when he reached out to take it back, Aerys pulled her hand back.  
“It’s beautiful, Aemond,” she said, still enthralled.  
The door opened again and he instinctively stepped around her, pushing her behind him.
“Come on, both of you,” Rhaenyra said from the doorway.  “We need to talk.”  
Aemond wrapped an arm around Aerys’s shoulders as they walked past a gauntlet of stern faces. Rhaenyra, Daemon, Alicent and her father, Otto Hightower.
Once in the library, Otto closed the door and walked over to Aerys.  Again, Aemond stood in front of her, staring down at his grandfather.
“How can a little scrap of a girl like you cause so much trouble in a matter of hours!” he bellowed.
“You will not speak to my betrothed like that,” Aemond said quietly.
“Your betrothed?” Otto snapped, “you do not have a betrothed unless I say you have a betrothed!”
Alicent placed a hand on her father’s arm.  
“Aemond,” she continued, “we can make all of this go away.  Only the people in this room know about Aerys spending the night in your room.  No one else need know.”
Rhaenyra opened her mouth to protest, but Aemond spoke first.
He stayed where he was, shielding Aerys.
“Princess Aerys has accepted me as her future husband.  I will marry her today, and if you cannot accept that, then we will not live here.” He turned to his mother, “good luck keeping Aegon in check without me.”
“You are welcome to live in Dragonstone.”
Alicent and Otto turned to Rhaenyra.  Daemon merely smiled at his wife, and added, “your dragon is welcome, too.”  He stared at Otto.  “Reconsidering yet?”
“Aemond knows where his loyalty lies, he will not act against his family,” Otto shot back confidently.
“What could be better than a match between our families?” Aerys said suddenly, stepping around Aemond.  “You are welcome to save face, Ser Otto, I know that matters to you, and present it as the long overdue payment of a debt.  If you could only see past your own schemes and plans and realize how our marriage solves problems that are threatening the entire realm.”
“How wonderful of you, saving the realm by spreading your-”
There was a pop and a crunching sound. Otto fell back, holding his nose, and looked up at Aemond, who was looming over him, fist ready to go again.  Behind him, Daemon laughed.
“Aemond!” Alicent rushed to her father.  “Father, please, come here.  Let’s consider our options.”
“Your options are accepting this marriage and not accepting this marriage,” Daemon said calmly.  
* * * * * 
He looked down at her, taking her hand in his.
“You said there were two sapphires.”
Aemond tensed, but merely removed his eyepatch, and after a moment, turned to face her.  He waited for the horror, the disgust, the fear, but she simply looked up at his scar, and the stone in his eye socket.
“Gods, I am sorry,” she whispered.  “I am so sorry.”
“I gained Vhagar,” he said quietly.  “And now, I have you.  It was worth the trade.”  He leaned down to kiss her forehead.
She looked over the scar for a long time.  Where it started, where it cut into his eyelid, where it carved across his cheekbone.  Then she looked back up at the sapphire.  “You’re almost otherworldly, Aemond.”  She reached up to touch his cheek but stopped an inch away.  “Would you rather I not touch it?”
“As my soon-to-be wife, you may touch whatever you wish,” he smirked down at her.
He had lost feeling in parts of that side of his face, but felt the warmth from her fingers as she gently traced the length of the scar, then rose on her toes and kissed the bottom edge.
He saw the wash of pink spreading across her cheeks.  
“I didn’t mean anything-”
“I’m not offended,” he clarified.
Aerys smiled at him.  "We should go, before they send an army for us.”
* * * * * 
Aerys touched her fingertip to her lower lip.  The bleeding had stopped after the wedding ceremony.  She had always known what the rituals of a Targaryen wedding were but it was still a shock to get cut and to drink blood.
Otto Hightower had decided that Aemond, being a second son and not next in line to the throne meant his wedding was no longer so important, and no notices would need to be made.  When he told his grandson about his decision, Aemond merely replied, “good,” and pointedly looked at Otto’s swollen nose before walking away.
"I have something to discuss with you, and I do not need your answer right away, but I believe it is time to settle some things,” Rhaenyra leaned over to face her daughter and Aemond during dinner.  She noticed how Aemond immediately placed an arm around Aerys’s shoulders, and smiled at him.  “I don’t know where Luke is, and I don’t know if he will ever return, but even if he does, he made it quite clear that he does not wish to be heir to Driftmark. I know things are not resolved between him and you, Aemond, but I plan to propose to Ser Corlys and the Princess Rhaenys, that you, Aerys, be heir in his stead.  Once it is time, the two of you would rule over the Tides.”
Aemond looked at his wife, then back at Rhaenyra.  “I believe that is Aerys’s decision to make.”
“As I said, I do not need your answer now, but think on it and let me know when you have made a decision.”
* * * * * 
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wiypt-writes ¡ 4 years ago
Stark Spangled Banner
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Ch 12: Fairy Tale Of New York
Part 1- Gram Mo Chroi
Summary: In the run up to the Festive Period, Katie presents the Publishing Company proposal to the Stark Industries board, and our favourite couple spend their first Christmas together in New York. New Year’s Eve is welcomed in with a bang at a Stark Industries Gala and Steve’s simply happy he has his girl by his side…even when there’s a little mishap in The Elevator
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
Warnings: SMUT (NSFW!) So over 18s only please. And some teeth rotting fluff… and LANGUAGE
A/N: Once again thanks to @angrybirdcr​ for her GORGEOUS edit
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Chapter 11
Stark Spangled Banner Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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December 2013
Steve loved his girl. He would die for her if he had to, without a second thought. But the one thing he dreaded above everything was the thought of shopping, not least as it was the middle of December. Frankly, when she was shopping for herself Katie was a nightmare. Not on purpose, she was just so indecisive about whatever she was looking for, insisting that things made her look too wide hipped, short, big assed, big chested (which he’d told her cheekily wasn’t the clothes fault she had good assets which had earned him a slap around the back of the head). It was ridiculous, she was ridiculous, and he had no idea why she was so insecure as frankly she was gorgeous and would stop a room if she walked in wearing a sack.
“You don’t need to come!” She chuckled at him, shoving on her jacket. “I know I’m a pain in the ass and it’ll take me ages, plus it will be busy as it’s nearly Christmas.” “You sure?”
“Yeah.” She smiled, dropping her arms round his shoulders from behind the sofa, her hands coming to rest on his chest. “I just need a break from that damned proposal and to be honest, I only make you come so you can carry my bags.” “Nice to see I have my uses” He snorted sarcastically, rolling his head round so he could catch her lips.
“Well it makes me feel special.” She shrugged as she straightened up.
And damned it, after she’d said that, how could he not go?
“You know what, its fine. I’ll come. Give me a second.” He gave a slight sigh or resignation, and when he glanced at her he noticed her turn around with a smirk on her face and he knew then he’d been played, well and truly.
“You’re so full of shit.” He shook his head as she laughed whilst he went to retrieve his boots.
Two hours later he was beginning to regret his utter lack of ability to resist her charms. She was still flapping about her New Year’s Eve outfit for the Stark Industries Ball, worse than she normally did Steve noted. Six dresses she had tried on. Six, and she hated every one. Deciding enough was enough, instead of letting her walk into the next shop he’d tugged her hand, his strength easily keeping her from following her intended path and pulled her up the escalator to the fancy, pretentious champagne bar that was placed on the floor overlooking the lower floors of the City Centre mall.
“Why can’t I find anything that looks good?” She muttered as he slid a glass of Bollinger over to her, handing his card to the bar tender.
“Katie, stop it.” He looked at her where she was perched next to him at the bar. “All of them looked great.” “You’d say that no matter what.” She looked at him, and she couldn’t help but smile at the affection on his face.
“Because it’s true.” He smirked taking a pull of his beer “But if you want my opinion the red one was my favourite.” And it was. It was a scarlet colour, straight cut satin number, which clung to every delectable curve of her body, flashing a peep of leg through the thigh high split on the right hand side, not to mention the neckline and back. It was a halter-neck with a cowl at the front giving a subtle flash of cleavage and left her upper back was bare. It was demure enough to keep most of what was underneath it to the imagination, yet also flashed enough skin to make him feel slightly warm every time he looked at her. When he’d seen her walk out of the changing room it, it had almost made his mouth water, and it had definitely made his trousers feel tighter
“The Galliano one?”
“If that was the red one then yeah.” He laughed. “Come on, Doll, like I’m gonna know that!”
She grinned as he looked up and thanked the bar tender, signing his name on the check with a flourish. He didn’t even look at how ludicrously expensive the champagne and his fancy European lager was. He didn’t care, he earned enough from SHIELD to treat his girl every once in a while. In fact, as he watched her lost in thoughts, he decided then he wanted to buy her the dress too.
“Let me buy it for you.” He said softly.
“What?” She frowned “Don’t be stupid, not like I can’t afford it.” “That isn’t the point.” He sighed, rolling his eyes at her stubbornness. “I’d like to.” She eyed him for a moment before she smiled and reached out to gently brush his cheek with her hand “Okay. Thank you.” Well that had been easier than he had anticipated. Normally she argued like hell about paying for things, be it takeout, food, meals, dates. Instead, she leaned over to give him a soft peck on the lips and he smiled back. But then another frown creased her brow and she was back to brooding again.
“Sweetheart, what is it?” He asked, his hand landing on her knee.
Katie looked up at him, before she sighed. “I’m nervous.” “About the pitch?”
She nodded. And she was. She had been working on the Presentation and Business Plan for the Publishers since Thanksgiving. The Business Plan had been submitted to the board two days ago, and she was due to give the Presentation tomorrow morning. She had hoped that shopping for a new power suit and a dress for New Year’s would distract her for a few hours. It hadn’t.
“Doll, you’ve been working on it for weeks. Pepper says it’s great, even Tony didn’t find anything to pick holes in.”
“I just, well I want everyone to vote on it because it’s a good idea, not just because of who I am, you know?” “And they will. Honestly, you’re over thinking and over worrying. You’re going to smash it.”
He watched as a small smile tugged at her lips “You and your sudden obsession with street lingo.”
“What?” He frowned, mock annoyance on his face “Can’t Captain America be down with the kids?” “Okay, I never want to hear you say that, ever again.” she chuckled and he grinned. “Oh, but speaking of Kids…are you gonna make the Foundation Party?”
Steve took a deep breath. The Stark Foundation apparently hosted a yearly Christmas Party at the tower for local children who were either ill or in the care system. Last year’s hadn’t gone ahead on account of Tony’s near mental breakdown-slash-terrorist problem but this year they were full steam ahead. Tony would be there in his Iron Man get up, Katie as well (she loved everything about the party) and she’d asked Steve if he would mind coming along. And he didn’t mind per-se, it was just the idea of 50 kids running around that invited utter chaos.
“I’m gonna try, Sweetheart. As long as there’s no missions that go off I’ll be there.”
“Well don’t worry if you can’t” she said, smiling “We’re not telling the kids you are anyway, so if you turn up it will be like Santa himself has arrived. Only in a different suit. And with a shield not a sack.”
