#yook sungjae imagines
kangyeosaang · 1 year
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BTOB · 나의 바람 (wind and wish) teaser #2
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etherealyoonghwa · 2 years
Btob Recommendations
The Fan Meet @blu-joons
My Ideal Type @blu-joons
When He Carries An Item Specifically For You @blu-joons
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vitaminbtob · 4 years
You and Sungjae are running around in your apartment, trying to catch Sami and give her a bath.
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killingmebtob · 6 years
Forget-Me-Not // Yook Sungjae
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Author: @killingmebtob // Chi
Title: Forget-Me-Not
Characters: Sungjae
Author’s Note: This based on my favorite myth. Can you guess what it is?
Summary: Sungjae went on a vacation where he met a strange girl who can't say a single word except his name.
Sungjae chose that place and time of the year to take his long overdue vacation. He has been working day and night for almost all days of the week; he made sure that all his projects were well worked on. Despite his full schedule and being one of the country’s top celebrities, he made sure that he gave his one hundred percent in anything that he does.
Work like a rookie.
That was his motto in life. It was his way to give thanks for all the blessings that he received.
It was a known fact and it had been in different articles how much Sungjae has been blessed. He came from a well-off family; his parents are more than supportive of the things that he wanted. His sister is the same too. He has a great career and great friends that are like brothers to him. He’s good looking and has a great voice. People say that he was born under a lucky star but despite those blessings, Sungjae lived humbly. That was the factor that made people seal their belief that Sungjae truly was a blessed soul.
Sungjae sometimes thinks that people were just exaggerating but when he thought about it, he’d realize that he does have all those blessings. Then, he’d wonder why.
Did I save a country in my previous life? He would sometimes think.
With that in mind, Sungjae never failed to give back to people and to give thanks.
After working hard for many months, Sungjae decided that it was time to reward himself with a one week vacation. The only problem was everyone knows him and if someone spots him and recognizes him, it wouldn’t be a vacation. So, he chose the most remote part of the country for his vacation and travelled to the place secretly with the help of his manager.
That was his plan. It was a carefully laid out plan and he even thought of his disguise just so they were sure that no one would recognize him. He made sure of that.
He was sure that it’d work.
He was.
But not anymore.
Not since he felt an unknown presence near him that morning when he went out of the lodging house where he stayed.
With a bucket hat that almost covered his eyes, a fishing pole, and a bucket of bait, he went out to fish in the nearest lake. It was a cloudy day and it seemed perfect to be outside.
The moment his foot stepped outside the premises of the lodging house, he felt like someone was looking at him. He quickly dismissed it and thought that maybe he was just paranoid. Who could blame him? Most of his life, he was surrounded by the people’s attention that he couldn’t help but to feel like that.
He continued his walk down the lake and settled on the banks where he thought there would be good catch.
Fishing needs patience and precision and that’s why he loves it. It’s his favorite hobby of all.
He drank from the can of beer while he waited for a catch.
Minutes passed by and Sungjae felt it again—like someone was watching him.
At that moment, he’s quite sure he wasn’t just imagining it. He heard leaves rustled somewhere, an indication that he wasn’t the only one in the place.
Did someone find out that I am here? He thought.
It is possible what with the investigation skills of his fans. But he hoped that it wasn’t the case. He made sure that it wouldn’t happen.
He didn’t make a move. He pretended that he didn’t notice. He went back to relaxing and drinking but his senses were all up.
He heard the person move closer, carefully, a few steps behind him.
Wait a minute, am I gonna be mugged?
Sungjae thought maybe it wasn’t a fan but some thief who would try to steal from him. With the way that it moved, it seemed like it would jump him from behind.
Sungjae balled his fist as his heartbeat went faster and faster. It’s like catching fish, he just had to wait and observe.
The person came closer and the clear rustling of leaves under its feet made Sungjae surer that he wasn’t just imagining things.
He gulped as beads of sweat dotted his forehead.
Nearer now.
Just one more step.
Sungjae prepared himself for a fight as he turned around and swung his fist up aiming for the intruder.
It happened within a few seconds.
His eyes landed on the intruder but instead of a man ready to fight him, what he saw was a woman in a white sundress. The woman who was looking up at him with her eyes wide in surprise stood frozen on her place. Her face tilted up, eyeing the fist now aimed at her.
Sungjae’s reaction was as quick as lightning. His mind registered what he was about to do. With all his strength, he stopped his own fist moments before it landed on the face of the wide eyed woman in front of him.
For a few seconds, both of them stayed like that.
The woman froze in her place with her hands glued to her side, her face pale and eyes were wide with shock. Sungjae with his mouth slightly open as his arm was lifted and his balled fist a few inches from the face of the woman.
Seconds ticked by and it was the woman who moved first.
The wide-eyed expression on her face faded and a big smile slowly formed on her lips. Her eyes became gentle, almost smiling too—smiling at Sungjae.
Sungjae didn’t know how to react. He hasn’t even adjusted with the fact that he was about to punch a girl in the face.
And there she was, instead of trembling in shock or getting angry at him for what he was about to do, she just smiled. No, not any ordinary smile. A wide and bright smile.
Sungjae swore that it felt like the clouds suddenly parted and the sun’s rays peeked from behind when the strange girl smiled. It was captivating, the way her aura radiated with just a tiny action.
There’s something about her.
There was a voice at the back of his mind.
Before he could analyze what he was thinking, the girl did another action that almost unhinged his brain.
She was quick that Sungjae didn’t even register her movements. Before he knew it, her arms were already around his waist as she buried her face on his chest.
“Sungjae…” she said in a soft voice that reminded him of the chilly breeze on a windy day.
He froze in place as his heart felt like it suddenly stopped beating.
He didn’t know what to do in a situation like this. Usually, he would just run. But what bothered him was that he doesn’t even know who the girl is.
Sungjae acted quickly but with care.
He gently pushed the girl away from him.
“Hey,” he said. “I’m sorry. Do I know you?” He backed away a few steps from her.
She stared at him wide eyed but fascination was on her face as she stood in her place with her hands suspended in midair.
He should’ve been creeped out by her actions but he just couldn’t. Curiosity took over him. And there was something else. He felt that she’s familiar. Why?
“Sungjae!” She exclaimed again as she stepped closer to Sungjae, preparing to hug him one more time.
“Hold on! Stop right there!” He said with his hands in front of him, motioning for the girl to not make a move. Sungjae’s mind was quick to work. She knew him. Maybe…
“Are you my fan?” He asked.
The girl looked confused as if trying to figure out what he just said. It gave Sungjae the chance to study her.
She’s shorter than him and she was wearing a white sundress that seemed too thin for the weather. Her dress looked kind of muddy at the hem that stopped just below her knees. He looked further down and saw her muddy legs and bare feet.
“Why aren’t you answering? Are you my fan?” He asked again.
She shook her head. “Sungjae,” she said his name once more but this time, she motioned her hand and pointed to Sungjae.
"How did you know my name?"
She didn't answer; instead she just stood in her place with her hands clasped on her chest as she looked lovingly at him.
He tried to process the situation in his mind. If she wasn't his fan like she said, then who was she? How come she knew who he is? And why did she look like that?
Sungjae glanced at her bare feet once more. It had rained in the past days and he's quite sure that with what the girl wore and the way her muddy feet were damp, she would catch a cold.
"Do you need some kind of help? Are you lost?" Sungjae asked only to be given yet another silence from the girl.
"Where's your family?" He tried again. "Do you live around here?"
The girl just smiled at him as she said his name.
Sungjae didn't know what to do anymore. She wouldn't talk and he didn't know if she needed any kind of help or she's just strange.
Without giving her much thought, he grabbed his fishing equipment and went on his way back to the lodging house.
Once, he looked back and saw her standing in the same place with that smile on her face.
He continued to walk without giving her another glance, wishing that she wouldn't follow him.
Maybe he should have glanced a second time. If he did, he would've seen the grass on the side of the lake grew greener and healthier starting from underneath the girl's muddy feet.
“Can you please stop following me?” Sungjae said to the girl, trying to control his temper.
He thought she was already gone or she stayed by the lake when he left but he was wrong. It was well and good when he reached the lodging house and stayed inside for a couple of hours, glancing out the window now and then to see if the girl was outside. And when he was sure that she was nowhere to be seen, he changed his clothes, he even wore a cap, to go outside to try the famous restaurant with the authentic dish.
