#yoda and obi-wan are your biggest shippers
julez-the-great · 7 years
Unexpected--Anakin Skywalker x Reader
 “Practice with Anakin, you shall,” your master, Yoda, told you. You looked towards the padawan in front of you, a smirk eminent on his face.
“Leave now, Master Kenobi, we will,” the short green master said, hobbling out of the courtyard with Obi-Wan Kenobi, leaving both you an Anakin alone to train.
“My name’s Anakin, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” he said confidently, holding out his hand. You quietly stood, shaking his hand with a gentle squeeze, a small smile played on your face.
“M-my name’s (y/n),” you stuttered quietly, causing the boy in front of you to smile. You had wished that Master Yoda stayed with you, not leaving you with some strange boy–he knew you had trouble interacting with new people.
“Well, (y/n), my master has told me that we’re on the same level of skill, so this shouldn’t be too bad, right?” Anakin declared. You nodded your head, avoiding his gaze. You have heard so much about Anakin from your master and it had made you apprehensive.
“Let’s get started then, shall we?”
You blushed furiously as Anakin had you finally pinned to the ground. You two have been practicing your combative moves for about an hour and a half and each match ended with you winning.
“It’s about time that I won,” Anakin said, breathing heavily as he sat up not yet standing. He was straddling you, catching his breath before finally standing, holding out his hand for you to grab. You grabbed it, being pulled up onto your feet.
“Thanks,” you said, stretching your arms and legs, before sitting down on the ground. You rested your hands on your knees and looked at the serene courtyard. You felt the force buzz with life upon looking at the foliage.
“Anakin, meditate with me,” you said, patting the patch of grass in front of you. He sat down, mirroring your position. Relaxing, you closed your eyes and expelled every thought from your mind.
You began to feel the buzz of the force intensify and the feeling of yourself drifting farther and farther from your physical body. Your breathing began to slow and you began to levitate slightly off of the ground in your state of complete concentration. The force was enveloping you like a warm blanket. You welcomed it–it was here in this peace where you could find solace from everyone and everything.
’(Y/n),’ you heard your name echo through empty space. Concentrating more, you began to see Anakin’s life force, a rush of embarassment washing over you, someone had infiltrated your hiding spot.
‘Why are you here?’ You spoke to him, watching his life force manifest into his physical form. ‘How did you get here?’
‘We’re not so different, you and i. This is also the plane in which I seek residence since very few can reach this level of clear-mindedness,’ he spoke. You furrowed your brows before opening your eyes to the bright light around you. You were more at peace and observed how Anakin quickly opened his eyes, looking at you intently.
“Why’d you leave?” Anakin quizzed you, slightly upset that you left.
“I’m just not used to seeing another person there, except for Master Yoda, that is,” you sighed, laying back onto the grass and staring to the sky. The gentle breeze blew some leaves high into the sky and you could hear the distant sound of various transporters in the distance.
“You don’t have to be so bashful around me–I know you’re more than capable of winning a fight against me,” he said lightheartedly, trying to ease your discomfort. You just continued to lay there, staring up at the sky silently.
“I can’t help it,” you said quietly, hoping for this conversation to end. “It just happens.”
“Well, you’re going to be stuck with me so we better become the best of friends,” he said, sitting on the grass beside you. The breeze blew and you two sat in silence until the both of your masters came back.
“Back, we are,” you heard Yoda say, causing you and Anakin to stand up tiredly.
“Well, it looks like you guys had a good day of practicing,” Obi-Wan said, shooting Anakin a playful grin.
“Oh master, she got me down so many times, you wouldn’t believe,” he said, glancing at you briefly. You felt your cheeks heat up as you nodded, waiting for your master to whisk you away.
“On a walk, we shall go, (y/n) and I,” Yoda said before walking into a random direction. Giving your training partner and his master a wave, you walked beside Yoda, reveling in the silence between the both of you.
About a week later, you found yourself alone with Anakin once more, this time, the both of you had only run into each other by chance.
“Oh, good evening, (y/n). I didn’t see you walking,” he said, smiling to himself. “Where are you headed?”
