#you can see how i neglected detail on his left it looks bare and illogical
mossiparks · 7 months
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did a screenshot redraw of kai
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perspective-series · 5 years
Zapped Perspective (10) (Final)
By: @arc852 and @hiddendreamer67
Warnings: Mention of treating people like pets
First Chapter || Previous Chapter
Roman’s sleep that night had been...weird. Maybe it was all his time he spent with Virgil and listening to him about his world because he dreamed of a place where humans didn’t know borrowers existed. He...also dreamed about Logan but that was nothing really new. Still, the overall dream was weird and left a strange feeling in him as he woke up.
Roman barely opened his eyes before swinging his legs off the bed. He yawned and stretched and then opened his eyes, looking in the direction of the house Virgil now occupied. His eyebrows furrowed, however, when it was gone.
“What?” He stood up and looked around his room. His mind caught up with him as he looked around and saw that...this wasn’t his room. This was nowhere close to his room, where was he?
And, most importantly, where was Virgil.
Meanwhile, just a few feet away, a certain borrower yawned, awoken by the familiar sound of Patton getting up. But something had sounded..wrong.
Logan opened his eyes, sitting up and blearily opening his eyes to take in the sight before him.
Logan blinked. He blinked again.
“Roman?” Logan spoke up in disbelief, wondering how a dream could appear so vivid.
Roman froze at the sound of an all too familiar voice. A voice he hadn’t heard in days but had seemed like forever. His hopes were high even as he tried to force them down. He slowly turned, looking down at the nightstand and towards the borrower standing there.
The borrower wasn’t Virgil.
“...Logan?” Roman whispered, as if saying it any louder would cause him to disappear. He took a step closer.
Logan nodded, slowly getting to his feet as his mind tried to wrap around this phenomenon because how on earth could Roman be here of all places? And yet...Logan had never experienced an illusion this lucid, and despite suspecting this was all fake Logan felt his heart throb with hope.
Roman’s breath hitched and he came even closer, kneeling down slightly. He slowly reached out his hand, half expecting Logan to disappear as he gently patted the top of his head.
But he didn’t.
Roman’s eyes widened and shined with tears. “You’re real…” He whispered before grinning wide and scooping Logan up, holding him to his chest. “Logan! You-you’re actually…” Roman felt his tears start to fall.
“You’re actually here.” Logan finished his sentiment, clutching to Roman’s shirt like it was a lifeline as his own eyes began to feel quite wet. “I-how-? It’s- It’s not possible…”
“Who cares?!” Roman laughed. “You’re here. I’m here. We’re together again and that is all that matters.” He brought Logan up to his face and nuzzled him with his nose. “I missed you so much…” He whispered, tears still falling.
“I missed you too.” Logan could have given a hysterical laugh, hugging Roman back with vigor. He could have made a witty comment about Roman’s dramatic behavior, but any flaws Logan had once seen were so undeniably Roman that Logan eagerly embraced them all. “I missed you to what was frankly a ridiculous degree, I became such a mess, my thoughts kept traveling back to you subconsciously and I was quite distraught.”
“Heh, I...felt the same. You should have seen me the first day you went missing.” It was easy to joke about it, now that Logan was safely back with him. “I even scared Virgil...a little bit.”
Logan leaned back a bit, enough so he could look Roman in the eye but still refusing to break contact with his human. “You really did meet Virgil, then? And the two of us just inexplicably swapped?”
“Yeah, I did! And that means you really met Patton, right?” Roman asked.
Logan nodded, his ears turning a bit pink. “He was not as physically affectionate as you, though.”
Roman blinked before a teasing grin appeared on his face. “Aww, did someone miss our cuddle sessions? You did, didn’t you?” Roman teased, prodding Logan’s chest gently.
“I was accustomed to a certain lifestyle!” Logan protested. “It was an unexpected change that was not wholly welcome.”
“Uh huh, just admit it my little nerd, you have a secret soft spot for my cuddles. And really, who can blame you, I am the best at them after all.” Roman said, showing this by pulling Logan into another hug.
“Considering I have only been in close proximity to two humans, I doubt that title can be reasonably drawn.” Logan argued, but he leaned eagerly into the hug all the same.
Roman laughed, having missed Logan so very much. He was happy to see his borrower again. But now that the excitement was subsiding a little, Roman couldn’t help but look around the room. “Hey...where are we, anyway?”