That was his plan.
When he went outside, he was still on alert and would still look behind him to see if she was anywhere. He was relieved when he didn’t see her.
He didn’t know what to do with her or who she is. It was weird that she knew his name. It was weirder when he sensed something new yet familiar when he looked at her.
But Sungjae dismissed that thought and said to himself, "Doesn’t matter. I won’t be seeing her anymore."
He was a fool to think that. He later realized that he was mistaken when he sensed a presence beside him.
Deep inside, he already knew who it was even without looking.
He was right.
She walked briskly beside Sungjae, trying to match his long strides.
And there it was again, her warm smile towards him.
Sungjae walked even faster, wanting to lose her. He even tried overtaking other pedestrians when he reached the market. She still caught up with him but he could see that she was trying to catch her breath.
Somehow, Sungjae thought she looked like a cat. A persistent cat trying her best to follow him.
I’ll lose her somehow, he thought.
What Sungjae started as fast walking became much faster until he found himself running in between alleys and crowds of people—taking random turns left and right, making sure to not look back, hoping that she wouldn’t be able to follow him.
He ran until he felt his lungs burn. That was when he stopped. He caught his breath while crouching down in an alley that he wasn’t familiar with.
He didn’t worry about where he was as he’s smart. He’ll figure out how to go back to the lodging house in one piece.
Sungjae looked around. He even waited a couple of minutes just to make sure that she was nowhere to be found.
He felt like a thorn was plucked from his chest when not even a glimpse of the strange girl’s dress could be seen anywhere.
He continued walking until he found an old man who runs a small shoe shop by the end of the alley. He stopped to ask for directions and in the middle of the man’s instructions, Sungjae felt a hand grip his arm tightly.
He looked to the owner of the hand saw the strange girl once more.
Her face was pale and beaded with sweat as she tried to catch her breath, holding onto Sungjae’s arm for support. Despite the effort to breathe, she still managed to smile at him.
It seemed that she was too tried to run to catch up to him.
He couldn’t believe his eyes. At that point, he reached that side of himself that went against his ethics of being a patient person.
She makes his mind confused. He doesn’t like that.
“Can you please stop following me?” Sungjae said to the girl, still trying to control his temper.
It somehow sounded louder than how he intended it to be. The way the old man was taken aback and the way the girl looked at him with shocked eyes was an indication that he didn’t succeed in trying to suppress his irritation.
“Didn’t your parents teach you the right way to treat a lady?” The old man incredulously said.
Sungjae didn’t know what to say. The old man obviously didn’t know the true story. Anyone who saw or heard him that time would think that he mistreated the girl. It didn’t help that the girl looked like she stumbled and fell in the mountains.
Sungjae unknowingly glanced down to her feet and remembered that she didn’t have anything on. She was shifting her weight from one foot to the other as if the ground was on fire.
It took him a few moments to realize why.
Each time she lifted one of her feet a couple of centimeters from the stone pavement, Sungjae got a glimpse of something dark red.
Sungjae crouched down and grabbed one of her ankles to look at her feet.
True enough, it was full of dirt, blisters, wounds, and blood.
He felt a pang of guilt. She must’ve gotten those when she followed him in the market. The stone pavement must’ve cracked her unprotected soles. Or maybe she got the other wounds when she walked by the side of the lake.
He looked up at her, trying to figure out why she would go to that extent just to follow him.
He looked around for a clinic or a hospital to take her to but all he saw were stalls as they were at the end of the alley. Good thing the old man let him borrow the first aid kit in his stall and he even gave them clean water, soap, and towel to dry her feet with.
“Here. Clean your feet with this,” Sungjae said, handing the bucket of water to the girl. “Then apply medicine to your wounds,” he handed her the box of first aid kit.
She looked at the objects as if it was the first time she saw them.
Sungjae saw that. But he thought, "That’s none of my business anymore. I already helped her get those things."
He was already three steps away from her when a voice blossomed from the back of his mind.
What if she doesn’t know how to use it?
He tried to get rid of it and just thought that she should know how to. It’s very basic.
You’re the reason why she got those wounds.
On times like that, Sungjae wished he was a bad person and that he could just walk away without caring. Maybe he should’ve. He doesn’t even know who the girl is. But that isn’t Sungjae. He had always cared for the welfare of others.
Irritated with himself, he turned and went back to where the girl sat.
She smiled at him.
There was a side of him that got annoyed with that familiar smile. There was also that side that was getting used to it.
He grabbed the bucket and the box from her and crouched down in front of the girl to wash her feet.
It is the most sensible thing to do as a human, Sungjae thought. Anyone would help another person when they see that they needed help. He thought that’s what he was going to do even to his strange stalker.
He soaked her feet in the water and tried to focus on cleaning her wounds. He chanted in his mind over and over again, I am only doing this because I am helping her, but it didn’t change the fact that what he was doing was a very intimate act.
Still, Sungjae distracted his mind so that he won’t think about how soft her feet were and how tiny her toes were against his big palm. He focused on the bruises and the cuts on the soles of her feet. Some are deep while others are just scratches. Sungjae imagined how the twigs and the rocks by the side of the lake must’ve done this to her. He glanced at the pavement where he ran and thought that there might be cracks and sharp parts on the pavement which had cut her deeply when she ran after him.
Unconsciously, Sungjae wanted to smack himself thinking that if he didn’t run away from her, she wouldn’t have all these deep wounds.
Sungjae’s thoughts were preoccupied with guilt and curiosity about the true identity of the strange girl when he felt a light touch on his forehead.
It was a touch as gentle as the wind which could go unnoticed. Somehow, to Sungjae, it was more than that. There was a strong force unseen by the human eye that made him stop what he was doing and look up at the face of the girl in front of him.
Her hand was suspended in front of him as she gazed at him with her tender expression. But she wasn’t smiling anymore. Her eyes were filled with sorrow. She bit her lip as if trying to suppress her emotions.
It stirred something inside Sungjae and it seemed like he was stabbed with a thousand knives when he looked at her.
Emotions mixed inside him.
Pain, sorrow, longing.
He didn’t know where it came from nor why he was feeling that way when he looked at the woman he hadn’t met before.
And then the flashes of light came.
Sungjae thought it was just some light reflection from a mirror somewhere that hit his eyes. But the small blinding light began to move so fast until finally it engulfed his sight. Everything around him was so bright. He was sure that it hurt his eyes but for some reason, he couldn’t close them. Then, came the noise. It was like thousands of people chattering in the background, drowning him with a thousand words mixed together from strangers that he couldn’t see.
Everything was a total mess in Sungjae’s head. The light and the noise; everything was mixing together making his head hurt. Somewhere in between the fast-moving lights, images started to appear. At first, they were like tiny drops of watercolor on paper until blurry images gradually resurfaced. He tried to make out what the image was about. He thought he saw a face. A face so familiar yet so strange to him.
His mind told him that he didn’t know who the person was, but his heart was telling him something else.
He tried to hold on to the small familiarity but it just slipped from his hands like grains of sand.
The chattering around him became louder and louder that it almost made Sungjae’s ears bleed. And somewhere in between the noise, three words resurface. The words were clear and the voice was of a person he was familiar with.
“Don’t forget me.” Those were the words.
As sudden as the blinding light swallowed Sungjae, he was again back in the alley crouched down while holding the wet feet of the strange girl that followed him as he looked at her face.
Her hands were still suspended in midair in front of him as tears fell from her eyes.
“Sungjae,” she said his name once more.
It was her voice.
A tear fell from Sungjae’s eye. He didn’t know why he was crying.
“Aren’t you finished with the bucket?” The voice came from behind Sungjae.
Startled, he looked behind him and saw the old man standing with an annoyed expression on his face.
“Almost done,” Sungjae said as he continued washing the girl’s feet. He didn’t even remember why he stopped or what interrupted him.
“There. You’re all good now.” Sungjae said, looking at the feet of the girl sitting on the bench. He admired the way he dressed the girl’s wounds.
So, what now?
Sungjae eyed the girl who sat in front of him. She looked up at him like she was expecting him to do something.
“I have helped you,” Sungjae said to her in a warning tone. “Now, stop following me around. Or else, I’ll take you to the police station.”
He’s not sure if she understood what he said. She just looked at him with her doe eyes.
Sungjae looked away. There was something about her eyes that drew him in. He felt like if he spent another second looking directly into her eyes, he would get consumed.
