#you are so right and it makes my heart hurt
fev3rish · 2 days
ALWAYS. kenji sato x reader
he’ll always come back to you.
cw. kenji makes a suggestive joke because lets be real he’s a loser, talk of bruises, patching up wounds, kenji loves you, not proofreaded and shorter than usual, excessive use of the word “sweetheart”
notes. this was not the hurt/comfort i promised… rather, it’s more fluffy than hurtful? nevertheless it’s here, and i hope you enjoy!
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every tear you shed is a burning cigarette stubbing itself on kenji’s skin; it ached more than the ice you were applying on his skin. for once, kenji was silent. he watched quietly as you patched him up, yet again, after one of his many nights as ultraman. this particular fight messed him up bad, and with all the bruises that littered his body, he knew he would be m.i.a for a while. you knew, too, if the tears running down your cheeks couldn’t attest to that enough. kenji didn’t know what to do, didn’t know how to react—before you, he had no one to cry over him when he got hurt. it was foreign. he would’ve loved the attention, but he made you cry. kenji couldn’t stomach it.
“no, don’t, don’t speak.” you sniffled, worried that he’d hurt himself even more. his cheek was already swollen enough. you saw how hard he was hit, and it scared you a little too much this time. this fight pushed you to the edge, and it was evident. you couldn’t resist the sob that tore its way out of your throat as kenji’s eyes only softened even more at your sorry state. you were so worried. you called mina over this time, asking the assistant to get you more ice. “mina says this was your roughest fight in a while.” you say, broken. kenji tries to laugh it off, tries to put a smile on your face, “well, i came home to you, didn’t i?”
—he ends up making your frown deeper. your lips quiver, tears still running down your cheeks as you reply, “but what if you didn’t?”
it’s bothered you; what would happen if he didn’t come home? if you saw him fall on live television? if he left his side of the bed cold?
what would happen in a world without your kenji?
his face hardened, tone firm as he called you “sweetheart.”
you bursted into tears, big fat waterfalls falling down your cheeks—and you thought you were done crying—you’re not. sweetheart, he called you, you were his sweetheart. he only called you that when he wanted to make a point, wanted to get something in your head. “sweetheart.” kenji repeated, moving his already sore arm to try and caress your cheek. you decline, you don’t want him to be in pain, but he persists. he hisses, but he feels your skin on his palm and that’s enough to quell the pain. “sweetheart…” you hear kenji’s voice break, and you hiccup, placing your own hand above his own. “i’m here. i’m here right now.” his voice does not break, nor does he.
you place your free hand over his cheek, and he takes it into his other hand and places it on his chest—where his heart is. “and i’m living. i’m breathing; my heart’s beating, baby,” ironically, even though he’s had more ice on his body than normal, he feels warm. you can’t help yourself, you lean in, and you hear his heart beat. it’s beating, he’s alive, he’s alive, your kenji’s alive,
that’s all that matters.
“you know i’ll always, always, come home to you.” he kisses the top of your head, and you pull away and give him a flick inbetween his eyes. he jolts in surprise. “that’s for scaring me to death!” you yell, he shrinks—he always did look like a beaten up puppy whenever you had to scold him. you flick the same spot again, “that’s for getting yourself hurt too much!” then again. “that’s for having no sense of self preservation! we haven’t even brushed up on your other issues!”
“okay, first, ow—“ he rubs his forehead, trying to ease the pain. “second, how do you know i have other issues?” he asked, pointedly, and you deadpan. “are you serious? look at you.”
“okay, third, ow?” he raises his hands in surrender, but then he flinches because he may have raised his left arm a little too fast and now it aches. you spring to action, immediately settljng both hands down. you press an ice pack to his shoulders once more as you fawn over him, and kenji has whiplash from how fast you switch up. “i’m gonna be fine—“ the look you give him has him shutting up immediately. “you’re gonna be fine, but you’re definitely not now. infact, you look like you’re not even gonna last another round with—“
“oh, you know i always last another round with you.”
“oh my god, please shut the fuck up—“
kenji’s eyes crinkle, sparkling as they take in your face. you look so done with him all the time, but kenji knows that you’re never going to be done with him. he watches as your eyebrows furrow in frustration and you sport that cute little pout of yours, and he has to admit; he loves being doted on. he’s not used to you, but he’s not used to you which makes it all the more exciting. you’re full of surprises, and he can’t wait for each one. the side of his mouth quirks up when you look at him again, trying not to laugh because he knows that you know that his joke was really fucking clever.
you’re so adorable, and kenji can’t resist you at all. he knows you can’t either.
when your lips find eachother, they fit together like puzzle pieces.
he whispers against your lips, tired eyes, once again, a bit too tempting for your liking—“sorry for making you cry, sweetheart.” you wave it off, at first, but kenji doesn’t even let you. “no, no, i’m sorry. can’t handle seeing you cry, not at all. especially if i’m the cause; so sorry, baby. i’ll be more careful next time.” he reassured, and you pressed your foreheads together, humming. “i mean it. i’ll always come back to you, ‘kay?”
“always?” you repeat.
kenji looks at you through hooded eyes, and you grin lazily—you want to speak, but he kisses you before you can. you wish you were surprised; you’re used to him using his lips to shut you up, because you always go silent. he tilts his head, pretending to mull over it for a bit, and a stern look from you has the wheels in his head suddenly turning. he looks at you again, taking the back of your wrist and pressing his lips on it, a silent promise; an oath.
“always, sweetheart. i’ll always come home to you.”
if kenji from a couple years ago saw this happening in real time, he’d scoff and say that wasn’t him. but it is him, and it is the him only you have.
the one that will always come back.
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ursuu-la · 3 days
Just in time. - S. Reid.
summary: Where Spencer was at the right place and time.
wc: 1.9k
tw: mentions of suicid3, suicid3 att3mpt, not feeling enough, driving at full speed(?).
a/n: this is not exactly romantic, but I felt the need to post something angsty and this was the first thing that came to my mind. I hope that you enjoy it, but that you don't identify with the feelings :( if so, my inbox is open♡
Also, requests are open!! I think I'll write about Hotch too, just so yk
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"See you guys tomorrow!" Spencer waved goodbye and walked out the door. You smiled before he left and turned your attention back to your stuff.
You were organazing all the things on your desk, at the same time you kept on your bag the ones you always took home: your phone, your keys, and some paperwork that you didn't want to finish in the office. It was almost 9p.m. and there were now only three members of the team left in the office: Morgan, JJ and you.
Once you finished clearing your desk and had everything you needed inside your bag, you walked past JJ and Derek, greeting them both goodbye. You spoke a little with both of them, making sure that the case hadn't affected them so much. You cared about your friends, and wanted to be there for them if they needed someone to vent to. Both of them told you that they felt as usual, which conformed you.
"And you? How are you doing, (y/n)?" JJ asked when you finished checking up on her.
"Fine, I guess." You spoke and smiled to her. Your friend just returned the gesture, wished you goodnight, and then dragged her attention back to the paperwork.
You walked out of the office and, for a second, you kept the smile on your face, but then it slowly started to fade as you walked towards your car.
Even though you had just told JJ that you were feeling fine, the truth was that the last couple of months had been rough on you. The explanation was hard to find, but during this time, you were feeling... just bad about yourself. No matter how many people you saved or how many cases you solved with the team, whenever you got back home, you couldn't help but feel that you hadn't done enough.
The feeling started growing bigger and bigger as the months passed by. You had tried to speak about it with the rest of the team: but something was stopping you. It was frustrating because you didn't usually have any trouble communicating your emotions, and the fact that no one noticed you were struggling made you feel even worse.
Now you were driving back home, no music playing, only your thoughts filling your head. You remembered every part of the case, and as you replayed it in your head over and over, you found new ways in which you could have been more helpful.
"Agh... I hate this..." Your voice sounded frustrated. What was the point of keep going to cases if every single time you felt the same afterward? What was the point of having people around you if you couldn't open up to them and vent your feelings? What was the point of it all?
Suddenly, you felt one tear falling down your cheek. You wiped it off. It brought you back to reality. You were driving, and since it was late, there was no one on the street. Your hands started to shake as the thought appeared in your head.
The whole street was empty, your car would be the only one damaged. You would be the only person hurt, the only mortal victim. Your hands were still shaking, anxiousness creeping inside you as you tried to think of a reason why that was stupid.
But nothing came to your mind.
Nothing was stopping you.
Not even red lights.
Now there was more than one tear falling down your cheek, and you were wiping none of those off your face: you were letting them fall. Your foot pressed the gas with all of its strength, you could hear the engine getting louder each second.
Your heart rate accelerated, your eyes were blurring because of the tears, and you could feel how every part of your body shook. You were about to turn aside your car, knowing that at that speed there was no way of getting out of there intact, but you heard a noise: it was another car.
You stopped the car as fast as you could because your vision had suddenly been cleared, and you noticed that a car was in front of you waiting on a red light. That same car had made the noise. Scared of not stopping at the right time, you turned sharply the steering wheel, causing you to end up in another lane.
When your car was still, you took your hands off the steering wheel and placed them in your head. Just in that moment, you noticed what you were about to do, which made you burst into tears.
"What the hell was I think- AAH!" You yelled out of fear when you heard a knock on the car window. You rolled it down, ready to yell at whoever was standing there. But when you saw the person, your words got stuck in your throat.
"(y/n)?" His voice was like a slap across your face. You felt like you couldn't move. "Hey, are you okay?" He placed one hand on your shoulder, taking you out of the state you had gotten into.
"Spencer..." Was the only thing you were able to say. "Did you...?"
"Yes. I mean- I saw a car coming at full speed behind me, and I tried not to get killed. But... Are you... Are you okay? What were you doing driving like that?" Spencer questioned, yet he didn't have an accusing tone. It was a worried and concerned one.
"I was..." You couldn't speak. How were you supposed to tell him that you almost committed suicide and that almost got him into a car crash? 'Hey Spence, guess what? I wanted to kill myself and almost took you with me, haha!' There was no easy way to say it nor a way to disguise it as something else.
You looked up at Spencer, his gaze met yours. His face was scanning every inch of yours, looking for an answer. When you saw him properly, you felt like you didn't need to speak: you felt like you needed a hug.
"Step back, I'll open the door." You spoke, Spencer took a few steps back and looked confused at your every action. When you walked out of the car and suddenly hugged him, his face turned surprised.
"I don't know what to..." His voice was low. He was hugging you back, perceiving that you needed it. "If you need to talk, I'm here."
You nodded with gratefulness, appreciating Spencer's words. The two of you remained silent for a while after you let go of the hug until you dared to speak about the situation. Both of your cars were parked on the side of the street, and you were sitting on the sidewalk.
"Spencer, I was... trying to end it all, I just wanted to..." He lifted up his gaze to meet your face, but you were looking down at the floor. Not sure if you wanted to make eye contact while confessing the situation.
"Where you about to...?" Reid couldn't finish the question, he averted what you were about to say, he just didn't want to believe that it was true. You were one of the happiest people Reid knew, and thinking that behind that bubbly personality he knew, hid an amount of pain that made you think of suicide as a solution, made his heart sank.
"Yes. I... I don't know what I was thinking... I just reached the edge, and everything feels like too much." Now you dared to look into his eyes, concern filled his face. Seeing Reid like that made you feel worse because you felt like you were only bothering him. "Oh, dear lord. Now I'm just taking away your time. Maybe I'll just need to sleep this off..." You started speaking as you tried to get on your feet, but Spencer stopped you.
"Wait. Don't try to escape the problem." He spoke as he gestured you to sit comfortably again. "I'll be here until the sun comes up if it's necessary. I care about you (y/n), and what just happened is not something to take lightly."
Spencer's words were simple, but they were the right ones; as soon as you heard him, you started crying. Reid tried to hide it, but seeing you like that made him want to hug you as tight as possible and never let you go. How could someone so good be suffering this much? He thought you didn't deserve to feel that way.
"I just don't know what's happening to me... I don't usually feel like this, but these last months have been from bad to worse."
"And we didn't notice?" His voice was loaded with guilt. He was a profiler, and he couldn't have been able to notice your mood or signals. "I'm so sorry, (y/n)."
"It's fine. I jus-"
"No, it's not. We should have noticed, I should have noticed you were struggling. Because what would have happened tonight if I wasn't there with my car?" Reid's voice cracked at the end of the sentence, you could swear that you saw a tear forming in the corner of his eye.
"But you were there. You saved me." You spoke as you rested a reassuring hand on his arm. Spencer chuckled and shook his head. "What is it?"
"I'm the one that's supposed to be reassuring you. Not the other way around." You couldn't help to smile, which had the same reaction on Reid. "You're always putting others first and yourself last... You're too good for this world."
"I'm not that good. I can always do better on cases, and I barely help to resolve anything." The words that had been repeating inside your head for the last couple of months were spoken for the first time. Spencer looked at you, his face getting sadder than it already was.
"Stop putting yourself down. You're literally the best human being I know." He spoke with a sad smile on his face. "I truly can't understand where you got those awful ideas about you."
You didn't speak. Every word that came out of Spencer's mouth made you feel worse for even trying to do what you tried to. For the third time that night, you were crying, but this time, a hand was caressing your face. You looked at Spencer, who had started to wipe the tears off your cheeks.
"I just... Don't understand myself... I feel like everything I do has a negative effect on people. I need to take a break... from everything..."
"I get it. Maybe it would be better if you just take some time off work. Take some time to care about yourself, treat yourself with some love, and maybe that will help you to heal whatever has triggered these emotions." Spencer took his hand away from your cheek. "Furthermore, I could help you to find any kind of professional help to overcome this. There are plenty of ways in which I can help you, just say the word."
"Thank you, Spence." You spoke with a soft voice, he only nodded lightly.
"I didn't do anything, really. I just happened to be there." He was trying to be modest, but you were way too grateful to let him be like that.
"Spencer, you saved my life. Take a little credit for that." You chuckled, and Reid's face lighted up: seeing you at least a fraction as happy as you were before made him feel better.
Reid wanted to tell you how happy he was for being there at the right moment. He wanted to tell you how important you were to him and how he would have been devastated with your loss. But now was not the time: he knew you needed to think about yourself, and once you felt better, maybe then he would dare to confess his feelings to you.
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wonderthor · 21 hours
your neighbor sukuna who lives in one of the apartments upstairs may be a rough and dangerous man, but he’s funny and nice to you, so you become friends anyway. you even develop a little crush on him, and when he calls you little pet names like sweetheart and doll, you start to think he might like you too. one night you decide to go out for drinks, and as he drinks more he lets out more about his past and you learn he is a little more dangerous than you thought. he talks about how he broke into people’s houses at night all the time to steal their things and when he finally did get caught and locked up, he had probably broke into over 200 people’s houses by then.
“that’s crazy, but you wouldn’t get that lucky with me though”
he sets his beer down, raising his eyebrow at you in question.
“what do you mean?”
“i mean that im a very light sleeper, always have been. and there’s no way you couldn’t break into my apartment without me knowing it.”
he picks his beer back up and takes a swig before looking back at you with a smirk.
“you sure about that?”
you confidentially smirk back at him.
“oh absolutely. i get woken up if the wind blows a little too hard against the window. i even woke up that one time i had a mouse in my apartment and i could hear it scurrying across the floor. i would definitely hear you open my door and walk around.”
sukuna taps his fingers against the bar counter with his head in his hands and his eyes still on you, thinking.
“how about we make a bet.”
“a bet? on what?”
“if i can get into your locked apartment and into your bedroom without waking you up, i win. if i do, you win.”
“and what do i get when i win?”
sukuna chuckles at that, almost like a villain’s laugh.
“i wouldn’t worry too much about that.”
you roll your eyes at him.
“oh please, you sound way to confident in your impossible chance at winning.”
he laughs at you again.
“i am. there’s a reason i was able to break in so many people’s houses while they were still in there without getting caught. it’s kind of my specialty.”
you take another sip of your drink and lean back.
“your specialty, huh? and you still haven’t mentioned what we get if we win.”
