#yo tell me about your lab! that sounds cool as shit!!
a-flickering-soul · 7 years
So I hear you worked in a lab for two weeks.... tell me about that. What kind of lab, what did they have you doing? (I haven't been in a lab since my bacterial metabolism classes in college over 10 years ago and I miss it)
     All right fam let me lay in on this shit because it was WILD      So first off, let me start off with telling y'all that I’m a huge fucking nerd, so I have no idea if what I see as super fucking cool is actually super fucking cool to any other normal person.   So consider this a disclaimer, because this is way longer than I anticipated and is kind of dumb.
    So this summer I had the amazing opportunity to do a chemical analysis course at a local college and honestly I signed up for it on a whim and had no real idea what it actually entailed. So I show up the first day after getting lost like six times, roll into the lab like 10 minutes late, and immediately get hit with a lecture about molecular structure and intermolecular forces that I was woefully unprepared for, to say the least (the rest of the lectures for the next two weeks went largely the same way, with very few exceptions).     The first week, we used a GC-MS to analyze mystery substances on a paper sample like they do in crime shows (I am now able to bitch properly about how inaccurate they are) as well as analyze caffeine amounts in specific drinks  (to my recollection, it was black tea, green tea, decaf green tea, coffee, instant coffee, and red bull). A GC-MS,  or gas chromatography-mass spectrometer, is basically a machine that takes a substance dissolved in a solvent, breaks the substance up into molecules, and analyzes how much of a specific molecule is in the substance  (I’m sure there are multiple things wrong with that explanation; bear in mind that I’m really dumb).  In order for the GC-MS to run the samples, the substance tested had to be added to a solvent and mixed. There were three different ways to mix it: there was a sonicator, which used sound waves to break up solids into tiny little pieces, a centrifuge, which spun samples at like 5000 rpm  and something called the vortex, which literally just shook things really hard (that one was my favorite).     The second week, we synthesized aspirin in the lab. Like, we made aspirin. I took powders and liquids, mixed them together, and made something that could actually be used and help people. The rest of the second week, we ran tests using the LC-MS (a liquid chromatographer-mass spectrometer, which you get to set up manually with a fun syringe getup instead of automatically like the GC-MS) to make sure that the substance we made was actually aspirin (it was). We also got to make esters, which are basically these chemical structures you can make with alcohols and acids that smell like, depending on what you mixed, fruits, liquors, or god-awful literal dogshit. It was great. The whole lab smelled like raspberries and Expo markers. The second week, we also got to make our own sparklers (!!!) and GOD, words cannot express how GODDAMN COOL that was to me. My sparkler came out this lovely pink color and burned so bright it left afterimages on my eyes. (We also got to make liquid nitrogen ice cream, but that was more the grad students we worked with than us high schoolers (grad students are really weird, by the way (like one of them tried to squish an ant with a pocket knife (it didn’t work))).     What I loved most about this entire experience was the equipment we got to use. Like, SHIT, dude, the most technologically advanced thing I’ve used in a lab was a Bunsen burner, and going from a dinky little flame to a huge humming $8k machine was dizzying in the best way possible. There was a scale that measured milligrams and was so sensitive it would pick up your footsteps on the floor. We got to wear actual lab coats and I am now enamored with the feeling of a lab coat flowing out behind me as I walk. We also got actual clear lab goggles we could see out of, which was huge if you’ve ever had to wear shitty high school chem lab goggles. It was incredible, and the lab work was amazing to say the least.      Honestly, words can’t describe how awesome I found the whole experience. Even if you have no interest in science whatsoever, I highly recommend taking the chance to check out a lab if you can, because to be surrounded by such high-tech equipment and people who are so clearly passionate and invested in what they are doing is really a blessing. Sorry, that was probably way more information than anyone wanted, but honestly that whole experience was probably the coolest thing I’ve ever done.
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First Impressions
Otto Octavius x reader
Working with others wasn’t your strong suit. People think you’re vulgar and rude. You like to call yourself brutally honest. This job wasn’t an exception. A science company that needed engineers, mechanics, and strong minds like your own. You had only been working here for a few months when gossip about a new super project was being passed around. No one bothered to tell you, of course. You just overheard it on your coffee break. Apparently some great scientist was coming in and taking over the entire lab.
Usually you’d be excited for an advancement in the world of fusion. But this new rich snobby scientist meant that for however long this project took you’d have; No office, Less working hours (meaning less pay), and worst of all....small talk
It was the day the new scientist was supposed to come in, you now knew his name was Otto Octavius. Your desk and your co workers desks were moved out of the lab and into a much smaller space. Cramping you all together like rats. You wore your usual attire and annoyed look as you entered the building. Although today you dawned some stylish eyeliner. Not for him of course, everybody was working extra hard to look presentable and professional. You passed by a co-worker who you didn’t really hate as much,
“Yo, Kathleen, is that guy here yet? Or do you think he’s too busy getting the windows on his lamborghini re-tinted?” You snorted at your own joke waiting for her response,
“Uh, he’s upstairs I think...in the lab.” You thanked her and walked up the steps. You pushed through nerds and geeks trying to reach your desk. A folder of your ideas carefully sealed with colorful clips sat in your drawer.
“L/n!” Turning around your boss was at the end of the hall stomping his feet,
“You were supposed to be in the lab by 7:30!” You glanced at the clock on the wall, 7:46,
“My apologies sir. I didn’t realize everyone would have a stick up their ass this morning. Besides traffic on the way here is always shitty.” You absentmindedly looked through your folder and took one page out pinning it to your cork board, until your boss grabbed your wrist and turned you towards him. His breath was heinous,
“Listen L/n, on a normal day I’d let you get away with being like this. But this is too important for you to fuck up.” glaring at you he released your arm,
“Get your shit together.” He spat. Waiting until he rounded the corner you groaned and tugged at your hair. Today just wasn’t your day. Taking a deep breath you smoothed out your shirt and walked to the lab pushing the door open and continuing inside. The colder air made you relax a bit. Hoping you’d be able to get some work done you sat down on a metal table in the corner. Crossing your legs and looking over blueprints for the next big thing in New York. The above ground bullet train. Sleek design and smooth riding on the rails...you hoped.
Kathleen walked in and shyly rapped your shoulder,
“Did you meet Mr Octavius?”
“He hasn’t come in yet.” You replied glancing her way, admiring how nice she looked even when she wasn’t trying,
“He’s right over there.” She points to a hunched over man in a red sweater. You got off the table and stared,
“That’s him? I thought he was like a janitor or some shit.” The man looked up raising a brow.
Fuck...probably said that too loud.
Waving awkwardly you grabbed Kathleen’s arm and dragged her over to the main table with you,
“Hello, I’m Dr Octavius. I believe we’ll be working together for the next few weeks.” He smiled sweetly and stuck out his hand which Kathleen accepted greatly,
“Actually Dr,” You chimed,
“You’ll be working with people from the east wing. They’re just letting you invade our entire office.” Kathleen stamped down on your foot lightly before turning back to the doctor,
“Y/n was just going to get me some coffee, do you want any Dr?” He nodded and you walked out making sure to slam the door. Stupid jerk, wearing a cute fucking sweater, trying to act all innocent. Trying to play god and mess with whatever sanity I have left. Pouring two cups of coffee you sighed, watching the steam spiral from the cup in a calming manner. Putting milk and sugar into one and nothing into the other.
Re-entering the lab Kathleen was no longer there. A disturbing silence made you want to turn on your radio. Octavius was still leaning over the desk writing things down. You held the drink infront of him,
“Oh, thank you sweetheart.” Your eye twitched. That was the final straw. You yanked the coffee back spilling it a bit,
“My name is Y/n L/n, I may not have your money or title but I expect the same respect you’d give any man on this team. Do you understand me?” He stood up quickly. You didn’t realize he was so tall,
“Now wait a moment Y/n, just a few minutes ago you were cursing and accusing me. Respect is about the last thing on my mind when I think of you.” Ah shit, he was kinda right. You weren’t mad at him. You were just mad at the world. Still you had bad energy in your system,
“But I apologize for calling you sweetheart. It was a crude mistake.” You set both coffees down gently and folded your arms looking at your boots. Saying sorry was the right thing to do, even if it sucked,
“I’m sorry for the way I acted Dr, I guess I’m just a little upset with the pay cuts.” He paused,
“They’re cutting your pay?” You nodded and sat down in one of the metal chairs,
“Everyone here who doesn’t work 24/7 alongside you for the next month gets their pay cut in half until you’re out of here.”
“But you didn’t choose to work less, that doesn’t seem right.” You sighed and rested your head on the table,
“Tell me about it.” While enjoying the feeling of cool table on your cheek you noticed one of his papers. You grabbed it and a pencil before erasing some of his math. You could feel him focused on you,
“Staring is rude.” You said not taking your eyes off the equations,
“You seem to be as well.” Chuckling a bit he sat down and tapped your hand drawing your attention to his soft features,
“I think I know what’s bothering you.”
“I already told you what’s bothering me.” He shook his head and clicked his tongue,
“No, not that. When you left for coffee, Kathleen and I had a small talk about your behavior” Jesus, he sounds like a high school principal,
“She told me that you act like this a lot around other people. And it’s my personal hypothesis that you are intimidated by others who you believe to be smarter or better. You’re afraid of losing your job and not being able to prove yourself. I’m assuming that started in your childhood, either with an absent father figure or bullies at school.” You sat in disbelief. No one had ever really laid out your problems and made them seem so simple. Your face heated up and you clenched your hands. Why did this make you feel so stupid? Why did he think he knew more about your feelings than you did?
Standing up you turned away. Once a demanding and harsh voice was now quiet and small failing to hide your distraught,
“I don’t want to talk about this anymore.”
The rest of the day was slow. Your desk felt like a prison where time never moved forward. Rethinking what he said. The repeated movie in your brain of him lecturing you, All of it slowly morphed into him not making noise at all. His mouth moved but no sound, it was wonderful. You just imagined him, dark eyes, large stature looming over you, soft hands....
“Fuck!” You hit your head against the wall and turned to see Kathleen. She leaned in to make sure you’re okay, her perfume hit your nose and you tried not to seem like you were enjoying the moment too much,
“What do you need Kathy?”
“Dr Octavius asked me to give this to you.” She handed you an envelope and hastily exited the room. The crisp paper unfolded in your hands. Reading the letter was like fiery kisses to your skin. Words pouring out like water from a faucet.
We obviously got off on the wrong foot. I do not think of you as a subordinate and I certainly hope you do not think of me as a threat. We both overstepped personal and professional boundaries today. I apologize sincerely for making you uncomfortable. What is science if not testing the waters though? To show my attitude towards a better future working together I invite you to lunch tomorrow downtown. I will pick you up outside at 12:30
All the best,
Dr Otto Octavius
Pinning the letter up next to your project on the cork board you admired it smiling. Perhaps second impressions will set you both straight.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 2 years
Copycat & The Spider-man —(Marvel Fem!Oc)
Words: 1,612
Phase two Masterlist
Previous Chapter // Next chapter
Listen to: ‘Grace Kelly’ -by MIKA
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xii: Sophomore Year
"I'm quitting marching band and robotics lab."
"What? No! Why would you do that?"
"It takes up so much time and if there's an emergency—"
"There won't be any," She rolled her eyes, stopping at the school's entrance. "I'm gonna be deadly honest with you because we're friends and I don't want you to mess up your perfect curriculum just for Tony!"
"I was thinking that maybe if I prove to him that we're super responsible then maybe he'll let you patrol with me again..."
"It has nothing to do with you, okay?" She grabbed him by the shoulders. "He's not gonna call. It's not because you're young, which yes it's a small part of it— but he's not looking to rebuild the team, alright? Pepper's back and he's doing everything to keep her. That includes not endangering two fifteen-year-olds just for the sake of having his glory back."
"Okay, okay, I get it!" He pushed her hands away.
"Good," C.C. started to walk up the stairs again.
"I'm still going to quit, though."
She was about to snap at him when the sound of a rumbling engine cut through their argument. The girl lost her balance, Peter was quick to catch her.
"Thank you," She looked at the person that had parked near the entrance. "Who's the idiot?"
On queue, the older guy took off his helmet.
"Shit," She groaned. "That's our idiot."
Pietro had dyed his hair back to his original reddish-brown color. He was no longer modeling sporty outfits and had a leather jacket on him that he was clearly proud to be wearing.
To her dismay, the boy walked directly towards them, ignoring —or at least pretending to— all the hungry gazes he was getting.
"What's up!" He high-fived a still dazed Peter, then looked at her with a sly smile. "Hello, my dearest little sister."
"You can't park there," was all she responded.
"Oh, really?" He pretended to be surprised. "Had no idea. Rookie mistake, Copy—"
"Yeah, that," He smirked. "Sorry."
"Acting like a jerk is only going to get you in trouble," She approached menacingly and poked his chest. "Now move your stupid bike."
"Alright, m'going!" He frowned, lifting both hands in surrender. "But you'll have to help me find my way around once I'm back, so you better wait for me!"
Once he left, Peter looked at her barely containing his excitement.
"This is great, C!"
"How was that great?" She scowled. "He's bringing all this attention to us, that's exactly what we don't want!"
"We do want it, we want this kind of attention," Peter lowered his voice so the kids around them couldn't hear. "He's going to be popular around here! Ned's going to lose his mind when he meets your 'brother'!"
C.C. whimpered, letting her head fall on Peter's shoulder.
"I just wanted to have a quiet, normal year..."
"Hey, you'll have it," He moved her away to lock eyes. "I just... I just want to be cool for a change."
"You're cool."
"C'mon, you know that's a lie," He sulked.
"Fine," She groaned. "Fine! It'd be selfish if I don't let you do things you enjoy just cause I don't find them interesting. It'd also be rude if Pietro's looking forward to having a normal life, and it's obvious that he loves the spotlight."
"Mr. Stark allowed him to get a Harley! That's insane!"
"Can't wait to find out what he did to convince him," C.C. agreed. "Blackmail is always a good way to go..."
"I'm here!" Pietro ran -at a normal speed- up the stairs. He put an arm around C.C.'s shoulders. "Now show me the school!"
"Don't touch me while wearing that," She made a face at the leather jacket, pushing his arm away. "It smells funny."
"It's leather."
"I don't like it."
"You guys are sounding like siblings already," Peter laughed.
"I don't understand why she's so angry," Pietro complained. "Last year she was always moping around, telling me how much she missed me and my sister," his voice stumbled a little but he kept going, "now she has me all to herself and treats me like I'm trash!"
"I wouldn't if you were acting as you usually do and not like a James Dean ripoff," She scoffed. "I don't like fake people, Pi, and right now you're the fakest of them all."
"Yeah, that's what it means to have a secret identity," He raised a brow. "I can't believe you're the one that's telling me this! May I remind you who you really are?"
"Pete!" Ned waved at them. "Over here!"
"Fine, I'll be sweet to you just don't say anything weird in front of my friends!" She whispered hastily.
"Piece of cake," Pietro shrugged.
"Hey, how was your..." Ned noticed Pietro standing behind her. "Hi?"
"Hi! P.J. Stark," She had to admit that he'd done a good job hiding his accent. "C.C.'s brother."
Ned's mouth formed a perfect 'O', he shook the older boy's hand and had the decency to pretend C.C. had mentioned him before even though all the people present knew it was a lie.
"I gotta help P.J. find his class," She said. "I'll see you later..."
C.C. grabbed Pietro's forearm and pulled him along.
"P.J?" She raised a brow.
"Our parents called you C.C. didn't they?" He said defensively. "I had to make up something that made sense. What does C.C. even mean here?"
"People usually don't ask, they think it's Cece, kinda like Cecil or something, but they'll definitely ask you about yours, Mr. Pajamas."
He snorted, not at all upset by her observation.
"Well, let's say is..." He squinted. "Peter Jarvis?"
C.C. stared at him. "That's a terrible name."
"C'mon, help me out a little!"
"Percy Jackson?" She fought to keep a straight face.
Pietro looked at her eerily. "It's a trap."
"No no, it's a very common name," She continued, furrowing her eyebrows to look convincing. "But it's a good amount of funny to be like 'I don't really like how my full name sounds so just call me P.J.', you know?"
Pietro seemed mildly suspicious, but he gave in. "Fine, I don't have to go around announcing my full name, anyway..."
"Perfect, now let's take you to the Principal's office, bet he's shitting his pants about having two Starks studying in this school..."
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"Dude!" Ned gestured wildly at her as soon as she entered the classroom.
C.C. made her way to him.
"You never mentioned you had a brother!" He whisper-yelled. "He's so cool!"
"Maybe I was trying to forget it," She muttered, hanging her bag at the back of her chair. "Trust me, Ned, soon enough you'll realize he's actually kind of an idiot. Give it time."
"You're supposed to say that, he's your brother," Ned conceded. "But seriously, is it true that he came to school driving a badass bike?"
"Yeah, and the dumbass parked it on the wrong spot."
"Pete!" Ned waved at the boy that had just walked in. "Isn't it cool that we have all of our classes together this year?"
"Yeah, yeah it is," Peter sat in front of them and lowered his voice. "You won't guess who asked about P.J."
"Was it a girl?" She ventured knowingly.
"No way!"
"You're kidding!" C.C.'s face lit up with mirth.
"Yeah, she nearly broke down in tears when I told her he was your brother," Peter grinned. "Bet she regrets what she did to you last year."
"Maybe she doesn't have to," She shrugged. "P.J.'s eager to date... doesn't mean he won't make her work hard to gain his attention, though."
The thought didn't bother her in the slightest, perhaps Pietro wasn't so bad after all and now that he had a bike there'd be no need to have Happy driving her around. He could take her, and the girls like Sally would die mad about it.
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"Do you think Peter likes fake?
Pietro looked at her. "Fake what?"
"It's just... he keeps melting at Liz's feet. I'm not saying she's fake, but she used to be and he was head over heels for her. Do you think I should try to match that, see if he pays more attention to me?"
"Ah, so you like him?" He smirked. "I knew it."
"I know you knew it, that's why I'm asking you," She rolled her eyes. "So?"
"Peter pays attention to you all the time, I don't think that's the problem," He shrugged.
"What's the problem, then?"
"He doesn't know you like him."
"If I tell him, he'll just get uncomfortable," She sat at the bar and opened an apple juice. "So how about we circle back to my original plan? Copying it's my specialty, so if you could give me a few pointers..."
"No copying allowed," He sat in front of her. "Peter wants to know the real you now that he knows the truth, and you're not being honest with your intentions. Maybe he's holding back?"
"Holding back?"
"Yeah, look," He leaned on the table. "This is my opinion: Peter is honest about his feelings towards Liz cause she's not his friend. He doesn't know how she feels about him. It doesn't mean he doesn't feel for you, but you're his friend, and as far as he knows you don't experience attraction towards people, right?"
"I... I can't remember if I ever said that to him," She grimaced. "Oh no, I messed up?"
"It can be fixed," Pietro took a huge bite of his sandwich and continued. "Jus' 'ow int'rest."
"I understood nothing of that sentence, you pig," She frowned. "Don't talk with your mouth full."
"I said: Show interest. That way he realizes you want more than just a friendship. Do it, I promise it'll work."
"How are you so sure?"
Pietro looked at her matter-of-factly. "Cause he gave you his jacket."
"That doesn't mean anything."
"You sneezed once when it was seventy-two degrees outside and he gave you his jacket," The boy frowned. "Peter likes you."
"I sneezed two times, actually— ouch! Don't throw food at me!"
"Then stop acting like a stupid idiot," He raised a brow. "Do what I say."
"I'll do it," She stood. "If everything else fails..."
