#yooo heyyy
strniohoeee · 10 months
idk what to ask but something super angst enemies to lovers with matt
Disregard(Matt’s Version)
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Pairing: Matt Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: Matt and Y/N hate each other. However one night at a party things take an ugly turn, and Matt’s there to help her. Feelings are expressed but are these feelings mutual? 🌷
Warning⚠️: None really some guy tries to take advantage of reader.
Song for the imagine: R U Mine?- Arctic Monkeys
And satisfaction feels like a distant memory
And I can’t help myself
All I ever wanna say is “are you mine?”
“You at a party with Matt? How’s that going to work” my friend asked me over the phone laughing
“It’s going to work because I hate him, and I will be far away from him duhh” I said raking through my closet looking for an outfit
“I just don’t know how you can hang out with him and his brothers when yall can’t stand one another” she said
“Well Nicks my friend mostly sadly and Chris is cool, but Matt’s just always there” I said huffing when I couldn’t find the shirt I wanted
“Why don’t you and Nick just hang out” she responded
“I mean we have, but they are always together. I’ve learned to just not acknowledge him” I said laughing
“Man I don’t know how you’ve been sticking it out this long” she said to me
“He was at his worse in high school, so if I got over that I can get over anything” I responded back
“Mmm that’s true he was an annoying little shit” she said giggling
“He really was, and he was such a dick” I said rolling my eyes
“He was, but I’m gonna let you go girl. I know you have to prepare for this party, and I’m about to head out with my man on a date” she said to me
“Alright girl I love you, and have fun I’ll talk to you soon” I responded
“Love you too, and have fun as well” she responded
I hung up and finished looking through my closet for another outfit.
“FINALLYYYY” I said as I found the shirt I’ve been hunting for
To be honest I’m not too sure why my hate for Matt was still there. I’ve been friends with Nick for 5 years now, and although Matt was an asshole in school I couldn’t stop my hate towards him.
He just was always there, and swore he was hot shit. He wanted to be cool and mysterious so badly and it annoyed the shit out of me.
I agreed when Chris called him “tough” because it was true. He acted like this big bad guy, and like he was too good for everybody. Hated it and I hated him
Initially I really liked him, but he destroyed all of that when we were in high school. It haunted me daily…..man fuck Matt
I finished getting ready and decided to Uber over to the triplets house since Nick wanted us to carpool
I headed into their house and walked up to nicks room
“Nickkkk” I said as I walked in and hugged him
“Heyyy” he said pulling away
“Excited for tonight?” I asked him as I sat on his bed
“Very! I haven’t been to a party in a while” he said looking in his closet
“Oh my gosh sameeee” I said
“Should I wear a pink shirt or a black shirt?” He asked
“Mmmmm pink, that color looks good on you” I said back
“I was thinking the same” he said laughing
Suddenly Chris and Matt barged into his room
“YOOO” Chris yelled coming in
“Hey” I said smiling at him
“Stop fucking screaming like a bafoon” Nick said
“Uhhh who brought the negative Nancy” Chris said rolling his eyes
Nick just rolled his eyes at Chris as he finished getting ready in his bathroom
“Nick I have a question” I said getting up
“What’s up?” He asked
“Do you have my perfume I left here a while back” I asked
“Mmm I should, might be in my top drawer” he said
“Yeah you might want to mask that smell” Matt said laughing
“Ew….youre not funny” I said giving him a dirty look
“Yeah and youre ugly” he said making an ugly face
“You act like a two year old” I said not even looking at him
“Alright children enough” Chris said rolling his eyes
“I’m going to wait downstairs, I’m not going to allow Matt to ruin my night” I said after I sprayed myself with perfume and leaving Nicks room
About 10 minutes later they all came down and we decided to head out. Matt drove us to this influencers house who they knew and we headed in
“Alright guys don’t get too wild and try not to fight anyone” Nick said
“Got it” we said laughing
We walked in and started to say hi to the people we knew. I headed into the kitchen to make myself a drink because this was going to be a long night.
I was sitting in the kitchen sipping on my drink while people watching when I saw someone from the corner of my eye.
