#you can thank youtube for this update
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Sylas was, if anything, more annoyed than surprised.
Besides that, though, he was also absolutely furious.
He paced the length of the cavern he was using as a hideout for his main force. The Illuminators finding the hideout farther out near the border had been bad enough... and now something was killing his men.
He'd known there'd be retribution, of course. But he was expecting Garen Crownguard's fancy gaggle of paladins, all rules and pomp and righteous fury. They'd be loud! They'd be obvious! And despite everything, they wouldn't strike first...
So who the FUCK was slaughtering his mages from the shadows?!?!
Not all of them were dead, sure. Some of the women and the ones on the younger side had been spared the worst, only having been knocked unconscious with bruises and concussions to show for it...
It was the grown ups who'd gotten the worst of it. Some who looked meek were savagely hurt. Alive, though. But the strong ones? The loyal ones?
They were, quite literally, ripped to shreds.
Riddled with small holes from weapons altogether unfamiliar to Demacia. Sylas didn't see the appeal of guns, personally. Anybody could point and click and kill somebody with those things! But this? When there were enough holes to make it look like the body was a crimson tapestry, moth-eaten for decades? That wasn't just point-and-click. That was someone enjoying themselves...
It had started somewhen past midday. The cave they'd picked was far enough from the previous hideout, and he mostly took his best fighters with him, so as not to endanger most of the untrained mages. The civilians needn't get involved. If they were to live in a free Demacia he couldn't have them dying in caves.
Though they'd taken some losses. And Sylas himself was still turning one particular event from that morning in his head...
Later. Focus on the now.
He didn't have much of a choice. He heard, near the entrance of the cave, faintly from here, a few muffled bangs! and what sounded like screams cut short. He'd been the cause of the second one enough times himself to recognize the sound anywhere.
Whatever was hunting him was here.
He sauntered over to the small stand he kept next to his bed (if one could call that a bed and that ramshackle wooden frame a stand) and slipped his weapons of choice on: A pair of oversized chains, too big to have been made to hold humans, made of silver, gold and Petricite.
It had taken Jinx a few hours to find the cavern.
An hour later and there wouldn't have been tracks to find. This bastard was good. And to be completely fair, the forest wasn't really her stomping grounds proper. If he'd been hiding in a city, she would have gutted him by now...
She'd spent about an hour looking for the cave, and another two staking it out. If se hadn't known some of these people were Mages, and thus the kind of people Lux was so desperately fighting for, she would have just blown the whole place up, ripped everyone to ribbons and jumped Sylas like a bat outta Hell... But they were confused too. She knew that much. They needed someone to cling to and the Crown wasn't helping.
Jinx felt sick to her stomach thinking about how once upon a time it had been her on that spot. She did NOT like the parallels.
But that was the situation, so now, stealth it was.
She picked out the weaker ones first. It started with a couple teenagers she knocked out. They shouldn't be here. She hid them in the bushes.
A couple of lanky men and women in rags jumped her next. Too clumsy to be the main force. Poor devils.
She knocked them out too.
When the proper battle mages showed up, she stood at the mouth of the cave. These were different. These were fighters.
She channelled Fiddlesticks in her posture. "I know you fight because you're oppressed. I know that feeling. And I feel for you, truly I do. But following Sylas will get you killed. I have a friend who loves Mages. For her, I'll let you walk. Don't make me take that back. Walk out. I just want him. I got no beef with the rest of you."
They charged their hands, some had lightning, some had fire, some had shadows and sparks. None of them had a clue. They lunged at her, ready to blast the second they were in range.
"Wrong choice."
Pow-Pow was out of the bag before they could take another step, and in a rain of color and lead, the Mages dropped one by one...
Sylas had been getting new bodies delivered to the back of the cave for about 30 minutes now and there didn't seem to be any sign of it stopping soon.
He'd opened a trap door to a passageway and let the others out. No use having them all die here. Just his best and him would suffice. The rest had to go warn the others they may have been found.
He unfurled his chains as he stood in front of the table they used for plotting attacks and leaned on it, eyes never leaving the entrance to the room, the makeshift wooden door still occasionally the source of his soldier's screams.
ONE of them has to be able to take out whatever it was that dared cross their threshold! But that's just what he told himself. The problem with his powers was that he could also sense exactly how many sources of magic there were around him at all times. And how many went out.
He knew exactly how many of his mages were alive and how many wouldn't dine with him tonight.
The second the passageway closed behind him, he lunged into action. His men took the door first. One with the power of bending the earth to his will, the other capable of making the wind attack his enemies. He'd used their powers on occasion when he'd been backed into a corner by Garen's Mageseekers. He knew how strong they were. They both turned to him.
"Let us, sir."
"You're too important to risk. We will handle this monster first."
"You are true Demacians." Said the hoarse, snake-y voice of The Unchained. "I will not leave you. You may strike first if you so desire, but I'll be right behind you."
"Then we are sure to win the day."
"You honor us, sir."
"And you honor all Mages." He loosened himself. "On your mark."
And on three, the two mages exploded out the door rushing into the fray, knowing they had the power to overcome anything with the man who would liberate Demacia behind them!
They knew nothing.
Sylas gave himself a couple of seconds before following. Let them tire it out, then swoop for the kill. Overwhelm and overpower! He counted to give and then he lunged...
He was halfway around the mouth of the corridor that led to the rest of the cave, not even 10 meters away, when he felt their Magic die out.
He stopped running. He expanded his senses harder... He felt nothing. He hadn't even heard their spells, or any gunfire for that matter.
He didn't run. Whatever it was out there had earned its audience with him...
And he sauntered out to meet it.
Jinx had thought he'd be scarier.
Not that the man in front of her wasn't imposing with his long, slick black hair and goatee, pale skin and towering frame (Really, Lux? A goatee? Good thing she meant it when she said she wouldn't judge...) but she had expected the dreaded leader of the revolution to at least wear shoes. Here he was, though. Barefoot and shirtless, wearing pants that were probably made out of a potato sac, barely rags on his shoulders and bandages where his two massive chains connected to his arms. Though Jinx supposed that if his whole point of appeal was 'escaped prisoner' at least the look matched the brand.
She also thought that in a minute, it wouldn't matter.
"Those were loyal men." He growled. And it was a growl. This man's voice had anger issues.
He himself was more surprised that this twiggy rascal was the reason his forces got so ferociously decimated. She could not be older than 20! The hoodie framing her face reminded him of an old nursery rhyme. And those eyes were a sickly violet that shouted venomously into his soul. Not a lot of people could pull off blue hair, though...
"Sylas of Dregbourne, I take it."
Sylas did NOT like that voice. She sounded like a nightmare. He shouldn't underestimate this one.
