#ymir is the only one who actually gets some sleep at night tbh
vodka-and-ocs · 13 days
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they're so fucking annoying
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ephemeralem0tions · 7 years
Make story about Ererihan feat 104th cadet please❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Your wish! Is my command
I TBH wrote this while listening to Some Nights by FUN (great song). So have some immature jokes along the way, I wanted it to be a bit funny since the last three fics I have written last time were all sad XD
Some Nights (EruRiHan x 104th Cadets - Midnight Breaks)
Theme: Drinking and Bets
Rating: PG
Warning: Curse Words
AOT WEEK || send your asks/requests here x.
They watched as the squad leader took another swig of her mug, gulping all the contents in one solid motion. Cheers erupted, as her cheeks flushed pink under the influence of alcohol, smiling goofily and eyes seeming to wander into all directions.
Connie and Sasha watched her with fascination as she laughed it off, their minds equally affected with booze as she was. Jean Kirchtein had been bragging how he was better than the squad leader while Eren had challenged him, the poor boy spitting out a his drink after having too much, the others laughing at him as he scolded them, a facade for his embarrassment. Historia quietly had her fill, hesitant at first, but letting herself drown her sorrow of loosing Ymir after a few nudges by Sasha. Amongst the 104th squad, only Mikasa and Armin were sober. The raven haired girl seemingly unaffected even after calling some shots for Jaeger, Armin as always, said no to any form of beverage that would put him off his right mind. The Commander and Corporal had also joined their fun for the night, sitting across the young scouts with a drunk off her ass Hanji between them. Erwin had been admittedly buzzed from all he took in the past hour, Levi, still going strong, not even a single finger twitching as he took on more liquid.
These were the rare nights of the Survey Corps, wherein they’d be goofing around after a long and tiring day. Some of the nights they’d cherish, drinking under the subtle lamp light inside the pantry after dark. The Commander, even after loosing an arm a couple of weeks ago, would not pass this moment up. Levi, just right after his leg was healed took part in the chaos as well, claiming they would need someone sober to look after them. Hanji drowned herself, avoiding the thoughts of her fallen friends in the last expedition. The 104th cadets were still accepting the fact that Reiner and Bertholdt were the titans that wreaked havoc and ruined peace five years ago.
They let themselves indulge in the cheap alcohol Mike had left them in one of the cellars of the kitchen. A few bottles immediately going empty while the stronger ones were reserved for the long run. They were already on half of a bottle of Bacardi, taking shots alternatively as they laughed and share stories, forgetting about all the problems and sadness for now.
“More!” Hanji slurred, raising her mug up as Jean shakily slid the bottle across the table, Levi grabbing the glass and stopping it before it reached the brunette woman.
“That’s enough shitty glasses” he hissed, pulling the alcohol away from her direction, while she flailed her arms up lazily in an attempt to reach the item.
“But I want more” she pouted, as he used a free hand to push her away from her forehead.
“You’re already bat shit drunk. You’ll have a damn headache again and complain about your shitty hangover tomorrow morning” he growled, still holding her off.
“He’s right Hanji, you should stop” Erwin spoke from her opposite side, taking another swig of his own share.
“I really get the same answers from the same old men” she laughed bitterly. “You are all no fair”
The two men, upon noticing her distress, looked at each other and nodded. Levi let go of the bottle and poured her half of her glass, which she immediately obliged to. She was most likely thinking about Mike again, and it would beat the whole purpose of their drinking.
Levi knew it would take her only a few more drops to be knocked out, that was all they needed. As selfish as it is, they wanted to forget everything even for the night and act like everything was alright. They just needed a small break from reality before facing the truth again come day break, they didn’t need the squad leader sharing gloom after already an hour of being stress free.
As Levi predicted, she let down her mug and let it tilt till it dropped from her grasp with a thud once it hit the wooden table. Levi winced at the noise and possibility that the glass broke. He lifted it up carefully and sighed as he eyed at her peacefully sleeping figure. She had always bee the same, resistance low for booze, always the first one to be knocked out cold during their sessions.
He reached out a hand to carefully remove stray strands of hair that framed her eyes, another set of fingers hitting his before he could do so. His gaze met the blonde man from the other direction, eyebrows equally furrowed as his as they showed the same concern for the woman between them, tension slowly building up that the new recruits seemed to notice.
“I bet they both have a thing for the squad leader” Connie first whispered to Sasha, way too loud that the two men heard it, and whipped their attention towards the boy.
“Seconded” Sasha laughed, totally oblivious to the stares of her superiors.
“What are you brats talking about?!” the Corporal hissed, making the duo pipe down as they stared at them with fear.
“N-nothing sir! S-sorry!” The girl trembled, trying to brush them off.
“Well I guess the truth cannot be held off for long” Erwin laughed, surprising the short man nearly a meter away from him. “Relationships aren’t really forbidden amongst us soldiers, but it is a choice” His only hand reached out for her, finally tucking the loose hair behind her hair.
“So is that a confirmation that you indeed like her Commander?” Jean smirked, before Eren nudged him and he managed to spill a few drops of liquor on his pants.
“Why are we even talking about this?” Levi groaned, shooting an intimidating look to the cadets in front of him who seemed to take entertainment into the lives of their superiors.
“I actually do like her, but I’d rather not be selfish for my own feelings” Erwin declared, earning a holler from the scouts.
