#yjh probably notices this is affecting her
dreadark · 8 months
thinking about the 1865th turn again. how did they clear everything without kim dokja pulling his self-sacrifice shtick all the time though, some of the scenarios absolutely need a sacrifice
there’s the 8th scenario right, either half of seoul dies or the strongest person dies
well… the one filling his role in this round somewhat is han sooyoung, since she becomes a constellation
and naturally she has avatars
kill the strongest in seoul? just kill her and she’ll cheat death by escaping to an avatar at the last second. maybe it’s just an avatar that becomes the 73rd demon king they have to kill. who knows how many avatars are sacrificed at the end of this, how many “insignificant” memories she lost…
what % of han sooyoung was sacrificed to try and bring back 100% of kim dokja?
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scc fans: being cool having fun being dedicated sending fanart
yhk fans: tired dumpster rats writing ten page essays on yhk and how it works and WORDS
anyways more propaganda:
1. Reader/Protagonist/Writer dynamic, you literally cannot get more cosmic than that. they could not exist without each other. they need each other.
2. the dedication, devotion, gratitude, affection and love they show to each other. the acts of love they express. the fact that each and every action we keep talking about is CANON.
3. the many different flavours of their dynamics and how natural it is. they are cringefail losers, they look at each other and decide that they are forever stuck together. they are all so annoyed with each other, they all cannot leave each other. HSY IS THE BREADWINNER !!! YJH IS THE HOUSEHOLD HUSBAND !!!! KDJ IS JUST THERE AND THE OTHER TWO ARE JUST REALLY FUCKING HAPPY HES THERE !!!! THEY WOULD PROBABLY LET KDJ DO WHATEVER AS LONG AS HE WAS THERE AND NOT OFF DOING SOME BS SELF SACRIFICIAL PLAN !!!
4. the fact each of them have been so intrinsically affected by each other. none of them would have survived without the other two. all of them have been changed by each other.
5. they WANT each other. if one of them went off without any notice by god the other two will do everything they can to make sure that idiot comes home. it’s esp prevalent with the other two abt kdj. they WANT kdj. they want him safe and happy and WITH THEM. they see kdj trying to hide his flaws and trauma and they go “no. we’ve already seen all of it. we want everything. we want every part of you here and happy.”
6. the amount of trust they have with each other. the trust you would need to let someone go, to trust that they’ll come back and come back with the other idiot. the trust you’d have to have to be able to leave everything to the other, to trust that they are doing everything they can on their end. the trust they have that the others can handle themselves. how can you trust someone so much like this? how can you trust that they will follow through? how can you trust so much that you will wait however long it takes? how can someone even take that?
7. they are precious to each other. yjh needs the other two alive because they defy his expectations in ways he never realized could happen. hsy holds every memory she has of yjh and esp kdj close to her heart. kdj sincerely wishes for the happiness of yjh and hsy, he cares more abt their happiness than his own. (what he doesn’t realize is that their happy end involves his happiness too.) they mean so much to each other
8. they chose each other over the world. over themselves. they would hand over anything and everything to each other if needed.
9. “I realized something just then. I managed to get this far because these two lived on their own terms - respected my decisions in their own ways.
I began thinking; with these two around, maybe not all hope was lost, after all.”
10. they are capable of hitting each other on the head when they are reaching concerning levels of stupid. hsy literally crashes a yjh vs kdj fight just to make sure they wouldn’t actually kill each other. kdj breaks yjh out of his uncaring attitude. yjh and hsy would probably beat up kdj every time he went “hey i’m back” if they weren’t also mildly emotionally every time it’s happened.
11. what if my love language was sacrifice
12. kdj’s inner dialogue repeatedly describing yjh and hsy as attractive?? (some of his inner dialogue is peak pining like bro what are you doing 🤨???)