Steve let out a chortle before he dropped a kiss to her head “Ok Cinderella, let’s go get your dress then we can go home, eat junk and watch trash.”
“You know how to spoil a lady.” Katie smirked, and Steve flashed her a grin, not least because he knew it was her favourite thing to do in the world.
***** Katie took a deep breath as she sat in Pepper’s office. She’d landed in New York little over an hour ago and was now nervous as hell. Really nervous. Steve had assured her she would be fine as he had dropped her at the airfield to catch the jet over. He had assured her she would be fine when he kissed her goodbye. He had assured her she would be fine when she landed and received his text message. And all that amounted to was the fact she now thought Steve was an optimistic fool because she was not fine. She was shitting herself.
“You ready?” Pepper asked as she walked into her office, effortlessly business-like but graceful as always.
“No.” Katie said honestly, looking up from where she had been sat reading over her cue cards again.
“Well, we’re about to start.” she smiled “I put you on first so you can concentrate on the rest of the board meeting once you’ve pitched.” Katie nodded and stood up, smoothing down her pencil skirt. “Ok, let’s get it over with.” She followed Pepper down to the Boardroom and stepped inside where one of the Interns was setting up the screen to the right. She smiled at the other members of the Board, all who she knew by name and took a seat to the right of Tony who held the head of the table, Pepper sitting opposite her to his left.
“You got this Kiddo.” Tony leaned over to whisper in her ear before he sat up “Alright Ladies and Gents, the last Board meeting of 2013…”
Katie listened as Tony spoke and then Pepper outlined the agenda and then way too fast she was being invited to speak. She stood up, cleared her throat, looked at the Presentation, to her cards and then froze before she smiled gently.
“You know what…” She said, looking round “I had a huge, posh presentation prepared but I know you’ve read all the statistics and the numbers” she took a deep breath and tossed her cue cards down on the table “So I’m gonna speak from my heart and share my vision…or in Tony’s words, I’m winging it….” Tony leaned back in his chair and watched as his sister held the room, occasionally glancing at Pepper who was smiling proudly. Katie spoke articulately, clearly but most of all passionately. He could tell that most of the board members were with her, the only one that was going to be an ass-hat about it was Jeremy Saul, their Finance Director. He had been the only one that had questioned the viability of Katie’s desire to go for un-published, un-known authors. Her proposal and vision wasn’t about making as much profit as possible, it was about encouraging talent.
“I just have one question…” Jeremy leaned back in his chair and Tony sat up, stroking his beard as he looked at the man who was staring up at his sister. Katie turned her gaze to him.
“By all means, please Mr Saul.” 
Arse-Saul more like… “I’ve read the business plan. You don’t intend to turn a profit for the first year…” He continued, an annoyingly smug look on his face. “And even after that you don’t seem to be focussed on any kind of margins or return on sales whatsoever.” “That’s correct.” Katie nodded.
“Well, forgive me for asking but what benefit will this bring to Stark Industries from a money perspective?” Katie took a deep breath, and glanced at Tony who had arched his eyebrow. She could tell he was thinking the same thing as her - ‘Dickhead’.
“The same benefit the Stark Relief Fund brings. The same benefit the Stark Foundation brings.” Katie replied, taking a deep breath “I’m not going to lie, my vision isn’t about profiteering. It’s about giving a springboard to those Authors who, like JK Rowling have had every door so far slammed in their faces.” she looked around the room remembering Peppers’ advice- Enthuse, engage, engross. “Granted, in the future it would be nice to have a decent turn over, and I don’t want to run at a loss. I’m a firm believer I can make it breakeven in the first two years as the numbers show, and the remaining three on the five year plan show a return on sales of just over five percent.”
“That isn’t a huge amount.” Saul looked at Katie and she nodded.
“You’re right, it isn’t. But you know as well as I do that Stark Industries turns over a ludicrous amount of money every year so it doesn’t need another section which turns over profits in excess of thirty percent. That isn’t my vision here, and that’s not what setting up Stark Independent Publishing is about.”
Saul nodded and scribbled down something on his note pad and looked to Pepper who was leading the meeting to show he had no more questions.
Katie took a deep breath, thanked everyone for their time and sat down.
“Okay, let’s take a break.” Pepper said, glancing around the room “Grab a coffee, back here in ten minutes for the Contract Status review.” she shot Katie a large smile as she stood up and walked out of the large Oak doors.
“Kiddo.” Tony leaned over as the various board members started to move about and chatter amongst themselves “You crushed it.”
Katie smiled at her brother as he squeezed her shoulder before standing up and shrugging on his jacket.
“Think that calls for a drink…hey, Pepper, can we…”
His voice trailed off as the boardroom door shut, leaving Katie alone. Leaning back in her chair she allowed herself a smile. That hadn’t gone too bad after all.
Steve looked over to where his phone was placed on the bench by the side of the gym for what felt like the one hundredth time since midday. The meeting should be over by now.
“Expecting a call?” Natasha drawled as she sent a right hook his way which he dodged.
“It’s Katie’s pitch today.” He jabbed back with a forearm throw which Natasha easily twirled under. “I thought it would be done by now.” In all honesty he wasn’t nervous. He knew she’d got this, the passion and the detail she’d put into it made it impossible for her not to. He’d told her as much when she’d zipped up that delectable grey pencil skirt over dark black tights and shrugged on a silky black blouse that morning after her shower. He’d told her as much when he’d kissed her goodbye at the air field.
But he still wanted to know she was okay.
“Oh, the Publishing thing?” Nat asked and Steve nodded as they circled on another. “She’s a Stark, what she gotta pitch for?”
“There’s an entire board.” Steve said. “She can’t vote on it as it’s a conflict of interest. So even if Tony votes, it isn’t enough to hold a true majority. She needs them both onside.” “Huh.” Nat said, “No wonder you’re distracted.” “I’m not…” he began but in a swoop Natasha had his legs from under him, knee pressed against his throat, a shit eating grin spread across her face as he rolled his eyes.
“Wanna finish that sentence?” She smirked.
He took a deep breath as she stood up and then his phone began to ring. He effortlessly rolled out of Natasha’s light hold and crossed the room to pick it up.
“Hey, Doll.” he said, smiling. “How did it go?” “Well…” Katie began to talk, and Steve had to strain to hear her voice over the noise in the background, noise that sounded like a bar. “It could have gone worse…” “But it couldn’t have gone much better either Spangles…” Tony added from the back ground “She was fucking amazing.” “Told you.” Steve grinned, giving Natasha the thumbs up.
“Tony’s being premature. We won’t know if they’re going to agree until the end of the year but he insisted we come out for drinks anyway.”
“Pssht” Tony said in the background. “It’s nearly Christmas, can’t I treat my little sister to an afternoon on the Pier…hey, yeah can I get a…”
Steve smiled as the noise started to die down a little, Katie having moved to find a quieter spot.
“So it went well?” “Yeah. Was pointless me spending so much time on my presentation though.” she laughed “I didn’t use it in the end, went for the tried and tested Stark format of winging it.”
Steve let out a chuckle and looked back at Natasha who was watching him, an odd smirk on her face “I’m pleased it went well honey but I gotta go. I gotta finish this sparring session then I have one of those damned videos to film…” “What is it today?” Katie asked, and he could her the grin in her voice as she dropped it to mimick his own “’So, you had your first wet dream?’”
“Punk.” he shot immediately and she let out a laugh.
“Okay, so, we all set?” Tony said, stepping forward and examining his repulsor gauntlets.
“As ready as we’ll ever be.” Katie straightened the Nova Star shaped buckle on her utility belt.
“Let’s just stick to the plan.” Steve looked to Katie on his right, then Tony on his left before focusing on the door in front “One group each. No distractions.”
The siblings nodded and Steve stepped forward, opening the large door. They were instantly hit with a barrage of noise as forty-five kids swamped the three Avengers. But it was a small, olive-skinned, ebony haired girl that reached Katie first, and she bent down beaming.
“Emmy!” Katie pulled the small girl into a hug “Wow, you’ve gotten so big!”
“I’m six now.” Emmy said proudly, flashing a grin. Her front tooth was missing.
“No.” Katie shook her head. “Uh-uh, no way.” “I am.”
“You’re catching me up!”
Emmy let out a giggle and Katie stood up, glancing over at where Tony and Steve were surrounded by little people, all of them bouncing up and down.  Emmy, however, hung back slightly as the other children all pushed forward to hug or see Iron Man or Captain America, and she gripped Katie’s leg tighter.
“You okay?” Katie glanced down at the little girl who clung to her leg as she nodded.
“I want to meet Captain America.” She said, shyly. “Everyone says he’s your boyfriend. Is that true?” “It is.” Katie nodded.
“So you kiss him?”
“I do.” Katie grinned as Emmy made a gagging noise. With a chuckle she gently ruffled the girl’s hair. “Come on, I’ll take you to say hi.” Emmy took Katie’s hand and they crossed the room to where the crowd had now dispersed, the kids being shepherded into the various groups for the annual tour round the tower, which was basically one huge big supervised treasure hunt where each of them came back holding the latest games console or tablet depending on their age.
“Captain?” Katie called and Steve frowned, turning round, it had been a while since she had called him that, well outside of the bedroom anyway. As he looked at her, the tell-tale flush spread up her neck into her face and he knew she’d had the same thought. Ignoring the heat in his own cheeks he looked at her and watched as she gently moved her gloved hand to the back of the dark haired girl’s head, as the kid’s hand curled round Katie’s. Her large, brown eyes glanced up at Steve shyly. “There’s someone here that wants to meet you.”
Steve smiled, his head devoid of his helmet, and he crouched down in front of the small girl as Katie did the same, dropping to her level. “Hi.” He greeted her.
“Hi…” She replied softly “My name’s Emily.” “Emily, that’s a real pretty name, little Miss.” Steve smiled at her
“My friends call me Emmy.”
“Can I call you Emmy?” Steve asked.
The small girl seemed to ponder for a second before she looked at Katie then back to Steve “Katie calls me Emmy. And as you’re her boyfriend I suppose that would be okay.” Steve looked at Katie who was biting her lip to stop herself from laughing and he nodded at the small girl, a smile crossing his face “Well how’s about you call me Steve then, but we keep it to ourselves. Only you and the grown-ups can call me that today.”
“Mr Stark calls you Spangles.” Emmy said, frowning.
“Yeah, he said grown-ups.” Katie smiled “Tony is not a grown up.” Emmy let out a giggle “You’re silly, Katie.” “She is.” Steve nodded and Katie stuck out her tongue and crossed her eyes causing the small girl to laugh even harder.
“Emmy!” One of the attendees from the home called and beckoned her over “Come on or you’ll miss the treasure hunt.”
Emmy threw her arms round Steve and he momentarily paused before he gave her a hug before she ran off to join her peers.
“She’s cute…” He watched her go before he looked to Katie as they both stood up.