“Hey” he said, I looked over at him smiling as I swallowed my drink
“Hi” I said properly
“I’m Grey, but most people call me G” he said sticking his hand out for me to shake
“I’m Y/N” I said shaking his hand
“Are you here alone?” He asked as he began to make himself a drink
“Oh no I’m here with some friends, but we branched off” I said to him
“Oh nice yeah I did the same. I think my friends with some girl or some shit” he said shaking his head
“Ahh yes the classic party hook up” I said
“So cliche right” he said laughing
I went to answer but Matt walked into the kitchen clearing his throat and shoving in between us to get a Pepsi
“Oh uh am I interrupting something?” Matt asked looking between Grey and I
“No, go away Matt” I said sighing
“Cant I get a drink?” He said cheering my cup and giving me a shit eating grin
“I’m going to uhhh I’m going to head out” Grey said before walking off
“You fucking dick” I said punching Matt
“I came to get a drink” he said shrugging his shoulders
“You’re such a fucking asshole I hate you” I said finishing my drink and going to make another one
“Not sure why you hate me” he said scoffing
“Tuh- you’re not sure?” I said grabbing a coke to mix with Malibu
“Mmm no not really” he said shaking his head
“Oh well let me jog your memory shall I? You were an absolute piece of shit in high school. You called me every terrible name under the sun. You turned our whole grade against me. Let’s not forget that so-called prank you pulled on me. Calling me telling me you liked me when you knew I liked you asking me out and then telling me it was a joke and that you truly hated me. Oh not to mention you recorded it and sent it to the whole fucking school. You humiliated me in front of everyone” I said mixing my drink
“It wasn’t that serious, you know. I was hanging around asshole guys and I thought it was cool” he said nonchalantly
“You’re still the same way though” I said scoffing
“I’m really not” he said
“You are Matt….you are. I don’t know what I ever did to you, but I know I don’t deserve this shit” I responded
“Oh don’t act innocent you weren’t a saint” he said
“Yeah maybe in high school I got you back a few times but nothing compared to the shit you out, and that was high school were 21 now” I responded
“I have my reasons and you have yours” he said
I looked at him and scoffed…what is he even saying
“Grow up Matt” I said lifting off the counter to walk away
“Right back at you” he said shaking his head
“And stay the fuck out of my way” I said shoving past him
I walked off angrily and decided to look for Grey because I really needed to take my mind off of Matt. He was making my blood boil and my head spin
I saw Grey sitting on a couch scrolling through his phone
“Hey stranger” I said walking up to him
“Oh Heyy Y/N” he said smiling and locking his phone to put it away
“Sorry about that back there he can be a bit annoying” I said sitting next to him
“Ex boyfriend drama?” He asked
“Oh god no. Rival since high school” I said laughing
“Damn since high school” he said
“Yeah” I responded taking a seat next to him
Grey and I had been talking on the couch for a while. His fingers and hands often becoming loose and touching me. Nothing that made me uncomfortable, but it was certainly strange.
Unbeknown to Y/N Matt was watching her and Grey the whole time. He had a weird feeling about him, but couldn’t put his finger on it. He didn’t like that Grey was touching her, but she didn’t seem bothered so he stood back.
“Hey want to head up to a room I can’t really hear you” Grey asked nicely
“Ummm yeah sure” I said
“Nothing weird I promise” he said laughing
“Oh no worries” I said laughing and getting up to follow him
Matt was sitting as he watched them get up and head to the stairs. His ears perking up at this…..something was telling him to follow them.
Slowly Matt got up following behind them at a good distance. Listening in on their convo as best as he could. Didn’t seem strange, but he still wanted to make sure Y/N was okay.
