#yj kitsune
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oathofoaksart · 1 year ago
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taking my brother in law through YJ, the guy blasted through the entire first season and nine eps of the second in like a day. not that i ever need an excuse to draw these two, but rewatching the series always helps
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professorsparklepants · 8 years ago
Top 5 fics I never wrote in 2016
1. The Naruto/HP fusion where Naruto gets kicked out of every single wizarding school in Latin Anerica and has to go back to Konoha for school while actual kitsune Kurama pretends to be his cousin/uncle/guardian
2. The Girl Genius cryptozoology au, which exists only so I can use the sentence “Gil’s covenant ex-boyfriend is Agatha’s ex-covenant boyfriend” and have it make perfect sense
3. The YJ/TT D&Dverse au where they were rival mercenary groups, which existed p much entirely because I wanted Kaldur and Raven to kiss
4. The Spectre Sibs, which I definitely SHOULD WRITE because who doesn’t want Gil & Zeetha as greenhaired ghost teens that fight crime/other ghosts
5. The Sleeping Beauty au, even though I did technically start writing it, because it was not only plausible but also canon
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oathofoaksart · 2 years ago
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a. it’s funnier when you know wally and artemis still dated in this verse so he was walking around with the notion of artemis being able to whip out a hair dryer on command and artemis just didn’t know
b. lei didn’t bother asking why he asked
c. either lei really totes around a hair dryer in her purse or she’s just fucking with him
d. artemis would like to point out lei hardly counts as human
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oathofoaksart · 1 year ago
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i just really wanted to make one LEL
character template by @they-bite
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oathofoaksart · 1 year ago
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sandwich a la speedster
Perching her head on interlaced fingers, Lei watched Wally line his knife across the top of his sandwich.
He kept making microscopic adjustments to the blade, his tongue poking out of the corner of his mouth from the effort. One millimeter left, two right. Finally after a few more rounds of the kitchen hokey-pokey, Lei said, “Oh my God, Wally. Cut it.”
“Almooost…” Wally kept his eyes still fixed on his sandwich, but didn’t move any faster than he had been.
Lei gestured vaguely at the set up strewn over the kitchen counter– half a fridge’s worth of ingredients she was pretty sure weren’t meant to be together. “You could’ve been done ages ago.”
“We’re not going anywhere,” Wally said, finally sawing through the first layer of his triple decker. “And I happen to like the process.”
“Well.” Lei snipped without any real fire, “Like the process faster.”
He laughed and sucked a bit of mustard off his thumb, his sandwich now cut perfectly down the middle. “There’s merit in taking things slow, y’know, have a little respect for the art.”
“It’s three meats on rye.”
“It’s the human experience.” Wally said with a gleam in his eye.
“Oh-kay.” She flicked a strand of hair over her shoulder, but she didn’t hide the lacing laughter in her tone.
“Our ancestors have been stacking stuff between baked pieces of grain since the dawn of civilization.” He said, tapping the counter in emphasis, “Every sandwich is our connection to our forebearers. Our history. Our…”
Wally looked out somewhere beyond Lei’s head, but judging by his faltering expression he’d exhausted his muse.
“Essence of life.” Lei suggested.
“Essence of life.” Wally agreed as he wrapped a half of his sandwich in a plastic sheet– taking care of folding it neatly– before handing it to her.
“I’m out of gold leaf.” He said when she hesitated, “Sorry, Miss I’ve-Got-A-Personal-
Lei rolled her eyes and snatched it from his hand, spinning the seat of her chair as to turn her back on him. She shot a smile over her shoulder, “It’s two personal Michelin chefs and their respective crews, thank you.”
“Oh, gee. My bad.” He said around a mouthful.
Lei studied her half of the sandwich. It didn’t look half-bad. Sandwiches weren't her go-to food the way it was for Wally– who swore up and down were acceptable for all three meals of the day– but she’d been forced to miss lunch earlier.
