#ykii : games
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yeokii · 10 months ago
moots as songs
@yenqa as apple cider/the way things go or like any song by beabadoobee
@haknom as sugarcoat by natty
@urszn as moonlight by kali uchis
@weoris as magnetic by illit
@wvnkoi as baby got back by sir mix a lot (sorry)
@voikiraz as cardboard box by flo
@okwonyo as DOWN (juicy juicy) by jo yuri
@naespas as strawberry sunday by nct dojaejung
@bywons as love me back by fromis_8
@hoonvrs as it girl by aaliyah's interlude
@isoobie as the boy is mine by ariana grande
@hanniluvi as tiptoe by hybs
@soov as the killa by txt
@flwoie as keep swimmin through by enhypen
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yeokii · 1 year ago
ty for the tag xin and astra! (@csmicvrse)
Blue :: love as peace
How to describe your love? Your love is a cool pool which you can sink into on a hot day. Your love is a reassuring hand squeeze, a whispered "it'll be okay, I'm here". Your love is knowing their favorite gas station snack, their coffee order, their loved and hated songs. Your love is the rain that every plant needs to grow. Your love is compassion and confidence.
tagging @yenqa @urszn @hanniluvi @haknom @jennaissantes @imhuh
mutuals do this
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weblack6668 · 5 years ago
[閒聊] 晚場台灣中國大戰
新發財情報已發佈到 http://black66.com/3241/
[閒聊] 晚場台灣中國大戰
[閒聊] 晚場台灣中國大戰
作者z99831 (cheng)
標題[閒聊] 晚場台灣中國大戰
時間Sat Oct 19 16:38:54 2019
如題如題 想問一下到幾點還沒開盤,今天大概就不會開了啊? 很想下台灣 因為是菜鳥,多有冒犯抱歉了! —– Sent from JPTT on my iPhone
— ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/SportLottery/M.1571474338.A.D82.html
推 louisxxiii : 垃圾莊家龜到賽前也不意外 10/19 16:39
推 a004111 : 你只能一直守著…昨天是差不多這時間才開中韓… 10/19 16:40
推 treasuredady: 莊家剛剛日本場輸太多哈哈 10/19 16:40
推 spirit02014 : 怕被買爆 10/19 16:41
推 chucklee0507: 表訂沒單場,說不定不開了 10/19 16:41
→ Qubee : 日韓的都不派彩了…還在想晚上的? 10/19 16:44
→ Qubee : 都不派彩…日職的也沒錢下了 10/19 16:45
→ Qubee : 扯的是…另外入金…錢還沒顯示勒..真扯 10/19 16:45
推 gash8830 : 沒看過那麼孬的莊家 10/19 16:47
推 somuchtw : 世界第一孬 10/19 16:57
推 ppbody : 怕賠錢就換人做吧,這麼孬是逼大家跳槽嗎 10/19 16:59
推 V9911014 : 樓上的你如果喔有繳規費並且保證營業額度你也可以 10/19 17:02
→ V9911014 : 這樣啊 10/19 17:02
噓 chucklee0507: 開不開啦 10/19 17:04
推 xicexlovex : 日本場怕了 10/19 17:05
推 aaron00 : 真的垃圾 10/19 17:05
→ z99831 : 我正在彩券行 店家說 通常半個小時前沒開 就不會開 10/19 17:07
→ z99831 : 了 10/19 17:08
噓 seahi : 垃圾孬剛 怕輸包一包 10/19 17:09
推 V9911014 : 反正政府 廠商當台灣人好騙啊 10/19 17:09
→ V9911014 : 加上整個社會環境正面反對博弈背後下的昏天暗地的 10/19 17:09
→ V9911014 : 偽君子又多 10/19 17:09
噓 gash8830 : 垃圾 10/19 17:10
推 Kao0502 : 趕快開啦 我已經等一個多小時了… 10/19 17:10
→ Kao0502 : 當大家都很閒? 10/19 17:10
→ Qubee : 為什麼連入金…錢都不會進去?…火大!! 10/19 17:11
推 chucklee0507: 樓上你反應真冷靜,來,要像我這樣 10/19 17:11
→ chucklee0507: 幹妳娘機掰孬剛到底有什麼困難啦,18:30的���賽現在 10/19 17:12
→ chucklee0507: 他媽還在裝死,耖機掰幹 10/19 17:12
→ z99831 : 更新 10/19 17:14
→ z99831 : 我打電話進客服 10/19 17:14
→ z99831 : 客服說目前還不確定會不會開,他們在等消息 10/19 17:14
推 s72005ming : 慘 10/19 17:15
噓 TaiwanDuLi : 等你家死人 幹你娘 破剛 10/19 17:18