“what do you want?”
his tone caught you off guard for a second, getting deeper and more serious without you expecting it.
“u-um, i don’t know. you can pick.”
he smiles at you again, a devious smile this time as he leans in closer to you.
“if i win, i get to do whatever i want to you. if you win, you get to do whatever you want to me.”
time stops for a minute and you don’t realize that you’re just staring at him until after several seconds.
“what do you m-mean by that?”
he leans back to hold his beer and his playful demeanor is back.
“well according to you, you won’t have to worry about that, right?”
a couple of days went by and you were still on edge. you mentally slept with your eyes open and even kept your bedroom door cracked, just in case you really couldn’t hear him come in. even though you knew it was just a bet and a silly little game, you couldn’t stop your heart from pounding against your chest. maybe because you still didn’t really know what he said meant. and there was also the eerie feeling that you were essentially waiting for him to break into your apartment, like a real robber. like the robber he used to be. and even though you knew he wasn’t dangerous to you and wouldn’t hurt you, you were still admittedly a little scared. you truly didn’t know what to expect.
it had been a couple of weeks now and you were sure sukuna was fucking with you. whenever you saw him in passing, he was his normal playful and flirty self, and mentioning nothing of the bet. you were starting to think he was kidding, just making that up to scare you and mess with you. or you also thought he could have just forgotten, since he was drinking a little and couldn’t have forgotten all about it.
but little did you know that you were playing right into his hands. he was waiting on you to lose your edge, to slowly get comfortable enough again to slip into deep and dream-filled sleeps. that’s why you didn’t expect it, why you didn’t expect to lose.
when you woke up one night, you felt your heart fall out of your body and your eyes almost jump from their sockets. there he was, in your apartment, in your bedroom, on your bed, leaning over you on his hands and knees. when he saw that you were awake and too stunned to speak, he smirked and leaned in closer to you until his face was just inches from yours.
“guess i win, sweetheart.”
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theemporium · 3 days
how about a number 8 you're mai tai with lando norris x non famous!reader
a number 37 smut-berry daiquiri with max verstappen
thanks cece, once again congrats on 10k, love love love your fics.
thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
8. shielding the other one with their body
You knew Silverstone was going to be insane since it was Lando’s home race.
Though your relationship with Lando wasn’t new, attending his races and being seen around the paddock were. Lando had respected your desire to keep the relationship private, even if it made it a little harder with the distance between you both during the season. But it was worth it. 
You were worth it. 
It wasn’t until a year or so into the relationship where you began making appearances in the paddock. You never showed up with Lando, trying to keep the least amount of attention on you but it didn’t take long for fans to start to pick up on the links between you both. 
But Silverstone was different. 
It was his first home race you were actually attending since the two of you started dating and you couldn’t say no to the excited look on his face when he asked you to attend. He wanted to share this experience with you, with the girl he was pretty sure he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. 
He just wished the experience didn’t include almost getting stampeded by fans.  
It happened far too fast for either you or Lando to fully realise what was happening. You were trying to make your way to the paddock entrance, passes in hand as you were approaching the turnstiles. 
But then a large group of fans appeared out of nowhere and screams broke out and suddenly there were so many people around you. They were shoving you back and forth, left and right, you didn’t know which direction was what. You didn’t know where Lando was.
Your breathing was starting to pick up, your heart was racing and your whole body was freezing up under panic as you realised you didn’t even know how to get out of the crowd. You couldn’t even bring yourself to call out to Lando, to anyone for help. You were frozen.
You smelt him before you even saw him.
You smelt Lando’s cologne overwhelming you as he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into his chest. You could feel him yelling as his chest vibrated under your cheek but your hearing was muffled and you couldn’t quite work out what he was saying. 
All you knew was that you were in Lando’s arms and you knew he would keep you safe. 
He didn’t pull away until you were in the McLaren motorhome (not that you really remember how you got there) and he only pulled away enough to cup your face, his brows furrowed in concern and guilt written across his face. 
“M’sorry, baby,” he whispered with a heavy voice as his eyes skimmed across your body. “Are you okay? Are you hurt? I can get Jon to get a first aid kit or we can go to medical—”
“I’m fine,” you murmured, your fists clenching the fabric of his hoodie like you were worried he would be pulled away from you. “That was…a lot.” 
“I thought there would be more security,” Lando frowned, his thumbs skimming along your cheek like the action was just as soothing to him as it was to you. “I wouldn’t have put you in that position if I knew—”
“I’m fine, Lando,” you spoke again, giving him a soft smile in hopes it would help reassure him. “All thanks to you. My knight in papaya armour.” 
Lando snorted. “Oh, that was terrible.” 
“Yeah, but it made you laugh,” you retorted.
“I’m glad you’re here with me,” Lando confessed, a soft expression painted across his face. 
“I’m glad I’m here too, baby.”
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ᗢ Take My Hand | Wanda Maximoff ᗢ
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Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x reader
Warnings: steamy scene, violence, major injuries, and angst
Summary: A collection of the three times you comfort Wanda when she is scared of her own powers. . .
The first time
“Okay, you’re good to go.” Dr. Cho finishes stitching up my shoulder and gestures for me to get off the table.
I thank her and put my shirt back on, leaving with a smile and a small wave.
The flight back from Lagos was exhausting and I can’t wait to just crawl under the covers of my bed and fall asleep.
I showered earlier and I thought I could go to bed right then and there, but Nat noticed the cut on my shoulder wasn’t healing the way it usually does, so she sent me to see Dr. Cho to get it stitched up.
I make my way through the dark compound and toward my room, expecting to find a familiar redhead under the covers of my bed, but she isn’t there.
I frown and look around, noticing the door to the bathroom is standing slightly ajar, a sliver of light from inside escaping onto the hardwood floor of the bedroom.
I close the door behind me and walk toward the bathroom, carefully pushing the door open and stepping inside.
The sight that greets me makes my heart ache.
The room is illuminated by the flashlight on Wanda’s phone which is sitting on the sink with the screen faced down.
It’s not much, and any other person would have probably missed the dark figure sitting curled up against the shower wall but I don’t because of the connection the mind stone has created between Wanda and me.
We were both experimented on by Hydra, the only two differences being that I was dead when they used the stone on me and they did it when they first got their hands on it back in the 1940’s. I was in the army back then and was killed in action before Schmidt recovered my body, somehow giving me powers and bringing me back to life.
They thought it didn’t work though, which is why they put me on the bomber plane that Steve ultimately crashed into the Arctic. They were planning on throwing my body off out over the sea to get rid of the evidence of their experiments, but because of the turn of events, I was stuck in the ice with Steve for sixty years before S.H.I.E.L.D. found and recruited us.
Wanda’s soft sobs fill the silence, each one making my chest hurt, and I’m quick to rush to her side, kneeling down in front of her after turning off the running water.
The tiles are wet and when I carefully place a hand on her knee, I notice that her clothes are soaked as well.
She freezes and buries her face in her knees even more, the hold she has around her own legs tightening.
“You know you’re supposed to take your clothes off before showering, right?” I whisper softly, not bothering to ask why she’s crying because I already know the reason.
The whole flight back from Lagos she was shaking and staring at nothing with a far off look in her eyes.
She blames herself for what happened and even though people did die because of her losing control, she also saved countless of lives on the ground.
Wanda doesn’t react to my attempt at a joke and I sigh, moving forward and unwrapping her arms from around her legs.
She whimpers in protest but I keep going, slipping my arms under hers and getting up, pulling her to her feet with me.
She sobs and tightens her hold on me, her face landing in the crook of my neck.
“It will be okay, darling,” I whisper, not caring that my clothes are getting wet. “It’s not your fault.”
Wanda shakes her head and another sob escapes her lips.
Then, as if realizing something, she pushes me back and stares at the bandage that pokes out from underneath my shirt.
“You’re hurt,” she croaks. “I hurt you.”
I frown and go to grab her hand, but she pulls away “What are you talking about? You didn’t hurt me.”
Wanda nods frantically and stares at her hands with watery eyes. “You got caught in the blast.”
“Wanda, I did, but—“
“No,” she whimpers. “It’s my fault. It’s all my fault.”
Her bottom lip begins to tremble as a tear rolls down her cheek and her knees start to buckle.
Ignoring her hands which are trying to keep me away, I step into her space and wrap my arms around her waist, holding her up.
She fights me for a few seconds, whimpering, “No, no. Get away from me. I don’t want to hurt you again,” before she stops and melts into the embrace.
“You’re not going to hurt me,” I whisper, kissing the top of her head.
Wanda sobs and curls her fingers around the fabric of my shirt. “I’m a monster. . .”
“No you’re not.” I state firmly, squeezing her in my arms.
“You should be afraid of me,” she argues weakly.
I blink a couple of times to get rid of my own tears and shake my head. The fact that she’s thinking of herself like this, makes my heart ache and my throat burn with unshed tears.
“Wanda,” I whisper pulling back just enough to meet her gaze. Her eyes are filled with hurt and despair and I take a deep breath, moving my hands from her waist to cup her cheeks. “I will say this as many times as I have to. . . I will never— you hear me— never be afraid of you and your powers. I love you and you couldn’t hurt me even if you tried.”
A new wave of tears streams down her cheeks and I use the pads of my thumbs to wipe them away. She lifts a hand and places it over my injured shoulder.
“But today—“
I shake my head again and press a kiss to her forehead. “It’s nothing, darling. Please, trust me on that. It’s just taking a little longer to heal because I’m exhausted and drained.”
“Y/N. . .” she protests weakly and I step back and take her shaking hands.
She watches with wide eyes, trying to pull away but I tighten my grip and hold her gaze as I lift her hands and press a kiss to each palm.
“I love you, Wanda,” I say firmly, bringing her hands to cup my cheeks. “And I love your powers. You’re beautiful inside and out and I don’t want to spend a single moment of my life without you. So please, stop. I’m not scared of you.”
Wanda’s red-rimmed eyes dance over my face, obviously looking for any doubt on my part, and when she doesn’t find any, she surges forward and kisses me.
Her lips are chapped and I can taste her tears, but I don’t care, letting go of her hands and pulling her closer.
“I love you, too,” she whispers against my lips before leaning back in, trying to deepen the kiss.
I stop her before she gets a chance though, not wanting to take advantage of her in such a vulnerable moment, and squeeze her hips. “We should get some sleep, darling.”
Wanda sighs and nods, resting her forehead on my sternum. “Okay. . .”
I help her out of her shirt and jeans, giving her one last peck on the lips before leaving her to take a proper shower.
While she showers I change into a new, dry set of clothes and slip under the covers of the bed.
It’s not even five minutes later that the door to the bathroom reopens and Wanda emerges in a pair of sweatpants and an oversized shirt.
I lift the covers with one arm, extending my other in invitation, and let it drop back down once she has slipped into bed, pressed against my side with one of her legs thrown over my hips.
“I love you,” she says when I start running my fingers through her damp hair.
“I love you, too, darling,” I whisper. “Now get some rest.”
Wanda sighs and noses forward, pressing a kiss to the underside of my jaw before settling back down and closing her eyes.
Within a couple of minutes she’s asleep and I continue to scratch at her scalp until I drift off myself.
The second time
I’m as relaxed as ever listening to Wanda playing her guitar quietly.
We’re on our bed with the lights turned down low and a storm raging on outside, the rain and wind whipping against the windows.
Wanda is sitting with her back against the headboard and I’m lying on my side, watching her with adoration.
Her nimble fingers are picking a calming melody and if it weren’t for my inability to take my eyes off her, I would have fallen asleep a long time ago.
It’s been a little over three weeks since the Lagos incident and even though Wanda still feels guilty about it she’s doing better. I’ve done my best to be by her side whenever she has a bad day and keep her from watching the news.
“You’re staring, moya lyubov,” Wanda says, glancing at me before returning her attention to the guitar.
I smile, not at all fazed that I’ve been caught “I can’t help it. You’re just so beautiful.”
She chuckles shyly and continues playing, her eyes meeting mine every now and then before she stops abruptly, catching me off guard.
She sets the guitar down next to the bed and moves to straddle my hips, forcing me to lie on my back.
I blink at her in surprise and raise a questioning eyebrow, my hands automatically moving to rest on her thighs.
“What are you doing?” I whisper breathlessly when her she place her hands on my lower stomach.
Her eyebrows are furrowed and it looks like she’s conflicted about something, but when her eyes meet mine her face softens.
“I love the way you look at me,” she admits quietly, shifting her weight on my hips and I have to bite my tongue to stop a gasp from escaping my lips. “No one’s ever looked at me like you do and I. . . I just love you so much.”
I smile and give her thighs a squeeze to show my appreciation. “I love you, too,” I say, reciprocating the kiss Wanda gives me when she bends down.
I love wholesome moments like this and I kiss back with the intention of keeping things short and sweet, but Wanda seems to have other plans.
She bites my lower lip, slipping her tongue into my mouth and slips her hands beneath my sweater. Her nails scraped against my skin and I groan, feeling a shiver run down my spine.
We’ve kissed and made out before, but this feels different than anything we’ve ever done.
Wanda is kissing me with an unprecedented sense of purpose and urgency and I have to pull back to make sure I’m not reading too much into this.
Despite being together for almost a year now, we’ve never been intimate before. It’s something we’ve spoken about a couple months ago when Wanda stopped a particularly heated make out session, saying she wasn’t ready to cross that line yet. I reassured her and told her I’d wait for her no matter how long it takes and that was that, but now things seem different.
Following our conversation I always stopped things before they could escalate, but now, when I try to pull away, Wanda whines and reattaches her lips to mine in a desperate kiss.
It takes my breath away and we continue kissing for a few seconds before I regain my bearings and place a hand on her shoulder, pushing gently.
“What is it? Are you okay?” Wanda asks breathlessly, her fingers tracing over my ribs beneath my sweater.
I shiver at the feeling and close my eyes for a moment to escape her intense gaze. “Yeah, I-I’m okay. Are you? I mean, is this going where I think it’s going or do you want to stop?”
It’s silent for a second and I open my eyes to find Wanda staring at me with dilated pupils.
“I think I’m ready,” she whispers against my lips, making my heart skip a beat.
“A-Are you sure?” I stutter and instead of answering verbally she resumes our kiss.
It’s hot and open mouthed, and when I squeeze her thighs, a squeaky moan leaves her lips. It sends a spark of arousal through me and I do it again just to hear it again.
“Y/N,” Wanda gasps, sitting up abruptly to take off her shirt before leaning back down to resume the kiss.
My mind is reeling at the sight of her exposed skin and I can’t stop myself from bringing my hands up to her waist.
Her skin is soft and warm and I can’t wait to feel it against my own.
We continue to kiss feverishly until Wanda runs out of air. She disconnects our lips, panting, and I take it as a chance to connect my lips to her neck.
I kiss and suck harshly, not caring about leaving any marks and taking delight in the gasps whimpers it’s eliciting from the redhead.
When I move to the sensitive spot just below Wanda’s ear, she shudders and digs her fingers into my ribs, making me groan.
We’re so caught up in the moment that it takes a second for the sound of breaking glass to register in both our heads. We freeze and pull apart, looking around the room for the source of the sound.
My eyes land on the lamp on the bedside table where wisps of red magic surround the now broken bulb of it.
I chuckle, realizing what’s happened but Wanda remains frozen on top of me. She’s blankly staring at the broken glass and retracts her hands from below my sweater.
“Hey,” I say softly, my voice filling with concern. “Are you okay? It was just an accident. I can replace the bulb in the morning.“
“I—“ Wanda stops herself and stares at her hands in disbelief. “I don’t think I can do this, Y/N.”
I frown and sit up, wrapping my arms around her waist to keep her on my lap. “What are you talking about?”
I hate how quickly the mood has shifted and I hate seeing the familiar look of reproach and regret in Wanda’s eyes.
“I just— I can’t do this,” she elaborates gesturing between us with a shaking hand. “I want to, but I can’t let my guard down. I’ll lose control and I’ll hurt you. My powers—“
I cut her off before she can go on, grabbing her hands and kissing her knuckles. “Hey, no. Don’t do this. We’ve talked about this. You won’t hurt me. I trust you.”