“Yeah I know you’re not supposed to have favourites but…” Katie sighed “I met her when she was eighteen months old. She’s adorable.” “What’s her story?”
“Her mom died when she was thee months old.” Katie sighed, watching as the kids were organised into a line “There were complications at birth that she never recovered from. Her dad then killed himself a few weeks later. She had no other family who were willing to take her in so she’s been in a home ever since.”
“That’s awful.” Steve frowned.
“Makes me realise just how lucky I was that Tony stepped up and became my guardian after mom and dad died.” Katie glanced at the young girl, the softness in her eyes didn’t go unnoticed by Steve as she spoke again “You know, every year I pray she doesn’t show up here. Not because I don’t want to see her but because it means she’s found a home and a family.” 
Steve smiled gently, looping an arm around her shoulders, the pair of them watching as Tony joined the front of one of the three lines the kids had been organised in and was looking at them all waving his hands.
“You want kids?” Katie asked, looking up at Steve. He took a deep breath and blew it out through his nose “Shit, sorry.” she continued, shaking her head and rubbing her temple. “That’s a bit forward, I didn’t mean…” “I know.” Steve shook his head, understanding. “And yeah, I did, before I joined the army. All I wanted was a family, stability, to hold down a good job. Now, well, things went a bit crazy didn’t they?” “Tell me about it.” Katie chuckled.
“What, errr, what about you?” Steve asked, rubbing at his neck a little awkwardly.
“Eventually, maybe.” She shrugged. Steve glanced down at her, a soft look on his face, but he was distracted as Emmy had returned and she was tugging on the dark material of his Uniform trousers.
“Can you be leader of our group?” She looked up at Steve.
“Woah, what about me Emmy?” Katie playfully frowned, her hands on her hips.
Emmy shot her a grin “You were the leader of my group for the last two years…” “Wow.” Katie smiled “You’re replacing me. Fine, I’m not offended. At all.”
Emmy laughed and Steve’s mouth curled upwards before he looked down at Emmy and nodded. “Alright Ma’am.” He saluted, as Emmy laughed and then slipped her hand into his. “Lead the way.” Katie watched them leave, convinced his super hearing would have just picked up the noise of her ovaries exploding.
Forty Five kids came to the tower and forty five left. No one died, and Steve only had to throw his shield once for a demonstration. All in all the Stark Foundation Christmas Party 2013 was a roaring success.
The residents of the tower spent the next few days they had before Christmas lazing around, watching old Christmas films as Katie introduced Steve to her favourite one, ‘The Muppet Christmas Carol’. They decorated a tree in her apartment, headed through the streets of New York in the dark to see all the various Christmas lights, wrapped presents, spent evenings drinking hot chocolate laced with liquor and before they both knew what had happened, it was Christmas Eve and to Katie’s utter delight (and Tony’s it would seem, as JARVIS informed them dryly that Mr Stark was demanding that they go outside to build snowmen) it was snowing again to top up the already substantial covering on the ground.
Steve hated being cold, a consequence of spending seventy years frozen but the childish excitement written all over Katie’s face was enough to make him brave the snow, and so, at half past two in the afternoon he was stood in Central Park, along with Katie, Pepper and Tony, building snowmen-which Steve was amazingly adept at, something that came as a surprise to Pepper and Tony, but not to Katie considering his artistic nature. Bruce called Tony half way through following the conclusion of whatever seminar he had been in and an hour or so later joined them, and was immediately told to judge the snowmen contest. He declared Steve the winner causing Tony and Katie to pelt the mild mannered Scientist with snowballs until his grown up façade slipped and he joined in, catching Tony with a perfectly placed lump of snow right between the eyes.
The light began to draw in and after purchasing a hot dog each from one of the stands the sounds of carols drifted to their ears so the five of them wandered towards the music. They found a group of singers not far from the Alice In Wonderland statue, each holding lanterns and sheets of music. They looked at one another and joined the crowd as they group began to sing Silent Night. Steve slipped his arms around Katie from behind, pulling her to his bulky, coated frame and she leaned back happily into his embrace.  His cold nose brushed against her cheek near her ear as he stooped to drop a kiss there, causing Katie to laugh out loud as he continued to press his cold face against her neck.
“I haven’t seen a carol service since I was a boy.” He said softly.
She turned her head to look at him, as he looked back, was grinning like a school boy as the snow began to fall again, because, whilst he might hate being cold, he didn’t hate any time spent with his best girl.
She placed a soft kiss on his lips. “Taking you back?”
“A little…” He smiled before she turned back to the band, as his nose nuzzled at her ear “Love you�� gram mo chroi…”
The words phonetically registered in her brain, graw miu cree the Irish brogue he had spoken made her shiver.
“Yeah that sounds really sexy and I have no idea what you just said.” She tilted her head back to face him.
“You don’t speak Gaelic?” He teased.
“Italian, German, Spanish and French…but no Gaelic.” She smirked.
“Smart ass…” He rolled his eyes before chuckling slightly, his eyes leaving hers to focus on the singers again. “So what does it mean?” She pressed.
“It means love of my heart, of my life.” “Smooth Rogers.” She grinned, catching his lips again.
The singers finished to a round of applause from the surrounding crowd, including wolf whistles from Tony, and the five of them set off back to the Tower, the streetlights bouncing off the white of the snow. Walking the twenty or so minutes back they all stopped to enjoy hot chocolates laced with lashings of brandy at a small Cafe on the corner of Park and 5th, along with roast chestnuts and mince pies. Katie smiled, remarking that it was about as clichÊd a Christmas Eve you could get. And she absolutely loved it.  
Once back at the tower they all said goodnight and headed to their respective floors and apartments. Once Steve and Katie had shed their various outer layers of winter clothing, Katie instructed Jarvis to light the fire before she headed off into the bedroom before walking back out and across the hall to the larger bathroom where Steve heard her turn on the tap to the tub.
“You having a bath?” He called dropping onto the sofa.
“Warming up.” She called back, grinning as she dropped a Christmas Pudding shaped bath-bomb into the tub, watching as it started to fizz, the gorgeous smells of cinnamon hitting her nostrils. Biting her lip she walked to the door of the bathroom and leaned against it calling down the hall. “Wanna join me?”
Steve heard her, and didn’t need asking twice.
He walked into the bathroom to see her drop her robe to the floor, flashing him a view of her bare back, ass, legs before she stepped into the obscenely large tub and he shed his clothes in about five seconds flat, climbing in behind her. She leaned back against him, his arms coming to rest naturally on the sides of the large tub.
“Why…” he began, looking at his skin, “is there glitter all over my arm?” “I used a bath bomb”
“A what?”
“Things you drop in the water alongside or instead of bubble bath and they smell nice. I’ll show you another day.” Katie explained, closing her eyes and leaning back into the warmth of the water, her head laying on his chest, the fingers of her right hand delicately rubbing across his knuckles.
They were silent for a while, Steve’s head lolling against the back of the tub, utterly contented to stay there until the water went cold, when Katie spoke.
"Say it again.” She whispered softly, wanting to hear the words he’d said before.
He quirked a crooked smile. “Say what?”
She chuckled and bit at the corner of her bottom lip and tilted her head round so she could look at him. “The thing you said earlier… say it again.”
He didn’t’ say a word, instead he dropped his head to kiss her neck, lips laying soft kisses along her shoulders. Slowly, his right hand moved from its spot on the tub to stroking her hip, down the outside of her thigh, up again and then across to her abdomen. The subtle brush of his fingertips on her sensitive flesh set off chills of a very different kind to the one’s Katie had been feeling all afternoon in the snow and she let her eyelids fall shut, a small sigh escaping her lips as his mouth trailed a line from her right shoulder across to her left.
"Say it again.” She breathed out but still Steve said nothing. Instead, he moved his hand down her abdomen going lower and lower until he slowly began to tease her.
Katie shuddered, her breath caught again as her head fell backwards. “Say it…” she tried again, the words coming out as a desperate choked plea.
His grinning face pressed to her neck and shoulder as he nipped gently. “Sorry, I’m an old man. I forget what I say sometimes.”
He knew exactly what she was after and Katie knew he did, he was just being a tease and it was driving her wild. So she decided to deploy the big guns. Her hand drifted down to find his, wrapping tightly around his wrist, stilling his touch and she turned to face him, gently straddling him, sitting on his thighs and sending a slosh of water over the side of the tub onto the tiled floor.
"You forgot that I’m the love of your life?” She pouted softly, eyes locking onto his.
“Doll,” Steve shook his head, dropping his forehead to hers. “No one could ever make me forget that. Ever.”
Bingo. Katie felt the smile cross her face as she leaned in to kiss him as her hand reached down into the water and wrapped around his hardening cock causing him to grunt at little as she squeezed her palm around him.
“Then say it.” She demanded, her hand slowly sliding up his shaft and Steve looked at her, his eyes blown with lust.
“You’re such a fucking brat.” He reached up and tangled one hand into her hair, pulling her face down to his, kissing her hard and he muttered against her mouth, “Gram mo Chroi…”
“Fuck, I love you,” Katie huffed out into his open mouth as his hands went down to her waist and he gently pulled her forwards, positioning her before, without warning,  he thrust upwards and she moaned, pushing down onto his lap, water lapping around them as he filled her. “I love you, more than anything.” Katie nipped at his lip and coiled her fingers into his hair, drawing a hiss from his mouth as she moved again, rocking her hips, grinding down on him.
“I love you too.” His ragged breaths snagged on the words as he pressed up into her harder, then harder again, his hands straying to her back, fingers sliding up and down her spine as he pulled her closer to him, kissing her hard before turning his lips to her neck then her chest, the trails of water and soap suds trickled down from between her cleavage to her navel. It made him groan as he looked at her gently rocking on top of him as bucked his hips upwards, meeting her thrust for thrust.
He sat up a little making her purr as he hit her even deeper, as he pulled her close, chest pressed to chest as he kissed her, hands snaking up into the back of her hair which was piled messily on top of her head. Katie moaned into his mouth as he thrust upwards again, and again as she pushed down, rotating her hips against him.  It was slow, deep, loving, the sounds of sloshing water and gentle moans and groans filled the large bathroom as they both clung to one another, as close as they possibly could be. Eventually Katie felt the knot in her stomach beginning to unravel and she threw her head back in a soft cry, Steve’s name tumbling from her lips, before she fell forward, burying her head into the crook of his shoulder and neck as she caught her breath. A few more thrusts and Steve was right behind her, his body sliding down into the tub, head resting against the back, his girl tightly clutched to his chest.
Steve’s hands ran up and down her back as Katie gave a low hum of contentment before pulling back, smoothing his hair back with her hands and smiling softly at him, before she kissed him gently.
“You know,” Steve said gently as she pressed her forehead against his. “This is certainly an improvement on Christmas Eve last year.”
Katie chuckled slightly and closed her eyes. "It’s been the best one I’ve ever had.”
