#you can't imagine just how much i miss her (eva and lyn headcanons)
((Trying to sleep and my dog has decided to bark for no reason. =_=
So have some headcanons and ideas??
Sandy getting a ptsd service dog. He's a little white hypoallergenic mix named Milou after Tintin's dog bc she's absolutely read the Tintin comics, both for fun and to the twins. He keeps her safe during flashbacks and as a plus side is very good at sussing out people with rancid vibes and keeping them away.
I feel like she would enjoy watercolor painting and making friendship bracelets. Also, because she's a traumatized child of the 90's, she 100% listens to Korn.
Evelyn and Evelyn get a chicken coop together at some point bc they were raised around chickens throughout their early childhood and feel a lot safer with animals than with people. Eva gets a chicken as an emotional support animal and Lynn stopped talking to her for a week over it because she thought it was stupid, but she secretly enjoys watching people's reactions to the damn thing.
Eva is the more shy sister of the two and the one who's more earnest and innocent, but she's also a queen of backhanded compliments and accidental insults. She doesn't even know she's being mean, she's just honest in her own weird way.
Lynn is the more abrasive twin, and the one who makes the difficult choices between the two of them. She's also a little boy-crazy and interprets anyone giving her attention as them totally having a crush on her. She's also just kinda...weird?? Eva is weird in her own way, but Lynn wears her weirdness on her sleeve. She's into astrology in an ironic way and will straight up make up horoscopes to fuck with people.))
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((While Sandy is my main blorbo, I do have quite a few ideas for the Evelyn twins.
I have a couple headcanons on what their lives would have been like if their birth hadn't been a total clusterfuck. If their father had lived, he would have named them Marisa and Theresa after their mother, Louisa. He'd call them Mari and Terri as nicknames and homeschooled them himself on their farm. After losing his wife, he would have been VERY protective of them, especially considering their unique condition.
They'd still have a love of chickens and music, but their lives would have been happier and more well adjusted. Their father would have had trouble considering them individual people, not just because of being conjoined twins, but because they're all he had left of his wife and he couldn't bear to be away from them.
Lynn absolutely lives up to the farmer's daughter stereotype of being obsessed with chasing guys, but Eva is more interested in studying veterinary medicine. She's fascinated by anatomy and has experience on the farm of helping care for livestock, so she'd like it as a career. But her dad is too afraid to even think about letting them go to college.))
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((tag dump 2!!))
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