#you can't do this with a lightsaber boys
eorzeashan · 1 year
i should also mention research let me stumble on some truly insane tactics like holding the sageo in your mouth (???) and letting your sheathe dangle off the edge of your katana while you hold it out in the dark like you're fishing for bad guys and then when someone hits the decoy scabbard thinking it's you the sheathe falls down and you're alerted by the loosening of the cord (again like fishing) and then you stab said attacker (hook line and sinker)
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yandere-wishes · 11 months
not a request
Yandere!Anakin Skywalker is shameless lmao. Bro's the Stare Master. He constantly stares at you and while he's constrained by the Jedi Code, it doesn't mean he won't make advances towards you. To make things worse, he's infantilizing. He treats you as if you're made of spun glass and insists on fighting all of your fights.
It doesn't take a genius to figure out who he's got eyes on, but unfortunately it opens up weaknesses for his enemies to exploit. His constant conflict with what he's been taught and his obsession with you builds up and eventually explodes.
omg imagine Boba Fett being a yandere for you??? Better yet, when Fennec comes into the picture, she becomes a platonic yan for you too. They work together watching over you, they share and take turns with you.
Some food for thought. If the format is weird forgive me it's 1:44 AM rn
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No No!! I'm in love with this!! We'll do Anakin in this post and Boba in the next one ~💜
This works so well if you're his Padawan. Only a few years younger than him and a little too naive to fully comprehend the emotions hidden behind your master's star-crossed stare. Still, there's an odd comfort in feeling his eyes wherever you go. Ease in the knowledge that he's never too far away should you need him. 
 You even welcome the lingering touches and reassuring forehead kisses. The inexperience in you longs for something, someone to hold on to. A safety of sorts that only Anakin can provide. 
He's the chosen one. 
The golden boy.
You should welcome this. Whatever this is exactly. 
But as you grow. As your skills improve. You begin to note that nothing changes. Instead, it only gets worse. When the two of you are out on the battlefield he's constantly pushing you behind him. And that's only if he can't restrain you to the ship all together. You can't even remember the last time you took out an R0-GR. Or the last time you even ignited your lightsaber. 
Anakin's all over you when you return to base. Hands roaming your body, searching desperately for the slightest laceration. He mutters teasingly in your ear as he pulls your hips closer. "My precious little girl" or "My darling little padawan". It's infuriating and frankly a little embarrassing. He treats you like a doll. Like his doll. A precious little thing too pure for the war torn universe.
You've started to notice how the clones and other Jedi avoid you. 
Eyes glued to the floor when you walk by. 
Even the senators skurry away when you enter a room.
Not gonna lie, the isolation is getting to you. 
Anakin detonates when the Jedi counsel removes you as his padawan. Deciding it best to switch your master. You welcome the change, the chance to breathe. It feels like you'll be free at last...
But then Anakin disappears and the clones turn on the Jedi. The younglings are slaughtered and you find yourself face-to-face with Darth Vader. 
It doesn't take a genius to figure out what drove Anakin to the dark side. It doesn't take a genius to know what weakness Palpatine -or rather Sidious- exploited to turn Anakin into a Sith. It's all your fault really. You got him too attached. If only you'd kept your distance, if only you hadn't been so weak. Anakin drags you back to Mustafa. Claiming that when the time is right you'll become his apprentice again. Only this time in the form of an Acolyte.  
You can't escape him.
Not now, not ever.
Your fate was sealed the day he became your master.
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thelazybard · 4 months
I'm not sure if you know anything about Delta Squad. But perhaps can I request Bad Batch x Fem Padawan reader who was first adopted by Delta Squad and when order 66 happened she was recused by Bad Batch, after attempting to use the force to stop them from harming her.
What a great first request!
This is gonna be a long one so buckle in
F!Reader x Bad Batch: Being saved from Order 66
warnings: Order 66, slight canon divergence, character death, Crosshair never follows Order 66, betrayal, angst, hurt/comfort, use of force speed because why did we never see that after Episode One, light fluff
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This can't be happening.
What was even happening?
One second you and Delta Squad are on Kaller celebrating the death of General Grievous and the seeming end of the Clone War. The next, you're running as fast as you can, as far as you can, away from your squad; your family, who are now doing everything they can to find and destroy you.
You were Master Shaak Ti's padawan, and once helped her oversee the prowess of the clone army. But soon the war effort called you off-world to lead a special force of clone commandos. Master Shaak saw this as a way to know for certain if you were ready to be Knighted, since you were an adult now.
Boss, Scorch, Sev, and Fixer were apart of Delta Squad, and looked to you for guidance as their Commander. It was unnerving at first, being away from your master's calming presence and not being able to seek her guidance at a moment's notice.
But, you eventually proved your worth as a commander, and soon a knight. At least you would have if there was an Order to return to after this last mission.
You will never forget, Sev was the first to draw his rifle on you. At first you thought it was some distasteful joke. You weren't a stranger to your squad's pranks.
But when you sensed his index finger curl, and heard the faintest tick of his trigger being drawn back, you couldn't help the reflex of igniting your saber and swinging the blaster bolt back into your opponent's shoulder.
Sev had cried out, and even to this day his cry echos through your mind in the late of night.
Then the others drew your weapons and that's when you ran. You refused to fight them. Not because you couldn't, but because you wouldn't. They were your friends, your brothers. You lead them through their first campaign on Geonosis, laughed with them, cried with them. Celebrated victories and healed their wounds.
Clone Force 99 found you cornered between Delta Squad and the icy canyon below the ridge you stood on.
"Just stay back! Please!" You pleaded, lightsaber drawn and eyes glossed over with tears. You weren't in fear for yourself, but instead afraid of what you'd have to do to ensure your survival.
They weren't speaking to you. Why weren't they speaking to you?
"We've got her now, boys. Open fire on the target." Boss said to his brothers.
It was with those words that it was finally able to register in your head.
Something definitely happened, that was for certain. They were given orders from someone that superseded you. If that was the case, nothing you could say or do would stop them from completing their mission. You damned their unwavering loyalty before you sprung into action.
You'd always held back when sparring with your brothers. You were quicker, stronger, and could see their moves before they made them. You never let them win, only kept up with them until they grew tired, which granted took a while. But now it was life or death, you understood that now as you sliced their rifles in half, blocked their punches and parried their melee attacks before even they knew what they were moving to do.
The Batch watched the scene unfold from the treeline, still unsure of whose side they should be taking. Echo advocated stepping in right away on your behalf, but the jury was still out with the rest. Besides, it didn't look like you needed help.
Nothing like this has ever happened before. The Jedi were trustworthy, no? Especially the padawan of Shaak Ti.
They knew you in passing. You've interacted with the batch a few times, usually just accompanying Shaak Ti during their assessments. The Batch teased each other for their crush on you, and had taken every chance they could to pass you in the sterile hallways on Kamino. Now, that beautiful, calming padawan was fighting for her life.
In this moment you were other-worldly. It was nearly impossible for the batch to keep track of your form weaving through the four supersoldiers, blocking their attacks as you still clung to hope they'd come to their senses.
"She's not just killing them." Crosshair said.
"She doesn't want to." Echo replied.
Hunter had heard through the grapevine of padawan Ahsoka's alleged treason, that was later learned to be false. Could it be the same, here?
When Hunter finally finished mulling it over and called for CF-99 to aid you, they dove through the shrubs to stun your opponents while their attention was still fixated on you.
You watched in shock as Delta Squad's bodies crumbled to the ground around you, not realizing what happened until you saw the clones at the treeline.
"Commander," Hunter greeted you, worry wrinkling his brow.
"Sergeant. They tried to kill me! What is happening?" You asked.
"That's what we're trying to find out. But it isn't safe for you here."
"It doesn't appear it is safe for her anywhere," Tech interjected, eyes fixated on his datapad. "It says here the Jedi Order had commit treason against the Republic, and we are to eliminate all targets under Order 66."
"Treason? The entire Jedi Order? What could be the... Fives!" You breathed, your fingers draping over your mouth.
"Fives what?" Echo asked.
"He tried to warn me about a plot against the Jedi. I wanted to believe him, but before he could prove it he was–" You sighed and shook your head, sheathing your saber so you could dig the heels of your palms into your temples as the world you once knew was flipped upside down.
"We have to get you out of here. If the other clones planetside know you're here they'll try to..." Hunter said.
"I understand. It seems I will have to–" You nearly doubled over as an unfamiliar senstation dug through you like a vibroblade.
The tether between you and Shaak Ti was severed. She was killed.
You regained your footing with the help of Wrecker who steadied you.
"Master Ti. They- they killed her."
Hunter sensed regs closing in on your location. "Come on. We have to go, now!" He barked.
Running alongside the batch, tears streamed across your cheeks as you grappled with the fact that Master Ti, the woman who raised you, taught you, protected you, was cut down and you weren't there to stop it. Or at least die with her.
You boarded the Maurader and Echo helped you into a seat as you were overcome with emotions. Emotions you were taught to supress spilled out of you with the wound Shaak Ti's death left. Your shoulders quivered as you sobbed softly to yourself.
You were sad, angry, and scared.
"Take me to the nearest planet that doesn't have a Republic nor Separatist occupation," You finally said when the tears subsided. "I can't return to Kamino. I must hide until I figure out what is happening."
Tech nodded before keying in coordinates and making the jump to hyperspace. It would be a few days before you arrived, so it was time to get comfortable with your company.
The Clone Sergeant didn't know what to say to you for the first few hours.
Partly because he'd never conversed with you one-on-one and was nervous to talk to the pretty Jedi that was the object of his affections for the past few years.
Your entire squad just betrayed you. He couldn't imagine how that must feel. He didn't want to.
At first, every time he looked at you he was reminded of his greatest fear, and couldn't face it.
Eventually he decided he had to say something, gazing at your form curled up in a seat, seeming far away.
It wasn't until Crosshair literally shoved him in your direction did he finally approach you.
"Uhh, Commander... I... can't imagine what you're going through right now. If you need anything, let me know, yeah?" He asked.
"Thank you," You replied, voice small and strained now as you try to grapple your emotions.
"And, for what it's worth... You fought well. I think Delta Squad is lucky to have such a commander. I'm sorry they betrayed you. You won't get that from us."
You smiled at him and his heart stopped.
He wasn't sure of where you'd end up after they took you somewhere safe, but he was determined to cross paths with you again.
Echo has the most experience out of the batch when it comes to working with Jedi. He understood their overall nature; Kind, calm, wise.
You were no different. It's why he was picking his brain for any reason clones would be ordered to murder you.
Echo knew you before his accident. It was your faith in him and the rest of Domino Squad that drove him to work together with his team. He'd been smitten with you ever since.
"Are you alright?" He asked, coming to sit across from you.
You looked up at him, and his chest tightened as the two of you made real, undivided eye contact with each other for the first time in years. Your eyes were wiser now, even while saddened.
"I'm... shaken. And trying to cope with the fact that I will have to leave everything I've known if it means I'll survive."
"You've still got us," Echo offered. "We don't really know what's going on either, but you can trust us. You can trust me."
"Thank you, Echo."
"Anytime. I... appreciate, all you've done for me and my brothers in the past. It's the least I can do for you now."
You reached over to touch his hand that rested in his lap, and he only froze a little. The look you then gave him when your eyes met again was a look he'd never soon forget.
After a day of being on the Maurader with you, Wrecker knew he wanted to cheer you up. But he wasn't sure how.
He started with offering you his favorite flavor of ration bar, which you politely declined. Not much of an appetite.
Nodding, he left and returned with Lula, making her dance around you as he hummed a tune, and eventually bonked you on the head with the plushie to provoke a laugh.
His brothers told him to leave you alone but you assured them it was fine.
You liked Wrecker. He was silly and said what was on his mind.
His humorous way of cheering you up seemed to be working.
He crouched down to your level, looking up at you to meet your eyes and smiled. "C'mon Commander, let's hear that pretty laugh." He said.
He thinks it's pretty?
You thought back to your handful of interactions, and found you had chuckled a few times here and there.
This encouraged a soft giggle out of you.
"Thank you, Wrecker. I really needed that."
"Anytime, Commander."
Tech has never seen anyone cry before. Not really, anyways.
He's seen people cry in the holofilms, and knew it was something you did when you were sad.
But Clones were in many ways emotionally stunted, even moreso Tech.
So watching you cry, well... it stirred something in his chest he'd never quite felt before.
He knew you were sad, that much was clear.
But how do you comfort someone who's crying!
"Don't fret. Your tears are simply a pathological response made to relieve some of the traumatic stress you may be feeling." Tech explained sagely as he sat beside you.
"That's... good to know, Tech. Thank you."
He then passed you a ration bar. "Here you must eat. You will need your Jedi strength."
His unconventional way of displaying his affection was oddly charming. Doting on you like a mother hen while also explaining the science behind your emotions in painful detail to alleviate your worry.
You'd always seen through Crosshair's stoic, brooding demeanor.
You knew there was a storm of thoughts and feelings swirling around that noodle of his.
There was so much he was thinking at any point in time, so much he could say.
And he knew you knew. Everytime you two locked eyes, he felt you looking right through him into something more than what met the eye.
It was unnerving. He didn't like being seen in that way. Mostly because he didn't know what it'd entail.
Your eyes were duller now after what transpired, like you yourself had built up your walls into your own psyche.
It was like a thorn in his heart, not being able to see you like he did. So that's what it felt like.
He wanted to be let in.
"Need an ear?" He offered when it was just you two aboard the ship.