→ Qubee : 我剛打進去..問他為什麼入金錢不會進去? 10/19 17:19
→ V9911014 : 這邊罵是沒有用的搞不好工讀生還在偷偷笑你笨 10/19 17:20
→ Qubee : 他居然回我…假日本來就會比較慢 10/19 17:20
→ Qubee : 聽他在放屁…我每次入金都是”馬上”就進去的 10/19 17:20
噓 chucklee0507: …你應該要回他智障都知道你在唬爛 10/19 17:22
推 nO25948 : 這種送錢場孬剛不會再開了 10/19 17:24
推 V9911014 : 不要講智障這個詞 10/19 17:24
→ V9911014 : 小心人家告你 10/19 17:24
推 iamtasichick: 亞錦賽還不開欸… 10/19 17:30
推 chucklee0507: v9你看清楚,智障不是在罵孬剛,別侮辱智障XD 10/19 17:31
推 brett0411 : 等超久都不開,不買了來去運動 10/19 17:33
→ z99831 : 現在我跟個白癡一樣坐在彩券行裡 傻眼 10/19 17:34
推 c5432002 : 等著開+1 10/19 17:38
推 smallrainy : 其實蠻好奇孬剛棒球難道只有1.5的分差可以設定?籃 10/19 17:39
→ smallrainy : 球都可以調分數來固定賠率不是嗎 10/19 17:39
→ z99831 : 打算等到六點 這樣等真的會累 10/19 17:40
推 V9911014 : 了解 10/19 17:41
推 DaringDo : 感覺不會開了 10/19 17:41
→ DaringDo : 我記得中台戰有開過讓4.5分的 10/19 17:41
推 sinon1 : 通常最晚到幾點啊 10/19 17:42
噓 chucklee0507: 真他媽的孬剛狗幹的 10/19 17:42
推 triff : 棒球其實也有+2.5的盤 10/19 17:46
→ triff : WBC中華vs荷蘭,荷蘭開-2.5 10/19 17:46
※ 編輯: z99831 ( 臺灣), 10/19/2019 17:47:18
推 Qubee : 棒球也有-2.5..-3.5..-4.5的盤可以下 10/19 17:50
→ Qubee : 甚至我也看過-14.5的盤..賭提前call game的比賽 10/19 17:51
→ nmjkluiop : 不會開了喇 10/19 17:53
推 a95062 : 看來是真的不會開了 10/19 17:53
推 kimibear : 日本巴西 開過讓3.5 10/19 17:55
推 ykii : 可以這樣子要開不開的嗎 10/19 18:06
噓 twchih018 : 國家體育風氣都被孬剛搞壞了 10/19 18:11
推 bnmm : 你他媽的複賽不開盤是怎樣啊 10/19 18:12
→ Qubee : 日韓真的要等半夜才要派彩嗎?…媽的勒 10/19 18:13
→ z87556600000: 真他媽唯一合法 10/19 18:18
推 twchih018 : 這麼怕輸是不會把中華隊pk賠率改為1.00001喔 10/19 18:22
→ somuchtw : 唯一合法垃圾 10/19 18:26
噓 tonyjojo : 很怕輸 10/19 18:26
噓 kimibear : ….還真的不開 10/19 18:32
噓 jiejun : 孬剛 10/19 18:34
噓 rapf1111 : 中午輸怕了 還死不派 10/19 18:34
推 V9911014 : 理論上最低就1.01應該有規定不能比1.01還要低才對 10/19 18:41
噓 Kao0502 : 你不開你要先講 10/19 18:45
推 needspace : 賠率已經是全世界最差了 還那麼孬 唯一就是隨便他 10/19 19:01
→ needspace : 惡搞 10/19 19:01
推 needspace : 美職又鎖 想買個彩券一直鎖盤 什麼時候開又不講 10/19 19:03
→ needspace : 要人家一直等 10/19 19:03
→ Despairile : 講實話 中台勝負難講 還不敢開真的頗ww 10/19 19:06
噓 kt235422001 : 怕輸是在當三小莊家 10/19 19:31
推 Movice : 肛肛:幹好險沒開 10/19 19:39
噓 spirit02014 : 你怕輸你要講呀! 10/19 19:45
推 garciaparr : 美職誰投都不知道 還開不出盤啦 10/19 20:03
推 jiejun : 聽說孬剛有開過賠率1.00的 10/19 20:04
推 triff : 真假喔?1.00賠率 10/19 20:20
推 rockyshen : 中國222222 10/19 20:24
推 raysbuck : 2222222 10/19 20:28
推 wearekimo : 扯 10/19 20:28
→ wearekimo : 連續三支安打 10/19 20:28
推 chucklee0507: 幾比幾? 10/19 20:29
推 raysbuck : 3-2 10/19 20:29
推 rockyshen : 中華3:2中國 10/19 20:29
→ chucklee0507: 感謝 10/19 20:29
→ yrt3168 : 5-2 10/19 20:54
推 chucklee0507: 中華加油,這場贏下來明天就可以下對家了XD 10/19 20:56
→ cdh127 : 奇怪sa8888沒有這場啊 10/19 20:58
→ cdh127 : 即時比分沒這場欸 10/19 20:58
推 Movice : 7-2 肛肛逃過一劫 10/19 20:59
噓 needspace : 調整賭盤哪需要鎖那麼久 應該是因為超過他可以承 10/19 21:01
→ needspace : 受賭注才不給人下 10/19 21:01
→ godsong : 我整天在電腦前沒看到有開過 10/19 21:02
→ needspace : 那你沒本事又要當莊家 主管機關又只給一家壟斷經 10/19 21:02
→ needspace : 營 10/19 21:02
推 chucklee0507: 沒調整,中國中華這場根本沒開 10/19 21:02
→ chucklee0507: 廢物孬剛 10/19 21:02
→ Despairile : 這場我覺得 應該是怕下爆而已 10/19 21:03
→ Despairile : 中華vs澳洲 因為是”足球” 台灣看的人不多 10/19 21:03
→ Despairile : 棒球我是猜他們評估後無法承認下注量產生的負擔額 10/19 21:04
推 raysbuck : 原來如此~ 10/19 21:04
