#you are playing as haro-man
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Minors, do not read! Contains mentions of smutty behavior!
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This is Part 4 !!HERE!! is Part 1 !!HERE!! is Part 2 !!HERE!! is Part 3

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Alice in Borderland/Imawa no Kuni no Alice characters or original stories, only the plot of this fanfic. Alice in Borderland/Imawa no Kuni no Alice characters and original storyline belong to Haro Aso, who made the Manga the Series is based on.

Trigger Warning: Explicit Smut, Toxic Behavior, Complicated Consensual/Not-Consensual Behavior, Harassment, Stalking, Summery: Chishiya x Female Reader
ToxicFriend!Chishiya who made you his personal mattress since he fucked you the first time, after breaking up with his fake girlfriend. The way you moan his name and scream as he hits your g-spot repeatedly making your inside hug him so hard he could cum then and there, get his head spinning and he can’t help but smile every time he pumps you full of his cum, knowing your plead towards him to use protection has gone ignored for yet another time.
ToxicFriend!Chishiya knows you feel bad every time he rolls off of you, after cumming yet another time, but you still never tell him not to. Never push him away. Never say no. And It’s all because he tells you he needs you. That he needs this and that only you can give him the warmth of a human body that he craves so much, tho it’s all just bullshit that he knows will hit just right into that caring heart of yours, where he started to dig a hole a make a place all for himself since he first laid eyes on you.
But ToxicFriend!Chishiya still sees how you blame yourself for something that isn’t your fault and never will be. You think that you are using him, sweet friend Chishiya, after that terrible break up he had to go thru and that you pretty much caused, cause well it was you who told him about it. Told him about his fake paid hooker girlfriend that he only used to get closer to you, cheating on him and here you were, yet another time, having him inside you while lying on your bed with your face in the pillows and your ass in the sky, getting pounded in the most delicious way possible that you totally enjoy. Really you do, it’s just that as soon as it’s over, and you look to the side, seeing him on his back, breathing like he just ran a marathon, you remember that you are only friends and the sex hasn’t changed anything between you, beside that none of you is looking for other partners anymore.
ToxicFriend!Chishiya is still coming over daily, listening to your blabla about your day and you listen in return to his, only to end up with your pussy all stuffed to the brim, somewhere in someone’s apartment somehow. Dang it, you couldn’t even blame it on the alcohol, because you stopped drinking after the fourth of fifth time in a row of him having you all to himself. It was rather that somehow, he is hitting a nerve and all you wanna do is be there for him.
This wonderful and caring side of ToxicFriend!Chishiya, that he actually doesn’t inhabits, but hey, don’t blame you, cause how should you know how much of a manipulative toxic man he is? After all, if there is something ToxicFriend!Chishiya knows best, it’s how to play people around him and you are nothing than just his newest toy, tho he has grown quiet fond of you.
Anyway, after screwing around for more than a month, ToxicFriend!Chishiya hoped that you would have finally gotten rid of your concerns, but you wouldn’t be your usual self if that would be the case, right? Always wanting the best for him, you don’t consider yourself that to be. After all, it feels more like you trapped him in a circle of sex, where he does nothing but fucks his worries into you, instead of facing them and to get over it and finding someone else. But he doesn’t. Oh no no no no no.
ToxicFriend!Chishiya doesn’t even think about moving on from you. For now. Because who knows what the future will bring. He wants you and he wants you all to himself, but your guilt is stopping you, from, in his eyes, surrendering your whole self to him, so he has to pick up his game again, making you understand how good he is for you. In fact, he is the best, you just can’t see it, since you don’t see him with his eyes. Oh, if only you could.
ToxicFriend!Chishiya has grown quiet used to hire sexual workers for whatever he needed with you. In other words, prostituted to manipulate you towards him and it always had worked yet, hasn’t it? So why changing a bulletproof sure thing?
ToxicFriend!Chishiya likes to play all sweet and caring for you, as he one day approaches you, sitting on your couch and taking your hands in his, while searching for your orbs to lock his eyes with. He needs your full attention and for you to see every played emotion in his face, so you totally fall for his act, otherwise things wouldn’t work out completely.
ToxicFriend!Chishiya is a dedicated man and as much as he is dedicated to have you, he is also 100% into his plan to finally have you completely without you questioning your situation.
ToxicFriend!Chishiya tells you that he has thought about the last weeks, he really did, and how your relationship has taken its turn, that is also true, but he believes he is using you to fill the hole his girlfriend has left in him and as much as he enjoys, physically, what you two do, he thinks its best to stop, so your precious friendship, that he appreciates so much, wont gets destroyed by his need for warmth.
Now, everyone who knows what ToxicFriend!Chishiya is really planning, could now be thinking, wtf you doing my friend you a taking a step back, but ToxicFriend!Chishiyas a genius. A mastermind that is looking for his kind and yeah, his next move will set him a step behind, but in the long run, he will make 2 steps forward and that is still a one-step win.
You nod, somehow baffled because, well how else are you supposed to react after him basically doing what you didn’t have the guts to, tho you instantly also feel something else. The realization that the wonderful sex the two of you are having every day and that you oh so grew accustomed to, will now end. But its ok, you tell yourself. It’s the right thing to do, the only right thing. After all ToxicFriend!Chishiyas mental health is more important, than one hell of an orgasms right?
Well, it would have been good to know that this train hasn’t only departed long ago. It crashed full speed into a plain, that flew into the sun, made it explode and on top of all this, caused what little normal self ToxicFriend!Chishiya still had to burn down into nothing.
So here he is now. Insane man, telling you what you already have been thinking for so long now and making you feel even worse for him being the one who finally, not only brings it up, but also makes the cut. What a good friend you are, you could kick yourself into your ass right back to your old family home.
You don’t deserve ToxicFriend!Chishiya, is all you can think off. He is so kind and sweet and a wonderful man unlike all the others you have been with yet, but deep down you know what he is saying is the right thing, so you nod, again, agreeing with him and going back to normal, like you have been before the first time he squeezed your tits so good while fucking you over his kitchen counter. Fuck. You want to kick yourself for already missing the wonderful sex.
Anyway, ToxicFriend!Chishiya knows what he is doing with you, so he hires yet another male prostitute. What a surprise! One he knows is exactly your type, since he fed the man all necessary information about you. What you like and what not. What your favorite music is and what books you read. Even what your political view is. Everything the guy needs to get under your skin and just as ToxicFriend!Chishiya predicted, he does and not only that.
After ToxicFriend!Chishiya pretty much cut you off from his cock-resources and with that from all the sex you have gotten used to. Daily. Several times. Your libido has been going crazy. You felt your pussy itching all day and after going to see a doctor and finding out that, physically, everything was alright with you, no STD or something that could explain it, you had to come to the conclusion that your fucking pussy was weeping like crazy for some dick. Sadly, that same pussy has gotten so used by the same pleasure bringing cock…ah you meant guy, after all ToxicFriend!Chishiya is more than just his cock, yes yes he is. Anyway, you have gotten so used to your neighbor taking care of certain parts of your body, that your fingers weren’t able to fill that hole anymore. Like, literally.
It’s like ToxicFriend!Chishiya fucked you lose or something. Destroyed your vagina for anything else and you soon had to come to the realization, that also included other man. Fuck him. Him and the addicting sex the two of you had. So sinful, so erotic so…not you, and still, here you were, craving him like a crazy bitch in heat.
So, you thought that your libidos problem could be easily solved right? The new guy you met, so caring, it was like he was made for you. Hearing him talk was like looking into a mirror, so for the first time in your live, you actually slept with a guy before being in a relationship with him. And it was, to put it mildly, terrible.
Exactly like ToxicFriend!Chishiya has planned it.
It was like the guy didn’t even knew what he had to do. Rutting back and forth like a mad man and all you did was lying there, hitting your head repeatedly against the headboard. WTF???? You could swear he has been so perfect only to turn out so terrible. You even peeked once at your watch to find out how long he has been going at you. There was no nicer way to say it. You hoped he would soon either give up or finish, but damn again, even after half an hour, boy was still looking strong, while you could do nothing else then yawn and hold both hands over your head to try push your body away from the beds frame and with that a possible concussion.
Then finally, that poor excuse came and the way he did…you wouldn’t forget it for years, maybe even decades. The way he suddenly started screaming obscenities at you calling you a dirty whore and yelling at you that you will go to hell, like you are some terrible car driver, that just cut in front of him at the intersection and later stole his parking lot. And you? You again just laid there and took it, because you have been too awestruck to say something, until he pulled out, took the condom off and shot his load right onto your face and you…you chased him out like the piece of garbage he was.
You even told ToxicFriend!Chishiya about it. How could you not? He has become not only your neighbor, but also your dearest friend, tho you planned not to share anything of your hopefully new relationship and dating experiences with him, when you decided to start dating again. Then again, you were so in shock, you just had to tell him, how much it took you aback when he begun yelling after rutting for what felt like forever in silence, only the high creeking of your bed frame filled your bedroom from wall to wall..
And what did ToxicFriend!Chishiya do? He nodded understanding, however you saw the pain in his eyes for a moment, when you started to talk about being intimate with someone else. Pfft, as if. You reminded yourself to not bring it up again, like ever again, because how could you hurt someone like him, who even after everything he had gone thru with his girlfriend and then with you, was still such a good friend. Just perfect him.
In reality, ToxicFriend!Chishiya had a hard time not throwing the table and stomping out of your apartment to this piece of shit he hired. Of course, he told him how to behave in bed. How to disappoint you terribly and even scare you so you would thing about what an awful choice you made, but nutting on your face? Nah ah, that wasn’t part of the deal. If someone was allowed to dirty your soft and beautiful skin, it was him and only him and surely not that piece of a paid nutcracker.
ToxicFriend!Chishiya made a silent note in his head to have some words with this guy before he hires the next to disappoint you deeply in your ability to judge people, but also in today’s dating life and how hard it is. Seriously, with people out there like the insane blond asshole, its motherscrewing dangerous to say the least.
A week later, because you are just not the kind of person to give up that easily, ToxicFriend!Chishiya could tell, you were already on your next first date with a man a tad older then you and what you normally date. Someone who, you of course didn’t know it, was also a prostitute, hired to toy and shatter you into pieces. But hey, what were the odds? Judging by the fact, ToxicFriend!Chishiya knows your work path and schedule and what clubs and bistros and small café you like to visit, pretty high.
This one invited you to a concert that was one of your favorite bands. How nice right? Well, it was less nice, when he, during the concert, like mid-music, lowered his pants and not only rubbed himself on you but then had the audacity to stain your favorite jeans with his dirty pervert jizz. You practically ran out of the concert, home and into ToxicFriend!Chishiya arms who invited your distraught self over to his place for a glass of wine and a good talk and you couldn’t say no, exactly how he planned it. You sobbed to him again, how awful it was and that you can never listen to this band again, without remembering this old guys remains on you. And the sight of his small shrimp…
Did you learn it this time? No, you told ToxicFriend!Chishiya to his face, after he gave you a small tad-talk, that you won’t give up that easily. No way everyman was a pig, right? There have to be normal ones, even some that are somehow likeable right? Again, you registered the second his smile dropped, and he looked like a kicked dog at your words. And you instantly felt terrible to bother him with your problems and talking about being on a search for good guys, when the nicest one, the best you ever met, was right in front of you. What a terrible human being you are. So terrible.
