#yooo I don't even know how I've written stuff these past few weeks but hey at least got something done before the month ended
rollercoasterwrite · 4 years
I’m So Curious [Chapter 1]
Part 1 of my story written for Jjong’s Month and for my lovely Dee @jjongyyu
Here are the ones I wrote last year : Just For A Day & Love Is So Nice
Prompt :  Jjong is a college student with tight money, but manages to get into a prestigious uni where he becomes friends with Taemin. One day, Tae asks him to go out on a blind date with his cousin Jinki, a notable lawyer who still hesitates about dating someone. Jjong refuses, but the amount of money Tae offers is a sight he can’t ignore. Jinki adores him immediately and after several dates, Jonghyun falls in love with Jinki, but he doesn’t know how to tell Jinki about his agreement with Tae.
Pairing : Jongyu 
Genre : romance, some fluff, probably angst, smut eventually XD
TW : I don’t know if it’s really triggering to anyone, but Jjong curses a lot in this one and is kinda crude so yeah at least you have been warned. XD
Word Count : 6500 ~ 
Links : AFF & AO3
Special thanks to Cheryl for being my beta and making it possible for me to release part I before the month ended.
"What's your type?'' The blonde cocked an eyebrow. ''What has that got to do with anything?'' The brunette shrugged. ''Just wondering...'' He said, giving his straw another mindless chew before going on. ''I've just never seen you show interest in anyone.'' The other frowned, confused.
''Again, why did that pop up in your mind just now?'' ''Jeez, can't I just ask a question?'' the younger one retorted, frustration now edging his tone. '' I know you, Tae,'' the blonde immediately clapped back. ''You never just ask a question.'' His statement had the other snorting in indignation.
''Is that really what you think of me, Jjong?'' ''Yes,'' the blonde squarely replied before taking another sip of his iced coffee. He watched as his friend settled into grumpy mode with a scoff and a determined cross of the arms. He couldn't help but puff out laughing at the childish display. ''I know you'll eventually spill it…'' Jonghyun taunted, lopsided smile dancing on his lips. ''I hate you,'' Taemin spat with spite that only manifested when he didn't get his way. ''Good luck with that,'' Jonghyun replied with a chuckle. A sense of victory swelled in his chest as he watched his friend struggle to come up with a comeback. The silence gave him some time to look around the nearly empty café they regularly visited to get some school work done or chat. He could never stop himself from taking in the peaceful setting, even though he’d probably seen it a million times now. With its white-framed casement windows that let the natural light in, its bare white walls opening up the space, the various-sized potted plants adding life and color around them, and the rustic furniture that contrasted so perfectly against all the light, it just felt to him like his little corner of paradise. It was even more beautiful now that the setting sun bathed the space with dancing lights of pink and orange. If the moment wasn't already perfect, the warm and full aroma of fresh coffee filling up the space left not even a modicum of place for discontent. Jonghyun felt good, and not even the sight of his friend's disgruntled expression was going to change that. ''Can I order us another round of coffee or are you just going to storm out like a little bitch and leave me hanging?'' he half-asked, half-baited. Taemin's gaze narrowed at the jab. Jaw tense, he replied, ''Call me a little bitch one more time and that coffee will end up in your face.'' '' I'll take that as a yes for the coffee then, '' Jonghyun concluded, not at all fazed by the other's threat.
He knew of his friend's evil ways, but for some reason, the latter seemed to know there was no point trying anything with him.
As soon as they received their refill of iced coffee, the younger one seemed to relax and, soon enough, he was back on topic. ''Jjongie...'' he cooed, shifting into his characteristic charmer mode. ''No.'' Jonghyun didn't need to hear the rest. He already knew he wasn't going to like it. ''You don't even know what I was going to say," Taemin whined with pouting lips. ''Right, but I already know my answer.'' ''What if I was just going to ask for a ride home?'' the fluffy-haired brunette argued. ''But you weren’t, so cut the crap,'' Jonghyun bluntly dismissed. He caught the glare that his friend shot him before he took in more caffeine.
The younger one's frustration soon turned into a desperate sigh, signalling he was about to crack open. ''Look, I need a favor,'' he finally revealed. ''Ask Kibum,'' Jonghyun indicated. The younger one scrunched up his nose in disgust.
