kussykitten · 6 years
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Basic Edit: By me. Original pic: An amazing shot with the incredible model, Silverrr, inspiration for one of the characters of my stories: Yixxie, one of the cursed half-breed daughters!! And yes, saddly I'm not the photographer. Song: Kinder dieser Stadt-Blutengel Ok I really need to introduce one of my favorite badass-girls. 💪🏻😂 My little and very sexy witch that plays a very important role in my saga. 😱😍🖤 So come on and show a little extract of this awesome girl, an outline of her story and her past. 🙈✌🏻✍🏻📝🖋 *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- [LITERARY FRAGMENT] "My sisters and I were conceived under an impious pact between the darkest ancestral magic united to revere demons from the abyss. Born of the union between a fallen sorceress and a demon of hatred, I freed myself from the restrictions that the one who bore me sought to impose on me. Sex, lust, death, pain and selfishness? The lowest instincts live tied to my soul; I can make a man and a woman revere my body and kill my enemies without batting an eye, but I have never known what it is to love. I want to learn by a bland mortal to feel ... ridiculous, right? " -Yixxie- (Translation/Original) [FRAGMENTO LITERARIO] “Mis hermanas y yo fuimos concebidas bajo un pacto impío entre la magia ancestral más oscura unida para reverenciar a demonios del abismo. Nacida de la unión entre una hechicera caída y un demonio de odio me liberé de las restricciones que aquella que me parió buscaba imponerme. ¿Sexo, lujuria, muerte, dolor y egoísmo? Los más bajos instintos viven atados a mi alma; puedo hacer que un hombre y una mujer reverencien mi cuerpo y matar a mis enemigos sin pestañear, pero jamás he sabido lo que es amar. Quiero aprender por una insulsa mortal a sentir... ridículo, ¿cierto?” -Yixxie- #AmateurWriter #RomanticAndEroticNovels #ParanormalRomance #Yixxie #YixxieAnd ...? #DescendantsOfShadows #KinderDieserStadt #Blutengel #MultifaceticLove #DiversityLovers 😎👭👫👬
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