“Ah, yes.” Logan realized now that it must look strange to Roman, despite having become familiar scenery to Logan. “This is Patton’s apartment. It would seem that, if my hunch is correct, for an unknown reason you and Patton have now switched dimensions just as I had with Virgil, resulting in you traveling here to dimension B.”
Roman blinked. “Wait, so...I’m in Virgil’s dimension right now? So no one here knows borrowers exist?”
“Well, Patton knew, and you know, obviously.” Logan thought back for a moment. “And possibly a rather confused information phone woman. Regardless, in spite of individual incidents, borrowers are not public knowledge.”
“That’s so...weird,” Roman said, taking a seat on the bed. “How do borrowers even live? Well, I mean, I know how because Virgil told me but still.” It was nice talking about this with someone who understood.
“Indeed.” Logan nodded in solidarity. “It has been quite strange, I actually woke up in his nest the first day, it’s nearly impossible to see and quite a dangerous mess in the walls. Then I could hardly go anywhere because Patton is always concerned with me being ‘discovered’, and it took forever to explain to Patton it’s more efficient to be carried from room to room.”
“Huh...well, I’m glad he didn’t hurt you at least. Not that I think he would have! From what Virgil had told me, he was really nice.” Roman explained himself. “...Although he did break Virgil’s leg when they first met…” He hadn’t forgotten about that.
“He what?” Logan said incredulously, his eyes blown wide.
“He didn’t mean to, of course. But he grabbed Virgil wrong when they first met and...broke his leg. That’s what Virgil told me, at least.” Roman explained. “And yet, even with that, Virgil still called told me I was a worse first meeting, can you believe that?”
“Did...did you harm him as well?” Logan asked cautiously.
“What? No! Of course not.” Roman pouted. “How could you ever even think that?” Roman shook his head.
“No, I just...may have scared him a bit...but in my defense, I was very worried about your wellbeing. And him claiming to have come from another world was very unbelievable...at the time, anyway.” Obviously not so much now.
“Then Virgil’s line of reasoning sounds completely illogical.” Logan frowned. “Even despite his fright, you did not cause him physical arm, while Patton caused him a serious injury.” Though Logan found it hard to believe Patton was capable of such a deed, but perhaps that could explain Patton’s hesitance towards touch.
“Yes, well...Virgil did tell me his reasoning. He claimed it was because he thought I saw him as nothing more than a...er, pet. It took a lot of explaining to convince him that he was wrong on that front.” Roman explained with a frown. “I still don’t understand how I am worse but...I will admit our first meeting could have gone...better.”
“That doesn’t excuse his response.” Logan insisted. “You were just as confused, and while I understand his fright, he is the one living the sheltered and incorrect borrower lifestyle.”
“Yes, I agree with you there.” Roman chuckled. “How about you? Was your meeting with Patton better than mine with Virgil?”
“It was tense.” Logan squinted, attempting to remember the details. “I was quite convinced he was pulling some manner of practical joke for the longest time, and when I attempted to contact you via cellular device I grew distraught. However, besides Patton occasionally breaking down in an emotional manner, I never found myself in any danger.”
Roman let out a breath of relief. “That’s good. I’m glad you’re alright.” Roman couldn’t help but hug him again.
He then stood up, walking towards the door. “Now come on, let’s go see if Patton has any food we can have for breakfast.”
“He usually does.” Logan informed him. “Patton keeps a more well-stocked kitchen than yourself.”
“Hey! I have plenty of food!” Roman argued but when he looked in the kitchen, he bit his tongue. “...Okay yes, I see what you mean.” There was a lot of food. Patton must like to cook.
“And it’s healthier.” Logan noted smugly. “You can see he actually knows to use his stove as something other than a neglected friend.”
“Oh hush, bite-sized einstein.” Roman said but with a teasing smirk. Oh, how he missed this. “I make plenty of good food.” Roman grabbed some pancake mix with his free hand, deciding that was what they were having today. He assumed Patton wouldn’t mind.
“You make edible food; that does not guarantee it has a redeemable quality.” Logan retorted with a small smile, having missed their banter as well.
Roman pouted but then came to a dilemma. He would...have to set Logan down if he wanted to cook breakfast. He bit his lip. “I...looks like I need both hands...for breakfast.”
Logan understood the situation immediately, not wanting to be put down in the slightest. “I could go on your shoulder.” He offered, pointing up. Logan was often against such a position when Roman was actively moving around, considering how easy it would be to be jostled off, but today Logan felt willing to make an exception.