→ raysbuck : 真的有夠孬 10/19 21:04
→ raysbuck : 8分 10/19 21:05
→ cdh127 : 真的有這場嗎 即時比分沒這場啊 10/19 21:05
推 chucklee0507: 說下爆明天冠軍戰比較有可能吧,所以明天不開? 10/19 21:05
→ Despairile : 就算開1賠1.001這種的 我看他們也沒膽= = 10/19 21:05
→ Despairile : 有阿 現在再打 棒球版還在靠北3-3為什麼忽然換代打 10/19 21:05
→ Despairile : 3-3第4次上場 好像1好1壞的時候換代打 10/19 21:05
→ raysbuck : 神調度啊 10/19 21:05
→ raysbuck : 拿到第五分之後中國就崩了’ 10/19 21:06
→ Despairile : 明天我反而覺得不一定 因為日vs台 上次日台場 10/19 21:06
→ Despairile : 其實下注額應該沒有想像中那麼一面倒 10/19 21:06
→ Despairile : 這個月我覺得 下注額可能一面倒的只有中華vs澳洲.. 10/19 21:06
推 chucklee0507: 明天開我肯定下爆日本就對了XD 10/19 21:08
→ Despairile : 日台應該下注不會一面倒一邊是真的XD 10/19 21:09
→ Qubee : 開1.001怎麼敢?…這樣會被拿來當串關.. 10/19 21:28
→ Qubee : 這樣其他是2的…就變單場了…不是死更慘 10/19 21:29
→ Despairile : 可能跟政府簽約有提到最低賠率多少吧 10/19 21:44
→ Despairile : 我看半天還是不太懂3種賠率的差異性 10/19 21:45
→ Despairile : 不過國外似乎不少負賠率? 10/19 21:46
0 notes
yeokii · 10 months ago
MOOT GAME: " make up a trope for your moots and their biases. doesn’t need to be romantic. can be crackfic/funny/anything you want
ouu wait why is this kinda 😊
@yenqa and jay — obvious and oblivious
so we all know who's the oblivious here 😊😊 LIKE HE COULD BE GIVING YOU HEART EYES AND YOUD BE LIKE "ahhh best friend 😝😝" LIKE BRUH you'd be the type to say "I want my kids to marry ur kids" LIKE JAY BUDDY IF I WERE YOU I WOULD NOT TAKE THAT 💀💀 but sooner or later you'd find out by realising or he'd straight have to tell you like there's no in between
@soov and sunoo — "you ladies alright 😏" and babygirl
OHHHH YOUD BE ALL OVER HIM respectfully . like hello I feel like you'd put an arm over the wall nd corner him WITH A SMIRK . idk where im going with this but good luck with sunoo and his cheating bf 😊😊
@urszn and riki — nerd and athlete
NOW HOLD ONNN . I feel like ur really smart and rikis a lewser gym rat sport muscle man guy anyways you'd prolly have to tutor him and BAAM he likes you and the day hes going to say he likes you he prolly messes it up by saying "oh if I make this shot, that means I like you" and like . completely misses 🧍‍♀️
@weoris and jungwon — flirt and never felt the touch of a woman except his mother
so like maybe the trope is projecting (I say j2 out loud with confidence) but I feel like you'd flirt with him just cuz you find it funny cuz hes flustered but you dont realise that hes like in love with you UMMMM like this man would stop his ongoing game of clash of clans to text you (😊) LIKE OHHH HES COMMITED
@wvnkoi and heeseung — stuco and loser
you're last for a reason 😒😒 (kidding I loev yoi) so like you both are losers in a way but hes way more of a geek and ur way more of a freak JOESKKKSS but yall would probs be secretly dating and when ygs get caught they're like 😧 but he'd prolly talk about you to everyone and LIKE I MEAN EVERYONE (loser behaviour) "bro my girlfriends like so FINEEEE like id say yes to anything she asks" "sir, your total is $5.99"
THESE WERE SO FUN 😭 and im sorry if I didnt add any more of my moots 🙏 im a bit tired soz