ToxicFriend!Chishiya almost had you on your knees again, sucking him off like he is a god, but no, he couldn’t do that just yet. He had to show you how much better he is then all the other ones out there.
Can’t you see? Soon you will.
And with other ones, ToxicFriend!Chishiya meant the guys he will pay to cross your way. Because after all, he is the best for you, he has decided that long ago and if only you could understand this finally, things wouldn’t need to go that way, breaking your self-confidence until you were nothing then a piece of clay for him to mold the way he wanted.
The next three months you dated the hell out of the single community and with every passing man, your expectations on man lowered. After all, it couldn’t be that all of them were shitty people, so if you believed them to all be bad fuckers and having an awful personality, couldn’t it be that you were the problem? After all, in all of this, you are the common denominator and ToxicFriend!Chishiya was counting on that.
The guy that you have been going with to very expensive nice dinners and who seemed so shy all the time, only to have a heavy and surprising orgasm, as you kissed him goodbye at your door. He came in his pants and at first, dear lord, you thought he had a heart attack. You were so worried. Anxious he could die in your hands that you even went as far as to run to your neighbor and knock on ToxicFriend!Chishiyas door to ask him for help, tho your date asked you not to. And when he came out, rushing to your aid after seeing your tear stained and fear covered face, he had to tell you, looking as uncomfortable as possible while doing so, that your date just got heavily aroused by your lips, he had to shoot his whole load, and damn it was a big one wetting his white pants and staining them forever.
The walking embarrassment even had the guts to call you the next days and ask you for a next date. NO WAY IN HELL!!! You have never hung up your phone that fast in your whole life.
After that, you couldn’t look ToxicFriend!Chishiya in his face for a whole week, before he reassured you he wasn’t thinking in anyway bad of you. He told you that you were still the wonderful, sweet thing in his mind and that nothing could change that, not even all the stories of terrible fucks and perverts staining your pants or theirs. Such sweet words. If only you could have looked him directly in his eyes instead of peeking constantly at his delicious, clothed cock, you maybe would have seen the dirty smug grin he send your way, warning you of your impending mistakes. But you didn’t and so your adventures went on.
Your next guy made it past your door pretty fast, since you were sexually so frustrated you just needed something between your legs. You didn’t even care about all the stuff he said to you that just fitted your type or how beautiful he called you again and again. You just needed his cock and nothing more and after you had okay-ish sex with him and he went out to grab himself a glass of water, and for you too, since he was a gentleman, you just had to look at his phone as it vibrated right next to your head so constantly, someone must have died.
You didn’t want to. Didn’t plan to. You were never the kind of person to do such things, but something felt odd about him, tho you couldn’t pinpoint it. Sadly, you were right. The messages on his phone were from a group chat he and at least 6 other guys were constantly writing in and what did they wrote about? You.
How to get you and what to say. You were seriously a whole damn topic to be discussed. They were telling eachother about a side that someone was running, all dedicated to you and your hobbies and favorite food and what even where you worked etc. and those guys? They were talking about it, sharing information and even batting which info would be the one that would grand any guy entrance to your panties.
You threw him out. Literally. Never have you ever been such a Xena, then when you threw phone, clothes and what else he brought into your apartment, from your balcony right onto the streets, but hey you weren’t a monster, right? You let him leave thru the door, naked and hoping he felt just as much as shameful as you did, believing such a guy and even sleeping with him. You felt so dirty and violated and who did you turn to in this time of need? Yes ToxicFriend!Chishiya, tho you told yourself not to again and again.
He was holding you while you cried in his arms, wetting his dark shirt and white cardigan, telling him how awful you feel. You haven’t cried this hard since your last boyfriend cheated on you in your own apartment. Damn, how stupid you are. Dating man after man, one worse than the other, and now there is even a group out there with information about you, trying to get you laid like you are nothing then some dumb bet straight of some rom-com-movie. And ToxicFriend!Chishiya, the always so loyal friend that he is, reassures you that he will take care of it.
He tells you he will look for someone to search for this side and take it down immediately and this chat? Everyone and everything that participated in it, will be searched out and taken down too if he has to. After all you are ToxicFriend!Chishiyas precious friend and no one is allowed to hurt you. He takes your sobbing chin in his hand and looks you into your eyes, as he whispers to you so softly and alluring, how much you mean to him and that he can’t stand to see you hurt.
You ask ToxicFriend!Chishiya if there is something wrong with you. If there is something in you, that attracts that kind of man. Are you just that easy to get? Or are you just that desperate? Are you a broken woman looking for man to treat you terribly, because you believe that’s what you deserve? What is it that makes you go always for the bad boys but never for the good ones?
ToxicFriend!Chishiya shakes his head in front of you. He says that he doesn’t know if there is anything wrong with you because in his eyes you are perfect. When he looks at you, all he wishes is to make you happy and he cannot understand this man toying and playing with you when they could have you forever. Just thinking about it makes his head spin. He says that those men are trash and that it can’t be your fault. That you are just your normal you. Believing in love and looking for someone who does too, but he tells you that there are man out there especially targeting sweethearts like you, so they can watch you bleed under their terrible acts.
ToxicFriend!Chishiya looks at you with longing, as he caresses your cheek, wiping away tears you shed for trash you will never know what really thought of you. That you are a poor girl who fell into the net of a toxic man like him. But he will never tell you than, no. Not when he is so close to have you so willingly. So, he tells you again how perfect you are in his eyes. That you are the best thing that ever happened to him and if he was in those guys shoes, he would never let you go.
Touched by ToxicFriend!Chishiyas honeyed words, you lean forward and place your lips on his, carefully as if that small act alone could destroy everything the two of you had built up so painstakingly. And for a moment you two remain that way. Two people kissing eachother in the most chaste way possible. So modest and sweet. Almost like diabetes. And just like this illness had its terrible effect on humans, ToxicFriend!Chishiya has his on you. He lets you take control, let you set the pace, so every following move comes from you, but he makes sure not to come over as not willing enough, so you might pull away, thinking you have done something wrong, and he didn’t want this too. No no, he is a mastermind, remember? A genius who has set up his trap and you walked right into it.
As soon as you open your mouth and ToxicFriend!Chishiyas tongue slips in, things are less coy and innocent. With no sign of prudish behavior, you swing your leg over him, sitting on his lap and grind like a horny teenager, while kissing him furiously. Your touch starved and underfucked-self has found its way to the surface, devouring ToxicFriend!Chishiya with your mouth and hands and every roll of your hips down on his groin, hearing the sweet moan drown out of that sinful throat, while the bulge grows under you, prominent and begging to be released from its prison. You smile happily into the kiss, trying to make him feel how much you want this. How much you need him. And that you will take every little bit he is willing to give you, even if it should be only the tip of his fucking godly cock.
None of the countless guys you screwed and dated the last months were like ToxicFriend!Chishiya. None of them knew how to please your body. How to take you in every possible way and make you nothing but a moaning mess under them.
Fucking you like you believed, deep down, you deserved and if ToxicFriend!Chishiya was willing to, where was the problem? No way you would go back to those losers that didn’t know how to stuff your pussy properly. No way you would let any of them roll over you ever again. No way.
No, no one except ToxicFriend!Chishiya, because he always knew what he had to say to get you into his hands and inside his pants, no matter what, and right now you were pudding between his fingers and juicy in your panties.
It didn’t matter. Soon, that unimportant piece of cloth would be gone and replaced by ToxicFriend!Chishiyas dick, like you both now agreed to, should be.
#chishiya#chishiya smut#chishiya shuntaro#shuntaro chishiya#shuntaro chishiya x reader#chishiya x y/n#chishiya x fem!reader#chishiya x you#chishiya x reader#shuntaro chishiya x fem!reader#shuntaro chishiya x you#shuntaro chishiya x y/n#chishiya shuntaro x you#shuntaro chishiya x your name#chishiya x your name#chishyia shuntaro x y/n#chishyia shuntaro x fem!reader#chishiya alice in borderland#alice in borderland 2#alice in borderland#aib chishiya#chishiya aib#alice in borderland x reader#imawa no kuni no alice
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The final Origins OVA!
we are WAR!!!!
okay why in the world did they make a giant space axe??? like???
and just for the ONE guy too?????? did he request it????
yknow what i bet he's gonna do like a cool robot beheading or something with it later and that's the whole reason they put it in the show huh.
I forgot this is the first like- actual big battle where they're employing the mobile suits.
It's interesting to see the contrast between them and the like fighter jets, which is what they would've been effectively replacing.: A small quick maneuverable ship with guns, but this one can also just kick you
War (TM)
oh he really does look like a red comet out there huh
love when she dresses like an actual supervillain
i like how Char was surrounded by fangirls who all backed off the SECOND Garma showed up
also they sure do love lingering scenes of these two staring into eachother's eyes- wonder what that could mean :3c
wait why are we reviewing art now. Whoms't is this man.
okay hold on now there is NO reason to make a paper shredder be a guy
hello?????????? literally just walking into an enemy ship like???????? what is the plan here??????????? worst strategist ever?????? the second you got on board your gunship can no longer threaten to destroy them because they have a hostage now??????? like your enemy is free to just grab you and fire on your ship at will????????????????????????????
oh right nvm i forgot this is Char he's got plot armor
y'know Kai feels like a completely different character in Origin. In the original series he was kind of a little shit but not a BULLY- self centered if anything, but otherwise morally neutral. In Origin though he's like proactively being malicious?
sir.... you can't just walk up to the military and ask them about military secrets....
STOP IT!!!!! STOP KICKING HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
literally a MIRACLE they did not throw you in prison
lol they fukin robbed u dude
fucked up your whole house
I think I missed out on the plot points where this political twist was explained/set up - I do not rember who this man is, nor do I fully understand why he is saying these things or the full Implications
Like uh, my (probably incorrect) understanding is: he's an important general(?) from the non-zeon army, but was held hostage by zeon, and then freed as part of Kcyllia's(?) plan(?) I totally missed what her plan was tho: is it just to keep the war going????? I'm p sure mr oldie wasn't briefed and is just a pawn in their weird 5 dimensional chess game the Zabi family is playing .
(this is what happens when you do your neopets dailies instead of paying attention when characters start to ramble)
this is like the 3rd time a character has said "humans looooove war" this episode.
weird 2 me how he can close he eyes without closing he eyes
and I guess it ends on "btw we will NOT stop a war!!"
oh wait no we also get a post-credit peek of the boat!!
actually it is ending i think...
(they never did anything with that giant space axe from the beginning for the ep...........)
Final thoughts on Gundam: The Origin
I think I went into Origin without any real expectations. I maybe thought it would be entirely Char focused? but in the latter half it shifted to a more general "what's goin on with this war" type vibe. I guess it accomplishes what it sets out to do: give us more backstory on how the war from 0079, fleshing out the the politics around it and the characters who partake. There were some wild things happening but mostly it was a lotttt of people talking about War. Felt kind of like a lorebook rather than an actual story, especially for the latter half, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.
Up Next!* MS Team, Thunderbolt, and War in the Pocket (side stories that took place during the events of 0079) Looks like Thunderbolt is a movie but the other two are series so this is going to be infinitely easier to schedule time to sit down and watch.
