#you can still tell there's alcohol in there but its weirdly tough
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theshitpostcalligrapher · 4 months ago
fun fact if you put rum(captain morgan), orange crush, and baijiu (dazhigu kaoliang liquor) together in a cup you end up with something that tastes like pure vanilla soda
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sailorhyunjinz · 4 years ago
jooo what do you think how would Stray Kids be when they’re drunk 🥴 love your writing!!
ok gonna answer this quickly LEZ GO
warnings: fluff, mentions of alcohol, under influence, slightly suggestive.
but it’s still a good represantation
chan would find anything funny
just giggling the entire time
also showing lots of love to the members/you
remembers random memories from school and tells you everything in detail 
“im so lucky that i have you”
mf slutty NO JOKE
rubbing against anyone or anything istg
“i would date you if you were a girl, jisung”
“or maybe even now”
“y/n i never told you this,,,but,,, i fell for you the moment i saw you”
also really snuggly
wants hugs :((
super protective over you
the other members are not even allowed to look at you
“lower your gaze until i kick you changbin”
acts tough AHSHASH BABY :((
we all know how he’s super clutzy right??
yeah take that x1000 (im looking at you lemonade video)
i feel like he zones out quite a lot
but then has random bursts of emotion
every sentence he says is super dragged out
“b-but i love youuuu~”
asks for attention ALL THE TIME
“im cute r-right y/n, thats why you date me,,, cause im cute~”
gets all blushy if you tell him that he’s cute/handsome
“what you mean~ im,, not,, cute!” he says lazily but smiling like crazy
sleepy boy
his battery is out in minutes 
sleeps for the most of the party HASHSHA 
find him passed out on the floor
but i think that he can be similar to changbin in that he has random outbursts of emotion
winks and places his hands all over you
he legit wrestles you to the floor OK WE SEE YOU FERRET BOY
he’s just all over the place ASHHSA
he feels everything and nothing at once
he doesnt giggle
he laughs at the top of his lungs
sometimes it sounds like screams
rolling on the floor, holding his stomach in laughter
just the weirdest references to books/movies/games etc
his humour gets darker the more he drinks IDK DONT ASK
“heyheyhey y/n!! remember that,, that time you got lost and cried when,, when you were drunk? remember that??!”
just pure tears at everything that can be remotely sad
“w-why would you do that to me?”
just because you accidentally threw his favorite plushy on the floor
heartbroken about anything
“it’s ,,, it’s so sad,,, they dont have a home y/n”
“sl-slugs! snails have homes b-but the slugs dont”
starts collecting any slug he’ll see on the road 
“would you still love me if i was a worm?”
you shake your head and he starts crying even more 
awh just wanna hug him
existential as fuck
“why am i here? why are you here y/n?”
can like stare at an object and wonder what the fuck its made out of
“ok... if glass is made of s-sand,,,, are we walking on glass?”
ok chill philosopher
also gets weirdly aggressive LIKE CHILL
if he opens a bag of chips its more like tearing it open
places down things aggressively ;))
may or may not have cracked his phone screen like that once HAHSHAS
actually gets more shy when drunk
his words slur so cutely :(((
sings randomly 
lots of old songs/trot ASHAHS
like a ol grandpa
also lots of dolphin noises
OMG he loves karaoke when he’s drunk AHSHASH DAMN THATS CUTE
falls asleep in random places
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toxicxxmyth · 6 years ago
The Truth Untold; Sebastian Stan
Sebastian Stan
Summary: Y/n Y/l/n, born and raised in south side Chicago. Now raising her five younger siblings, she’s not even sure if some of them are actually related to her. But she takes care of them nonetheless, as best as she can. While her drunk father continues to make their life harder. And her drug addicted mother comes bursting through the door once every to years. Its a chaotic life for a 23 year old, but she made it work. Until one day, the most notorious mob leaders of the country  shows up to do some business in the south side.
Au: Shameless!Au, Mafia!Sebastian
Warning(s): Cussing, slight smut, poverty, drugs etc
Word Count: 3,047
A/N: This is literally a Shameless fanfic, if you’ve seen the show, AMAZING, if not than you should because its amazing. 
A/N 2: Plus this lowkey kinda sucks lol, so watching the show will make up for it.
A/N 3: I didn’t write the whole smut cause i suck at it, but i’ll try my best if you guys ask for it.
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The whole club glowed with blue and green laser beams shooting out from the rotating lights on the ceiling. Smoke coming out of both ends of the dance floor, the bar area seemed to be the only calm part of the club. It was Friday night and the club was beyond packed with people dancing dirty in the middle of the club. The air was thick, a mixture of the fog machine and marihuana clouds. Making it slightly hard to breathe. Everyone seemed to be having a good time.
 Except you, apparently. Stress radiated off you as you sat, tensed at the bar. Watching as the bartender scrambled back and forth to take orders from everyone who crowded the bar. You couldn’t possibly have fun when your father arrived after months of his little rendezvous of drugs and alcohol. Causing even more chaos in your home.
“Y/n, I’m going to need you to get off your ass and start having some fun” Camille stutters over to you, making you lose your train of thoughts.
 “Nah, I think I’ll head home for the night” You shrugged, grabbing your purse and downing your drink.
 “What!? The whole point of taking you to the club was for you to loosen up, Y/n/n” She whines, bringing her hands up to rub your bare and tensed shoulders, a pout adorning her red lips. Making you shake your head with a slight smile at the drunken state of your best friend.
 “I have to get back to the kids. It’s kind of hard to have fun when all I can think about is Ethan blowing up the kitchen” You sigh, wincing at the thought of your little brother destroying your kitchen for one of his stupid experiments.
 “Fine, I’ll take you. It’s no fun without you” She huffs while turning around dramatically. Causing a giggle to rip from your throat. “Don’t move, I’m getting my stuff”
 “You don’t have to though, I can just take the bus. You should stay and have fun with your coworkers” You reassured her as she raised an eyebrow at you.
 “At 1:34am, Y/n, I think the fuck not” She gave you a look as if warning you to stay put.
 Your lip caught between your teeth as you watch your best friends stumble across the club, a smile on your lip as you thought how lucky you were to have such an amazing friend like her. Grabbing your purse to take a few dollars out to pay for your drink, your felt lips against the shell of your ear, and with a husky voice, he spoke.
 “I can feel your stress all the way across the room”
  You turned around quickly, eyebrows raised ready to tell the guy off, only to stop and gasp loudly. Your eyes wide and mouth agape, lucky for you, the music was booming loud so the chance of him hearing your deep gasp was slim to none.
