#you *could* draw rr/sm parallels as strawhat w sword/other guy w sword but we have so little info about either pair it's very thin
the-obnoxious-sibling · 9 months
Hi, Im gonna risk sending an ask even if you delete it but tbh Im interested in simple yes or no answer
Do you think there can be parallel between relationships of rogerray zolu and mishanks? It’s quite common in all of this fandoms to think they are similiar, kinda The history book on the shelf is always repeating itself situation. Strawhat guy and swordsman. Do you see this?
well, you're asking a question that's more interesting to me than just "don't you think [ship i don't ship] is great?" so i'll allow it. and anyway, i love history doesn't repeat itself but sometimes it rhymes things. one of my favorite things to do with multigenerational stories is look for those parallel characters and dynamics.
i think the roger-rayleigh/luffy-zoro parallels and the shanks-mihawk/luffy-zoro parallels are definitely worth thinking about, but it's harder for me to draw the same type of parallel between all three pairs.
see, the similarities between rr and lz are way more about the captain-and-first mate dynamic to me. (i straight up forgot rayleigh carried a sword, lmao, it isn't really his defining trait.) it's asking someone to join your crew without knowing a thing about him. it's devotion, it's loyalty, it's usually but not always understanding him and always following his lead regardless. it's being the relatively reasonable one who's not really reasonable at all. it's the dark king (aka hades) and the demonic ashura standing at the right hand of a man who's always smiling.
sm/lz is more about those strawhat-and-swordsman vibes, since so much of what we know about shanks and mihawk (and the shanks-mihawk dynamic) is inferred or implied through comparisons with luffy and zoro respectively. it's the sunshine/grumpy contrast. it's getting this quiet loner to open up to you in a way he won't to anyone else. it's telling this careless guy he's being an idiot because god forbid you actually tell him you're worried.
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