Christmas Morning was one of the few times Katie could remember having woken before Steve. But she was always up at the crack of dawn on Christmas Morning and had been since she was a child. Steve’s arms were wrapped around her, one leg tossed over hers doing his best koala impression as always, head buried into the back of her neck. She shifted, rolling over to face him, causing his grip to loosen slightly and simply watched him, taking in how much younger he looked with his face relaxed and how comfortable and peaceful he was in sleep. She leaned over to gently place a kiss on his cheek just underneath where those ridiculously long eyelashes rested, before she rose, swapping Steve’s T-shirt for a long sleeved pair of Christmas pyjamas adorned with little snowmen and Christmas trees and headed into the living area.
The tree was already lit (God bless Jarvis) as was the garland over the fire place and the lights in the kitchen. Turning on the radio low, she poured some ground Christmas Roast into the machine and set about making pancake batter whilst popping off a cork on a bottle of Krug to use for Mimosas, the breakfast drink of champions
Steve heard her singing. Cracking an eye open he glanced at the clock, it wasn’t even gone Eight yet. He took a moment to stretch before he got out of bed, went to use the bathroom and came out, throwing on a pair of plaid sleep pants over his boxers before he made his way to the kitchen. He stopped dead when he saw her dancing around and had to stifle his laugh as he slipped his arms around her from behind, making her jump slightly.
“Merry Christmas, Sweetheart.” He gruffed, his voice still thick with sleep as she tilted her head round to catch the kiss he was offering.
“Merry Christmas, Soldier.”  
“What are you wearing?” He arched an eyebrow and Katie grined. “It’s the rules…” She turned to look at him. “On Christmas Day, in the Stark house, we all wear Christmas pyjamas and no one gets dressed until well after lunchtime and then we wear Christmas sweaters, eat dinner, lounge around and do absolutely nothing bar stuffing our faces, drinking and watching movies.”
“I don’t have any Christmas Pyjamas…or a sweater.” Steve frowned. “Yeah you do.” Katie informed, putting down the bowl of batter she had been whisking and grabbing his hand. She tugged him back down the hall and into the bedroom, Steve cursing her silently in his brain for as usual thinking of everything. She headed into the large walk in wardrobe and tossed him a Bloomingdale’s carrier bag. He arched an eyebrow as he reached inside pulling out first the sweater, and giving a loud groan as he examined the large reindeer on the front.
“Its nose lights up.” Katie grinned as she pressed it.  At that he let out a snort and shook his head.
“I’m not wearing this.”
“Hey I don’t make the rules.”
“I never was one for rules.” He muttered, now examining the Pyjamas that were green with little red Santa Clauses all over them.
“Bullshit!” Katie laughed and he looked at her, as she fake saluted “Captain America reporting for duty, Sir!”
“Punk.” He shook his head as his lips quirked upwards and he waved the clothes he was holding at her. “They’re awful.”
“They’re supposed to be, that’s the point. Don’t be a Grinch…” “I have no idea what that is.”
“Ok, a Scrooge then…” “I am not dressing like an idiot.” Katie opened her mouth to make a joke about stars, stripes and spandex but he cut her off instantly, spotting the look on her face. Holding up his hand he shook his head. “Just don’t.”
After some cajoling, Katie managed to convince Steve to wear the Pyjamas for the morning. Stockings were opened, Bucks Fizz and Coffee was drunk as they exchanged gifts sitting cross legged on the floor by the fire. But Steve had one last gift for her that he hadn’t wrapped as it wasn’t a Christmas gift really, it was something he’d wanted to give her for a while now but he finally felt the time was right. He took the opportunity to retrieve it from his bag whilst she was dressing after they had eaten breakfast, grabbing the small item in his hand and crossing the room so he was stood in front of her.
“There’s something else I wanted to give you” He spoke, but as he did he found himself unable to stop his eyes from straying down the top half of her body which was clad in nothing but a bra as she pulled on the large sweater. "Huh?” Her voice was muffled as her head emerged from the hole in the sweater and she noticed him watching her. She smirked, sticking her arms through the garment.  “You already did that last night. Several times remember?” “I don’t mean that.” He rolled his eyes as she started laughing before he crossed the room and stood in front of her. Katie watched as he was turning a small, circular leather box of some kind in his hand. “I found this when we were going through my stuff for the museum” he said, gently handing it to her. “I want you to have it.”
She looked down at the worn leather of the dark brown box, before pressing the small button which released the catch on the worn, dark brown leather and she carefully opened the lid. Her eyes widened as she glanced down at the delicate ring inside. The stone was a small, tear drop shaped emerald set into a yellow gold band with 3 small diamonds sat underneath the larger part of the teardrop stone. “It was my mom’s” Steve offered by explanation as she looked up at him, her eyes shining “Dad bought it for her before they left Limerick for New York, something to remind her of home.” “The Emerald Isle…” Katie smiled gently as she looked at the ring, her chest filling with warmth. “It probably isn’t worth much and I know you don’t really wear yellow gold but I was reading up that you could get it coated…” “Steve…” She shook her head as she looked up at him. “I wouldn’t dream of it. It’s beautiful.” And it was. All the more so because it had belonged to his mother. A woman she knew so much about. A woman who raised the wonderful man stood in front of her. A woman she wished with all her heard she could have met.  
“Are you sure you want me to have it?” She blurted out and Steve nodded. “She gave me that specifically to pass to my someone special.” He trailed off as Katie smiled softly, taking the ring out of the box and slipping it onto the ring finger of her right hand. It was a tad loose but nothing that was too drastic to stop her wearing it for the time being. “Thank you.” Her voice cracked slightly as she looked up into his eyes, those baby blues she knew so well were misting over. “And for the record, regardless of what it’s worth or not worth, it means the world to me that you want me to have it. It’s the best Christmas present I’ve ever had”. She gently cupped his cheek in her hand before she leaned up and captured his lips in a soft kiss. “I love you.” She whispered gently as his nose rubbed against hers, their foreheads coming to a rest against one another. “Love you too.” He smiled, before giving her another quick kiss. “Enough to wear the sweater?” She pulled back, her arms snaking round his neck as his hands dropped to her waist. He glanced at the one she was wearing which made her look like a giant Christmas tree and let out a long groan. He really didn’t want to wear the hideous Christmas sweater, but as he looked at her she made those eyes, those goddamned eyes that could get him to do whatever she wanted.
He just couldn’t say no to her. He was whipped, big time. And he knew it. "Fine I’ll wear the sweater." 
**** Chapter 12 Part 2
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1dffchallenges ¡ 6 years ago
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Not a Throwback
Written By: @fireawaynjh​
Characters: Sophie Kemper (OFC)/Niall Horan
Summary: Parenting is hard, anyone will tell you. But being a single parent is even harder. Niall loves his son more than the world and he would do anything to make him happy. But he soon discovers the sacrifices he will have to make. Dating his son’s teacher isn’t always the easiest. But can he make it work? Or will he have to sacrifice his own happiness this time?
Author’s note: pls excuse my terrible graphics also I changed my banner because i like to think I got better at photoshop; i did not
Warnings: mentions of drugs, alcohol, mild swearing
Niall closed his laptop as the text from his girlfriend popped into the corner. He walked down the stairs to let her in with his usual smile. The smile faded upon seeing her dismayed look.
“Something wrong love?” he asked, stepping aside to let her in. Her arms sat folded across her chest as she walked in quickly. Niall grew increasingly more worried with every second she stayed silent.
“Babe what’s-”
“I’m pregnant.”
Niall stood in shock for a moment. His mind immediately thought about the fact that in a month he was supposed to leave for uni. He couldn’t work and study and be a father, that would be insane. He could see in her eyes that she was just as worried as he was. With a soft sigh he opened his arms and drew her close to him.
“How do you feel?” he asked as she pressed her nose to his chest. He could feel her shoulders shrug up.
“Alright I guess. I know I want to keep it.” Trying to keep the shock off his face, Niall nodded. She’d never wanted children before. It surprised him that she’d want to keep it.
“How long have you known?” he asked.
“Three days,” she whispered. He nodded gently as he rubbed soothing circles over her back.
“You have my support no matter what Carls,” he assured her. He felt guilty for secretly hoping she wouldn’t keep it. He wasn’t ready to be a father and she never wanted to be a mother. It was stupid of them to think that this was a good idea. Of course Niall would never say any of that to her. He meant it when he said he’d support her. He loved her, he knew that for sure, and if she were to keep this baby, he knew he’d love it too.
The months went by and in early March of the next year the couple welcomed their son Killian. Niall found a job working at the tech shop, selling smartphones and tablets while he attended his first year of Uni. He switched his studies from music theory to applied business and began putting money away so he could support his new family.
The nine months had been hard and they’d battled their fair share of arguments. But Niall truthfully was happier than he ever could have imagined. He didn’t know why Carlie was so worried about having kids, already she was an incredible mum. He’d soon find that he didn’t know her well at all.
Niall gripped the edge of the podium, refraining from chewing at his nails, as he stood in front of the judge.
“Mr. Horan you had no idea about the drugs?”
“No Your Honor.” he stated plainly. The past two months had been a haze. Carlie, his now fiance had been arrested for using and selling heroin as well as selling every other drug under the sun.
“You didn’t notice the change in your fiance?”
“I did Your Honor, I thought it was her new job and stress from taking care of a toddler.” She had lost her job a year earlier, the store she worked in went out of business. She told Niall she’d found a new one, in reality she’d started selling drugs for his best mate.
“And where were you during the days if she was the only one watching your son?”
“Working Your Honor, or at Uni. Our arrangement was I would work and get my degree so I could support the family better.” The judge nodded.
“Well Mr. Horan, Miss Aldon attests that your son was never around the contraband and that you played no part. I’ll review your testimony and we will resume next week with a verdict of custody.” He smacked the gavel on the podium, the crack echoing through the room. Niall sighed as he gathered his belongings and walked out of the courtroom.
“Mr. Horan!” Niall turned as he walked out the doors to see the lawyer Carlie had hired approaching him. Niall turned to him and raised a brow. “Miss Aldon is allowed visitors now. She would like to see you.”
“Does she now?” he snapped coldly. He knew he was just the messenger but he still resented the guy for representing Carlie at all.
“I’m sorry Mr. Horan, for everything this has put you through.” Niall thanked him before walking to the elevator and heading to his car. The jail wasn’t far from the courthouse, Niall knew he should get this over with.
Carlie looked exhausted as she sat on the other side of the glass. But it looked like exhaustion from worry about herself. It was different than the exhaustion he’d seen rising in her since Killian was born. He knew she was relieved to be away from the responsibility and that sparked the anger in him further. He gripped the phone and scowled as he held it to his ear.
“Niall I’m so sorry-”
“Shut the fuck up Carlie no you’re not.” he growled. She flinched. He’d never spoken to her with anything less than respect. Even through fights she could always tell that he loved her and that he respected her. Now she wasn’t sure what he felt.
“Niall I never wanted this to happen,” she insisted.
“I believe that, I know you didn’t want to get caught. Why in the hell did you even start the drugs if you didn't want to get caught?”
