#you and your blog are incredible. dont ever forget that!
im-s0rry · 3 months
Grimm's Chaos Clash Finale (300 Post Special)
So it seems that this little game has ended. Our winners have been found from the Chaos Clash Tourney. . .
I just wanted to say, from the bottom of my heart, thank you all for submitting your characters, joining this tournament, voting, cheering on our contestants, and overall just having a fun time expressing your creativity through this niche community that we all call home. I made this tournament so that we could all use our creativity to push ourselves further beyond. . . And I think that we were able to accomplish that with this tournament. I am so glad that this community was able to get together and do something like this. . .
And now, a few closing statements for my 300th post on this Blog.
Folks, I'll be honest with you all, I'm not sure how I got this far. This community has shifted so much in this short time, it's hard to see how we got here in the first place. We lost and regained my dear friend Mercair, we went through two ARGs where several people got replaced by AI while Sakriss was introduced to the world, almost all of my Secret Bosses got redesigned, fun was had, and friends were made. . . To @glitch-the-artist , whom I have spent way more time with, in all honesty, I want to thank you for all that you've done for this community. Your work is amazing and has inspired me to work harder than ever. . . To @mercair , who left for a long while before returning with the incredibly made @dont-play-deltarune-at-3am ARG and a new Secret Boss, Sakriss! You've always been an incredible friend, an inspiration to many, and a niche micro-celebrity in this side of the Deltarune Secret Boss Fandom. I owe a lot to you, man, and I still don't regret turning you into Sonatta that one time. . . To @mrchaosman , who's taking a break from posting to focus on his mental health. . . Thank you. You were always there for me when I needed you, you built me up and I. . . I never returned the favor. . . And I regret all of those times where I left you on read. I hope to do better after this, I mean it this time. . . To those six other people who were at one point in my mind. . . May you rest in peace. You made up a small part of my life that. . . I kind of regret now that I think of it. Your sacrifices weren't in vain, y'all. . . But even then, I don't miss y'. . . To @creepa-b0t-inc , honestly one of the most dedicated and amazing people in this Fandom. You've helped on so many projects and worked with some of the biggest creators in this Fandom and i want to thank you for all of that work youve done for this community. Without you, I don't think this community would be the way it is now. . . To everyone who's supported my work up to this point, I want to thank all of you. Without you, I wouldn't be here ranting about my weird ocs and improving as much as I have now. This community, this game, it means so much to me. . . And I want to thank you for all of that. . .
. . . By why go out like that? Why go out without something new to think about. Something. . . Bold. This is the first time I've told anyone outside of the small group of people who I've tried to make this happen with, I'm here to tell you about Void Hotline. Void Hotline is a small Deltarune AU I've had a hand in making about WD and Dess, along with a small group of other characters including the Goners, Chara, Flowey, Seam, Everyman, and the Skeleton Brothers, all working at a call center which is specifically designed to make the Secret Bosses go insane and know the truth about their world. I wouldn't expect much from it, due to it being an uphill battle with me and the team constantly forgetting to work on it, but I feel like with the help of some other people, specifically you guys, maybe this can go somewhere. If you're interested in helping with this AU, please message me about it and I will see if you're fit for the team. Together, I hope that we can make this stupid little AU. . . And I hope that you all have a great day. I bid you all adieu. Happy 300th.
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chubbychiquita · 1 year
the strawpoll gives pretty good evidence of a correlation between neurodivergence and fat kink/fetishism, but if you wanted to establish some sort of link you’d need to do an experiment. tbh i’m not entirely sure how you’d do it, the only thing that comes to mind would to measure arousal when exposed to both “vanilla” and fat fetishistic sexual content. Operational definitions of arousal could be anything from blood pressure to hormone production, hell there’s even a device that you stick your boner in that measures the blood flow. There’s also the presence of a selection bias stemming from people who are coming from a fat fetish blog on tumblr, a place with a large and vocal ND community, voluntarily giving the info. All this being said, incredibly interesting to think about and could be the basis for actual groundbreaking research on human sexuality and neurodivergence (my credentials are I’m a 2nd year psych student and life time fat woman liker)
ahhh thank u for this! i dont have a lot of knowledge abt what makes stuff like this statistically significant but found it notable that pretty much every feedist i've ever met identifies as neurodivergent (and also often queer) ! ur right though, the pool for this poll is limited to "people who follow chubbychiquita on tumblr and x and saw this post on a weekday and cared enough to click on it". i pray that one of you horny dorks follows through on this and gets published in all the journals, just don't forget to mention ol CC
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eltanin0 · 6 days
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wow, just wow. not once did i ever think i'd hit a big milestone like this. i am genuinely forever indebted to every one of you
large amounts of rambling below, mostly negative, sorry in advance
it's a bit unreal :/ i know i'm not deserving of even half of this, i know my stuff is pretty bad most of the time, i know i only get notes because bigger blogs take pity on me, i know many others who deserve this much much more than me. so i'm incredibly bittersweet about it. most of the people following me don't see 90% of my stuff, i have to imagine it's just people following and forgetting. most of my drawings dont pass 15 notes without large blogs reblogging my stuff. i still haven't created anything good in my eyes (i'd be a lot harsher but this is already pretty negative), but i'll continue to try and make stuff worthwhile for you all. most people don't read this stuff, maybe i shouldn't be writing it. i feel guilty for the people who followed me for the #effort pieces since they dont happen often. i'm sorry i haven't been drawing like i used to. i do not deserve the attention i've gotten, but i'll try and play catchup to become someone worthy of the kindness i've received.