Wanda chuckles sadly and shakes her head. “But I don’t trust myself.”
I sigh. Not because I’m disappointed we were interrupted, but because it hurts to know Wanda still thinks of herself like this.
I rack my brain for new ways to convince her she’s not the monster she thinks she is when I suddenly have an idea.
I scoot back until my back is against the headboard and turn Wanda’s hands around so her palms are facing up.
“Darling, look at this,” I say quietly, letting go of one of her hands.
I flex my fingers and focus on my own powers, feeling a familiar warmth rush into my fingertips until wisps of yellow surround my hand.
They slowly dance around and illuminate Wanda’s face as she watches what I’m doing.
I move my hand toward hers and as soon as our fingertips brush it’s as if my powers coax Wanda’s out of hiding.
Soft red tendrils begin to appear at the tips of her fingers and Wanda watches in amazement as they connect with my own powers.
They dance around each other, mixing and merging around our palms until they’re an orange web of liquid energy.
“Do you feel that?” I ask, referring to the warmth that spreads through my hand and up my arm.
Wanda nods, her eyes glued to our hands and the ever flowing stream of energy between us.
“Does it hurt?” I ask, knowing that it doesn’t but wanting Wanda to actually say it, to admit it, and acknowledge that her powers could never harm me.
“I— No,” she whispers, her eyes meeting mine. “It feels good. I— I feel you.”
I nod encouragingly and interlace our fingers, “Exactly. . . Now you know you won’t ever be able to hurt me, but we don’t have to continue. You can put your shirt back on and we can cuddle and watch a movie and forget any of this ever happened.”
Wanda’s eyes drop back down to our hands, her eyebrows furrowed in though for a couple of moments before she whispers, “No.”
“No?” I question gently, not knowing what exactly she means. I disconnect our hands and will my powers to disappear before placing my hands on her thighs.
Wanda’s eyes meet mine and I gasp when I notice a faint red glow in them. “No. I don’t want to stop,” she admits, her voice raspy. “I want you.”
My eyes widen and my fingers twitch in excitement. “Are you sure?”
She nods and whispers a Yes before cupping my cheeks and pulling me in for a passionate kiss.
In the end, a couple more light bulbs explode and the whole room shakes when Wanda comes for the first time with a broken cry, but no one gets hurt.
Well, that is if you don’t count the countless bruises in the form of love bites on our bodies and the angry red scratches down my back.
The third time
“Wanda,” Vision says, “It’s time.”
Wanda turns and stares at the synthezoid with watery eyes. He’s her best friend and beside me he’s the only one who truly understands her.
“No,” she says sternly, turning back around to watch Thanos taking apart the team one by one.
Vision and I share a meaningful look and I nod in acknowledgment.
“They can’t stop him Wanda,” I say, cringing when Steve gets socked in the face. “But you can. You have the power to destroy the stone.”
Vision nods in agreement and takes Wanda’s hand, placing it against his cheek.
She shakes her head with a trembling chin as her eyes fill with tears.
“Wanda please,” Vision says, his kind blue eyes focused on nothing else but the redhead in front of him. “We are out of time.”
“I can’t,” she whispers, looking at me pleadingly even though there’s nothing I can do. I may have gotten my powers from the stone as well, but I’m not as powerful as she is.
Vision takes Wanda’s hand off his cheek and raises it in front of his face. “If he gets the stone half of the universe dies.”
Wanda’s face contorts with agony and she takes a step back, acknowledging that there’s no other way.
I bow my head, trying to hide my own tears at the imminent demise of one of my friends and turn around to make sure Thanos doesn’t get to Wanda or Vision.
“It’s alright,” I hear Vision say, “You could never hurt me.”
I swallow the growing lump in my throat, remembering how I taught him that phrase before everything went to shit because of the Sokovia Accords.
He called me one evening when I was gone on a solo mission, asking how to calm Wanda down after she accidentally lost control of her powers during a training session.
Thanos catches T’Challa mid-air and slams him into the ground before striking Nat with a powerful fist.
He’s getting too close, I think, getting into a fighting stance.
I raise my hands, letting my powers flow through me until my hands are surrounded by yellow wisps.
I can’t let him get to Wanda. . .
I take a deep breath, getting ready to get my ass handed to me like the rest of the team, when the breath suddenly gets knocked out of me by some invisible force.
I gasp and look around to see what might have caused it when a blinding pain shoots up my spine and through my head.
It feels like I’m being split apart from the inside out and I drop to my hands and knees, blinking rapidly to get rid of the growing black spots in my vision.
I whimper and press a hand to my temple, only for the pain to disappear the next second as though it was never there.
“My love,” Wanda’s voice and her hands on my cheeks make me flinch and when I look up I see she’s kneeling in front of me with concern written all over her face. “What is it?”
I shake my head, confused as to what just happened and take her hands off my face. “I don’t know, darling. Just keep going, I’ll be fine. Thanos can’t get his hands on the stone.”
She watches me with uncertainty, only reluctantly getting back to her feet when I shout, “Go!”
We’re running out of time.
I take a shaky breath and stand up on shaking legs before leaning against a nearby tree.
My eyes land on Wanda as she’s getting back into position to destroy the stone.
I want to get back to shielding her from the incoming Titan, but as soon as her power connect with the stone, the pain returns, and I yelp in surprise, doubling over in pain.
Just like last time, it stops almost immediately and it’s then that I realize what’s happening.
The mind stone brought me back to life, so if it’s destroyed, I loss my powers and I go back to being dead.
When I look up I see the same realization in both Vision and Wanda’s face.
Vision just smiles sadly, knowing this won’t change our shared understanding that the stone has to be destroyed, but Wanda’s paralyzed with horror.
“No.” She shakes her head, tears of despair dripping down her face. “Not you, too. I can’t do this.”
She shakes her head like a kid throwing a tantrum and I have to bite my cheek to stifle a whimper when I drag myself to her side.
“Wanda, there’s no other way,” I croak, wiping the tears off her cheeks.
She sobs and holds onto my wrists with an ironclad grip. “No. No. No. I can’t lose you. You’re all I have left. You’re my everything.”
I force a small smile and try to ignore the agony that washes over me.
Whenever one of us is feeling overwhelmed by an emotion, the other person feels it as well. It’s a side effect of the connection the mind stone has created between us and it usually doesn’t bother me, but right now it’s chipping away at my resolve to save half the universe.
“It’s going to be okay,” I lie even though my heart is begging me not to go through with this.
I’m scared of dying, yes, because I don’t remember what it was like the first time, but what I’m even more scared of is what’s going to happen to Wanda once all this is over.
She has lost so much already and I don’t know how much more she can take before she breaks completely.
“Please, no. Don’t make me do this,” Wanda cries softly, making my own tears run down my cheeks.
I struggle to breath and, not being able to bear the look of complete and utter despair in her eyes, I Iet go of her face and move so I’m standing behind her, her back flush against my front.
I press a lingering kiss to the side of her head, right above her ear, and take her hands in mine, raising them so her palms are aimed at the stone in Vision’s forehead.
“We’ll do it together, darling. I’m right here, okay?” I whisper.
Wanda sobs and whimpers, but a moment later her fingers are once again surrounded by her magic.
“Y/N. . .” she weeps, seeming unable to go through with it, but when I press another kiss to the side of her head, she lets her magic go, directing it toward the stone.
The moment it makes contact, I groan and my grip on the back of her hands tightens.
Her engagement ring glints in the sunlight and even though my body is overwhelmed by all the pain coursing through it, I managed to smile as I remember how I slipped it onto her finger a couple of days ago.
Oh, what a beautiful bride she would have made.
There aren’t many things I regret in life, but not asking her to marry me sooner is definitely on of them.
I would have loved to call her my wife. I would have loved to raise kids with her and I would have loved to grow old with her by my side.
Now, all we have left is this moment and I’m sure as hell not going to waste it.
When the pain turns blinding, I grit my teeth and close my eyes, pressing my nose against Wanda’s neck to breathe her in.
Her body is shaking with sobs and the effort it takes to destroy the stone and there’s nothing I can do to help except comfort her in this defining moment.
“I love you.” I gasp, letting go of her hands to instead wrap my arms around her waist.
I keep saying it with my eyes squeezed shut until the pain suddenly stops.
I don’t feel anything for a heartbeat, but then my blood runs cold and I feel my knees buckle.
My grip around Wanda loosens involuntarily and my body hits the ground hard.
The last thing I’m aware of before slipping into darkness is a pair of warm hands on my face.
Don’t say I didn’t warn you. . . *insert evil laugh*
Not proofread yet.
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lcriedlastnight · 23 hours
Accidentally saying I love you with Lando
tysm for your request anon, i appreciate it so much! p.s lando deserved that win today. max verstappen i am inside your walls.
tw: fem!reader, short and sweet, swears, lmk if there's anything you want me to add.
w/c: 1k
you and were a newer thing. you weren't new new, but new enough that you have not said those three little words to each other yet. you knew you loved lando since the third date, when even though he didn't like seafood, literally couldn't even stand being near the stuff, he took you to a sushi restaurant because you had never tried sushi and you wanted to give it a go. turns out you didn't like it either.
there had been a few times where you had almost let the words slip out your mouth but you had managed to bite your tongue at the last second. you would tell him when you were ready and when the time felt right.
lando was currently in spain for the spanish grand prix and this one was difficult. it was only the first race out of the three in the triple header and yet here you were, laying in yours and lando's shared bed, on facetime to him, close to tears. just seeing his face made you miss him more.
"come on honey, don't cry. don't do this to me. i don't want to watch you cry." lando frowns from his own hotel bed, the sheets too white compared to his usual ones. the bed too empty without you. you were usually really good with the distance but this was your first triple header with lando. there were double headers but even with those you made it to the last race so it was even less time. this time around you can't even go to one.
you sniffle as you try to stop your tears. you wipe your eyes with the sleeves of lando's jumper. "i know. i'm sorry. it's not your fault. i just miss you a lot tonight, lan." you express.
you can see lando nodding along with your words as you speak, you know it's not easy on him either. you sigh.
"okay. sorry. we can talk about something else now." you try your best to shake off the sadness. you can always cry when lando hangs up the phone.
"don't apologise, my sweet girl. i know it's hard, i'll try speak to you as much as i can. and i know i'll be busy but i'm back in monaco for the next three tuesdays." lando tried to find a positive in all of this. it was difficult.
you nod, with a hum taking his word into account. "not gonna let go of you for the full night on the tuesdays." you insist with such determination it makes lando's heart melt.
"is that a threat or a promise?" he asks, cheekily. that stupid smirk on his face as he tries his best to make you laugh. it works, not because it's funny but because his smirk always made you laugh.
"promise." you say through giggles. lando laughs along with you until he checks the time on the top of his phone. he sighs as it reads two am.
"m' gonna have to go now, honey. it's gettin' a little late." lando frowns like the words actually hurt him physically to say. you frown too but you understand so you don't put up any fight.
"g'night lan. speak to you tomorrow. i'm not working so call whenever you can i'll keep my day free for you." you bid him goodnight and send him a kiss through the phone screen. lando smiles at your cute gesture.
"night, honey. i'll call you whenever i can. i love you." it is quick but you catch it. lando blows you a kiss then ends the call. you didn't get a chance to say anything back. you don't think he even realises he said it. well he will now he's laying thinking about it. you think to yourself as you settle down on lando's side of the bed and fall asleep.
it's not until he returns home that it's spoken about. you are happy he loves you too and you are even happier that you didn't say it first. you were scared that if you said it first and lando didn't feel the same then he would break up with you. you let your mind carry you away sometimes.
you wait on the couch in your living room for lando to come in. you hear his key in the lock and the rolling of the wheels on his suitcase through the doorway. it makes you giddy but instead of leaping off the couch you stay where you are. lando notices you there and makes his way to you. he doesn't give you time to think before he is wrapping you up in a hug.
your head resting in the crook of his neck as he picks you up in the hug. you laugh at his strength. when your giggles die down thats when you hear him. he's mutter a quiet stream of "i love you"'s into your ear. this is when the tears spring to your eyes again. you pull his head out of your neck to really look at him.
"i love you too. you didn't let me say it back last time." you try to slip the joke in but lando doesn't laugh. no, he just springs forward, lips locking with yours in the sweetest kiss you've had yet from the brit. he pulls away put sends a quick few pecks to your lips, because he can never get enough of you.
you both spend the rest of the day repeating those words to each other like you have just found out what they mean. lando literally feels the need to shout them to everyone he see's in the airport as you wave him goodbye the next again.
while lando is on the flight with no internet he spends his free time typing the words 'i love you' out individually, over and over again then sending it to you just before he lands so that when he does actually land and you get the message. you will be reminded that you are all he thinks about even when you aren't with him.
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Even in my worst day did I deserve babe, all the hell you gave me?
pairing: Lando Norris x reader summery: He want to come back to you, but the love in his eyes doesn't measure up to the pain you went through. Warnings: A little bit too angsty
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It was hot inside the club. Your vision was getting blurry. “You look so cute babe” he twirled you around in the dress he bought you yesterday. Kissing your nose after pulling you towards him by your waist. 
This isn’t happening right now.
“Lando stop” You say laughing hysterically  as he keeps tickling you. “I won’t until you say it back.” He says attacking your sides. He just said “I love you” for the first time and your reply was “I’ll get back to you in 3-5 business days.” You both are giggling like kids. “Say it” he shouts on top of your giggles. “I love you too!!” you shout back giggling. 
You tear your eyes from his face, his standing across the dance floor. He noticed you too. You turn around and look at the shot glass in front of you.
The sound of cheering hitting your eardrums. Your eyes are burning from tears. There is chaos of celebration around you. But you can’t register any of that. All that is in your head is that the boy that is running towards your arm after his victory. He picks you up and spins you around before crushing his lips into yours.
You pick the flowers in the field where you arranged your picnic date to surprise him. You put each of them in his hair. “Darling, you’re going to be the death of me.” he whispers with the lovesick look in his eyes before pressing a kiss on your temple.
You drank the shot very aggressively, before signalling the waiter for another one. Maybe the alcohol could stop the flashbacks from coming. 
You turn around again and see him still looking at you from where he stood. Gosh it made your stomach turn. He looked so good under the neon light of the dance floor. With the top two buttons of his navy blue shirt unbuttoned, with his hair messed up like that. You missed him so much.
You turn around again. You missed his voice, you missed his smell, you missed him calling your name, you missed the way he looked at you, you missed looking into his eyes. You missed his touch, his lips, missed his infuriating humour, that smile. Damn it, it’s been months. You should have moved on by now.
Your best friend comes close to you. She knows what was going on in your head. She saw the boy walk in. “Let’s show him what he lost.”
Your lips curl into half a smile, before you take the next shot. It’s been months and yes you missed him too, but you hate the way he hurt you. Fading from your life slowly. Ignoring you, and acting like it was no big deal. Not replying, not calling, two word answers, flirting with every woman around. Then just disappearing altogether. He stopped interacting with you at all. The breakup never happened at one point. He slowly faded until you couldn’t find him anywhere. Except that he was everywhere. 
He was all around your existence. Everywhereyou looked, around your apartment, on the streets, not to mention on the whole internet. 
And to make things worse, that  asshole would post stories with other people in the places that were special for you two in clearly  a very “stab to the heart’’.
So you hate him as much as you miss him. Your immense love for that man over the course of months turned into rage. 
And You finally started to get over it. You’re not ruining months of being strong just because his stupid face showed up. You turned around and took your friend's hand and she led you towards the dance floor.
You were out with a bunch of friends today. After you've been distant from everyone due to heartbreak, you finally started to socialise again. Going out with friends, being active on your socials. You worked real damn hard to heal yourself.