Roman’s eyes lit up. “Yes, great idea!” Roman set Logan up there and was more careful with his movement as he started on breakfast. “So, you mentioned Patton wasn’t very...touchy?” He supposed it made sense, based on Virgil’s accounts.
“Indeed.” Logan confirmed, grabbing a tight hold of Roman’s collar. “It was only last night we had our first movie night with continued contact.”
“Oh? And how did that go?” Roman asked, both curious and maybe a touch jealous.
“It was better.” Logan said decidedly. “Compared to the more isolated ‘bonding’ activities. It was clear I was touch-starved, even if that is a mostly figurative concept.”
Roman blinked. “You were...oh.” Roman looked down at the cooking pancakes, eyebrows furrowed. “Well...I suppose we’ll have to fix that.” He said, reaching up with a free hand and pressing Logan against his neck.
“You already seemed quite intent on that.” Logan actually chuckled, nestling into Roman’s neck and rolling his eyes only slightly. “You have not stopped touching me since picking me up moments after your initial recognition.”
“And I do not plan on stopping any time soon! Have to make up for lost time, after all.” Roman claimed, putting the finished pancakes on a plate and heading to the table. He looked sat down but then paused. “Er...although I might have to so you can eat…”
“Does the mighty Roman really lack the imagination necessary to concoct a plan where a simple borrower can be fed without being released from his grip?” Logan challenged.
Roman blinked, before determination settled in his eyes. “What? Of course not!” He grabbed Logan off his shoulder and placed his cupped hand on the table. He then grabbed a piece of the pancake and gave it to Logan. “There,” He said smugly.
“I am unimpressed by your ingenuity.” Logan assured him, smirking as he began to eat. “That was not exactly difficult, but now you have blocked yourself from consuming food.”
Roman frowned and looked around for a solution before looking down at his shirt and smirking. “Sorry Logan, I’m afraid I’m going to have to move you into third class.” Roman all but dumped Logan into his shirt pocket with a chuckle as he then began to eat.
Logan let out a small noise of offense, a habit he had picked up after spending so much time with Roman. “This is incredibly unsanitary.” Logan huffed, continuing to eat as he certainly did not sulk.
Roman laughed, having missed Logan’s comments. “Aww come on, I washed this shirt just last week.” He joked.
“That will hardly matter after it becomes coated in pancake crumbs.” Logan couldn’t stop the smile that grew from the feeling of Roman’s laughter rumbling around him.
“Huh? Hey! No making a mess in my pockets!” Roman jokingly yelled, still chuckling. “If I find crumbs in there later, I’m making you eat it.”
“Now that seems unnecessarily cruel.” Logan’s brow furrowed.
“Well, I for one, think it’s more than fair.” Roman laughed. He paused to take a bite, his laughter dying down slightly. “...I missed this.” Roman said, a small smile on his face. Virgil was great company, don’t get him wrong but he had never fully warmed up to Roman. Not to the extent that he could joke and tease and handle like with Logan.
Logan leaned into the fabric wall that separated him from Roman’s chest, basking in the warmth and listening to the steady thumping of Roman’s heart. “I missed this as well.”
Patton yawned, his hand gripping tighter around the warm blanket that covered him, feeling far softer than it usually was.
Patton froze, tracing his hand along the fabric again. This was definitely not his blanket.
Slowly Patton sat up, gazing wearily around at what was clearly not his bedroom. In the corner sat a large ornate dresser, and in the other corner sat...a dollhouse?
“Logan?” Patton called out cautiously, growing worried when Logan wasn’t on the nightstand. Neither was the blanket he usually used as a little bed.
Virgil shifted and groaned as he was woken up by the sound of a different name being called. Roman must still have a bit of hope in him, that he would wake up with Logan back. But...wait, the voice hadn’t sounded like Roman. Maybe it was just his half-asleep state but it had sort of sounded like…
But no, it couldn’t be. He was still in the dollhouse. Still in Roman’s house. In Roman’s world. He wasn’t home...he was never going home. The thought alone made him want to stay in bed but he decided against it. Instead, he got out and went over to the window. “Sorry Roman, it’s still-” His voice caught in his throat as he saw the human sitting up on the bed. A human who wasn’t Roman but still a familiar one. “P-Patton?” Was he dreaming still?
Patton jumped, completely startled at the sound of that all too familiar voice. “Who said that? Virgil?” Patton dared to hope as his head darted around, scanning the room.