 He’s beautiful, to say the least. The lights didn’t seem to bother you anymore as you analyzed every feature on the man. He had deep blue eyes, ones you could easily lose yourself into. Prominent cheekbones, his facial hair was growing out, causing your thoughts to wonder off to inappropriate scenarios. His lips where a light shade of pink, looking delicious as ever. He was older, maybe in his thirties, but you couldn’t tell. His whole body covered in black designer, he was expensive.
 “Um, I-” You stuttered, brows furrowed in confusion, you’ve never seen this man in your life.
 “What is it? Cat caught your tongue” He smirked, bringing his glass full of scotch to his lips. Cocky motherfucker.
 You scoffed at his attitude, biting your bottom lip to surpass a smile. You didn’t know if you wanted to punch him or ride his dick into the sunset.
 “And who the hell are you? My stalker?” You asked, raising an eyebrow as you gained your composer as you got a clue on what type of guy you may be dealing with.
 “No, no stalker here. I couldn’t help but notice your lack of interest of for being here tonight” He smiles kindly, catching you off guard.
 “Yeah, well clubs aren’t really my thing, feel like I have better things to do” You nod your head, turning away from him, looking at one of the bottles that was placed on the wall along the others as if it was the most interesting thing there. Anything to look away from the beautiful stranger.
“Yeah? Like what?” He asked, downing his drink while calling over the bartender to order a new one, you assumed.
“Finding a job without having to blow the manager” You simply stated. Causing him to chuckle. His smile was absolutely breathtaking.
“What’s you name” He asked, which felt more of a statement, actually.
 “Uh Y/n. Yours?” You looked up at him, only to be met face to face with his beautiful eyes.
 Sebastian, even his name is attractive.
 “So what brings you to south side Chicago?” You asked. Interested in why such a wealthy looking man would end up in this dump.
 “Business.” He shrugged, voice lowering as he said it. Eyebrows raised at you as if warning you not to ask anymore, which exactly what you did. You wouldn’t show it, but his demanding tone scared the shit out of you, but weirdly enough, it turned you the fuck on.
  “Let me buy you a drink” He offers.
 “I can’t, I uh have to get back to my kids” You shake your head and getting up from the stool. Ready for his surprised face a stuttering words at the mention of five kids. But to your surprise, he was unfazed.
  “Kids?” He asked, pulling out his wallet, taking out big cash as he dumped it on the counter for the barista to take. Making your eyes wind just a bit.
  “They’re actually my siblings, but they’re still kind of my kids” You confirmed while nodding your head. His eyes ranking your body, you felt small under his gaze, making you feel insecure.
  “Let me guess” He began, clearing his throat as he ripped his gaze away from yours.
 “First born, OD’d mom, alcoholic father. Leaving you to raise your siblings, you had to grow up at a young age, at maybe” He stops and raises his hands in defense “and this is just a guess, 13, maybe? Didn’t finish high school cause of your deadbeat parents and you’re currently jobless, stealing and scamming for food and clothes in the meantime” He finishes while looking at you with a small smile.
  You couldn’t help but scoff in disbelief. Wondering if you should be offended by the assumption or impress by how spot on he was.
  “Mom didn’t OD though, haven’t seen her in years. But I do know that she’s out living her best life. And I was actually 6 when I realized my parents didn’t give a shit. Ended up raising my two brothers. Then came the rest” You sigh, somewhat sadly at the situation you were in at such a young age, but you loved your siblings nonetheless.
“Must’ve been tough” He gave you a sad smile, taking a sip out of his drink.
“Yeah, but I got used to it pretty quick”
 “Well it seems like you know everything about me, so why don’t you tell me about yourself. I bet it’s much more interesting than my shitty life” You chuckled, hoping to get some kind of information about what kind of business he was running here.
 “It’s really crawdad in here, let’s go outside” He moved his head to point at the door.
 “No” You simply stated. Earning a look of shocked and surprised from the dominant male. Which boosted your ego just a little.
 “This is how things work. I walk out with you, you tell me your oh so tragic childhood which causes me to pity you. Soon, once I’m under your spell, you chloroform me and a white van appears out of nowhere and I’ll be part of a illegal sex and drug trafficking ring” You smiled innocently at him.
 “I’d actually be much more creative in kidnapping people”
 You didn’t know if he was being funny or serious, but it made you feel a mixture of fear and desire.
 “I’m from Romania, actually. Born and raised, came to America when I was 16, pretty hard to adapt to a new life. But I managed it” He offers a smile before continuing. “Dad took off with some young blondie, claiming he was in love with her” He used his fingers to quote on “in love”, “And mom got sick, and with dad gone, I couldn’t take care of her properly. So I dropped out of high school and got a job, one that paid extremely well. And I became good at it, really good, actually. So that’s me. A Businessman taking care of his family” He smiled at you, playing with the drink he had, one that you didn’t notice before.
 “Is your mother okay now” You asked, your ears on full display for him.
 “Yeah, she’s fine now”
 You nodded your head in understatement, but a question kept bugging you, so you asked hesitantly .
“And your dad?” And just like that, his whole body tensed up, eyes darkening at the mention of him. Mentally cursing yourself for being so damn nosy.
 “I’m so-”
 “No, its fine. He’s out of the picture, for good. Has been for years” He had a sinister look in his eyes, which caused an uneasy feeling to burst in your stomach.
    “I can take you home” He smiles, kindly, this time.
 This caused you to furrow your eyes in confusion, until you realized that you claimed to leave and go home when he first arrived.
  “I’m not going to hop in a strangers car and ditch my drunk best friend” You smirked, yet your hand didn’t dare move out of his grasp. And he noticed two due to the smirked that was placed on his lips. Before you knew it, you were pulled into his arms, making you gasp and pull away quickly. It felt incredibly nice feeling his lean fit body against yours, but pulling always was basic reflex.
  “Feisty” He chuckle, tongue swiping across his lips as his ring covered fingers traced your features. The whole mood went from a pity party to testing both your sexual desires. The softness of it all made you lean in while closing my eyes. It’s been a hell of a while since you’ve been touched, even slightly, especially by such an attractive man.
 “And you’re incredibly cocky”
 “I am, aren’t I?” He laughed, and actual laugh. Which left you slightly confused.
 Before you fucking knew it, your back was being pressed against the dirty walls of the most disgusting public bathroom you’ve probably ever been in while your neck was being devoured by a stranger you met 20 minutes ago. Your hands were firmly pressed against his chest, head tilted to the side giving him as much access to your neck as he needed.
 “Fuck, Sebastian” You couldn’t help but moan as you felt his growing dick press against your underwear. Your dress pulled up to your waist, making you feel like a cheap whore. But the feeling of Sebastian’s lips sucking roughly on your collarbone, his beard scratching against you and his growing dick rubbing against your slick underwear made you forget about your pride.