“Niall it was a moment of weakness. I’d just lost my job, no one would hire me only three days a week.. I was desperate, I went to the pub and Alec was there. He listened.. He understood how I felt.” Carlie sighed and shook her head. Niall knew by the fondness in her voice that it was more than just drugs with Alec.
“You fucking slept with him.. You fucking slept with my best mate.” Niall let out an exasperated laugh. “Unbelievable. I fucking propose to you and what do you do? You turn around and sleep with my best mate and start dealing.”
“I didn’t think it would go this far-”
“Of course you didn’t think! If you fucking thought about it you wouldnt have done any of it and we wouldn’t fucking be here right now!” Other visitors were beginning to stare at the arguing couple.
“Stop yelling at me!” Tears began to fall down her cheeks.
“Stop yelling?!” Niall laughed again. “I could fucking lose Killian because this shit and you want me to stop yelling at you?!” Carlie’s jaw dropped. “Oh so you do care about him.”
“What? Of course I care about our son Niall.” She looked hurt at the accusation.
“But you didn’t want to parent him right? That’s why you kept taking the drugs, so you wouldn’t have to feel the stress of a toddler?” She scrambled for an excuse and Niall knew that look too well. She hated to be called out on her shit and she always fumbled for excuses. “Yeah I fucking thought so. So thanks for everything Carlie.” He moved to hang up the phone but she stopped him.
“Niall wait! You’re right okay? It was too much, but I love Killian and I’m so sorry I’ve done this to you. If you see him will you please tell him I love him?”
“Goodbye Carlie.” Niall hung up the phone and walked back out the door. His heart ached as he got back in his car. All he wanted right now was to hold his son. Fear of losing him only worsened the ache and he thought about going to his mother’s house to see him but the social worker warned that it was best for his case that he not see Killian until the verdict was given. Instead he drove to the pub, in desperate need of a drink.
He ordered his double vodka soda and stared at the carbonated bubbles rising in the glass.
“Tough day mate?”
Niall set his jaw, not looking away from the glass. “Get the fuck out of here Alec before I beat the shit out of you.”
“Niall mate-” Niall turned to look at him.
“Don’t you try to explain yourself to me. I was gonna ask you to be me best man y’know that?” Alec swallowed hard, his adam’s apple bobbing. Niall wanted nothing more than to punch it right now. “I don’t want to speak to you again, please go.” Alec didn’t argue and turned to walk out the door. Niall tossed back the entire drink and set the glass back down.
“Another please.”
“Killian mate it’s time to get up!” Niall called from the opposite end of the apartment. The 12 year old groaned and shoved his head further into the pillow.
“Oi! I know you’re not up yet! C’mon i’ve pressed your uniform so you could sleep more now y’gotta get up so we can go.” Niall called again. Killian threw back the covers in annoyance and got up off the bed.
“I’m standin Da!”
“Good lad.” Niall finished wrapping the ham sandwich he’d thrown together, one for Killian and one for himself, putting Killian’s into the paper bag with a packet of crisps and some biscuits for his lunch. He put back the bread and mayo as his son came down the stairs in his uniform. The spoon Niall had laid next to a full cereal bowl quickly made its way to Killian’s mouth as he shoveled coco pops down.
“How’d y’sleep mate?” Niall asked as he poured coffee into his thermos. Killian shrugged and kept shoveling food into his mouth. Niall nodded knowing that was all he was going to get out of his son this early, finishing up his coffee before screwing on the lid and handing the brown lunch bag to Killian.
“Y’got your list of classes for today?” Niall asked. Killian rinsed out his bowl in the sink and nodded.
“It’s in me sack Da’ stop naggin me”
“I’m just checkin, not gonna be able to bring y’stuff if you forget this year.” Niall had just gotten a promotion at the firm he worked for. Before he’d worked from home settling all the accounts for the company but now he was on site working with the payroll side of the company. The pay was much better, even if the hours were complicated.
With in a few minutes Killian managed to finish off his breakfast and the two headed out to the car. Niall quickly pulled out of the drive and made his way down the street.
“Right what’s your plan for after school? Are you gonna go to Nan’s or what?” Niall asked.
Killian shrugged. “Dunno, James might be havin a few of us over or somethin.”
Niall nodded. “Just text me what time and where I need to pick you up yeah?” Killian nodded and the drive continued in silence. Niall pulled up out front of the school and Killian hopped out.
“Thanks Da! See you tonight.” Niall waved as his son jogged up the front steps. He couldn’t believe he was already a year eight. The time was flying by and Niall wasn’t sure how to feel.
The weeks continued with the same routine. Breakfast, work and school, home for dinner and whatever sporting match was on that night. On the Thursday of the fourth week Niall sat in the kitchen, looking at his calendar while he ate his breakfast. That night was parent teacher information night. He hadn’t called for a sitter and he wasn’t sure what he should do. Did Killian even need a sitter? He could always ask his mum to watch him. He glanced up at Killian as he walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bowl for some cereal.
“Y’alright?” Niall asked. Killian nodded as he poured the milk. “I’ve got your teacher night thing, d’you want to stay here or go to Nan’s?” Niall figured giving him the choice might help his decision process. Killian had never stayed on his own, but it was only a few hours and he was definitely old enough to take care of himself.
“Don’t matter to me,” Killian shrugged. Niall nodded.
“Right then I’ll just let Nan know you’ll be here and you can call her if y’need anything.” Killian nodded again and sat down to eat.
That night Niall anxiously searched for his keys while Killian finished his homework.
“Da I’ll be fine, the pizza is coming, you left me money just go.” It amazed him how perceptive he’d become. Niall nodded to his son and grabbed his keys off the table where they had been sitting in plain sight.
“Alright, alright. Call your nan if y’need anythin.” Niall grabbed his coat and darted out of the small apartment. He arrived at the school 20 minutes early but after an incident getting lost last year he knew he should allow for extra time. Fortunately, Killian’s registration room was across the hall from the room he had in year seven and Niall had no troubles finding it. He gingerly pushed the door open, not sure if anyone was in there, and a small brunette popped her head up. 
“Oh hello! Are you hear for parent night?” she asked, rising from her chair. Niall was surprised to see such a young woman seated at the front of the room. She couldn’t have been more the 26. As he nodded she walked around to the front of the desk with a bright smile, her dark hair bouncing softly as she stepped. Niall wasn’t used to seeing such a vibrant teacher, let alone a beautiful one. He returned her smile as he stepped forward as well. 
“I’m Niall, I’m sorry I’m a bit early, last year I got turned around.” A bashful chuckle pushed past his lips and he glanced at the ground shyly. 
“That’s quite alright. I’m Sophie Kemper. I’m guessing you’re Killian’s dad?” Niall raised a brow, worrying about how she was so familiar with his son already. “He looks just like you.” He let out a breathy chuckle as she explained. 
“Yeah we do get that a lot, I hope he isn’t given y’trouble in class,” he replied easily, folding his arms over his chest anxiously. He hadn’t spoken to a woman his age in a decade. Not one he wasn’t related to at least. He wasn’t sure what to do. 
“Oh no he’s great,” she smiled. “He’s a really lovely kid.” Sophie couldn’t deny the fluttering in the pit of her stomach as she spoke to Niall. He was much younger than the other dads she was used to talking to and he was far more attractive. She tucked her hair back shyly as she looked over at him. “Is anyone else joining you tonight?” She felt another flutter as Niall shook his head. 
“No, it’s just me.” Niall wondered if she was asking because she was the teacher or if she might possibly fancy him. “His uh.. his mum isn’t involved.” 
“I see well you’ve done a lovely job raising him, he’s truly a gem.” Niall smiled proudly at her compliment, figuring she was asking as the teacher. Niall was about to ask her another question when more parents walked in. Sophie walked up to them and shook their hands, introducing herself as Miss Kemper. Niall didn’t miss that part. Had he just caught her off guard and she forgot that she was a teacher? Or had she done it on purpose? He was pulled from his mental debate as one of the dads walked over to him. 
“Niall mate! Y’alright?” he smiled shaking Niall’s hand. His son and Killian were mates and he’s been more than welcoming to Niall. 
“Yeah doin’ well, yourself?” Niall replied. 
“Bloody brilliant mate, got all four kids in school full time now.” 
“Bet the missus is lovin that.” The two men smirked at each other. 
“That she is… speakin of, have you caught a look at Miss Kemper? Bloody well fit she is.” 
Niall chuckled. “Yeah she’s lovely, had a bit of a chat when I got here.” 
“Oi oi! Good on y’mate, get on that.” 
“She’s our kids teacher mate that’s fuckin’ weird,” Niall laughed. 
“Oh for fuck’s sake its only registration, go after ‘er mate she’s the fittest bird in this town.”
Niall was grateful for Sophie calling for all the parents to sit. He wasn’t wrong, Sophie was definitely the most beautiful woman he’d seen around the town. But she was his son’s teacher and that added all sorts of complications. Sophie gave a great presentation about how she would help the students be successful. It was clear she loved teaching and she was passionate about her students. Niall loved that about her.
He made his way to all the other classes before heading to the caf for the final discussion of the night. As usual the headmaster explains how parent volunteering works and why it’s so important for the kids. He knew the drill, sign up for the least time committing one before all the other parents get there. He grabbed a cup of coffee and wandered up and down the stalls of sign up sheets. He walked past a bright red poster advertising the pasta feed auction. He could help with that. It was coming up in a few months and he wouldn’t have to help much. 
“You helping with the auction then?” Niall jumped as he heard Sophie’s voice. 
“Oh um.. yeah I figured that would mostly be nights right?” Sophie nodded. 
“Yeah, I’m on the committee for it too, thought maybe my marketing degree my come in handy for once.” She giggled as Niall finished signing his name. 
“Y’studied marketing then? How’d you get into teaching?” 
She shrugged. “None of the big firms were hiring so I got my teaching certification.” Niall nodded. 
“Well that’s brilliant. If y’need any help with it let me know.” Sophie smiled and nodded shyly. “I um.. I was going to grab another coffee, do you want one?” he offered. She nodded and the two headed to the refreshment table. Niall Poured a cup for both of them, Sophie adding both cream and sugar to hers. A grimace flashed across her lips as she took the first sip. 
“I can’t believe I thought they’d actually get good coffee for this.” She shook her head but continued to drink in the caffeine. 
“Honestly, they could have at least gotten a Costa or something,” Niall agreed. 
“Exactly! Maybe sometime we could just go get a Costa.” She quickly realized what she’d just said. “Or not whatever, that’s probably weird-“
“No I’d love to, maybe next week?” Niall smiled as he pulled out his phone. “Put in your mobile and we can set something up?” Sophie beamed and took the device, quickly typing in her number. 
Niall returned home with the biggest smile. Killian was still awake not to his surprise. 
“Oi, y’didn’t tell me about all the ruckus you’ve causin at school.” 
Killian rolled his eyes at his dad’s joke knowing that he was just joking. He clicked off the iPad and turned to his dad.