''Ew, no. Just imagining them...'' The retching gesture that followed wasn't enough to distract the blonde from what he had just caught in the other's unintentional admission. ''Them?'' he echoed, confused. ''Who is the other person?'' Taemin froze at that, the only movement perceptible being that of his furious blinking.
''Tae??'' Jonghyun called out as confusion and nervousness simultaneously grew inside him. ''Yeah, um...'' the brunette cleared his throat. ''The other person's my cousin,'' he finally said. Jonghyun frowned deeply.
''What's your cousin got to do with anything? '' ''He has to do with the favor I need from you,'' Taemin outlined before deflecting his attention to his chewed-up straw. ''The fuck?'' the older one exclaimed as he stared incredulously at his friend. It was a few more seconds before the other stopped his balancing act of chewing on plastic and drinking. ''You know my cousin, Jinki, that I sometimes talk about?'' Taemin started. ''You mean, that you always talk about, '' Jonghyun rectified, not without an edge of annoyance to his tone. ''That is not true,'' the other instantly countered. ''Riiight,'' Jonghyun derided. “I must be imagining all these times you've been going on about something he said or did.''
''No, you're not. But it's definitely not all the time.'' If there was something that Jonghyun had come to learn about the beautiful young man he spent a lot of his waking hours with, it was that he was incredibly stubborn. Jonghyun had seen that attribute work in amazing ways, especially when it came to his dancing skills. But he had also seen it work in the most annoying and infuriating ways, and this moment was definitely more proof of that. ''Whatever,'' Jonghyun brought himself to say to avoid any blood being shed on the beautiful table between them. ''Anyway,'' Taemin went on. ''Jinki's been feeling lonely and I thought I should help him out a bit, you know, since he's helped me so much throughout the years.'' ''Are you going to suck his dick or something?'' Jonghyun couldn't help but voice. ''Eeeeew,'' the younger one all but yelled. ''He's my cousin!!'' ''The way you get all excited whenever you talk about him makes me wonder sometimes... '' ''You're fucking gross, Kim Jonghyun.'' That made the blonde's eyebrow cock. ''Interesting...'' he mused. ''What?'' ''Seems like I hit a sensitive cord,'' Jonghyun noted matter-of-factly. ''Stop that,'' the brunette said in his most authoritative tone, which didn't feel that convincing to the other. ''Don't worry about it, Tae. Apparently, that happens between cousins more than we think.'' The death stare he received made it hard for him to keep a straight face, the tickling edge of laughter bringing a twitch to his lips. ''I swear... '' Taemin grumbled as a visible clench graced his jaw. He forced himself to roll his tongue in his mouth a few times like his mom had taught him as a kid before resuming. ''I need you to go on a date with him.'' ''No. '' Jonghyun didn't even need to hear more. He wasn't going to entertain any of it.
His response had the other sighing deeply. ''I knew it would play out this way,'' Taemin indicated as he looked straight into the older one's eyes. ''That's why I'm ready to pay.’' ''Excuse me??'' Jonghyun loudly exclaimed. The other's silence and serious expression only got him more riled up. ''Do I look like a fucking prostitute to you?'' ''I'm not asking that you have sex with him. I just want him to get back into the dating scene,'' Taemin calmly explained. ''That's cool and all, but why me?'' Jonghyun had no choice but to ask, bewilderment splashed all across his face. ''I feel like you two could get along,'' Taemin answered. ''Plus, he's always had a thing for petite guys.'' ''I'm not petite,'' Jonghyun growled, gaze turning dark. ''Fine, you're a fucking mountain,'' Taemin conceded with a slight eyeroll to spare himself a pointless argument. ''Look,'' he quickly followed with. ''You just have to go on one date and in return, you won't have to be so stressed out about money all the time.'' The tension that had settled on the blonde's face morphed into another look of disbelief. ''Are you actually hearing yourself right now?'' ''Yes, I hear myself just fine,'' Taemin replied without shame. ''Sex or no sex, what you are asking of me is still prostitution,'' Jonghyun pointed out bluntly. ''No,'' Taemin squarely countered. ''I asked for a favor and you said no, so I'm adding money into the mix so that it's still a win for you in the end.'' ''I can't accept your money.'' ''Yes, you can, and you will.'' The blonde gave him a wide-eyed stare.
