#you can do things beyond your superpowers. you dont have to destroy. now go make a house out of popsicle sticks
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aveterhours · 2 months ago
ithink something interesting to consider is how out of the alan-drawn stickfigures the chosen one is the only one who doesnt really create. ive seen people paralleling tco and tdl as destruction and victim and tsc as creation which i can certainly agree with but also tdl has created things before. like the virabots and the bands and that cannon and such. its creation for the purpose of destruction but its still creation
so victim has the various tools they use that they built a whole business out of, tdl has the virabots and virabands and whatever else technology they mightve cooked up, tsc has the drawing tools and all their various creations, but tco never really Makes things beyond their innate powers. this isnt to say they arent crafty, they can certainly utilize what is around them to get an upper hand, but they never quite create anything of their own. i suppose they are powerful enough to not need it? but i still find the discrepancy intriguing. someone get this guy to a craft night stat
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fyeah-namjin · 7 years ago
Hi! I love your blog so much! Thank you for always providing us with namjin contents! And by the way... do you happen to know and angsty namjin fics? (Bottom!seokjin would be preferable haha) thank you! Sorry for bothering you, please dont ever stop blogging, youre a bless to the world
(admin thy) Hi hello! thank you so much for your support, I don’t really read much angst and yet alone bottom!seokjin but these are the ones I have read (most of them are angst with a happy ending)
chaos you’ve escaped: Namjoon thinks too much and sometimes the world gets to be too much for him; Jin was a breath of calm and a promise of safety, until he wasn’t.
brevity: Seokjin struggles to keep Namjoon afloat, because he’s sinking with the weight of it all and he can’t hear his own screaming.
I will help you climb: namjoon punches seokjin in the face. twice.
distance: The thing is, even if he’s a guy, Jin doesn’t want to be that girl. The one that stands back and watches as the love of his life enjoys himself with another person, the one who disses the current girlfriend in their mind because she wears high-heels, he wears sneakers, she wears short skirts and he wears t-shirts. He might have known Namjoon the longest, the best, but their relationship doesn’t work like that. Friendship isn’t like that. As his friend Jin only looks after Namjoon’s well-being and happiness, and if Namjoon’s happy and fine, then that’s what matters. And Jin is happy. He is.
(admin selena) hello here are some i recommend as well ^^~
the shaman and the exorcist: Seokjin doesn’t believe in ghosts. Namjoon does believe in ghosts.
The Most Beautiful Moments in Life and What’s Loved Most in this World: Kim Namjoon is stuck with the obnoxiously good-looking, obnoxiously wealthy, and obnoxiously sociable Kim Seokjin for a music project worth 40% of their grade.
Who Would Be Born Must First Destroy a World: Once you make a decision, does the universe bend itself to make it happen?
mononoke: Meeting the mononoke who wears a fox mask is a mistake.
before today ends (tell me now): Namjoon forgets about Seokjin’s birthday and Seokjin tries very hard not to care.
winter: in which Namjoon rescues a mermaid and proceeds to fall in love with him.
let’s not hurt anymore: They don’t talk about it, and usually no one thinks to ask. But if you did, Namjoon and Seokjin would tell. 
listen to my heart (can you hear it sing): Seokjin wasn’t his, but he was still as every bit of ‘his’ as the rest of the wolves in the pack, and Namjoon was going to have to learn to live with that. In which Namjoon constantly, to everyone’s disappointment, fucks up.
trouble in paradise: Bangtan have to do a cute concept, which isn’t nearly as much fun as it sounds.
claimed: Kim Namjoon is a dud. He accidentally falls in love anyway and time goes by.
awake: All Seokjin needs to do is write his solo song for the album. All Namjoon needs to do is be a leader to his hyung. And all they both need is something in the future, something beyond the words, something unspoken, hanging in the future.
grapefruit (mature): “Grapefruit is actually the best way to describe my situation. Bitter and sweet. But mostly enjoyable.” Fox!Jin verse.
nothing is worthless: The moment a person is born into the world they are given a superpower.
till death do us ‘part: Namjoon and Seokjin are trapped on the bottom of a sunk ferry.
pack mentality: Namjoon is possessive.
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weightlossguru-blog1 · 8 years ago
How to lose weight in a healthy way - part I
First thing first - these are advices strictly on weight loss, they're not meant to help you gain muscle mass and tone yourself up! If you wish to gain muscle mass, lots of my recommendations here are counterproductive. Second - please read these disclaimers.