 His hands found their way to your exposed ass, squeezing them as hard as he could. His nails and cold rings digging into your skin made push your body harder against his. Your breathing was erratic, your hands couldn’t seem to find a place to rest upon. So you ran your fingers through his hair, tugging at it so you could look him in the eye, which were now a dark blue. Pupils slightly dilated, lips bruised and painted by your pink lipstick. The sight alone could’ve made you come undone.
Sebastian had other plans, while you were admiring his features, his hand pass your underwear, pressing harshly against your clit. You gasp loudly as you hold onto the back of his neck for some sort of support.
 Dragging his fingers down your slit, he collected some of your wetness and brought it back up to your clit, so it be easier to play with you. All while biting the shell of your ear.
“So wet, so delicious” He praised while slamming his lips on yours. The kiss was sloppy, but none of you minded it much.
His touch were soft, yet he had you rolling your eyes back as he rubbed you clit in circles.
You were so caught up in your own bubble of pleasure, you didn’t notice him using your thigh to rub his closed dick on. And smirked formed on your lips as your hand reached down to roughly palm him. But before you could do anything else. He grabbed your hand and turned you over the sink. Taking your hair into a makeshift pony tail, forcing you to look at yourself in the mirror, all while grinding his dick on your bare ass.
 “I promise, next time, I’ll fuck you somewhere less disgusting, and more expensive, but for now, you’ll have to deal with this” He growls against your cheek.
Next time...
 Staring at the blank walls of your room at 6:50 became some sort of tradition. Sleep was nowhere to be found as your thoughts kept you up every night. But lately, the only thought on your mind was Sebastian, and his beautiful blue eyes, his ring covered finger and his delicious lips. Fucking asshole.
  It’s been exactly a week since you your encounter, and to be honest, you were devastated, especially after he gave you the best fucking orgasm you’ve ever experience in a smelly bathroom than any guy in your bed.
  Sighing for the 20th time, you decide to get up from your pity party and head downstairs for a glass of water. A sleeping pill would be great if you didn’t have five kids to look after and figuring way to get. You only had 10 minutes before waking everyone up and cooking breakfast. And preparing their lunches for school. A headache already forming at just the thought of it, but you knew it was just lack of sleep.
 Half way down the stairs, you heard a loud knock on your door, causing you to stop and furrow your eyebrows in confusion.
  “Who the hell could that be?” You thought out loud as you reached the end of the stairs, grabbing the robe that was left on the couch and wrapping it over your semi naked body.
  “Delivery for Y/n Y/l/n” Was the first thing that came out of the man’s mouth as you opened the door half way.
 “Delivery? What do you mean delivery, from who?” you asked, opening the door wider and wrapping your arms around your freezing body. Today was Sunday, there are no deliveries on Sundays. Though, the fact that today wasn’t supposed to be mail day, it was the least your worries. What worried you most was the man delivering it. He was dressed in all black, hair slicked back and tattoos adorning his face. A cigarette handing from behind his ear, though it wasn’t enough to surprise or worry you.
  “Delivery from Mr. Stan” He coughs nervously, as if saying the name will cause a curse for all eternity.
 Confused, you take the heavy box into your arms. 
  “Have a good day, ma’am” He smiles and walks away, leaving you confused, and slightly scared of what might be in the mysterious box that looked to be more expensive than your whole house.
 “Ma’am? Who the hell are you trying to fool here” You questioned, mostly to yourself as you shut the door close.
 “What’s that?” Came the voice of the second oldest, Jeremy, as he slouched on the couch, lighting up a cigarette as he did so. Causing you to groan in annoyance while ripping it out of his mouth.
 “I have no fucking clue. Go make yourself useful make breakfast.”
“Like what?” He groans, not really paining attention to you.
Like cereal” You ordered as soon as you heard the alarm from one of the room upstairs, knowing everyone will be down soon.
 “There’s no milk”
 “Then use water”
 Once upstairs, you closed the door, locking it before throwing yourself on the bed with the box in your lap. Pretty stupid of you to accept a box from a drug dealing looking kid, but here you were. Half way opened, you noticed a card sticking out from the side. And saw a neat handwriting, one that you could’ve sworn you’ve seen before.
 “No legacy is as rich as honesty”
 I know you’ll probably think I’m an asshole for this. But here’s a little something for you to get by. I’ve been in the same situation, though, I took a dangerous root. So in the meantime, here’s a gift to help you and and your family. Don’t make a fuss, and burn, just enjoy it. And I’ll see you soon”
 Beyond confused, you opened the box only to find a shit load of money stacked on top of another. Maybe, 9, 10 grand? You didn’t know, but you panicked. Your eyes wide in shock, your hand covering you mouth as, your hand covering you mouth as our mind tried to process what was happening.
 “What the fuck, did you rob a bank or something?” Jeremy gasped as he busted into the room, staring at the money. You crumbled the note and placed it in between your legs so Jeremy didn’t notice. Once you were calm enough, you took a deep breath and closed the box calmly
“Count the money. We’re giving it back”
“Who the hell did you get involved with, Y/n?” Jeremy asked, sternly, this time. He closed the door and grabbed the box, making sure the other didn’t hear or see.
“I have no fucking clue, but that money is not staying”
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scoups-ofsuga · 7 years ago
BTS Jungkook x Reader [Thanks for Coming]
Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Reader
Genre & Theme: FLUFF & Drunk Reader .. it could be a non idol AU or nah
A/N: so yeh lazy me just made this in a whim and didnt proof read yet,,, there is a mention of alcohol so if ya dont like it,,, dont read I guess. If there are any mistakes or anything feel free to tel me, they much apprecited ;) GOD BLESS !, happy readings !, and btw ill be making a drunk reader x member for i guess everyone cause i fund drunk confesions cute :)
It was ... whatever time at the night, bottles and glass cups clanking and clinking onto each other, music booming with the latest hits being played on the stereo and the strong smell of alcohol filled the not so big room, Im in a bar.
There I sat at the corner where the big sofa was, it stank with unimaginable smells. Holding my 4th bottle of alcohol, I’m not sure what Iam drinking, just ordered and just kept pouring and pouring the liquid trying to wash away these feeling of embarrassment sadness and other emotions ... I didn’t plan on getting drunk just wanted a drink but then
My phone starts beeping,I take out my phone and scrolled through the pile of messages and saw that it was Cookie,
“Hey there shorts. whats up ? Im bored lets chat :D”
I lean against the leather sofa and started typing,
“Hey theres COkies ... sure Ive got ... A sStory Too tell“
“Hey Dude are you okay ? Your typing is kinda wonky”
I didnt give mind to his reply started typing my AMaZiNG story ..
“So there was this girl that feel in love with a guy ... he was nice and sweet, but stupid girl .. getting ahead of herself thought that HE might like her, WRONG ! He has someone in his life already .. and the girl is now alone in a bar in the corner on a stinkin sofa and drinking away ~~ cool story right ??”