You danced through the night to the beat of music. When you went back for drinks  you saw Max making his way towards you Your friend Emily. “Hey Y/n! Emily!” You finished the drink before turning around and plastering the biggest, fakest smile on your face. “Max!” You called back, hugging the boy. You really were happy to see Max, but you would be much happier if your ex was trailing behind him. Gosh did you want to punch him, or to run into his arms. But all you did was stand a little straight.
You looked at Lando and smiled sweetly but made sure he knew how fake the smile was. He looked very nervous. “Hey” he said cautiously. “Hi,” you said, the smile not weavering for a min before turning back to Max who was catching up with Emily now. 
You chat with Max for a bit as he orders a drink, completely ignoring Lando. He just stands there awkwardly. Once the conversation was done Lando coughed to get your attention.
“Y/n can we talk?” you turn towards him with an expression that makes him want to dig a hole and die in it. “Sorry, But i don’t think we have anything to talk about. Please, excuse me.” You say trying to walk past him back towards the dance floor.
He quickly grabs your wrist. “Y/n please! Just hear me out.” You look at him and then your hand.
“Lando let go of my hand.” you say through gritted teeths. “Please, just listen.” 
Something inside you snaps, the months of hurt, pain and anger coursing through your veins. You snatched your hand back and sneered at him. “Go ahead, say it.” “I- Y/n I’m so sorry about how I treated you.” “Huh” A half chuckle leaves your throat in disbelief.
“You're sorry? That’s all you have to say?Damn you Norris, I hope you are fucking sorry.” Your voice comes out higher than you wished for it to.
“Let me explain. I was mad and I- I pushed you away.” “And pray tell why you were mad?” “You know why.” He says with an infuriating expression on his face. “You know why I was mad.”
“DID I?? DID I KNOW??” you were really yelling at this point. The club was really loud, But the people around you were terrified of how angry you sounded.
“You know you did.”
“So what you are saying is that it was my fault? That I should have known? Even when Asked multiple times if you were okay with it. Even when I apologised hundreds of times, Even when I did everything I could do to make things between us more comfortable for you.”
 You know what Lando was indicating, A month and half before Lando started to act out, he and some of your friends got into a fight. The fight had nothing to do with you but it was bad. And It put you in a horrible position. But you did your best. You apologised for your friends’ behaviour to him and he said it wasn’t your fault, but he still held it against you in his head. You put distance between you and your friends so he wouldn’t be so uncomfortable. Even though It put you in a very compromising and uncomfortable position, you tried to handle the situation the best you could.
“ You know I don’t like them. You know how jealous I get about them. It boils my blood to see you with them. But I would never tell you to ditch your friends.”
“That’s really how you are going to justify this? You were jealous?  You hate my friends, so you slowly but painfully shut me off?” You let another frustrated sound in disbelief.
He now looked desperately at your eyes. “Look, I know I didn’t handle it very well. You know how I get when I’m jealous. It wasn’t your fault. I was just mad and I felt like  you didn’t prioritise me.”
Oh the audacity of this man
Even Max wanted to punch him after he said that last line. Anyone who was around you two during your relationship knew how much you cared for that boy. You would run to the other side of the world leaving everything behind the minute he needed you. You always tried your best to do right by him. Fuck, you were in love with him. But at what cost? Just to hear you didn’t prioritise him at the end?
“I can’t believe you” you spat out.
“Y/n please, give us another chance. I’ve been miserable without you. I can’t stop thinking about you. I love you know that, I know you do too.” It was true. No matter how much of an asshole he was to you. You knew he loved you. You never doubted that. He just was an asshole about it. And you loved him too. Even after months of this agony you still loved him. But dammit it hurts. He hurt you in the worst way possible. He loved you but it didn’t measure up to the pain he caused, the sleepless night, the self doubt, the self loathing. It wasn’t enough.
“Give you another chance? That’s what you want? After all that you did? Of course I love you. I loved you from the very first. I loved you with my whole heart and you went ahead and broke it to pieces. I didn’t fucking deserve that. And you just want me to forget all that. It doesn’t work that way Norris.” You shook your head.
“Y/n I love you. Please” he pleaded while taking your hands into his. You looked him in the eye. You wanted to melt into his arms and you almost did. You loved him too but that didn’t matter anymore.
“I love you,” he said one more time. “That doesn’t change anything. Goodbye, Norris” That's all you said before turning away and leaving. 
Author's note: This took a different turn then i intended. This is very much based on my own experience. A situation I was in a month ago. And I wish I handled the situation the way my main character does here. But being the soft idiot I am I let them back in. Which I regret sometimes. So while writing this.....got carried away and started projecting. Sorry about that, but hope you enjoy my misery. This was more like a rant or a therapy session for me. Also sent request I'm all out of ideas. Love you, hope you like this.
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Yandere Femboy Tenant x Landlord Reader (2)
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Part 1
“This is your new life, my little landlord, now let me tell you about my rules!”
The sad thing about this situation is the betrayal for you
You’ve heard stories about squatters or terrible tenants that didn’t want to leave
But you were never aware you needed to worry about being abducted
And by this tenant no less
From your many other tenants who were bodybuilders, gang members, drug dealers
It was this one
The pretty femboy who was always late on rent
“What’s with that indignant look on your face? Mad you didn’t guess? That’s okay no one suspects just how much talent is behind my gorgeous face.”
You don’t know if you’d call a dedicated fanbase excuse me a cult a talent
Now in some foreign luxurious place, the only people surrounding you are Sora and the dedicated followers who have been commanded to keep you here
“Sora-sama is bestowing a gift upon you! Be grateful!”
“Sora-sama did say you would say these concerning things…but he was right your illness is severe.”
“No worries Sora-sama has taught us how to give your medication no worries! Now stand still!”
The medication you’re given ranges from alcohol, paralyzing serums, or aphrodisiacs depending on your behavior
Sora is very careful about where he’s affectionate with you 
He knows very well which of his loyal little followers will not mind, the ones that may even begin to worship you 
But he knows there are dangerous ones 
Jealous ones that are perfect for when he demands they commit certain crimes or ultimately sacrifices–when he gets to that point
It takes a while to go that deep
But a near attack from a jealous follower is enough to trigger it
Before this, he’d vaguely recall how he first cried to his followers about an especially creepy fan and hearing from police how little of their remains could identified 
Or how one of the fans got a little too forward making him actively cringe in front of his followers
That fan was never heard of or seen again
At the time his guilt was small but present
He didn’t kill those people…his fans did…besides they were the ones overstepping
It’s not that bad…right
But when you’re on the line that guilt dissipates
The tears he sheds when he caresses the bandage on your arm
Are ones of anger
He’s perfect, beautiful, kind, full of wisdom
So why was his love being tampered with 
The world should and would be at his feet
With you–safely–at his side
But he can’t do this without you being in danger
So he’ll let his tears show to the most loyal, the most violent, the most dutiful
“They hurt me by hurting my (Y/n)! Do you like this?”
“Will you not protect me? Protect us?”
“Of course! “Will you kill for us?”
“Good. We’ll be waiting to see the results of your hunt. My beautiful little followers!”
It kind of takes him back when you do try to add some input
Not too long ago he remembers pleading with you about rent
Now it’s you pleading with him not to execute the unlucky group that tried to take your place
But just like you did with him he’s going to cruelly deny you 
Well maybe he can be persuaded if you let him participate in an activity you’ve forbidden of him
“I might be willing to let them off with a loss of one limb if you let me do that one thing!”
“Come on! Aren’t you a benevolent compassionate partner to their king? Won’t you convince me not to punish them with my wrath?”
“Okay but only one time!”
“Yay! Wait for me to get my lingerie!”
He flips often between being at your whim to controlling every aspect of your life
But he has you for an example
Back then you were the landlord who caught his heart and kept him in line
So isn’t it just perfect that he do the same
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I would absolutely love some hurt/comfort with poly!marauders. I struggle a lot with anxiety and shit, so if possible, maybe something to do with that? Thanks :)
Hiii i’m sorry this took so long for some reason every time I went to write this i’d blank but I finally got it finished and I hope you enjoy!
Your Job made you want to throw up. Even now sitting in your car about to leave, just the thought of it was enough to get your heart racing and your mind whirling. You have wanted this job since you were a kid. Back then it all seemed mystical. A place that would be filled with unicorns and rainbows. Then you got to high-school and suddenly everyone was telling you wherever you work there would be an asshole boss and mean colleagues. Even when this was being hammered into your head, you held out hope. All the way through college you grasped onto that hope with unrelenting force.
Then you graduated and worked your way up to your dream job. You had worked your ass off in other words. Even with the jobs you had along the way, of course they were shitty, but you held out hope for once in your life and believed that this job would be better. It would be perfect.
God were you wrong.
Now when you come home from work you’re absolutely exhausted. Your new boss has worn you down by overworking you. But you’re new and still believe you have to prove yourself so you do it all with no complaint. Not to mention your colleagues, who seem to see you as a tool to do all of the work they don’t want to do. But in order to become friendly with them, you try to hand out as many favors as you can, while being swamped with work of your own. You are stressed thinking about the next day of work almost immediately as you set foot inside your house.
Your sweet, loving, caring boyfriends have noticed a change in your demeanor. Your shoulders are tighter, posture stiff, movements languid because your body is so exhausted. After work one day James came behind you as you were cooking and wrapped his arms around your torso. He had whispered softly in your ear asking if you were alright and if there was anything he can do. You brushed him off and said you were just tired and he doesn’t need to worry. He’s been sending you worried glances ever since. Sirius had been silently studying you. He knows body language more fluently than any form of speaking because of the environment he grew up in. He could see it in your stance, something was wrong. He didn’t want to beat around the bush so he just asked you what was bothering you. Over and over and over again. Each time you’d respond with an over exaggerated sigh, saying
“I’m just tired Siri. There is nothing to worry about.”
or you’d let out a stiff laugh and quip
“Is there something wrong with you you’re not saying? Why are you always so insistent on talking about me?”
You know it’s a low blow and he was only trying to help but you’re already on edge and you don’t want your boyfriends to know what’s going on because if they know you are sure to have a breakdown, and you do not have time for a breakdown right now.
Remus hasn’t said anything to you yet, but his actions definitely express worry. When you come home from work as soon as you have set your stuff down Remus is up making you a cup of tea. Or he’s sitting on the couch patting the seat next to him asking you if you’d like him to read to you, or watch your favorite movie, or binge the new season of your favorite TV show. Sometimes he’ll just come beside you a massage your shoulder and let out a disapproving hum at the tightness. Hell mummer under his breath as if he was talking to himself,
“Working my girl too hard”
So that’s why sitting in your car about to leave for work, your stomach is turning. The stress of impressing your boss, pleasing your fellow employees, and keeping your stress from the boys has become to much. There’s nothing you can do as you pull out of the driveway and repeat the mantra in your head saying don’t cry don’t cry don’t cry.
Later that day when you are pulling back into the driveway somehow your day has gotten worse. You had to pull over on the side of the road and flash your hazards because your eyes got too cloudy from the constant fall of tears streaming down your face. Everything was just too much. And the thing is you are a hard worker. You fought tooth and nail for this job. You want this job. You were supposed to love this job. Instead your overcome with waves of panic every-time you think about going into work. Every-time a colleague texts you and you hear the unmistakable ping you flinch. It’s been consuming your mind fully since the day you started and you broke down.
You don’t care about hiding it from the boys anymore. You just need a hug. You blindly reach for your car door, making note that James isn’t home yet, and all but fling yourself inside the house. You’re letting out gut wrenching sobs and you feel like you can’t breathe. You’re practically suffocating in your jacket and you need it off. Off off off off off. You repeat over and over in your mind, or maybe out loud you’re really not sure anymore, as your shaky hands fail again and again to reach your zipper. Sirius is the first to get to you. His heart practically stops at the sight.
“Love, what happened? Are you okay? Are you hurt?”
He scans over your body. Checking if he can see any physical damage. When he decides there is no life-threatening wounds, at least that he can see, he jumps into action.
“Hey, hey, hey” he says,
The last ‘hey’ coming out more sternly than the others. You look up at him and your heart somehow shatters more. His face looks so caring and scared. You sob harder at the sight and continue to pull at the neck of your jacket.
“it’s okay, I got it. C’mon let’s walk over to the couch okay? Sh it’s okay, you’re okay”
As Sirius takes your zipper into his hands and urgently, but less harshly, zips it down he slowly pulls you to the couch. Remus emerges from the hallway and immediately goes still at the sight. He rushed to the kitchen to get a glass of water and comes back to help Siri pick up your broken pieces.
When you finally catch enough breath to sob out
“I just don’t know how i’m going to do it anymore!”
“Do what m’love?” Remus quietly questioned while stroking your hair,
“My job!” you practically shouted into Siri’s chest. “My boss is throwing me on every project and he knows it’s too much! He wants me to fail and I don’t want him to win so i’ve been doing it all. But the better I do the more he assigns and I can’t keep up with it anymore”
Both boys comforting you share a worried glanced at each-other. Having a silent conversation with their eyes. Just as Sirius opened his mouth to say something, the unmistakable sound of the door opening and James yelling out,
“The loves of my life, i’m home!”
Really James has immaculate humorous timing. When he realizes no one has answers he scans the room quickly before his eyes catch on you curled up in a ball practically on top of Sirius and Remus kneeling on the ground in front of you.
His face immediately falls.
“Baby, what happened?”
The utter concern in his voice and his caring expression made you let out another sob and re-explain the story and add in a few more details about how your coworkers have been treating you.
Once you’ve spilled your guts the boys concerned faces only worded causing you slight confusion. You just told them what’s wrong, they comforted you, now you should go back to normal.
Remus is the first to speak
“The next time you’re feeling anxious about anything, especially your job, just tell me, Sirius, or James and we can talk about it or try to take your mind off of it. It’s not good to be stressed all the time, especially when you aren’t telling anyone about it. A job should never make you this upset. I know you love it but I think you should have a serious conversation with your boss when your ready.”
Sirius adds in,
“I could help you write up a speech or I could just march right in there with you. But please come and see me when your feeling anxious, or shoot me a text while your at work”
“We love you and we want you to be happy and if this job isn’t making you happy, I say drop it and find one that makes you love it the way we love you.”
James mumbles as he wipes his thumbs under your eyes, taking away your tears.
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morgluvsconnie · 2 days
BOUND, c.springer
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chap.5 | drinking, mild sexual reference, basically just a build up for the next chapter! | chap.4
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everyone yelled as mikasa took her hand from over your eyes. you smiled and put your hand on your heart. “yalllll, stoppp.” you bit your lip, looking at the decorations and bags of gifts.
“you finally growing up, that shit crazy.” eren wiped a fake tear and shook his head.
your eyes scanned the long table, which fit everyone in it. you were surprised that the rest of sasha’s friends came.
“my bitchhh!” sasha hopped up, hugging you and kissing your cheek. “you’re so pretty.” she poked your cheek, making you smile. you sat at the end of the table. “thank you, like, for real. is this a whole private room?” you looked around at the beautiful theme of the restaurant.
“my pockets hurt.” armin raised his eyebrow. you smiled and covered your face with your hands.
suddenly, a bunch of waiters came in, carrying a big, pretty cake, placing it in front of you. you clapped your hands out of excitement and stood up from your stool.
with your little birthday tiara on and your birthday ribbon, you clamped your hands together as everyone started to sing happy birthday to you, getting to the end where you could finally blow out your candles.
“now cut the cake.” connie smiled a little, passing you a knife.
you cut your cake, and everyone else a piece, sasha hopping back up to pass them out.
“i feel like a child again.” you smiled softly, sitting on your stool as the waiters placed the cake in the middle of the table.
“now she think she grown ‘cus she 102, okay.” eren slowly shook his head, being the first one halfway through his cake. you gave him a playful “shut up” look and started eating your cake.
“sasha slow down.” mikasa frowned. “anyway, y/nnn, what you wanna do today? everybody’s whole day is yours.” mikasa smiled at you. “nah, ‘cus i got some sneaky links i needa see.” ony said, raising his eyebrows, everybody giving him a death stare.