sorry for all the rambling and overall negativity of this. thank you for your continued support. have a good day
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vantaesfairie · 2 years
𝔭𝔦𝔠𝔨 𝔞 𝔠𝔞𝔯𝔡 𝔠𝔬𝔩𝔩𝔞𝔟 : 𝔴𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔦𝔰 𝔞𝔭𝔭𝔢𝔞𝔩𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔞𝔟𝔬𝔲𝔱 𝔶𝔬𝔲
atlty’s tarot readings - dm for paid readings and prices!
this is my first ever tarot reader collab with @cadecastelis !!! go check out their blog and reblog too!
choose a picture below:
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pile 1, beige suit @vantaesfairie
this is my quiet, strong, dreamers pile, isn't it? if you dress or do your makeup a certain way that is kind of dark and smoky, like the aesthetic dark feminine, that is very attractive. a word of advice: up your mentality and your personal style, doesn't have to be expensive but it has to look bountiful. your love and care for a family and a 'happy ending' makes you seem secure and stable. you might be an emotional and creative person, and that's attractive as well. your quiet allure makes people interested in you, like who is this secretive person? feels like there's always a veil on you that makes people want to discover you and know you more emotionally, that's hot (im sorry about my wording but you know what i mean). this pile is very siren-like, giving me heavy mermaid dark fairy vibes.
pile 2, blue ruffly gown @vantaesfairie
your king/queen energy is strong. your leadership qualities make you alluring to a lot of people. there's something about that masculine, assured energy that shines through. you have a natural vibe of being bountiful and happy with what you have already, which makes you feel safe and confident. you also have a new love energy, your playfulness and artistic qualities make you look even better spiritually. i think that you shine the most in social events where your personality can come through. is this the extrovert pile with a hidden cute side? there's a lot of 'party' and 'manifestation' vibes coming through. your posture and way of sitting is kind of hot too. in general i feel like the most of your physical appeal is through the way you carry yourself, and your emotional appeal is your feeling of self-assertiveness, composure, and also the lighthearted and golden retriever, cute energy when you are in love. your sunshine vibes draw people in :))
pile 3, turquoise corset @cadecastelis
7W, Hermit, 10C
Already I know your ability to connect with others and yourself, knowing what you and others desire, is something that attracts people to you. You can stand your ground for what you believe in, but other feel deep down the other perspective. I think being able to fully embrace your own desires and other people's desires and to find a balance is something that people admire about you and something that will draw people in. When someone knows themself and what they want out of a relationship, its incredibly hot so dont forget to play that up. Your desire to connect while also prioritizing yourself is something others will like about you as well.
pile 4, pink chinese traditional dress, @cadecastelis
KnC, Justice, The Star
Immediately I feel a strong energy from you. If you picked this pile, it is safe to bet people are attracted to your presence in general. I feel you have a very dominant and assertive personality. You are very in touch with your emotions and someone for others to rely on as well. They consider you a beaken of hope. You're very empathic and that leads you to stick up for the underdog. Im sure you've gained a lot of simps just by being kind to others and doing what you believe is right. You might come off as aggressive at times but I think that's balanced out with your inner softness. I feel air and water signs may connect to this the most. To sum this up, your personality and assertive nature draws people too you. Flaunt your independence too, people like that.
likes and reblogs are heavily appreciated! check out my paid readings and custom sigils if you’re interested. have a nice day! 
dont shoot the messenger.
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lesbonym · 2 months
Damn I prolly lost what little cool factor I still had cause my blog is just me being a goof ball for the most part, you prolly also didn't notice it cause it's my sfw blog cause I am still setting up my nsfw side blog but I keep forgetting to actually do anything with it
Also feel free to pull on my hair needy boy, it'll just make me bite on you and toy with you more, I would love to spend a looong time between your thighs turning you from needy nym into fucked out nym
Also >\\\\\\\\\\\\\< ruuuuuuuuuuuuuude, eye contact isn't something I'm the best at (prolonged eye contact in like a serious situation almost always makes me want to laugh just cause it feels weird, like tickling my brain of sorts) but when I am flustered I almost always try to hide about it cause there can be no witnesses to me being blushy (there are so many witnesses but if I hide then I can pretend no one can see how flustered I am) especially cause generally when I am pretty flustered my Domme will look like they want to eat me alive (or eat me out till I die) and it makes me even more flustered which compounds until I have no choice but to behave (I'm always a good boy for you cause you don't enjoy brats, but I love being a little shit to dommes who enjoy brats taming, unfortunately I'm not always good at it cause I care about my partners and so I can barely even mildly inconvenience them before I start behaving again, but I like to pretend I am super mischievous)
Also I know I already sent you a happy birthday message but I'm sending you another one
Happy birthday!!!!!