That was the excuse she gave herself when she took a sniff, quickly followed by a bite. She hummed appreciatively, turning back around to face Wally.
“I’ll eat it if you don’t want it.” He said, reaching out for it, only for his response to be a swift slap of his hand. “Ow?” Wally clamped his sandwich between his teeth, rubbing at the sting.
“Don’t be dramatic.” Lei said quickly, making sure she took another extra big bite. She was hungrier than she thought she’d been and she didn’t like how Wally thought she was too good for ‘normal’ food.
He was right, of course, but she didn’t like him thinking she wouldn’t take something he gave her.
And, honestly, it wasn’t a bad sandwich. A little heavy-handed on the mustard and she wasn’t a fan of the brown flecks on the lettuce. Cheddar wasn’t her favorite cheese. But all in all, she could almost say she liked it.
“Alright, West.” She said, “Maybe you have something there.”
He snorted. By some miracle —likely because he still hadn’t found a way to safely dislocate his jaw— Wally hadn’t stuffed his half into his mouth. “Jimmy John’s would go to war with Subway for me.”
“I meant your little ‘human connection’ thing.” Lei peeled away more of the plastic from her sandwich, surprised she’d already eaten half way through it. “I can’t remember the last time someone made a sandwich for me for the sake of it. It’s nice.”
Wally swallowed with a little more effort than Lei was comfortable with. He lifted up his remaining bite in the air, it took Lei a minute to realize he was proposing a toast, “May our bread be the foundation of a greater We…Bologna, an extension of our heartstrings…and the weird, kinda green thing that was chillin’ in the back of the pantry our bond that lives through time.”
Lei closed her eyes, choosing to ignore that little tidbit. She lifted her own remaining piece of dinner. It wasn’t much smaller than Wally’s. “Hallelu.”
They tapped their bites and ate.
it’s the way i’ve had this sketch for over a year. and it let it be known lei expects wally to make her sandwiches from then on.
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oathofoaksart · 1 year ago
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i had to sit on this one for a few days before somewhat restarting from scratch
i’ve been leaning a little harder on kit being part fox, both in how she fights and the way her magic manifests. v fun!
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oathofoaksart · 1 year ago
🌴 🎄 🤒 I must know more about Lei 👀
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🌴 - does your oc have a green thumb? do they enjoy gardening?
leiko is a girl of many talents and skills-- this ain't one of them. she doesn't particularly care for plants. they're nice and all, but unless we're talking about some mystical involvement that's the most thought she'll put to them. she has people for that.
🎄- what is your oc's favorite holiday?
this one stumped me for a minute. while i think she adores the theatrics of halloween and the gift giving of christmas (both of which she goes all out with)-- she doesn't exactly have a favorite? she DOES love winter holiday parties, however. she's all for the glitz and glam those typically come with.
🤒 - does your oc get sick easily?
no. as a boon from her "soul bead" her body is glowingly healthy, she hasn't caught a cold or a stomach bug since her powers activated. if one were to REMOVE her soul bead, though, that's another story...
more asks? here.
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oathofoaksart · 2 years ago
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i'd like to think this is the first time lei watching wally eat went down.
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oathofoaksart · 2 years ago
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"oh, we're really in it now, baby."
"do you mind? anyway, whose fault d'you think this is?"
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oathofoaksart · 1 year ago
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i haven’t done a fake screencap in a while and i’ve been wanting to draw lei and wally in her car. lei is a passenger princess who will always make her company drive if she doesn’t have to.
i also think about how much of wally and lei’s hang out time entails him driving her around as it’s typically when they have some pretty solid conversations. or sometimes they just get plain silly.
if wally hadn’t been recently heartbroken and lei not as lost with what direction she wanted to take her life, maybe they would’ve gotten together far sooner in their teens instead of going through a decade long will they, won’t they tango.