"At your service." He bowed mockingly, letting the full weight of his Petricite chains hit the ground with a thud! "And you must be the woman that's been hunting my men. Tell me: Who is it that comes to the revolution's home to stand against it? By the wounds I've seen on my people, you are not Demacian... Did Garen send you, hm? Obnoxious bastard finally get tired of playing fair? I wouldn't have thought his pride would let him."
"I didn't give him a choice. As for your men, I wouldn't go out that way." She nodded towards the entrance of the cave behind her. "Though they do look better stacked, if I'm honest. Neater. Not all of them though. Some are just taking a nap. They don't all deserve what you brought upon them."
"What I brought was hope. A promise to the end of our oppression! Do you know how those that lived will mourn when they wake?! To find their brothers slain?!?!"
"You should have thought of that before you hurt Lux."
That made all his righteous fury drop immediately. He'd been trying not to think about it. "Lux..." And he didn't sound disgusted at the name, much to Jinx's nausea. "She lives, then...?"
"Seems you're not as good at finishing the job as you thought."
And then he let out a sight... A long sigh... Oh. He's relieved. "Good... Thank the gods. I was afraid that I'd..." He paused, like he was trying to collect his words. "Lux and I went our separate ways, true. But I wouldn't... She made her choice and I made mine. She'll live in a free Demacia, a true Demacia, eventually. I was afraid I'd robbed her of that. Thank you."
That almost set her off more than anything else she'd ever been through.
"You almost kill her. Her whole body was bleeding! Her whole light was dim as death! You expect me to believe-"
"I GOT JUMPED BY TEN ILLUMINATORS! I SWUNG! How was I supposed to know she'd...?!" He caught his breath back. "She'd try to save them? That she'd jump in front, all lit up and take the blow for them...?" He was getting agitated... "They died knowing what she was, by the way. And still they stood their ground. I hate to say it, but they at least went out right."
"Shame we won't be able to say the same of you."
He spun a chain and took a stance. "Straight to it then?"
"Ladies first."
He actually chuckled at that. He swung hard at the scraggly woman, and in the blink of an eye, she was gone.
That was, without a shadow of a doubt, the single most satisfying knee Jinx had ever landed.
The first swing had been easy to dodge. Long, wide... but he wouldn't make that mistake again.
Still, it had been enough to get her in. And the feeling of Sylas's nose cracking under her knee at mach-whatever was gonna keep her smiling when she felt down for months on end.
Sylas wasn't just gonna take it, though.
He didn't swing the second chain. He just went for a hook and connected with her ribs, sending her barreling on the ground before she was done bouncing back from her hit. He ran at her, coiling his chain around his hand and plunging it down at her.
Jinx barely rolled out of the way and the Petricite and rock met, a soft blue mist hanging where Sylas' fist had hit. Lingering magic. She'd take note of that.
As she blinked to the side and got up to her feet, he unrolled the chain and raked it along the place his fist had hit. The glow ran up the chain, and it also started to glow, golden and blue.
This felt familiar... That bitch in the alley really had bit off his whole schtick! She had a feeling she wouldn't be getting up from getting whipped by Sylas, though.
He brought down both chains this time, smacking them in an X pattern where she had been a second ago, the marks of the weapons indenting themselves in the cave floor.
Jinx dashed in again. And her suspicions were confirmed. He did indeed learn from his mistake.
That soft blue glow lit up the spot on the ground where both chains had crossed and a soft burst of energy jetted upwards as she blinked over it. The feeling was not pleasant. It wasn't even warm magic, like Lux's glow. This was cold and bitter, like a winter chill, running itself through her system as she was flung upwards. Bastard had time that perfectly.
She felt the whip of a chain wrap around her in mid-air and her whole body get pulled faster than it had any right to, lurching back towards the ground, where Sylas had a fist ready to meet her. For a second after it connected, she couldn't have told anyone who she was or where she came from... She felt herself smash against the floor and roll off, the chain unwrapping itself to return to its master's hand.
She caught her breath. She wished she could just pull Fishbones on this bastard! Pow-Pow had to be left near the entrance. It would only slow her down... And to be fair, she HAD helped mow down the fodder! Which left her with her Chompers, Zapper and her wits.
She'd done more with less.
She rolled into a stand and weaved just in time to miss a chain hit the ground where she'd been standing with a soft boom! where the magic exploded again. Then Sylas swiped her again, and she had to duck the second one. The first one flew back at her, raking the ground and she had to push-up herself into the air not to get slapped in the face by enough solid gold to buy a house in Piltover. As soon as she hit the ground again, she limbo'd under the second chain before blinking to get herself some distance from the world's deadliest game of jump-rope.
Sylas wasn't going to give her the chance.
He made an arc with both chains behind him and put his whole body into throwing them forwards, one on each side of his adversary. Jinx barely turned to the side so she wouldn't be skewered. She saw the chains lodge themselves in the wall and smiled. He's stuck!
He was not stuck.
There was a sense of cosmic irony as Sylas pulled himself to her using the chains he'd very intentionally lodged in the wall and kneed her in the face. A sense of cosmic irony that Jinx, at this moment in time, was too pissed off to notice, but it would get her eventually.
She rolled back into the wall and had just enough time to blink sideways before the chains dislodged and hit the spot where she'd just been.
This was so annoying! If she came close, he'd blow her up and if she made space the chains would cover him... How long were those things anyway?!
Wait... How long were those things? She started getting an idea. She had to get out of the cave.
She pulled zapper out and shot the roof of the cave, hoping the blast was enough to dislodge some rock on top of her foe and got lucky for the first time today. A bunch of rubble made him block and Jinx didn't waste a second blinking back to the entrance, stepping over the two dead mages from a few moments before and gunning it to the entrance, where Pow-Pow was waiting...
Sylas pushed the rubble off of himself. Bitch was crafty, he'd give her that. The super speed was a surprise. He didn't feel any magic emanating from her properly. Like it was dormant until she used her powers. He'd be more curious about that if he wasn't trying to kill her...
He followed her out of the room... She had been right. He shouldn't have gone out that way.
When Sylas cleared the first two corpses he thought nothing could surprise him about this woman anymore. He was wrong.
What followed on the way out of the cave could only be described as a museum display of violence. The bodies were everywhere. He'd had 30 battle-ready mages with him in this base. Now, it was just him and about 7 lower rank, unconscious foot soldiers, standing (or in their case, laying) in a macabre exhibition of blood and paint splatters.
He didn't know where the remains of one of his men ended and the other began. There was an arm laying in front of him, exploded from its body. Where even was its.. ? Oh. It's on the ceiling. Stuck to the ceiling, framed by a splash of red, pink and blue graffiti. He knew the red wasn't graffiti. Sylas didn't know what the fuck to think.
A bunch of his mages were indeed piled up in a mound in a corner. He could tell the bodies were riddled with bullet holes.
The smell got him the worst. He'd been in skirmishes and massacres before. But when you knew it was just your own people... He was seeing red in more ways than one.