I wish I could teleport cause then we could go to a queer bar together and I'd buy you a drink cause you are hot, but I have a low alcohol tolerance and so if I ever try to do shots with people I am sloshed by the time I take 4 (drunk me is incredibly snuggly but also has no filter in a super embarrassing way, -i have sung an impromptu song about stegosaurus-)
Hehe, in the nicest way possible, you were more cute than cool when you came to my asks, baby. I figured it was sfw, and I'll go follow the nfsw when you finish it. I just wanted to be moots >:3
God, I would die for some bites and marks on my thighs rn. I'm so freaking desperate that I'd love to get my pretty boy between my thighs so I can feel so good. I think you'd really enjoy fucked out Nym //////////
I'm not the best with eye contact at all, haha. I think I'd be extra bad at it during sex and stuff cause it's so freaking vulnerable. But I can understand how someone can find it hot! That's so cute how flustered you can get. Just giving me so much ammo to use against you, pretty boy
Thank you for the extra birthday wishes! I meant to answer this yesterday, but I think I dozed off while typing my answer to this 💀. I dont live in a city with many gay bars, but I would love for you to come and bring me to some! I need to try some different alcohols, so I think being with you would make me feel comfortable enough to try. I think I have a little higher tolerance? I haven't tried enough to be sure.
Now I need to hear about the stegosaurus song!
I do wanna bring the thing up about brats again because I don't want anyone thinking I don't like brats or anything. Even I can get bratty with dominant moots that I interact with. My personal boundaries with bratting have changed a bit, and I now know that I need to know the sub a little bit. Just figuring out personalities and never going too far is easier when I know the other person. If I can't figure out how to get a brat to listen to me, I tend to get irritable and think I'm doing something just completely wrong. Overall, I'm fairly neutral on brats, but I can't handle super serious brats that tend to need a big punishment to fold. I'm just not a fan of giving punishments like that, so I'd rather not have brats come in that are expecting that and get disappointed.
Though, as easy as I find it to fluster you, I definitely think I would be fine with you bratting
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way2gosuperrstarr · 2 months
Now it’s time to ask you for the artist asks!:
2,7,10,12,13,14, and 23!
2— How long have you been drawing?
i've been drawing since i was like .... ough well, for as long as i can remember, but i really started w those "how to draw x thing" books when i wasssss..... 8 i think?? and im 19 now . so . that'd be 10-11 years? i think?
7— How often to do you use references?
a lot of the time i . forget i can actually use references/that references are even a thing . and just try to tough it out until i inevitably give up. HOWEVER, i do use them quite a lot when i remember i can! it's mostly just for individual small parts of a piece though; like a hand gesture or seeing how the skin of like .... fingers/knees would look when bent a certain way. stuff like that! i do occasionally use pose references though, especially when i cant visualize it in my head in a way that allows me to transfer it to the canvas- if rhat makes sense. sometimes i have a SUPER clear mental image but cant put it through my hand in a way that makes anatomical sense, which is usually when i need a full pose reference!
10— Are you confident about your art?
ougghhh it really depends ..... sometimes i feel incredibly proud of a piece, other times i hate it so much i want to delete the entire thing like i never drew it; more often than not im kinda "eh" about the stuff i draw, but i do get those lovely gems that i still look back on that i love, no matter how old they get. that's a recent thing though, a lot of my OLDER art is . definitely not up there . i'd say im like . i guess a little bit confident in my work but not as much as i'd like to be
12— Is it okay for people to ask you about your process?
i can't promise a coherent answer that makes any sense, but absolutely! i dont mind! <3 i dont believe in gatekeeping in art :)
13— Do you prefer to keep your art personal, or do you like drawing things for other people?
most of the stuff i draw is for me- it's what i default to and it usually what i'll idly draw. but i love drawing things for other people!!!! it usually just takes me a bit more energy and a little longer, but i absolutely love seeing how happy people usually get when you draw them something! it's one of my favorite things, i love making people happy and using art, one of the few things im actually good at, to do it just makes it even better :] knowing something im decent at has the capacity to make others feel nice! and it's also a nice confidence boost to see someone loose their marbles over something you drew for em
14— Do you ever collaborate with others?
yessir!!!! i do it with my friends all the time, with oc worlds and lores and aus which really helps me develop them (though to be real i havent really collabed/world vomited/brainstorm bounced about my sb aus with anyone atm ,,,,) and i do it with artwork too, albeit not in a while!! but i used to do art collabs regularly with people i knew/mutuals and i loved doing them a lot!!! and i probably still would do em if someone asked!
23— Do you draw more fanart, or original art?
currently? fanart. if my blog and the sheer volume of dca art i draw is anything to do by /silly however! i did go through a couple years of solely original art! and then before that, a couple years of solely fanart/fandom ocs! it's really just whatever i feel like doing at the time! i usually just draw whatever i want to draw :] but that's also majorly dictated by what my mind is one-track-focused on at the moment; if i want to draw my ocs, and my mind is absolutely one track hyperfixated on something else at the moment (currently the dca/my sb aus, sdgo and my self insert au), i wont really be able to draw my original characters, or anything else, in a way that satisfies me because i wont really be "in it" :') if that makes any sense!!!
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georges-chambers · 4 months
1, 5, 7, 15, 20 and 30 for the ask game? :3
Oh hello and thank you, these are very intriguing.
1. "What are 3 things you'd say shaped you into who you are?"
If I really had to pick out specific things which happened and not just basic cultural/literal upbringing: The sort of breakdown I went through between 2022 and 2023 (time blended together so much it's hard to tell when and where one started and where one ended), getting really into Classic and some new Doctor Who when I was like 12 and never fully leaving (which also made me intrigued by those old men), and getting into the Terror and the people I've met through my interest in it (the culmination of wanting to fuck thode old men).
5. "What made you start your blog?'