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oathofoaksart · 2 years ago
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how do i explain that kit,,, is just a tad bit off her rocker…?
she’ll get swept up in her own ideas and machinations and while she really is quite brilliant, if someone doesnt put the breaks on her, she gets this feverish light in her eyes and uh oh suddenly we’re off to steal the declaration of independence or something. poor wally is often the one she drags along with her too 
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oathofoaksart · 2 years ago
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oathofoaksart · 2 years ago
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i wouldn't say kit is the way she is because of her mentor-- but he certainly didn't help.
charlie m. jenson, or tome when under the cloak, is a self-taught wizard who specializes in searching and archiving mystic objects. he keeps them safe in the spiral, a massive magical library he's taken ownership of through ways unknown to kit.
outside arcane shenanigans, charlie wears many hats-- owning a comic shop, running an exotic pet rescue gig on the side, and d.ming bi-weekly campaigns.
by looks alone, he and lei don't seem to have anything in common, but their thirst for knowledge and knack for theatrics binds and bonds them.
they're also fucking insane.
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oathofoaksart · 2 years ago
All for the love of my life Leiko Ara: 😊🎮💘
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😊 - what are your oc's career/general life desires? what do they want to get most out of life?
this is a fun question when it comes to lei in her teens bc it's something of a reoccurring theme. she has it all (materialistically) and when it came to her future career, she'd already set in mind taking over her father's hotel. as far as she was concerned, before she got her powers, she was set and super on board with what her future had in store for her-- to the point where most ADULTS found her too intense in her drive in pursuing that.
but when her magic starts manifesting and suddenly this set-in-stone, perfectly planned and calculated lifelong schedule gets thrown out the window-- lei is at a loss. she's not happy with what she has anymore (she's beginning to suspect she was never truly happy with it to begin with). she finally accepts she's had this clawing, visceral hunger in her and now is ready and willing to do anything to satisfy that. the hard part is finding out what'll do the job.
🎮 - what are three of your oc's favorite hobbies?
fashion! lei is a fashionista through and through. from makeup to shoes, lei has the most fun expressing herself through her wardrobe-- and with her pockets as deep as they are, she spares no expense. this actually dips a toe in her love for interior design (later in adulthood, lei starts a side project as an interior decorator)
food! people don't realize how much of a foodie lei actually is, but the girl truly loves to eat. not just anything mind you, lei will scour through reviews and food critic blogs to find the best of the best cuisine.
music! she's been classically trained in vocals and piano since she was a wee babin (she dreamed of broadway as a child) and when she started apprenticing under charlie, they used the cover story of him being her (electric) guitar instructor and she took to that very well. she loves to show off her voice, though, so it's not uncommon to it echoing around the cave's corridors.
💘 - what and/or who do(es) your oc consider the most important to them?
i'll go with WHO for this round- anyone can send this ask again and i'll do WHAT.
lei's father, ryuu, had been the single most important person in her life. this man single-handedly raised and loved her. while very expectant, he was never crushing or overbearing, instead supportive in whatever endeavor lei felt like tackling. he was her sole confidant, lei never had the need to hide anything from him...this is what makes her current standing with him a very sore subject for her.
on the other hand, you have charlie-- her mentor-- the fun uncle figure she didn't want. but after nearly two years under his wing, lei has grown very fond of charlie and all his eccentricity. she's actually quite protective of him and despises seeing people take advantage of his kind, but unfortunately scatterbrained nature. while she won't admit it to his face, lei is fully aware she wouldn't have been able to make it this far in her career as kitsune if it weren't for charlie.
more asks? here
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oathofoaksart · 2 years ago
lei always had the best dirt and wally was always the first to hear
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"but you didn't hear that from me, okay?"
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oathofoaksart · 2 years ago
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what if i posted stuff huh? what if i remembered this account exists? how nuts would that be?
nah fr ive been working like crazy and its been killing any motivation to work on anything and the longer i wait to post something "substantial" the more guilt i feel for not posting anything at all
so in order to break the ice i'll just post whatever i have-- maybe ill remember what it is to have fun again LEL here have my beloveds
oh and hello to the near 200 of you! where did you come from??
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