''The fuck?'' The brunette sighed.
''I know you've worked really hard to get to where you're at, but you deserve to have some space to breathe. That's what I'm really offering you,'' he added for emphasis. Jonghyun was at a loss for words. He knew Taemin meant well, but that whole deal didn't feel right. On the flip side, getting some extra money would definitely alleviate the burden he carried with him all the time. Getting into his dream school had been a big part of the battle, but actually being able to pay all the fees that came with studying there was a strenuous challenge in itself. He could only do so many hours of work without it affecting his grades and he had already reached that limit. ''Like I said, I only ask for one date,'' Taemin reiterated. ''And you can consider this whole semester dealt with.'' If Jonghyun's eyes could've grown any bigger, they would have at that moment. ''You're tripping...'' That made the younger one laugh. ''I've actually had time to think this through,'' Taemin informed him. ''So I understand if you need some time to think about it, too.'' ''I...'' Jonghyun's eyes darted towards his half-filled cup as his mind mulled over the offer. He knew he should stick to his no, but Taemin had effectively spoken to the part of him that ached for some relief. ''I'll think about it,'' he finally said as he brought his gaze up once more. Taemin grinned. ''Thanks, Jjong.'' In that moment, a lump of nervousness formed in the blonde's throat. He realized he had just sealed the deal.
I can’t believe I’m doing this, he thought as he stared at the restaurant’s elegant façade.
It was probably now close to ten minutes since he had parked on the other side of the street, building up the courage to follow through with the offer his evil best friend had made him.
He still couldn’t believe he had agreed to it, but here he was, all dressed up, black dress shirt and black pants sticking to him like a second skin and the shaggy bangs that usually covered his forehead now slicked back with some gel to make himself look a bit more presentable. He had even traded his worn-out pair of converse shoes for polished leather loafers. The only thing that had been a non-negotiable for him was the tie. He felt like a fraud, but having agreed to do this, he wasn’t just going to half-ass the task at hand. Despite everything, he still didn’t want to make a bad impression on his best friend’s cousin.
He hated to admit it, but he was nervous. He didn’t know what to expect or what to do, or even what to say. This could be a whole disaster, and if it was, he knew Taemin would never let him hear the end of it. He didn’t do dates and he didn’t do formal wear. But again, here he was, getting ready to play the part.
I’m fucking pathetic.
He dropped his bare forehead onto the steering wheel, rapidly losing all resolve he had mustered up on his way there. He could’ve pretty much stayed in that position for the rest of night, but the sudden buzzing of his phone in his pocket jolted him back upright.
He looked at his screen and his heart jumped. He couldn’t hide anymore.  
''Hello?'' he answered as his body temperature jumped up a few degrees.
''Am I speaking to Jonghyun?'' the voice at the other end uttered.
The blonde froze for a moment, taking aback by the soft but deep tone that had just graced his ear.
''Y-yes, it’s me,'' Jonghyun stammered despite himself.
Fuck. They hadn’t even met yet and he was already screwing this up.
''Hi, it’s Jinki. Taemin’s cousin,'' the other man went on.
''Ah, yes. Nice to- I mean, um-''
He cut himself off, realizing whatever would come out of his mouth now would just further embarrass him.  
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
His obvious clumsiness was apparently amusing to the other one because he suddenly laughed.
And that laugh did nothing to help Jonghyun recover brain cells.
''I’m already in the restaurant. Are you here yet?'' Jinki asked.
''Um, yeah… Well, I’m just outside. I’ll be right there,'' Jonghyun answered.
''Okay, well I’m in a dark grey suit and I’m wearing glasses,'' the other informed.
''Cool,'' Jonghyun uttered as he tried to form an image of what the other looked like.
The sound of the other’s voice brought him back to reality. He instantly gave himself a mental kick for getting lost in his thoughts.
''Yes, um, okay, I’ll be hanging up now,'' he indicated before doing exactly that.
Okay, Jjong. You’re already making a damn fool of yourself. Get it together.
He took a few deep breaths before finally turning off the car’s engine and stepping out into the mild weather.
For a moment, he thought about bailing out and getting back into the car, but he knew how much of an asshole that would make him feel like. And he definitely was no asshole. Plus, he couldn’t help but think about the money involved.