He saw a couple of bodies twitching in the mouth of the cave. Two of the five lucky ones that hadn't met their end... One couldn't be older than sixteen.
He'd do.
Sylas saw no sign of the intruder. He risked a lean over to the boy. "Are you alright? Can you speak?" He kept looking around. Like Hell he was dropping his guard.
The boy's voice was small. Not because it was weak. He was simply too terrified to make any more noise than he absolutely had to.
"I'm sorry sir. I didn't see her coming. She took me out first. The others-"
"Listen to me." He tried to sound confident. He wasn't sure he was managing. "Don't think about the others. I'll make her pay. What's your gift, son?"
"L-lightning, sir." He answered meekly. "She ran into the woods. Took this massive weapon with her... She's too strong to be human!"
"Let me worry about that. I'll make sure she knows your strength." Sylas put a hand on the boy's chest and let his gift do the rest. He felt a slight shock as the magic left the boy's body. He himself felt stronger. Quicker. Better. Energy pulsing through his veins like electricity. The boy passed out again from the effort.
'Should be enough for one good shot.' he thought, and he ran out into the woods.
But something about all this felt familiar... Maybe it was the colors of the paint. Maybe it was the fact that her weapon was a massive gun. Sylas felt he'd heard about someone similar at some point...
Jinx was waiting on a tree. She figured she'd left a decent enough trail to be followed. She was surprised Pow-Pow's weight wasn't cracking the branch she was standing on.
She caught a glimpse of the man coming closer to her. He looked perfectly fine. Like the cave-in hadn't hurt at all... That ticked her off. I dropped a cavern on you! At least have the decency to die!
He didn't seem to care much for decency, truth be told. He looked even more out of place outside the cavern, the green of the woods making his rags and golden chains stick out like a sore thumb.
He started speaking before she could line up a shot. "I think I know what I'm dealing with now!" He started. He didn't see her, but he knew she was close. "You know, when I got out of prison, I started to catch up with the world. Seeing what I'd missed in my years locked up. I heard a great deal of stories. Though mostly, I looked for stories like my own. I'd heard of the Ionians whose very land battles the invaders that dare instill themselves upon it. I'd heard of the Freljord and of Bilgewater, where freedom is earned by strength... And then I heard another story. From Piltover."
She almost had it... Stop getting between the trees!
"Real inspiring, to tell the truth! I can't say it didn't light a fire in me! The single woman with a giant gun, killing her people's oppressors... And they had the gall to call her 'Jinx'! Though I suppose that's what you were to them, was it not...?"
Of course this sleezebag knew who she was. Why not!
"Again, I'm inspired! I've been trying to do what you did here in Demacia for a while and to tell the truth, I'd started to get a little demoralized... Just my luck the Loose Cannon from Zaun shows up at my door.... If only you hadn't killed my men. I think we could have been friends, if you hadn't thrown your lot with those high born bastards..."
The barrel started spinning. No more words. Just die!
"Though of course, I can't fully blame you... Our Little Light does have a type!"
And at that last word, he turned to face her. Like he'd known where she was the whole time. He put his hands together and a bolt of lightning, more powerful than anything Zapper could produce struck the branch where she'd been crouched half a second before. The blast was enough to knock her off balance and back with the rest of the tree.
She hit the ground hard. Her world was spinning and she could barely make out the shape of Pow-Pow next to her as Sylas approached, spinning his chain around in his hand.
She got up and put a hand on the handle. The barrel spun. Good! It wasn't jammed! She lifted the minigun and aimed but he was already too close, swinging from the trees with his chains to get in quicker. She had to let go of Pow-Pow to dodge.
A chain swung towards her and the dirt burst with the explosion. She tried to circle around and blinked halfway up a tree. She jettisoned herself as fast as she could, caught Sylas mid-swing and started whaling on him on the way down. Nail bet face, fist met ribs, but the two wouldn't let up.
She used him as a landing pad and flipped back to Pow-Pow right as he retracted his chains.
Now it was Sylas's world which spun. He got up as fast as he could and whirled the chains around, he stuck one, two, three, four trees and they all came down with a thunderous slam! that shook the small critters unfortunate enough to get caught in between these two.
But he didn't hit Jinx. He barely caught a glimpse of her hiding behind one of the fallen trees when he heard the whirling of something other than his chains.
Well, shit.
He started swinging and zipping through the trees as fast as he could, the resounding blasting of light canon-fire chasing him, way too close for comfort, where the bullets missed, a splash of blue and pink and gold, felling trees and slowly but surely cutting off his routes to escape...
Eventually, as the rushing sounds of the river Serpentrion reached his ears, the Zaunite finally got lucky. Sylas felt a sharp pain in his leg, one that would have claimed it if it had struck the bone, and his careful balance among the canopy was taken from him.
He plummeted to the forest floor and tried to stand. His leg had other plans. He limped, following the sound of rushing water. He wasn't used to his enemies outranging him... Get her in the open and you have her. Just get out of the trees.
Jinx had a better idea.
She pulled open the hoodie and threw as many Chompers as she could, the small bombs biting into the nearby treeline and coming so close to Sylas himself he had to roll out of the way with a busted leg in order to survive the explosion, barely getting up and limping to the sound of the river... Screw it, new plan.
"What, no speech? No taunts or witty one-liners? And you call yourself a villain!"
She dragged Pow-Pow with her to the edge of the treeline. The barrel kept spinning for the sake of both stimming and readyness...
She breached the trees. A clearing with a sheer drop into what sounded like a rushing river. Sylas was staring over the edge.
"You wouldn't make it." She said. "Maybe if your leg worked, but not like this. Not from this high."
"Maybe not, but what's life without a little risk?" He said. Barely standing up and he still had that wolfy grin on his face... Jinx was already tired of that face and she'd known the guy for about 30 minutes. Demacia would despise him!
She shot Zapper a little off the side of his face. Just a warning shot. She couldn't risk him absorbing it... But she wanted to see how he felt being the food played with for once.
"I could still take you." He trembled. He knew he couldn't. Even if his leg worked, the best he could do was maybe throw her in the river and run for his life. He hated being on the back foot!
"Heard that before. Strangely, nobody ever says it twice." Spin, spin, spin went the barrel...
Sylas nodded his head. "You really ARE everything they say about you and more..." He had to respect it. The ally she could have been! "For shame."
"Yeah, well..." She said, and she moved her hand to Pow-Pow's handle. "Don't meet your Heroes."
And she lifted the gun and fired. Sylas jumped as fast as he could.
Not fast enough.
Pow-Pow ripped a hole in his side, a spray of crimson, an agonizing scream and the sound and echo of man hitting water... And with the rush of the Serpentrion, he was gone. A brief red streak in the water the only proof he was ever there.
She didn't think he could survive that... But she had been wrong before. For once, though, she dared to hope. And if he did, he knew not to fuck with her now.
