#you WILL see my works on the tl even if you don't want to 💕
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chugging-antiseptic-dye · 2 months ago
WIP Tag Game!!
Make a new post with the names of all the files in your wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Tag as many people as you have wips. People send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, then post a little snippet or tell them something about it!
(these are all the babies i had planned on giving birth this year aka finally posting them. since some of them just had untitled doc written, i had to take responsibility and give some of the wips names and check if they were actually wips or not 😅 i am a very bad mother oops.)
(⁠☞⁠^⁠o⁠^⁠)⁠ ⁠☞ feel free to ask me about any of the works in my docs! if not this year, i plan to write them down eventually so i have a vision about each one of them hehe
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(⁠*⁠❛⁠‿⁠❛⁠)⁠→ thank you to @ylangelegy for the tag! i don't think i can tag as many people as i have wips cause it's a lot 🥶 but i am tagging @synthetickitsune @tusswrites @joonsytip @svtiddiess @chanranghaeys @heechwe. @simpxxstan in case they want to participate plus everyone who wants to join in! no pressure tho 💕
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lea-andres · 9 months ago
I just saw this ask game you reposted (like a year ago lol) so if you’re still up for answering…
Who's your favorite oc?
Who's your favorite author (or a few of them)? (Bonus points for fav fic authors lol)
Where do you jot down your ideas?
(No pressure at all to answer!! You can answer whichever you want to, all three, or ignore this ask entirely haha)
Haha... I'm in a weird spot here. I haven't been engrossed in the Batman fandom long enough to give any interesting answers but I CAN SURE TRY LMAO
Who's your favorite oc?
At the moment it's my own girlie Alicia Swann. TL;DR: She pissed off Lex Luthor real bad, and sold herself to the Penguin so she wouldn't turn up dead in a ditch somewhere. (Don't feel bad for her, it was her idea and she kind of sucks as a person anyway lmao. 💕) I haven't gotten a good look at many others yet (aside from my lovely mutual @corrodeheavenn who per usual has too many ocs to name that I adore). I just love OCs. Gimme an OC and I'll love them.
Who's your favorite author?
Jules Verne if we're talking fiction and not fanfiction lmao. I don't usually stick to particular authors too much but Verne's work is consistently enjoyable to me.
As for fanfiction, my faves from the Sonic fandom know who they are (my lovely mutuals I still chat with), but I'm open to recommendations for Batman/DC, as last time I was poking around in their fanfics FFN was still the place for fanfics. I was recommended a Batjokes one I still need to read. (Brief soapbox intermission: I have messy feelings about Batjokes... And many Joker ships for that matter. I 1000% see where we're coming from but like... I don't want it to ever end in a relationship, or even hate fucking. Poisoning your bitter foe with your own diseased blood and forcing them to go make the cure so you both don't die is yaoi to me lmao. I want to cut open Joker ships and study them like frogs in a dissection lab, the second it turns normal or definable my interest is lost.)
Where do you jot down your ideas?
My phone, usually. I used to be a notebook girl but copying my notes over from paper to phone/computer is a hassle. And I never get ideas when seated in front of my computer so it's usually me typing furiously on my phone lmao.
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green4allseasons · 2 years ago
Green! I've been wanting to ask you this for a few days, but I'm too shy. Today is the day. When did you start shipping Jason with Tim, and what dynamic do you like the most between the two of them? Also, how did you come up with the idea of taking advantage of the YJ series to write about them?
Have a nice week!
Ahhhhh! Oh my goodness, I am SO glad you woke up and decided today was the day! Seeing this message in my inbox gave me all the fuzzies and happy feelings🥺💕! But I also completely get it; there are so many cool people in this space that I want to send asks to, but I am also shy and have yet to. This may be the thing that encourages me to do so!
As for your first question, I actually found out about the JayTim ship in kind of a roundabout way. I've been a DC fan for many years (particularly the animated movies and shows) but never really thought more about the other universe-wide ships than a casual "oh, that's nice" for most of them. But then, a few years ago, I came across a stunning fanart that was actually JayDick (If you can believe it!!), and my thoughts were, "OH! That's nice!!👀" Insert many Google searches later, a foray into Tumblr, and my first experience getting into Fandom spaces, and that's where I found a fanart for JayTim, and let's say my mind just spasmed "ahdfdfdsfsdf," and I was sold.