Technically speaking, soon after I watched the Terror originally last July or so, I'd talk a lot to friends I had who didn't watch/weren't into it, and eventually one suggested I make this because, 'Ships boy as a gender sounds like something that'd do numbers on tumblr'. I eventually did, forgetting to post about exactly that until someone else already kind of had. Needless to say that I'm always glad I did that because I've met many incredible Terror fans through it.
7. What scares you the most and why?
Emotionally, practically? Probably abandonment or something. Literally, physically, and impractically (in that it's very unlikely)? Chimpanzees and gorillas and the thought of being stuck in a room with one. Chimps get alarmed very quickly at Nothing and very violent soon after. Gorillas don't necessarily but I find them hard to look at. So if this scenario somehow ever happened I'd just try to find the easiest, least painful way to lose consciousness possible. Somewhere in between is bugs and dogs. I've had a bit of a phobia of dogs from a young age but in an odd way. It's not a conscious fear, and if I could just force myself not to have it, knowing consciously a dog won't do anything to me, I would, but it hasn't worked. In all of my life. Despite how many people seem to think it will. Looking at them, in pictures or irl, is okay, it's the smell, feeling, and vicinity that does more. And the bigger the easier overwhelming. Similar is true of bugs but this is more 'common' so people certainly don't take it as a personal insult when I feel that way about bugs. And like. Consciously, emotionally? I love both, honestly. But I Do Not control that fear. Trust me when I say I've tried.
15. "What do you think of when you hear the word 'home'?"
A house. Almost suburban-looking. This is strange because I dont live in one. I haven't for most of my life, generally. And it's unclear, hazy, like an old child's drawing.
20. Favourite things about the night?
It's much quieter. I can actually feel like I'm not being watched and listened to by anyone. And I love to see the way it could be so dark, but it's not. The things humans can do have changed that, so completely, which, good or bad, amazes me to see and understand.
30. "What's one thing that never fails to make you happy/happier?"
The Sea. In whatever form. Also of course many parts of the Terror and Moby Dick, but god. The Sea and seeing/hearing about it might not like. Fix everything, and make me permanently happier, but it Will sooth me. So much.
Once again, thank you for asking all of these, and I hope you enjoyed the answers.
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somnolent-pup · 7 months
i n t r o d u c t o r y - p o s t
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haii ^_0 !!! you can call me dusk (or just pup :3c) since i dont really want to attach my real name to this blog || im a 20 year old artist and trans man (really transmasc nonbinary + like a bajillion xenos im hoarding but :P) who uses he/it as well as pup/puppy and hy/hymn pronouns || i call myself a gay man primarily due to feeling like homosexuality is intrinsic to my identity as a man, in general my attraction orientation will always be queer because i grew up queer, i can and do experience attraction towards women and my preferences lean toward masculinity however that presents itself || im a good couple years post op for top surgery and ive been off and on t for a little over a year || im incredibly new to having an nsft account so im definitely gonna be a little shy, getting over the mortifying ordeal of being known or whatever; the autism really is not helping w that but we ball
before you go any further !!! this is an 18+ ONLY blog, and i will block anyone who disregards this
DO NOT INTERACT with this blog if you (are) ;
bigoted in any capacity, reblog or engage with pedophilic or zoophilic content, exclusionary, ableist, reblog scat/vomit/gas posts, dont have your age listed anywhere on your account
other than that, feel free to interact however ^_^ i am perfectly fine with wlw blogs interacting with the nonsexual posts or art on my blog but understand that i am !! a man !! and my posts are probably gonna be about other men for the majority >_<
(๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ more under the cut
<33 !! ; petplay (specifically puppyplay ^_^), primal play, pup4pup, t4t, ‘deflowering’ (this is a slight one im just a pathetic virgin /pos), a/b/o dynamics, omorashi/watersports, praise, breeding, intox (weed), overstimulation, edging, size diff, somno, hypnotism, cnc, leather and bondage, cockwarming, marking, exhibitionism, free use, monsters >////<, older men and women hehehe, bears 💗✨💞🙏 wolves and foxes 💝🔥💘🫶 big hairy men ‼️💖🙏✨💟, probably more but i cant think of it rn 
🚫 !! ; scat/unhygienic play (including oral p1ssplay specifically when im on the receiving end), anything involving birth, feederism, diapers, detrans, raceplay
i use the terms ‘cock’, ‘cunt’, ‘clit’, and ‘puppy parts’ for my genitalia, ‘tits’ or ‘chest’ for my chest, and i looove almost all terms of endearment but ‘puppy’, ‘baby’, ‘good boy’, ‘dog’, ‘mutt’, ‘boy’, and ‘sweet boy/pup’ make my heart flutter <333 im also chubby and refer to my stomach as my tummy or just my stomach most of the time heheh || i love both masc and neutral compliments but fem compliments are okay as well ^_^
#sleepy puppy ramblings - my general babbling
   #whining - exactly what it says on the tin (general debauchery and horniness)
#speak - answering asks if i ever do
  #🍃 - stoner talk
#scribbles - art
if i ever get around to writing out my own scenarios ill add those tags here as well !! i think thats about it, im probably forgetting some stuff, ill probably update this occassionally
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wedreamedlove · 1 year
Man, the amount of LN i read from you makes me fall inlove harder to the game. I'm very gratefull of you translating some of the scenes and event in the game, i remember a truth or dare game which i love it and others, and because of your translation, i got dragged into Osborn simp club :" which i dont regret it at all. Like look at him, amazing and his story is wow. I cant describe it but just from the translation i saw from people who translate their date, main story, etc is just incredible and awestruck to me.