Well, maybe that made him an asshole.
He managed to push back all of these thoughts in favor of finally getting himself past the entrance door. Hand on the handle, he pushed it open and stepped inside, relinquishing his fate to the wicked hands of the universe. He barely had time to look around when his eyes fell on a sight he was sure he’d never forget.
Jonghyun froze midstep as his gaze took in a gorgeous man whose clothes fit the description he had received a few minutes earlier.
''Jinki?'' he managed to utter despite feeling like his whole nervous system was about to collapse on him.
The man’s face lit up at the sound of his name and as soon as their eyes met, he flashed him a stunning smile.
''Jonghyun!'' he reciprocated enthusiastically as he took a few steps towards him.
It took Jonghyun everything not to step back and run out through the door. This was definitely worse than he had expected. The man was… A few words popped up in his mind, all of them just making it harder for him not to lose his composure.
''Happy to meet you,'' the brunette said before bowing before him.
Jonghyun returned the gesture, bending further down, since he was the younger one.
''Happy to meet you, too,'' he echoed once he rose back up.
He tried a smile, but it felt too forced, too staged. If there was something Jonghyun wasn’t good at, it was definitely acting.
''Have you ever been here before?'' Jinki promptly asked.
''Um, no…'' Jonghyun answered, slightly embarrassed.
He had done his research earlier that week when Taemin had sent him the address only to learn that this restaurant was one of the finest in the area. He could barely afford the essentials so there was no way he had any extra to be visiting these places. Nor did he ever really have any interest to.
''Ah, it’s okay,'' Jinki reassured with a softer but equally dashing smile. '' I’m glad this is your first time. ''
Jonghyun froze again, eyes wide, as his mind ran straight to the gutter with the other’s words.
The latter seemed to notice as he suddenly chuckled nervously, ''That probably didn’t come out right. I’m sorry.''
Jonghyun’s eyebrow cocked as he stared at the other. Is he for real?
The subtle blush he caught on the taller one’s face told him that it was indeed an honest mistake.
''I’m- I’m sorry…''
Jonghyun instantly felt bad. He was the one catching double entendres where there was none.
''Don’t be, please,'' he implored. ''I’m sorry, it’s me… I’m being a little weird …''
The brunette seemed to relax at that. Retrieving his smile, he said, ''This is a little never-wracking, huh?''
''Yeah,'' Jonghyun admitted as he rubbed the back of his neck with one hand.
''Well, it’s nothing a little alcohol can’t fix, right?’' Jinki playfully remarked.
That made the blonde laugh.
Any words he would’ve said next died in his throat as the brunette’s eyes zeroed in on him in a focused and extremely unnerving way.
''Um… should we go to our table now?'' he found the courage to say as he deliberately avoided the other’s intent gaze.
That fortunately was enough to snap the other out of whatever trance he had been in.
''Yes, of course,'' he replied, quickly clearing his throat.
They first stopped at the front desk, Jonghyun just tagging along as Jinki gave the elegantly clad lady before them his name for the reservation. She then led them into the restaurant, walking them past the tables until they reached the back where a beautifully set table awaited them.
Along the way, Jonghyun had stolen glances around, taking in the contrasting elegance of the furniture with the robustness of the ceiling-to-floor pillars that gave the space more character and charm. He was even more pleased by the warm lighting that completed the portrait like icing on a cake, giving the room an intimate vibe.
Once the lady had finished setting the menus on the table and another came in to fill up their glasses with water, they sat, finding themselves alone.
''So, what’s your poison?'' Jinki immediately asked.
The blonde’s brow cocked.
''Shouldn’t we be ordering some expensive wine or something?''
''We could, if that’s what you want, but I’d rather you tell me what you like,'' Jinki indicated.
For some reason, that was enough to make Jonghyun’s heart jump inside his chest again.
''Um, well… I don’t drink often, but I really like rum,'' he shared as he tried not to linger on his body’s unsolicited reaction.
''Great,'' Jinki exclaimed as his face lit up even more. ''That’s my favorite.''
Immediately after, he gestured to one of the waiters in sight and ordered two glasses of a brand of rum Jonghyun was sure he had never tasted before. The order was served to them a few seconds later, the golden-brown liquid swaying beautifully inside the clear glasses.