“Did you hear what I said?” He asked her.
It took her a few seconds to nod her head, acknowledging that she did.
Of course she did. But the question Sungjae should’ve asked is if she understood it.
“I’ll be going now.” He said, eyeing her. She didn’t make a move. She just fondly smiled at him. “Don’t follow me, ok?”
She didn’t answer.
Sungjae turned his back and walked briskly away from her.
“Argh!” Her voice made Sungjae stop in his tracks. He looked behind him and saw her walking limply as she followed Sungjae. She dragged her feet on the pavement, soiling the wounds’ dressing. He saw her struggle with the pain but she still kept on walking to him.
“I said don’t follow me.” He said, but instead of annoyance, his tone was more of concern for her. There she was again, going through the pain.
Sungjae thought that it was no use, leaving her behind. He thought that she would just drag her wounded feet around, looking for him.
He shouldn’t run away. The best thing to do, he thought, was to find out who she is, how she knows him, and why she keeps on following him around. The only way to do that was to observe her. She wouldn’t talk. Sungjae thought that maybe the only word she knows how to say is his name. Heck, maybe it’s the only word she knows.
This gave him so much more to think about.
Taking her to the police station did cross his mind, but somehow, he thought that she wasn’t a criminal. There was a small tug in the corners of his brain telling him to trust her.
So, he did. But not fully. At least, not until he knows who she really is.
Sungjae twisted and turned on his bed. He tried to keep his eyes shut but it just wouldn’t work. Nothing seemed to work. Despite being out the whole day, he couldn’t sleep.
His mind kept on replaying everything that happened from the lake to the time that he got back to his room.
It all seemed like he was part of a dream. A dream that made no sense at all. Even his actions didn’t seem to make sense.
Nothing did.
It all started when that girl appeared.
Part of him regretted going back for her in that alley but all the while, it felt like he was on auto-pilot. He was aware of everything in their surroundings, but he did things he thought he shouldn’t have done with a total stranger.
He bought her a pair of sandals which seemed normal, knowing that she didn’t have it, which was part of the reason why she got her wounds. What seemed to truly bother him was that time when he helped her walk as she had a hard time doing it. His hands automatically went to her shoulder and her elbow to support the her.
It wasn’t awkward. He should’ve felt awkward. The girl should’ve felt awkward. But somehow, it wasn’t. There was a sense of familiarity with the way her body fit perfectly against him.
She was so close to him that Sungjae thought she smelled like the four seasons all mixed together. She reminded him of the scent of flowers during spring, the warm breeze in the summer, the crushed leaves during fall, and the hot choco during winter.
She reminded him of home.
He knew there were other things too that happened that time when they were in the market. But for some reason, the memories just kept on slipping from his mind. The scenes turned to a watercolor painting submerged in water.
Still, there were a few that he was able to recover.
He remembered how he took her to a restaurant where he ordered two sets of meals without asking what she wanted because he knew what it was. He knew what she wanted to eat. He also knew that she drinks a sip of water before eating. He knew that she doesn’t like to face the door when eating. He knew.
Despite her not being able to say a single thing except for his name, Sungjae openly talked to her. He told her about his life, his hobby, his struggles at work, and his achievements. He told her about his friends and his family. He even told her about his dilemmas; something that he never told anyone, not even his own parents.
He told the strange girl in the white dress about how he sometimes felt suffocated and incomplete. That despite all the blessings that he received, his whole life was missing something.
The more time he spent with her, the more he was drawn closer and closer to her.
He felt so familiar with everything that she does. He felt warmth when he saw how she smiled with awe in her eyes upon seeing the wonders in the market. There was an innocence in her that was rare to find in all the other girls he met.
Truth is, Sungjae’s ideal types of women are those that act more mature than him. He had always been drawn to girl who knew what they want and when they want it. Those women who could make his childish side shut up. So, it was a wonder to him that he felt something for the strange girl.
He thought it silly, honestly, as it hadn’t been a full day since he met her, and there he was, comparing her to his ideal girl. Heck, he doesn’t even know her name. Somehow, it felt like he knew her from a long time ago.
At the end of the day, he couldn’t bring himself to leave her outside of the lodging house. He was too worried to leave a girl alone not knowing where she lived or how she will get home, that is if she does have a home.
It was a good thing that the owner of the lodging house, a nice elderly lady, offered to help him. Now that he thought about it, it was indeed odd. The elderly lady never asked any questions when he told her that she doesn’t know where the strange girl lived. Instead, she offered a vacant room for her. The strange girl too seemed like she knew who the lady was as she was comfortable being with her despite them meeting for the first time.
He was sure that they met for the first time as he did ask the lady if the strange girl was from the town, but she said that she wasn’t and that it was the first time that she saw the girl.
So, there was Sungjae, on his bed, his mind full of thoughts about the girl who occupied the room adjacent to him.
He thought that he’d get answers if he got close to the girl. However, all he got was a mind full of questions and chunks of his memories turned to blurred scenes due to reasons unknown to him.
Wake up.
Sungjae woke up with a start. He didn’t know how long he was asleep but the full moon was high in the night sky and it illuminated his whole room through the glass window.
His throat felt dry and his body was soaked in sweat under the sheets. He knew he dreamt of something but he couldn’t remember what it was. His heart was loudly hammering inside his chest as if he ran a marathon.
Feeling like he couldn't go back to sleep anymore, he got up and headed to the lodging house's kitchen to get a glass of cold water.
That was when he noticed that something didn't seem right.
No, there was no noise or whatsoever, instead it was quiet.
Too quiet.
Oddly quiet.
Sungjae knew this for a fact because he had woken up in the wee hours of the night many times before. When the people slept, it seemed like the whole house slept too. There was that quiet and homey hum of silence, the soft chirping of crickets, and the gentle night breeze.
But the quietness he encountered tonight night was different.
The silence was deafening.
It seemed like time had completely stopped.
The unsettling silence hung in the air for what seemed like forever until it was broken by the simple sound of a footstep.
Then another followed by another until it revealed itself in the form of the strange lady that Sungjae met.
Her white dress seemed to give off a faint glow as she walked down the corridor and out of the lodging house. She didn't seem to notice Sungjae who was observing her as she walked out barefoot once more.
He wanted to know where she was going in the middle of the night. He thought maybe she did have a home and she would finally go there.
He wanted to know.
Quietly, he followed her.
Her footsteps made gentle sounds against the dirt as she headed down to the lake.
Sungjae kept a distance from her as he carefully watched what she was going to do once she reached the lake where he first met her.
Soon, he reached the clearing to the banks of the lake and was awe struck by how the bright, full moon hung directly above the lake. The quiet waters reflected it, spreading its light around the area.
It was magical. He never saw anything as captivating as the scene he just witnessed.
Under the glow of the moon, she stood by the lake with her back to Sungjae.
Her dress seemed to shimmer with the glistening lake.
She stood in place and looked up, the light bathed her in such a way that she looked like a painting of an artist.
Then, she slowly turned around and faced Sungjae’s direction as if she knew that he was hiding behind the bushes all this time.
Sungjae held his breath as he met her eyes. He was sure that she was looking directly at him. As if his body wasn’t his own, he stepped out from the bushes and went to where she stood.
With each step he took, the clearer her face became. Even if the lady that stood in front of him was the same woman he met in the same place, there was something different about her.
It was something that had been nagging him at the back of his mind the whole day.
He tried to figure out what it was. Was it her eyes that seemed to change color every second she gazed up at him?
Yes, maybe it was her eyes, Sungjae thought.
As he stared deeply into those two jewels, he found himself spellbound and mesmerized. Everything around him seemed to blur except for the lady that stood before him.
She did not say anything to him. Instead, she stepped closer until they were just a few inches from each other.
Sungjae’s heart was beating loudly in his chest. It was like there was a steady drumming from a distance, slowly approaching like a marching band.
Then, he felt her soft fingertips wrap around his hands and hold it.
Her palm was warm and soft but he wasn’t even surprised to know that.
Her touch felt very familiar to him.
“Please remember,” he heard her voice though she did not move her lips
Before Sungjae could ask if he was imagining it, he felt his breath hitch as the girl stood on the tip of her toes and pressed her lips against him.
He felt light headed. A thousand memories swarmed in his mind, overlapping with one another. Faces, voices, and places that seemed strangely familiar. He felt different kinds of emotions flood his chest.
