#yet cc making is fine bc it's not really interactive in the same way
azeterna · 5 months
i vagued in the tags yesterday about simblr being stressful but it's better if i just come out and say what i mean before i get too deep into it, while i'm still basically unknown.
i'm massively masking who i am and the more i interact with the community, the harder i'd have to keep it up and i know eventually it would all come crashing down. the idea of trying to make friends while keeping up the illusion of being someone else terrifies me.
basically since my early teens i started to convince myself the world hates me if i'm the tiniest bit weird, or not like them, or i do anything they don't like. so i shut myself away from them, and i missed out on huge parts of normal people's growing up, and then i had even more to hide about myself, and i've been falling into a vicious spiral ever since.
somtimes i convince myself online communities will be different, but every time i still panic and disappear when people start to notice me. i want simblr to be different. my corner of simblr feels like the least judgemental place i've tried to join, but it's so hard to unlearn my fear of people when i've been building it up for half my life.
i'm not expecting you to fix my problems, but i'd love to have some support and confirmation that i can just be me and i don't have to care about how fucked i come across as.
i appreciate i'm still being vague about what i'm hiding (although the lack of social experience is a big part of it). opening up about that will still take time. but i hope i can at least put myself on that path and not fall deeper into the hole.
there's more
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dspre · 4 years
for the most recent ask meme, do you mind doing it for all of the ones you’ve spoken about? i would like to learn more about them all
Oof. I don’t mind; I love yelling about these nerds, but oof. That’ll be... Eth, Zab, Rome, Slava, Milagre, Iridian, Ellix, Sunny, and Milena (I was going to do Orlando and Anaheim as a bonus, but I couldn’t come up with good answers for them. Also not including Kaio, Aino, or Nikola, since I’ve mentioned their names but haven’t really said anything abt them, or Hazeldine, who I forgot to mention in the OCs I need to talk about more.)
Strength: quick to adapt to new situations and circumstances
Weakness: doesn’t put work into interpersonal relationships, comes off as incredibly abrasive and hostile at first
Random fact: I have no idea where I came up with her name, but in-universe she tried to introduce herself as Beth around a new group of people and misspoke, then rolled with it until she decided she liked Eth better anyway (her full name is Elizabeth)
Strength: cheerful even in the face of adversity, an unshakable optimist
Weakness: has a hard time seeing the big picture of anything, trying her best but mostly just doing what she’s told, fine in everyday interactions but has poor communication skills regarding deeper subjects
Random fact: gonna retcon previous statements here and say her hair is naturally ash brown, but she dyes it a wide variety of colors (although usually only one at a time)
Strength: just keeps getting up and keeping on going no matter what
Weakness: very little sense of self except as a tool for the final battle
Random fact: [I can’t think of anything particularly interesting that isn’t spoilery, sorry]
Strength: very good at noticing small details and figuring out how they play into larger events, also a hella good secret keeper
Weakness: (so many, honestly, but) has a well-defined in-group, and is often apathetic toward people who are not in it
Random fact: teaching Chronomancy in an effort to revive the practice and provide skilled observers and protectors of the main timeline, keeps in close touch with many of its previous students
Strength: friendly and sociable, a good listener, makes others feel included and appreciated
Weakness: she’s a huge doormat and hardly does anything of her own accord without outside influence
Random fact: has a pair of yellow boots that she is very proud of, they have black stripes down the outside and don’t match anything she owns but she wears them every day, they were one of her first quest rewards
Strength: has a strong sense of who she is and that she’s doing the right thing, makes decisions and stands by them including taking responsibility if they turn out badly
Weakness: tries too hard to project a tough persona, and ends up being seen as unapproachable and alienating people
Random fact: one of the only characters who has had the same name since I first came up with her, also is distantly related to Eth through time travel shenanigans that may or may not ever be brought up in-story
Strength: likes being helpful and can get things done quickly if they’re important or interesting, has a wide social circle and always “knows a guy” for any given situation
Weakness: so incredibly scatterbrained, has way too much on his plate at any given time and doesn’t know how to say no to people, terrible at budgeting and often finds he’s bought so many craft supplies he can’t afford things he needs