I'm really hoping one day LN release to global, even though it's hard to translate the chinese sayings or idioms. I would like to experience the game one day :")), maybe the second choice is to learn chinese but damn as someone who had chinese as their subjects since primary to highschool and have a chinese dna in me. I still cant wrap my mind to it :""""", maybe i should pick it up again just so i can read and understand the game while also be able to understand more about chinese literature xhdjdnsjsnsjsks.
Anyway, I love reading your works and your translation is always so good. I enjoy scrolling down your blog and be able to get to know the games. Idk if you ever state your name or a penname (?) But miss maam sir take care of yourself alright, dont forget to eat, drink, and sleep. Hope your having a wonderfull day and stay safe <3
(This is very long so I hope you dont mind, and I apologize for my english, english is not my first language :")
the light and night propaganda is working—jkjk. honestly, when it comes to learning languages, i find simply throwing yourself into something you enjoy to keep yourself motivated works the best! that's how i improved my chinese because i was technically illiterate around 4 years ago, haha. i also learned japanese around 11 years ago in the same way by picking up otome games and playing and translating them.
my pen name here is my chinese name, so you can call me anything from Song Qiaoyi (SQY) to Qiaoyi (QY) or Yi Yi (YY)! yes, Osborn (Xiao Yi) and i share a homonym and can crash nicknames.
thank you for the kind ask and i'm happy you're enjoying this blog's contents! don't worry about your english either, because it's perfectly understandable.
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miwauko · 2 years
@/moonjellifish i think you're forgetting to add the part where you took my words out of context and opened up a space where ppl can be openly racist towards me + send INCREDIBLY racist asks and death threats as well. random people on here that i didn't even know existed were saying the nastiest things about me because you kept twisting my words and making it seem like i came at you for no reason. lets also talk ab how you accused me of "stealing" from you (but when i said that ab u im the bad guy and i got shut down?) and accused my friends and i of making fake accs to ruin your blog and friendships? unlike you im in college, i teach a ballet class, and i have a fucking life in general you bum. i have better things to do than harass someone on the internet.
you demonized me as a black woman for MONTHS. not only that, but you said some very ignorant things towards the black community such as calling us "blacks" and said im using my race as a weapon when you literally offended my race many times and even in my own comments. don't ever speak on the black community or any other community ever again. don't ever speak on ME again. all i wanted you to do is stop finding my personals and private accounts that i dont even give out and leave me alone. instead you twisted my narrative when i don't even fucking know you. i did not "steal ur user" its ai yazawa's NAME and i swapped two letters just like i did in previous users of mine. how am i supposed to know an older user was yours? you were just finding any reason possible to come at me aggressively while painting me out to be the aggressive one.
i've found out so many nasty things you've said abt me and how racist you are over these past few months. i don't know why you're even acting like you care now because you don't. if you did you would've changed your behavior months ago but like i said, you came up with a bunch of excuses to save yourself and demonize me for no reason. you're only apologizing cos you got called out (again) for offending the black and asian community. please stop making up lies about me and others because if i find something out i have no issue posting about this on another platform i have and letting people come at you JUST how you had people come at me. maybe then you'll actually develop some common sense and stop being a terrible person.
by the way, your apology isn't sincere because you didn't write it yourself and you've been shit talking me and other ppl for months. you'll most likely see this sooner or later and make a very passive aggressive post yet again to make it seem like im coming at you for no reason. you aren't sorry at all, you truly dont give a fuck.
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letstalkwhump · 1 year
Let’s Talk Whump No.2
Welcome to Let’s Talk Whump. 
I’m Malice from @whumpers-inc and I’ll be your host. Today I’m talking to an awesome mutual of mine, @whumpy-daydreams also known as Harri! I’ve admired her writing from a distance for a while now so it was so good to be able to interview her today!
Let’s talk about you! Tell us something about yourself :) My name's Harri, I'm 21 and in my last year of uni. I love worldbuilding and have been creating a world for the last 6 years with stories spanning hundreds of years in it. I also love medical related things and have a passion for surgery
What does “whump” mean to you? For me it's a way to process pain and a chance to see characters overcome hard things. It's also just fun though!
You’re a familiar face in the whump community. How did you find it and what made you want to join? I can't remember how I found the whump community, but I've liked whump ever since I can remember. I joined the community because I wanted a place to reach and share whump, which I hadn't found anywhere else
Do you have a favourite(s) whump trope? Defiant whumpees are the love of my life. Its so cathartic to see a character keep fighting even when they're trapped and to try so desperately to keep going. I also love dangerous/morally grey whumpees because it makes the whumper so much scarier. On the topic of whumpers, whumpers who make jokes and are sarcastic/taunting are also great. Also lab whump, mainly for the sterile environment and aesthetic.
Defiant whumpees, my beloved! They’re so good. Speaking of favourite pieces, tell us one that you’ve written? Probably 'smile for the camera' or 'countdown to freedom'  because I think the writing flows nicely and has a more imaginative writing style. Also in countdown to freedom, I really like the use of the cowntdowns in different ways.
“Smile for the Camera” is so good. I love filmed whump, it’s on another level! Is there anything new you’re working on at the moment? I constantly have works in progress, my main whump one (land of liars) is something I update when I have inspiration for it. At the moment I'm trying to work on a fantasy wip that I'd like to publish someday, but it's still mainly in the planning and plotting stage
Sounds like you’re pretty busy! What does your writing routine usually look like? Definitely more of a night writer, but then again I am basically nocturnal. I dont often have food or drinks because I'll forget about them when I'm writing (I have ADHD). Sometimes I'll have a few days where I'll write loads but it's usually just when inspiration strikes and then I'll write a couple of pages in one go.