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yeokii · 11 months ago
moot game!! enhypen members that would crush on ur mooties and why!!
Answering this like a week later 😓
@yenqa so like I wanna say Jay but JUNGWON WOULD SO BE INTO YOU 😊 like he would def be giggling and calling you his queen but you would be oblivious and would think hes joking (hes literally in love with You)
@wvnkoi niki would basically hear the wedding bells when you’re around. MF WOULD BE SO OBVIOUS like tell me he wouldn’t pull the “you ladies alright 😏” when playing basketball.
@haknom jake would be drooling over your academic skills like okay nerd !! Hed purposefully fail his test just to ask you to help him (cady core!)
@hanniluvi so like SUNGHOON YEAH idk why but like it fits like hed be giggling or any interaction you both would have 😓 hed be so nonchalant but whenever you look at him he would like trip over nothing (CLUMSY KING 🗣️🗣️ )
@weoris eneimes to lovers arc w sunoo but hed be HAVE THE FATTEST CURSH ON YOU while you would just love to tease him. You guys would give each other side eyes but he would break and have a little smile on his face LIKE 😊😊😊
@wonieleles DROP CAMP BOY FOR HIM IM TELLING YOU 🫵 HIS EYES ON YOU EVRYTIME YOURE THERE some people cud NEVER !!!! Mf would reply to you even if he was in a funeral like you over anyone (real) (THIS WAS FOR JAY I FORGOT TO ADD 😭😭😭😭)
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yeokii · 1 year ago
Ship your moots with idols + the reason why!
okay first of all
me + heeseung
@yenqa and jay
im doing this to feed ur delusions like woo it couple we cheered!! but fr you'd both look so cute like he'd remeber the little things you liek (js a reminder if u guys were to happen he'd be in jail 😊)
@wvnkoi and jungwon
idk u guys would be like an unexpected couple cuz u guys r so different BUT ITS CUTE. DO U SEE MY VISION. underrated it couple ngl
@haknom and sunghoon or zhang hao
um responsible x funny trope I think yes!!! ur the responsible part js to be clear. he'd be making dad jokes left and right and you'd be like ???😕 (reminder : HED BE IN JAIL) also HAO LIKE YES IDK WHY hao js came into my mind Man U and him would be like academically smart couple
@hanniluvi and jake
this js fits and its not cuz hes ur bias I honestly see Jake and u tgt like IDKK you'd both be very cute but I would also mute u both on insta cuz the pic dumps you'd both post lord 🙏 also I feel like you'd both have a joint insta acc
@soov and sunoo
IDK you guys would be the couple everyone would expect like !!! it'd be so obvious ngl anyways u both cuties fr u both are meant for each other also I feel like you'd both save each others contact name as "pookie"
@hoonvrs and sunghoon
LMFAO THATS UR MAN like fr thats ur man cuz honestly I kinda see it. HES SO COLLEGE BOYFRIEND MATERIAL OMGHGHFFFF imagine him waiting for ur classes to end im cryinj I neef to stop 🙏 THE COUPLE !!!