As for "what" exactly sold me on their dynamic? It's funny because I am not usually an enemies-to-lovers fan (friends-to-lovers is much more my jam). But for Tim and Jason?? It just works. I also am a sucker for angst, and pining, and good old fashion snarky banter. But honestly? I think what really got me was the absolute "ride or die" way that they care about each other when depicted in fandom and even platonically in canon. I know "ride or die" could be applied to a lot of ships, but I think that these two would go to far more extraordinary lengths to protect each other than, say, some other characters (particularly those of whom are hindered by their moral code). Both of these characters are consistently shown to be greyer than not, but just go about it in completely different ways. I've always been more attached to gray characters in fiction, so when there are TWO of them? It's just the chef's kiss. TL;DR They are both just MESSY and yet competent AF and I love it.
But even with my attachment to them, I never considered writing fanfiction! I've only ever written original stories. I don't even know why I didn't consider it because I've loved reading fanfiction since I was as old enough to navigate a computer (a LONG time😅). But suddenly, a little over a year ago, I was re-watching all of Young Justice while simultaneously watching the new season, and BAM! Two very specific scenes came up in my head (One that has already been written about in Part 1 and another that has yet to be shown in Part 2), and I could just Not. Stop. Thinking. About. It. I'm serious. Those two scenes kept me awake at night, the brain rot was all consuming, and I got that feeling that all writers have felt a time or two where if they didn't jot it down in that moment, they'd just implode!!
So, of course my totally normal person response was to immediately sign up for AO3, outline an entire ~40-chapter story around those two scenes right down to the nitty-gritty details, and start uploading.
100K words later and here we are! The rest was history!!! I know this is probably WAY longer than you ever anticipated 🤣 but THANK YOU for asking me! I hope I didn't scare you away with the essay. I have just loved these characters, the JayTim fandom, and my first experience writing fanfiction so much, and all it takes is a little question for me to go on a gush about it!!
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skzoologist · 1 year ago
I just wanted to drop by and say thank you for the great writing you put out 💕 Every time I open this app, the #glacial Prince tag always ends up being the first tag I go to and I get super excited seeing posts from you in my tl
I love your writing style and I love getting to see Bae and SKZ interactions sm and I also really love the silly incorrect quotes with SKZ and Bae
Tysm for all your wonderful work 🙏🙏
Always looking forward to seeing your next piece! Take care!! 💕
N-no, anon, come back, lemme give you a forehead smooch, this is way too sweet--
I would have never imagined for someone to like what I create this much, to check that certain tag so fast and so excitedly. It fills me my heart with a warmth that is still so unfamiliar to me, yet welcomed all the same.
You're just in luck, because I happened to have finished with the next chapter of my fic series and posted it a few minutes ago! But even if you don't read that, you can still celebrate, because it also means I will slowly get around to writing little drabbles and requests!
Make sure to stretch and drink frequently, take care of yourself and have a good time! Thank you for coming to this silly little blog of mine and sticking by!
*goes to cry and pin this on the wall*
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shirogane-oushirou · 1 year ago
🩷,💌, and 🎁 for the emoji asks? :D
tysm caitie for the ask!!! ☺✨💕
gonna go for a change of pace and talk about my main man oushirou, my beloved freak of almost 15 years. gives him a little kissy. mwah.
🩷 for a headcanon about f/o.
the desire to seem non-threatening is what got him to start experimenting with things like his looks and his weird-funny-guy personality... then he crossdressed for the Funnies once and realized it was fun, actually... then he started being a little more flamboyant because it came naturally to him... and this was all in the gender-rigid environment of the all-boys-except-tsukiko seigetsu academy.
so as soon as he graduates to go to college, get an internship, enter the journalism field, travel all over the world... he realizes how even HIS view of the limits of expression are... well... limited. he feels more free to try new things, wear bold patterns, paint his nails, do his hair in even more interesting styles. as he learns new languages he also learns all new ways to describe gender and expression and sexuality. in the end, he realizes doesn't really need defined labels; he's simply oushirou, and he's going to look beautiful and handsome and charming and sexy and flirty for anyone and everyone who's willing to give him their time.
when he shows up at the 10 year seigetsu reunion, wearing a zebra stripe suit with polkadot tie, red aviators, black nails, and an intricately styled hair-do, it catches everyone a little off guard... but they quickly lean into the bold changes when they see just how much more comfortable and self-assured he seems.