He was like running through a tunnel of lights, hoping to finally see the end.
The blur started to make sense. The faces started to get more vivid.
He saw himself, only from a different time. He knew it by how he was dressed. He knew just because he knew.
Then he saw her as they both stood by the same lake but in a different time.
Years ago, his mind whispered to him. He believed it.
The same scene popped in his memories multiple times but he knew that with each image, he goes back in time. Further and further.
He went back to that time of the World War when innocent families got tangled in the conflict and died. He went further back to that time of the revolution and the thirst for power between the government and religion. That time when man had great discoveries that changed the world. He went back to that time when monarchs fought for the land. He went back to that time when people, rich and poor, young and old, died of the plague that almost swept the population.
On and on, he saw the past unfold in front of him.
Until he stopped in the time when the things we considered as fantasy in our current time were still a part of the reality. The time when lands were one and the beings far superior than man roamed the Earth.
And then, he saw her.
She stood under the shade of a great tree. Her back was turned to him but he knew it was her.
He knew her. His soul knew her. Her name lingered in his mind like a sweet song that he loved to hear over and over again.
She was clad in a white silk ensemble that was artfully put together with gold pins of roses. Her hair rippled down her back like waterfall. It was decorated with beautiful flowers of pink and white that seemed to have sprung from her hair.
She turned around and smiled upon seeing him, as if she had been waiting for him.
Sungjae’s heart leapt with joy upon seeing the face of the woman he loves. He felt himself smile as he walked to where she stood and embraced her tightly.
“How was the hunt?” She said as she looked up to him.
Sungjae had an image of himself holding a bow, breathing slowly as he aimed at a deer. He shot it straight to its heart, preventing the animal to suffer any longer.
“It was great,” he said as he placed his hands on the sides of the lady’s waist. “We will be having a feast to celebrate the great game. You must come,”
The lady looked down, “You know that I couldn’t,” she said with regret for not being able to grant her lover’s wish.
Sungjae knew why. She was not like any of them. She was a Goddess; an immortal unlike him.
Their love was forbidden by the heavens. For them to be with one another like that was against the laws of the universe.
They tried to stop themselves but their love was far greater than what the Gods have made.
The scene of the memory quickly changed and Sungjae found himself inside a chamber—her chamber.
The lady stood in front of him, sobbing while touching his cheeks.
“I beg you. Listen to me!” She trembled. Fear filled her eyes as she looked from side to side, as if she was afraid that someone might overhear them. “They know,”
Just two words and Sungjae felt the weight of everything that was happening. Raw and cold fear crept up to him. The Gods know.
“H-How?” Sungjae asked.
“I don’t know,” she said, trying to find the answer because she too had no idea. She was sure that the protection she placed on both of them was strong. Then, it hit her: the only possible reason. “It must be him. I am sure it’s him. He had been acting strangely. Please do not go hunting anymore. He knows of your hobby. I am afraid for your safety, my love,”
The lady’s betrothed was a God like her but she does not love him. She had always been against their union. He was an ill-tempered God that cannot be reasoned with.
Sungjae didn’t know what he would do. He wasn’t afraid for himself. Being a mortal like him and accepting that he would someday die was enough to make him brave. He was afraid for the lady. He heard of the punishments given by Gods and he never wanted it to happen to his love.
The scene of the memory melted once more and the next thing that Sungjae felt was a great amount of pain in his abdomen.
He was lying on his back, he felt the cold and dewy grass behind him while he looked up to the blue sky.
The day was strangely pleasant despite a huge gaping wound on his body.
He held up his hand and saw how the thick blood that gushed from his wound coated it.
For the past days, he had been avoiding the mountains or anywhere near where he usually hunts. He had been very careful. Unfortunately, on the twentieth day of hiding, he was lured to the forest by a child's cries. He thought that the child was in danger. In the forest, what greeted him was a huge mountain lion. It snarled at him hungrily and looked him down with its bloodshot eyes. Not even him, a skilled and gifted hunter, could save himself from being mauled by the beast. It left him half dead and alone by the side of the lake.
He looked up to the sky, barely breathing. Not another moment passed by until he felt the most familiar thing in the world. The wind shifted as it carried the smell of flowers and fresh cut grass. In a heartbeat, the lady materialized beside him.
She trembled and sobbed as she kneeled beside him. Her shaking hands found its way to his wound as she tried to heal him.
"I'm so sorry..." She said again and again as she cradled Sungjae's head on her lap. Her pure white gown was stained with the blood of her lover.
He wanted to hold her, to comfort her. He didn't want to see her cry helplessly. She is a Goddess and she shouldn't be crying for a mere mortal like him.
There were so many things that he wanted to say to her. He knew that his time had come and he only had a few moments to tell her how much he loves her but the pain he felt prevented him from speaking. He choked on his own blood that spilled from his mouth.
He looked deeply in her eyes as he tried to remember the way she smiled at him. He wanted to picture in his mind the way the wind caught her hair, making it flow like the river at night. She was his stars and moon. She was all the seasons. He gave her his heart and soul. She was more than just a Goddess. She was his whole life.
With his final strength, he held his hand up and touched her face once more.
I want to embed the image of you in the depths of my heart, he hoped his touch could say what his lips couldn't.
The lady placed her hand on top of Sungjae's hand and he pressed his palm to her cheeks. Her tears flowed to the tips of his bloody hands.
Tears and blood of the lovers parted by fate.
She felt that his final moment had come and even if she was a powerful Goddess, there was nothing that she could do to stop his death.
So, she did the only other thing she could.
She closed her eyes and felt the whole universe revolve around her. She pictured an invisible stream of glistening water make its way to her, crawling from her skin to her fingertips.
She touched Sungjae's chest above where his heart struggled to beat.
"I shall see you again," she said, looking into his dying eyes. "Don't forget me,"
With that, she pressed her lips against his as she drew his soul from his body, releasing him from the agony.
In Sungjae's final moments, he heard her say, "I'll do anything to keep him safe."
Then, the whole world turned dark.
Sungjae felt a throbbing pain inside his head as he was sucked out of the memory. Like a speeding bullet, he saw all of his reincarnations once more—different times but same lake and same girl.
In a heartbeat, he was back to the present time.
He felt his knees gave out under him as he gazed into the eyes of the girl that held his whole life.
"I remember," his voice was shaking. He felt the first wave of tears pour out from his eyes. "I remember you,"
She smiled at him as her eyes filled with tears. He knew she couldn't say a single word. In one of his first reincarnations, she told him how the Gods punished her. They removed from her the ability to speak the language of men. However, her heart made her remember just one word and it was all the she could say: his name.
With great longing, Sungjae wrapped his arms around her and showered her with kisses.
He remembered how much he loved her. He remembered how much she meant to him.
Everything else didn't matter. That was the reason why in his life, even with the blessings that he received, he still wasn't happy. He left a part of him with her and only in her presence could he ever feel complete.
That was his punishment when he fell in love with a Goddess. His soul will forever be wandering from life after life, incomplete.
He knew that their moment was fleeting. It took too much from the Goddess to make time stop just so they can meet.
Sungjae knew that he had to let her go soon.
Without any words, he held her tightly hoping that it would make up for the years that she wasn't with him.
Both of them savored the moment for they knew he would forget what happened that night. Morning will come without him remembering again. He will go on with his life, find a girl to marry, have kids, and grow old accomplished, while the Goddess watched over him from the heavens.
The old lady who owned the lodging house woke up early the following morning as her guest checked out.
He was like any of her other guests, wanting to take a break from the busy city. There wasn't anything worth noting about him except that he was handsome. Too handsome. Very unreal. Nonetheless, he was just a guest at the lodging house that her family owned for generations.
She didn't pay much attention to him not until he came back to the lodging house with a strange girl. A girl that had no name and who couldn’t utter a single word.
On any other day, she would tell the guest to take the stranger to the police station as she might be dangerous. But she did not. The old lady remembered what her mother told her. It was something that her grandmother also passed to her mother.
She said that one day, a nameless woman will come to the lodging house with a handsome gentleman looking for a place to stay. Her mother said that she should not ask any questions but she must give the lady a comfortable place.
The old lady's mother told her that she will feel that it was the right girl when the time comes.
She did. Unexplainable to her, she felt great familiarity with the lady that the handsome lad took with him. She reminded her of home where you felt comfort and love.
In the morning, she didn't see a single trace of the lady. When she asked the handsome lad, it seemed like he didn't remember taking a girl to the lodging house at all.