“Patton! Over here!” Even if this was a dream, he wasn’t going to miss a chance to see Patton again. He ran downstairs and out of the house, waving Patton over.
“Virgil?” Patton gaped incredulously, shocked at the tiny figure that emerged. He quickly darted out of bed, kneeling in front of the short table. “But- I- what were you doing in there? And where are we?”
“W-We’re in Roman’s room, I…” Virgil felt a few stray tears run down his cheeks and he wiped them away. “Are...Are you real? Is this a dream?”
“Oh, Virgil, I- no, it isn’t a dream.” Patton felt his heart aching, praying this was real. He couldn’t take it if this was just his own mind playing tricks on him. “Can I...can I touch you? I mean, to prove it?”
Virgil would almost always say no to when Patton asked him. Because he wasn’t a very touchy person, especially with someone so big. But in this instance, in this desperate need to know, he nodded.
Patton immediately wanted to scoop Virgil up, but he restrained himself and went slow, not wanting to startle Virgil. A small sob escaped him once the borrower was in his hands, tears of joy surfacing. “Oh, Virgil, you have no idea how much I missed you.”
Virgil gasped as the actual real feeling of hands slowly picked him up. He brushed his hand over the nearby thumb, more tears leaking from his eyes. “This is real…” He whispered, looking up at Patton. “You’re...P-Patton, I-I thought I would never see you again.”
“Same here, kiddo.” Patton held Virgil gently to his chest, shaking as he tried to give the borrower the best hug possible.
Virgil did his best to hug back, relishing in the touch he knew was Patton. His best friend. “But-But how are you even here? This is Roman’s world.”
“I don’t know, I just woke up here.” At the mention of Roman, Patton pulled Virgil back, looking over the borrower with a worried eye. “He didn’t hurt you, did he? I mean are you alright?”
Virgil smiled. “I’m fine, I promise. It...It was a rough start.” He winced at the memories. “But we’re okay now. I’d even say we’re...friends.” Speaking of though, it didn’t seem like Roman was anywhere in sight and considering Patton woke up in Roman’s bed… “I think you and Roman must have switched places this time.
“You really think so?” Patton glanced back at the bed, still a mess from when Patton rushed out. “Well, I hope so. I know Logan was really missing him.”
“I’m going to go with yes. Which makes all this make even less sense.” Virgil mumbled, pushing his hair back. “It’s starting to seem like this switching business is random or something…” He shook his head. “But you know what? Who cares, you’re here and that’s all that matters.”
“Yeah...here.” Patton slowly remembered all that Logan had said. “Is all that stuff really true? Are borrowers really...um…” rather than finish his statement, Patton just made a sort of hand gesture to try and get his words across.
Virgil winced. “Yeah...but from what Roman said...I think it’s a lot better than what I initially thought. I thought borrowers were pets but...it’s more complicated than that.” Virgil kind of wished Roman was here so the human could explain everything better.
“What do you mean?” Patton pressed, remembering Logan trying to explain the same thing.
“Roman was saying that there are a lot of steps in order to get a borrower. Like interviews and all that stuff. It’s always up to the humans, in the end, but Roman claims there’s hardly been a case where the borrowers and the humans don’t reach an understanding…” Virgil did his best to explain. “It still doesn’t sit quite right with me but...it’s not the worst outcome, I guess.”
“Me neither, but I’m glad you’re okay.” Patton tried not to think about what might be happening outside these four walls.
“Yeah, Roman is one of the good ones, I’m happy to say.” Virgil said with a smile. “How about we get some breakfast in us and then we can...figure out what we’re going to do.”
“Alright, sounds good.” Patton paused, remembering how Logan liked to be carried but Virgil had always wanted to walk. He felt almost as unsure as when he first found Virgil. “Um, do you want to walk? Or I can give you a lift, if you want.”
“A lift would actually be great right now.” Yes, being able to walk on his own would be nice too but he just wanted to be close to Patton right now.
“Alright, sounds good kiddo.” Patton nodded, carefully standing up. “Logan actually preferred that, if you can believe it. It was...different.”
“Really? I mean...I guess it kind of makes sense, from what Roman said about him. I just always had a hard time believing it. Different is one word for it.” Virgil commented, still not understanding how a borrower could like the constant touches. Sure, once every now and again but all the time? And by Roman? It was overwhelming, to say the least.
