#you brOKE ME thank you 🥺 everyone should watch let's be tigers
sassymajesty · 2 years
Yes! Aden and his Clarkie from eib!! Sorry since I’m currently reading that story I assume you know what I’m taking about. It’s only like a 15-20min short film but let me tell you a year or two might’ve been rolling down my cheeks. It reminds me of their special bond and how without knowing it Aden teaches Clarke the essence of life. Oh to be a kid and see the world in such matter. Please if you watch it tell us how you felt, your thoughts and views of it and the coincidence with eib (loveunina)
listen. i did watch let's be tigers and i may have cried a tiny little bit with it too. it's hopeful but also so goddamn sad i need a cuddle 🥺
him asking her if she's sad because her mommy died is what got me the most. and with everyone else, she dismissed it and said she's fine, but then when teeny baby asks her in his little voice when they're sharing his tiny bed, she just... admits it and lets herself feel. and he's so full of life when he goes back to the story it's hard not to see that life around her as well, despite her loss. i'm emailing you my therapist bill as i type this jesus christ
but her pink hair and the way he played with it so softly reminded me of the early days of aden and clarke, when lexa barely let her near him 🥹 and oh god, that same scene, asking if she's sad... that's coming up in the next chapter for a very similar reason and now i want to give up everything i had planned and just write them sharing that special bond they have
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