#you can't see them but Time and Twilight aren't happy with Legend either.
gutiuniverse · 2 months
Legend, teaching the young heros: Okay, what's the first rule? Wind, Wild and Hyrule: Don't wake up Sky before 12, if you want to live. Legend: Second rule? Wind, Wild and Hyrule: If Warriors tells you no, go to Four. Warriors, shouting from a distance: WHAT ARE YOU TEACHING THEM!?!?!
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wayfayrr · 1 year
Congratulations on 100 followers lovely! I'm so happy for you!
Can I ask how either Legend or Hyrule would react to a fem!reader with a lot of piercings? (In their world, but like an isekai y'know) I'm actually writing for this right now but I'd love to see somebody else's thoughts on it!
Thank you <3
Thank you!! 🥹 I swear you and everyone on here are all so kind💖 writing for Lu is one of the best choices I've ever made and you just keep proving it 💖💖💖 I decided to write this for Hyrule and around when the chain met reader for the first time, just about when they're starting to fall, I've got four's in the works as well!! The exact piercings aren't said beyond one or two named ones.
“[Name], would you mind if I ask about your piercings?”
“Sure Rulie, what did you want to ask about them?”
It’s nice that he’s got the courage to ask, and to be honest I’m more surprised that none of the others have yet. With how little he’s talked to me in the days since I started travelling with the chain I can’t help but feel like I’m not quite an equal to them. Hopefully, if I can handle this talk well though he’ll start to open up more, seems he already is with how he’s reaching for my ear. 
“Well I know in Hyrule having your ear pierced is a thing done to show that someone is over a certain age and that they can also be very painful, so I guess I just wanted to know why you have so many, is there any reason to them? I’m sorry if it’s a personal question, you don’t have to answer it…”
Listening to his rambling is pretty sweet, although it is pretty hard not to blush with how he’s absentmindedly fiddling with my double helix. He doesn’t seem to have noticed it and for the sake of his confidence I’m not going to bring any attention to it, sure he should have asked but he’s not doing it intentionally that’s clear. If anything it’s sweet he’s this interested.
“Well, they were a bit painful when I had them done, now though? I can barely feel them unless they get caught on something, and there’s not really a reason behind most of them.”
His hand flinched back with that like my words burned him more than any fire could ever hope to. Oh, he’s got an even worse kicked puppy look than Twilight, I don’t think I can handle him looking at me like this. 
“You’ve not done anything wrong Hyrule, you don’t need to look at me like that. I would have told you if you’d done anything.”  
“So you don’t mind me touching them? If I do hurt you at all I’ll heal it immediately I swear.”
“No I don’t mind you touching them and unless you tug on them hard you’re not going to hurt me, and I trust you aren’t going to do that.”
His smile’s back now, and he’s near reverent with how he’s admiring my multiple hoops and studs within my ear. I’m just glad I don’t wear any cold iron, that wouldn’t be fun to explain to anyone. My jewellery doesn’t seem to be the only thing he’s looking at either, with my non-hylian ear getting some of his attention as well as he ghosts his fingers over it. 
“Thanks for this [name].”
"It's fine Rulie, it's cute how fascinated you are actually. Not many people are this interested in them usually."
"So you really don't mind me touching them… or your ear?"
I can't hold back the laugh as he's asking me the same thing again, thankfully he doesn't seem offended by it so I've no reason to feel bad about it. He's even laughing alongside me now and isn't that a beautiful sound? His games never really showed anything of him accurately, how could they to be honest they had what… a hundred kilobites to work with? 
"No I don't mind, like I said, it's cute. If you want you can look at my other piercings as well, I mean you can see the ones on my face already but you can look closer.”
Mentioning that seemed to be an invite to him like he was only waiting for my permission for him to do this. His fingers gently ghosting across my face with that same reverence, like he was touching a goddess rather than, you know, a normal human. It took him a far longer time than it really should've to be satisfied with how he’d examined everything, certainly a long enough time for me to blush before he backed off again.