Levi was becoming confused, not being able to say a word as he stared at the Commander with anger, or rather jealousy. He couldn’t fathom it why he was so affected by Erwin’s proclamation of Love for the filthy woman, but he was beyond annoyed, his heart bubbling an unfamiliar feeling to his senses.
“The Corporal is suddenly quiet” Sasha snickered, earning another glare from him.
“He’s just jealous” Connie pointed out to him.
“Enough about this topic” he growled at everyone, yet they did not pipe down. He started getting tickled off by their alcohol induced systems. They will surely be consumed by their own faults the next morning, through a hell of a hangover. He knew they probably will not remember anything about their activities the next morning, and will wake up groggy and in pain.
“Just admit it Corporal, what happens in this room stays here” Eren gave him a small smile, one that felt weird. Jaeger was surely getting too close with everyone today. He did not even lash out on Mikasa for taking his shares a few times. He only teased Jean quite a fewer times than usual and was getting all good boy manner to everyone else.
“My personal life is none of your business” he took another shot, feeling the pressure everyone around him threw in his way.
“So you admit it?” Armin taunted this time. He shot a look at the boy who who only gave him a playful smile.
“The corporal is blushing” Jean teased, he felt like he could never get tired shooting death glares to the scouts, yet they’d never pay any respect for him in their drunken state.
“So what is it to you if I bathe four eyes, save her from her damn titans, and clean her shitty glasses from time to time huh? You should all just find another brat to like and care about your own damn relationships” he hissed, surprised faces coming his way.
Silence enveloped them, as he realized what he had said. He had just revealed to the young ones that he cared for the woman. Erwin looked at him with a stoic expression, yet fiery eyes which dug into his soul. He returned the favor, having confidence to fight for her but never knew where the feeling came from. A fight on intimidation lingered between the two men, the one they are fighting for safe and soundly asleep under their gazes.
“I bet on the Commander” Jean broke the silence.
“How could you say that?!” Connie shot back. “I’ll put all Sasha’s secret food stash under her bed for the Corporal” the two superiors had directed their attention to the boy. Levi, knowing that he’d be the sober one, took note to check the cadet quarters the following morning for some stolen loots of food.
“Connie!” the brunette nervously hushing her partner.
“Just put your bet on the Corporal and I won’t point it out” she nodded her head.
“I’d say the Corporal” Eren followed, their eyes landing on the people who haven’t voted yet.
“Wherever Eren goes, I go” Mikasa followed.
“I say the safest bet would be the Commander” Historia finally spoke, sudden interest spurting out that the topic.
“But did no one think about Moblit who seemed to admire the Squad Leader so much too?” Armin spoke.
“Shut up Arlert” Levi growled at him, before returning his fury back to Erwin who was still unfazed.
“That was not even in the choices Armin” Eren scolded him while the blonde boy gave an apologetic look.
Their staring contest went on for a few minutes, none of the men showing intent to cave in. Even though it seemed ridiculous that they were fighting about a woman who will probably wake up the next morning without knowledge of what happened, everyone seemed so entertained about it. Two superiors bantering over another one, a rare issue between soldiers that was definitely eye and ear candy for anybody else.
“This is stupid” Levi first groaned, knowing the fight would not result to anything.
“But its already amusing Levi. Besides, I never intend to loose” Erwin added fuel to the fire.
“Shut up Erwin. I bet your brainy ass won’t even remember a thing tomorrow like the rest of you brats” they only laughed at him.
“They may not remember captain, but you’re not the only sober one in this room” Armin gave him a wicked look which sent chills up his spine. The kid has his own way of mental torture that can fuck up everyone in his way. He certainly had something up his sleeve, like the two smart veterans he was fooling with at the moment. They always had a plan, and Arlert seemed to be on their level as well.
“This thing would be useless if you all plummet to unexpected death on the next expedition” he growled, silence suddenly stopping their fun. He touched a sensitive topic which immediately made him want to take it back for a moment. How dare he mention their precious lives into their jokes.
“Yeah that’s right!” Connie screamed. “Therefore, we must all live to witness this great moment of who gets to marry squad leader Hanji” although annoyed, he silently thanked the boy for easing the gloomy aura he caused. The others began to perk up and join him.
“Yup! We will live for years long and watch weather the Commander or Corporal wins” Eren followed short after.
“I still bet on the Commander though” Jean declared.
“And I still bet Sasha’s food stash on the Corporal” he got a glare from the brunette.
“Just shut up and get over with all already” Levi hissed.
“Then I say we survive and see the greater days” Erwin raised his newly filled mug up the air. He sent a smile on Levi’s way as he raised his own glass to the middle.
“Survive and live a better life!” Connie joined in.
“Survive and reclaim land for more cattle and meat!” Sasha piped up, eyes looking up as she imagined all the food opportunities.
“Survive and regain peace for the land” Historia added, somewhat already sounding like a proclaimed queen.
“Survive and reclaim Shiganshina, uncover the knowledge my father had left behind for me” The last trio merged their own glasses to the circle.
“Survive and find out the truth about my titan babies!”
“Survive!” They all chanted, clicking their mugs together and chugging the last drops of liquor they had. A smile on everyone’s faces as they vowed to live.
“Well that was great booze!” her laughter erupted once again, making everyone turn their heads towards her. “What did I miss?” she asked, hazel irises wide as all her comrades stared at her.
“Hanji” Erwin laughed first, clearly intoxicated.
“You fucking four eyes” Levi followed, earning soft chuckles from everyone.
Still, after that night, she was oblivious to everything that happened around her.
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