Theres was a somewhat long silence, then I see he was typing,
“ ... hey Shorts stuff, where ARE you ??”
I take a deep breath, I didn’t want him see my like this.
“Would you come if I told you ?”
There was another long pause, I thought to myself he wouldn’t .. then the phone beeps,
I started tearing up and I typed that I’m at a bar near the campus. I finished the lasts of my bottle, my vision got blurry, i was feeling light and all of a sudden everything went black.
“Hey ... hey !!!” I wake up from the pounding of my head and a voice of a guy,
“Hey shorts stuff, get up ! C’mon !” I look up and see a guy, it was him..
“YoNa !” A person giving care to who Iam, Its either cookie or a clerk telling me to go home, I thought to myself and started giggling weirdly,
“Hey there Coooookie !” I sit up and try to get a good look at him, but my vision is a blurry mess .. all I see is this ominous tall figure and his jet black hair shining from the disco luster,
“Why did you go alone ? And why text me such a vague location ! dummy!!” His voice was nice to listen to, it had worried tone, felt sort of warm and he was panting a bit, did he run ?
“Did you drink all of this ????” I weirdly release giggles, but with eyes about to tear up,
“You really came huh ?” I smiled at him weakly and looked down.
I feel woozi, and light im practically wasted. A felt a shift on weight by my side, Cookie sits beside me and pours a shot for himself and drank it like *swoop*! He then put his arms around me and gave me a hug while circling his hand on my back, I sank in his coat witch smelt woody and of smoke,
“Go ahead and cry, Im here” I hug him back, he rests his chin on my head and I just started bawling,
“Im sorry Shorty” he whispered softly, but just enough to be heard,
“Thanks for coming Jungkook” I murmured,
It was getting super late, or even super early. We were the only ones left at the bar and the bar tender has been glaring at us to leave,
“C’mon Shorty, we gotta go” ha stand and gives his coat a brush to remove crumbs or any dirt, he turns and looks at me.
“Can you stand ?”
“OFCOURSE I CAN SILLY ~” I push myself up and stand on both feet but suddenly I fall butt first on the floor, Cookie gave out an exasperated sigh. I still struggle to get up but he comes nearer and carries me bridal style !
“Up we go! UMPF- ”
“WOOOO !!” I wrap my arms around his neck and started giggling, we went out of the bar and he started walking towards the direction of my dorm.“You are one tough cookie”
It was a cold night, but being in Jungkook’s arms, I felt warm. Awkward silence ...
“My brother is busy these days and I didnt want to bother him, My friend is away with her family and crying over that guy ....” I murmur,
“I see, well no worries I’m here now” he grins,
“You know, I heard that those who drunk people drunk call or text, are those who they trust the most”
“Is that so ?? Then I’m honored”
I stare at his face, trying to get a good look but my eyes were failing me and the the dimly lit lanterns didn’t help. He caught me staring and I hid my face in his coat,
“You know Shorty, you’re kinda pretty” I look back at him with eyes widened and cheeks burning up.
I looked at the street and realized that we are almost at the dorm, a started struggling and wanted to go down from his cary,
“Hey ? What do you want ??l” He lets me down on the ground, firmly placing my feet on the slightly slippery side walk, and we presume to walk slowly while he supports me by holding my side.
“This is unfair” I say under my breath while pouting and stoped walking
“What is ?” He too stops and looks at me,
“You are being very nice to me ! And I wont remember this in the morning too !!” He starts laughing, the loudest I’ve heard for tonight, its giving me a head ache !!.
“Fine, Ill tell you tomorrow what happened”
“How ?”
“Ill text you, or tell your during class”
I pouted again and gave him small hits on his shoulders, and whines in a exaggerated way, I walk in a faster pace than him. And sooner than later we arrive at the dorm.
“Thanks again dummy, you don’t have to bring me in, the lady might get mad” I give him a pat at the shoulder and started climbing the small steps.
he then grabs my hand which kinda threw me back and I was caught in his arms, i feel my back against his chest and I looked up to see his face SUPER close to mine,as if it was just centimeters away !! My cheeks begin to feel hot and I must’ve looked like a tomato !!
I saw his eyes, it was dazzling ! he had dark brown eyes and it shines when he smiled,
“Your welcome Shorty, rest well and drink lots of water” and says and he playfully kisses my forehead, I. FELT. HOT !! And in the next second felt weak in the knees and again, everything went black.
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keotastic · 8 years ago
kenvi // 4, 954 w // r
He doesn’t tell Jaehwan about the tattoo he’d just discovered, this very morning, on his left hip: a pretty, detailed rose -- in the centre of it a deep red, colour lightening gradually to a soft white at the petals’ edges.
Loud music fills the club, heavy beats dropping out of the blue, glaring lights flashing in a different colour each second, blinding Wonshik -- he’s starting to get a headache; the place is so, so crowded he can barely breathe, barely anyone sober and Wonshik questions why he’d even agreed to come here with Hakyeon in the first place. No one is even caring to approach him, for a drink, a dance, anything. Hakyeon had said this was so as to let Wonshik have an experience of what it feels like, adult life -- but Wonshik honestly thinks it might be better to just be home, right now. Head pounding, Wonshik fumbles for his cup of iced water and takes a small sip, blinking his eyes rapidly in hopes of shutting out the blinding lights as he tries to look for Hakyeon -- a task seemingly impossible in this large and unkempt crowd.
Suddenly, Wonshik feels hands around his neck, a smaller body pressed up to his chest -- his lips parting in an unsounded noise of surprise, hazy mind overflowing with unsorted thoughts. Before Wonshik can think to push and get the body off him, there’s a soft whisper in his ear -- weirdly jarring against the pounding music.
‘Please,’ the voice says, and Wonshik, mouth dry and blinking quickly, faintly makes out the person pressed up against him. It’s a boy, tall but still smaller in stature compared to Wonshik himself, light haired. Wonshik stares through lidded eyes, bleary gaze falling onto the boy’s mouth -- tinted a cherry red, lips glistening and soft-looking. It’s hard to make his face out clearly in such a situation, but Wonshik can already tell that this boy is… pretty.
‘My ex… I just saw him, don’t want him to notice me.’
Pretty voice shaky and tinged with despair. Wonshik clenches his eyes shut and swallows back a moan when he feels the boy’s bony hips moving against his own, feels a trembling grip on his shoulders. His hands, wait -- why are they moving? Mental efforts futile and overpowered by filthy desires, Wonshik’s hands end up on the boy’s thin waist -- a shaky hold, moving the both of them together. He’s fully sober, with absolutely nothing to push the blame of these actions onto -- yet feeling so drunk, drunk off this pleasurable feeling, thoughts fuzzy and sanity melting away. Wonshik moans as he feels his cock hardening, straining tight against the tough material of his jeans: hands squeezing tight at the soft curve of the boy’s waist, hips continuously grinding against the smaller boy’s crotch in search for that sinful friction -- high pitched whimpering noises hot against his ear, drowning out the club music.