We could be writing schedule twins, honestly. You really can’t control when the inspiration will strike… Do you find your writing ability varies from piece to piece? Especially with writing whump, I struggle with being too repetitive, and also I use a lot of dialogue. In my head, it's like I'm watching a film and just copying down what happens so it often flows easily but I'll have to replay things in my head or rewrite a part a lot to get it to make sense.
Do you have any words of wisdom or writing advice for us? Read things and find writing techniques you like! Maybe there's a way someone describes smells that you like, and another person mixes dialogue and action. Try out different ways of writing and experiment sometimes. Another tip is to read your writing out loud once you’re done. This helps find places where it's unclear or doesn't make sense (or spelling/grammar errors)
We’re hyping everyone up here. Are there any whump blogs you’d like to shout-out? @whumblr 's writing is just incredible, I remember reading 'home is where the hurt is' in about 2 days because I just had to know what was going to happen next. Also @straight-to-the-pain has excellent whump and is part of the British medical whump gang. Plus all of the amazing whumpy gif makers! They're all incredible and provide such good inspiration.
So good to have you here. Thanks so much for joining us today, @whumpy-daydreams!
To everyone reading, have a whump-derful day!
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chryblossomjjk · 2 years
hi kiki !!! im pretty new here and this is the first ask i’ve sent but i just wanted to pop in and say how much i adore not only ur writing but just u in general !! both practice and imagine are incredible n i could go on and on about how much comfort ive found in ur writing and ur characters but we’d be here for DAYS… weeks even 🫣 idk how to explain this exactly but u do such a wonderful job at making the story and the characters so beautifully human… like ofc most stories keep it as realistic as possible but when i read urs i literally feel like im living the experience or watching the ppl i love from the sidelines yk?? its just so REAL and RAW and i cant get enough. when i tell u practice couple have me by the NECK like ive reread it so many times already and i find something new to love about it every single time !!! i hope everyone finds a love like theirs, truly.
and as for u, U ARE SOOO PRECIOUS. ive spent the last few days catching up on kiki lore just bc i wanted to get to know u better aside from ur works and u have stolen my heart actually !! ur so funny and down to earth and i can tell just how much u love writing and interacting with everyone and something about u and ur page is so warm and cozy and refreshing 🥺 i hope ur taking care and that u always find things that bring u joy in every day, even if it’s something little!! u deserve all the good things this world has to offer and as a new follower i cant wait to see what the future has in store for u and im so happy to experience this little journey!! and i hope u never forget how loved n valued u are, u have a beautiful heart and dont let anyone ever tell u otherwise!!
ill wrap this up bc ive already made this so long but thank u for all that u do 🥺🫂🫶🏻 u work so hard to create these amazing stories for us and i hope u know we will never take that for granted ! always remember to rest and put ur health first, i know life can get crazy so it’s important that u look after urself !!!
p.s. - so excited for the weekend i could pee my pants. u have no idea.
not sure what emoji i should go by in ur asks… hmm… maybe ⭐️? or is that taken already?
lots of love to u!!
ummm soooooo
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idk what tf i've done to be deserving of such a sweet message but im literally tearing up while writing smut what have u do to me friend akejndajdnsajn
first of all, thank you so much for being here and sending in such a sweet fucking ask. i hope you're enjoying your time on here so far my love!!
and this is probably one of the biggest compliments ive ever recieved about my writing. its so reassuring so thank you so so so so much ugh! its so incredibly difficult to make things feel/sound realistic. i often mull over the same scene and dialogue over and over and over again, wondering if the conversations feel normal, or if the dialogue feels right for that specific character, so your comment literally means everything to me!! and it makes me so happy that you care about the characters like im literally fucking gushing!!
i generally feel like i am a very annoying n extra human being lol so thank you for sticking through n reading my posts and yeah :'(( i do really love interacting with people on here and i try my best to make this blog feel as safe and inviting as possible so im it makes me saur soft that you feel that way and ugh i cant i dont even know what to say other than i love u sm my lil star friend :'))
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zooone · 1 year
Five six and twenty two for the ask game perhaps?
5 - what made you start your blog?
there was nothing new on other fic sites. id always see the same old stuff so i thought id give tumblr a try (mistake number one) and i ended up really liking the little community that was wilbur fanfics so i wanted to give it a little try ^_^
6 - what’s the best and worst part of being online/a creator?
both answers; the people. for best, oh my god i love all of my little (literally) mutuals!! they are so fun and they can tolerate my silliness. and seeing people supportive of my work is such a nice little feeling
but also, the people here are not the best. irl and in social circles i am the type of person who wont let anything slide really and if someone fucks up, it ruins my perception of them forever. the phrase "forgive and forget" ive never known bro. and since i am a little bit more well known (kinda) its hard to pretend that i dont have neg feelings about another person online cuz i dont wanna cause an entire discourse
22 - say 3 things about someone you love
this is for florence @harbingerofheartbreak bcuz i love her and she is a little bit headachey right now so i hope she can wake up to this ^_^
they will be under the cut cuz wow this is getting long
one - flore listens to me all the time no matter what . if im telling her a stupid little idea i had, if im telling her about my silly little niece, or if im literally telling her about my issues she'll always listen!!! even if im loopy or if im so incoherent that my sentences have 37 spelling mistakes and 42 made up words despite the sentence only being 13 words long, bro will listen 😭😭 its insane
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two - we are so incredibly delusional we have an entire world built around just made up people we've created and the shock factor for me is that we didn't make them for writing or literature purposes it was literally just to have fun and be delulu . like if it were any other person i definitely would have shared c**** out into the world but since flore has just been so so so sweet and so supportive i didnt have the issue of wantjng attention to be on my writing because she gave it to me!!!