He didn't mean to startle you right as you exited the refresher after your sonic shower, but it was on his mind since he saw you disappear to freshen up.
"What?" You said, eyes alert suddenly.
"If you need to talk, I'll listen." He reiterated more clearly this time.
You looked down, shoulders shrugging weakly. "I'm not even sure what I want to say that would help."
He nodded his head in the direction of the cockpit and you followed him to sit in the pilot chairs.
"Maybe it won't fix anything, but it will at least be off your chest."
You exhaled through your mouth, then nodded.
"I just can't believe... I was close to them. They were my brothers. I thought that no matter what, they wouldn't..." You began.
Cross listened intently to your grievances, nodding to let you know he was listening, humming occasionally. Finding out more about your personality in the process.
Finally, when you couldn't find anything else to add, you wiped your tears and sat back, sighing deeply.
He was right, it at least helped with the cinderblock weight on your chest grief gave you.
"Thank you, Crosshair." You said.
He looked into your orbs, then to the swirl of blue and white that was hyperspace. "Get some rest. You can have my bunk, I changed the linens this morning." He said.
Sorry if this took too long, I just really liked this idea and the words came spilling out.
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bellarkeselection · 8 months
Our Little Kenobi
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Request from @starvingbrokestudent Can you do a super sweet pregnancy fic with Obi Wan? Like the reader finds out she’s pregnant after fertility issues and Obi Wan is just so excited?! And how they try to keep it a secret from the council and eventually she has a baby boy?
This will be a mini series like you asked 😁
Rushing to the bathroom I didn't even get the chance to remove my lightsaber and my robe from my body because the sickness was coming on so quickly. Holding onto the toilet I puked what I had ate in my stomach feeling out of breath afterwards. This wasn’t the first time this had happened and it was the third time I had gotten sick. Wiping my hand across my mouth I gagged on the taste leaving the bathroom once I had finished. Finding my communicator out of my robe pocket I thought of the first person I could call who wouldn’t ask too many questions. “Padme, can you come to my room please?”
“Of course. Do you need anything specific?” She asked me appearing as a blue hologram.
Running my fingers through my hair with my freehand I whispered under my breath almost like somebody else was listening on the other side of the door. “Could you uh…could you bring me a pregnancy test. I can’t have the medical droids look I into this. They can’t keep a secret if there is something going on.”
“Sure, I’ll be right over.” She hung up the call making me more nervous just waiting for her to come over.
Pacing back and forth across the floor frantically trying to calm my nerves but it wasn’t working. This couldn't be happening to me. I was a Jedi knight and a leader of one of the clone armies. There was a war going on all on top of it. I heard three knocks on the door before I opened the door quickly. “Come in, Padme.”
“Here it is. Why exactly did you need one?” She asked and I knew that she would after she told me about her and Anakin sneaking around.
Taking it from her hands I went into the bathroom quickly doing the test since the waiting was killing me. Sitting on the toilet I just stared at the test in my hands thinking that my life was now screwed. “Padme, I'm going to be forced out of the order.” I croaked through tears feeling her presence in the doorway of the bathroom just watching me.
“I thought Jedi were encouraged to love. That's what Anakin told me.” She responded.
Lifting my head up I felt tears building up. “But you're sneaking around aren't you. It's exactly what me and Obi-Wan are doing…stars he's going to be upset over this.”
“Maybe he will want the baby.’ She tried being hopeful. “Wait a second I should be asking do you want it first?”
Dropping my gaze to the ground floor silence filled the entire room at that point. I didn't know how to answer her question. Being a member of the Jedi order meant that things like love, marriage, and children were out the window. Gripping my hair in my fingers I screamed dropping the pregnancy test on the floor at my feet. “I don't think I can do this, Padme. I can't…I'm not prepared to be a mother. I barely even remember my own parents after the council found me. And then there's Obi Wan…he…I have no clue what he will feel.”
“Have you ever talked about the possibility of having kids with him if you weren’t Jedi knights?” Padme came into the bathroom and sat down beside me on the floor.
Burying my face into my knees I croaked. “We took an oath, Padme. No marriage, no children, no possibilities of going to the Dark Side.”
“I’m sorry Y/n. But I am here for you and whatever you decide to do.” She placed a hand on my shoulder and we both just sat in silence with me thinking back to that night between Obi wan and I.
Opening the door, he walked towards the bed and dropped me down to the bed. My back hit the soft silk sheets before I rose up from the bed staring at him softly and brought a hand to his cheek stroking it softly. He leaned into my touch and brought my fingers to his lips, kissing them softly for a moment before releasing them. Standing tall, he lifted his shirt over his head and threw it to the ground. My heart began to beat for a second as I stared at him, my eyes directed down to his muscular chest, and blushed at the sight.
I averted my eyes with my hands covering them quickly and tried to contain my blush, he looked up at me and smirked at my reaction. “You don’t have to be embarrassed, Y/n. You can look if you want to.”
“I don’t know what I’m supposed to do…have you ever done this before.” I pointed out to him where I peeked through my fingers for a split second.
My hands started to trace his form, I began to run his fingers up and down his muscular chest softly while I began to feel his hand start to crawl underneath my shirt. He yanked my shirt off my head, throwing it to the ground only once breaking the kiss until I was not able to not joke with him at least once. “Woah….you look just wow.”
He glanced down at my clothed beasts staring at them deeply before reaching behind my back and began to unclip the straps off and tear it off me in a split second. I gasped at him instantly reaching a hand to cover my breast, he let out a growl at them pushing my hands away. “ Don’t hide from me, my darling. You are perfect.”
He hovered over me and brought his lips down upon mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and embraced more into the kiss. I felt a hard rock positioned at my lower religion, he placed his member at my center and looked up at me. “My love, this may hurt for a few minutes, I promise I'll go slowly. We can do this together, the both of us. Since….I haven’t done this before either. Are you sure you want this, I'll stop if you're not ready.”
“I want you. I want you, Obi.“ I said, gripping the bed sheets in my fingers, never moving my gaze from his. “ Please just go gently.”
Obi wan nodded his head slowly brushing some hair out of my face just admiring my face in the small light that was provided by the bedside lamp. “I want you just as much as you want me.”
Within moments I felt the pain suddenly vanish and began to feel pleasure. I began to move against him and leaned up pressing my lips down upon his. He embraced me back instantly when my fingers dug into his back. And that was the most enjoyable night of our lives.
I decided after a few days later to finally tell him what was happening. He deserved to know the situation so that we could figure out what to do next together. Standing out of his door I sucked in a shaky breath raising my fist and knocking three times on his door where it opened slowly for him to greet me. “Y/n, what can I do for you?”
“We need to talk…alone. If you have some time before our council meeting.” I almost whispered under my breath before he allowed me to come inside.
He shut the door behind himself, raising a brow. “What is going on, darling?”
“Did you remember the night we shared together? Well something I thought wouldn’t happen ended up actually happening.” Fiddling with my fingers in front of me I lowered my gaze to the ground trying to not show how terrified I was.
Obi wan was a much sharper Jedi then I thought I was though when he takes a few steps towards me. “Y/n, if something is making you nervous you can tell me. You know that right. So what is bothering you?”
“Obi, please don’t be upset. I already don’t know what I am going to do with the result. I can’t handle it if you rat me out and abandon me.” I lifted my head showing him my face was turning red with heavy tears coming down my cheeks.
Obi touched my shoulders, shifting his blue orbs down to my eyes. “Darling, please tell me what is wrong. I can’t help you if you don’t tell me.”
“I….I’m pregnant.” I croaked out lowering my head into his chest sobbing. “I’m pregnant with your child.”
The Jedi master froze for a moment so unsure of what to say. He was in the same position as yourself. He knew that the council wouldn’t allow you to remain in the temple. Yet he slowly wrapped his arms around my waist holding me gently letting silence fill the room until he finally separated the hug. “I’m not going to leave you, Y/n.”
“Wait what…are you being serious?” I sniffed clinging onto the fabric of his brown cloak for strength and his arms were still around my waist holding me close to his embrace.
He moved one hand to cradle the side of my face feeling me lean into his palm when he replied longingly. “I said I won’t leave you because you're pregnant. I know the risks that it means for us. But I’d be the biggest idiot if I left you over something we both consented too.”
“You have no idea how much of a relief that is to hear you say that, Obi wan.” I chuckled through tears with such relief off my shoulders as I fling my arms around his neck hugging him tightly but gently.
He tightened his grip around my waist, burying his face into my loose hair. His heart skipped a beat at the realization that he would be a father, he was terrified since he didn’t remember his own much. Yet there was more joy in his mind than fear. “I have been considering this for a long time. I guess you finally gave me the courage to do so…”
“What are you talking about…omg.” I gasped covering my mouth watching him lower himself down on one knee directly before me.
He revealed a tiny black box from inside his brown robe, opening it showing me a simple silver ring that had three jewels in the middle of it. His bright blue eyes poured up into mine. “Y/n, I love you. I know that we are told not to get attached to one another but I couldn’t help it. You are everything that I never knew I wanted until we started spending time together. This baby doesn’t want me to run away from all of that. It makes me want to stay by your side even more. So will you marry me?”
“Oh Obi Wan….yes.” I giggled letting him slide the ring on my finger getting to his feet. He cupped my face in his hands kissing me for the first time in a few days. I leaned up on my toes kissing him back.
Comments really appreciated ❤️ Tag list - @iifloweringnightsii
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multi-fandoms-posts · 3 months
Master? Part 1
Qimir x reader
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"I'm sorry, Master," I say, falling to my knees. "You failed me," he growls. "Stand up," he orders, and I stand up immediately.
I look at my master. His face is hidden behind the mask and has something almost sinister about it.
He comes towards me and grabs me by the neck, but not so hard that I can't breathe. I was supposed to kill someone, but the person ran away. I wasn't concentrating and wasn't paying attention, and now I'm in trouble. "You only had one job. ONLY ONE," he growls, cutting off my air completely for a moment. I try to fight back, but the next moment he lets go of me and I fall to the ground. I stand up and just look at him.
"You have disappointed me, my little star," he repeats, and I feel a sharp pain. I don't want to disappoint my master. I look at the ground, ashamed. "I didn't mean to disappoint you, master," I say.
"You will travel to Olega. Someone is waiting for you there. You will receive further instructions soon, my little star," he says and disappears.
I look at the spot where he was standing for a while before I set off for Olega.
I'm wandering around aimlessly. My master hasn't told me who I'm supposed to meet here or where. It's frustrating. This isn't the first time he's left me standing there like this and only told me half the story.
"Hey," a male voice calls out, and I turn around. A few meters in front of me stands a man with slightly longer hair. He comes towards me. "You're Y/N, right?" he asks, and I look at him confused. "Yes, but how do you know?" I ask, astonished. "What do you think?" he grins. "My master," I say, and he nods. "I'm Qimir, and we're going to spend a lot of time together," he smiles.
Great, this could be something.
months later
I return from the mission injured. I open the shop door. "What happened?" Qimir asks worriedly. "It was an ambush," I growl and sit down.
Qimir gets some things. "Come here," he says. I stand up and sit next to him. "You have to take off your shirt," he says. I blush slightly, but take off my shirt.
"This might hurt a little," he says and cleans the wound. I wince in pain. "Shit," I curse. "I'll get it in a minute," he says and puts a bandage on. "Done," he smiles. "Thanks," I say and get dressed again.
Qimir and I look at each other for a while. We've grown closer over the last few weeks. I sigh before looking down. "What's wrong?" he asks, putting his hand on mine. I look at him.
"He hates me," I say. "What makes you think that?" he asks. "I killed Jedi and now I'm just his errand boy lately. All I get are missions to get me something and I'm sure he ambushed me to test me and I failed," I say. "Hey, he doesn't hate you," Qimir says. "How do you know?" I ask skeptically. "I just know," he smiles.
A few days later
"I have a mission for you, my little star," says my master, coming towards me. "I want you to travel to Khofar and kill the Jedi Master Kelnacca there without your lightsaber," he says. I look at him in shock. "Master, that's impossible," I say. "Are you contradicting me?" he growls. I quickly shake my head. "No, master," I say quickly. "Good, now go," he orders.
I traveled to Khofar with Qimir. "Come on, we have to hurry before it gets dark," says Qimir.
We've been walking through the forest for what feels like an eternity. To be honest, I don't want to, but I can't defy my master. I'm too scared. He can be really cruel when he wants to be.
"I need a break," I say and stop. "No, no, we have to keep going, it's getting dark soon," he says. "Qimir, please," I say and he sighs. "Okay, but only for a moment," he says and I sit down.
“I need a moment,” I say and stand up.
I can't put Qimir in danger, I love him too much for that. So I decide to set a little trap for him. "Qimir," I call, and he comes immediately. "Y/N, what is...?" He is interrupted as he falls into the trap and floats upside down. "What the hell?" he says angrily. "I'm sorry, but this is too dangerous. I can't put you in danger," I say, grabbing my things. "I'm sorry," I repeat, kissing his cheek before I disappear.
It has now become dark, but I have finally found the Jedi's hideout. I immediately go in and sense the presence of the other Jedi. I look for the Jedi Kelnacca, but what I find sends a shiver through my body. He was killed by a lightsaber and I know who it was. I look outside. The Jedi have found me. I suddenly feel the dark aura of my master and I get scared.
I see him standing in front of the Jedi. When they try to attack him, he uses the Force and they all fly to the ground.
And then, then chaos broke out.