“chillll. i’m fuckin witchu. my day yours, best friend.” ony put his hands up in defense.
“ion really know, ion think about things like this when my birthday comes, only before it.” you laughed a little.
“so i’ll plan the whole day.” armin nodded.
“armin, if you plan the whole day, somebody gon end up dying.” eren mumbled, reaching in front of him to cut his self another piece of cake.
“ima plan it, that’s my friend.” ony waved eren and armin off.
“you just met y/n like two days ago.” connie scoffed at ony. ony frowned and squinted, lookingat connie. “and you met her like three days ago. that don’t make nothing better. now i said that’s my friend, ain’t that right y/n?” ony looked at you.
you laughed and nodded.
“y/n can plan the day, even if she don’t know what to do.” mikasa bucked at everybody.
“girl.” eren slowly shook his head, making everyone laugh.
“who’s a gentleman?” you looked up.
“me.” all the guys looked at you.
“man, ian even mean to say me, i was tryna say i needed some more meat.” ony groaned, carrying all the shopping bags for you. connie looked at ony. “we ain’t even have no damn meat.” connie said, also carrying bags.
“can y’all not complain for like… three seconds?” mikasa squinted at the boys behind the three of you. “it’s y/n’s birthday. everyone should be happy to give her what she wants.”
“i’m goin broke.” armin muttered, slowly shaking his head.
“when ain’t you broke?” eren looked at armin. “you bein funny?” armin raised his eyebrows. eren smacked his lips. “remember what happened last time we fought.”
“that was in sixth grade.”
“okay, everything goes in connie’s car because hes dropping it off later on tonight, and then we can split up and get ready to go out.” sasha said as you and mikasa both headed towards her car.
you and mikasa closed the doors, sasha starting her car, not even thinking to wait on them. “okay so we’re going to your house to get ready.” she pointed to you. mikasa sat in the back, stretched across the seat.
“whys it always my house?”
“because your house is like… the hangout spot.” mikasa laughed a little. “oh yeah, what’re you wearing tonight?” she leaned up to look at you.
“some revealing ass outfit sasha picked out, i don’t know.” you shrugged. “it’s literally cute, okay it shows a buncha ass, and? you have plenty to show off.” sasha waved you off.
“well what color is it?” mikasa asked, scrolling on her phone. sasha thought about it for a few seconds “white.”
mikasa nodded. “so me and sasha can wear white and black and you can wear white and pink ‘cus you’re the birthday girl.” mikasa poked your cheek, making you smile. “yeah, i’ll just wear pink heels, pink accessories, and my birthday ribbon, that’s everything pink. my nails are already done, toes…” as you were naming things you glanced back to see mikasa with her hand over her heart.
“you’re growing up so fast, it makes me sad.” she poked her bottom lip out. you laughed and shook your head. “it’s nothing for real. just one more year of bein sexy.” you flipped your hair in a playful way, making sasha and mikasa laugh.
the ride wasn’t long to get to your house. considering how long you were at the mall, it was already dimming outside when you made it home. and considering how long it was gonna take you to get ready, all three of you specifically, it was gonna be late by the time you went out.
“alright, come on.” sasha turned off her car, everyone getting out and going towards your house. you unlocked the door and let them in, everyone going upstairs.
“okay, so i’m gonna go through your clothes and my clothes.” mikasa said as she got in your room. since her and sasha weren’t even guests anymore, they already had a bunch of clothes at your house. and a bunch means a bunch.
“i’m gonna take a quick shower.” sasha got towels out of your bathroom closet. “with the door open.” she finished, turning on your shower.
you grabbed your jumpsuit and looked at it. “this looks really small.”
“it’s supposed to be, most likely. gotta hug that body.” mikasa said, sitting on your closet floor and going through the bag of things she had.
“this or this?” she held up two different white dresses. you pursed your lips together and hummed. “they’ll both look good so… it really don’t matter.” you raised your eyebrows with a shrug. mikasa rolled her eyes at your answer. “i’m asking you thoughhh.” she said, looking at the dresses.
“that one then.” you said, not even looking at the dresses. “perfect, i knew i should pick this one.” mikasa hopped up.
after a few minutes of mikasa retouching her makeup, she finally walked back over towards where her clothes were, you gluing your lashes back the way they were.
“yall done?” sasha yelled from the shower, cutting it off.
“girl we barely started.” you mumbled, taking off your dress and walking to your night stand to find your favorite perfume. “you’re literally naked.” sasha mumbled, putting a towel over herself. “i have a bra and panties on sasha, you’re naked.” you said, tossing your perfume on the bed and grabbing the jump suit.
“what if i wear a thong with this?” you held it up for a few seconds before sticking your legs through it and pulling it up.
mikasa put on her dress and looked in your body mirror. “lucky for whoever you lay tonight.” she said. you went in the bathroom where sasha was putting her body suit on, looking in the mirror.
“i hope nobody.” you said, turning around in the mirror. “this is cuteeee.” you smiled before sitting your leg on top of the toilet, tying the strings on the back.
sasha helped with the string on your back and nodded. “really cute.” she said, zipping up the front of her outfit, walking to your room to find her black heels.
“i have to curl my hair, hold up.” sasha said.
you and mikasa groaned. “were gonna be forever.” mikasa mumbled.
and yeah, you were forever. but the drive was only about five minutes from your house. everyone sprayed on more perfume before getting out of the car. “this things gonna give me a wedgie.” you mumbled, making sasha and mikasa chuckle. “you’ll be fine.” mikasa said, showing all three of your IDs and walking in the club.
you smiled as the atmosphere filled your eyes and ears.
“it’s my best friends birthday, you see this?” sasha said to a random guy, pointing at your pink ribbon.
mikasa led you and her through the crowd, finding the spot everyone would normally be. to your surprise, it was empty, only eren and armin rolling up blunts. “damn where everybody at?” mikasa frowned.
“ony talkin to some girl and connie prolly doin the same.” eren said, dabbing the blunt with his tongue while looking at mikasa. “i said where.” mikasa furrowed her eyebrows.
“armin, talk to her ‘cus if i do…” eren shook his head.
“they went over there last time i saw.” armin pointed to a direction, you looking that way. “i’ll find em.” sasha said, walking towards where armin was pointing. “i’m finna get a drink, i’ll be back.” you turned to walk towards the bar, standing instead of sitting in a stool like you’d normally do.
“can i get two shots?” you crossed your arms on the counter. “straight up?” the bartender laughed a little. “what shot?”
“your choice.” you mumbled.
“birthday girl.” you heard someone say from beside you. you glanced over, double taking as you saw connie. “connie, sasha’s lookin for you.” you smiled a little as your shots were brought to you.
connie grabbed one and drunk it, putting the cup down. you smacked your lips and squinted. “i was gon drink that, thank you.” you softly moved him away from you to take the second one.
“ion care. you look good tonight.” connie mumbled, scanning your body before looking away and drinkin from his cup. you looked at him and tilted your head. “really?”
“what i gotta lie for?”
you looked at him for a few seconds before scoffing and calling the bartender back over. “can i have four more? two for each.” you then looked at connie.
“sure. who’s paying?” the bartender leaned on the counter.
connie stared into your eyes for some seconds, his eyes flickering to your lips, just for a second as he reached in his pocket, pulling out some bills and passing them to the bartender.
you gave him a small smile.
“that’s one out of the three of yo presents, ight?” he rested his eyes on you. you raised your eyebrows. “what’s the other two?”
“still thinking.” he pursed his lips together and looked at the counter. “where ya boyfriend at?”
you frowned a little. “reiner?”
connie nodded, looking at the shots as the bartender sat them in front of you.
as you went to grab one, it tipped over on your hand. you groaned. “look what you made me do.” you muttered as you both grabbed a shot, taking them at the same time.
connie grabbed the last one, sipping half of it and then passing it to you. “i don’t drink after randoms.” you said, looking him up and down.
connie lazily blinked, grabbing your jaw and tilting your head back. “open yo mouth.”
as you mindlessly did as he said, he poured the rest of the shot in your mouth. “answer my question.” he put the glass back down as you swallowed. you rolled your eyes. “if your question made me waste my shot, what you think the answer is?” you narrowed your eyes.
“oh y’all ain’t together no more?”
“you know that. i told you that.”
“oh.” connie bit his lip and looked towards the crowd.
you didn’t know it, well, you felt it, you were starting to get drunk. and he was too, you could tell because that’s how he looked when he was high.
you didn’t even know you were staring, once again.
you also didn’t realize you hadn’t wiped that shot off your hand. you waved your hand, and grabbed a napkin, wiping everywhere it dripped.
when you were finished, connie grabbed your hand, looking at your nails. “cute.” he mumbled, rubbing your pink nails with his thumb.
you snatched your hand away with a soft laugh.
connie slightly frowned, grabbing your hand again.
you moved it away again, connie frowned even harder, grabbing your hand and forearm, looking at your wrist.
“the fuck?”
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elllisaaa · 1 day
Oh god this feels so weird writing LMAOAO but when u put ur hand in front of ur vajayjay during seggs
omgggg I'm literally so fucking dumb I'm so sorry anonie 😭 you're an angel for expliciting this to my slow brain 🙏 (and the thoughts I'm having about this are actually funny so here we go 🤭
HEESEUNG would honestly just blankly stare at your hand for a few seconds, before actually asking you what you were doing. and you better have a good reason because he wants to stare at your pretty cunt swallowing him whole while he's fucking you. he loves to see how much he's stretching you, how wet you get with each thrust. as soon as he's sure you're alright, he's fucking you even harder with a smirk on his face.
"aah, don't hide your pretty pussy from me, baby, i wanna see how greedy you are for my cock."
JAY is such a sweetheart, he would instantly stop thrusting into you and ask you if everything is alright. we love a caring king like him, he's honestly so kind it makes me wanna throw up. he would move your hair away from your face, kiss your forehead and hold your hand. whatever the reason why did that is, he will be soo careful after that, literally making love to you even if he was ruining you seconds before because your comfort is what he's putting first.
"does it feel good princess ? tell me everything you want."
JAKE doesn't notice right away, too focused on the feeling of you clenching around him. but once he sees your hand down there, he kind of panics, like hard. his eyes go wide and his heart starts to beat even faster because of his anxiety. he's immediately all over you, asking you if he hurt you in any way or if you need a break. once he knows what the reason for your behaviour is, he's all for reassuring you and making love to you so passionately it's actually sickening.
"fuck... you feel so good, pretty. i can never get enough of you."
SUNGHOON is hyper-aware of your reactions during sex because he knows that he has a tendency to become too rough sometimes. so he immediately notices when your hand goes down there, and he throws you a questioning look while he slows down his thrusts a little. but the two of you have a safe word, and as long as you don't use it, sunghoon is not stopping. he knows that you can sometimes be self-conscious about you body, so he always makes sure to comfort you, even when he's ruining you.
"no need to hide it, darling, i have your pussy engraved in my mind."
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whenanafallsinlove · 2 days
Self-care day ⋆。°
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KATSUKI BAKUGOU; - just a self-care day with Katsuki as your boyfriend fluff!
﹗warnings: slightly hinted dirty joke (?)
a/n: this is my first work, so pls comment what you think about it! this idea just came to my mind, so I hope you like it <3
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You like to have at least a day every other week just to do some self-care; the best part is that you get to share it with your boyfriend. After hero training, you'd take a long, hot shower, and after that, do some skincare and facemasks with Katsuki. This day, though, you chose to do some nail care, so you decided to do the whole mani-pedi ritual while Katsuki simply laid in your bed, watching with attention your every action. You loved your quality time with him; he often went along with any plan you had in mind just to get to spend his time with you. And you were so comfortable around him that even this soothing silence felt like an embrace to your heart.
"Tsuki, could you pass me the nail polish, please? I left it beside you, on my nightstand," you said, breaking the silence. You were sitting on the chair by your desk, feet and hands in the water, so you could not reach it in your own.
"The red one?" he asked, sitting up and reaching for it.
"Yeah, thanks," you said as he got up and gave it to you.
You went back into a few moments of silence, but he stood right behind you, his hands on your shoulders and his head on top of yours.
"Does it hurt?" he asked, seeing how you were removing your cuticules. You chuckled slightly at the innocent question.
"No, it doesn't. Would you like me to do your hands? I could give you a mani without painting your nails, if you want." You offered, not thinking too much into it. You knew Katsuki had a minor insecurity about his callused hands, and maybe this could help him a little with it.
"Tch, whatever." He said, rolling his eyes - not that you could see it, but you could hear the small smile painted on his lips. He gave you a small peck in the crown of your head and went back to sitting on your bed.
" 'kay. Just let me finish painting my nails, and I'll do you" he raised a teasing eyebrow at your sentence "Stop it, you know what I mean!" you said as you chuckled.
It took you a few more minutes to finish your nails, and then you finally stood up from your place.
"I'm going to change this water for some warmer one. Go sit in the chair, Tsuki," you told him with a smile, then proceeded to make your way into your bathroom.
He followed your indication immediatly. Honestly, you sometimes had him wondering how much power you had over him; he knew he was short-tempered, and he had never been a fan of being accompanied 24/7. Not until he met you. Every attention you had for him, all your little details, had him longing for more. There you had Katsuki Bakugou, future Pro Hero 'Dynamight', doing manis at your dorm, just so he could be with you for as much time as possible.
"Here, get your hands in the water. This will ease the calluses," you said, interupting his thoughts.
And that's how, you spent the rest of your self-care day, just cackling, muttering, and loving the presence of the other.
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Howling Hearts 💕
Needy M!Wolven mate x fem!human reader He’s just a needy boy who knows exactly what he wants and you’re more than willing to give it to him.
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-NSFW, established relationship, mates, size difference, Wolven dom energy, breeding kink, reader being bred, doggy style, clear consent, rough sex, slight mentions of knotting, creampie, reader receiving aftercare, mentions of pregnancy WC: 1,867 ‼️Minors and ageless DNI‼️
-A/N: I’m still getting used to writing monster smut so I’ve tried to keep things a bit vague again so as to respect the community while I’m still learning. I do hope you enjoy! 💋
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“What is it?”, you ask your Wolven mate through the mirror. 
You were getting ready for the diner party tonight, putting your hair in curls and turning it into an updo. You couldn’t help but notice how he decided to sit at the edge of your shared bed and watch you get ready. Not that you minded, just curious. 
“Hmm? Oh, nothing, just admiring…”, he smiled lovingly at you back in the mirror. 
He loved watching you get ready. You would curl your hair, roll them up, and add accessories to match your dress. As much as he adored your beauty on its own, he couldn’t get one thought out of his head. 
Getting behind you and taking you as his mate, over and over again. He wanted to hold you down on the bed he was sitting on and hear you beg for his cock. It had been too long since he was able to lose control. He thought about you climbing on top of the bed, spreading your legs, laying your forward on the special pillow you asked for just for this. He thought about you putting your ass up in the air and seeing your plump slick pussy aching to be filled. He’s brought back to reality noticing you stare between his legs in the mirror. 
“Something on your mind, my darling?”, you ask, exaggerating on the nickname, making his fur stand up. You turn around and face him. He stares intently, forcing every fiber in his being not to throw you behind him and have you right then.
“I need my mate”, he says through gritted teeth while gripping the sheets. “And what do you need of me?”, you ask in an almost challenging manner. 
“I need you on all fours….I need you to present it to me…I need to take you until you are screaming my name”, his tail wags at the thought.  “And you wish to fill me with your seed?”, you ask, smiling at him. 
He lets out a small whine and takes a deep breath. “Yes. I have a feeling about tonight”, his eyes softened. Your face lights up. You both have tried a couple of times, but his seed doesn’t seem to take. It's not completely uncommon between new mates. It’s just that some couples experience a longer honeymoon phase. 
Some might find it strange how willing you are to be fucked carnally by your wolfie man, but you couldn’t care less. When he fucks you like that, you can feel the connection between you two. It’s a desperate need you both share. When you two are intimate, that’s all that matters. Even though he slams himself into you over and over again, you can feel how he’ll hold you to try and keep it from hurting. 
