#you can voice your pov of course (tho preferably not on my blog ❤)
actualhumansunshine · 3 years
To be honest at this point I don’t even believe he will release any new music because he has been in the studio for two years and nothing happens and he is too busy going on vacations with his girlfriend and being papped so him smoking doesn’t even matter anymore. Not like he is using that voice of his anyway.
And then after two years of ignoring us he will show up with a new song and expect us to stream while he takes his girlfriend to yet another vacation instead of doing a decent promo for it. Have seen that with Anne-Marie and Ashe already. I’m so fucking tired of his poor attitude and lack of effort when it comes to his career.
i mean, first of all—like it was said the other day—just like there are tons of possible reasons why he's taken a step back from social media, there are so many possible reasons why he hasn't released music yet, most of which have NOTHING to do with mia??? like first of all, we know he's a perfectionist and will want to take his time to get things perfect. if we're talking timelines, ntmy came just over two years after flicker, and we're still on track for that timeline to be a possibility, it just FEELS different and longer because we didn't get tour this time around. also covid is still a huge thing and he most likely wouldn't be able to tour or promote anything he puts out right now like we KNOW he wants to.
secondly, i don’t think it’s fair to hold the promo of songs that weren’t even his against him? he was featured on the songs and took part in the promo of them, but it wasn’t his label or team putting together or paying for the promotional plan, so how the actual fuck would that reflect on HIM or HIS SOLO MUSIC?
thirdly, as far as i can remember, he’s gone on a total of four (4) vacations* with her in the nearly two years they’ve been together??? he’s been in LA working on his album for a MUCH larger amount of time than he’s spent on vacation with her, so the claim that he’s put his career on the backburner in order to fuck around with her is totally baseless??? and that being said, if you’re gonna have an issue with him traveling, have an issue with the fact that he’s doing it while we’re still in the midst of a pandemic, rather than with the fact that it’s supposedly taking him away from his work 😭
and lastly, no one is forcing you to stick around or give him your time and money??? if you’re really genuinely that upset about it or that unwilling to give him the ~benefit of the doubt or whatever, you can just go?? you can move on and find someone that meets your personal expectations for how a celebrity/artist is supposed to act and give THEM your time and money 🤷‍♀️
*the four trips are as follows: spain, july 2020; bahamas, sept 2020; portugal for her bday, nov 2021; and this
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