I watched him kill almost all the Jedi. He is currently fighting two and his mask falls. I am shocked at who is behind the mask. "Qimir," I breathe in shock and he looks at me. His gaze is ice cold. The Qimir I know, the caring, kind Qimir, doesn't seem to exist anymore.
I never thought he was my master. He looks so menacing and unpredictable. He uses the Force and pulls me towards him and grabs me by the neck. "You wanted to betray me," he says darkly. "N-No, it wasn't like that," I say, and he smothers me. "M-Master," I say and try to fight back, but he is just too strong.
He lets go of me and I breathe a sigh of relief. We are now very close. "Master, I would never betray you," I say. "My little star, of course you wouldn't do that," he says and strokes my cheek.
I am surprised at his gentleness.
“Kill them,” he says. “What?” I say, surprised. “Kill the Jedi,” he says.
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ratsonastick · 8 months
You definitely don’t have to do this if you don’t want too! Clarisse x reader where the reader has always been naturally quiet and doesn’t think their good enough for Clarisse cause their total opposites
OF COURSE!!! I am not sure if this is the best, but I tried giving you the before and during the relationship
Requests are still open!
Clarisse La Rue x ShyFem!Reader
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Let’s just say you are not one many people know about at camp. You can’t help it but you are honestly just very unsocial because putting yourself out there seems like a lot of work.
You have friends … let's make that clear, but it's not a lot. 
Ever since you have been at camp you've had a FAT crush on Clarisse, I mean who wouldn't? Well maybe a couple of kids because she is very aggressive, but you find it charming. 
But you would never have a chance with her. Because firstly, if you can't even ask the cabin counselor for some help then you most definitely won't be able to ask her on a date. And secondly, you are the complete opposites! You wouldn't last a week together. 
She is loud, not afraid to make her voice heard, and scares others. And you … well you just let things happen and hope for the best.
Not only that she's so athletic and fit. And it's not that you aren't unfit, it's just that you’d prefer sitting alone or with friends. 
Only one of your friends, Nicole, knew of this crush, and she supported it entirely. Every time you walked past Clarisse you'd keep your head down but Nicole would nudge your shoulder and let out a giggle. 
You avoided Clarisse as much as you could but it wasn't till one day when you were asked to bring supplies to the sword training field did you have to talk to her. 
You were SHY! Couldn't look that woman in the eyes as she questioned you. She thought it was cute, to say the least.
“Chiron wanted me to bring these here for you guys to try out,” you spoke softly, setting down a metal bin full of new weapons and other nonsense. Clarisse hummed in approval and picked up a new handle grip. 
Luke, one of the boys from the Hermes cabin walked over with a smile on his face “Finally he took our advice on what stuff we needed … Thanks for bringing them Y/n” he nudged your shoulder in a friendly manor. 
You were surprised he knew your name. You noticed Clarisse sending what looked like a glare in your direction and you took that as a hint to leave. 
“Y/n” her voice called out and you immediately turned to look at her “You good with a sword? I need a new sparring partner … one who I don't know every boring move they make.” She spoke in a harsh voice rolling her eyes in the direction of Luke who was twisting his sword around and making noises like it was a lightsaber. 
“I'm not good with swords, I'm more of an archery type of girlie.” You responded “Sorry” 
Your hands were sweating as you gazed down at the ground. “Then let me teach you … every demigod needs to know how to work every weapon.” she looked you up and down before stepping away, hinting you to follow. 
She picked up her sword and then a spare and handed it to you. You stood there like a dork, and she took a stance.
After what felt like hours she finally stopped, “You're not that bad.” 
“Thanks, you mumbled” trying to catch your breath as you handed back the sword to her. The sun was setting and you felt a rumble in your stomach. “Uhm I should probably get going … I promised my friend I’d get to dinner early for her.” 
Clarisse nodded her head eyeing you “Fine.” 
When you arrived at the dinner pavilion you took your spot at your cabin's table, your friend slapping your shoulder slightly in annoyance for your lateness. 
Eventually, Clarisse arrived sitting down at her cabin's table, and filling her plate with food, she noticed you sitting with your friends. How they all talked loudly and yet you just sat there quietly eating, once in a while smiling at what was being said. 
She thought it was … cute? But she didn't like the mysterious card you were trying to play. 
So the next time she saw you walking past the training field she called your name, with her hands on her hips and hair pulled back as she waited for you to come to her. “Yes?” 
She hinted to the sword on the ground and you picked it up. Luke and Chris had noticed her change of behavior, especially towards you. If that was Luke she called over and he was confused as to why, she would have called him an idiot and to go kill himself. 
But she didn’t tell you. 
After an hour of training, she tripped you and you fell, “Why don't you fight back … you need to slander me.” 
“I'm good” you mumbled standing back up and swinging back “Why are you so quiet? I've seen you yell before yet you won't now.” she taunted you … but hey at least she's noticed you before! 
“I'm just naturally quiet, I'm not big on yelling, it's a lot of work.” You spoke up, clashing the sword down onto hers, this made her smirk slightly. 
When you guys finished up and sat down on the grass she took a sip of water from your water bottle and then handed it to you.
“I want you to go out with me,” she said, looking out in the distance “You're strange,” she spoke up once more. 
“You don't have a choice, so don't act bitchy when I pick you up from your cabin. I want you pretty and sweet.” She added with a demanding tone. 
And that's what you did. 
After 2 weeks of dating? (Clarisse wouldn’t clarify, I think she just figured you knew you were because if you looked at anyone else she'd glare at you) you began to have doubts. 
What if your relationship wouldn't work out, you were so completely different it was almost awkward. 
Like for example, when you were told to sit with her at the Ares cabin table, they were all so rowdy and she just kept laughing, and you just sat there with a blank face. 
Or when you went on a library date, she figured that was code for making out, but it was actually just you wanting some company while you read. (She was a little disappointed she couldn't hold your hips)
And it wasn’t just you who thought the relationship was a bit weird, Nicole (that wench) also believed the relationship was … different? But she thought it was so cute how Clarisse was the voice that you didn't like to use. 
For example, when this kid kept talking and was so annoying at the campfire, you gave Clarisse a look that didn't really mean anything but also meant a lot and she shouted at the kid to shut up. 
All the differences outweighed the similarities and it only made you worry, which caused you to distance yourself. 
One thing you didn't realize though is how much Clarisse believed you to be adorable, and how she loved seeing a different side of you when you are alone. Even if it's only a little bit more talkative than usual. 
But she wouldn’t tell you that. Hell no. 
This worry drove you to a lot of self reflection, which took place in your bunk. A party was happening that night and you thought to yourself that maybe if you went and showed how you could act, Clarisse might think you are good enough and keep you around. 
So you found yourself getting dressed with a scowl, sliding a tank top over your head and putting on a skirt. It was a party at the Aphrodite's cabin, and you knew she'd be there for this. 
So when the time came you walked over, and just as you approached the cabin you heard a whistle, you turned and saw Luke and Chris walking a bit behind Clarisse and her siblings. Clarisse gave them a death stare and shouted 'shut up' and walked over to you, leaving her siblings. 
“What are you doing here baby? I thought you said you weren't gonna come.” She said in a soft voice, but in your head, she sounded disappointed, maybe she didn't want you there so she could hook up with some other girl. 
“I wanted to surprise you… I can leave if you want me to.” But Clarisse shook her head grabbing onto your waist “If you leave I'll only follow. I'm just surprised you came, I know this isn't your type of scene.” 
Which was true, you only go to parties with your friends. 
“I just wanted to show you that I can be sociable” you mumbled looking at her with soft eyes which caused her to smile “I know you are princess … but you don't have to go out of your way to change yourself just to prove you can be like me so we are more alike.''
She spoke gently, and she knew that if anyone heard her act this way she'd pause the conversation just to stab them. 
You felt embarrassed now, becoming very aware of how you looked. “You look hot though baby” She mumbled through a smile as she gently kissed you. “Wanna go back to your bunk?” she asked and you nodded your head with a smile.
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tonyspank · 1 year
Summary: Tara finds out who's behind her school's mascot, and finds herself getting closer to them. But Ghostface has other plans for the two.
Warnings: Ghostface, angst, character death.
A/N: no pt.2 sorry & old draft that i shall post because i love u guys
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"Woooo!" Mindy yells, clapping and cheering for her brother. It was a rare occasion to see everyone in the Core Four present at a football game.
But this was the championship game, and Chad was the star wide receiver. Sam smiles along with Tara, watching Chad celebrate at the end of the game, securing Blackmore the state title.
The team mascot, a fierce brown cougar, joins in the celebration by doing flips and cartwheels on the sidelines. Tara leans into Mindy's ear. "You ever wonder who's under the mask?"
"Curious who's behind the mask, Tara?" Mindy wiggles her eyebrows before chucking, adding, "Chad knows! Just ask him."
Quinn joins in, "They're hot too! Chad showed me a photo of them." Mindy thins out her lips, nodding in agreement.
Tara raises an eyebrow maybe she will.
Chad laughs, now at Tara, Sam, and Quinn's apartment, along with Mindy, Ethan, and Anika. "Why are you so curious about our mascot?" Mindy sets down her drink, cutting Tara off.
"Quinn and I were kind of hyping them up." Tara nods, confirming Mindy's words. "The seasons over with! Why are you still keeping it a secret?" Chad shrugs, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. "It's just more fun this way. Keeps everyone guessing."
Anika tilts her head, intrigued. "But don't you think it's time to reveal the mascot? I mean, the suspense is killing me!" Chad chuckles and takes a sip of his drink. "I don't know, guys..."
Ethan watches Tara and Anika throw their heads back, sighing and letting out a small laugh. "Maybe you should just tell them before jump them and rip off the mascot costume." He jokes, earning a playful punch from Anika.
Chad looks around the group before pulling out his phone. "I guess you're right," Chad says, scrolling through his phone. He stares at his screen a bit before a voice is heard from his phone. "Hello?"
Chad's face lights up. "Everyone wants to see you without the mask. They've been asking about you all day." The group looks at Chad with anticipation, eager to hear who Chad has on the phone.
"Oh...uh, sure." You let out a laugh, placing your phone on your desk, ready to reveal your identity to the curious group. Chad flips the phone off his face, revealing the screen to everyone. Tara and Anika's jaws drop, their eyes widening in surprise.
"Oh my god." Anika mumbles, covering her mouth in disbelief. Tara, on the other hand, lets out a small laugh. "I didn't expect that."
You wave at everyone. "I hope I lived up to your expectations!" you say with a smile. Chad, still grinning, introduces you to the group. "Everyone, this is Y/N. Our school's mascot."
"Mind refilling my cup?" you ask, pointing to your empty cup. Tara chuckles. "Can't you just use the force and make it fill itself?" She teases, mocking your Anakin Skywalker costume. You playfully roll your eyes, knowing that Tara always has a quick comeback.
"You will refill my cup." You say, waving two fingers in a playful Jedi mind trick gesture. Tara laughs and obliges, taking your cup before making her way to the keg. A brown-haired boy places his own cup upside down on the pump.
"You're kidding me, right?" Tara asks the boy, raising an eyebrow. He grins, "Nah, last one's kicked. We got hard stuff in the kitchen though." The boy extends his hand, "Frankie."
Tara smiles, shaking his hand. "Tara. Lead the way." Frankie leads Tara towards the kitchen, and you watch with a slight frown. "Looks like you have a sith to deal with." Mindy says, nodding towards Frankie and Tara.
You light up your prop lightsaber, and Anika adds, "May the force be with you." You chuckle and reply, "Thanks, I might need it."
You walk to Tara and Frankie, ignoring the boy as you smile at Tara. "Is that mine?" You ask, pointing at the red solo cup. Tara nods. "It's tequila, so proceed with caution."
You raise an eyebrow and take a cautious sip. The strong taste burns your throat, but you manage to hide your discomfort. As you hand the cup back to Tara, you notice Frankie smirking at your reaction. "Not a fan of tequila?" Frankie asks teasingly. You playfully roll your eyes and reply, "Let's just say we have a complicated relationship."
Frankie chuckles and turns to Tara. "Hey, I have a bottle of Fireball in my room." You narrow your eyes at Frankie's suggestion, could he be any more obvious?
Tara shakes her head. "I'm good. Thank you, though." You smile, silently grateful for Tara's refusal. It had only been a couple of months, but you found yourself grown to Tara completely.
"Do you wanna go somewhere more silent?" she asks you, turning her back to Frankie. You nod eagerly, relieved to escape Frankie's presence.
"Ghostface chasing us...Sam being Billy Loomis's daughter...is just mind-blowing." You say to Tara, leaning your back against the snack bar. Tara looks down at her shoes, a pensive expression crossing her face. "Yeah, it's definitely a lot to process," she replies softly.
You lift yourself off the snack bar and take a deep breath. "But regardless. I'm happy that I'm with you. You've truly made a mark on my life, Tara. I don't think I've felt so strongly for someone, you know? I'm willing to do some crazy shit for you, if it means keeping you in my life."
Tara's eyes meet yours, her eyes darting around your face. She takes a moment to collect her thoughts before speaking. "I feel the same way... It's scary sometimes, but in the best possible way. I can't imagine my life without you either."
You smile, leaning down and capturing Tara's lips with yours in a passionate kiss. You slightly pull away, bringing your forehead to rest against hers. "I never thought I would find someone who makes me feel this way. It's like you've awakened a part of me that I didn't even know existed."
Just as Tara leans in again, she feels a sharp pain in her back.