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luimagines · 1 year
*walks on in shockingly calmly for once, hands you a mug of hot chocolate and a basket of cookies without elaborating* Just passing by to say hello, I wish you a good day and thank you for all your work in the fandom, happy late two years! Plus dropping some stuff about thief reader, as well as Cattle Raider Reader with Twilight that won't leave me alone in between writing for the Fairy Tale au and trying to swat an Assassin Reader with Warriors away from this ask, life's been difficult and I've recently became a dog parent for the second time and me and my older dog can definitely sympathize with Time and Twilight as a result, the pup has as much energy as Wild on caffeine and energy potions.
Thief Reader's first reaction to Warriors is definitely "Aww Captain! I thought we had something special!" While still shamelessly running a check on Time to make sure they didn't hurt him too bad during the initial scuffle, ruffle Wind's hair because while they missed their second partner in crime but have no idea wether he'd be receptive to hugs, then promptly introduce themselves as "The one person who couldn't compete against Link's one true love."
Time, baffled and who low-key had a crush on their older self and their current self before they were separated during the War of Ages: "I'm sorry?"
Thief Reader, fondly rolling their eyes and whipping out a mask that looks suspiciously like a golden wolf with red eyes and placing it over Time's face, and probably giving Twilight a heart attack in the process: "Yourself, obviously. I knew I couldn't compete with the legend and your desire to help people, if Malon and her highness couldn't talk you down from it then what chance did I, a lowly thief have? I'm selfish, I couldn't keep you from doing what you loved if I tried, but I couldn't see you get hurt either." *Shrugs, looking away* "... Besides, I did basically force myself into your journey, I helped, but I also burdened my first friend, between you and me that day on the portal, of course I'd chose you to survive and go back home in a heartbeat. It's the least I could do for you." *In a heartbeat, moves on while winking towards the Chain* "Well! That's enough of that, so they're all yours in a sense, mhm? Thank goodness none of you got his unfortunate nose." *Starts passing around all of the stolen items back, pauses at Twilight with a hum, head tilted as they put his neckacle back over his neck and hands Wild his Slate* "Oh, aren't you lot just precious, can I keep them Link?"
Time, taking the mask off with an unimpressed look on his face: "I can't believe you actually kept it, and no. They're not pups, Reader."
Thief Reader, crossing their arms: "I know and you know that's not what I meant! Learn how to share, besides they're much more well behaved than that nasty shadow I swindled recently."
Thief Reader had a tendency to steal a lot of items from Mask and vice versa since he learned how to be light footed from them, Thief's Reader's absolute favorites were his cap, earring and the masks, they wouldn't touch most transformation masks because some lines you just don't cross, they only steal the FD mask out of them in order to keep a young Mask from overusing the transformation with Wind's and Warrior's help once they explained what was up with it, and they repeat that behavior now with the Chain, as a result they know the Fierce Deity well because even if they wouldn't use the mask they probably kept it close enough to their face to talk to him into protecting and keeping an eye on Link in case they couldn't. They don't care he's a deity they can and Will throw it into the ocean if they don't care of him. Their favorite being a golden wolf mask they got from appeasing a Wolfos, they couldn't give it back to Mask before they were separated, but they kept it well maintained all these years to give it back to Time with the excuse of 'It suits him better than it ever did them' as they used it as a replacement to cover their face once they got older. They used a scarf to cover their face during their tenure as a thief when young and Mask ended up with it, so he gives it back now that he can finally return it (though they still sometimes end up swapping them back and forth on accident still, force of habit), also Thief Reader is the only one who can listen to him when he gets sneaky and is the only person in the Chain who doesn't jump, just makes sure to spook him back or they get together to covertly mess with the youngsters (Warriors is onto them but HATES that he can't gather proof, it's the War of Ages all over again).