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Next Chapter —>
@ieatpanicattacksforlunch​​​​​ ​​​​ @jesuswasnotawhiteman​​​​​ ​​​ ​​@siriuslysirius1107​​​​​​​​​​ @greengarsstuff​​​​​​​​​​ @itsyagirl01​​​​​​​​​​ @23victoria​​ @espressopatronum454​​​​​​​​​ @jkthinkstoomuch
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being Hope van Dyne’s child
Hope van Dyne x child!reader
Scott Lang x stepkid!reader
warnings: insects (ants), sharp weapons
prompt: anonymous: “Happy holidays darling! Would you write HC for Hope Van Dyne's child? Love the step-parents HC 🥰”
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growing up as a lil smarty pants
grandpa hank was pretty proud, although he didn’t see you very much
once every few years
but he did tell you all these crazy stories about his adventures that you honestly thought were just fiction (until you were older)
“and i was as small as an ant, but i was still incredibly strong! remember that, kid. just because you aren’t as big as someone else doesn’t mean you can’t beat them” -hank
“y/n doesn’t need to be hearing those stories, hank” -hope
“why not? they have important life lessons in them!” -hank
“why does mommy call you ‘hank?’” -you
“because mommy hates grandpa, isn’t that right?” -hank
“okay, i think that’s enough of this visit. come on, y/n, time to go” -hope
your mom was very supportive of you, nonetheless
she wanted to be different from her dad
so she showed up to EVERYTHING
birthdays, sick days, tucking you in for bed, parent-teacher conferences, art shows, you name it
“here’s some tea, jellybelly. it’ll make your throat feel better” -hope
“mom, i think i’m dying” -you
“you’ll be fine” -hope, givin’ u a kiss on the forehead
life wasn’t like, extra crazy or anything. sometimes she’d bring you to work and honestly? darren cross didn’t seem like the worst guy. he even brought you whatever you might need if your mom was staying late at work
“hey, van dyne junior! i brought you a puzzle that might keep you busy for a while...and a happy meal from mcdonalds! let me know if you need anything else, me and your mom will just be in the lab for a little while” -darren
“thank you!!!” -you
uh huh, ur mom taught u manners!
anyways you started spending more time with your grandpa cuz they had a plan
thats when you found out that his “turning small” stories were not, in fact, bullshit
“wait grandpa...you actually did shrink as small as an ant?” -you
“why would i lie?” -hank
okay well cue you wanting to shrink down to ant size now it was your new aspiration
you did learn how to command ants tho!!!!!!
but unfortunately (or not so unfortunately) hank brought scott to the party
“hi!” -you, waking scott up
“what?!” -scott, jumping back against the headboard
“hi.” -you, staring at him “im y/n. these are my ants”
bullet ants were just crawlin around the place
“oh, that’s....that’s cool. any chance you could tell me where i am or how i got here” -scott
“wouldn’t you like to know, weather boy” -you, leaving abruptly
“are you bothering our guest?” -hope, watching you proudly nod “good job, jellybelly”
mom taught u how to punch 🥰🥰🥰
and let you use scott as a punching bag
but scott wasn’t like awful or anything he was just insufferable at times
“i think you’d like my daughter cassie. she’s weird and smart just like you” -scott
“did you just call me weird? mom, can i punch him again?” -you
“no no no! i meant weird in a good way! please dont hurt me anymore!” -scott
chasing him around the yard ready to ATTACK
hank had to tell u to cut it out
“dont tell them what to do” -hope
“someone has to” -hank
“excuse me? i parent y/n just fine, better than you ever did for me!” -hope
“do they do this often?” -scott
“every time they see each other but that’s not very much” -you
“hm...hey, do you like ice cream? specifically baskin robbins?” -scott
ur mom said “we do not associate with idiots ❤️” and then proceeded to associate with said idiots
scott did end up saving u from darren tho bc that mf tried to hold u hostage and scott was really not in the mood for that bullshit
“you alright, y/n?” -scott
“murder is okay, right?” -you
after that whole ordeal he and your mom were kinda a thing uh huh
and he introduced you to cassie!!! she was amazingly sweet and you could def see the family resemblance
“is this my new sibling?! i’ve always wanted one!” -cassie
“hey, me too!” -you
you hung out with her on a weekly basis, with or without scott
and mom and grandpa were working on a ✨special project✨
one you insisted on being apart of
“no, y/n, we can’t make you your own suit. you’re too young for this sort of thing” -hope
“pleaaaaase mom? i swear i’ll he responsible with it!” -you
“you’re mother is right, y/n. you’re just not ready yet. maybe someday, but not anytime soon” -hank
scott took you on family bowling trips yes he did
and just corny stepdad shit
but he went to germany and mom and him broke up and FF to two years later when you guys had finally reunited
“scott!! you asshole!!” -you, like this -> :)
“kiddo!! sorry to hear that!!” -scott, same energy
shading him the whole time
“ach mein gott” -you
“are you kidding me, y/n? i make one mistake. ONE” -scott
“you’re one mistake has caused me to live in MINIATURE HOMES” -you
“WELL IT’S NOT” -you
“did you at least miss me?” -scott
“sicher habe ich” -you
“god dammit” -scott
surprise!! u kind of had a suit (for emergencies)
as a van dyne/pym, it was almost a necessity to know how to use pym particles
scott acted like a proud dad
“wow, you’re really doing it!!!” -scott
“halt die klappe” -you
“please stop” -scott, tearing up
finding out about ✨grandma✨
she possessed scott and touched ur face and told you that she was so excited to meet you but you didn’t know wtf was going on and you had the urge to smack scott but THANKFULLY you did not
“i have to meet her for real! let me help you guys!” -you
“okay” -hope
“what? really?” -you
“it’s about time we put your genius to good use” -hope
scott offered you a high five for that and u literally accepted it
“don’t get too happy, that was just an in-the-moment thing” -you, watching scott’s eyebrow raise “fine. you can have a hug”
okay okay well everything went okay and then half the world ~vanished~ including ur whole family but like cassie and her family took you in and you spent five years very alone and upset until one day cassie called you downstairs and whoopdedoo???? scott???????
“is my mom with you?” -you
“sorry, sport, she’s not...do you have your suit with you? we need to go on some...hero business” -scott
you missed scott a lot over the past 5 years, this really did cheer you up, even if it was just him
“how’ve you been holding up the past few years” -scott
“the world sucks, man” -you
“i can see that” -scott
he turned on some tunes for the two of you to enjoy otw to the avengers hq and it was probably the best memory you created since everyone disappeared
“wait, reach into the glove box” -scott
“oh, god, i hope there’s no rodents in here...” -you, reaching for a picture “is this..?”
“family photo!! you were little back then, i can’t believe how time flies. i mean, it flew really quick for me, the quantum realm is no joke” -scott
you were busy staring at the picture of your mom, you really missed her
busy ~saving the world~
and going to 2012 with scott
“hey uh just so you know, i might be able to make pym particles” -you
“‘might?’ and if we use faulty pym particles we ‘might’ die. would you like that?” -tony
“hey, back off, stark. they’re just trying to help” -scott
next thing u know ur in present day and THEN u actually got to hold the scepter bc scott let u
“im gonna stab you!!” -you
“no!!!” -scott
the other avengers, literally mourning natasha while you chase him around with a sharp weapon: 😧
okay after the place was destroyed u got to face mr. purple man and yo mama showed back up and saw you on the front lines
“y/n????” -hope
“mom????” -you
“scott!!!!” -scott
“really, scott? a shrek reference? now?” -you “...nice”
the reunion with your mom was short and sweet but you missed her forehead kisses and she gave you one immediately!!!! and she was crying but you were too bc damn
“listen, after this, we’re gonna have such a fun family night. i’m so sorry i couldn’t be there for you all this time” -hope
“mom, it wasn’t your fault...it was that purple bastard, let’s get him!” -you
“they grow up so fast...” -hope
i n s e c t f a m
insect fam killed it out there and then ✨attended tony’s funeral✨ together right after
that’s one solid family 😌💖
anyways time to celebrate a (halfway) return to normalcy
with your *sister* cassie and your mom and your...scott
you were just happy to all be together again, it’s been WAY too long
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @lokihiddles // @frostedficrecs // @lotsoffandomrecs // @johnmurphyisqueer // @teenwaywardasgardian // @pappydaddy // @captainshazamerica // @freya-xo // @ravenmoore14 // @thisetaernallove // @ofthedewthesunlight // @canarypoint // @zoeyserpentluck // @randomawesomeperson102 // @spideyandtheboys // @ghost-bich // @wonderful-writer // @of-a-chaotic-mind // @groovyfluxie // @procrastinatingsapphictrash // @lxncelot //
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nitewrighter · 4 years
First Meeting of Genji and Tracer maybe?
I haven’t forgotten all the kiss prompts but I wanted to gear-shift to something a little more punchy!
“I don’t know about this…” Genji mindlessly brushed his fingers along the handle of Ryū-Ichimonji as he walked down the hall, “I’ve never really thought of myself as a teacher...”
“You said you wanted to get off the bench,” Reyes walked alongside him, both hands in the mono-pocket of his hoodie. He had a way of carrying himself that made it easy for the eye to scan past him, despite being head of Blackwatch, but Genji drew the eye, bare skin and metal, and stark black, white and red prosthetics, and so in their walk virtually all Overwatch staff in the hallway gave them an unnaturally wide berth, first a natural reaction to Genji’s appearance, then a flinching recognition of Reyes. “This is the best Jack and I can do for you,” Reyes went on, “Besides, she was in the RAF before this, so it’s not like she’s coming into this with no combat knowledge.”
‘The best Jack and I can do for you,’ Genji glanced away from Reyes, his eyes narrowing in thought, So you show Jack one hand with me, while keeping the other behind your back with McCree. I’m the ‘accountability’ agent, but McCree and Moira... they’re still Blackwatch. They’re still working. His ‘real’ agents. Genji wondered where McCree was now. Was it an ‘errand’ this time or a ‘vacation?’ It wasn’t as if it was sanctioned by Jack either way, but it wasn’t like Jack would look too closely or question it so long as the cyborg ninja was accounted for. 
“Hey,” Reyes spoke and Genji was forced to pull himself out of his bristling silence, “Being a part of Overwatch isn’t just cutting through shit with a sword. You have to show you can work with people, and not just Blackwatch.” Reyes gave a short snort, “Though, let’s be real, saying you worked with Blackwatch is a bit of a stretch.”
Genji kept his eyes fixed away sullenly. “So she’s not the only one learning, here,” he mused. 
“Now you’re getting it,” said Reyes, smiling.
“You don’t know when Blackwatch’s suspension is ending, do you?” Genji’s voice was level but it wiped the smile from Reyes’s face in an instant. 
“Can’t say that I do,” Reyes flicked his own eyes forward, down the hall, “But that doesn’t mean I’m sitting on my hands, Shimada. You can believe me when I say I’m working on ways to get you back out there, because Talon’s only going to get bolder while we’re wrapping ourselves in red tape. But you have to show me, Jack, and all these UN pearl-clutchers you can adapt. Do you understand?”
“Mm,” Genji gave a single nod as they exited two automatic doors out to the training area, where a cluster of training bots where doddering around in various directions.
“Had ‘em cue up your usual warm-up,” said Reyes, putting his hands on his hips, “Think benchwarming got you soft?”
Genji gave a short scoff before drawing Ryū-Ichimonji from his back, but Reyes could hear the smile in his breath beneath his faceplate.
“Wow... Blackwatch!” Tracer’s eyes were wide as Mercy and Winston stood next to her in the elevator, “I heard all about the--I mean, everyone heard about Venice but--blimey! Are we sure it’s all right?” 
“We’re approaching this as a sort of... rehabilitation from suspension,” said Mercy, “And don’t worry, I’m very well-acquainted with your future teacher and I can assure you that Genji Shimada holds himself to a very high standard as an agent.” 
“I know that but....I don’t know if I’m cut out for any of that ninja stuff,” Trace glanced down at the chronal accelerator glowing in her chest, “This thing doesn’t exactly make it ea--easy to sneak around.” A brief ripple of glowing blue chronal feedback bloomed around her on the word ‘easy’ and her shoulders bunched up self-consciously, “Sometimes I don’t know if I can pull off that... speed-up thing I did back with the prototypes...”
“The accelerator reacts to your nervous system,” Winston chimed in, “We can worry about safely discharging the chronal distortion later, but it’s perfectly safe and stable as it is right now! All you need to worry about is keeping a cool head!”
“Cool head,” Tracer said firmly, “Right.”
“But if anything feels wrong you should tell us immediately,” Mercy quickly added.
“Gotcha, gotcha,” said Tracer, nodding. The three of them stood in a nervous, excited silence for a few seconds.
“Is he nice?” Tracer asked, looking at Mercy, “I mean, don’t get me wrong, I can deal with the ‘tough love’ types, but I guess I’m just not really sure what to expect with all this Blackwatch stuff...”
“Oh he’s wonderful,” said Mercy beaming as the elevator dinged and the doors opened, “And I think, while both your situations are very unique, he’ll definitely understand what you’re going through. He’s basically had to re-learn how to coordinate his body, too!”
Tracer’s shoulders slumped with some reassurance as they stepped out into the open air of the training area, “Well that’s a relief,” she said, with a lopsided smile.
“Oh yes. He’ll be a great teacher. He’s patient, and attentive, and really quite funny once you get to know him, and he’s very---”
Mercy was cut off by a snarling, roaring, cybernetically warbling scream as a red, white, and black blur rushed past them on the training grounds. Tracer, Winston, and Mercy watched in some combination of awe and terror as Genji Shimada tore through a batch of training bots like a hurricane. 
“Very--um...” Mercy’s words turned halting as Genji dove and slid under one bot and became a whirlwind of blades and kicks, slicing up the training bots closing in on him, before sending the poor training bot he had dived under into the air then springing into the air himself. His wires whipped around him as he twisted in the air, sending the training bot flying back with a kick that made it shatter against a wall. 
“Very--” Mercy tried to regain her composure and speak quickly but winced as she was cut off again by the screech and clatter of metal, the loud scream of a broken vocal box on one of the training bots as Genji jammed both sword and wakizashi into it before ripping it outward and rendering the training bot an explosion of broken metal parts. Mercy looked sharply over to Tracer, whose mouth was hanging open in a petrified gawk.
“He’s very...” Mercy was trying to eke words out of herself as Genji sliced off the head of one training bot with his sword then stabbed it through with his wakizashi before pivoting and smashing another training bot’s head with the skewered head of its compatriot. “...enthusiastic?”
Genji’s breaths were ragged and his forearms were quaking with how hard his hands were gripping his sword and wakizashi, surrounded by the sparking broken bits of training bots, his shoulders rising and falling with his breaths. Tracer, Winston, and Mercy all flinched to attention at the sound of clapping next to them and looked to their right to see Gabriel Reyes stick his thumb and forefinger in his mouth and whistle shrilly before clapping some more.
“Attaboy, Genji! Still got it!” Reyes called out to Genji and Genji seemed to pull himself out of a blood-drunk haze (or at least the robot-destroying equivalent of a blood-drunk haze), looking over his shoulder and then flinching to awkward attention himself as he noticed Reyes was now accompanied by Mercy, the gorilla, and... the newbie. 
His student.
Who looked about ready to either throw up or piss herself or both from what she had just seen him do.
Reyes was still clapping and smiling obnoxiously, Genji awkwardly lifted his wakizashi (smaller sword was less threatening, right?) and gave a small wave.
“Uh... yo,” he said.
“Er--excellent form, Genji!” Mercy raised her voice so he could hear her but it came out as a squawk, her desperation to try and diffuse the situation obvious in every intonation, “Very... efficient!” She had that ‘everything is going wrong but for the love of god be strong, Angela’ deliriously forced smile on her face, which he had seen both at 3 AM in the lab and at press conferences going down in flames.
“Thank you?” said Genji, sheathing both his sword and moving to walk toward them but then stumbling over a piece of broken training bot. He quickly recovered, straightened himself up to full height and walked briskly over to them before giving a stiff bow.
“So glad you could join us, Oxton,” said Reyes, turning to look at Tracer, his hands on his hips.
“Reyes?” Mercy’s voice was steel wire-tight, “May we speak?”
“Sure, Ange, what--” Reyes started but Mercy grabbed him by the loose sleeve of the hoodie and practically dragged him through the doors of the training area’s control room.
“Wait, shouldn’t we--” Tracer started feebly after them but the steel doors of the room slammed behind them. Tracer, Genji, and Winston all vaguely made out the muffled sounds of Mercy yelling at Reyes on the other side of the doors. 
“What were you thinking?! What was that?!”
“What are you yelling at me for? I just thought he should get a little warmed up and the newbie should get some idea of--”
“Some idea of what?! We’ve only barely scratched the surface of the effects the chronal disassociation is having on her physical abilities and you’re throwing up these warzones like---”
“Hey, I just set up his usual training bot session, Doc, you got a problem with Genji’s style, you take that up with him--”
“I don’t have a problem with Genji’s ‘style’--! I--Don’t act like you don’t know what you’re doing---! Is this some other play?! Are you--”
Winston cleared his throat. “We should probably...”
“Right..” said Tracer a little sheepishly.
The three of them edged away from the steel doors. Genji glanced over at Tracer, who didn’t seem to know whether to even look at him as they walked themselves out of earshot of the argument.
“So you’re the new recruit from the flight program,” said Genji, folding his arms and trying to sound as casual as possible.
“Ah...y-yeah!” Tracer blurted out. She cleared her throat and stuck her hand out, “Lena Oxton! Callsign Tracer! Reporting for du--” blue light suddenly flared brightly around her from the glowing object on her chest and she seemed to catch herself, clearing her throat, “er... reporting for duty,” she said extending her hand again, which had somehow jerked back to her side with the blue glow.
Genji moved to extend his organic hand, found that that would be awkward with the hand Tracer had chosen to shake with, then hesitantly extended his prosthetic. She shook his hand so hard it jostled up his whole arm before she caught herself and withdrew her hands to her side, clearing her throat.
“Ah so that’s...” Genji started.
“Yeah it’s a thing,” said Tracer, glancing down.
“Well...” Genji gestured up and down himself, “This... is also a thing.”
“I can see that,” said Tracer with a bit of a nervous giggle. They both gave a glance to Winston. 
“Oh!” Winston perked up and started unconsciously signing as he spoke, “I don’t think we’ve been properly introduced. Winston. I’ll be on the science team overseeing Tracer’s condition with the chronal accelerator. Along with Doctor Ziegler. So we’ll be watching while you’re training together!”
“I see,” said Genji, “And you’re...”
“From the moon,” said Winston.
“From the moon,” Genji repeated, both of them silently agreeing that they didn’t have to go into the ‘gorilla’ part of things. He glanced back at Tracer. “Look--” Genji started but then caught himself, “I--if I scared you back there...”
“You didn’t scare me!” Tracer blurted out.
Both Genji and Winston gave her steady looks and Tracer stiffened her shoulders slightly, “I mean... y’know it’s... nothing I can’t handle. Really!” she put her hands on her hips and huffed, “You’re pretty tame compared to some of the things I’ve seen,” she said. She was trying to inject an adventurous sense of swagger into her voice, but her youth undermined a lot of that. 
Genji tilted his head slightly, studying her, and she made eye contact but didn’t sustain it for too long. He was used to that at this point. The red eyes were off-putting for a lot of people, but then his eyes flicked to Winston, then down at the chronal accelerator glowing in Tracer’s chest. There was something simultaneously familiar and alienating standing in their presence, and hearing the faint muffled sounds of Ziegler and Reyes arguing on the other side of the door, there was a spark of kinship between the three of them. Three people who wouldn’t have any place in the world without Overwatch.
“So how do we start?” said Tracer.
“Start?” said Genji, “Now?”
“Well, Doctor Z said you already went through all this stuff to re-learn coordination with all your...” Tracer gestured up and down at him, “Whatnot. And I figure, the sooner for me, the better, right? So lesson one, Teach! Let’s hear it!”
“Uh...” Genji rubbed the back of his head.
“Perhaps you could begin with assessment?” Winston suggested, “Establish what level of combat training Tracer should start with?”
The fastest way to do that is sparring, Genji thought and he got a horrifying mental image of Ziegler and Reyes emerging from their argument in the control room only to walk in on him punching Morrison’s beloved time-hopping newbie in the face.
“The first step to training is.... establishing the training space!” Genji blurted out. He vaguely remembered some lectures from his Shimada clan trainers indicating something similar, but the force that propelled those words from his mouth were more of the ‘70% panic’ variety.
“Establishing the training ground?” Tracer tilted her head.
“You can’t train in a cluttered space,” Genji pointed at the countless broken bits of training bots strewn across the training grounds, “You can start by cleaning those up.”
“...isn’t that your mess?” said Tracer.
“Who’s the teacher here?” said Genji, folding his arms.
“Right! Of course! Sorry!” said Tracer with a sharp salute before zipping off in a blue streak. Genji flinched hard at how inhumanly fast she moved and she seemed to catch herself as well, skidding to a halt on her heels. “Winston!” she called out excitedly, “Did you see that!? I did the thing! I did the speedy thing again!! I didn’t even think about it!! You’re such a good teacher, Genji!”
“I know,” said Genji, trying to look off stoically as Tracer zipped around the training grounds, picking up broken training bot bits and laughing between flashes of blue light.
“...you don’t know what ‘the speedy thing’ is, do you?” said Winston, very quietly.
“No,” Genji replied, also very quietly.
“You’re making this up as you go along,” Winston said flatly.
“It’s called ‘adapting,’” said Genji. He could still feel Winston’s eyes on him, skeptical. “I can adapt,” Genji said, mostly to himself as Tracer threw a bunch of training bot parts into a recycling bin with a loud clatter.