"Tara!" You shout, holding on to her before she falls to the ground. Ghostface turns towards you, attempting to slash at you with his knife. Adrenaline surges through your veins as you quickly dodge his attacks and push him into a movie poster.
You manage to knock Ghostface off balance, causing him to stumble and drop his knife. Taking advantage of the moment, you grab Tara's hand and pull her towards the exit, determined to get both of you to safety.
Just on time, Sam and Chad open the door, and all of you gasp in surprise. "C'mon!" Sam shouts urgently, gesturing for you and Tara to hurry. Without hesitation, you sprint towards the open door, looking for an exit. But it's not long before you're back where you started—the four of you fighting off Ghostface.
You all manage to knock Ghostface to the ground, and you grab a gumball machine, urging everyone to keep moving. You lift the machine above your head, ready to smash it onto Ghostface, but before you can make your move, another masked killer stabs you in the side.
You gasp in pain as the sharp blade pierces your flesh, causing you to drop the gumball machine. "No!" Tara shouts, rushing to your side, but gets held back by Chad and Sam. You fall to the ground, two Ghostface's tower over you. The pain intensifies as you struggle to catch your breath, realizing that this might be the end of the line for you.
"Y/N!!" She screams again, watching them stab you repeatedly with a sickening frenzy. Your vision blurs and darkness starts to creep in, but you summon every ounce of strength, mumbling. "Run! Go!"
The Ghostface's turn to the three, wiping off their knives in unison.
"Great job. All of you." Detective Bailey says to the three Ghostface's. Sam and Tara's eyes widen when realization hits them. "You?"
"Yeah, of course, me." He chuckles before continuing. "Frankly, I expected more from the two of you after what you did to us."
"Us?" The Ghostface on Bailey's left removes his mask, revealing Ethan. "Mindy was right, it was easy to juke the roommate lottery. All I had to do was room with a conceited, condescending alpha, literally named Chad! Fuck, it felt good to kill him!"
Sam and Tara exchange shocked glances, their minds racing to process the revelation. Ethan's words hang in the air, leaving them speechless as they struggle to comprehend the extent of his twisted motives.
Tara's eyes then fill with rage, thinking back on you and Chad, and they mercilessly killed you both. Ethan grins and holds up his mask. "This one was your grandmother's, Sam. Nancy Loomis? It really runs in your fucking family, doesn't it? Speaking of family, "
Bailey buts in, "Wait for it!"
"My names not Ethan Landry, is it Dad?" Bailey laughs, smiling proudly at his son. "Dad?" Tara questions, even more confused.
"Wait, then who else does that leave?" Sam asks, her mind racing to piece together the puzzle. "I don't know?...Mindy?" The Ghostface on Bailey's right takes off their mask, revealing a familiar face.
"Hey, roomies." Quinn says, smiling. "You didn't see that one coming, did you?"
Tara's eyes widen in shock. "Yeah, cause you died!" Quinn chuckles. "Kind of didn't, though. It was a good way to get off the suspect list. Stab Mindy on the train. That sort of thing."
"I just had to make sure I was the first one on the scene so I could switch her out with a fresh body. You'd be surprised at what a grieving father can get away with." Quinn smiles, "I got Stu Machers mask. He was my favorite."
Everyone turns to the last Ghostface, who had been standing silently beside Ethan. The last Ghostface slowly removes their mask, revealing a face that no one expected. It was you, alive and unharmed.
"Still curious who's behind the mask, Tara?" You ask with a smile.
Tara's eyes widen in disbelief as she struggles to grasp what she is seeing. "But... how? How are you standing here right now?" she stammers, her voice filled with confusion and shock.
"I watched you get stabbed!"
The room falls into a heavy silence as everyone waits for an explanation.
"And Sidney supposedly saw Billy get stabbed," you continue, addressing the lingering doubt in the room. "He used pig blood, but that's out of date. Modern special effects have come a long way since then. It's all about creating the perfect illusion, and that's what I did." You explain, revealing the truth behind the seemingly impossible situation.
"I got Amber's mask." You say, looking at it before making eye contact with Tara. "See, I miss my sister dearly. You know Tara, she would call me and tell me how much she cared about her best friend, and not even two months later, you shoot her dead."
"She was trying to kill me!" Tara shouts. You clench your jaw, your own voice raising. "She loved you!"
Tara's face contorts with anger as she retorts, "She may have loved me, but she was also willing to take my life. I had no choice but to defend myself."
"...How are you, Amber's sister? Why weren't you in Woodsboro?" Sam asks.
You take a step closer to the sisters. "Me and Amber weren't biological siblings, but we were raised together since we were young. As for why I wasn't in Woodsboro, I stayed with my aunt... I never was a Cali person, you know?"
Tara glares at you, her anger still evident in her eyes. "Well, it's not like you would understand. You weren't there when it happened. You didn't see what she did."
"I may not have, but I know how she felt, and I saw what you did. I came here to get revenge for my sister and I will finish the movie she started with Richie, believe me."
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aryxchse · 6 months
can i request relationship hcs w jason pls? ur writing for him is so cute
jason grace dating headcanons
a / n ; ur so sweet wtf?? i love u, keep complimenting me n my ass will be floating soon girlie 🫶🏻🫶🏻
warnings ; cursing and i said sexy like once, also female reader AGAIN
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- alright here's my favorite gentleman
- scary dog privilege fr
- he's cold to everyone but you
- everytime you hug him he'll spin you around in the air with him
- cloud dates
- he's your personal fridge in the hot weathers
- likes carrying you in his arms
- and like he does it so often
- will tie your shoes for you
- and will help you with your homeworks
- if you guys go different collages, he'll drop you off first
- carries your stuff for you
- do ya'll know that one korean boy who has the biggest heart eyes? yeah he's jason
- since he knows what a sith lord is even though he lost his memory, he'll watch star wars with you
- and recreates the romantic anakin scenes
- "from the moment i met you-" boy stfu i'll literally fall in love
- please teach him how to have fun, he's a very sarcastic guy inside
- will cry if you buy him lightsaber
- if you're a booktok girlie like i am, he'll be happy to buy you your books
- and traumatised after reading the first page
- also yeah, he's paying everything
- likes buying you sexy clothes to see you wearing them
- he's like a little kid in love actually
- he thinks he should give all the pleasure to you but when you returned the favor and like- idk listened to him ramble about something with lovey eyes he almost cried
- girl you make him cry sm fr
- cancer men ppl
- anyways
- he'll buy you matching rings, clothes, anything. he loves matching with you
- will make your hot chocolate a little bit colder for you be able to drink it with his wind
- carries an hair tie for you
- always holding you, ALWAYS
- a hand on your waist? check, on your shoulder? check, backpocket? double check
- mr grace the acts of service guy
- will hold your hand if you're going upstairs like a princess
- he usually sleeps better if he's laying on your chest
- he has one of your plushies with him and spreys your perfume on it regulerly
- it helps him when you're out on a quest okay??
- will watch you do your makeup with doe eyes
- he learned how to braid hairs from piper just to braid yours, bcs he loves playing with your hair
- likes holding your hand
- but not like intertwined, maybe holding your pinky or your fingers lazly, he just needs to feel you
- colarbone 👏🏻 kisses 👏🏻
- he'll just bow you like you guys doing a tango and boom, kisses your colarbone
- buys you flowers and keeps one of them with him to know when he should buy you new ones
- writes you poetry
- he maybe can't say it out loud too much, but he can write it down or show it through actions
- he's actually very talkative and funny around you, leo was mesmerised when he first saw jason all chatty like that
- blushed the first time you wiped his glasses for him
- let's you style him however you want
- and like, pick his glasses for him
- he always pairs up with you in practices
- fucks the rules and makes you sit with him on the zeus table
- he can't just stay away from you too long and he's kind of obsessed atp
- but we love him for that ladies
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hardlyinteresting · 7 months
No request for this one but I was thinking about Aaron as a dad
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Hotch does his absolute best to be a good example for Jack. He does his best to be kind, forgiving, and respectful of those around him. He tries to teach Jack how to be strong and resilient, but he never wants his child to grow up to be jaded or hardened to the world.
He promised Haley that he would tell Jack about them, but more importantly he promised to teach Jack about love. To show him love. Aaron never hesitates to answer any of Jack’s questions about Haley, or how they met. He appreciates the trip down memory lane too sometimes, regardless of the way they parted, Aaron is grateful for the opportunity to relive the good. It's a brief relief from the memory of the day she died.
Aaron also moves on. He finds love again. Haley had broken his heart long before her death. And that's the truth he has to accept to go forward in his life. He slowly but surely learns to let go of the guilt that he's been carrying. He tries to open himself up again. He's not the same as he was before Haley, but he's doing his best. He needs to believe that he's worth it, that love is worth it. Aaron is a firm believer in leading by example, and practicing what you preach. He needs to believe in love if he's going to teach Jack to do the same.
Aaron calls things beautiful. He calls you beautiful around Jack. He’ll say “it's a beautiful day” when he's out on walks or at the park with the boy. And on a regular basis he compliments Jack’s latest artworks “that's awesome, buddy. I like what you did with the blue paint over her. Another beautiful work,” he smiles at his son, “should we put it up on the fridge?”
If Aaron is lucky enough to be the father of any other children after Jack he worries about spending enough time with all of them. There never seemed to be enough hours in a day even when it was just Jack. He never wants his children to feel like they're wanting for his attention or his love. When he's home he belongs to his family and he wouldn't want it any other way.
Hanging out with kiddos and getting a chance to just let go and be silly, being subjected to childhood logics, (“ah yes, of course how silly of me, of course you have magically powers that help you see dragons, how could I ever forget?”), and seeing the world through eyes of his kids helps heal his own inner child. Nothing else matters for a moment outside of lightsaber battles, or tea parties. He's reminded of the innocence he once had. He was forced to grow up too quickly, and his career, and life since then have only stripped any last bit of science from him. he's proud to offer his kids a childhood where they can hold on to theirs.
Aaron is the number one bandage-er of boo boos and banisher of bad dreams. He buys fun bandaids. And he always presses a kiss to them after they're applied. (I don't make the rules. This is just 100% true). He always does voices when he reads bedtime stories, and there's not a single nightmare he can't scare away.
Send requests
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alxtiny · 9 months
New Year’s Eve with Ateez
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• Hongjoong
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The clock slowly ticks down to midnight in the background, providing order to the chaos you and Hongjoong had unleashed on the small coffee table in the living room of your modest apartment. A bowl of your favourite snacks lay abandoned by the couch along with two matching cups that were once filled with warm coffee.
You both had decided to make a collage on New Year’s Eve, one that had all the best moments of your year displayed together. You had gathered all the pictures he took throughout the year. Each photo held a special memory, ones that you wished to never forget. A frame that could fit around twenty photos was found and purchased, several bottles of glue, pieces of cardboard and a couple of scissors lay scattered around the table.
Picking up a photo, Hongjoong smiles, reminiscing, "Remember this one? It was from our trip to that cat café in Seoul."
You nod, adding the photo to the collage, "Ah, and here's the one from my exclusive rooftop concert – such an unforgettable night.", you point towards a picture with you and all the boys in it, pure joy reflecting in all of your eyes.
Hongjoong says, "Oh and this one is from when we celebrated your birthday. You looked so happy and so beautiful."
You laugh, "And this one is from our impromptu beach day – remember how we were finding sand everywhere for weeks after that, but it was so much fun."
With each photo meticulously placed, the frame decorated with paper butterflies and fairy light, the collage was a run through the year. Glancing at the clock, as the final seconds of the year come to a close, Hongjoong smiled fondly at you, "It's been an amazing year. I would do it all again if i could."
You giggle and peck his lips as the clock strikes midnight, “With you, jagiya, every moment is amazing, I can’t wait to make another year just as memorable together."
You press yourself against Hongjoong, holding onto him tightly, happy that you’ve begun your year in the arms of your favourite person.
• Seonghwa
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Seonghwa’s face lit up as you suggested watching the entire Star Wars franchise on New Year’s Eve. He went as far as getting matching Baby Yoda onesies for both of you. You spend most of the morning preparing fitting snacks for your movie marathon.
As the Star Wars saga unfolded on the screen, you could see the excitement in Seonghwa’s eyes. You set the bowls of food on the table in the centre and cuddled up into Seonghwa’s side, both of you draped in the fluffiest blanket you owned.
“Hmm, I haven’t watched this one,” you comment as Solo: A Star Wars story begins to play, Seonghwa chuckles in response, "I can't believe you've never seen this one before. This is such a masterpiece!"
You nudge him playfully, "Well, I was hoping to watch with you, you’re always so cute when you explain the lore." Seonghwa’s cheeks flush at your words as he turns his focus back to the tv
The clock inches closer to midnight and the room is filled with the sound of lightsabers clashing and the yelling of the occasional stormtrooper.
As the credits of the last movie roll, Seonghwa turns off the tv and sighs contentedly, leaning his head against the back of the couch, "Wahh, that was so fun!! You ready for the final countdown?"
You nod, "Absolutely."
As the clock strikes twelve, the room is illuminated with the glow of the fireworks going off outside, Seonghwa turns to you, eyes sparkling, and says, "Happy New Year."
You smile at him fondly opening your mouth to respond but before you can, you feel his soft lips on yours, you lean into him further, deepening the kiss. You pull away a few seconds later, your forehead resting against Seonghwa’s, who whispers out a small I love you and you echo back his words. The room fills with the echoes of fireworks, and the distant sound of people cheering to the new year, you feel the happiest out of all of them, starting off the year in your lover’s embrace.