Grey and Y/N had walked into a room shutting the door behind them, and Matt stood a few feet behind. He didn’t want to listen in, but he also wanted to make sure nothing weird was about to go down
“So tell me more about you” Grey said as we both sat on the bed
“Mmm well I’ve been living here for a while now, I’m originally from Boston” I said scanning my brain for more things to say
“Nice nice” he said staring at me
“I’m not sure what else to say” I said giggling
But Grey didn’t say anything he just stared at me….it started to bother me
“Is there something on my face?” I asked getting nervous
“Oh uh no sorry you’re just gorgeous” he said
“Oh thank you” I said looking down
At first coming up here seemed like a good idea, but now I’m worried he got the wrong picture. I did not want anything to do with this man other than a possible friendship. This was started to bug me out
Suddenly he started to lean in, I jumped up
“Oh no no that’s not why I came up here” I said backing away
“Oh? Well then why did you come up here” he asked shocked
“Umm because I thought you wanted to hear me better not try to kiss me” I said looking at him weirdly
“Well one kiss wouldn’t hurt” he said getting up
“No I’m good” I said nodding my head at him
“Just one come on” he said in a sleazy way
“And I said no. No is a full sentence” I said getting upset
“Stop being a tease already” he said
“I’m sorry if I gave you the wrong idea, but I do not want to kiss you” I said
He came closer and I backed away banging into a table against the wall
“Back away” I said
On the other side Matt heard the muffled conversations and the scuffling going on between two people, but he didn’t know what was going on.
“Please stop” I said pushing him off of me as we struggled against the table causing some things to fall
“Come on baby” he said getting upset
“FUCK OFF” I yelled pushing him off and grabbing the front door
My eyes surprised me when I made eye contact with Matt who was standing infront of the door
“Matt?” I asked confused
“What’s going on?” He said looking behind me into the room
“Nothing” I said pushing him back trying to get him to leave
“Your little bitch is a tease” Grey said to Matt
“She’s not a bitch, and if she said no then it’s no” Matt said looking the dude up and down
“She doesn’t want you either, so don’t try to be Superman” he said scoffing
“Fuck you. I’m being a decent human being respect her” Matt said
“What are you going to do about huh?” He said laughing at Matt
“Come on stop” I said trying to pull Matt away
“No” he said pushing my hand away
“You’re a piece of shit” Matt said walking towards Grey
“Don’t care” he said still laughing
Matt looked at him before punching him in the jaw
“MATT WHAT THE FUCK” I yelled out
They both started to scuffle around throwing punches
“Stop it” I said trying to pull Matt away
Matt hit the guy again in the nose causing him to stumble backwards
“When a woman tells you no that means no” he said backing away from Grey
“Matt we have to go now” I said pulling him away
Matt and I ran down the stairs and to his car
“Are you okay?” He asked me as we got in the car
“Yeah I’m fine” I said bluntly
“What a sick fuck” he said turning his car on
“Why do you care?” I asked
“Well I got a bad vibe from him okay, and I just didn’t want you to get hurt” he said as he pulled off
“Matt caring about me” I asked
“I don’t care about you…..I just didn’t want some creep to take advantage” he said scoffing
“Mm don’t care about me sureeeee” I said sitting back in my chair
“I don’t fucking like you okay Y/N” he said getting upset
“Feelings mutual I could’ve handled my own” I said
“Didn’t seem like it” he said
“I had it” I said getting upset with him
“You’re so stubborn” he said
“And so are you” I said
“Just stop okay” he said gripping the steering wheel tighter
“Stop what? Just take me home and shut up” I said rolling my eyes
“You’re such a bitch I try and help you and this is what I get” he said
“Stop the car” I said bluntly
“No” he said
“Matthew stop the fucking car now” I said
Matt looked over at me and pulled over. I hopped out and began to walk
“What the fuck are you doing?” He asked
“Shut the fuck up” I said continuing to walk
Matt hopped out the car following behind me
“Get in the car now” he said sternly
“You’re not my dad, go away” I said shooing him
“I’m not asking you again. Get in the car now” he said trailing closer to me
“GO AWAY” I yelled at him
Matt ran a little faster and grabbed my arm pulling me to turn around
“Let go of me” I said pulling my arm away from him harshly
“Get in the car. I know you hate me. I get that, but get in the car. I’ll take you home and I’ll never bother you again” he said
“Matt no I’m not going anywhere with you” I said
“Stop being so stubborn holy shit” he said pulling at his hair
“No one told you to save me, no one told you to take me home and no one told you to follow me out here. You don’t like me so go away” I said turning around to keep walking
“Yeah I don’t like you because…..because I love you” he said
I stopped in my tracks and slowly turned around to face him
“What?” I asked
“I love you okay” he said shaking his head
“No no you’re not doing this. After all these years of being a piece of shit you’re not about to pull this I love you card” I said pointing at him
“I’ve been a horrible person I know, but I truly didn’t know how to express myself. And i know these words probably mean nothing. But I want you to know I can’t do this anymore. I can’t hide my true feelings by pretending to be mean to you. When I saw you and that guy I got so jealous because that….that should be me” he said
“I don’t know what to say to you” I said shaking my head
“That’s okay. Just get back in the car, let me take you home. And you don’t have to see me ever again” he responded
“Matt I… I don’t know what to say because I love you too. I have loved you since high school, and I masked these feelings with hatred because it was the easiest thing to do” I said
“I’m sorry, okay. I never meant to hurt you the way I did” he said
“I don’t know if I can accept that apology right now. You hurt me badly” I told him
“I get that, but just let me take you home and we can talk about it tomorrow” he said
“Ok” I responded in a whisper
I got back into Matt’s car and he drove me home. The whole ride was silent. My thoughts racing in my head about what he told me….did he really love me?