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atlafan · 4 years
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a/n: these have been in my inbox for a while, and I thought why not just get all of these into one big blurby bundle??? I think I hit the main things everyone wanted. Enjoy! There is smut in this fam! @dancinginblackandred​ @harryhiswatermelon​
Lock the Door - Blurb Four - Harry and Y/N Play House
The semester was just about to end, and finals week was upon everyone. But that didn’t mean parties weren’t still a thing. Harry was hesitant to bring Y/N over to Matt’s, but she had practically begged him to bring her out. 
“I need to de-stress, and his parties are fun.” She whines. 
“I know, but...it’s a little awkward, don’t you think? Have you two even spoken so since you hooked up?”
“No.” She shrugs. “Doesn’t he know you and I are together?”
“I haven’t had a chance to say anything. I’ve been busy working on different projects.” 
“Harry, please, bring me with you. I need to go out and have fun, and I’d rather have fun with you.” She pouts.
“God.” He leans in to kiss her. “You make it really hard to say no...” 
It’s a chilly evening, so Y/N clings to Harry’s arm as they walk. The smells of weed and alcohol fill their nostrils as they walk into the apartment. Harry finds a place to put their coats, and the second he finds Y/N, Matt has already backed her up against a wall, clearly uncomfortable. Harry rolls his eyes and comes onto the scene. He yanks Matt back by the collar of his shirt. 
“Yo, what the fuck, Harry?”
“She’s got a boyfriend, mate.”
“Oh really, who?” He crosses his arms. 
“Me.” Harry takes a step closer, getting in his face.
“Harry, relax, I was just about to tell him.” Y/N says, hoping a fight isn’t about to break out. 
“Whatever.” Matt rolls his eyes. “Her and loose cunt are worth it anyw-” Smack.
Y/N gasps as Matt hits the floor. Harry looks down at his knuckles and then to her. She grabs him and pulls him into the kitchen to get some ice. She moves people out of the way as she does so. She gets some ice from the freezer and finds a cloth to wrap it in.
“You didn’t have to do that.” She says, not looking up at him.
“Don’t even start, you heard what he said.”
“I did.” She looks up at him. “You should have let me punch him.” She winks, and he hooks an arm around her to hug her close. 
“Harry, did you just punch Matt?” One of his other friends asks.
“Yeah, he was talking shit about my girlfriend, is that a problem?”
“Nope, just wanted to confirm it was you.” He shrugs. “Didn’t know if we needed to kick some random out.”
“Nah,it was me.” 
Finals week was busy as fuck. This would be the last week Harry and Y/N would have until they’d both be going home for for the holidays. Sure, they’d be coming back two weeks later to be on campus for winter break, but still. Y/N just had projects or presentations, nothing she really needed to study for. But Harry was either in the computer lab working on a larger screen for his graphic design stuff, or down at the studio painting. 
Every time she looked over at his empty bed she was sad. He’d come home super late and would be too tired to even crawl into bed with her. One night she decides to order a small pizza and bring it down to him. It was kind of creepy going into the studio so late. 
“Harry?” She squeaks as she goes into the room she knows he paints in.
“Y/N?” He looks up and rubs his eyes. “Did you walk down her by yourself? It’s late.” He frowns.
“Had my keys in my hand the whole time.” She smiles. “I brought you some pizza.” 
“Aww...” He takes it from her and kisses her cheek. “Thank you.”
“I feel like I haven’t seen you all week.”
“I know, I’m sorry.” He sighs and grabs a slice. “My graphic design stuff took longer than I thought so I’m frantically trying to get things done here. I know you wanted to spend time together before we’re both gone for two weeks.” 
“It’s okay, I understand. Wanna show me what you’ve been working on?” 
He nods and walks her around to the different drawings and paintings. He explains the choices he made for each one. She was in awe of him. 
“You’re so talented, I can’t get over it.” She wraps her arms around his waist and nuzzles into his chest. “Miss you.” She mumbles. 
“Fuck, and I still have so much to do...otherwise I’d come home now.” 
“Any chance of you taking a break?” She looks up at him.
“What kind of break.” He smirks. 
“Are there cameras in here?” She looks around. 
“Not in the rooms no, just in the halls. Are you suggesting what I think you are?”
“Could be fun?” She smiles. 
He grabs her by the hips and lifts her onto the table. She giggles while he hooks his fingers into her leggings. 
“I’m very surprised by you.”
“Thought you knew by now that I’m not some goody goody.”
“I know, but this is like...really cool.” He kisses her as her hands work his belt and zipper. 
Harry slides her leggings down and leaves them around her ankles. He runs his fingers over he slit and moves her panties to the side. She groans into the kiss as he pushes his fingers inside her. 
“Still need to be quiet, I may be the only one in this room, but I’m not the only one in the building.” 
“Okay.” She whispers. 
“I don’t have any condoms with me, shit.” 
“In my jacket.” You nod over to it. 
Even though they both had been intimate a million times at this point, neither of them had been tested, so condoms were still a good idea. They both agreed to go to the doctor when you’re home. 
“You thought of everything didn’t you?” He smirks as he rifles through her jacket pocket. 
He rolls the condom on his hard cock and pulls her a little closer. her head rolls back the second his tip starts to push inside. Her legs wrap around his waist to get him even closer. She clings to him, nails digging into his back. The room was filled with the sounds of their heavy breathing and panting. 
“Shit, I’m...I’m not gonna last very long...” He groans. “You feel too good.” 
“It’s okay, just touch me.” She leans back on her elbows, and his hand immediately starts rubbing her clit, while his other clutches to her hip. 
“Fuck, Y/N.” He grunts. 
She loved making him feel this way. He also just knew exactly what to do with his hands. Her release was coming just as quick. She bites her bottom lip and put her forearm over her mouth to stifle her moans. He loses it when she does. They stay like that for a moment until they both catch their breaths. He pulls out and finds a garbage can for the condom. She hops of the table and pulls her leggings back up. 
“I hope your phone’s charged.” He says to her.
“Because I still have work to do, and no way am I lettin’ yeh walk back by yourself. So sit and get comfy, okay?”
“Alright.” She shrugs, too fucked out to argue. She grabs a slice of pizza and sits as he gets back to painting.
As she watches him it dawns on her that she’s totally and completely in love with Harry. She almost chokes on her pizza just thinking about it. She couldn’t tell him, could she? Would it make things weird? What if everything went wrong?
“Y/N?” Harry turns around to look at her, leaning against the table. 
“I, uh, I love you.” 
“I love you too, Harry.” 
“Cool.” He smiles and turns back around.
Y/N was happy to be back on campus, especially since she had her entire apartment alone with Harry. Liv and Chris didn’t have a reason for being on campus. Y/N got an easy job working for admissions answering calls, emails, and sending out mail. Harry would usually get back from basketball practice when she’d be getting home from work. They’d cook together a lot, it was great. 
“Hey...” He was looking around your shared room. “What if we pushed our beds together like Liv and Chris?” He turns to look at you.
“We can’t.”
“Why not?” He frowns. 
“Because...well...I finally told my parents we were sharing a room like I said I would...they weren’t thrilled, but they understood with Liv and Chris. But...”
“You still haven’t told them we’re together?” He sits down next to her, clearly disappointed. “I told my mum...”
“I know, I’m sorry. I just have this fear that they’ll yank me out of here if they knew. They like you, I just think they wouldn’t understand. I mean, to them it’s like we’re playing house at a really young age.”
“So they don’t mind we’re sharing a room?”
“They’re annoyed, but they’re dealing with it. I’m sorry, Harry. I’ll tell them, I just can’t yet.” 
“Well, they always call before they visit. Why not push ‘em together, and then we can separate ‘em when they come?” 
“Oh, so you don’t like being pressed up against each other all night anymore?” She jokes.
“I love it, but it would be nice to have a bit more room to spread out.” He kisses her. “Don’t you think?” 
“I suppose.” She kisses him. 
“Are you able to come to my game tomorrow?” 
“Mhm.” She smiles. “And I’m gonna drive out to your away game this weekend. I’ll be like your personal cheerleader.”
“You’re the best.” He squishes his nose to yours and gives you another kiss. 
Harry had gotten Y/N a sweatshirt with his last name and jersey number on it for her to wear to his games. A lot of the guys did that with for their girlfriends. She was happy to wear it. She looked extremely cute sitting in the stands. She waved to him and blew him a kiss. He was a starting player, so he was very busy. 
She had completely forgotten the dance team would also be there in their skimpy outfits. Harry wasn’t allowed to chat between quarters, coach’s rules, but that didn’t apply to the dance team girls. Y/N felt annoyed when she saw him laughing with a couple of them. He looks up at her and waves though, taking all jealousy away. He only had eyes for her and she knew that. 
“Woo! Go Harry!” She would cheer and clap for him, especially when he made a basket. 
The team won the game, it was very exciting. Y/N knew it was okay to go onto the court when she saw the other girlfriends go down to their boyfriends. She races down the bleachers and practically jumped into his arms. He spun her around and kissed her.
“Sorry.” He sets her down and lets her go. “M’all sweaty. Might shower quick.” 
“Please, don’t ever apologize. You know I think you look hot like this.” She runs her hand up his tattooed arm. 
“H, meet us downtown in an hour to celebrate.” One of the guys says and he nods. 
“Feel like goin’ out?”
“Where to?”
“One of the bars.”
“But...we’re not twenty-one yet.”
“They’re cool with us during winter break usually. They’ll just stamp our hands. Then we’ll go back to Pete’s for a real party.” He grins.
“Sounds good to me.” 
Harry looks around and sees not many people going into the locker room, and tugs you to walk in there with him. 
“Harry.” She whispers. “Isn’t your coach still here?”
“You mean my female coach whose office is in the women’s locker room?” He cock’s an eyebrow at you. “Think we’re good. I need to shower and it’ll take too much time to go all the way back home.” 
“I know you don’t think I’m getting naked in here.” She crosses her arms. 
“Oh, so you’ll fuck me in the studio, but not in here?”
“Nope, sorry. It stinks in here. But...we’re gonna drive downtown right?”
“So...shower quick.” She winks and leaves the locker room.
Harry does so and meets her back in the main part of the gym. They walk out to his car and she immediately climbs into the back seat. He smirks and starts the car up so it can get warm. He joins her in the back.
“See.” She says straddling him. “Isn’t this better?”
“Mhm.” He kisses on her neck. “I love seein’ yeh wear this sweatshirt.” 
“I love wearing it.” She rolls her hips down on his. She feels him growing hard against him. “You have no idea the torture of watching you play, and get all sweaty, and see your muscles and just everything about you out there.”
“I thought it was torturous watchin’ me paint?” He says against her neck as he tugs the sweatshirt off her. 
“It is, it’s all torture. My biggest problem with you is that you’re too sexy, Harry. Everything you do is hot.” 
“I could say the same for you.” He unhooks her bra and shoves his face into her chest and groans. “This is my favorite place in the world.” He mumbles, making her giggle. “Right between.” He kisses on one of her breasts. “These big.” He kisses on the other. “Tits.” He licks around one of her nipples and sucks it into his mouth. She rolls her hips on his again, grinding against his hard-on. 
She reaches for the button on his jeans and the hem of his shirt. It was clear she wanted him naked. He rips his shirt off and tugs his jeans down. She gets hers off as well. He takes her gets her fixed on all fours. She thinks he’s about to stick it in, but she jolts when she feels his tongue. 
“Just need to taste yeh first, that alright?”
His tongue works from her clit all the way up dangerously close to her other hole. His tongue enters her center while his thumb works her clit. 
“Harry, please, fuck me.” She groans. “Need your dick, please.” 
He pulls away from her lines his dick up with her and pushes in. They both sigh with relief. They had been using condoms less since they both came back clean. 
“You feel so fuckin’ good.” He moans.
“So do you, so big.” She bites her bottom lip. 
The windows in the car got foggy, and they could barely hear the music coming from the radio from how loud his skin was slapping against her. His balls were hitting against her clit just right. 
“Oh my god, fuck, don’t stop.” She moans. 
He moves faster and faster, and he feels her tighten around him. She lets out a moan of his name as she releases around him. He pulls out to come on her ass. She was panting and collapses onto her stomach. Harry grabs a towel from his gym bag to clean her up.
“Thanks.” She breathes. 
He hums his response as she flips over. He pulls her panties and jeans up her legs for her and she smiles big at him. 
“I love you.”She says.
“I love you too.”
They both finish getting dressed and drive down to the bar. Y/N liked Harry’s basketball friends, they were really nice. Some even had boyfriends. They all order some nachos and other junk food to split. 
Y/N knew as soon as the semester started the little bubble they were in would burst, but for now all was good. Her head was leaning on the shoulder of the guy she was absolutely smitten with. Harry Styles was in a monogamous relationship for the first time in his life, and he couldn’t be happier. 
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stereksecretsanta · 4 years
Merry Christmas, inatshej!
For @inatshej. I’ve never written a high school AU before, but I wanted to make Inatshej’s secret santa dreams come true. I hope I did your wishes justice <3
CW for homophobic bullying, but it's not the focus of the story. Also, there is brief mention of the death of Stiles' mother.
Read On AO3
To Be Held By You
Derek knew there must be something wrong with him from a young age. He knew because how many times had his parents given their speech about the importance of raising the next generation for werewolf society? How many times had his uncle given the “werewolves will become endangered species if we don't procreate more” speech at a pack meeting? His purpose in life was to raise more cubs, and that required Derek to kiss a girl.  He tried touching himself to pictures of Taylor Swift, but at the moment of truth his mind wandered back to Taylor Lautner.
High school proved even more challenging. Derek tried to join in his teammates’ objectifying discussions about their substitute teacher, Ms. Argent, but he felt like an obvious impostor. After basketball practice Derek hung back to shoot extra baskets to avoid being in the locker room. Later, to his dismay, someone else drew his eye in chemistry class.  
“Mr. Stilinski. Glad you could finally join us,” Mr. Harris bit out as Stiles’ desk scraped against the floor.
Stiles looked lovely with flushed cheeks, Derek grudgingly admitted to himself.
“Sorry, I overslept. I had a busy night looking for that dead body in the woods.”
Mr. Harris gave a tight lipped smile while the rest of the class laughed at Stiles. Stiles either didn’t seem to care or didn’t realize the laughter was directed at him.
Jackson’s voice cut above the cruel raucous. “Stilinski here thinks he’s Scooby-Doo.” And then Jackson started barking obnoxiously.
Derek wanted to crawl under his desk. They sounded like a butchered version of a pack of angry basset hounds and it grated at his sensitive hearing. Not to mention poor Stiles. Derek watched to see his reaction, but Stiles just caught Derek’s stare and rolled his eyes. Derek’s face heated, and he glanced away.
Erica nudged Derek’s side. “Scott and Stiles are here.”
Derek glanced up from his plastic cup. The pounding beat of the bass almost drowned out her voice, and Derek had no way of hearing what Stiles was saying across the huge loft. His eyesight was certainly good enough to admire Stiles’ tight t-shirt though. “You know him?”
“Who, Stiles? Of course. I had a huge crush on him in middle school actually.”
Derek coughed on his next sip. “I thought he was a new kid.”
Erica waved her hand. “Nope. Actually, he’s the sheriff’s kid. Just took some time off last year because his mom was in the hospital.”
Derek braced himself. “Is she…?”
Erica nodded gravely. “She didn’t make it. But he seems like he’s back to his old self now. Want to see if they want some company?”
Derek tried in vain to grab her sleeve before she sauntered off. “No, Erica, wait-!” Derek waved away a girl’s paintbrush as he craned his neck to see what Erica’s was planning. Luckily, Derek could see through the throngs of people in the dim lights and glowing that Erica got sidetracked by running into Boyd. There was no distraction more helpful than the guy Erica was currently crushing on. However, unluckily, Stiles also got distracted. A pretty brunette with neon orange lips grabbed Stiles’ hand and dragged him to the dance floor. Derek strained to hear, but to no avail.
All the DJ’s songs blended into one another, so Derek couldn’t tell how much time passed. Eventually Erica sauntered over, happily under Boyd’s arm. In tow, was Stiles. It seemed they were all in the middle of a conversation.
Erica poked Stiles’ arm. “I thought you were into guys?”
Stiles took a gulp of his drink. “What do you mean?”
“You were making out with Caitlin. What about your crush on Danny sophomore year?”
Stiles scoffed. “Erica, I will have you know I am an equal opportunity lover.” At her smirk, he added, “I’m bisexual! Ever heard of it?”
Boyd gave Stiles a fist bump. “That’s cool, man.”
Stiles grinned and cupped his hands around his mouth to shout into the mess of writhing bodies. It was impossible he would be heard over the pounding music, but his new friends would hear. “I’M BISEXUAL AND I’M SINGLE!” His laugh warmed the already hot loft space. “Hey, I’m Stiles, by the way.” And then he winked at Derek.
Oh shit. Derek’s crush just got slightly more attainable. And that scared him.
On Monday at school Derek found Stiles waiting by his locker. “Hey dude, you’re looking pretty as ever.”
Derek gulped. “Um.”
Stiles stepped out of the way of Derek’s locker so he could put his backpack away. He licked his lips and his heart beat wildly. “So...Harris is making us pick lab partners today in chemistry. And I was thinking-”
Jackson’s bellow from the end of the hall cut in. “Yo Stilinski! Who let you into the party on Friday? Everyone knows you’re a narc!”
Stiles rolled his eyes. “You’re just jealous I wouldn’t dance with you, Whittmore.”
Jackson strode closer. “You hear that everybody? Stiles wanted me to dance with him.” He loomed over Stiles then and Stiles had to push his shoulders back against the lockers. “Too bad. I don’t dance with f*gs who run home and tell the Sheriff I host parties at my parent’s loft property.”
“What the hell are you talking about?”
Jackson sneered. “Don’t play innocent. My parents took my car keys and you’re going to pay for it. Just you wait.”
Stiles barked out a laugh. “You seriously think the Sheriff’s department gives a shit about you? Your parents probably found out because Matt tagged you on Facebook.”
That only seemed to enrage Jackson more. “You calling me stupid?” Jackson clenched his fist, but before he could move his arm, Derek wrenched Jackson’s arm back. The growing crowd backed up, expecting a brawl.
Derek usually tried to stay under the radar. If he got in any fights it could put their whole pack in jeopardy. The student body witnessing a 17 year old kid win a fight with ease and then walk away without a scratch always seemed too risky. But for Stiles, Derek acted without thinking.
Stiles’ eyes widened as Derek grabbed Jackson’s shoulder and shoved him to the other side of the locker bay. “Don’t touch him!” Derek’s barely contained strength hinted at a power Jackson could only dream of.
Jackson struggled against him, but couldn’t get loose. “Whoa, chill out, Hale,” Jackson sputtered. “It was just a joke.” Derek smelled the beginnings of fear now.
Derek leaned over Jackson to growl in his ear. “Leave Stiles alone or I won’t hold back next time.” He released Jackson, but not before flashing his eyes for good measure. Jackson’s veneer of superiority completely dropped away to reveal wide eyes. Satisfied, Derek dropped his arms and stepped back.
Jackson pushed his way through the onlookers. “Get out of my way, Greenberg.”
Derek shuddered. Shit. If his mom got wind of this…
“Dude! That was awesome!” They both glanced at the still gathered crowd. “Let’s get out of here.”
Derek followed Stiles down the hallway and around the corner into an empty classroom. “Isn’t this room usually locked during first period?”
Stiles grinned, eyes sparkling. “I have my ways.” Up close like this Derek could see they were about the same height.
The lights were off, but Derek’s eyesight picked up bean bags strewn in the corner.
“Don’t worry. I’ve memorized Ms. Blake’s schedule, because Scott and Allison sneak in here all the time to make out,” Stiles whispered into the dim light.
Derek took a shallow breath and scented the arousal permeating the bean bag chairs. He visibly blanched.
“Oh! Not that I brought you in here to make out!” Stiles reddened and took a step back from him. Derek missed the heat of his body. “I just wanted to get you away from the prying eyes before someone realized you were a werewolf.”
Derek’s stomach dropped. Had he let his family’s secret up after all? “What did you say?”
Stiles stopped short. “Was I not supposed to say anything?”
“How-, What-What do you know?”
“Relax, Derbear. I’m not a hunter or anything. My best friend’s a werewolf.” Stiles reached for his shoulder. He probably meant it to be a reassuring hold, but Derek couldn’t help but think this is the first time Stiles ever touched him. The heat and pressure of his hand left Derek reeling.
It took Derek a second to comprehend. “...Scott?”
“Yep,” Stiles said. Stiles gave his shoulder a final pat and took his hand off. “Bit by a rogue alpha a few months ago.