• Yunho
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As the New Year's Eve excitement fills the air, you and Yunho settle near the tv in his living room, dressed in your comfiest clothes, controllers in hand,ready to try out his customised Spider-Man PS5. The room is filled with the sounds of web shooters and yelling of npcs, and you find yourselves entirely engrossed in the musings of the friendly neighbourhood spider man.
Yunho grins, "This new suit is amazing! Watch me swing through the city."
You playfully tease, "Better not let any of your non existent mortal enemies get away."
You knew he’d been waiting ages to try out the game, you could practically see his puppy ears stand up in excitement as he opened the gift from Playstation some time ago. So when you suggested that since both of you were off on New Year’s Eve why not take this time to set up his PS5, to make it even better you gifted him the new spiderman game, of course now that it was so so tempting who was he to say no to your wishes.
The clock on the wall indicates the last few minutes of 2023 but you don’t notice as the intensity of the game increases. Yunho sits on the floor, back against the couch, and you relax between his legs, the controller in your hands.
Yunho chuckles, "This is the best way to spend New Year's Eve."
You nod, "Definitely."
The hour hand on the clock soon passes twelve and there’s a chime from Yunho’s phone, directing him to the change of the hour. Seeing you engrossed in the game, Yunho kisses the top of your head almost making your character get killed. You whine and turn around, meeting his gaze, and playfully peck his jaw, this time getting him flustered and pausing the game. “Happy New Year,” Yunho says with a glint in his eyes.
He grabs your face to pepper small kisses all over your face, finally stopping at his lips. You both burst into giggles, you lean into him and whisper “Happy New Year, yuyu” against his lips, finally closing in the distance and kissing him deeply, his hands going around your waist to hug you tightly.
• Yeosang
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The crisp December air greets you and Yeosang as you embark on a skateboarding adventure on New Year’s Eve. Despite you telling him that winter was not the most perfect weather for skateboarding, all he did was give you big puppy dog eyes and pout at you for what seemed like hours, you finally relented the night before, you couldn’t say no to such a face for too long. Laughter fills the air as you navigate the streets, your skateboards occasionally slipping on the road, but you were enjoying nonetheless.
Yeosang flashes you a perfect grin, "See I told you it you be fun and to think we almost didn’t do this"
You chuckle, "Alright alright maybe you were right this time."
Going around the block a few times, you reach back to your house, out of breath with exertion. Yeosang lies down on the snow covered ground with a content smile on his face. Taking your chance, you hit him with a snowball.
He gasps out loud, “How could you!” he says standing up quickly and gathering snow in his hand to throw at you. You begin to run away , him chasing you around the yard with a huge snowball in his hands. Yeosang captures you in his arms, and playfully tickles you with you telling him to stop between fits of giggles.
Yeosang laughs, "Caught you!"
You take in a deep breath, "Okay, okay! You win!", he lets you go as you admit defeat.
Heading home, you both cuddle under warm blankets, reminiscing about the past year. Yeosang says softly, "So many great memories this year."
You smile, "I’m sure it only gets better from here."
As the sun sets and January 1st inches closer, Yeosang peppers sweet kisses on your forehead, "To another year together."
In the quiet moments that follow, you feel the comforting rhythm of Yeosang's heartbeat. His whispers and kisses become a lullaby, and you soon fall asleep, ushering in the new year with the warmth of his presence and the promise of countless shared moments ahead.
• San
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To end the year, you and San came up with the wonderful idea of volunteering at a cat shelter. The nearest cat shelter in your vicinity hosted a fundraiser and open store for people to help out and maybe take home a few kitties. The air is filled with the soft purrs and playful antics of cats of all ages and sizes.
You watch as San, with stars in his eyes, takes his time getting to know all the cats that come near him. Although, one shy kitten, barely a few weeks old with white fur and few grey spots, captures your heart, as it attempts to come near but retreats to its enclosure after a few steps. You carefully go and pick it up, taking it to San.
You smile at San, "Sannie, what do you think about bringing this little one home as a New Year's gift for Byeol?"
San's eyes light up, "Can we? Really?"
“Mhmm, yeah I’m sure Byeol would appreciate having someone to play with when we’re not around, she seems lonely these days,” you reply.
San holds the kitten carefully in his hands, petting its head lightly, “ Let’s name her Dal, after the moon.” You agree with his idea.
With a small purple ribbon on Dal's head, you take the kitten home, where Byeol greets the new addition with curiosity and excitement.
Later, as midnight approaches, you, San, and the kitties make your way to the roof. The night sky above, filled with stars, serves as the perfect backdrop for the countdown.
San whispers, "I'm grateful for this little family."
You reply, "Me too."
As the clock strikes twelve, San kisses you, the warmth of the moment shared with the cats around you. San expresses, "Happy New Year, my love. Here's to more moments like these."
Under the moonlit sky, you and San welcome the new year with gratitude and love, surrounded by your furry companions.
• Mingi
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Mingi’s recent fascination and liking towards various types of nail art amused you, so what better way to spend your day off on New Year’s Eve than to paint each other's nails. Of course, Mingi, who’d been wanting to try other designs but didn’t have the time to, eagerly agreed, and you both settled down with an array of colourful polishes.
You carefully paint Mingi's nails, adding tiny details that relate to ateez and obviously not missing his signature phrase, 'fix on,' that went on his index finger. He grins, impressed, "Wow, you're good at this! Let me also try.”
As Mingi offers to reciprocate, he struggles a bit, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration and the tip of his tongue sticking out. You think of how cute he looks when he’s focusing.
He tries his best ultimately resulting in a slightly messy but endearing outcome. You look at your nails in awe surprised that he got it this good in the first try, "I love it, Mingi. A little more practice and I might never have to spend money on getting my nails done."
Mingi flusters at your compliment but then turns to compare both of your works and pouts, "Yours are way better."
You laugh and kiss his pout away, "I love it because it's you."
Putting away the nail polish after your nails dry, you both head to the balcony to countdown to midnight. The sky lights up with sparkles of the fireworks as the clock hits twelve. Mingi kisses you deeply, “Happy New Year, n/n.”
“Happy New Year, Mingi!! 2024 will be even better for us, I’m sure of it.” You reply enthusiastically, Mingi smiles at your words and pinches your cheeks, making you giggle and kiss his nose in return. When the laughter subsides, you look into the sky wishing for more and more new years to celebrate together.
• Wooyoung
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The warmth of the oven and the sound of laughter filled the kitchen as you and Wooyoung busily prepared snacks for the New Year's Eve celebration. The countdown to 2024 was only a few hours away, and you wanted to welcome the new year with a delicious start.
A variety of sweet and savoury items lay scattered across the kitchen island and managed to reach till the small dining table outside. Wooyoung donning his ‘kiss the chef’ apron, floating through the kitchen, multitasking and meticulously checking and rechecking his delicacies. Everything had to be perfect so the year could have a perfect start as well. From gimbap to sugar cookies of different shapes and flavours, Wooyoung had set a challenge for himself this time.
As you mixed the ingredients for the icing, you couldn't help but notice bits of sauce and powdered sugar adorning Wooyoung's face, which he seems to not have noticed being immersed in the task at hand. Suppressing a giggle, you pointed at his cheek, "You've got a little something there, Wooyoung-ah."
He furrowed his brows, looking at you with confusion before realising what you meant. Instead of wiping it off, he grinned mischievously, grabbing a dollop of frosting and smearing it on your nose. You gasped in surprise, and he chuckled at your reaction.
"You seem to have a little something there too, n/n," he teased, his eyes sparkling with playfulness. You burst into laughter at his actions and shook your head before once again returning to decorating the cookies.
After finishing the snacks, Wooyoung packed some away in containers, ready to share the delicious treats with the ATEEZ members. He let out a big sigh and took a moment to appreciate the festive atmosphere. You chuckled, “You sound like you just finished an year worth of labour, Woo.”
“Didn’t I though,” he winked and passed a few plates of food to you.
With snacks in hand, you both moved to the living room, settling on the couch with a cosy blanket. The soft glow of fairy lights adorned the room as you cuddled up, savouring the warmth of each other's company.
As you indulged in the delightful snacks, Wooyoung's gaze softened. He noticed a few crumbs near your lips, and seizing the opportunity, he leaned in for a sweet kiss.
“Hmm, a little too sweet don’t you think,” he mused, leaning back in for another taste.
In the background, the first fireworks of 2024 began to light up the sky, signalling the arrival of the new year. You and Wooyoung pulled away from the kiss, smiling at each other as the colourful explosions mirrored the joy in your hearts.
"Happy New Year, Y/N," Wooyoung whispered, his voice filled with love.
"Happy New Year, Wooyoung," you replied, sealing the moment with another tender kiss, grateful for the sweet beginning of a new chapter in your lives.
• Jongho
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Jongho and you had decided to spend this New Year's Eve in a cosy, intimate setting – just the two of you and a karaoke machine that you had bought recently.
As the sun set and the evening unfolded, the room filled with laughter and the sweet sound of your voices harmonising with the music. When it was Jongho's turn, his eyes gleamed with excitement. He selected "Everything," his solo from ATEEZ's latest album. The room fell silent as the first notes filled the air.
Jongho's powerful voice resonated through the room, capturing the essence of the song. You couldn't help but be mesmerised , your eyes fixed on him with an overwhelming sense of love. His gaze met yours at times, and you could see the sincerity in his eyes as he poured his heart into the lyrics.
When the final note lingered, the room held a moment of silence before erupting into applause. Jongho's cheeks flushed, and he shyly looked away.
"That was incredible, Jongho," you whispered, your voice filled with admiration. "You sing with so much passion and emotion. It's like you were singing just for me.”
Jongho's bashful smile widened, and he mumbled a shy "Thank you, and it was for you" as he pulled you into a warm embrace. The soft glow of the room and the fading echoes of applause created a peaceful atmosphere, as the two of you settled onto the couch.
As the clock approached midnight, you held each other close. The soft hum of distant fireworks and the warmth of Jongho's embrace enveloped you, creating a perfect moment to welcome the new year.
"Happy New Year, jagi," Jongho whispered, his voice carrying the weight of all the love he felt for you.
"Happy New Year," you replied, savouring the tranquillity of the moment. With the turn of the calendar, you and Jongho found the perfect way to start the new year.
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© alxtiny . Do not steal, plagiarise, translate, repost, or use my works on any platform in any way.
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vicmillen · 1 month
Why Danny should be tossed into the Gotham cast
A short medium long list of reasons, by me:
It funny.
Lady Gotham being an nuisance. A mostly benign one but still a nuisance.
Danny being a even bigger nuisance in retaliation because men can be so petty.
Ol' Batsy getting multiple headaches. Must be his age catching up.
Oh sweet, a whole species of enslaved undead waiting to be rescued and rehabilitated. Hmm wonder what's the deal with all the owl motifs?
Did I mention Jason? Oh I did. But how about his magic sword? You know the glowy lightsaber that's powered by his soul or something?
Bird watching is fun. Bat watching is even more fun. Until they start watch you back but eh
The rouges here feels more homely then elsewhere. More malicious to the living then your average Amity haunting, maybe. But the commitment to a theme is very familiar, as is the frequency of attacks.
Another fake clown to soup up! Huh? What do you mean he's human? Humans can't get souped like that don't be silly lol.
Wait. Huh. Well that explains everything and nothing.
How To Manage A Ghost Kingdom 101: a joint lecture by Timothy Drake-Wayne and Jason Peter Todd, teenaged entrepreneur and crime lord, respectively. Targeted student: one future Phantom King.
Advanced Anger Management with Jazz. Targeted student: one Jason Todd and one Danny Phantom.
How To Not Be A Cult Leader Part I, a group therapy lead by Tim. Attendee: one ol' Batsy, his son Stabby Robin, and one Ghost Boy.
So many liminals for a place without a 24/7 portal to the afterlife. Wait what's that green pool underground?
Why and most importantly, How is there ecto detectors in the batcave- wait no actually that explains how the Fentons got their first funding for their cursed research.
'It's good to practice for the future.' -Clockwork, probably.
'Enrichment is important for the growth of a Protector.' -Frostbite, probably.
'Peace is not an option.' -Paraphrased by Danny, probably.
Moving from most haunted city to most cursed city isn't exactly an upgrade, but it isn't an downgrade either, so.
Have you ever considered fighting the bad vibes of your city with cutesy lil blobs? Well you should. Not it's not causing a slime infestation what are you talking about.
Finally someone that is both willing (untrue) and able (we'll see) to deal with the various curses in Gotham. Yay...
No but seriously Danny-make friends with rouges while actively beating each other up-Phantom would fit right in with the Robins.
It's Jazz's dream job working in Arkham... Well it's actually working on dismantling the cursed thing, but baby steps, baby steps.
Imagine the everlasting trio getting onto the bats watchlist within a week. Separately.
Sam for Ivy The Second tendency; Danny because he's poking around old dionesium researches that he shouldn't know about; and Tucker because he's having fun (one-sided) with his new online friends. Oracle is deeply unamused.
Ellie should never meet Damian. They'll be such good bad influences for each other.
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nahoney22 · 6 months
Hi! i love your writing and was wondering if you could do the tbb (or just tech if you dont wanna do all of them) reaction to their gender neutral S/O pulling out their old instrument or color guard equipment from their marching band days and practicing what they remember (i dont even know if star wars has an equivalent to marching band/color guard lol but i picked an old practice flag up for the first time since high school earlier and the thought popped into my head for this request..) feel free to disregard this if it’s not something you wanna write, keep up the amazing work!!