Matt got to my apartment complex and walked me to my apartment door
“Thanks Matt” I said looking at him
“Oh yeah no worries can’t have you walking alone at night” he said
“No. I mean for everything tonight thank you” I said smiling
“Oh yeah. Of course” he said smiling back
“Ummm I really like you, and you did hurt me, but I want to work this out” I said
“Yeah yeah I do too” he said looking at my eyes
“Well goodnight Matt” I responded opening my door
“Can I have a hug?” He asked shyly
I smiled at this and pulled him in for a hug, kissing him on the cheek
“I appreciate you truly for tonight” I said smiling weakly
He nodded his head at me
“I’ll call” he said
“I’ll answer” I responded
And with that I walked into my apartment locking the door behind me.
Matt drove back to pick up his brothers. Once he was home he laid in bed smiling to himself.
I can’t wait to hear her voice again.
The End
I hope you enjoyed this one I love yall sooo much omgg🥹🖤🖤
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clambuoyance · 8 months
Yooo omg I haven't talked to you in like forever... I probably should clarify it's legogeek33, I changed my layout and username lol heyyy how ya been?
oh hello it has been a while!! i love ur pfp :)
im doing as well as one can as a college student i suppose, its been hard to find time to really pay attention to this account unfortunately T^T
i hope youre doing well! ❤️❤️❤️
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emerson-the-psycho · 9 months
Yooo, Em! 💛
*falls through a portal next to you on your couch*
Here are the promised cookies from Mikey!
*holds out a round box to you*
Heyyy! Leo!!
*She’s bouncing on the balls of her feet in excitement.*
Those smell amazing 💕
Can you tell Mikey thank you the next time you see him?
Also are you okay? You kind of crash-landed into the couch—
*she says with a laugh.*
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avissapiens · 2 years
Avis Abstraction #6: Gym buds
You are now friends with Mason Reed. You can now message and call each other and see info like Active Status and when you've read messages.
                                         Oct 26th 2044
Me: Hey bro Mason: Heyyy dude haha. Nice to finally meet you Me: Same. ngl i was kinda scared about signing up for the abyss. Thought they’d hook me up with someone i couldn’t vibe with.
Mason: lol. Yh i’m chill. Tho you’re lucky. I didn’t even know about that weird chip thing. Shit hurt when they put it in. did you feel like…tingles too?Me: Yh i did. Was kinda like getting an electric shock but good?? Mason: Weird. Guess we’re gym buds now tho. Can’t wait til we can workout. My weeks a little packed but i’ll defo hit you up when i’m headed to The abyss Me: Sweet dude. We can hash out our split and everything another time. Mason: For sure bro.
                                      Oct 29th 2044 Me: Yo dude, are you on your way to the gym? Mason: yeah actually. I just got off work and thought i’d do a really quick chest workout. How’d you know haha? Me: Idk..i just kinda felt it. Maybe that’s one of the chip functions? No clue. I’m already on my way now tho if you wanna train together Mason: Damn dude yeah i’d love that! So strange, as soon as you said that I got super hyped up. Me: Awesome bro. I’m like 5 mins away. You get warmed up and I’ll chug some preworkout.
