#you come into his planet and disrespect him…. but if you disrespect chan that’s ok cause it’s funny actually
xhaotixaesthetica · 6 years
Stray Kids Hyung Line Reaction to Being Jealous
Starlink Intergalactic Navigator 
You are on: Gaia, the dwarf planet 
Bang Chan/ Christopher Bang
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Christopher Bang would literally rather cut off his right foot than admit he’s having a hard time.
Unless it’s twelve years after the fact. 
This is especially true with people he cares about, the last thing he wants is to burden other people with his issues, especially since he’s used the being either A) independent af or B) the leader who shoulders other people’s issues. So Chan will most likely not tell you if he’s jealous.
However, Chan also isn’t very good at hiding any negative emotion that relates to anger.
Chan seems like he either gets very jealous or gets jealous once a blue moon, there’s no in between. But since he’s gone and busy so much, it’s probably the former. He probably thinks a lot about you leaving him for someone better or who would have more time to spend with you.
Since he doesn’t want to bother you with these feelings and lowkey doesn’t know how to deal with them, he’d probably lock himself in his studio, and make the problem even worse than it had to be.
He would be attempting to distance himself so he could calm down, but Chan is a person who needs lots of love and attention once he actually lets you in, so this distance would just make him feel even worse which would require more distance which makes him feel even worse and I hope you get the picture.
You’d be able to tell something’s up cause his texts are short and curt and he’s much quieter and more subdued on phone calls than normal.
Once you go to the studio to see what’s going on, I don’t think it would take him long to cave and tell you, especially if you coo over him and are really patient and give him physical affection.
“I guess it’s maybe a little possible that I got a tad jealous.”
“...Shut up, don’t look at me like that. It’s just...you’re so beautiful, I don’t even think you know how beautiful you are. Anybody would be lucky to have you, and I know I’m not always here to give you what you need. I’m giving you all I have, I swear I am, but I’m scared that one day, it’s not gonna be enough and you’ll leave.”
He’ll melt the moment you wipe away his tears and put your arms around him, his noisy, chaotic mind gradually getting quieter and more at ease the more you tell him that he’s all you want and you know he’s trying his best and it’s so much more than enough.
“Fuck, I love you. Thank you for being by my side.”
Woojin/ Kim Woojin
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Woojin don’t do that stewing shit. Despite being a non-confrontational person, he’s gonna be quick to nip this shit in the bud and be mature as hell about it in the process. Unless the person is disrespecting you or pushing your boundaries, he’s gonna leave it alone, most likely just reminding himself that you’re obviously with him and he knows you love him.
If it’s something that he really sees an issue with, he’ll either wait to discuss it calmly with you when you both are away from the person or gently pull you out of earshot and discuss it then and then, depending on how much it’s bothering him.
Honestly, I don’t think there would be much to say about this one, his mature and cool reaction to things would literally be the reason that the two of you don’t even get in many fights.
Lee Know/ Lee Minho
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I got one word for you.
Honestly, I see Minho as most likely being jealous as hell. It’s not even because he doesn’t trust you or because he thinks of you as being his possession or some crazy shit like that, he just doesn’t like people being all up on you or him like that.
He feels like your relationship is this thing that’s almost sacred and people should respect that.
And heaven forbid the flirting make you uncomfortable, Minho’s not much of a person for violence but he might actually swing.
“Excuse me, I don’t know if you need glasses or if you’re just stupid, but this is my s/o and I’d appreciate it if you’d quit hitting on them before we have an issue.”
Pls pull him away cause Minho is not that big, he might get his ass kicked and the worst part is, if it had to do with you, he wouldn’t even regret it.
Except when he has to explain the situation to Chan.
Changbin/ Seo Changbin
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I’m so useless, I don’t even pick GIFs that have to do with the reaction, it’s just whatever I think they look good in.
Somebody had to really be all up on your shit to make Changbin jealous. Jealous enough to make it known, at least.
Changbin is a really chill, easy-going, down-to-earth person and despite y’all trying to force this dark persona on him even when even he himself acknowledges that he only really uses it on stage he’s really in touch with his emotions and the emotions of others.
So while I feel like he would get jealous quite often, it would be a tiny little bit of jealousy that goes away after a few seconds or doesn’t really bother him that much.
He knows hat you’re very aware of his love for you and he knows you love him, he has a bone-deep trust in you that’s quite hard to shake.
However, while Changbin isn’t that jealous, he’s very protective.
If someone’s hitting on you enough that it’s making him uncomfortable, he knows you’re uncomfortable and Seo Changbin don’t play around when it comes to his baby, he’s gonna step tf in.
He probably won’t be rude and he’s too chill to be confrontational unless provoked, but he won’t hesitate to let them know that you’re not only taken, you’re uncomfortable in their presence, that shit ain’t ok, and they need to back off.
He’d most likely have some kind of physical contact with you while doing it, and would be half-hiding you behind him no matter how tall you are.
Despite his height, we all know how intimidating Changbin can be if he feels like it, not to mention his arms could probably snap a giraffe’s neck, so mostly likely the person would fuck off pretty quickly.
Then softbin is back, asking if you’re ok with this concerned glimmer in his eyes, blushing and giggling profusely when you kiss his cheek.
Gaia, the dwarf planet 
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