three - the reason we started talking to begin with (and this is still so funny to me) was because a sweet sweet anon was giving me fic recs and one of them was hers and i was such a little fan girl of her writing style that i just absolutely love bombed her and she went in the dms saying thank you. one of the scariest dms ive ever gotten . and then i proofread her fic yours now and forever (which is getting rewritten and posted soon!!!! and ive read and confirmed the ideas aand lemme tell you it is good good. all of you better read it when it comes out) and i was still being a little fan girl and she said "bro i dont care please stop i just asked you one question" (word for word what she said /j) and after she asked me if she should read tcfsv, we became best pals!!!
okay i did not mean for this to become a flore appreciatiob post but thank you very much sardonic for the ask ^_^ hope all has been well
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R. Bloem
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"Bloemen verwelken... en schepen vergaan..."
Name: R. Bloem Pronouns: she/her :) age: 28 forverer but a 100 something in total Nationality: Dutch (she's mixed race tho) Species: Vampire (VTM) Clan: Toreador, Volgirre Sect: Second Inquisition Location: Changes A LOT as shes stationed at different bases Personality: Kindhearted bootlicker :( Partner: @rural-panoptes (not public knowledge tho) Sire: Miss Valerie who is luckily DEAD. Notes: Bloem is not a good person! she is incredibly kind hearted and general speaking hates violence and the pain and suffering of others. she is also volgirre and sometimes that shows. she is loyal to the second inquisition first and foremost. she IS a hunter. she is also OP and a mass diablerist... her kill count is HIGH.
There are no specific rules for interacting with my blog! Just dont be fucking racist or a terf etc cuz ill feed your kidneys to the dogs :)
THINGS ARENT TAGGED SO BE WARNED OF GORE BLOOD AND ALIKE! you can of course ask me to tag certain things I will appologize because I may very well forget orz plz do remind me. Bugs are tagged simply under #bug :3 be safe yall
More rambles under the cut off
first of all Hi! Im birdy, 24 years old, a black trans animator from the netherlands. I do da drawing and da makin of da gaymes. I stream on twitch you are always free to reach out to me here in DM's or else on discord The-Nerdy-Birdy#0918 <- JUST BE AWARE I was terrible social anxiety and I may be slow to respond THAT'S NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU PLEASE KNOW THAT I LOVE YOU Im just silly :3 and have my moments. I promise ya tho I love to talk and ramble.
now with that out of the way
Bloem is my babygirl I love her dearly. she comes from a very strict and religious household circa 1910-20 her father and mother were incredibly abusive towards her. its where she learned to be so obedient. or atleast where it started. her friends tried to pull her outta it but it didnt work.
she studied to be a nurse in rotterdam and worked there for a bit in the hospital until the war reached the netherlands and rotterdam got bombed. she then started working wherever med care was needed which included in the field and house visits for people in hiding.
mid hunger winter of 1945 is when Valerie her sire snatched her up for embrace. it was not pretty and the amount screaming bloem did ruined her vocal chords forever. Valerie then blood bonded her and basically made her work in her "club". Valerie was unkind and bloem doesnt like to talk about it much.
after about 20 years of service to valerie the dutch SI named LIGHTHOUSE busted down the club killing vallerie in the process. its how Bloem ended up with the SI still shaken from the snapping of the bond but also so so so thankful to be freed.
ever since shes been working with the SI. being their honeypot as well as heavy fire in battles. though she hunts smaller targets as she primarily lives of vitae and is a bit addicted to it.
SHE WILL ALWAYS TRY AND BE KIND. AS SHE DOES NOT BELIEVE SUFFERING WILL BRING ANY GOOD IN THE WORLD BUT HER VIEWS ARE SEVERLY FUCKED UP AND HER BLOOD DOES NOT HELP WITH IT. shes smart but not great with people and walks into traps if people are just kind to her. she has such a need of authority and guidance its sad.
i hope she will get better eventually. she was... so kind. she deserved better.
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wrathkitty · 1 year
hey, i dont know if you've posted about this before but is there a reason your story "suckers luck" is essentially hidden on Ao3 and taken down from ff?
Ohhh goodness. My heart kind of breaks that you even remember SL. That story is near and dear to me, even though I haven't touched it in almost two years.
I had lofty dreams of trying to adapt SL into an original story, but I read a lot of nerve-wracking blogs about how fanfic-to-original stories don't "count" in the publishing world. That made me paranoid, which is why I scrubbed it off Ao3 and FF.net. If I ever managed to publish it, I didn't want anyone to be able to trace it back to *gasp* fan fiction.
But then the Loki series happened, and for some reason it destroyed my whole concept of the character, as well as my motivation to continue. Which SUCKS, because there are only three chapters left.