She found all of it strange but she knew that she shouldn't ask anymore.
The old lady did her morning walk and went down to the lake near the lodging house. Upon reaching the banks, she found something rather unusual: a small flower that sprung from the muddy and dead soil.
The forget-me-not.
She remembered a story that made their town popular. It was a myth that she loved hearing ever since she was a little girl.
It was said that in their town, there once lived a great hunter that was noted for his looks and for his hunting skills. He captured the hearts of many women while men envied him.
They said that a Goddess fell in love with him when she visited the Earth. She pursued him, pretending to be a commoner until he fell in love with her.
Soon, she told him the truth with the fear that he might leave her but he didn't.
They met each other in secret until the powerful God who wanted the Goddess for himself found out. He changed himself into a mountain lion with poisonous fangs and attacked the hunter. He died in the arms of the Goddess by the side of the same lake where the old lady stood.
The possessive God wanted to destroy the hunter's soul so that the Goddess may not see it again but she asked for the help of the other Gods.
She was given one day in each reincarnation of the hunter. One day to make him remember their love. Just one. After that, she would have to look at him from above as he continued the remaining days of his life with a broken soul and no recollection of her.
That was their punishment.
The blood of the hunter that spilled on the banks of the lake gave the soil life. On the spot where he died, a tiny flower with purple petals bloomed.
It was named with the lovers in mind; a reminder that once there was a love so great that defied the laws of men and Gods.
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Guide for supernatural beginners 📱
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blu-joons · 2 years
Script Reads ~ Yook Sungjae
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A gasp came from you as you read over the script that Sungjae had been given for his latest drama, stunned by what was unfolding between the two main characters. He had only read through it once himself, but judging by the look on your face, he could tell exactly what you’d read over, having been warned about the scene.
“Are they expecting you to act this?” You asked him in surprise, shaking the script that was in your hand. “Why is your character so needy?” You then questioned as you read over a few of his lines for a second time.
Sungjae shook his head as he took the script from you to go through them with you. “He’s not needy Y/N, he’s desperate, he’s a guy in love who just wants the girl of his dreams to listen and realise that he loves you.”
“But she’s not interested, look at how cold she is.”
His head nodded back at you, with the script for the next episode still being finalised, Sungjae couldn’t tell you what happened next. As much as he wanted to solve your confusion, he couldn’t, wanting for it to be a surprise for you too when you eventually got to read through that script too.
“I so wish that I was able to visit you on set and watch you act this out,” you laughed back across at him, “I could never imagine you saying any of these things in real life.”
“Why don’t I show you?” Sungjae then suggested, poking his hand against your arm, “we’re not doing anything tonight, why don’t we read through my script together and act it out.”
“B-but I’m not an actor?” You reminded him with a shake of your head, nervously looking over the many lines that were on the script. “How can I act this out, especially acting with you too? You’re a professional, and I’m just…well, I’m just not an actor.”
Sungjae through his arm around you, desperate to give it a try. “Just trust me on this one, I bet that you’ll be better at it then you give yourself credit for. If you’re really bad, then we can stop, but I thought you wanted to see needy Sungjae.”
Your head nodded as Sungjae innocently smiled across at you, “I’m intrigued by needy, or desperate, Sungjae, whichever one you’re actually supposed to be playing.”
Before you knew it, Sungjae was moving some of the furniture around in the living room to make things more believable. He grabbed his second script copy from his bag so that you had one each, allowing you to stand away from one another as you acted.
“Do you want me to set the scene for you?” He offered, “a bit about your character?”
“I think I can act as if I’m not interested in you.”
Sungjae’s eyes went wide at how cold you were, already fitting the bill of your character. Truthfully, he couldn’t tell if you were being serious or not, worried how believable you really would be able to make it that you weren’t interested in him.
As soon as Sungjae told you to start reading your script, your smile dropped, glancing across at him with a stone-cold expression. “Why can’t you see that I’m the guy for you?” Sungjae told you, full of passion and hurt just like he was supposed to.
You couldn’t help but be slightly surprised by how good of a job he did, even with his opening line. Although you always knew how good of an actor Sungjae was, hearing it in person never failed to surprise you.
As your character remained silent, Sungjae took a couple of steps towards you. “It’s like our friendship means nothing to you, all the years that I’ve been here for you and now you’re telling me you don’t have feelings.”
“I don’t want to be like that Sungjae,” you yelled back, turning away as his hand went to reach out to hold onto your arm, “we’re friends, that’s all it is.”
His head shook as he dropped it to look down on the floor, letting go of a shaky breath as his character found himself on the verge of tears.
“There’s no one else that I want to be with,” he tried his best to tell you, “you’re the love of my life, the only person that I can see myself being with. I’ve waited too long to tell you this, and I just can’t wait any longer anymore.”
As he spoke, you couldn’t help but gulp. Sungjae made it feel real, not just for you, but for himself too as he suddenly stepped forward and pressed a kiss to your lips. “It doesn’t say on here that he tries to kiss her?”
“I know it doesn’t,” he smiled, “I just added something in.”
Your head shook as Sungjae dropped back out of character, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you tightly against his chest.
With your eyes still looking at him, he began to explain to himself. “Saying all of that, I felt like I needed to kiss you, it was true, even out of character too.”
The smile on your face turned up as he spoke sincerely across to you, “I could tell that you really meant it too, you weren’t really in character then, were you?” You asked, left unsurprised when his head shook in reply to you.
He knew that he was supposed to stay in character, but he couldn’t help but mean it too when he looked across to you as Y/N rather than as the character he wanted you to play.
“I mean, you are the love of my life,” Sungjae confessed, feeling himself get slightly nervous, “and I really couldn’t imagine myself being with anyone else but you, you’re my best friend, my favourite person in the entire world too.”
“You’re normally so good at staying in character,” you teased him.
He was well known for keeping a straight face, but around you he just couldn’t. Just watching you made him smile, even when you didn’t intend to.
“It panicked me for a moment when we acted that, that it was real,” he whispered, “as if we were just friends and everything between us had just been some sort of dream for me.”
You smiled weakly back across at Sungjae, brushing your hand through his hair, “maybe that wasn’t the best scene for the two of us to try and act out. It felt real for me too, scarily real as if the two of us really just still friends, like we were all those years ago.”
Sungjae matched your smile, “I’m glad that we’re not like the couple in the drama, I’m glad that you liked me back and we were able to start a relationship, I’ve never regretted it.”
Your head nodded in agreement, “just tell me one thing, do they end up getting together by the end of the drama?”
“You know that I can’t give spoilers.”
A heavy sigh came from you, “I promise that I won’t tell anyone, but you can’t expect me to wait for the drama to air to find out now.”
“Alright,” Sungjae chuckled, “but if I find out that you’ve told anyone what happens, I’ll tell the producer it was you.”
“I promise I won’t say anything, just spill.”
“Let’s just say, it’s a happy ending.”
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laquebae · 4 years
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I did it when he joined the army :')
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psyxko · 4 years
[In the dormitories]
Others: So you're joining the military band since you're a singer?
Hyunsik: Yes, that's right.
Others: Do you know BTOB's Yook Sungjae is in the other dormitory?! He's also a singer. Have you seen him before?
Hyunsik, laughing: I have, actually.
Others: Wow!! Yook Sungjae must be pretty famous.
Hyunsik: *snickers under his breath*
Others, confused: What's so funny?
Hyunsik: *starts singing <Swimming>*
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I saw on one of the fan accounts I follow on Instagram (nickfillowen) of this funny story that took place with our beloved Hyunsician and was laughing at how funny it was 😂😂
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sungminsbutt · 4 years
btob new unit and the world isn't ready for this
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jhangie · 4 years
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different side of you
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Nothing Yet
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Nothing Yet
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Nothing Yet
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Nothing Yet
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Nothing Yet
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Nothing Yet
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“Ilhoon of Agra”
“Unexpected Guardian” (Princely Duties)
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Nothing Yet
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trytoimaginekpop · 5 years
Preference: BTOB’s Crush Holding Their Hand
Request: None Warnings: public intoxication, reckless driving Tag List: @xxqueenwxtchxx​, @kpopgirlbtssvt​, @teacupdreams​ Please let me know if you would like to be added or subtracted from my tag list!