Jinki was the first to pick up his glass.
''To a beautiful evening,'' he softly said as he lifted it.
''To a beautiful evening,'' Jonghyun reciprocated with a small smile before they both brought their glasses to their lips.
The taste that graced the blonde’s tongue was a perfect mix of strong, velvety, and sweet, making it impossible for him not to moan from contentment.
''That is the best rum I’ve ever had,'' he enthused, before realizing the other’s gaze had changed again.
He didn’t know what it was, but he could definitely feel himself tense up because of it. Fortunately, he didn’t have to speak this time for the other one to get back into conversation.
''I would have to agree with that,'' Jinki finally said with a smile.
''I’m guessing everything here is great, huh?'' the blonde gathered.
''Yeah, I’d say so,'' Jinki confirmed. ''Although…'' he went on immediately after, ''I pretty much always order the same thing, so I’m probably not the best person to ask,'' he admitted in a somewhat apologetic tone.
''What’s your order?'' Jonghyun asked with genuine interest.
''Their duck confit.''
The blonde stared blankly at him for a few seconds as his mind tried to figure out whatever that could be.  
His confusion must’ve shown clear because the other chuckled before saying, ''It’s basically duck cooked in its own fat.''
Jonghyun grimaced at that.
''That doesn’t sound very appetizing to me.’'
''I can understand,'' Jinki said with another soft laugh. ''So what kind of food do you usually enjoy?''
''Um… pretty simple stuff I guess,'' Jonghyun answered, suddenly feeling embarrassed.
The brunette acknowledged those words with a nod.
''To be honest, I just love to eat, so give me anything and I’m in.''
The blonde snorted out a laugh at that.
''Sounds like Taemin.''
He was answered with a broad smile.
''I guess we have some things in common.''
Yeah, a stunning face seems to be one of them, Jonghyun replied in the safety of his mind.
''By the way, I’ve been curious to know how you two became friends,'' the older one went on as he picked up his glass again.
''Oh, that…'' Jonghyun uttered mindlessly. ''I don’t know if it’s a funny story or if it’s just really cringy…''
''Now you have me even more intrigued,'' Jinki prodded with a grin.  
''Well, if you must know,'' Jonghyun started, realizing this was another chance for him to get back at the little brat.  ''I first met him at a school party last year. I didn’t want to go in the first place, but a friend of mine insisted, so I tagged along. When we arrived there, my friend quickly abandoned me for a girl, leaving me alone in the midst of hundreds of strangers. At that point, I was just going to leave, but someone approached me. At first, I thought he looked cute, but as soon as he started talking, I could see he was pretty far gone. He said a lot of things, things that could’ve gotten him in deep shit if he had said them to any other guy. ''
''Oh god,'' Jinki suddenly interjected as a look of worry settled on his face.
''Don’t worry, this ends well,'' Jonghyun reassured with a small laugh.
''Good, please continue.''
''So, like I said, I wanted to leave, but I couldn’t help but fear what might happen if I left him there. I ended up asking him to follow me and we got out. Then I asked where his dorm room was, but he never managed to tell me, so I brought him back to mine. I got him into bed and he immediately fell asleep before waking up a few minutes later and puking all over the floor. He didn’t even seem to notice though, because he went right back to sleep after that. And then the next morning, once he was alert enough that I could walk him through what had happened, he apologized, thanked me a million times and hung around for the rest of the morning. I still didn’t understand what his deal was, but it felt weirdly comfortable to have him there. And then, I guess it just picked up from that.''
''That’s Taemin’s charm for you,'' Jinki acknowledged with what seemed like a prideful smile.
Jonghyun snorted again, ''Yeah, I guess.''
A full laugh rolled out of the brunette.
''You’ve obviously seen all that comes with that charm, too.''
''Definitely,'' Jonghyun replied immediately.
Jinki laughed some more.
''Well, thank god you were there that night and that you’re still in his life. You seem to be a good influence on him.''
The blonde’s brow cocked.
''A good influence?''
''Yeah,'' Jinki validated. ''Tae talks about you all the time and one of the things that always comes back is his admiration for your passion and work ethic. You seem to have rubbed off on him because I can see how serious he is about things now.''
Jonghyun was trying to keep his face under control, but he knew he was failing at hiding his surprise and utter shock.