“Should we stay home and…”, 
“No”, you are cut off, “we are going to the dinner….but we can leave early”, he smiles at you. 
He wanted to give you a lovely evening out before what he planned on doing later. You hurry up and finish getting ready, being sure to wear the shade of red lipstick he likes so much.
“We are definitely coming home early”, he says under his breath as he helps you inside the carriage. 
The night goes all too well. You are spoiled with wonderful food and dancing. Your mate loves showing you off. And tonight he showed you off one last time before you are pregnant with his pup. 
“Thank you for dancing with me tonight”, you tell him genuinely happy. “You do not have to thank me for bringing you happiness, my mate, I enjoy seeing you smile”. 
The rest of the ride home is ridden in comfortable silence, but the moment the carriage stops, your Wolven mate throws you over his shoulder and springs his way up to the bedroom. He sets you down to lock the door. Once he does, he rips the suit he was wearing to shreds and it falls to the floor. Your eyes go straight to his cock and your mouth starts to water. It looks so swollen and leaking at the tip onto the floor. You look up at his eyes. They are full of desire and you are at his mercy. His eyes darken as he lets out a low predatory growl.
“Undress”, he commands in a low calm voice.
You oblige immediately, dropping your dress to the floor. You go to remove your bra.
“Slower”, he growls. “Of course”, you smile. You know what he wants to see. You lift your shoulders a little bit before unclasping your bra. You slowly lower your arms, allowing your breasts to fall to their natural shape. You bend over, take off your underwear, and throw them at him. He catches them without taking his eyes off of you. He sniffs them, inhaling your scent, and throws them to the floor. 
“Are you ready to breed me?”
“That’s the only thought I’ve had since you started getting ready this afternoon”, he stalks closer to you towards the bed, “Are you ready to let me breed you?”, he needed to hear you say it. He stands before you, towering over you. 
“Take me”, you smile up at him. 
His eyes go wild with passion. He commands you to turn around. You slowly do so and poke your butt out a little bit, teasing him. He commands you to get into position. 
“Yes sir”, you say looking back at him seductively before pulling your satin pillow to you.
You lay it long way so your nipples can rub against the soft satin and be able to hold your head. Then you angle your ass up in the air and grab handfuls of the sheets. Ready to take what your mate is about to give. You bite your bottom lip in anticipation. 
He puts his snout between your legs and you cry out and pleasure. 
“Mmmm…already wet for me”, he laps over your already wet plump pussy, getting it fully ready for him. You tremble against him, anxious for the gift you are about to receive. 
“Are you ready, my mate?”, he asks with such love in his voice, it almost makes you forget your entire ass is up in the air. 
“Yes. I want you to breed me. Claim me as your mate”, you speak clearly so he understands this is what you want as well. 
He takes one hip in his hand and uses his other hand to rub the head of his cock up and down your dripping pussy. He pushes just the head in a few times, making sure he can slide right in. He knows once he’s inside of you, he is going to lose control. Your anxious moan sent him over the edge. He slides his massive swollen cock deep inside of you while holding onto your hips. You grip the sheets and scream into your pillow. He can feel you squeeze down onto him. He begins to pound inside of you over and over again. He starts just hard and fast, but very quickly he starts to relentlessly fuck you hard. 
In the midst of him using you to milk him of his seed, he looks down at you. He sees you smiling. You actually enjoy it when he takes you like this. He places a paw over the center of your back and holds you down. He pounds deep inside of you, hitting your cervix in such a delicious way. All you can do is roll your eyes to the back of your head and gasp for air. He slows after a moment and you feel fur lay across your back. The weight of him on top of you while he boardline abuses your pussy strangely makes you feel safe and loved. Tonight is the night his seed will take. Tonight you will take his knot. Tonight is the night that starts the family you both have always wanted. 
“You are so beautiful”, he says with labored breaths while ramming inside of you, “it’s time”, he almost pleads. 
He lifts himself up and brings your hips back to where they were when you first started. He slowly pumps inside of you a few times, causing you to moan loudly into the pillow. You knew what he meant, he was getting close which meant he needed to go all the way inside of you. You shove your face into the pillow waiting to feel the familiar stretch of your mate shoving his knot inside of you. 
Ever the gentleman, he very slowly pushes. You try your best to open up more for him and relax. He cannot focus on anything other than getting you pregnant tonight. He takes a deep breath and pushes himself all the way inside of you. You take his knot. You moan his name and squeeze hard around him. He lets out a howl and starts fucking you again.
You scream his name, you tell him how good it feels, you encourage him to fuck you harder. You want him, need him to fill you up. You begin to beg him for it. You plead to him to fill you up. He grabs your hips and holds you. You rock back against him and hold onto your pillow. His thrusts are now crazed and frantic. You are so close. He shoves himself as deep as he can go and you clamp down on him. You are cumming so hard you cannot form a rational thought. The only thing you can think about is the incredible pleasure your mate is giving you. 
 He takes just a moment for you to use him and cum all over him. The smell of your cum dripping onto the satin sheets beneath you, the sloppy noises from your bodies driving him wild. You go limp and he rails inside of you again. You begin drooling when you feel it. You feel him cum inside of you, it feels like a small warm wave making its way up to your cervix. He latches his crawls inside the mattress and you milk him for everything he has. Desperately screaming his name as he moans become deep and guttural.  
He pumps inside of you a few more times before he starts to slow down. His grip loosens on your hips, but he doesn't stop until he is completely spent. 
He gently lowers you until you both are able to separate again. You feel the pressure change and he slowly removes himself from you. You lay there in complete post orgasm bliss when you feel a small kiss on your temple. 
“Are you ok, my mate?”, he tenderly asks.
You open your eyes and smile.
“Mmmhmm…”, is all you manage to get out. You place your hand on his cheek and he melts into your touch. 
He holds you close to him as you snuggle up to his big muscular chest. He runs his paw through your hair and rubs your back. You let him pamper you because tomorrow both of your lives are going to be changed forever. Tonight you enjoy the last night together as just mates.
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aurrorraaaa · 2 days
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“Shit. Shit. Shit. Why the hell did you do that!? Are you stupid woman!?!” He said angrily as he tried using his rct, but it didn’t stop the bleeding.
You smiled, weakly cradling his cheek with your hand as you laid in his arms, “I-isn’t it obvious?...because I love you kuna,”
Your vision was blurry but you saw the red blood covering his clothes. As your vision cleared, you could see his scrunched up face, he was crying. “Stop. Stop fucking talking.”
“S-sukuna. It won’t work..I-I won’t—“
“No, no. Stop saying stupid things. You’re going to be fine, ‘m gonna fix you up ok? Just stay with me woman. Keep your eyes on me, don’t close ‘em.”
He continued trying to stop the bleeding but it didn’t slow down at all.
You were slowly getting colder and colder and your heart beat was slowing. You didn't have long.
You could feel him shaking. He was holding you so close, whispering things to you but you couldn’t hear. Your hearing was fading too.
You tried to hold his cheek again, but he held it with his own hand, kissing your palm. He looked at you, eyes puffy and red.
He leaned down to kiss your lips, you kissed back as much as you could, but it was getting harder and harder to stay awake.
As he pulled away, your vision got worse, your heart beat even slower and slower.
“it was supposed to be me.. please, no, Y/N, please d-don’t leave me..”
His voice was so sad. It hurt so bad to see him cry over you. You wanted to tell him how much you loved him, you wanted to comfort him and tell him that everything was going to be ok, yet you couldn’t. You were too weak.
“K-keep your eyes open, for fucks sake! PLEASE! Please don’t—“
But soon enough, it went black. Your heart stopped beating and the last thing you heard was a gut wrenching scream from the man you loved.
Suddenly he jolted up, stream of tears covered his face. He was shaking and quickly looked to his side only to find you sleeping peacefully
He gently shook you, making you stir. You opened your eyes and saw the tears rolling down his cheeks. You immediately sat up, hugging him tightly.
He held onto you, crying into your neck.
He mumbled, saying something along the lines of you dying and him begging you to stay.
You rubbed his back, comforting him. You felt his grip on your waist tighten as you did this.
“Hey, hey, shhhhh.. it’s ok..I’m here. Everything is ok darling.”
He pulled away to look at you, wiping his tears, he cupped your face and looked into your eyes. He was so relieved. He pulled you into a deep passionate kiss. He didn't want to let go. He didn't want to wake up to a world without you.
You kissed back, feeling his lips move against yours. His lips were soft, they were wet from his tears but you didn't mind.
As you pulled away, you held his face. He grabbed your hands and placed them on his cheeks. He nuzzled your hand.
"Don't leave me."
"I won't, I promise my love, cmon let’s go back to sleep, kay?”
You gave him a soft smile and another peck on his lips before going back to sleep. He cuddled up against you and drifted off to sleep.
The next morning, he was still holding onto you as if you would slip away. You smiled softly at him and gently rubbed his head.
His eyes fluttered open and looked up to you. He kissed your cheek and got up.
"Morning sleepy head." You chuckled.
He didn't reply and instead, gave you a soft smile. You noticed the dark circles under his eyes and how exhausted he looked.
You stood up, grabbing his hand and walking him to the bathroom. You prepared the bath and got into the tub together. “Kuna lay against me, let me wash your hair.”
Reluctantly, he fit himself in between your legs and laid his head against you chest. You grabbed the shampoo and started running it through his hair, lathering it over his scalp and massaging his head. He never showed weakness but when he was with you, he was a completely different person. He felt so incredibly loved right now. he felt like he was on cloud nine. You spent a good 7 minutes rinsing his hair and kissing his back, you swear you saw him almost cry again because of how affectionate and gentle you were being with him. Never in his life has he ever experienced this, he was always treated harshly by the people around him eventually making him become the “monster” he is today. Yet even with all his flaws, you loved him.
You grabbed the body soap and washed him, paying extra attention to his tattoos and scars.
Once he was all clean, you hopped out of the tub and handed him a towel, while you wrapped one around yourself.
You both got dressed and brushed your teeth.
He walked over to you and placed his hands on your hips.
You smiled and asked him if he wanted to stay in today and watch movies. He agreed, kissing your forehead and going to the kitchen.
After making breakfast, he made his way to the couch where you were seated and sat next to you.
He wrapped an arm around your shoulder and pulled you close, placing a kiss on the top of your head.
"Are you feeling better?" You asked, looking up at him.
"Yes, thank you. I'm sorry you had to see that." He said quietly.
"It's alright, just know that you can talk to me." You gave him a soft smile and peck on his cheek, making him blush slightly.
He turned on the TV and put on a random movie.
You were so cute, the way you would laugh and hide your face, the way your eyes lit up at the screen. You were absolutely adorable. He couldn't help but smile, which was rare.
Throughout the entire movie, you and Sukuna cuddled and ate popcorn.
He loved every second of it.
It was night already when the movie finished. He stretched and got up.
"Thank you again, princess." He said softly, walking into the kitchen and grabbing a cup of water.
"Anything for you my love. Now go get some rest, you need it." You smiled and stood up.
You hugged him and told him goodnight, before walking to your bedroom.
You flopped onto the bed and got comfy, pulling the covers over your body.
A few moments later, the door opened and the bed dipped as sukuna got in next to you.
"Is everything ok?" You asked him, turning to face him.
He simply nodded and pulled you closer.
He was being oddly affectionate tonight. But it was nice, he was a big softie.
"Thank you for putting up with me, princess." He whispered.
You chuckled, "it's not hard. You're easy to deal with, well, sometimes. I love you, even when you're a pain in the ass."
You could've sworn you heard him let out a little laugh, but maybe you were imagining things.
"I love you too, my little one." He said, pulling you close.
He rested his chin on the top of your head and played with your hair.
You nuzzled into his chest, breathing in his scent.
"Goodnight, kuna."
"Sleep well, angel."
And with that, the two of you fell asleep, knowing no matter what happened, you'd always be there for each other.
a/n: I tried writing angst but i literally couldn’t like I need to write happy endings yall💔💔💔💔💔💔 omg i just realized how out of character I write sukuna 😭 whatevez
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whatsnewalycat · 2 days
Designated Person | 10
Pairing: Francisco “Catfish” Morales x F!Reader
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Chapter 10: Flat Tire
Rating: Explicit (18+ only)
Word Count: 6.9k+ (nice)
Tags / Warnings: reader pov, infidelity, past romantic & sexual relationship, angst, food & eating, blackout, movie references, car problems, alcohol & alcoholism, 12-step programs, lying, conflict avoidance, crying crying crying sorry, internal conflict, monologue, toxic relationships but listen we're tryna get better, journal entries, nightmares, ptsd, flashback
Notes: WHAT UP PARTY PEOPLE?? MAKE SOME NOIIIISE (insert dallas buyers club matthew mcconaughey scream crying in his car). Sorry for being a bummer lol sometimes growth hurts but we're gonna get thru this I swear. Ok thank u let me know what you think!!!
[ Previous Chapter ][ Series Masterlist ][ My Masterlist ]
Blackouts work like magic. 
One second you’re perched on a barstool, trying not to sway or slur your words while ordering another drink, and the next you’re jolted awake by the thud of a door closing. 
Heart pounding in your chest, you sit up and look around, breathing a sigh of relief to see you somehow made it to your bedroom last night. 
You grab your phone off the side table, swiping away the missed calls from Frankie and Leah, then discover that you apparently re-downloaded a dating app in your alcohol-induced fugue state. Judging by the number of reply messages in your inbox, you must have hit up every man in the tri-county area who was “looking for a good time.”
Perfect. Of course you did. Why wouldn’t you? Bad decisions and dick has never ever steered you wrong. 
You read one typo-filled exchange between yourself and Russ K, 34, before deactivating the account and uninstalling the app. 
When you set your phone back on the nightstand, you notice a mason jar filled with ice water and frown. Beside it sits a small plastic container holding four neon orange tablets and two white tablets. A sticky note on the table reads ‘Went to a meeting, be back this afternoon’ in Frankie’s handwriting. 
Alarm trickles through your veins and inspires a wave of nausea you can’t ignore. Clasping your hand over your mouth to hold down the rising bile, you jump out of bed and beeline to the bathroom. 
After emptying the sparse contents of your stomach into the toilet, you lean back against the cool tile wall and search the ceiling for answers. How did you get home last night? Did you say anything to Frankie? 
You think about the ice water and over-the-counter pills left on your nightstand, then think about the note Frankie left. However you got home, he must know you were hammered. Which means you definitely interacted with him while blacked out. Do you even want to know what you said to him? 
Mortification twists your stomach when you imagine the possibilities. You could have tried to fuck him or murder him or anything in between. Given how you feel about him right now, it’s impossible to predict. That fact alone makes your mouth start to sweat again. 
So… no, you don’t want to know what you said to him when you were drunk. You don’t want to know how you got home or why the fuck your hair is damp. All you want is to get through this fucking day without hurling again. Maybe greasy food and a NASCAR nap, too. 
With this new clear goal in mind, you pick yourself up off the bathroom floor and set about making your low-stakes dream a reality. 
You wake on the couch to the soothing lull of commentators giving a play-by-play of the Rays versus Yankees game. A thick web of fatigue clings to you, fighting against your efforts to open your eyes and sit upright. 
Instinctively, you look towards the noise at the other end of the couch, locking eyes with Frankie. His face droops with this wounded expression that gets under your skin. Diverting your gaze to the TV, you cross your arms and try to keep your demeanor aloof despite the deep ache in your chest. 
“How are you feeling?” 
You choke out a humorless laugh and shake your head, keeping your eyes trained on the screen. A few tense seconds go by before he accepts that you will not be answering his ludicrous question, so he takes an alternative approach. 
“I brought home cubanos from that place you like. For, um… for family dinner. If you still wanted to do that.” 
Home, he says, as if the word meant something to him. As if he didn’t match every brick you laid in the foundation of this relationship with paper mache blocks. As if he didn’t take a wrecking ball to whole fucking thing regardless. 