"Now, then." She told herself, finally letting herself breathe before returning. "Where did I park that horse...?"
She passed by the cave again, just to make sure her job was done. The mages she'd knocked out were gone by the time she passed through. Good. No more kinds caught in the crossfire. She rubbed the rim of the hoodie.
And the ride home was the most accomplished she'd felt in a long time...
#How Lux Met Jinx#LightCanon#lightcannon#Jinx#jinx arcane#jinx league of legends#jinx lol#luxanna crownguard#lux lol#lux league of legends#sylas#sylas league of legends#sylas of dregbourne#sylas lol#Arcane#adjacent#I'M SORRY THIS ONE TOOK SO LONG!!!#I swear I started it mid-January#The place I work banned YouTube and now that I can't blast Chapelle Roan and Hozier and the entire Arcane OST on loop...#Well my drive to write disintegrated.#I've been pushing at this for a while... I hope it's to your liking! Fight choreography remains my worst enemy.#I'll continue it as I can but I can't do updates as often as I used to.#Sorry about that.#Thanks for waiting for it aslong as you did!#I'll get to work on the next one when I can breathe again!#Enjoy! I actually really want to explore the effects of Shimmer on Lux...
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Rogue waves are such a dead end obsession, you hear about them you're like that's such a cool concept I gotta go learn everything there is to know about them so you do and it's been a cool five minutes and now you know such fun facts as "They exist" and "A list of ships that have survived them" the closest thing to a truly fun fact available is that they were thought to be mythical prior to the invention of steel hulled boats because wooden boats encountering 30m tall waves had happen to them exactly what you'd think would happen
#You could probably get a cool handful of hours out of it actually#The wiki page is a bit bulkier than it used to be thanks to satellite observations#And there's ones of videos on YouTube that you can watch#I think it took about three before the information in them was entirely redundant to me#Perhaps the funnest takeaway is that Gordon Lightfoot was completely wrong about some important stuff#Although did update his song based on new evidence so I find it hard to hold against him rather than find interesting
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Hi friend! I remembered you posted that you were working on an update for the Save a while ago. Can I ask what it would entail, and if you’re still working to get it released? I love all of your work and look forward to seeing what you do next!
Hi hi, friend!
Thanks for the ask! Yeah… I meant to release a minor update last week. Again, nothing major, just fixing up small things in the save like the seasons (it’s spring, but the world is still in winter💀), some typos, and little things I missed. Honestly, I’ll probably drop that in a few hours lol.
But if you’re fine with the current version, you can definitely pass on this little update.
As far as the big and final (hopefully!) update, I’ve slowly been getting back into a Doo Doo mood. So I’ll probably start working on Version 2 soon!
Also, thank you so much!🥰
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I did not just get jumpscared by one of my old scp fanarts while watching a random youtube short what-
w h a t-
#the cloud can speak oh boi#first I get jumpscared by an iceberg in UnrealEngine during class and now this- cant catch a break today smh/j#okay yeah I'm subscribed so not technically random bUT-#I had to do a whole ass double take since the images go by so fast#I never expected to experience this lmao#Ough this reminds me of how I wanted to update my designs for 049 and 049-J but never finished doing it whoop;;#thank you scp youtube guy for reminding me yet another re-design I wanna do lol#this is so funny tho omg-#and woahhh I made that in 2019?? My style was like that 4 years ago? Unbelievable.
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If you're visiting my profile for the slur song, here's the spotify link:
Text link if that doesn't work.
You can stream it on YouTube too. I'll update if Apple accidentally approve it.
Thankyou for all your messages, I'll get to them all eventually, promise!
UPDATE: Thanks to @smute for pointing out its now in Apple Music too!
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Please help me survive and escape homelessness.
I want to be safe by the winter of 2025.
I'm having a difficult time fundraising for my van. Repeated car troubles and various other unexpected issues have eaten into my savings multiple times, and while in a slump I wasn't making as many posts about my situation and I got significantly less donations over the last ~6 weeks on both my gofundme and my kofi/cashapp. While I've 'regained' a lot of what I lost, I've been spending about as much as is coming in. Aside from one instance, my emergency expenses were eaten by my fundraiser savings, which was then gained back about as quickly as I was spending it on my daily expenses. I still haven't reached the goal for the recent $1000 I had to spend on my car.
So far I've lost $2,200 of the $3,100 that's shown on the GFM. I'll be updating the fundraiser to reflect the loss.
I'm autistic and struggle just to meet my basic needs, and despite that I've been denied disability income multiple times. Failing to hold a job (and developing PTSD symptoms from my time being employed), and let down and abandoned by anyone who could support me, I'm left with few resources and few options. I try to make posts when I'm in a good mood, or keep people updated when I'm in a bad mood. I make videos on YouTube, hoping eventually I can show people what their money has gotten for me.
On a good month, I only spend about $600, leaving me some space to save the donations I was previously getting. With winter and the holidays coming, I'm not sure I'll be getting as much money as the warmer months, and I'll be spending more on keeping myself warm and fed over the winter. It will be more like $800/mo now. The only real solution is getting more money than I'm spending, as I'm already spending as little as I safely can.
I'll only take financial advice from someone who has lowered their expenses below mine, with the same disabilities and circumstances as me. What I need is more money, and I don't always have the energy to pay back with art and things like that. I don't even always have the energy to post my pleas for help. I don't have a sponsor to help me make these posts.
I'm in a low energy mode because what can I do with no money? In a state where I have to spend as little as possible, see such slow results, see most of it taken by things outside my control, and somehow keep up hope that this will work?
When I feel safe and have adequate shelter in a van, I'll be able to REST. And then start working harder and making more money one way or another. Whether you think I should suck it up and get a job or you want to see me become a content creator, I need money for any kind of opportunity and I'm just not getting enough.
So, thank you to everyone who's suppported me so far. Thank you to the repeat supports. I'm sorry I had to spend your money on other things. Thank you to the person who covered most of a huge expense I was stressing about a couple months ago. Thank you to the person who sent me $200 to get a hotel and told me to take care of my mental health before saving anything. Thank you to the blogs that have featured my fundraiser in your posts. Thank you to everyone who keeps boosting and cheering me on even though you can't support financially.
I don't know what else I can do to get more people like that to see me. There are so many options on the internet, but it's still a daunting task and as much as I can't really afford to rest, I have to sometimes. Often, in fact.
Please keep boosting this post until my goal is really met. Until I can spend more than $600 a month and actually earn your money rather than beg for it.
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Hello all! My name is Billie Lauren Hindle. I am a British actress, VA, writer and director best known for voicing Alice Dyer in The Magnus Protocol as well for playing Jade in Secrets of a Wallaby Boy and Ruby in Zombies, Run!
This blog will largely be used as another outlet to keep you all updated with career updates and to maybe answer a question or two!