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Eunkwang: (Y/n) had been invited to a day at an amusement park with her friends, the members of BTOB. The group was to do some filming, but afterward, they had the time to have fun and relax. The filming hadn't taken long, and soon (Y/n) and the members were having the time of their lives. Playing games, eating food, and riding rides. The group finally made their way to the largest roller coaster at the park. Eunkwang immediately paled at the sight of the tall ride. "No, absolutely not!" The members all laughed at his reaction. (Y/n) smiled at him, "Come on! If you don't go, I won't have anyone to sit with." Eunkwang frowned, he didn't want to go on the ride, but he also didn't want to miss the opportunity to spend time with (Y/n) even if he looked like a coward, screaming everyone's ears off. He sighed, causing the other so smile, knowing that he was going. Eunkeand looked at the ride uneasily, but when he saw the smile on (Y/n)'s face, it made the whole thing worth it. In excitement, (Y/n) grabbed Eunkwang's hand and began pulling him towards the ride after the others. Eunkwang was grateful that (Y/n) was in front of him so that she couldn't see him blush. She held his hand throughout the whole ride. As the group exited the ride, Ilhoon turned to Eunkwand. "So what did you think?" Eunkwang smiled looking at (Y/n), "It was actually fun."
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Minhyuk: Minhyuk was with (Y/n) at the mall. She had asked him to accompany her to choose a dress to go to a friends wedding. He had jumped at the opportunity to spend some time with (Y/n). They spend several hours walking from store to store. (Y/n) tried on many dresses, but none of them were her perfect match. Minhyuk thought she had looked beautiful in every dress she had tried on. The duo was at the final store, (Y/n) was beginning to lose hope that she would be able to find a dress. As she and Minhyuk browsed the aisles, a dress caught Minhyuk's eye. He looked closer and saw that the dress was the right size. He grabbed it off the rack, adding it to the few dresses that had been selected. One by one, the dresses were rejected. Finally, the dress that Minhyuk picked was tried on. The second the dress was on (Y/n) knew that it was the dress for her. She walked out of the dressing room to show Minhyuk. Minhyuk had known that (Y/n) would look beautiful in the dress, but he had not anticipated for her to look absolutely gorgeous in the dress he had picked for her. A wide smile formed on his face as she did a little twirl for him, smiling the whole time. She looked to him, silently asking for his opinion.
"That's the one. You look stunning." (Y/n) beamed at him, elated that she had his approval. She went back into the dressing room, putting her clothes back on. She walked back out, dress in hand, finding Minhyuk standing waiting for her. She grabbed his hand, pulling him toward the register, turning back to smile at him. Minhyuk smiled back, butterflies erupting inside him.
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Changsub: (Y/n) had invited Changsub to try a new restaurant that had opened near her apartment. The two had decided to meet at (Y/n)'s apartment and walk to the restaurant together. Changsub had arrived at (Y/n)'s apartment early to have some extra time with her. When he knocked on the door, (Y/n) didn't answer right away. Instead, Changsub almost knocked twice, unsure if she had heard him. Just as he was about to knock, the door opened. (Y/n) welcomed him inside, looking a bit frazzled, but Changsub thought she looked beautiful per usual. "Sorry, I'm not ready yet. I wasn't expecting you so soon!" Changsub smiled at her, "It's no problem, take your time." Changsub sat on the couch while (Y/n) continued to get ready. The two talked with each other, laughing at each other's jokes. Soon, (Y/n) was prepared to leave. They exited the apartment building and made their way down the street. As they were walking, a group of kids on skateboards and bikes came towards them from the opposite direction. Changsub was emersed in telling a story and did not see them approaching. Just as they were about to cross paths, (Y/n) grabbed Changsub's hand, pulling him out of the kid's way. Changsub looked after the children with a disappointed look before realizing that (Y/n) was still holding his hand. He smiled to himself, not letting go of her hand until they reached their destination.
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Hyunsik: The group had invited (Y/n) over to the dorm for dinner and movie night. (Y/n) had been friends with the whole group for many years and they hadn't had a get together for a while since they had been on tour. When (Y/n) arrived, the boys had already started cooking. She was ushered in and ordered to relax while the rest of them prepared the meal. That time was filled with small talk and laughter. Soon enough, the food was ready. The eight sat and began eating. As the meal progressed, they started arguing about what movie to watch. They ended up choosing a horror movie after several rounds of rock paper scissors. Much to Eunkwang's disappointment. They all cleaned up the dishes and took their seats. (Y/n) sat in between Hyunsik and Eunkwang. Eunkwang was already scared, and the movie hadn't even started. (Y/n) was nervous, horror movies weren't really her thing, but she was putting on a brave face. The beginning of the film was tame enough, but as it progressed, (Y/n) became increasingly frightened. Eunkwang was utterly freaked out, almost fully sitting on Sungjae who was entirely unphased by the movie. Another jump scare appeared on the screen, causing (Y/n) to flinch, grabbing Hyunsik's hand. Hyunsik was surprised but squeezed (Y/n)'s hand in an attempt to bring her some comfort. Hyunsik could no longer focus on the movie. All he could think about was (Y/n)'s hand in his. Something he'd cherish and remember for a long time.
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Donggeun (Peniel): Donggeun had wanted to see the new horror movie that had just entered theaters. Eunkwang had been the only one at the dorms, and he had adamantly refused. Since the others were already out doing their own thing, he decided to call (Y/n). She answered on the second ring, immediately agreeing to go to the movie. Though horror was not her first pick when it came to watching a movie, it would have been a welcomed distraction from the pile of work in front of her. Donggeun had offered to pick (Y/n) up and take her to the movies. He was a perfect gentleman the whole time, paying for the tickets and popcorn, holding the door. Anyone who didn't know them would have thought the duo was out on a date. Donggeun took the time to pretend that he was actually on a date with (Y/n). The movie hadn't been entirely terrifying, but (Y/n) was a bit shaken up after it was over. When they left the theatre, it was completely dark outside. The walk back to the parking lot was lit by a few street lamps that required repairs. The two had almost made it back to the car when a drunk man came stumbling out of an alley. (Y/n) grabbed Donggeun's hand, jumping in surprise. He pulled her closer, shielding her from the man as they moved past him. (Y/n) held his hand all the way back to his car. Donggeun smiled to himself, he was grateful that Eunkwang had declined to go to the movies with him.
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Ilhoon: Ilhoon was hosting yet another show of Idol Radio. He had invited (Y/n) to watch from offscreen before their lunch plans later that day. The show had gone smoothly, both Ilhoon and the guests had great times, smiling and laughing the whole time. As the show ended, (Y/n) helped Ilhoon and the staff clean up. The two were soon on their way to get some food. The place that they had decided on hadn't been very far from the studio, so they walked instead of driving. When they stepped out of the building, the sky had been clear, but as they walked, the sky grew dark, and the wind began to blow. Soon, the rain started pouring down. People on the street began running to take cover. (Y/n) grabbed Ilhoon's hand and pulled him into the protection of a nearby store. She didn't let go even after they had gotten inside. They stood by the window watching the rain until Ilhoon felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned to see an elderly woman holding an umbrella. She handed the umbrella to him. Ilhoon began to pull out his wallet, "How much for it?" The woman smiled, "Don't worry about it, just stay safe you two." The woman didn't look like she would take no for an answer, so the duo thanked her sincerely before exiting the store. Ilhoon held (Y/n) close as he held the umbrella over their heads. He smiled to himself, the rain hadn't completely ruined the day after all.
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Sungjae: Sungjae and (Y/n) had been out and about, spending the day together. Sungjae had wanted to spend some time with (Y/n) before the group left for their tour. They had just stopped at a coffee shop to get some drinks before heading to the nearby shopping center. It was a long walk, but neither minded since they were emersed in conversation. Sungjae was intently listening to every word that (Y/n) was saying. He was savoring every moment together with her since he wouldn't see her for months except on the screen of his laptop when they called each other. As the duo walked, they sipped on their drinks. It was a warm day, not too hot, a perfect day to be walking outside. The more immersed in conversation they got, the slower they walked. Sungjae was occupied in telling a story on how he and Ilhoon pranked Changsub at the dorms. They had just entered a, and Sungjae was laughing uncontrollably, remembering the horrified and offended look that Changsub had just after the prank was over. (Y/n) was laughing too, but out of the corner of her eye, she saw a car barreling towards them. The car didn't seem like it was going to stop for them, so (Y/n) grabbed Sungjae's hand and pulled him to safety just before the car passed by. Sungjae looked at her in surprise, not quite registering what had happened. All he knew was that he was holding (Y/n)'s hand, and he wasn't letting go anytime soon.