Maybe to him home is just a place he rests his head at night, not where he anchors his heart. A matter of physical location rather than a feeling. You, on the other hand… never felt quite at home in this house until he started living here. 
Are you crazy for having felt like that? Like home was a space you held with him and him alone? 
Your parents were right. You make too much of things. You’re overdramatic. 
Why would he love you? Why would he choose you over his wife? You knew what you were getting into when this started. 
Stupid girl. 
“I understand if you don’t want to, though.” 
His voice brings you back to yourself. You blink hot tears from your eyes, then wipe them from your cheeks, trying to hold yourself together despite the whisper of ‘stupid girl stupid girl stupid girl’ at the back of your head. 
“Can we… can we at least talk about it?” 
You wince as a fresh batch of tears surges up your throat. Rising to your feet, you shake your head and manage to choke out, “Just forget it,” before fleeing to your bedroom. 
I slept most of the day yesterday so it took me forever to fall asleep. Also Frankie was walking around the house all night. At 11ish, I heard him talking on the phone, then I think someone picked him up. I texted him to see where he went because I’m unfortunately still his designated person. He said he was with someone from AA and he’d be back soon, just needed to talk. I couldn’t fall asleep until I heard him come in at 1. He wasn’t stumbling around so I’m guessing he was sober??? Hopefully he was. I don’t want this to get in the way of his recovery. Which I sort of hate. I wish I could delete the feelings I have for him. I wish I didn’t care. But I guess I do, so… I don’t know. This fucking sucks. Leah said I should kick him out, but I don’t want to fuck up his program. Maybe I’ll talk to Ralph today and see what he thinks. The thing is… the more people I talk to, the more I just want to talk to Frankie. Nobody makes me feel like he does. More than the lies, this is what bothers me the most. The fact that I can feel this way and he just doesn’t. I don’t understand how he can’t feel it, too. I thought this was real. But I guess I always do. I guess he’s just a really good liar and I am just a stupid girl. 
Tossing the notebook aside, you sit up to grab your mug off the side table. Wisps of steam rise from the coffee and dissolve into the air. The image blurs as a thick, wretched sensation twists up your throat. 
God fucking damnit. 
Every time you think you have no more tears left to cry, you prove yourself wrong. They just keep coming. Yesterday you waded in and out of these sudden fits where crying was all you could do. It reminds you of all the other times he broke your heart, but especially the last time. 
After Angie caught the two of you fucking, part of you hoped that maybe she would leave him. From what you understand, though, he convinced her to stay. Called you a mistake. An ‘isolated incident’ or whatever. Fucking asshole. 
Seeing each other became logistically and emotionally difficult. Participating in an affair is much easier when it’s still a secret, for obvious reasons. He tried to see you when he could, which wasn’t nearly as frequent as you wanted. When you did see him, he was drunk. You’d pick him up from the bar, or he’d come over after Angie went to bed, but he was always at least five drinks in and counting. 
You bailed him out of jail twice in those six months. Once for drinking and driving, once for getting in a fight over a fucking pool game, of all things. 
He seemed so walled-off from you, too. Like he detached from his emotions when he saw you. Maybe it was because of the liquor, but a million other reasons are just as likely. After sex, he would leave. The sex was… well, it was still good, but… different. Rougher, impersonal. It felt less like making love and more like fucking. 
You still loved him, though. You still had fantasies of having a real, normal relationship with him. Despite all the evidence to the contrary, you still wanted to believe that he was meant to be with you. 
Stupid girl stupid girl stupid girl
And then, well… 
Your phone starts to ring. It’s Ralph. 
You take a few quick sips of your coffee, then set the mug aside to answer. 
“Hey, kiddo. Do you have a minute?” 
His tone, less jovial than normal, gives you a small burst of anxious energy.
“Sure, what’s up?” 
“I just got off the phone Mr. Morales and he briefed me on the, ahhh… situation over there.” 
Unsure what to say, you fold an arm over your belly and stare down at your lap. 
“I understand that things are a bit tense due to an incident that occurred on Saturday, is that correct?” 
“Yeah,” you nod, voice wavering, “Yeah, I, um… I overheard him talking to Angie, and… well, basically I found out he’s been lying to me.” 
It sounds so pathetic when you say it out loud. 
“Uh-huh. He lied about the nature of his relationship with Mrs. Morales.” 
You prepare for Ralph to tell you it’s not a big deal. Brace yourself for the inevitable scoff, or for him to accuse you of overreacting. 
So he lied to you, so what? You knew who he was. You knew he had a family to keep together. You should have known better than to get involved with him. Stupid girl, why would you put yourself in that position in the first place? 
“And this isn’t the first time he lied to you about this particular matter, am I understanding correctly?” 
“Well…” you frown and shake your head, “No, not really. When we were together before, he was pretty explicit that he wouldn’t leave her. I just… I just thought… I don’t know. It’s dumb. I’m fucking dumb.” 
Ralph doesn’t respond right away, so you add, “Sorry. I’m still in my feelings.” 
“Don’t sweat it, I think I’m picking up what you’re putting down,” he pauses here to clear his throat, then recounts, “Before, he told you leaving her wasn’t a possibility. And despite my warning going into this, the two of you re-established your romantic relationship, he told you that kind of relationship was effectively over with his wife. Which wasn’t true.” 
“Ok. Got it. Has Mr. Morales exhibited any unusual or suspicious behavior since the incident on Saturday?”
After thinking about it, you tell him, “I wouldn’t call this suspicious exactly, but yesterday he left a note saying he was going to an AA meeting, which isn’t normal. And late last night someone picked him up. I texted him to check in and he said he was with someone from AA, talking.” 
“Do you believe he was being truthful?” 
“Yeah, I do,” you shrug, “I mean, I’m obviously not the best at detecting his bullshit, but I’ve seen him under the influence more times than I can count and he didn’t seem… like that.” 
“Well, that’s good. And it’s good you checked in with him, I take that as a positive. You are still responsible for him while he’s on parole.” He sighs, “Which brings me to my next question. Are you thinking you want to continue serving as his designated person, or should we start looking for alternatives?” 
A lump rises in your throat. You swallow it down, wincing at the tears that burn behind your eyes, “I, um… I’m not sure yet. Can I have a few days to think it over?” 
“Sure. How about this. Why don’t you take some time, maybe go to one of those Al-Anon meetings I told you about, and I can stop by Saturday to have a sit down with you and Mr. Morales. Does that sound agreeable?” 
“Ok,” you nod, “Yeah, that sounds good. We can do that.”
“Alrighty then. I’ll shoot you an email with some details sometime today and we’ll go from there.” 
“Thanks, Ralph.” 
“Call me if anything comes up, ok kiddo?” 
“Will do.” 
After hanging up, you put in a load of laundry and wander around the house, stopping by the fridge to stare at the cubano Frankie brought home for you yesterday. You roll your eyes with annoyance as you grab it, then you return to the couch and put on Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. 
By the time Frankie comes home, you’re four feature films deep in your angsty post-breakup movie marathon and feeling indignant enough not to surrender the common space to him. 
His eyebrows do this little surprised jump when your eyes meet his, and he glances at the TV, “Reality Bites?” 
You don’t respond, just curl deeper into the couch and return your attention to Ethan Hawke’s spiteful cover of Add It Up.
He kicks off his work boots and walks into the kitchen, coming back a minute later to ask, “If I make something for dinner, will you eat it?” 
Your stomach rumbles at the thought of food. Without looking at him, you shrug. 
Accepting the non-verbal answer, Frankie returns to the kitchen and starts bumbling around, cussing and grumbling under his breath. Eventually, though, he seems to get the hang of it. 
Just as the end credits of Reality Bites start rolling, he enters the living room holding two plates and sets one on the coffee table for you, then takes a seat at the opposite end of the couch. 
You sit up, crossing your legs as you pull the offering into your lap, and toss the remote control to his side of the dividing cushion. He wordlessly searches for something else to watch while you study the avocado-filled hot dog buns. 
“What is this?” you ask. 
“Completo. Hot dog topped with good shit, basically. Avocado, tomato, onion, condiments.” He selects play on Moulin Rouge, then looks at you and shrugs, “Ma would make it for me when I had a bad day.” 
You stare at him for a moment, then roll your eyes and shake your head as you turn to the TV, “I see what you’re doing.” 
“What’s that?” 
“Kissing my ass.” 
He chuckles, shifting a little, “Yeah, well… yeah.” 
The movie starts to play. You don’t mention that this will be the second time you’ve seen it today because he probably knows that. After taking a bite of the completo, you hum at the mix of flavors and textures as you chew. 
“Good, right?” Frankie says through a mouthful. 
“Mmm,” you nod in agreement. 
He swallows, glancing between you and his food before asking, “Can I ask why you haven’t kicked me out yet?”
When you contemplate how to answer, the reasons all snarl into a tight knot of which you can’t quite make heads or tails. 
“Fair enough,” he murmurs, letting his gaze linger on you, “Do you want me to give you some privacy, or…? Because I can go—” 
“It doesn’t matter, Francisco, just stop talking.” 
“Ok, but—” 
You hold your hand up to him, “Shhhhhh.”
He sighs, but accepts the silence. Tension resides in the air at first, but slowly dissipates as you clear your plates, then settle into the couch. And although your eyes stay trained on the screen, you can’t make yourself pay attention. 
You keep wondering why he lied about being with Angie. He’s never had a problem making that clear in the past, even if it meant breaking your heart. Is it because he lives with you? It’s possible he didn’t want to risk getting kicked out, so he kept it a secret. 
Then why get involved with you again? Did he think this was the best way to stay in your good graces? Has he been manipulating you this whole time? 
It’s possible. It’s also possible you’re another one of his bad habits he can’t kick. A coping mechanism. Disposable, like always. 
You remember the night you asked him to come over so you could talk to him about something important. He promised to be there at eight o’clock, which is when you planted yourself on the front porch swing to wait for him. At nine o’clock, his truck came rumbling down the street and parked in front of the house. 
“What’re you doing out here?” he smirked as he climbed the porch steps. 
“Waiting for you,” you glared at him, observing his fluid movements when he plopped down beside you.
“I went and got a drink, lost track of time.” 
He wrapped an arm around your shoulders and drew your stiff body closer to kiss your cheek.
Something hot flared in your chest, and you distinctly remember wishing he would show up sober for once. This wasn’t the scab you wanted to pick, though. 
He tilted your chin up, pressing his lips to yours, breath heavy with whiskey, then pulled back to frown at your lackluster response. His body swayed a little as he studied you, “What?” 
“I need to talk to you.” 
“Ok,” he leaned away from you with a scoff, “Well, I’m here. Talk to me. Tell me how I fucked up this time.” 
You winced, “Don’t do that.” 
Crossing his arms, he stared at you, all fucking wobbly and drunk, irritation folding his facial features. He shrugged, “Do what?” 
“That! You’re being an asshole.” 
“Oh, I’m being an asshole?” he mocked, “How’s that?” 
Rage simmered beneath your skin. You let out a chuckle of disbelief, shaking your head as tears pooled in your eyes. After taking a moment to gather yourself, you spit out, “Do you love me?” 
“Do I—?” he furrowed his brow like he didn’t understand, shifting in his seat, “Do I love you?” 
“Yes, Frankie. Do you fucking love me or not?” 
His indignation melted. Shoulders slumping, gaze going soft. He swallowed hard and looked out at the street as if searching for an escape hatch. Emergency brake. Make it stop. 
“Because I love you. I’ve been in love with you for so long… and-and I still don’t know what the fuck I am to you.” 
He seemed frozen, staring at something a million miles away without sparing a reaction. 
Nine months later, you can still feel the frantic vibration of your bones when you moved closer and cupped his cheeks, forcing him to look at you. When his eyes met yours, they were so cold and vacant that you barely recognized him. You tried to get through anyway. 
“I need you right now, Frankie. But I need all of you. I can’t be on the back burner anymore. I need you to be with me or I need to let you go.” 
“You know I can’t do that. I can’t be with you, not like that.” 
“But you could, though. You could. We could do this, we could make it work, start a life together—”
“I won’t leave her,” he shook his head, “I have a family—goddamnit, you knew what this was when it started.”
You sobbed, letting your hands fall away from his face, and his eyelids fluttered with the ghost of an emotion that you didn’t understand. 
He started, “I don’t—” then paused, tapping his clamped lips. His bloodshot eyes flicked around the porch and settled a million miles away again, “I don’t love you.” 
With this declaration, he took his chisel to you, lined it up in just the right spot, and gave it one firm tap. You crumbled at his feet. Shattered into dust. 
He got up and drove off while you were still bawling on the front porch swing. 
Onscreen, Toulouse-Lautrec shouts, “The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return!” 
It hits you square in the chest. 
With tears brimming your eyelids, you jump up and flee to your bedroom before he can see them. 
Terrible nights sleep. Every time I drifted off, I was in the bedroom at my parents house but it wasn’t in my parents house. He was there but he wasn’t there. I don’t know how to explain it. I felt his presence but knew it wasn't him. I kept my eyes closed because I was scared to see, but I could hear him getting closer and closer. When I opened my eyes I woke up. The feeling stuck to me. It took me forever to fall back asleep and when I did it started over. 
Frankie didn’t go to work this morning. I don’t think he slept well either. Heard him walking around all night again. Idk if I should ask him what his deal is. I don’t want to talk to him about it yet and he’ll probably try to do that. Which is weird for him. A year ago I’d give anything for him to open up like he’s been trying to. But it hurts too much right now. It’s so messy. I’m all tangled. I need to straighten myself out before talking about it. 
I think I’m going to an al-anon meeting today and I’m nervous. Not sure what to expect. Keep worrying they’ll tell me I don’t belong there or make me talk about him. I don’t know if I belong there. I don’t know if I belong anywhere. 
Pulling back from your notebook, you stare at the last sentence for a while before closing the cover and setting it on the end table. 
Frankie walks out from his bedroom and rounds the corner to the living room, looking suspiciously formal, wearing slacks and a white dress shirt. His dark curls have been combed into a neat side part. It even looks like he trimmed his facial hair. 
As he peeks through the front window curtains, you blurt, “Are you wearing a fucking tie?” 
He looks surprised to hear you speak, raising his eyebrows as he glances down at himself, then up at you, “Yeah. I have a uhhh… a deposition today.” 
“Is that good or bad?” 
“Not really either. It’s normal, I guess. They’re just asking me questions on the record.” 
Nodding, you study his nervous demeanor, watching him reflexively go to lift his hat, faltering a little before running his fingers through his hair anyway. 
A desire to comfort him trickles through you, extinguishing the glowing embers of contempt inside your chest. 
“How is the case going, do you know?” 
The corner of his mouth pulls back into a kind of grimace. He takes another peek out the window, then steps back and shrugs as he approaches the couch, “The lawyer says they’ll probably offer a plea deal once this is over. We’ll see what that looks like.” He sits down at the other end of the couch, pulling out his phone to keep an eye on the little car on his rideshare app, “He thinks maybe they could agree to a reduced sentence.” 
You pick at your frayed cuticles, holding your tongue for as long as you can before asking, “How are you doing with… everything?” 
When you glance at him, his face is crooked with contemplation. He shifts in his seat and crosses his arms, lips parting with an answer. A notification dings on his phone. 
“My ride’s here,” he murmurs and meets your eyes with an apologetic expression, “We can talk about it later?” 
You give him a non-committal smile, “Good luck at your thing.” 
The woman who gave you your new member packet, apparently the leader of the meeting, looks around the room and announces,
“This afternoon, our fearless speaker will be Taylor. Everybody please welcome Taylor.”
From the back row, you sink down in your metal folding chair and glance around at the attendees, joining in when they start to clap for a woman approaching the podium. 
“Hi everyone, my name is Taylor. I’m a member of Al-Anon.” 
The room responds in unison, “Hi Taylor.” 
Taylor smiles and shakes her head, looking down at a small stack of trembling notecards. Her round shoulders raise with a deep breath. She closes her eyes for a moment, exhales, then looks up at the room. 