Who am I writing this for? I should start off by saying that if you're happy with your body shape, I'm happy for you. I admire you! I admire those beautiful curvaceous women who flaunt their bodies proudly and live quality life. I honestly envy them and I have always wanted to be like that. But unfortunately, my mindset wouldn't let me. I've been tought I look bad with extra weight, My weight was scrutinized and mocked my entire life, so I couldn't cope with it anymore. So I'm writing this for the girls out there who don't feel comfortable having an extra weight and seek a change but either don't know how to start it or can't find a will or motivation Why am I writing this? I have basic knowledge on biochemistry, human physiology and metabolism. I also did my research for half an year on the internet, checking up the blogs of professional personal trainers and fitness experts. Combining the learnt information, my intuition and lot's of persistence, I managed to drop 44 lbs in 4 months. How should you read this?
Take everything with a grain of salt! By no means I'm professional trainer or fitness expert, I'm your overly chatty neighbor. This is my experience only. These should be more like guidelines than set in stone rules. Also take into consideration that everyone's body is different.  
The bodytypes. People usually fall in one of three body type categories, which you may already know but yet here they are - ectomorph, mesomorph and endomorph. If you're ectomorph you probably dont need my advice on this, because you're naturally skinny. If yoú're endomorph this article won't help you much either. For efficient results you need to arm yourself with lots of patience, lots of it and probably do a specialized bioscreening called vega test and arm with lots of patience. Lots of it.
If you're mesomorph, then you're in the lucky golden mean and you can do pretty much anything to your body. I learn towards a mesomorph, so I can modulate my metabolism quite efficiently. Under right circumstances I lose weight quickly (notable results in less than a week), but on the downside I gain weight even quicker. The actual tips.
1.      Prepare your mind and body.  So, let's say it's past lunch on whatever date is. Start your journey right now, on this second and don't postpone it! Finish the rest of the day drinking excessive amounts of water and eat a light dinner.
2.      Right of the bat cross fizzy drinks, alcohol and sweets off your diet. Fizzy drinks contain empty calories and aggravate the mucous of your stomach and intestines which results in bloating and increased appetite. Same with alcohol.. same with everything, containing refined sugar.  Believe me, you won't die without them. Coming from a girl who used to engulf  minimum 2 l of Pepsi every day.
3.      Good ol' plain water is your new best friend and it does wonders in every weight-loss journey. It boosts the metabolism, no joke. Make sure you're fully hydrated all day, every day. The more water, the better but don't overdo it, because you can stress your kidneys and bladder.
4.      Cleansing day.  I usually start my regimens (when I get back on them) with this type of days. What I would suggest is spending day 1 on maximum amounts of water and really light food - raw vegetables and fruits. Attain some products with high cellulose content - greeneries as cabbage, kale, broccoli...  Since humans cannot break down fibres (cellulose), the fibres stay intact in your intestines, they swell sorta speak, keep you full sorta speak and absorb some bad stuff. What this does in 24 hours is... well, cleanses.Avoid starch containing products for now. (Dont worry, you'll have plenty of them later). Starch containing fruits and vegetables are banana, potatoes, beans, peas, lentils, corn, anything with 'dense' type of texture.   hardcore version of this 'cleansing day' is spending the first day  entirely on water, but I honestly don't think anyone can manage it. Don't force yourself to it. Don't forget that man's instinct for self preservation is waay stronger than one's desire to lose weight.
If you push your body way beyond its limits, it will retract with a force stronger than your will.
This should be your golden rule from now on! Don't push your body's limits. In that sort of speaking, don't 'cleanse' for more than 1 day! Just don't! Please don't. It's dangerous, you may pass out, you'll feel dizzy and faint or simply you won't be able to do it. You just won't I promise. You'll end up binging and hating yourself, you'll lose hope and quit and then, in few weeks or months, you'll need to start back again. That's why most extreme diets don't work. They go up against the body's instinct. You should listen to your body and not do ANYTHING that makes you feel bad.
Another great thing this cleansing day achieves is it sets your mind and give you inspiration. "I managed to get through one day, I'll manage 90 more" sorta thing. Believe me, when you wake up on day 2, feeling light and depuffed because of this cleansing day, you'll know you're on the right track.
5.      Start your second day, and every day afterwards, by drinking two cold cups of water. Actually, make this a habit of yours.  What this does is boost your metabolism on the spot. Proceed with your day, eating pro-per-ly!