''He’s never…. I didn’t know he…''
And he was also failing to verbalize any coherent thought.
''Taemin will never outright tell you this, but what I know is that he doesn’t hang out with someone if he doesn’t really love them.''
''Yeah… I guess,'' Jonghyun admitted as he unconsciously rubbed the back of his neck again. ''What about you and Tae?'' he inquired to get the focus off of himself. ''You two seem pretty close.''
He was first answered with a beaming smile that turned his mouth dry. He quickly reached for his glass and took another sip.
''Yes, we are. It’s just always been like that despite our age gap. I’m an only child so my parents would bring me to my aunts’ and uncles’ houses a lot and I always had the most fun with Taemin. He was always so joyful and full of life, and that always made me feel happy. As we grew up, that bond deepened and now, I just see him as my little brother.''
''That’s… really nice,'' Jonghyun said, feeling touched despite himself.
''Yeah,'' Jinki agreed. '' He’s always bringing good into my life.''
Their eyes locked at that and Jonghyun’s heart did another somersault.
''Um, so… shouldn’t we order or something?'' he uttered as his eyes darted back to his glass.
''Shouldn’t you look at the menu first?'' Jinki pointed out with a teasing edge to his tone.
''Uh, yeah. Of course.''
After looking at a bunch of items that didn’t make any sense to him, he finally settled for the swiss chard and goat cheese cannelloni. He was pretty sure a pasta dish wouldn’t disappoint his taste buds.
Once their orders were placed, the conversation lulled for a bit, leaving Jonghyun time to assess everything that had happened up until now. He couldn’t say things were going badly. On the contrary, but that just made it all the more confusing for him. Without thinking, he brought his glass to his lips again and downed the rest of the liquid, which he immediately regretted when the fire that suddenly blew up in his throat made him cough uncontrollably.
''Are you alright?'' Jinki asked as he gave him a worried look.  
Jonghyun nodded through his coughing fit. It took a few more seconds for his airways to clear out and bring him back to a peaceful state.
''I’m sorry… I…''
''Are you okay?''
The genuine concern he could read on the other’s face made him feel even more self-conscious and stupid. He couldn’t help but look away.
''Yes, I just…''
He didn’t even know what to say. And he couldn’t even use his glass as a distraction anymore.
''Can I tell you something?''
Jonghyun looked up again, curious as to what that thing might be.
''I haven’t been on a date in years,'' Jinki shared.
Jonghyun blinked at him in surprise.
''Yes,'' the brunette reiterated with a sheepish smile. ''I’ve never really made time for anything that didn’t have to do with work.''
''So, what’s changed now?'' Jonghyun couldn’t help but ask.
''Hmm…'' Jinki pondered. ''Well… I guess I’ve finally realized how much I was missing out on.''
''Oh, well, from what I’ve heard you’ve made a pretty good life for yourself already,'' the blonde pointed out.
''I guess in terms of social status, yes, but in my everyday life, things were starting to get…'' he paused, looking nowhere in particular. ''Repetitive.''
''Oh, and here I thought lawyers had the most exciting lives,'' Jonghyun mocked without thinking.
His eyes instantly grew wide as he realized what he had just said.
''I didn’t mean to-''
Jinki laughed, ''I get it. I could try to defend my job, but being a corporate lawyer really isn’t exciting.''
''So why do you do it?''
''Because that’s what was expected of me. And I’m good at it,'' Jinki laid out openly.
''But… ''
Jonghyun couldn’t even begin to understand how someone could just go about a job without being really passionate about it. He had fought all his life to be able to pursue music as a career because, in the end, there was nothing else he could see himself doing.
''It's alright,'' Jinki laughed off. ''I dodged having to go into the medical field, so that's a win in my book." Jonghyun was tempted to dig further, to understand why the other had settled for a life without much agency, but he didn't feel like it was his place. ''Have I just lost you?'' the brunette inquired. Jonghyun caught the flash of fear that went through his gaze and felt his chest tighten. ''No, not at all,'' he instantly reassured. ''I'm just... intrigued,'' he chose after a moment of thought. ''Okay." A second after, the brunette picked up his glass and downed it just as he had a few minutes before. The gesture surprised him and even more so the absence of coughing that followed. ''Let me order us another round of rum and you can ask away," the older one indicated before doing just that. What followed was a pretty intimate exchange on how they had been brought up, an exchange during which the blonde found himself revealing a lot more than he would have ever imagined. They had just met and there he was talking about how the only good thing his mother had ever done for him was kick him out. By then, they were both half-way through their meals and the place had become even more crowded, but that did nothing to distract them from one another. ''She kicked you out?" Jinki exclaimed, eyes growing wide behind his thick frames. "Well, yeah. She couldn't have a defiant son disturbing her peace all the time," Jonghyun intoned with full-fledged sarcasm. "That's horrible," Jinki voiced in shock.