“O-Oh, I’m just going to the courtyard to meditate,” you said, trying to maintain eye contact with your fellow padawan. He continued smiling as he began to reply.
“Would you mind if I joined you? At least let me walk you there,” he pleaded. You gave him an uneasy smile, deciding that it was time to be adventurous for once.
“I wouldn’t mind,” you said, voice raising in pitch. His smile didn’t falter as he paved the way to the courtyard. You caught up to him quickly, your robe flowing behind you, desperate to catch up.
“Where were you headed to, Anakin?” You asked him, hands shaky and a lump beginning to form in your throat. You both had arrived at the courtyard when he began answering.
“I was just heading to my room for the night. These last few days have been rough for me and Obi-Wan,” he admitted. “So, where do you want to go on this beautiful night?”
“By the tree,” you said, pointing over to a lone tree that stood in the middle of a field. “It’s nice over there.”
The both of you settled under the tree facing each other. You sat up straight and closed your eyes, releasing all of the thoughts that clouded your mind. Soon, the darkness behind your lids turned into small networks where you could see the force surround different objects. You felt heavy as you levitated off of the ground and had achieved total relaxation and concentration in letting all things go into the hands of the force.
Finally, it had happened–you had reached total and complete zen. Your surroundings were in complete clarity as your life force floated about, weaving in and out through the network and fabric of the force. In the distance, you spotted the green hue that you knew as Master Yoda. You approached him and settled before him, reveling in your complete peace.
“A great achievement to come here, it is,” you heard your master say proudly. You nodded slightly, feeling the buzzing of life around you. “Extremely strong with the force, you are. Waiting, I have been, proud , I am. Return now, you shall.”
You inhaled deeply and then released it, opening your eyes to see various rocks scattered around you and Anakin staring directly at you, seemingly concerned. You smiled widely.
“It’s about time you joined back. You were out of it for about an hour and a half,” Anakin told you, confused at your large smile.
“Anakin, I reached it,” you said quickly, excitement overcoming you. He seemed even more confused as he raised an eyebrow.
“What do you possibly mean?” He asked you, curious about your rambling.
“I can meditate in the same plane as Master Yoda now,” you squealed, tapping your fingers on your knees. Anakin’s expression turned from confused into extremely happy.
“How? You must meditate a lot,” he said, standing up and stretching his tired limbs. You nodded your head, also standing. A shiver then ran down your spine as you realized how cold it truly was outside. Anakin seemed to notice, as he removed his robe and placed it around you, even though you already had your on. You felt the heat creep up onto your cheeks.
“Let’s go to bed, yeah?” He asked, guiding you into the Jedi Temple and escorting you to your room.
The next morning, you left your room to see the one and only Anakin Skywalker waiting for you. A slight blush crossed your features as you looked to the ground.
“Good morning, Anakin. What brings you here?” You asked him, shuffling your feet.
“Well, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today, being that it is our free day. That is, if you don’t already have something planned,” he spouted quickly, looking over to the wall.
“That actually sounds pretty nice,” you replied, now looking up at the boy before you. He smiled dreamily, happy that you accepted his offer.
“Shall we get some breakfast?” He asked you, snapping out of his day dream. You giggled and nodded, walking with him when he left your doorway.
Unbeknownst to you, both of the masters were lurking by, monitoring every move the both of you made. Hope surged through Yoda as he realized that his plan may work–the plan to prevent Anakin from turning to the dark side.
“I think the plan is going smoothly, don’t you think, Master Yoda?” Obi-Wan said. Yoda smiled, another vision coming to him that contradicted the horrific one he had before.
“Believe so, I do. Observe further, we shall,” Yoda replied, causing the Kenobi to also smile.
“Anakin, you’re going to get us killed!” You exclaimed. A large smile appeared on his face as he zoomed by yet another transporter. 
“No I’m not, I know what I’m doing,” he replied cockily. Who knew that Anakin Skywalker had an ego as big as a planet. “And besides, we have arrived at the destination.”
The both of you exited the cruiser and felt the stable land. You looked ahead to see a large building before you. Your stomach did flips as Anakin lead you to the building. You stopped suddenly, causing the padawan before to stop, turning to look at you. 