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Kiss (Sungjae)
requests are encouraged! please read my guidelines before submitting your requests!
Genre: slight angst, fluffy ending; featuring Peniel as your best friend
Word Count: 1428
“Actually, Y/N,” Peniel said flatly as he paused the video game. He looked up at you, sitting on his couch, from his spot on the floor. “It’s kinda disgusting how oblivious you are.”
You couldn’t help but laugh when Peniel was so blunt, which was often. Still, you swatted lightly at his head. “Wow, rude!”
“Look, if you want someone to be delicate, go ask one of your girlfriends why Sungjae is acting weirder than usual.”
Tossing your controller to the floor at Peniel’s side, you laid back on the couch and corrected, “He isn’t being weird. I’m used to weird Sungjae. I like weird Sungjae—”
“Believe me,” Peniel mumbled so quietly, you couldn’t hear him. “I know.”
“ — He’s being a total jerk right now. He cancelled all of our plans this weekend, and he’s ignoring all of my texts. And if you know why, you should really tell me.” When Peniel narrowed his eyes at you, silently wondering how you could be so clueless, you added with a pout, “Pretty please?”
Peniel tried to fight his growing frustration. “Just think about it, Y/N. When did he start acting like that?”
When had Sungjae started avoiding you in person and via text? It felt like an eternity ago just because you were so accustomed to his presence, and because you liked him so much, but it couldn’t have been more than a week since you last spoke to him. 
“I guess he started being distant after that party.”
“And what momentous event occurred at that party?” Peniel attempted to guide you, but when you didn’t immediately realize what he was referring to, he said, “Here’s a hint: think about that game of spin the bottle—”
Your jaw fell open. “He’s upset because I kissed Minhyuk?” And once Peniel nodded, you defensively rambled, “But that’s so stupid! It was just a game I didn’t even want to play! Sungjae just dragged me into that circle and made me sit next to him—”
“Wow, I wonder why.” Sighing deeply, Peniel shook his head. “Seriously— Sungjae is. .  well, Sungjae, and you’re the most clueless person ever. So please, no matter how much Sungjae begs, never procreate.”
Again, you gawked at Peniel. This time, you sat upright, jumped off the cough, and knelt in front of Peniel to study his expression for any sign of deceit or humor as you asked, “You mean Sungjae wanted to kiss me?”
Peniel backed away from you. “Yes.”
“But why?” 
“What do you mean why?” He facepalmed. “He likes you— duh— and he’s too dumb to tell you. But if he spins the bottle and it lands on you, he can kiss you and see how you feel about it before he confesses.”
“But if he wanted to kiss me, he should have just done it—”
“Oh my God, no, please,” Peniel pleaded. He placed a hand over your mouth to keep you from finishing your sentence. “Don’t make me think about you kissing Sungjae. Besides, I think Sungjae’s jealous about more than the kiss.”
This time, you rolled your eyes. Once you pried Peniel’s hand off of your mouth, you said, “Don’t tell me he’s fixated on the fact that I used to have a tiny crush on Minhyuk.”
“Okay, first of all, disclaimer: I don’t understand how Sungjae’s brian works. Second, Y/N, literally two weeks ago you said that Minhyuk is the handsomest man you’ve ever seen—”
“A completely valid statement, which I still stand by completely.”
“ — again, ew,” Peniel rubbed at his temples as if that would help him forget what you said. “Anyway, after you kissed, you were all blushy and sillier than usual.”
“Well,” you formed a joke to distract yourself from your mounting guilt. “That’s because I was kissed by the handsomest man in the world, Peniel, how was I supposed to act?”
But Peniel didn’t acknowledge that you were kidding. Instead, he shrugged, “Well, if you really like Sungjae, maybe you should have noticed him sulking in the corner.” But when he noticed that you were frowning, Peniel consoled, “I mean, I don’t blame you— you didn’t know. Sungjae should have told you he likes you before that stupid game even started. But I guess now he’s all insecure and maybe even hurt—”
“Alright,” you interrupted, running a hand through your hair. “I don’t wanna think about Sungjae hurting. Especially when I didn’t mean to hurt him.”
“You know. . . it’s kind of gross how much you love him,” Peniel teased in a failed attempt to lighten your mood.
As soon as Peniel left the apartment to get dinner, you decided to video call Sungjae because a) you missed him and b) you needed to make amends as soon as possible. Given how stubbornly he avoided you all week, you didn’t expect him to answer so quickly. But surprisingly, one ring in, he asked, “Y/N? What’s wrong? Where are you?”
You tried not to giggle at how close he held the phone to his face. “I’m at Peniel’s place.” Once he knew you were safe with your other best friend, Sungjae relaxed into a slight pout— apparently he only put aside his bitter emotions to take care of you. Awkwardly, you tore your eyes away from the camera as you admitted, “Nothing’s exactly wrong—” which was a slight lie, followed by the truth, “I just really missed you, that’s all.”
“You did?” Sungjae’s eyebrows rose suspiciously. “I thought. . .” He trailed off, cleared his throat, and finished, “I thought you were busy with someone else.”
Normally, you might have been annoyed by jealousy, but when Sungjae’s lips pursed tightly as they often did when he was on the verge of tears, you realized that a genuine pain compelled him to avoid you. He couldn’t look at you because he was hurting— not childishly envious of some playful kiss you shared with Minhyuk. 
“Yeah, of course I missed you,” you said softly. And once he looked at you, you confessed, “I really love you, you know, so I had to make sure you’re okay.”
“Oh. . .” His toothy smile was a little infuriating, but you very much preferred when Sungjae was silly. “Well, I guess I’m okay now.” And he winked as he asked, “You love me?”
You laughed at his growing blush, “Yeah, silly.” Then, thinking only of ways to make his blush deepen, you hummed, “I’ve been thinking— I wish I’d kissed you at that party.”
“Ah, Y/N—” Sungjae clutched at his chest dramatically. “You can’t just say things like that! You’ll make my heart explode!” Sungjae always liked to tease, but he stuttered and faltered whenever your roles were reversed. In what must have been an attempt to embarrass you too, he smirked. “But really? You’d rather kiss me than Minhyuk?”
And he succeeded in making you squirm. “Yah! It’s embarrassing enough that I admitted to loving you and wanting to kiss you—” You paused to watch the front door, hoping Peniel wouldn’t return home to hear any of this. “Don’t ask questions you already know the answers to.”
But Sungjae laughed, throwing his head back. “Just one more time! You wanna kiss me and nobody else. . . right?” Had you been at his side, Sungjae definitely would have nudged you mockingly. 
“Sungjae!” You wanted to tell him to shut up, that Peniel would be home any minute; but you knew that would only encourage him to tease you all night. 
Still, Sungjae pleaded, “Come on, Y/N, just tell me and I’ll come do it.”
It was growing increasingly obvious that the only way to get Sungjae to cut it out was to give in to his childish demands. “Tell you what?”
Sungjae tapped his chin contemplatively— and a nervous shiver ran down your spine. What crazy lines were running through his mind?
“Tell me that you love me, that you want to kiss me only, and that nobody else compares to me.”
“Fine,” you nodded after stealing one last glance at the door. “I love you, Sungjae; I only want to kiss you; and nobody on this earth compares to you.”
Of course, Peniel walked in at that exact moment, carrying pizza boxes in his arms. After gagging, he whispered, “Y/N, what the hell?”
But before you could offer an explanation, Sungjae clapped, cheering, “Cute! You’re at Peniel’s place?”
“Oh no!” Peniel yelled. He dropped the pizzas onto the couch, snatched your phone, and said, “There’s no way I’m letting you suck my best friend’s face off in my own apartment!”
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vitaminbtob · 3 years
Another one of these 🤭
[Like/reblog if use 🌸 Please don't repost]
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killingmebtob · 6 years
Ultimate BFF Plan // Yook Sungjae
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Author: @killingmebtob // Sara
Title: Ultimate BFF Plan
Characters: Sungjae and Reader
Summary: We had the most ingenious plan ever.
Your name: submit What is this?
There was a plan. It was the most ingenious plan that we’ve ever come up with. It was the most detailed one. It was what we called as the Ultimate BFF Plan or the Ultimate Best Friends Forever Plan.