*I'm following a watch order rec from reddit, which seems to be more or less chronological order
#eyfeys gundam journey#Origin done!#v excited to go see some 90s gundam next#Gundam with 2015 animation was somehow unsettling
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Hi, before I explain my post, I want to say something important.
• What you see my blog has become a major overhaul. And despite the changes, I decided that my 2nd account will be now my artwork blog with a secret twist.
Okay? Capiche? Make sense? Good, now back to the post…↓
Title: Farewell Gundam Breaker Mobile
Here's another commission artwork for my friend, Romulus907.
• *sigh* Man, I've never get a chance to play "Gundam Breaker Mobile" on my current smartphone (Honor 8C) nor planning to install the app despite removing it & their online server shutdown, today (Jun 5th, 2023), after 4 years of active. I could never forget my friend Rom customizes on his Gunpla to my OCs, and hope we could used & adapt his works as our "Cuteness Mecha" armors. (Maybe, but I rather on my own.)😟🤖📲
• Nonetheless, I decided to draw this farewell moment w/ his entire active OCs & mine gathering around for the final farewell bow (a Japanese tradition).
Rest In Peace, Gundam Breaker Mobile. Hope you have a similar to get Gundam fans a chance. 😞✝️
Well, that's all for now.
His entire OCs - created by Romulus907 Cude, MuruKir, and the Speedster Twins (Spot & Riya) - created by ME! Haros - Gundam Series © Sunrise, Sotsu
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Episode 9: A New Bond
can't wait to actually see the zeta gundam
open on reccoa spying on some transports in jaburo (i assume)
quickly is caught and harassed by some soldiers, including a grope that seemed unnecessary-
holy shit it's my boy! kai's back, and he's in a snazzy white suit and he disarms the soldiers and makes them run off. god i love kai, glad to see he's cool
there's a titan officer who hasn't arrived at granada like expected
granada claims it isn't able to fully resupply the titans, the titans think granada is full of dirty aeug sympathizers
it's nice to see kamille working on haro, he needs a pet or something
kamille is skipping meetings and getting slapped for it, business as usual
man, kai rules. jaburo has moved somewhere else i guess? these subs aren't the best
it must be really risky for kai to be doing this, he's gotta be a prominent public figure, or at least noteworthy to the titans
huh, i guess the colonies are america pre revolution according to this guy? would the one year war be a failed revolutionary war, or what?
jesus christ! you can't just beat the shit out of a kid for no reason! at least kamille is fighting back, but wow
you know what, fuck this guy
wong's his name? fuck wong
kamille is right, he didn't deserve to be abandoned there. this kind of thing is par for the course with quattro, but i expected better of emma
stop hitting him! christ, he's gonna need to be hospitalized
let me be clear, i am on your side kamille. but you are not the main reason the argama has survived this long. that's not why wong hit you, he hit you because he's a dick, but that is absolutely an arrogant thing to say
does kamille call himself autistic in the source? because he for sure is, i'm just curious
anyways, haro is working again, so i think we're done tearing kamille down
oh hell yeah, the hyaku shiki looks fucking sick. surprised the gold coloring isn't more common
they are giving jerid so many chances
kamille should not be piloting, he should probably be in the hospital
have we seen these char-like mobile suits yet?
war profiteers playing both sides is always a good wrinkle
i didn't realize they knew quattro was the leader of the mobile suits
the raid is a very efficient operation
quattro saving kamille while kamille has his eyes close is a very sad moment
oh, jerid is part of the counterraid. kamille feels a disturbance in the force, but quattro (who should know better) just calls him selfish
glad emma's getting her time to shine
kamille with the save is good, and i'm glad this doesn't undermine emma's competence too much
you should trust kamille's newtypeness on all this!
i personally wouldn't wear a white suit to a stealth mission, but kai is pulling it off
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The Snow King
Once upon a time, the kingdom of Orb was a happy place. The king and queen had two young fraternal twins named Kira Yamato and Cagalli Yula Athha. The kids were their pride and joy. But the royal family had a secret. Kira could create ice and snow out of thin air!
One night, Cagalli convinced Kira to turn the ballroom into a winter wonderland. As the siblings happily play together, Kira accidentally lost control of his magic. An icy blast hit Cagalli in the head, and she fell to the floor, unconscious.
The king and queen rushed the twins to the trolls, mysterious healers who knew about magic. A wise troll named King Peppy saved Cagalli by removing her memories of Kira's magic. He explained that she was lucky to have been hit in the head, not in the heart. The troll told the king and queen that Kira's powers would only grow stronger. "Fear will be his enemy," he warned.
The king and queen knew they had to protect their son. To keep his magic a secret, they closed the castle gates. The king gave Kira gloves to contain his powers, but he was still afraid he might hurt someone. He even avoided Cagalli to keep her safe. Then, when Cagalli and Kira were teenagers, their parents were lost at sea. The siblings had never felt more alone.
Kira stayed inside, where he could hide his magic. But he could not keep the gates closed forever. On the day of his coronation, his subjects were invited inside to celebrate. Cagalli was thrilled at the chance to meet new people! She had barely stepped outside when she met Prince Yuna Roma Seiran of Dardanelles. The two instantly fell in love. At the coronation ball, Prince Yuna aked Cagalli to marry him. Cagalli said yes, and the couple went to ask Kira for his blessing.
Kira refused to bless the marriage. He couldn't let Cagalli marry a man she had just met!
Cagalli couldn't believe her brother. "Why do you shut me out?! What are you so afraid of?!" she cried.
As Kira fought with his sister, he lost control of his magic. Ice seemed to shoot out of his hands. Now all of Orb knew his secret. Panicked, Kira fled into the mountains.
With his secret out, Kira let his powers loose. A storm raged around him as he created an ice palace and even changed the way he looked. Below him, ice and snow covered Orb. Cagalli felt awful! Leaving Yuna in charge, she went after her brother.
As Cagalli trekked through the forest, she lost her horse. Luckily, she met an ice harvester named Athrun Zala and his reindeer, Haro. The two agreed to help her find Kira.
High in the mountains, Cagalli and Athrun came across a dazzling winter wonderland, where they met a living snowpony! "I'm Stygian," he said.
Cagalli realized that Kira must have created him. She asked Stygain to lead them to Kira so he could bring back summer. Stygian loved the idea of summer and happily led them ot Kira's palace.
Inside, Cagalli told Kira about the terrible winter storm in Orb. "It's okay. You can just unfreeze it," she said.
But Kira didn't know how to stop the snow. Frustrated, he cried, "I can't!!" An icy blast shot across the room and hit Cagalli in the heart!
Athrun rushed to help Cagalli. "I think we should go," he said.
"No, I'm not leaving without him," said Cagalli.
"Yes, you are!!" shouted Kira as he conjured up a huge snowman, which chased them all off the mountain.
Athrun pulled out a rope to help them climb down.
"What if we fall?"
"There's twenty feet of fresh powder down there. It will be like landing on a pillow...hopefully."
At the base of the mountain, Athrun noticed that Cagalli's hair was turning white. He knew his friends the trolls could help.
King Peppy saw at once that Cagalli was hurt. "There is ice in your heart, put there by your brother," he said. "If not removed, you will freeze to solid ice forever."
King Peppy explained that only an act of true love could thaw a frozen heart. Cagalli knew Yuna was her true love. Maybe a kiss from him would save her. Cagalli, Athrun, Haro, and Stygian raced back to Orb to find him.
But Yuna was not in Orb. He had set out to look for Cagalli when her horse returned without her. Yuna and the search party arrived at Kira's palace. The men attacked Kira, and he defended himself. Suddenly, one of the men aimed a crossbow at Kira! Yuna pushed it aside, and the bolt hit a changelier. It crashed to the ground, knocking Kira out. Yuna and his men took him back to Orb and locked him in the dungeon.
Outside the kingdom, Cagalli, Athrun, Stygian, and Haro hurried down the mountain. Cagalli was getting weaker by the mintue. Athrun was worried about her. At the castle gates, he passed her to the royal servants. He started to realize that he cared deeply about Cagalli, but he knew that her true love, Yuna, could make her well again.
Cagalli found Yuna in the library. She asked him to save her life with a kiss, but he refused! Yuna had only been pretending to love Cagalli so that he could take over Orb. Putting out the room's fire, he left Cagalli to freeze.
In the dungeon, all Kira could think about was getting away from Orb. It was the only way to protect everyone from his powers! Kira became so upset that he froze the whole dungeon and escaped!
Alone in the library, Cagalli realized how reckless she had been. In trying to find love, she had doomed herself, her kingdom, and her brother. Just when Cagalli had given up all hope, Stygian arrived. The snow pony lit a fire, even though Cagalli worried that he might melt.
"Some people are worth melting for," he said.
Then something amazing happened: Cagalli began to thaw!
Stygian helped Cagalli outside, where she spotted Athrun across the forzen sea. If she could reach him in time, she would be saved! But then she saw something else: Yuna was about strike Kira with his sword! With her remaining strength, Cagalli threw herself in front of Kira. Yuna's sword came down just as Cagalli's body froze to solid ice.
Heartbroken, Kira wrapped his arms around his frozen sister. "Oh Cagalli!" he sobbed.
"An act of true love will thaw a frozen heart," Stygian said, realizing what had happened.
"Love!" Kira cried, looking at Cagalli. "That's it!" Realizing that love was the key to his magic, he ended the winder and brought back summer. Kira even made Stygian a little snow cloud to keep him from melting.
Cagalli replaced Athrun's slegih and his supplies. But he wasn't anxious to leave - especially when Cagalli surprised him with a kiss.
Yuna was astonished to see Cagalli alive. "Cagalli?" he said. "But Kira froze your heart."
"The only frozen heart around here is yours!" Cagalli said and sent him reeling with one punch.
With summer restored, Orb returned to normal - but from then on, the castle gates were open for good. For the first time in a long while, Orb was a happy place again. And King Kira Yamato and Princess Cagalli Yula Athha were the happiest of all, for they had found their way back to each other. And they all lived happily ever after.