Random fact: has a huge collection of pimped-out canes in every imaginable color scheme, almost all with copious amounts of glitter
Strength: assumes the best of people unless proven otherwise, hardworking and doing their best to figure out how to be the hero, would never let a friend or ally get hurt or left behind
Weakness: has difficulty dealing with setbacks and uneven odds, hides the stress they’re under until they break down over it, has trouble asking for the emotional and sometimes material support they need because they think they should be able to do things all on their own
Random fact: their actual name is much longer and less pronounceable to English-speakers, but part of it roughly translates as “Sunny,” and they would rather be called that than have people mangle it all the time
Strength: confronts her problems head-on as soon as they appear instead of waiting for them to get worse (learned this the hard way)
Weakness: has a hard time trusting anybody, sometimes lashes out at people who are trying to help her
Random fact: lives a double life as the wife of a noble and a secret member of the time police, wears colored contacts to hide her red eyes
Eth/Sabrina Greenstar (they date for a while, but eventually break up amicably and decide to just be friends, I ship it cause it’s cute and they’re just really nice together even though it doesn’t work out)
Eth/Milagre (never happens, but I like the idea)
Eth/Orlando (bad, would not approve of irl but I find the dynamic interesting, also is not explicitly romantic but is definitely more intimate than friendship)
Slava/Milena (also bad, also do not approve of, never happens, this is entirely one-sided on Slava’s part but it’s a viewpoint character and I get way too far into its head sometimes)
Sunny/Ben (I haven’t talked about Ben and would prefer not to field asks about her, but she’s the second of the three Designated Heroes)
Eth & Milagre
Milagre & Hazeldine (cousins)
Ellix & Kaio
Kinisy & Medenda (I don’t even know who these people are, I just know they’re really good friends, PvP champions, and live on Unicorn Way)
I swear I have more but a lot of them are OC & CC and I don’t want to talk about those before I write the story bc people get weird abt it
Also I’m way more of a plot person than a character person so non-plot-relevant OCs mostly haven’t been developed yet, but I promise everyone has relationships with people other than the MC
Eth/Iridian (see above where I said they’re related)
Iridian/anyone tbh (she’s aro)
Slava/Milena (bad, Milena would not be okay with this)
Slava/Cyrus Drake (I only mention this because I feel like it’s going to be misconstrued since I introduce them in the same scene, but anyway this is very very no for a whole hell of a lot of reasons)
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studylustre · 6 years
(matcha latte anon🍵) hello carol!! first up, i wanna tell you that i love reading through your posts alot!! especially the soft boy™, it's so cute!!! >u
matcha latte (!!!) and the second time i met him (which was 2 weeks after), he remembered my order which was really nice and unexpected. also, i was with my friend that day, and i offered some yam chips (in a container) to another female collegue (since i am more used to seeing her, and also because i’m kinda shy to give him). he came to the table and gave back my container, and had a very small talk, in which he offered us drinks/ice cream but we declined. after my friend left, i continued studying and suddenly, he came to collect my cup which i was going to say thank you, but to my surprise, he placed another new cup of matchalatte for me!! i was shocked and didn’t know what to do so i just mouthed a thank you to him. at this point, my heart is already melting, considering this is the first time anyone has offered me a drink like this. we also said bye when he left. our third encounter: the next day, in which he came but i don’t think he had work. he sat at the chair in front of my table, but i was so HORRIBLY SHY that i didn’t look up that much. i have no idea if he was looking at me or not but it remained like this for about (more than) 5 minutes long?? after that, he went to stand near my table and said “no matcha latte today?” so i replied “yea mocha today” !!!! but we were interrupted by the female collegue who said “haha you talking to customer ah” *in chinese* but in like a jokingly manner. then i think the situation got shy and he said no in chinese once again and then we bid farewell :c. it was such good memories and i never met him after that, and i thought i never will. the only info i had about him was that he’s a year older than me. i think i’m a person who falls in love quite easily haha, so i couldn’t stop thinking about it for quite a while. fast forward to jun 14, i signed up for a school camp (i usually don’t go to camps) with 2 of my friends. it was a camp with 5 different schools. as time passed on during the first day,i couldn’t help but notice this guy felt familiar?? i kept noticing the way he