A few rules for questions! :)
1. Please be polite.
2. Please do not ask for spoilers on any projects I’m in.
3. Please do not ask me questions of a political nature or that relate to opinions on real people or events.
4. Please understand that an answer is far from guaranteed. I get many messages and would only be able to answer a handful of questions that catch my eye!
5. Please do not ask for or give out any personal information.
6. Please no NSFW topics.
If you’d like to know where else you can find me, here is a handy list! :)
Bluesky: BillieLHindle
X/Twitter: BillieLHindle
Instagram: billielaurenh
TikTok: billie.lauren
YouTube: Billie Hindle
If you’d like to help support me, please check out my Ko-fi here: https://ko-fi.com/billielaurenhindle
Many thanks and have a great day!
#tma#the magnus archives#tmagp#the magnus protocol#magpod#va#voiceactor#Billie Hindle#Alice dyer#career#intro#partial veil#podcasts#rusty quill#magnus archives#the magnus pod#zombies run
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Ren's favorite color is black!
the sticky note Easter egg is so genius I didn't even notice it at first😭 he looks so cute like catching a child eating chocolate expect it's a murder- anyways I was just wondering if there's more and if there's certain places I should look for more or if I type a specific phrase in the username it'll unlock an Easter egg? thank you!
⌞♥⌝ HEHE >:3
As for other Easter Eggs, there are quite a few community-related ones!! Try making your name "Kitsune", "Monsterpup", "silkbab3y", "Meowastrophe", or "Froggydacted" for additional scenes, sprite changes, and other surprises ^^
Some YouTubers (who make videos featuring 14DWY) also get unique dialogue at the start of the game, depending on the name they use!! Also... If you make your name "Ballsac", you get a brand new, silly cafe order in Day 2 lmao
Other than that, the only other built-in Easter Eggs I can think of are the subtle references the characters make via their updates in the socials/relationship screen.
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comfort person. ᥫ᭡ oscar piastri
summary: f1 community was surprised when mclaren’s young driver mentioned about everyone’s favorite youtuber in one of his interviews.
warnings: none, i guess!!
and also, i don’t want to be disrespectful to oscar and lily. i love their relationship and i respect it so much. it’s just a fanfiction. it’s for fun. thank you for reading!
mclaren posted a new video ! “oscar piastri answers google’s most searched questions”
twitter !
instagram direct message !

liked by oscarpiastri and 1.637.829 others
yourusername new youtube video is out now! link in bio 💌💐
username8 no but he’s so real for stalking her
emmachamberlain i’m obsessed
yourusername no I’M OBSESSED! with you🫵🏻
oscarpiastri i liked the ribbons
yourusername i can brought some
username12 Y/N IN PADDOCK?
username33 i love when hot people date
[ yourusername story update ]
twitter !

liked by yourusername, landonorris and 2.637.277 others
oscarpiastri the first time was so nice, i had to do it twice
yourusername so proud!!!!!
oscarpiastri lucky charm 🤍
landonorris congrats mate! 👏🏻
username5 oh they are so dating
username3 she really brought luck 😭💌

liked by oscarpiastri and 2.638.838 others
yourusername first grand prix & his second win?? i’m so proud of you, my comfort person 🤍
oscarpiastri you’re really my comfort person. i love you
yourusername i love you😭��🤍
username17 PARENTS
username6 not the george pose HAHAHAHAHAH he’s iconic
username8 her friendship bracelet😭😭the hug😭😭 i just love them you don’t understand 😭😭😭😭😭
#oscar piastri#oscar piastri x reader#formula 1#formula 1 smau#formula 1 x reader#smau#f1 x reader#f1 imagine#f1 fic#f1 2024
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Sup Currently im writing a military themed story and I want to know some useful phrases and (maybe???) some links to useful thingies. I am wrapping my head around researching way too much but I dont want to make my writing unrealistic T-T So any advice for that?
Some Military Vocabulary
terminology and slang
Aide-de-camp - a member of the personal staff of a general officer, acting as his confidential assistant
Blue Falcon - Someone who betrays you (buddy f’er)
Clandestine - Military activities intended to be kept secret or concealed
Chamade - Drumbeat of surrender
Chest candy - Decorations or awards on an officer’s dress uniform
Dream sheet - Job and assignment preference worksheet for cadets
Élan - A high-spirited morale usually associated with exceptionally self-confident and elite units
Expectant - A soldier who is expected to die from their injuries
Feu de joie - French phrase meaning 'fire of joy' describing a firing of muskets one after another, closely timed to make a continuous noise, in celebration
Garrison - A a military post, especially one that is permanently established; the troops stationed at a military post
Ground zero - Point of origin for violent activity (such as where a bomb hits); specific point directly below explosion of a nuclear weapon
Hangfire - Wait for orders
Infantry - A branch of an army whose soldiers are organized, trained and equipped to fight on foot
Insurrection - The process of rising up to challenge one’s own government
Jeep - Soldier just out of basic training
Meat wagon - Ambulance
Mess hall - Hall where service members eat their meals
Moonbeam - Flashlight
NVD - Night Vision Device
Oxygen thief - Recruit who talks too much
Sky blossom - Parachute
Smoke - To punish a soldier excessively for a minor infraction
Soup sandwich - A situation that was poorly planned or has gone terribly wrong
WTHR - Weather
Zone of fire - A particular area where a unit delivers or is about to deliver fire
Some Military & Warfare Tropes
False Flag Operation: Attacking another nation and making it look like someone else did it.
Peeling Potatoes: The commanding officer makes subordinates peel potatoes when they get out of line.
Sealed Orders: Sensitive orders aren't relayed until the last moment to prevent intel leaks.
War Is Hell: The work depicts war in a negative light, such as emphasizing that people get killed in wars and demonstrating the trauma suffered by those forced to endure the bloodshed.
We Have Reserves: This particular military doesn't consider it a big deal to have soldiers die so long as replacements are easy to obtain.
Sources: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ⚜ More: Word Lists ⚜ Writing Resources PDFs
Here are some references, do go through the links because there are so many more interesting ones I wasn't able to include here. Finding that balance when researching a story can definitely be a challenge. As you write, I think one thing that could help is to keep in mind your target audience. Would the flow be disrupted by adding a certain detail? Would it be better just to exclude it? For instance, including jargon or terminology that your readers may not be familiar with, but might be necessary for your story/character. So find that balance to retain it but in a way that includes some sort of explanation for your reader (e.g., through another character or through the narrator). And here are some tips to help guide you with the tropes in this genre (and the genre, in general). Hope this helps with your writing!
Update. DOD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms ⚜ Naval Abbreviations ⚜ YouTube Channel: Military-Related. Thank you to @anumberofhobbies for these additional references!