''Yeah, but it turned out for the best,'' Jonghyun observed. ''Living with my sister helped me get my shit together and get me to where I am now." Silence followed his words as the other looked straight into his eyes. Jonghyun felt a shiver run down his spine. "You're incredible." At that, he was pretty sure the man before him was out to kill him. His heart raced as the words rang loud in his mind. "I'm sure I wouldn't have had that resolve if I were in your place," the other then noted. The blonde wanted to argue and dismiss any credit the other was attributing him, but the dark chocolate orbs he was plunged into took the words right out of him. A little voice in his head told him to stop staring, but he felt paralyzed. He was praying the other would break the spell by looking away, but he didn't. "Do I have something on my face?" Jinki inquired, titter vibrating in his voice. Yes, your face. "No, I'm sorry... I just zoned out..." Jonghyun excused as convincingly as he could. "I get it. I would zone out, too, if we were talking about my painful memories," Jinki remarked, offering him an apologetic look. "It's fine, really," Jonghyun quickly replied as to not blow his cover. "Even so, why don't we move on to lighter stuff now?" the older one proposed with a broad smile that crinkled his eyes. Or perhaps, could we move to a bed? Jonghyun couldn't help but think as the sight before him awakened a part of him he usually managed to keep under control. "Yeah, sure," he said, reciprocating with a smile of his own. The conversation went on from there to discussions on their favorite things, like books, movies, and music. Even though they didn't always share common knowledge or taste in these things, their openness to each other made the rest of the evening go by pleasantly. "Did you enjoy your meal?" Jinki asked after the table had been cleared. "Yeah, it was pretty good," Jonghyun genuinely answered. The brunette grinned. "Glad it was. Do you want dessert?" he then offered. "Hmm... I'd say yes, but I'm pretty stuffed," Jonghyun admitted with a breathy laugh. "We can share," the other proposed before crossing his arms over the draped table. "Their crème brûlée is fantastic and I'd love for you to have a taste." Jonghyun felt his mouth go dry. Even if he would've wanted to say no, the eagerness he could hear in the other's tone had him do the contrary. "Okay, sure," he uttered, hoping his answer came off as nonchalant. He received another eye-blinding smile before the other took the lead again and ordered the aforementioned dessert. It was a few minutes before a small ceramic dish was placed between them. Jonghyun stared at the caramelized crust with interest before his eyes went to the utensils. There was only one spoon. "Um... They forgot a spoon," Jonghyun indicated as his eyes flicked up to the brunette. " I'm not averse to sharing a spoon, so you can eat first, " Jinki naturally settled before picking up the spoon and handing it to him. Jonghyun took it, feeling somewhat uneasy. "Have as much as you want," the other then added with what was meant to be a reassuring smile. But Jonghyun just felt more unnerved by it. All the attention was on him and even though that was something he relished in regards to his music, it wasn't something he loved getting in any other context. Especially not right now, when the attention was coming from a man who seemed to know just what to do to get him riled up. "Please, eat," Jinki urged as his smile grew wider. At that, Jonghyun had no other choice but to comply. He scooped out a spoonful of the creamy custard that hid under the thin crust and brought the spoon to his lips. A subtle flutter graced his lashes as he had his first taste. The sweet eggy flavor mixed with the creamy but light texture felt like a true gift to his taste buds.
"So? Do you like it?" Jinki inquired as a soft smile danced on his full lips.
" Oh, yeah, so good," Jonghyun drawled as his eyes zeroed in on the dent he had made in the dish.
A full laugh rumbled out of the brunette's mouth.
Jonghyun met his eyes for a second before he plunged the spoon right back in. The second bite felt even more divine than the first and before he could let himself think, he went in for a third, fourth, and fifth spoonful.