(tl;dr: i hc him as genderqueer and pansexual lol. and he has a VERY nonbiney fashion sense ksjnkjnsf which is canon but like. they didn't INTEND for it to be typical nonbinary fashion, they just wanted him to be a little weirdo man. no, sorry, i'm The Oushirou Guy (tm) and i declare he's Gender.)
💌 for a snippet of a conversation we had.
(ngl i'm extremely brain empty, so i'm actually going repurpose and rewrite part of a prompt i did in... uh... 2012????? jfc i'm a selfshipping grandpa.)
“Kehe! What, are you afraid to show a bit of leg, sweetheart? You know I’ve already seen them before right?”
The door closes, and the red-head strides over to the bed and, with a grunt, plops himself down where Ro’s feet end under the covers.
“Doesn’t mean you just get to see 'em for free, you know! B'sides, if I ran around half-naked all the time I don't think it'd stay entertaining for long.”
“Oh, you doubt the power of a true pervert? Kuhihi~”
He begins to move, and Ro closes their eyes and tenses, preparing for the usual onslaught of wriggling fingers and wet, sloppy, gross kisses...
The weight on the bed shifts, and two warm arms wrap around their waist.
A quick kiss at the corner of their eye.
“…Did you get a lot of work done?”
Their shoulders relax, and a sigh escapes them as they look up into his face, much closer now than it was before. “Enough…I guess. It’s hard to say at this point.” The work of a freelancer is never done, after all.
“So then,” his hands slowly, gently travel up and down their arms, “how about a nice, relaxing, eight-to-ten-hour sleep break with me, hmm?” He moves his head to the crook of their neck, nuzzling into it. Ro brings one hand to his long hair and begins running their fingers through, the other rubbing his shoulders and back. “Just you, me, and this big ol’ comfy bed. Ah, and your pants-less legs, of course~!” He grins against their neck.
“As long as you don’t look at them, mister.”
“Oh c'mooooon, don’t pull the ‘mister’ thing on me right before bed! It makes me feel so oooold and formal. You’re so mean, sir.” He looks up from his comfortable neck-crook long enough to wipe a fake tear from his eye and pout at their serious face.
A few seconds pass, the two staring intensely at each other, before Ro huffs and breaks into a small smile. They lean forward and give Oushirou a light peck on the lips, and as they lean back to lie on the bed, his lips eagerly follow theirs, wanting more.
🎁 for a gift f/o has given s/i (or vice versa).
he travels all the time, all over the world, so he tries to bring back little trinkets from all of the places he's been. just tiny painted keepsakes. i keep them displayed on a shelf as a reminder of just how much he's been able to do, how far he's been able to go, and how many people he's met.
and while bringing back cooked food with him would be... difficult, he does sometimes bring back interesting recipes from those who are willing to share. when we meet up again, he buys some ingredients, borrows the kitchen, and cooks something to allow me to experience a small taste of the places he went to.
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that-wildwolf · 2 years ago
Have you ever thought about writing Garrus and Shepard adopting? I have always seen that in the fictions you write -which I think are incredible- they don't have children. I thought it was not your preference to see them if- that's completely fine, everyone has their tastes and that is respected- but I want to know your opinion about it. By the way, i love how you write angst 💕
Yeah, I don't really see them as parents. I know there's the whole dialogue about krogan kids and all, but I always saw that as Garrus just trying to keep Shepard thinking about the future and wanting to have something to fight for rather than an actual proposal to start a family together.
They're scarred. They're traumatised. They've done bad things. They've killed. First and foremost, they need to heal. And even then, I'm not sure if either of them is parent material. Not in my interpretation of them, at least. Taking care of a kid is hard work! Don't they deserve a break? Don't they deserve to just live in peace without having another responsibility on their shoulders? I know it's not the same, but being completely responsible for another person's life like this would probably bring back some unpleasant memories for my Shepard. Hell, for Garrus too.