@jennaissantes and niki
this agenda never stops im sorry!! IMAGINE U BOTH DANCING OMGHGHG anyways you both would be cuties fr like 🙏
I did so much what the hell
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yeokii · 11 months ago
random tmi of the day ?
fav food / drink ?
fav subject / topic ?
fav aesthetic ?
any celeb or irl crushes ?
fav book / quote / literature ?
fav song u listened to today ?
fav time of day ?
intro/extro/ambivert ?
ever dreamt of idols ?
10 QUESTIONS FOR U <3 optional to do !!!!
here to spread some joy in the mundane !!!!
send to ur fave blogs to show luv + some fun Qs
hiii ty for sending :D let me do this rq 😊
O1 . uhm I just read the best hee fic to ever exist (10 things I hate about you by pookie dookie sewlmate @yenqa)
O2 . fav food gotta be butter chicken LIKE BROOO and fav drink would be boba 😊
O3 . fav subject is prolly maths and um physics sawri guys 😓
O4 . I dont really have a fav aesthetic but I really like the clean girl aesthetic or wtv ditto had going on
O5 . HELLO HEESEUNG (cant believe I have a crush on my bf 😂)
O6 . I dont read books but I really like sonnet 116 by William Shakespeare like OKAYYY u ate with that last line 💋
O7 . guys why did illit acc eat cuz I've been listening to their entire album on repeat today 😓 (esp my world!!)
O8 . 5:53 cuz why is it acc so pretty to look at
O9 . im enfp so I tink extrovert
1O . my jungwon x ice spice dream 😭😭
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yeokii · 1 year ago
moot game! which moot …
is the funniest?
is the smartest?
flirts with you the most?
the first one you think of when you have problem?
is like a younger/older sibling?
would you like to hug?
funniest :: ummm @hoonvrs and @soov @yenqa make me laugh every time I talk to them
smartest :: on that @haknom scientist agenda 🤞 @yenqa
flirtiest :: @redm4ri @redm4ri @redm4ri
problem :: idk uhhhh but I do talk a lot to @yenqa when something happens?
younger:: @weoris 09 LINERRRR
older :: @hoonvrs old ass
hug :: all of the ngl love my mooties 😜 or uh @wvnkoi cuz we r the same height LIKE NO ONE I HUG IS MY HEIGHT
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yeokii · 10 months ago
tyftt <3
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Oh !
tags . @yenqa @urszn @hoonvrs @haknom @weoris + anyone else who wants to join !!
thank you so much for the tag kayla love <33 @alvojake TAGGING. @luvhyun3 @jungqkook @ctrlemis @enhalpy @koishua @boyfhee @heelvsted @heesbaby @cornenhapovs @www-jungwon @okwonyo @eeunoia @leaderwon @tyunni @jjunae @stariekis @lheebra @isoobie @lilyuwon @ms-no1kpopstan @theyluvvaubery @fakeuwus @jaylaxies @moon7jay @sserasin @sparklovespink (no pressure!)+ anyone who wants to do this just reblog from me > 3 < !
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yeokii · 9 months ago
fun moot game ! who is the first
hee stan jay stan jake stan hoon stan sunoo stan won stan niki stan
you think of? you can put more than one person :D
hihi sorry for doing this late 🙏
hee stan - me and ig @wvnkoi too
jay stan @yenqa queen
jake stan @hanniluvi @okwonyos
hoon stan @hoonvrs
sunoo stan @soov
won stan @weoris
riki stan @jennaissantes (imy 😢) @urszn
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yeokii · 1 year ago
ask game :
your fav mutual duos on blr !
half of these are gna be the same as yens post but 🇫🇷
me and @yenqa best duo yawls
@flwrshee and @boyfhee hai I don’t even know u soz but u guys interact a lot on blr so 🫶
@hanniluvi and @flwoie soulmates ‼️
@yyunari and @muhwaa matching icons too????like 🫶🫶
Also honourable mention : the 08z (ik its not a duo but best gc trust ☝️)
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yeokii · 1 year ago
moot game!
whats something ur moots say alot !
oh err
@yenqa "yolo 🤘"
@haknom "TRUST 🙏"
@redm4ri "crode"
@jennaissantes "yuh"
@weoris "BRO"
cant think of anything else soz 🙏
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yeokii · 1 year ago
tag 5 non mooties who you think are cool!
@boyfhee Hi
no one else kinda coming to my head lol
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