It was only when his mind caught up with his stomach again that he realized that more than half of the receptacle was empty. His eyes widened.
"Oh god, I'm so sorry," he apologized as he put the utensil down and lowered his head like a child awaiting punishment.
He missed the expression of confusion that splayed across the other's face, but heard his words loud and clear.
"You have nothing to be sorry about. This was for you."
Jonghyun dared look up, inheriting the confused look in turn.
"I thought you wanted to share," he pointed out.
The brunette shrugged.
"I've had this dessert a million times. I'm not missing out."
"Still, I-"
"You can have it," Jinki interrupted purposefully.
Jonghyun blinked at him for a few seconds.
"Is it because of the spoon? I can ask-"
"No," the brunette interjected again. "I just want you to have it."
Jonghyun searched his face for any sign that he was lying, but found none.
"Plus," the older one went on, "I've put on a few pounds from stress eating so you'll be doing me a favor if you finish this," he ended with an embarrassed smile that leaned into an airy laugh.
Cute, Jonghyun’s mind prompted without notice. The thought had the blonde looking at the dessert again, not trusting himself one bit if he kept his eyes on the other man facing him.
Best that I just eat this so that I can get out of here.
Jonghyun did just that and soon enough, one of the waiters brought over the bill, immediately handing it to the brunette.
"Shouldn’t there be two?" Jonghyun immediately inquired as he furrowed his brows.
The older one let a pleased smile stretch wide across his face.
"Should there be?"
A shiver ran boldly across the blonde’s spine at that.
"Well, yeah… I mean… "
"I brought you here, so it’s on me," Jinki settled gently.
Before Jonghyun could slide in a word of protest, the brunette made his move and gestured to the same waiter that had lingered nearby. Jonghyun just watched as he felt robbed once more of a parcel of his dignity.
A few minutes later, they were finally heading out, the now cooler breeze of the evening meeting them upon their first step out of the restaurant. A moment of shared silence grew between them as they stood before the entrance and gazed into the half-busy street.
"So… " Jonghyun trailed off into silence.
He really didn’t know what to say at this point. The reality of this only being a one-time thing suddenly loomed in the forefront of his mind.
"Can I be honest with you, Jonghyun?" Jinki suddenly asked as he turned a bit more towards him.
The blonde felt himself tense up a bit at the additional proximity, but composed himself enough to nod.
"I would love for this to happen again," the older one instantly voiced.
His expression seemed serious enough for Jonghyun to believe his words, which only made his heart leap and his stomach flutter.
How does he do that? he couldn’t help but wonder as he felt all control seep out of him through now sweaty hands.
"Me, too," he agreed before time stretched too long between them.
Jinki smiled wide and bright.
"Glad to hear that."
Jonghyun made it a point to keep holding his gaze and return his smile, despite his main effort being on keeping himself together.
"I’ll be texting you soon, okay?" Jinki asked, his tone soft and easy.
"‘Kay," Jonghyun replied as he retreated to his nervous habit of rubbing the back of his neck.
"Did you come here by car?" the brunette then verified.
"Yeah, it’s right over there," the blonde indicated as he pointed towards an early 2000s white Corolla across the street.
"Good," Jinki acknowledged as his gaze followed. "I’ll let you go then. Goodnight, Jonghyun," he offered as departing words before flashing a last smile that read as soft but straightforward.
"Goodnight, Jinki," Jonghyun echoed as his face broke into a bashful smile.
They parted ways right after, Jinki heading farther down the street while Jonghyun headed straight to his car.
The blonde settled quickly into his seat, his head yearning to find the comfort of the steering wheel again. A big sigh left his lips as his forehead hit the sturdy surface.
As his eyes closed, his mind immediately formed an all too vivid image of the man he had spent the evening with. He could once again see his coiffed, but oh-so-soft looking hair, his beautiful bushy eyebrows under which thick frames sat perfectly on a proud nose, and his full lips that didn't waste a chance to stretch into one of the most beautiful smiles Jonghyun had seen in his life. The image could've trailed further down, but Jonghyun knew to draw the line there if he didn't want to make his pants any tighter.
He wasn't going to fool anyone, especially not himself. He was wildly attracted to this man.
And that was a problem.
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