They move against each other like this, needy and sloppy and without a care for the explanations that’ll be needed later; and at one point the boy even presses his mouth against Wonshik’s neck, runs his mouth down the sharp line of Wonshik’s jaw -- lips so fucking soft, mouth leaving moist and burning marks in its wake.
More, more.
(Oh please, press one to my lips.)
When Wonshik blinks open, mind slightly cleared out -- everyone’s still dancing wildly, the glaring lights are still flashing annoyingly, music still uncomfortably loud; but there’s no longer a body pressed against his own. His prior thoughts of finding Hakyeon have completely disappeared, weirdly -- now only filled with a strange desire for that boy which… shouldn’t be there. Wonshik looks around, gaze flickering left and right, before he spots that familiar face -- pushing a filled cup against his lips, eyes heavy lidded and -- letting out a shaky exhale, fragile frame shaken with unsounded sobs.
Wonshik stands there as he observes the boy drink cup after cup of alcohol, his movements gradually heavier and less coordinated -- a total stranger, why should Wonshik even care? What is this worry itching at him, telling him to approach the boy, do something? Right, he’d mentioned his ex. A lingering, unsettling feeling of jealousy tugs at Wonshik’s heart. The boy finally downs the last cup and collapses onto the counter, energy almost visibly rushed out of his body. Wonshik releases a quiet cry, quickly walking over.
When would this boy finally return to his sober state? How would he get home like this? No, Wonshik can’t just leave him there: drunk and vulnerable, open for simply any other person to take advantage of -- an absolutely terrible thought, Wonshik tries his best to push it away. Wonshik bites his lip as he finally settles in a seat beside the boy, himself slightly shaken by the boy’s broken, whimpering sounds.
Wonshik places a careful hand on the back of the boy’s neck, softly and cautiously stroking at the short hairs there in some attempt to comfort, to get a response out of him. Surely enough, the boy stops shaking -- slowly, he looks up at Wonshik: lidded eyes slightly swollen and reddened, cheeks a pretty ruddy red, glistening crystals forming at the corners of those pretty eyes. He’s beautiful.
‘Are you okay?’
Wonshik asks, although sure of the answer.
The boy looks at Wonshik, expression unreadable. Pushes another clear glass to his lips, swallows a bit of that burning fluid, then chuckles softly. Miserably.
Wonshik cocks his head towards one side, and places a gentle hand on the boy's cheek. His skin is hot against Wonshik’s palm, and slightly moist. The boy blinks slowly, so slowly; soft gaze unfocused. There’s a sudden, slight pang of unexplainable pain in Wonshik’s tight chest.
‘You seem…’ Wonshik brushes his thumb against the faint tear tracks on the boy’s cherry cheeks, thumb soothing a few gentle circles into soft, warmed skin. The boy doesn’t give any sort of reaction or distaste, merely staying still, barely leaning into Wonshik’s touch. ‘Sad.’
The boy pauses, and turns away to drink the last bit of clear liquid in his glass, setting the cup down with a heavy thud. Wonshik notes a dark tattoo, unusually inked on the inside of the boy’s pale, thin wrist. Eyes fluttering shut, the boy’s body trembles with a shaky breath.
‘I am.’
 On Wonshik’s left ankle -- a detailed tattoo of a little sun.
Everyone else has too, tattoos on their own ankles -- none the same, each and every little work of art completely personalised and unique to the person, body. These tattoos, given since birth, are special. To some, they mean the world; and to others, nothing but absolutely painful memories.
When one falls in love -- a tattoo belonging the person they love will form somewhere, anywhere, on their own body. The feeling doesn’t need to be mutual for the tattoo to form -- a source of great pain, for a one-sided love. Memories of a broken love haunting one forever; tattoos of people who’d contributed to one’s brokenness, inked onto one’s body for life. Broken souls go to great lengths in hopes of erasing such painful memories, only to realise eventually, that these tattoos are simply impossible to remove.
A perpetual reminder.
 ‘I headed back first, in case you were looking for me.’
Wonshik hastily types out a message to Hakyeon as he tips the cab driver off. Hakyeon’s probably too drunk and having too much fun to notice or care, though. Wonshik looks over to the body leaning against his own, letting out a soft sigh. With some struggle, Wonshik manages to get the boy out of the cab -- the boy is small but he certainly isn’t light: deadweight stumbling and falling straight out of the vehicle, steadied only with Wonshik’s arm coiled tight around his waist.
Wonshik manages to get the both of them to the entrance of his apartment with some difficulty, unlocking the door -- they’re finally in, Wonshik heaving a sigh of relief as the the door clicks shut and the lights flick on. Here: Wonshik hooks an arm around the undersides of the boy’s knees, hoisting his body up with another arm around his back -- arms straining with the weight, steps careful as he walks them both towards the master room, a single bed placed in the middle.
Wonshik’s gaze flickers over the boy’s body when he’s finally, gently settled down onto the clean sheets -- the skin of his neck tingling and a weird feeling settling in the pits of his stomach as he gazes, enthralled, over the soft lines of the boy’s pretty, seemingly peaceful sleeping face; over the thin material of his worn tee; the rips in his leather-tight jeans: too high up on his thighs, exposing sliver after sliver of pale skin; and finally, down to his bare, exposed feet.
And there, Wonshik spots it -- not chancing upon it but by looking out, searching for it: there on the boy’s bony ankle, an inked rose. In the centre of it a deep red, colour lightening gradually to a soft white at the petals’ edges. Wonshik’s heart thuds heavily in his chest: it’s really pretty, just like the boy himself.
Movements soft and careful -- Wonshik grabs the sheets and pulls them over the sleeping body, not wanting to wake him up. The covers finally reach the boy’s shoulders, and that’s when Wonshik spots it again: a flash of dark ink on the inside of his wrist, stark against the pretty pale of his skin. A stave, with a few musical notes adorning it.
Wonshik bites his lip, and pulls away.
A painful memory.
Wonshik flicks the lights off and closes the door softly before heading out into the spare bedroom -- heavy, tired body collapsing onto the mattress, falling into a deep slumber.
 Blink, blink -- Jaehwan squints at the sudden uncomfortable flash of light in his eyes. No, he couldn’t possibly still be in the club, could he? Jaehwan grunts softly, entire body aching and limp, sitting up with great effort. The surface underneath is soft, a bed. Jaehwan rubs at his stinging eyes and looks around desperately, unable to identify the room he’s in. All he remembers is that he’d drunk quite a bit, memories still fuzzy. Had he... done anything wrong?