Colour Guard Memories
The Bad Batch Boys X GN!Reader
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How The Bad Batch react to you pulling out your old instrument or colour guard equipment.
warnings: none, gender neutral reader, can be read as platonic or romantic, Batchers admiring/encouraging reader.
authors note: this is a really cute idea and sorry it has took so long to do anon. In the UK we don’t really have marching bands/ colour guards aside from royal parades from what I know so I’ve relied on Google to help me out 😅 enjoy!
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"Think we've got everything?" Echo asks, sealing the final box of your belongings.
As you survey the sea of packed boxes, you're struck by the realisation of just how many possessions you've gathered over the years. It's only now, in the process of moving out of your family home, that the extent of it hits you. After what feels like an eternity of packing and stacking, you're finally done and you couldn’t be any more grateful for Echo's helping hand.
"I hope so," you reply, wiping your brow and straightening up, hands on your hips. "Now, all that's left is to get it onto the ship." The prospect of lugging boxes onto the ship isn't exactly thrilling, but you're itching to kick back and relax.
Echo chuckles and reaches for one of the sealed boxes, but disaster strikes as the bottom gives way, sending its contents tumbling to the floor. "Well, that's just great," he says wryly.
Letting out a sigh, you join him in gathering up the scattered items. Amidst the chaos, something catches your eye: an old, familiar object. "No way!"
Startled by your sudden excitement, Echo turns to you. "What is it?"
"It's my Sabre!" you exclaim, holding up the cherished item for him to see.
He blinks in surprise. "Uh, your lightsaber?"
You playfully roll your eyes at Echo, a mischievous glint in your eyes, as you take the equipment into your hands and wave it at him. "You've known me long enough to know I'm not a Jedi, Echo," you tease, giving the Sabre a quick twirl. "It's from when I used to be be a colour guard for a marching band."
Echo chuckles, shaking his head in amusement. "I didn't know you did that."
"Yeah! I loved it. Want to see what I can still do?" you ask, a hint of excitement in your voice.
"The floor's all yours," he says, stepping back to give you space.
You take a moment to steady yourself, feeling the weight of the stainless steel Sabre in your hands. With a deep breath, you begin your routine, the familiar movements flooding back to you. As you twirl the Sabre with practiced precision, you can't help but feel a surge of nostalgia. However, in the midst of your performance, disaster strikes as the Sabre slips from your grip, narrowly missing a nearby window.
"Okay, okay, I'm a little rusty. Give me a second," you laugh sheepishly, quickly retrieving the saber and regaining your composure but Echo was still smiling and impressed throughout.
Determined to redeem yourself, you focus on each movement, executing smooth transitions and intricate spins. With each flourish, you feel a sense of satisfaction, the familiar rhythm of the routine bringing back fond memories. As you finally come to a graceful finish, you can't help but feel a sense of pride wash over you.
Echo applauds, a smile playing on his lips. "That was really impressive. You should've told me you could do that before."
"We all have our hidden talents," you grin, a twinkle in your eye as you admire the old memory in your hand before carefully tucking it back into the box. "Anyway, we should probably get going before I get distracted again."
“Well,” he says, resting a hand on your shoulder, “you should perform for me again sometime. If you want to that is.”
There’s a shine in his eyes, genuinely in awe of you and your talent. “I’ll definitely think about it.”
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Low on credits and desperate for some food to fill your stomachs, you and Hunter venture into a bustling market on a remote planet, hoping to find some opportunity to earn a bit of cash.
"See anything?" Hunter asks, strolling alongside you as you take in the sights and sounds of the market.
"Not really," you reply with a frown. The market is dimly lit, offering little in the way of useful materials, and the locals don't seem particularly welcoming. It's no wonder Hunter insisted on accompanying you.
But then, something does catch your eye. "Hey, that looks like one of my old flags," you remark, pointing to a colorful flag tucked away at the back of a small pop-up stall.
Hunter stops beside you, his interest piqued. "You used to spin those, didn't you?"
You chuckle at his phrasing, yet surprised that he remembers since it was just something you mentioned in passing once. "Yeah, I did. Not sure if I still have the touch, though."
A smirk spreads across Hunter's face as he holds up a finger, indicating for you to wait a moment. A bit embarrassed, you watch as he approaches the seller and strikes up a conversation. After a brief exchange, Hunter returns, flag in hand. "Let's put that theory to the test, shall we?" he suggests with a grin.
"Hunter! Did you just pay for that?" you exclaim incredulously as he shoves the pole into your hand.
"No," he says with a mischievous grin, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "But they said if you can impress them, you can keep it."
You narrow your eyes at him, a mixture of amusement and disbelief dancing in your gaze. "Fine. But I'm warning you," you declare, stepping into a clearing and scanning the area to ensure there's enough space before attempting to recreate a routine you haven't performed in years. "I'm not as good as I used to be."
Taking a deep breath, you grip the pole firmly and let muscle memory take over as you start spinning the flag with practiced precision. The fabric unfurls in vibrant arcs, catching the sunlight and casting colorful patterns across the ground. With each twirl and flourish, you feel a surge of nostalgia as memories of your days in the colour guard come flooding back.
As you continue your impromptu performance, you can't help but lose yourself in the rhythm of the routine, the flag becoming an extension of your body as you spin and swirl with grace.
Hunter is watching you silently and appears to be actually enamoured by your performance. His eyes are wide in surprise.
When you finally come to a graceful finish, you turn to Hunter with a triumphant smile, the flag held aloft in your hand. "How's that for impressing them?" you ask, a hint of pride in your voice.
“That was… wow.” Is all he says, a proud smile on his face. He takes one look to the seller who just gives a brief nod. “And the flag is yours it seems.”
Hunter comes up beside you once more but you feel a tug on your top, turning to face a young child who was holding out credits to you. Bashfully, you accept and the credits swiftly came flooding in.
“Heh, seems like you still got it.” He nudges your side playfully.
This could be a pretty safe way to earn some extra credits it seems.
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"Wrecker, come look at this!" you call out excitedly, beckoning your companion over.
With Wrecker's assistance in tidying up the Marauder and transferring some items to the Remora, you stumble upon an unexpected treasure: an old snare drum tucked away amidst the clutter.
"Woah, what's tha’?" Wrecker asks, intrigued, as he joins you on the floor, his eyes fixed on the instrument in your hands.
"I used to play it in a marching band. Forgot I even had it," you reply with a wistful smile, the memories of your band days flooding back, tinged with nostalgia and a touch of sadness for times gone by.
Wrecker notices the flicker of emotion on your face and decides to lift your spirits. "Well, go on then. Give us a beat," he encourages, nudging the drum closer to you and offering a drumstick.
You smile gratefully, feeling a rush of anticipation as you accept the drumstick from his outstretched hand and pick up the matching one from the ground. "Just so you know," you say with a playful glint in your eye, "it sounds much better in a chorus rather than individually."
With a deep breath, you position the drumsticks in your hands, feeling the familiar weight and texture of the material. Closing your eyes, you let muscle memory guide your movements as you begin to play. The rhythmic tapping of the drum reverberates through the air.
As you lose yourself in the music, your fingers move effortlessly across the drum's surface, producing a lively beat that echoes off the walls of the ship. With each stroke, super fast and then skilfully slow, you feel a sense of liberation.
Wrecker watches in awe, a grin spreading cross his face as he listens to the infectious rhythm you create. For a moment, all worries and cares fade away, replaced by the joy of listening to you play. Flourishing a finish, your cheeks warm to Wrecker applauding enthusiastically.
"Tha’ was amazing!" he exclaims, his voice filled with genuine admiration. "You've still got it."
You grin, feeling a surge of pride at his words. "Thanks, Wrecker," you reply, a sense of contentment washing over you. "Maybe we should start our own band."
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"Is this yours?" Omega's voice interrupts your thoughts, drawing your attention to the slim case she's holding. As you approach, a wave of nostalgia washes over you at the sight of the familiar case.
"I haven't seen this for a long time," you smile warmly, taking the case into your hands. Kneeling down, you blow the dust off and flip open the lid, revealing your old clarinet nestled inside.
Omega's eyes widen with curiosity as she peers at the instrument. "Wow, that's cool! Did you play it?"
You nod, a fond smile on your face. "Yeah, I used to. In a colour guard and in parades."
"Can you play something now?" she asks eagerly.
Before you can respond, Omega suddenly calls out, "TECH! COME HERE!"
Tech, engrossed in his data pad, looks up in surprise and heads your way. "What is the nature of my presence this time, Omega?"
Omega launches into an exaggerated explanation of your discovery and her request. "Listen to them play."
Tech adjusts his goggles and looks down at you with curious eyes. "I was not aware you could play any instrument."
"I haven't in a long time," you admit sheepishly, wiping the mouthpiece and adjusting the bridge keys. "But I can give it a try."
With a deep breath, you bring the clarinet to your lips and begin to play a soft, melancholic tune. The notes fill the air, weaving a gentle melody that seems to resonate with the quiet stillness of the surroundings. It was a gentle tune, a stark difference to the ones you played in parades.
As you play, you notice Tech glancing up from his data pad, his expression softening as he listens intently to the music. It's a rare sight to see him so engrossed in something other than his work, and you can't help but feel a sense of satisfaction knowing that your music has captured his attention.
By the time you finish the piece, Tech is still watching you, a thoughtful look on his face.
Omega bursts into a loud applause meanwhile Tech smiled at you. “I would not mind you playing that whilst I do some repairs... it’s rather relaxing.”
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“What are you doing?” Crosshair's voice breaks your concentration mid-performance, and you freeze as your arms flail, causing the wooden rifle to slip from your grasp and clatter onto the grass.
You spin to face the clone, feeling a flush of embarrassment creeping up your neck. "I found my old rifle from when I used to perform," you explain quickly, bending down to retrieve the prop. With a flick of your foot, you send it spinning into the air, catching it effortlessly as it falls back down. "Want to see?"
Crosshair eyes the rifle with a hint of intrigue, his skepticism giving way to mild interest. "Perform? Rifles are for shooting. Not messing around with.”
“It’s wood, idiot.” You knock on the equipment before you then shrug, a sheepish grin tugging at your lips. "Anyway, it’s called rifle spinning. I used to do it as part of a routine in a performance group. It's more about coordination and showmanship than anything else. Wanna see?” You ask again.
Crosshair nods slowly, his gaze lingering on the rifle as you twirl it expertly in your hands. He stands back as you shows off your moves and he couldn’t hide the small impressed smirk forming on his lips. "You’re quite impressive I’ll give you that. But don't let it distract you from our mission." The compliment was rare but not one you were going to refuse as you give him a smile of thanks. But, he was right. There were more pressing matters at large.
You chuckle, nodding in agreement as you secure the rifle back in its holster. "Of course not. Just a little trip down memory lane."
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@littlefeatherr @kaitou2417 @eyecandyeoz @captxin-rex @jesseeka @theroguesully @ladykatakuri @jambolska-grozdova @arctrooper69 @padawancat97 @staycalmandhugaclone @ko-neko-san @echos-girlfriend @fiveshelmet @dangraccoon @plushymiku-blog @chrissywakingup @pb-jellybeans @nunanuggets @sleepycreativewriter @erellenora @zippingstars87 7 @ezras-left-thumb @the-rain-on-kamino @tech-aficionado @grizabellasolo @therealnekomari @tech-depression-inventory @brynhildrmimi @greaser-wolf @tinyreadersmur @seriowan @kaminocasey @marvel-starwars-nerd @ladytano420 @ladyzirkonia @thesith @raevulsix x @mssbridgerton @cw80831 @knightprincess @crosshairlovebot @imalovernotahater @id-rather-be-a-druid @the-bad-batch-baroness @lulalovez @green-alm0nd
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dearanakin · 4 months
trust you | anakin skywalker: episode II
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Warning: mentions of injury, blood
Word count: 1.3k
Previous chapter | Read on Wattpad
I've spent the entire day fixing Anakin's metal arm, along with a Droid and another engineer. I still had about two hours to finish my shift when he entered the tech room.
His son was following behind him, an amused look on his face, watching every technology being taken care of.
The way his blue eyes stared at me made me feel a little concerned, considering I still wasn't able to finish it. Anakin still had a frown on his face, walking slowly as he took a look around the room.
The engineer spoke up before I even did, he had told me he wasn't exactly intimidated by the Jedi. "Good evening, Master. We haven't finished yet".
He nodded, taking a sharp inhale. "I gave you one day. I expect it by the end of the night".
While he was shooting us a death glare, Luke was all about looking at the job we were making. The little boy was completely fascinated. His hands were gripping the edge of the table and his eyes were sparkling in awe.
"Luke" I spoke, he looked up at me. "You wanna see something cool?"
Anakin didn't seem to like the way I was interacting with his son, but didn't manage to say a word.
Luke nodded and I looked at the engineer before we hooked up the robotic arm into a few wires. It immediately started to move its fingers.
We all watched as the kid opened his mouth. "Woah, this is really cool! Dad, look!"
My lips curled into a smile and I chuckled. Most of the time I wasn't a fan of children, but he was the most adorable. And he was the spitting image of his father. Especially the blue eyes and the curls.
Anakin looked between the kid and his metal limb, and I couldn't help but notice how he dropped his hard expression and smiled as well. "I see, buddy. They're doing a nice job, aren't they?".
Nice job? I haven't done anything else the entire day besides fixing this thing, but he thinks it's just a nice job? I suck it up and give him a forced grin.