As for Cattle Raider Reader aka the cousin of the Wild West inspired rivalry enemies to lovers au that I'm still not elaborating on, in medieval times there was this whole thing where different tribes or villages raided each other's cattle, either as war practice or as genuine stealing when times were rough, the idea here is that Reader is from a neighboring village from Ordon that engaged in the practice in a competive way and since Twilight was one of the best with a horse around, logically they clashed a lot to match Reader (Reader being the leader of the offensive village with Twilight trying to get Ordon's cattle back or defending it), as a result they had a very fierce rivalry/enemies thing going on before the twilight came. Reader came around to scout things out in Ordon for the next raid only to find out Twilight, the village children and Ilia are missing due to monsters, decide that something having happened to their rival was absolutely unnaceptable and set out to look for him, incidentally they run into an injured Wolfie at the beginning of the game (since ya know, Rusl actually burns Twi if you're not careful) and while at first they consider walking away because it's a wolf, the eyes reminded them of Twi and so they cave and help fix him up enough to go back to the quest and Midna before heading out, leading Twi to go "... Huh. Maybe they aren't that awful after all." And after a couple more accidental run ins during Twi's adventure and a more or less proper reunion in Castle Town after Lanayru, where they connect the dots that "Oh wait a second this wolf doesn't only have Link's eyes it IS Link" after seeing him try to sneak into the castle again with Midna, they help him out on the condition that they aid him in this questing business because like heck they're having their rival not come back home by being reckless and Hyrule is their home too, they're gonna help defend it. Things just spiral from there.
Their first introduction to the Chain is probably when the Chain is overwhelmed in Twilight's Hyrule, Twi recognizes he's near Reader's village and also realizes he didn't tell them where they went and while they're probably undoubtedly mad at him that it's technically the best shot for them all to make it in one piece. So he leads them there and Reader, who had spotted the battle in the distance and recognize Twi's horse, saddles up, grabs a sword or an axe, throws it onto the head of the nearest Lizalfo near Twi with unnerving accuracy, then turns to Twilight with the "You BETTER have a good explanation for this or else you're next" glare, Twi, who is too used to this at this point is just "Missed you too Reader.", While the Chain is just confused in the back on how Twi knows this person and why he's so chill even when they look like they would skin him as Wolfie to make a fur coat if not for the situation at hand (meanwhile other Chain members are probably having an epiphany of where Wild gets his fighting style from, because Cattle Raider Reader is ruthless, a menace and will grab anything on the battle field to throw at the enemies if their weapons aren't nearby).
Or something, I don't know I kind of have a headache so it's probably not flowing clearly, really need to write this all out in full one day...
Anyway, that's that for now! Once again thank you for all your work in the fandom, I'll definitely be coming on by to gush more about your writing omce I can so uh, fair warning, I can get rambly XD.
Hope you're having a nice day!
-Just an Anon on A Stroll/WintertimeStoryteller 🐚
Ok first of all- I have so much to unpack here XD
Thief Reader is giving me some heavy vibes of a fic I read once but with the roles reversed. I don't remember the name of the fic. To Steal a Thief's Heart? (doubt it.) But in that fic Link was the thief and rogue and it was awesome. If you're interested I can track it down and send a link. :D
I love that Reader shows up on the scene and is instantly back to their shenanigans all over again. Time doesn't even seem all that phased for the most part- maybe them shoving the mask onto his face was a blessing in disguise. He could hide his shock and gaping mouth, lol.
Time crushing on them twice was cute though. Love that. <3
This is insane!!!! Don't dangle that in front of me DX
The torture. Not fair.
Y e s. H E L L O. I'm listening. Intently. Gib. Gib more plz.
My god, I could see that reunion in my head so clearly. The axe nearly taking Twi's head off, him ducking without a second thought. The charging rage of Reader where they retrieve their axe and point it at Twi. And he's got a stupid (if sheepish) smile on his face.