“It’ll be fun, I promise. You don’t have to talk to anyone else besides me,” Anakin said, trying his best to ease your worries. You released a deep breath, nodding to him. You both walked up the steps to the building and opened the large doors to hear loud music that rattled your being. Anakin pulled you close to him as the both of you entered the bustling club, immediately heading to the bar. 
“I’ll have two Blind Jedi’s please,” Anakin told the bartender who in turn began making the drinks. You observed your surroundings, watching as beings of all races  dance, drink, or socialize. There were many lights that flashed all around and in different colors to the beat of the upbeat music. This was your first time in a club–Yoda never really got out of the Jedi-business realm. 
“Here,” Anakin said to you, snapping you out of your thoughts. In both of his hands he held the same drink–some clear liquid with red juice all contained within a glass. 
“What is it?” You asked him, cautiously taking one of the drinks from his hand. You then put the straw to your lips, tasting this delicious concoction. 
“Lemon-lime soda and cherry juice. Good?” You nodded, enjoying the taste of this drink. Anakin then walked over to an empty booth and sat down, sinking into the seat cushion. You follow suit, relaxing into the fabric of the seat, casually sipping the drink that Anakin had gotten for you. Luckily enough, this drink was also soothing your worried body. 
The music changed drastically as the lights shifted into the fierce colors of orange, yellow, and red. The music had changed from a pop style into one that consisted of a Latin tone. Anakin’s face lit up. Downing the rest of his drink, he placed the now empty glass on the table and stood. 
“Would you like to dance?” He asked you. You looked around and saw that everyone wouldn’t be paying any mind to what the two of you were doing. You placed your empty glass next to Anakin’s and stood up, following him onto the crowded dance floor. The music was so loud that you could feel the beat erupting from the floor. 
“I don’t know how to dance,” you said to Anakin sheepishly. He smiled, happy that you were open to learning something new, something outside of the norm. 
“Just move your hips and feel the beat!” He exclaimed, beginning to show off his moves. He didn’t know what he was doing, but he was having a great time while doing it. Following his lead, you began to freely move, a smile appearing on your face. The song all too quickly came to a close as Anakin escorted you off the dance floor and to the bar once more, ordering two more Blind Jedi’s. He handed one of the cold glasses to you. 
“That was actually a lot of fun,” you told him, surprised at your own actions. You took a sip of the drink and instantly felt more refreshed. 
“Same here,” Anakin replied, looking deeply into your (e/c) eyes. You stared back into his deep blue eyes, everything around you slowing down as you focused on his gaze. 
���Let’s get back to the temple, yeah?” He asked you, pulling you away from your trance. Blushing, you nodded your head, drinking the last bit of your drink before weaving you way to the outside world.
The sun was high in the sky, indicating that it was lunch time. You followed Anakin back to the cruiser and hopped in, buckling yourself up and hoping that he wouldn’t drive around recklessly. 
“Don’t look so scared, (y/n),” he joked before starting the engine and zooming off into the city. The city was pretty nice and you liked the opportunities you got to escape the temple. You watched the tall buildings zip past you and how other drivers were also going somewhere on this busy planet. 
“I had a fun time, Anakin,” you said quietly, not removing your eyes from the landscape before you. He smiled, pulling into the temple and stopping the engine on the space craft. 
“The club is always an exciting place to go since it’s never the same there,” he said, before exiting the cruiser and opening the door for you on your side. Nodding a thanks to him, you also exited, heading up the steps and inside of the entrance to the temple. 
That night, you sat on your bed wearing your pajamas and crossed our legs. You then began to relax your body, allowing the force to cradle you in its soft cushion. Expelling every thought from your mind, you ascended into the bliss that the force had offered you. Once again, you found yourself at the peak of total emptiness, but this time you were all alone. Your surroundings showed you everything that was around you, and you could even see some life forces walking through the halls by your room. But non of these solved the loneliness that you felt at this moment. Sighing, you allowed yourself to descend down a level in your meditation. The force was slightly fuzzy in this realm, but you knew that Anakin would be here if he was mediating. You compelled your life force to move around the maze of the temple until you reached the room of Anakin Skywalker. Then you saw the soft blue glow of his spirit, meditating. 