“Can we watch the football?” 
“Yeah course we can mate, why d’y’think I’m here and not down the pub with Uncle Willie?” 
“Cause Uncle Willie never invites y’anywhere.” 
Niall chuckled. The kid had wit about him that was for sure. He sat down on the sofa and draped his arm over the back of it, clicking over to sky sports. Normally he watched every second of the match but tonight all he could think about was how heavy his phone felt in his pocket. He knew he was mere sentences away from getting to go out with a girl he fancied, he just had to grab the device and text her. But he thought about Killian. He had never dated since he was born, he didn’t know how Killian would react. But if he kept it to himself then it wouldn’t have to be an issue yet. 
Once he was all tucked away into bed Niall hastily reached for his phone. He pulled up Sophie’s contact and quickly typed the message he’d been formulating for the last hour. 
Hey it’s Niall… thought maybe next Saturday we could go for that Costa ?
He tapped his foot nervously as he stood in the kitchen, awaiting the response. In a minute nothing had come through and his anxiety was rising. With a sigh he tossed down the phone and walked to the fridge to grab himself a beer. The standard chime sent him diving for the device and scrolling to read the message. 
Yeah that’s perfect, meet at 10 ? 
Yeah that’s perfect see you then ! 
He breathed out a sigh of relief as he set down his phone again and took a long sip of his beer. 
That Saturday came faster than he expected and with Killian staying at a friend’s house for the weekend he had the whole apartment to absorb his nerves. He tossed on about ten different shirts before settling on a black polo and some grey slacks. He knew he was a tad overdressed but he’d rather look nice for Sophie. 
Once he arrived he got in the queue and looked around for Sophie. He was four minutes early, hoping that she arrived soon so he wouldn’t be awkwardly waiting for her. AS he took a step forward in line the door behind him opened and he turned to see who was there. He smiled as Sophie stepped through the door in a beautiful green dress that Niall couldn’t take his eyes off. He stepped toward her and gave her a polite hug and a kiss on the cheek. 
“Hiya love how are ya?” he greeted easily. 
“I’m good! I’m glad we get to do this.” Her smile was radiant, and Niall couldn’t stop himself from smiling more. They stood together as the line moved forward and as they reached the till Niall looked over at her. 
“What would you like?” he asked with a smile. 
“I’ll take a latte please,” Sophie smiled. She reached for her purse but Niall shook his head, ordering himself a latte before paying for both drinks. 
“Thank you for buying,” she smiled. Niall shrugged easily. 
“S’nothin, so how was your week? School not drivin y’mad?”
“No it never does, not yet at least.” 
“How long have you been teaching?” 
“This is my third year.” She smiled up at him as the barista handed over their drinks. “What do you do?”
“Nothin exciting really, I’m in the pay roll side of accounting at a firm down town.” 
“Well that’s interesting,” she giggled. Niall chuckled knowing full well she just wanted to be polite. 
“We both know it’s not.”
Sophie smiled kindly. “So what do you want to be doing?” 
“I wanted to do music, I was set in a program at Uni for music technology but when I found out Killian was on the way I had to do something more practical y’know?” Sophie nodded. 
“Do you play instruments?”
“Piano and guitar mostly,” Niall replied easily. 
“My mum would have loved for me to be a musician, she had me in cello lessons as a kid but I was honestly horrible at it.” Niall laughed happily. 
“I doubt you were horrible.” 
“No I was, y’know in the films when the kid gets their first violin and it sounds like a dying animal?” Niall laughed harder knowing that she played like that. 
“I’ll have to tech ya something easier and less horrible sounding,” he chuckled. Sophie flushed at the implication of further dates in the future. 
“I’d like that,” she smiled. They spent the rest of the morning chatting about jobs and getting to know each other. Niall desperately wanted to kiss her as they walked back to her car, but the moment didn’t feel right, so he simply hugged her and walked to his own car. 
Killian texted as Niall pulled into the apartment parking lot, saying he was headed home. He had just kicked off his shoes and tossed down his keys when he heard Killian bounding up the stairs, having walked across the complex from his friend’s house. Niall walked into the kitchen to grab some water as the door opened. 
“Hey mate how was it?” he asked, sipping the water easily. 
“Good, Collin has the new xbox.” 
“Sick, did y’like it?” Killian nodded and grabbed juice from the fridge. 
“Yeah it was cool, why are y’dressed up?” 
“What?” Niall frowned as he set the water glass down.
“‘Y’never wear your work clothes on Saturday and y’ve got on the good cologne.” 
Niall shrugged. “I met a friend for a coffee, that a problem?” 
Killian sipped his juice. “Was it a date?” Niall mentally cursed the child’s intuition. 
“So what if it was?” He cocked one brow testing to see how he handled the news. 
“That’s weird da you’re too old to date.” 
“Oi I’m younger than any of the other parents thank y’very much.” 
“It’s not a mum from the school is it? I don’t want a sibling.” Killian continued. Niall shook his head with a chuckle. 
“It’s not another mum mate, and it wasn’t really a date it was just a coffee.” 
“What’s her name?”
“Sophie.” Niall folded his arms and leaned back against the counter. 
“Are you gonna see her again?” Killian looked up with a tint of anxiety in his eyes. Niall knew the look well, he got like this any time there was a doctor’s appointment that could involve a vaccine or blood test.
“I was thinking about it… but if it bothers you that I date I don’t have to ask her out again.” 
Killian shrugged and put his empty juice cup into the sink. “I guess it would be alright.” Niall could tell he was on the fence. 
“Mate we talked about this, you can talk about how y’really feel I’m not gonna be mad.” Killian nodded but didn’t offer up any further discussion. “Let’s go sit yeah? Have a little chat.” The pair made their way to the sofa and sat down next to each other. 
“What’s on your mind then mate?”
“I just don’t know why you’re dating… you always said you loved mum.” He looked down at his lap. “I just thought you two would work it out one day and she could come home.” Niall’s heart ached at the confession. He’d kept the real reason why Carlie left a secret, wanting to wait until he was old enough to understand what had happened. 
“It’s not that simple mate I-“ 
“But why not? Why can’t you fix things with her?” 
“Because…” Niall was at a loss for words. Should he tell him? Should he lie? Should he tell him because he said so? He took a deep breath. “Mate y’have to understand there are circumstances to why she can’t come back. I do love your mum but she can’t come home.” He took another deep breath. “If you want the details I will tell you but it’s not something simple like a disagreement. And I don’t want to scare you.” 
“I’m 13 da I can handle it.” Niall smiled softly and wrapped an arm around him. 
“I know you can,” Niall pressed a soft protective kiss to the top of his head, mentally preparing himself. “You know that your mum and I were eighteen when you were born. We were so excited to bring you home and to have you in our little family. I finished Uni and worked while your mum took care of you at home. As you got older she’d leave you with nan so she could work too but when you were 3 her business shut down and she had no job.” Killian nodded softly as his father told the story. Niall paused to gauge his reactions before continuing. 
“She was devastated and rightfully so, soon she was back to work with a new job but she was constantly on edge and a little more irritable. I thought it was the stress of the job and taking care of a wild three year old. I got a job at the firm and it allowed me to work half days at home, half at the office. I wanted to take some pressure off of her and for a few months it did, and then one day I came home from work and there were police cars out front. It turns out that her new job was selling illegal drugs.” He noticed Killian’s eyes go wide in shock. “She loved you so much but she made mistake and because of that she lost you. She had to serve a jail sentence and when she got out she wanted to see you, but I could tell she had gotten back into when I went to go meet her. After that I told her she wouldn’t get to see you again. Last I heard she’s serving another sentence.” 
Killian sat silently, thinking about all the times he had imagined how happy they could be if she came home. He’d spent hours pouring over photos of their family and he had always wished to have that back. 
“Did you mean it when you said I couldn’t see her?” he asked after a long pause. 
“I meant it yes, that I would never choose for you to see her. But you’re close to being an adult, you can make your own choices now. And if you wanted to see her I can look into it.” Niall replied easily. He hated the idea of ever seeing Carlie again, but he had no right to stop his son from meeting her if it’s what he wanted. 
“Okay… so you don’t love her anymore?” 
“Mate I will always love her, but I can’t rely on her anymore or trust her.” Killian nodded. “So can I ask you again, is it weird if I date?” 
His son shrugged but the sadness in his eyes told Niall his answer. “I guess it’s not weird.” But he knew better, he knew Killian only wanted him to be happy, he nodded with a soft smile. 
“Come here,” he said softly as he held his arms open to hug him. “I love you, always will, and I’m always here for ya.” 
“I know Da, I love you too.” Niall released him from the embrace and Killian made his way to his bedroom. Once he’d cleaned up the kitchen and stuff Niall started on dinner, reaching for his phone to put on some music. He smiled to himself when he saw a new text from Sophie. 
I had such a great time today, what are the chances I get to see you again? 
Niall sighed deeply. He knew he could try harder and be secretive about his dating, but that wouldn’t be fair to Killian. 
I had an amazing time too, truly . I would love to see you again but things are really complicated right now with Killian I don’t think it’s a good time for me to be dating. 
She was quick to reply, the two letters sending his heart into his stomach. 
Sophie I’m so sorry, I hope you can understand I have to do what’s best for him
No I get it, maybe some other time then
I’d really like that ☺
Truthfully Sophie’s heart was in pieces. It had been years since she’d met someone she liked as much as Niall. Part of her feared the worst, that he didn’t have a good time and this was his way of not seeing her again. She didn’t think Niall was the type to do that, but then again she didn’t really know Niall. 
Weeks went by before Niall saw her again. He went to the school to help plan the auction and a smile crossed his lips the minute he saw her. She stood by the window waiting for everyone to find a seat, smiling as a few others bid her hello. Niall immediately walked over to her. 
“Hey…How are you?” he asked politely. 
“I’m fine.” Her tone was cold and unfeeling, something Niall hadn’t expected. 
“Look I’m really sorry Sophie, you have to understand I wish we could go out again-“
“We could Niall we very easily could but you’re making it complicated.” 
“It is complicated, you don’t understand the situation.” 
Sophie opened her mouth to reply but the meeting chair called for everyone’s attention. “Just forget it Niall, I’m not interested.” She stalked off to her seat and Niall stood in shock for a moment before grabbing a seat himself. He barely paid attention the whole time, not until he heard his name called. 
“Niall are you in?” He looked up to see the co-chair of the auctions staring right at him. 
“Uh yeah sure, whatever you need I’ll help,” he replied. 
“Great, that puts us at 10 bachelors for the date auction,” she replied writing down his name on a clipboard. Niall swallowed hard not realizing what he’d just signed up for. He glanced a look across the room at Sophie. She couldn’t hide her smirk knowing he had no idea what he was saying yes to. 
Niall continued to zone out for the rest of the meeting. A smaller committee had formed but because he was an “auction item” now – the chair’s words not his – he didn’t have to attend any further meetings, which he was happy about. As everyone stood to leave Niall pushed through to find Sophie. He wanted to clear things up but she had already slipped out the door. Niall sighed softly. He let himself out and made his way to the car to drive home. 