Patton walked towards the kitchen, still a bit thrown off by the image of Virgil in his hands for so long; of course, if Patton had his way he’d be holding Virgil for a while still. He never wanted his little friend to disappear on him again.
“Did, ah, did Roman carry you?” Patton asked, trying to keep his tone light.
“Yes, all the time,” Virgil answered, running a hand through his hair. “Like...all the time. He was very hands-on and grabby but...he was also gentle-at least after our first meeting-so I guess it wasn’t too bad. Still overwhelming though.”
“And you were okay with that?” Patton frowned. “Did you try telling him off, did he listen?”
“I did try, at least at first, but no he didn’t really listen.” Virgil shrugged. “I kind of gave up near the end cause that’s just how Roman is.”
Patton paused, for a moment too furious to keep walking.
“...well that doesn’t sound very nice.” Patton muttered, a bitter edge to his voice as he entered the kitchen.
Virgil put his hands up. “Whoa, Pat, it’s okay. It was fine, really! That’s just how things go here. I guess borrowers here never really…walk anywhere? They probably don’t even know how to climb. They rely on humans to be able to get places. Besides, Roman did have a point. It, uh, was faster.”
“Well just because it’s faster doesn’t mean you should have to do it.” Patton huffed, but his tone had softened slightly as he gave Virgil a fond look. “Slow and steady can win the race too. It should be about what makes you the most comfortable.”
Virgil chuckled and smiled up at Patton, returning the fond look. “And that’s why you are and will always be my favorite human.”
Patton’s heart jumped for joy, and he gave Virgil a teasing grin. “Aww, I’m your favorite human?” For a while, Patton had been his only human.
Virgil chuckled. “I mean, compared to Roman there really is no competition in the first place but...yeah, Pat. You really are. No matter how many humans I meet-which I hope stays at three and never goes up.”
Patton paused, his hands hovering above the counter. “...three?”
Virgil blinked. “Oh! Yeah, Roman took me out to a diner and I technically met the waitress there. She was nice but still not compared to you.”
“Uh-huh.” Patton bit down lightly on his tongue, trying to decide what to say as he set Virgil down. “That's ...nice? What...what happened? What was that like? How?”
“It was...nerve-racking, for sure.” Virgil admitted, remembering how terrified he was. “But...well Roman and I actually ended up having fun? It wasn’t as bad as I thought. Since people here know about borrowers, no one batted an eye at me. They even had tiny utensils and silverware and tiny portions for borrowers. It was kind of cool, actually.”
“Well that does sound pretty neat.” Patton agreed, even if the idea of bringing Virgil out in public still made him anxious. In fact, the idea of leaving Roman’s apartment at all was nerve-racking, considering it could be a whole other world out there.
“Okay, breakfast.” Patton clapped his hands together, before beginning to open cabinet doors at random. “What’re you hungry for?”
Virgil shrugged. “I’m good with anything. What does Roman have?”
“...great question.” Patton laughed awkwardly, trying to orient himself in the new space.
Virgil tried to peer up at the cupboards that Patton has opened. “Hmm...try that one. I saw Roman get food out of that one before.” He pointed.
“Aha!” Patton gave a triumphant grin, pulling out a single cardboard box. “Mac and cheese!”
Virgil chuckled. “Knew Roman had to have had something in there.” He joked.
“I mean, it’s not a typical breakfast food, but I think it’s fine.” Patton shrugged, now scouring for a pan.
Virgil sat down, feet hanging off the edge of the counter. “So...do you think we’re stuck here?”
Patton focused on his prep work. “I...don’t know. Maybe? It’s kind of strange it keeps happening though.”
“Yeah...it was already weird when it was just Logan and I. But now you and Roman switched? It doesn’t make any sense. What’s even the cause of this?” Virgil asked, rubbing the back of his neck as he thought it over.
“We couldn’t figure it out. Logan and I tried researching a bit.” Patton explained.
“Yeah, so did Roman and I and nothing came up. I have a feeling this is the first time it’s happened...well, second time now, I guess.” Virgil corrected himself. “It’s just so weird...how are we going to get back home?”
“I don’t think we will- I think either we’ll be thrown there by accident, or…” Patton’s phrase dwindled off, looking around the room. “We live here now, I guess.”
Virgil looked around too. “Man, that’s weird to think about.” He muttered, despite having come to terms with it already, it was different now that Patton was here with him. “I mean...at least we have each other.”
“Right.” Patton nodded, giving a determined smile. “And together, we can do anything.”
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