‘Anakin,’ you whispered, causing him to shed a small smile. ‘I’ve been looking for you.’
‘I guess it gets lonely at the top, eh?’ He joked, causing a smile to grace your features. ‘You should come over so we don’t have to concentrate our energy on communication.’
‘But curfew is in ten minutes,’ you said, worried that you would be caught going back to your room from Anakin’s. 
‘Then let’s have a sleep over,’ he replied before his life force went pale, alerting you that he stopped focusing his energy. You then opened your eyes to see the dim light of your room illuminating over you. Quickly, you gathered some clothing for tomorrow and threw your robe on, tying it so that you weren’t walking around in you pajamas openly. Next, you grabbed your saber before sneaking out into the bright hallway and making your way down to Anakin’s room. You knocked on it lightly before it opened to reveal Anakin. He was also in his pajamas. 
“Well, come inside,” Anakin insisted, pulling you into his room. His room was much like yours–a bed, a couch, coffee table, and a bathroom. The closet was right next to the bathroom and there was a small window on the wall farthest from you. You placed our clothes onto the coffee table before taking our robe off and placing next to Anakin’s on the coat hanger. You then made yourself comfortable on the couch. 
“You’ve never told me where you’re from, Anakin. I don’t remember ever training with you up until now,” you asked suddenly, causing the padawan in front of you to stiffen. He coughed awkwardly before sitting beside you on the couch, resting his feet on the coffee table. 
“I was a slave on Tatooine when I was young. I can’t quite remember why Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan were there, but they found me and took me under their wing. Shortly after Qui-Gon’s death, Obi-Wan became my master,” Anakin said, recollecting the times that he had spent with his young master. 
“Oh,” you said sadly, hoping that you didn’t hurt the feelings of your only true friend. He smiled, patting your back before walking over to his closet, grabbing a board game. 
“Wanna play something?”
The game ended in anguish as Anakin let out a troubled sound, realizing that he had lost once more. You smirked triumphantly as you moved your game piece into the final space of the game, satisfied that you had won. Grumbling, Anakin proceeded to put the game away into the closet as you put a stray pillow on the couch, readying yourself for bed.
“(y/n), I’m not letting you sleep there. You’re going to sleep on the bed so that I can sleep on the couch,” Anakin pushed, noticing you preparing the couch for slumber.  
“No, Anakin, I’ll sleep on the couch,” you protested, watching the young man approach you, pulling you off of the couch and guiding you to his bed. 
“No, you’re a guest in this room so you sleep in absolute comfort. Besides, I wont feel bad if I slept on the couch,” he stated, causing you to sigh dramatically. He laughed as he laid on the couch, pulling a blanket over him and resting his head onto the pillow. “You’re so stubborn.” 
“Look who’s talking,” you giggled, turning to face Anakin who was looking at you as he laid on the couch. His face contorted into one of false hurt. 
“I am offended that you would call me stubborn,” he faked, turning over to face the back of the couch. You laughed more as you turned to lay on your stomach, grabbing onto the pillow. 
“Goodnight, Anakin,” you sang, yawning shortly after. He let out a defeated sigh as he became more comfortable releasing a, “goodnight (y/n),” in the process. 
The next morning, you were awoken to a subtle knocking at the door. The light taps indicated that someone had arrived to alert Anakin of something. Quickly, you rolled off of the bed and stood beside the couch, shaking Anakin awake. 
“Anakin, if you don’t answer, I’m coming in,” the both of you heard Obi-Wan say. Anakin’s eyes widened as he stumbled off of the couch and to the door, opening it carefully. 
“Good morning, master. What brings you here this early in the morning?” Anakin said, stretching his arms up. Obi-Wan looked passed him and inside of the room to see another robe hanging on his coat hanger. 
“Firstly, it is ten, second, why do you have another robe?” He asked his padawan, awaiting for his answer. Anakin’s heart rate increased and he had to quickly think up a lie. 
“Oh, that’s (y/n)’s. She forgot it at dinner last night. A shame really, it’s nice and soft and is just a fantastic piece of material,” Anakin blabbered on, trying to cover his tracks. Obi-Wan saw right through his lie, but decided to not pursue, knowing that he was covering for both himself and (y/n).