13. wasn’t there an arc where kdj intended to give hsy a love letter for a scenerio but yjh went “this is so bad” and also didn’t they in the same arc have this short scene where they talk abt novels and hsy wanting to write a novel later and discussing genres and then kdj FOR SOME REASON brings up romance?? and then they try to change the subject to jhw and lhs, like. y’all aren’t slick.
14. the book is literally about love and stories and loving stories and human connections and relationships and how stories facilitate connections. like. knowing that and knowing who yjh, hsy and kdj are. they are literally the pillars of the novel. they are so incredibly important to the story not only as individuals but also as a trio.
vote yhk i beg -Toon
im so sorry ur friend betrayed u 😔 all is fair in love war....
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ravs6709 · 3 years
Kiss The Cook- YJH & Kimcom
This fic was inspired by this post here by @kaptainkoalaoshiz . I saw it and had inspiration, and it's just short and sweet fluff, which happens to be my specialty
Technically takes place post epilogue, but other than some vague spoiler in the beginning, there's not really much spoilers, I think. It's my first orv fic, so I'm still kinda getting a hang of writing the dynamic, but enjoy!
Warnings- none, I think?
Han Sooyoung was the first in their group to wake up. Upon realizing that she was the only one awake, she grabbed her laptop and added on to her latest novel that she'd been writing. After a while, she couldn't figure out what to write next, so she got up and took a walk.
As each day passed by, the streets of Seoul began to look more like they did before the apocalypse. While it'd been over for a long time now, she still had to get used to being able to casually walk down the streets without the threat of a scenario looming.
It would have been an ordinary day- she'd finish her walk before going home, eat breakfast (mostly likely made by Yoo Joonghyuk), write some more until she'd make Kim Dokja read it over, argue with him over the edits being made, the usual.
Except… as she passed by a shop, a particular item caught her eye. She bought the item and walked home, a grin on her face.
Yoo Joonghyuk walked into the kitchen to make breakfast. In the past, he only cooked for himself, but once he started living with the others, everyone agreed that since he was the best cook, he'd make the most of the meals for everyone.
(He protested at first, then reluctantly agreed because he didn't like eating food cooked by other people. But it became something he enjoyed, the delighted smiles on their faces as they ate their meals made him feel a little warmer.)
He picked up his apron, then frowned. It looked similar to his apron- dark and plain- but there was writing on the front that definitely did not belong to his apron. The text was white, and read, "Kiss The Cook. "
It took him less than a second to know that this was a trap. The problem was, he didn't know who had switched the aprons, or when it had happened. Kim Dokja and Han Sooyoung would definitely pull a prank like this, but he wouldn't be surprised if they'd gotten Jung Heewon or even Yoo Mia involved. That meant that there were plenty of spots where his apron could be, and if Yoo Mia was involved, it meant that he wouldn't be getting his apron back, since she'd have it stored in her inventory.
With a resigned sigh, Yoo Joonghyuk put on the apron and started making breakfast.
Kim Dokja woke to the scent of food. He brushed his teeth, then went into the kitchen to see what was being prepared.
"Breakfast isn't ready," Yoo Joonghyuk said, not even bothering to turn around and look at him. "Get out of the kitchen."
Naturally, Kim Dokja did not not leave, and instead took a few steps forward.
"Oh, this looks good," he remarked.
"Of course it does," Yoo Joonghyuk replied, angling his body to turn away from him. "Now leave."
"What are you hiding?" He asked, moving so he could stand in front of him.
"Nothing, now get out." Except that he was still turning away.
It took nearly thirty seconds of moving around (and listening to Yoo Joonghyuk's threats) until Kim Dokja could finally see what he was trying to hide.
"Oh," he said, eyes falling on the writing. He grinned. "Well, don't mind if I do."
Kim Dokja gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, then ran out of the kitchen. "This wasn't my idea!" He yelled.
"What are you yelling about?" Han Sooyoung asked. She turned to look at where he'd been running from. "Oh, that makes sense."
"Was it your idea?" He asked.
