#you can imagine how stoked i was when i saw the cast list for hazbin
barblaz-arts · 2 months
charlies face in the box (panel? sorry I dont know the terms) when she says "the wings are new" is adorable perfection
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thank you!
are we talking movie or stage play musicals? cuz I've watched a lot of those, tho maybe not as much as i should. like, I should watch rent but im afraid of angst... I've only listened to the songs... Among movie adapted musicals, Hairspray is my favorite, just sharing.
if we're talking actual stage plays, I've seen four productions in our local theater, with only 2 being musicals. i think. the two musicals were about historical figures here in the Philippines(Andres Bonifacio and late president Cory Aquino) and the non-musical one was an adaptation of Midsummer Night's Dream. The fourth one was Romeo and Juliet but I couldnt remember if it was a musical. Probably because it starred a Filipino tv actor and the students watching with us were too damn noisy for me to hear a thing. It's been a while.
There's this one filipino musical called Rak of Aegis that I wish I'd seen. The title is a reference to the rock band Aegis because it's a jukebox musical that features their songs. The stage itself is so cool because it has actual water since the story is set during a flood.
But if we're talking about the broadway musicals, I've obviously only watched bootlegs, which isn't exactly ideal. So Beetlejuice was the only one I've watched because it was the only one I had interest in plotwise. I love me some found family, and I really like the changes the musical made. I tried watching Heathers cuz that plot is craaazyyyyy! But I didnt finish it because I just found those football characters so disgusting. I'd probably try again someday. So other than Beetlejuice, I only really know the soundtracks for musicals like Heathers, Mean Girls, Wicked, The Waitress, Dear Evan Hansen, etc
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