#yk what kasi the jedi order theyre mej ano
unolvrs · 2 years
But the Jedi are based off of Buddism not Christianity though bc Lucas is a Buddist. For the force-sensative kids that don't have parents/guardians, I'm assuming that the Jedi would bring them somewhere safe bc force sensitive kids are valuable bc of how incredibly rare they are and ppl try to traffic or hunt them for sport. For most force sensitive ppl, if they dont train to use the Force, they can't really use the force for anything major like levitating boulders or influencing minds and instead only have vague feelings that something might go wrong, faster reflexes, ect but nothing big like levitating boulders or influencing minds see Leia. But you have others like Quinlan Vos who has a very strong psychometry so if they were not trained they would have blinding migraines so they had to be trained so they wouldn't be in pain for the rest of life. These are very rare cases. Also, they emphasize to the members can leave at any time without judgement as seen where Yoda is talking to the young kids about the Jedi who left the Order and how the being a Jedi isn't the only Path you can take. Count Dooku left the Order but they still viewed him fondly before finding out that he's creating a war. Quick question, why do you think that the Jedi Order is corrupt?
oh, dw! i’m well–aware that the jedis are based on buddhism; i only said christianity because because i used it as an example of why religion is flawed. from the lack of materialism to their codes, it’s easy to pick up that it’s based on buddhism ^^
as for the corruption of the jedi, take note, i’ve been part of this star wars thing for less than a math, and i’m understanding thing as a sociology student (and i literally woke up just now, 7:22AM).
the whole thing with the jedi order is that they are always held accountable. canon said so itself — the jedi order have been peacekeepers for thousands of generations and because of that, their position / roles have become quite flexible. the jedi order’s problem is not the ‘standard’ form of corruption but another lesser known form: neglect of responsibility.
this is a good answer to your q: link, link
i’m not dissing the jedi order at all. in fact, i love them a hundred times more for portraying a flawed but realistic organization. an organization can’t solve everything at once but the problem is that is what they promised — peace and order. the core of their beliefs, and why, in essence, they exist, hence the neglect. it’s honestly very, very realistic.
as for my whole comment about the kids thing, i get that they can leave whenever they want, and they mostly protect them and all. still can’t get the image of children get taken away from parents (even with consent) out of my head though. kids and parents / adults who think that they know the best thing for their children make me defensive.
anyway, the jedi schtick isn’t black and white at all. i really like cute some of the sith can get because they can just up and leave like that. I MEAN — like, come on. it’s cute how most of them can be honest. they can’t hide it at all but they can be quite honest with what they want.
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