#you can't even ignore peoples' existences nowadays. because of the woke.
uncanny-tranny · 11 days
Was looking through one of my courses presentations and my reaction:
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electricprincess96 · 4 years
Your reblog about not being surprised sjws on Tumblr cling to Edelgard as well made me realize something. It may be that when I think about people fighting for social justice I tend to think about the students I met during my bachelor. Most which genuinely wanted to learn about human rights for everyone and things like that. I need to realize that a large portion of so called "woke" people aren't like that and are very racist and sexist themselves.
The term "social justice" has become so warped nowadays especially online that anyone who genuinely cares about social issues probably won't even use it, they'll say they fight for equal rights or fundamental human rights for all etc.
The "woke" especially online can quickly be identified if you ask them about human rights breaches by countries that aren't Western (most countries who aren't the US and UK but I'm sure other westernised countries have their own brand of people like this). If you ask them about the Uyghurs they deflect, if you ask them about North Korea they don't care, when you mention the fact the African Slave Trade is still alive and in existence today they don't want to talk about that because they aren't being bought by White Europeans anyone. They don't care about the victims of human rights abuses they care about who's perpetrating them, they care more about having an avenue to spew their own racist or sexist rhetoric without fear of social backlash than they actually do about victims.
Obviously life in Western Countries isn't perfect, we've still got things we can fix and work on, but people who actually care about human rights is going to care about it no matter where in the world human rights abuses are happening and regardless of who is committing them.
Obviously you can't focus on ever wrong doing in the world, you'd exhaust yourself, but never showing even a hint of interest in the human rights violations going on in China or North Korea while simultaneously trying to take the moral high ground over me.... yeah that doesn't sit right, I don't think that moral high ground is as high as you'd think.
Also while the Internet is a great place to raise awareness for a cause, it shouldn't be a Human Rights Activisits only place for campaigning or activism because at the end of the day online isn't real life and many people can just choose to ignore you. I, in the past when I've had spare income, have donated to Liberty In North Korea, a not for profit that literally build tunnels and try to make rescue routes for North Korean Defectors as safe as possible so they can get them into South Korea where North Koreans are granted automatic citizenship (obviously they will question them to make sure they aren't spies). They basically try to give safe passage to North Koreans who have escaped to China, as it stands if a North Korean is caught in China by the Chinese authorities they will either be returned to North Korea where they will face inhumane punishment, sometimes death, or if they are a woman they can be sold into sex trafficking within China rather than returned to North Korea. Liberty In North Korea provides resources to help them make the 3000 mile journey from the NK China Border to a safer nation in Sputh Asia where they can then safely be transported to South Korea.
I wasn't intending for this post to get retailed like that but as you can probably tell its a topic I'm passionate about. I'll include a link to the website in case anyone is interested.
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