Jaehwan bites his lip as he gets up, off the bed, walking over towards the full length mirror in the room. Light hair tousled messily with sleep, clothes intact. No questionable marks spotted anywhere on his skin, no sharp pains in his lower body.
Where was he?
Jaehwan takes in a deep breath as he walks towards the still closed door, cautiously placing a hand on the cool knob and twisting. The door opens, and Jaehwan’s greeted with the living space of a small apartment. A man, seated at the dining table, and two sets of bowls placed in front.
That man, and Jaehwan recalls a few events from the previous day, a sour twinge in his nose. He’d seen… Taekwoon, yesterday. And then he’d rashly approached someone in hopes of not being noticed. It was this man. This would be his apartment, then?
Jaehwan takes a few shaky steps towards to table, a sheepish, more so apologetic look on his face. The man looks up -- eyes kind, so kind -- Jaehwan’s gaze flickers away, breath hitched in his throat.
‘I-- ahh, I’m so sorry about what happened yesterday, I wasn’t trying to take advantage of you or anything--’
‘No worries,’ the man interrupts, laughing, a deep breathy sound. Jaehwan bites his lip.
‘Hope you’re not too hungover from yesterday,’ the man gestures towards the bowl of cereal. ‘I’m not sure what would be okay for you, so I thought cereal might be the safest choice.’
Jaehwan’s heart catches in his chest, teeth digging painfully into his bottom lip.
‘Um, have a seat and eat some?’
‘Oh… okay,’ Jaehwan quickly pulls out the chair -- sitting down and nervously grabbing the spoon, his gaze flitting up to meet the man’s charming one for a split second before quickly looking down at the bowl of cereal -- swollen lips parting in a soft ‘thank you,’ which earns a deep voiced welcome.
Jaehwan scoops a bit of cereal into his mouth, milk fresh and cool in his mouth, munching and savouring the faint taste softly. It’s good.
‘Before I forget.’
Jaehwan pauses and swallows at the sudden interruption before looking up nervously.
‘My name is Wonshik,’ the man smiles, small mouth tugging up at the sides into a pretty smirk, soft hand extended out in invitation.
‘Ah,’  Jaehwan laughs softly, reaching out to quickly return the handshake. ‘I’m… Jaehwan.’
Jaehwan’s ears tingle weirdly with the sound of his name coming from Wonshik’s mouth. The way he’d said it… slowly, carefully -- almost reverently, as if he was something precious. But broken, sad, and still pining for someone that’s long gotten their relationship, whatever it is that was between them -- Jaehwan isn’t worth being treasured, not at all.
Jaehwan wills the sharp pinch in his nose away, scooping up another mouthful of cereal into his mouth, feet tapping softly against the wooden floor.
‘Thank you for… taking care of me.’ Jaehwan says, breath slightly hitched. ‘I don’t know what I would’ve done if I had been left there, alone.’
‘It’s all good,’ Wonshik smiles, dark eyes crinkling up warmly. Jaehwan doesn’t want to sway. ‘You just seemed… like you needed help. A listening ear, a shoulder to lean on, maybe.’
Needed help. Yeah, sure he did.
Needed fixing.
‘You’ve got a place to stay?’
‘I’m staying in a friend’s apartment, for now. I’m starting to feel a little out of place, though.’ Jaehwan pauses, unsure of why he’d even thought to mention that. ‘He’s… starting to bring his boyfriend home more often now. So… ahh,’ Jaehwan bites his lip. ‘It’s a little awkward for me?’
‘Oh,’ Wonshik says. ‘I see.’
Suddenly, there’s a warm touch to his hand -- Wonshik reaching out, gently clasping Jaehwan’s hand in his own. Eyes widening, Jaehwan almost flinches away -- barely, a rush of mixed emotions coursing in his veins.
‘Would you want to stay here? I… don’t mind at all,’ Wonshik says, and Jaehwan sees nothing but sincerity in those dark eyes.
But then again -- he’d been wrong, before.
Wonshik chuckles, the sound getting to Jaehwan’s head. ‘I have a spare, unoccupied room anyway, and I rarely have anyone over.’
Jaehwan’s chest tightens.
‘Not going to lie… I feel really lonely sometimes.’ Deep voice getting softer, tinged with slight melancholy. ‘It’d be nice… to have some company, I guess.’
Eyes fluttering shut, then blinking open: a mass of conflicting and unsorted thoughts swarming and buzzing incessantly inside of Jaehwan’s disoriented brain -- the reply suddenly rushes out of Jaehwan, a shock to Jaehwan himself.
The regret will seep in, slowly.
 They get closer, definitely.
Wonshik had noticed how Jaehwan had seemed… a little wary, at first, slightly reserved. Wonshik hadn’t put too much thought into that -- knowing it’s all probably because of his still unspoken-of ex. Wonshik chest still tightens a little, each time he catches sight of Jaehwan’s stained inner wrist. But Jaehwan’s definitely opened up a lot more, now -- not as quiet as he was when he’d first moved in -- pretty vibrant, in fact, cracking jokes here and there then getting shy after; adding such a fresh flavour to Wonshik’s otherwise dull life.
Their days would start with a home-made breakfast -- usually just cereal, unless Wonshik chooses to wake up slightly earlier with another menu in mind. The food he cooks always receives praise from Jaehwan, though the eggs always taste rather bland and weirdly mushy in Wonshik’s mouth. They both work, for the most part of the day: Wonshik would give Jaehwan a short ride to the convenience store where he works as a part-timer, before heading to his own office -- and then he’d drive off to pick Jaehwan up in the evening, before heading home. Then they’d order food for dinner because both of them would be too tired to move out of the house -- usually calling for two orders of black bean noodles; if not ringing up the fast food place nearby for a delivery of two sets of double-cheese burgers.
(Jaehwan’s a heavy sleeper, always tough to call up. He shares a similar music taste with Wonshik, and his soft singing voice sounds heavenly, so sweet -- he’s always shyly singing along to the songs playing from the stereo in Wonshik’s car. Jaehwan’s a messy eater, but looks adorable with black bean sauce smeared all around his mouth -- and Jaehwan seems to like it when Wonshik helps to wipe the mess off.
Wonshik unconsciously  finds himself taking note and remembering all of these little details.
Their days would end with them lazily sprawled over Wonshik’s couch, childish and playful bickering over who gets to choose which channel to watch -- they always end up settling on watching silly romantic sitcoms, though: sharing giggles and faces twisting into expressions of mock disgust at the many cringe-worthy lines. Sometimes, sometimes… like right now:
Wonshik suddenly feels a weight on his shoulder -- he looks down to see Jaehwan’s light hair, head nuzzled comfortably against his shoulder, the crook of his neck. Dark lashes fluttering as he watches scene after scene play across the bright TV screen.