talked, the way he walked, and it hinted me that it mIGHT be him ?? (i’m not very good at remembering faces, and also his hair is also wayyyy longer than before) during that night, i was talking to my friend about how i had a feeling that it was him, but i don’t know if i really want to know if it’s him (bc he seemed close to this girl, and my self-esteem is quite low :c). but i decided that i should just ask him. during the next day, i didn’t see him around often, but i couldn’t quite find the courage to ask him, and i don’t really want to do it infront of my friends. when the camp was nearing to an end, i almost thought i won’t ask him, but man i just went with it, go up to him and awkwardly goes like “wait, did u work in a cafe before?” he seemed hesistant so i thought i got the wrong guy, but NO! IT WAS REALLY HIM! aaaa but we got interrupted again, and one person asked if we were cousins LOL.we didn’t manage to talk alot, but found out we’re in the same school??? but he’s year 3 while i’m year 2. once again, i was really amazed to meet him again such circumstances, and that we were in the same school all along?? i thought i would meet him sometime soon,,, but turns out i was wrong.. i didn’t have any contact of him and once again, as time goes by, i didn’t think much about him again. fast forward early to end jul-early aug, i signed up for a japan uni talk (once again, not something i usually go for but somehow did). on that day, i was thinking about how long i’ve never met café guy but was happy cause i’m over it. but life decides to (idek what life is trying to do to me) bring him back into the picture again! i was waiting for my friend when i suddenly saw this familiar looking guy, i only saw him walking two steps (he’s blocked by a pillar) and i had a gut feeling that it might be him. but this time he was wearing glasses and his hair is short now. after seem peaking around here and there, it turns out it really was him??!?! at that point of time, i was very shy and awkward, it was hard for me to say hi or anything, i was just freaking out. to sum up that day, i basically didn’t manage to say hi to him (regrets :cc). but my friend, managed to find a mutual friend of both of us’s instagram. i went to follow him and found café’s guy instagram eventually!! to sum up, i eventually used my main account to follow him, in which he followed back ( that was like almost a 3 day process uwu). also, i dropped huge hints to lowkey scream *i’m the matcha latte i hope u remember me!!!* aaaa he dm-ed me and ask if im the matcha latte girl!!! we talked abit (not alot really) and (yesterday) he said he’s working but at another chain of the café (which is about 3 mins walking distance to the café i met him & usually go to). he asked what time i was leaving, and since i was meeting my friend, i said around late 5 to 6. he then said his break was only at 6plus, so i thought maybe i can wait a little longer to catch him (but i was a little afraid to meet him as well haha) i was going to pack my bag when he came!!! he immediately came to my table and talked to me!!! but my friend called me so i had to pick up, when it ended, he came back to my table again and we talked for about 20mins?? it was nice talking to him (some context: my mind usually goes blank when making conversations with people!!! >u
hi angel!! sorry for the late reply - i saw ur ask a little while ago but bc i didn’t have my laptop (it was off for repairs) i couldn’t reply :(( anyway, it sounds like ur both mutually interested in each other!! i think u should go for it. i mean, from what i can tell, it sounds like u kinda like this guy (u seem rly excited whenever u catch glimpses of him and idk i feel like he definitely made a big impression on u bc why else would u a) remember all your interactions b) get so excited about seeing him time and time again and c) bother to tell me all this, right? ✨) like it just seems like u both have interest in each other but are too shy to make a move. i think u should go for it bc u’ve already nearly lost him several times now - u only get so many chances and i feel like u might regret it if u don’t do anything and just let this opportunity slide… also i think u might be overthinking it - you may be different people, yes, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing?? also u guys don’t really know each other all that well yet so it’s really too soon to be worrying so much, just try to take the time to get to know each other better and then see how things go once u have a better grasp on who he is etc. u have nothing to lose from giving it a shot, especially since u already hope for it to work out, so why hold urself back and deprive urself of something that could potentially make u a really happy? everyone’s scared of things and it’s natural to be scared of something like this, but it would be a shame to let that fear hold u back from something that could be really great
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briteboy · 7 years
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WHO is Santi and WHERE is his face?