I don't think they'd make the decision to adopt unless they were absolutely certain it was something they were 100% ready for. And I don't think they ever would be. Not 100%. I can see Garrus having doubts about whether they'd be able to raise a child, after all the things they've done. I can see Shepard not wanting to potentially pass on any of their trauma onto a child. Most important of all, the task of healing and learning to live with all the horrors and trauma is big enough without the added responsibility of parenthood. And I want only the best for my blorbos, which in their case is peace and quiet. They deserve it I think.
TL;DR: I don't want them to have kids I want them to fucking get a break
that being said
I have written one fic of them adopting a little turian kid as a matter of fact! I've never posted it anywhere because I kind of stole the fic plot/idea from a friend and idk if it would be weird for me to post it somewhere without her.... blessing i guess? I enjoyed writing it (mostly because I like writing Garrus interacting with children in general), but I don't think I'll be writing a lot more of that. It's fun as a one-off thing, but I still don't think of them as parents. Also I don't want to have kids and Garrus is basically my self insert so there's that
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the-nothing-maker · 2 years ago
the styling and costuming in your pieces is immaculate and your use of color is >3<👌🏼💕 you don't need to answer this, but where does the inspiration for clothes come from? do you go off vibes or do you have a repository of outfits and concepts you work with? anyway, love your work !!
Sorry for not answering earlier ! Thank you so much for the compliments <3 That's very nice of you to take the time to write.
As for your question - I do have a folder called "clothes" where I just pile anything that catches my eye. Looking through it right now, there are mostly stage/circus costumes, drag queen outfits, runway pieces, royal jewellery and Eastern European angel paintings. I like bold, unpractical stuff !
However... No matter how full this folder is, I... Never look at it. If I can't see something I don't remember it exists ahah ! So I usually end up foraging on the spot whenever I plan a piece (and then, three weeks later, look through the clothes folder and think "fuck, this bracelet would have worked so well")
Fun fact ! I used to hate drawing clothes, but I was always very admirative of people who could pull them off, so I decided to get better out of spite. I think I'm still very far from what I want to reach, though (I'm still struggling with folds and shading).
My main disappointment is that it never quite looks as detailed as I'd like it to be. I'd love to do more complicated and delicate patterns (like embroidery, or even just florals), but I haven't found a way to not make them look messy in the colouring stage. Colouring small areas is tricky, I tend to burnish them too fast and the values get out of control. I don't yet know how to (or don't have the precision to) make small details look smooth ! But I'm trying :)
Anyway ! That got a bit long ahah, but I hope this answers your question (tl;dr : I do look at refs, I just forget about them afterwards). Thanks again !
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killemwithkawaii · 3 years ago
Announcement: Changes to inbox protocol 💌
Due to an increase in followers, the growth of the SF fandom in general, and recent personal reflection, I'm officially changing how I'll be handling asks and submissions from now on.
[TL;DR in bold under the cut]
Those who have been here for a while might remember that, when I first started out, I really prided myself in answering every single ask that came into my inbox, because I really do appreciate (almost) all of them. Getting asks always makes me happy- It means so much to me that you want to talk with me and take the time to feed me all your delicious prompts, hcs and f/o gushes! I seriously can't get enough of them! I've done my best to keep up with the inbox over the years, but I have a lot more interactions than I used to, and a lot less free time to respond to them than I did in the thick of 2020. Things keep piling up, and I need to accept that it's no longer realistic or healthy to hold myself to my previous standards. Trying to do so has made me put a lot of pressure on myself, resulted in a fair amount of guilt and shame over feeling like I'm letting people down, and feeling like I 'have to' answer asks frankly takes a lot of fun out of answering them. At the same time, trying to restrict what can be sent in in order to limit the number of asks I get is ineffective and frustrating for everyone, and it's unfair to the new members of the fandom who never got a chance to make any requests in the first place.
So, this is the official announcement that I will be:
-Fully embracing the dopamine chase when answering asks/requests from now on (without the guilt). Ask from 5 minutes ago? A month ago? Two years ago? I'm no longer going to let it matter. If it Hits, I will answer, and if not, I will carefully tuck it away for when (and if) it does.