“Oh,” Derek managed. He supposed he remembered something familiar coming up in a recent pack meeting.
“We good?”
Derek let out a breath, and his lips turned up. “Yeah.”
“Cool.” Stiles grinned back. “So, what I was trying to say earlier. Do you want to be my lab partner in Harris’ class?”
“Sure, Stiles,” Derek said, still smiling.
The shrill bell interrupted the warm stillness. Derek listened at the door and nodded to Stiles. “The coast is clear.”
Stiles poked his head out, then strode back toward the lockers. The hallways were now deserted. “I guess Jackson didn’t send the dean over.”
Derek’s face darkened. “And he won’t if he knows what’s good for him.”
“Man, the toxic masculinity really does it for me apparently,” Stiles muttered. “Hey, do you think I’m attractive to straight guys?”
“Never mind.”
After that Derek’s friends unanimously adopted Stiles into their group. It seemed Stiles’ best friend since childhood spent all his time with his new girlfriend anyway. Erica loved having someone to talk boys with and Boyd enjoyed practicing lacrosse with someone who hadn’t betrayed him for the basketball team. (Derek tried to get Boyd to understand that it was easier for him to hide his wolf strength in basketball than in lacrosse, but Boyd wouldn't listen.)
After Scott’s particularly sappy winter formal proposal to Allison during lunch Stiles rolled his eyes and turned to the rest of the group. “So who’s going to the dance?”
Boyd glimpsed up from his chips and shared a smile with Erica, like they were in on the same secret.
Stiles stole Erica’s apple while she was otherwise occupied making doe eyes at her new boyfriend. “I meant other than the obvious lovebirds,” he grumbled. He glanced at Derek and his cheeks flushed.
Malia cut in before Derek could flounder over his words. “Derek’s taking Kira for me as usual. My dad would literally flip a table if he knew Kira and I are actually a couple.”
Stiles’ gaze broke away from Derek to gape at Malia. “Oh shit, seriously? Well aren’t you a good cousin, Derek.” Stiles got that calculating look that promised gears were turning in his head. It was never a good sign when it was directed at Derek. With a perfect air of casual he added, “Then I should take you, Malia, to avoid further suspicion. Derek and I can be de facto dates once we get to the dance and let you and Kira do your thing.” He winked at Derek then, and it was Derek’s turn to feel his face heat.
Up until then Derek’s crushes were unattainable, like a famous person or the cute counselor at werewolf summer camp. Now his crush was his “de facto” date to the winter formal. Against his better judgment Derek couldn’t stop staring at Stiles. He watched Stiles’ nimble fingers put Malia’s corsage around her wrist, and he shivered imagining what Stiles’ touch would feel like on his own skin.
“Everything okay, Derek?”
Derek started and turned to his mother. “Of course.”
“Kira seems awfully quiet today.”
They turned to see Kira watching Stiles and Malia posing for pictures with an unreadable expression.
“Um, I think she’s feeling awkward being the only kitsune here.”
“Right,” Talia said. “You know, that Stiles sure is charming.”
“I guess,” Derek grumbled.
“We’d better finish up with pictures soon then.” She winked at Derek. Addressing everyone, she said, “Alright everyone. One more group picture.” She motioned to the boys to line up. “Girls, stand in front of the boys.”
The wolves had been devising ways to avoid the lens flare. This time everyone was directed to look at their dates. The girls angled to look up at the boys, but at that moment Malia leaned over to whisper something in Kira’s ear, and the two of them giggled at one another. The shutter also caught Derek turning to gaze at Stiles at the same time Stiles happened to eye him too.
Stiles nudged him as they stood in line to the gym. “You clean up good, dude.”
Derek glared at his shoes. “You too.” That was an understatement. Stiles looked stunning in his fit, dark black suit. Stiles usually wore baggy flannel or sweatshirts. This was a new side of him Derek could absolutely get used to. The fact that Stiles left the first couple buttons of his shirt open made Derek’s mouth water. He wanted to bite that hint of collarbone.
Even Lydia, Jackson’s ex, eyed Stiles appreciatively and sent a sly smile his way. Stiles beamed back at her for a moment.
Once inside Derek’s ears had to adjust to the DJ’s booming volume and the smell of cologne overpowering the faint smell of gym socks. Stiles needed no adjustment. He grabbed Malia’s and Kira’s hands and pointed to the dance floor where Scott and Allison already were. Derek watched with amusement as Stiles and his friends formed a circle, Stiles dancing frenetically.
Derek himself wasn’t much of a dancer, but he was content to watch Stiles bounce around. While Stiles finished up a fast rendition of Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree with Lydia the tune changed to a slow ballad.
Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas... the speakers crooned.
Derek expected Lydia to find Jackson for this one, but to Derek’s horror Stiles turned to Lydia and pulled her close.
Derek may have been enjoying the occasional brush of their hands during chemistry labs, and he still savored Stiles’ hand on his shoulder, but he never got to be held by him like that. The song never seemed to end. If Stiles hadn’t had a partner for this one then maybe he would have turned to his “de facto” date.
Derek knew he was scowling, but hoped Stiles wouldn’t be able to tell from his vantage hooked over Lydia’s shoulder. Finally, the song ended and Derek could breathe again.
After the song ended Stiles strode up with punch in one hand. “Why so sour, Sourwolf?”
Derek’s jaw tightened. Something dangerously close to the truth flew out of his mouth. “You and Lydia looked pretty cozy.”
Stiles rubbed his hand over his buzzed hair. “When we were dancing?”
“Nothing. It’s stupid,” Derek grumbled.
Stiles nudged him goodnaturedly. “Were you jealous?” Stiles teased.
Derek blushed. “Shut up.”
“You’re such a sweet talker. Of course I’ll dance with you.” Stiles took Derek’s hand and pulled him to the dance floor.
It wasn’t the slow song Derek dreamed of. However, even with a fast song he could be close to Stiles. Stiles’ scent wafted around him; a mix of the dry cleaning on his suit, his pine deodorant that made him smell like the woods, and that exquisite scent all his own. Every now and then Stiles would take Derek’s hands and pull him closer or shimmy against him.
Dancing with Stiles almost made Derek forget they were in the same room where he had to practice basketball every weeknight. He could tune out his classmates shamelessly grinding on each other with the warmth of Stiles’ body. The twinkling lights on the ceiling actually seemed to transform the space to a winter wonderland as the winter formal posters had promised.
Just when Derek thought he might be getting a hang of where he should put his arms while dancing Erica and Boyd bounded up to them and pulled them apart.
“Who’s coming to Jackson’s party with us?”
Stiles seemed to shake himself. “Right now?”
“Yes, now, silly! No one stays after the DJ starts playing remixes of Jingle Bells.”
Derek’s scowl returned. He didn’t want the night to end yet.
Stiles shrugged. “I’m not keen on going to another Whittmore party.” Stiles eyed him, then said. “If everyone’s going to the loft party you and me can just hang out at my place and watch a movie or something.”
At that Derek had to duck his head to hide his grin. “Sure.”
Stiles’ home was small, but cozy. A warm lamp lit the couch in the living room, and the tree’s twinkling lights sent a sparkling glow across the rest of the room. The room was filled with Stiles scent mingled with the tree’s needles. Best of all, Derek couldn’t hear anyone else in the house.
Stiles gestured to the couch. “Make yourself at home. My dad’s working somet overtime tonight so we have the place to ourselves.”
Derek gulped. He sat on the couch and rubbed his hands over his thighs. Stiles’ long fingers undid the buttons on his suit jacket as he spoke, and Derek couldn’t turn away.
“Can I get you anything to drink?”
“Uh…” His mouth was suddenly quite dry.
“Dude. Earth to Derek.”
“Water’s fine,” he managed to croak out.
While Stiles tripped to the kitchen Derek glanced around the room and took in the family photo frames decorating the space, the homemade quilt that smelled faintly of perfume hanging over the back of the couch, and the impressive collection of DVDs.
“See anything you like?”
Derek jumped in an uncharacteristic startle. “What?!”
“Did you see a movie you want to watch?”
“Oh! I’m good with Marvel I guess.”
“Avengers it is,” Stiles said.
Derek couldn’t tell what time it was, but time seemed to stop in the Stilinski house. The old couch was worn and soft, with cushions deep enough to sink into. Stiles sat down close enough to bump their legs when either of them shifted. Stiles’ breathing echoed in Derek’s ears, and his heartbeat drowned out the battle sounds. Out of the corner of his eye Derek admired Stiles’ freckles on his neck and the enticing part of his lips. Stiles hypnotized him. That must be the only explanation for Derek letting his guard down.
“Chris Evans can get it,” Stiles said, practically drooling at the screen, oblivious to Derek’s admiration.
Derek harrumphed, arms crossed. “I like Tom Holland better.”
That got Stiles’ attention away from the screen. The devilish upturn of Stiles’ lips made Derek realize what just came out of his mouth.
“I mean…”
Stiles’ eyes traveled up and down Derek’s torso, his half smile never wavering. “I knew it. I knew you were into guys.”
“I don’t-, I mean...Fuck.” Derek hung his head. “Yeah.” For some reason Derek wanted to cry.
Stiles paused the movie and scooted closer to Derek on the couch. “Hey, man, I didn’t mean to freak you out. Despite my chatterbox reputation I can keep a secret.”
“No, that’s not it. I just...I’ve never said it out loud to anyone before.” He admitted it. He admitted he liked boys and the world was still spinning. Derek took a deep, shuddering breath. For years he feared his secret would disgust those he cared about, but instead the secret was out and the boy he liked was staring at his lips with a hungry gleam in his eyes. Suddenly it felt like he could do anything. “I’ve never kissed a guy before either.”
Stiles’ teeth grazed over his bottom lip. “Should I put my licorice down or am I reading this wrong?”
Derek huffed. “Put the licorice down, Stiles.”
The words were barely out of Derek’s mouth before Stiles plastered himself to Derek with a whimper. Derek arched against him. This was the most friction and heat he’d ever gotten from Stiles and he never wanted it to end. Derek’s lips were drawn to Stiles’ like the pull of the moon; it was impossible to fight. Every time Derek thought they should probably stop he leaned back in for just one more, and then another.
Stiles seemed equally transfixed. When Derek licked along the tendons on his neck Stiles uttered a series of desperate “Oh my god”s that left Derek gasping into a particularly sharp bite with his human teeth.
The unfamiliar crunch of tires drew Derek out of his haze. “Stiles, there’s someone in your driveway.”
Stiles pulled away. His chin was pink from Derek’s stubble and his lips plumped from their kissing in a way that made Derek want to dive back in. Gods that mouth. “...Shit my dad’s home. I didn’t know it got so late.”
They both sheepishly realized the movie ended ages ago.
“Do you want me to go?” Derek asked reluctantly.
“I want you to be my boyfriend,” Stiles sighed.
“Okay,” he said. And Derek sealed it with a brief peck before pulling back to give some semblance of composure for Stiles’ father, the sheriff, oh crap.
Stiles beamed at him from the other side of the couch. “Seriously?”
Derek nodded. He’d never been more sure of something before in his life.
Having a boyfriend was one thing. At school Derek could openly gaze at Stiles in class now and Stiles would blush and wink at him. But at home Derek hadn’t told his family just yet. When his mom came into his room the night before winter break he knew he wanted to start telling them the truth about him and Stiles.
“Knock knock. Derek, honey, do you want to bring Kira to Christmas Eve dinner?”
Derek gulped. “I’m not dating Kira.”
“You broke up?”
“Mom...Alpha. I have to tell you something.” Derek took a deep breath. “I don’t think I like girls at all actually. I like boys.” He couldn’t meet his mother’s eyes.
“That’s wonderful, honey. I’m so glad you finally told me.”
Derek raised his eyebrows. “You’re not mad?”
Her forehead creased. “You know I love you beyond the moon and back. Why would you think I’d be mad about your sexuality?”
“I’m not a good pack member if I don’t father children,” Derek said, studying the patterns in his floor.
Derek’s mother held him close and scented his neck. “Oh my darling Derek. You’ve been carrying so much in your heart.”
Derek’s breath hitched, but he tried to hold in his wet gasp.
She pulled back to sandwich his cheeks between her hands and meet his gaze. “There is no expectation of heterosexuality in our pack. Or in most packs. That is human nonsense, and I won’t stand for it.”
“Yes, oh. Uncle Peter’s spent too much time in the Bible belt it seems. I should have removed his voice box years ago,” she grumbled. “Now, have you heard of the male penguin couples that raise abandoned eggs?” At Derek’s blank expression she continued. “Homosexual werewolves hold a great honor in our society. They fulfill the needs of adoption and foster parenting orphaned or abandoned cubs.”
“So I can still be a father someday?”
“Of course! I’m sure you and Stiles can find a way to raise children however you see fit.”
“Really dear, you can’t expect a werewolf nose not to realize you were canoodling with him the night of the winter formal. You came back reeking of- Well let’s just say, a werewolf household doesn’t offer as much privacy as one would think.”
Derek groaned. “Well, I guess in that case no one will be surprised if I bring him as my boyfriend to Christmas Eve dinner.”
“He’s always welcome here.” She kissed his forehead and Derek felt tears prick at his eyes. He couldn’t wait to call Stiles to tell him the news.
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newtafterdark · 4 years
Taste of Metal - Chapter 10: Sweet Beans AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26157634/chapters/66411679 What if the overwhelming VR experience Gordon went through, had a deeper purpose than just being a simple simulation & a freelance debug job for him?But most importantly- what if Gordon Freeman listens to Metal & used to be in a band? aka. the “Metalhead Gordon AU”
- - The digital clock on the wall said 4:36 PM. 
 Gordon was laying on the futons in the living room, limbs lazily stretched out and staring at the ceiling. Most members of the Science Team were currently preparing dinner in the kitchen, supervised by Joshua.
 The past few days had been... certainly something. It felt like he had attempted speedrunning several different things at the same time because there was an unsettling feeling of time running out fast for something if he didn't. 
 He knew that was his anxiety. The feeling of too little time for anything, his thoughts running 88 miles per hour, sending him down rabbit holes of thoughts and worries. Especially, since his last job for Black Mesa had him mess up his medication schedule during his time in the simulation. He was slowly getting back to what he considered his personal normal state... and it was honestly a relief. 
 Gordon turned his head to the side, acknowledging Benrey, who was sitting beside him on a pillow, Gordon's injured arm gently laying on his open palms as he was applying a new layer of healing sweetvoice to it. 
His arm was significantly better now. Still sensitive to touch, but all in all healing. Though he had to admit that the scars that had been forming in the process were... unique. 
 The edge of where the mess started was more akin to what he had expected - lighter coloured slightly bumpy lines & patches where the skin had been damaged. 
 But the area where it had been an open wound? That's where it looked... unusual. It looked like a protective layer of flesh & skin had formed where it shouldn't have without a proper surgery. The skin there was just as light as the scarring on the edge... but it felt new. Sensitive. And a certain amount of weird because... well, this simply wasn't what a human body would do on its own during a healing process.
 Then again... his body had been getting help with the whole thing-
 Gordon closed his eyes and let out a soft hum, almost harmonizing with Benrey holding a steady note beside him, as the cool sweetvoice hit his arm. 
 He hadn't really had the time to ponder over the fact that he was sharing his apartment with several non-humans... but laying on a comfy futon, having to hold still and wait for Benrey to be done sweetvoicing at him - yeah, that sounded like a good time as any.
 Well, until he noticed that Benrey stopped singing. He opened one eye, seeing Benrey looking at him with a questioning look on his face, his head slightly tilted to the left.
 "Yo, you gonna space out on me with 'em big thoughts?", Benrey asked.
 Gordon chuckled at that. 
 "I told you once and I'll tell you again - your sweetvoice is good. Helpful and... just really relaxing. Helps my brain shut up about the painful shit and lets me focus on things I actually want to think about. Can't help it, my dude.", he said with a shrug and a soft smile.
 "Huh.", was all Benrey said, keeping eye contact with Gordon.
 The human in question blinked up at the guard.
 "If you want... I can tell you my thoughts while you do... uh... the healing thing? No need to reply to me, just... I don't know, me rambling for a bit?"
 Now it was Benrey's turn to blink - and to Gordon's surprise similarly to a lizard, an eye-lid-like part of eyes closing over them sideways.
 "... that's so fucking cool...", Gordon whispered in awe, staring at Benrey with wide eyes.
 "Whu- What?"
 "The thing your eyes do when you blink! I... I guess I was never close enough to actually notice it. It just looks cool, is all I'm saying."
 "W-Wow, Gordon Flirtman here trying to butter me up with the compliments?"
 Despite his quick retort, Benrey visibly turned a shade darker and averted his eyes, letting out a few pink orbs of sweetvoice before returning to the healing teal.
 Gordon let out an amused huff, resting his free arm behind his head and looking back at the ceiling.
 "Look, I just appreciate all the cool non-human things you and the others can do. I... I don't know how much of it was just part of the simulation and what you can do now that you're free again... but it's simply exciting to me!"
 He heard a slightly deeper-pitched tone coming from Benrey, somehow making him feel like it was okay to continue talking.
 "So many terrifying things crawled out of the Breach over the past years... all with the goal to destroy and to conquer. The Kaiju and every other creature related to them were all I had for reference for non-human beings for a long time. Aside from Joshua, of course, but you get what I mean."
 Benrey let out a few notes that sounded similar to a soft "Uh-huh". 
Gordon continued. 
 "But as scary as you guys think you are... and as you can be-"
 Gordon turned his head towards Benrey once more.
 "- Thank you for being you. Silly, obnoxious, chaotic and kind. And for showing me that not everything you can find beyond portals and in shady labs is something I should fear forever. That I needed to learn to listen and learn, again. To understand. To actually be the kind of scientist I always wanted to be."
 They sat there for a while, Benrey laser-focused on Gordon's arm, a few stray orbs of sweetvoice remaining in the air between them as he eventually closed his mouth.
 "I did a good... thing? By being- uh, me?", Benrey eventually stuttered out, still gently holding Gordon's arm in his hands. 
 Gordon nodded.
 "No one told you to apologize to me after everything - even when I told you not to worry- but you did so anyway and on your own accord. Not to mention you are actively helping me heal physically since the moment you guys found me."
 He reached over, resting his hand on Benrey's knee.
 "You may not be human, Benrey... but you are a person who tries to make up for the things they fucked up. And that's a good thing, in my book."
 Benrey's brows were furrowed as he slowly nodded.
 "I'm.... n-not a bad guy? All the time?"
 "You're a menace with Gremlin energy at worst, at this point."
 That made Benrey snort, Gordon laughing softly in return. 
 "Uh, feed me snacks 24/7 and I'll be the greatest cool!", Benrey added with a grin.
 "That's not how Gremlins work!", Gordon wheezed, moving his hand and pinching the bridge of his nose as he tried to keep himself from breaking out into loud laughter.
 "Only got the energy, bro. Am not small or fuzzy... right now."
 Gordon slowly sat up, intrigued by the implications of those last two words. He opted to sit cross-legged, radiating curiosity and excitement as his hand was drumming away on his thigh.
 "Shapeshifting... Shapeshifting!! Okay, okay! Tell me when I get too personal with my questions but... uh... you can change your appearance not just in size? Holy shit man, that's... that's WILD!"
 Benrey stared at Gordon with wide eyes for a second, taken off-guard by the man's excitement for his more out-there powers. He rubbed the back of his neck nervously - something he had observed Gordon doing sometimes and added to his own mannerisms. 
 "Yeah, uh, character creation ain't perma-locked. Can access that anytime I want. Makes me tired when I do it too much... but it's cool.", he said, then looking somewhat unsure- "Would you... be a big cool with me doing that? Around here? SMALL WAYS! N-No big Benny. Just... feel comfy here. To do that, I mean."
 Gordon smiled at that, reaching over to place a hand on Benrey's shoulder. 
 "Dude, as long as you don't go full horror and accidentally scare the shit out of any of us, go ahead. I don't know... what you have in mind with "small ways"... but I am curious, so... go ham."
 "You sure? Is right now okay?"
 "Uh... if you want, yeah!"
 Gordon was about to remove his hand to give Benrey some space, but within the blink of an eye Benrey's hands looked... almost paw-like. His fingertips ended in dull claws, while the skin on his hands had a slight gradient to them, reminding Gordon of the ever-present shadow on Benrey's face. He let out a soft gasp-
 "Holy SHIT?!- Let me see?? Can I touch them?"
 "Huh? Ain't nothing fancy, but sure."
 Gordon mirrored Benrey's previous gentleness with his arm as he now carefully took one of Benrey's hands (paws?) in his own.