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i am LIVING for your warm & colorful posts right now!! your editing is so amazing and it brightens my day everytime i see a new post of yours *.*
THANK YOU!!!! <3 i am so happy/relieved to be using warm colors once more, i feel like myself again. don’t get me wrong, i do like evoking different moods, but sometimes (a lot of the time, especially with santi) too much is too much. today’s posts were HOPEfully my last emo edits..............for now
LOL I actually made a comment about Fiona naming a cat/dog (once Pets comes out) Rodrigo. I'll go back underground now haha (still a great story, cant wait to read more) -Runaway NONY
OH I DIDN’T EVEN SEE THAT wtf. either tumblr ate it or i accidentally scrolled past it i’m sorry. i always enjoy seeing messages from anons who return to my inbox! but lmAO that’s a good idea. i actually met the most perfect dog today and now i know the breed and name of dog santi needs immediately
Hii! If you dont mind me askin, how do you edit your darker screenshots? I always end up making them too light or too dark to see a thing :( Thank you!
hmmm idk what to tell you about making them too light or too dark, because that’s a very specific thing that really depends on the picture. BUT i know that the dodge tool is my bff for brightening up dark pictures while still retaining some of the darker elements you want in them (aversely, the burn tool will help darken parts), messing with the exposure can also really help, coloring can also help too, selective color is my bff especially with blue shadows and orangey skin...this is kind of a broad answer, i’m sorry, but if you needed help with something specific, let me know!
I remember you answered an ask and said you drew tears when you edit right? Is there a reason you don't use CC tears?
i answered this like two weeks ago but i can’t find it so whateveR i’ve used cc tears a few times but there’s only like three of those in existence and my characters have cried a LOT. i feel like it would be kinda weird if they had the same tears every time. also there are just some variations that i like to customize myself by drawing, like sometimes they’ll be full on sobbing, sometimes just one single tear...it just depends on the situation, that’s why i draw ‘em.
Santi is my favorite Harvest Moon character.
idk shit about harvest moon so idk how to respond to this :[ here’s a small picture of michael cera with a cactus
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Would you recommend buying a macbook for playing sims?
if a macbook is what you already have, then yeah, i’d say it suffices without many problems. if you’re specifically going out and buying a computer with the knowledge that you’ll be playing sims on it, then mmmmmm i’d probably say no...but it also depends on if you’re like gonna get REALLY into storytelling and cc n shit or if it’s just casual gameplay with a mods folder that’s like 5 gb or less...if it’s the latter i think it should also be fine. but yeah it just depends on what kind of gaming you’re planning on doing.
How can I read your story from the beginning? Is there a link or something? I keep seeing it on my feet and it looks so great!
thank you! there’s a button at the top of my page that says “story directory” but if you’re on mobile you can just go here or copy this link: http://femmesim.tumblr.com/tagged/story/chrono
I've talked to u like once before and I'm to shy to talk to u again... Why am I like fish?
we are all like fish if you really think about it lmao but really just reach out my dude! if we talked once then y’know you already broke the ice so just go for it!! i am here and ready to talk about all the things under the sun
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Do you use Topaz Clean?