#fairy tales crossover#gundam seed#kira yamato#cagalli yula athha#athrun zala#Yuna Roma Seiran#Trolls#my little pony
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Rita 🐶🚺 [wearing her Debby A/W Clothes]: Awww, so mabait (nice) for you my kaibigans (friends)! 😊Thank you so much for the regalos (gifts), they're pretty useful. I've got a new iPad, a damit (clothes) set from Debby, and even a cute portable blender! Great choice, Windy my friend! 😁 I could carry this during my jogging routine, while buying prutas (fruits) or gulay (vegetables) from either the grocery store or from the stand for a masutansyang (nutritious) drink! 🍊🥕😋
Bonn 🐰🚹 [wearing his Paul A/W Clothes]: Wow, so nice for you! I want that, as well. But, Scottie gifted me something different. A LEGO build set of the 'Nintendo Entertainment System'! Wow! 🧱🎮😮 To be honest, I do remember owning an NES console during my 20s after we've done playing with numerous Atari systems from my great grandpa. Playing video games is my break time from behind the wheel, and I remembered collecting racing games 🎮🏎️ for the aforementioned NES console over other retro gaming genres! And to this day, I still owned it inside my man cave albeit restored and refurbished. 😁 As for the gifts from my friend Paul, I dig your threads and that copy of my favorite racing game adaptation, thanks! 😊👍 I'm definitely gonna built this, entirely! 😁🧱 Also, this is my first time owning a LEGO set, I've never experience it before. 🙂
MuruKir🔵⭐: Hey sis, we've finally got our owned plushies and ballet attires! 😃🩰🧸
PopiKir 🩷⭐: Yeah, mine too, beloved sib. To be clear, I don't know much about 'ballet' dancing. But, with our new friends by the named Shadow Ramcat, we can dance together along with our sweet adorable Awoofy plushies! Thank you so much for my 1st two gifts experience! 😄
MuruKir🔵⭐: Yeah, thanks so much! Now, let's go dancing with the Ramcats! 😊
Vanilla 🐰🎀: Look at our new plushies to snuggle! 🧸🥰🤗 We should put these in our clothing mattress! 😊
Riya 🐰🏎️ [wearing her Maxwell A/W Clothes]: Yeah! We've gifted them from last year, and now they're turn the tables by these adorable plushies! 😊🤗
Spot 🐶🏎️ [wearing his May A/W Clothes]: Including the Ramcats, who are added to our plushy collection! Even Cude got his owned, too. Right? 😃
Cude 🐰🤖 [wearing his Sam A/W Clothes]: Of course, I am. And they're all adorable! 😊 Not only that, but also a Gift Card to Wingstop from Caleb. 🍗😊
Mayu ✨🐇: "Wingstop"? What's the definition? 🤔
Cude 🐰🤖 [wearing his Sam A/W Clothes]: Well, its a name of a restaurant for meaty buffalo wings. 🍗😊 An establishment, that you can order it from the menu, and they're commenced the progress before they served us from an employment, or just calling numbers. That's what restaurants do, Mayu? 🙂
Mayu ✨🐇: Mmmmm... Interesting establishment. I never been a so called 'restaurant' before, Cude. Could I come with you? 🙂
Cude 🐰🤖 [wearing his Sam A/W Clothes]: Sure you do, Mayu. 😊Trust me, you're gonna liked it. 🙂 Also, nice Haro phone you've got from him! 😄📱
Mayu ✨🐇: I will try. 🙂 Also, thank you so much, Cude and our new friend Shadow R. 😊 With this concept touch device, we could communicate with our dearly Haros without hassle. 🤖📶📱😊 And since this is my first time owning a slim cellular device, I must learn how to used it with a handy manual script. Thanks, Shadow R. I appreciate with this lovely gift! ☺
Cude 🐰🤖 [wearing his Sam A/W Clothes]: You will, and we could hang out with our new Speedster Cousins. 😊
Miya 🐰🐻🔋 [wearing her Mikey A/W Clothes]: Yeah-yuh! Thanksies, Cude! 😄 And check it out, our dream combat and arsenal outfits! I've already built my own 'Stun Rifle', but with new armaments from my new buddy compadre, Shadow R.! I'm all RECHARGED to fight baddies, while joining the party with Shaddie (Shadow R.), while dance to the beat with my new JBL brand speaker! Damn, that sound is GOOD! (doing Booker T's catchphrase) Thanksies, Mikey! 😄🔊🎶 Are you with him, Cous!? 😁
Aace 🐶🐺⭐[wearing his A/W Clothes]: Of couwse (course) I'am, Mi! I've weceived (received) my owned dweam (dream) combat outfit, as well! And a nice guitar with my color theme from May. *blushing* ☺ May, if you hearing this... Well, to be cleaw (clear), I'm not a musician when it comes to play any musical instwuments (instruments). If you think, that I'm wefewents (referents) to a guy named 'Steven Quawtz' (Quartz), then no. But, don't wowwy (worry), I'll take it anyway, and I'll pwactice (practice) it for an upcoming Valentines Day. Hehe... *blushing* ☺
Miya 🐰🐻🔋 [wearing her Mikey A/W Clothes]: Ooooww, steamy! I think someone is 'In-Love'! 😃 Are you in-loved with May, Cous?! Huh!? 😏
Aace 🐶🐺⭐[wearing his A/W Clothes]: I uhhh... Let's moved on, shall we? 😅 As for my owned dweam (dream) combat outfit from our new friend Shadow R., I dig! 😁 I'm still westle (wrestle) from my school days, despite my dad was Fil-Am Pwo-Westlew (Pro-Wrestler). So, I must followed my dad's shoes by showing off my westling (wreslting) moves that I've leawned (learned) from the coach. 🤼💪😁 Pwus (plus), thanks with the twaining (training) with Mr. (mistew) Bonn and Ms. Wita (Rita), I have solid fists, short legs, and feet to dished out baddies befowe (before) I suplex them non-stop! 😁 I'm definitely gonna joined Shaddie's (Shadow R.'s) party adventure! Thanks, bud! And Mewwy Chwistmas (Merry Christmas), folks! 😄🎄⭐❄️🎅
Me 🇵🇭: (Meanwhile) Other gifts from alexander1301, and our G-Pal rafacaz4lisam2k4 are also appreciated by my OCs. 😊👍 Sorry, I haven't chanced to make a dialog, despite me busy on typing reactions for @bryan360 & @carmenramcat. Merry Christmas, both of you. 🎄🎁
For @bryan360 and @murumokirby360
Here's a drawing for this year's Christmas. We start off where the Rabbits, the Speedsters and friends got some presents from the Ramcats.
We start off with the Speedsters side.
Murukir and Popikir got some Ballet Slippers from Tory for both of them to dance together. Alongside the Speedster family.
Spot, Riya and Vanilla got plushies of Shadow, Tory and Lisa from them. I bet they'll both love to snuggle their plushies together while in bed. Cude also got a Plushie of Caleb and a Gift Card to Wingstop from Caleb and Mayu got herself a Haro Phone so that Cude and Mayu can keep in contact alongside getting connected to their Haros. Miya and Aace got armor and weapons from Porsche and Jenny. Miya got a Yoyo Ball and a stun Taser for her to protect herself with her electric moves, while Aace, has the ability to wrestle by using boxing gloves and knee caps for him to be the greatest brawler in the family.
For the Rabbits, Maxwell got an Xbox Series X from Shadow and for Maxwell to play. May got herself a Gaming Laptop from Caleb so she can play some games on her PC alongside chatting with her friends including Riya, Tory, Lisa, Shadow, Yinna, Vanilla and the kids. Sam got a Switch game from Tory and it's Super Mario RPG, looks like Sam will enjoy playing it and maybe he can invite Heffy and Zack over to play. And for Emme and Jo they got spare clothes from Lisa like her normal casual clothes that can change into different colors depending on their emotions, and got some pajamas and autumn and Winter Clothes and a device of how they can both act like Lisa together. And for Maxwell and Spot's parents, they each got some Autumn and Winter clothes from Paul and Debby and some random stuff for them. Bonn got a Digital DVD copy of Gran Turismo the Movie, Rita and Windy got iPads so they can chat and play together along with Debby. And Scottie got himself a book where he can write down his ideas on what kind of stories he likes to write about, especially when can send some to his work. And maybe Maxwell and Scottie can both write a story together like Father and son.
To @bryan360 @murumokirby360 and others, Merry Christmas!
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Alice in borderland just did a cast interview and I already have thoughts.

First of all, Kento sweetie, they are not doing you any favors. We all go on and on about how we want Arisu to shower but seeing Kento with the Arisu hairstyle but no grease/sweat/blood is like seeing a dog walk in two legs. Possible, yet weird. This camera angle and light aged him like, a good 5 years too.

Usagi looks exactly the same. Her hair fits her a little better now, maybe, but Tao always looks good in whatever role she plays. I spot a dirty tank top, so I can already tell out poor girl has been carrying Arisu on her back all season long.

Nijiro looks like a sad cat in this screenshot, I'm crying. Also, they kept going on and on about how much bigger this season was, and I bet my left pinky toe they got a huge budget increase for it and you're telling me they kept on this crusty ass wig with a bad hairline??? Also?? This is like the third different white hoodie this man wore in the show??? And they had the audacity to make him wear a shirt and hide his mommy milkers???

How does her hair look even worse than it did on season one? I love Kuina, and Aya is beautiful, but for the love of god, if they're gonna give her braids at least give her pretty ones??? Also, our girl has clearly been fighting for her life, as we can see with the dirt and cuts, but tell me WHY, is she doung all that in that fucking bikini top and platforms??? HARO ASO EXPLAIN.

Ann looks beautiful. Not a hair out of place. She looks as dirty as Kuina so I'm hoping that they are together, or that at least she had more screen time, because in the manga she kinda disappears after the beach and only pops up to kinds remind us that she's alive.

I'm WHEEZING. He looks like Voldemort when he died in the movie. Crusty with no eyebrows, they really tried to make Dori look ugly didn’t they? Also, is Niragi wearing that outfit??? Canonically? Or did they put Dori in a shirt for the interview? Because Niragu was a lot more unhinged and a lot more naked in the manga.

Aguni looks like he has been fighting for his life, which, fair, considering he was SHOT MULTIPLE TIMES IN HIS TORSO AND SOMEHOW SURVIVED. Glad to see he kept the goatee and the tight tiddy shirt tho. Good for him, in his hoe era after the divorce.

Mira looks amazing as usual. Less goth than I would have liked, but I'll take it. You keep doing you queen.
#alice in borderland#ima wa no kuni no alice#arisu ryohei#usagi yuzuha#chishiya shuntaro#niragi suguru#hikari kuina#mira kano#ann rizuna#tatta kodai#morizono aguni
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anyway he is literally never beating the seed fan allegations bc i come home yesterday, sit down for dinner, and he hits play on something. and i'm like wait what are we watching? and he refuses to answer, and then i see a pink haro bounce onto screen and it's like. hey man. did you put on seed freedom.
(we watched it in theaters.)
(like, the single showing available. i took time off for work for it. it was a whole Thing.)
(and he put it on unprompted at dinner.)
ok i actually cannot make this shit up this is so fucking funny
my bf is very into mecha and is always building some kind of model kit (not always gunpla, but you get the gist). he is also an insane megafan of gundam seed, though he vehemently denies it and claims that he hates the series. (ex: i ask how many seed kits he's built and he refuses to answer. many such cases. seed's biggest fan, everyone.)
he was playing the newest gundam breaker game the other day and im just chillin on the couch, as one does, and i hear a loud, dejected sigh. so of course i'm like hey babe you okay? and then i glance at the screen and

game literally calling him out lmfaooo
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"They're going to - hic - k-kill me anyway so here-here goes." the person in the recording whispers
"Pullman - Pullman from the board -it was h-his idea. He-he does i-it in number s-" A thud. Some more rustling, a struggle. The recording cuts again.
CW: institutionalised slavery, dehumanisation, box boy universe, pet whump
Andrew pressed play once again, listening intently, both elbows on the desk in front of him. When he heard a step behind him, floorboards creaking, he froze.
Then, remembering where he was, he smiled to himself.
A moment later, Benjamin’s strong arms wrapped around him in a hug from behind. The scent of his cologne - the one he used for work - familiar and welcoming.