 "Wow...", Gordon breathed, slowly turning it over-
 Benrey let out a crackle at that but nodded. 
 "Sometimes, 'cause it makes stuff easier. Climbing and holding shit and all that. Got that perfect gamer grip."
 Benrey tilted his head at Gordon's sudden silence. 
 "Uh... ?"
 Gordon looked up from staring at Benrey's hand, the biggest smirk on his face. 
 "So... you got paw beans."
 "Which means you also have toe beans-"
 "What you talking about Feetm-"
 "NO!", Benrey exclaimed through already starting to laugh, as Gordon fell back on the futon wheezing, barely managing out a "YES!" in reply.
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kimmimaru · 4 years
A piece of fic I’m working on, I’m particularly proud of this. It’s a Reno/Tseng fic, in the previous chapter Reno is tortured, in this one he and Tseng need to have a chat about how it’s changed their relationship. Under a read more due to length but I’m excited about this. :D
Rude finds Reno standing by the massive picture window in the staff rooms, he leans against the glass with one hip and his arms folded over his chest. The other staff give him a wide berth, their eyes constantly darting to his silhouette as they mutter in low voices to one another. Rude pushes through a small crowd of minor scientists and reaches his partners side. “You ok?” Reno doesn't look back, instead watching Rude's reflection in the glass, “Fine.” He says stiffly, rubbing at his arm absently as he frowns down over Midgar. “How's working with Cissnei?” Rude shrugs, pushing his glasses further onto the bridge of his nose, “She's not you. Don't know her as well, hard to work with someone like that.” “Yeah,” Reno sighs, pressing his forehead to the cool glass. He's dressed in his usual suit, shirt gaping open to reveal his bruised chest. Most of his wounds are healed, only minor bruising and a few bandaged cuts remain. He shifts, fabric rustling. “You seen Tseng lately?” Rude nods, “Yeah. He's been busy though, paper work on the Crescent and the Cheif's hunting that mole.” “Good.” Reno pauses, “They won't let me near the investigation.” “You just got out of hospital, give yourself some time.” Rude counsels, putting a hand on Reno's skinny shoulder. Reno shrugs him off, sending him a sharp look over his shoulder. Rude lets his hand fall back to his side, “Get back too soon and you'll hurt yourself. What good would you be then?” “I know.” Reno snaps irritably, grinding his teeth, “But I wanna be out there...doing something. Anything. Take my damn mind off of-” He cuts himself off, sucking his teeth before sighing and slumping his shoulders. “Tseng's been avoiding me. Haven't seen him since I got out.” “He's...busy.” Rude hedges, seeing Reno's brows draw down into a sharp frown. “Bullshit.” Reno spits, “I went to his place an' he never answered his fucking door, yo.” Rude's had his suspicions about Reno's relationship with Tseng but he's never voiced them aloud. Tseng's always been closed off, he rarely socialises with the rest of them. When they do manage to convince him to get a drink with them he has only one and then leaves, usually with Reno trailing after him. He hasn't heard all the details of their time in captivity but Rude can guess much of what happened. Tseng's lack of wounds and Reno's terrible state spoke for themselves. The only person who can say they know Tseng is probably Veld and he's not talking. “Maybe he's in the office?” Reno hums, pushing himself away from the glass, “Let's get a coffee, yo. Catch me up on the gossip.” He slinks away towards a nearby vending machine, Rude watches him go a moment before shaking his head and following. Generally the Turks keep to themselves, avoiding the other departments and being avoided in turn. People don't go out of their way to involve themselves with the Investigation department, fear holds them back. It gives Reno and Rude plenty of space as they take some seats and those few nearby beat a hasty retreat, leaving unfinished coffee behind. Reno stretches long legs out with a sigh, sipping his drink while Rude picks up a discarded magazine. A photo of Scarlet on the front, posing with a small smirk on her painted lips. Reno scoffs, shaking his head at the picture as Rude drops it back to the table. Reno puts his boots on it and crosses his ankles. “Press like her a little too much, yo.” “They don't know her.” Rude says quietly, leaning back in his seat and feeling eyes on them from all over the room. He picks lint from the cuff of his trousers. “She destroyed another lab again. Sent several security grunts to the hospital.” “You mean Hojo's table?” Reno corrects under his breath. Rude shrugs, “Who knows?” “You remember old Charlie?” Reno asks suddenly, eyeing his partner from beneath his fringe as it dangles over a brand new pair of goggles. “Guy from Urban Dev?” “Yeah, him. Nurses were sayin' he's been canned, yo.” Rude considers for a moment, “Why? He was just an old man.” Reno shrugs, one hand rising and fingers splayed, “Dunno. Maybe too old? The nurses were saying he was caught with some illegal material on his computer.” “Sounds like fake news,” Rude says slowly, running a gloved hand over his bald head, “We would've known about something like that. He was nearing retirement, right? They probably made up some bullshit so they don't have to pay him a pension.” “Yeah,” Reno sighs, tipping his head back so he stares up at the ceiling. His fingers tap lightly against the can of coffee resting on his leg. “Did you get the flowers?” Rude asks suddenly, taking Reno a little off-guard as he loses himself in his own thoughts. Reno blinks, turning his head to eye his partner. “From Aerith?” Rude nods, “She sent them with her regards.” “What does she know?” “Only that you weren't gonna be on duty for a while...but you know her, she knew more than she was tellin' even if we never gave her anything.” Reno relaxes back into the seat, leather creaking beneath him. He runs the tip of his finger around the sharp edge of the can in his hand, “She alright?” “Last I saw her she was with those orphans. Seemed happy enough.” “Good. Maybe I'll go see her.” Rude hums in agreement, watching a group of secretaries sit nearby and laugh. “Tseng's been down there a few times now.” Reno sips, “He'll go see her but-” He cuts himself off again, lifting a hand to his eyes and rubbing at them with a heavy groan. “Shit man.” “How much coffee you had today?” “Not enough.” Reno replies, staring into his nearly empty drink. “You sleeping?” “I'm fine, yo. Quit it.” Rude falls silent, frowning. Reno's hands shake almost imperceptibly as he finishes his drink and tosses the can in the vague direction of the trash. It catches on the rim and falls to the floor with a muted thud. He leans back again, both hands behind his head. For all intents and purposes he looks relaxed, like he's simply taking a break from the daily grind of the office...but Rude knows him too well. He can see the lines of tension in his shoulders and jaw, he can see that his eyes open a crack. He's hyper vigilant. Too aware of everything going on around him. Rude leans forward, arms resting on his knees and hands clasped between them. “Maybe...” he pauses, knowing what he's about to suggest will go down about as well as a tonne of bricks, “Maybe you should go see Doctor Thomas like the Chief suggested.” Reno hisses air through his teeth, “Fuck off. I'm not seein' a god damned shrink. I'm fine.” He sits up, leg bouncing as he grips the edge of the sofa in a white knuckled grip. “You were tortured for days, Reno. God knows what else they did-” “Shut your goddamned mouth.” Reno spits, leaping to his feet and glaring at Rude. “I'll deal with this on my own. You're not my nanny...I outrank you.” Rude takes his venom calmly, hands still clasped between his knees. Finally he shrugs, “It was just a suggestion.” Reno shakes his head, dragging both hands through his spiky red hair before he walks away. XXX Tseng returns to his apartment to find Reno sitting by his door. A dark stain on the hall way carpet as he drinks from a bottle in his hand. “Reno,” Tseng says, surprised. “Yo,” Reno gives Tseng a small salute and holds out the bottle, shaking it enticingly, “Wan' some?” Tseng shakes his head, “You're drunk.” “Chief's taken me off rotation, what else am I 'sposed to do?” “Recover.” Tseng puts his keycard into the slot and his door slides open. Reno scrabbles to his feet and hovers beside him. “What are you doing here?” Tseng asks finally, turning around and using his body to block entrance to his rooms. “Came to see you. Been waiting a while.” Reno mutters, the scent of cheap whisky clinging to his breath. He leans against the wall. “Go home, Reno.” Tseng insists firmly, waving a hand down the hall where Reno's own apartment is. “Nope.” Reno pops the 'p' sound and smirks, “You ain't getting rid of me that easy, boss.” Tseng's nose wrinkles as Reno leans closer, he's not sure if it's a deliberate move or if he's slowly losing his balance. Finally Tseng reaches out, pushing him in the chest so he stumbles back. “Leave. I have a lot to do.” “What the hell did I do, yo?” Reno asks suddenly, the words leave him in an explosive breath. Tseng straightens, turning his back, “Nothing. You just need to sit tight and heal, soon you'll be back in the field.” Reno licks his lips, shaking his head, “So...you're really gonna do this? Why am I being punished for tryin' to save your ass?” “Reno-” “No. No this is...this is bullshit, yo! I don't know what I did to piss you off but all this cold shouldering isn't gonna help. If I did somethin' wrong then you gotta tell me.” “You didn't do anything.” Tseng sighs, shaking his head slowly. He pauses, hand on the door and stares at it, “It's me. I'm the problem.” He admits reluctantly, turning to look back at Reno's stunned face. “I let you get hurt.” Reno stands unnaturally still for a moment. His eyes are the only thing animated as the silence stretches on. Finally he stirs, dragging his heel across the carpet, “Huh.” He says, pushing unruly hair from his eyes, “You're blaming yourself?” Tseng doesn't answer. His silence is enough. “Why? You didn't ask me to do that. In fact, you did the opposite. I was the idiot who thought I could help.” He slumps against the wall, messy suit riding up on one side to reveal a slither of skin. He takes another swig from whatever piss is in his bottle before rubbing at his eyes, “I just made everything worse.” Tseng hesitates before stepping back away from his door, it hisses closed. “Come.” He says, nodding his head down the long corridor towards the elevator at the end. “Where?” “Training room. You need to blow off some steam and so do I.” Tseng pockets his key card again and starts off, Reno trotting at his heels.
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ottorocket808 · 4 years
Chapter Eight: The Mind Flayer
Ok heads up because the Mind Flayer from D&D doesn’t really seem like a boss level type of bad guy I changed the spelling a little bit to ‘The MindFlayer’ because this dude is definitely a final boss type of bad guy. Speaking of which they have genders in The Upside Down? Imagine Dart actually being a girl.
Again don’t tell me that they can’t get through if you haven’t tested the theory. They should take this time to run like hell. This is one of many times watching horror movies and sci-fi flicks comes in handy. He can’t be trusted knock his ass out.
How did they short the building?
In all honesty with her wheels still in the house i wouldn’t have assumed she went far.
I feel like this is how everybody should get ready for a date he is hype bouncing around flirting with himself having an all around great time before he even sees the girl. Wait you two were at Sears for how long?! He said 3 hrs late what time is it?? She shouldn’t that’s latch key kid age. I wonder how many beatings and how much abuse he had to endure because of her actions. I don’t think Max ever sees this side of things it makes Billy make a hell of a lot more sense. After watching that scene it’s making me wish Max would’ve stayed at home.
Damn Steve why you gotta bring that part up? But you gotta own up to your shit Dustin. Why does she seem offended by being called a stranger I mean they don’t really know you you’re like an acquaintance at this point. They’re heading towards the sound because that’s how you find out where they’re going.
Hop don’t fuckin listen the Dr said there are two steps he only heard the one he knows he can do and figured that’d be enough but nah now Bob gotta save the day again. Easy Peasy. I respect Bob for putting his love and her son above himself.
Yup it’s your ex boyfriend and The Party +1, people neither one of you have been thinking about this entire fucking season. They answered for us kinda cool. Just move and let the boy jam the button for a while. GO BOB!!!!! if the exit is on the 1st floor why wouldn’t he send them to the 2nd or 3rd?
I’m proud of Bob for holding it together while being hunted but disappointed he didn’t catch that broom. This is one of those horror movie moments Bob you don’t stop running until there is at least a mile between you and whatever is hunting you. RIP Bob. I’m still kinda pissed at Hop man shot only 3 bullets at the one on top of Bob....3 shots.
Fuck yo sorry Jonathan you should’ve been here no amount of apologies makes your absence better.
Who the hell did he call?? And sitting still and waiting for help can frequently be stupid especially with the human gps in the house. You can tell that Max didn’t think that she might die when she hopped on Lucas’ bike wanting proof of what he’s been through.
Bob laced Mr Clarke?! He’s a cooler dude than I thought. Dustin has gotta relax when talking to girls. I’m still thinking it’s a symbiote. Exactly Dustin. How does Hop go from this is a kids game (not true) to flipping through the manual tryin to figure out how to kill it? Yes you do because unless you’re a shit shot you shot the one on Bob 3 times and nothing happened Hawkins lab was filled with soldiers and the only people who made it out was you four....
Lucas she is your girlfriend you just haven’t officially asked her out yet.
Max...baby why did you think that was a good bonding topic? ‘Your dead* girlfriend seemed like a really cool girl.’ But my heart broke for her when she said ‘why would you want a stupid Zoomer in your party?’ It’s not you he never got over his heart break and with what happened to Bob it was like picking off a scab way too early.
Why not just put the bottle under his nose why bother with the cotton ball at all.
Now you ponder the downside?! The answer to her question is yes Lucas y’all gotta stop speaking in absolutes your opponent is unpredictable. The answer to your question is also obvious if you were paying attention while Hop was screaming into the phone dude legit said I don’t know how many are left alive you should’ve been scared and trying to go home then there’s no shame in leaving but understand that if you stay you could die at any minute.
Has anybody up here eaten even relatively recently? I only ask because of how quickly Will ran out of steam. As a person who doesn’t know what Morse Code looks like when tapped out like that and I don’t have the Morse Code alphabet memorized and no internet to look it up I’d be screwed.
This show made me love this song. CLOSE GATE easier said than done without the person who opened it present. Got damn phone!! Who the hell is calling this late at night? Dammit Nancy really?! That’s the second time you broke Joyce’s phone just leave it off the hook same effect. How distinctive is that ringer??
Make it easy kids let me know exactly where you are no guess work. No he doesn’t he’s a shit shot Nancy could use some practice but she’s a WAY better shot than he is. Everybody has a weapon except for Max, Dustin, Jonathan, and Joyce what are they gonna do when shit hits the fan??
Really El?! Did you have to break the window?! My baby El comin through saving the day and swaggering into the house like the BAMF that she is!!!
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santoteez · 5 years
A Manhattan Tale - Seonghwa (5)
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Parts: 5 of ?
Masterlist HERE
Genre: Chef!Seonghwa, FormerDrugdealer!Seonghwa, FormerKingpin!Hongjoong, Bad boy/ Good Girl kinda??
Warnings: Love interest is a Black Female, mentions of sexual intercourse, swearing, eventual smut, mentions of betrayal, Angst, Mentions of drugs
Requested: yes
NOTE: This fic does NOT, in any way, shape, or form, portray the way I view any member of Ateez nor does it depict their true personalities or actions. This AU is just that. An AU. All family members are FICTIONAL.
Seonghwa stormed into Lincoln Hospital, Zelie right on his tail.
“I’m looking for Minjoon Kim.” He told the front desk.
“Are you family?” The woman asked.
“Seonghwa Park.”
“Are you sure you’re family?”
“Are you sure that DIY wig is actually up to par?” Seonghwa narrowed his eyes.
“The woman cleared her throat, looking back at her screen. “Room 201. Take the elevator on your right one flight up, walk to the end of the hall and take a left. Third door on your right.” She fished out a bright yellow pass from a folder and placed it on the counter. “Take this. Once your visit is over, just bring it back.” She said, refusing to meet Seonghwa’s gaze.
He smiled sweetly. “Wasn’t so hard, was it? Thank you!” He gestured for Zelie to follow him.
“Do you have to be mean to everyone?” Zelie rolled her eyes.
“I’ve said worse things. I did her a favor. Did you see her frontal?”
Zelie shook her head. “How do you even know these things?”
“Santana talks a lot.” Seonghwa pressed the elevator button, and they both got on. They walked down the hall, Seonghwa’s footsteps quickening the closer they got. He broke into a light jog as they turned the corner.
They made it to room 201, where Hongjoong and Santana were already sitting, and Soojin was in Minjoon’s arms on the bed. Minjoon was badly bruised. Red, black, and purple stained his skin, and his eye was swollen. He had on an oxygen mask and was connected to an IV. Despite all of that, he still looked strong.
Seonghwa approached the bed, placing his hand on Minjoon’s head. “What happened to you, kid?” He asked, and for the first time in years, he teared up. Minjoon looked up at him, turning away when his eyes started to water. The interaction caused Soojin to burst into tears, hiding her face in Minjoon’s chest.
“I’ll take her to go get some ice cream,” Santana said, pulling Minjoon off the bed.
“NO! I want to stay with Minjoon! He can’t be alone again!”
“We’re not going home, baby. We’re just gonna go get some ice cream and come back. Why don’t you bring him some? He’ll get better faster.” Santana said.
Soojin turned to look at Minjoon, who nodded and gave her a weak smile. “Okay, let’s go.” She said, holding Santana’s hand.
Once they were out of hearing range, Hongjoong spoke up. “EMT said it was physical assault. He was on his date, and someone came up behind him and attacked him with a bat. He tried to fight the guy off but he froze due to a panic attack. The guy had on a hood, he didn’t get a good look. His date is traumatized. She’s the one that called 911. She just left.”
Seonghwa ran a hand down his face. “These fuckers are getting bold. In broad daylight?”
Hongjoong shrugged. “Still don’t know who the fuck is doing this. Lil-” He stopped abruptly, turning to look at Zelie.
“She knows,” Seonghwa said.
“I spared her the details, but yeah.”
“You’re still here?” Hongjoong asked.
Zelie shrugged. “I feel that dealing doesn’t make you a terrible person, especially when you have a reason for doing so and you at least try to redeem yourself. That goes for you too, HJ. Neither of you are bad people.”
“Looks like you hit the jackpot,” He smirked at Seonghwa, who rolled his eyes. “I appreciate that, Zelie. As I was saying, everything Lil Mike has found out points to One Eye, but he can’t find solid proof if it’s really him or just a copycat. Once we have damning evidence, we can make calculated moves.”
“Minjoon, you said you fought back before your panic attack?” Seonghwa asked.
Minjoon nodded.
“Did you scratch the person?”
He nodded again.
“I see where you’re going with this. Please don’t tell me you’re going to see who I think you are.” Hongjoong said, exasperated.
“We need the help, don’t we?” Seonghwa asked, taking a look at Minjoon’s fingernails. “Looks like there are some skin cells under there. Whoever it is, you got them good. If the test brings up a match, the person should also have some marks that line up.” He walked around the room, searching for cotton swabs.
“I don’t get it. Who’s he going to see?” Zelie asked.
“Looks like Loverboy left that part of his life out of the briefing he gave you. His last girlfriend cheated on him with a doctor way older than her. They were in high school. She went to college for forensic examining. She works at the precinct across town.”
“You’re going to see your ex?” Zelie asked, trying her best not to seem bothered.
“You two sound like I’m taking her on a date. I could care less about her musty ass. I’m trying to figure this shit out. I want this shit to stop.” He used cotton swabs to carefully clean Minjoon’s fingernails. “They can fuck with me, but Minjoon? Entirely too far. Zelie and I are gonna head to the precinct now to see if Breana is there.”
“Me? Why am I going?”
“Well, the obvious answer is because since your house was vandalized and you still have a gunshot wound, I’m kind of your bodyguard. But, since everyone is so skeptical about me seeking Breana’s help, you can be my witness that there are no feelings on my part whatsoever. And plus, I know you see me as your boyfriend that isn’t really your boyfriend. My sister said that shit all the time about every guy growing up.” He placed the swabs in a glove, tying it tightly.
“I knew I recognized that voice.”
Everyone turned to see a raven-haired woman with a large baby bump in a white lab coat.
Seonghwa looked like he’d seen a ghost. “HJ, I’ll call you if anything. Minjoon, anything you need, text me. I’ll be here. Zelie, we should get going.”
“Hwa, it’s me. Minseo, your si-”
“I know who you are. I was just leaving. No need to kick me out of the hospital too.”
“Hwa, I’m sorry!”
“My name’s Seonghwa. And you should be sorry. Sorry that you grew up to be a heartless bitch. Zelie, we’re leaving.”
Minseo turned to Zelie. “You must be the girlfriend! You’re so beautiful-”
Seonghwa grabbed her hand, pulling her close. “Don’t talk to her.”
“Seonghwa, there’s actually something I came to ask you. I’ve tried tracking you down, but you didn’t exactly have a number or address last time I saw you. I’m pregnant.”
“I can tell. Congratulations.”
“I wanted to know if you’d like to come to the baby shower? This isn’t me asking you for anything monetary. You don’t even have to bring anything. I just would like to see you there.”