-Testing out closing the inbox Friday-Sunday for a breather
-Deleting asks that don't vibe with me for whatever reason
-Utilizing the 'Unused Prompt List' (previously the 'Nuked Inbox' list) for requests I don't feel like squirreling away or fulfilling myself atm. These prompts are up for grabs for any writers/artists that get inspired by them, so feel free to look through the list (and tag me so I can see your work! :D)
Again, please know that sending something in will never fail to brighten my day, even if I don't end up answering! It still means a lot that you thought of me and took the time to share something with me. 💌💕
Thank you for understanding, thank you for reading, and thank you all for being my dear, darling kouhai 🤗💖💖💖
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ndeyebaby · 3 years ago
im close to giving up.
ok so, i need some help at loa so i wanna tell about my situation. i'm willing to solve it by myself as this is my reality, but i'm lost about some important stuff. no pressure but it would be really useful if i got a reply.
here's what happening: I've overconsumed info for months. i know almost everything ig. self concept, victim mentality, states, sats, void, lullaby, limiting beliefs, embodying, mental diet, persisting, affirming, etc.. but i don't know how to apply them. i mean- whenever someone asks "omg my life is awful rn how do i change that" loa blogs usually say persist and affirm, but as silly as this sounds... what does it truly mean?
is persisting just affirming and thinking about how you have your desire (reminding yourself u could say). another thing loa blogs never really say is those two things: 1) how to do any method that requires u to be drowsy- when you have insomnia? and 2) how to embody who you want to be when you have adedonia/apathy? 3) how to remember TO do affs and knowing u have your stuff? 4) how to ignore what the 3d is showing. should u just do a mental diet and avoid EVERYTHING negative, even jokes such as "i should kms"?
not gonna traumadump ofc, ik y'all aren't therapists and i can just revise that, but while i don't, then how can i change my situation fast?
i don't wanna be impatient but i wish i could know how, because while i did overconsume I'm still clueless about this. especially because of how i got stuff that gets in my way. i need to do something that works super fast, like IKK if u assume that if it works fast then it will, but then again.. what is assuming? now you may be thinking "this cannot be real, imagine being this stupid" but english is not my first language (despite me speaking it fairly well ig?), and the translator doesn't make it clear as to what it means honestly... so dumb it down for me.
tl;dr: i need to change my whole reality and need to know how to do it fast, but also i need detailed instructions on the meaning of the terms commonly used because my mother language doesn't feel "close" to it yk. if possible i want to know about something that works in one month or so (again ik u can change it instantly if u assume it but dumb it down), because i don't wanna spend another year living like this.
Sorry for the late response as I’ve been a bit busy,,
I get that you’ve over consumed but you seem a bit confused? But let’s get back to the basics.
Imagining creates reality.
Your imagination is the only reality. Not anything you can physically see, feel, hear, and touch.
God is not some man in the sky or some sadistic being who hates women and gay people. He is your own wonderful human imagination.
You want to change your reality? Fair. Your desires are god-given rights.
Dwell in your new reality in imagination and feel it. What I mean is, experience it. This video is useful.
You don’t have to deal with your undesired reality anymore. Take your attention away from it by focusing on your desired reality in your mind, knowing that it will reflect outwardly.
Feel free to message me if you need it 💕💕 ily
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anemoiasim · 3 years ago
Where I've Been/What's Next
Warning: the following post is very long and if you don't want to read it, I don't blame you. But for the best understanding of what's been going on and those who really want to know I suggest reading. If not, tldr is included below.
tl;dr: I've grown as a person, my content should reflect that. I'm deleting stuff eventually, so not goodbye but I'll see you all around! 💕
So if it hasn't been painfully obvious, I've not actually done anything here in a long time. I've been wanting to write or say something about it for a while now but was too afraid to say anything until now.
I genuinely don't want to post here anymore. It's a combination of a lot of things honestly. Ranging from the community itself, lack of inspiration, my own perfectionism, interest straying, etc. I could talk for hours about all those things but what it really boils down to is something I knew all that time ago when I first started typing this post months ago that I was too afraid to admit to myself then. I've outgrown this chapter of my life. It's not to say I think I'm too old for Sims or Tumblr or anything like that, I'll certainly still be here. But I have outgrown what this phase of my life represented.