The day of the auction came faster than he expected. He soon found himself slipping on his one nice jacket and a tie, spending a few extra minutes on his mop of hair trying desperately to calm the gentle curls it formed when he let it get this long. A few drops of gel and a comb usually helped. He told himself he wanted to look nice for the auction but he knew it was all for Sophie. He’d thought about what happened between them and he realized that she deserved to know the truth and why things were complicated. 
He arrived at the auction a few minutes early, after dropping Killian at a friend’s house, hoping to pull Sophie aside. But when he got there she was on the top of a ladder reaching to grab a stray balloon that had floated away. He strode across the room to help her and talk to her, but the co-chair caught sight of him and scurried over. 
“Niall I am so glad you’re here. There was a mix up with the form and I need you to fill out these new questions for your catwalk.” She shoved a paper and a pen at him, leading him behind the stage. 
Niall reluctantly answered the questions, talking about all his favorite romantic moments. He wanted to tear the paper to shreds for reminding him that the one person he wanted wouldn’t speak to him. He turned in the paper and waited with the other bachelors like he was told. Some of them were teachers at the school, some were former students who’d moved on to uni but come back to help, and some were other parents just trying to raise money. He had a chat with a few of them, asking about their answers to the questions and if they had any one they knew would bet on them. He grew more and more anxious as the auction began. They had a few pints for the bachelors to sip on but Niall knew if he had one it would only make him more nervous. Niall wasn’t an arrogant guy but it wasn’t a secret that he was the most conventionally attractive of the group. 
Soon they were lining up and the music blared in their ears as they got closer to the stage. A few of the other dads went before him and were getting bids of 50 or 60 pounds. One of the uni students went for 75, Niall didn’t want to think about how wrong that was. As he neared the edge of the stage one of the chairs came shuffling up to him. Holding out a guitar. 
“You said you love music I thought you could play! The music teacher assured me that it was already tuned and everything!” She beamed as Niall awkwardly took the instrument. He thought the idea was ridiculous but guitar playing was something he knew and it would give him something to focus on while he was up there. When his turn came he strummed at the guitar, the music lowering so he could be heard and he tuned it slightly as he walked across the stage. The headmaster read off his form, advertising him as a handsome sinlge man with endless talent and charm. Niall held back a laugh as he started strumming a tune he’d written as a teenager. The women in the audience were eyeing him up and down so he changed up his tune and began to play something everyone would know. 
“I found a love, for me. Darling just dive right in, follow my lead.” His voice floated over the crowd and soft gasps sounded in return. Niall scanned the room for Sophie, wondering if she was still there. He saw her at the back of the crowd, organizing a few of the silent auction items, but she’d stopped and was looking right at him. 
Truthfully Sophie was doing everything she could to not throw up from the wave of affection that coursed through her body as Niall started singing. That song had been her favorite when she was younger. Not that he knew that, but it definitely made it harder to not like him. She wanted to forget him and to move on from this little crush she had, but his smooth and rich voice overwhelmed her, and she found herself wanting nothing more than to be wrapped in his embrace, to smell him, kiss him, love him. As he finished the song the bidding began. She could see a group of moms definitely old enough to be his mother getting ready to bid. She knew he would die of embarrassment if he had to spend an evening with any of them. The amount grew higher and higher, passing 100 pounds in a matter of minutes. The bids began to slow at 125, 15 pounds higher than what the gym coach went for, a she could see the primal desire in the highest bidder’s eyes and she threw up her hand on going twice. 
“145.” Everyone turned to look at her. She wasn’t sure how it happened, but the headmaster yelled sold and everyone began clapping. 
Niall couldn’t hide his smile as he saw Sophie’s hand go up. This was his chance to apologize. Once the auction finished the men were released out into the mis to introduce themselves to the women who bid for them. Niall made a beeline for Sophie who stood by the refreshment table. She had a glass of wine in her hand and what Niall didn’t know is that it was her third since she’d bid on him. She wanted to drink away those feelings that arose. 
“Don’t worry about the date, you’re off the hook.” Her eyes moved slowly due to the alcohol and Niall swallowed. 
‘Sophie you did nearly 150 quid on me, I’m gonna take you out,” he countered. 
“Don’t want you to,” she replied as she took another sip. Niall steadied her had she sloshed the cup a little too much. 
“Then why did you bid?” 
“Cause Mrs. Wannabe-Cougar was gonna rip you to pieces if she won.” Niall smiled softly to himself. He could hear the slight hint of jealousy that carried in her voice but he didn’t acknowledge it. 
“Well then let me thank you for saving me from my impending doom,” he chuckled. “And so I can apologize for what happened the last time we went out.” 
“So you can just get up my hopes and bring them back down again?” She was being nasty and a part of her knew that but she’d had too much wine to stop herself. “I really liked you Niall and you just shut it down because it was too complicated for you. It’s not complicated, you like me or you don’t so just be honest.” 
“I do like you, I like you so much Sophie. Please just let me have a chance to make it up to you, what are you doing next Saturday?”
“Chaperoning the school dance.” 
“Great I’ll take you to dinner beforehand.”
“Sophie please just one chance.” 
She regretted all the wine she had. If she were sober she would have held fast, but here, looking at him and his charming smile, she couldn’t say no. 
“Fine. But you have to meet me at the dance and chaperone with me. No dinner no flowers no nothing.”
“Great, I’ll see you there.” Niall wanted to stay and talk to her more, but he’d just won a small victory, he wasn’t going to risk it now. He stayed long enough to help clean up before he went home. 
When he walked in the door he saw his mother sitting on the sofa. 
“Is everything okay? Where’s Killian?” he asked looking down the hall immediately. She got up and put her hands on his arms to calm him. 
“Shhh, he’s fine. One of the boys at the party got sick so they had everyone go home, he called me to come get him cause he knew you’d be having a good time tonight and I’d be sitting at home watching the telly,” she assured him. Niall breathed out a sigh of relief. “I swear Niall James you need to worry less. You’ll be going grey before you’re 35.” 
“Like you didn’t worry about me and Greg,” he chuckled. 
“Yeah well you lot were worth worrying about, that little boy is an angel.” 
“I know… that’s why I worry, I don’t want anything to happen to him or for him to stop liking me.” 
“Niall he’s a teenager there is going to come a time when he doesn’t like you.” She paused for a moment. “He said you went on a date.” 
“It was sort of a date yeah.” 
“Is she nice?”
“She’s brilliant mum, absolutely brilliant… but she’s one of his teachers, and I don’t think he’s ready for me to date yet.” 
“Oh bollocks he’s a boy he thinks anyone dating is weird! You remember how you and Greg were when I started dating again.” He couldn’t argue with that
“That’s true I guess. I told him about Carlie….”
“He told me, he seems to be handling it well.” She smiled. “So when are you seeing this girl again. 
“Saturday, but it’s not a date. She’s not happy with me for not asking her out again.” His mother let out a sigh already knowing how the situation must have arose.
“Niall stop letting Killian get in the way of your happiness. Being a parent doesn’t mean you give up your own life, it means you just have theirs to consider too. If you like this girl then you apologize to her and you make it bloody work.”
“But what about-“ 
“Nope, this is about you Niall. Not Carlie, not Killian, not anyone but you.” Niall hated when his mother was right. It amazed him how she could still make him feel like a kid in trouble even now at 32. He sighed and nodded. 
“Alright... I’ll talk to her. Are y’gonna stay here tonight? I can sleep on the sofa.”
“No I’ve got to head home. I love you sweetheart, take care of you too okay?” 
“I promise mum. I love you.” He hugged her goodbye before walking her to the front door. He sighed as he closed the door, leaning back against it. As his eyes closed his mind wandered to Sophie and how cute she looked when she was drunk. He stood up thinking about how drunk she was and quickly reached for his phone to text her. 
Hey, I know you had a few tonight just wanted to check that you had a way home tonight 
Thank you I did make it home . 
Glad to hear . I’ll see you Saturday then . 
He slid his phone away and made his way to his room. Within minutes he was asleep in his clothes but he truthfully didn’t care. 
The following Saturday came too fast for Niall’s liking. But he dressed in his same jacket, different shirt, and headed out the door at 7:30. It took him a minute to find Sophie But once he caught sight of her navy dress he knew there would be no way he’d lose sight of her again that night. He walked over to her with a soft smile and he was surprised when she returned it. 
“Hi,” he said softly. 
“Hi,” she replied. “You look nice.” 
“You look absolutely beautiful.” A soft flush rose to her cheeks. “Can we go somewhere and talk?” 
“I can’t leave the room,” she replied softly. “But we can talk here.” Niall nodded and rubbed the back of his neck. 
“Well I wanted to explain why-“ 
“Ms. Kemper I think some of the boys are making fun of Elizabeth,” a small girl stated, looking up at Sophie with big round eyes. Sophie nodded and turned to Niall. 
“I’ll be right back.” She followed the girl across the dance floor to settle the issue. Niall didn’t mind, she was doing her job. But the pattern continued He’d get two sentences out and someone would interrupt. He was starting to get frustrated. He was grateful when more chaperones showed up so Sophie wasn’t the only one being turned to. He chuckled in annoyance when the DJ slowed the music to talk, interrupting him yet again. 
“Alright you guys we’re going to slow things down with a throwback song. Lads pick a girl y’fancy and ask her to dance.” 
Niall smirked and held out his hand. “Shall we?” Sophie blushed but she took his hand and walked with him to the edge of the dance floor. 
“Maybe you’ll finally get to tell me what’s on your mind.” 
Neither of them knew what to expect for the throwback, but it wasn’t Ariana Grande. 
“Dear god is this what they’re calling a throwback?” she asked in shock. “I remember when this song came out that wasn’t that long ago!”
“Which one is this?” Niall asked trying to recall the title before the lyrics started. 
“Tattooed Heart.” 
“Oh that’s right! Bloody hell this song isn’t even fifteen years old yet how is it a throwback?” 
“I have no idea,” Sophie laughed. “I bet you can’t hit the high notes.” 
“Oh really? Cause I sing this song in the shower everyday.” Sophie laughed as he chuckled, her forehead coming to rest on his shoulder as they swayed. “No it doesn’t have to be forever just as long as I’m the name on your tattooed heart.” Niall scrunched his face as he tried to hit the high notes and Sophie laughed even more. 
Silence fell over them after a moment and Sophie took a deep breath. 
“So what have you been trying to tell me?” she asked after the pause. 
“Right… well I’ve been beating around the bush… I just need to come out with it. Killian’s mum is the reason why things are complicated.” He saw the hurt flash across her face. “She’s not involved I promise, but she is a huge part of why I need to be careful with dating. When Killian was three she got into drugs, and when he was four she got arrested for dealing. I almost lost custody of Killian at first. Since then she’s been in and out of rehab facilities and prison. And before this year I never told Killian, I didn’t want him thinking of his mum horribly you know?” Sophie nodded, her expression full of compassion. “But because of that he always thought there was a chance of us getting back together. So me starting to date was rough for him and I talked to him and I was worried he wasn’t ready so that’s why I told you things were complicated.” 