Also it's ok. I love your rambles. Literally feel free to come by any day <3
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marenwithanm · 2 years
i find myself suddenly intensely curious about any theories you have about the palace au
I'm so sorry I have "forget things that aren't in my immediate line of sight" disease 😭 but I remembered just now so whoops lol here you go
Ok so I'm torn with whether or not Four will meet up with the group while they have Future Four with them. Cuz on the one hand, clearly something happens that erases four's memories of this when the twilight of the future (assumedly) does remember. Does that mean these two four's are from different timelines? Does it have something to do with his sleep in the sword? Is it a means of not screwing up the wacky timeline? Idk but I could see it going both ways. On the one hand, if four met up with the group it could have a lot of angst potential, but on the other hand if he never finds out or hears about it secondhand then it kinda solidifies the legend - four and twilight - time parallels better. So either way I'll be happy! (If you can't tell I'm not one for theories I'm more of a "wouldn't it be neat if this happened" type person lol)
Another thing is does lu four already have children? I'm inclined to think yes bc of the "being able to take care of time" scene (four was literally saying 'i knew a toddler once who was super stubborn about meal times' and I'm like. Either that's a trick Four's grandpa used on him as a kid, or Four used that on his kids. But that would mean Four's kids are already old enough to eat solids at the time of lu, and they were canonically 1 when he's sealed, so that means PRACTICALLY NO TIME LEFT WITH HIS FAMILY and that's just too sad.) I'm also inclined to think yes bc of the linked universe panel you referenced where Four says it's good Time doesn't have any kids bc it would be sad if they missed him.
(now I'm imagining a scene where it's after the links escape the temple, and immediately it's like.
Legend, quickly walking up to four and gripping his shoulders: do you have children?
Four: how did you- um... Yes???
Legend: how old are they?
Four: turning... One soon???
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Anyways lol)
Another thing is I wonder if the chain will help future four and dot fight Ganon in the palace of the four sword? Idk if he got sealed away with them, or if he wreaked havoc in the past. But either which way, I wonder if it will happen. Again, probably doesn't count as a theory, I am simply spitballing
I think that's about all I got off the top of my head. I have vauge wonders of whether or not shadow will come into play at any point in time, but that all depends on how much you plan on dipping into FSA or if this is all just set up. Anyways, I hope that was maybe fun for you to read! Sorry I forgot about it lol
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nicetomeetmew · 4 years
If LU was an anime (VA headcanons)
Okay so! A while back I uploaded a video (which you can find here) giving the LU boys voice actors. And in the description of said video, I promised that I was going to post a list of explanations for my voices and link it. Which I am only doing now.
These choices, bar a few, are my own personal opinion, so I'd love to hear your thoughts about them! I spent far to long working and watching anime for this but I am pretty happy with the end result, bar one (glares at Four). So I hope you enjoy! And prepare yourself. Cause this is LONG.
Legend - Vic Mignoga (Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist and Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood)
So fun fact. Back when I first discovered LU, I almost immediately imaged Leg with this voice. He had strong Ed vibes for me and when I started making this list, he was the only one I immediately knew was perfect. At least to me. It just has that quality; the snark with the capability of being genuine and emotional (I do apologise if the voice clips I included in the video made you sad. That's a hazard of FMA). I didn't consider anyone else for Legend, even though I did briefly consider Vic Mignoga for Warriors (more on that later).
Sky - Aleks Le (Zenitsu Agatsuma from Demon Slayer)
Man, I considered a fair few KnY voices for this list, including the voice of Tanjiro for Wild and the voice of Giyu for Twilight. But this is the one that stuck. I was struck between Sky having a youthful, soft voice or an older, soft voice (I knew his voice had to be soft. I mean. It's Sky.)
I watched the dub of Demon Slayer solely for this and it never would've occurred to me to consider Zenitsu's voice for Sky. But as the show progressed and I heard it when he wasn't... you know... begging some poor lass to marry him, I realised he actually has quite a soft voice. And when I heard it get all serious I thought "Yep. That works." And thus I placed Aleks Le as the Chosen Hero. You could argue that his voice is a bit too youthful for him but I still think it works.
Wind - Amanda Miller (Boruto from Boruto: Naruto Next Generations)
Ugh. Ugh. *increasing sounds of disgust*. I hate this.