“Very well then. Master Yoda and I will meet the both of you in the gardens,” Obi-Wan said slyly, smirking to himself. Anakin nodded before shutting the door. 
“You ramble when you’re nervous. Did you know that?” You asked him, now fully clothed in your day clothes. He looked at you confused. 
“How’d you change so fast?”
It had finally happened–you singed Anakin with you light saber during a practice session. He writhed in pain as he sat on the ground, holding his arm close to him. You were distraught and felt extremely guilty for doing this. Both of your sabers were now on the ground, deactivated. 
“Anakin! I’m so sorry!” You yelled, panic beginning to take over you. Quickly, you helped him up and off of the ground. He groaned in agony as he slumped over, leaning onto you for support. The both of you then walked to the medical ward, causing a few surprised nurses to spring to action. 
“We’ll take it from here dear,” she told you before taking Anakin away and into a separate room. You huffed out a breath, frustrated that you had caused Anakin this pain. As you sat, the only thing that occupied your mind was all things Anakin. One thought that struck your mind was that he would never forgive you, that he wouldn’t want to see you again. This thought made you all the more upset. 
It must have been fifteen minutes before Anakin emerged from the office, arm wrapped up, and a renewed smile on his face. To be burned so seriously, he sure was taking this as if it were a minor scratch. 
“Anakin, I’m so sorry,” you said, walking up to him and giving him a giant hug. He chuckled, patting your back with his uninjured arm.
“It’s all right. These things happen,” he said, trying to ease your worries. Anakin didn’t enjoy to see you upset. It hurt him to see you in this state of despair. He cared for you a lot and just wanted you to be happy. “Let’s get back to the gardens to train some more.”
Anakin lead the way, as always, and you followed him like a shadow did in the middle of the day. The long wasn’t too long from where you were and before you knew it, you were back in the gardens. Anakin picked up his saber and held it with both hands, waiting for you to grab yours. Begrudgingly, you grabbed your saber, letting the green beam of light grace you with its presence. Soon, the two of you began to duel, only for Anakin to win the matches to follow. 
“What’s wrong? You’re usually the one with the upper hand,” Anakin observed, sitting beside you in the grass. Flowers of many colors were surrounding you as you reflected upon his words. He picked one of the (f/c) flowers and placed it neatly behind your ear. A small smile appeared on your face, but you still looked anywhere but him. 
“I don’t want to hurt you again,” you stated, watching the breeze blow the many flowers around you. He scoffed. 
“And why’s that? You wouldn’t let it go so far as to kill me,” he stated, picking at his fingernails. You shrugged your shoulders. 
“I don’t like to see you hurt, Anakin, especially by my hand,” you announced standing up suddenly and walking three feet ahead of you. “I don’t know how you can still trust me after what happened not even an hour ago.”
Anakin stood quickly, walking to stand in front of you, placing his hands onto your arms. You looked down to the grass growing underneath your feet, it’s green shade capturing your attention. You felt Anakin’s cold hand then tilt your chin up to look at him. 
“I don’t think there is anything that can ever make me not trust you, (y/n),” he explained, dropping his hands to his side. It was then that you captured a different sight inside of Anakin’s eyes, one that you have never seen before. 
“I guess it’s because I care about you too much to hurt you,” you whispered so only he could hear. A shy smile graced his features as your heads began to drift closer, ever so slowly. 
“Believe it or not I care about you too. More than friends,” Anakin said the same volume you had. Butterflies were fluttering around your stomach as your lips connected.
“If I were the both of you, I wouldn’t be doing this in the gardens,” the both of you heard Obi-Wan say loudly, causing you two to separate. Both of your cheeks were red. 
“Oh, master, I didn’t see you there,” Anakin said, avoiding his master’s gaze. Obi-Wan smirked as Yoda emerged from a bush waddling over to you two. Your blush grew and spread to your neck and ears. 
“O-oh Master Yoda. Beautiful day isn’t it?” You asked, doing everything in your power to make this situation less awkward. The both of you have just broken the code and the last person who wanted to know was standing before you. 