“Put your toys away, Andy. It is time for dinner.” Benjamin laughed, the deep, warm chuckle that always made Andrew’s heart swell. “I am serious about dinner, but how’s it going?”
“Listen to this.” Andrew pressed play again. “It is the same voice as before. Aoife’s team has managed to clean up a bit more of the tape.”
Benjamin stroked his clean-shaven chin thoughtfully. “It is awfully short.” He said doubtfully.
“I know, I know.” Andrew pulled a hand through his hair. “I have asked the network to look for a Pullman, no luck so far. It could be a code name, of course… right now, I’m just trying to figure out what those noises in the end are.
“Could I hear it again?”
Andy obliged, once again replaying the short burst of words and confusion.
”It could be anything!” The journalist shook his head, frustrated. “Is it an attack? Did someone come in and interrupt the recording? Did the person tip over the microphone?” Benjamin nodded.
“I have no idea. But.. what is he saying? He does it in numbers? He does it in number S- something?” Andrew shrugged.
“Your guess is as good as mine.”
The black man paced the room in thought, also gripped by the mystery. Then, his eye fell on a paper on the desk.
“Andy, what’s this?”
“It is yet another letter - a photocopy, that is. The original is with the police. This one was anonymously sent to the newspaper.”
The letter was hand-written, with the elegant curves of an older generation. Benjamin read out-loud:
“Well, if you had the chance to save a person you love, wouldn’t you take it? There has always been a market, organ donations are needed now more than ever. So how surprised can you really be that they took the opportunity to make a profit?! But I’ll give you this: This isn’t even the tip of the iceberg and you are wholly underprepared.”
Benjamin paused. “They know about the organs.” He mumbled.
“Indeed, they do.” Andrew rubbed his eyes. “Are they a buyer? Did they receive organs from WRU? Or do they work for the company? I don’t think we have a leak, yet. Not about the organ trade, anyway. This seems legit. But how to move forward? ‘Oh, what a tangled web we weave…’ The further I go, the more intertwined and messy everything seems.”
Benjamin stretched and then placed a gentle hand on Andrew’s shoulder.
“Come on, dinner first. We can look at this together tonight, if you want.”
“Okay.” Andrew smiled, standing up from his desk. “Thank you.” They exchanged a kiss, and walked down to the kitchen together.
Thank you for great input! ❤️ This is part 5, here’s part 1, part 2, part 3 and part 4.
Tag list: @cupcakes-and-pain @whump-em @whumpzone @wh-wh-whu @neuro-whump @carnagecardinal @cowboy-anon @whump-me-all-night-long @redwingedwhump @myst-in-the-mirror @haro-whumps @eatyourdamnpears @bloodsweatandpotato @pinkraindropsfell @whumptywhumpdump @theydy-cringeworthy @whump-in-progress @whumpsy-daisy @nicolepascaline @whumpcreations @briars7 @shiningstarofwinter @whumppsychology @alex-ember @miss-kitty-whumptastic @whumpy-writings @in-patient-princess @youtube-fandoms-bands @goblinchildindabog @mazeish @distinctlywhumpthing @inpainandsuffering @canniboylism @icannotweave @incoherent-introspection @kim-poce @broken-typewriter @the-monarch-whumperfly @whumpers-inc @grizzlie70 @lil-whumper @writingbackwards @sunflower1000 @wingedwhump @thecitythatdoesntsleep @thingsthatgo-whump-inthenight @onlybadendings @rabass @wolfeyedwitch @melancholy-in-the-morning
#lydia and coriander#pet whump#bbu#box boy#box boy universe#wru#whumpeesrus#recovery whump#rescue whump#caretaker#box boy multiverse#original writing
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Ready or not, here they come!
Taglist: @salamancialilypad @whumpfigure @albino-whumpee @comfy-whumpee @ashintheairlikesnow @haro-whumps @vickytokio @yet-another-heathen @orchidscript @finder-of-rings
Chapter 11
The polished surface of Kaida‘s prosthetic fist shimmered silver in the early morning sun, suspended mere centimeters from Gideon‘s face. A bead of sweat trickled down Gideon‘s cheekbone as he froze in his halfhearted attempt to block her punch. His eyes were fixed on the entrance gate to their training field instead of her, and Kaida‘s expression crumbled into a disappointed pout.
“Forgot your reflexes in bed today?“ She dropped her fist and shook her head in disbelief. Wisps of black hair stuck to her sweaty forehead. “C‘mon Gideon, what‘s up with you this week?“
Gideon didn‘t respond. He was too focused on the tuft of brown hair that appeared on the top of the staircase, where everyone who wished to enter the academy grounds had to ascend. The giant gate framing the entrance dwarfed Sahar as he lingered next to one of its red painted wooden pillars, unsure if he should cross the threshold onto the training field. His large eyes scouted the area, hopping over their teacher and the other students, most of them already in the midst of exchanging punches or jabbing the air with their spears, until they found Gideon.
Sahar‘s lips played around a hesitant smile as he mouthed a silent hello, while his fingers tapped a symphony of nerves over his pant leg. Gideon watched their gentle movement, the contrast of soft olive brown skin brushing over black linen. There was no trace of Sahar‘s mutation to be found. The only hint of what had happened in the woods was the flash of white bandages that poked out from under his shirt sleeve.
Kaida‘s eyebrows raised in surprise as she followed Gideon‘s gaze. “Isn‘t that the farm-boy? What was his name again?“
“Sahar,“ Gideon breathed, disbelief prickling down his legs like an agitated ant swarm. He stomped past his classmates, dodging still sheathed spear heads and ignoring Kaida‘s exasperated protest. What the hell was Sahar thinking, coming here during training hours? If a stray spear jab or accidental punch hit his still wounded arm hard enough to make him mutate again, all the secrecy and sacrifice would have been for nothing.
“The hell are you doing here?“ The words came out harsher than intended, and Gideon winced at the sharpness of his own tongue.
Sahar‘s tentative smile fell and his green eyes grew impossibly larger but held Gideon‘s gaze with an almost defiant kind of determination. “A a a a applying. As, as a scout.“
“You- Have you lost your mind?“
“You didn‘t strike me as someone scared of competition.“
Both boys jumped at the familiar voice sparkling with teasing self-assurance. Gideon‘s heart plummeted somewhere to his knees.
Sahar‘s smile returned ten fold. All sparkling sincerity.
A gust of morning breeze chilled Gideon‘s sweat damp skin as he faced Charlotte fully. Some of his classmates had stopped their warm-ups, curiosity written large across their faces while they turned to them. Even the teacher glanced over as he placed the wooden basket with slingshots and practice ammunition next to the target posts he had been setting up.
“I‘m no snitch. Didn‘t tell anything to anyone-“ Gideon hissed, whisper silent.
“Calm down.“ Charlotte chuckled, blue eyes glittering amused. “I‘m here to enroll as a student myself.“
He bristled. “What?“
Gideon‘s jaw tightened, thoughts working a mile a minute, as he tried to see through her intention. There was no way she would enlist just to make sure he kept his mouth shut. “The semester has just begun. You guys know that, right? Next registration is five months from now.“
Charlotte's lips twitched around a wry grin. “He who doesn‘t fight has already lost. But-“ White teeth nipped at pink lips and left small indentations in the wake of her uncertainty. “Sahar are you sure you want to do this? If you get hurt and-“ Blue eyes wandered to his right arm, lingered, flitted back up to his face. “...-the entire village could find out.“
“I- I I I-“ Sahar inhaled deeply, fingers fisting in the fabric of his shorts. “I‘m tired of hiding. You just, just said it. He who doesn‘t fight- I don‘t want to to to to lose the life I could have because I, I‘m,- because I‘m too scared to to to to go and live it.“
Determination burned under Sahar‘s gentleness, like fire hidden in a tree-trunk, simmering just underneath the surface. Gideon‘s heart hammered against his ribs. He felt hot, burned under the same determined gaze his brother had worn on the day of his death. The shadow of a ghost flickering to life in someone else‘s eyes.
The long sleeves of Sahar‘s moss green shirt covered the scar the spider's tooth must have carved deep inside his flesh, and Gideon‘s stomach flipped at the memory. It had taken forever to wash Sahar‘s blood from his skin, out of his clothes.Warm crimson red was still smeared on the inner walls of his head like a cave painting, illustrating his own future in violent shades of doubt and hope.
“Who do you think you are?“ Dillan‘s sharp voice cut through the breeze and Gideon’s thoughts snapped back like a rubber band. Dillan‘s pale blue eyes narrowed as he marched across the training ground, blond hair flopping over his wide forehead and narrow shoulders squared. “Wanting to apply in the middle of term? There are rules here!“
“Who do we think we are?“ Charlotte‘s lips curled. “Let me shoot that question right back at you-“ Cold blue eyes dropped to the red stripes embroidered to the sleeves of every first year‘s uniform. “Neophyte.“
Dillan reminded Gideon of a particularly offended fish with his wide watery eyes and small mouth, opening and closing to gulp in air.
Sahar glanced at Charlotte, full of disbelief as he said exactly what Gideon was thinking. “Cha, Charlotte we, we, we aren‘t even students-“
“But-“ she cut him off, voice gentling a fraction, before her tone sharpened once more. “We grew up here. This village is our home and we nearly died protecting it. I won‘t let a little incomer from the city lecture me about how things work in my own village.“
The color of Dillan‘s face resembled a fire bug more than human skin and neither Gideon nor Sahar could hold back their grins. If you could call the soft bashful twitch of Sahar‘s lips that.
Just as Dillan got ready to retaliate, brows drawn tight and hands balled into tight fists, their teacher strode over. Gravel crunched under the man's heavy steps until he came to a halt just behind Dillan, casting his student in the shadow of his wide shoulders. His black beard shifted with the quirk of his lips. Dark eyes twinkled, bemused.
“We teachers were already wondering if you two troublemakers would end up here. Well, I guess I owe Sybil dinner now.“
Gideon‘s brows raised nearly to his hairline. “What‘s that supposed to mean?“
“I would like to know that as well, Mister Bassam.“ Dillan protested.
“Well,“ Bassam chuckled, relishing the confused faces all around him. “C‘mon guys, did you really think we wouldn‘t talk about you three saving a bunch of children and fighting off a spider. Even if you said you weren‘t the ones to strike it down, that's still a huge feat. You should be proud of yourselves. Especially you, young man.“
Bassam‘s large hand clapped Sahar on his right shoulder and made all three of them wince. Sahar‘s fingers began to frantically tap his thigh, but nothing else happened. If Bassam had noticed anything he graciously ignored Sahar‘s display of nerves.
“Jumping that monster with nothing but an old firewood axe. The kids won‘t shut up about it down at the tea house, let me tell you.“
“Oh oh oh, yeah?“ Sahar flushed.
Charlotte sighed. “And I told them to keep it down.“
“Well, be glad they didn‘t, or we wouldn‘t consider giving two penniless orphans the chance to join nearly a month late into term.“
“Wait.“ Gideon burst out, gesturing wildly at Sahar and Charlotte. A cocktail of worry and apprehension pumped through his veins. “You mean they‘re in? Just like that?“
“No, no. Not quite. You two still have to pass our entrance exam. We do have standards here, after all.“ Bassam, whose hand still rested on Sahar‘s shoulder, began to gently push him forward. “C‘mon you two. We‘ll talk in detail in the principal's office. And the rest of you, five rounds around the field. Hade, hade, there is never too much warm up.“
Everyone groaned in frustration except for Kaida who jogged towards Gideon with a wide grin, black bowl cut shining in the sun. He turned around and started running.