“After embarrassing me at your practice, you think I want to be at your house? I don’t even want to be in the same room as you. Tracking me down wouldn’t have been such a problem if you took the stick out your ass and took a trip back to The Bronx every once in a while. But you’re too good, right? Let’s go, Zelie.” He walked out of the room, holding Zelie tightly by his side.
They made it down to the front desk, where Seonghwa slammed the visitors pass down before speeding out of the place.
They get in the car and make it onto the highway in silence before Zelie spoke.
“Are you okay?”
Seonghwa sighed. “Yeah. I’m sorry for losing my cool back there. I just took one look at her and memories came flooding back. The look of disgust from her and her patients. The last shred of hope I had left being torn from me as she kicked me out. The loss of dignity. She made me feel so small that day. She wasn’t always like that. It wasn’t until she started dating that rich kid husband of hers. Suddenly she couldn’t do Pizza Fridays or Sloppy Joe Wednesdays with me anymore. She was all ‘that’s a lot of carbs, Hwa.’ Started eating kale and going out with his family for sushi night. I was forgotten. And now she decides to remember she has a brother? Why? So she can look good at her bullshit baby shower? Tough luck.”
Zelie spoke up cautiously. “What if I went with you?”
“You’re seriously expecting me to go? Whose side are you on?”
“If I have to pick, I’d say the baby’s. What your sister did is despicable and you had every right to lash out at her today, but think about the baby for a sec. This baby is being born into your family. They have no idea what went on before they were born. The baby deserves a chance to know you. What happens when you have kids of your own and Minseo’s kid grows up not knowing they have cousins and an uncle? That’s going to be a deep void in the baby’s life. A void only you can fill. Maybe just forget about the baby shower. But I’d say at least tolerate your sister for the baby, even if you never fully forgive her.”
Seonghwa stayed quiet, not knowing how to respond. He turned up the radio in hopes to fill the awkward silence. 15 minutes later, he pulled into a parking spot.
“C’mon. We’re here.”
They walk into the precinct, filled with people being handcuffed and policemen going over reports. Seonghwa walked up to the rotunda.
“I’m here to see Dr. Rossi.”
“Under what circumstances?” The cop asked.
“Tell her it’s Park. That she still owes me a favor.”
The cop sighed, picking up the phone and reciting what Seonghwa said to the person on the other line. After a few seconds, he hung up.
“She said you can head on in. Only one of you.”
Seonghwa wrapped his arm around Zelie’s waist. “The lady’s with me. I’m not leaving her here.”
They walked down the hall into an open office. At the desk sat a fair-skinned woman with natural blond hair and piercing green eyes.
“Seonghwa, to what do I owe this visit?” She smiled smugly.
“I need that favor, Breana.”
“Depends on what it is.”
“No, it doesn’t. I did you the favor last time, and you said you’d owe me. Whatever it takes. So, unless you want your colleagues to know New York’s biggest coke fiend is right down the hall, you better get your ass out of that seat.”
Breana was taken aback. “You’re showing off because your little friend is here. How cute.”
“Now I know this trick didn’t just call me a ‘little friend’.” Zelie said under her breath.
Seonghwa threw the glove on the desk. “Inside are several cotton swabs. I need you to test the skin cells and see if anything pops up.”
She looked at the glove in disgust. “I can’t even get a plastic bag?”
“It’s a hospital. Not a deli. They don’t exactly have Ziploc bags lying around. Gotta preserve the evidence somehow, right?”
“Not to mention, it sounds to me like you have more than enough plastic baggies already,” Zelie said, sniffing in an exaggerated manner.
Breana chuckled humorlessly. “Nobody asked you.”
“I speak when I feel like it. Who gon pop me?”
“Looks like you found someone as rude as you are,” Breana said. “Too bad it’s only a matter of time before he gets bored of you.”
“You don’t know me, honey. I got that thang that keeps him coming back. I don’t have to go fuck an old man to be told I’m the best of the best.”
“Listen, bitch. I know how to keep my man.”
“Must be easy. With that big ass age difference, he can’t be very fast.”
Breana scowled. “You sure know how to pick em, Seonghwa.”
Seonghwa smiled. “Isn’t she just an angel? So, do we have a deal?”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. I’ll run the tests. I’ll message you once the results come back and see if it matches anyone in our database. Until then, get the fuck out of my office. Next time, come alone.”
“Alone or not, he gon be thinking bout alllll this.” Zelie ran her hands up and down her body. “Bye, Powder Nose.”  She waved.
They walked out of the precinct and back into the car.
“What now?” Zelie asked.
“I’m pretty hungry, wanna head to Applebee’s?”
“Yeah, sure. Sounds good.” Zelie nodded. “We still have time to kill until work.”
“Actually, I’m thinking of closing the restaurant for a little. I can’t guarantee it’s safety until the situation’s boiled over. I liked the way you stood your ground against Breana just now. I know she can be an asshole.”
Zelie rolled her eyes. “Ugh. Don’t say that name. She really tried it.”
“I can’t lie. Seeing you that upset was so fucking sexy.” He turned to look at her.
Zelie looked back in shock. “Boy, you better drive before we never make it to Applebee’s.” She said turning to look out the window.
“Maybe I’m in the mood to eat something else.” He said, his hand gently squeezing her thigh.
Zelie swatted him away. “Men are just DEVIOUS. I said DRIVE.” She said, making Seonghwa laugh.
Stephie here! So we finally got some type of lead on the suspects. Because this fic is moving so slow (It’s my fault, I always have too much going on) It’ll probably be a longer AU than Hongjoong’s. Not by a lot, buuuut yeah lol
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My Bloody Valentine
A little twisted Love Day fic for my favorite rebel @thereturnofbadazz!
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“I wonder how many lovers are gonna die today,” Aly’Sha said with sneer as she watched the news.
“What yo lil psycho ass talking about, Sha Sha,” Erik asked with a smirk.
“Yeah, it’s Valentine’s Day. Why you talking about folks dying?” Kimora chirped from the other side of the living room.
“It’s also Purge Day,” Aly’Sha responds casually.
“You mean poor man elimination day,” Angel says, cradling the twins closer. Now that she was older, she didn’t see the point of violence as a means of “cleansing” the country of its sins.
“Yeah that shit’s stupid,” Erik agreed, flipping the station. “Just another tactic white folks use to eradicate black folks. Alright ladies, if y’all don’t mind, me and Mama got a date,” Erik says with a sly grin in Hennessy’s direction.
“Actually baby, I was thinking maybe you could spend the day with another wife. You’ve spent the last 16 Valentine’s Days with me, spoil someone else,” she says not looking up from her MacBook. She was in the process of scouting out new locations for her dispensary and wasn’t exactly in the mood to break concentration. Before Erik could ask which of his wives would be the lucky lady this year, Ryley stormed into the house, chest rising and falling quickly with anger.
“What’s the matter, Princess?” he asked from his relaxed position on the couch.
“Them white bitches down the street keep fuckin with me. I’m trying to be nice and keep it cute since I’m a princess now and shit, but they about to make Ryley Badazz come out of retirement!” Erik chuckled at her, loving how sexy she got when she was angry.
“Calm down, Ry Ry. Tell Daddy what happened.” He listened intently, blood boiling as she explained how the Becky’s with the stringy hair had egged her car, slashed her tires, and had been overall mocking her for the past week.
“Calm down baby. You’re a princess, don’t lower your standards for peasants.”
“That’s cute and all, but look at what they spray painted on the house.” Erik’s smirk quickly faded to a menacing mug when he saw the words ‘Killmonger’s a bitch’ spray painted in bright red paint on the northern wall of The Kompound. Without another word, he made his way downstairs to his arsenal with Ryley hot on his heels.
“How about we show them white bitches who run shit,” he called over his shoulder.
“What you mean, Daka?” she asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Well it’s Valentine’s Day and it’s also Purge Day, so how about for our date we show them why they shouldn’t fuck with the Stevens-Udaku household?” Ryley’s face twisted into a devilish grin as she gazed upon the various weapons.
Wanna play, Candy Girl?” he asked as he handed her the Swarovski studded M-16.
“Let’s play, Daddy.”
“Y’all sure y’all don’t wanna get in on the action?” Erik asked the remaining wives as he prepared for the night’s festivities.
“This is Ryley’s night, why you inviting other people?” Henny scolded from her relaxed position between Charlie’s plush thighs. They had all agreed to watch the events from the body cameras Shuri had installed on his and Ryley’s protective armor, Angel not wanting to engage in the sport because she didn’t see the point of senseless violence.
“You right, Mama,” Erik replied solemnly, looking over at Ryley. “My bad, Princess.”
“It’s cool, Fathead. Now let’s go murder some white bitches,” she says with a laugh. She was all dolled up in a pink and black bejeweled bodysuit with a pink tutu and thigh high Louboutin Frenchissima boots. On her head, she donned a pink headdress that matched her bodysuit, each piece made out of vibranium to keep her safe. Not like anyone would dare try to harm a Princess of Wakanda.
“Damn you look good enough to eat, Ry Ry,” Erik said as he admired her attire.
“Later, Daka. We got business to handle first.” The announcement sounded as the pair finished adjusting their masks.
This is not a test. This is your emergency broadcast system announcing the commencement of the Annual Purge sanctioned by the U.S. Government. Weapons of class 4 and lower have been authorized for use during the Purge. All other weapons are restricted. Government officials of ranking 10 have been granted immunity from the Purge and shall not be harmed. Commencing at the siren, any and all crime, including murder, will be legal for 12 continuous hours. Police, fire, and emergency medical services will be unavailable until tomorrow morning at 7 a.m., when The Purge concludes. Blessed be our New Founding Fathers and America, a nation reborn. May God be with you all.
At the sound of the alarm, Erik and Ryley made their way outside to his blacked out Lamborghini Aventador with butterfly doors. For aesthetic effect, he blasted the psycho version of I Got 5 On It as he maneuvered the car down the street.
“Which house baby?”
“That one, that last one on the right.”
“Sha Sha, do your thing, baby.”
In an instant, the target house went completely dark and all of their protective armor was disabled, leaving them completely exposed to the outside world.
“How did you even do that?” Kimora asked Aly’Sha, whose face was buried in her iPhone.
“Don’t ask questions you don’t really want the answer to,” Hennessy answered for her.
“You ready, Ry Ry?”
“Let’s go.”
The pair exited the vehicle and slowly crept to the bay window that displayed the living room. The owners of the dwelling could be seen crowded around one another, a desperate attempt to protect themselves. Idiots.
“Sha Sha, do the thing.”
With another press of a button, the living room began to fill with tear gas, forcing the occupants of the house to run off in different directions, unintentionally aiding the pair in their sadistic plan.
“Time to go hunting,” Erik says as he kicked the door in.
“Aye, Vita,” Bast called out quizzically to Big Sis meandering in her lab. “Why you not upstairs watching Erik and Ry Ry turn up on the Beckys?”
Vita had a theatrical setup with a projector and surround sound. It was as if she converted her space into a miniature IMAX theater.
“Because, I have some unfinished business that's about to play out on this computer screen,” she explained leaning back in her seat, gathering her snacks, getting comfortable.
“What unfinished business?”
“Did I ever tell you the story of how I came to own Amazon?”
“Since when did you own Amazo-”
“See, what had happened was…”
He bowed before me, kneeling with great shame and humility. Once a proud, vain man now driven to begging. It's his own fault you know, this present state of duress. Often times when you wish to destroy your enemy you don't have to pull the trigger yourself, you only have to had them the gun and watch them blow their own brains out.
What made him a target, you ask? They were the vices he frequently indulged himself in; greed, lust, hubris, all of which led him to being an easy mark.
What were the bullets I used? His disgruntled employees, his gullible mistress, his betrayed wife, his disloyal business associates. Each pawn having been strategically used for my benefit and mine alone.
What pulled the trigger? He dared to insult me as if I were anything less than greatness. He'd the nerve to belittle my life's work as if I weren't a force to be reckoned with. I had just finished a masterful presentation of my future plans for my then budding tech company and as everyone else showered me with my well deserved praise he thought it humorous to describe my exemplary business model as “cute”. I could not let such a slight get away with impunity, a lesson needed to be taught.
Shortly after his billion dollar divorce when his liaisons with another woman were “mysteriously” leaked he tried to push his already exhausted workers even further which led to an international strike, that lasted for several months due to strikers being funded by an “anonymous” donor that helped them pay their bills at home and even finance ad campaigns to expose the heinous labor practices of the company, causing a severe decline in business. With sales and online traffic on the decline stocks careened further into the economic abyss leaving investors dissatisfied. Receiving inside information from an “unknown” source, they collectively decided to relocate their interests into another expedition… Mine.
That's right, my “cute” little business became a worldwide conglomerate seemingly overnight. And he could have shared in that wealth had he not crossed me. Now I, Davita Roberson, tower over him as he's become a hollow shell of his former self, selling what remains of his share in his dying company for pennies of what it used to be. Both his ex wife and former flame have found new loves that I helped introduced them to, his former workers are living more fulfilled lives under my employ, and I've blackballed all of those crooked investors because they couldn't be trusted.
Jeff will have to live out the remainder of his life buried in debt and regret, but who cares. The moment he affronted me was the instant he sealed his fate…
“And that's what happened,” Vita concluded.
With a roll of her eyes Bast couldn't help but ask,“You righteously decided to pull a massive company takeover because he called your business cute?”
“He was being passive aggressive. By calling my business plan “cute” he was downplaying it as if I were some child. He was belittling me and underestimated my capabilities. So bitch had it comin!”
“Aight aight, so what does that have to do with this little personal movie night you got going?”
“Well, Bezos couldn't stand being broke so he sold his body for a Purge Feast. He was right back to living his old lifestyle only on someone else's dime.”
“OK? That sounds amazing, what's the catch and what is a Purge Feast? Is he about to be gangbanged, what?”
“He's about to be eaten.”
“When a person donates their body to a Purge Feast they are provided a lavish lifestyle, they have to be disease free, drug free, given massages to ensure their tenderness and are put on a supremely exquisite diet of delicacies so that they're meat is undeniably sweet. Jeff has been fattened, and now is the time for the slaughter.”
“Ooooooh shit scoot over, bitch!”
The two women watched as Bezos was guided onto a giant chopping block placed on a stage. He was stripped bare naked then instructed to lay face down on the human sized cutting board. The executioner came into view wielding a great axe with a long blade, sharp enough to split hairs. The massive weapon was hoisted into the air then brought down upon the back of the former CEO’s neck. A clean cut, in only one swipe the head was severed and the blood gushed forth like the intense orgasm of a woman. The executioner continued to dissect the body as a flock of chef's assistants scurried to pick up the pieces while avoiding the swings. Once completed, the good was quickly prepared and presented to a dinner party that catered to the adventurous elites of society. As the soiree carried on, Davita took a bite of her own snacks, inhaling deeply, savoring the moment.
“Mmmm, delicious.”
“My bloody valentine, sweet comic Valentine. You make me smile with my heart,” Erik’s deep voice sang from the body cam. Charlie, Kimora, Hennessy, and Aly’Sha watched with glee as their husband dismembered one of the sisters, impaling her on the banister of the grand staircase of the foyer. So far, the pair had murdered three of the six members of the family and were searching for the patriarchs of the family. They passed the young boy’s severed head and the second sister’s torso on the way upstairs. They found the mother and father huddled in their shared bedroom, the mother clutching a bible to her chest.
“Why white people always turn to God when they about to die?” Erik inquired, more rhetorically than anything.
“P-Please don’t hurt us. We’ll give you anything you want,” the woman attempted to bargain.
“Bitch I’m a Prince, I don’t need ya money. I’m just here to give your family a lesson in respect. Now, I’ll only ask this once, where’s Penelope?”
“What do you want with my daughter?” the father asked with a little too much bass in his voice. Erik fired a warning shot to his right thigh before answering.
“I ask the questions here, Bob, but if you must know, the little bitch vandalized my property and harassed my wife. She just wants an apology, right Ry Ry?”
“Yes Daddy,” Ryley said with mock sincerity.
“She’s downstairs, under the staircase.”
“Say less,” Ryley said, skipping downstairs to the girl’s hiding place. She growled with anger when she discovered the spot was empty.
“That bitch lying, Daddy!” Another set warning shots went off upstairs, this time striking the mother in the ribs and the father in the shoulder.
“See, I was tryna be nice about this. I’m already gone kill y’all, don’t expedite the process. Where the fuck is she?”
“I’m right here you black bastard!” Suddenly the entire room exploded in flames as Penelope appeared with a flamethrower. When the flames dispersed, Erik stood completely unharmed with a twisted grin on his face.
“You really though you did some shit, huh?” Penelope’s face twisted in horror as she watched Ryley appear behind her with a metal baseball bat, a weapon she’d gotten from the younger boy’s room. With one hard hit to the head, Penelope was out. Erik and Ryley the drug the bodies downstairs, tying them up in the center of the living room.
“We are gonna purge today, purge today, purge today. We are gonna purge today and burn this bitch down,” Ryley sang gleefully as they exited the house.
“Sha Sha, cue the fireworks.”
In an instant the entire house exploded, lighting up the entire neighborhood like the 4th of July. As a means to commemorate the night, the couple made love on the hood of the Lamborghini, the screams of the dying family serving as their background music.
“Wow. That was hot,” Charlie said as Erik emptied himself onto Ryley’s bloodsoaked face.
“Literally,” Hennessy said in agreement. Suddenly, Ryley’s voice could be heard from the cam.
“Happy Purge Day, sluts!”
TAGS: @itsangeludaku @hearteyes-for-killmonger @poosypoosy @vikkidc @panthergoddessbast @blackpantherismyish @dameshaemonique @sydneebleu @amethyst1993 @blowmymbackout @trevantesbrat @thadelightfulone @princessstevens @princesskillmonger @killmongersgurl @tgigoldie @supersizemeplz @wawakanda-btch @bidibidibombaclaat @calitexastrillgoddess @thehomierobbstark @mareethequeen @iamrheaspeaks @forbeautyandlife @inlovewithmakeupcomicsanimelove
45 notes · View notes
This Way..
 Part V (and the Valentine’s Day special) of the “I’m Never Wrong” Series.
Erik x (Black!)Reader
Fic Playlist: Back in One Piece x DMX feat. Aaliyah, This Way x Khalid feat. H.E.R, Gonna Love Me x Teyana Taylor, You Got Me x The Roots feat. Erykah Badu
Warnings: ANGST, Violence, Erik done fucked up!
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It had been over six months since your night off, and quite a bit has changed. You recently chose to work as the remote part time senior partner to spend more time with Leanna and JuJu, as you promised N’jadaka on your honeymoon. The two of you made a pact to be more involved in the family you were building. He vowed to transition from Wakandan Wardog to the Director of the Oakland Wakandan Outreach Center. In reality, N’jadaka was only home for about four months out of the year. One month for every season. When he left a month after your romantic night, he promised that it was his last mission and he’d only be gone for a month. One month turned into six. It was reminding you of the first year of your relationship when he returned from Wakanda. Except for now, you have paperwork and two children between you. Which fueled your anger on a different level.
Each day that passed after that promised month, Y/N’s resentment grew. It had been radio silence for five months, JuJu had learned to roll over, crawl, and even started standing on his own. N’jadaka missed all of those precious milestones. He and Y/N couldn’t even celebrate his birthday together the week prior to this one. This particular day, you cup runneth over. Leanna is on her worst behavior, talking back and being sassy. N’Juma was screaming all day at the top of his lungs due to his top two teeth coming in. You couldn’t even finish reviewing your junior partner’s briefings due to your children running amok in your house. You have had it. While Lee Lee was throwing all of her toys out of her bin, and JuJu was having a temper tantrum, you walked out on your porch.
You let out a scream and broke down. You were out of steam, out of options. Your ears pick up the sound of tires rolling up to your house. Since your home is the only one in the col du sac, whoever it is is either turning around or they’re parking. When you hear the engine die you lift your head to find a blacked out Suburban. Nakia emerges from the passenger seat, Ayo from the drivers side. You hold your breath, thinking the worst when you don’t see N’jadaka. You see the rear passenger door crack open, you let out a short sigh; still panicking because you can’t see who’s behind the tented windows. Those muddy steel toe boots hit the pavement your breathing find it’s normal pattern, then your eyes  turn more red than they already are from your tears.
Erik gets out of the car, all smiles. That’s until he sees your bloodshot eyes and mean mug. His smiles disappear into a look of concern. You charge straight for him with your fists balled. You huff as you swing and your fist connect with his cheekbone. He reaches for your arm but your anger adds to your speed. Your other fist bangs against his nose. His head twists to the opposite side of your abuse as blood flies across your front yard. He gains control of your arms, ignoring his injuries. “Y/N, Y/N! Dammit! Calm down, woman!” You grunt at his demand, trying to free yourself from his hold. He grips your wrists tighter, “Our kids in there alone!? Ayo, Nakia, can y’all check on them please?”