The plan stated that we’d both go to the same university and get into a mixed dormitory so that we could apply for a shared room. If not, we could always look for a cheap apartment to rent. We found a university that offered both our desired courses.
It was far from home but I loved that plan. He loved it too.
The thought of college was daunting and with that plan, it felt that we could take on the world because we had each other at close proximity. He was my rock. He’s the one I could lean on—the one I could count on. Being with him in the same college would mean that I wouldn’t have to worry about time differences and conflicting semestral break schedules just so that we could talk about our lives.
But there was another reason why I loved that plan. I’ve always harbored secret feelings for the man.
The way he would tease me about the smallest of things. The way he would act cutely just so I would pay attention to him. The way he’d say things so maturely despite how childish and immature he acts most of the time.
However, life happens.
I remember the day we got our application results. We were together because we promised to look at it at the same time. I was nervous and excited. I was so high-spirited because I knew and I believed that our plan was a hundred percent fool-proof.
I was wrong.
I cried in his arms after the words written on my letter sunk in. I cried even after he went home. I continued to cry days after.
My heart and soul felt broken as the words kept on scrolling in my head like a marquee.
We regret to inform you that you did not make the cut for your chosen program.
Because of my short-comings, the plan was gone. He didn’t say anything but I knew he was disappointed. I saw it in his eyes yet he said,
“It’s not like we can’t see each other again. I can fly to where you will be or you can fly out to my place. We can alternate every break.”
He was encouraging. It was the first time he didn’t make fun of me when I cried. He did his best to uplift my mood but I knew that even he was struggling with the news.
Getting through the rest of the school year was difficult. I found another school, one that was closer to home but one that was miles away from him. I tried to look for one that was about a four- or five-hour drive away but nothing. Their programs weren’t what I was looking for.
So enough, we were both standing in our togas. Proud smiles yet conflicted eyes were staring at each other as we stood in the courtyard. The ceremony was finished.
He was leaving in a few hours. His dad was driving him to the airport. I couldn’t go and send him off because I have to pack my own things too. Despite the relatively close proximity from home, I wasn’t willing to drive for two hours just to get to school. I was going to stay in an all-female dormitory within the school’s proximity.
“This is it, huh?” I sadly smiled at him.
My heart was breaking because I wasn’t going to see him everyday anymore.
“Don’t say it that way,” he sighed, trying to be hopeful. “You’re my partner in crime. You’re my best friend. We’ll make this work,”
Best friend.
My heart was crushed even more. Was there no part of him that ever liked me? Probably.
“But you’ll be miles away. The time difference, the workload… Everything,” I was being pessimistic again. “It’s going to be difficult without you,”
“You can do it. I know you and I’ve seen how you overcame your problems,” he said. “If anything goes wrong, we can always call each other. We can video chat whenever,”
We sound like a couple who was about to part ways while trying to keep their relationship. Oh, how you wish (Y/N).
“I guess so,” I mumbled. “Sungjae,”
“What? Are you going to cry again?” He teased, a grin on his lips. I knew he was just trying to make me laugh.
“No. Maybe you will,” I huffed. “I saw you wipe your eyes during the valedictorian’s speech,”
“No,” he answered quickly and defensively. “I… I just had some dust in my eyes,”
“Liar~” I teased. He pouted and all I could do was softly smile at how cute he was being. He stood like a giant yet he’s the softest giant I know.
We stood there just observing each other. It seemed like we were trying to memorize each other’s features before we part for a long time and before things change. We knew that college was going to change us both. We wanted to remember each other the way we are now. Hopefully, we could meet again and still be who we are now.
I don’t know what he’s seeing when he studied me but I could see in him the man who made my heart race every day. I was trying to recall those times he made me smile, the times he made my heart flutter, and the times he made me feel frustrated. I was doing my best to remember all the memories we shared. If I could, I would’ve tattooed those in my mind so that they’d stick with me forever.
The more I remembered, the more I felt the urge to tell him. After all, we were going to part ways for a long while. I’ve always been itching to tell him but I never got the chance. Maybe now’s the time. Maybe I should before things between us change for the better or for the worse.
But how?
I looked into his eyes. Sungjae tilted his head to the side, wondering why I was looking the way I did. He was probably seeing the internal conflict inside me through my eyes. He was good at that: reading people.
I bit down on my lip as I made my choice. If he says no, then at least we’d be going our different ways. If he says yes, then we’ll talk about it. If he says he doesn’t know, then… Then even I wouldn’t know.
“Sungjae,” I softly called out his name.
“What? You look like you’re about to pull your hair out,” he chuckled. “What’s bothering you?”
I shook my head as I took in a deep breath. I knew what I had to do. Bravely, I stepped forward. My eyes never left his and he was just watching me curiously. The only time that I tore my gaze from his was when I closed my eyes as I pushed myself to stand on my tiptoes.
My heart was pounding as I pressed my lips onto his. He was still as a stone while I felt like I was going to melt.
1 second.
2 seconds.
3 seconds.
I pulled away and quickly stepped back. I looked at his face but I couldn’t understand the expression on it. I couldn’t bear to look at it so I turned my gaze to the ground below us.
I felt like my heart was going to explode in this deafening silence.
“Sorry,” he finally sighed.
I quickly shook my head as I shut my eyes. I could feel the tears prickling the corners of my eyes but I did my best not to let them fall.
“(Y/N),” he pleaded for me to look at him.
“It’s okay,” I tried to brush it off while laughing. God, my heart was hurting like hell. My ears hurt at the sound of my fake laughter. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have,”
“Can we talk about this?”
I was about to tell him that he shouldn’t bother and that it was a mistake but his dad had approached us to say that they had to leave. I could only sigh in relief.
“Dad, please. I just… I just need a minute,” Sungjae sighed. “Please,”
“It’s okay,” I said, pushing myself to smile at him. “You should go. You might miss your flight,” my voice was getting softer with each word.
Stupid, I cursed myself repeatedly.
“We can always talk about it some other time,” I added.
“But…” He was about to argue but I shook my head. He saw the defeated smile on my lips. He saw that even if he didn’t say anything, I knew what he meant when he said sorry.
I’m sorry. I can’t return those feelings.
“Go,” I nodded at him. “Be well,” I said and moved to hug him tightly despite the awkwardness. “Show the world what kind of genius Yook Sungjae is despite his idiotic moments,”
I was trying to lighten the mood.
“Take care,” I whispered before letting him go. With pursed lips, I gave him one last wave and turned my back towards him.
My lower lip quivered as my heart continued to clench in pain with each step I took. A tear slid down my cheek and another followed. They continued to pour out of my eyes as I walked away from him.
I know I said that we’d talk about it some other time but I couldn’t. I was a coward. That was the last time we ever spoke to each other.
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imagineurfavs · 5 years
BTOB Meeting Your Parents
“BTOB reaction to meeting their S/O’s parents”
Eunkwang: Wins everyone over with his humour, but tries to tone it down the first few times he meets them. The more they meet, the more comfortable he’ll become. He’s just naturally likeable though so don’t be surprised if every time you visit your parents, they ask you to bring him with you.
Minhyuk: Somehow manages to get on equally well with both of your parents. He manages to find something to relate to with pretty much every member of your family he meets. Practically begs your parents to break out the baby photos too.
Changsub: Will always turns up with food, he doesn’t want anyone to feel pressured thinking that they have to cook just bc he’s there. Just bursts into the kitchen and starts handing out plates to everyone, totally makes himself at home.
Hyunsik: His shyness would probably work in his favour in this kinda situation tbh, at least initially. They’d leave thinking he was super polite and such a good listener, but really he was just scared he’d say something super weird and freak them out. 
Peniel: Aaah, those good ol’ fashioned American manners. He’d make the biggest effort to call everyone “Sir” or “Maam”. Will shake hands on first meeting and make sure that they both know his intentions with dating their child are good and pure lol.
Ilhoon: Attempts to bond with them by buying them stuff. He’ll spend the proceeding weeks before meeting them asking you what they’re into or anything they totally hate. “Would they feel weird if I got them something too expensive??? Aaah this is so hard...I don’T KNOW THESE PEOPLE HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO GET THEM GIFTS??!?”
Sungjae: Would probably end up accidentally calling your mother Mum; he’d be totally mortified about it but she’d probably find it cute. Shows your parents all the photos he’s taken of you doing dumb shit over the years 
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