Oct 30th 2044 Mason: dude what days do you train? I’m thinking bout changing up my work schedule so i can gym more. Last night was the fuckin best workout i’ve ever had in my life! Me: IKR. God i broke so many of my PRs. The pump is insane. Still sore haha Mason: How about we hit it 6 days a week. It was really awesome to just hang and vibe in the gym ya kno. Me: yeah dude i’d be down for that Mason: Sick, i’ll call my manager to see if he can schedule me different. So pumped Me: Nice. So what are we training today bro? Legs Mason: Legs Mason: Yooo basically in sync nice haha. Me: Lol. See you in an hour? Mason: bet
Nov 5th 2044 Me: Yo Mason: I know.. Me: you know what? Mason: I know what you’re feeling bro. I feel it too. But fuuuuck its rest dayyy. I just wanna train with you. This week alone has been one of the best weeks of gym EVER. Idk if its just the chip talking but damn I love training with you. Me: Wanna head to the gym. Just do something light? Maybe get a protein shake after? Mason: Already packing my bags. ------------------------------------------- Dec 8th 2044 Mason: Bro killer workout today. We were fucking monstrous. Mason: I had a chat with the Gym owner and he says we’re progressing faster than the majority of the other Chipped dudes. Me: Yo really? That feels amazing to know fuck…like really amazing. Gotta work harder. Blow away the competition dude 💪💪 Mason: Yeah. Honestly i see it dude. You’re looking fucking massive lately Me: No way brah. You’ve been bulking like a madman these last couple months [Mason Sent a Picture]
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Mason: It’s all you bro. Wouldn’t be at this level without your help. Next year’s gonna be crazy.
Jan 6th 2045 Mason: No homo bro, but your pecs are looking so fucking massive. I swear every time i saw you flex em my chip went off like crazy. Just bolting lol. Me: Oh yeah bro 😏? Mason: Yh Mason: Broooo noo stop it shittt i can feel that in my chip. Me: LOL OMG i didn’t know it could do that. That’s so fucking cool Mason: haha..yeah. Just like chill with it ok bro Mason: STOP Me: ok ok lol. These fucking chips are wild bro. Don’t even know how most of the stuff works yet. Me: woah dude wtf are you doin? Mason: I know you’re jelly of my god quads so i was trying to get you back. Guess it worked lol Me:Lol. Fucking love you bro Me: No homo Mason: lil homo? Me: haha Mason: Ya know bro, i’ve got room in my apartment. Maybe we should like room together? It’d make setting up workouts super easy Me: really dude? That’d be great! Lets hash it out some more tomorrow for Pull day. Mason: Totally
March 20th 2045 Me: hey bro.. Mason: Yo dude, wassup? I’m loving spring break in Fiji. Having a great time Me: Thats nice…you gotta get back here bro.. Mason: Wdym? Me: Its torture just like Me: IDK man. I try to keep working out. I try to keep the pump up, but jesus. Going to the gym without you is miserable Me: I feel weaker. Smaller. Fuck i feel like my chip is punishing me every time i enter that building without you. But then when i don’t go it’s like my entire brain is being eaten from the inside Me: It feels so fucking bad. I just wanna kneel and never get up. So hard to keep going Me: Please bro. I know It’s a lot to ask but just hurry home. I miss you. I miss us… Mason: Okay bro. I know what you mean. Hang in there for a few more days. I’ve been missing the pump too and the gyms here don’t really seem to hit as hard as ours anyway. Me: I’ll try. I promise. Going crazy here. Thanks bro Mason: I’ll bring you back something from Fiji. Can’t wait to lift with you again.