The pair stand among you two in shock. Nakia taps Ayo’s side and they fall into the house. “I’ve been taking care of them day in and day out for over six months so excuse me for needing to take a fucking breather, N’Jadaka! Why didn’t you call? Why haven’t I heard from you!? I was starting to think you--” “You was starting to think I was dead?” “I was starting to think yo ass left! You’re so fucking selfish! I can’t even believe you right now. Hopping out of the car like you were gonna be met with kisses and hugs. Nigga fuck you!” You shove him with your shoulder, he surrenders and lets you go. You push the front door open, it slams against the wall; attention from your children, Ayo, and Nakia turns to you.
You make a beeline to your bedroom and you start stuffing clothes, toiletries, and shoes into your oversized backpack you fill it to the brim and grab your car key. You brush past your estranged husband to close your laptop and put that in its respective bag. “Where do you think you going?” “Away from you.” And with that, you turn you back and trail to your car. You hear N’jadaka’s heavy footsteps follow you, “Babe, can we talk about this? I’m so--” “Yeah I know, You’re sorry. You’re sorry as fuck. You let half a fucking year go by! You haven’t seen or heard from me. Let alone your daughter and son. You missed Leanna’s birthday! You’ve missed so fucking much with not even so much as a bullshit filled excuse as to why!” As he intends on interrupting you, you slap him clean across his cheek. “You had six months to talk and you didn’t. I’m about to say my peace before I peel out. I’ve highhandedly taken Leanna to and from school, battled her chicken pox and three colds she’s gotten, and put her in ballet in the six and a half months of your absence. I’ve watched N’Juma flourish. He went from babbling and slobbering to teething, crawling, and standing. The boy is damn near walking and you were nowhere to be found! You left me here with little to no help and support. I needed you! You neglected your responsibilities and didn’t make good on your promise which left me to pick up your slack!”
N’jadaka swipes his thumbs across your cheeks to wipe your tears but you push him away, “You ain’t shit for this ‘Ja. You really not. I’m out. I’ll be back whenever. Like you.” You push start your car and peel off with your tires screeching.
Erik’s POV
Lee Lee and JuJu were both screaming and crying at Y/N’s dramatic exit. I knew I had some explaining to do when I got home but, shit! I didn’t know I was gon come back to a couple of blows to my face(PAUSE). Now I’m in the middle of my living room, with two crying kids on my hip with my sore ass face.
I finally get my kids asleep and I start my search for my wife. I call up Shuri, “Hey cuzzo, are Y/N’s Kimoyo beads activated?” Shuri types some figures into her database before answering, “Yes. She’s traveling pretty fast. She may be on a flight.” “A flight!? Where?” Shuri gets to typing again, “Let’s cross check the San Fran International flights.. track the flight plans with her location.. Cousin?” “Yeah?” She pauses before continuing, “She’s coming here.” “Here, meaning, Wakanda?” “Yes.”
T’challa has allowed flights to come into our home country, exclusively for natives and their families. So Y/N actually going is a pleasant surprise. “Alright, bet. Tell ‘Cha I need the jet.” “N’Jadaka, maybe you should give her some time, eh?” “Shuri, maybe you shoooould mind your business, eh? Look I’ve gone six months without my wife. I need her to come home. Plus, it’s not gon be just me coming. The kiddos are tagging along too.” Shuri smiles at the suggestion, “Great! Mother has been dying to meet them!”
“Good Morning ladies and gentlemen! We are now landing. Welcome to Wakanda!” The flight attendant graciously announces my arrival to N’jadaka’s home country. I haven’t been back here since the wedding. Since Leanna was too young to travel, she’s never been here and of course JuJu hasn’t either. I miss my babies, don’t get me wrong. But being with those two, caring for them day in and day out for that long, alone, took it’s toll on me. Mentally and physically. I need this vacation. This is the best place I thought about going in the midst of my rage. The clear port is next to the Golden city. I find my way to the center of the city to Shuri’s lab where it seems like she’s waiting.
“About time, Y/N!” She hugs me tight, “How are you?” “Uh, Shuri, how did you know I was coming?” She gives me a childish chuckle, “My cousin asked me to track you down. I knew you were coming about an hour after you took off.” I roll my eyes, “So he’s coming?” Her eyes wonder off as she turns back into her lab, “I do not know Y/N! But uhm, come on in. I wanna show you what I’ve been working on. And I’ll take those while I’m at it..” She rolls my Kimoyo beads off of my wrist, “Why? They work just fine.” “Ugh! You sound like T’challa! Just as I tell him. Just because something is working, doesn’t mean it can’t be improved.” Some contraption standing before us piques my interest, she begins explaining what it is. “This is what I’ve been working on. It’s a collection of vibranium bots. I got the Idea from that Disney movie, Big Hero 6. Leanna showed it to me! They’re about 300,000 microbots that can help improve the construction and infrastructure in major cities all over the world.” The microbots built a replica of T’Challa’s panther suit,  a car, and finished off with a replica of the outside of Shuri’s lab. “Wow Ri, this is awesome!”
Shuri turns off the remote which controlled the bots in the form of a glove. “Thank you Y/N. It’s only in prototype stage right now. But.. once it’s ready for mass production, I’ll introduce it after opening the latest Outreach center in Brooklyn, New York City!” I’m truly impressed. Shuri is a kid genius. I surely hope Leanna takes after her since they are quite fond of one another.
“Cool! I’m sure you’ll be in the Forbes magazine, once again, on that invention alone. Anywho, how’s Queen Mother?” “Queen Mother is doing quite well, Y/N.” T’challa and Shuri’s mother appears from the front entrance. “Queen Mother.” I bow, she takes my hand to pull me upright, “Y/N, we are family. There’s no need to bow.” Ramonda gives me the warmest hug. I truly feel at home here. The people are beautiful, it’s like the colors are more vibrant. The sun rises and sets in a brighter tone. Maybe I should’ve made it here a long time ago.
I pursue Ramonda to the throne room as she asks, “Now child, what brings you to Wakanda? I know that American holiday for lovers is tomorrow. Where’s my nephew?” I’m trying to think of how to tell her what happened in a respectful manner. Even though we are technically family, I still want to reply in a courteous manner. “Well.. Er-- I mean, N’jadaka.. He said he was only gonna be gone for a month. A month was more like half a year. Plus, to be honest, I haven’t even thought about Valentine’s day.” Ramonda’s face furrows into one of amusement. “Maybe you should think about that Y/N, it may remind you and him why you fell in love to begin with. I am not sure why he would tell you when he would return. War dog missions have no set duration.” I stare out to the panoramic view of the Golden City, “He wasn’t supposed to be doing this forever either.” Ramonda hums in agreement, “Mhm. He’s spoken to T’challa about that mission being his last. He will be accepting the director position for Director of your home town’s Outreach center, yes?” 
“I mean, yeah. I guess. He never told me any of that.” I let out a sigh “You never gave me the chance to explain, love.” Swinging around toward the door, I find N’jadaka standing in his typical at ease stance, force of habit from bring in the Navy. My mouth twitches to form a smile, but my thoughts correct me. “What are you doing here ‘Ja?” He plasters a smirk and shrugs, “I came to get my wife. What is my wife doing here?” “She came here to relax, to reflect. We can do that.” N’jadaka turns his lip up and nods, “Okay Y/N. As far as I can tell, you do need that. You damn sure deserve it.” I cross my arms, deeply amused at his response, “Ha! Ha! Oh, We, huh? What part of me leaving you with the kids you didn’t understand? What part of anything I told you has you misconstrued that got you to come here?”
He mirrors my movement, crossing his arms, “I don’t have anything misconstrued, Y/N. I get everything you said to me. I apologize for making you feel neglected, baby. I just didn’t wanna start anything by telling you it was gonna take a lot longer than I thought before I completed the mission. Next thing I knew, we had to go under the radar, and I couldn’t tell you.” “N’jadaka Erik Stevens-Udaku. How dare you! You left me to think whatever!” He grips me by my waist and pulls me to him, looking at me face to face, “I’m sorry for that. I’m sorry for it all. I think you should be here right now. You need some R&R, I get that. So, we’ll be spending Valentine’s Day here this year.”
“Ugh. Here you go with this we shit again!” Ramonda clears her throat, “I apologize..” ‘Ja whispers in my ear, “I don’t just mean me in the we..” I hear tiny footsteps close in, “Mommy! This place is so prettyyyy!” Leanna exclaims this to me while reaching her tiny arms as far as they can stretch to hug my legs. I bend down to meet the love that is my first born, “It is isn’t it?” She enthusiastically nods, “Yes! Baba said this is where he’s from, why don’t we live here?” He intercepts, “Le, we don’t live her because daddy and mommy have responsibilities to home.” I pick her up and nod, “Yeah, we both have jobs to do, lovebug. We’re always welcome to visit though.” Leanna jolts for joy and chants, “I wanna hang out with cousin RiRi! Where she at?!” Ramonda chimes in, “I’ll take you to her, she’s in her lab! Give mommy and daddy some time alone, eh?”
Erik leads me to the west wing of the palace where the Dora placed my bags at the door, “This is your room Y/N. Leanna, N’Juma, and I are gonna be on the other side of the palace.” “Okay, so are we gonna be separate the entire time?” He shushes me, “Damn, woman! No. But You did say you needed time to yourself. I’m giving you that! Tomorrow is Valentines day, I got a few things lined up for us to do with the kids and I got something special for you.. Just let me, okay?”
I open the door to my suite, my back to him I rebut, “Let’s just see how the day goes with the kids. Then I’ll tell you if I’ll let you or not.”
With that, I roll my belongings in with me and shut the door. Retiring to the room for the remainder of the evening.
I spent the ladder part of the night prior completing the brief reviews I had left before my huge blowup. I fell asleep after I completed my last one. It’s eerily quiet on this side of the palace. Yet, I am grateful for it. I woke up around seven AM with the strangest crook in my neck. I wince in agony, holding my neck where the source of pain resides. Shit! I must have slept wrong. I guess I can try to ease the pain with a hot bath. I plug my phone up to my beats pill and turn on my r&b playlist. Apple sure knows how to channel my mood because This Way by Khalid and H.E.R. begins playing, channeling all of yesterday’s energy into my morning.
You say I'm trippin', bullshit You're the one to make me do shit You're the one to make me feel it The feeling of stupid I was in your corner When you were putting me through shit Now you wanna leave No, you leaving me was foolish
I sink lower the more my comfy bath as the song continues, my mind flashes back to N’jadaka’s abrubt return back home..
“You’re sorry as fuck. You let half a fucking year go by! You haven’t seen or heard from me. Let alone your daughter and son. You missed Leanna’s birthday! You’ve missed so fucking much with not even so much as a bullshit filled excuse as to why!”
Yeah, all of these excuses Say I'm the one that made you ruthless Well you're the reason I'm crazy And with you, I feel useless I let you have it You took me for granted Always wanna play the victim When they don't know the truth is...
You left me this scar on my heart When I'd never take it that far (oh) Why would you say that it was true love If true love is absolute, what more can I say?
My Kimoyo beads go off on my left wrist, I answer it. N’jadaka is on the other end, “Good morning baby.” “Good morning ‘Ja, how are you?” “He releases a heavy sigh, “Our kids are a handful, ma. N’Juma is still on west coast time so he’s sleep now. But he was up until the past hour. Leanna is a total diva. She doesn’t wanna get up, at all!” Poor Erik. He looks so defeated. He only got a night compared to my one hundred eighty-some odd nights of that. “Bribe her with breakfast ‘Ja. JuJu can only be sleep for the next hour or else you’ll have a repeat of last night so you may wanna get her breakfast like, ten minutes ago.” Something flies by his face when he shakes Leanna to wake her up, “Lil girl did you--Get up Leanna! It’s time for breakfast!”
“What’s the plan for today Stevens?” He goes away from the camera view, you hear him tell your eldest child to brush her teeth and wash her face before he comes back, “We’re gonna take the kids to meet W’kabi, Okoye, and the boarder tribe so they can see the rhinos, then we’ll make the trip up to Jabari land so they can play in the sn--” he looks in what I assumed to be where his bathroom was located to see if Leanna was being nosey. I guess the answer was yes because he spells out the next word, “S-N-O-W.”
They’ve never been in the snow with us living in California and all, so it’s really thoughtful that he wants the kids to have that experience in Wakanda. I just hope he takes my advice or we’ll be in for a long and trying day. “Sounds good ba..” The words of adornment almost slips through my teeth, his eyebrows hit the top of his forehead waiting for the rest of the word to drop, “--Sounds good N’jadaka. The kids should enjoy it. I’ll be out for breakfast in a bit.”
I stumble through the corridors in my robe and slippers, searching for the dining room. I feel like I’m walking in circles at this point. I hadn’t bumped into anyone and I haven’t seen anything resembling a kitchen or a dining room. I finally found some stairs so I descend to what looks like a foyer next to two huge ass doors, then I hear my daughter yelling, “Where’s mommy? You said she was gonna be down here!” I follow the bossy little voice to the dining room, “I’m sorry LeeLee. Mommy got lost in here it’s so big!” Ramonda and Shuri laugh, “Sorry cousin, I told N’jadaka I should’ve retrieved you.” Speak of the Devil, he comes into the area with a large plate of pancakes in one hand, and a pitcher of OJ in the other, “And I told you she would find her way. How you doing baby?”
I cradle my neck again, “I’m good, except for my neck. I think I slept wrong last night.” N’jadaka huffs, “You slept sitting up, working?” My eyes squint as I purse my lips, “Yes--” I mouth, ‘smartass’, then continue, “I did.” He leaves that where it is as Leanna goes on to talk about her lab time with Shuri, “We’re syncing her gloves to surge an--E--M--P?” She looks over at Shuri for agreement of her termenology, Shuri nods, “Yes, LeeLee. Which stands for?” Leanna looks up, deep in her thoughts, then she snaps, “Eeee--Electromagnetic Pulse.” My four year old is truly on her way to becoming a genius. I’m so proud, “Look at my little scientist!” Leanna glows at the praise, “Baba says I can help with cousin RiRi’s project at home at the center, right?” N’jadaka pops a strawberry in his mouth and nods at his baby girl’s query, “Absolutely. I just got the news, T’challa will offically name me as the director of the Oakland Wakandan Outreach Center before we leave. I start work the week after next.”
Ramonda embraces her nephew and congratulates him. Their relationship had come a long way since he left Wakanda seven years ago. They resented one another. She disliked him because of his quarrel with T’challa, he disliked the entire side of the family that neglected him after his Uncle killed his father, and she wasn’t excluded. Now, he’s closer with her than he is with T’challa or Shuri. She’s like a surrogate mother to him that he needs in his life to keep him balanced. He’s become a better man since reconciling his differences with her. “Congratulations N’jadaka. I’m happy for you.” He turns his attention to me, “I’m happy for us. This is what we’ve wanted since we’ve gotten married. It’s taken me longer than expected..but now I’m able to be closer to our family.” I look down, poking my fork at my piece of watermelon, “Yeah, you are.”
Part Two is dropping later tonight. Stay tuned!!!
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cryinggameff · 6 years
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I spent hours tossing and turning that night, and I knew why. I had been apart from Cayden for 3 days now, and i was starting to lose my mind. I got up out of the bed and decided to try and take a shower, hoping it would relax me, then got back in bed. The baby started doing all kinds of flips and tricks and I instinctively reached over to get Cayden’s attention because he loved feeling the baby move, he said it was the only time he got to connect with the baby, I carried it around all day. I sighed. But of course my hand came up empty.
I knew I had made a mistake leaving the house, but I was feeling so many things towards him, it was hard to lay next to him. clearly he hadn't hurt me on purpose but i couldn't get past the betrayal, and honestly insecurities i felt. I thought i was giving Cayden something he didn't have, his first child, something no one could take away. Now i just felt stupid and i wasn't sure i could handle another woman having a child with my husband. What was I supposed to do if Cayden really had another son? Would I leave him over that? Something that happened before I even knew him. That sounded unfair. I threw off the blankets in frustration. Just then the doorbell went off downstairs. I paused. My stomach knotted, i was pretty sure i knew who it was. Only one person came by at such odd times. I got myself off the bed and put my robe on to answer the door.
Cayden stood with his hands in his pockets, wearing a hoodie and sweatpants. I had talked to him on the phone a bit, he was checking on the baby, but i hadn't seen his face and had forgotten just how annoyingly attractive he was.
“What are you doing here? It’s 3 in the morning,” I pulled my robe closed. He stepped inside past me so i closed the door behind  him. He looked down at me.
“Pack yo shit Randi. We going home,” he said simply, looking at me seriously. I looked at him like he had lost his mind.
“Do you think you’re my dad now?”
“No. I’m your husband, and I’m taking you and my kid home one way or another. This is ridiculous. I can’t sleep because I’m worried, I know you not sleeping either, which ain’t good for the baby. Your friends ain’t gonna take care of you the way I do, I know they not about to rub your feet or help you in the mornings,” he said. I hated that he was right. The only reason I was surviving this pregnancy was because of him. I still had really rough mornings and he made me smoothies or juice, something I could stomach since my morning sickness refused to go away even so late into the pregnancy, he ran my baths and often carried me to them. I was spoiled. Plus he gave amazing foot rubs, or on my lower back, which was beyond sore right now.
“You can't just ignore all your problems and act like things are ok Cayden, even if i come home the problem still exists," i pointed out.
“I’m not ignoring it. I’m gonna be a man and sort it out, either way, but I need you by my side. Because I’m...terrified Randi,” he confessed. "This shit is as shocking to me as it is to you, and i have no idea what the fuck to do. Im a grown as man but im scared." My face softened and my heart broke. Cayden so rarely showed vulnerability that it meant a lot when he did.
"well so am i," i mumbled, wanting to cry again. He saw that and cupped my cheek. I closed my eyes. When i opened them his face was hovering over mine. He brushed his lips over mine and my body turned to jello. He kissed me so i kissed him back. His hand moved into my hair and he got a fistfull of it, tilting my head back. He kissed behind my ear and down my neck, stopping just before the spot i loved to have kissed. He pulled away and looked me dead in the eyes, his were dangerous, unpredictable and warning of trouble. That was Cayden, but that was also me. He took my hand in mine and started for the stairs with me in tow.
I wasn't sure what this was gonna help when he was hovering over me, kissing me and positioning himself with my entrance. He hiked my leg up, and pushed into me. I whimpered, at a loss for words as he moved in and out of me with slow, purposeful strokes. I always thought pregnancy would make sex awkward but Cayden always knew what he was doing and so far it hadn't been an issue. He had me on my side now, thrusting his hips from behind me, a really comfortable position for my bump and my back as well. His mouth was by my ear and his hand gripped my hip. He was grunting in my ear which honestly set me off and i felt myself peaking as he did.
He rolled over onto his back and brought me into his side". You gon bring yo ass home now?" he asked in my ear. I nodded like a fool. After that how could i not. He chuckled, bringing his hand to my bump.
"He's been really active today," i said, looking down at his hand on my stretched skin.
"He gets that from me. Gonna be a ball player," he smirked.
"Im gonna have my hands full i already know. I just hope he looks like you,"
That's how he convinced me, and the next morning i found myself in my bed at home, with him laying beside me. I was awake and he was sleeping with his arms around me. I was looking over at him just thinking. We had talked after our little distraction and Cayden had apologized to me for the drama this had caused. He also made it clear he had reached out to Keisha and they would be going to get a DNA test today actually but the results didn't change how he felt about me and our baby. Now i was just trying to make peace with the possible outcomes.
"You okay?" Cay asked, eyes still closed.
"I thought you were sleeping. Yeah im ok. Are you ok?" I asked. He opened his eyes and nodded. He looked at the clock on the bedside table.
"I have to go soon," he said, looking over at me. He was going to the doctor with Keisha to give samples for the paternity test. I nodded. He got up and took his ring off to get in the shower. I wasn't sure if i was supposed to go with him or just stay out of it, i felt awkward because he hadn't asked me to go. He paused. "You coming?" he asked.
"Do you want me there?" I sat up.
"I always want you there," he said. So i got up and went to shower with him. I wasn't sure where we stood or what all i was gonna do, but for now i was gonna stay by his side.
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I was scared shitless. I didn't know what the fuck was going on and what this meant. One minute i was having a baby with Randi, and the next i might have a 5 year old son. When i had reached out to Keisha i asked her if the kid was mine and she said it was possible. I was beyond pissed. Why would she not tell me that i might have a kid? I would have wanted to know. I would have helped her out and handled my shit.
