#yo im a fellow grunt here
voidselfshipp · 4 years
The Copper Wars
Chapter 4
Okay to rb!
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For once,engenieer was not in his workshop, wich meant that jerico arrived Next.
He grabbed the Copper metal sheets, taking a good look at them,and the rest of the lot.
Would he have enough?.
--Sorry for bein' late--engies voice grabs his attention--Was uh,makin tea, I know ya dont exactly like coffee....
--Aw, thanks engie--jeri grabbed the cup--Well..I guess we should get to bussiness.
And that they did.
They spent most of the day assembling the wiring and the mechanisms,that would impulse the big robot.
When the sun was setting both decided to go Grab dinner.
Jer Ate his food on silence,noticing that spy and sniper werent there.
Well,they did seem more secluded than the others.
He politely said thanks,and washed his used dishes, taking vica,who was sleeping on the couch in his arms, and went to highest floor of the base, a watchtower that had a door leading to the roof.
He sat there, leaning on the handrail of the watchtower, as vica was sitting on his shoulder.
The cat purred and nuzzled his neck, he laughed and scratched under their chin.
--Whats on my mind you ask?--he said,looking up at the Sky--i have everything and nothing at the same time, I guess, these days have been very rough--The cat mewled in response--man, now that I think of it,I havent written to dad in a good while, I should do that...
The cat then jumped to the handrail,somehow balancing theirself while on the thin metal tube, their dark purple eyes met their owners, and licked his hand.
--Youve been very cuddly these days vica,not complaining,but Its weird...--he just shrugged, and looked at the time in his watch--Hmm I guess I can stay like this a bit longer...
He spent the rest of the hour talking back and forth with his familiar,who answred with purss and hisses.
--yo Jerico?,wake up--A voice called his name, jer groaned,and leaned on his side,his Back facing the person that was calling him.
--i told jou zo vake Him up softly
He did recognize that voice, he opened his eyes and yawned,now moving his body to rest on his back, he Turned to see scout and medic--Hey guys...whats up?--his voice sounded raspy and deep, as he rubbed his eyes.
--jou overslept, its almost afternoon
--Man....-- he sat up stretching his body, causing his two companions to blush suddenly--Guess I was tired huh?--he smirked and got out of bed,thankfully he had some shorts on--thanks for waking me up,otherwise id be sleeping till noon
--Uh dont mention it
And with a confused look he saw medic and scout bolt out of his room.
He decided to brush it off and grabbed his things and headed for the shower room.
As the water hits his body,he heard the pure chaos that was going down in the rest of the showers.
He couldnt help but giggle as he washed his hair,softly singing to himself, he dried his hair and body once he was done,and wrapped the towel around his waist.
--Can I know what in the name of god was going on?--he grabbed his shirt and pants while looking at the mirror where some of the guys were shaving or combing their hair.
His eyes met medics, realizing his german friend had some blush on his cheeks.
--scout dropped his soap, pyro zried zo help him by setting said soap on fire,we all had zo stop pyro from doing zhe same vith Scouts deodorant
Jerico started to laugh while heading to the changing room--I wish I could have seen it while it was happening that sure was something
After changing he went to eat a quick lunch and getting to work on Forge.
So,the past few weeks he spent his time working with engie.
None of them,except maybe pyro, would admit it,but jericos presence did really make itself be missed, he had been Cooped up with work,barely even greeting and eating breakfast with them.
Engie assured his team jeri was alright,he was working very hard to finish this proyect.
But eventually,the team went with imaginary pitchforks and torches to engie.
-- "The townsfolk got together and they figured out a plan
They knew they'd have to do their best to save their fellow man--Jerico sung while hanging off a harness,soldering Forges faceplates--
And, though they had no weapons, they all had a lot of brains:
They'd build machines to leave their villain in a world of pain!
So Wilbur brought the copper, old Frank supplied the steel;
Bob and Sue had extra chains, and Tommy brought the wheels;
They knew they'd have a chance with these, they knew they'd win the fight
And they worked all through the night!--engie went up the scaffoldings, the robot was huge,thirty feet off the ground was giving him the chills--So saddle up your steam-bike and put your goggles on
We've got to be prepared or else we'll all be dead by dawn
Copperplate is coming and his eyes are seeing red
And he's after Wilbur's head!--his singing was stopped as engie called his name.
--Hey jerico! The guys really wanna see ya,they Came to me like an angry mob!
Jeri stopped what he was doing,and smiled--aww they miss me?thats adorable!--He answered lifting His soldering goggles-'okay lemme finish this and ill be down there in a bit!
Engie sighed in relief,mostly because he could go back down to the safety of the floor.
Jerico finished his work for the day,and descended to the floor, taking off his Gear covered in Grease.
He Walked to the dinning room where everyone was expecting him.
Yes even spy and sniper.
A Sly smile crossed Jers lips--Well well well, a little birdie told me you guys missed me
--yea and what if we did huh?--scout defensely said.
--Well thats just cute!--blacksmith hugged scout tightly with a huge grin on his face.
The Bostonian boy patted his back,red as all hell.
--Well,im here,actually I might go take a shower,im all sweaty,covered in Grease and just disgusting overall
--Youd make us all a favor-spy commented taking a drag from his ciggarette.
--Yeah youve missed me so dearly spy--jers mocking tone got a small chuckle out of the frenchman.
And without much wait blacksmith headed to the shower.
--Im not sayin anything...but he hugged me first!first!-Jeremy commented,bragging about the fact that well,his crush hugged him.
To no-ones surprise,other than jerico himself who didnt know,the mercs new coworker Turned into their crush.
Some just accepted it,others denied it until jeri errased himself from the face of the earth for a while.
--oh ye?when he comes back ill be the very first to hug 'im!--demo barked Back.
A quick shower later,jer quickly changed, and Walked back to where everyone was.
--And im back hi!--his words were cut by demo hugging him tightly,his cheeks Turned bright Pink, and started to giggle--Hey demo wassup?
--Nothin much--his face turned to scout who was green with envy.
--Would ya look at that,actually smelling like a normal human being--sniper added his snarky comment with a playful intention behind it.
--De orejas habla el burro(about ears spoke the donkey)
Spy and engie smiled smugly,and looked at sniper.
--Wot?--the aussie asked to no-one in particular.
--Jerico said like youre the one to talk,pardner
What followed was the longest 'ohhh' coming from the mercs, except of course spy and sniper),like if they went back to their teen years.
--Okay children,behave--blacksmith added,coming out of the kitchen with his tea Cup.
The Next two hours they all sat and talk peacefully,thats until tiredness for the best of jeri,and he Walked down hes room.
--jerico!wait up!--scout ran behind him--jeesus youre fast--this is the first time jer had seen him actually somewhat exhausted.
--Scout whats up?
--First uh,im Jeremy, second I am just...happy youre back,even if its for a bit, at least....we all have missed you, I...I've missed you--jeremy said, scratching the back of his neck--the room changes completly when youre around and i--, what im trying to say is...
Jers brows furrowed,until he heard his companion mutter a soft 'fuck it' and kissed him briefly.
Before scout can run away he grabs his hand and pulls him in for an actual kiss.
The Bostonian wraps one ar around his waist and the other is used as support as he hovers over his crush.
Jeri hugs his neck, pulling him closer.
--oh thank god--scout whispered hiding his face on the crook of blacksmiths neck.
Jerico caresses his hair and smiles--Im going to have to go okay?
He heard scout grunt but nodding,breaking the hug.
They said their goodbyes and jeri went to sleep.
What a day it was...
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