-------------------------------------------- May 1st 2045 Mason: Hey dude are you busy? Me: ? yeah bro i’m just out in the living room. Wassup? Want me to come to you? Mason: NO. Don’t Mason: I can’t look at you right now Me: Okay??.. Mason: Idk what it is bro..I think its the chip but fuck Mason: The last few gym sessions we’ve had Mason: I see you and the weight you’re lifting and the progress you’ve made Mason: And then i look at my own progress Mason: And I just get…fucking upset? Mason: Because you’re not progressing fast enough dude. It’s making me look bad Me:Bro wtf?! Mason: Look at this [Mason sent a picture]
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Mason:I’m fucking massive compared to you. All the other chipped bros look on par with each other, but i’ve got 15 lbs on your ass. Me: Yeah…i guess.. Mason: We’ve gotta work harder bro. I fucking love you. I can’t have you being weaker than me. It makes me sick. Makes me fucking angry Me: Yeah, we’re chipped for life. There’s no going back Me: FUCK Mason: Feel that? Exactly. You’ve gotta get back on my level bro. Otherwise, well… Mason: I can feel the chip bro. Mason: I don’t like what it’s making me feel Mason: But i’ll act on it if it goes on long enough Me: Thanks bro. I needed this. I’ll be better, I promise…For you. Mason: For us..💙 Me: For us...Can I still come to your room dude? Mason: Sure bro. Calmed down a bit...think we might lose the deposit on the place tho..Ignore the holes..
Jul 17th 2045 Me: Bro? Me: Bro??? Me: Mason dude where tf are you i’ve been waiting at the gym for like an hour Me: i’m just gonna start bro. Me: Mason bro wtf’s going on is your chip acting up? Me: Fuck. Fuk bro Me: Stop whatever you’re doing bro thats not funny. Me:Cut it out! Me: Fuck me dude what is this
Jul 18th 2045 Mason: Sorry bro. My bad. Guess i shoulda told you. Me: Tld m wut bro? My chipz ben goin off all fucking nt Me: Fuk can barelt tyoe. Bods liek pulsing. cnt thinkkk Mason: I heard from one of the other chipped dudes down at the gym that there was a guy upstate who’s been jailbreaking the chips. Installing cool new firmware updates. He said he Only needed one of us cause the softwares connected, but i guess you need to go too. Me: WTF bro thts so fucked up! Hw cud u di tht Mason: Tho if i’m being honest. I don’t really need an update. You were the one lagging behind bro. Lets just keep it like this for a bit and see what happens Me: Cnyoujuststopthepingigbro Mason: Haha sorry. I think that’s the roider protocol. Supposed to send a shiver every time your chipbro thinks about getting bigger. Guess i’ve had one thing on my mind all night. My bad Mason: K should be good Me: This is high-key fucked mason. Mason: Wanna go the gym? Me: fuck…yes. Me: I’m getting my gear ready. See you in 20 mins..fucker. Mason: Oh bro btw [Mason sent a picture]
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Me: fucking hell bro. Ok 10 mins
The Model for this one is Alex Price. Check him out. And If you want to support the creation of more hypnotic experiences and writing, then you can do so by subscribing to my Patreon, or to my Youtube channel. And if you want to interact more closely with me and my supportive community you can join my Discord server. And check out my file archive on my website.
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coconutki · 2 years
Itadori as boyfriend headcanon stuff
‼️There is aged up nsfw‼️
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- [ ] Yooo best bf ever kinda
- [ ] Very sweet
- [ ] Cuddling on the couch watching moviess
- [ ] Definitely started as besties but it evolved
- [ ] Ok so in my head yuji is brunette (duH cause yk the undercut is brown lol ) he just dyes his hair
- [ ] You dyed his hair when his roots started to show
- [ ] Also processed his hair too long before and it was tragic almost made this man’s bald Fr
- [ ] Y’all are CHAOTIC love to bother tf out of megumi
- [ ] tbh he invited to the family cookouts lolll
- [ ] He’s a cutie pieee I luv him (sorry had to be said)
- [ ] y’all gonna be like two peas in a pod
- [ ] Talking about anime and movies a whole lott
- [ ] definitely has a goofy pic of y’all as his lock screen
- [ ] Y’all was out trying food and buying stuff and while you both were sitting on the stairs taking a break he just told you he liked you. Like more than a friend
- [ ] Ofc u told him you liked him too
- [ ] is absolutely captivated by your Beauty
- [ ] “Heyyy~ that new horror movie came out wanna go see it??!”
- [ ] He’s kinda loud ngl but it’s not overly loud
- [ ] Pouts when you say he acts like a puppy
- [ ] Strong boi will literally pick u up if he has to (or wants to) especially when you’re pouting
- [ ] you let him do your hair just for fun and lord…never again. He loves it though so u give in occasionally
- [ ] You comfort him a lot and he appreciates it
- [ ] He loves you so muchhh
- [ ] Sometimes in his sleep he’ll hold you tight and mumble stuff like “don’t go yet.”