When I first joined Tumblr, and then later simblr, I was only 14. I had a hard time making friends, had a tumultuous home life, and was severely depressed. I desperately needed a place to express myself and this place was it. And this space did just that for many years. I meet some amazing people, created stories I still cherish, Sims I cringe and laugh at, and grew as a person. But for the past year or so, I haven't been able to do that here anymore. Part of that is the community changing itself but what I've realized is most of my issue is that I've changed to.
I'm now 21, I'm confident in who I am more so than ever (still working on it), navigating my first healthy relationships both platonically and romantically, about to graduate college, and learning to be my authentic self. For more context, I was diagnosed with bipolar type 2 at the beginning of 2020 and ever since then learned more and more about myself and my true identity. From realizing my own pansexuality and suppressed trauma to trusting myself and learning what I truly want, I'm a very different person from that 14 year old girl who started here. And that's a good thing that I should celebrate and embrace, not push away in fear. Within this journey, I've learned to be more open and honest not only so I can love those around me properly, but also myself. And part of that is being honest here too by saying, my heart just isn't in this anymore, at least not the way it was. The way I desire to tell stories, the stories I want to tell, the characters I want to portray, everything is different because I'm different.
So what does that mean for anemoiasim? Well, right now nothing. I still have my final semester to finish and don't have a lot of time to spare right now to do much else other than studying and try and keep up. But during this time and afterwards I plan on deleting everything that I no longer resonate with including my legacy and any story before novelty. Novelty is a story I still enjoy but I want to review it and see if this is truly the best home for it. It's incredibly long in terms of telling it here so I'm not sure if I'm up to that task if I'm being completely honest and even so I think I might need to do some tweaking. Then, I want to delve into making the spin off from Novelty. It's a bit of a passion project at this point that I honestly have more pinned down after about 2 years of planning in my mind, Pinterest, and writing. It's shorter, more accurate to my current self, and tackles subjects that are close to my heart.
All in all, this isn't a goodbye like I had feared a couple months ago, but a new era. A new, happier, healthier, me that I can't wait to share with you all who've watched me grow the most and I hope continue too.
Love you all,
Savannah 💕
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writersmorgue · 3 years ago
You wanted asks so:
How did you come up with your url?
Which fanfic is your favorite one you’ve read?
And which of your own fics are you most satisfied with?
Your fave thing about bnha?
Thank you! Love to see your posts on my TL!💕
-i have no fuckin idea man i think it was a brain spiral and i was like hey that sounds badass so here we are. like don't tell me morgue isn't a killer screenname because even if you do i won't listen
-holy shit there are quite a few but uhhh I'll link some that I've read recently
Don't go (without me)
bonnie & klein
Thou Shalt Honor thy Gambling Debts
So...is this a bad time?
caramel dynamite supernova
in the glow
-the i'll ruin you i swear series. i think because i did three separate works and i'm really proud of each of them and how i ended it :)
-definitely not the anime. i think the characters though- in love with their differences n design :)
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intrepidacious · 3 years ago
70, 49, 33, 12 💕💕 I hope you're evening gets better Nikachu🥺
thank you ren 🥺 my evening's always better when i get a message from you <3
70. Are you subscribed to any writers on AO3?
i am!! i'm subscribed to all of my closest moots so i never miss any of you updating <3
49. What fic of yours would you say is the best introduction to you as a writer?
oooh damn great question. this was hard because all of my fics feel very different to me, just because i (obviously) was in a different headspace each time. you know what, i think baby, it's bad out there is a good introduction actually. it's not a personal favourite, but it hits several plot beats that i like to write (coffeeshop conversations, protective bucky, alpine) and the plot and humour feel very authentic to a lot of my writing!!