“Fear not, my padawan. Willed it, the force has. Distract you from your training, let it not,” was all he said, a smile on his face. You were shocked, but happy that this was approved. 
“Come now, given a mission, we have been,” Yoda said before turning his back and walking inside the temple. You shot Anakin a gentle smile before following your master to wherever your mission lead you.
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hey look here is a star wars post with spoilers so don’t read it if you haven’t seen the movie yet
oh man ok so SO MUCH happened in this movie
there was at least two movies worth of plot here
so let’s start with the good:
the cast. freakin phenomenal. they all have great chemistry together. also, is it actually getting more diverse by the second??? who knows
space husbands being cute. also, Poe, are you the one who repaired the back of your Finn’s jacket. who did that.
members of the resistance died, and it was important. they mattered. a lot of times in movies like this, it’s easy to be like “oh yah a side character died whatever” but I think the last jedi did a good job of preventing us from doing that
creatures! lots of cool new creatures
luke. crotchety old man luke skywalker just wants you to get off his damn lawn, Rey.
Leia fucking jedi-ing herself back into the ship, I will FIGHT YOU. Force sensitive Leia. I honestly thought this was going to be The Moment we got that headcanon that’s been floating around that Leia’s force sensitivity manifests as literally no one being able to hit her when they shoot. It wasn’t, but this was pretty damn cool.
fight scenes!!! they were dope, okay. the one with Rey and Kylo??? that was awesome. And one-liner Finn putting the beatdown on Phasma “you’re scum” “yea REBEL SCUM” my HEART
yeah you know what Rey and Kylo outsmarting Snoke and then Snoke’s guards. they trusted each other for like five whole minutes!! fought back to back, it was badass. imagine what a team they would have made had not luke and kylo and snoke fucked things up
Leia Organa and her reckless flyboy son Poe Dameron. literally everything about their interactions just said “this is Leia’s actual son and heir” sometimes space mom has to get mean and punish you but it doesn’t mean she doesn’t love you (also, sidebar, I would love to hear Oscar Isaac’s take on working with Carrie Fisher in this movie since they had a lot of interactions)
Rey offering KyloBen a chance at redemption. Him rejecting it. All these characters realizing that if he doesn’t want redemption then he doesn’t get it.
Poe and Rey!!! Meeting at the very end!!! Space husband, meet space wife. Our mutual space husband may have found another space wife, so there’s that. 
Rose and Finn having the biggest kindest hearts
yoda’s sass still going strong. 
Luke astral projecting himself to the resistance so he didn’t have to actually interact with other beings and then vanishing into the ether after dealing with his problematic relation because fucking same dude
basically, if you cracked the plot apart and look at each individual story arc, there’s lot of solid, feel good stuff there.
the bad:
there was so much plot and then subplots to those plots. each plot had like, two subplots, so even if you break it down to Rey’s story and the Resistance's story...
The Resistance storyline has two miniarcs in it--Poe doing what he can on the ship, and Finn and Rose trying to find a way to sneak on to the Resistance ship
I feel kind of like Poe’s story was supposed to get us to like him, love him, hate him, and then love him again. His entire story arc is predicated on the fact that he doesn’t follow orders. If he’d just sat tight, followed orders, Finn and Rose wouldn’t have had to go do their thing...I liked their thing, but I think it was just predicated on a flimsy plot device. The reason could have been stronger. I appreciate that commander Laura Dern wasn’t incompetent, but this made Poe seem more unsympathetic to me.
honestly i just felt like there was a lot of lost potential and baiting that happened? I felt like the force-sensitive Leia thing could have been explored more--force sensitivity in general. There were at least two separate occasions where I was sure we were going to get a “use the Force, Luke” moment, one with Poe and one with Finn. I was SO READY for Force-sensitive Poe, aiming mechanism down, making the shot anyway. Finn’s moment was interrupted by Rose saving him, so that was okay.