#whump#whump writing#mutant whump#mutant whumpee#post apocalyptic whump#post apocalypse whump#post apocalypse story#post apocalypse#autistic protagonist#asd#some flowers have teeth#when gideon ends up eing the one with the braincell you know shits gonna get bad
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Rory’s Audit; Part 1
@haro-whumps @grizzlie70 @castielamigos-whump-side-blog @iaminamoodymoodtoday @burtlederp @my-whumpy-little-heart @moose-teeth @pepperonyscience @faewhump @crowned-avery @whump-tr0pes @spookyboywhump @finder-of-rings @liliability @whumpfigure @girlwithacoolcat @tears-and-lilies @inpainandsuffering @whumpfigure @whumppsychology @ashintheairlikesnow
The Collection Box had been quiet again just recently. The usual ebb and flow of the seasons. It was normal. It happened ever year without fail. But Rory still felt a little nervous about the impending visit from his boss. They hadn’t had much cause to interact often since Rory had started working for the Programme. Mr Newman spent most of his time at the Locality Facility, only rarely stopping by to clap Rory on the shoulder and tell him that he “ran a tight ship”. And then he was gone again for months on end. It was partly why Rory had become so organised in the first place; there was no one there to help him or tell him what to do so he kept rigorous notes, took excellent care of the Locality Box, and kept the equipment in top notch condition, always replacing it before it really needed it.
Rory loved his job and he felt as sure as he could that he was good at it. His BP were always calm and content. His Selectors often sent thank you cards or photos of themselves with their BP over the years. Not all of them did but a good enough amount did to reassure him that the system was helping a huge amount of people. And it paid for him to be able to keep a roof over his head. Bills paid on time. Food bought. A little to go aside into savings every few months.
All in all, a visit from his boss, especially one preceded by a gruff sounding and very short phone call was a concern. He both loved, and needed his job.
So in the few hours prior to the visit he had spent time cleaning everything. Making his Collection Box into the best damn box that the world had ever seen. He vacuumed. He dusted. He damp dusted. He swept. He had one BP in who was taking the chance to have a midday sleep after Rory had checked that they were comfortable and full, not needing the toilet or not feeling unwell. He apologised for all of the noise that he was making and tried to keep it down now that they were sleeping.
“Boss man coming in or something?” they’d joked at him.
“Actually yes,” Rory had said. The BP had frowned.
“Don’t look so nervous,” they had said. “I’ll tell them how good it is here.”
The memory of the little exchange had kept the edge off Rory’s panic for most of the morning, until the knock at his door came and caused an uncomfortable leap up in his heart, thudding in his chest. He rubbed his palms down the legs of his trousers in an attempt at not having sweaty palms in time to shake his boss’s hand. It certainly made turning the doorknob to his office door into an easier task.
“Mr Newman,” Rory said, a smile on his lips that didn’t quite meet his eyes as he tried to inject a light hearted tone to his voice. “Good to see you again.” He shifted back out of the way of the door before remembering that he had meant to shake hands. He stuck his hand out as Mr Newman walked through the door, effectively slapping his boss in the stomach as he did so. Mr Newman stopped at the slap of Rory’s hand and looked down at the offending appendage. Rory winced and slowly brought his hand back to his own side.
“Sorry,” he said. “Awkward.” He could feel his face heating up as Mr Newman stood and regarded him with one eyebrow raised as he sighed. “Ok, come on in!” Mr Newman walked past him, and Rory shut the door, wincing and muttering to himself to stop being such an idiot before straightening up, tugging his hand through his hair, fixing his smile back on his face and going to sit at his desk.
"Look," Mr Newman said, sitting down and waving a hand impatiently at Rory, hurrying him up. "I'll keep this simple. We need to run an audit; you need to run an audit. State ordered. No wiggle room."
"Ok?" Rory said, leaning back then sitting forward. Awkward. Uncertain.
"Don't play the idiot," Mr Newman snapped. "The rumour mill's been working up to this and there's no way that even you, isolated as you've made yourself out here, there's no way that you haven't heard anything." Rory held his nerve. Held his silence. He wanted more certainty from his boss. Mr Newman sighed and crossed one leg over the other, ankle to knee. “The young BP, Rory. Some girl has come out saying that she was kept and abused by some drug lord, drug baron. Whatever. Look, they should’ve sent her down with him but somehow she got off all the charges. It was her money he was using.”
“Well,” Rory said, the tiniest hint of a shake to his voice. A fraction of nerves amongst the knowledge that what he was about to say was going to be right. “It was his money once she was Selected so, technically, she had no control over what he did.”
“So you have heard,”
“Stop saying ‘well’ all the time,”
“I’ve heard,” Rory said. His inner monologue had been aching over the rumours. Pining. The scabbed-over wound that Callum Morrow’s appearance and subsequent Selection had left was fresh and bleeding again. But with only a rumour to go on, he had set it to one side. And burned and ached. But he had put it to the back of his mind, stamped it down. Callum was fine. Callum was happy. His Selector checked out. It was one rumour.
“We, apparently, can’t “go on turning a blind eye” anymore. Or so the Givernment are saying. Some internet forum or some other rubbish. I don’t know. But people are starting to kick up trouble. Not the BP I may add. The girl has gone quiet. No other BP are whining. But the powers that be don’t like how it looks. We’ll come out of it fine. But I need you to do that audit. And I want to see the results first. Got it?”
“Got it,” Rory muttered. The voice in his head kept getting louder. Callum Callum Callum. A scar that had suddenly stopped healing. Sutures tearing out. Mr Newman glared at him.
“You better have “got it”,” he said, as he stood and turned his back on Rory, walked to the door. “How long is this likely to take?”
“Um,” Rory mentally shook himself. Callum Callum Callum. Be ok. Be ok. “Not long. I only have one under twenty five ever come through here. Don’t ever get any under about forty actually.”
“So...?” Mr Newman flapped one hand at him, the other already turning the doorknob.
“Give me a week,” Rory said. “I keep good records.” His attention was already wandering further and further from his boss and drifting to his laptop and his filing cabinet. His data sticks and his photographs. He heard Mr Newman’s terse goodbye but not the words. The banging shut of the door jolted his attention to the buzzing silence of the room around him. “Fuck.” He hissed the word out into the room, pulling at his hair, rubbing at his face. Dashing away at tears that he had not realised were even beginning to gather. He felt pulled in too many different directions. There was too much to do and too many places to start. He snatched up a piece of paper and started to write. He needed a list. A plan. A way to channel his thoughts so that they wouldn’t get away from him. He needed to produce an audit. Please his boss. Keep the only source of money that he had.
He needed Callum to be ok. More than all of those things, he needed Callum to be ok.
The list grew. It flowed out from his pen. He forced himself to write alowly and neatly. Mistakes could not be a part of this. And rushing wouldn’t achieve anything. The very first thing on his list read ’look after current BP’. He took a deep breath in and out, and carried on. ‘Laptop’, ‘data stick 3ii’, ‘file copy Callum Morrow’, ‘file copy Hayden Reeve’. He wrote down the websites and databases that would hold the answers to the questions that he was forming and solidifying in his mind. ‘Postal Service’, ‘GIS’, ‘MapReader’.
At the very bottom he wrote ‘You’ve got one week to get him’.
#The collection box#collection box#oc rory#oc Rory Linden#oc mr newman#oc hayden reeve#oc master hayden#oc Callum#oc Callum Morrow#rory linden international man of disaster#Rory loves Callum#oh rory#rory is a quiet disaster#rory is worried about his callum
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ALICE IN BORDERLAND || a honeybeeadventures review
FULL DISCLOSURE: This review may be a little bit biased and that's gonna have to be okay this time because boy, do I LOVE this show.
If you're a fan of foreign tv shows and you haven't heard of Alice in Wonderland by now, then you may be living under a rock. This show, which premiered during the holiday season of the treacherous year known as 2020, is Netflix's most popular live-action adaptation to date. Yes, that's right, adaptation. That is because Alice in Borderland is based on the manga of the same name written and illustrated by Haro Aso.
This time, I will try to hold back all of my spoilers since this show is full of twists and turns and honestly, deserves a blank first impression going into it. I want to make sure that everyone who watches this show because of my review gets to experience it fully without my recapping the events haha. I will try to summarize without ruining anything, though.
Alice In Borderland is a Netflix Japan Original Adaptation of the manga that bears its namesake by Haro Aso which originally ran from April 2011 to April 2016. The show premiered on Netflix on December 10, 2020, and just 14 days later, a second season was confirmed by Netflix.
The show follows Arisu Ryohei and his friends after they witness fireworks in the middle of the day and are dropped into another world where most of the people in Shibuya are gone and the only way to survive is to risk their lives playing games that extend their visas and their right to live in that world. Every game is treacherous and usually ends with a loss of life, though some games do have finite solutions that can save players and preserve their well-being. Along the way, Arisu ( a name which is the Japanese way of pronouncing Alice, by the way ) meets a cast of characters that will seem fairly familiar to you if you've ever seen, read, or really have ever even heard of Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carrol or any of its adaptations.
I typically talk about diversity when I review shows, however, as this is a Japanese show, it's not really fair or easy to judge them on that metric because of course, everyone in the show is Japanese ( as they should be since the manga is set in Tokyo ). However, I will say that in the show, there is a character who says that everyone is free to sleep with whoever they want, no matter what gender and there is also a character that is a part of the Alphabet Mafia ( LGBTQIA+ ... I should make a glossary for this blog lol ). While only one ( confirmed ) members of the Alphabet Mafia isn't a lot, it is based on a manga, and considering the manga is written/illustrated by a Japanese man who was in his 30s at the time, I'm gonna chalk that up as the progressiveness of Haro Aso while still wanting to keep his audience.
Now, down to what you really came here for. I'll list the scores below before we get into why I gave them these scores.
Originality of Content: 8/10
Production Quality: 9/10
Resolution: 6/10
Acting/Cast Members: 10/10
Ability to Keep Interest: 10/10
Provocation: 8/10
Obviously, this show did really well by my standards, and here's the breakdown so you can see why.
Originality of Content: 8/10
If we're being honest here, Alice in Borderland definitely isn't the first manga/anime based on the premise of playing a game to survive or get somewhere in the world ( see: Kakegurui, No Game: No Life, .hack//, Gamble Fish, etc. or Rengoku Dead Role which is actually...very similar to AIB ). However, despite this, it still feels like there's some strong originality brought to this concept. Combining the Japanese love for games and a classical western story gives Alice In Borderland just what it needs to easily become a fan favorite. As someone who really favors game-based anime and manga ( because I really favor game design ), I think that the way that Alice In Borderland is a refreshing nod to the genre.