But let's start from the beginning. Right off the bat, I was 99.9% sure Wind would be voiced by a woman. Okay so he's not 10 (that will make more sense in a second), but he's still pretty young and I imagine him with quite a youthful voice. For him, I considered Sarah Natochenny, the current voice of Ash Ketchum in Pokémon, and also Colleen Clickenbeard's voice for Monkey D. Luffy in One Piece. But these two voices shared the same problem. They were too raspy. I just cannot see Wind with a raspy voice. I guess if you really, really, really focus on it it could work but I just could get it to work for me hfff.
And then... ugh. I spoke to a mate about. He doesn't know about LU so I just told him I was making voice headcanons and couldn't think of a good one for a 14 year old boy. And he said "have you heard Boruto's English voice?" And I think my response was something along the lines of, "Ben, I have standards." But he insisted it would probably work so I watched a clip of Boruto on YouTube and much to my horror, it did seem to work. But there was problem. None of the clips had lines I could picture Wind saying. And because of that I was struggling to actually give Wind the voice. But something told me that it was the right one so... I... *shudders*... watched Boruto. I watched I think 5 full episodes before I had no more braincells and skipped thorough a bunch more and sure enough, I could finally see Wind with that voice. I think it fits him great and it honestly might be my favourite choice just because I had to watch that nightmare.
Hyrule - Justin Briner (Izuku Midoriya from My Hero Academia)
Ah. This one is much more pleasant. First of all, I never realised this at first but Midoriya and Hyrule are kind of similar. For one thing, they do kinda look alike. And for another they have the same "I will never give up" kinda thing going on.
Roolie is another one I knew would have a soft voice. I think Justin Briner was always down as a choice for him, except for when I briefly considered him for Four (more on that later *big sigh*). This is another anime I watched the dub for solely for this and there were a ton of lines right from the get go I could instantly imagine Roolie saying. So yeah. Aside from the tiny moment I almost assigned Justin Briner to Four, this was a pretty easy one. Midoriya has a soft voice that I could easily imagine Hyrule having. And when he got angry and his voice got harsher, I could also easily see Roolie like that too. Fun fact: there's another BNHA voice on this list... heh.
Wild - Michael Sinternklaas (Dagger from Black Butler)
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Ahem. Anyway. Yes Wild is British. Everyone rejoice. I was unsure of how people would react to this but I think this is the only voice on the list everyone agreed on. Which I'm happy about.
As I mentioned, I considered the English voice of Tanjiro (Zach Aguilar) for Wild. There were issues with this; mainly that it was too soft, too young, and made him sound too similar to Sky. Now here's the thing. I WANTED to give Wild a English accent. I am almost certain he would have one, like most people. However the only anime I could think of with decent English accents was Black Butler (and yes I know his final voice is from it, bear with me) and there was a problem with that. Most of the voices from Black Butler are ridiculously posh. Now you may be thinking "But Kai, Zelda has a posh English accent" and to that I would say "Ah yes but she's a princess and Wild is not". And now you might be thinking "But Kai, he's a knight an probably spent a lot of time in a place with posh English accents". To which I would say "But he wasn't always". Two words. Hateno Village.
Let me explain.
I feel like a lot of people hear the words 'English accent' and immediately think of an accent like Zelda's (and no, I am not saying everyone does and I'm also not implying that there aren't people out there who aren't British and know that there are multiple accents). Anyway, English accents are different depending on the place. And, since one can assume Wild is from Hateno Village, I would imagine their accent is different to that of those born in Castle Town. So that's why I was reluctant to give Wild a voice from Black Butler. Because all the voices that weren't insanely fancy were either far too old or did not have the right vibe.
Then one day, taking a break from this, I was watching season 3 of Black Butler (one of the only anime I watch dubbed) and I heard two voices that I suddenly thought, hang on just a second. One of those was the voice of Ronald Knox, who's a grim reaper. And the other, of course, was Dagger. I was leaning towards Dagger and what sold me was one scene in particular, which I chose as the final voice clip for Wild (you cannot tell me that is not exactly something he would say). And that was it. But Wild's was easily one of the most frustrating (not the most *glares at Four again*).