#on writing#writing tips#tropes#writeblr#writing advice#writers on tumblr#literature#writing reference#dark academia#spilled ink#writing prompt#creative writing#writing inspiration#writing ideas#light academia#writing resources
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Balloon SMP vod masterpost
These are the vods i could find uploaded to youtube. Some of these are playlists some are the channels themselves. Not everyone streamed every day and not everyone has finished uploading vods.
might as well link the official balloonsmp site, where you can find everyone’s twitch pages and/or socials even though the smp is over! check out some of their other stuff (streams, art, etc), it rules frfr
Please support the devs if you can!
Team A
SocksBX vod channel | (has a vod edit out)
Skullvolver (playlist) | (vod edit)
@buggleboos (vod channel)
Woops (playlist) | (vod edit)
Team B
@breakbeatbun (playlist)
@jame7t (vod channel)
@katydiids (playlist)
Team C
@padabana (playlist)
@auskbear (playlist)
Yocow (Yoda) (playlist)
@sophiesteak (playlist)
@clebables/Gutstosis (playlist)
Couldn’t find anything for Team D, sorry! Check out the website to find their twitch vods!
Team E
@hollowtones (vod channel)
@sophiebaybey (playlist)
Team F
@kuueater (playlist)
@therenobee (vod channel)
@bennflynt/Char (playlist)
@robbydude (playlist)
thats all i could find as of now, feel free let me know if i’m missing any or if some more get uploaded so i can update this post.
Thank you so much to everyone involved in this, it was amazing!
Fan edits!
these are gonna be a lot less organized.
Robbydude POV edit part 1
HUGE Team F supercut part 1
Team E edit part 1
A playlist of some of the many, many fan highlights and animatics (not sure if this has all of them but definitely a lot)
so much hard work for all this, so please share and watch. again lmk if i should add more
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The Next Dragon Age Has a New Title
by Author - BioWare - Posted on June 6, 2024
"Join us on Tuesday, June 11 for the Official Gameplay Reveal Hi everyone, Summer is nearly upon us, and as promised, we’re ready to provide an update on our big reveal. We’d like to invite the world to join us on Tuesday, June 11, for the official first look at gameplay for the next Dragon Age! After Dragon Age: Inquisition launched, the studio was given an incredible opportunity to explore, test, and validate a variety of gameplay concepts as we worked to determine what the next Dragon Age could look like. We brought everything to the table which, yes, even included a multiplayer concept. The time we spent experimenting and iterating gradually taught us a lot. This work, and the amazing support from EA, helped us re-focus on creating an incredible single player game, with all the choices, characters and world building you’d expect from us. At BioWare, we create worlds of adventure, conflict and companionship, where you’re at the center of it all. As fans of our franchise know, every Dragon Age game has delivered a new standalone story. Set in the world of Thedas, these tales explore epic locales and threats, always thrusting you into a new conflict. Each game also introduces a new lead hero – The Warden, Hawke, The Inquisitor – that you can call your own. You can expect all that, and more, with the new game. And of course, much like your unique hero, it wouldn’t be a Dragon Age game without an amazing cast of companions – right? Each of the seven unique characters that make up your companions will have deep and compelling storylines where the decisions you make will impact your relationships with them – as well as their lives. You’ll unite this team of unforgettable heroes as you take on a terrifying new threat unleashed on the world. Naturally, the Dread Wolf still has an important part in this tale, but you and your companions – not your enemies – are the heart of this new experience. So, to capture what this game is all about, we changed the name as the original title didn’t show just how strongly we feel about our new heroes, their stories and how you’ll need to bring them together to save all of Thedas. We proudly introduce to you Dragon Age™: The Veilguard.

We know you’ve been waiting a long time for this reveal and we’re so ready to show you what we’ve been up to. We’ll see you on Tuesday, June 11th at 8:00am PT at the Dragon Age YouTube channel with over 15 minutes of gameplay from the opening moments of the game that has you jumping back into Thedas on your new adventure. This moment means so much to everyone at BioWare, and we wouldn’t be here without you. We’re ready to have some fun, so join the chat early…we’ve got a few special surprises for you. Thank you for all your support. See you soon, Gary McKay Executive Producer, Dragon Age, and General Manager, BioWare"
#dragon age: the veilguard#dragon age: dreadwolf#dragon age 4#the dread wolf rises#da4#dragon age#bioware#video games#long post#longpost#1k+
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My name is K and this is the byproduct of my Min Yoongi and Bangtan Sonyeondan brainrot.
Please remember all stories herein are purely fiction. I do not claim to know BTS irl. I put warnings in every chapter. Please be guided by them, so you can have an enjoyable reading experience. I do not have an upload schedule. I will turn on my requests soon, but for now please enjoy my ongoing and completed stories below.
About Me | WIP update | Buy me a ko-fi
Join my permanent taglist
Requests are closed as of 11/08
Minors DNI
Wild & Free
Status: Completed
Part 1 | Part 2
Summary: Everybody says they want to marry Min Yoongi. But what if he only wants to say 'yes' to you. Alternatively: While on the last leg of their PTD tour, Yoongi discovers there was such a thing as drive-thru weddings in Las Vegas - spontaneous, wild, exciting - something his pretty little brain can't seem to process having lived the last decade of his life planned to perfection by his management team, which includes you. When he goes down a rabbit hole of Youtube videos about The Little White Wedding Chapel (Omo! Michael Jordan got married there!), he starts getting all sorts of ideas - all of it starring him and you. Genre: Fluff, Angst, Eventual Smut, Childhood friends to lovers, Idol!au, Coworkers to lovers (reader is a HYBE employee)
Terms & Conditions
Status: Ongoing
⋆.˚ Series Masterlist ⋆.˚
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 Teaser | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6
Summary: Managing Min Yoongi as one of your encoders during his alternative military service should’ve been simple. He is quiet, punctual—and can apparently type as fast as he can rap! Not to mention the fact that he is easy on the eyes and keeps wanting to help you. You’ve signed an iron-clad NDA, detailing the full terms and conditions of his temporary employment, so you’re supposed to keep things professional, but what happens if neither of you wants to? Genre: Fluff, eventual smut, co-workers to lovers, office romance, idol!au
Love & Lullabies
Status: Ongoing
⋆.˚ Series Masterlist ⋆.˚
Teaser | Part 1 | Part 2 Teaser | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 4.5 | Part 5
Summary: What begins as a simple favor for your best friend Namjoon soon pulls you into the rhythms of Yoongi’s life—afternoons spent caring for his son, late nights filled with candid conversations, and a connection neither of you thought you needed. You’re fresh out of a long-term relationship with an ex who didn’t want a family with you, so did you really just stumble into a life you’ve always dreamed of? (Thank god Namjoon isn’t the only one who’s clumsy.) Alternatively: It’s 2025 and BTS is prepping for their comeback. All members seem to have gained muscle weight from their time at camp. But Min Yoongi has gained a different kind of weight—an 8-pound baby and a fuck-load of responsibility. Genre: Fluff, Angst, Smut (tbd), idol!au, Acquaintances to Lovers, Reader is Namjoon’s bestie
Friends & Fools
Status: Completed
Click here
Summary: You and Yoongi have always been just friends—inseparable since childhood, roommates in the city, partners in navigating life’s chaos. At your high school reunion, the questions start: Are you two finally together? Uh, no. But as the night goes on, and Yoongi looks at you like that, hmm—has everyone else seen something you’ve been too scared to admit? Genre: Fluff, Suggestive, non-idol!au, best friends & roommates to lovers
A Christmas Encore {Holiday Fic}
Status: Completed
Part One | Part Two
Summary: You never thought you’d see Min Yoongi again, not in this lifetime, not in this place. He left years ago with big dreams and bigger talent, trading snow-covered Seollim Hollow for the city lights of Seoul. But now, with the cultural center—the heart of your hometown—on the verge of being sold to a soulless corporation, you’ll do anything to save it. When Yoongi appears on your doorstep, it feels like a miracle wrapped in regret. But as the two of you work together to save the center, old promises resurface, along with feelings you thought you’d left behind. Can you trust someone who was never meant to stay? Or will you just get hurt again? Genre: Childhood Friends to Kinda Lovers to Kinda Strangers to Friends to Lovers (WHAT?! Yeah I got dizzy too) Second chances basically, Fluff, Smut, Mild Angst, Very Hallmark
Let Me Love You {Song fic Drabble}
Status: Pending
Click here for the Preview
Honey & Citrus
Status: Completed Read here
Summary: You haaate your job, but at least there’s this sexy eye-candy at your favorite cafe to distract you from your miserable 9 to forever grind. Your simple, casual nods with him, turn into a silent caffeine war when, after his small act of kindness, you buy him his coffee—and he refuses to let the favor go unanswered. Suddenly, you’re locked in a daily battle of who pays first, and just when you think you’ve reached a stalemate, fate (and a very nosy barista) throws in a twist you never saw coming.
