#ykw I'll just drop it and run
entirelysein-e · 16 days
I think Toji pushing my legs to my chest and slapping my pussy until I cry for him to stop or come undone - whichever happens first - would fix me
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jakethegardenrake · 6 months
ACTUALLY ykw for the time being I'll publish a draft up I did of his character, appearance, etc, some details to give some insight as to his character and what he's all about. Melly is gonna give me a lore drop later today so I actually know wtf I'm gonna be writing about
Swanky Sans
Appearance: Well dressed, presentable, always wearing his best clothing. Red or black bow tie, black top hat with gold ribbon, black blazer over white buttoned shirt, smart black trousers, black smart shoes, cufflinks with a small silver pin in the shape of a book as his good luck charm, silver expensive watch on his left hand, hazel eye lights, lazy left eye, sly grin, confident facial expression, straight line teeth, same height as sans canonically is
Personality: Bookworm, history buff, very isolationist and terrible social skills, relies on his well dressed looks to portray his confidence and high social status, when in reality he’s very self conscious, always attempts to appear occupied, usually by pretending to read an Agatha Christie book that he carries around with him. His ‘nerdiness’ stems from being home-schooled yet receiving a very poor education and being neglected by his carers, which also lead to his terrible social skills and inability to notice social cues, sarcasm or make good jokes. He frequents his time in the library, and always dresses up in his same outfit, as he has multiple of the same clothes. If he’s ever caught outside of his comfort bubble, e.g without his best outfit on, if he’s outsmarted, put in a precarious social position or on the spot, his façade will drop very quickly from a confident, well presented, stable looking guy to an incredibly awkward, anxious, unaware individual with absolutely no clue how to get back to his usual snazzy self, and will almost always run off to his wardrobe, the library or his study room, where he’ll either practice music or bury himself in a hyper fixation of either a book, a specific song, musical artist, or historical event, which he also just naturally does every few weeks. He’s a singer, but only when he’s alone, and if ever caught singing, will likely just freeze from embarrassment on the spot and just stop completely, despite being a very capable singer and pianist. He struggles with making friends and has very few connections, even if people try very hard to befriend him, he has no clue how to reciprocate it and will often appear emotionless in his response to peoples kindness. However, if you do manage to get him on your good side, the majority of topics in his conversations are passionate rants about his hobbies and interests, in which he’ll suddenly cut himself off and get rather embarrassed, before usually running off to bury himself in a book again. Romantically, he’s a very passionate person, with a lot of flowing literary creativity, and often writes about romantic experiences between 2 individuals, no one in particular, often inventing characters to imagine in his fictional romantic short stories and poems, and may sometimes write a song to accompany this literary work, which he’ll practice for hours before recording it and saving it to his laptop, which he keeps extremely hidden as it’s where he documents his feelings and activities. The way he talks is seemingly intellectual sentences, interrupted with short pauses, and a not very intellectual word. For example, “Ah yes, I was examining the..thingies and I noticed the precise structure of this literary work is articulated beautifully.” or, “This song is perfectly hand crafted, the rhythms compliment the melodies extraordinarily, I love how the lyrics are so.. Flumbily jumbily.. Ignore that I said that.” He also has very little physical expression or emphasis on his words, even what he’s passionate about, and will often sit very still no matter how excited his voice gets. Overall he's a smug and confident guy on the outside, awkward antisocial little bookworm on the inside, but that doesn't mean you should underestimate him, you never know what sneaky schemes and tricks he's got up his sleeve.. or in his thousands of books
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eatmy-customjorts · 1 year
let's see here....more headcannons? I HAVE THEM ALL!!
you might not be interested but I'll drop my headcannons for their zodiac signs!
Hanako and Tsukasa are canonly Sagittarius but shushsyhsgsys Hanako is my eyes screams such Leo I can't, and Tsukasa says Gemini, I know this hc is impossible but....🥹
I have a hard time deciding but Aoi is either pisces or Taurus, she could also be a Scorpio for.....self indulgent reasons....
ah yes, Akane is 100% our Taurus, loved the idea of the the Aoi's being tauruses but Aoi is hard to decide
Teru ah Teru... he is our Capricorn
Kou is like an Aries ykkk
I know it's funny but Nene is a Sagittarius to me always, the funny part is Nene and the Yugi brothers share a birthday month(sorta)
hear me out, Fake Mitsuba is Scorpio and real Mitsuba is Cancer
Natsuhiko you sly Virgo
okay okay I'm done I shall commence, MORE HEADCANNONS!!
fuckkk I can't remember if I've mentioned this hc but ykw it's very precious to me so I will put it here in case
AKANE OWNS A DESERT SPINY LIZARD!!! he loves his lizard and takes good care of him, his name is Aoi, after his lovely Ao chan, who is in fact scared of the lizard
Natsuhiko brings soup and snacks ect to have with Mitsuba and Tsukasa (sometimes Sakura) and they just watch television together (yes there is a tv in kamome idk why but it's canon)
Natsuhiko is fearless, except when it comes to mice! he can't stand them!! so scary
Teru used to be left handed but was taught to use his right because it was traditionally still seen as devilish by the priests, so now he uses his right and can't use his left for shit, he also has the worst most ugly and uncomfortable looking hand posture when holding a pencil but he somehow knows how to force better beautiful hand posture in front of people. it's terrifies Akane every time
Teru bites his nails....sad truth, he gets very self conscious of them in public
Kou accidentally adorned Teru's biting nail habit, he tries his best not to though...
Kou is dislexic okay?!??!? it's so true.... @teruwasright was the one who brought it up awhile ago can't stop thinking of it
in early mornings Tiara likes to sit at the corner to the kitchen and listen to Kou talk to himself, it's one of the only ways she's able to know how her brother feels.
Tiara steals and plays on Kou's switch (it's fine because Kou isn't much of a gamer) and loves to run around and catch Pokemon so her brothers got her let's go!Eevee (they had to fight over which one she would like Kou said Pikachu and Teru said Eevee) and she can't stop playing with them! she nearly cries everytime a Pokemon faints so Teru battles for her (and secretly plays some for her character to go farther also he's a game addict) her favorite type is Fairy!
Sakura barely gives a shit whether her skirts flair up in the wind but she does make sure they don't just to be modest, also it comes naturally for nature to never ruin her hair or clothes idk...
Amane used to feed a stray cat and thought of the cat as his only other company, the cat went missing though
okay I'm done for today
WAHHHH THESE ARE LOVELY i love the broadcasting club one i feel like someone would bring in a gaming console or something too and theyd watch tv and play video games together
AND the one where kou talks to himself and tiara listens i love that so much it works so well
i love all of these so much theyre very canon
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