There's a couple of reasons for this but I'll boil it down to just two. The first is that it's not predictable. The issue with a lot of the game-based animes that I'm familiar with is that they are fairly predictable since most games work the same way, but with Alice In Borderland that is different. The rules to each game that is played seem so simple that they seem deceptive but they also seem complex in the way that a riddle is simple yet complex. Every answer that first comes to your mind is probably going to be wrong and you need to think about it more deeply than that. Sometimes, when the rules of the game were being explained, I found myself wanting to pause to see if I could figure out the solution of the game, too, as I watched Arisu think of it, as well.
The second reason is that Alice In Borderland keeps things fresh with its cast of characters. Rather than some characters being evil because that's 'just the way they are', Alice In Borderland really speaks to the effect of the pressure that is put on young people to succeed and how that can end up in them being more mentally lost than they were, to begin with. It also highlights struggles with gender identity, self-worth, complex family relationships, and living up to one's potential. It does this in such a way that even when a character is downright evil, such as Niragi ( IYKYK), there is almost a feeling of pity for them. This isn't because you sympathize with their actions but more so because it isn't difficult to see how the pressure of life turned them into this monster that you are now watching there. I also enjoyed the fact that there wasn't as much dramatic irony in this show as in many others. While dramatic irony is never a necessarily bad thing, it was nice to genuinely be surprised when a character did something instead of knowing that someone was plotting behind someone else's back.
Production Quality: 9/10
This is a statistic that comes with an asterisk of context and that context is that before this, I had been watching Uchu Sentai Kyuranger and if you know what the production quality of that is like then you understand how it may have influenced this show's score a bit. Even without the comparison fallacy of the two, though, AIB scores high in production quality for one reason more than any other to me. For a show with a lot of blood and death, I wasn't unwilling to believe that these people had actually died. Yes, I'm sure that no actors were harmed in the making of this series, however, if I was a little more naive, I might've doubted that a bit. After all, Live Action adaptations are definitely not known for their believability. I will give AIB the benefit of the doubt in saying that this concept wasn't that difficult to pull off since most of the injuries were similar to what you'd expect on your typical action movie set ( compared to...you know...something involving sci-fi or fantasy) but even in the scenes where people get their necks blown off by explosive collars, it looked like they were nearly decapitated...the way that you would expect if someone's neck was blown off by an explosive collar. All in all, if you want to believe it, you will. It's definitely not a hard stretch.
Resolution: 6/10
Okay, okay, so if you've read the manga or have even glanced at the r/AliceInBorderlandLive subreddit then you know this is kind of an unfair score since...well, they're not done. There's more to the story and the eight episodes that we've seen thus far are only about a third of what AIB has to offer since the manga has two sequels, one of which will be finished on Feb. 18 of this year. However, I will see that statement and raise it with "What if it hadn't been such a great success?" I'm all for ending on cliffhangers to force the network or in this case, Netflix to continue your show but since the first season of AIB covers so much of the storyline, it almost feels wrong to end it short the way that it did. I did like how they had the big reveal of the villain at the end and the way they showed what was coming next but it did feel a little anti-climactic when I realized I was on the last episode since it seemed more like a mid-season break type end instead of a season finale. Since there is a sequel to AIB, I wasn't feeling too discouraged but it's definitely something to think about when watching. If you don't plan on reading the manga, you might be left content starving and questioning until sometime near the end of 2021.
Acting/Cast Members: 10/10
If I was just scoring this show on acting, then it would've gotten an all-kill because each and every single actor in this show from the side characters like Nijiro Murakami and Dori Sakurada to Kento Yamazaki who plays Arisu himself is beyond talented and amazing. It is important to remember that all of the characters in this show had a life before they were transported to the Borderland and in this twisted world, something about the changes that make them different than before so in a way, these actors are responsible for not only playing the characters but also the characters past selves before this growth period in which they change into something either completely opposite or completely different than who they were before.
Somehow, this cast manages to take characters that are already so established ( in the manga ) and become them to the point that looking at them within the role and looking at them outside of the role, it almost seems as if they are really two completely different people. As I said before, some of the characters in Alice In Borderland have a correlation to characters from Alice in Wonderland and have their own unique backgrounds on top of that. This gives to the depth of the characters and makes them dynamic but on top of that, it makes them complex, and yet, these actors seem to have the act of embodying these characters down so well that it astonishes me to see them in other roles and know that it's the same person.
I'll be breaking down my three favorite performances to give you a bit of insight on the reason why this show's cast is well-worth looking into.
Dori Sakurada as Niragi Suguru
So let's be honest here, as much as we all like to pretend that we're immune to someone being attractive just because they also prove to be an awful person, but if we're being honest with ourselves, we're not and I am most certainly no exception to that rule. Dori Sakurada is a handsome man whose good looks are only matched in quality by his amazing acting skills. If you're familiar with his work then you know exactly what I'm talking about and if you're not, then I'd recommend watching 3B no Koibito ( Available with English subs on Youtube ) or Scum's Wish ( Available on Rakuten Viki ) to get an idea of how varied this man's acting skills are. In AIB, he plays a character that is somewhat villainous and can almost be classified as your stereotypical movie sociopath. Yet, still, there's something intriguing beyond just his good looks. Dori Sakurada's performance breaths new air into the lungs of the character of Niragi by not only becoming the villain but also, by picking up the mannerisms and master gestures associated with the character that make him such a memorable part of the story. I haven't seen Dori's full Filmography but the character I have seen outside of AIB are a complete left turn from this character which makes me think that the casting director at Netflix Japan needs a raise for having chosen someone who looks so sweet to be such a villain.
Nijiro Murakami as Chishiya Shuntaro
When it comes to characters that become scene-stealers, Chishiya Shuntaro is definitely one of them. This character is so powerful that I, even, named my cat after him. That is a fact of which I am not ashamed. From the second episode of the show, when we are first introduced to him, he becomes an integral part of the framework of the game he is involved in and it is obvious that we will see him again. That being said, there is no way to word Murakami's performance besides 'integral' as my friend put it, "I literally could not imagine anyone else playing this character." As Chishiya, Murakami takes on such a life and ease in the character that it's almost difficult to believe that the sly facial expressions paired with his nonchalant air are not in his nature and are, in fact, something that he donned for the role. I look forward to seeing not only more of Murakami as this character but exploring more of his filmography in general.
Aya Asahina as Hikari Kuina
Kuina as a character is someone that the protagonist does not meet until a few episodes into the show but when it comes to backstories and characters with rich personalities, she shines compared to a lot of other characters I have seen like her. I won't spoil her backstory for you since she's definitely someone who represents something that's a little bit rarer in stories from more reserved cultures but she definitely deserved a mention in this category due to her amazing acting skills and her flawless stunt scenes.
Ability to Keep Interest: 10/10 || Provocation: 8/10
While the rest of my stats got their own individual evaluation, these are going to be combined and the reason for this is because they have the same reasons for their scores. As I mentioned before, Alice In Borderland takes a new spin on the 'play games to live' genre that is so common amongst anime and manga and for that reason, it was able to keep my interest so much so I finished watching it over the course of two days. It was also a deeply thought-provoking situation because the nature of the games and the backgrounds of the characters forced me to think up my own games and my own ideas of where the characters whose backstories are not explained could've come from. That being said, a lot of the thoughts that the show provoked did end up becoming depressing, especially after reading the manga because I discovered that some games could not have had a better outcome due to their simple rules and that made me very sad because even if I am not attached to or fond of a character, I still do not enjoy their downfall.
Overall, I enjoyed Alice In Borderland enough to have rewatched it one and a half times since I first watched it a few weeks ago. As someone who rarely goes back to shows that involve plot twists and suspense because I already know what's going to happen, that really says a lot for not just the storyline but also the acting and amazing intricacies that are in the show. I still feel like each time I watch it, I glean some new detail or fact that I hadn't thought of before and I come to understand the games a bit more with each passing scene or episode. I also feel that the more I rewatch the show, the more I sympathize with even the villains and come to value and understand their motivations and roles. 8.5 out of 10. I WOULD RECCOMMEND.
Thanks for reading!!
#alice in borderland#aib review#alice in borderland review#tv show review#netflix review#alice in borderland netflix#nijiro murakami#dori sakurada#niragi suguru#chishiya#chisiya shuntaro#kuina hikari#aya asahina#kento yamazaki#kakegurui
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Or smoke somebody with a Char (Literally)
-Your local crazy ass Pokémon trainer with her Ace Pokémon

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I love Kati and Patrick so much, he's such a golden retriever, and I love how she's grown closer to him. I love all the little ways people are happy in this show, it does a great job offsetting the darker moments. I love post-canon fluff even when the characters AREN'T this lovable, so uh.... I'll have to ask for fic recs after this! 💖 Since I have some bonus space in this ask (for once!) are there any headcanons you like that I've seen enough to appreciate? I love hearing your takes ^_^
Kati/Patrick is the actual best; there's something so pure about the "man with 1 braincell that he uses to love his wife"/"woman who is literally only soft for him" dynamic. I don't have a lot of Kati/Patrick-centric recs atm but I will look for more!
So, @durinswizardwheezes has a really elaborate set of headcanons built around the Dylandy family that are basically my personal canon. In their fics, Lyndsay (the twins' mom) is Deaf, Amy did Irish dancing, and Neil wears his gloves all the time because during the explosion, he panicked and tried to dig up the ruins of the mall, resulting in extensive scarring that he refused to get fully treated with regen tech.
@the-stray-liger has a lot of good headcanons too, especially about Lasse and the CB bridge crew in general being chaotic. In particular, I like his idea about various people using the Haros to play pranks. On the subject of Lasse, @hawk-in-a-tree has convinced me that he's Norweigan, and I tend to imagine that, when the character files say he was previously part of the mafia, they mean the Russian mafiya.
If Graham attended college, he absolutely minored in both Asian Studies and drama.
I also tend to think that Allelujah and the others in the SSI (except for Marie) weren't designer babies but rather orphans and lost children found by the HRL government and taken for experimentation. Allelujah is also a terrible cook.
When they were in grad school, Billy and Sumeragi dated. Kati ended up stuck in the middle of a lot of their couple fights, to her frustration (she didn't date at all at that time; too focused on school). Billy/Sumeragi broke up amicably at the end of grad school because they didn't want to try and maintain a long distance relationship.
Setsuna is aro-ace, and also probably autistic.
The Trinity siblings looked at Laguna like a dad, but he considered them tools.
I am sure I'm forgetting stuff--probably a lot of stuff, honestly. I have so many headcanons at this point it's hard to remember all of them to list them out. But these are a start.
#gundam 00#gundam 00 spoilers#headcanon#g00 rewatch anon#celestial being#i'm not tagging every individual character because i love myself
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Stuck in Borderland
Chapter 2: Six of Diamonds Part 1
Warnings: Language, weapons, violence
I split chapter two into two pieces, because I felt like it was getting too long. Part 2 is a WIP! Thanks for reading!
All characters are ocs except for Hatter and Kuzuryu who belong to Haro Aso.
Sayaka leaned against the wall in the back of the lobby with Madoka, while Hatter stood on a balcony addressing the entirety of the beach with the same bullshit speech about hope.
“So he does this same speech every night?” Sayaka whispered leaning over to Madoka who nodded.
“More or less. It’s pretty much the same.”
“And you have to be sorted into groups for the games?”