And then there’s that same unusual feeling, something fluttering deep in his chest, just like how he’d felt the first time he’d brought Jaehwan home, laid the boy down. And the next thing Wonshik knows, he finds his palm settled against the warm skin of Jaehwan’s puffy cheek, thumb stroking listlessly at the soft flesh -- Jaehwan doesn’t pull away either; a contented little noise escaping his parted mouth.
Jaehwan rarely makes it through their TV watching sessions -- always knocked out halfway, slumped boneless against Wonshik’s arm, letting out soft little breaths as he sleeps.
Like right now, always looking so peaceful.
Always so… tired.
Wonshik stares at Jaehwan’s sleeping form for a good while, mind blank, before grabbing the remote to switch the TV and speakers off -- the apartment is suddenly filled with a discomforting darkness, silence. Wonshik blinks a few times, drowsily, Jaehwan’s skin still warm against his palm, small frame rising and falling with each breath.
Suddenly feeling so -- alone.
What was this, exactly? A relationship, could it even be termed that? Whatever it is right now, between him and Jaehwan? Wonshik stares at the red, blinking light on his wireless modem. Were there any romantic feelings shared between them? Highly likely, on his part -- but there’s still a part to Jaehwan that’s not completely open, a sensitive, very broken part of him, all because of that little inked piece -- and Wonshik knows this all too well. He remembers so clearly, waking up to nights with the kitchen lights strangely turned on, only to find Jaehwan: slumped against the cabinets, opened cans of beer by his side, small body curled in upon himself, arms hugging his knees to his body and head hung low -- body shaking with sobs, looking so terribly small and fragile. Those nights, where Wonshik’s heart always ached so badly and there always was such a strong yearning to reach out, to provide Jaehwan with some sort of comfort, somehow -- if how much he’s already invested and done so far isn’t nearly enough--
Wonshik releases a shaky breath, a thrumming ache in his chest.
Just a platonic relationship, then, or simply… nothing at all? Just Wonshik overthinking things and letting his hopes get the better of his rationality? At this thought, Wonshik feels his fingers tremble against Jaehwan’s cheek -- throat suddenly very dry.
Desperate for an answer, with thought after thought plaguing his tired mind -- then finally overcome with fatigue, Wonshik starts slowly drifting off into a deep sleep, Jaehwan laying by his side.
 Tonight, is a night not unlike other ones.
Having downed merely two cans of beer, Wonshik’s still fairly sober -- thoughts slightly fuzzy, on the bare edge of being drunk. The same cannot be said for Jaehwan, though: four cans emptied and now onto his fifth one, lithe body sprawled across the couch, head resting in the heat of Wonshik’s lap, wet lips parted around sudden bursts of giggles. Wonshik blankly grasps Jaehwan’s hand in his own, idly stroking and playing with Jaehwan’s thin, pretty fingers, warmth spreading in his chest -- his slightly unfocused gaze falling onto the tattoo on Jaehwan’s inner wrist, now -- thoughts unsorted, a cautious finger reaching out to touch the skin there. At this, Jaehwan flinches almost violently, hand falling suddenly out of Wonshik’s grasp.
Wonshik’s breath hitches, lips dry.
‘That tattoo… is that your ex’s?’ Wonshik drawls, and it’s followed by a disconcerting quiet, echoing throughout the apartment.
Jaehwan stiffens in Wonshik’s lap, eyes fluttering open drowsily. The wooziness in his head is gone, suddenly.
Jaehwan had been…way too young -- naïve, inexperienced and unloved. And Taekwoon, he’d been so kind. It was easy falling, way too easy -- simply because Taekwoon had been the first person to actually show some sort of interest and genuine concern for Jaehwan. And Jaehwan was oh, so trusting.
They’d gotten closer, and he’d let himself be used in wrong ways -- feelings of guilt were pushed away quickly, though, because Taekwoon was still always so nice. Always so soft and understanding and… loving. Jaehwan had fallen too deep, -- he still remembers clearly the day he had discovered Taekwoon’s tattoo on his own wrist -- to change anything. By the time he’d realised that something was off about their relationship, that Taekwoon wasn’t the same -- not nearly as soft anymore, rough at the edges and so terribly hurtful -- it was way too late.
The damage could not have been reversed.
He’d let himself be used, for Taekwoon’s personal satisfaction -- only to realise later that Taekwoon had not loved him at all -- not even in the least bit. Taekwoon already had a partner, the whole time. Everything had ended and crumbled to bits, just as quickly as how it’d started. Jaehwan, abandoned, and left alone: body and mind broken, heart aching, and an eternal reminder etched into his skin--
Yet Jaehwan still isn’t fully sure, if he’s really come to terms with this miserable reality.
‘Yeah. Why?’
Jaehwan sits up slowly, trying as best as possible to focus on Wonshik’s face -- efforts futile, everything’s just a blurry mess. There’s a cool touch to his face, exactly like how it’d been in the club, the first time they’d met. Jaehwan leans into the comforting touch, unknowingly, softly.
‘Does it hurt?’
Jaehwan’s heart tightens in his chest, the tattoo on his wrist stinging his skin a little.
‘The tattoo?’
Jaehwan knows too well what Wonshik means.
‘No,’ Wonshik drawls, a tinge of amusement to his voice, but mostly apology -- pity, maybe. ‘You.’
Are you hurting?
A long pause.
Wonshik almost thinks the night is just going to end at this, the topic never to be spoken of again, head drooping down with fatigue -- until there’s a weight on his lap. Eyes blinking open, and Wonshik’s greeted with the sight of Jaehwan settled in his lap: skinny thighs spread open over Wonshik’s body; pretty face pushed in way too close for Wonshik’s sanity -- large eyes shining but tears unshed; the tip of his pretty nose reddened, so as his cherry flushed cheeks. Wonshik blinks a few times, unbelieving of the current situation, only to find arms sloppily wrapping around his neck, Jaehwan’s hot face buried into the sweaty crook of his collarbone. What--
‘Yes, fuck-- it does. It hurts so much.’
Fingers clenching tight into the thin material of Wonshik’s cotton tee, Jaehwan slowly pushes his hips down into Wonshik’s lap, clothed ass rolling downwards to meet a surprised Wonshik’s hardening crotch. There’s a cool sensation on Wonshik’s skin where Jaehwan’s face had been buried -- a thin smear of tears.
‘Fuck me, Wonshik’ Jaehwan pleads, hips moving, wet gasps echoing in Wonshik’s ear, ‘--make it hurt a little less, do something.’
Wide-eyed, mouth dry and unable to form any coherent thoughts or words -- Wonshik finds his hands moving on their own: disappearing under the hem of Jaehwan’s tee to roam over the flat planes of Jaehwan’s narrow chest, the soft and warm skin of his tummy, his little pebbled nipples. Jaehwan shivers and whines so prettily in Wonshik’s arms, so fragile in his hold; and for a moment, in the midst of the flurry of incoherent thoughts: Wonshik wishes that everything could just be as simple as this, no other complications involved. He wants it so badly, wants this feeling of pure bliss to last forever.