Time - David Matranga (The Father from Wolf Children)
Another tough one and also one I heavily considered for Twilight (for obvious reasons). Time's was kind of tricky because I knew I wanted it to be deep but there's such of variety of deep voices. At one point I even considered dumping the deep voice idea because it was so hard. It was a this time I thought of the voice of space cowboy extraordinaire, Spike Spiegel. But my brain said "hell no". There were other voices I considered for him, loads of which I cannot find the notes for and another one which will likely appear in part two as another character (no spoilers), but when I was picking a voice for Twi, some of the lines the father said just kept ringing big old Time vibes with me. So in the end, I decided to for it. Like I said, I imagine time with a deep voice and while to father's might be a bit more... gravelly (?) than I imagined, I think it fits him pretty well. It's serious and mature but still a certain kindness I'd imagine Time's voice to have.
Warriors - Johnny Yong Bosch (Ichigo Kurosaki from Bleach)
Don't lie. You knew Johnny Yong Bosch was gonna be on here and not just because I put his name (albeit spelled incorrectly) in the thumbnail. When I started making this, I knew I wanted to fit JYB into it. In my mind, LU would be an amazing anime and almost all amazing anime have Johnny Yong Bosch in it.
Now, I spent a lot of time trying to figure out whether he would be better for Wars or Twi. At one point I was convinced he would be best for Twi and that's when I briefly thought about Vic Mignoga for Warriors (his voice for Tamaki Suoh from Ouran High School Host Club. Don't tell me Tamaki and Wars aren't at least a tiny bit similar). But I could bear to part with Vic for Legend so I decided heck it, Johnny is Warriors and I'll find someone else for Twi later. As for the voice in particular, the two voices I considered for Twi definitely did not fit Wars. And then I remembered Bleach and immediately I thought "Yep. That's the one". I imagine Warriors having an authoritative voice, not too deep and very... uh... I don't know the right word. Clean sounding? Anyway, Ichigo just seemed to fit nicely and thus it was so.
Four - Micah Solusod (Yukine from Noragamai)
Ugh. UGH. Okay. This is my least favourite. Four was, excuse my French, A FUCKING NIGHTMARES. There was not ONE SINGLE VOICE that seemed to work for him at all. I watched a bit of the Noragmai dub because I was thinking about Yato's voice for someone (I can't remember who. It might have been Wild) and I heard Yukine's and decided to put it into reserve. As in, my last resort. And I had to use it. Oh my god Four. I love you but your voice is literally a nightmare. Is it high? Is it low? Is it young sounding? Surprisingly grown up sounding? I DON'T FREAKING KNOW.
I mentioned earlier that I considered Justin Briner for him. I was thinking about his voice for Luck from Black Clover, which may have honestly worked a bit better, but I was pretty attached to Justin as Roolie by this point. So I had to whip out Micah.
Let me be clear. No, I do not think this works well at all. I appreciate the people who tried to see that good in it, but I honestly just don't think it works. The only reason I went for it is because Yukine's voice switches between older sounding and younger sounding throughout the show and since I could decide what Four's would sound like I said to myself "Fine. Four can be the same", found some clips, slapped it together and never looked back.
I am still looking for another voice for Four and if I find a decent one, I will include it in part two.
And last but not least...
Twilight - Aaron Mitchell Dismuke (Tamaki Amajiki - My Hero Academia)
Told ya there was another BHNA voice.
So Twi was another tricky one. As I mentioned, I was seriously considering Johnny Yong Bosch for him. More specifically, his voices for Giyu Tomioka from Demon Slayer and Kiba from Wolf's Rain (for obvious reasons). I did almost go for Kiba but something was stopping me. I'm honestly not sure what.
So I was talking to a mate (and by that I mean I rambled. A lot) about VA's and at one point he suggested Aaron Mitchell Dismuke but not for Twilight. I can't actually remember who he suggested it for but anyway, that didn't work out. But when I was looking through his work, I saw that we played Amajiki and I was curious. I listened to him and I liked it.
Okay to be fair I wanted a country accent for Twi. Of course I did. But I could not a find a decent one. They few I found were absolutely terrible. So I gave up on that and decided that was Amajiki. And that was that.