That Tricky Hickey
Status: Completed Read here
Anonymous asked: Very specific request: Yoongi and you are into each other except he doesn't make it obvious. You guys are complete opposites (you're extroverted and emo and he's introverted and into rap). Your bff is dating Jimin. You + maknae line + Yoongi go on vacation. Long story short Yoongi gets mad that they're flirting with you and he proceeds to get drunk. The boys have to wake you up to take Yoongi to his room and put him to bed because he keeps asking for you. Yoongi asks you to sleep in his bed with him and gives you some pjs. He then starts marking your neck and confesses to liking you and you put a subtle stop to it because he is drunk and rub his back so he can fall sleep (fluff ). The next morning he sees your neck and is mortified but you decide to be bold and straddle him (whatever smut you want to write) and yeah that's pretty much it. I've never made a request before but it's my take of the classic there's only one bed to share situation :) You're very talented and I love your writing!
Nerd & Nerdier
Status: Ongoing Chapter 1 | Chapter 2
Summary: Moving in with two introverts should have been easy. Not when it’s Min Yoongi and Jeon Wonwoo, who decide they both want you. Unhinged, awkward, and nerdy as hell, they proceed to compete for your attention in the most unnecessarily dramatic fashion that culminates into a… rap battle.
Sweet & Spicy
Status: Completed
Read here
Summary: Turns out some cravings are just so hard to ignore. Genre: Fluffy fluff, idol!au, strangers to ?, Reader is ARMY
Yet to come
Yet to come
Yet to come
Yet to come
Yet to come
Banners by the uber talented @glossdebut
#myg x reader#yoongi x reader#yoongi x y/n#yoongi fanfic#min yoongi x y/n#min yoongi x reader#bts fanfic#bts fic#bts x reader#yoongi smut#min yoongi x you#yoongi fic#myg x y/n#yoongi fluff#yoongi x you#yoongi angst#suga x reader#suga x y/n#bts imagines#bts fanfiction#bts smut#bts x you#bts x fem!reader#bts x y/n#bts x oc#jeon jungkook x reader#bts jungkook x reader#jungkook x reader#jungkook x you#jungkook x y/n
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Hetalia Masterpost
Anime Episodes
Hetalia Episode Links (google doc) here Hetalia List (google doc) here Hetalia episodes + EP Guide (google doc) here
Hetalia World Stars 1. Shonenjumpplus (JPN) here All Hetalia Comics 1. Hetarchive.net (ENG trans.) here 2. hetascanlations.tumblr (ENG trans.) here
Hetalia - Singin' in the World [1st musical, performed in 2015] 1. Veoh (english subs) here 2. bilibili (upload 1) here 3. bilibili (upload 2) here 4. Tumblr (subtitle file only) here Hetalia - The Great World [2nd musical, performed in 2016] 1. Veoh (english subs) here 2. bilibili here 3. Tumblr ( subtitle file only) here Hetalia - In the New World [3rd musical, performed in 2017] * 1. bilibili here Hetalia Final Live - A World in the Universe [4th musical, performed in 2018] * 1. bilibil (live in Osaka version) here 2. bilibili (live in Makuhari verison) here Hetalia - The World is Wonderful [5th musical, performed in 2021] 1. bilibili here 2. Youtube (upload 1) here 3. Youtube (upload 2 - HQ & unlisted) here Hetalia - The Fantastic World [6th musical, performed in 2023] 1. U-Next (Japanese streaming site) here * 2. MEGA (video and ENG sub file) here + here Hetalia - The Glorious World [7th musical, performed in 2024] 1. TBA (live performances start 08/2024) All Hetalia Musicals 1. MEGA (musicals 1-4) here * 2. MEGA (musicals 1-6) here
Drama CDs
Hetalia Drama CD 1- Track 4- Lithuania Works Away from Home 1. Dailymotion (english subbed) here
Gakuen Hetalia (unfinished demo project for PC) [released 2007] 1. Mediafire (JPN) here * Gakuen Hetalia Portable (PSP) [released 2011] 1. EmulatorGames (Eng.) here 2. romspure.cc (JPN) here Gakuen Hetalia DS (Nintendo DS) [released 2012] 1.Romsfun (JPN) here 2.wowroms (JPN) here Other- Game Emulators 1. PPSSPP (PSP emulator) here 2. desmume (Nintendo DS emulator) here
Anime OSTs
1. TBA
Fandom Creations/Stuff
** PLEASE READ THE DESCRIPTIONS OF THE YOUTUBE PLAYLISTS LINKED BELOW FIRST (LOCATED ON LEFT SIDE IF ON DESKTOP) ** 1. Hetalia Cosplay Panels (yt playlist) here 2. Hetalia Cosplay Panels *Incomplete/Shorts* (yt playlist) here 3. Hetalia Skits (yt playlist) here 4. Hetalia Gatherings (yt playlist) here 5. Hetalia Fan Animations (yt playlist) here 6. Hetalia MMDs (yt playlist) here 7. Hetalia CMVs (yt playlist) here 8. Hetalia AMVs (yt playlist) here
Please DO NOT play mega videos directly on the site or else they will be removed, just download them !!!