- [ ] When he can’t be with you it’s sad he feels so lonely without you sometimes he’s a lil clingy if you couldn’t already tell
- [ ] “I missed you.”
- [ ] He’s a good boy gives you that fluttering feeling in your stomach when he says I love you.
- [ ] Tries his best to cheer u up when ur upset (especially with him)
- [ ] He’s the type that doesn’t see ur mad at him until you don’t send a text back to him.
- [ ] You best believe He will come over at 2am in the pouring rain just to make sure his shawty is alright and try to right his wrongs
-[ ] hard to stay mad at honestlyy
Aged up nsfw cause he’s also like 16
- [ ] Pretty vanilla
- [ ] Yeah he says he likes ass
- [ ] He would rather see your face when he’s in them guts though
- [ ] “You feel so good ____ “
- [ ] “It’s okay..tell me if it hurts too bad? I’ll stop.”
- [ ] Slow and steady at first
- [ ] Oddly controlled for a while instead of just ramming you first
- [ ]
- [ ] Reassuring and always asks if something’s okay before he tries anything new
- [ ] I feel like he’s a moaner
- [ ] Likes giving headd
- [ ] Inexperienced but trying his best to please you
- [ ] Surprised when you came in his mouth 😭
- [ ] “You taste good~”
- [ ] Pants like a dog when you give him head and hjs
- [ ] He whisper-moans your name when he’s hitting from the back
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stargazer0001 · 10 months
Yooo I also have a slugcat oc that has social anxiety powers, not exactly the same ofc
heyyy thats amazing! Love that!
I want people to make social anxiety power slugcats and then we can put them in a room together and see what happens
its like one of those dogparks for socially anxious doggos
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yooo did you ever end up making the zombie apocalypse side blog? no pressure just curious lol
heyyy yeah I forgot abt it for a while I remembered recently late at night lol
Ill make it soon if I remember
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heyyy hiii hello I'm the guy who asked you for permission for the Toxic Tunes cameo in my fic
just wanted to let you know it was done. you can read it here, and if you do read it, please let me know what you think.
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margindoodles2407 · 11 months
yooo whats up :)
Heyyy! Not much; I pretty much finished my Halloween costume today though and now my elbow hurts for some weird reason :/
Houw bout you?
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loafbud · 1 year
heyyy!! im a first year college student, tho im going in person not online, but i highly suggest finding somewhere you dont regularly hang out at inside your house/somewhere outside your house that you work at so you can focus :3
take classes u r interested in !! thats what makes college so much better than HS bc u can learn abt stuff u actually enjoy .
if possible , try to get to know some1 else in ur class and chat with em !! ik social anxiety is a bitch but it makes the college experience so much nicer .
idk how much of this u have or havent heard, but i wanted to wish you good luck as a fellow college student!!!! you got this !!!!! college can be really fun, i prommy 💪💪💪
yooo hey!! thank you for the suggestions and the wishes also!! 😭😭 i will keep those in mind when my college era starts (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
while i learn/focus better when im remote/by myself, i still do at least wanna have some amount of on-campus life haha
a family member of mine actually works at the bookstore at the college im applying for- they said they'll let me know when the school's hiring, so that way i actually get to be on campus for something it'll be nice practice to work on my social skills LOL
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rheanrya · 2 years
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heyyy yooo it’s finally happened! i am so completely over the moon and grateful to all my followers and bots of course... but fr i have blocked so manyyyy → special thank yous are under the cut, but honestly thanks to everyone who has followed over the last 10 years (lol makes me sound so old). you’re all wonderful, and sending lots of love to you!
as a token of my grattitude i am going to be doing a little celebration for my followers. there are a couple options:  → name aesthetic graphic → gif request (pls keep to fandoms i am in.. if not sure just ask ❤) → fandom graphic request 
please understand that i work full time so will only really be uploading on weekends, so if i don’t post your request striaght away, don’t worry it’s still on its way! 
this will run for a month-ish, so till the end of march. to join in: → mbf me, of course → send an ask with your request → anons not accepted. → reblog this post. i will be checking! (likes only for bookmarks)
absolute fav mutualsss: @shirehobbit @anthonybrxdgerton @anson-mount @ririvilliams @claytonsdani @clarkesplaylist @merrypembertons @vhagar-apologist @miriel-therindes @nessa007 @kanthcnys @nina-zcnik @jaeausten @midnightsdlx @spidermanns @harrenhals @fireandfolds @violets @hmione @userloki @userjoel @benoitblanc @zen-coleman @bbelovas @olivias-rodrigo @djarin @eohwyyn @harrisons @duchessofhastings  → there are sooooo many more people i want to tage, but for now - thank you to you all!
