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YMIR'S BROTHER : Okay, Ymir, let's take a look at the next question.
YMIR : Hmm… There are three children holding a balloon in each hand. How many balloons are there?
YMIR : So three children plus two hands equals… 5? 5 balloons?
YMIR'S BROTHER : Mm, that's close, very close. Each kid has two balloons, right? So if there are three kids…
YMIR : Kay, then let's count them together… Oh, 6? 6 ballons!
YMIR'S BROTHER : There we go! Good job, Ymir!
I never learned much in class, and to be frank, I was an idiot. My brother would always have to teach me in a very simple, easy to understand manner.
Compared to my older brother I was a failure so my parents would always spoil him and ignore me completely.
But my brother was different. He was so patient and kind, always taking care of me and watching as I grew up.
YMIR : You scored the highest on the test again, whoa!!
YMIR'S BROTHER : Oh? Uhh… Yeah, I guess so. It's nothing. Just a coincidence. Thanks, Ymir.
My brother was always so modest; Completely incapable of taking a compliment.
But I… Even on his days off, even late into the night, I knew, I saw it… How he worked harder than anyone else. There was no coincidence about it.
Thinking back to when I was a kid, I was selfish and naïve, taking up all his time.
Every day, after I'd finished my homework, we'd play together. Every single day.
FEMALE : Oh, my gosh! You're soooo cute! And you take such good care of your baby brother, too!
On sunny days, my brother and I would always go to the park and our neighbors absolutely adored us.
YMIR : Hey, hey, big bro. Let's go on the swing!
YMIR'S BROTHER : Mm~? The swings sound fun, but first let's try and go upside down again on the monkey bars. You were so close the other day, weren't you?
YMIR : Oh, no!
YMIR'S BROTHER : Do you have any idea how cool you'll be if you do?
YMIR : Wahh? R-Really?
YMIR'S BROTHER : But, of course, you'd be a hero at your school.
YMIR : …Okay, big bro! I'm in! Show me how to do it!
Looking back, my brother was always very good with me. That day, before he pushed me on the swing, he had me climbing the monkey bars.
YMIR'S BROTHER : That's it! …You got it, Ymir! Just a little more momentum and you'll be able to go all the way around!
YMIR : Yes! I did it!
With the support of my brother, and more than a few pointers, I found myself going upside down on the monkey bars before I knew it.
It seemed my brother was not only a good student, but also an excellent athlete. I couldn't help but wonder what exactly I was missing.
How could he be both a learned scholar and military athlete. Shouldering the burden of the family name, following in the footsteps of our father.
He had the trust of everyone around him. We were always so proud of him. And even still, he took time out of his day to take care of me. A serious, kind, proud older brother.
YMIR : Hey, bro! Bro! I did it! I went all the way around! Now let's play on the swing!
YMIR'S BROTHER : Hahaha! Okay, okay! I'm coming! Let's see who can go higher!
YMIR : Okay! I won't lose!
Whenever I got to spend time with my brother we had so much fun. As far as I was concerned, he was the teacher I respected more than anyone else, and the friend who understood me the most...
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YMIR : (―There are so many beautiful women waiting for me.) That's what I tell myself as I walk to my guest's table. Just for tonight, I want to be someone else. To enjoy making them fall in love with me. If that is what the women want, it is my job as the best escort at Primus Club to make their dreams come true. YMIR : Why are you so shy, sweetie? I miss that pretty face whenever you look down. I've dreamed of meeting a woman like you for so long...
FEMALE CUSTOMER 1 : Mr. Ymir.... FEMALE CUSTOMER 2 : Hey, Ymir. Do you like me? YMIR : Do you enjoy hearing obvious answers? FEMALE CUSTOMER 2 : Yeah. I want to hear it as many times as I can. YMIR : Haha, well~ If you want to hear me say it so badly, then let's see if you can get me in the mood. The image of a lover that each client is looking for is different. So I play the role of the ideal lover that the client wants. They enjoy a one-night-only pseudo love affair, and all the women return home feeling dreamy. And once the doors close, the dream fades away and they return to reality. The same goes for the customers and the employees who work here. ..... Everyone is the same. ESCORT CO-WORKER 1 : Ymir's sales were number one again this week by a landslide~! ESCORT CO-WORKER 2 : I don't think anyone other than Ymir has been number one since I've been here. ESCORT CO-WORKER 3 : His customer service skills are great, but his face is what really impresses! He is so cool that even a guy like me would fall in love with him! ESCORT CO-WORKER 1 : Oh, I totally understand. His face is just too perfect~ YMIR : Haha, much appreciated! ESCORT CO-WORKER 3 : With a face like that, you must have had an easy life since childhood. YMIR : (An easy life....) A casual remark by a colleague suddenly triggers memories from my past. My family were local land-owners. What you might call aristocrats. We owned a large, well kept garden, and a huge mansion filled to the brim with magnificent furnishings. In such an environment, I was raised as the second son, without any difficulties.
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YMIR : Oh, brother! Welcome back! I missed you! Let's play~! YMIR'S BROTHER : Hahaha, Ymir. Alright we can play, but did you do your homework? My brother, who was five years older than me, was always full of smiles. Despite his responsibilities as the eldest son of a noble family and the strict upbringing he received, he was always sweet to me. YMIR : I can't do my homework at all. I don't know what I'm doing, and it's boring! YMIR'S BROTHER : Haha, you are quite honest, Ymir. Look, I'll show you how to do it. YMIR : Hehehe. I knew you would say that! A serious, kind, proud older brother. I loved him so much…
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