hi hello so maybe I am just a blind bean but may I ask how in god's name do you get your images to be so crisp? I have everything set up, but it seems as if when I do my thing in Photoshop, everything turns out lookin like a blobfish. I'm not sure if you use another person's topaz settings or if you have your own. Thank you so much if you do respond bc I was too much of a wuss to message you *cries in Spanish*
OMG well it’s mostly just resizing, smart sharpening, and most importantly topaz clean (see above) that makes them so crisp. i also use the sharpen tool on sims’ faces, and the smudge tool when something is particularly pixelated or whatever. everything i do is listed in here! UR NOT A WUSS *hugs you in spanish*
youre my inspiration to be a better writer. I know i'm good and giving characters depth and backgrounds and coming up with a rough story idea. but i rush things and i'm not great at putting it into a good story so ya. My story on simblr started out as casual gameplay but i wanted it to be more and i'm trying to get better @ everything
OMG ;_________; it sounds like you are a good writer already, and it’s awesome that you recognize your strengths while also acknowledging that you need to work on some things as well. i try to do the same and i think that’s what keeps me level headed. it sounds like you just need to dedicate some time to planning, that way you start to realize all the nuances of your story that come together to flesh out that initial rough idea. you seem to have a positive attitude, so that’s great!! you’re already getting better and better, i know it <3
now Santi's song is Post Malone - Congratulations
OMF LMAO u sent this when santi finally got to mexico and it’s fitting
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sos i was listening to the song fight song by rachel platten when i saw the photoset of santi making it to mexico and now i can't stop ugly crying please make it stop
This is so random but like, can I just say that you're so amazing like?? Why?? You're so sweet and funny and I love you very much ok
AKJSKJDFKJS THANK YOU THIS IS SO NICEEEE ;-; i try but a lot of the time i feel like a sarcastic asshole lmao thank u for thinking otherwise <3
Am I the only one who's like... really mad about pets being NPCs? I just feel like being able to control them was the best part. I don't really feel like the EP is worth it without them. Like, don't get me wrong, I understand that the team worked really hard on it, but I feel like they didn't do it as well as they could have.
hmm i’m kind of meh on that front because like on one hand i did like controlling pets and the novelty of the fact that you could just see their different interactions firsthand, but ultimately i think i’m okay with not controlling them because it makes it more realistic for me and honestly they’re probably more likely to take care of themselves a little bit more if they’re automated, because i’m just thinking about ts3 pets and how i literally had to make them go pee outside otherwise they’d pee in the house...even if they were well trained and stuff lmao. plus there might be a cheat or mod that lets you control them, like there was in ts2? so don’t lose hope yet.
hey your blog is AWESOME, i read through your stories in a day and am obsessed (kind of in love with gianni) ❤ what are some of your favorite ts4 blogs? i'm trying to find more awesome blogs to read through during my miserable journey of trying to get the game to work on my computer lol
heyo here’s some! thank you btw, and i hope your miserable journey ends soon :{
(I really need to get this off my chest) ok so my aunt is currently in a critical condition after having a kidney failure and she's in desperate need for a new one and I'm the only one in my family that's a match (so far) but I'm not allowed to donate bc I myself have severe health issues affecting my day to day life that would make it extremely dangerous for me to remove a kidney. I'm so fucking frustrated you don't understand like I just want to cry most of the time
first off i’m so sorry that this is even happening to you ;__; and you’re an amazing person for being willing to help out your aunt like that, so just know it isn’t your fault that you’re unable to. don’t guilt yourself for it okay? is there any other possible donor at all? i wanna know how this situation ends up. i really hope your aunt will be okay. just stay close to your family for support and don’t blame yourself.
how did you get photoshop for free? I'm trying to find a link that won't give me a virus, but I had no luck yet
the pirate bay is ur friend
Ok I gotta rant. GoT does NOT deserve the hype/amazing ratings. Like, sure the cinematography is pretty great and they have ok actors but the freaking script is so mediocre I actually think I could write a better one. Me. A 16 y/o tiny child. There are so much better shows out there! Hell, even Supernatural has a better script than GoT
whenever ppl agree with me about how much GoT sucks i grow stronger and stronger even the actors are iffy at this point. watching daenerys act is painful, jon snow is wooden as hell, it’s just bad. ur 16 yr old self has more potential than these writers tbh. it’s just completely mediocre; it started out as something great because it followed the same layered storytelling pattern as the books, but it’s diverged from that completely because the writers got too caught up in the hype. and you’re right, it doesn’t deserve that hype! omfdkjsgkj i’ve never watched supernatural but i haven’t heard good things. that’s a low bar
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