She nodded, a grin on her face. "He's lucky that I only found the apron in black. Either way, he'll probably kill me. Well, he'll kill you first. I wish I got to see his reaction when you went in."
"What did you do to oppa?" A high pitched voice asked. Kim Dokja and Han Sooyoung turned to see Yoo Mia.
Somehow, the grin on Han Sooyoung's face grew larger. "Let's go see him right now."
Kim Dokja stood at the entrance to the kitchen while Han Sooyoung and Yoo Mia walked inside. As Han Sooyoung approached Yoo Joonghyuk, he picked up a knife and pointed it at her, all without turning around.
"Leave the kitchen, Han Sooyoung," he ordered.
"Put that away," she warned. She picked up Yoo Mia in her arms. "You can't go around pointing a knife at your own sister."
Slowly, he turned around. He took one look at Yoo Mia looking at the knife disappointedly, then put the knife down.
"How'd you even know it was me in the first place?" she asked.
"Kim Dokja was just here, I figured you'd come next."
She shrugged. "Mia, do you see what it says on his apron?" She stepped closer towards him. "You know what to do."
Yoo Mia wrapped her arms around her brother's neck, then gave him a kiss on his cheek. She was loud about it, something Yoo Joonghyuk would scowl at, but because it was his sister, his expression actually softened instead. Han Sooyoung took that chance and stood on her toes to kiss him on the cheek too.
"Why are you so tall ?" she muttered with a curse.
"You're just short."
She cursed then left the kitchen. She put Yoo Mia down, who ran off.
"What a coward, bringing Mia with you," Kim Dokja told Han Sooyoung.
"Not all of us lack self-preservation skills," she replied. "It's called being strategic."
He opened his mouth to reply, but then Yoo Sangah passed by them.
"Good morning Dokja-ssi, Sooyoung-ssi," she greeted.
The two of them greeted her back, then watched as Yoo Sangah walked into the kitchen.
"Oh, I see," she said, looking at the apron Yoo Joonghyuk was wearing. She kissed him on the cheek, and unlike with the two of them, he didn't scowl. "Thank you for breakfast, and for everything else, Joonghyuk-ssi."
He nodded slowly.
The rest of Kim Dokja's Company began to get up, and quickly caught on to what was happening, each of them going to give Yoo Joonghyuk a kiss. 
"What do you look so confused about?" Jung Heewon asked. "You look like Dokja-ssi every time we tell him that we love him. Well guess what, you're a part of the family too." She kissed him on the cheek.
Before Yoo Joonghyuk could say anything, Jung Heewon left the kitchen.
("Do I really make that kind of face?" Kim Dokja whispered.
"Yeah, you do," Han Sooyoung replied.)
It was heart-warming when Lee Hyunsung carried Lee Gilyoung and Shin Yoosung on his shoulders so the kids could give him kisses, before leaning down himself to give him a kiss on the forehead.
"Hey Master," Lee Jihye greeted. She kissed him on the cheek. "Thanks." Then she left.
Lee Seolhwa walked in soon afterwards. If it'd been in the past, it might have been awkward as she kissed him on the cheek. But after all the years that had passed by, it wasn't, and as she walked out of the kitchen, his lips curved up in a slight smile.
After breakfast was finished, Yoo Joonghyuk called everyone over so they could take their shares. Kim Dokja noticed that Yoo Joonghyuk had an odd expression on his face, but before he could figure out what it was, the apron was being forced onto him by strong arms.
In the past, Kim Dokja might have been able to overpower him, but at this point, the protagonist was clearly stronger. The apron was put on him with little resistance.
"It's your turn," Yoo Joonghyuk said, then held Kim Dokja tightly, leaning down to press a quick kiss to his forehead.
The rest of Kim Dokja's Company took the chance to shower Kim Dokja in affection too. By the end of it all, they were all smiling.
Orv taglist- @subrosasteath
I may or may not write more stuff for orv, but if you wanna be added to the taglist, just lmk
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