And that concludes the Links VA headcanons! I am happy with most of them and once more these are my opinion but I would love to hear your own ideas!
As I have said many times, I am working on a part two and as a sneak peak (sort of) I'll tell you two of the characters that will be featured (excluding Four, if I find him another voice).
Dink (even though he hasn't, technically shown up yet) and Malon (which is proving to be a lot tricker than I thought). There a couple more but my lips are sealed heh.
Oh and speaking of Dink, the voice I considered for Time and then thought it would be better for someone else? Yeah that's the voice that's currently in the lead to be Dink's :)
I hope enjoyed my long winded explanations! And thank you for reading/watching!
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luimagines · 3 years
In lieu of what happened yesterday with Wolfie... may I raise you with Bunny Legend?
He despises the form. Why, of all the things he could have been, had to be a bunny? A tiger or even a dog would have been better than that a fluffy, weak... pink mammal! It's not fair that Twilight get a cool one instead of him, which is completely stupid since he is one of the oldest, and far more seasoned in salt of the group. On top of that, how dare he stealing your attention like that!? How is he supposed to make a move if Twilight is always hanging around you as Wolfie? He wants you to be the only one to hear how he feels about you...
...And, maybe, is also because he is terrified of you turning him down, the ache in his heart would be worse than a stab with Twilight watching him get rejected...
But this is why he have been named as the "Veteran" and not something else; he has dealt with a lot of situation before with far less objects at his reach to help him, but he always manages to get through it. He's very cunning and is quick to think on his feet...
...Or at least, almost all of the time he is. Erring is most common when you aren't at your most calm, isn't it?
Legend admits that he acted out of desperation: you had him at his wits end! But it's hard to feel frustrated with himself when you are nuzzling your face on top of his head, little squeaks of happiness and a high pitch voice while you baby talked to him, gussing about his very soft fur and really cute vest. You even called him handsome! You never do that when he is in his human form, you don't even spare him a glance when he rolls his sleeves, making a big of a show of flexing his arms, stretching out and pushing out his chest and arms back, all so you can see how muscular he, too, is. But the only thing you do is oogle at Twilight-- as if he isn't enough of a menace to him-- and that idiot of Mr. Captain when they wrestle together, shirtless. He just wants your pretty eyes on him, those plump lips, cherry from how you are bitting them, shamelessly devouring the two men with your gaze...
...Ugh, just pay attention to him, okay!? He will shower you with all the love and adoration you deserve and more! So please, direct that intensity to him, and only him.
A poke to his furrowed brows broke him out of his mind. Legend cautiously looks up at you. He mentally kicks himself as he is met with your worried eyes, the last thing he wanted was for you to feel any type of negative emotions, so that glint spurred him on rubbing his furred cheek on your free open palm, wanting to change the expression out of your face. It seem to work, you opened your eyes more and even giggled a little before scratching under his chin with two of your fingers.
"Got lost for a second there, buddy?" You whisper. Even if your tone was soft, the vibrations travelled from your chest pressed against the back of his small form engulfing it in a warm and pleasant feeling.
Legend closed his eyes and let all of his weight rest on you, not that you minded, of course. Being the sunshine that you are, you giggled cutely once more and tugged him closer to you, to the point of almost being curled around him. It was a rare sensation; he felt protected for once instead of being the one providing said feeling, he must admit that it was quite comforting, but Legend will forego ever feeling like this again in exchange of you being safe forever, you will always be his priority.
"Hmm..." you pecked his head. "Y'know, you remind me of someone that I like a lot"
His long ears fell flat on either side of his head as his heart stilled.
Like a lot...?
You... already have someone that you hold dear?
You seem to miss how his body grow stiff between your arms as you continued in drowning him in affection. What used to be a delightfull experience, now, it hurts him more than any wound he have ever sustained in his life, more than any burn from fire lizards or the cold, prickly bite of exhaustion of his tired body as he dragged himself through every and more corners of Hyrule.