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ashsostrange · 1 year
heyyy 💗💗 hope you’re doing alright babes
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starboodoesstuff · 1 year
yooo hi king
how are you today? :3
also fave song?
Heyyy anon :>
I'm doing great actually, thank for asking :D
And wowzers, great question!
Honestly, probably anything by Lovejoy, Lemon Demon, or Cavetown- I'm a sucker for indie rock :3
But if I HAD to choose, it'd be either Amnesia Was Her Name (Lemon Demon), Cabinet Man (also Lemon Demon), Meteor Shower (Cavetown) Jubilee Line (Lovejoy) , Perfume (Lovejoy again), or Sex Sells (also by Lovejoy) :D
I know that's a lot but it's just so hard to choose a favorite!!! There's so many good songs!!!
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boag · 2 years
Heyyy hiii hellooo yooo whaaats uppp myyy ohh me ohh boy what’s worddd? cooould I callll yaaa?
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thecoffeelorian · 1 year
So I...don't exactly think I've posted reactions before, but if I have, I've more or less forgotten when I did it and for what show. ^^; What I CAN say is that I will try and post reactions for every episode of Ahsoka from here on in, because I would love to share some positivity in this fandom after all the crazy that's going on just about everywhere else.
Anyways...this is my reaction for Episode 1, and since my blog is 18+ ONLY, it's MINORS DNI from here on in. Consider yourself alerted in advance! ;)
@mysticalgalaxysalad @groguandthebadbatch @intrepidmare @maybethatfanfictionwriter @eclec-tech @questforgalas
+All the helmets are red now. Why are they red. How are they red. What are you not telling me, Lucasfilm. +There is a whole lotta pew pew going on. Why. How. I have a bad feeling about this. +WALK INTO THE RUINS LIKE YOOO WHAT UP WHERE THESE PUZZLES AT! +Force Beings? Father-Daughter-Son?? Who are these??? +Heyyy Science-Fiction GPS! Good to see you! +"Give it to us" LOL NOPE YOU CREEPY HUNK OF METAL. NOT TODAY. +Don't you do that re-enactment of the Rogue One ending. +Don't you activate that self-destruct sequence. +YOU MAKE ME HAVE FLASHBACKS OF SCARIF AND KAMINO AND YOU'RE GONNA BE ONE SORRY LITTLE-- +FFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUU-------------------------------- +ok ok i'm fine there's Hera lolol don't mind me... +Whoops, Space GPS has a lock screen! LOL... +Noooooo Ezra...:( +Whoops again, Sabine pulled an old-school Ariel from TLM ;) +THE MURAL. THE MURAL... +My anti-establishment anarchist! My punk princess! My Mando marquess! +Look, a Loth cat! Or should I say......................TOOKA TOOKA TOOKA?! +So uh Shin...what's with the deer in the headlights look...? Is this your first war crime? +Never mind that, you're clearly about to hurt Ahsoka and Sabine...spoiler alert, just because some viewers have feelings for a (female) character doesn't mean that same character isn't capable of being a stone-cold killer. My little public service announcement to you. +And back to work, which means...just as Sabine solves the map, guess what happens next. No, really. GUESS. +AHAHA, my gal is no Jedi, but she sure fights like one! BOOYAH! +YEP. Miss Deer-in-Headlights REALLY DID WANT TO KILL SABINE...and this, everyone, is why you never, ever, go by looks alone.
No, that is NOT your future girlfriend, mistress, whatever. That's the total stranger who almost killed Sabine, soooo. From here on in, I'm treating her accordingly.
Overall Score: 9/10, but only because I can't take random assassination attempts of my favorites at the moment. Peace out for now.
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