Even worse than the fear though was the guilt i felt for throwing all this on Randi. She was 7 months pregnant and more vulnerable now than ever, and i wasn't sure she could handle this. She was beyond upset and i was afraid she resented me now. I was the one who wanted the baby and made her all these promises about how our life would be, now this. Last night she had told me it would kill her if someone else had my first child, and i wasn't sure what to do with that. She came home with me anyways but i was pretty sure her staying was dependent on the results. I couldn't help but think about how we had just started moving into the new house, even started working on the nursery.
She sat beside me at the doctor's office, one hand in mine and the other on her belly. I was glad she had agreed to come with me because she kept me calm. Keisha and her son were sitting across from us, waiting as well. The whole thing felt like a twisted maury episode and i was beyond uncomfortable but it was more awkward for Randi. She wouldn't say a word to Keisha or even look in her direction. After a few minutes a nurse came and called our names. I kissed Randi's hand before letting it go. "I'll see you in a lil bit," i said.
"I'll be here," she said with a small smile.
I gave a bunch of samples like blood and saliva, they even look some hair. The nurse said we wouldn't find out for a week, they had to take everything to a lab then they'd call us. So another week of this not knowing.
I had to go talk to Pat so i dropped Randi off at home then drove to the warehouse. Driving up to it i suddenly got a wave of memories from long before i met Randi. When Trey was still alive and i was doing drops or working on corners. In a way life was easier then, i didn't have any responsibilities, i just had to focus on me and my job, not 100 other niggas and what they doing. But it was sldo harder, i saw a lot when i was doing drops or working on corners. I lost a lot of friends, got shot for the first time. I thought i'd be doing this shit forever, and i was ok with it until SHE came into my life.
"So this it? You really out man?" Pat said, passing me the blunt he had lit.
"Me and Sean madea deal, so its done," i shrugged. "Im just getting my shit in order now."
"So what you gon be doing?" He asked.
"Imma get more involved in my legit businesses, be on some CEO shit. Im working with these nerdy niggas on this app right now and shit is pretty cool, and we bout to make soe mad coin to top it off."
"On some legal shit huh. I see you cuh."
"If you ever get sick of this shit i got you man," i shrugged.
"I appreciate that. You a real one. Eh let me know when that kid get here, i wanna see you on some fatherly shit," he laughed. I chuckled.
"Bet," i said.
After seeing Pat i called Ty so see where he was at. I hadn't told him about everything going on even though that was my nigga, this just felt like something i had to figure out privately first. The dude knew me like a brother though and he guessed something was up i guess from the way i was talking.
"You and miss attitude fighting again?" he asked.
"Nah, not that. Just some shit going on," i said,making a turn at the light.
"Yall gon be aight, i know that for a fact. Can't neither one of yall live without the other," he said.
"I hope you right fam," i said. I pulled into the parking lot. I was stopping by the store to pick up flowers and ice cream for Randi. "let me go in this store real quick. Imma catch you later." I hung up and got out the car.
When i got home Randi wasn't downstairs so i went up to the room to look for her. She was sleeping in the bed but she got up when i opened the door.
"My bad," i said, "I didn't know you were sleeping."
"It's ok," she said sitting up.
"I got you these, and ice cream too. Its downstairs," i handed her the flowers.
"They're beautiful" she smelled them.
"You're beautiful," i said, she laughed. "No seriously." I grabbed her chin affectionately. "You still love me right?" She nodded.
"Im always gonna love you Cayden," she said, which gave me hope. "even if we aren't together." That last part was like a knife to the heart.
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Ty had agreed to move in with me after some persuading and well thought out arguments. He realized it was easier for him to commute than me because he didn’t work on a set schedule. I had to be at practice or games at strict times.
We were moving all his boxes in to the apartment. My place was really nice and spacious. It was a big apartment downtown and a few guys from the team lived in the building. Ty was coming in with a box when Devon walked by, in his way to his place down the hall.
“Ah shit! Is this the boyfriend?” He hollered, stopping in the doorway. I chuckled when I saw him and his huge grin.
“Yes. This is him. Ty, this my homie Devon,” i introduced them briefly.
“Cole hasn’t shut up about you moving in man,” Devon said. Ty grinned, feeling himself. I rolled my eyes.
"I said it once," i said, opening a box that was on the floor.
"He's a clingy nigga," Tyga said, "But i like it."
"Whatever," i said, walking to the door to leave and get more stuff. I was the clingy person in our relationship though. Ty was a bit more withdrawn, but it worked.
Devon left after a while and it was just us again. I was opening a box when i started thinking about the fact that i never thought this would work with me and him.
"You know, we never would have gotten back together if you hadn't almost died," i pointed out. He paused for a long time, thinking back to that time. "Sorry, i didn't mean to make you think about all that,"i said quickly, realising.
"It's ok. I guess you right. It took a coma and almost dying for me to fully accept myself and my feelings for you. Guess my mama was right, i am hardheaded." We both laughed. After a few minutes i asked,
"Do you still think about it?" i asked. I meant getting shot.
"Sometimes, randomly. Not like actually getting shot but mostly about being knocked out for so long," He said, unwrapping something.
"What was it like?"
"I don't exactly remember. I just remember wanting to wake up, to get up, and i coudn't. That...was pretty scary. Sometimes i be having dreams about that, wanting to move but i can't," he said quietly. I stopped what i was doing to really look at him. Vulnerable Ty was so rare.
"That sounds scary," i said. "I have bad dreams sometimes to. That you didn't make it. But not so much anymore," i explained. He nodded. We continued packing and that was that. That little conversation was a lot for us though.
After some unpacking we ordered food and ate it like animals. We hadn't eaten since breakfast and it was 5pm now.
"So you staying here tonight?" i asked. I knew he had a lot of work to do because things were busy now. Cayden was getting out and Sean was taking over so people were in a bit of panic. He was helping Cayden sort things out.
"Nah. I gotta go back. Imma be here tomorrow though," he said. I nodded.
"Ok. I guess i can start putting some of your  stuff away, if you don't mind," i offered.
"Awe, how sweet," he teased. I scowled.
"Put away your own shit then," i said, turning to leave. He grabbed my arm.
"Nah but forreal that would be lit, you know im bad at being organized and shit."
"Oh i know, ive slept at your place," i said. He gave me a mug and i howled. "Im playing," i pulled him closer by the arm to kiss him.
"I gotta get going soon," he said. I nodded.
"Do your thing. I have practice in a few hours anyways," i said. I wasn't really phased by his coming and going because i understood that was the job, and we generally weren't attached at the hip. I think it worked because we both had our own thing going. But not gonna lie it was nice to come home to someone at the end of the day and now we'd be doing that more.
"I'll see you tomorrow night," he said. He paused. "I love you," he said. I grinned.
"Bruh you soft," i said. His face dropped and i laughed. "I love you too," i kissed him one last time.
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shans-fic-recs · 6 years
Yuulma Fic Recs
Yo, my lovelies! So I finally graduated (thank fuck) and maybe I'll go job hunting eventually, or well, god knows. I'm hoping shit will work out. In the meantime, here's a small (really small, lol cuz so few yuulma shippers my god) list of my favourite Yuulma fics. Enjoy!
⭐ Favourites are marked with stars⭐
Ship : Kanda Yuu/Alma Karma
Fandom :  D-Gray Man Hallow
•  Día de las Almas : Kanda hates Mexico. Of course Komui would send him there.
•  All That Glitters ⭐: "You're going to drop me!"
Alma frowns at him. Kanda's fingers are shaking, and outside, more and more people are filing into the main tent. They're laughing; children screaming with delight and mothers chiding, "Now, now, dear. Don't run too fast, you'll fall!"
It's like any other show, but-  
"Yuu, I would never drop you."
Okay, like I said, I give stars too easily, but fuck it. This is one of my favourite fics (i have more too, but well). The amount of trust exhibited in this is pure beautiful. It reminds me of the actual Yuulma relationship, without the animosity of akuma! Alma v/s Kanda rivalry in canon. Fuck, just go read it.
•  Chasing Something Just Out of Reach ⭐⭐: Each gives them one more chance to see the other again.
This is one of those poetic gems, if you know what I mean. Tbh, the entirety of the Yuulma ship is poetic, but whatever. Soulmate AU.
•  Cutting Loose ⭐⭐: "Yuu, it's cold," he says.Kanda looks at him and finds himself flustering. Alma's eyes are painfully soft and heavy, lips curved in a smile that may be mocking everything but Kanda himself. Lotus flowers scatter the bed sheets. Lotus flowers fill the room. Whenever he breathes in these days he can smell them, taste their perfume on his lips. As always, he blocks them out, rewrites what the room must look like without them. Alma lying in bed tired, holding the bed sheet out. Nothing more. It's easier to block things out.
Much needed Yuulma porn with feelings. Yes, I'm sad. And i love this one.
•  D.Gray-Man : Half is Better Than None ⭐⭐⭐: "Shut up," Kanda says one morning, eyes still closed.
"--Eh? I wasn't saying anything. I definitely didn't! I was talking in my head but I wasn't saying anything aloud. -- Yuu, are you psychic now? Have you become psychic?! That's so cool!"
"I could hear the way you looked at me," Kanda says.Alma is silent, and Kanda thinks about how stupid it sounds, what he just said.
"Sorry," Alma says, and when Kanda looks at him, he's smiling to himself, small and sad, and has lifted himself onto his palms, hauling himself over to the broken-out window of the abandoned church they're staying in now.
"You aren't sorry."
"I am," Alma says. "I'm really sorry."
"I love you, Yuu," Alma says, and attempts to fling himself out the window.
Okay, this is truly my most favourite of favourites, I can't say how much i love it. It's post-canon, utterly sad and beautiful and funny at times and the best of its kind.
•  cracks in the sky ⭐⭐⭐: They both live, in a manner of speaking. In some ways, they don't.
Kinda canon divergent and so so precious, okay maybe i just love Alma too much.
•  Economies of Scale ⭐: Kanda never realized how much there was to see outside the lab. He wished Alma could've seen it, too. It was so much bigger than they thought it was.
•  falling ⭐⭐⭐: There's an angel following Kanda, and he's never sure whether that's a blessing or a curse.
Hauntingly beautiful and sad. Especially sad, according to me at least.
•  In his Heart ⭐⭐: Alma's last resting spot is mine and mine alone.
This one is super sad, there's the canonical character death and Yuu finally being, well, sensible in way  i guess.
•  Inherently Fantastic, Wildly Fanciful ⭐⭐⭐: He's like something out of a fairytale, beautiful in his imperfection. The problem, though, is that Alma isn't real.
(Yuullen side pairing!!!)
Another beauty, it's got one of my all time favourite tropes : hallucination. Or something. And this made me cry a lot, so beware. I'm also noting this pattern with all the Yuulma fics getting loads of stars. What's going on?????
•  recurrence ⭐⭐⭐: Alma knows his Yuu would probably consider it a curse, doomed, but he’s elated - one lifetime after another, criss-crossing into a braid of eternity, finding him in every one.
One of the very best Yuulma soulmate AUs out there.
•  time has brought your heart to me ⭐: Every time they come together, it's a like the universe has designed that moment in time specifically for them.
Fluffy Yuulma porn with trans!Alma.
Alright lovelies! That's it for the Yuulma recs for now. I'm reading some at the moment and I'll update soon. And so sorry for my crappy reviews 🤣🤣
Stay tuned!♥️
Do tell me if any of the links don't open or are faulty, etc.
Last Updated :  26/08/2018
Feel free to send me your own recs and I'll include them in the list! Loves!!♥️♥️
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itisiidiocy · 6 years
The Sweet Case of Keller
"Your last name is Keller, right?"
"Yeah how did you know that?"
Fangs was yawning as he walked down the Southside High's hallways, tired after the previous night's late night show at the Twilight when he saw his hazel eyed friend leaning against the lockers.
"Yo! DeSantos!" Fangs called out only to be met with silence.
"DeSANTOS!" He tried again.
Shaking his head he walked towards his greasy haired friend who was smiling stupidly at his phone.
"Joaquin!" Fangs shook the other serpent by his shoulders to bring him back to earth.
"Oh hey Fangs!" Joaquin said startled. "Sorry I was just...." He looked down at the phone in his hands and Fangs swore that he saw him blush a little.
"What got you all smiley this morning, huh?" Fangs teased.
"Oh no nothing...erm just came across this cool meme--"
"Oh come on Joaquin, it's no secret that you hate memes. You are that one fucktard of our group who doesn't know how to respect memes so stop lying" Fangs accused.
"Am not! Since you guys keep babbling about how good memes are, I thought I might give it a try" Joaquin countered as he awkwardly shrugged and scratched the back of his neck.
Fangs narrowed his eyes skeptically and then exclaimed excitedly.
"Ohmygod, there's a boy!"
"What? no!" Joaquin quickly denied
"Oh yes, you always scratch the back of your neck when you're lying. TELL ME MORE!"
"No I don't and there is no boy. Back off Fogarty" Joaquin snapped
"There is." Fangs continued, unfazed.
"Ha!" Fangs high-fived himself. "I knew it. I knew you were hooking up last night when you went to get popcorn and returned like 2 light-years later."
"Our greasy boy is finally getting laid" Fangs gushed.
Joaquin just shook his head at his overly proud friend and made his way away from him and walked towards his next class. Fangs ran to catch up with him while continuously nagging about the Joaquin's new 'love interest'.
"Don't you have a class to attend?" Joaquin asked frustrated.
"Aww, look at this love sick boy" Fangs said into the air. "so lost in thoughts that he even forgot that we have chemistry together" Fangs teased again deliberately pressing on the word 'chemistry'.
Joaquin just rolled his eyes and proceeded inside the apparent chemistry lab.
The corners of the lab were tainted black due to the numerous chemical explosions that took place there courtesy of Sweet Pea. At the back, the Ghoulies were hurdled up, smoking pot--in the chemistry lab of all places-- and laughing loudly.
Joaquin and Fangs looked at each other and sighed. They were surprised that the Ghoulies were actually going to attend a class after all.
"Hello students" Mr. Saltzman's voice rung through the lab making the students hurry into their respective stalls. Joaquin went and sat at his usual secluded corner while Fangs went to sit beside a Ghoulie-glaring Sweet Pea.
"I see the royalties decided to join us today" Mr Saltzman commented upon seeing the Ghoulies.
"What can we do Mr Saltzman? Our love for you is endless" Bucky-one of the Ghoulies-spoke up. "Besides, You are the only teacher who still lets us in their class."
"And then you ask why I question my life choices" Mr Saltzman muttered to himself.
"Anyways, since you are so enthusiastic about giving education a chance, why don't you start on with the class today? Read us on from where we left off on Friday?" He asked Bucky "oh wait, you were probably stoned on Friday, and on Thursday and Wednesday and literally every other day of your existence, much like your education."
At that, Bucky's smile vanished and his expression replaced with an angry and somewhat embarrased one.
Mr Saltzman deadpanned at the group, already used to their antics and turned to the rest of the chucking class.
"Mr DeSantos, why don't you do the honors today?" He asked before he turned towards the board and writing down the heading.
"Mr DeSantos?" He asked again upon not receiving a response from the serpent.
Fangs looked up from doodling in his book to see Joaquin dreamily stare at his closed book with a small smile on his face. Fangs smirked knowing what was up.
"Joaquin!" Mr Saltzman exclaimed just like Fangs did not too long ago.
Joaquin jumped up slightly from his chair, startled by the shrill sound of his name being called out by his teacher.
"Uh y-yes ma-...sir?" He questioned, lost to the happenings in his surroundings.
"What's in the Dreamland for us today? Disney princess or lesbian porn?" Mr Saltzman sassed causing the classroom to erupt in chuckles for the second time that day.
"Spare him today Mr Saltzman" Fangs smirked from his seat in the middle back. "Someone's got his brain a little too pre-occupied today"
The class once again erupted into a series of 'ohh' and teasing whistles as Joaquin sunk further into his chair.
"Quiet!" Mr Saltzman shouted, frustrated. "Now, Mr DeSantos, if we are finally back on Earth again, could you summarise what we did before the weekend?"
"Sure eh sir" Joaquin answered awkwardly before picking up his book.
He narrated the synopsis of how carbon particles form a covalent bond instead of an ionic one due to their incapability of losing or gaining ions.
While the Ghoulies engaged the class with an acute comparison between carbon particles and a reproductively infertile person, Fangs caught Joaquin glaring angrily at him and turns to look the other way when he saw Fangs looking.
Fangs panicked internally. He knew he fucked up. He shouldn't have teased Joaquin in front of the whole class especially when he didn't know if what he guessed was true.
After the class, Joaquin quickly gathered up his things and bolted out of the classroom.
"Joaquin!" Fangs ran out after him hot on his heals, leaving a confused Sweet Pea behind.
"Joaquin! Listen up!" No response. "WAIT UP DeSANTOS!"
"come on! JOAQUIN!" Fangs grabbed his serpent jacket in an attempt to stop the raging bullet.
"WHAT!?" Joaquin angrily turned to face Fangs almost knocking him over.
"What do you want fangs? The details of my rendezvous with a 'someone' hmm?" Joaquin sassed, furious.
"Dude, come on! It was just a joke. Why are you getting so upset?" Fangs tried to reason.
"Because no one can know and it's none of your fucking business!" He whisper-yelled.
"Okay one, ouch and two, what do you mean no one can know?" Fangs inquired.
"Yoo-hoo" Joaquin sing-songed. "I JUST said, it's none of your business"
"Joaquin come on, you're worrying me now. You almost never get angry and right now you're furious in-spite of knowing that I was joking." Fangs rambled on "You always tell me about stuff and now you're saying it's 'none of my business'? Well yes sir, it is absolutely my business and you know what? I'm definitely not going to stop bugging you until---"
"His name is Kevin Keller" Joaquin sighed.
"---you tell me who-- wait, Kevin Keller? As in Sheriff Keller's Keller?" Fangs asked shocked.
Joaquin nodded.
Joaquin jumped up and sealed Fangs' mouth with his palm, looking around to see of anyone heard him.
"Quiet!" He whispered sharply. "Now you see why no one can know?"
Fangs straightened up and and jerked Joaquin's hand from his mouth.
"No shit, Sherlock" he huffed. " What were you thinking? Seriously, of all the jerks you could choose from, you chose the town sheriff's son while being part of a motherfucking gang!?"
"Well, don't blame me! You wanted to know, now you know." Joaquin shrugged.
"Wasn't riding a motorbike, carrying a knife in your pocket while wearing leather 24x7, getting a huge ass snake tattoo and hanging out in a bar full of drunkards all at 16 enough rebel for you?"
Joaquin deadpanned, severely regretting telling him anything.
"Does he even know that you're a serpent?" Fangs inquired.
"Of course he does. I have a 'huge ass snake tattoo' remember? He promised he won't tell if I won't."
"And you believe that?"
"Yes I do. And you are not going to question that" Joaquin stated.
"Have you totally lost it, DeSantos? He is fucking sheriff's son! It's written 'beware' in block letters on a big red sign board on his head!" Fangs exaggerated.
Joaquin looked around to check again if anyone was eavesdropping or intrigued with Fangs' not so subtle behavior.
"Look, I- FP put me upto this. He needs to keep an eye on the sheriff for..." he hesitated "....for some reason I don't know of. He's planning on doing that through his son and asked me get on his good side." Joaquin whispered.
"FP put you upto this?" Fangs asked, confused.
"Yes. Now please would you drop this and promise to never mention it to anyone. Just you and me okay? Or else FP will roast me alive." Joaquin said sincerely.
"Yeah yeah don't worry about it" Fangs sighed, casually shrugging off his friend.
"Fangs no." Joaquin looked Fangs in the eye as he firmly held him by his shoulder. "You don't understand. You can't tell anyone. Not even Sweet Pea or Toni. This is important okay? No one means no fucking one. Got it?"
"Yeah, jeez Joaquin" Fangs started as he noticed Joaquin's worried expression.
"Oh god okay, I hereby solemnly promise that this secret stays between the sonority and no outsider would know about it, even if they threaten to feed me to Godzilla." Fangs said in all seriousness.
Joaquin's eyes softened and he burst out laughing. "I'll take your word on that Fogarty"
He turned around to leave as Fangs voice teasingly called from behind.
"By the way, you don't have to blush everytime he texts, you know. FP won't know, trust me"
Joaquin threw a middle finger over his shoulder as he started walking faster in the opposite direction, desperately trying to hide the red creeping on his cheeks and the involuntary smile on his lips.
"Damn you're screwed, DeSantos"
"Joaquin and I used to hang out. He talked about you all the time."
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