#yooranweek day1
kyuiuiuiu · 7 years
The Second Sun
Yeah, this is my “surprise”... I wrote a fanfic a time ago, and when I thought that there could be a Yooran week I started the translation (I speak spanish lol). A friend helped me, because my english is not good enought, but you should know that I made this with all my love for the fandom (and my OTP<3). I will post a chapter everyday during the Yooran Week! So I hope you like it<3
☆ You can read it on Wattpad and AO3 too ☆
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Summary: What do you gain looking at the sky if you never stop to think about the sun?  Or maybe... are you afraid to feel the warmth of the sun?
Disclaimer: The characters and part of the plot belong to Cheritz. The rest is my property.
Tags: Angst, Drama, Romance, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Bonds.
CAUTION This story may contain spoilers about the game, since it is set before the last chapter of the Secret 02. It's recommended to read after completing 707's route and the Secrets 01 & 02. Possible high-sounding words. Read at your own risk.
Chapter 1 - The distrust.
For some people, the sky is always the same, but truth is that it's constantly changing. From the stars that are light years away, to the clouds we can see over it during the day —and the night too—. It's a question of each one the meaning or importance that they give to it, but certain people take it as an important reference in their lives.
That’s the case of Saeran. A boy who, after going through some of the worst things in the world, managed to find some peace by watching the sky in solitude. Of course, he now had his brother by his side too, but the sky was always important to him, since it was one of the few happy memories he had of his childhood. It reminded him of that sense of freedom... Something that now, at last, he could try to experience for himself.
But there was a problem.
Saeran refused to establish any kind of contact with anyone else who were not his brother. He distrusted anyone his brother would take to their home, believing that they would try to fool him and Saeyoung, just to bring them suffering as others did in the past. He didn’t like being that way, but he had no choice. It was almost an automatic response from him.
 Weeks passed by, and when he saw his brother a little more stable, Saeyoung began to take the RFA members home so they would try to talk to him. He wished wholeheartedly that Saeran could be a little more confident with his new "family", since they were important and understanding people. People who would do them no harm. He knew them from years ago and he could attest to that. So, with this in mind, he began his plan.
 First he took Jaehee. "She's a girl, maybe she'll be more considerate when she talks to him", thought the boy of glasses. But, for his surprise, she left Saeran's room only a few minutes after entering.
Saeyoung looked at her in confusion, and she returned his gaze with a somewhat forced smile. Then he understood that things had not gone so well. He said goodbye, thanking her, and then she withdrew.
 Saeyoung thought that inviting them all the same week would be a too much for Saeran's mind since he was still recovering from all that had happened, so the following week, he decided to bring Zen.
"Perhaps Zen is the answer. Someone less delicate, but sensitive at the same time", he thought as he saw the actor knocking the door and entering Saeran's room as he asked for his permission.
After just three minutes, Zen left the room paler than usual. When Saeyoung questioned about what happened, he chose not to respond. He just said goodbye and told him he was sorry.
 Another week passed, and he decided it was Jumin's turn.
"Jumin is quite polite and cold, so Saeran shouldn't have problems or feel invaded by him", he thought quietly, watching his friend enter the room in complete calm. The minutes passed and nothing seemed to go wrong until Jumin left the room with his same expressionless face as always.
When Saeyoung asked what happened, he replied, "No one spoke. I thought it wasn't right to force him, so I said goodbye and let him alone."
Hearing this answer, he didn’t know whether to laugh or feel disappointed. Deep down, he was expecting that from Jumin.
The older man said he had an important meeting in a few hours, so he had to leave. Saeyoung walked him to the door and said goodbye.
 There was only one person left... So, the next week and without fail, Yoosung was out the door waiting for his friend to open.
He greeted him with that energy he always had, even though he was feeling his nerves were eating him alive. He had heard only a little about Saeran from what the others had told him —and Saeyoung, of course—. It frightened him a little to think the hacker who had caused so much trouble was his best friend's brother, but it was for this very reason that he agreed to help him.