When he looks at me again, I can see the wrinkles on his forehead again and the death stare slowly showing up.
"I want it by the end of the day" He said, looking at the three of us. We all nodded, watching as he took Luke's hand before turning on his back. "Come on, let's have some dinner, kiddo".
As soon as he walked by the door, Anakin was met with Cal Kestis. They greeted each other and as soon as he left with his son, the Jedi made the funniest face.
I had to hold in a laugh that I wanted to bark out. He approached the table and cleared his throat.
"I need a favor, (Y/N). My ship had a malfunction and I'm going to need it fixed for the next mission" Cal had an apologetic look on his face and gave me a shy smile.
"I'm sorry, red head. I can't help you with this" I sighed. Just the thought of having to finish this work for Anakin makes me feel completely drained. "I still have no idea how long this work is going to take".
He definitely knew how Master Skywalker was, so he spared me from another hard work.
Anakin was so frustrated that he thought he was going to fail this mission. As soon as he stepped foot on Kalevala, the Jedi knew everything wasn't going according to the plan.
He had to come along with Cal and other Jedi Masters. Leading the assignment, Anakin barely came up with good instructions, all because he couldn't have his metal limb in time.
To say he was pissed was an understatement. Because to him, (Y/N) was nothing but a useless tech engineer. He didn't understand how difficult it was to fix the limb, especially since it almost got blasted.
To be honest, the man didn't want to understand that. Anakin needed his robotic arm like he needed air to breathe. He couldn't go out there with a missing fake limb.
He was closing in the position against his opponents with just his lightsaber. And the hopes he would beat them all up. Anakin watched as Cal and the other Masters furiously defeated the men, destroying their territory.
In a moment of distraction, he got his tunic sliced and a burning sensation on his chest. He groaned in pain and gathered every inch of malice he had to shove his lightsaber into the men's stomach.
Bad timing it was. Not having another arm sure made Anakin defenseless. He didn't see another incoming behind his back, only then realizing that he was being retained.
Master Kestis called his name out loud when he saw, from afar, that Anakin had been stabbed with a knife on his side. He bent over, growling as he used his force to choke the man.
The red head rushed to help Anakin, the blood staining his clothing and running down his hand. "Oh, shit. Let's go back".
Cal ripped a piece off of his own tunic to try to stop the bleeding. He carried Anakin to the small bunk on the back of the spaceship and laid him carefully.
"You're going to be fine, Master!" He made sure before going back to the cockpit. He grabbed his comlink to warn the medical bay they were going to need assistance as soon as they arrived at Coruscant.
It didn't take Cal long to land on the hangar. He rushed out with Anakin in his arms, asking for a medical stretcher. (Y/N) was helping out other engineers when she saw her friend carrying the Jedi.
"What happened?" She asked, nervous to see Luke's father like that. Following Master Kestis, she jogged by his side on the way to the medical bay.
The poor guy was panting, catching his breath every five seconds. He made a mental note that he needed to do more cardio after that. "He got stabbed!".
(Y/N) stopped on her tracks and thought of Luke. The kid is going to be devastated. Although, she had no idea if Anakin wanted his son to know he was attacked.
The doctors brought him to the emergency room, leaving him shirtless. The wound seemed to be pretty deep and he was losing a considerate amount of blood.
They sedated him and started working on the stitches. They also bandaged his burned chest. Cal was pacing back and forth, both hands on his hips. (Y/N) stood behind him, wondering if it was a good idea to let Luke and C-3PO know he was there.
"I- I didn't see it coming. He was talking about how he didn't want to fail the mission. He kept complaining about his missing arm-" Cal was still in a daze. He had to drink a glass of water because he felt his throat drying.
"Kestis, hey" (Y/N) placed her hands on his arms, trying to calm his nerves. "It wasn't your fault. It wasn't his fault either".
She bit her lip. No, this was her fault. She couldn't finish her damn job when he asked. He was definitely going to rip her heart out. "Jesus, I should've fixed it faster".
Now it was her throat that felt like drying up. A pang of guilt washed over her body and now she was starting to panic. "Luke has to know his dad is here".
"Stop, no. This wasn't your fault, either. You can't push yourself to do hard work. You had to rest too" He tried to reason with her, but she shook her head in disbelief.
"Look at him, Cal!" She raised her voice in desperation. "Look at him. Anakin, he- He needs to be good. He needs to be there for his kid!".
(Y/N) could barely see right through teary eyes. She felt her throat burning and she wanted to scream. She couldn't lose someone again either.
She just couldn't accept that someone might die because of her, again.
Her friend tried to comfort her in a hug. He ran his fingers through her hair, while his other hand was planted on her back. "He's going to be just fine. And we'll get his son, okay?".
Cal used his thumb to wipe away her tears and kissed her forehead. He always knew he had a soft spot for her. 
@jackie-on-the-loose @adorbzliz @himesuedi
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citruswriter · 4 months
The Echo of a Warrior
Pairing: Reader x Anakin Skywalker
Reader Is: Afab, gender neutral, former Jedi, firebender, trading merchant.
Anakin Is: Sith Lord, Uncharred (sorry ladies, no BBQ crispy Sith for you).
Citrus Rating: Orange, Lime if you squint
Warnings: They/Them pronouns, angst, little to no paragraphs, sloppy writing (been forever since I written), slavery mention.
A/N: This is solely based off a dream I had + me filling in the gaps and fuzzy parts. Lol. It's gonna be put into two parts. This is essentially the backstory, pt 2 will be the smut.
Listen in with me! ↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
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"Hey Anakin?" You rolled over onto your stomach and poked his face, causing the young Jedi Knight to crack his eyes open and side eye you. "Yes?" He questioned. "Do you think we'll be friends forever?" You asked. Anakin laughed softly, causing butterflies to flutter around in your tummy. Oh how you loved his laugh... "Of course we will, silly". He said, poking your face back. You held up your hand, raising a pinky. "Prooooooooomise?" You asked, causing Anakin to laugh again before lazily hooking his pinkie around yours. "Promise".
Chaos ensued at the temple. What was going on?! You had been peacefully sleeping when you were awoken by blaster fire. Without even dressing properly, you grabbed your lightsaber and ran out of your room, clicking the blade on. Was the Temple under a Separatist attack? You ran out only to find the clone troopers shooting up everybody in sight. Taking a step back in horror you froze. It was only until a trooper close to you raised a gun to your head did you really snap out of your trance. You swung your blade at him, cutting his gun in half. When he went to grab you with his bare hands, you slashed again, cutting them off. You fled out of plain view. This was bad. Really bad. You ran back to your room so you could quickly dress but was knocked down the ground by a body crashing into you. You yelped as you were thrown to the ground. Struggling to scramble to your feet, a hand gripped your throat and threw you against one of the Temple pillars. You looked up in panic. "Anakin?!' You gasped. The boys grip on you loosened. "A-Anakin. Anakin what the fuck is going on!" You panicked. "The Jedi Order had betrayed the Republic". He answered, eyes downcast. You stared at him. "You're lying". You muttered and the boy looked back up at you with his blue eyes. "When have I ever lied to you?" He growled, grip around your throat tightening, eyes glancing down briefly to take in the silk gown you were wearing. Your breath hitched as his eyes flickered back up to yours, anger and hurt at your mistrust in him swirling in his gaze. "You're right, you're right! I'm sorry!" You agreed. You couldn't explain the rush you felt in your body. You had such trust in this man, he could tell you to jump off a cliff and you would. And he knew this. So why didn't you trust him now? His other hand went to grip your hip, causing you to swallow thickly. "I saw Master Windu attempt to murder the Chancellor myself," he spoke in a low and dangerous tone, as if he dared you to question him again. "You need to run, (Y/N). Because of the Master Jedi betraying him, he's ordered the killing of all Jedi. I know it may seem a bit overkill. But he doesn't know who can and can't be trusted. Please. Please, pretty girl. I'm begging you. I'm giving you this one chance to run away". Your heart fluttered at the nickname. "But Anakin.. If I run, I betray the Jedi Order. They rescued me from slavery. Anakin I owe them my life". Anakin pulled you in for a tight hug, him gripping you as if you'd disappear before him. After a few seconds he pulled back. "But if you stay here. You betray me." And that's all he had to say. He immediately saw you soften before nodding. "Ok... Ok I'll go. I'll run and I'll never turn back. I'll swear off the Jedi Order." You murmured and Anakin hugged you again, inhaling your scent for what could very well be the last time. "Thank you..." You let him pull back first. And when he did, you stared up at him before turning around and running off into the night.
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You awoke with a start. Memories of old plaguing your dreams. With a groan you sat up. You wish the dreams would stop, but alas they didn't. Rubbing your eyes you glanced over at your old lightsaber. It hadn't been turned on since that night at the Temple. You didn't know if it even still worked at all. You swore off all things Jedi but your lightsaber was still very dear to you. So you held onto it and it became a decoration. Sighing as you rubbed your eyes, you stood up and wiggled your way into the teeny tiny bathroom your ship held. Looking in the mirror, you dipped your hands into the bathroom water reserve and washed your face before touching up your hair so it didn't look like complete shit. Looking at your torn and dirty clothes. You decided that it would do you some good to dock soon. Set up shop for a few weeks. Get some new clothes and a hot shower. You drew the hood of your cape up as you walked up to the cockpit. Pushing buttons and flipping switches, you set a course for a nearby planet before hitting the button to jump into hyperspace. While you waited, you grabbed some juice and some junk food. Not the best of breakfasts but it was all you had right now. You tidied up your bed and went to do a quick inventory. Making a list of everything you had and coming up with prices you deemed as fair on your holopad. When a beep alerted that you were close to the planet, you stretched and walked your way over to the cockpit. Dropping out of hyperspace as you clutched the steering wheel, you paled as you almost came face to face with a Republic starship. "Fuck!" You shouted, jamming the wheel down, causing your little ship to dive. Unfortunately for you, the starship noticed as blaster fire began to head your way. A string of curses left your mouth as you dived and evaded. Smashing a button to open a comm you almost shouted, "Stand down! I'm a friendly ship! I'm only a merchant! Plea- FUCKING SHIT! Please hold your fire!" Soon the fire stopped and you heard a voice back, "Apologies. We're tractoring you in now to check your cargo and question you". You sighed in annoyance as you allowed the large starship to pull you in. You had a bad feeling about this...
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"That was some skilled piloting". The officer in front of you said as he eyed you suspiciously. You fiddled with your now damp hair. The officers had been kind enough to give you a room with a shower and some fresh robes. You had taken your time freshening up until you had been summoned for questioning. "Thank you, sir. I learned from only the best." You replied. The officer only hummed back in response. "We found some Jedi things on your ship, care to explain". You attempted to hide your nervousness as you felt your old lightsaber dig into your back. You couldn't leave it on the ship, so you stuffed it into your sash and hid it. "I'm a merchant. I buy, sell, and trade. Sometimes Jedi artifacts come into my possession. People are more than willing to pay a hefty sum for such a rare item, or trade something equally as rare". You replied with a casual grin and the officer rolled his eyes. Obviously he didn't think highly of merchants. "I suppose you're correct". He replied coldly. "What's up with all the questions anyways? I've been questioned by officers before and it's never taken this long". You said casually, which was a lie. You had never been questioned by Republic officers. In fact you avoided them like they were an incurable plague, but you were curious. The energy of the ship felt... off. "If you must know, we have some dangerous prisoners on board. Don't want any of their friends coming to save them". He sneered and you nodded your head. "Well if that's all, I'd like to get to the planet's surface. Respectfully, I have business to do". The officer rolled his eyes once more and two troopers stood on either side of you, ready to escort you back to your ship. You had only turned onto your third hall when the whole ship suddenly shook. You and the troopers almost crashed into each other but you quickly recollected yourself as you heard screams. "Red Alert! The prisoners have escaped!" A voice on the intercom screamed. The two soldiers immediately abandoned you. After all, you were just a merchant. Right?
♡⑅*˖•. ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .•˖*⑅♡
Anakin fumed as he power walked the halls of his ship. "How the FUCK did one of them manage to blow a hole in this ship?!" He practically screamed. "I'm not sure sir! We think it may have been a Rebel spy!" A trooper responded. "There was also a merchant that recently boarded! We don't believe they're involved but it's not impossible!" Anakin grabbed his lightsaber, clicking the blade on. "Well? What was their name?!" He asked. The trooper grabbed the gun tighter. "(Y/N), sir!" Anakin froze and whipped around to face the trooper. He never expected to hear your name again, especially not in this context. Did you betray him finally? Or was this simply wrong place, wrong time. "Find them!" He spat. As much as he'd love to go after you himself, he couldn't. Rebel blaster fire shot his way as the trooper darted off. Two young individuals sprang forward, blue lightsabers in hand. They weren't Jedi, far from it. He could tell by their fighting style. He battled the two of them. The sound of saber clashes mixing in with the blaster fire. A girl lunged forward and attempted to pierce his side. He dodged just in time and slashed his blade forward, cutting her arms off. "Master run!" She screamed. Jerking his head, he saw a taller man run off. Growling, he jumped over crates and ran after him.