Your hands played with the small tuff of fur on his head, but Legend's mind was far too gone to properly feel the touch. In its place, his heart dropped and shattered, somehow still beating as he felt the fastening Thumping in his stomach. How foolish and naive of him, to ever believe that he got an opportunity with you. Even the people that you two are travelling with can barely stand him, and they are supposed to be the same person.
Is he really that despicable?
"It's actually funny."
Funny how stupid he is, isn't he?
"He came back a few nights ago, very upset."
Well, that guy clearly doesn't now a thing about suffering. He isn't the one getting his heart demolish while in the arms of the love of his life like him.
You pinched the tip of his left ear and softly lifted it up. "He came back with his hair the same shade of pink that you have! In my opinion" you lean down a Little, as if you were about to share a secret "He looks very cute like that. A shame He will never let me say that to his face..."
Pink? Like the rose tinted glasses he have been wearing all this time-- Uh? Hair?
Are you... Please, don't give him hope like that. He can't take another loss in his life, because if you don't mean it, he would be devastated for good.
He felt your body shifting a little before you let go of him to instead hook your hands under his armpits, slowly lifting him up then turning around his body so now the two of you can be face to face. His tiny nose twitched as you leaned in a poked the tip of your own nose to his pink one, rubbing a little before you leaned back again. Legend layed his pawns on top of your chest, eagerly following your movements when he saw you opening your mouth to continue, he didn't want to miss anything that you are about to say:
"He is a big dork, with an even bigger ego. Very handsome too and... Ugh, Legend, why you have to be such a cactus all the time?" You finished with a tinge of frustration in your voice.
In a normal scenario, he would have argued about that last statement, but he couldn't because of two good reasons: one, he is still in his dark world form, it would be very weird if this bunny you found in the Forrest acted as if it was personally insulted by your words. And second...
You actually like him.
Him, With all of his flaws and bad attitude, you still found and assigned a space in your heart for only him, Legend.
Just as how down he got, his spirit raised up again with vigor, his heart soared from the dark pit of grief that held it a couple of minutes ago taking its rightful place at the peak of the shrine dedicated to your whole being. He didn't even noticed that his skin was ice cold until a burst of heat shot from his feet to the tip of his ears that acted as a catalyst as he threw himself towards your chest, his body felt light as a feathe, he tried his best to fight off the desire to laugh or shout out this waves of overwhelming energies.
Oh, how your chuckles were like the tunes from the most rich instrument in the entire universe being played by the goddesses themselves, more revitalizing than any potion or fairy pond.
"Do you think I should say something, buddy?" You returned his hug.
Legend furiously nodded his head, not think if it will appear weird that he could understand you. You squeezed the tiny bunny between your arms before putting him at arms length:
"Thank you, buddy. Somehow, now I have the confidence to talk to that prickly bitch--"
...Uh oh.
Even the common noises of the Forrest fell silent at his outburst.
Legend didn't had a second to try and amend his mistake as, suddenly, his vision was thrown into a spiral; everything looked blurry and the wind on his fur was a clear indicator of how hard you launched him away from you. He felt slightly proud at you quick reaction time but...
...No amount of fur can soften the crash on the hard forrest floor, just his luck that he didn't fell on the conveniently batch of dry leaves right beside him. It hurt, not as how bad his heart was hurting, but painful nonetheless.
He just really hopes you won't tell the group about the weird, pink bunny that can talk, or else he won't ever heard the end of it from Sky and Twilight.
AND IT'S DONE CKSKFJEJCUC IT TOOK ME A LOT OF TIME JUST TO SAY "Legend tried to pull a Twilight and got yeeted out of existence"
I think that Legend has self esteem problems! With what happened in A Link to the past, it's hard to overcome a whole nation hating your guts when you only wanted to help.
You really just said "If no one will provide me with Legend simpage, I'll do it myself"
I'm grinning so much right now. I ended up biting my lip a bit harder than I intended to because I almost screamed at the end when he finally spoke up.
The whole time I was like "But Legend can speak? Why is that not- Oh that's why."
Also, describing how Legend tries to peacock as he stretches to catch the Reader's attention *chef's kiss*.
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