“Yep. There’s always at least one militant in the groups. He says it’s to keep everyone safe. Gives us better odds if at least one person has a gun, but…” she cast a glance around the room and dropped her voice to a whisper, “I think it’s just to make sure we hand over the card in the end.”
Sayaka nodded. It had been 3 days since she had completed the 3 of diamonds game and been brought to the beach. And every night she had been treated to Hatter’s speech about hope, rallying the members before they went out to their games. But, now it was night three and Sayaka’s own visa was expiring, and that speech was directed at her.
Hatter ended his speech wishing them all luck and a cheer erupted from the lobby, as everyone charged to the front to receive their group assignments. Sayaka quietly pushed forward with Madoka, her visa also at its end. They made it up to the table where one of the beach members handed Madoka a folded piece of paper. Sayaka reached for her own paper when Kuzuryu appeared behind the table, “no need Sayaka you’re coming with my group. We want to test your skills see if you’re fit for an executive position.”
Sayaka stared at him wide-eyed before glancing at Madoka who smiled, “well good luck then. I’ll see you after, stay safe.” She flashed her the four from her card and gave Kuzuryu a nod, “nice to see you Kuzuryu.”
Kuzuryu nodded at her before turning to Sayaka, “we need to get going come along.” He turned sharply heading to the entrance.
Sayaka pouted, but glanced at Madoka with a sigh, “see you later be safe,” before following Kuzuryu. She didn’t want to be an executive, honestly the less time she had to spend around any of the executives the better. She had learned Niragi the man with the piercings was severely unhinged and was way too eager to kill someone should they make a mistake. Hatter gave her the creeps always taking different girls that looked way too young for him up to his room, and then there was Chishiya. He had been watching her since the night she had gotten to the beach. Sayaka always saw the flash of his white hoodie out of the corner of her vision, though he had never actually tried to talk to her, which just made it twice as creepy.
Sayaka was led to the same beat up corvette as the other night, though now she noticed that it had a crude “2” spray painted on the side. I guess that’s what the numbers mean. She sat in the car as it sped off into Tokyo to find a game arena.
“We will be using this game to test your skills. You excelled in the 3 of Diamonds game, if you do well tonight I can almost guarantee an executive position for you, which does have it’s perks so,” Kuzuryu glanced over his shoulder from the front passenger seat at her, “try and impress me.”
Sayaka frowned, but gave him a curt nod, “do my best.” She had no desire to impress him let alone be an executive. They pulled up to a high school one of the few buildings in the area with its lights on.
Everyone piled out of the car and headed towards the entrance with Sayaka lagging behind to survey the team she had been saddled with. If Kuzuryu wanted her in charge for the game she should know who she had to deal with. Their team of five consisted of Kuzuryu, herself, two militant men each with a handgun sticking out of their swim trunks, and one girl who seemed to take a liking to one of the militants hanging onto him saying how scared she was. Could be better, could be worse I suppose… But, it all depended what type of game this was.
They walked up the steps to the entrance passing through the doorway with the familiar shing of the security grid activating behind them. Sayaka picked up a phone from the table and the screen lit up, “facial recognition in progress, please wait for the game to commence.”
As the timer on the wall counted down Sayaka drew in a deep breath, the waiting was the worst part. The anticipation of finding out what type of game they were playing. She could see the fear starting to form on some of their faces. The girl who had been faking being scared actually started to look horrified, and was clutching tightly to the militant boy who was staring intently at his phone.
DING DONG, “registration is now closed. The game will now commence.” Sayaka stared up at the ceiling where she assumed the invisible voice was coming from.
“Game: Trivia Crush, Difficulty: Six of Diamonds,” Sayaka felt bile rising in her throat as she stared at the card lighting up her phone screen. She hadn’t played a game above difficulty level 4, especially a diamonds game.
Complete the trivia questions correctly to advance to the next room.
Answer a question incorrectly, and there will be consequences.”
“What kind of consequences?” The other beach girl asked, but everyone shushed her in response causing her to shrink into herself.
“There are 10 rooms in total.
Leave the 10th room before the timer stops, and you will have successfully cleared the game.
If you do not leave the final room within the time limit, you will die.
Time limit: 60 minutes,” a door opened on the room to the right of the lobby causing everyone to jump, “please proceed into the room to begin the game.”
Sayaka drew a deep breath before she walked into the room letting it out as she entered, you can do this, you’ve played trivia games before.
Once everyone had piled into the room the door slammed shut and locked with a loud click. Sayaka took this chance to survey the room. It was an old classroom with the desks still placed in neat rows with pencil and paper sitting on each. If it weren’t for the boarded up windows she would say there was nothing suspicious about it. The blackboard at the back of the room flipped causing them all to jump.
“Your time has started.”
“Alright Sayaka,” she turned to Kuzuryu, “this is your executive test, so you are the only one to answer these questions.”
She stared at him wide-eyed, but gave him a curt nod. What else was she going to say? Very slowly she turned her head towards the blackboard. Please don’t be math, pleeeaaaasseeee. Sayaka nearly cried out loud when she read the board.
Written in almost unsettlingly perfect handwriting was the question, “1. Write out the empirical chemical formula for Titin.”
“I know that!” She screamed as she ran full speed to the board fumbling for the chalk that she made fall onto the floor in her hurry.
“You do?” One of the militants asked.
“Yes, I’m a chemist. I memorized this as a joke to impress one of my professors to get an internship” she let out a breathy laugh at how insignificant that piece of her life seemed now, “it worked too.”
As she wrote it on the board the girl from the beach chimed in, “are you sure that’s right? There’s some sort of consequence if it’s not!”
“Shut it Akiko! Let her work!” The militant she had clung to a moment before snapped.
Sayaka paused and glanced to the side as she set the chalk down and took a step back, “yes,” she drew in a deep breath, “I’m sure this is right.”
“This answer is…” The was a long pause as the voice spoke, “correct! Congratulations, please advance to the next room.”
Sayaka let out the breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding and raked a hand through her hair, “thank god.”
A door to the right of the blackboard popped open and Kuzuryu walked past her towards it, “nice job, one down nine to go.”
She pouted, “don’t remind me.”
The next three rooms seemed a breeze simple trivia questions about the human body or science that were right up Sayaka’s alley.
They all walked through the fourth door to another classroom, but when Sayaka saw the question that was written on the board her heart sank. “Three resistors of equal resistance are connected in series. Compared to the voltage provided by the battery, voltage across each of the resistors is _______.” She walked up to the board and stared at it for a moment before turning to Kuzuryu, “I don’t know the answer.”
He nodded, “well you have to figure it out. This is your executive test.”
“Yea, but I don’t know anything about electrical work.”
“You can figure it out.”
Now Sayaka was starting to get mad, “what word do you not understand. I. Don’t. Know. The. Answer.”
“If you cannot solve the question on your own then we all die,” Kuzuryu said calmly.
Sayaka drew in a sharp breath sucking in her lower lip, “fine,” she leaned against the wall and crossed her arms, “guess we’ll die then.”
The militant who had snapped at Akiko stomped up to her pointing the gun in her face, “solve the fucking question!”
“I can’t.”
“Do it or I’ll shoot you!” he screamed pushing the gun in her face.
Sayaka turned her chin up at him, “go ahead. You’ll die whether I answer it or not.”
“You have to answer it Sayaka,” Kuzuryu said trying to remain calm, but she could see the panic starting to build in his eyes.
“I can’t.”
“You’re not even trying!” The militant snapped.
“What do you want me to do teach myself electrical engineering in the next 40 minutes?”
“There are now 30 minutes remaining.”
“The next 30 minutes, excuse me,” Sayaka corrected leaning back against the wall.
“So we’re just supposed to die!?” The militant snapped.
“Guess so,” Sayaka shrugged.
“I can solve it.”
All of their heads snapped around to Akiko who was taking a hesitant step forward.
“We only have a one chance Akiko, shut up and stay back,” the militant snapped.
“Shut up!” Sayaka snapped and took a step towards Akiko, “how do you know you can solve it?”
“I was an electrical engineering student. I used to work with circuits all the time,” she said quietly.
There was a long pause as they all started at her, “I think she should do it,” Sayaka said.
Kuzuryu snapped his head around to look at her, “no this is your test.”
“Fuck the test Kuzuryu! Do you want to die?!” Sayaka flailed her arms.
He hesitated looking from Sayaka to the board to the phone in his hand where the timer continued to tick down, “fine.”
“Akiko it’s all you,” Sayaka said quietly holding the chalk out to her. Akiko drew in a deep breath and shakily took the chalk from Sayaka before walking up to the board. She drew a crude rectangular diagram with the same waves on 3 sides and an open space on the other.
“If this is what the resistors would look like, then the voltage would be…” she hesitated.
“Just answer it Akiko!” The militant shouted.
“Yelling at her isn’t helping!” Sayaka rounded on him.
“The same!” Akiko scribbled it on the board and closed her eyes, “the voltage would be the same!”
There was a deafening silence within the room before there was another chime, “Congratulations please advance to the next room!”
“Thank god! Great job Akiko!” Sayaka smiled patting her shoulder as they all clambered into the next room, room number 5.“What is the largest organ in the human body?”
“At least it’s another easy one…” Sayaka mumbled and headed towards the board, but Akiko’s militant was already scribbling on it.
“Psh, yea even I know this one!” He turned around crossing his arms, “it’s the stomach.”
Sayaka stared at him in horror, but when she opened her mouth to say something there was a loud buzzer sound. They all looked up at the ceiling as the silence came over them again, “That answer… is INCORRECT.”
“How is that not the answer!?” The militant screamed turning back to the board.
“Well what’s the consequence?” Akiko asked glancing at Sayaka who shook her head.
“I don’t know, but knowing the game makers it’s deadly,” she whispered. There was a loud thud and then the sound of screeching metal, and they had their answer as the ceiling started slowly dropping and spikes lowered from circular holes.
“Holy shit, change the answer! It’s skin! The largest organ is skin!” Sayaka screamed at the militant.
“You idiot skin isn’t even an organ!” He snapped back.
“Change the answer Kaoru!” The other militant yelled.
“That’s not the fucking answer Daichi!” Kaoru screeched back.
Sayaka honestly didn’t know what to say and just stared at him until Kuzuryu made a dive for the board. He erased the stomach and crudely scribbled “skin” down. They all paused waiting for the voice, but the ceiling kept lowering.
“That answer is…” The voice paused teasing them, “Correct! Please proceed to the next room.” The door next to the board popped open and they all made a mad dash for it.
Kaoru shoved Akiko out of the way knocking her down as he scrambled for the door. Sayaka helped Akiko to her feet and held her arms as they both slipped through the door and it closed behind them with a thud. They all stood breathing heavily until the voice chimed in, “there are 20 minutes remaining.”
“There are five rooms left that means 4 minutes per room,” Kuzuryu said turning to the board and they all froze. Sitting on the board was a long complicated calculus problem with the simple words, “solve this equation,” written above it.
“Oh we’re so fucked,” Sayaka breathed.
#alice in borderland#Alice in borderland oc#my writing#I know diamond games aren't all trivia based#but I felt like that fit how I think of the games best#Game rules are freaking hard man#I always struggle writing things that are multiple sections of the same thing (room to room) sorry if it gets repetitive!#stuck in borderland
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