I also have awful writer's block, and reader engagement is often the only thing that gets me through it. SL was (understandably) buried in the many, many MCU stories on Ao3. And, no one noticed I had taken it down, which only added to the discouragement. (In fact, you're the second person to even ask me about it - thank you!) The thought of trying to continue writing it just plain hurt, so I didn't try.
And last ... one reader was incredibly supportive and wonderful and encouraging, and became a friend and mom-figure to me. SL meant something to her. I went to see her before she passed away last summer, and I associate the story with her to some degree, and I have a lot of regret that it didn't even occur to me to show her the ending until after she was gone. I'll never forget her commenting about Brynn when I was visiting her -- it made Brynn a real character. It was a special moment.
So it's a bunch of reasons. If you PM me, I can make it public again on Ao3 long enough for you to download it. My only request is that you don't pass it around, because maybe, just maybe, I'll get my wish upon a star and finish it for real, and I still paranoid. 😱
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iwaasfairy · 2 years
Heyo Fairy!! I hope your day/night/evening/morning/afternoon is going amazingly, and that you never forget that you are that bitch! (Affectionate, obv) Seriously, I remember when I first started having these "darker" thoughts about characters and I was like 'What the fuck is wrong with me?' and then years later, I find your and Rhi's blog. Y'all let me realize that it's perfectly normal to think these things, even if those who don't, or deny that they do, think otherwise. So, seriously, thank you, y'all mean so, so, SO MUCH to me! Like big sisters that help me see there's nothing wrong with me, even if people I know irl would say "wtf?" 🥹
Ahhh, sorry, that was so fucking sappy! 🫣 I just wanted to ya know that it really does mean a lot to people like me, and your other followers, that y'all are brave enough to post the things you do despite all the little bitches that try and tear y'all down 🥹
... That was sappy again 🤦🏻‍♀️ y'know what, what the fuck ever, I'm just a soft person when it comes to emotions and shit, I'll deal with it 😤
That all being said, I can't belIEVE it took me this long to comment on 2 of Cups! Okay, so, when part 1, and 2, came out, I had no idea who Rin and Sae were. I didn't even know what Blue Lock was, just that it's a manga/anime. I was like oh, okay, cool! I read part one anyway, and was all like "... I gotta watch this. If the anime isn't out yet, I gotta watch it as soon as it DOES come out." (I'm an anime only, because I almost always give characters the exact same voice if I have nothing to go off of 😒 I struggle with it fr fr. anYWAY—) So, I don't... Think? I'd read part 2 yet, tbh I think I completely forgot about it, the memory is NOT good, I'm so sorry! So when the anime DID come out, I wasn't actually aware 😅 until they uploaded episode, like... 10? Or 11? Of the English Dub? AnywAY! THE POINT Is, I started watching because of things I've read, I was TIRED of looking up every single character when I read about them 😭 SO, I watched, got caught up to where it is now, and am waiting for the next episode, and you mention 2 of Cups part 3 is coming out, and I was like "oH SHIT, I REMEMBER READING PART 1!" So, I went back, read parts 1 and 2, absolutely ADORED them, despite the pain 🥹 Like, Rin's pining, but not wanting to do anything because of SAE, that little bitch, that won't admit he's the sAME and keeps being an AsS when Rea-chan and Rin are even remotely affectionate, AaAAAAHHHH! And I was so exCITED for part 3! And then part 3 came out, and... It absolutely bLEW MY IMAGINATION OUT OF THE PARK, LIKE!! !! I dunno, what I was expecting to happen, but I'm so happy it went the way it did! I mean, yeah, sure, it hURT, what with Sae continuing to be an ass, and RIn, poor rIN! Sweet baby, he's so! I can't even begin to espresso how in absolute awe I'm in of this mASTERPIECE! It keeps me up at night, thinking about it, and about what may happen next. Like, did Sae go back to, I think it was... Spain? Did he just go somewhere else for the time being, and he'll be back? Will Rin give in to his fantasies? Will he be soft and gentle if he does? Would he absolutely destroy Rea-chan with his roughness? Would he start off gentle, and then lose it?
So many questions, but I can wait to have them answered; I know you work incredibly hard, and that writing really takes time 🥰 PLUS, we can't have you not sleeping! The Queen of Fairies needs her sleep, she must rest and take care of herself 🥺 Love you much, take care!! 🥰
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firST OF ALL,no yOURE THAT BITCH!!!! YOU ARE! YOU ARE! wtfFDSGD thIS IS SO FUCKING SWEET im gonna cry and scREam !!! ♡♡♡ yes iT is totally normal for you to thrive off of taboo, tIS ouR little bug brains,, and alSO IM MASTER OF SAP i doNT MIND YOU BEING SAPPY PLS THIS IS SO SWEEETTTTTT :/ makes me cry. i hope you know i see every like and rb and i get the dumbest fondest grin on my stupid face any time you're in my notifs, or def when you send an ask or a comment or anything i jUST mELT
and stOPPDbhFu MASTERpiECE i??FYFDyd pLS pls pls oml iM SO VERY VERY HAPPY you LIKED thE FIc and iM bery happy i decided to give myself room for a part 4 bc i think iLL need iT im just Too foND of thEm!! and YES oml manY quESTions right??? i! haven't figured them all out yet so i can't exactly tell you everything but i do know that Sae's still in Japan, he's not yet going back to Spain,, i think Sae just can't handle the idea of rea-chan being with Rin and a similar grudge against him,, and :))) heheh for the smut :))) we shall have to wait and see
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