♡⑅*˖•. ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .•˖*⑅♡
Another explosion rocked the ship and you stumbled into the wall. This ship might be going down. You needed to get off. Running down another hall, a body crashed into you, causing you both to stumble. Your old training kicked in and you immediately dropped into a fighting stance, hands ignited with flames as you assessed the possible enemy. "(Y/N)?" The man questioned. You recognized the voice and immediately put your flames out "Master Ulic?! I thought you were dead!" You gasped. "Old, but not dead." He rumbled. "I'm here on a mission with the Rebel Alliance". He stated. "Actually, I could use some help. Some of my men were killed and I don't know if I can do this alone". He continued and you winced slightly. Anakin came skidding to the end of the hall. His eyes flickered between you and Master Ulic and rage immediately coursed through his veins. Of course you betrayed him. How could you? How could his sweet (Y/N) betray him? The audacity you had to- "I appreciate the offer, Master Ulic. But I'm a different person now. I swore off the Jedi a long time ago. I'm just a simple merchant now." You replied as politely as you could. The Master frowned down at you slightly. Anakin noticed his focus was all in you, not his surroundings. He took this chance to spring forward and attempt to strike. Snapping his head up, he shoved you behind him, causing you to crash to the floor and smash your head against the floor. You groaned as your head began to swirl with pain. Shakily you attempted to find your bearings. Gripping the floor, you pushed yourself up onto your knees before attempting to gather yourself onto your feet. I need to get out of here. You thought as you stumbled into the wall. Fuck I need to get out of here. You attempted to lean forward so you could flee once more but a voice tore your thoughts back to the situation at hand. "(Y/N)!" A voice called, causing you to turn around. It was Anakin... The now Sith Lord had overpowered the Master Jedi and he was now calling out to you. "(Y/N) please! You don't have to join the resistance, but at least don't let me die here!" He pleaded. You turned your gaze to Anakin, who seemed to be observing you. He could just kill the Jedi. But he wasn't. No he wanted to see your reaction. You felt as if Anakin could see straight through you. You took a step back and the look on Master Ulic's face immediately changed. "No! No, no, no! You stupid girl!" Master Ulic roared. His newfound rage gave him the adrenaline rush he needed, smashing Anakin into the wall he stood up and began to stalk towards you. You tried to turn tail and run but the man used the force to draw you in. "I always knew you were loyal to the stupid Skywalker boy. Not even the High Jedi Council saw the deep attachments you had to him. But I did! Ooooh I did". He scowled and gripped your throat when you were close enough. "Why can't you see it? He didn't love you then and he doesn't love you now! He never will! He doesn't care about anybody but himself!" And with that you snapped.
"You shut your fucking mouth," you spat with such venom that even Anakin himself was in shock. In a fit of rage you did the one thing you promised never to do again, you drew your lightsaber. Master Ulic barely dodged your blade as you drew it in a backwards handle grip. Dropping you, you dropped gracefully before spinning around to face him. You launched yourself at him, the golden-yellow glow of your Jedi Sentinel blade meeting the angry green of his Jedi Guardian blade. Blades clashed as the two of you fought. You were now fueled by an absolutely primal rage that tore through your veins. Flipping your blade to a forward hilt grab, you put your strength into the next slash, causing him to stumble backwards. Wasting no time, you clipped your blade once again before dropping down into a stance. Drawing in a breath you focused your energy into your pointer and middle fingertips. A bolt of lightning shot from your fingertips, landing square in his center mass. He flew backwards and you exhaled sharply. Unlike force lighting, which was a dark side ability, your lightning was simply an extension of your flames. It took a lot of practice and focus, but it was deadly. Rising out of your stance you stumble forward slightly, it had been some time since you exerted so much energy and, unfortunately for you, you were rather out of shape. You winced as you felt the stitch in your side that had already taken the liberty of forming. Sighing you went to turn once again. It was time for you to leave. Or so you thought. A guttural scream ripped from your throat as a dark green saber struck you through the chest. Master Ulic, although injured, wasn't dead yet. He had used the force to launch his lightsaber and plunge it through your chest. Another shriek left your lungs as the Jedi Master recalled his blade to him. He had a job to finish. You heard a scream from somewhere, but you didn't know who it belonged to. You crumbled to the floor, wailing in pain. You wouldn't die, much to Ulic's dismay. Your species had regenerative abilities and were infuriatingly difficult to kill. Your vision began to blur as you felt your body begin it's self healing process. Wailing in pain, you still attempted to flee. Clawing at the floor and dragging yourself forward, your whole body shook as you sobbed. Eventually, the pain became too much and you rolled onto your side, wailing until your throat became hoarse. Your vision began to black out as you felt your body be lifted. You could barely hear the man above you as you began to loose consciousness. "Hang in there, pretty girl. You'll be ok. Please be ok. I can't loose you again..."
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Tag List: None Yet
Anywayyyyyyys. That's the first partttttttt. Might write the other part tonight. Probably will bc I'm not feeling the best so might as well put that into smthn yk? Sorry again for the sloppy writing, it's been literal ages since I've actually put effort into some writing.
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seven-oomen · 1 year
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They are a family, your honor. I don't make the rules.
Cal is Obi-Wan's new padawan (whether they are related or not. I think they are, but keeping the door open for people who don't see it that way. I just need more people invested in Codywan adopts/raises Cal) and he's only ten-years-old, and already he feels like he has to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders.
But can you imagine ten-year-old Cal holding Cody's hand on the bridge of the Negotiator while Obi-Wan and Cody talk about strategy or whatever.
Or they're just cruising through space for once and Cal's looking wide-eyed out the window, occasionally pointing to a nebula in the distance or some planets or something. And Cody's just holding the tiny hand in his own while listening to this tiny little Jedi padawan babble about something or the other.
How feral do you think Cody and the 212th will be if anything ever happens to Cal?
How feral do you think Obi-Wan 'the negotiator' will be?
Like the Jedi are not supposed to have unhealthy attachments, but that doesn't mean Obi-Wan does not get hopelessly attached to his padawans (Anakin is one example).
I think within a week, everyone on that cruiser is so hopelessly attached to that little boy with zero self-preservation skills that the entire galaxy soon knows that if you touch or hurt that boy, you have an entire battle cruiser raining down its fury upon you.
Cal finds himself surrounded by a sea of uncles and an auntie (clone trooper sister) and he's absolutely clueless on how much of an impact he actually has on those clones.
And Cody, Cody, has absolutely no idea how to handle a child. But he does his best. But he's awkward and unsure but very sweet around this kid. And Cal sees that. Absolutely takes advantage of the fact that the commander doesn't know how to handle him. (Within two weeks, Cody has him figured out, though. And he doesn't let him get away with anything anymore..)
But I need Obi-Wan teaching Cal lightsaber forms and meditation, and using the force. And also talking to him about his insecurities and emotions and fears. And that's okay to feel all these things, but you can't let fear or anger guide you.
Give me an Obi-Wan that tucks Cal in at night and reads him bedtime stories.
Give me a Cody that teaches Cal hand-to-hand combat and how to fire and aim a blaster (Obi-Wan is not happy, though he sees the usefulness of it.
And give me the 212th who see all of this happening and vow to snap as many holos, and shoot as many holovids as they can. (For blackmail purposes.. of course.)
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oh-no-its-bird · 2 months
Ok so everyone say thank you to @kirabasai for infecting me with the thought of Commander Fox getting zapped from starwars to naruto
Mitsuki and Fox clone solidarity,, I know Mitsuki only exists in Boruto but I don't give a shit so now not only is this a dimension travel au it's also a time travel
Somehow both Fox and Mitsuki end up in normal naruto canon, and work together bc uhhhh. Reasons, I dunno.
Fox gets zapped first to boruto, probably through spooky Palpatine sith shenanigans that don't actually matter. But he's only there for a second, with just enough time to knock into Mitsuki before he's zapped again into naruto— accidentally bringing Mitsuki with him.
He actually feels kind of bad ab it. Or like, as bad about it as Fox can feel, bc he's Fox. But then he learns Mitsuki is a clone and it isn't just awww shit he accidentally kidnapped some kid but aww shit he accidentally kidnapped a Shiny
Head in his hands, he didn't ask for this,, he was a good boy,, he did his job so diligently,, he hid all the bodies and killed all the people Palpatine told him to,,, literally never done a thing wrong,,,,
Fox winds up with Palpatines lightsaber somehow, and over the course of the story it kind of becomes his. It freaks the absoloute FUCK out of literally any sensors, it is radiating legit evil over there and Fox is holding it like it's no big deal (bc he can't sense shit and is kind of numb to sith energy anyways)
Fox also has a blaster and I am definitely thinking ab the comedy of like. A gun in Naruto. It's a gun. It's a gun that moves fast as light. No one knows what a gun is and Fox is going to get SO much milage out of just having a weapon he can aim places without people realizing what it's ab to do (shoot you in the fucking face)
If someone were to pry into Fox's mind they'd actually have a really awful time of it, then probably walk face first into some nasty lingering sith mind fuckery stuff. Bad experience, 0/10, Fox is very happy w how it turned out but also has no idea why he got that effect. Either way, keep ur nasty ass mind fingers to yourself
Also, Fox speaks Basic. Not Japanese.
I'm thinking he has some sort of standard translator chip that allows him to communicate, but it sometimes translates the stuff he says weirdly. For example, from everyone else's perspective, he keeps introducing himself as Kitsune.
Which, for obvious reasons, doesn't really go over that well with a lot of people in Konoha when he gets there.
He's also visibly foreign and keeps being mistaken for being from Suna
So anyways, Fox and Mitsuki first fight bc like. Hey!! You fucking kidnapped?? Me???
Mitsuki gets the jump on him bc shinobi kid vs guy who doesn't know what a fucking shinobi even is
But then they're able to kinda talk it out and like, look neither of them know where they are so... truce?
Ok so now the fun part:
Fox has no fucking clue what's going on.
From his point of view, he's on... some kind of semi primitive planet. Doesn't remember how or why, but he's here now. So standard GAR procedures; find a way to contact home base. He has his normal gear on him, but no deep space radio, so he'll have to just... make one. Fuck, ok. If he can find the parts, it's doable. All command class clones are taught the basics of how, just like how they're taught how to assemble a blaster from scraps.
But from Mitsuki's point of view, they time traveled.
Mitsuki's POV is the only reason Fox knows there's smthn seriously up, but he's not exactly gonna go "aha! Dimension travel!" On top of it all
Now here's the thing. They're in early naruto canon, some time after wave arc.
Mitsuki only knows chunks of history, and only what has been taught to him second hand from school, Orochimaru, and very very occasional stories from Sasuke or the rest of team Taka
(I feel like Suigetsu especially would have fun telling all sorts of stories)
Not... all of these stories are completely accurate. And even if they are, they're often dumbed down to be easily understood by children— think that one Boruto episode where they put on some sort of silly play about the sanin (which was adorable btw and also fucking hilarious. Actual war criminals son learns about war crimes in class and everyone is just cool happy magic of friendship about it. Amazing.)
So now Fox is learning these fuckin third hand stories from Mitsuki, who literally learned it from the villains of many of the stories, and there is some SERIOUS biases going on
They go to Orochimaru for help.
Local scientist, parent of child (= dependable?) Best source of tech for potential radio + blaster repairs if needed. Fox can trade information to him if needed, it seems like a good choice.
It is not a good choice.
Orochimaru is like nearing the heights of his insanity, and I think it'd be real fun if he decides Sasuke is cool and all but a man from the stars??? A man literally made in a vat to be the perfect example of human physique???? Who's also resistant to many forms of corrosive chakra????
New perfect body alert.
Mitsuki is cute but Orochimaru isn't really in a parental sort of mind set, sorry <3
Mitsuki is going "Huh!! My parent did say they had a pretty severe midlife crisis..."
"Kid I think this is a bit more than just a midlife crisis."
Anyways, then they escape and continue to fuck around trying to build a deep space radio, which at this point is Fox's only hope home which also means it's Mitsuki's bc maybe the jedi can help with the whole uhh... time? Thing?
I'm thinking that after the thing w Orochimaru goes to shit, they're both a lot more wary of the fact that Mitsuki's information may not be the best.
After Oro in terms of figures of power and safety, almost everyone else is either a child, not born yet, or their current location is unknown— except for good old dependable ✨️ rokudaime Kakashi ✨️
Ok so picture this. You're Kakashi, sleeping peacefully in bed after a long day fucking with your students (who you're still very conflicted about having) You wake up to a presence in ur room and there's some fucking snake kid leaning over ur bed going "Hatake-sama—"
You freak out.
Knives may be thrown.
The snake kid has a very angry looking, foreign adult man body guard.
This is so fucking suspicious.
The snake kid says he's a time traveler, and that you are the eventual Rokudaime and also the only person he knows he can trust 100%
This is so fucking suspicious.
So obviously, Kakashi plays along then turns around and reports the fuck out of their asses to the Hokage.
Yeah, Fox doesn't really know what he expected. If some random kid showed up looming over HIS bed in the middle of the night, said he'd be the next chancellor and they know bc they're a time traveler and also pretty please help me build a deep space radio so I can go home— well, he wouldn't report them to Palpatine because not even he's that sadistic. But he'd probably toss them into the cells for a minute, if only because it was one of the only perks of his job
Or, well, for that analogy to work it wouldn't be a deep space radio, because he was used to space travel. It'd have to be something wilder— like an interdimensional radio. Haha, good one. Like that existed. God, imaging having to try and make one of those, that'd be insane. Fox would just kill himself at that point. Good thing he doesn't have to, right? Right?
Anyways mid adventure, they bump into Jiraiya who is fucking horrified to recognize Orochimaru's way of smiling in Mitsuki and gaslights himself into thinking he HAS to be wrong.
I think its Jiraiya who finally helps them out
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