Wishful thinking, Wonshik knows.
Wonshik picks Jaehwan up, palms squeezing at Jaehwan’s ass; Jaehwan’s arms and limbs secured tight around Wonshik, whimpering and clinging onto Wonshik for dear life, like he’d never let go -- Wonshik’s heart aches, so badly. They enter Wonshik’s room: Wonshik drops Jaehwan off gently onto the sheets, carefully stripping Jaehwan, clothes gradually discarded onto the floor and there -- Jaehwan, laying bare on Wonshik’s sheets: cheeks flushed, the lines of his pale body so soft, so pretty.
Be mine, oh please, would you be mine?
Wonshik grunts as he leans down and takes Jaehwan’s soft cock whole into his mouth, groans at the desperate scratch of Jaehwan’s nails against his scalp, fingers pulled tight and needy into his hair -- Wonshik bobs up and down the length slowly, fuelled by Jaehwan’s needy, pitched mewls, cock hardening and warming up gradually in his mouth.
‘Fuck,’ Jaehwan gasps, wetly, brokenly, pulls Wonshik’s head off his cock -- bleary gaze trained onto the glistening pink of Wonshik’s lips. ‘Fuck me.’
The bottle of lube Wonshik usually uses for jacking off is grabbed hastily -- with rushed and barely coordinated movements, Wonshik gets a few pumps of lube drizzled all over his fingers, slick-drenched digits reaching between Jaehwan’s cheeks and pushing haphazardly into his body. Jaehwan sobs, thighs spreading so eagerly at the penetration, wanting more. Wonshik watches it all, dizzy, wet fingers scissoring, thrusting in and out of the amazing heat of Jaehwan’s body.
The preparation is done soon enough, neither of their minds fully functioning -- Jaehwan grabs at the insides of his pale thighs and spreads them, whimpering, creating a perfect space for Wonshik to fit in, to feed his cock into the slickness of his asshole. Slowly, so gently -- Wonshik finally sheathes himself in fully, hands braced onto the headboard, blood roaring in his ears at how deliciously hot and tight Jaehwan is inside.
Grunting, Wonshik takes a few shallow thrusts into Jaehwan’s body -- trying his best to control the force used, not wanting to cause any sort of hurt at all. But then there’s a trembling grip on the muscle of his arms, and Wonshik’s gaze flickers down to meet Jaehwan’s -- large eyes red-rimmed and glazed over with need, the intensity of the look in those blown orbs making Wonshik’s heart flutter when it really shouldn’t be, right now.
‘Harder,’ Jaehwan whines, calves circling around Wonshik’s hips to pull the bigger man in deeper -- the moan Wonshik lets out at this is embarrassingly loud, face heated with arousal. Hands moving down to grab at the sharp bone of Jaehwan’s hip, Wonshik bites his lip and pushes in, hips slapping loudly against Jaehwan’s skin, driving into Jaehwan’s body with more force -- hopefully satisfying the writhing body beneath.
‘Faster,’ Jaehwan whispers now, a mantra of breathless gasps escaping that perfect, swollen mouth when Wonshik, always so weak, increases his pace -- nails digging into Jaehwan’s skin, Wonshik’s hips and thighs aching with the strain of it all -- efforts rewarded with Jaehwan’s response: the way Jaehwan arches his back and cries out so prettily, nails raking down Wonshik’s back, ass squeezing so fucking tightly--
Wonshik’s orgasm rushes out of him way too quickly, he’s coming faster than he’d expected to -- hot load spilling into the small, shivering body beneath. Wonshik heaves as he circles fingers around a whining Jaehwan’s neglected length, stroking up and down, and then Jaehwan’s also coming: with a broken little sound, eyes clenching shut, thin spurts of milky fluid staining the smooth skin of his tummy, his chest.
Caught in the high and flurry of the moment -- Wonshik leans down, eyes heavy-lidded, focused only on the strawberry pink of Jaehwan’s glistening, parted mouth. Unsure of what he’s expecting, pushing his face against Jaehwan’s -- maybe, finally the feeling of those soft-looking lips pressed against his own --
But Jaehwan’s turning away before anything happens, head falling towards the opposite side.
The sounds of Jaehwan’s soft panting resounds in the dead quiet of the room.
Wonshik blinks slowly, and retreats -- pushing himself up and pulling out of Jaehwan carefully, not once a thought occurring to him that he should be cleaning up; entire being consumed with nothing but a feeling of emptiness. Wonshik tucks himself underneath the covers, hugging at his pillow -- a sour twinge in his nose, a watery sensation in his eyes.
There’s a small, burning feeling on the left side of his hip -- and Wonshik doesn’t dare to look.
 ‘About yesterday night,’ Wonshik bites his lip, blankly stirring the leftover cereal bits in his bowl around. ‘Was that… anything?’
Jaehwan doesn’t answer, for a while. Wonshik looks up, and understands the look of guilt in those wide eyes. A stab of pain in his chest.
‘I guess… it was just…’ Jaehwan’s pretty bottom lip worried between his teeth, leg shaking unconsciously. ‘--that.’
‘Do you still… love him?’
Jaehwan stills. A long pause.
Wonshik feels bit after bit of his soul crumbling into nothingness, with each passing second.
The tattoo on Jaehwan’s wrist burns.
Voice soft, and lacking so much conviction.
Wonshik leaves it at that.
He doesn’t tell Jaehwan about the tattoo he’d just discovered, this very morning, on his left hip: a pretty, detailed rose -- in the centre of it a deep red, colour lightening gradually to a soft white at the petals’ edges.
 -completely inspired by this post: http://shittyaus.tumblr.com/post/130050356474/spookymileskane-au-where-everyone-is-born-with
-basically, i quote: 'au where everyone is born with a very unique tattoo on their ankle, nobody else in the world has that tattoo. every time you fall in love with someone, their tattoo appears somewhere else on your body. (not necessarily soulmates, just who you fall in love with.)'
-it wasn't supposed to end like this, but i paused here, and i thought it worked too, and i was like... why not.
-your support is greatly appreciated <3
twitter @hwanrem
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theshitpostcalligrapher · 4 months ago
good luck on ratios, i was pouring booze into a can of orange crush
also i can only make so many of these, i got this 100ml of baijiu from a Tianjin cornerstore for the canadian equivalent of two bucks
thoughts on names for this weirdass drink?
fun fact if you put rum(captain morgan), orange crush, and baijiu (dazhigu kaoliang liquor) together in a cup you end up with something that tastes like pure vanilla soda
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