33. Is there a specific word count that you hold yourself to/enjoy writing the most?
i usually always write more than i set out to write. for oneshots i tend to aim somewhere within the 3-5k range, but if it's more or less than that, i don't mind too much. the story is done when it's done. this is kind of different for time after time because i do have a structure that i want to adhere to, and so i have to set the word count a lot higher for each chapter just to fit everything in hahah. i usually assume it'll be around 10k and then we see what happens
12. Do you outline your fics?  If yes, how detailed are your outlines?  How far do you stray from them?
i think you asked me something simliar to this before so i will elaborate. tl;dr: i don't outline my oneshots, but if i do outline, i'm extra. spoilers for time after time chapters 1-3 below the cut
for my outline, i use this program called notion that nestles what i affectionately refer to as my plot boxes. each of my chapters has its own column, and important story beats get their little box. this is what it looks like:
Tumblr media
so the boxes are in chronological order top to bottom as they appear in the chapter. the little number next to the title tells me how many boxes there are. generally i assume there'll be 1k per box in total, but that varies greatly (obviously, the part about the loop starting wasn't 1k). chapter titles are green once they're done, red when i still have to (re)write them, and yellow when i'm currently working on them, and i have the same colour coding in my actual document.
there's little notes for the important things of each part or just stuff i want to remember while writing future chapters (and yes, i only just realised i slightly changed the writing on the arm and never went back to change that, anyway). the little colourful tags tell me what subplot each little box follows, and i can filter the whole thing to show me how each subplot develops over the course of the whole story. once a box is completely (re)written, i tick the little box and move on to the next one. sometimes, i will still move events between chapters and this method really helps me to visualise how that changes things!!
now you're probably able to tell that i don't include everything in my outline; it all depends on how prominent the scene is in my mind. also, stuff still gets cut and i forget to delete it from the outline. like the whole 44 thing from chapter two was gonna be bigger, but then i dropped it. (or did i)
is all of that excessive? yes, immensely. but it helps my brain. i also keep additional notes on the actual timeline of the whole day, on random things i want to keep in mind or incorporate, and i keep all the discarded plot points in a little graveyard down below just in case i want to reuse them in the future.
i think that's it. that's my mad outlining process. thanks for coming to my ted talk
fanfiction writing asks
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jabberwockjamboree · 3 years ago
Hi🥰! Sorry for the random ask and for likes/rbs spam😅 but i just wanted to say that your artstyle is literally THE BEST??? Like, im in LOVE??? HELP??? So inspiring🥺 (im a begginer artist). I was wondering if u had any tips on drawing Naruto/Naruto characters? Or drawing in general? But feel free to ignore this and either way, have an awesome day/night💜!
dont apologize for your ask! i warmly welcome any and all questions!!! first of all you are so sweet!!! 💖💖💖 i am heckin delighted with any spam likes/reblogs so dont sweat it. i've never been asked for art tips before so i'll do my best!
kinda long post so
i've only watched og naruto so i'm only familiar with most of the characters in part 1 (design wise i think they all peaked too soon). what's helped me a lot is looking through screenshots of characters and using a character/reference sheet that can be found with google. reference is your best friend but i tend to get too nitty gritty about my piece looking exactly like my ref so use it as a guide for costume/accessories (i.e. can i see the tail ends of the headband with the angle i'll be using? is this a skirt or pants and how can i make it look like the fabric is flowing in the wind? )
of course practice drawing the characters you like often. as you draw you'll develop your style so experiment with faces, shapes, colors, and what have you. i don't know what your style is like so i can only be vague in these tips.
as for general art tips, TAKE BREAKS!!! i still struggle with going for hours non stop drawing and it's unhealthy 0/10 would not recommend! breaks can be anywhere between a few hours between drawing sessions to days or weeks without drawing. this is especially true with art block. and it is okay.
another tip i have is for when your drawing just isn't going the way you want. just get rid of it. you don't have to actually trash it or anything, just try again. you'll grow from doing multiple iterations of a piece and eventually you land somewhere that feels right. many of those naruto pieces i did were made after 5-10 or even more sketches that sucked. you gotta get all the bad art out and maybe something decent will come out of it. thats just how art is baby. but know that i believe in you. 👍
tl; dr
naruto characters tip: use reference and experiment baby
general art tips: take breaks and delete your art when it's not working out, just keep trying until something does
i hope any of this is helpful if not things you've already heard. anyway thanks again for your kind words 😙😙😙 you also have a great day/night💕!
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