That's what friends were for.
Saeyoung told him where his brother's room was, so, with some nervousness, Yoosung knocked on the door. He did not hear an answer, so he turned to see his friend with some concern, but Saeyoung immediately calmed him by saying "It's normal, so you can go in."
The blond boy opened the door and, after entering, he closed it behind him.
Everything was silent, and he could see that Saeran was sitting on his bed leaning against the wall near the window, with his gaze fixed on the sky.
Yoosung swallowed and looked down at his feet.
“What exactly should I say? How do you start a conversation?”. Those were some of the questions that crossed his mind.
Yoosung was not used to this kind of things, since he spend more time locked up playing LOLOL in his room.
He gathered courage the best he could, and took some air to speak.
“Ah… Hello, Saeran. I am…”
“Yoosung Kim —he interrupted—. You must be 21 now? Sky University. You are currently studying Veterinary Medicine... And you are obsessed with a game called LOLOL. You don’t need to introduce yourself. It's just like everyone else, I already know everything about you. I used to do that, after all”, he said curtly.
“How cold. He's not even looking at me —he thought as he noticed that Saeran had told him all this without taking his eyes off the window—. I can’t believe that all that information can be found so easily. Although, well, he's a hacker like Seven... It makes sense, but still...”
Yoosung was afraid. He was terrified to speak to someone he knew so little about, but that knew so much about him. However, something forced him to leave behind that fear and try to approach.
He took some air and took a few steps toward Saeran, who had stayed still.
“Hehe… I see you know some things about me, but don’t think that's all!”, said Yoosung, forcing a lively tone. One that Saeran detected immediately.
The same story repeated once again.
Just like the previous weeks, his brother had convinced another of his friends to go and try to talk to him. He knew that they accepted only by courtesy, since he didn’t know them and, considering what happened, he doubted very much that they wanted to approach him by their own initiative. He could feel the joy and the feigned concern in their voices, because he never turned to see them to the eyes. It was not necessary, he knew that everyone was lying.
“Leave me alone", Saeran murmured.
“I told you to leave. If even your cousin doesn’t care about you, imagine me.”
After hearing this, Yoosung began to retrace the steps he had taken and proceed to leave the room.
“... Bye” he said to Saeran. Then he left the room closing the door behind him.
 Saeyoung was waiting for him impatiently, he could see in his eyes, but the sad look of Yoosung discouraged him immediately.
“It did not work, did it?” He asked with obvious disappointment in his voice.
Yoosung knew this was very difficult for his friend... and for his brother as well. He was hurt by what he said, yes, but he wanted to understand the situation and why Saeran acted like that. And to be able to understand him...
“Calm down, he's just introverted. I know he will get better over time, we all do —he said to cheer Saeyoung, as he tried to hide his discomfort-. I should go now. My house is far away and it’s getting late.
“Okay...” he sighed.
Saeyoung followed Yoosung to the door and said goodbye there. Then he went to his brother's room. He knew that something happened, Yoosung couldn’t fool him so easily.
He knocked on the door, and after a few seconds he opened it. Saeran was still in the same place.
Saeyoung sighed again.
“What did you said to Yoosung?”
Saeran turned to look at him and snorted.
“The truth. I'm not interested in talking to anyone and you know it.”
“You're talking to me”, he teased.
“I know, it's different. Idiot.”
“Well, well —he laughed—. You know I'm doing this for you. I would like you to cooperate a little more, but Yoosung was my last ace under the sleeve... Should I bring Vanderwood?” He thought aloud as he held his chin.
“No thanks. I'm fine alone,” he said instantly. Moments later he was watching the sky again.
Saeyoung decided it was best to leave Saeran alone as he wanted, so he quietly left the room and returned to his work.
 A few days passed normally until someone knocked on the door. Saeyoung couldn’t imagine who might be, since he had not arranged a meeting with anyone these last days. He went to the entrance and, after checking the screen on the side, opened the door with surprise.
"Yoosung?" He asked in confusion.
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