“Niall I’m so sorry for being cold to you, I should have trusted your judgment-“
“No Soph, this is on me, I should have given you a better explanation and I also shouldn’t have just pushed you away. I forget sometimes that I’m allowed to do things for me, they don’t all have to be centered around Killian.” 
“We can take things as slow as you need to. I want Killian to be comfortable too.” 
“I hope you know I really do like you Soph.” 
“I like it when you call me that,” she smiled. The music slowed but they didn’t stop dancing. Niall’s head dipped down slightly just as hers tipped up. He Felt anxiety bubble inside him, he hadn’t kissed a woman in 8 years but everything about this felt right. His lips gently pressed against hers as the music came to a stop, their swaying doing the same. He knew it would be a long road dating Sophie but he knew it would all be for the best. 
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its-freakinbats ¡ 6 years ago
Across the Multiverse 1/?
40 notes ¡ View notes
secndlife ¡ 8 years ago
got7 as fratboys: jaebum
a/n: ok so here’s the first one!!!!! it turned out waaaaay bigger than I expected but I hope y'all cope with me and read it all bc I think it’s worth it. as I said it, there’s a nsfw part at the end so skip it if you’re not comfortable with that. and please, hit me up with feedback!!!!!!!! those are very important so yeah
⇒ im jaebum: president
major: linguistics 
minor: philosophy 
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ok so starting off with mr president himself: im jaebum!!!
ofc he was gonna be the president pls
so he majors in linguistics bc he wanted to do something different??? and like wanted to know the origins of words and its impacts etc etc LIKE DEEP STUFF
and he minors in philosophy bc well DEEP and he actually likes it a lot and he’s really good at it
you might think the guys don’t really respect him as a president but BITCH when jaebum is being serious they respect the hell out of him
he is the only one besides jinyoung that can actually put the place in order
a really good president???? like the university claims he’s an example even tho GOT had some complains in the past bc of it’s wild parties
he has this mysterious bad boy vibe all around him
but deep down he’s actually a softie
loves LOVES lOvEs his cat - her name is nora and she is the most precious thing to him
he wants to get more cats but he’s scared the guys will accidentally hurt them???? but getting more cats is totally on his plans
everyone on campus knows him - not just bc of GOT but well bc he’s that type of person that you just know who he is
he’s a MAJOR photography enthusiast
as you can see his instagram is totally aesthetic and with nice pictures
looks fucking good with a camera on his hands
actually looks fucking good doing anything
he’s also very passionate about music
like I told you he’s into deep stuff and he finds music quite deep
he’s actually a really good singer - youngjae said so himself
he also helps youngjae with his songs sometimes
they’re actually planning on recording jaebum a mixtape bc SURPRISE he’s really good at writing songs
has his earphones with him the whole time and don’t you dare touch them unless he offers to show you what he’s listening
yugyeom touched it without invitation once and well… it didn’t have a happy ending
his ipod is filled with pop punk songs and also rnb
reads a lot but not in public - no one actually knows why
maybe it has something to do with him wanting to keep this bad boy image around campus
has good grades bc he’s one of those people who are naturally smart and intelligent
he skips classes quite often
and when the guys wanna do it??? NO NO YOU BETTER GET YOUR ASS TO CLASS
bambam tried to argue once that “why can you skip classes and I can’t????”
jaebum dead ass played the president card and bambam just lowered his head and went to class
he usually skips it when he’s way too hangover or he didn’t get a good night of sleep
has some trouble sleeping at night sometimes so you’ll often find him taking short naps at his classes
when he’s at parties he’s very lowkey unless he’s REALLY drunk
then he turns into the most extra person on the planet?????
he once went down the stairs with nothing but wipped cream on his Parts™ bc he lost a bet he made when he was drunk
no need to say the girls went NUTS
talking about girls…. they all want him
they all wanna know what’s his deal like is he really intimidating is he a bad boy etc etc
he didn’t use to hook up a lot
actually he kinda fell in love with this one person but it didn’t end well
he got hurt and since then he only has sporadic one night stands and they are with girls from other universities so he won’t have to see them often
no one talks about this girl episode tho
actually he doesn’t actually talk about his problems openly at all
when he’s too bothered he goes to jinyoung bc they go way back and are truly best friends
jinyoung just gets him and isn’t scared to tell him when he’s wrong
BUT he has everything written down on his notebook: his lyrics, his feelings and everything that goes on his mind
it is black and it says “people I want to punch in the face” in the cover
he thought about putting a picture of nora but decided against it bc it was “too soft”
he carries this notebook with him at ALL TIMES like truly 24/07
and he doesn’t like anyone touching it in fact it is his most private thing and no one can read it
jinyoung almost read it once and jaebum caught him
jaebum didn’t speak to him for a few weeks and shit got serious but they got over it after jinyoung begged for his forgiveness for like 15 days straight
he goes to the same cafe every morning ever since his first year
everyone there knows him and his order
he usually stays there for quite a while just scribbling things on his notebook and drinking coffee
he likes his coffee dark and bitter and he says it’s just like his soul
no one buys this analogy tho
you must be wondering where do you fit in this
well you’re quite of a coffee enthusiast yourself and you love to go around on campus and discover new cafes etc
one day after your children’s psychology class you were wondering around campus near the philosophy building and there was this small cafe with a cat by the window and you thought oh cute
so you decided to come in and order your traditional caramel macchiato
from that day on you started going there almost every day
a few weeks later you noticed this handsome mysterious guy writing down on his notebook and you couldn’t stop looking???? and then you realized he was there everyday too
you sort of wanted to talk to him but he’s too intimidating
one day one of your friends went there with you and he told you about im jaebum and how everyone knows him and how intimidating he must be
so then you kinda dropped the idea of talking to him until
well one day he left the cafe in a huge rush babbling something about forgetting a test and he ended up leaving his notebook on his table
you decided to pick it up and save for him so you could give it back the next day
and so on the next day you’re drinking your coffee and he arrives and as soon as he sits you go there with the notebook in hands but things don’t go that well
“hm hey so you forgot this here yesterday and I-” “oh my god what are you doing with my notebook” “calm down greg I just picked it up for you bc you forgot it on the table” “DID YOU READ IT?” “no???” “tell me the truth did you read it” “I said I didn’t” “just give me my fucking notebook I’m leaving”
you stood there with this confused look but then you got mad???
“well here’s your fucking notebook. I didn’t read it. I wouldn’t invade your privacy like that. I just kept it bc I also come here everyday and I thought well I’ll be nice and save it so I can give him back tomorrow. I would’ve left it on the table if I knew you were gonna be this rude. here it is. have a nice day”
and you left bc you were angry????? who does he think he is????
so from that day on you kinda changed the time you used to go to the cafe bc you didn’t wanna see him
fast forward a few days and a friend from your children’s psychology class - choi youngjae himself - invites you to a party his frat is organizing and you decide to go like why not
then you remember im jaebum is the president of the frat
but then you think OH SCREW IT I’m going and I’m gonna have a good time
so you’re there and a few drinks have settled in already. you’re not drunk you’re just a bit tipsy and joyful
you finally see youngjae so you go there to say hi and you two start talking
then you notice that jaebum is coming your way and you can’t not roll your eyes
“you know her youngjae?” “yeah jae. she’s in one of my classes. wait you two know each other?” “unfortunately. jaebum was an asshole to me a few days ago so excuse me I have to go”
and youngjae is giving jaebum this look that says wtf did you do dude go apologize
jaebum rolls his eyes but he goes after you and he calls you “cafe girl”
you turn and you’re not in the mood so
“what do you want jaebum?” “I wanna know your name so I can apologize properly”
you debate on just leaving but you tell him your name and he just stares at you
“are you actually saying something or can I just leave?” “hm no! don’t leave.. I just.. I’m sorry. I was an asshole. I shouldn’t have acted like that, you know, like a stupid rude asshole.” “yup you shouldn’t” “so I’m really sorry. and grateful that you kept my notebook. it’s really important to me and very personal so that’s why I acted like that.” “ok noted” “can I get you a drink to earn your apology and then we can talk like two normal people?”
you thought about saying no. you did. but he had the prettiest and most genuine smile across his face and you couldn’t deny
and then you two talk all night long and you find out he’s actually a really nice and cool guy with a great talk
so it’s late and you have to go home and he offers to walk you to your dorm and you tell him there’s no need but he insists and you let him
you two keep on talking and walking and he grabs your hand and when you look at him he has the cutest smile and that makes you wanna kiss his face but you don’t
you get to your dorm and you two exchange numbers and as soon as your inside your room you get a text
[01:35] jaebum: I really wanted to kiss you tonight. but I’ll take you on a proper date before that. are you free tomorrow?
so from that day on you two start hanging out and getting to know each other and going on dates and cute cafes and holding hands across campus and kissing under trees like this huge walking cliche
at first girls kept staring at you like they were surprised that THE im jaebum has a girl
and it was funny bc he walked with his arm around you like you were the most precious thing on the campus and the girls also looked kinda jealous
he allowed you to read something on his notebook once: it was a bunch of scribbled notes about you and it was so sweet and loving and then he asked you to be his girlfriend so BOOM you two were official
the guys start teasing the hell out of him because WOW you’ve turned jaebum into this huge ball of fluff
he’s really this soft dork whenever your around and that’s really cute
you two have this ritual of going to That cafe every morning and when one of you can’t make it the other one picks up coffee for the go
you had to be approved by nora in order for this relationship to work and sometimes he regrets it bc he swears you and nora like each other more than you two like him
it took him a while to open up to you but he did eventually
he makes you cds in a very old fashion way every month with songs he wants to show you or that make him think of you
and you give him this list with book recommendations so you can discuss later
you spend a lot of time at the frat helping him out with his president duties
he walks you to his classes
loves LOVES seeing you in his jackets or with the frat’s shirt
takes a lot of pictures of you - really, a lot. you’re having dinner? his camera is up. you’re putting make up? his camera is up. you’re sitting on the couch? his camera is up. like literally he has a ton of pics of you in his camera roll
you can keep him in check when he’s too nervous or too stressed and that’s great
he’s a bit jealous sometimes but he’s getting better
sex is a very important thing for him bc he belives that sex is a way to express love
like honestly he is very very sexy and he basically exhales sex so
usually he’s a dom and into rough sex
but there are some days when he just wants to appreciate you so he goes in deep for passionate sex and those days are amazing
sex is always very intense and intimate
not much into trying new things but will do it for you
never steps over your boundaries when it comes to sex (actually over anything but especially in bed) and you trust him a lot so
has a huge oral kink and also likes hair pulling
doesn’t care about doing it when the guys are around the dorm
overall he’s not the typical frat boy and a very soft person and you two became the bossy royalty couple and everyone loves you two
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