#you are an excellent stick with which to beat the blorbo
tashacee · 11 months
It’s safe to say that everyone in the chain has ptsd or trauma of some sort right? I’m thinking about hero’s aspect!Wild having a nightmare and screaming and talking and begging in his sleep and he can’t wake, and the chain has no idea what he’s even experiencing because they can’t understand him
OH BOY I know i kind of touched on this in the original Fic, but hell, Worm Anon, you gave me Brain Worms.
Aspects of A Nightmare
He'd been with them for two weeks. Long enough that the chain was starting to feel like they were getting to know him - or at least getting used to him - but not really long enough that they could communicate with Wild in any sort of meaningful way.
It grated. Warriors was a leader of men, 'The Captain', always in control, who prided himself on being able to relate to those he served with. Sure, he wasn't in the army now and his brothers were anything but soldiers, but still. The point was, he liked to know the people he was fighting with, and despite his best efforts he just didn't know Wild.
It was easy to ignore most of the time. Ah, yes, that was Wild. He likes to cook, fights like a maniac, and will straight up pick you up if you're being annoying.
Sometimes, though, their lack of communication was all too obvious.
Like tonight. Wars was on second watch when he heard it. Wild, but not his customary rumble or the soft purrs he made in his sleep. A whine, long and low and distressed. Like a call for help.
Wars dashed over to him, wondering if somehow a monster had invaded the camp while he was turned the other way, but no.
As usual, Wild was sleeping with Wind cuddled up beside him. While their newest brother's blanket was thin and ratty, barely big enough to cover his massive form, Wind's was vast, more than big enough for the both of them.
Wild had somehow gotten himself tangled up in the blanket as he slept. Wars could see him trying to lift his arms, move his legs, but to no avail. He whined in his sleep, the sound pitiful and terrified.
Warriors didn't know what he was dreaming of. Nothing good, that was for sure, especially if it had to do with his current trapped position.
Wild tried to thrash again, and still stuck, he whined.
Wars bent down. Normally waking up a hero was something best done from a distance. They could be a violent lot, especially when woken from nightmares, but. Well.
It wasn't like Wild could move enough to do anything.
Wars gently touched his shoulder and shook him awake. Wild's eyes flew open in a flash, and as expected he bared his teeth, snarling. Not particularly intimidating, though, given that he was currently a giant cat-burrito.
"Hey." Warriors whispered, glancing over at where Wind was somehow still asleep. "You were having a nightmare."
Wild blinked, coming back to himself, and then looked down at the sheets. As if reassuring himself that it was just a blanket. That his nightmare wasn't real.
He whimpered, a low grumbling noise almost as if he was attempting speech. Then he sniffed and began to wiggle out of the blankets. Wars helped him untangle himself, and then guided his massive brother over to the fire.
"It's okay." he said, not knowing if it was true or not. He didn't know what Wild had been dreaming about, after all. It was hard to comfort someone when you didn't know what you were comforting them about. "It- it's over now."
Wild fixed his gaze on him, his lower lip trembling. He made a few more of those almost-word-mostly-grumbles before his face just. Crumpled. Here he was, this massive, musclebound lion man, dissolving into tears.
And Warriors? Warriors froze. He wasn't proud of it, and it was only for a second, but he froze.
Wild was big. He was strong. When Wars shot him through the shoulder the other day he barely flinched. But whatever that nightmare must have been about, it must have been truly, unrelentingly terrible. Warriors could scarcely imagine what could be so horrible that it made someone as big and strong as Wild sob.
Then his body kicked into action. Like waking them up, giving heroes unexpected hugs could go very badly, but Warriors was on autopilot. He gathered Wild into his arms (well, as best he could, with the height difference) and pulled him into a hug, stroking his hair and rubbing the fur on his back.
Wild sobbed into his chest, twisting his hands into his tunic. He may have tried to communicate again, but honestly, Warriors found it hard to distinguish from the sobs and he sort of hated himself for that. He wanted to talk to Wild. He needed to know what had hurt him so very badly, what had taken his arm and left him scarred and sobbing in a strange place in a strange time. He need to know so that he could go and fight it, make it pay for hurting his brother.
But he couldn't do that. So he did the next best thing. He held his brother as he cried, and helped him dry his tears when he finally calmed down. He made him a cup of tea and sat with him until his hands stopped shaking enough that he was ready to go back to bed.
Warriors knew next to nothing about Wild.
But by Hylia, he would do anything to learn.
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