“If you would’ve told me a year ago I’d be the speaker at an Al-Anon group, there’s no way I’d believe you. But here I am,” she chuckles, “Wow. Thank you everyone for coming in today. I see so many familiar faces and some not so familiar faces and I’m grateful to see all of you. I’m proud of you for coming to this meeting today. 
“One of the biggest preconceived notions I had when I started attending Al-Anon meetings nine months ago is that they would help me support my alcoholic husband. At the time, he was about a month into sobriety and had just started going to AA meetings. He was struggling like hell and a friend of his asked if he wanted to go to an AA meeting with him. So he did. 
“I’ll be honest, when he suggested I go to Al-Anon, I was annoyed. I really was. At that point, we’d been married for five years. He tried quitting, oh, I don’t know… six times in that five years? Three 90-day inpatient rehab stays, two arrests, more sleepless nights than I can count.” 
Taylor pauses and looks down at her notes, then back up at the room as an amused smile spreads across her face. 
“What it always reminded me of was this story my husband told me. Every so often, he goes through these phases where he gets very very interested in a particular subject. It completely takes him over. All he wants to do is read about it and talk about it and… well, you get it. 
“When he was in his Greek mythology era, he told me about Sisyphus, the king of Ephyra. Sisyphus killed people who visited his palace, which angered the gods because they considered it impolite, which is the understatement of the millennium, but that’s neither here nor there. When Sisyphus died, Hades punished him to an eternity rolling a boulder uphill. He would fight his way up this steep hill, pushing the boulder with all his might. The boulder was enchanted, though, and every time the it got near the top, the boulder would roll back down the hill, then he’d have to try again. So he does this over and over and over for eternity. Infinite frustration and exhaustion. 
“Sometimes it felt like that with him. With my alcoholic. Like I was stuck in this loop, fighting like hell to push his dead weight to the top of the hill. Just when I got a scrap of hope, it went tumbling back down. Over and over and over again. I structured my whole life around his relationship to alcohol. Checking in with him constantly, making sure I didn’t say or do anything that might trigger another relapse, putting myself on the back burner to accommodate his needs. So when he suggested I try going to Al-Anon meetings, I expected it to be another chore catering to his sobriety. I thought I would come here and learn all the ways people support the alcoholic in their life the right way. Because I obviously wasn’t doing it the right way. If I was, he would have years of sobriety under his belt. 
“Regardless, I agreed to go, and quickly discovered my preconceived notions about Al-Anon were wrong. Al-Anon doesn’t exist for us to better service the alcoholic or alcoholics in our lives. Sure, we’re all here because of the alcoholic in our lives, but the point is to better service ourselves. I think that distinction is important. 
“When I came home from my first meeting, I went through the new member packet Mario gave me, and found a handout that said: Detachment is neither kind nor unkind,” Taylor nods at the memory and looks around the room, “That struck a chord with me, that phrase. Detachment is neither kind nor unkind. It didn’t make sense to me at first. I thought, how is detachment neither kind nor unkind? It went against my instincts completely. How was I supposed to help my husband if I detached from him? Isn’t love about being attached to someone, sticking together through thick and thin? 
“Attending meetings and working the steps helped me get a better grasp on the concept. I came to understand that, in Al-Anon, detachment can mean two different things. The first is separating the person you love from their alcoholic behaviors. The second is a little harder to define, but it centers around the idea that you are separate from other people, and their actions do not control yours. Let me show you what I mean, though.
“In my relationship with my husband, we were entangled,” Taylor laces her hands together and holds them up for everyone to see. “Wherever he went, I went, too.” She moves her clasped hands back and forth. Spreading her hands apart, she says, “I didn’t want to be apart from him. But what I found with detachment is,” she flattens her hands palm-to-palm, “We can be close without being entangled. That way, if he goes to a dark place,” she moves one hand away from the other and shakes her head, “I don’t have to go with him if I don’t want to.” 
Taylor looks around the room, allowing her words to sink in, then returns her attention to the stack of notecards and flips to the next. 
“When we detach in this way, it both relieves us of our perceived responsibility for their actions and emotions, and grants them autonomy to make their own choices. They deserve dignity and freedom, which is difficult to obtain if we try to manage their lives. 
“So often in our marriage, I thought that loving my alcoholic meant rescuing him from himself. I thought that if I exerted myself hard enough, pushed him up that steep hill long enough, we would get to the top together. But the effort was Sisyphean. It didn’t matter how much time or effort I put into controlling the direction of the boulder. It would always roll downhill, because the boulder was enchanted. Even if I spent an eternity trying, even if I begged and screamed and pleaded with the boulder, it would still be enchanted. And, you know… maybe that’s ok. Maybe he’s not meant to sit at the top of the hill. It’s not his fault, either, and I came to realize that instead of getting frustrated at him for being enchanted, I can meet him where he is and love him anyway. If I don’t like that place, I don’t have to stay there. When I detach with love, I grant myself autonomy as well as him. 
“Putting the metaphor aside, I’ve used this in practice by no longer lying for him. If he’s at an AA meeting and our daughter asks why he’s not home, I tell her the truth. When my family or friends ask how everything is going, I don’t try to make it seem easier than it is so he can save face. I confide in them with sincerity because that is what I need. I’ve stopped giving him advice unless he asks for it, because I’ve learned here that most times people don’t need advice, they just need someone to listen and be present. I’ve stopped trying to take the reins when I think he’s making poor decisions, because he doesn’t need someone to do it for him. He needs to learn to do it himself. Part of learning is making mistakes and growing out from beneath the consequences. 
“Detachment is neither kind nor unkind, it’s a tool we utilize to free ourselves and the alcoholic in our lives. Al-Anon doesn’t exist to teach us how to help the alcoholic in our lives, although the tools it gives us can aid in their recovery as well as ours. This fellowship exists to help us, the families of the alcoholic, so that we may lead more joyful and serene lives. Thank you.” 
Applause erupts from the crowd, and you join in, watching Taylor glow with pride as she steps away from the podium. 
Damp, hot air pours in through the rolled-down windows, carrying with it the earthy scent of algae-bloom off East Lake Tohopekaliga. Driving along the slow, steady curve, you pass by sprawling oak trees, their eaves all draped in spanish moss. 
Your hope was that taking the scenic route home would clear your head, but it’s not doing the trick. Something shifted inside you during the meeting. You can’t quite put your finger on exactly what shifted or why it happened, although your circular thoughts give you the sense you’re on the precipice of understanding. 
You keep thinking about the speaker, Taylor, and the lesson she relayed from her podium. Her situation is different from yours, but you know it all the same. You know how it feels to dig your heels into the dirt, struggling like hell to push someone in the direction you think is best. You know how it feels to see him tumble to the bottom time and time again. And for what? It’s not like he’s any better off because of your efforts. It’s not like you are, either. 
How many times have you betrayed yourself for the sake of his favor? How many times have you put your needs aside to tend to his? 
Calm blue-gray water flickers behind the trees you drive past. It looks peaceful. Further up the road, you spot a public access point to the lake and turn into the lot, hitting a bump. When you do, a loud BANG reverberates through the car. The steering wheel shakes as you slow to a jerky, lopsided stop.
“You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me,” you fume, shifting the car into park. Folding forward onto the steering wheel, you pinch your eyes shut and take a deep breath, then exit the vehicle to look at the damage. 
The front driver’s side tire sits flat against the pavement. You stare at it and shake your head, muttering, “God fucking damnit,” before walking to the trunk. 
You open it and pull up the mat to the spare tire well. It’s empty. 
“Fucking of course. Jesus fucking—” 
Cutting yourself off with a furious groan, you pull out your phone and go through your contact list, pointedly scrolling past the F’s to pause at Leah, who’s over an hour away, then Marla, who’s busy enough as it is. You even briefly consider Rory, but the idea makes your stomach lurch. 
You could just do it all yourself. Order a car on one of those rideshare apps. It would take forever, though, and you’ve never changed a tire before. 
Frankie is the logical choice. The first person who came to mind, if you’re being honest. Something hard and stubborn inside your chest throbs when you hover over his name. 
It’s pride, you realize. Maybe a little fear. You don’t want to ask for his help. You don’t want to burden him. You don’t want to be disappointed if he says no. 
All the same, you dial his number. He picks up on the second ring. 
“Are you at the house?”  
“I am.” 
“Are you busy?” 
“Nothing I can’t put off ‘til later. Why?” 
“My fucking tire blew out, and my spare is in the garage,” you sigh and throw your head back, propping a hand on your hip, “Is there any way you can bring it out to me?” 
“I, umm… yeah, of course. Where are you?” 
“East Lake Toho.”
He snorts, “Christ, what’re you doing all the way out there?” In the background, you hear the floorboards creaking, mapping his way through the house. Before you can respond, he asks, “Spare tire in the garage, need me to grab anything else?” 
“Uhhhh…” you wrinkle your nose at the trunk, “I don’t know, I have a jack and the tire iron thing.” 
“That should do it. Wanna drop me a pin? I’ll have to get a ride out there.” 
“Yeah. I can pay you back if you need to order a Lyft or whatever.” 
“Just take it off my tab,” he jokes, the back door squeaking open behind his voice, “Hang tight, I’ll be there in a bit.”
You turn around to lean back on the bumper, “Ok, I’ll be here.” 
After hanging up, you share your location with him, then wander down to the dock. It rattles around as you teeter to the end and sit down, letting your feet dangle over the edge. 
Cattails and lily pads have been cleared from the shoreline near the boat landing, giving you a clear view across the lake, broken up here and there by thick swaths of aquatic vegetation. The glassy surface of the water reflects the hazy blue sky, and stagnant air sticks humid to your skin. Insects buzz and birds sing and somewhere far away you hear a boat motor chugging across the lake. 
When you think of serenity, this is what you picture. Stillness and calm. Peace. You inhale the scene, allowing it to stretch out inside you and unfurl your tensed muscles. 
As soon as the unease evaporates from your body, fatigue takes over.  
Lying back on the dock, you stare up at tall, fluffy clouds littering the sky. Your eyelids grow heavy as you watch the slow-moving parade of shifting giants, the warm air lulling you into comfort until you let your eyes drift closed. 
Your awareness fades in and out while you sleep. At one point, a car door shuts, then the car drives off. Vaguely, you know it’s Frankie but can’t lift your limbs, syrupy thick with lethargy. You hear grunts and metallic clattering. Some time later, your trunk slams shut. 
When the dock starts wobbling around beneath you, you blink your eyes open and sit up, scrubbing your hands over your face as a yawn overtakes you. 
“Hey sleepyhead.” 
You glance over your shoulder at Frankie, who comes to sit down beside you with a groan. He’s back to his usual attire, jeans and a t-shirt, baseball cap firmly in place atop his head. 
Still groggy, you yawn, “I couldn’t make myself wake up.” 
“Not sleeping well?” 
“Fucking awful, honestly.” 
“Yeah, I know.” 
You frown at him, searching his face until he gives you a little shrug, at which point you mumble, “Oh. I forgot that I, umm… yeah. Sorry.” 
“No need to apologize,” he tells you, squinting up at the sky before dropping his eyes to his hands as he fiddles with his wedding band, “Same here. The—the sleep part, not the nightmares.” 
“Yeah, I know. I hear you pacing around at night.” 
“Oh… sorry, I didn’t realize—”
You push yourself up straighter to watch his legs dangle next to yours, “It’s fine.” 
Quiet settles comfortably between you. Near the dock, you see a cluster of bubbles rise to the surface of the lake and burst. The ripples flatten out and calm returns. 
A question swells in your ribcage. Just a small pocket of air at first, maybe the size of a pebble. The longer you sit and stare at the water, though, it expands. It works its way up your throat, taking up more and more space with each passing second until you can’t contain it any more. 
“So you were lying to me, right? About not being with her?” 
He meets your gaze, dark eyes all remorseful and gooey, then he nods, “Yeah. I was lying. To both of you.” 
Folding your legs up onto the dock, you look away in the hope that he won’t notice the tears starting to come. When he speaks, his voice comes out hoarse and quiet. 
“How much do you want me to tell you?” 
The question replaces the air in your lungs with a vibrating sensation. Another cluster of bubbles dissolve on the surface of the lake. You manage to croak, “I don’t know.” 
He doesn’t respond. You sense that he’s waiting for you to make the next move. 
Your mind wanders to the front porch swing that night you forced him to choose. He felt so far away. Until he told you differently, you were so certain he was in love with you. 
“I don’t know how to trust your words as truth, Frankie. All the way back to the start, I don’t know what was real and what was bullshit and I am fucking—” your voice cracks from the emotion burning up your throat. 
He goes to comfort you, but pulls back before making contact. 
Every cell inside you aches for him to bridge the gap. You follow the instinct, grabbing his shirt to curl into his shoulder. As soon as you do, he wraps his arms tight around you, bringing you in closer. 
A wave of moth-eaten hurt wells up your chest. 
“Why?” you sob, “Why did you do this to me? I don’t understand—”
He starts to rock you in a slow, soothing motion, burying his face in your hair as you cry into the collar of his shirt. In the background, behind your racing thoughts and shattered breaths, you hear him whisper on repeat: I’m sorry, baby… I’m so sorry.
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yourgoldennotebook · 3 days
@taylortruther broke my brain a little with hoax analysis, and it got me thinking of how sweet nothing reminds me a lot of lavender haze in that both of those songs, in retrospect, reframe drastic switches in originally stated plans/intentions and romanticise it.
taylor’s always sung about a desire for marriage: from mary’s song (debut), “take me back to the time when we walked down the aisle / our whole town came and our mamas cried / you said, ‘i do,’ and i did too” to love story (fearless), “he knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring, and said / ‘marry me, juliet, you’ll never have to be alone, i love you and that’s all i really know / i talked to your dad, go pick out a white dress / it’s a love story, baby, just say ‘yes’” to speak now the whole damn song to starlight (red), “we could get married, have ten kids and teach ’em how to dream” to how you get the girl (1989), “i want you for worse or for better” to lover’s (title song) bridge’s mimicry of wedding vows to paper rings’ thesis to it’s nice to have a friend (lover), “church bells ring, carry me home / rice on the ground, looks like snow”. only to drop midnights with lavender haze as the first single, the start to the album; an album that bargains a LOT with her discography (and herself). and that doesn’t make lavender haze a lie, necessarily... but it does make it an immensely thought-provoking narrative to switch to.
sweet nothing’s not that different! it was all over fearless (2008) from that initial, youthful romanticism of fearless (title song), “you know i wanna ask you to dance right there / in the middle of the parking lot”, to the spectacular dramatism of love story’s entire genesis/lyric-story, to the cheeky flamboyance of hey stephen and you belong with me. she’s known that she wants fireworks & grand gestures. actions & proof! she missed “screamin’ and fightin’ and kissin’ in the rain” and being “so in love that you act insane”. she herself loves in huge ways, and to cite examples for that would be to quote most of her discography. and she cares about the showing up – that’s why she wrote the moment i knew (red). and that narrative started to morph a little when she met joe; she said as much in miss americana, “i was falling in love with someone who had a wonderfully normal, balanced life. we decided together we wanted our relationship to be private. i was happy. but i wasn’t happy in the way i was trained to be happy. it was happiness without anyone else’s input.” their new beginnings weren’t secret to her, they were sacred. and then she sang, “we still worship this love / even if it’s a false god” and called their love “faithless” in hoax. she took over the role of being the fire to keep his brittle heart warm. she took ownership of being “the liquor in [their] cocktails”. she took the dreaminess & fated-soulmateism of invisible strong (folklore) and made it mastermind (midnights) — which everyone joked about at that time, but now hurts to think about.
there is a pipeline from “all that you ever wanted from me was... nothing” to “and i’m fadin’, thinkin’ 'do something, babe, risk something, babe, say something / 'lose something, babe, risk something / choose something, babe, i got nothing' / 'to believe, unless you’re choosing me” that makes my tummy hurt. how long could they be a sad song? (hoax. the sad song is hoax.)
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