6.      Now first things first, Calories count. Yes honey, they do count. :) In order to lose fat, you need to burn the equivalent of them in kJ, ergo kcal, it's basic thermophysics. You'll lose weight if the total amount of kcal burned exceed the total amount of kcal intake. But, you say, you dont lead an active lifestyle. A piece of breakfast has some kcal and you are already gaining fat?!
7.      Don't worry boo, BMR got you. Every living thing has BMR (Basic metabolic rate) -  certain amount of calories your body expends while at rest, in order to just ruin your physiology - keep your blood moving, keep your temperature, keep the tone of your muscles, etc. The rate differs, depending on age, sex, height and weight but it should fit around 1400- 1700. You can calculate your BMR online, there are so much options - google “Basic metabolic rate calculator”. Now a pro tip, enter your age, sex, height and GOAL weight and it should compute the BMR of your desired weight.  Add 100 or 200 to the number and this new number is your new daily caloric intake. Meaning, if the BMR of your desired weight is 1450 for instance, consume 1600 -1650 kcal in a day. Every day. Don't go above it. See the magic happens :)
8.      Now don't be tempted to have your caloric intake at BM rates or below. Please don't do this idiocy. This is extra harsh on your body and slows down your metabolism, ultimately destroying it. You'll be riding on the highway to chronic fatigue, anemia, dangerously low BP and anorexia before you realise it. Most likely you won't survive your regimen for long and end up binging and giving up hope. Don't play games with your own body and health! Any diets, requiring daily intake of lower than 1000 kcal are the devil. Don't play games with your own body and health! Any diets, requiring daily intake of lower than 1000 kcal are the devil.
Reduced, but optimized daily intake of 1600-1700 kcal won’t make you feel like you’re on a diet and you'll be able to go for weeks. Soon results will show up! :)
9.      The quality of your intake is also important. Keep an optimized ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for a balanced meal! In order to have a smooth running metabolism, Don't exclude any food group. Dont get it twisted by the names 'fatty acids' and 'carbohydrates', you certainly DO need these in order to be healthy. But there's a difference between good acids and bad acids, good carbohydrates and bad carbohydrates... basically good = natural, bad = processed. Your body has the ability to break down the good sugars of fruit, vegetables and natural starch to monosaccharides. The bad sugars are basically refined sugar and artificial sweets. Stay away from these, they are overly rich in calories and suppress you. You'll feel some abstinence symptoms at first but once you forget the taste of it, you won't mind them even if they're right on the table in front of you. If you crave them really bad, drink a cup of hot chocolate or sweetened coffee. It has lesser calories, and you won't feel bad, cause you've drunk it, not eaten it. It's a mind trick and it helps. Speaking of beverages and sugars - stick to good ol' sweetened (or not) black coffee (or having minimum milk), tea and forget about Starbucks and all that jazz. Caloric bombs right there! As are the freshes. You heard me right, sweetheart, fresh is bad for weight loss. It strips down the fruits of all their precious fibers and gives you pure... liquidized... sugar. Caloric bomb. (Unless you plan to have it instead of a meal, which I don't recommend ) . Now on the 'abominable' fatty acids. Don't mistake dietary fats for body fats! The fats in your diet don't turn up on your tush, no compound have this superpower. :) If you want an explanation on HOW you gain parietal fat, ask and you shall receive. I won't be including this here, because this article is already going for too long.
Good fatty acids are the natural ones - mono and polyunsaturated fats, omega 3 and 6, you'll find in nuts, fish, some 'fatty' fruits and vegetables as avocado, coconut, olives, . you... you know that buttery feeling.
Butter and dairy products, on another hand is rich on saturated fatty acids. They are labeled bad, but they tend to fill you up quickly, and due to that, I don't forsake them, but I tend to tread slightly around these products. (I love my dairy). tend to fill you up quickly and due to Things go wrong, when we process the fats - they turn into transgenic, which are cancer! Therefore, people, don't eat fried food or keep it at bare minimum.
I plan on ending this here. Next time, I'm going to talk more about how to use food in your advantage, when and how to ... mimic exercising. (because let's face it - for a type of girl that needs weight loss, exercising is hideous.)  
 Thank you for reading! If you have any questions, talk to me :) I dont have any credits to give off for the information, because it was all memorized inside my smart head 8-]! But if you quote this, please don't forget to credit me by the url ^.^ see ya next time
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