Rey’s parents. REY’S. FUCKING. PARENTS. You know what, Kylo Ren? I don’t believe you. You are not a trustworthy source of information. I am just SO STEAMED AT THIS. There was a buildup to the reveal. This is how Snoke was going to get to Rey. This is the main thing Rey wants to know. If Rey’s parents were junkers who abandoned her, I would have liked a flashback. The fact that we didn’t, and that Kylo is the only one who tells her anything, makes me think this was kind of a cop out in case there’s blowback about it (or, if you want to be nice, that they’re saving it for later??). There were just so many moment where it seemed like we were on the cusp of finding out--Yoda talking to Luke, Luke talking about the students Kylo took with him (and wtf why didn’t we find out more about that??). Snoke talking about the heir of Darth Vader, where i was fully prepared for him to say that it was Rey. Snoke is fully capable and willing, I’m sure, to upsell Rey’s parents to try and get her to come over to his side, but he seemed to care a little much for them to be nobodies. “You were nobody, but now you can become somebody” seems more likely to be Snoke’s hard sell in that situation
And then the “you’re not here but I can talk to you/sense you/connect with you physically” device--used by Luke and Leia, Luke and Kylo, (maybe Leia and Kylo?) and Kylo and Rey. Look at those groupings. Those first two have something in common, don’t they? They’re related. This is a device that is used primarily by people who are blood relations. Could this be a coincidence, or more likely something nobody cared about? Absolutely. If it wasn’t on purpose, I’m pissed. That’s super obvious. 
And then when Kylo and Rey fought together!! Skywalkers!!! Together!! Why won’t you let me have this???
Like, okay, I get I’m very invested in rey as a skywalker. I understand the idea of having her be a nobody. That the leaders of the resistance are all nobody in particular, but will become legends in their own right.  if that is the case, though, I feel like the movie went out of its way to give us long pauses and important parallels that feel a lot like baiting. 
Going along with this, assuming Kylo Ren wasn’t lying: I could see how Kylo/Rey shippers can get a lot of fodder from this movie. I was pretty sure that was where we were heading until 1.) Poe looked at Rey with some big ol’ hearts in his eyes and 2.) we saw Luke and Leia interact in a very similar fashion as Kylo and Rey. This was one of those there-but-not devices and involved exactly the same hand touching. we got a closeup of it. we were supposed to draw parallels, I’m just not sure which ones. drawing attention to two different male-female pairs and having them physically interact in the same way but then assuming that one is supposed to be siblings and the other potentially romantic seems...weird. 
and lastly, when yoda burns down the tree, what i would have given for Ewan McGregor to be leaning against it with a classic obi-wan clapback for yoda.
i mean, okay, clearly if the answer about Rey’s parents hadn’t come almost entirely from Kylo, if there had been an actual trustworthy character confirming this, I would be screaming my love for this movie. it was busy, but good; the way Rey’s parent reveal went down just made me more aware of all the lost potential.
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starwarsfluff-blog · 8 years
Obi-Wan headcanon•Dating/Relationship
just imagine being Obi-Wan’s…
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• Sneaking, hiding, and more sneaking around. It totally turns you on and the fact that the both of you has to give so much to be with each other grew you two inseparable.
• As if it isn’t enough that you’re the love of Obi-Wan’s life, you’re his best friend too. And he is yours.
•Everyone assumes that the little gestures you showes him is merely due to your friendship. He takes advantage of that too, to make sure you know how much you mean to him.
•Having Padmé as a rock and talking to her for hours. She’s in the same position, ok? That is what makes you both able to keep your relationship a secret and being happy with how it is.
•Being a Jedi (padawan if you want ;)) and training with Anakin and Obi-Wan.
•Having to remind him that you’re a Jedi too and perfectly capable of defending yourself when he is being too protective. You’d find yourself doing the same thing to him, because loosing Obi-Wan wasn’t ever going to happen, not if you had something to sak about it. He thinks the same about you.
•Yoda secretly knowing about you and Obi-Wan and being your biggest shipper. However no one knows about this, not even the two of you.
•Anakin teasing Obi-Wan about how he never thought his master could fall so hard for someone. You love it.
•Finding him trying to impress you using the force, and covering it up as something else.
•Him being so excited and cute around you, he always smiles from ear to ear when you’re around. He feel so comfortable around you and didn’t feel the need to be a formal Jedi Master.
•But sometimes, or everyday, he’d be the handsome gentleman who kissed you on the hand and showed you new ways and tricks with the force.
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