There are two versions of Hetalia - In the New World: One performed in Osaka and the other in Tokyo University.
There are also two versions of Hetalia Final Live - A World in the Universe: one performed in Osaka and the other in Makuhari.
The Japanese streaming site U-Next probably needs a VPN and a paid (?) account to stream musicals.
For the site bilibili, if you have trouble using it on your browser you can download the app and then try to open it from there. You can turn off the text zooming across the video by clicking on the first TV icon on the bottom of the video player.
Remember, Google translate is your friend if you can't navigate any of the sites. I don't know Japanese or Chinese so unfortunately I won't be of any help navigating some of these sites.
This is all for educational purposes only!
** So please consider reblogging from the source instead and/or look at the replies to see any update news! **
Please feel free to message me if there are any mistakes in the info provided or have working links to some material. Thank You.
#hetalia#hetamyu#hws america#hws england#hws france#resources#hws north italy#hws germany#hws canda#hetalia world stars#masterposts#my stuff
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them as your older brother, finding out you have a crush on one of their members
— nct dream ᡣ𐭩

cw : some of them question ur taste in men but thats overall it, just some playful banter :D
a/n : really nervous for my exam tmr so i wrote this to calm me down ^^ gender neutral as always but it's a little shorter than my other one, hope you guys enjoyyyt <3
your crush on renjun wasn't that obvious at first
well that was until your youtube search history betrayed you
mark was borrowing your laptop one day and was so confused when the most recent searches was just renjun
"renjun fancam" "renjun cute moments" "renjun being mad at dreamies"
didn't put two and two together just yet but it was at the back of his mind for sure
would call you to visit the dreamies more often to see if his assumption was right okay scooby doo
you'd bring snacks and drinks most of the time, somehow always getting renjun's favourite stuff
texted you the moment he was sure that you do have a crush on his bandmate
you admitted it and since then he's been the #1 y/njun shipper
gives you updates about renjun
if it isn't obvious enough, he does approve of junnie (maybe a little too much)
came to him one day for help since you were thinking of confessing to haechan
looked directly into your eyes and tells you you can do better than haechan
"haechan? of all people??"
proceeded to tell you that he already knows about your little crush
would tell you things that haechan likes or dislikes, even though he looks like he disapproves
secretly happy that its someone he knows really well and not some random douche
you'd notice jun's little ways of helping you get with your crush
you give him a small smile and he'd mouth to thank him later
would still nag to you because he really can't see what you see in his bandmate
"whatever makes you happy"
don't worry, he approved of haechan after seeing the way he treats you
tried to act surprise when you said you found mark interesting
you hit him jokingly because of how bad his acting was
teases you about your crush
when you visit the dreamies he does that thing with his eyebrows and makes it really obvious that you like his bandmate
but for real though, he'd be really supportive and actually try to help you out
would still give you the 'don't get your hopes up' talk since he doesn't want you to be heartbroken
happy that you came to him for help with your little crush (you? not so happy because he's so obvious)
"mark did you see y/n's new hair?" "mark doesn't y/n smell good today?" "mark you're not gonna give y/n a hug too?"
you want to smack jeno every time he does it thank god mark lee is oblivious as hell
thought that you were joking when you said like jaemin
realised that you were serious and suddenly theres plan a all the way till z to get you and jaemin together
one of then was to lock you both in a closet (in hopes that it ends with you guys kissing ONLY)
like jeno, tells you to not get your hopes up too high since the last thing he wants is to see his sibling cry over a MAN.
still questions why you like jaemin though, he thinks that that guy is weird
tried to tell you things to give you the ick about jaemin but it doesn't work
at one point he got too tired waiting for you to confess so he told jaemin himself
don't worry, he told you when he was going to spill the beans (yeah like 5 seconds before he said it)
jisung?? of all people??? that boy can't even take care of himself, how would he take care of you?
gives you a whole ted talk on why you should go for a real man like mark or jeno instead
ends up seeing what you see in jisung though
tall? deep voice? big hands? can dance? that ticks off everything in your list!
the talk ends with him being supportive and brainstorming ideas on how to make you guys a real couple
would straight up tell jisung that you like him
probably gave jisung a whole protective brother talk that scared the poor guy
tells you that it's the only way because things need to be clearly said to jisung or else he'd be too shy to initiate anything
asks for cat food in return if everything works out because he has children to feed!
be fr, zhong chenle knows everything
so when you told him that you like jeno he did not bat an eye
tbh he was just waiting for you to admit it before going through with his plan
the plan? you accidentally tripping in front of jeno, landing on top of him, and kissing him
you just stand there thinking if your brother was actually stupid enough to think that it'll work
doesn't play when it comes to y/nno
but if jeno does end up liking you back suddenly chenle's favourite place is the gym
also doesn't play when it comes to protecting his sibling
warns jeno that if he breaks your heart then he will break other things!
was appalled when he found out that you like chenle
chenle? zhong chenle?? his best friend of 8 years zhong chenle ???
give him a second to take it all in
finally connected the dots on why you keep asking for updates about chenle
would help you out in a subtle way
ways like making chenle sit beside you or asking chenle to call you instead of doing it himself
backfires soon after since he told chenle that you watch basketball
forgot to add in wives, you watch basketball wives not basketball itself
can't keep a secret for too long, especially one about chenle so give it 2 weeks tops before your crush finds out
fair to say it ended with both of them spamming you (one to apologise and the other? other reasons)
#nct#nct dream#park jisung x reader#jisung x reader#chenle x reader#jaemin x reader#haechan x reader#jeno x reader#renjun x reader#mark x reader#mark lee x reader#nct x reader#nct dream x reader#nct x you#nct dream x you#nct dream reactions#nct reactions#nct dream fluff#nct fluff#nct headcanons#nct dream headcanons#nct imagines#nct dream imagines#nct dream scenarios#nct scenarios
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Hey ya'll, time for the Mystery Skulls Animated July Update!
A new BONUS video is coming soon!
(Note that this is NOT the next Mystery Skulls Animated video in the main series that's still in the works, but something more of a stand alone throwback to Money.)
Those of you paying attention to the Patreon can likely figure out what this may be already. But the video in question is completely finished and uploaded to Youtube already. We will most likely be posting it around the middle of August! We hope you enjoy it and thanks for sticking around while waiting on the next main video.
Full Patreon post: CLICK HERE
#mystery skulls#mystery skulls animated#msa#animation#video production#production update#gif#This video is really cute I think ya'll will like it#just to have something to tie everyone over from the long wait
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